Medical Practice in New Zealand (2013) PDF
Medical Practice in New Zealand (2013) PDF
Medical Practice in New Zealand (2013) PDF
Editorial board
Andrew Connolly BHB MB ChB FRACS Judith Fyfe LLB Steven Lillis FRNZCGP MGP DipSportsMed Philip Pigou LLB DipBusStud. Richard Sainsbury MA PGDipArts MB ChB FRACP Michael Thorn BA DPH
First published in 1988 by the Medical Protection Society as Medical practice and professional conduct; in 1995 by the Medical Council of NewZealand as Medical practice in NewZealand: aguide to doctors entering practice, and in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011 as Coles Medical practice in NewZealand. This revised and updated 12th edition published electronically by the Medical Council of NewZealand, Level 13, 139 Willis St, Wellington 6142. Medical Council of NewZealand, February 2013. nypart of this publication may be reproduced for legitimate purposes provided authors A and source are acknowledged. ISBN 9780992246006
Preface to the 12th (2013) edition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 Good medical practice 5 The organisation of medical services in NewZealand 30 The doctor patient relationship 36 Cultural competence and patient-centred care 44 Mori and health 52 Pacific people in NewZealand 66 Asian people in NewZealand 73 The use of interpreters 83 The psychiatric patient and thelaw 90 Informed consent 97 End of life issues 106 Accident compensation 112 Medical records and patient access to information 121 The management of clinical investigations 128 Medicine and the Internet 135 Interdisciplinary collaboration: working in teams for patient care 143 Doctors in other roles 150 Doctors health 157 Maintaining competence 168 Credentialling 172 Error in medical practice 176 The NewZealand Medical Association code of ethics 181 Advertising 193 Doctors who use complementary and alternative medicine 197
25 26 27 28 29 30
Doctors and interventions with well people 205 The pharmaceutical industry and the profession 209 ow medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: H theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act 214 ow medical practice standards are set by legislation 2: H otherlegislation 221 he role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and T theCodeofRights 231 he disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee T andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal 243 252 254
About Good Medical Practice HowGood Medical Practice applies to you Professionalism Areas of professionalism Caring for patients Respecting patients Working in partnership with patients and colleagues Acting honestly and ethically Accepting the obligation to maintain and improve standards Related documents
6 6 7 9 9 11 14 21 24 26
Patients are entitled to good doctors. Good doctors make the care of patients their first concern; they are competent, keep their knowledge and skills up to date, establish and maintain good relationships with patients and colleagues, are honest and trustworthy and actethically.
hedirectives outlined in Good Medical Practice are usually duties and must be followed. T However, we recognise that not all duties will apply in all situations. Sometimes there are factors outside a doctors control that affect whether or not, or how, he or she can comply with some standards. Throughout this resource we have used the term you should (ratherthan a more directive term such as you must) to indicate where this is the case. fyou believe that a doctor is not meeting standards outlined in Good Medical Practice, you I should raise your concerns with the doctor, draw that matter to the attention of the doctors employer, or report your concerns to the Registrar of the Medical Council1 or the Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner2, or in the event of matters related to health information privacy and security the Office of the Privacy Commissioner3.
Patients trust their doctors with their health and wellbeing, and sometimes their lives. Tojustify your patients trust, follow the principles outlined below and the duties outlined in the rest of this document.
Respecting patients
Aim to establish a relationship of trust with each of your patients. eaware of cultural diversity, and function effectively and respectfully when working with B and treating people of different cultural backgrounds. Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity by: treating them with respect respecting their right to confidentiality and privacy.
1 Telephone 0800 286 801 or email [email protected]. Formore information, refer to the Fitness to Practice page of the Councils website, 2 Telephone 0800 11 22 33 or email [email protected]. Formore information, refer to 3 Telephone 04 474 7590, or email [email protected]. Formore information, refer to
Remember that you are personally accountable for your professional practice you must always be prepared to explain your decisions and actions.
Areas of professionalism
1. TheCouncil expects doctors to be competent in: caring for patients respecting patients working in partnership with patients and colleagues acting honestly and ethically accepting the obligation to maintain and improve standards In the sections that follow, we outline the requirements of each of these areas of professionalism.
Keeping records7
5. Youmust keep clear and accurate patient records that report: relevant clinical information options discussed decisions made and the reasons for them information given to patients the proposed management plan any drugs or other treatment prescribed. 6. Make these records at the same time as the events you are recording or as soon as possible afterwards. 7. Take all reasonable steps to ensure that records containing personal data about patients, colleagues or others are kept securely.
Administrative systems
8. Your administrative systems must support the principles and standards contained within Good Medical Practice.
7 See the Councils statement on The maintenance and retention of patient records 8 See the Councils statement on Good prescribing practice. 9 For example, when a public health physician prescribes prophylactic medicines for family members of a patient, after that patient has been diagnosed with a serious communicable disease.
Respecting patients
Aim to establish a relationship of trust with each of your patients. eaware of cultural diversity, and function effectively and respectfully when working B with and treating people of different cultural backgrounds. Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity by: treating them respectfully respecting their right to confidentiality and privacy.
10 See the Councils statement on Providing care to yourself and those close to you. 11 See the Councils statement on The doctors duties in an emergency.
Cultural competence12
17. NewZealand has as its founding document the Treaty of Waitangi. Y oushould acknowledge the place of the Treaty, and apply the principles of partnership, participation and protection in the delivery of medical care. Y oumust also be aware of cultural diversity and function effectively and respectfully when working with and treating people of all cultural backgrounds. Youshould acknowledge: that NewZealand has a culturally diverse population that each patient has cultural needs specific to him/her that a doctors culture and belief systems influence his or her interactions with patients that ones culture may impact on the doctor-patient relationship that a positive outcome for patient and doctor is achieved when they have mutual respect and understanding. 18. Youmust consider and respond to the needs of all patients. Y oushould make reasonable adjustments to your practice to enable them to receive care that meets their needs13.
12 See the Councils Statement on cultural competence. Forspecific guidance on providing care to Mori patients, see the Councils Statement on best practices when providing care to Mori patients and their whnau and Best health outcomes for Mori: Practice implications. Foradvice on providing care to Pacific patients, see Best health outcomes for Pacific peoples: Practice implications. See also Coles Medical practice in NewZealand for advice on providing care to Asian people in NewZealand. 13 NewZealand is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Persons with Disabilities. This convention is intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. T heconvention includes provisions to ensure that persons with disabilities receive care appropriate to their needs, and at the same standard as others. 14 See the Health Information Privacy Code. 15 Rule 10 (1)(d) of the Health Information Privacy Code, allows you to disclose information about a patient in a limited range of circumstances, including when disclosure [is] necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to public health or public safety or the life and health of an individual.
16 Refer to the Councils statement on Disclosure of harm. 17 As outlined in the Privacy Act and the Health Information Privacy Code. 18 As outlined in s.151 of the Crimes Act 1961. 19 See the Councils statement on Ending a doctor-patient relationship.
giving them the information they want or need in a way they can understand and ensuring they understand it respecting their right to reach decisions with you about their treatment and care supporting them in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health. Maintain the trust of colleagues, and treat them politely and considerately. Work with colleagues in ways that best serve patients interests.
20 The Royal Australasian College of Physicians Consensus Statement on the Health Benefits of Work outlines the evidence that work is generally good for health and wellbeing, and that long-term work absence and unemployment generally have a negative impact on health and wellbeing. Acopy of this paper can be downloaded from 21 See the Councils statement on Information, choice of treatment and informed consent. 22 For a copy of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights go to 23 For a copy of the Health Information Privacy Code go to
32. With rare and specific exceptions you should not provide treatment unless: the patient has received all the information that a reasonable patient, in that patients circumstances, would expect to receive about their condition and treatment options, including the expected risks, side effects, costs and benefits of each option; and you have determined that he or she has an adequate understanding of that information; and you have provided the patient with an opportunity to consider and discuss the information with you; and the patient has made an informed choice; and the patient consents to treatment. 33. Inorder that you can appropriately advise patients on their treatment options, you should have a reasonable knowledge of the range of evidence based treatments that are available to treat their condition, and of how patients can access those that you yourself do not provide. 34. Youmust respect and support the patients right to seek a second opinion or to decline treatment, or to decline involvement in education or research.
24 Additional requirements apply in certain circumstances, such as where the patient is a minor or not competent to make an informed decision. I naddition, there are several pieces of law that can override the requirements of the Code of Rights. TheCouncils statement on Information, choice of treatment and informed consent outlines these requirements.
Advance directives
35. Anadvance directive is a formal document that clearly and specifically outlines or describes the patients wishes. Advance directives have legal standing in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights. There may be exceptional circumstances in which it may not be appropriate to comply with the wishes outlined in an advance directive25, however you must always respect and consider those wishes. I fa patient has an advance directive that is relevant to their care you should, where possible, confirm that it is consistent with their current views before providing treatment.
Support persons
36. Patients have the right to have one or more support persons of their choice present26, except where safety may be compromised or another patients rights unreasonably infringed.
37. Make sure that any information you publish or broadcast about your medical services is factual and verifiable. Itmust not put undue pressure on people to use a service, forexample by arousing ill-founded fear for their future health or by fostering unrealistic expectations. Theinformation must conform to the requirements of the Councils Statement on advertising, the Fair Trading Act 1986 and the Advertising Standards Authority guidelines.
Useof titles
38. Patients can find medical titles confusing. Toreduce confusion, you should not use a title such as specialist or consultant that refers to an area of expertise unless you are registered with the Council in an appropriate vocational scope.
40. Youshould respect the skills and contributions of your colleagues. 41. Treat your colleagues courteously, respectfully and reasonably . D onot bully or harass them. Youmust not discriminate against colleagues. 42. Donot make malicious or unfounded criticisms of colleagues that may undermine patients trust in the care or treatment they receive, or in the judgement of those treating them.
43. Youmust always strive to work with managers and administrators in a constructive manner to create and sustain an environment that upholds good medical practice. I fyou are working in a managerial or leadership role you should adhere to the guidance contained in the Councils statement on Responsibilities of doctors in management and governance.
Being accessible
44. Bereadily accessible when you are on duty. Depending on the situation, this may mean you are accessible to patients, or it may mean that you are accessible to colleagues or a triage service.
49. Inmost situations you should not pass on information if the patient does not agree. Somesituations exist in which colleagues should be informed even if the patient does not agree (for example where disclosure is necessary to ensure appropriate ongoing care). Under the Health Act 1956 you may share information in these situations when a colleague is providing ongoing care and has asked for the information.
Continuity of care
50. Work collaboratively with colleagues to improve care, or maintain good care for patients, and to ensure continuity of care wherever possible. 51. Make sure that your patients and colleagues understand your responsibilities in the team and who is responsible for each aspect of patient care. 52. Ifyou are the patients principal health provider, you are responsible for maintaining continuity of care.
30 Coles Medical practice in NewZealand contains some useful advice in the chapter on The management of clinical investigations.
oushould ensure that the patient is aware of how information about them is being shared and Y who is responsible for providing treatment, undertaking an investigation and reporting results.
31 Refer to the Ministry of Healths Standing Order Guidelines. Youcan view or download a copy of these guidelines at
32 See the Councils guidance on Sexual boundaries in the doctor-patient relationship. 33 See the Councils statement on Medical certification.
Conflicts of interest35
58. Ifyou have a conflict of interest, you must be open about the conflict, declaring your interest. Youshould also be prepared to exclude yourself from related decision making.
34 See also the Councils statement on Doctors and health related commercial organisations. 35 See also the Councils statement on Doctors and health related commercial organisations. 36 See the Councils statement on Responsibilities of doctors in management and governance.
Your health
71. Youshould register with an independent general practitioner so that you have access to objective medical care. Y oushould not treat yourself38.
37 See the Councils statement on Raising concerns about a colleague. 38 Refer to the Councils statement on Providing care to yourself and those close to you.
72. Protect your patients, your colleagues and yourself by: following standard precautions and infection control practices undergoing appropriate screening being immunised against common serious communicable diseases where vaccines areavailable. 73. Youmust tell the Councils Health Committee if you have a condition that may affect your practice, judgement or performance. TheCommittee will help you decide how to change your practice if needed. Youshould not rely on your own assessment of the risk 39 you may pose to patients 74. Ifyou think you have a condition that you could pass on to patients, you must consult a suitably qualified colleague. Askfor and follow their advice about investigations, treatment and changes to your practice that they consider necessary.
Supporting colleagues
78. Youshould support colleagues who have problems with performance, conduct or health.
Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date. Recognise, and work within, the limits of your competence. Be committed to autonomous maintenance and improvement in your clinical standards. Demonstrate reflectiveness, personal awareness, the ability to seek and respond constructively to feedback and the willingness to share your knowledge and to learn from others. Accept a responsibility for maintaining the standards of the profession.
81. When designing, organising or carrying out research: make sure that a properly accredited research ethics committee has approved the research protocol, and that the research meets all regulatory and ethical requirements do not allow payments or gifts to influence your conduct do not make unjustified claims for authorship when publishing results report any concerns to an appropriate person or authority be honest and accurate in reporting the results of your research.
Keeping up to date
83. Keep your knowledge and skills up to date throughout your working life: familiarise yourself with relevant guidelines and developments that affect your work take part regularly in professional development activities that maintain and further develop your competence and performance adhere to and keep up to date with all laws and codes of practice relevant to yourwork.
Related documents
The guidelines contained in Good Medical Practice do not cover all forms of professional practice or discuss all types of misconduct that may bring your registration into question. oushould familiarise yourself with the series of statements and other publications Y produced by the Council. TheCouncils statements expand on points raised in this document. Some statements also cover issues not addressed in this document, such as internet medicine and alternative medicine.
Clinical practice and non-clinical practice Fitness to practise Practice of medicine
41 See the Councils publication Education and supervision for interns. 42 See the Councils booklet on Induction and supervision for newly registered doctors. 43 For the most recent versions of the statements, go to under the heading News and Publications. Newand updated statements are sent to all doctors with the Councils newsletter.
Administrative practice
Non-treating doctors performing medical assessments of patients for third parties Raising concerns about a colleague Responsibilities of doctors in management and governance Safe practice in an environment of resource limitation
General subjects
Advertising Complementary and alternative medicine Confidentiality and the public safety Cosmetic procedures Disclosure of harm following an adverse event A doctors duty to help in a medical emergency Ending a doctor-patient relationship Good prescribing practice Information, choice of treatment and informed consent The maintenance and retention of patient records Medical certification Doctors and health related commercial organisations Use of the internet and electronic communication When another person is present during a consultation Sexual boundaries in the doctor-patient relationship, a resource for doctors
HRANZ Joint guidelines for registered health care workers on transmissible major viralinfections Providing care to yourself and those close to you
Cultural competence
Best practices when providing care to Mori patients and their whnau Cultural competence
Coles Medical practice in NewZealand Continuing professional development and recertification Deciding whether to make a competence referral Doctors health, a guide to how the Council manages doctors with health conditions Education and supervision for interns, a resource for new registrants and their supervisors Induction and supervision for newly registered doctors The importance of clear sexual boundaries in the patient-doctor relationship, a guide forpatients Medical registration in NewZealand What you can expect. Theperformance assessment You and your doctor, guidance and advice for patients
Introduction Health service structure Ministry of Health and National Health Board Changing models of care Registration of doctors TheMedical Council of NewZealand Workforce Education and postgraduate training Medical liability Drug purchase and prescribing Medical research Doctors associations Organisation of medical services in hospital practice Organisation of medical services in general practice
30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34
NewZealand has a proud history of social reform and innovation, including health service provision. NewZealand trained doctors have contributed significantly on the international stage over decades, in spite of the countrys small size, highlighting the high standard of medical practice. There are strong structures in place to protect patient rights and ensure that people receive the highest level of medical care possible within the available resources.
heno fault scheme includes injury caused by medical treatment. Because of this there is T only a right to sue in NewZealand for recompense of injuries that fall outside the scheme, or in cases of severe negligence where exemplary damages can be sought. Doctors are therefore seldom sued.
Registration of doctors
Registration and regulation of health practitioners is legislated by the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, which sets up responsible authorities for each health profession, and prescribes processes for assuring standards of competence, conduct and fitness to practise. Regulatory authorities set scopes of practice for each registrant. Medical vocational or specialist registration is recognised after the attainment of appropriate Australasian or NewZealand specialist college qualifications, or qualifications and training that are deemed to be as satisfactory as this. Doctors can practise independently with general registration, but require a collegial relationship to oversee their work. International medical graduates can apply for registration under several pathways according to their planned work arrangements in NewZealand. Both provisional general and vocational registration require a period of supervision. T heMedical Council (see below) engages with Branch Advisory Bodies to assess whether doctors from overseas applying for vocational registration have equivalent or as satisfactory training as NewZealand trained specialists.
Details of registration for international medical graduates are available on the Council website (
Future workforce issues have been a major discussion topic for over a decade. There have been several reports indicating the need for concerted action to provide enough doctors in NewZealand as the demands increase with an aging population and changing workforce patterns. Aseries of recent reports led to the creation of Health Workforce NewZealand as a committee to advise both the Minister of Health and the Director General of Health on a workforce plan and its implementation. Thecommittee is working quickly and has established a workplan and several initiatives, including redeveloping the general practice training and piloting physician assistants in the NewZealand context.
Training in the first postgraduate year (PGY1 or probationary registration year) is managed by the hospitals who are accredited by the Medical Council to provide an adequate supervision and training experience. Vocational training is the responsibility of the colleges in association with the employers and the universities. Thetraining programmes are set and supervised by the specialist colleges, and purchased from the health providers through Health Workforce NewZealand. Specialist qualifications in NewZealand are Fellowships of the specialist colleges, gained after meeting their training and examination requirements. lldoctors in NewZealand must participate in a continuing professional development A (CPD) programme in order to gain their practising certificate. TheMedical Council accredits these programmes and audits compliance by doctors. Generally registered doctors not in training programmes or engaged in nonclinical work, must now join an online CPD programme delivered by BPAC NewZealand.
Medical liability
Whilst doctors are rarely sued in NewZealand, there are numerous ways in which their conduct and competence can be investigated including by employers, the Health & Disability Commissioner, Coroners inquiries, the Medical Council, etc. Indemnity cover is recommended and required by most employers. Itis usual for employers to reimburse fees. Indemnity organisations provide legal advice to individual doctors.
Medical research
NewZealand has an international reputation for the quality of its medical research. Increasingly, research is also performed outside the universities, in DHBs and primary care. Funding for medical research is tight, but available from many sources for good projects. Thepredominant purchaser of medical research in NewZealand is the Health Research Council, which distributes more than $70 million annually of public funds.
Doctors associations
The major professional association in NewZealand is the NewZealand Medical Association (NZMA), which has Specialist, General Practitioner and Doctors in Training Councils. TheNZMA publishes the NewZealand Medical Journal, deals with medicopolitical issues and generates the Code of Ethics. Smaller special interest associations such as Te ORA (the Mori doctors association) and the Pasifika Medical Association cater in addition for the needs of some specific groups of doctors. Industrial organisations for senior doctors (Association of Salaried Medical Specialists), and house surgeons and registrars (Resident Doctors Association), are responsible for negotiating with health providers for salaried doctors terms and conditions.
Qualities of an effective doctor patient relationship Theimportance of listening Patient centred clinical medicine Whole person care Monitoring your consultation style Challenging situations Sexual boundaries Ending a relationship
36 37 37 38 38 39 40 40
The doctor patient relationship is central to the practice of medicine and to achieving effective clinical outcomes. While it has also been considered as the seventh element of quality in general practice settings, all practitioners can derive a deep sense of satisfaction through good doctor patient relationships.1 Many relationship skills can be learned through role modelling, but specific educational interventions are required for higher levels of competence.2 Clinical relationships need to be understood and developed effectively, as they can also be a source of great discomfort and even harm to both patients and doctors. This chapter outlines the underlying principles of the doctor patient relationship, and how listening is essential to good medical care. W ewill then discuss two approaches to clinical practice called patient centred clinical method and whole person care. Reflection on practice is essential if relationship skills are to be improved. Finally, we will discuss more challenging interactions, including how to end the doctor patient relationship.
Theimportance of listening
Many older doctors in clinical practice have developed their own style of consulting over time, largely through trial and error. While many have an effective bedside manner, the research on consulting skills indicates that good communication can be taught and learned and that it is not necessarily an innate or intuitive skill.8 For these reasons, most medical schools now include consultation training as part of their clinical skills programmes. Students are taught about the structure of each consultation and how to use microcommunication skills (introductions, open and closed questions, exploring the patients ideas, minisummaries, and so on).9 The outcome of this training is better listening, which in turn, improves the doctor patient relationship. hethree major functions of listening are to help make an accurate diagnosis, to develop T and maintain the doctor patient relationship, and to act as a healing and therapeutic agent.10 Adler for example, has researched the sociophysiology of caring, where empathic listening can cause physiological changes in muscle tension and blood pressure.11 It can be profoundly helpful if the doctor is fully present and engages with the patients story and situation. Being heard in this way can help the patient make better sense of their illness. These undergraduate training programmes are usually embedded in what is known as a patient centred approach to clinical practice.
When the doctor and patient focus on cure of acute illness, the patients goal is usually to regain full function. Inchronic disease however, disease is never fully cured. I tis even more important here for the doctor to attend to the illness experience and any potential suffering caused by disease. Acaring, long term relationship is required where the doctor stands alongside and supports the patient. Identifying and attending to suffering is crucial for many patients.16 The whole person care model is a helpful reminder to the medical profession of the two main tasks of doctoring: identifying and managing disease on the one hand, and attending to the person of the patient on the other. This is the essence of the doctor patient relationship.17
Modern methods of reflection include peer groups, video analysis, Balint groups, mentoring and supervision. Peer groups have been well developed in NewZealand and are included as part of general practitioners requirements for recertification. These groups started in the 1980s and are self run by small groups of doctors who meet regularly to discuss their clinical work. Video analysis of a series of consultations is now required by general practice trainees. Manyreport that such analysis has enabled a better understanding of their own style of consulting. Balint groups emerged in the United Kingdom in the 1950s when Dr Michael Balint ran general practitioner groups to discuss their more difficult or troubling patients.19 Some medical schools in Europe now use these groups in undergraduate training. Themethod itself has since evolved considerably and Balint groups are now becoming more popular, especially using multidisciplinary groups.20 Mentoring and supervision are one to one methods of clinical review and support. Mentoring is usually with a more senior colleague who can help a junior enter their chosen field, provide support when doctors are under stress, or help a doctor start work in a new country.21 Supervision is usually with a psychotherapist and is more focused on the nuances of the doctor patient relationship. Because the therapist does not have medical training, there is less chance of becoming side tracked by biomedical details. Doctors can also improve their psychological understanding of patients through this ongoing method of professional support.22 All these methods are aimed at better understanding of the quite diverse doctor patient relationships in modern clinical practice.
Challenging situations
These methods of reflective practice are useful when clinical situations or particular patients are challenging to the doctor. There is an interesting literature from the UK on the heartsink patient, where the doctors heart sinks to floor when consulting with or even thinking about a particular patient.23 Most doctors will admit to having several such patients, where they feel quite challenged or even inadequate. While a few patients will prove problematic for almost all doctors, most patients who are labelled in this way are simply illustrating specific problems in the doctor patient relationship. Identifying and analysing why each patient is difficult can be extraordinarily helpful, both for the doctor and for the patient.24 Some patients however, are problematic for many doctors.25 Challenging patients tend to confront the doctors assumed authority, while clinging patients make unrealistic demands on the doctors time or potential effectiveness. self destructive patients include those with alcohol, drug and gambling problems. Many doctors find it difficult to acknowledge that they are relatively powerless to intervene. Cultural barriers or other factors preventing adequate communication can also induce feelings of frustration and impotence. Allthese patients can be troublesome because they dont conform to the doctors own expectations of feeling competent and effective, or because they are not displaying the proper behaviour expected of patients.
Balint groups and supervision are particularly useful methods of reflection and support, as they focus directly on the doctor patient relationship. Acknowledging that some patients are challenging and disruptive to the doctors self esteem and equilibrium is helpful, as without the benefit of such insight, some doctors avoid engagement. While this can lead to poor outcomes for patients, the doctor also misses out on his or her usual sense of purpose and meaning that emerges from productive therapeutic relationships.26 In this way, reflective practice about these challenging or heartsink patients can also help avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Patients with somatisation can be particularly challenging to the doctor patient relationship. Such patients usually present with multiple somatic complaints but no underlying organic pathology is found. While many can be educated about links between their stress and their symptoms facultative somatisation), there is a small group of obligate somatisers who are much more difficult to manage.27 Unnecessary investigations often emerge from these unsatisfactory consultations, illustrating what is known as somatic fixation by both doctor and patient. Learning how to approach the somatising patient is an important clinical skill in all areas of medical practice. Other challenging situations are in relation to maintaining appropriate professional boundaries and when ending a therapeutic relationship.
Sexual boundaries
Given the power imbalance between doctor and patient, setting and maintaining appropriate professional boundaries is the responsibility of the doctor. Asexual relationship with a patient is never acceptable, as it violates the trust in the relationship and is harmful to both parties. TheMedical Council provides clear guidelines about sexual boundaries28 and any doctor who is sexually attracted to a patient is strongly advised to seek help from a trusted colleague. Asprofessional role boundaries are complex, both medical students and doctors need ongoing education and support in this area of professional practice.29, 30
Ending a relationship
Occasionally, the therapeutic relationship may become too damaged to continue. T hepatient and the doctor must be clear about the reasons for ending the relationship and the transfer of care needs to be managed carefully. Insome situations, expert medical and legal advice is helpful, but termination of care cannot occur if acute or emergency care of the patient is required. Further models around ending a relationship in the general practice setting are described by Stokes.31 In depth guidance is outlined by the MCNZ. In summary, the doctor patient relationship is central to the practice of medicine. Clinical relationships require as much focus and attention as technical competence and biomedical details. Theoutcomes of this focus on relationship are improved clinical outcomes, enhanced practitioner satisfaction and a greater sense of professional wellbeing.
1. Mendoza MD, Smith SG, Eder MM, Hickner J 2011. T heseventh element of quality: the doctor patient relationship. FamMed. Feb; 43(2): 839. 2. Egnew TR, Wilson HJ 2011. Role modeling the doctor patient relationship in the clinical curriculum. FamMed. Feb; 43(2): 99105. 3. Cruess RL, Cruess SR 2008. Expectations and obligations: professionalism and medicines social contract with society. Perspect Biol Med.; 51(4): 57998. 4. Youngson R 2012. Time to care: how to love your patients and your job. Raglan: Rebelheart Publishers. 5. Cocksedge S, Greenfield R, Nugent GK, Chew-Graham C 2011. Holding relationships in primary care: a qualitative exploration of doctors and patients perceptions. B rJ Gen Pract. Aug; 61(589): e48491. 6. Skirbekk H, Middelthon A- LHjortdahl P, Finset A 2011. Mandates of trust in the doctor patient relationship. Qual Health Res. Sep; 21(9): 118290. 7. Levinson W, Roter DL, Mullooly JP, Dull VT, Frankel RM 1997. Physician patient communication. T herelationship with malpractice claims among primary care physicians and surgeons. JAMA. Feb. 19; 277(7): 5539. 8. Kurtz S, Silverman J, Benson J, Draper J 2003. Marrying content and process in clinical method teaching: enhancing the Calgary-Cambridge guides. Academic Medicine; 78(8): 8029. 9. Kurtz SM, Silverman J, Draper J 1998. Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical. 10. Jagosh J, Boudreau J, Steinert Y, MacDonald M, Ingram L 2011. T heimportance of physician listening from the patients perspective: enhancing diagnosis, healing and the doctor patient relationship. Patient Education and Counseling. I npress 11. Adler HM 2002. Thesociophysiology of caring in the doctor patient relationship. J Gen Intern Med. 17(11): 88390. 12. Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Veltman MWM, Gillard S, Grant J, Stewart M 2004. Effect on health related outcomes of interventions to alter the interaction between patients and practitioners: a systematic review of trials. Annals of Family Medicine; 2(6): 595608. 13. Stewart M 2003. Patient centered Medicine: Transforming the Clinical Method. Oxford: Radcliffe Publishers. 14. Helman CG 1981. Disease versus illness in general practice. Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners; 31(230): 548. 15. Hutchinson T, editor 2011. Whole person care: a new paradigm for the 21st century. NewYork: Springer. 16. Cassell EJ 1982. Thenature of suffering and the goals of medicine. N ewEngland Journal of Medicine; 306(11): 63945. 17. Wilson H, Cunningham W 2013. Being a doctor: understanding medical practice. Dunedin: Otago University Press. I nPress.
18. Schon D 1983. T hereflective practitioner: how professionals think in action. NewYork: Basic Books. 19. Balint M 1957. Thedoctor, his patient, and the illness. London: Pitman. 20. Davis M, Wilson H 2011. W hyare Balint groups still relevant and important for GPs? GP Pulse; 12: 67. 21. Freeman R 1998. Mentoring in General Practice. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. 22. Wilson H 2000. Self care for GPs: T herole of supervision. N ewZealand Family Physician; 27(5): 517. 23. Mathers NJ, Gask L 1995. Surviving the heartsinkexperience. FamPract; 12(2): 17683. 24. Wilson H 2005. Reflecting on the difficult patient. NewZealand Medical Journal; 118 (1212). 25. Clark R, Croft P 1998. Heartsink patients. In: Clark R, Croft P, editors. Critical reading for the reflective practitioner. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. p. 26791. 26. Suchman AL, Matthews DA 1988. What makes the patient doctor relationship therapeutic? Exploring the connexional dimension of medical care. Annals of Internal Medicine; 108(1): 12530. 27. Mann B 2007. Generalism the challenge of functional and somatising illnesses. NewZealand Family Physician; 34(6): 398403. 28. Medical Council of NewZealand 2009. Sexual boundaries in the doctor patient relationship. Aresource for doctors. Wellington. 29. White GE 2004. Setting and maintaining professional role boundaries: an educational strategy. MedEduc. Aug; 38(8): 90310. 30. Spickard WA, Jr., Swiggart WH, Manley GT, Samenow CP, Dodd DT 2008. Acontinuing medical education approach to improve sexual boundaries of physicians. Bull Menninger Clin.; 72(1): 3853. 31. Stokes T, Dixon-Woods M, McKinley RK 2004. Ending the doctor patient relationship in general practice: a proposed model. F amPract. Oct; 21(5): 50714. 32. Medical Council of NewZealand 2011. Ending a relationship. Wellington.
Cultural competence and patient-centred care aconsumer perspective 44 Cultural competence and patient-centred care therequirements The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 The Medical Council of NewZealand TheCode of Health and Disability Consumers Rights TheHealth Quality and Safety Commission Cultural competence and the context of NewZealandsociety 45 45 45 46 46 47
Recognition of the importance of bicultural heritage anddevelopment 47 Encountering NewZealand society Iscultural safety a better term for a patient-centred approach? Cultural competence: patient-centred and familycentredapproaches Cultural competence and patient-centred care anongoingjourney 47 48 48 49
General cultural competencies must be recognised as significantly more important than developing a range of cross cultural knowledge about specific ethnicities and cultures. I fyou manage to achieve this as well it could be very helpful unless you embarrass and undermine us by knowing more about our culture than we do but then this would not be our lived culture. Ifyou are not able or are too busy to meet absolutely all these need is we hope you will help to develop and support health systems that can. Isthis too much to ask?
Cultural competence and patient-centred care therequirements The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003
One of the additional provisions for health registration authorities introduced under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (HPCAA) is that of setting the standards of cultural competence to be observed by health practitioners. This is included under section 118(i) of the Act.1
Cultural competence requires an awareness of cultural diversity and the ability to function effectively, and respectfully, when working with and treating people of different cultural backgrounds. Cultural competence means a doctor has the attitudes, skills and knowledge needed to achieve this. Aculturally competent doctor will acknowledge: That NewZealand has a culturally diverse population. That a doctors culture and belief systems influence his or her interactions with patients and accepts this may impact on the doctor patient relationship. That a positive patient outcome is achieved when a doctor and patient have mutual respect and understanding. heCouncil is currently reviewing advice and resources for patient centred care and cultural T competence.
Cultural competence and the context of NewZealandsociety Recognition of the importance of bicultural heritage anddevelopment
The establishment of cultural awareness and competency concepts and training in Aotearoa NewZealand have usually incorporated an understanding of our bicultural heritage as a key understanding. This bicultural emphasis recognises Mori iwi (tribes) as the indigenous or first nation peoples (tangata whenua), and the people from the other (originally predominantly British) cultures (tauiwi), as the later colonisers. Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi of 1840, is recognised as the founding document between Mori iwi and the British crown on behalf of the later arrivals. Mori is an official language in Aotearoa NewZealand. Mori protocols and rituals of encounter have been incorporated into many health workplaces. Mori/iwi health services have been established throughout the country as have Mori policy, advisory and cultural services in District Health Boards and Primary Health Organisations. Treaty of Waitangi and Tikanga Mori training is ongoing and expected in many health workplaces in Aotearoa NewZealand. Mori cultural practices vary between tribal groups and understanding this assists respectful interactions. Research concerning health disparities for Mori, and ways to address these, is important in the ongoing development to assist culturally competent practice with Mori.
This preference is somewhat at odds in the modern health care environment influenced by for example the Code and Good medical practice and creates tensions that need careful management. Ifthe cultural context indicates a family centred approach, it is important to establish that this is what the patient genuinely wants and that they are not unwillingly being dominated by others. Some families are not a positive environment for patients and may instead be a danger to them. Traversing this can be fraught with tensions and difficulties. Itis important to remember that each patient context is different and assumptions are never helpful.
1. Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act, 2003 p87. 2. Medical Council of NewZealand 2008. Good medical practice, standards for the profession. Wellington, revised. 3. Medical Council of NewZealand 2006. Statement on cultural competence. Wellington. 4. Medical Council of NewZealand 2006. Statement on best practices when providing care to Mori patients and their whnau, Wellington. 5. Medical Council of NewZealand by Muri Ora Associates 2006. Best health outcomes for Mori: practice implications, Wellington. 6. Medical Council of NewZealand by Muri Ora Associates 2010. Best health outcomes for Pacific peoples: practice implications, Wellington. 7. NewZealand Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights. 8. 9. Durie M 2001. Cultural competence and medical practice in NewZealand, Australian and NewZealand Boards and Councils Conference, Wellington, November. 10. Gray B 2008. Managing the cross cultural consultation. Theimportance of cultural safety. NZFP, Vol35, No2, April. 11. Wepa D (ed.) 2005. Cultural safety in Aotearoa NewZealand, Auckland, Pearson Education NewZealand. 12. Papps E 2005. Cultural safety: daring to be different; in Wepa D (ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa NewZealand, Auckland, Pearson Education NewZealand. 13. Clarke ME, DeGannes CN 2008. Introduction to cultural competency. 14. Spence D 2005. Exploring prejudice, understanding paradox and working towards new possibilities; in Wepa D (ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa NewZealand, Auckland, Pearson Education NewZealand. 15. Mobeireek A F, Al-Kassimi F, et al 2008. Information disclosure and decision making: the Middle East versus the Far East and the West, Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol34: 225229. 16. Beach M C, Somnath, SCooper L A 2006. Therole and relationship of cultural competence and patient centeredness in health care quality. usr_doc/beach_rolerelationshipcultcomppatient-cent_960.pdf.
Introduction Mori history and the Treaty TheTreaty and health Mori health and inequalities Differential approaches to treatment Theimpact of culture on health Culture of the doctor Mori concepts and Mori health values Tapu and noa Whnaungatanga Tangihanga Manaakitanga Rongo and traditional healers Mori language Glossary
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Mori are indigenous to Aotearoa NewZealand and a significant proportion of our society, comprising some 624,000 people (at census 2006) with expatriate communities in Australia (estimated 150,000) and Britain (estimated 15,000). Mori peoples are essentially a tribal society constructed from small family based units (whnau) organised into subtribes (hap) which contribute to larger tribal entities (iwi). Providing culturally competent care for Mori increases the likelihood of Mori engaging with health professionals and health services, improves adherence to treatment plans, and ultimately improves overall Mori health status. This chapter recognises that culturally competent practice should include consideration of Mori needs, values and preferences across all domains of practice. Readers should familiarise themselves with the relevant Medical Council statements on cultural competence and resources to support culturally competent care. Chapters on other ethnic groups and on the principles of culturally competent care are also included in this book.
hefirst article covers sovereignty. T TheEnglish version states that Mori give up sovereignty to the British Crown, describing it as a complete transference of power to the Crown. B ycontrast, the Mori version implies a sharing of power and uses the word kawanatanga, an improvised word which did not mean a transfer of authority from Mori to British hands, but implied the setting up of a government by the British. Thenearest Mori equivalent to the English term would have been mana or rangatiratanga. hesecond article, mainly about the protection of property rights, also concerns tino T rangatiratanga or chieftainship. TheEnglish version specifically gives Mori control over lands, forests, fisheries and other properties, but the Mori version implies possession and protection of cultural and social items such as language and villages and promises much broader rights for Mori in regard to possession of existing properties. Explanations given at the Treaty signings support the conclusion that Mori expected that rangatiratanga would be enhanced not eroded, with the Queen or her representative having the power of governorship alongside their sovereignty as chiefs. Thethird article promises Mori the same citizenship rights as British subjects. Both versions of the Treaty of Waitangi are legitimate as both versions are signed. However, despite the promises and protection offered in the Treaty of Waitangi, the document was ignored in spirit and disregarded materially for many years. Many of the rights guaranteed to Mori were violated, and Mori lost most of their land through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. T hemanner in which the land was lost was often questionable, and led to considerable protest from Mori. These protests largely fell on deaf ears until the establishment of the Waitangi Tribunal in 1975. n1896, the Mori population reached its lowest point, estimated at 42,000 while migration of I non-Mori accelerated.1 The cultural and political structure of NewZealand in 1840 was still essentially Polynesian, and all European residents absorbed Mori values to some extent. During this period, Mori commercial enterprise prospered. F orinstance in 1857 Te Arawa and Tuwharetoa Mori (connected tribes descended from the Te Arawa canoe and covering the Bay of Plenty, Taupo and Rotorua areas) consisting of approximately 8,000 people had an estimated 3,000 acres of land in wheat, 300 acres in potatoes, nearly 2,000 acres in maize, and 1,000 acres of kumara. Inaddition they owned some 100 horses, 200 cattle, 5,000 pigs, 4 water powered mills, 96 ploughs, and 43 coastal vessels averaging nearly 20 tonnes each. Mori were actively and purposefully organising successful commercial ventures and exporting from their tribal estates to the growing settler communities in NewZealand and New South Wales. Mori demonstrated a clear determination to gain the literacy skills of the Europeans. Mori tribes actively sought missionaries to settle in their areas to acquire these skills. During the twentieth century, the Mori population has recovered and at over half a million is now larger than ever before. However, social and economic disparities continue to exist.
heWaitangi Tribunal was established in 1975 to rectify past breaches of the Treaty by the T Crown. Claims cannot be made against private organisations or individuals. T heTribunal considers both English and Mori versions of the Treaty when making decisions and is also instructed to have regard for the principles of the Treaty rather than the precise words. Inthis way, some of the difficulties of conflicting texts (English and Mori) can be avoided. Since its establishment, the Waitangi Tribunal has ruled on many claims brought by Mori, and many others have been settled through direct negotiation between the Crown and claimant tribes. Inmany cases, compensation has been granted, often including return of land and financial recompense, which is vested in the tribal authorities for economic development.
Avoidable death rates are almost double for Mori than for other NewZealanders, and Mori die, on average, eight to ten years earlier.9, 10 NewZealand has a higher rate of death from cancer than Australia, with Mori accounting for two thirds of the excess male cancer deaths and one quarter of the excess female cancer deaths.11 Mori women have rates of breast, cervical, and lung cancer that are several times those of non-Mori women.12 There is a higher incidence of obesity in the Mori community (27 percent vs 16 percent), which contributes to the higher incidence of diabetes (8 percent vs 3 percent) and the younger age at diagnosis (43 years vs 55 years). This is compounded by lower rates of diagnosis and lesser access to effective treatment.13 In summary, Mori are sicker, for longer periods, but have less access to care and die earlier than Pkeh. These disparities in overall Mori health persist even when factors such as poverty, education and location are accounted for, demonstrating that culture is an independent determinant of health status.14, 15 These lower standards of health lead to suboptimal outcomes for individual Mori and influence the Mori communitys negative perceptions of the health system as a whole.16, 17, 18 These negative experiences can also reinforce stereotypes in the practitioner community if a provider does not understand a Mori patients dissatisfaction and thus cannot prevent similar experiences with other patients.19
Many Mori feel that keeping tapu items separate from noa items is very important and find it distressing when this division is not observed. F orexample, in the case of a patients death the whnau will likely wish to spend time in the room with their loved one. T hepresence of the dead body (tppaku) makes the room tapu, and therefore food cannot be brought in. There will of course be wide variation in how strictly such controls are practiced and how observance of the traditional practice might be amended for practical reasons.
Mori culture emphasises familial and community connections to the past and to the present. Theextended family or whnau is the basic unit of Mori social organisation. Familial relationships and responsibilities are central to Mori identity and are often expressed in the Mori term whnaungatanga. Mori patients will often bring family members to medical visits and may consult with them before considering or accepting treatment. Mori usually prefer face to face interactions with their doctors, and until relationships are established may prefer formality.
The rituals and customary practices that surround death are regarded as very important in Mori communities. T hefamilial and community obligations to the deceased and the bereaved family are extensive. Thetangihanga is a coordinated set of formal procedures that recognise the relationships of the deceased with the ancestors and with the living relatives. Many Mori recognise very strong imperatives to attend tangihanga of anyone in their extended family and friends, and will often travel great distances to fulfil their obligations in this regard. Aperson may be grieved over for three or more days, at their home or at a marae and often returned to their traditional tribal home for burial. Death itself however may not be feared so much as the manner and circumstances of dying, with many Mori preferring to die at home with the attention and support of their family.
The obligations and responsibilities to demonstrate care for your family and for visitors is expressed in the Mori term of manaakitanga. This customary value will involve the process of welcoming and caring for visitors to ones home or marae, as well as the provision of food and accommodation. Food (kai) has a central importance in these practices. Aguest (manuwhiri) has a complementary obligation to accept and receive this hospitality. There are many useful texts that can provide deeper insight into Mori customary practices,31 and Mori patients are generally happy to educate a provider who seeks guidance about their preferences.
Mori language
There are several general introductory Mori language courses and a small number of dedicated Mori language phrasebooks for the health sector.33 Welcome everybody. Kia ora ttou. Iwould like to acknowledge the family. Ka mihi atu ki te whnau. Greetings all. Tn koutou. Lets introduce ourselves and get to know each other. Tn, me whakamhio atu ko wai r ttou. Howcan I help you? Kaphea taku whina i a koe? Howcan I help your family? Kaphea taku whina i t whnau? Howmuch alcohol do you drink? Hephea te nui o te waipiro ka inumia e koe? Doyou drink every day? Kainu waipiro koe i ia r? Howmany days a week do you drink alcohol? Ehia ng r o te wiki e inu waipiro ana koe? Howmany days a week do you drink no alcohol? Ehia ng r o te wiki kore koe e inu waipiro ana? Doyou have pain anywhere? Hewhi an kei t tinana e mamae ana?
Howlong have you had that pain? Kuaphea te roa e mamae ana? Where did the pain start? Itmata mai tn mamae ki hea? What were you doing when the pain started? Ite aha koe i te w i tmata ai te mamae? What makes it worse? Kanui atu te mamae i te aha? What makes it better? Kawhakaeaeatia te mamae ki te aha? Have you been vomiting. Ite ruaki koe? Doyou have diarrhoea? Ite toroh koe? What is the diagnosis? Heaha te whakataunga? Does Hmi have epilepsy or diabetes? Kuap mai te mate huka, te mate ruriruri rnei ki a Hmi? What medications do you take? Kuap mai te mate manawa, te toto prutu rnei ki a koe? Doyou have heart disease or high blood pressure? Heaha u rongo? Myname is Richard. I am a doctor. KoRichard ahau, he rata ahau. Myjob is to listen to your concerns and support you. Kotku, he whakarongo ki wangawanga, he tautoko hoki i a koe. What are the main issues for you? Heaha ng tino take ki u whakaaro? Howwould you like me to help? Me phea taku whina atu? Where are you from? Nwhea mai koe/koutou? What is your tribe, your subtribe? Kowai t iwi, t hap? Tell me about your marae, your community. Tn, krero mai m t marae, t papakinga.
Where did you grow up? Itipu mai ai koe i whea? Where did you go to school? Ikuraina ai koe i whea? Howold are you? Heaha t pakeke? E hia tau? Howmany children do you have? Tokohia u tamariki? Tell me about your family. Krero mai m t whnau. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Tokohia teina/tuakana, tuahine/tngane? Tell me about your health. Krero mai m t hauora. Tell me about any illnesses you have. Krero mai m muiui, mate. Tell me about any illnesses in your family. Krero mai m ng muiui, ng mate rnei o t whnau. What medicines do you take? Howoften? When? Heaha ng rongo e kainga ana e koe? E hia ng w? hea ka kainga? Doyou use traditional medicines or herbal remedies? Kakai koe i ng rongo mai i te rkau, ng rongo Mori? Doyou have access to a traditional practitioner? Katoro atu koe i ttahi thunga?
wh pronounced much like f (wh pronounced far) ng pronounced like the ng in singer (nga sing a)
The vowels may take a short or long form. This is indicated by the macron over the vowel; , , , , . This is the method preferred by the Taura Whiri i to Reo Mori: Mori Language Commission), although others occasionally use a double vowel to indicate the long form; aa, ee, ii, oo, uu. Thelong vowel is pronounced in the same way as the short vowel but the length is extended and has a significant effect on the sound and meaning of a word. Knowing the length of each vowel is important in establishing correct pronunciation. Othuhu O t huhu Waitemat Wai te ma t
Ng Mihi greetings
Tn koeHello (literally there you are) formal greeting to one person Tn koruaHello (literally there you are) formal greeting to two people Tn koutouHello (literally there you are) formal greeting to three or more people Kia oraHi (literally be well, good health). Less formal greeting, and widely used affirmation, salutation Kia ora koutouGreetings to you all Kia ora ttou katoaGreetings to us all (inclusive of the speaker) Enoho rGoodbye (literally stay there) said as one is leaving. Haere rGoodbye (literally go forth)
hauorahealth hinengaropsychic dimension hongipress noses, share breath karakiaprayer, incantation, invocation kohagift, donation manapower, authority, prestige manuhirivisitor, guest mihigreet, greetings mihimihiintroductions noanormal, profane orangawellbeing, health pwhiriformal welcome reolanguage tngata whenuapeople of the land tapurestricted, reserved, sacred tinanaphysical body waiatasong, to sing wairuaspirit, spiritual dimension whnaufamily whnaungarelations whnaungatangarelationships wharehouse
1. Pool I 1991. Teiwi Mori: a NewZealand population past, present, and projected. Auckland: Auckland University Press. 2. N ewZealand Health Strategy, NewZealand Disability Strategy and Mori Health Strategy, and the Royal Commission on Social Policy. 3. Tapsell R 2005. Mori health in 2004; in StGeorge, IM (ed.). Coles Medical Practice in NewZealand. Medical Council of NewZealand. 4. Ajwani S, Blakely T, Robson B, Tobias M, Bonne M 2003. Decades of disparity: ethnic mortality trends in NewZealand 19801999. Wellington, Ministry of Health and University of Otago. 5. Blakely T, Fawcett J, Atkinson, JTobias M, Cheung J 2005. Decades of disparity ii: socioeconomic mortality trends in NewZealand 19811999, Public Health Intelligence Occasional Bulletin #25. Wellington, Ministry of Health. 6. ACC ( TeKaporeihana Awhina Hunga Whara) 2004. Summary guidelines on Mori cultural competencies for providers. Wellington. 7. Ajwani S, Blakely T, Robson B, Tobias M, Bonne M 2003. Decades of Disparity: Ethnic mortality trends in NewZealand 19801999. Wellington, Ministry of Health and University of Otago. 8. Ministry of Health 1999. Ourhealth, our future Hauora pakari, koiora roa. T hehealth of NewZealanders. Wellington. 9. Ring I, Brown N 2003. Thehealth status of indigenous peoples and others. BMJ; 327: 4045. 10. McPherson K, Harwood M, McNaughton HK 2003. Ethnicity, equity, and quality: lessons from NewZealand. BMJ; 327: 4434. 11. Skegg DCG, McCredie MRE 2002. Comparison of cancer mortality and incidence in NewZealand and Australia. NZMJ May 10; 115(1153): 2058. 12. Ministry of Health 1999. Ourhealth, our future Hauora pakari, koiora roa. T hehealth of NewZealanders. Wellington. 13. Crengle S, Lay- YeeR, Davis P, Pearson JA 2006. Comparison of Mori and non-Mori patient visits to doctors. NatMedCa Report 6. 14. Marwick JC, Scott KM, Crampton PR 2000. Utilisation of general practitioner services in NewZealand and its relationship with income, ethnicity, and government subsidy. Presented at RNZCGP Annual Conference. 15. Smedley BD, Stith AY, Nelson AR 2003. Unequal treatment: confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. Washington DC: Institute of Medicine. 16. Tipene-Leach David 1981. Moris: our feelings about the medical profession; in Primary health care and the community. Note this article is also available at: 17. Durie M 1977. Mori attitudes to sickness, doctors, and hospitals. NZMJ; 86: 483.
18. Laveist TA, Nuru-Jeter A 2002. I sdoctor patient race concordance associated with greater satisfaction with care? JHealth Soc Behav; 43: 296306. 19. Jansen P, Sorenson D 2002. Culturally competent health care. NZFP Oct; 29(5): 30618. 20. Gribben B 1999. Ethnicity and resource use in general practice in West Auckland. Experience in practice. Online article available at: . 21. McNaughton HK, Weatherall M, McPherson KM, Taylor WJ, Harwood, M2002. Thecomparability of resource utilisation for Europeans and noneuropeans following stroke in NewZealand. NZMJ Mar 8; 115(1149): 101-3. 22. Sadler L, McCowan L, Stone P 2002. Associations between ethnicity and obstetric intervention in NewZealand. NZMJ Feb 8; 115(1147): 369. 23. Carr J, Robson BH, Reid P, Purdie GL, Workman P 2002. Heart failure: ethnic disparities in morbidity and mortality in NewZealand. NZMJ Jan 25; 115(1146): 157. 24. Ellison-Loschmann L, King R, Pearce N 2002. Time trends and seasonal patterns of asthma deaths and hospitalisations among Mori and non-Mori. NZMJ Jan 25; 115(1146): 69. 25. Mauri Ora Associates Ltd. H eRitenga Whakaaroa Mori health experiences of healthservices. 26. McCreanor, T Nairn, R2002. Tauwai general practitioners talk about Mori health: interpretative repertories. NewZealand Medical Journal, 115: 1167. 27. Johnstone, K. & Read, J2000. Psychiatrists recommendations for improving bicultural training and Mori mental health services: a NewZealand survey Australian and NewZealand Journal of Psychiatry; 34: 135145. 28. Crengle S 2000. Thedevelopment of Mori primary care services. P acHealth Dialog; 7: 4853. 29. BPAC better medicine NZ. Demystifying Rongoa Mori: Traditional Mori healing. 13: 3236. 30. Baxter J 2002. Barriers to health care for Mori with known diabetes. NewZealand National Working Group on Diabetes and Te Roopu Rangahau Hauora a Ngai Tahu. City publishing org. 31. Krupat E, Bell RA, Kravitz RL, Thom DH, Azari R. When physicians and patients think alike: patient centered beliefs and their impact on satisfaction and trust. 32. Mead, HM 2003. Tikanga Mori: living by Mori values. Huia Publishers, Wellington. 33. Demystifying Rongo Mori: Traditional Mori Healing. BPAC Better Medicine NZ; 13:3236.
Introduction Background Health Status and Influences Morbidity and Mortality Access to and quality of health care Community controlled PHC Getting assistance
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This chapter describes the health status of Pacific people in NewZealand, health service availability and usage and factors that may affect the interactions between health professionals and patients. Guidance is provided on additional sources of information, advice and support for health practitioners, their patients and their families.
There are more than 300,000 Pacific people in NewZealand (NZ). T hepopulation grew rapidly during the 1950s through to the 1970s as a result of work related migration. ThePacific population is currently among the fastest growing groups in NZ, but most of the recent growth is due mainly to births in NZ. Twothirds of the population are now born in NZ and approximately one quarter of all births in Auckland claims a Pacific heritage. ThePacific population is projected to make up approximately 10 percent of the NZ population in 2026. Pacific people will form an increasing share of the consumer and voter base, school age population as well as an increasing share of an ageing and shrinking NZ workforce. Pacific people form a significant share of the patient/client base in selected urban neighbourhoods in NZ.1 In NZ, the term Pacific or Pasifika usually refers to people who have a Pacific heritage. Samoan people make up half of the total Pacific population, Cook Island Maori one quarter, Tongans about one fifth, Niueans one tenth and smaller numbers from other island groups. Successive census has shown that an increasing proportion of Pacific people who claim origins from more than one ethnic group with unique sociocultural characteristics combining elements from their heritage cultures with significant Maori and palagi/pakeha (European) influences. Approximately, one in five individuals claim both Pacific and Maori heritage. There is very little reliable literature on the health needs of the young, NZ born, urban Pacific people. This is an important and urgent area for research in order to improve policy development and service delivery. Much of the literature about health and illness among Pacific populations refer to older adults who were born in the islands. hePacific population is very young with 38 percent under 15 years of age compared with T 22 percent of the total population. Themean age of the Pacific population at the 2006 Census was 21 years compared with 36 years in the total NZ population. Less than 5 percent of the Pacific population are over 65 years of age but the cultural importance of the elderly in most Pacific societies often means that the needs of the elderly take precedent over the needs of younger people. Respect for the elderly is an important aspect of all Pacific societies in NZ, and this fact has a major influence on how Pacific families live.
wothirds of the Pacific population live in Auckland, mostly in South and Central Auckland. T Significant pockets of Pacific people live in Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley, Waikato and Canterbury. Studies have shown that nine out of ten Pacific persons live in low decile areas with significant social and economic disadvantage. Socioeconomic disadvantage is closely correlated with poor health and access to health services. I tis also important to note that increasing numbers of Pacific people are not connected to their extended family and many need support from outside the family. Further, while most Pacific adults are regular church attendees, an increasing proportion of young people are less religious in their outlook compared with their parents. Formost Pacific people, the church remains a significant influence on their lives, attitudes to health, illness, death and dying.
Pacific children experience significant preventable morbidity. Themost prevalent conditions largely reflect the socioeconomic circumstances of their families, including overcrowded, damp and cold housing, unhealthy diets and difficulties accessing health care services. TheChildrens Commission estimated that 22 percent of NZ children were living below the poverty line, and Pacific children were more likely to be below the poverty line.6, 7 Several studies have shown that respiratory disorders and skin infections are very common and hospital admissions are higher than other NZ children.2 Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease (ARF/RHD) are three times more common among Pacific children and young people compared with other NZ children and young people. ARF/RHS is widely regarded as a disease of poverty and a good indicator of the socioeconomic conditions under which children live. Increased government funding recently allocated to the prevention and management of ARF/RHD in priority groups is a promising development although action on the wider determinants of health is equally important. Unless effective action is taken to address poverty, interventions directed as specific diseases are unlikely to be sustainable. he2006 NZ Mental Health Survey ( T TeRau Hinengaro) showed that the prevalence of mental disorders among Pacific people in NZ is similar to Maori and other NewZealand populations except psychotic disorders where the prevalence of schizophrenia is higher among young Pacific men.8 The study slowed similar prevalence of suicide across all population groups in NZ but much higher prevalence of suicide ideation among Pacific people. Survey findings showed that only one quarter of Pacific people with severe mental disorders were receiving recommended care.
Despite these improvements, it is clear that Pacific people continue to receive variable quality of health care. Studies of almost all health conditions have shown that Pacific people continue to receive lower levels of care, especially at the primary health care level. Health practitioners who work in health settings in communities need to ensure that best practice is normal practice at all times. Additional support, education and information for patients and their families will assist in improving the consistency and impact of primary health care for Pacific people. Improvements in the quality of primary health care will reduce attendance rates at emergency departments and avoidable hospital admissions among Pacific people. Itis also worth noting that free health care in hospitals will continue to be a factor influencing Pacific peoples decisions about where to seek health care services.
Getting assistance
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has a well developed strategy for improving the health of Pacific people and funds service delivery by selected District Health Boards (DHBs) which serve large numbers of Pacific people. Thekey MOH strategy is the Ala Moui Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 20102014, which outlines government priorities, programmes and major contributors to health.10 Much of the actual service delivery and support for health care providers is funded and coordinated by selected DHBs, mainly in urban centres. Pacific teams in DHBs are well placed to provide an overview of service delivery in their districts and advise on how best to support health care professionals. I naddition, there are several Pacific owned health care providers in most urban centres throughout NZ. These providers have well developed networks that can assist with advice and support. L eVa is a national coordination service and workforce development programme for Pacific mental health, addictions, disabilities and general health (
hePasifika Medical Association ( is the leading Pacific organisation T dedicated to improving the health status of Pacific people, both in NZ and the Pacific region. Membership includes doctors, nurses, other health workers and community leaders. PMA provides professional support to its members, delivers health workforce development in schools and advocates for better policies and services for Pacific people. Most of the senior and experienced clinicians of Pacific descent in NZ are members of PMA. Most Pacific nations also have associations and community groups with an interest in health such as the Tongan, Samoan Nurses Association, the Cook Islands Health Network. heMedical Council has produced an excellent resource for clinicians working with Pacific T patients with an emphasis on supporting the best outcomes for patients. Theresource includes information on key concepts in Pacific societies that impact on health and health care provision and specific advice on how best to manage Pacific patients.11 Pacific Heartbeat at the National Heart Foundation has been providing information and training for health and community workers for several years. Their focus is on improving nutrition and physical activity as well smoking prevention and cessation information service. T heNZ Stroke Foundation has recently established a service dedicated to preventing stroke in Pacific communities.
1. MPIA/Stats NZ Pacific Population Report 2010 2. MOH Tupu Ola Moui Pacific Health Chartbook 2012 3. MPIA/Stats NZ Pacific Report Health 2010 4. Pacific Perspectives Primary Care for Pacific People 2011 5. MSD Social Report 2010 6. AFair Go for All Children Childrens Commission 2008 7. Childrens Commission 2012. 8. TheNZ Mental Health Survey 2006 ( TeRau Hinengaro) 9. MOH The NZ Health Survey 10. MOH Ala Moui Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 20102014 11. Best Health Outcomes for Pacific Peoples: practice implications. Medical Council of NewZealand, 2010.
Specific health needs of Asian patients Ways to engage Asian migrant patients Working with interpreters Conclusions
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The Asian population is expected to grow to almost 16 percent of the national population by 2016.1 The increasingly diverse immigration to NewZealand caught momentum following the changes to legislation in 1987 and 1991 which removed a bias in favour of British and West Europeans who were considered preferred sources of migrant population. Themigrant population of Aotearoa NewZealand has increased significantly over recent years. Between 1997 and 2001 the Asian population increased by 140 percent (Statistics NewZealand, 2000), at that time accounting for 6 percent of the countrys population. According to the 2006 statistics, Asians make up the fourth largest major ethnic group after European, Mori and other ethnicity totalling 354,552 people (9.2 percent) in 2006.2 For discussion on the use of the term Asian please refer to the work by Rasanathan, Craig, and Perkins.3 The increase in the Asian population has resulted mainly from large migration gains. Chinese (46 percent) and Indian (29 percent) are the major contributors in the increasing trend of Asian population along with populations from other Asian communities (for example, Korean, Filipino, Japanese, SriLankan, Cambodian and Thai). Many of them born overseas (3040 percent) and some (15 percent) do not speak English. This growth will impact on the host population, particularly the health delivery system, because of its rapidity, and because of possible language and cultural barriers between clients and health services and health workers.
Rasanathan, Ameratunga and Tse provided a useful summary of the key health issues concerning the Asian NewZealand population.4 The pattern of low levels of health care service utilisation for example, primary health care and cancer screening, is seen across most areas for Asian people in NewZealand, particularly for Chinese NewZealanders. I nthe Youth2000 study, 15 percent of young Chinese NewZealanders reported accessing no health care at all which was over three times the rate reported by their European counterparts. Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) are playing a pivotal role in NewZealand health care system; every Asian must be advised to register themselves and their families with these organisations. Another key issue is cardiovascular disease and diabetes for South Asian people. Indian people show the highest rates of self reported diabetes of any ethnic group in NewZealand and they also show high levels of cardiovascular disease, similar to Mori. Levels of physical activity and mental health problems particularly in young people remain aconcern. Other cultural and social factors are also relevant to the health and wellbeing of Asian NewZealanders such as experiences of racism and difficulties in finding employment. Recent studies showed that the experience of racism by Asian NewZealanders is rather common.5 Mori reported the highest prevalence of ever experiencing any of the forms of racial discrimination (34 percent), followed by similar levels among Asian (28 percent). Racial discrimination included experience of ethnically motivated attack (physical or verbal), or unfair treatment because of ethnicity for example, by a health professional, in workplace or when seeking paid employment. Asian people in NewZealand are more likely than nonasian NewZealanders to have tertiary qualifications, but have higher levels of unemployment. Unemployment or under employment are often associated with negative health effects, particularly in terms of mental health. According to a local survey conducted by the Asian Public Health Project Team,6 Asian patients themselves have identified the following areas as their main health concerns. Mental health: depression and psychosomatic illness are frequently seen and have a complex interplay among social isolation (from migration), language barrier, underemployment or unemployment. Stigmatisation and taboo of psychiatric illness compound the problem further resulting in a reluctance by Asian patients and their families to seek early intervention or treatment. Other mental health issues identified in NewZealand include problem gambling and alcohol abuse. Furthermore, the NewZealand Mental Health Commissions Report on Asian mental health mentioned several specific concerns7: T hehigh mental health needs of women and refugees from smaller ethnic communities for example Vietnamese, Indonesian Mental health needs of older people Refugees because of premigration traumas and postmigration stressors in adapting to a new culture.
Refugee health: refugees enter NewZealand under three categories: Quota refugees recommended by UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees)700 yearly called mandated refugees Asylum seekers termed as Convention refugeesthose who conform to and satisfy the United Nations convention on refugees Family reunification. llin the above are health screened for immigration purposes. Primary health care plays A a significant role as individuals with refugee background have had very limited health care in their respective countries before fleeing to NewZealand. Conditions prevalent in their respective geographical zones include sickle cell anemia, malaria, Hepatitis B carrier state and gastrointestinal infections.8 With regard to services for refugee mental health, a mobile health team employed by Refugees As Survivors (RAS) is already functioning in Auckland and is of great help to individuals and families from refugee backgrounds. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: lifestyle changes from Westernisation of diet and the relative lack of physical activities. Sexual health: Asian women seem reluctant to use safe and reliable contraceptive methods; for example, some Chinese women believe that the pill will impair their fertility. Abortion is often seen as a de facto form of contraception as it is a common practice in many Asian countries. Such beliefs may have contributed to the steady rise of the abortion rate among Chinese women in the past decade. Another concern is the rapid rise of sexually transmitted illnesses such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis among Asian patients. Contributing factors include ease of international travel and unsafe sexual practices. Communicable diseases: tuberculosis and chronic hepatitis B infection are particularly common among Asian patients.
Introductions/ briefing
It is important if the interpreter can be briefed as to the problem .This will enhance the quality of the interpretation. Inan ideal situation, the doctor might like to find out some dos and donts of the particular Asian culture before the consultation for example, red colour is good luck in China, and bad luck in Korea. Number four is symbolic of death in both cultures.
Seating arrangements
Where possible, the doctor, patient and the interpreter should be seated in a triangle formation with the doctor and the patient sitting in direct and full view of each other. Thisenhances communication. T heinterpreter should be seated in between the doctor and the patient, slightly out of view from both. Thedoctor should look and talk directly to the patient instead of talking through the interpreter. Interpreters services are being made available to Asian migrants from nonenglish speaking background at a PHO level. Further enquires can be made at the local practices.
The cultural beliefs of peoples countries of origin still prevail in their initial settlement period, and have to be considered by health practitioners. Efforts must be made to get Asian patients integrated to the health systems in NewZealand and this will require ongoing education for both patients and doctors. Availability, accessibility and affordability are three important criteria in measuring how well Asian peoples health needs are met in NewZealand. Common diseases listed here need to be considered in the final diagnosis and treatment. Mental health is a challenging area because of the degree of stigma attached to such illness in many Asian cultures resulting in treatment delay and possibly worsening of prognosis. T hefollow up of patients should consider the life styles, financial situation, the roles family and community play and the barriers to successful resettlement. Health interpreters play a major role in addressing health needs, and careful use of these experts is critical in the management of these patients.
1. Statistics NewZealand 2010. National ethnic population projections: 2006 (base)2026 update. Retrieved July 30, 2012, from NationalEthnicPopulationProjections_HOTP2006-26/Commentary.aspx 2. Statistics NewZealand 2006. QuickStats About Culture and Identity 2006 Census. Retrieved November 23, 2007, from 3. Rasanathan K, Craig D, & Perkins R 2006. T henovel use of Asian as an ethnic category in the NewZealand health sector. Ethnicity and Health; 11: 21127 4. Rasanathan K, Ameratunga S, & TseS 2006. Asian health in NewZealand: progress and challenges. NewZealand Medical Journal, 119 (1244) (8 pages). Retrieved October 30, 2006, from 5. Harris R, Tobias M, Jeffreys M, Waldegrave K, Karlsen S, & Nazroo J 2006. Racismandhealth: Therelationship between experience of racial discrimination and health in NewZealand. Social Science and Medicine; 63(6): 14281441. 6. Asian Public Health Project Team 2003. Asian public health project report. Auckland. 7. H oE, AuS, Bedford C, & Cooper J 2002. Mental health issues for Asians in NewZealand: a literature review. Wellington: Mental Health Commission. 8. Ministry of Health 2001. Refugee health care a handbook for health professionals. Wellington. 9. T seS, Lloyd C, & McKenna K 2006. When clients are from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. InK. McKenna & L. Tooth (eds.). Client education: a practical guide for clinical therapists (pp. 307326). Sydney: UNSW Press. 10. YuECL 2001. Essential traditional Chinese medicine: Western scientific medicine perspective. Hong Kong Practitioner; 23: 2027. [Available from article/2001/01/20010105.pdf ]. 11. Chan I, Lloyd T, & Tong K 1999. Theuse of interpreters by South Auckland GPs. NewZealand Family Physician; 26: 5256. [Available from].
83 83 83
Every doctor must have the ability to employ a professional interpreter if caring for a Limited English Proficiency patient 84 Professional interpreter: telephone vs face to face Organisational systems required to care for LEP patients Assessing English fluency Working with an interpreter Communicating with deaf people Funding for interpreters Availability of professional interpreters Uptake of professional interpreters is poor Summary 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 87
Increasing numbers of NewZealand residents are born overseas since 1996 the percentage has increased from 17 percent to 22 percent or nearly one in four people living in NewZealand. Between 2006 and 2026 the Asian, Mori and Pacific populations are all projected to grow faster than the NewZealand population overall,1 and net migration will become an increasingly significant contributor to population growth.2 The proportion of people from non-English speaking backgrounds is also increasing; people of Chinese origin are now the second most common group of migrants after those of English origin, and Chinese and Samoan are the most widely spoken languages in NewZealand after English and Mori. NewZealands immigrant population is disproportionately concentrated in the Auckland region. In2006, over half (52 percent) of the overseas born population lived in Auckland, which was home to 32 percent of the countrys total population. ewZealand has three official languages, English, Maori and NewZealand Sign Language N (for which there are 24,000 users)3
Right to communication
Right 5 of the Health and Disability Commissioners Code of Rights, Effective Communication, includes a right to a competent interpreter.4 Without an interpreter many of the other Patient Rights are not available to a person with limited English proficiency(LEP).
Table 1
Linguistic problems Accuracy of interpreting, degree of English fluency Unfamiliarity with medical terms Incomplete interpretation Adding in advice or opinion of interpreter Ethical problems Confidentiality Difficulty with talking about sensitive matters Role conflict (e.g. abusing husband interpreting for abused wife) Disrupting family dynamics; in particular the use of young children as interpreters for their parents is unacceptable.
njudging the likelihood that a professional interpreter is needed, the following issues I should be considered: Complexity of anticipated clinical content Language ability of the patient Language ability of available ad hoc interpreter Degree of ethical risk: e.g. is the patient vulnerable with mental health issues? Isthe available ad hoc interpreter a child? does the available ad hoc interpreter have a position of power over the patient? Sensitivity of clinical content: e.g. gynaecology, family discord Legal need for informed consent Urgency of presentation: in emergency use the best available Wishes of the patient Ability to pay for an interpreter. tis useful to think of there being a continuum in degree of need to use a professional I interpreter. orexample looking at clinical complexity, at one end it is essential: e.g. explaining a new F diagnosis of cancer, gaining informed consent for a major procedure. Atthe other end a family member may be satisfactory: doing a repeat prescription for hay fever medication.
Every doctor must have the ability to employ a professional interpreter if caring for a Limited English Proficiency patient
If a patient has LEP then there will be times when care cannot be provided without a professional interpreter.
Table 2
Telephone interpreter Benefits Anonymity of interpreter Availability (for smaller language groups or at short notice) Cheaper Disadvantages/Risks Distancing effect of the phone Possible background noise Difficulty in gauging quality of interpreter Lack of continuity (more likely) Face to Face Interpreter Relative ease of communication including non verbal Easier if needing to consult with a family group Possible issues with confidentiality/ comfort the patient and interpreter are socially acquainted or part of a small ethnic community More costly
Skills required
Assessing English fluency
If the patient speaks no English it is easy to work out that you need an interpreter. Itis rarely helpful to ask someone if they speak English. Better is to ask open ended questions, or ask the patient to repeat back in their own words what they have understood you to have said. Even if someone has sufficient English for conversation at work they may still have insufficient for discussing complex health issues.
NewZealand has an increasingly diverse population with significant numbers of people who are not English proficient, particularly in the Auckland region. Itis not possible to provide good care for an LEP patient without an interpreter, and there are some situations where a professional interpreter is essential. Current use of interpreters in NewZealand is such that it is very likely that LEP patients are being exposed to increased clinical risk. Attention to the systems in which doctors work as well as the skills and knowledge of clinicians is needed to improve this problem.
1. Statistics NewZealand 2006. Quick Stats about culture and identity. In: Statistics NewZealand. Wellington: NZ Government;. 2. Ministry of Social Development 2010. T heSocial Report 2010. Available from: 3. Statistics NewZealand 2006. Quick stats about culture and identity (2006 Census Data): Languages Spoken. Available from: QuickStats/quickstats-about-a-subject/culture-and-identity/languages-spoken.aspx. 4. Health and Disability Commissioner 2009. T heCode of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights. [cited 2009 27/7/09]; available from: 5. Gray B, Hilder J, Donaldson H 2011. W hydo we not use trained interpreters for all patients with limited English proficiency? Isthere a place for using family members? Australian Journal of Primary Health; 17(3): 2409. 6. Gray B, Stanley J, Stubbe M, Hilder J 2011. Communication Difficulties with Limited English Proficiency patients clinician perceptions of clinical risk and patterns of use of interpreters. NZ Med J.; 124 (1342). 7. Phillips CB, Travaglia J 2011. Lowlevels of uptake of free interpreters by Australian doctors in private practice: secondary analysis of national data. Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association; 35(4): 4759. 8. Huang Y- TPhillips C 2009. Telephone interpreters in general practice: bridging the barriers to their use. Aust Fam Physician; 38(6): 4436. 9. Gray B, Hilder J, Stubbe M 2012. Howto use interpreters in general practice: the development of a NewZealand toolkit. Journal of Primary Health Care; 3: 18.
Whyhave an act? Howis mental disorder defined? Howdo I initiate civil commitment under the MentalHealthAct? Issues in civil commitment
90 91 92 93
Guardianship Order (Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988) 93 Criminal matters Disability Insanity Special patients What happens if you are asked to testify in court? 93 93 94 94 94
na typical day a general practitioner will assess and treat people presenting with I psychological symptoms and illness. They will present either with a clear psychiatric illness (e.g., Iam depressed doctor...) or with symptoms which need explanation, (e.g., Ihavent been able to sleep properly for ages). Upto 30 percent of patients present with such symptoms. heWorld Health Organisation estimates that over one in five persons will present with T mental disorder over their life time. Many presentations will be dealt with in a social context (e.g., counselling by a priest), never coming to medical notice. O fthose who do present to services, most will be assessed and treated by a general practitioner. Upto three percent will be referred, assessed and treated to/by secondary (or psychiatric) services. People with presumed mental illness and marked behavioural disturbance may need assessment and treatment under the Mental Health Act (Mental Health [Compulsory Assessment and Treatment] Act 1992). This chapter defines and discusses mental disorder and practical aspects of using the Act, including giving evidence in court.
Whyhave an act?
Mentally ill patients are vulnerable because of their impaired judgment and autonomy and because of their capacity to harm themselves, harm others or to be unable to ensure self care. TheMental Health Act ( TheAct) protects the mentally disordered person, ensures assessment and treatment and upholds their rights. Other associated protective legislation includes the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988
he threshold criteria mean that people can only be committed under the Act if their disorder T is so severe that it endangers themselves, others, or seriously impairs their ability for self care. Assessment of risk must encompass the following points: the nature and magnitude of the harm its imminence its frequency circumstances and conditions that increase the likelihood of harm balancing the alleged harm on one hand and the nature of societys intervention on theother. Section 4 exclusion criteria mean that compulsory assessment and treatment should only be applied to those with major mental disturbance, not to those who disagree with the state or those whom we dislike or disagree with.
Criminal matters
For those persons before the court for any matter, provision is made in law (Criminal Procedure [Mentally Impaired Persons] Act2003) in order to assess: fitness to stand trial mental status at the time of committal of the alleged crime (insanity defence) matters concerning sentencing and disposal.
Natural justice demands that a person understand what he/she is charged with, know the plea options and their consequences, understand the legal process and be able to work with a lawyer in order to defend him or herself.
This defence is defined in section 23 of the Crimes Act and concerns those who: when labouring under natural imbecility or disease of the mind to such an extent as to render him incapable (i) Ofunderstanding the nature and quality of the act or omission; or (ii) Ofknowing that the act or omission was morally wrong, having regard to the commonly accepted standards of right and wrong. heterm applies only to the period immediately surrounding the period of commission of T the crime. Contrary to popular belief only a few people per year are acquitted on the grounds of insanity. Forthis to occur the jury must hear all of the evidence, including the testimony of defence and crown psychiatrists and be satisfied on the grounds of the balance of probability that the defendant was not only mental ill at the time but either didnt know what he/she was doing, or didnt know that their action were morally wrong. Itmust be emphasised that the court makes the decision as to insanity with the assistance of the psychiatrist/medical practitioner.
Special patients
There are four categories of Special Patient: short term remandees remand and sentenced prisoners who require assessment and treatment in hospital those who are under disability those who juries assess as not guilty by reason of insanity. The statute governing their leaves, reviews and release to the community are rigorous and set down in the Act.
how your testimony will be used; and what procedure is required (e.g., will you need to supply a report?) fyour professional relationship with the patient may be compromised you are best to I request a subpoena. This makes your obligations (to the court and to the patient) clear. Youare also advised to discuss the issue with your medical protection insurer. Themedical witness is in court for two reasons: to assist the court to come to a sound decision to explain complex issues which are often outside the province of the ordinary person. Most doctors feel uncomfortable in court. I tis because the evidence needs to be tested and the court need to be sure of the facts on which it makes its decision. Forthese reasons it is important to: be clear why you are there as a witness. Request written instructions as to what role you have prepare carefully. Make sure you have your notes. B eable to define what words you use know that you dont have to take sides. Y ouare not on trial. N ordo you have to prove anything. You are there to assist the jury: be relaxed and nondefensive. Dont give your opinion beyond your expertise. Ifyou dont know, say so. Useplain words.
1. Brookbanks W, Chaplow D, Peters J 1996 (eds). Psychiatry and the Law: clinical and legal issues, Brookers, Wellington. 2. Bell S, Brookbanks W 1998. Mental Health Law in NewZealand. Brookers, Wellington. 3. Ministry of Health Website (
Informing and obtaining consent TheCode of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights 1996 When informed consent is not necessary Whocan give consent on behalf of another? Care of Children Act 2004 Ethical dilemmas Current legal authority consent decisions Disclosure of harm Principles
Patients sometimes raise the possibility of a treatment that the doctor does not agree with or does not know about. This is especially true of alternative therapies (see chapter 24). Inthese circumstances the doctor should advise the patient of the evidence base for the respective treatments as far as they know them, and give the patient clear reasons why they recommend one treatment over another. tis not necessary to have a signed consent form for every treatment; this would be I impractical, for example, for every prescription written in general practice. However, the more invasive the procedure, or the more risks it involves, the more prudent it is to have the patient sign a consent form. nthe absence of a signed consent form, you should include an annotation in the patient I record that the patient has consented to this treatment. Youshould do this in every case because it provides evidence that you engaged with the patient in an appropriate discussion. When an interpreter or other third party has been used to assist in obtaining the patients consent you should note this in the patient record. Other than in extreme emergencies it is a requirement of the World Health Organisation Patient Safety Checklist to ensure a written and signed consent form is completed prior to any operative procedure. T hechecklist is likely to be introduced into all NewZealand hospitals. fa treatment is part of research or is experimental, or the consumer will be under general I anaesthetic, or there is significant risk of adverse effects to the consumer, then the consent must be in writing. Doctors have a special duty of care when enrolling apparently healthy asymptomatic persons in screening programs. Particular attention must be paid to explaining the uncertainties and limitations of the screening and implications of false positive and false negative findings for their patient. This must be explained prior to obtaining consent. Where medical trainees are involved in the treatment or care of a patient the patient should be informed about the extent of the involvement of the trainee and the trainees experience. Consent should be obtained from the patient if the care or treatment is part of the trainees education. There are rare occasions when a doctor does not wish to discuss a particular treatment with a patient because that treatment conflicts with the values or beliefs of the doctor. Anexample of this might be termination of pregnancy. Inthis case the doctor must inform the patient of this conflict and refer the patient forthwith to a doctor who can discuss all the currently recommended and accepted treatment options. When a proposed treatment is expensive or in any way innovative, particular care should be taken to ensure that the patient is aware of this. nsummary, there must be a discussion with your patient about the proposed treatment, I during which the patient must be given the opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding, and you, (and not a delegated representative) should disclose and discuss with your patient: Thediagnosis as far as it is known Thenature and purpose of the proposed treatment or procedure Therisks and benefits of the proposed treatment or procedure
Alternatives to this treatment or procedure (regardless of their cost or availability in the NewZealand public health system) Therisks and benefits of the alternative treatment or procedure as far as you know them; and Therisks and benefits of not receiving or undergoing a treatment or procedure. Thepatient has the right to: Consider the information given Askfor clarification and ask for time to consider the information Consult with family and others Give consent or decline to give consent Waive the right to discuss the details of treatment After having given consent, change his or her mind and withdraw the consent. hestandard for informed consent is that which a reasonable patient might expect rather T than what a reasonable doctor might think (Rogers v Whitaker 1992), and failure to fulfil requirements may be considered as professional misconduct. Alldoctors must be familiar, and comply with, the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights.
Ethical dilemmas
Doctors need to be aware of decisions made by the Courts. Decisions are made on a case by case basis and are circumstance dependent. While a particular medical act may be considered ethical in one situation in another situation a similar act can be unethical and illegal. otall the issues surrounding consent for the treatment of children have been settled and N doctors will still face dilemmas. N ewZealand has had three high profile cases since 2000 when parents withheld consent for medical treatment for their children under circumstances that resulted in all three children dying of their diseases. Theway the police and the courts treated these cases was inconsistent and in the first of these cases, the lack of a police prosecution followed intense nationwide public support for the parents decision to decline to accept conventional medical treatment. Inthe other two cases the parents were prosecuted. Thecourts imposed a suspended sentence on the parents in the second case, and sentenced the parents in the third case to 5 years in prison. I twould appear, for the time being at least, that the ability to persuade the court will be the most significant factor in determining outcomes. Doctors should regard court orders against parents as an absolute last resort, and all other means to persuade parents should be exhausted first. Professor Don Evans, director of Otago Universitys Bioethics Centre has stated There is a huge price to be paid for that last step. Itpretty well destroys any collaboration for the future between parents and health carers. Ifyou are likely to find yourself in conflict with a childs guardian about the treatment of serious life threatening conditions, you should read this legislation and seek advice from your medical protection insurer, lawyers, or employers. There are situations where doctors and caregivers may jointly seek a court order for consent, for example to terminate treatment to allow a patient to die peacefully, or sterilisation of a patient who is unable to consent but for whom the family and other carers, supported by medical opinion, request the operation to enhance the quality of life or to prevent deterioration in physical or mental health.
1. Health and Disability Commissioner, 1996. Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights. 2. Care of Children Act 2004. 3. Campbell J 2004. NZ Doctor; April. 4. Medical Council of NewZealand, 2011. Information, choice of treatment and informedconsent. 5. Informed Consent Policy Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (reviewed 2008). 6. NewZealand Government Legislation website. 7. Informed consent. American Medical Association AMA (legal issues).
Disclosure of harm
Ian StGeorge is a Wellington general practitioner and has been an elected member of the Medical Council, Chair of its Education Committee, and Chair of the International Physician Assessment Coalition (IPAC). Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. Itis the dosage that makes it either a poison or a remedy Paracelsus. Disclosure of harm is a subset of informed consent, so is dealt with here. W eknow now that Hippocrates First do no harm is not going to work all the time. Nearly all treatments carry the potential for harm, and all of us will do harm, so an honest doctor should talk openly about it before (informed consent) and after (open disclosure). Open disclosure is the discussion of incidents that result in harm from health care. Theelements of open disclosure are: an apology or expression of regret a factual explanation of what happened an opportunity for the patient to relate their experience of the incident a discussion of the potential consequences of the adverse event an explanation of the steps being taken to manage the incident and prevent recurrence. nNewZealand open disclosure is a right under the Code of Health and Disability Services I Consumers Rights and is a requirement of the Health and Disability Service Standards.
The patient and their support people should be told about adverse events in a timely, open and honest manner. Further information should be provided as it emerges. There should be an early apology or expression of regret for any harm that results from an adverse event. Anapology or expression of regret should include the words Iam sorry or we are sorry, but should not contain speculative statements, admission of liability or apportioning of blame. Thepatient and their support people should be fully informed of the facts surrounding an adverse event and its consequence, treated with empathy, respect and consideration and supported appropriately. Staff should be encouraged to report adverse events, educated to participate in open disclosure and supported through the process. Astaff member must not become a second victim. Investigation of adverse events and harm should be conducted through good clinical governance covering risk management and systems improvement. Theinformation obtained should be used in quality improvement. Procedures should consider privacy and confidentiality for patients, support people and clinicians, fully, and in compliance with privacy law.
8. Medical Council of NewZealand 2010. Disclosure of harm following an adverse event. Wellington. 9. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2012. Australian Open Disclosure Framework Consultation Draft. Sydney.
Introduction Assessment of capacity Donot resuscitate (DNR often now DNAPR) orders Advanced directives or living wills Terminating life sustaining treatments or instituting palliative care Euthanasia Conclusions
As the population ages end of life issues are becoming more frequent. Asa doctor, you play an important role in assisting patients, families and the community in dealing with the reality of death. Incaring for patients at the end of life, you share with others the responsibility to take care that the patient dies with dignity, in comfort and with as little suffering as possible. oushould take care to communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and their Y families so that they have a clear understanding of what can and cannot be achieved. Youshould offer advice on other treatment or palliative care options that may be available to them. Youshould ensure that support is provided to patients and their families, particularly when the outcome is likely to be distressing to them. wovital ingredients of end of life care are the assessment of capacity (competence) and T communication. When difficulties do arise in end of life care it is often due to inadequate communication so it is important to spend time with the patient and family and document contacts fully and accurately in the patients notes. Fora person with a speech impairment, dysphasia after stroke for example, the assistance of a Speech Language Therapist (SLT) may be invaluable in determining a patients wishes or capacity. Great care must be exercised in recognising and respecting different cultural beliefs. These may influence decisions about treatment, who is consulted and arrangements for handling the body after death.
Assessment of capacity
Many decisions in end of life care depend on whether the patient has capacity for decision making, also referred to as competence. Competence is always presumed present until proven otherwise. Courts quite rightly take the stance that an individuals liberty is their most important possession and they should only be deprived of it for compelling reasons. Doctors should feel confident about assessing the capacity of their patients, but it is wise to seek a second opinion if there is doubt or if the matter is likely to be contentious. T hebasic guidelines are: Competence is always assessed regarding a particular question, and tests of competence will vary according to the issue at hand Competence can change Itis assessed on a balance of probabilities Itis a medical duty to enhance competence. naddition to testing cognition by a tool such as the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) I there are three competence subskills to be considered. They are communication, insight and judgment.
Canthe person perceive what I am telling them clearly enough? Canthe person let me know what they are thinking clearly enough?
Canthe person comprehend what I am telling them about the issue at hand? Canthe person believe the facts about the situation at hand? C anthe person understand the consequences of the choices open to them regarding the situation at hand?
C anthe person retain the necessary information and maintain attention enough to form a judgment based on all the relevant data? Hasthe person made a decision about the issue at hand? C anthe person outline a process of reasoning for their decision which takes into account the likely outcomes? There are three major pitfalls in competency assessment. These are: Serving team/family goals rather than the persons goals wrongly interfering with a persons sovereign right to competently make a bad decision about themselves Mistaking competence now for competence forever; basing a decision on the current picture situation rather than the wider picture Hurrying. ttherefore follows that if a person is deemed to have capacity (competence) they are entitled I to make autonomous decisions even if others consider them ill advised. T heexception to this is if the health and safety of others is endangered. fthe person is judged to have lost capacity, i.e. is not competent, and has an enduring I power of attorney (EPOA), this can be activated with a doctors letter which should outline the reasons why capacity is deemed to be lost and the likelihood that it might be regained. AnEPOA has two parts; personal care and welfare, and property and finance. Some people nominate a different person for each part. fa person without capacity does not have an EPOA application must be made to the Court I for a guardian under the Protection of Personal Property and Rights Act (PPP&R) 1988. This can take time so it is a good idea for doctors to encourage their patients, particularly older ones, to obtain an EPOA. Seealso: Section on legal guardianship in chapter 9 Thepsychiatric patient and the law.
Strictly speaking the term euthanasia means a good death, however like many words in the English language the meaning of the word has changed with time. Theword is also heavily emotionally charged. Ascommonly used euthanasia is understood to mean active euthanasia which is defined as intentionally administering medications or other interventions to cause a patients death (Emanuel 1994). Active euthanasia can be further divided into voluntary (at the patients request), non voluntary (when the patient is incompetent and mentally incapable of requesting it) and involuntary (where the patient is competent but without the patients explicit request). Regardless of ones personal views it is difficult to imagine a situation where involuntary active euthanasia, in particular, or nonvoluntary active euthanasia could be morally justified. Physician assisted suicide is defined as a physician providing medications or other interventions to a patient with the understanding that the patient intends to use them to commit suicide (Emanuel 1994).
hePalliative Care Australia position statement on Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide T provides the following relevant statements: Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide are not part of palliative care practice Every Australian at the end of life should have timely and equitable access to quality, needs based and evidence based care Dying is a natural part of life, and declining or withdrawing aspects of treatment is acceptable if it aligns with the informed wishes of the patient. This does not constitute euthanasia or physician assisted suicide. These statements reflect what is accepted practice in NewZealand. oumust not participate in the deliberate killing of a patient by active means. Euthanasia is Y illegal, and an offence under the Crimes Act.
Dealing with end of life situations can be challenging for the doctor but can also be very rewarding. Clear communication is paramount so that patients and their advocates understand their condition and the implications of treatment or nontreatment. Assessment of capacity or competence is central to decision making. Good documentation of discussions and decisions is essential. Some form of counselling or debriefing for family or team members after death is usually beneficial. Active killing of a patient is both unethical and criminal.
1. Darzins P, Molloy DW and Strang D. Whocan decide? T hesix step capacity assessment process. 2. Emanuel E 1994. Euthanasia: historical, ethical and empiric perspectives. Arch Intern Med; 154: 18901901. 3. Logan R and McKenzie L 2002. Reducing the uncertainties of withdrawing or withholding treatment. NZ Med J; 115: 8183. 4. Palliative Care Australia position statement on euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.
Overview Accident claims to ACC Personal injury Mental Injury Definition of accident Hearing loss Complex claims Sensitive claims Work related mental injury Treatment injuries Work related gradual process (WRGP) claims Lodging a claim with ACC Entitlements Criminal injuries and self inflicted injuries Time off work work incapacity certificates Obligations of treatment providers Resources and where to go for more information
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The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) has provided comprehensive, no fault cover for people injured from accidental causes since 1974. Levies from workers, employers, vehicle registrations and taxpayers are applied to facilitate the recovery of those injured and to fund the future needs of those injured long term. The scheme applies to all NewZealand residents and temporary visitors to NewZealand. NewZealanders who are ordinarily resident may also be covered if they are injured while overseas. ACC, a crown entity, administers the scheme according to the Accident Compensation Act 2001 (the Act). heright to take legal action for personal injury covered by ACC is removed other than for T exemplary damages. Once a claim is approved by ACC the injured person may have access to a range of entitlements from treatment and rehabilitation aids, to weekly compensation and lump sum compensation, depending on the persons injury and circumstances. T heinformation that follows relates to current legislation and new claims. Changes to legislation since 1974 mean that the criteria for continuing cover and entitlements on existing claims may vary from that available on new claims.
Personal injury
Accident cover is available for personal injury that is caused by: an accident a work related gradual process, disease or infection (WRGPDI) treatment provided by or at the direction of a registered health professional (treatmentinjury). Personal injury is defined in the Act as: death physical injury damage to dentures or prostheses that replace a part of the human body. With limited exceptions wear and tear is not covered by ACC. O neexample where cover may be available is a work related gradual process.
Mental Injury
Cover is also available for mental injuries that result from: a physical injury sexual abuse or assault (sensitive claims) first hand experience of sudden traumatic events in the workplace (WRMI). mental injury is a clinically significant behavioral, cognitive or psychological dysfunction. A Itdoes not include emotional effects such as hurt feelings, stress or loss of enjoyment. Whena mental injury is caused by a physical injury, the claim will usually be lodged by a doctor or nurse practitioner. However, the disorder must be diagnosed by a registered psychiatrist or psychologist.
Definition of accident
The definition of an accident is important if claims are to be lodged appropriately. Thosedefinitions include a specific event (or series of events) that: involves the application of a force (including gravity) or resistance external to the human body, or involves the sudden movement of the body to avoid such a force or resistance external to the human body is not a gradual process involves inhalation or oral ingestion of any solid, liquid, gas, or foreign object on a specific occasion, except for inhalation or ingestion of a virus, bacterium, or protozoan, unless it is as a result of criminal conduct by another person
involves a burn or exposure to radiation on a specific occasion (other than exposure to theelements) involves the absorption through the skin of any chemical for a period of not more than onemonth involves exposure to the elements or to extreme temperatures for a defined period (not exceeding one month),where the exposure results in death or an inability for more than one month to perform an activity in a normal manner. Specifically excluded by legislation as neither accidents (unless work related) nor personal injuries are: any ectoparasitic infestation contraction of a disease through an arthropod as the active vector cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events conditions caused wholly or substantially by the ageing process.
Hearing loss
Cover for hearing loss may be available where it is: a personal injury caused by accident the result of a work related gradual process, disease or infection (WRGPDI) a treatment injury. orhearing loss claims lodged after 1 July 2010 the person must have suffered at least a 6 F percent hearing loss from accidental causes for the claim to be approved. E ar,nose and throat specialists are engaged by ACC to assess claims including the apportionment of accidental and nonaccidental causes for the loss of hearing.
Complex claims
AC legislation describes some claims for cover as complicated. Generally these claims require additional information before ACC can make a cover decision, and ACC may take more time to assess the claim. These claims are for: mental injuries caused by certain criminal acts (sensitive claims) personal injuries caused by work related gradual process, disease or infection (WRGPDI) personal injuries caused by treatment (before 1 July 2005 this was called medicalmisadventure) claims that are lodged more than 12 months after the date the personal injury occurred work related mental injuries as a result of witnessing a traumatic event while working.
When assessing complicated claims ACC may contact treatment providers seeking additional information. This is done with the consent of the patient. Byresponding in a timely fashion and providing all relevant information the patients claim can be processed quickly including arranging any expert assessments that are required.
Sensitive claims
Sensitive claims are mental injuries caused by sexual assault or sexual abuse. T heevents which amount to sexual abuse/assault are included in a list of crimes contained in Schedule 3 of the Act. Claims approved as sensitive claims have entitlement to the full range of ACC services, although the main treatment offered is counselling or psychotherapy for the mental injury suffered as a consequence of the criminal activity. Sensitive claims are managed by ACCs Sensitive Claims Unit in a confidential process. When a mental injury is caused by sexual assault or abuse, the person can lodge their claim through either a doctor, nurse practitioner or an ACC registered counsellor. Once ACC receives the claim a case manager will contact the client to facilitate the collection of relevant information or to arrange for any ACC funded assessments that may be required. Anyinformation collected is treated as highly confidential and is only seen by the Sensitive Claims Unit staff or the expert independent assessor. Further information and guidance can be obtained from the Sensitive Claims Unit on 0800735566.
Treatment injuries
A treatment injury is a physical injury caused as a result of treatment from a registered health professional but some exclusions apply. There is no requirement to find fault, although in some cases the cause of the injury will be treatment that is inappropriate in the circumstances. Both the underlying disease and other pre-existing diseases are not covered, although a significant worsening of disease might attract cover. Also excluded are: a necessary part, or the ordinary consequences of treatment (for example hair loss following chemotherapy or radiotherapy burns would be unlikely to be covered) injury caused solely by decisions about allocating health resources injury caused because a patient unreasonably delayed or refused to give consent for treatment.
hefact that treatment did not achieve the desired result does not in itself constitute a T treatment injury. Examples of treatment injuries could range from a wound infection to operating on the wrong limb. ACC must report to the Director General of Health and may report to the Medical Council when the investigation of the claim leads to a conclusion there is a risk of harm to the public. Allclaims, approved and declined are reviewed for reporting of harm.
Remember to record the Read codes for the patients injury on the ACC45. Where there are multiple injuries record the Read code for each injury. F ormanual forms ACC has produced a quick reference guide to the most commonly used codes. Electronic practice management systems will automatically help you assign the correct Read code. heACC45 also acts as a sick note for the client and this part should be filled in as accurately T as possible. Only a registered doctor or a nurse practitioner can certify work incapacity. Each ACC45 has a unique number which is then assigned to that injury. hecompleted ACC45 should be posted in the reply paid FastPost envelopes or electronically T lodged as soon as possible. Treatment injury, work related gradual process and sensitive claims each have specific processes. Information on these is available from the ACC website.
Patients who suffer injuries that are covered by the Act may be entitled to a number of financial, treatment and rehabilitation benefits depending on their injury and circumstances. Types of assistance include: rehabilitation treatment (including pharmaceuticals, imaging, elective surgery, public health acute services), home based care, transport, equipment, consumables and other services aimed at restoring the client to maximum health and independence compensation for lost earnings clients may be eligible for weekly compensation forearnings lost as a result of their injury death benefits such as funeral grants and payments to dependants an independence allowance for injuries that occurred before 1 April 2002 lump sum compensation for injuries that happened on or after 1 April 2002.
Purpose and content of the record Legal and ethical obligations Electronic records Therules of the Health Information Privacy Code Health research Other requested disclosures Certain protected disclosures Transfer of patient records to another doctor
Dr Ds documentation in relation to the consultation on 21 June was inadequate and, accordingly, he breached Right 4(2) of the Code. Health and Disability Commissioners Decision 10HDC00753.
Consider the difference between a record on one day which says Repeat meds Metoprolol 47.5 daily 3/12 and one which says Repeat meds, well, 130/80, pulse reg 64/min, Metoprolol 47.5mg daily 3/12, buying Cartia. Although not a lot longer, the second form shows considerably more of the process the doctor is going through and records important findings for monitoring the patients health and the results of the doctors interventions. Sometimes, on reviewing an earlier record entry, a doctor may feel that it is inaccurate, incomplete or potentially misleading. Itis appropriate to augment a record in such cases, making it clear when and by whom the augmentation or annotation was added. T heearlier entry should never be deleted, obliterated or changed, if only because such amendments might later raise suspicion of covering up an error in treatment or diagnosis. With modern computer systems in both primary and secondary care, test results such as bloods and imaging are an important part of the clinical record. Although the principles of management of tests will be discussed in chapter 14, it is useful to think of such results as part of the record.
Electronic records
The obligations around medical records exist regardless of the form in which they are kept. Medical records are very often made and held in electronic form, and existing paper records converted to electronic media. T othe extent that an electronic record captures everything which was in the original paper version, there is no need to retain that original. However, if scanned copies of images would miss detail of potential significance, the original films should not be destroyed inside of the normal minimum retention period.
Health research
Most health research in NewZealand has to be approved by an official ethics committee, which will inquire into any privacy issues apparent in the scope and conduct of the proposed programme and may set limits in those areas. Health information can then be used in, and disclosed for, a research programme which has received ethics committee approval, but even so any disclosure for the purpose of such a research programme can only go ahead in the absence of the individuals authorisation if it is not practicable or not desirable to obtain that authorisation.
It should be noted that there is no prohibition on the use or disclosure of statistical information which is not identifiably about any individual. Where information about an identifiable individual is to be disclosed for use in statistical surveys, but nothing will be published in a form that could be expected to identify the individuals covered, this can proceed without the individuals authorisation if it is not desirable or practicable to obtain that authorisation.
TheCommissioners view TheRoyal NewZealand College of General Practitioners resource Other views Issues Conclusion
The management of clinical investigations is a contentious issue in NewZealand practice. There is no clear agreement on the level of responsibility that should be held by doctors, patients, and those conducting the investigations. However, the failure to manage test results appropriately has the potential to cause harm and there are a number of basic principles that may assist you in protecting your patients.
TheCommissioners view
In a paper in NewZealand Doctor the previous Health and Disability Commissioner expressed his view about the key principles that should apply when managing clinical investigations: 1. Atthe time any test is proposed, patients have a right to be told by their doctor why the test is recommended and when and how they will be informed of the results. 2. Ifa doctor or medical centre has a standard practice of not notifying normal test results, patients must be informed and their consent obtained to not notifying in such circumstances. 3. Itmust be made clear to patients that they are entitled to be notified of all test results, and, even if they agree to be notified only of abnormal test results, they are welcome to call the medical centre and check whether their results have been received and what they are. 4. Inthe absence of any other such arrangement being made, when results are received by a medical centre, the patient must be informed. This is especially important if the results raise a clinical concern and need follow up. 5. Adoctor is responsible for having an efficient system for identifying and following up overdue test results. review of other cases has identified a number of principles which the Commissioner A applied when assessing complaints: 1. Doctors responsible for reporting test results to the patient should have a system to audit and manage patient test results. This system should not rely on the patient taking the first step in the notification process. However, patients should be able to enquire about their results as a backup to the notification system. 2. Patients should be appropriately informed of the system for notification of test and procedure results, and arranging follow up. 3. Where significant pathology is suspected, doctors should ensure that the notification system tracks the request or referral and the outcome, and manages this in an appropriate and timely manner. 4. Aclear policy should be developed to ensure that staff and colleagues are aware of the system. This policy should cover the role of the test initiator, notifications, locums and follow up.
Case 1: TheDistrict Court looked at a case involving a patient who presented to a hospital emergency department. T hefirst doctor to assess this patient ordered tests, but neglected to inform a colleague of this before going off duty. T hecourt made a finding of medical error, relying heavily on the advice of an expert adviser who stated, Itis the responsibility of the doctor ordering tests to review, interpret and act on results. When test results are ordered but the doctor goes off duty before the results are known it is that doctors responsibility to alert the incoming doctor that there are test results outstanding. Policies vary from one hospital to another on how abnormal laboratory or radiology results are alerted to treating clinician or team. Case 2: Awoman had a slightly painful breast mass that could not be aspirated. S hehad a history of fibrocystic disease and recurrent breast mass. H ergeneral practitioner was suspicious of other pathology and referred her to a hospital radiology department for mammography and ultrasound. Sheattended the hospital and was told that her general practitioner would inform her of the test results. Thegeneral practice had a policy that patients would be contacted if their results were abnormal, but patients should also contact the practice if they did not hear about their result. Thewoman was not made aware of this policy. T hepractice did not receive the report. Thewoman phoned the practice nine weeks after the mammogram. T hepractice nurse contacted the radiology department and requested the report, but the results were not forwarded and the practice nurse did not follow this up. O nemonth after the first call, the woman rang the practice again. T hepractice nurse was able to access the results that same day. T heCommissioner found that general practitioners should not be responsible for system failures outside their control, but he also found that tests ordered when a doctor has a reason to suspect a cancer diagnosis do require proactive follow up. T hegeneral practitioner was found in breach of Right 4(4) of the Code of Rights, which states that patients must be provided with services in a manner which minimises potential harm to, and optimises the quality of life of, that patient. heprevious Commissioner also made his view clear about the patients responsibilities. T Hestated clearly, general practitioners are subject to resource constraints (time and money), labs must have efficient systems, and patients have some responsibility for their own health care. Butpatients who have tests taken should surely be able to look to their primary care provider to follow up results in appropriate cases. Thedevil, of course, is in the detail.
Other views
At a meeting with the different branch advisory bodies (BABs), the Medical Council asked whether guidance on the subject of managing patient test results was needed for the entire profession (and not just general practitioners). Comments in response to this suggestion included that: 1. Astatement should not be developed for doctors, but instead the Council should look at how it can help patients to take responsibility for their own health. 2. Good computer systems and software may be the best way to improve outcomes. 3. Care should be taken not to put too great a burden on doctors and systems that are already overburdened. 4. Provisional and final imaging reports need to be married and differences flagged. 5. Inhospitals it is often difficult to identify who ordered a test. Doctors should always use a stamp with their name and Medical Council number on it. 6. Laboratories should notify high priority results by telephone, as well as by post. 7. Test results might be copied to the patient as a matter of course.
Case 3: Asemiurgent radiology referral for barium enema was made for a patient, but no appointment was received seven months after the referral despite the fact the hospital had received the referral. Thegeneral practitioner was not aware of this waiting time. Case 4: After a seizure a patient had had a CT head scan one week before seeing a general practitioner. Thedoctor asked that the results be sent to him. Eight days later he had not received the results and the patient had another seizure. T hedoctor phoned to find the specialist was on holiday with the results on his desk indicating a brain abscess. Case 5: TheCommissioner considered a case where errors resulted in a woman not receiving the cervical screening programmes recommended follow up. T heprogramme followed normal recall procedures but the woman did not receive the recall letters as she had moved. H efound the general practitioner alone in breach for failure to ensure the patient had a repeat smear. scan be seen in the comments made at the BAB meeting, many consider the responsibility A and right to follow up test results should remain with the patient. There is a view that practitioners should advise all patients of their right to seek confirmation of test results and how these requests are managed in their practice. This view states that doctors should then be responsible for following up the results only when the patient goes for the ordered test; the results are received by the practice or department; and failures are within their control. further problem is that current computer systems for tracking test results may not suffice. A Acomputer system should be able to track individual tests for the results, including when several tests are ordered from one sample, or when the patient did not have the test. I tshould track tests based on a criterion such as a suspicion of cancer; and it should include a follow up function which alerts the doctor when either the patient does not attend a test (or delays attending) or when the results have not been received in a timely manner. naddition, even good systems can fail: an example of this occurred in three weeks during I August and September 200l when some general practitioners did not receive electronic results of Xray examinations. This anomaly was discovered only from a patient call to one such practice. Clinicians should not be blamed for system failures beyond their control. Practising doctors have signalled a number of other concerns about the principles outlined by the former Commissioner, and the cases on which the principles are based. They include: 1. Infantilisation of patients by doctors who assume a paternalistic relationship 2. Vicarious liability for employees actions 3. Theresponsibility of general practitioners who are employees, especially when the practice is owned and governed by other than general practitioners and the doctors have little control over the systems they are required to use 4. Thecost of developing systems to minimise error 5. Theterm suspicion of serious pathology is open to wide interpretation 6. Theongoing fragmentation of health providers and services poses challenges to the provision of continuous care
7. There is some debate about when a referral for a specialist procedure should regarded as a request for clinical investigation. Forexample, should a referral for colonoscopy be included in that definition? 8. What are a general practitioners responsibilities when results are copied to them from an accident & medical clinic?
There is a gap between what frontline doctors think is practical and reasonable and what the previous Commissioner, as consumer advocate, believed is proper. T hedebate has so far largely involved general practice, but all clinical disciplines should consider their position. Nonetheless, despite these debates there are some common principles which most parties can agree on and which you should consider following to ensure patient health and safety. 1. Ifyou request a clinical investigation, you should tell your patient why the clinical investigation is recommended and when and how they will learn the results. 2. Allthe relevant parties should understand their responsibilities clearly. 3. Ifyou are responsible for conducting a clinical investigation you are also responsible for ensuring that the results are appropriately communicated to those in charge of conducting follow up and keeping the patient informed. 4. Ifyou are responsible for informing the patient, you should : Inform the patient of the system for learning test and procedure results, and arranging follow up. Ensure that staff and colleagues are aware of this system. Inform patients if your standard practice is not to notify normal results and obtain their consent to not notifying. I fother arrangements have not been made, inform the patient when results are received. This is especially important if the results raise a clinical concern and need follow up. 5. Identifying and following up overdue results is an essential, but difficult, office management task. Your system should ensure that test results are tracked successfully. Such a system might be a paper file or computer database that identifies: high risk patients critical clinical investigations ordered dates of reports expected date of expected or booked follow up patient visits. 6. Thepatients medical chart itself might be flagged in some way to aid this tracking process.
7. Itcan sometimes be difficult to contact a patient by telephone, and sometimes they do not attend planned follow up appointments.: T henumber and intensity of efforts to reach the patient by telephone should be proportional to the severity and urgency of the medical problem. Allattempts to contact the patient should be documented. I fthe patient fails to attend an appointment, or you have been unable to speak to them directly about test results which raise a clinical concern, then send a letter to the patient advising them of the action they should take. 8. Ifyou order investigations it is your responsibility to review, interpret and act on the results. Ifyou go off duty before the results are known, you should alert the incoming doctor that there are results outstanding. Further, you should check the results when you are next on duty.
NZs health information technology (IT) plan Emailing patients Prescribing for NewZealand based patients Video consultations Practising virtual medicine Information from the Internet Continuing professional development Integration of the internet into day to day practice
Emailing patients
The use of email as a means of communicating with patients significantly increases the problems of confidentiality, privacy, and data security. Howdo you determine that the person asking the question is actually the patient named on the email and not some other member of the household who has access to the family computer? What can you do to be assured that any results sent by email will be read by the patient only? and is this information so sensitive it is inappropriate to send it by email? Some subjects and test results are more confidential and sensitive than others, so before deciding to use email routinely as a communication tool with patients, it is worth identifying in advance what data you are comfortable sending to patients and what data or subjects you would only discuss with a patient as part of a consultation. Youcan then discuss your internet information release policy with your patient before seeking their consent to send data to them by email. Youcan also use this opportunity to discuss with them your schedule of charges for responding to questions or requests for comment via email.
swith all other forms of communication with patients, email communication must comply A with the Code of the Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights.
Video consultations
Video consulting is now quite widely practised. I tcan be two way (doctor and patient), or three way (general practitioner, other specialist and patient). Australian and Canadian papers cover the latter;3, 4, 5 there are few commentaries on the former, but the issues are somewhat similar. headvantages seem obvious: for the patient less travel, better access to health services, T improved timeliness of care, less need to take time off work, less need to make family or day care arrangements, less time away from home and all of these perhaps greater in rural communities. Forthe specialist, the possibility of providing specialist services in rural communities, more frequent clinics, less travel to rural clinics, provision of a new method of communication with rural medical staff and the opportunity to upskill them in different specialties. There are advantages for the health system too. Video consulting helps to enable fair and equitable access to care and that may apply particularly to rural, Mori and Pacific patients. Itmay actually improve the quality of care. Because it is efficient it may support the sustainability of the NewZealand health care system, reduce the cost of care and make better use of the contemporary specialist workforce.
There are, of course, ethical issues, though perhaps strangely teleconsulting is not mentioned in the NZMA Code (Chapter 22). Standards are covered in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners papers referred to above. T heMedical Council statement dated 2006 (Statement on use of the internet and electronic communication) has recently been updated but is being challenged in the courts. eare thus left to seek our own balance between profit and professionalism, between W altruism and entrepreneurialism, and must, as always, consider what we are doing in terms of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy and distributive justice. Consider this... 1. Lowering barriers to care is good for the patient and good for the doctor. 2. Inabout a third of general practice consultations no physical examination is necessary. 3. NewZealanders are highly computer literate, and that includes older people. 4. Nearly all laptops have a camera. Current advice is that doctors should only prescribe for patients under their care, when they have previously seen or examined the patient and the doctor is confident that a physical examination would not add critical information about the management of the patient. Skype is not secure, but good secure systems are now available to connect patient and doctor in video consultation (eg, Anywhere, Anytime). W ecan look forward to a kind of practice where, for (say) an hour or two a day, patients have the choice to consult online by secure video, from the comfort and privacy of our home computer rooms or workplaces, both of us tapping into the clinical record. oeWhite makes an online follow up hypertension appointment, and tells the doctor his home J recordings. Helooks healthy and happy. Routine enquiry elicits no problems. I tis time to recheck his bloods so the doctor sends him a form electronically, as well as his prescription and instructions that next time will be his annual face to face check. Brian Pink comes online and tells the doctor he has a mole that has changed colour, and moves so that the lesion on his shoulder is in front of the camera: the doctor is not reassured by its appearance (actually she rarely is, and certainly never online), and asks him to come in for a closer look; the treatment room will be ready for possible excision biopsy. Jack Black manoeuvres his red hot swollen 1st MTPJ in front of his laptop camera; it is his 3rd attack of gout in 5 years, triggered by a dietary indiscretion on a familial hyperuricemia; the doctor introduces the idea of allopurinol and they discuss the pros and cons, but he opts for the short sharp course of naproxen that has promptly settled it in the past, understanding it may not be his last. None of these has phoned for an appointment, taken a taxi to the surgery, or two hours off work, or negotiated their way past a protective receptionist, or sat inadvertently in a small puddle of vomit or picked up influenza in the waiting room. There is nothing second rate or unsafe about the care they receive. I tis also cheap green care: the doctor does not need a high rent well equipped consulting room for these meetings, so the room at the practice is, for the time, free for another doctor to do face to face work.
While authorities have taken a conservative position on NewZealand based doctors undertaking virtual medicine activities for patients located overseas, the Medical Council in January 2010 introduced a teleradiology special purpose scope of practice designed to allow suitably qualified radiologists located overseas to provide services to NewZealand based health providers.6 This newly introduced scope of practice limits access to radiologists whose qualifications and registration are recognised by the Council and who are employed by a fully credentialled health care provider in NewZealand. Oversight of the teleradiology practitioner by the clinical director of the employing organisation is a prerequisite for inclusion in this scope of practice; as is the creation of a complaints resolution process in the providers organisation that will report complaints to the relevant authorities in both countries and will allow these authorities to investigate a complaint. Thecontrols placed around this scheme which is designed to allow NewZealand health care providers to gain access to diagnostic radiology skills located overseas give an indication of the range of protective and oversight systems that need to be in place to protect the safety of patients in NewZealand. Itis an act of hubris if NewZealand based doctors involved in practising virtual medicine in other scopes of practice think that patients in other locations do not deserve the same degree of protection.
heHealth on the Net Foundation (HON) has developed a Code of Conduct and has T developed databases of health information resources that have been assessed as meeting the requirements of their Code. Doctors intending to publish information on the internet should follow the HON Code of conduct when writing and publishing. swith any form of medical literature review, when searching the internet it is best to stick A to mainstream, peer reviewed, evidenced based information resources. T heavailability of electronic copies of a number of the mainstream medical journals makes internet literature review easier, and abstracts of some of the lead articles in these journals can be obtained free of charge from their websites. Another key information resource is Pubmed; this database contains all articles and letters published in over two hundred peer reviewed medical journals from around the world. Abstract data can be obtained free from Pubmed, and you can purchase copies of complete articles from the website; alternatively you can use Pubmed to identify the key references and then search them out at your local medical school library. heMinistry of Health, PHARMAC, Medsafe (the NewZealand Medicines and Medical T Devices Safety Authority) and the Health and Disability Services Commissioner all maintain websites that contain information relevant to medical decision making. F orexample, the Medsafe website contains the latest medicines safety and prescribing information for over a thousand of the most commonly used medicines in this country, as well as an electronic version of its publication Prescriber Update and information for consumers. T heMinistry of Health and PHARMAC have also funded the supply of a series of decision support and reporting tools for integration into general practice management systems.
1. Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. 2000. Report of the Special Committee on Professional Conduct and Ethics: statement of position on internet/ telephonic prescribing, Washington. White%20Papers/internet_use_guidelines.htm. 2. Counterfeit medicines dont fake concern 2005. Prescriber Update. Vol26 No 1; June p1517. 3. RACGP 2011. Telehealth standards for general practices on the use of video consultation. Background paper. July. 4. RACGP 2011. Standards for general practices offering video consultations. October. 5. Canada Health Infoway 2011. Telehealth benefits and adoption. Connecting people and providers across Canada. M ay 6.
Collaboration: always needed? What is collaboration? Roles and skills The patient as a member of the care team Benefits of collaboration Barriers to collaboration Interdisciplinary collaboration in primary care Shared care Conclusion
NewZealand health care relies on the skills of many health and other professionals. Forthose with chronic or complex needs, collaboration between a range of disciplines is needed. Doctors have a key role in enabling a collaborative approach, with growing agreement that the pitcrew1 interdisciplinary model of care results in safer, higher quality care for patients, providers and systems rather than a unidisciplinary solo operator model.2
What is collaboration?
Collaborative interdisciplinary care is enshrined in the Health and Disability Code of Consumers Rights in Right 4: Right to Services of an Appropriate Standard, which requires in point 5 that: Every consumer has the right to cooperation among providers to ensure quality and continuity of services.4 While the terms team work and collaboration are often used in the same breath they are not the same. Individuals of different disciplines may provide care to the same patient without considering they are part of a team. However, for teamwork to be effective there must be collaboration. eall recognise collaborative team work when its working well. W Theexperienced Emergency Department (ED) team undertaking resuscitation is a good example. T heteam train together and know and trust each other. Each person has a particular role and yet there is flexibility, with some skills (chest compressions, cannulation) able to be undertaken by a range of health professionals and others such as intubation which are discipline specific.
Collaborative interdisciplinary teams explicitly commit to cooperate in order to meet shared goals. Members allow their activity to be directed through shared decision making or by the team leader.5 These sorts of teams are characterised by a greater interdependence, jointly defined goals and client centred plans, as giving recognition and value to the expertise and perspectives of other disciplines. Like the ED team, all are reliant on the skills of others to achieve the necessary goals of treatment or care. The specialist skills of each discipline are well utilised and common values and skills affirmed for all. Communication equity means all disciplines are able to contribute to care and speak up with safety concerns. Different disciplines take the lead or share leadership in a distributed model which acknowledges no one leader can provide all the leadership in any complex situation.6 A bonus of this model is that the burden of caring is shared between all disciplines and burnout reduced. ncontrast, in some so called multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), clinicians from different I disciplines are each involved in the patients care but report back on referrals solely to the senior doctor leader, who then unilaterally directs patient care. Thelimitation of this model is not that the senior doctor is the team leader per se, (they may indeed be the best person to lead the team at a particular time) but that there is little or no opportunity for shared wisdom or shared decision making. This might be appropriate in some settings (perhaps in the consultation/referral stage in the Spectrum of Collaboration) but has significant limitations wherever ongoing complex care is needed. N otonly does it inadvertently restrict possible alternative quality options for patients but it also tends to easily disempower junior staff, making it hard for them to contribute to care or speak up, even about issues of basic safety.
Benefits of collaboration
The Health Quality & Safety Commission has found that interdisciplinary collaboration reduces medical error as well functioning teams make fewer mistakes than individuals.10 More timely referrals occur with better use of disciplinary skill sets and holistic care provision and patients are less likely to fall between services. Taken together patients have higher levels of satisfaction and are more likely to have better access to health care and improved self management skills. Staff also enjoy higher levels of work satisfaction and cost savings are likely to occur. This approach benefits not only our patients, but health professionals and health organisations. ealso know that collaborative teams do not happen by chance. I W nNewZealand a number of factors have been shown to contribute to successful interdisciplinary teams including: skilful leadership in each discipline, readiness for an interdisciplinary culture, commitment to change, interdisciplinary respect and opportunity for trust to develop between individuals and across the team. Organisational structures have supported institutional change11 as well as alterations to existing health professionals values, socialisation patterns and workplace structures.12 Interdisciplinary competencies can be taught at undergraduate level and this is happening in NewZealand.13 Similarly experienced doctors and other health professionals can achieve these competencies through intentionally learning about roles and skills of others and engaging in interdisciplinary programmes of study. Doctors have had a key role in supporting this change by fostering professional respect for and trust in other disciplines and leading a willingness to use different forms of clinical decision making.
Barriers to collaboration
Even though the evidence points to the benefits of collaborative approaches in health care delivery for chronic and complex patients, the application of these models is variable and far from being universally adopted. Meeting in teams can be time and resource intensive with organisational and funding support being necessary. Professional regulation and legislation are also given as reasons to limit collaboration. Entrenched attitudes about scopes of practice, professional turf and historical power structures can sabotage the essence of what good teamwork is. common concern when a team of disciplines is involved is the issue of who is ultimately A responsible for the patients care. Inthe past doctors have assumed varying degrees of responsibility for the practice of other clinicians involved in patient care. Theregulatory framework is now clear that each professional is responsible for their work in their scope ofpractice. Student health professionals (including medical students) hold a limited responsibility for patient care, as they are working under the direct supervision of a more experienced colleague. Once junior staff are registered, they must work in a scope of practice commensurate with their qualification and level of experience, reporting to more senior colleagues, but still responsible for their own practice in their expected scope. Adequate communication and collaboration with all health professional colleagues is also expected and essential practice. TheHealth and Disability Commissioner reports more frequently on a breakdown of collaboration between professionals than on the responsibility of the individual clinicians being deficient. Nevertheless, there is still a need to ensure that good communication and good team processes are followed by everyone in the team; part of the leadership role. Teams need good leaders and teams need good members. Knowing when it is appropriate to take the leader role and when it is time to be a supporting member of a team is a key skill in being a good team player. Forexample, in the ED resuscitation situation, a resuscitation nurse specialist may take the lead to ensure good communication and that all essential tasks are undertaken, while the more junior nurse does chest compressions and the ED physician concentrates on intubating the patient.
Some factors may need to be changed when developing new collaborative teams or enhancing existing teams. Limited geographical colocation of services, mixed capitation/fee for service funding and the owner operated business model of many NZ general practices can make collaboration more difficult. Thought needs to be given to increase opportunities to meet together, develop processes for equal access to funding and ensure equality in decision making.14
Shared care
The management of people with long term conditions is often shared between primary and secondary services and is an area where more attention to effective team work can reap dividends. This means sharing responsibilities for maintaining and improving health and includes making and carrying out a collaborative plan to do so. Care can be shared by two or more agencies and the individuals in those agencies.15 A well described NewZealand example of effective shared care comes from South Auckland with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients who had frequent winter time hospital admissions. Aconcerted collaborative effort between primary and secondary care health professionals was developed and for the intervention group this significantly decreased inpatient bed days.16 An approach which is being increasingly adopted is the use of a care plan developed in primary care by the general practitioner and practice nurse, oriented around the needs and goals of the patient and available electronically across sectors and agencies. I ncollaboration with the patient, the care plan can be accessed and edited by the hospital specialists, specialist nurses, physiotherapist, community pharmacist and others. There is facility for electronic messaging and tasking between all the professionals involved to facilitate necessary changes in care. Patients can also access summary information (including medications and goals of care) through an electronic portal.
In NewZealand, doctors are increasingly working in collaborative interdisciplinary teams, particularly in the management of patients with chronic and complex conditions, and have an important role in supporting the further development of these models. Increasingly we are seeing models of shared care between disciplines, across health sectors and including a range of professional groups. There is a particular need to see further development of these models of care in primary care settings. I nteams, role clarification is being recognised as necessary together with the building of professional trust in other disciplines specialist skills. Current regulatory processes enable shared decision making and shared leadership however institutional policies and funding mechanisms may not and these need to be worked on. Champions are also needed to support collaborative processes wherever these are appropriate for best patient care, regardless of tradition or discipline.
1. Gawande A 2012. H owdo we heal medicine? T edTalks. gawande_how_do_we_heal_medicine.html retrieved 22 August 2012. 2. Paterson R 2010. Lessons from complaints: implications for medical education. NZ Med J; 123: 611. 3. Oandasan I, Baker G, Barker K, et al 2006. Teamwork in health care: promoting effective teamwork in health care in Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. 4. Health and Disability Commissioner 1996. T heHDC Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights. Wellington. 5. Solheim K, McElmurry BJ, K imMJ 2007. Multidisciplinary teamwork in US primary health care. Social Science & Medicine; 65: 62234. 6. Drinka T, Clark P 2000. Health care teamwork: Interdisciplinary practice and teaching. Westport, Connecticut: Auburn House. 7. Hall P, Weaver L 2001. Interdisciplinary education and teamwork: a long and winding road. Medical Education; 35: 86775. 8. V ytA 2008. Interprofessional and transdisciplinary teamwork in health care. Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews; 24: S106 S9. 9. Coulter A, Ellins J 2007. Effectiveness of strategies for informing, educating, and involving patients. British Medical Journal; 335: 247. 10. Health Quality & Safety Commission NewZealand 2012. Describing the quality of NewZealands health and disability services. Developing our health quality and safety indicators. Wellington. 11. Thornhill J, Dault M, Clements D 2008. Ready, set... collaborate? T heevidence says go, so whats slowing adoption of interprofessional collaboration in primary health care? Health care Quarterly (Toronto, Ont); 11: 14. 12. Orchard C, Curran V, Kabene S 2009. Creating a culture for interdisciplinary collaborative professional practice. Medical Education Online; 10: retrieved 22 August 2012. 13. Interprofessional teamwork: rural interprofessional placements, retrieved 22 August 2012. 14. Pullon S, McKinlay E, DewK 2009. Primary health care in NewZealand: the impact of organisational factors on teamwork. T heBritish Journal of General Practice; 59: 1917. 15. healthAlliance, CareConnect 2012. Shared Care for Mental Health & Addictions Services, Northern Region. Auckland. 16. ReaH, McAuley S, Stewart A, Lamont C, Roseman P, Didsbury P 2004. Achronic disease management programme can reduce days in hospital for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Internal Medicine Journal; 34: 60814.
Doctors as leaders and managers Notifying poor performance Disagreement about clinical decisions Providing opinions about patients or other doctors Working in a resource constrained environment11 Doctors in advisory roles Expert witness
In the course of a medical career a doctor may become involved in roles other than that of being a clinician. Most of the roles will fall under the jurisdiction of the Medical Council. heCouncil definition of the practice of medicine is broad. T T heCouncil defines the practice of medicine as: advertising, holding out to the public, or representing in any manner that a person is authorised to practise medicine in NewZealand, the signing of any medical certificate, the prescribing of medicines and the assessing, diagnosing, treating, reporting or giving advice in a medical capacity.1 A doctor is engaged in clinical practice if they assess, diagnose, give advice, treat or make reports, whether face to face of otherwise, with a patient, or with a group of patients or a population. Adoctor is practising nonclinical medicine if he or she is not engaged in clinical practice.2 The clinical role is well understood and the parameters of the role established through the apprenticeship that doctors have served in their training years. T hecall to Consider the health and wellbeing of the patient to be your first priority is well known as the first point in the NewZealand Medical Association code of ethics. However when working in other roles, the last two points in the code of ethics are relevant: Accept a responsibility for assisting in the allocation of limited resources to maximise medical benefit across the community and Accept a responsibility for advocating for adequate resourcing of medical services.3 The need to accept responsibility across the community and to look to resourcing means that the health and well being of the patient must be looked at in the wider context of the health and well being of the population as a whole. This wider context was recognised when the NZMA, in 2011, developed with input from a wide range of doctors a consensus statement on the Role of the Doctor in NewZealand.4 This statement recognised doctors as scientists, health professionals, leaders, health advocates and teachers and learners. I talso noted: Doctors have diverse roles, in and outside of the health sector, in the promotion and maintenance of both individual and population health Doctors accept their ethical responsibilities to act in the best interests of their patients, and the population as a whole, and undertake this in a caring, compassionate, competent, and trustworthy manner Doctors work in partnership with patients in the delivery of their health care and serve as advisors and interpreters in the pursuit of optimal health outcomes using evidence based medicine and in accordance with available resources Doctors work effectively as leaders. Asmembers of health care teams, doctors recognise and respect skills and attributes of other practitioners.
heCanMEDS initiative that began in the 1990s by the Royal College of Physicians and T Surgeons of Canada developed the CanMEDS roles framework that recognises seven roles for doctors5: Medical expert Communicator Advocate Scholar Professional Collaborator Manager
heenquiry into clinical issues at the Bristol Royal Infirmary highlighted that the clinical T leader has a responsibility to identify and report failing performance, even when that clinical leader is not in active clinical practice.8 A doctor has a mandatory requirement to report to theRegistrar of the Medical Council another doctor whom they believe is not fit to practise medicine because of some mental or physical condition (see chapter 18).9 As an employee the clinical leader has a duty to work in their organisational governance structures. Every clinical leader should clarify their organisations expectations and processes around their reporting of fellow employees and other colleagues performance to the Medical Council.
Expert witness
The High Court publishes a set of rules to guide expert witnesses.13 These provide a sound basis for any doctor who is providing an expert opinion, be it to a court, insurance company or medical review panel. These rules note that the expert witness has an overriding duty to impartially assist the court on relevant matters within the experts area of expertise. T heexpert witness must not act as an advocate for the party who engaged them. When giving evidence as an expert witness, the doctor should: clearly state their qualifications as an expert and indicate how the evidence they provide lies within their area of expertise provide the facts and assumptions on which their opinions are based. This should include any literature or other material they have used in forming their opinions. They should also describe any examinations, tests, or other investigations which helped them reach their conclusions. When these were undertaken by a third party, they should provide the qualifications of the person who carried out the tests or examinations give the reasoning behind their opinions. heexpert witness must also clearly indicate any provisos that would make their evidence T incomplete or inaccurate. They also need to make it clear if they have been unable to reach an opinion because of insufficient research or data or for any other reason. acknowledge the work of Dr David Rankin who wrote this chapter for the last edition. This chapter is I based on his work with updates drawn from recently published documents and materials.
1. Medical Council of NewZealand Glossary 2. Ibid 3. NewZealand Medical Association 2004. Code of ethics for the medical profession. 4. Consensus Statement on the role of the doctor in NewZealand November 2011. 5. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. 6. Kotter JP 1990. Aforce for change: how leadership differs from management. London: Collier Macmillan. 7. Mountford J, Webb C 2009. When clinicians lead. McKinsey & Co. 8. Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry, July 2001. 9. Medical Council of NewZealand 2001. Responsibilities of doctors in management and governance. 10. Medical Council of NewZealand 2003. Nontreating doctors performing medical assessments of patients for third parties. 11. Medical Council of NewZealand 2008. Statement on safe practice in an environment of resource limitation. 12. Fees framework for members appointed to bodies in which the Crown has an interest.[2].pdf 13. High Court Rules [Schedule 4] 2002. Code of conduct for expert witnesses.
Being a patient Being a doctors doctor Maintaining good health Thelaw: fitness to practise TheCouncils Health Committee Howthe Health Committee deals with notifications Infection with transmissible major viral infections (TMVIs) Conclusion
As doctors we are constantly exposed to stresses and hazards that can impair our relationships and ourselves: working long hours, fatigue, sleep deprivation, consumer demands, secondary traumatic stress,1 consequences of mistakes, debt, demands of external bodies (including the Council and colleges), fear of complaints and litigation, infectious diseases, radiation, noxious chemicals. I naddition we are vulnerable to the same physical and psychological disorders as the rest of the community. Theincidence of these disorders in doctors is comparable to that in the general population and in some cases considerably higher (eg, suicide, liver cirrhosis and accidents). T heBritish Medical Associations working group on the misuse of alcohol and other drugs reported in 1998 that, in a lifetime, about one in 15 doctors in the United Kingdom may suffer from some form of dependence on alcohol or other drugs.2
Being a patient
Doctors are often poor at seeking help and attending to their own health needs. Asurvey of the health practices of NewZealand general practitioners found that only 71 percent claimed to have their own family doctor and only 10.9 percent said that they visited their doctor for regular checkups. Ofwomen, 27.5 percent had not had recommended cervical screening.3 Some factors that make it difficult for a doctor to become a patient are: a sense of being indispensable fear of moving from a position of power in the medical system to a position of powerlessness fear of breaches of confidentiality or of being recognised in the waiting room fear of having a serious condition shame or embarrassment particularly with respect to substance abuse or sexual issues a misperception that we lack time to see to our own health needs reluctance to impose on a busy colleague a belief we should be able to heal ourselves our ready access to a wide range of medication financial pressures to maintain high levels of income shame at having let myself down, and also your family and the profession at large a fear of disciplinary action and deregistration. eoften fail our colleagues by not confronting them when it is clear they are sick and W impaired. Some of the reasons for this failure include: the there but for the grace of God go I syndrome lack of knowledge of the notification process and the consequences of notification fear of the reaction, especially if the doctor is in a position of power
anxiety about increasing our already overburdened workload, especially in shortage specialties and small practices misplaced loyalty the he/she has always been a good bloke/woman phenomenon judgmental attitudes denial that there is a problem.
Exploring thoughts and feelings at this stage you may need to reaffirm confidentiality and the difficulty of being a patient. Youwill need to explore the doctors fears and look for any other issues. Itis particularly important to be aware of the dangers of self disclosure and identification or collusion. Keep the focus on the doctor who is here as a patient and avoid discussing mutual patients or experiences. Education Again you will need to walk a tightrope between assuming your colleague has specific knowledge, and causing offence by imparting that knowledge. Itcan help to explain that hearing information about yourself is different from giving it to others, so you will explain it as you would to any patient. Acknowledge his or her fear if relevant, and admit the limits of your own knowledge. Aswith any patient it will be important to negotiate the choice of treatment. Safety net you should give clear instructions about follow up and after hours contact. Askwhether the doctor patient wishes to receive copies of test results and negotiate about minor procedures e.g. removal of sutures. Closure is just as important as starting the consultation. Check that everything has been dealt with and reinforce your commitment to them, and agree on how to book the next appointment.
you should not prescribe for yourself as you lose the benefit of objective care and insidious illness may ensue when you visit your general practitioner leave your medical mantle at the surgery door do not become isolated. Join professional bodies, a peer support group, and attend meetings regularly. Isolation is not always geographic and can occur even in the biggest cities plan holidays and recreation and make sure work does not intrude on them remind yourself often that you are responsible to your patients, not responsible for them. (Responsible to your patients to provide the best care you can for them, which may mean from time to time organising somebody else to care for them) when ill health strikes seek help early (as you would like your patients to) consider income protection so financial pressures are not a consideration in preventing you from taking sick leave if it is necessary consider planning for your retirement so you do not feel you have to keep working for financial reasons. hefuture is perhaps a little rosier with a greater emphasis on promoting health, wellness T and coping skills in the undergraduate programme, improvement in working conditions for those in training and a greater recognition and assistance for some groups with particular stresses: rural, isolated doctors; women doctors; the older doctor.
Psychiatric disorders
substance use, abuse and dependence (both alcohol and drugs) mood disorders bipolar disorder and severe depression dementias eating disorders anxiety disorders
Medical disorders
head injury neurological diseases malignancy eyesight and hearing difficulties communicable diseases. heHealth Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the Act) provides for notification T of any mental or physical condition affecting a doctors fitness to practise medicine. Part 3 section 45 sets out the steps that must be taken when there is reason to believe a doctor is unable to perform the functions required for the practice of medicine because of some mental or physical condition. There is a mandatory requirement for registered health practitioners, their employers, medical officers of health and persons in charge of a hospital or other organisation that provides health services to notify the Council Registrar promptly in writing. Persons in charge of health professional education programmes (eg, deans of medical schools) are similarly required to give written notice to the Registrar if students who are completing a course would be unable to perform such functions. People considering making a notification are entitled to seek medical advice to assist them in forming an opinion and must state whether such advice has been obtained when giving notice to the Registrar. These provisions extend across, and between, all registered health practitioners and theirprofessions. nyperson making a notification is protected from civil or disciplinary proceedings unless A the person acts in bad faith.
If the doctors ability to practise is affected by a mental or physical condition, the Health Committee usually decides on one or more of the following: ask the doctor to sign a voluntary agreement conform to appropriate restrictions on practice to ensure public safety in light of his or hercondition undertake specific treatment or counselling according to the advice in the examining doctors report recommend to the Council that conditions be placed on the doctors scope of practice or that registration is suspended, for example while the doctor attends a rehabilitation or treatment programme.
heagreement is underpinned by the acknowledgment that conditions may be placed on the T doctors practice if the agreement is breached in any material way. Indoing this, the Health Committees intention is to help the doctor to regain and maintain health so that he or she can continue to practise, subject to appropriate limitations, and also ensure the health and safety of the public are protected. Atypical agreement may include: limiting the doctors scope of practice such as the place or places of work, the types of work to be undertaken, the workload, for example hours of work supervision of the doctors practice treatment to be undertaken and the names of the treating doctors, therapists and agencies who may be involved in the doctors treatment programme, with some indication as to the frequency of consultation. There may be provision for each to communicate with the Health Committee if problems arise eg, noncompliance or relapse where relevant, provision for a key person in the doctors workplace to be aware of thecondition some monitoring by the Health Committee for example where the problem has involved abuse of drugs or alcohol, random testing will also form part of the agreement restricted access to prescription drugs and medicines prohibition on self prescribing regular assessment of progress by a Health Committee nominated doctor. Doctors monitored by the Health Committee may meet with its members at intervals to discuss their progress, current state, and to make changes to the agreement. When the situation has stabilised and the doctors recovery is firmly established, the doctor may be monitored by an annual exchange of letters and then, if all is going well, the doctor is finally discharged from Health Committee monitoring. tshould be stressed that the Health Committee does not become involved in treatment I decisions directly but ensures the appropriate treatment is taking place and the doctors health is maintained at the most satisfactory level possible. Thedoctor chooses his or her own treating team. This process has been designed to separate matters of impairment from matters of professional misconduct and discipline. T heassumption is that with treatment of the impairment a doctor should be able to return to the medical workforce. Theprocess is intended to be rehabilitative, not punitive.
Physician heal thyself is not a policy the Medical Council endorses. Doctors are a valuable asset. Wemust take responsibility for maintaining our own health as much as is possible and seek professional help when we are ill. While the Act gives the Medical Council powers to restrict doctors practice when necessary to protect public safety, it is preferable if the Council can reserve the use of these powers and assist doctors to continue to work as appropriate and recover from their illnesses. This is best achieved by early notification and early intervention.
1. Hagan J, Richards J (eds.) 1997. Insickness and in health: a handbook for medical practitioners, other health professionals, their partners and their families. Editors. DHAS. 2. Health Committee via health manager phone 04 384 7635 or 0800 286 801. 3. TheCouncil website:
1. Huggard P 2003. Secondary traumatic stress. NewEthicals; Sept: 914. 2. British Medical Association 1998. T hemisuse of alcohol and other drugs by doctors. Areport of the working group on the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. London. 3. Richards JG 1999. T hehealth and health practices of doctors and their families. NewZealand Medical Journal; 112: 9699. 4. Dahlin M, Joneborg N, Runeson B 2005. Stress and depression among medical students: across-sectional study. Medical Education; 39(6): 594604. 5. Chew-Graham CA 2003. Iwouldnt want it on my CV or their records: medical students experiences of help seeking for mental health problems. Medical Education; 37:873880.
Like all professions medicine is granted professional autonomy by society under the assumption that its practitioners will be deemed competent on entry into practice and will maintain competence for as long as they practice.1
The task of good education is to understand where learning needs exist and meet those needs in the most effective and efficient way. Theoutcome should be either a positive change in doctor behaviour or better patient outcomes and preferably the change should be measurable. Practice visits offer a solution to many of the problems inherent in delivering good education for practising doctors; the assessment of need is undertaken on the real work of the doctor rather than a theoretical construct, the process is individualised and the assessment is objective. Practice visits embody many of the most effective methods of educating doctors.
Practice visits
The Council envisages a system of practice visits being part of CPD. I twill be formative (designed to assist learning) rather than being summative (designed to test minimum standards). Theprofessional bodies rather than the Medical Council will administer the scheme to ensure that it is in line with professional need in various disciplines. There will be a focus on developing the concepts to ensure they are acceptable and feasible to the profession.
8. Davis D 1998. Does CME work? Ananalysis of the effect of educational activities on physician performance or health care outcomes. I ntJ Psychiatry Med; 28(1): 2139. 9. Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman AD, Haynes RB 1995. Changing physician performance. 10. Asystematic review of the effect of continuing medical education strategies. JAMA; 274 (9): 7005. 11. Boonyasai RT, Windish DM, Chakraborti C, Feldman LS, Rubin HR, Bass EB 2007. Effectiveness of teaching quality improvement to clinicians: a systematic review. JAMA; 298 (9): 102337. 12. Coomarasamy A, Khan KS 2004. What is the evidence that postgraduate teaching in evidence based medicine changes anything? Asystematic review. BMJ; 329 (7473): 1017. 13. Goulet F, Gagnon R, Gingras ME 2007. Influence of remedial professional development programs for poorly performing physicians. J Contin Educ Health Prof; 27 (1): 428. 14. Davis DA, Mazmanian PE, Fordis M, V anHarrison R, Thorpe KE, Perrier L 2006. Accuracy of physician self assessment compared with observed measures of competence: a systematic review. JAMA; 296 (9): 10941102. 15. Tian J, Atkinson NL, Portnoy B, Gold RS 2007. Asystematic review of evaluation in formal continuing medical education. J Contin Educ Health Prof; 27 (1): 1627.
1. Norman GR 2004. T heneed for needs assessment in continuing medical education. BMJ;328 (7446): 9991001. 2. Davis DA, Mazmanian PE, Fordis M, V anHarrison R, Thorpe KE, Perrier L 2006. Accuracy of physician self assessment compared with observed measures of competence: a systematic review. JAMA; 296 (9): 10941102.
CHAPTER 20 Credentialling
CHAPTER 20 Credentialling
Kenneth Clark is the Chief Medical Officer at MidCentral DHB, the chair of the national CMO Group, and is a specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist. Don Mackie is Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health and is a specialist in medical administration. Joan Crawford is the Strategic Programme Manager at the Medical Council. Cite this as Clark K, Mackie D, Crawford J 2013. Credentialling. Chapter 20 in StGeorge IM (ed.). Coles medical practice in NewZealand, 12th edition. Medical Council of NewZealand, Wellington.
Definition of credentialling Theinterface with medical regulation Consumer input Benefits of credentialling Fair process and transparency Standards for credentialling
CHAPTER 20 Credentialling
Definition of credentialling
Credentialling is a process used by health and disability service providers to assign specific clinical responsibilities to health practitioners on the basis of their education and training, qualifications, experience and fitness to practice in a defined context. This context includes the particular service provided, and the facilities and support available in the organisation. TheCredentialling Framework for NewZealand Health Professionals (2010), Ministry of Health Credentialling is a continuous process that commences on a doctors appointment, with determination of clinical responsibilities, and then extends for the length of employment. Credentialling reviews take place in a number of ways: an annual confirmation of credentialled status, often undertaken in conjunction with a performance review a periodic formal review by a credentialling committee nonroutine reviews for events such as the introduction of a new treatment or service or when there is reason to confirm a doctors competence across a range of specific clinical responsibilities.
CHAPTER 20 Credentialling
Consumer input
Credentialling aims to improve outcomes for patients. Effective credentialling processes can provide assurance to the public of the quality of care they can expect from their doctor. Consumers play an important role in credentialling processes primarily as a member of the credentialling committee. Aconsumer representative is also often involved in credentialing during the process of appointment of doctors.
Benefits of credentialling
Effective credentialling systems for the medical profession: help to ensure patient safety promote professional practice development among doctors improve risk management in provider organisations support clinical improvement activity improve public confidence in the health system. hefocus of credentialling is on quality improvement. Credentialling can identify system T errors and can also identify patterns of poor performance by individual doctors.
CHAPTER 20 Credentialling
Error is common Causes of error Preventing error Clinical governance Responding to error Conclusion
On one hand, mistakes are inevitable. O nthe other hand they are to be avoided This fundamental paradox creates the moral challenge of accepting our fallibility and at the same time struggling against it.1
Error is common
The incidence, cause and prevention of medical error has attracted considerable interest in both the public and professional domains. T woresearch papers highlighted the extent of the problem by quantifying the number of patient deaths caused by error in the United States.2, 3 The results indicated that somewhere between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year as a result of medical error in the U.S.A. Afurther study based on Australian hospitals revealed similar statistics.4 NewZealand data indicate 13 percent of hospital admissions are associated with an adverse event and 15 percent of these adverse events are associated with permanent disability or death.5 All practising doctors are aware of error in their day to day work.
Causes of error
A useful concept is to look at error as a failing of processes and systems. Anindividual may be at the sharp end of this failure but should not be blamed for its defects. Reason describes the Swiss cheese concept of error. High technology systems such as medicine have many defensive layers. Well trained professionals, procedures, guidelines and computerisation all can be considered defensive layers against error and can be likened to individual slices of Swiss cheese; mostly intact but with some holes. T hepresence of a hole in one slice doesnt necessarily cause an error, as it is probable that the next slice in the series will prevent the error. When holes in successive slices line up momentarily, error occurs.
Preventing error
The study of error in medicine would indicate that solutions range from the very simple to the complex.6 Prescription errors are a common and serious cause of error in both hospital and community based medical practice. Better systems for safe prescribing can have significant impact on the rate of prescribing error.7, 8 Utilising error reporting systems to better understand what has gone wrong has also shown effective in reducing error.9 There is, however, a common underlying theme to the continued high prevalence of medical error; blaming the individual rather than the process. Failure of medicine as a profession and health care as an industry to recognise the negative effect of dealing with error by naming, blaming and shaming the person involved in the mistake has led to disappointing results in reducing error rates.10 Medical culture has proved quite resistant to change.11
Many other industries face similar work environments as medicine where real time decisions have to be made, there is constant interaction between humans and technology, the processes are complex and the end result of error can be catastrophic in human and resource costs for both those receiving the service and those providing it. Common themes that emerge from these industries as to methods of reducing error include systematic reporting systems, collecting data on near misses, confidential reporting systems and developing a culture of safety.12 Not all error results in an adverse outcome. However, collecting information on near misses events that could easily have led to an adverse outcome if not discovered allows better understanding of what processes are deficient and how to fix them. T hekey to collecting information on things that go wrong is effective communication. This in turn requires a culture in medicine that encourages and supports open communication and recognises that it is a defective system and not an individual that is responsible for the vast majority of errors that occur.
Clinical governance
The National Health Committee defines clinical governance as Aframework through which NewZealand health sector organisations are accountable for continually improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish. Amore concise way of thinking about it is Taking responsibility for clinical outcomes at a locality level. T hefive components are: Clear lines of accountability for the overall quality of clinical care at practice level Acomprehensive programme of quality improvement systems in each practice Supporting and applying evidence based practice Clear policies aimed at managing risk Procedures to identify and remedy poor performance integrated into practices.
Responding to error
It is an inevitable part of professional practice that all doctors will make mistakes and that some of these mistakes will result in patient harm. Most doctors who are involved in patient care where error has occurred are significantly affected by it, particularly if the error results in harm to the patient and formal complaint. Reactions include anger, shame, guilt, depression and reduced enjoyment of the practice of medicine.13, 14 However, the importance of effective emotional support during a time of professional crisis is also being recognised.15
Communication would seem to be a strong predictor of the outcome of medical error. N otall litigation and complaint is occasioned by medical error and only a small proportion of error results in complaint. AnAmerican study looking at why a decision to pursue litigation was made by patients suggested that failure of communication was a crucial factor in the majority of cases.16 Good communication between doctor and patient is crucial should error occur. Themajority of patients whom have suffered from medical error want disclosure of error, truthful explanations, understanding of what has happened and reassurances that the system has been fixed so that the error will not happen again.17 Failure to meet these expectations is more likely to result in the patient seeking such explanations in a court or through disciplinary processes. common question asked when error occurs is Should I apologise? T A heuncertainty as to what to do is usually driven by fear of disclosure to the patient and colleagues, fear of complaint, the threat to ones own sense of professional competence and the desire to avoid compromising a legal situation. Clearly, if working as an employee, the institution in which a doctor is employed should be notified at the earliest opportunity should error occur and the appropriate indemnity insurance company notified. Once such notification has occurred, the error should be disclosed. Acknowledging and apologising for the error places the incident in an interpersonal framework rather than the impersonal and distant hierarchy of an institution. Itis an important step in the process of recovery for both the patient and the doctor concerned. Itempowers patients as they have both understanding and involvement whereas nondisclosure disempowers patients. Disclosure may lessen the likelihood of formal complaint and allows a transparent process of understanding what went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again. A2006 study undertaken in NewZealand reported that 86 percent of hospital doctors surveyed believed that disclosure of error to patients would decrease the likelihood of a complaint being filed against them.18
Developing a culture of safety in medicine requires effective communication and trust between team members and acknowledgement of the failure of processes rather then individuals as the cause of the majority of errors in medicine. I fand when error occurs, effective communication and transparency can lessen the emotional, physical and financial cost for both the patient and the doctor involved. Like many things in medicine, effective communication is the key to improving outcomes. Errors are to be avoided. When they occur, the learning that can be found in them is invaluable in ensuring they dont happen again. Theopportunity for learning should not be overlooked.
1. Andre J 2000. Humility reconsidered. I nRunbin L (ed.). Margin of error, SRZ. University publishing Group: Hagerstown, Maryland. p. 5972. 2. Brennan TA, et al 1991. Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalised patients. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study I. N Engl J Med.; 324 (6): 3706. 3. Thomas EJ et al 1999. Costs of medical injuries in Utah and Colorado. Inquiry, 1999. 36(3): p. 25564. 4. Wilson RM et al 1995. T heQuality in Australian Health Care Study. MedJ Aust.; 163(9):45871. 5. Davis P et al 2002. Adverse events in NewZealand public hospitals I: occurrence and impact. NZ Med J; 115 (1167): U271. 6. Ioannidis JP, Lauj 2001. Evidence on interventions to reduce medical errors: an overview and recommendations for future research. J Gen Intern Med; 16 (5): 32534. 7. Bates DW et al 1998. Effect of computerised physician order entry and a team intervention on prevention of serious medication errors. JAMA; 280 (15): 13116. 8. Britt H et al 1996. Clinical incidents in general practice. Prescription errors. Aust Fam Physician; 25 (10): 160910. 9. Battles JB et al 1998. T heattributes of medical event reporting systems: experience with a prototype medical event reporting system for transfusion medicine. Arch Pathol Lab Med; 122 (3): 2318. 10. Hargreaves S 2003. Weak safety culture behind errors, says chief medical officer. BMJ;326 (7384): 300. 11. Stryer D, Clancy c 2005. Patients safety. BMJ; 330 (7491): 5534. 12. Barach P, Small sd 2000. Reporting and preventing medical mishaps: lessons from nonmedical near miss reporting systems. BMJ; 320 (7237): 75963. 13. Christensen JF, Levinson W, Dunn PM 1992. T heheart of darkness: the impact of perceived mistakes on physicians. J Gen Intern Med; 7 (4): 42431. 14. Cunningham W 2004. Theimmediate and long term impact on NewZealand doctors who receive patient complaints. NZ Med J; 117 (1198): U972. 15. Goldberg RM et al 2003. Coping with medical mistakes and errors in judgment. AnnEmerg Med; 39 (3): 28792. 16. Beckman HB et al 1994. Thedoctor patient relationship and malpractice. Lessons from plaintiff depositions. Arch Intern Med; 154 (12): 136570. 17. Witman AB, Park DM, Hardin SB 1996. H owdo patients want physicians to handle mistakes? Asurvey of internal medicine patients in an academic setting. Arch Intern Med; 156(22): 25659. 18. Soleimani F 2006. Learning from mistakes in NewZealand hospitals: what else do we need besides no fault? NZ Med J; 119 (1239).
Preliminary statement Principles Recommendations Responsibilities to the patient Professional Responsibilities Research Teaching Medicine and Commerce Medical Responsibilities in Prioritising Care Medicine and Industrial Action
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Preliminary statement
The profession of medicine has a duty to maintain and improve the health of the people and reduce the impact of disease. Its knowledge and consciousness must be directed to these ends. The medical profession has a social contract with its community. In return for the trust patients and the community place in doctors, ethical codes are produced to guide the profession and protect patients. This document represents a further stage in that evolutionaryprocess. This document does not purport to set out rigid, immutable rules. It revises the Code of Ethics and provides guidelines endorsed by the Council of the New Zealand Medical Association. The Code will be reviewed at regular intervals and, to this end, comment and feedback is invited.44 The basis of the moral framework for medical practice has been developed gradually over several thousand years, and is therefore well established, whereas guidelines for professional behaviour must reflect the changing social and cultural environment in which doctors practise. The moral basis for practice has its expression through what is commonly termed medical ethics. Integral to an ethical basis for professional practice is the overriding acceptance of an obligation to patients,45 and recognition of their autonomy.46 Standard treatises on medical ethics cite four moral principles: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Autonomy recognises the rights of patients to make decisions for themselves. Beneficence requires a doctor to achieve the best possible outcome for an individual patient, while recognising resource constraints. Non-maleficence implies a duty to do no harm. (This principle involves consideration of risks versus benefits from particular procedures.) Justice incorporates notions of equity and of the fair distribution of resources. In New Zealand today there is also an increasingly wide recognition of the principle of partnership - between doctor and patient; profession and society; and different cultures as an important aspect of the ethos of professional practice. The concept of the autonomy of doctors also needs to be considered, although this principle has always been tempered with common sense and recognition of the duty to act within the limits of ones own capabilities. Some ethicists are beginning to argue for a fifth principle, namely, the duty of doctors in some circumstances to recognise the need to work in collaborative groups, sharing their skills, experience and judgement with others. In todays world, doctors have an increased ethical responsibility to participate in reviewing formally their own and others work to maintain standards of practice.
44 Comments should be sent to: New Zealand Medical Association, PO Box 156, Wellington. 45 The NZMA strongly favours retention of the word patient because it reflects accurately the nature of the relationship between a doctor and the person seeking help. 46 The NZMA recognises no distinction, in terms of accountability, between conventional and alternative medicine when practised by a registered medical practitioner. All treatments should be subject to the same standards in respect of the rigour with which they are subjected to scientific testing and the ethics applicable to their use.
The concept of accountability, as applied to the medical profession, needs to encompass a widening set of relationships and contexts. An increasing number of statutory and commercial organisations interact with doctors in relation to issues of accountability. Increasingly, doctors are experiencing difficulty in balancing the requirements of their primary obligation to individual patients and families with their responsibilities to the wider community. Many commercial concepts, including that of intellectual property and that of contracting with various funding bodies, are challenging aspects of medical organisation and professional practice.1 Changes in the context of medical practice are reflected in new sections on Medical Responsibilities in Prioritising Care and on Medicine and Industrial Action to address the exquisite dilemmas that doctors find themselves in as participants in the tension between the welfare of the individual patient and the good of all other patients. Faced with this complex and changing situation, the New Zealand Medical Association affirms its adherence to certain ethical principles. Patients have a legal right (under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights) to services that comply with ethical standards such as this Code of Ethics. The Association accepts responsibility for delineating standards of ethical behaviour expected of doctors in New Zealand and has consulted widely in the development of this Code. The NZMA urges Members and all doctors to follow the standards set out below:
1 The concept of intellectual property and its protection is relatively recent. The patenting of inventions based on an individuals thinking and research is becoming widespread. The ethical issues related to this are at present being defined and the present code cannot encapsulate any established pattern.
All medical practitioners, including those who may not be engaged directly in clinical practice, will acknowledge and accept the following Principles of Ethical Behaviour: 1. Consider the health and well being of the patient to be your first priority. 2. Respect the rights, autonomy and freedom of choice of the patient. 3. Avoid exploiting the patient in any manner. 4. Practise the science and art of medicine to the best of your ability with moral integrity, compassion and respect for human dignity. 5. Protect the patients private information throughout his/her lifetime and following death, unless there are overriding considerations in terms of public interest or patient safety. 6. Strive to improve your knowledge and skills so that the best possible advice and treatment can be offered to the patient. 7. Adhere to the scientific basis for medical practice while acknowledging the limits of current knowledge. 8. Honour the profession, including its traditions, values, and its principles, in the ways that best serve the interests of the patient. 9. Recognise your own limitations and the special skills of others in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. 10. Accept a responsibility to assist in the protection and improvement of the health of thecommunity. 11. Accept a responsibility to advocate for adequate resourcing of medical services and assist in maximising equitable access to them across the community. 12. Accept a responsibility for maintaining the standards of the profession.
Given the complexities of doctor-patient relationships, and the increasing difficulties brought about by the need for rationing of resources and direct intervention of thirdparty providers of funding, no set of guidelines can cover all situations. The following set of recommendations is designed to convey an overall pattern of professional behaviour consistent with the principles set out above in the Code of Ethics.
2. Doctors, like a number of other professionals, are involved in relationships in which there is a potential or actual imbalance of power. Sexual relationships between doctors and their patients or students fall within this category. The NZMA is mindful of Medical Council policy in relation to sexual relationships with present and former patients or their family members, and expects doctors to be familiar with this. The NZMA considers that a sexual relationship with a current patient is unethical and that, in most instances, sexual relations with a former patient would be regarded as unethical, particularly where exploitation of patient vulnerability occurs. It is acknowledged that in some cases the patient-doctor relationship may be brief, minor in nature, or in the distant past. In such circumstances and where the sexual relationship has developed from social contact away from the professional environment, impropriety would not necessarily be inferred. Any complaints about a sexual relationship with a former patient therefore need to be considered on an individual basis before being considered as unethical. 3. Doctors should ensure that every patient receives appropriate available investigation into their complaint or condition, including adequate collation of information for optimalmanagement. 4. Doctors should ensure that information is recorded accurately and is securely maintained, with due regard to the challenges of the modern electronic era. 5. Doctors should seek to improve their standards of medical care through continuing selfeducation and thoughtful interaction with appropriate colleagues. 6. Doctors have the right, except in an emergency, to refuse to care for a particular patient. In any situation which is not an emergency, doctors may withdraw from or decline to provide care as long as an alternative source of care is available and that the appropriate avenue for securing this is known to the patient. Where a doctor does withdraw care from a patient, reasonable notice should be given and an orderly transfer of care facilitated. 7. When a patient is accepted for care, doctors should render medical service to that person without discrimination (as defined by the Human Rights Act). 8. Doctors should ensure that continuity of care is available to all patients, whether seen urgently or unexpectedly, or within a long-term contractual setting, and should assure themselves that appropriate arrangements are available to cover absence from practice or hours off duty, informing patients of these. 9. Doctors should ensure that patients are involved, within the limits of their capacities, in understanding the nature of their problems, the range of possible solutions, as well as the likely benefits, risks, and costs, and should assist them in making informed choices. 10. Doctors should ensure that patients are promptly informed of any adverse event or error that occurred during care for which the doctor has individual or direct overall responsibility. 11. Doctors should recognise the right of patients to choose their doctors freely. 12. Doctors should recognise their own professional limitations and, when indicated, recommend to patients that additional opinions and services be obtained, and accept a patients right to request other opinions. In making a referral to another health professional, so far as practical, the doctor should have a basis for confidence in the competence of that practitioner.
13. Doctors should accept the right of a patient to be referred for further management in situations where there is a moral or clinical disagreement about the most appropriate course to take. 14. Doctors should keep in confidence information derived from a patient, or from a colleague regarding a patient, and divulge it only with the permission of the patient or in those unusual circumstances when it is clearly in the patients best interests or there is an overriding public good, including the risk of serious harm to another person. If there is any doubt, doctors should seek guidance from colleagues or an appropriate ethics committee. 15. When appropriate, doctors should communicate with colleagues who are involved in the care of the same patient. This communication should respect patient confidentiality and be confined to necessary information. Patients should be made aware of this information sharing which enables the delivery of good quality medical care. Where a patient expressly limits possession of particular information to one practitioner, this must ordinarily be respected. Patients should be made aware in advance, if possible, where there are limits to the confidentiality which can be provided. 16. Where a doctor is performing an assessment on behalf of a third party, the patient must be clearly informed of who the third party is, the purpose of the assessment and the limits of confidentiality. Where the assessment occurs in the context of a treating relationship, the patient should be made aware that the doctor is ethically obliged to provide a complete and professional report. 17. When it is necessary to divulge confidential patient information without patient consent this must be done only to the proper authorities, and a record kept of when reporting occurred and its significance. 18. Doctors should recommend only those diagnostic or screening procedures which seem necessary to assist in the care of the patient and only that treatment which seems necessary for the well being of the patient. 19. When requested or when need is apparent, doctors should provide patients with information required to enable them to receive benefits to which they may be entitled. 20. Doctors should be aware of statutory provisions and the codes of the Privacy Commissioner, the Human Rights Commissioner and the Health and Disability Commissioner, and the requirements of the Medical Council of New Zealand. 21. Doctors should accept that autonomy of patients remains important in childhood, chronic illness, ageing, and in the process of dying. 22. When patients are not capable of making an informed choice or giving informed consent, doctors should consider any previously expressed preferences from the patient, the wishes of the family, guardian or other appropriate person, and consult colleagues before making management decisions, which may include recourse to the courts for determination. 23. Doctors should bear in mind always the obligation of preserving life wherever possible and justifiable, while allowing death to occur with dignity and comfort when it appears to be inevitable. In such inevitable terminal situations, treatment applied with the primary aim of relieving patient distress is ethically acceptable, even when it may have the secondary effect of shortening life.
24. Doctors should be prepared to discuss and contribute to the content of advance directives and give effect to them. In the case of conflicts concerning management, doctors should consult widely within the profession and, if indicated, with ethicists and legal authorities. 25. In relation to transplantation and requests for organ donation, doctors should accept that when death of the brain has occurred, the cellular life of the body may be supported if some parts of the body might be used to prolong or improve the health of others. They should recognise their responsibilities to the donor of organs that will be transplanted by disclosing fully to the donor or relatives the intent and purpose of the procedure. In the case of a living donor, the risks of the donation procedures must be fully explained. Doctors should ensure that the determination of death of any donor patient is made by doctors who are in no way concerned with the transplant procedure or associated with the proposed recipient in a way that might exert any influence upon any decisions made.
Professional Responsibilities
26. Doctors have both a right and a responsibility to maintain their own health and well being at a standard that ensures that they are fit to practise. 27. Doctors should seek guidance and assistance from colleagues and professional or healthcare organisations whenever they are unable to function in a competent, safe andethical manner. When approached in this way doctors should provide or facilitate such assistance. 28. Doctors have a responsibility to assist colleagues when they are unwell or under stress. 29. Doctors have a general responsibility for the safety of patients and should therefore take appropriate steps to ensure unsafe or unethical practices on the part of colleagues are curtailed and/or reported to relevant authorities without delay. 30. Doctors have a responsibility to participate in reviewing their own practice and that ofothers. 31. When appropriate doctors should make available to colleagues, with the knowledge of the patient, a report or summary of their findings and treatment relating to that patient. 32. When working in a team environment, doctors have a responsibility to behave cooperatively and respectfully towards team members. 33. Doctors should recognise that the doctor/patient relationship has a value and should not be disturbed without compelling reasons. Disruption of such a relationship should, wherever possible, be discussed in advance with an independent colleague. 34. Doctors should avoid impugning the reputations of colleagues. In normal circumstances, information about colleagues divulged as a part of quality assurance exercises (including peer groups) should remain confidential. 35. Doctors should accept a share of the professions responsibility toward society in matters relating to the health and safety of the public, health promotion and education, and legislation affecting the health or well being of the community.
36. Doctors have an obligation to draw the attention of relevant bodies to inadequate or unsafe services. Where doctors are working within a health service they should first raise issues in respect of that service through appropriate channels, including the organisation responsible for the service, and consult with colleagues before speaking publicly. 37. Doctors should not countenance, condone or participate in the practice of torture or other forms of cruel, inhuman, or degrading procedures, whatever the offence of which the victim of such procedures is suspected, accused or guilty. 38. Doctors should recognise the responsibility to assist courts, commissioners, commissions, and disciplinary bodies, in arriving at just decisions. When doctors are providing expert opinions, the doctor has a duty to assist the body impartially on relevant matters and to confine such opinion within their area of expertise. 39. Doctors should certify or give in evidence only that which has been personally verified when they are testifying as to circumstances of fact. 40. Doctors should not allow their standing as medical practitioners to be used inappropriately in the endorsement of commercial products. When doctors are acting as agents for, or have a financial or other interest in, commercial organisations or products, their interest should be declared. If endorsing a product, doctors should use only the proper chemical name for drugs, vaccines and specific ingredients, rather than the trade or commercial name. Any endorsement should be based on specific independent scientific evidence, and that evidence should be clearly outlined. 41. Doctors should not use secret remedies. 42. Advances and innovative approaches to medical practice should be subject to review and promulgation through professional channels (including ethics committees) and medical scientific literature. Doctors should accept responsibility for providing the public with carefully considered, generally accepted opinions when presenting scientific knowledge. In presenting any personal opinion contrary to a generally held viewpoint of the profession, doctors must indicate that such is the case, and present information fairly. 43. Doctors should accept that their professional reputation must be based upon their ability, technical skills and integrity. Doctors should advertise professional services or make professional announcements only in circumstances where the primary purpose of any notification is factual presentation of information reasonably needed by any person wishing to make an informed decision about the appropriateness and availability of services that may meet his or her medical needs. Any such announcement or advertisement must be demonstrably true in all respects and contain no testimonial material or endorsement of clinical skills. Qualifications not recognised by appropriate New Zealand statutory bodies should not be quoted. 44. Doctors should exercise careful judgement before accepting any gift, hospitality or gratuity which could be interpreted as an inducement to use or endorse any product, equipment or policy. Doctors must not allow gifts to influence clinical judgement. In all cases of doubt, advice should be sought from relevant professional organisations.
45. Before initiating or participating in any clinical research, doctors should assure themselves that the particular investigation is justified in the light of previous research and knowledge. Any proposed study should reasonably be expected to provide the answers to the questions raised. There must be an assessment of predictable risks and burdens in comparison with foreseeable benefits to the participants or to others. All studies involving patients should be subject to the scrutiny of an appropriately constituted ethics committee which must be independent of the investigator and the sponsor, and any kind of undue influence. 46. Doctors should be assured that the planning and conduct of any particular study is such that it minimises the risk of harm to participants. When comparing active treatments, the control group should receive the best currently available and accepted treatment, in accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion. 47. A placebo-controlled trial may be ethically acceptable, even if an established therapy is available for a certain condition, under the following circumstances: The established treatment has never been demonstrated to be effective by evidencebased criteria; or Where for compelling and scientifically sound methodological reasons its use is necessary to determine the efficacy or safety of a prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic method; or Where a prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic method is being investigated for a minor condition and the patients who receive placebo will not be subject to any additional risk of serious or irreversible harm; There must be a robust mechanism for curtailing the trial should at any stage the treatment group be demonstrated (by adequate statistical methods) to be different from the placebo group. 48. Patient consent for participating in clinical research (or permission of those authorised to act on their behalf) should be obtained in writing only after a full written explanation of the purpose of that research has been made, and any foreseeable health hazards outlined. Opportunity must be given for questioning and withdrawal at any time. When indicated, an explanation of the theory and justification for double-blind procedures should be given. Acceptance or refusal to participate in a clinical study must never interfere with the doctor-patient relationship or access to appropriate treatment. No degree of coercion is acceptable. 49. Boundaries between formalised clinical research and various types of innovation have become blurred to an increasing extent. Doctors retain the right to recommend, and any patient has the right to receive, any new drug or treatment which, in the doctors considered judgement, offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. Doctors are advised to document carefully the basis for any such decisions and also record the patients perception and basis for a decision. In all such cases the doctors must fully inform the patient about the drug or treatment, including the fact that such treatment is new or unorthodox, if that is so.
50. In situations where a doctor is undertaking an innovative or unusual treatment on his or her own initiative, he or she should consult suitably qualified colleagues before discussing it with, or offering it to, patients. Doctors should carefully consider whether such treatments should be subject to formal research protocols. 51. It is the duty of doctors to ensure that the first communication of research results be through recognised scientific channels, including journals and meetings of professional bodies, to ensure appropriate peer review. Participants in the research should also be informed of the results as soon as is practicable after completion. 52. Doctors should not participate in clinical research involving control by the funder over the release of information or results, and should retain the right to publish or otherwise release any findings they have made. Doctors involved as principals in research should not participate if they do not have access to the base data. Negative as well as positive results should be published or otherwise made publicly available. Any dispute or ethical issue which may arise in respect of the research should be considered openly, e.g. by consultation with the appropriate ethics committee.
53. Clinical teaching is the basis on which sound clinical practice is based. It is the duty of doctors to share information and promote education within the profession. Education of colleagues and medical students should be regarded as an ethical responsibility for all doctors. 54. Teaching involving direct patient contact should be undertaken with sensitivity, compassion, respect for privacy, and, whenever possible, with the consent of the patient, guardian or appropriate agent. Particular sensitivity is required when patients are disabled or disempowered, e.g. children. If teaching involves a patient in a permanent vegetative state, the teacher should, if at all possible, consult with a nursing or medical colleague and a relative before commencing the session. 55. Wherever possible, patients should be given sufficient information on the form and content of the teaching, and adequate time for consideration, before consenting or declining to participate in clinical teaching. Refusal by a patient to participate in a study or teaching session must not interfere with other aspects of the doctor-patient relationship or access to appropriate treatment. 56. Patients understanding of, or perspective on, their medical problems may be influenced by involvement in clinical teaching. Doctors should be sensitive to this possibility and ensure that information is provided in an unbiased manner, and that any questions receive adequate answers. It may be appropriate for the doctor to return later to address these issues.
CHAPTER 23 Advertising
CHAPTER 23 Advertising
Steven Lillis is a general practitioner in Hamilton, and Medical Adviser for the Medical Council of NewZealand. Cite this as Lillis S 2013. Advertising. Chapter 23 in StGeorge IM (ed.). Coles medical practice in NewZealand, 12th edition. Medical Council of NewZealand, Wellington.
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CHAPTER 23 Advertising
Patients are not consumers in search of a commodity. There is a unique vulnerability that comes for want of relief from disability and disease, and patients are unlikely therefore to be capable of defending themselves with the incredulity they may normally bring to other forms of advertising.1
Medicine has had a difficult and tense relationship with advertising. There have been a significant number of formal complaints upheld against doctors in NewZealand over advertising in recent years. This suggests a poor understanding of advertising in a medical context as well as a degree of naivety over the consequences of advertising that breaches guidelines. Perceived problems with advertising led to American physicians being prohibited from advertising for 130 years, change occurring only in 1975. Thechange was brought about by positioning health care as a business no different from any other and therefore a prohibition on advertising was seen as a restraint of trade. Thecontrary view is that good decision making in medicine represents a very different interaction from the majority of consumer decisions. There are convincing ethical views that support tight control on advertising. T heethical considerations centre around three themes: the vulnerability of those with illness and disease, the power implications of an imbalance in knowledge and the commitment of health practitioners to use limited health resources wisely. Mark Yarborough cautions that advertising may transform the doctor/patient relationship primarily into a means of making money rather than a means of serving and promoting the best interests of the patient as determined by the patient.2 Those who perceive themselves as ill may be frightened, vulnerable and powerless. Theyseek health care professionals who profess to have specialised knowledge and who profess to act only in the patients best interest. Thepurpose of advertising is to generate income. Itdoes so by providing limited but alluring information about a product or service that will meet a real, perceived or generated need. There is an assumption in such a transaction that the consumer is a free agent. This is, of course, incorrect concerning medical treatment. Aside from the vulnerability that goes hand in hand with many illnesses, there is an imbalance of knowledge between doctor and patient. Thelimited and potentially biased information given in advertising may give rise to unrealistic expectations in those considering treatment. These expectations may have adverse consequences in subsequent interactions between doctor and patient.
CHAPTER 23 Advertising
Statement on advertising
heMedical Council has produced several publications that act as guidelines for those T wishing to advertise their medical services and these are available from the Council website. Themost important of these is the Statement on advertising. Thestatement covers legislation for health related advertising set by the Advertising Standards Authority but also describes additional requirements the Council has described regarding advertising. Some principles from that statement are: Responsibility you are responsible for the content even if you delegate the task to another person. Responsibility exists for advertorials in media such as TV and radio as well as more traditional newspapers and magazines. Content the key words are truthful and balanced content. Should complaint occur, the claims made in an advertisement may well be examined with a close eye on the medical and research evidence to substantiate those claims. T heuse of images must also be balanced and fair. This especially applies to before and after photos. Qualifications the term specialist has special meaning under Councils guidelines and refers to a doctor who has vocational registration. I fadvertising, you should not claim to have specialist knowledge or be a specialist in a particular area of medicine unless you hold vocational registration in that area. Discounting advertisements that offer discounts are not acceptable. Such incentives are aimed at inducing reflex decisions about buying a product or service. Decisions regarding medical care are not served well by promoting quick decisions. I nparticular, advertising that promotes limited time offers runs contrary to many of the principles of informed consent and good decision making. Offering medical services as prizes or gifts is inappropriate when this is done to promote a commercial service of for financial gain. Endorsing products the Medicines Act prohibits the endorsement of medical products,treatments or medicines. Anyother endorsements need to be evidence based. More comprehensive descriptions of these principles are available from the Statement on Advertising and this information is not intended to be a replacement for the statement. TheAdvertising Standards Authority also provides useful information on standards relevant to therapeutic products or therapeutic services. Doctors responsible for poorly considered advertising can be investigated by a number of bodies including the Health and Disability Commissioner, the Medical Council and the Commerce Commission. Legislation relevant to advertising includes: TheCode of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights TheFair Trading Act 1986 TheConsumer Guarantees Act 1993 TheMedicines Act 1981 TheTherapeutic Services Advertising Code TheTherapeutic Products Advertising Code.
CHAPTER 23 Advertising
1. Tomycz ND2006. Aprofession selling out: lamenting the paradigm shift in physician advertising. JMed Ethics; 32 (1): 2628. 2. Yarborough M 1989. Physician advertising: some reasons for caution. South Med J; 82(12): 153844.
What is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)? How CAM can harm Evidence based CAM Medicolegal guidance
CAM use is increasing and there are now more visits to CAM practitioners than there are to primary care or family doctors in many developed countries. Aninteresting aspect of CAM use is that it is almost totally patient driven. Proponents and consumers of CAM will often say that they are worried about the safety of conventional medicines and medical procedures, that the doctor patient relationship is unsatisfactory for them in terms of the perceived power disparity, and that traditional Western medicine treats them as a disease to be cured rather than a person to be healed. hevast majority of NewZealanders take dietary supplements or use CAM.1, 2 Despite this, T health professionals receive little if any training on this subject and often the patient may know more than the health professional they are consulting with. Studies investigating the knowledge of health care professionals show that they mostly rate their knowledge in this area as inadequate and are not confident in answering patient enquiries, but they do want to learn more.3
1. Direct harm
Adverse events from CAM can range from a trivial stomach upset from a herbal preparation to serious injury, disfigurement or even death. Many of the drugs that are used in everyday medical practice are of course extracts from plants themselves. Many more are closely related to plant extracts in other words, natural products can be every bit as powerful (and harmful) as prescription medications. CAM proponents argue that severe side effects are rare and to a large degree they are correct. However, it is also likely that side effects are more common than is claimed, because unlike for conventional medicines, there are no good systems in place to monitor side effects from CAM therapies.
2. Indirect harm
(i) Delay. Ingeneral terms, the earlier a disease is detected and treated the better the outcomes will be. Delays in using conventional, proven, effective treatments, due to decisions to try CAM therapies first, can lead to much worse outcomes including death. (ii) Substitution. Areal danger arises when CAM is used as an alternative to proven medical treatments. This can lead to delays in seeking medical treatment, as described above, or even not seeking medical treatment at all. Although homeopathy, for example, can not cause any direct harm, harm can result in other ways, including if it used as a substitute for proven medical treatments or if it delays medical therapy.
3. Badadvice
Most CAM practitioners are not trained health care professionals. They have little or no training in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology and many other areas of knowledge that health care professionals must have in order to give sound advice, diagnose and treat patients effectively. Without this training many CAM practitioners give out bad advice which can of course be dangerous in itself or cause harm in other ways. There is a whole spectrum of advice quality, from excellent to appalling, and the problem for laypeople is knowing which advice can be relied on.
4. Psychological harm
People with cancer and other serious diseases are often emotionally and psychologically very vulnerable. Extravagant claims for unproven therapies can give a patient false hope. Denial is one of the stages in the grief process that occurs with a diagnosis of a serious disease. Badadvice leading to false hope, from misguided or deliberately dishonest CAM practitioners, reinforces this denial stage, interfering with the natural process of grief (which leads to the acceptance phase) and therefore causes psychological harm.
5. Financial harm
It has been estimated that around US $1 billion per year is wasted on CAM therapies for cancer that do not work, around the same amount that is spent each year on cancer research. Anymoney spent on a CAM therapy that does not work is wasted and there are many sad reports of people who, not wanting to leave any stone unturned, have spent all their savings or even lost their family home, trying a variety of expensive and ineffective treatments.
3. Additional measures often when a person is ill they will do several things to get better at the same time, but they may attribute the recovery to a single therapy. Forexample, a person with chronic fatigue syndrome may think that they got better because of the homeopathic remedy that they used, whereas the real reason (if not placebo effect or natural history) could be that they also changed their diet, started doing more exercise or some other lifestyle change. Controlled clinical trials factor in these and other sources of error as, although they will still be present to some degree, they will be present to around the same level in both the active and control groups, and therefore the difference between the two groups will be due to the treatment under investigation. This of course applies equally to the investigation of orthodox medical treatments as well as CAM. heNew England Journal of Medicine summarised the requirement for CAM therapies to be T supported by robust research as follows: There cannot be two kinds of medicine conventional and alternative. There is only medicine that has been adequately tested and medicine that has not, medicine that works and medicine that may or may not work. Butassertions, speculation and testimonials do not substitute for evidence. Alternative treatments should be subjected to scientific testing no less rigorous than that required for conventional treatments.4 Some recommended sources of reliable information on CAM are listed in the resources section.
Medicolegal guidance
The Medical Council issued an updated statement on CAM in March 2011 and it is strongly recommended that doctors who recommend or practise CAM therapies are familiar with the contents.5 The statement was written to inform doctors of the standards of practice that are expected of them by the Council should they choose to practise CAM or if they have patients who use CAM. Itmay be used by the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, the Council and the Health and Disability Commissioner as a standard by which a doctors conduct is measured. hekey points are that when CAM therapies have demonstrated benets for the patient and T have minimal risks, and patients have made an informed choice and given their informed consent, the Council does not oppose their use, and that no doctor: will be found guilty of a disciplinary offence under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 merely because that person has adopted and practised any theory of medicine or healing if, in doing so, the person has acted honestly and in good faith. Therefore the key issue is the strength, if any, of research evidence that supports the practice, as this underpins whether it has demonstrated benefits. Previous decisions by the Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal also provide important guidance as to what is expected of doctors in this regards. F orexample decision 02/89D stated: Whilst section 109(4) recognises that a practitioner is not to be found guilty merely because he has adopted or practised a theory of medicine or healing, it does not follow that his adoption and practice of any theory of medicine or healing is by itself a sufficient answer.6
In another case the Tribunal stated, among other things: Where a registered medical practitioner practises alternative or complementary medicine, there is an onus on that practitioner to inform the patient not only of the nature of the alternative treatment offered but also the extent to which it is consistent with conventional theories of medicine and has, or does not have, the support of the majority of practitioners. T heTribunal recognises that persons who suffer from chronic complaints or conditions for which no simple cure is available are often willing to undergo any treatment which is proffered as a cure. Assuch, they are more readily exploited. Thefaith which such persons place in practitioners offering alternative remedies largely depends on the credibility with which such practitioners present themselves. Where such remedies are offered by a registered medical practitioner, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the patient derives considerable assurance from the fact that the practitioner is so registered. I tfollows, therefore, that a registered medical practitioner cannot discharge his or her obligation to treat the patient to the acceptable and recognised standard simply by claiming the particular treatment was alternative or complementary medicine.7 In assessing complaints or concerns related to the practice of a doctor who has adopted or advocated CAM investigations or treatments, the Medical Council will apply the standards that have been developed for reviewing the competence of any practitioner. I nthe case of CAM practices it will particularly consider the above comments. TheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal will also consider whether: the methodology promoted for a diagnosis is reliable the risk/benefit ratio for any treatment is acceptable the treatment is extrapolated from reliable scientific evidence or is supported by a credible scientific rationale there is a reasonable expectation that the treatment will result in a favorable outcome compared with placebo the practitioner is excessively compensated for the service (ie, is there any suggestion ofexploitation?) informed consent has been adequately documented in the medical record. nassessing the performance of a doctor practising CAM, the Council will not attempt to evaluate I the alternative therapy itself, although the critical appraisal skills of doctors may be of concern. Theusual domains of competence are assessed, rather than the principles of CAM practice.
Scientific evidence for popular supplements Mayo Clinic National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
Ernst E et al 2008. Oxford handbook of complementary medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks). ISBN 10: 0199206775 Hoffman R, FoxB 2008. Alternative cures that really work. ISBN 10: 1594864535 Holt S 2010. Complementary therapies for cancer. ISBN: 9781877517211
Focus on alternative and complementary therapies (FACT) Complementary therapies in medicine
1. Holt S, Holt A, Erasmus P at al 2010. Asurvey of use and knowledge of vitamins and supplements in the Bay of Plenty, NewZealand. NZMJ 29 January. 2. Nicholson T 2006. Complementary and alternative medicines (including traditional Maori treatments) used by presenters to an emergency department in NewZealand: a survey of prevalence and toxicity. NZMJ. 5 May. 3. Holt S, Gilbey A 2011. Asurvey of NewZealand general practitioners understanding of CAM therapies and recommendations they make. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies (June): 18990. 4. Angell M, Kassirer JP 1998. Alternative Medicine the risks of untested and unregulated remedies. NEng J Med; 339: 83941. 5. Medical Council of NewZealand. Statement on complementary and alternative medicine, March 2012. ( Complementary-and-alternative-medicine.pdf). 6. 7.
Increasingly, doctors are becoming involved in procedures and interventions sought by people for lifestyle or image reasons, where there is no medical condition, no improvement in health results and there is a charge directly to the person not covered in the health system. Examples are interventions requested to improve appearance, cosmetic surgery without medical indication and some alternative medicine interventions. Sometimes these interventions are delivered by doctors in organisations that are not primarily medical (beauty clinics for example), and by personnel working alongside doctors who have no medical training. These developments highlight important issues for the profession and for the regulation of these activities.
Doctors being involved in these interventions, raises ethical, resource and regulatory issues. Involvement in nonessential treatments can be attractive to doctors. I nmany circumstances, there are few complex diagnostic or investigative issues to be grappled with, the people are well, they are generally grateful for the intervention, there is limited ongoing responsibility, and it can be lucrative. Having a doctor associated with some services lends credibility to the service and promotes the doctor. Especially for appearance medicine, this seems to be uncomplicated work, with limited responsibility and reasonable revenue. However, there are questions to be asked about doctors using their medical skills in this way. F orinstance, is it reasonable ethically when medical skills to treat patients are in short supply elsewhere? hecapacity for this field to medicalise everyday problems and exploit people is obvious. T Offers to europeanise facial features or alter genitals to what is considered the norm, walk a fragile line that it is easy to tip over from into prejudice and discrimination. Advertising in an ethical way is a prominent issue. Competition promotes interprofessional rivalry. Many of the problems that arise are driven by income and financial concerns, which appear to strike at the heart of the altruism that is expected as a part of professional practice.
Doctors are also capable of being exploited. Organisations set up to profit from nonessential interventions want doctors involved to add credibility and deliver their product or intervention. T hesystems that such organisations have in place do not always meet the professional and medical practice standards that will be expected of doctors. Doctors need to be sure that they are adequately supported and that the systems are robust and safe. Onceyou are associated with an organisation, you share some of the responsibility. nthe transition from caring for the unwell patient who needs care, to caring for the well I patient who chooses to have care, it is easy to slip into business mode. T hepatient becomes the client and your relationship with them changes. Butit is important not to lose sight of your role as a doctor, your duty to protect patients from harm, and the conflicts that arise when you are rewarded for providing such services.
1. Sokol DK 2008. Theharms of medicoplasty. BMJ; 337: 844. 2. Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council 2012. Cosmetic medical and surgical procedures, a national framework.
Inevitably there is a close relationship between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors prescribe drugs, design and execute drug trials, advise individual drug companies, are employed by drug companies, and receive drug company sponsorship for a range of activities. While some pharmaceutical companies adhere to codes of ethics, others do not. This coupled with the susceptibility of some doctors to accept pharmaceutical company generated data as their sole source of information about a drug, has led to serious patient harm including deaths. Intense media interest in such cases has brought the relationship between doctors and pharmaceutical industry into sharp relief, and the public and patients are no longer excluded from the debate. sa starting point there is a fundamental difference in the focus of the two players in this; A the doctors primary focus must be on the well being of the patient; the pharmaceutical companys primary focus is on profit. Itis not a level playing field; pharmaceutical companies have vastly more resources available to influence the way doctors work than doctors have to resist them. Medicines NewZealand a voluntary organisation, which has as members all the large pharmaceutical companies) has a code of ethics which recognises the potential for patient harm and covers many aspects of the pharmaceutical industry interactions with doctors. Forexample, in the section on Direct to consumer advertising, it contains this advice, Information directed to consumers should be accurate, balanced, not misleading and due consideration should be given to the role of the health care practitioner. NewZealand and the United States are the only two OECD countries in which direct to consumer advertising is legal. Other countries have chosen to mitigate the risk this activity presents to patients, by making it illegal. handful of medical colleges worldwide have also responded to public criticism by writing A codes for their members. T heAmerican Psychiatric Association (APA) has eliminated all industry sponsored symposia at its annual meeting. TheRoyal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has a code of conduct for its members giving advice on member interactions with the pharmaceutical industry. hemarketing techniques of pharmaceutical companies have successfully influenced T prescribers, and have resulted in patient harm. n2012 Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) will pay $3 billion to the United States Department of I Justice in the largest fraud settlement in US health care history. Itis alleged that GSK promoted off label uses of drugs and failed to report safety risks. I none example it promoted (by the creation of a medical journal article) the use of the antidepressant paroxetine as being safe in paediatrics when several previous journal articles had refuted this. GSK has also pleaded guilty to failing to report safety data around cardiovascular risks with the use of the diabetic drug rosiglitazone. fthe sum of $3 billion seems eye wateringly large, note that the US pharmaceutical industry I as a whole expects to pay a total of $89 billion in fines in 2012 and that GSK had a taxable profit of $44 billion in 2011.
sthis an isolated case? Sadly no. Almost every major pharmaceutical company in the US has I paid millions of dollars in fines or reached a settlement with the US Department of Justice over fraud cases in the last decade. I n2010 the pharmaceutical industry reached the dubious distinction of passing the notoriously corrupt defence contracting business in the dollar value of fines paid. Acynical view might be that the cost of the fines has simply been factored in to the cost of doing business for these companies because the fines do not come close to the additional profit made from the fraud. Terfenadine and rofecoxib (Vioxx) are just two recent examples of widely prescribed drugs that caused serious morbidity and death before being withdrawn from the market. Advertisements for drugs for mild to moderate depression do not allude to the studies showing that regular physical exercise is as effective an antidepressant for many (not all) patients as tricyclics and SSRIs. Doctors should exercise good judgment and not look to a company for impartial critical education about any product it sells.
After diagnosis, there are a number of steps that should precede the writing of a prescription. What are the available options for altering the natural history of this disease? What is the best choice of an appropriate drug, or nondrug therapy. Itis this last step that the pharmaceutical industry has an intense interest in influencing. Inthe most affluent countries in the world the prescribing of pharmaceuticals is tightly regulated and the sales are determined almost exclusively by the medical profession. Therefore a pharmaceutical company will do considerable work to persuade doctors that: drug therapy is superior to nondrug therapy, and a particular agent (theirs) is superior to all other agents. Changing doctors prescribing behaviour is not easy. Sustained effort on a number of fronts is necessary. Thus there are advertisements in medical journals, and other publications, direct to doctor mailings and incentives offered to doctors to prescribe specific agents. Pharmaceutical company personnel will arrange general practitioner access to specialists who will endorse prescriptions for restricted drugs. Detailing by company representatives is common, as are sponsored medical education sessions, and sponsorship of medical conferences. I fa doctor fails to manage successfully the inherent conflicts of interest which arise from these interactions with the industry, then best patient care will be compromised. This will occur if the doctor: allows his relationship with a pharmaceutical company to result in a prescription that is not the best treatment for his patient allows the clinical trial data the pharmaceutical company has presented to him to be his sole source of education allows biased or incomplete trial data to influence his prescribing.
Many doctors claim that their relationships with the pharmaceutical industry do not influence their prescribing. Thepharmaceutical industry does not share this view and has data to prove it. Relationships between health care professionals and industry can lead to confusion about goals. Both health care decision making and the conduct of research have been profoundly affected by pharmaceutical companies, in ways that are not beneficial to patients. There are a number of objective studies that show that the pharmaceutical industry is successful in influencing doctors prescribing. Inaddition, pharmaceutical companies themselves track sales (ie, prescriptions written) figures by region. Drug promotion is a sophisticated commercial activity with the intention of overtly and covertly altering doctors thinking. Considering the level of investment they make, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical companies promote their products with the most effective marketing tools available. Onearea of very high risk is where pharmaceutical companies seek to be involved in the production of educational material for doctors. Doctors need to recognise that, like other consumers, they are susceptible to marketing and should actively seek unsponsored objective education about new drugs so that patient care is not compromised. Finally the medicalisation of conditions formerly viewed as lifestyle or behavioral matters and, as noted previously, the expansion of existing diagnostic criteria to make increasing numbers of patients eligible for drug therapy, are areas where the pharmaceutical industry takes a keen interest. Therecent proposed expansion of the DSM IV criteria for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the influence that the industry is exerting to promote these proposed changes is a case in point. There is clear ambiguity in the advantage to those currently (and those who will be) diagnosed, and the long term effects of current drug therapy are unknown.
There are number of areas of potential conflict of interest for doctors here: Doctors who are researchers can have a direct financial interest in the design or the conduct or the outcome of a clinical trial Individual researchers are increasingly becoming involved with the commercialisation of their own work Individual researchers sometimes retain the intellectual property to their own work Financial compensation for doctors who are investigators in clinical trials sometimes appears to be at a level that is not commensurate with the work performed Researchers sometimes stand to gain in nonprofit ways from the results of clinical drug trials Researchers sometimes have to make a decision about whether to publish unfavourable results, as a result of which future financial rewards, and future employment with the pharmaceutical company may be lost.
Doctors who are researchers need to be aware that, unless these risks are managed properly, the results of their research will be seen as neither reliable nor impartial. There are documented cases where patient care has been compromised (including death) by the implementation of the results of such research. Atthe trial design stage, the doctor must consider whether the proposed study sets out to answer questions which are sufficiently important to justify the study, whether the risks to which the patients are exposed are reasonable, considering the likely benefits, whether the study design is appropriate, and whether patients will be able to consent freely with appropriate levels of informed consent. When a doctor is involved in research he must declare apparent conflicts of interest to the ethics committee which is involved in approving the trial. Thedoctor must allow others to determine whether the apparent conflicts are potential or real, and must take steps to separate the conflicts by withdrawing from or curtailing certain activities and by delegating these functions to others. H emust communicate these decisions to fellow researchers and to the participants in the research.
In spite of widely held notions by doctors of immunity to their influences, the activities of the pharmaceutical industry do affect the behaviour of doctors in ways that are not always conducive to providing the best patient care. Unless these risks are managed appropriately doctors will be breaching ethical and sometimes legal boundaries. T heCode of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights makes reference to patients who are subject to research (right 9). When considering whether or not to interact with the pharmaceutical industry doctors should ask themselves, Might there arise a conflict of interest in this activity which could compromise my ability to provide impartial and best quality patient care?
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
David Dunbar is the Registrar of the Medical Council of NewZealand. Cite this as Dunbar D 2013. Howmedical practice standards are set by legislation: the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act. Chapter 27 in StGeorge IM (ed.). Coles medical practice in NewZealand, 12th edition. Medical Council of NewZealand, Wellington.
214 215
General scope of practice (and provisional general scope ofpractice) 215 Vocational scopes of practice (and provisional vocational scopes of practice) 215 Special purpose scopes of practice Recertification Professional standards Interim suspension or imposition of conditions Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (HPDT) 216 216 216 218 218
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
The regulation of health professionals in NewZealand is governed by the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the HPCAA 2003). Theprincipal purpose of the HPCAA 2003 is to protect the health and safety of the public by establishing mechanisms to ensure that health practitioners are competent and fit to practise medicine. This provides the framework for the policies, procedures and standards applied by the Medical Council of NewZealand (the Council) to the regulation of doctors. heintention of the HPCAA 2003 is to increase consistency, transparency and efficiency T in the regulation of health professionals. Inapplying the mechanisms under the Act, the Council applies the principles of natural justice, with the Council striving to make well informed and reasoned decisions. heHPCAA 2003 details a number of important functions that the Council is required to T perform, including but not limited to: determining scopes of practice and qualifications required for registration registering doctors in specific scopes of practice requiring doctors to demonstrate competence at registration and maintenance of competence when applying for practising certificates conducting competence reviews (performance assessments) and requiring programmes for up-skilling or retraining of doctors who are not practising at the required standard receiving notifications of any mental or physical conditions affecting the fitness of a doctor to practise medicine (referred by Council to its Health Committee where necessary for expert assessment and follow up) setting standards of cultural and clinical competence, and ethical conduct accrediting branch advisory bodies,1 medical schools and intern runs.
Under the HPCAA 2003, Council is required to define what falls within the practice ofmedicine in NewZealand in terms of one or more scopes of practice. These scopes of practice, define aspects of the practice of medicine and the health services that a doctor may provide within the scopes. heHPCAA 2003 requires that each doctor must be fit to practise, hold a relevant T qualification prescribed by the Council, and be competence to practise within the scope of practice applied for. These prescribed qualifications will vary between the different scopes of practice. Inmany cases, a prescribed2 qualification will be an identified medical degree, or fellowship of a medical college, but in some cases the Council will require a combination of a medical degree, and additional training, or approved experience. I nsuch cases, the doctor will be required to meet all these requirements before he or she will be recognised as holding the prescribed qualification.
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
nassessing an application for registration, the Council may consider placing one or more I conditions on a doctor's scope of practice. Examples include conditions requiring a period of supervision in a specified position or identifying a form of assessment that must be completed upon which the limitation may be removed. Such conditions do not necessarily suggest an identified competence, conduct or health concern. Instead, they enable a doctor to be registered in a practice context that best corresponds to the areas that the doctor has previously worked in, or been formally assessed in.
Practising certificates
A doctor must hold a practising certificate to practise medicine in NewZealand. Thepractising certificate is valid for a period of time, up to 1 year. Thecertificate records the doctors registered scope(s) of practice, place of work, supervision requirements and/or conditions (if applicable).
Scopes of practice General scope of practice (and provisional general scope ofpractice)
ewZealand and Australian medical graduates who have completed their internships N in either country are eligible for registration in a general scope of practice after a year of provisional registration and supervised practise. These graduates will have a year of provisional registration first (which is the internship). International medical graduates (IMG) who apply for registration in NewZealand in a general scope of practice must first be eligible or become registered in a provisional general scope of practice. This allows Council to determine whether a doctor is able to work at the required standard required in the NewZealand health system. Doctors registered in a provisional general scope of practice are required to work satisfactorily under supervision in an approved position or positions for 6-12 months consecutively to qualify for registration in a general scope of practice. Once the doctor has satisfied the Council that all conditions have been met under their provisional general scope of practice, they can then apply for registration within a general scope of practice.
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
International medical graduates who hold a postgraduate qualification (but not the prescribed Australasian qualification) and who wish to apply for registration within a vocational scope practice, must first be registered within a provisional vocational scope of practice.3 In deciding whether to register IMGs in a provisional vocational scope,the Council seeks advice from the branch advisory bodies. TheBAB will advise Council whether the doctor has training, qualifications and experience equivalent to, or as satisfactory as, that of a doctor trained in NewZealand who holds the prescribed qualification. TheCouncil considers this advice in making its final decision.
To maintain the right to practice doctors must meet ongoing recertification requirements. Forthe general scope of practice, this is achieved by maintaining a collegial relationship. Doctors must also meet other continuing professional development (CPD) requirements, including audit of medical practice, peer review and CME). Within a vocational scope of practice, doctors must participate in an approved recertification programme.
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
A competence review (also known as a performance assessment) is a broad-based assessment of how the doctor is practising, using a variety of assessment tools (including notes reviews and peer assessment). T heprocess is thorough, and is ultimately in intended to be educative. Iffollowing the assessment, the Council has reason to believe that the doctor does not meet the required standard of competence, the Council must make one or more of the following orders: that the doctor undertakes a competence programme (also known as an educationalprogramme) that conditions be placed on the doctors scope of practice that the doctor sits an examination or assessment that the doctor is counselled or assisted by a named person. nmost cases the Council orders a 12-month education programme, with specific, targeted I standards for the doctor to achieve.
The HPCAA 2003 enables the Council to appoint a professional conduct committee (PCC) to investigate complaints about conduct, or to investigate the circumstances of offences committed by doctors. Most complaints about a doctor's conduct the Council receives must first be referred to the Health and Disability Commissioner (the Commissioner)4 and may not be referred to a PCC until the Commissioner informs the Council that: the matter is not being investigated by the Commissioner; or the matter has been resolved by the Commissioner; or the Director of Proceedings5 will not be considering or proceeding with the matter. fa doctor is convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 months or I more, the Council will be notified and is required under the Act to refer the matter to the PCC for an investigation (regardless of the actual sentence ordered by the Court). orother matters, the Council has residual power to refer the matter to a PCC if the F Council considers that information in its possession raises one or more questions about the appropriateness of the practice or conduct of the doctor. After considering a case the PCC may make a number of recommendations to the Council, including recommending that Council review a doctors competence or fitness to practise, or scope of practice (including placing conditions on their scope of practice), and in some cases referral to the police. ThePCC may, alternatively, make its own determinations, independent of the Council. These include laying a charge before the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (HPDT).
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
Council may also place an interim suspension on a practising certificate or place conditions on a doctors scope of practice, where Council believes on reasonable grounds that a conduct issue casts doubt on the appropriateness of the doctors conduct in their professional capacity. heAct does not always require that a matter be before a PCC before action can be taken. T TheCouncil may also consider imposing an interim suspension or conditions when a doctors alleged conduct is relevant to a pending criminal proceeding or is being investigated by the Commissioner.
Where a doctors competence is being or has been reviewed, and the Council considers it has reasonable grounds for believing the doctor poses a risk of serious harm to the public by practising below the required standard of competence, the Council may propose conditions or suspension for an interim period. T hecondition or suspension will remain in effect until the performance assessment is completed or the doctor has passed an examination or assessment required by Council. However, in either situation, Council adheres to natural justice principles and the specific provisions in the Act. Council will first propose its decision and give the doctor the opportunity to provide submissions and be heard by Council before finalising any proposed interim suspension or conditions.
CHAPTER 27 How medical practice standards are set by legislation 1: theHealthPractitioners Competence Assurance Act
1. Section 12(2) of the HPCAA 2003 lists the aspects that may form part of a prescribed qualification, which include training, educational qualification and experience. Once a doctor is registered, their authorised scope of practice is entered on the publicly-available medical register, along with any conditions. 2. Council has a system of accrediting and reaccrediting the postgraduate training and recertification programmes associated with each vocational scope. 3. See 2 4. The Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner was created under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994, to promote the rights of the health and disability services consumers and facilitate the fair, simple, speedy and efficient resolution of complaints. 5. T heDirector of Proceedings (DP) is a lawyer appointed under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act. When the Commissioner has found a breach of consumer rights, he may refer the provider to the DP. TheDP reviews the case and makes an independent decision on whether or not to take any further action.
Introduction Prescribing medicines Good prescribing practice4 Drugs of abuse14 Standing orders Crimes Act 1961 Withdrawal of care and euthanasia Protecting vulnerable patients Public health Cervical screening Contraception, sterilisation and abortion Assisted human reproduction Advance directives and enduring powers of attorney Fitness to drive motor vehicles Deaths and medical certificates of causes of death
221 221 221 222 223 223 223 224 224 225 225 225 225 226 227
Medicine is a risky business, and where there is risk, governments usually like to enact laws. Many of these laws have a direct impact on the way you practise medicine. Some grant you protections and powers, others place limits on what you can do. I tis important that you have a basic understanding of these laws before they have an impact on your practice. Other chapters in this book deal with specific areas of medical law in detail. TheCouncil also provides a variety of statements, which discuss how aspects of the law apply in particular situations.1 This chapter aims to provide a brief overview of aspects of the law not discussed elsewhere in this book and discuss how they apply to your practice. Much of the law is complex and this chapter is unlikely to answer all of your questions. Ifyou are unsure about something, ask a colleague or an adviser from your medical indemnity insurer. TheActs and regulations mentioned below can all be read online at
Prescribing medicines
The Medicines Act 1981, the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and the Medicines Regulations 1984 provide controls over the manufacture, storage, prescribing, dispensing and advertising of medicines. Medicines Control, a regulatory team in the Ministry of Health, is responsible for monitoring and administration of medicines and controlled drugs and staff can provide you with advice on the legislation and your responsibilities.2 The Council has also issued a portfolio of statements on Good prescribing practice which outlines its expectations in the context of these laws.3
oushould also ensure that your prescriptions include all the information needed for Y appropriate dispensing and compliance with subsidy requirements.9 It is wise to avoid using any abbreviations that could be misunderstood. Mistakes, missing information or illegibility can have serious consequences. I tis not permissible to issue prescriptions by email or other 10 electronic means. Faxed or telephone prescriptions are permitted, but only in cases where a medicine is needed urgently. Insuch cases the original prescription must be forwarded to the 11 pharmacist within 7 days. Be aware that the Medicines Act and Regulations are currently under review, and the requirements may well change in the following months. TheCouncil will advise you of any relevant changes, and will update Good Prescribing Practice to incorporate any legislative amendments. Approved medicines and their uses are outlined in MIMS New Ethicals,12 and you should keep a copy on hand. Ifyou prescribe an unapproved medicine (or a medicine for a purpose for which it has not been approved) you should advise the patient of the unapproved status of the medicine and be frank about the standard of support for the use of the medicine and any safety concerns. Youare also required to pass certain details relating to the supply of that medicine to the Director General of Health.13
Drugs of abuse14
The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies some medicines as controlled drugs, and further classifies these according to the risk of harm they pose. Class A controlled drugs are very high risk (for example cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine) and these are almost unprescribable. Class B controlled drugs (high risk) include methadone, morphine and pethidine, while Class C controlled drugs (moderate risk) include codeine, diazepam and temazepam. Inappropriate prescribing of drugs of abuse is unacceptable, both clinically and ethically. Itis usually also against the law. Inparticular you should be aware that it is illegal to prescribe controlled drugs to any person deemed a restricted person by a Medical Officer of Health.15 If you prescribe drugs that have the potential for abuse you should make sure you are aware of any restricted persons living in your area. Lists of restricted persons are maintained through prescriber updates and peer review processes. Ifyou have any doubts about the appropriateness of a request for drugs, especially controlled drugs, it is wise to discuss your concerns with an adviser from Medicines Control.16 Section 48 of the Medicines Act 1981, section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 empower the Medical Council to inquire into the prescribing of any doctor to consider and determine whether he or she is prescribing inappropriately.17 If the Council has concerns then it can recommend to the Minister of Health that a doctor be prohibited from prescribing all, or specific classes of, prescription medicines. Under section 24 of the Misuse of Drugs Act it is an offence to prescribe, administer or supply a controlled drug to a person you believe is dependent on that drug for the purpose of treating dependency, unless you are an authorised person (or working for an authorised facility). fyou hold or dispense controlled drugs then you are required to keep a controlled drugs I register. Youare also required to keep Class A and Class B controlled drugs and your controlled drug prescription pad in a secure cupboard or compartment, which is of metal or concrete construction.18
Standing orders
The requirements for initiating and using standing orders are set out in the Medicines (Standing Order) Regulations 2002. These only allow medicines to be administered or supplied to patients by way of a standing order if certain conditions are met. I fyou delegate the administration or supply of medicines to a nondoctor colleague by means of standing orders then you need to make yourself familiar with these conditions19 and with the Ministry of Healths Standing Orders Guidelines.20 If you sign a standing order then the responsibility for the effects of the medicines administered or supplied under that standing order rests with you,21 and you must also countersign the charted treatment or record and put in place a process to monitor and review the correct operation of the standing order.22
In a recent incident a severely physically disabled patient refused to accept nourishment needed to keep her alive. Inthis case her carers made sure that they offered her treatment every day, ensured that she was well informed about the consequences of her decision and documented these discussions. Euthanasia, the provision of treatment when the primary aim is to assist a patient to die, is illegal.28 When a medical or surgical treatment is not for the patients benefit or where it is not reasonable, then a patient death may result in a conviction for murder (if deliberate) or manslaughter. In2001 a doctor was convicted of manslaughter of his mother who was nearing the end of her life. Heinjected her with a cocktail of drugs in significant quantities that she might die and he also strangled her.
Public health
The Health Act 1956 is intended to improve, promote and protect the public health. Itcovers a range of issues, such as ensuring the safety of drinking water and giving certain officials the power to quarantine ships or aircraft. Italso outlines the statutory duties and responsibilities of Medical Officers of Health and sets out when and how doctors must notify infectious and notifiable diseases. Section 74 states that if a doctor has a reason to believe that a patient is suffering from a notifiable disease then he or she must advise their local Medical Officer of Health. T helocal authority must also be informed in some cases. I fthe notifiable disease is infectious, then the doctor must also inform the occupier of the premises and every person nursing or in immediate attendance on the patient of the infectious nature of the disease and the precautions to be taken. helist of diseases and infectious diseases which must be notified are set out in Schedule 1 T and Schedule 2 of the Act. Under the Tuberculosis Act 1949 you must also notify your local Medical Officer of Health of cases of tuberculosis.
Cervical screening
The Health (National Cervical Screening Programme) Amendment Act 2004 established a national cervical screening programme intended to reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. Under the Act29 you must tell a woman about the screening programme whenever you take a specimen from her for the purpose of a screening test, or perform a colposcopic procedure. I fthis is the womans first screening test or you are performing a colposcopic procedure, you must also tell her about the importance of having regular screening tests; the objectives of the screening programme; who has access to information on the programmes register; and how that information might be used. Forcolposcopic procedures you must also tell the woman that she will be automatically enrolled on the programme, but may withdraw at any time. Section 112ZB of the Act also states that you must make health information and specimens available to a screening programme evaluator, but the evaluator is bound by strict confidentiality rules to ensure that the patients privacy is protected.
nadvance directive is also sometimes referred to as a living will. Right 7(5) of the Code A of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights32 says that every consumer may use an advance directive in accordance with the common law. T heCode goes on to define an advance directive as a written or oral directive by which a consumer makes a choice about a future health care procedure; and that is intended to be effective only when he or she is not competent.33 This means that a person can make an advance choice about receiving or refusing services. Insome countries there is specific legislation setting out requirements that need to be followed and met before such a directive is legally valid. There is no equivalent legislation in NewZealand, and the validity of an advance directive under common law is currently unclear. Although the law is not clear, there are some steps that it would be prudent for you to take before acting in accordance with a patients advance directive or living will. Youshould ensure that the advance directive was made without undue influence and that the patient was competent and fully informed about the consequences of their decisions. oushould also be satisfied that the patient intended the advance directive to apply to the Y current situation and that they reviewed the advance directive recently. heProtection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 allows a patient formally to T nominate someone else to make personal care and welfare decisions on his or her behalf should he or she become mentally incapable. Ifa patient has appointed someone to act as an enduring power of attorney with respect to their personal care and welfare and has been assessed as lacking capacity, then you should generally treat the lawyer as the patient for most information and consent purposes. However, section 18(1)(c) of the Act specifically forbids the lawyer from refusing consent to the administering of any standard medical treatment or procedure intended to save (the patients) life or to prevent serious damage to that persons health. Inmaking decisions about the patients personal care and welfare the attorney must consult, as much as possible, with the patient and with other people named and must have regard for any advance directive expressed by the patient. Ifyou are concerned that an lawyer has made a decision which is not in the patients interest, then section 103 empowers you to ask a court to review that decision.
Some drivers (for example, drivers over the age of 75 and bus drivers) are required to regularly obtain a medical certificate to state that they are medically fit to drive a motor vehicle. When assessing such a driver and completing a certificate, you are required to consider the information contained in the booklet entitled Medical aspects of fitness to drive.34 This can be downloaded from the Agency website. tsome point you might be called on to take a blood specimen for evidential purposes from A a person who is suspected of an offence relating to alcohol or drug involved driving. TheAct allows you to take a blood sample without a persons consent if they present as a result of a motor vehicle accident, or when an enforcement officer asks you to.35 When taking a blood sample you must be satisfied that doing so would not be prejudicial to the persons proper care or treatment and must tell him or her (unless they are unconscious) that the blood specimen is being taken for evidential purposes.
There are some circumstances when you should not issue a certificate, and must instead report a death to the police. These circumstances are outlined in section 13 of the Coroners Act 2006 and include when: death appears to be without known cause, suicide, unnatural or violent death occurs during or apparently as a result of some medical, surgical, dental or similar operation or procedure death occurs while a person was affected by an anaesthetic or the result of the administration of the anaesthetic death occurs while the woman was giving birth, or that appears to have been the result of the pregnancy or giving birth death occurs in certain types of institutions or custody, including police or prison custody, or treatment facilities for mental illness or alcohol or drug addiction. Once you have notified the Police they will usually make some enquiries and then notify a coroner. Thecoroner might then contact you, and in some situations might require you to complete a written report.39 If you are uncertain about your obligations in these circumstances or how to go about completing a report then you can contact a coroner directly and a 24 hour phone service has been set up to facilitate this. Thenumber for this service is (04) 910 4482.
1. Refer to Appendix A. 2. Telephone: Northern Region (09) 580 9088, Central Region (04) 496 2437 or Southern Region (03) 474 8492 3. These are Good prescribing practice, Prescribing drugs of abuse, and Prescribing performance enhancing medicines in sport. 4. Formore information, refer to the Councils statement on Good prescribing practice. 5. Although there are often separate subsidy requirements which must be met, and the Council requires that you only prescribe within the limits of your competence. 6. Medicines Regulations 1984. Regulation 39. Refer to Good prescribing practice for a discussion on how under the care should be interpreted. 7. Medicines Regulations 1984. Regulation 41. 8. Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1977. Regulation 29. 9. Formore information, refer to the Councils statement on Good prescribing practice. 10. Unless special dispensation has been obtained. Contact the Ministry of Health for information on how to obtain such dispensation. 11. Medicines Regulations 1984. Regulation 40. 12. Subscription details are available from or 0508 464 676. 13. Refer to Rights 6 and 7 of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights and to the advice provided by Medsafe at
14. Formore information, refer to the Councils statement on Prescribing drugs of abuse. 15. Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1977. Regulation 25. 16. Please call Medicines Control on 0800 163 060. 17. Inappropriate prescribing can include indiscriminate, excessive or reckless prescribing. Seethe Councils statements on Good prescribing practice and Prescribing drugs of abuse for more information. 18. Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1977. Regulation 37 and Schedule 1. 19. Refer to the Medicines (Standing Order) Regulations 2002. Regulation 5. 20. These can be downloaded from 21. Paragraph 42, Good medical practice. 22. Medicines (Standing Order) Regulations 2002. Regulation 8. 23. Crimes Act 1961. Section 155. 24. Crimes Act 1961. Section 61. 25. Crimes Act 1961. Section 61A. 26. Avulnerable adult is defined in the Act as a person unable, by reason of detention, age, sickness, mental impairment, or any other cause, to withdraw himself or herself from the care or charge of another person. 27. NewZealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Section 11. 28. Clause 23 of the NZMA Code of Ethics advises you to bear in mind always the obligation of preserving life wherever possible and justifiable, while allowing death to occur with dignity and comfort when it appears to be inevitable. Insuch treatment situations, treatment applied with the primary aim of relieving patient distress is ethically acceptable, even when it may have the secondary effect of shortening life. 29. Health (National Cervical Screening Programme) Amendment Act 2004. Sections 112L and 112M. 30. Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004. Section 16. 31. Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004. Part 3. 32. Refer to Chapter 29. 33. Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights. Clause 4. 34. Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule 1999. Part 7 and Part 13. 35. Land Transport Act 1998. Sections 72 and 73. 36. Burial and Cremation Act 1964. Section 46B(2). 37. Burial and Cremation Act 1964. Section 46B(3). 38. Burial and Cremation Act 1964. Section 46B(8). 39. Coroners Act 2006. Section 40.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Anthony Hill has been NewZealands Health and Disability Commissioner since July 2010. Cite this as Hill A 2013. T herole of the Health and Disability Commissioner and the Code of Rights. Chapter 29 in StGeorge IM (ed.). Coles medical practice in NewZealand, 12th edition. Medical Council of NewZealand, Wellington.
TheCode of Rights Complaints resolution Nofurther action Provider resolution Advocacy Mediation Investigations Relationships with other organisations Options where there is a breach of the Code Proceedings TheHuman Rights Review Tribunal Conclusion
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CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner (the Commissioner) is to: promote and protect the rights of consumers who use health and disability services; and facilitate the fair, simple, speedy, and efficient resolution of complaints relating to infringement of those rights. sa consequence of the Crown Entities Reform Act 2012, the advocacy and monitoring A functions in the mental health and addictions sector were transferred to the Health and Disability Commissioner. heCommissioner enforces the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights (the Code). T TheCode confers legal rights on those who use health and disability services in NewZealand (consumers) and places corresponding responsibilities on providers of those services. HDC supports the successful expression of a consumer centred system. Culture is critical the the way we do things around here should successfully engage the whole team caring for the consumer. Consumer centred care involves sharing information and understanding, engagement between provider and consumer, quality and continuity of care, a supportive and transparent environment all of which are underpinned by respect for the consumer and their values and preferences, and the role of the consumers family. heCommissioner aims to achieve resolution, as well as safety and quality improvement T through continuous learning, and protection of the public. Akey aspect of successful resolution involves ensuring that the provider, the organisation, and the system identify what went wrong and successfully learn from it, and that the system is strengthened as a result.
TheCode of Rights
The Code became law on 1 July 1996 as a regulation under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 (the HDC Act). Application of the Code is very wide and includes public and private services, paid and unpaid services, hospitals, and individuals. T heCode covers all registered health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and dentists, and can also cover other providers such as naturopaths, caregivers, and even people who care for family members with a disability. TheCommissioner can consider systems issues as well as individual actions. herights set out in the Code are not comprehensive. T Forexample, the right to patient confidentiality is affirmed in separate privacy legislation (see chapter 13 on medical records), and the Code does not extend to funding decisions or confer entitlement to any particular service. TheCode does not override duties or obligations established in other legislation. orare the rights absolute. N Itis a defence for a provider to show that he or she took reasonable actions in the circumstances to give effect to the rights, and comply with the duties in [the] Code. Thecircumstances are defined to include the consumers clinical circumstances, the providers resource constraints, and any other relevant circumstances.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Seamless Service
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Complaints resolution
Any person (including the consumer, a family member, or even another provider) may complain to the Commissioner alleging that any action of a provider is or appears to be in breach of the Code. Complaints made to an advocate that remain unresolved after advocacy assistance must be referred to the Commissioner. I fthe Medical Council receives a complaint about patient care, it must refer the complaint to the Commissioner in the first instance. The Commissioner is responsible for ensuring that each complaint about health care and disability services providers is dealt with appropriately. nreceipt of a complaint, the Commissioner is required to make a preliminary assessment of O the complaint to decide what course of action, if any, is appropriate. TheCommissioner may, among other things: refer the complaint to another agency or person, including a regulatory authority such as the Medical Council, ACC, the Director General of Health, or the person who provided the services about which the consumer has complained refer the complaint to an advocate call a mediation conference formally investigate the complaint take no action on the complaint. TheHDC Act supports resolution of complaints at the lowest appropriate level. nthe 2011/2012 financial year, around 65 percent of the complaints HDC received were I about doctors. Recurring themes in those complaints were failures to get the basics right, such as: reading the notes asking the questions talking to the patient listening to the patient and the patients family ensuring continuity of care taking responsibility.
Nofurther action
At any time after completing a preliminary assessment of a complaint, the Commissioner may, at his discretion, decide to take no action on a complaint if he considers that any action is unnecessary or inappropriate. This may occur when, for example: the length of time that has elapsed between the incident and the making of the complaint is such that an investigation is no longer practicable or desirable the subject matter of the complaint is trivial the complaint is frivolous or vexatious
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
the consumer does not want action to be taken there is an adequate remedy which it would be reasonable for the complainant to exercise the matter has been fully investigated and reviewed, any recommendations of the review have been implemented, and an HDC investigation is unlikely to shed further light on thematter. nsome circumstances, the Commissioner may decide to take no further action but will I make recommendations for improvement to systems and practices. T heCommissioner will then follow up the recommendations to ensure any changes are appropriately implemented. Incases where the wider health sector may benefit from the learnings revealed by the assessment of complaint, the Commissioner may publish an anonymised case note on theHDC website.
Case study
Parents complained about the care provided to their eight year old son when he died following an anaphylactic reaction to nuts. I nparticular, they were concerned with the quality of information provided by a paediatrician about his nut allergy, resulting reactions, and links between asthma and nut allergy. They were also concerned about the lack of planned follow up or review when their son was discharged from paediatric overview. heparents were concerned that their sons general practitioner did not adequately review or update T the management of their sons nut allergies, or take the allergy into account when considering treatment for asthma. heparents also complained that the health authorities did not provide national standards or T consistent national delivery of advice and treatment on food allergies. They were concerned about the availability of immunology services and direct links between paediatricians and immunologists. Theparents considered that advice on when to prescribe and administer adrenaline autoinjectors was unclear and inconsistent across the country. heCommissioner obtained a response from the paediatrician and general practitioner concerned. H T ethen requested preliminary expert advice from an expert general practitioner and an expert general paediatrician, both of whom advised that the care provided was appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. Overall, the Commissioner was satisfied with the clinical decisions made, and the care provided by the general practitioner and the paediatrician. However, the Commissioner suggested to the general practitioner and the paediatrician that they reflect on the expert paediatricians comment that the boys long term conditions, including his nut allergy, should have been under ongoing review. Herecommended that the general practitioner and paediatrician keep abreast of ongoing developments in this field, including the issue of health professionals working more closely together, with families, to ensure quality and continuity of services, and cooperative monitoring of long term conditions. heCommissioner published a case study on the HDC website for educational purposes, and brought T the case to the attention of the Royal NewZealand College of Practitioners, the Paediatric Society, Coronial Services, the NewZealand Clinical Immunology and Allergy Group, the Ministry of Health, Pharmac, the National Health Board, and the Health Quality and Safety Commission. This case can be accessed in full at
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Provider resolution
Often the quickest and most satisfactory way of dealing with complaints is for the consumer to deal directly with the provider. Ahealth or disability service provider who respects, listens to, and involves the consumer (and family and whnau where appropriate) is more likely to deliver a better service and be able to resolve any concerns at an early stage. TheCode requires providers to have a complaints procedure, and sets out minimum requirements for keeping consumers informed about the progress of their complaint. Consumers are entitled to the assistance of a support person or an independent advocate when making a complaint. heCommissioner may refer a complaint to the provider for resolution if the complaint does T not raise public safety issues and can be appropriately resolved by the provider. Insome cases, the provider may not have been aware of the complaint and may be well motivated to resolve the complaint directly with the consumer. Allreferrals to a provider are accompanied by reporting requirements back to the Commissioner. This enables the Commissioner to review the outcome of referrals to ensure the matter is adequately resolved, any compliance issues are addressed, and independent oversight is maintained. T heCommissioner may take further action if not satisfied with the reported outcome.
Case study
The Commissioner received a complaint relating to a womans care over a year or more by providers from many disciplines, all in one District Health Board. T hewoman complained of her year of hell. Sheacknowledged that taken in isolation the matters she complained of could appear trivial, but in total they had had a serious effect on her health. After discussion with the District Health Boards chief executive officer, and with the womans agreement, the complaint was referred to the District Health Board. TheDistrict Health Board looked into the complaint, met with the patient, and achieved a speedy resolution which satisfied her. Shereported the positive outcome to the Commissioner before the District Health Board had reported back.
Free independent advocacy services are available throughout NewZealand. Advocates promote awareness of the Code and HDC Act, providing free education sessions to consumers and providers. They assist consumers to resolve complaints at an early stage and encourage self advocacy as well as providing more support as needed. Advocates do not make decisions on whether there has been a breach of the Code. Rather, their role is to give consumers information about their rights, and to support them to make decisions and take action to attempt to resolve the complaint. Most complaints that advocates handle are received directly rather than via the Commissioner, but in some cases the Commissioner may decide that a complaint made to his office should be referred to an advocate to enable the parties to resolve the matter. T hemajority of complaints referred to advocacy are successfully resolved, often by face to face meetings with providers. Advocates must report back to the Commissioner with the results of a referral to advocacy, and may also report on any matter concerning the rights of consumers that they consider should be brought to the Commissioners attention.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
henationwide health and disability service is provided by an independent national T advocacy trust through a contractual arrangement with the Director of Advocacy. Theadvocacy service can be contacted by freephone on 0800 555 050, free fax on 080027877678 or at [email protected].
Case study
Mrs D was provided with verbal and written information about advocacy and the Code after relaying the following information: on a number of occasions she and her doctor had discussed the probability that she would need to start an antihypertensive. Ata consultation her blood pressure was noted, yet again, to be high, and the doctor advised that it was now time to start the treatment. They again discussed her reluctance to commence the treatment, but she agreed to do so. MrsD was told the name of the medication being prescribed and she asked about possible side effects. T hedoctor told her she would know if she experienced any and she should return if she did. MrsD then requested the same information from the dispensing pharmacist, who advised that it is not the pharmacys normal practice to provide such information about the medication. rsD was very disturbed about not being able to get the information and contacted the local advocate M to find out her rights. Asa result of her concerns and discussions with the advocate, MrsD decided to seek a second opinion from a specialist, and contacted her general practitioners nurse to organise a referral letter. Within the hour her doctor had telephoned her, having recognised her distress, and asked to meet with her later the same day. M rsDs advocate offered to support her, but Mrs D felt able to proceed alone. hereported back to the advocate that the meeting had gone well and she had received the information S she required. Thedoctor apologised for the distress caused and assured her that he would support her in obtaining a second opinion. Other advocacy case studies can be found online at
The Commissioner may call a mediation conference at any stage. Mediation is often a very effective way of resolving complaints, and provides an opportunity for the parties to agree to a fair outcome with minimum delay and cost. heparties meet across the table, with or without support persons, to discuss their concerns. T Although the parties may have a lawyer present, this is not necessary. Animpartial mediator assists the parties to define the issues in dispute, explore options for resolution of the complaint, and find their own solutions to the dispute. Allstatements made during mediation are confidential and, if a deed of settlement is signed, it is a full and final settlement of the issue. fa complaint is not resolved by mediation, the Commissioner will decide what, if any, I further action to take.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Case study
Mr E was admitted to a hospital Emergency Department after injuring himself in a car accident that morning. O nassessment, his main complaint was abdominal and back pain. Xrays of his back and neck showed no fractures, and he was discharged around 5pm. MrEs condition deteriorated and he was readmitted to the Emergency Department at 10pm with pain in the kidney region and symptoms of shock. H ewas reassessed and discharged home with pain relief and treatment for a urinary tract infection. Four days later he deteriorated markedly, with disorientation, increased abdominal and back pain, and weakening of his legs. H ewas admitted to Intensive Care and received treatment for a contusion of the small bowel. M rE continued to complain of intermittent back pain, but another Xray showed no fracture. However, a further Xray and CT imaging taken a few days later indicated a fractured spine. M rE experienced increasing heaviness in his legs and subsequently developed paraplegia. This serious complaint concerned the standard of care Mr E received at the hospital. T heprimary issue was the failure of hospital medical staff to diagnose the fracture, which left Mr E paralysed. Thecomplaint also concerned pain management, nursing care, and communication. heCommissioner commenced an investigation and, after reviewing the hospitals response, referred T the matter for expert orthopaedic advice. T headvisor considered that, overall, the care Mr E received was satisfactory. M rEs fracture was not displaced at the time of initial Xray investigation and was therefore hidden from view. T headvisor stated that this was an exceptionally complex case, and that Mr E had received good management and well documented, compassionate care. nlight of the expert clinical advice, and the unresolved communication concerns, the matter was I considered appropriate for mediation. AsMr Es family was Mori, the Commissioner engaged a Mori mediator with knowledge of cultural issues. T hefamily and the District Health Board were provided with a copy of the expert advice prior to the mediation conference, to guide them in their discussions. hemediation conference resulted in a successful outcome. This included a written apology by the T Board to Mr E and his whnau, as well as the instigation of a process to restore his mana. I nits letter of apology, the Board commented that the mediation was a learning experience for all involved, and that the knowledge gained would be applied for the benefit of all patients.
Some complaints, for example those involving allegations of serious professional misconduct, sexual impropriety, complex systems issues, or public safety issues, are not appropriate for low level resolution and proceed to a formal investigation. TheCommissioner may commence an investigation in response to a complaint or on the Commissioners own initiative. heinvestigation process is independent and impartial. Providers are informed of the T investigation, given a copy of the letter of complaint, and asked to respond to the complaint. Theproviders response is very important in informing the Commissioners understanding of what occurred, and his opinion as to whether there has been a breach of the Code. Registration authorities, such as the Medical Council, are notified of any investigation. Where the appropriate standard of care is in issue, expert independent clinical advice is obtained to assist the Commissioner to form an opinion. Relevant professional groups, such as the Royal NewZealand College of General Practitioners, nominate expert advisers, and the advisers are named in the Commissioners reports.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
heHDC Act gives the Commissioner wide powers to gather relevant information. This T includes the ability to summon witnesses, to take evidence under oath, and to require the production of relevant documents. Itis an offence to obstruct or hinder the Commissioner or any other person in the exercise of their powers under the HDC Act, or to give false or misleading information. Most investigations end in a written report from the Commissioner to the parties. Before forming a final opinion, the Commissioner sends a provisional report to the parties. I fany adverse comment is made about a person, that person is given an opportunity to respond to the adverse comment before the Commissioners report is published. TheCommissioner considers responses to the provisional report, and sometimes seeks further expert advice, before issuing a final report. Thereports are usually published in an anonymised form on the HDC website. ninvestigation can be a lengthy process, depending on the complexity of the issues under A consideration and the number of people involved.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Case study
A woman complained about the care provided to her 79 year old father, who had Parkinsons disease, by a public hospital. T heman was referred to the hospitals emergency department with acute pain in his left leg and a cold, blue left foot. H ewas diagnosed with impending ischaemia and admitted to hospital. heman was initially under the care of a general surgeon. T Thehospitals vascular surgeon was on leave at the time the man was admitted. T hevascular surgeons registrar gave the general surgeon ambiguous information about the vascular surgeons return, which led to a delay of ten days before the man was seen by the vascular surgeon. Eight days later, the vascular surgeon performed a bypass of the aneurysm behind the mans knee. Over the next few days, the mans condition deteriorated. Thevascular surgeon again went on leave, and did not handover care of the man to the on call consultant, relying instead on the registrar. Theregistrar and a house surgeon reviewed the man, whose foot was pale, cool and his pulses faint. Theregistrar did not take further action or contact the on call consultant. Five days after surgery the man was reviewed by the on call surgeon, who concluded that the bypass graft was blocked. T heman was transferred to a larger DHB, where acute ischaemia following an acute thrombosis of the graft was diagnosed. Removing the clot did not improve the condition of the mans foot and he underwent an above knee amputation. T hefamily told the Commissioner that despite raising concerns on several occasions, they were reassured that it should be alright.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
heCommissioner found that the general surgeon should have checked the roster to determine exactly T when the vascular surgeon was back from leave. T hedelay of ten days to see a vascular surgeon was unacceptable. T hegeneral surgeon breached Right 4(1) of the Code (the right to have services provided with reasonable care and skill). heCommissioner found that the registrar should have taken more care in informing the general T surgeon about the vascular surgeons return from leave. H ealso found that the registrar failed to recognise that the mans condition was deteriorating and seek appropriate specialist advice from the on call consultant. T heregistrar also failed to document all his examinations and findings. T heregistrar breached Right 4(1) of the Code. hevascular surgeon failed to adequately handover the mans care to the on call consultant when T he went on leave. N ospecific instructions were left in the clinical records to cover his absence, particularly in the event of the mans deterioration. Thevascular surgeon breached Right 4(5) of the Code (the right to cooperation among providers to ensure quality and continuity of care). heCommissioner made adverse comment about the DHB. T Themedical record demonstrated that the nurses and the medical officer were concerned about the mans deterioration, however, there was a lack of action at the stage when the registrars management should have been questioned and when concerns about the care being provided should have been raised and escalated to the on call consultant. TheCommissioner emphasised that DHBs and senior practitioners need to encourage a culture where it is acceptable and commonplace for questions to be asked, to and from any point in the hierarchy, at any time.
Case study
A woman complained about the services provided to her husband by DHB1. T heman consulted a respiratory physician at DHB2, who arranged for tests, including an exercise tolerance test (ETT), which showed the man had significant coronary artery disease that required urgent attention. Therespiratory physician telephoned DHB1, then faxed a referral and the ETT results to DHB1. Therespiratory physician did not detail the ETT results in the referral letter but mentioned in the letter that the results were accompanying the letter. hereferral was triaged by a cardiologist at DHB1. H T etold HDC the ETT results were too faint to read and that he did not follow up a legible copy. H etriaged the mans priority as semiurgent but later advised HDC that if he had seen the ETT results he would have assessed the mans priority as urgent. Appointment dates were assigned in accordance with the semiurgent priority but, sadly, the man died of a heart attack before the first of those appointments. heCommissioner found that a system, designed to ensure that patients who require either immediate T hospitalisation or an urgent assessment are assessed in a timely way, failed to deliver. DHB1 was found in breach of Right 4(1) of the Code because staff did not obtain sufficient information to determine whether it was necessary to refer the respiratory physicians call to the on call registrar or consultant, did not seek a legible copy of the ETT results, and did not appropriately acknowledge the referral. I talso failed to communicate effectively with DHB2 and breached Right 4(5). DHB1 also failed to provide the man with adequate information about his referral and breached Right 6(1)(c). Adverse comment was made about the cardiologists failure to ensure that a legible copy of the ETT results were obtained and reviewed. T heCommissioner also criticised DHB2 for its failure to ensure the referral was received and actioned.
CHAPTER 29 The role of the Health and Disability Commissioner and theCodeofRights
Following a finding of a breach of the Code, the Commissioner may refer a provider to the independent Director of Proceedings, to decide whether legal proceedings will be issued against that provider. Before referring a provider, the Commissioner must give the provider an opportunity to comment on the proposed referral. TheCommissioner must also have regard to the wishes of the consumer and complainant and the public interest (including any public health or safety issues). heDirector of Proceedings may take proceedings before the Human Rights Review Tribunal T and/or the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, or may decide to take no further action. Anaggrieved person may themselves bring proceedings before the Human Rights Review Tribunal where the Commissioner, having found a breach of the Code, decides not to refer the matter to the Director of Proceedings, or where the Director of Proceedings decides not to take proceedings. Thefunctions of the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal are outlined in chapter 30.
The Commissioner promotes resolution of individual complaints and systemic improvements in health and disability services. T heCommissioners focus is on a consumer centred system, and HDC aims to achieve such a system through resolution, protection and learning.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Jo Hughson is a Wellington Barrister with extensive experience in professional disciplinary proceedings and medicolegal matters. Cite this as Hughson J 2013. Thedisciplinary process: the Professional Conduct Committees and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. Chapter 30 in StGeorge IM (ed.). Coles medical practice in NewZealand, 12th edition. Medical Council of NewZealand, Wellington.
Professional Conduct Committees Membership Process Recommendations and determinations Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Function Membership Procedures Charges Interim suspension Public hearings Procedures Findings Whosets the standard? Penalties Appeals
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CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Part 4 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the Act) sets out the complaints procedures which apply to doctors and establishes the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (the Tribunal) which hears and determines disciplinary charges brought against doctors (and other health professionals). neof the principal purposes of the complaints and disciplinary process is public protection; O to protect the public and the profession from persons who are unfit to practise. Another purpose is to enable the profession to ensure the conduct of its members conforms to the standards generally expected of them. Complaints about doctors may be made to the Medical Council or the Health and DisabilityCommissioner (the Commissioner). T heCouncil must refer all complaints it receives to the Commissioner. The Commissioner has the power to refer complaints back to the Council and if a complaint is referred back then the Council must promptly assess the complaint, and consider what action should be taken in response. TheCouncil may decide to refer the matter to a professional conduct committee (PCC) for investigation. heCommissioner must notify the Medical Council of any investigation under the HDC Act T that directly involves a doctor and the Medical Council may take no action while the matter is under investigation by the Commissioner.
PCCs comprise three members appointed by the Medical Council. T woare doctors and one is a lay person. Onemember coordinates the investigation process and presides at PCC meetings. This member is usually known as the Convenor. Both the doctor and the complainant are advised of the intended composition of a PCC and have an opportunity to request changes in membership. Usually, where possible, one of the doctors on the PCC practises in the same vocational scope of medicine or a similar vocational scope as that in which the doctor being investigated practises. Theother doctor is usually selected from a more general area (for example, general practice). This ensures there is an appropriate mix of general medical knowledge and specialised knowledge on the committee.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
fthere are multiple complainants involving one doctor the same PCC generally deals with I all the complaints.
The PCC may investigate however it sees fit. Care is taken to ensure the parties are informed about the progress of the investigation and that the investigation is carried out fairly and in accordance with natural justice principles. hePCC has wide powers to receive evidence and may receive any statement, document, T information or matter that in its opinion, may assist it to deal effectively with its investigation (even if the evidence would not be admissible in a court of law). T hePCC has the power to call for information or documents from any person and in the event of refusal or failure without reasonable excuse to comply with a request for information (or knowingly or recklessly providing false or misleading information), that person is liable to a fine not exceeding $10,000. Inrespect of patients, consent is normally obtained in writing before the PCC obtains medical records. hePCC must give the doctor who is under investigation a reasonable opportunity to T present evidence about each matter that is the subject of the PCCs investigation. T hePCC may hear oral evidence and receive written statements and submissions from any or all of the following persons: the doctor; the doctors employer; any person in association with whom the doctor practises; the complainant and any clinical experts. ThePCC usually gives the complainant and the doctor an opportunity to meet with the Committee in person. Complainants may bring a support person (patient advocate, family or whnau member, friend or counsellor) to a PCC meeting. This is important particularly if the complainant is disabled or if the complaint concerns sensitive issues like sexual impropriety. hePCC usually appoints a legal assessor to advise it on matters of law, procedure, and T evidence. Itis also entitled to appoint an investigator to collect information and to investigate complaints. However, neither the legal assessor nor the investigator may be present during any deliberations of the PCC.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
hePCC may also make one of the following determinations: that no further steps be T taken in relation to the complaint or conviction; a disciplinary charge should be brought against the doctor before the Tribunal; or a complaint should be submitted to conciliation. hePCC must make its recommendations and/or determination within 14 days after the T completion of its investigation. Written notice of any recommendations and/or determination, and the reasons on which they are based, must be given to the Registrar of the Medical Council, and the doctor concerned (and in the case of a complaint, the complainant). TheCouncil must promptly consider any recommendations. tis not the responsibility of the PCC to reach a view on the guilt of the practitioner if the I matter is considered to be a disciplinary matter. I fthe PCC determines to lay a disciplinary charge then the Tribunal will determine the outcome and whether or not the established conduct is professional misconduct. fthe PCC decides the complaint or conviction should be considered by the Tribunal it must I frame an appropriate charge and lay it before the Tribunal in writing. Where a charge is laid against a doctor before the Tribunal, the chairperson of the Tribunal is required to convene a hearing of the Tribunal to consider the charge as soon as reasonably practicable. fthe PCC determines the complaint should be the subject of conciliation, it must appoint an I independent conciliator to help those concerned to resolve the complaint by agreement. Ifthe complaint has not been successfully resolved by agreement, the PCC must promptly decide whether it should lay a charge against the doctor before the Tribunal, or whether to make any recommendations to the Council about the doctor; or whether no further steps should be taken in relation to the complaint.
The Tribunal has a legal chairperson, one or more legal deputies and a panel of health practitioners and laypersons. T hepanel is maintained by the Minister of Health. Foreach hearing the Tribunal must comprise a legal chair and four other persons selected by the chair or deputy from the panel, three of whom must be professional peers. Onemember must be a lay person.
The Tribunal controls its own procedures in accordance with the Act, and has wide powers to summon witnesses and records. Refusing to attend or to cooperate, or acting in contempt are offences punishable by fine.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
The Tribunal must notify the doctor in writing of the charge and provide enough particulars to inform the doctor clearly of the substance of the allegations against him/her. Aprovisional hearing date is set between 20 and 60 working days from the date of the notice. I nmost cases the hearing dates are rescheduled once the availability of the parties and their counsel has been ascertained at a Directions Conference. Onoccasions hearings are adjourned. Once a doctor has been notified of a charge they must advise the Tribunal within 10 working days whether or not they wish to be heard by the Tribunal. Doctors can be heard personally or they may be (and usually are) represented by a lawyer.
Interim suspension
The Tribunal has the power pending the hearing of a charge, to suspend the doctor or impose conditions on his or her practice if the Tribunal is satisfied it is necessary or desirable to protect the health or safety of the public. TheTribunal does not have to give notice to the doctor that it intends to make such an order but it must advise the doctor of the order once it has been made, the reasons for it, and their right to apply for variation or revocation of the order. TheTribunal must also serve a copy of the order on the doctors employer, and on the Council. Anyapplication for revocation has to be heard within 10 working days after it is received by the Tribunal.
Public hearings
Although the Tribunal has the power to restrict publication and hold hearings in private, the emphasis is on public hearings. TheTribunal can make various orders restricting the public nature of the hearing including ordering that the whole or part of the hearing be heard in private and suppressing the publication of the name or particulars of any person, including the doctor. Applications for private hearings are rarely granted. Applications for name suppression are usually supported by affidavit evidence of the reasons why an order is sought and the Tribunal is required to balance the respective interests of the doctor, the complainant and the public interest before exercising its discretion. Witnesses are given special protection if their evidence relates to a sexual matter, or relates to another matter that may require the witness to give intimate or distressing evidence. Only certain people may be present during evidence of this nature including a news media reporter, any person the witness chooses, and any person the doctor chooses. T hewitness may object to the presence of a person of the doctors choice. heTribunal has the power to order that a witness be permitted to give their evidence from T behind a screen, if necessary (Tribunal Decision No. 7/Med04/03P).
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
nsexual cases no person may publish the name of the complainant or any particulars likely I to lead to the complainants identification, unless the complainant is 16 years or older and the Tribunal makes an order permitting the publication. However, if the complainant is 16 years or older and applies to the Tribunal for an order and the Tribunal is satisfied the complainant understands the nature and effect of the application the Tribunal must make an order. TheTribunal may restrict publication of any evidence relating to the sexual acts. Ifthe Tribunal makes a privacy order any person can apply for it to be revoked, including representatives of the media.
The Tribunal can regulate its own procedures however the procedures must accord with the rules of natural justice. Each party must be given a fair opportunity to put their evidence and call relevant witnesses. TheTribunal may receive as evidence any statement, document, information, or matter that may help it deal effectively with the matters before it, whether or not it would be admissible as evidence in a court of law. Witnesses usually read out their evidence from a written statement. They are then cross examined by opposing legal counsel and questioned by members of the Tribunal. Theevidence is recorded by a stenographer. T hehearings are either heard in the Tribunals hearing rooms in Wellington or in the closest major centre to the events in suitable conference venues where there are facilities for hearing and waiting rooms. heprosecution has the burden of proving the charge. T Itmust prove the doctors guilt. TheTribunal has to be satisfied to the civil standard of proof (on the balance of probabilities rather than beyond reasonable doubt) that a doctor is guilty of the charge. Thecivil standard of proof is applied flexibly depending on the seriousness of the allegations ( Zv Dental CAC ([2008] NZSC 55).
The Tribunal may find that the doctor: H asbeen guilty of professional misconduct because of an act or omission that amounted to malpractice or negligence in relation to the doctors registered scope of practice when the conduct occurred; or Has been guilty of professional misconduct because of an act or omission that has brought or was likely to bring discredit to the medical profession; or Has been convicted of an offence that reflects adversely on the doctors fitness to practise (convictions for offences against relevant health acts including Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion, Coroners, Medicines, the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Compensation, and Misuse of Drugs; or for an offence punishable by a term of three months imprisonment or longer); or Has practised his or her profession while not holding a current practising certificate; or Has performed a health service without being permitted to perform that service by his or her scope of practice; or Has failed to observe any conditions included in his or her scope of practice; or
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Has breached a penalty order of the Tribunal. hecharge of professional misconduct has been part of NewZealands medical disciplinary T regime for many years. two step process is involved in testing what constitutes professional misconduct under A theAct. hefirst step involves an objective assessment of whether the doctors acts or omissions T in relation to their practice can reasonably be regarded as constituting malpractice or negligence; or otherwise meets the standard of having brought or was likely to bring discredit to the profession. Thesecond step (often referred to as threshold) involves the Tribunal being satisfied the doctors acts or omissions require a disciplinary sanction for the purposes of protecting the public or maintaining professional standards or punishing the doctor (that is, that the conduct was sufficiently serious to justify the imposition of a sanction). Malpractice involves immoral, illegal or unethical conduct or neglect of professional duty (improper professional conduct). Negligence generally involves breach of a doctors duty in their professional setting. Bringing discredit to the profession involves bringing harm to the reputation of the profession and involves an objective assessment of whether reasonable members of the public, informed and with knowledge of all the factual circumstances, could reasonably conclude that the reputation and good standing of the profession was lowered by the behaviour of the doctor concerned. hetest recognises that not all acts or omissions which constitute a failure to adhere to the T standards expected of a medical practitioner will constitute professional misconduct.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
When fixing a reasonable and proportionate penalty the Tribunal balances the aggravating and mitigating factors in the case. Toensure there is consistency in the penalties imposed the Tribunal also considers previous relevant cases. hepenalties available to the Tribunal if a doctor is found guilty are cancellation of the T doctors registration; suspension of the doctor for up to three years; the imposition of conditions on practice for up to three years; censure; and a fine of up to $30,000. heTribunal cannot impose a fine in dealing with an offence for which the doctor has been T convicted by a court. Inall other cases the full range of penalties (including cancellation of registration) is available. Before determining to cancel a doctors registration the Tribunal Coles must consider the alternatives available to it short of doing that. I fthe Tribunal decides to order that the doctors registration be cancelled it must explain why the lesser options have not been adopted in the circumstances of the case (Patel v PCC (High Court, Auckland, CIV 20074041818 Lang J, 13 August 2007). After cancelling the doctors registration, the Tribunal may impose one or more conditions which the doctor must satisfy before applying for registration again. Theconditions may include any or all of the following conditions requiring the doctor: to undertake a specified course of education or training to undergo a medical examination and treatment or psychological or psychiatric examination, counselling or therapy to attend a course of treatment or therapy for alcohol or drug abuse (the doctor must consent to these) any other condition designed to address the matter that gave rise to the cancellation of the doctors registration. heTribunal also has the power to order that the doctor pay a percentage of the reasonable T costs and expenses incurred by the prosecution (either the Director of Proceedings or the PCC (for its investigation and the prosecution) and by the Tribunal (hearing costs). There is no power to order costs to be paid to a doctor acquitted of a charge. TheTribunal has no power to award compensation or costs to a complainant.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Appeals must be filed within 20 working days from the date of the Tribunals decision. Unless a Court orders otherwise, the penalties imposed by the Tribunal stay in force pending the outcome of an appeal. Appeals against decisions of the Tribunal are to the High Court, whose decision is final on all matters except points of law, which may be appealed to the Court of Appeal. Instead of determining an appeal, the High Court may direct the Tribunal to reconsider the whole or any part of its decision or order, and when reconsidering, the Tribunal must take the Courts reasons into account and give effect to the Courts directions. Appeals are generally conducted by way of a rehearing on the record of the Tribunal, following the approach outlined in Austin, Nicholls & C oInc v Stichting Lodestar [2007] NZSC 103 (see for example Harman v Director of Proceedings (High Court, Auckland, CIV 20074043732) and Dr G v Director of Proceedings (High Court, Auckland CIV 2009 404000951, 13October2009, Duffy J)). TheHigh Court must form its own assessment of the merits of the case, having regard to the expertise of the Tribunal members who heard the charge but not approaching that expertise with undue deference. Ifthe High Court is of a different view of the merits from the Tribunal and is therefore of the opinion that the Tribunals decision is wrong, the High Court must act on its own view. T heappellant bears the onus of satisfying the appeal court that it should differ from the decision under appeal.
Medical Council publications
Medical care
Complementary and alternative medicine (March 2011) Adoctors duty to help in a medical emergency (August 2006) HRANZ Joint Guidelines for registered health care workers on transmissible major viral infections (November 2005) Cosmetic procedures (October 2011) Safe practice in an environment of resource limitation (August 2008)
Cultural competence
Cultural competence (August 2006) Best practices when providing care to Mori patients and their whnau (August 2006) Best health outcomes for Mori: practice implications (October 2006) Best health outcomes for Pacific peoples: practice implications (May 2010)
Responsibilities of doctors management and governance (March 2011) Employment of doctors and the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (December 2005)
What to do when you have concerns about a colleague (December 2010) Unprofessional behaviour and the health care team. Protecting patient safety (August 2009) Medical certification (December 2007) heimportance of clear sexual boundaries in the patient doctor relationship. T Aguide for doctors (October 2009) Providing care to yourself and those close to you (June 2007 currently under review, a new edition may be published in late 2012) Nontreating doctors performing medical assessments of patients for third parties (December2010) Doctors and health related commercial organisations (July 2012)
What to expect from your doctor when you have a cosmetic procedure (June 2008) Youand your doctor (March 2008) heimportance of clear sexual boundaries in the patient doctor relationship. T Aguide for patients (October 2006)
Cite this as StGeorge IM 2013. Take our word for it: N ewZealand slang expressions. Appendix B in StGeorge IM (ed.). Coles medical practice in NewZealand, 12th edition. Medical Council of NewZealand, Wellington. When Kiwis ( NewZealanders) talk, they may use slang words that you do not understand. Here are a few that may be used in a medical context. Bewarned, however: dont try these at home; many of these words and expressions are considered vulgar, rude or offensive: do not use them until you are sure you will not offend. anklebiter: infant, toddler, kid, small child. arse over tit: head over heels, as he fell arse over tit. arse: buttocks, anus, rear end, butt. beaut: great, well, as Ive been feeling beaut. bloke: usually a man, often referring to a stranger: Seems a decent bloke. bludge: to sponge off other people or the government, as Dole bludger. Bobs your uncle: its all fixed, as Iput the ointment on, and Bobs your uncle. bonk: (= bang) to have sex with. box of birds: well, as Q: Howare you feeling now? A: Abox of birds. braces: suspenders. brassed off: disappointed, annoyed. brilliant: excellent; great; wonderful or even OK, satisfactory, or thanks. bugger all: not much, very little, as Q: Areyou any better? A: No; bugger all. buggered: exhausted. bum: buttocks, rear end, butt. Asa verb, means to bludge. bun in the oven: pregnant. bust a gut: make an intense effort. cackhanded: left handed, southpaw. cardie: cardigan; woollen button up the front jersey or sweater. carked: died, kicked the bucket. Like croaked. cheerio: good bye (also a small red sausage). cheers: goodbye, thanks. chemist: pharmacy, drug store. chilly bin: sealable, usually polystyrene insulated box, for keeping beer and food cold. Like Australian eskie. chippy: builder, carpenter.
chips: french fries. choc-a-block (chocker): full to overflowing. choice: used when something is desirable, eg, Thats choice! chook (chick): chicken, girl. chuffed: pleased. chunder: vomit. colly wobbles: a feeling of nausea usually associated with nervousness; as Just thinking about the operation gives me the colly wobbles. corker: very good. cot: childs bed. cotton buds: Q tips. crook: sick, unwell (but to go crook may mean to complain or tell off). ding: a small dent in a vehicle; any hit on the body, as Herknee took a bit of a ding early in the game. dodgy: bad, unreliable, spoiled, as Theknees a bit dodgy. dole: unemployment benefit; income support for the unemployed. dreaded lurgy: alternative name for the flu, a head cold, any febrile illness. dressing gown: bathrobe. dummy: pacifier. dunny: toilet, bathroom, lavatory. duvet: quilt. eh: often used at the end of sentences whether or not expecting a response to a statement which is not a question, eg, Itook all the pills, eh. face cloth: flannel: wash cloth. fag: cigarette. fagged out: see knackered. fanny: fanny refers to female genitalia; fanny does not mean buttocks! a warning to Americans. football: rugby. french letter (frenchie, frog, joey, rubber): condom. full on: intense. go bush: become reclusive, get away from it all. good as gold: a good job well done, not a problem, an affirmative answer, or well, as Q: Howhas your sore knee been? A: Good as gold.
half pai (half pie): sort of, not completely; as Q: Areyou feeling any better? A: Well, only half pai. hard yakka: hard labouring work. heaps: a lot, as Give it heaps, means to push it to the limit. hottie: hot water bottle; sexually available potential partner. hunky dory: everythings fine, as Mylife is hunky dory now. jersey: sweater. john: lavatory. jumper: woollen sweater. kapai: fine, excellent. kai: food. kia ora: hello, greetings. kick the bucket: die, cark it, croak. knackered: tired or broken; stuffed; fagged out; rooted; as Im knackered. (origin: the knackers yard is where surplus farm animals were sent to be slaughtered). loo: bathroom, toilet. nana: female grandparent. nappy: diaper. no worries: not a problem, yes, certainly; as Q: Thanks for your help; A: Noworries! off (his) face: completely drunk. pack a sad: become morose, ill humoured, moody, broken, eg, Hepacked a sad and went to bed. or Thefridge packed a sad. pike out: to give up when the going gets tough. piker: one who gives up easily. piss: beer, urine. (Take the piss = tease). piss around: waste time or effort in a futile manner, fart about. pissed: drunk, inebriated. pissed off: angry, as Im really pissed off! pissing down: raining heavily. piss up: social gathering with alcohol. plaster: see sticking plaster. plastered: drunk. PMT: premenstrual tension.
pong: bad smell. pottle: small container (eg, for sputum but also for strawberries in the S. Is.) pram: baby carriage, stroller. Asmall dinghy. prang: minor vehicle smash. pushing up daisies: dead and buried. randy: horny, feeling sexy. right as rain: OK, perfect. ring: phone somebody; as Ill give him a ring. root: to have sex. AnAmerican woman visitor: Myfirst time in NewZealand I said I liked to root for the football team. O neof the boys said, What, the whole team?. rooted: feeling tired. round the bend: going crazy. shell be right: not a problem, itll be OK (may disguise some deficiencies). shufti: a look, as Ill just take a shufti at that, meaning Ill have a look at that. sickie: as Throw a sickie; to take time off work; also used for sickness certificate. singlet: undershirt. snarky: mixture of sarcastic and nasty. snotty: condescending, snooty; or ill humoured, packing a sad. sook: someone timid, or behaving over cautiously. Asyoure being a sook or just a bigsook. spew: to throw up. spit the dummy: to throw a tantrum or get mad. sprog: a child. squiz: as Have a squiz to take a look at something. Giza squiz ask for a look at something. sticking plaster: band aid. stuffed: really tired. suss: to figure out. sweet as: really good. Q: Howwould you rate the service? A: Sweet as. ta: thank you. take aways: NewZealand term for take outs or food to go. Prt manger. tata: goodbye, often when speaking to a child. the tatas: anxiety. tinned food: canned food.
CHAPTER 30 The disciplinary process: theProfessional Conduct Committee andtheHealth Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
trots: diarrhoea, as Ive got a dose of the trots. undies, underpants: undershorts, grundies. up the duff: pregnant, in the family way, with a bun in the oven, sprogged, etc. whinge: complain, grizzle. wicked: energetic, well; as Ifeel wicked after a week off work. wobbly (pack a wobbly): become angry, get snotty. yonks: forever, a long time, ages; as Ihavent been right for yonks. zambuck: StJohn Ambulance officer. zit: acne lesion.
This material was gleaned from several general websites on NewZealand colloquial words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.