August 2009 Libertarian Strategy Monthly
August 2009 Libertarian Strategy Monthly
August 2009 Libertarian Strategy Monthly
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success
when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison
In This Issue:
Pages 2-3 Privacy Alert: Issue Brief:
Positive Political Excerpted From An Excerpted From An LP
Campaigning ACLU Press Release Press Release
other things. Similarly, few are going to Telegraph. Today, he is the owner of
vote for Libertarians because we favor a J.D. Porter Consulting, is the Alternate
free market approach to retirement. On to Region 6 of the Libertarian National
the other hand, they might be convinced Committee.
to vote for a Libertarian who allowed
them to keep more of their own money Libertarian Party of
and make the personal decision of where Tennessee-Plan For Growth
they wanted to invest their own money
for their own retirement. See, personal By Charles Wilhoit
responsibility doesn’t sound quite as
scary as the horrific sci-fi image people
create in their mind when you tell them
about the invisible hand of the free
T he primary
objective of any
political party is
To sum up, the message of this article is to build a voter
simple. The American people already base sufficient
know how out of touch the Democrats to elect the
and Republicans are with the country so party candidates
you can quit talking dirty to the voters to public office,
and start explaining how your plans will the most important of which are
actually benefit them. candidates for the U. S. Congress and
(Photo of Jake Taken By Julie Stone) the Tennessee legislature.
August 20 Congressman
Ron Paul, 1935
Although we are just beginning, we are Your next step is to start your local
making good progress. We are few in recruiting. Right away you are going to
numbers. We can't expect to raise large be tempted to dream up all sorts of
sums of money. Good! Now we can media events to tell your public about
afford to be different. the Libertarian Party. Stop! There is a
better, more direct way and the expense
We are going to build from the bottom will be almost negligible compared to
up. We are going to depend on media events. Winning the next election
Libertarian volunteers for most, perhaps will get you all the media attention you
all, of the work. The ultimate payoff is could want. Sixty-four percent of the
that our party will then be controlled registered voters did NOT vote in the
from the bottom up instead of the top last congressional election. This
down as in the major parties. indicates to me that they are probably so
disenchanted with the two major parties
Your starting point is the Libertarian that they don't want either of them. If
Party National (LPN) database for your even half of them turn out to be
county, which lists your dues-paying Libertarians and we can convince them
members. It also lists those prospects to vote for Libertarian candidates, we
who have requested and received can win.
information from the LPN Headquarters.
Go to your county Registrar of Voters
First, contact your members by phone or and obtain a list of the registered voters
in person. Tell them that you seek their who failed to vote in the last election.
help in getting the County Party These are your most logical prospects.
organized. Do not write them a letter. It Arrange your list into precincts. Assign
is a waste of time and money. There is your members to his/her own precinct,
absolutely no substitute for personal give them brochures and get them started
contact. calling on these registered voters. Before
they start, though, be sure they have
Next, begin to contact the prospects just listened to the three-tape set The Essence
as you have done with the members, of Political Persuasion by Michael
using as many members to help you as Cloud. A large number of people will
possible. Obviously, the reason for join the Party if they are asked to do so
contacting the prospects is to persuade in a direct manner.
them to join the LP and become active
members of the County Party. What you Now remember, I didn't tell you it was
have started will become an ongoing going to be easy. It surely won't! Your
situation because you will be receiving members are going to be basically lazy
regular updates to the database. Get the and reluctant to get involved. Keep
system set up and stay with it. talking until most of them are convinced
that there is no other way to get their
When you feel that you have a sufficient Libertarian candidates elected. If they
number of members to warrant meetings, finally realize there is no way they can
start having them. Obviously, the sooner divert you from the path you have
the members get acquainted with each elected to take, they will be forced to
other the better. join you or forced to step aside!
These are my suggestions and they are Why should we not have a long record
based on my experience. I feel very of strategic planning, strategic thought,
strongly about what I have written, and strategic analysis?
simply because I have "been through the
mill" and know what works and what We are the party of capitalism. How can
doesn't work. Of course, you are under we affect to be ignorant of a process
no obligation to follow these known to every serious merchant, from
suggestions. It's entirely up to you. Don't the automobile magnate balancing
hesitate to challenge me or ask between profit and business share --- to
questions. the donut magnate contemplating a
_________________________________ cappuccino machine next to the
Charles Wilhoit, Captain USN (Ret.) is a
former Chair of the Libertarian Party of There are many tasks we can ask or
Tennessee and in 2002 was a candidate expect or demand of our Party's elected
for Governor. leadership. Some are more fundamental
than others. Some are more attainable
Upon than others. None is more basic than the
Strategic ability of leaders to set forth a coherent
strategic vision for our party, to identify
a path for realizing that vision, to
implement that path, and to improve that
By Dr. George
path based on practical experience.
Our Party's history includes some very
S trategic
different strategic visions. To see them,
we need go no further than statements
emanating from past candidates for
Planning is not a new idea.
Chair. Your Ad Here!
Businessmen have been doing it for
Consider the
millennia. The Hellenic philosopher
strategic Contact:
Archimedes, challenged 'if you're so
smart, why aren't you rich', is said to
presented by jdporterconsulting@g
have used strategic planning: He
Kent Guida
anticipated an excellent olive harvest
and used out-of-season options trading
Chair for advertising rates
to corner the market on olive presses,
thereby becoming wealthy.
1981) and
We are not a newborn, fledgling political
party. We are more than 30 years old. 28
years after their births, America's other
Chair candidate, 1998) in their campaign
great political parties---Federalist,
literature. I'm not going to argue whose
Democratic, Whig, and Republican---
vision was better. I'm only going to
had all elected Congressmen, Senators,
contrast the strategic visions. I'll show
and Presidents.
that our Libertarian Party has long had a • fundraise for the national party
sense of strategy and tactics. I'll show and Project Archimedes from
that historically we have had very wealthy Libertarians
different strategies proposed to us. What • expand activist training and
did these two candidates propose? Libertarian education programs
• be the party's spokesman to the
In his 1981 document, Kent Guida press and the public
identified "...the key element in the
success of the Libertarian Party is the Note the dramatic difference in strategic
individual activist who (will) help the visions. One candidate focused on
party grow and succeed..." Guida individual activists and helping them to
demonstrated the sort of activities he build a solid national base for the Party.
would perform as National Chair. He The other focused on the Washington
compiled a "Blueprint for Libertarian headquarters, Washington staff, and the
Activists" sharing experiences of national party's membership and
Libertarians from coast to coast. Core operation. There can be no doubt:
issues were: historically, we have been presented
with a range of alternative strategic
• establishing successful local visions.
• sustaining extant groups via A third strategic vision is enunciated in
activism the Clean Slate Action Program's "Stand
• internal communication Up for Liberty!", available on the web at
• candidate recruitment and, and as an eBook
electioneering and trade paperback at
• Libertarian education -- the
Speakers' Bureau
• fundraising by local groups for Detailed and Unstructured
local projects Strategic Planning
In his 1998 letter, David Bergland By Dr. George Phillies
proposed a series of actions that he
would perform, actions targeted at
'making us a Party too big to ignore',
including: W hat is a Strategic Plan?
some authors, 50-state ballot access is a they eliminated the need for a plan as
deed of self-validation proving to us how previously required in the policy manual
good we are, an end in itself, no matter which basically eliminates any strategic
whether or not there is any evidence that plan. While I would say the LNC
having 50-state rather than (say) 46-state needed a different strategic plan,
ballot access directly improves our eliminating it and replacing it with
party's position. Here 50-state ballot nothing does not seem wise.
access is identified as a method to Unfortunately, there was not any actual
achieve a quantifiable objective, namely discussion of goals or strategy.
improving public recognition for our
Party by ensuring that in alternate Libertarian Strategy Monthly requests
Federal elections every voter sees a that when Libertarians elect the next
Libertarian on the ballot. Libertarian National Committee they
make sure their representatives not only
**Having attained a political majority, understand the importance of goal
that majority must also be defended. If setting and planning, but also follow
we do not defend our majorities, the through and set goals, implement
libertarian tax cuts of a Libertarian strategic plans, monitor the progress, and
President and her Congress will simply make necessary changes.
be reversed by Democratic-Republican
Numerous party offices including Mr. Benedict has sent the following
Texas State Chairman 1984-1988 message to Libertarians:
Tied for Vice Chair, LNC first
ballot - 1987 From the desk of Wes
One term as alt regional rep LNC
early 1980s Dear Friend of Liberty,
In all my years of libertarian political just a few months ago. Anti-war and
activism I have never seen such a anti-drug war activists can use this
potentially revolutionary groundswell as opportunity to expose the wastefulness
what is going to happen this April. As a and horror of these depredations of our
result of the insane socialist stimulus liberty. What a tremendous opportunity
package there were Tea Bag Tax Day to recruit and inform concerned people
Protest Rallies were held in over 800 left or right of what we are all about. Be
cities in America and attracted over diplomatic and remember we are
800,000 people like us. The rally in building a broad based anti-tax coalition
Chicago got over 30,000 people. The here. Leave the anarchist stuff at home
greatest victory that the modern day until we do more education.
libertarian movement has ever won
before was the passage of Prop13, an Now is the time for ALL libertarians to
anti tax initiative in California. This is reach out to this movement and offer
bigger, because the stakes are higher. support to this worthy struggle to push
The next round of protests is on the July back statism. That means all think tanks,
4th weekend protesting Cap and Trade media and activist groups from C4L to
as well the bailouts. voluntaryist. Whether you are in or out
of politics be there. We'll remember
The war that ended up with British your good works here when you ask us
getting the Magna Carta started as a tax for support. Contact your conservative
revolt. So did the American Revolution. friends as well as your counter culture
Research has shown that every revolt ones.
was caused by taxes, slavery or war
(basically they are all the same). One Watch the video called "We the People”.
lesson learned is that any new tax must This video shows Ron Paul and all these
be immediately challenged or people wonderful signs being held at previous
will grudgingly accept it as normal. One rallies. Signs that read: “Ayn Rand was
sign held up at a demonstration says it right”, “Free Markets Not Free
all: “Big Government is the Last Stage a Loaders”, “Nationalization is Theft”;
Nation Goes Through Before It Dies.” “Keep your socialism we want
Capitalism”. All this with John Lennon's
Yes, many of these events are being "Power to the People" playing! And he
funded and run by GOPers and ends it all with a phrase from John Galt's
conservative talk show hosts. So what? speech! These are our people coming
Good libertarian organizations have there. To see it watch”
tabled at CPAC for years and we recruit
more libertarians than ever from them.
I’m glad that the GOP and the radio mzfv5rJQ
stations are doing the hard work and
taking the responsibility of organizing 20 Congressman
Free Online Ron Paul, 1935
Libertarian Strategy
this event. This will be a tremendous Monthly Subscription!
opportunity to show our fellow outraged
citizens of how the GOP organized the Subscribe To The Libertarian Strategy
first bailout, supported socialist lending Monthly Online For Free:
policies, earmarks, pork barrel spending