2013: The Guide
2013: The Guide
2013: The Guide
The Guide
Dear Principal,
Code Warriors, the Computer Club of Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj is hosting Code Wars 2013 The Fifteenth Annual Inter-School Technology symposium, on 24th October and 25th October,2013. After the resounding success of previous events, we invite your school to participate and contribute in making this year's event successful. The symposium will consist of a number of events, including Programming, Quizzing, Group Discussion and Web Designing, the details of which are enclosed. The participants will be judged not only on the basis of their preparation, but creativity and innovation as well. Your school is requested to register on the Code Warriors website (www.code-warriors.org) latest by 20th October 2013, 11:42 pm after which registrations will be closed. List of rules as well as the schedule and other details are enclosed. We look forward to seeing your school at the event.
Yours sincerely,
All schools must register by 8:30 AM. Schools located outside South Delhi are advised to dispatch their teams well in time. An individual from the Contact section of this Guide must be informed in case of unavoidable delays. As far as possible, participants are to avoid taking part in events with overlapping time slots. If this is not possible, participants will neither be provided with extra time nor will events be delayed. Winning schools must be present at the prize distribution ceremony, failing which the overall position will go to the next school in the overall points tally. Participants must be in school uniform. No electronic gadgets like cell phone, cameras etc. are allowed. Participants must take care of their personal belongings. The organisers shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage. The registration form, latest updates, announcements and results can be found on our website www.code-warriors.org
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Event Name Senior Quiz Crossword Programming Surprise Event Gaming Group Discussion Junior Quiz Creative Design Event Audio Video Editing n-Crypton Robotics 3D-Modelling Techathlon Ist Position 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 90 90 90 100 90 200 IInd Position 80 80 80 80 80 80 70 70 70 70 80 70 150 III Position 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 60 50 100
Teams which register online at the Code Warriors website and do not change number of participants on event days earn 42 bonus points. Changes in the names of participating students are admissible.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : [X,) Decaying archives wont come in handy anymore. Be prepared to face a blend of the hottest news, most intricate technical knowledge and craziest trivia to drive you insane.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : (-,)
To get a podium here, you dont need to be insane; you need to be differently sane. A written preliminary, followed by a tantruminducing on-stage final for 6 teams.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : (-,) Software : Turbo C++
HAI CAN HAS LOGIC? PLEASE OPEN FILE CODEWARS.2013? AWSUM THX VISIBLE soBig.k KTHXBYE Be prepared to burn some grey matter.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 1 Eligibility : (-,)
The coming together of the best of both worlds this event requires a deep understanding of technology as well as excellent oratory skills. Fight your way to the top through a preliminary round and a final round. Topics will be announced on the spot.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : (-,)
The mother of all humdingers. Expect a wide variety of puzzle-based questions pointing towards answers in the realm of technology.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : (-,)
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : (-,) Software for Finals: Adobe After Effects Audacity FL Studio
This is less a test of how well you can add wipes and star transitions to your video. Its more about aesthetics, and pure editing. Participants will be required to submit a YouTube video link of their video before 11:42 pm, 20th October 2013 on the official Code Warriors email id kevin@code-warriors.org .A maximum of upto 10 teams will be selected for the final onsite round. The selected teams will be required to submit their source files on Day 1.Failure to do so may result in disqualification from the event. TOPIC For Prelims: Last Man Standing (Fight Scene) The video must be self-shot. Duration: 2-3 min The details for the onsite event will be announced on the spot. Participants are requested to bring their own equipment for the onsite event.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 2 Eligibility : (-,) Software for FINALS: Sublime Text, Adobe Photoshop Google Chrome Prepros (latest jQuery libraries will be provided)
This event is all about unleashing the creative genius in you. As always, the winning entry must display a mix of technical ability, aesthetic quality and creativity. TOPIC FOR PRELIMS: Redesign of Internet.org 's homepage and a new logo to be created. Web design: The content remains the same, however, the design has to be completely new. Entries will be judged on basis of responsiveness, code quality, and finally, aesthetics. You are free to use a preprocessor but not allowed any external code except jQuery. Graphic design: The logo will be marked for creativity and execution. An .ai/.eps file is preferred, but a .psd works as well. Files to be submitted compressed in RAR/ZIP format and emailed to kevin@code-warriors.org. Topic for the onsite event will be declared on the spot.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team : 1 Eligibility : (-,)
A multi-platform, multi-stage event to find out whos the best gamer in the crowd. Participants can bring their own hardware (gaming mouse, headsets etc.)
No. of teams per school: 1 No. of participants per team: 2 Eligibility: (-, IX]
The perfect platform for rising stars to test their mettle. This will consist of a written preliminary, followed by an on-stage final for 6 deserving finalists.
No. of teams per school : 1 No. of participants per team: 2 Eligibility :(-,) Provided: Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender
Topic will be announced on the spot. Watch out for further details at http://code-warriors.org
No. of teams per school: 1 No. of participants per team: 2 Eligibility: [VIII:,)
The participants are required to make a self-made robot. No LEGO KITS are allowed. Both wireless and wired robots are allowed. The robot must contain atleast 3.5 4 m of wire. The robot must be shockproof, waterproof, fireproof, mud proof. The robot must be able to pass obstacles such as sand, bridges, water, oil etc and must be able to pass inclined surfaces. Each robot must have atleast 2 weapons (Use of cutter is allowed). Use of inflammable material, acid and flamethrowers are not allowed. Max Robot Weight: 12 kg Maximum allowed voltage: 48 V. Maximum size allowed is 21.51.5 ft (minimum should be .5 x .5 x .25 ft) Questions will be asked on the robot made and technique used. Robots found to be market made will be immediately disqualified.
The true test of teamwork and cooperation A set of clues will be released on the Code Warriors website and events. The entire schools team must then put their heads together to figure out the answer.
Delhi Public School, Sector C, Pocket 5, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070 Phone Fax Email : +91-11-43261200 : +91-11-26132768 : kevin@code-warriors.org
Bani Das Head of Department, Computer Science Yash Goel President Dev Rathor President G. Vineel Vice President Panini Pandey V Vice President
+91-9953320742 ashishgoel1997@gmail.com
School Details
Name Address Contact Number e-mail Number of Participants Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2 Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone
Teacher(s) Accompanying
Senior Quiz Crossword Junior Quiz Programming Group Discussion Robotics Surprise Event nCrypton Creative Event A/V Editing Gaming 3D Modelling T e T a e T m a e m a 1 m 1 1