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Lloyds Register Technical Association



D. J. Cox

Paper No. 7. Session 1993-94

The author of this paper retains the right of subsequent

publication, subject to the sanction of the Committee of
Lloyds Register of Shipping. Any opinions expressed and
statements made in this paper and in the subsequent
discussions are those of the individual and not those of
Lloyds Register of Shipping.

Written contributions to the discussion of this paper are

invited from members of the Lloyds Register Technical
Association. To ensure inclusion in the discussion paper,
the contributions should be received by the Hon. Secretary
in London not later than the 6th September 1994.

Hon. Sec. R. A. Goodwin

71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4BS


D. J. Cox

David Cox began his sea-going career as a Marine Engineer Cadet with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. He
remained at sea, serving with various shipping companies, until 1978 when he joined the CEGB at Deptford
Power Station, becoming a Senior Authorised Operations Engineer. From 1980 to 1989 he worked at sea
with P&O Shipping. During his sea going career he worked on a wide variety of ships including Passenger,
Dry Cargo, Gas and Oil tankers. Mr.Cox joined Lloyd's Register in 1989 and is now a Senior Surveyor
in Piping Systems Department. His work within that department has involved the General and Type
Approval of glass reinforced plastic pipes. At present he specialises in Liquefied Gas Carriers and has
lectured on the subject, both in H.Q. and abroad.



1.1 LR Rules
1.2 IMO Guidelines


2.1 General
2.2 Properties
2.3 GRP Pipe Construction

Material Approval and Quality Control during

4.4.1 Supports
4.4.2 External loads
4.4.3 Strength of connections
4.4.4 Control during installation
4.4.5 Testing after installation on board
4.4.6 Penetrations of fire divisions
4.4.7 Penetrations of watertight bulkheads and
4.4.8 Methods of repair




4.1 Introduction
4.2 Material Design Properties and Performance
Requirements applicable to all piping
Internal pressure
External pressure
Axial strength
Impact resistance
Erosion resistance
1.10 Fluid absorption
1.11 Material compatibility
Requirements applicable to piping systems
depending on service and/or locations.
Fire endurance
Flame spread
Smoke generation
Electrical conductivity
Fire protection coatings


Solas References
Pipe Joining Methods
Data Requirements

The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO.), at its sixty first session in
December 1992, approved The Guidelines for the Application
of Plastic Pipes on Ships. These guidelines were issued as
MSC/Circ.580 on 21st December 1992, and subsequently
adopted by the IMO Assembly at its eighteenth session in
November 1993, and are now contained within Assembly
Resolution A.753(18).
While the use of plastics pipes in shore based applications
has expanded and is now well established, the use of plastics
pipes on ships has, to date, been limited by fire safety aspects.
In addressing this issue, the IMO Guidelines have opened the
door to the wider application of plastics pipes on ships.
In order to implement many aspects of the IMO Guidelines,
Administrations will need to make their own decisions as to
the testing and use of plastics piping. It is the intention of this
paper to assist Surveyors in the interpretation and implementation of the IMO Guidelines with respect to the work of
Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) by proposing a starting point
for future discussion on the subject.

1.2 IMO Guidelines


In November 1993 the IMO Assembly adopted The

Guidelines for the Application of Plastic Pipes on Ships. These
guidelines, previously issued as MSC/Circ.580, are contained
within Assembly Resolution A.753(18).
The Guidelines evolved from requests by various
Governments for an interpretation of terms such as steel or
other equivalent material which appear in Solas 1974 and its
amendments (See Appendix A), with particular reference to
the use of plastics pipes on ships. The status of the Guidelines
is advisory. They cover the design, installation and testing of
plastic pipes, with or without reinforcement, in essential or non
essential systems. Within the Guidelines there is freedom to
permit the development of Classification Rules, International
and National Standards, while allowing the development of
new technology.

1.1 LR Rules
Lloyd's Register Rules detailing the acceptance of plastics
pipes have existed since the introduction of the Provisional
Rules for Plastic Pipes in 1963. The use of plastics pipes is
dealt with by the present Rules in Part 5, Chapter 12, Section 5,
the text of which is being revised to take account of the IMO
Guidelines. Until recently a common use of plastic pipes has
been in the ballast system of crude oil tankers, both for new
constructions and the replacement of steel pipe on existing
ships. (Figures 1&2)

Figure 2
Existing ship, replacement of steel pipe with G.R.P.
(Reproduced courtesy of Shell Seatex)
The Guidelines do not cover flexible pipes or couplings,
although these will need to be considered by LR.
The Guidelines are detailed, reflecting the amount of work
which has gone into their formulation. However, they cover a
wide subject and while comprehensive in many respects, such
as fire endurance testing requirements, they give only general
guidance in other areas, leaving it to the respective
Administrations to apply criteria, which will be acceptable to
Figure 1 New Installation
(Reproduced courtesy of Ameron)

ity than metals, with a lower limiting operating temperature.

Despite this the processing of plastics is fairly easy, they have
a low density and are not susceptible to corrosion. Weight
saving and lack of corrosion are the main reasons for the use
of plastic pipes on board ships.

2.1 General


Before detailing the topics covered by the Guidelines it may

be useful to give a general description of plastics pipes and the
meaning of some of the terms commonly encountered.
Plastics used for piping systems on board ships can be
divided into two basic resin groups, thermoplastics and thermosets.
Thermoplastics soften on heating and harden on cooling.
The process is reversible and there is no chemical change to the
material. The material can be worked eg. bending and welding.
Thermosets, once having set or cured can no longer be
softened or moulded by the application of heat. Curing is an
irreversible reaction as it involves a chemical change to the
cross linking, or polymerization.
Typically the plastics used for piping are composite materials which consist of:


Resin System + Reinforcement + Additives




Resin System:
Polyester This is a common resin which is dissolved in a
solvent such as styrene to make it a liquid. In order to cure
the resin a catalyst is added. This curing process gives off
heat (Exothermic reaction). Polyester resins are cheap,
have good physical properties, and can be easily modified
to specific uses.
Epoxy These resins are cured with the aid of hardeners.
Again this hardening process gives of heat. Epoxy resins are
tough, have high chemical resistance, and low shrinkage.
Other systems such as vinylester and phenolic are also

Figure 3
Typical stress/strain curve, unreinforced plastic




Carbon fibre Used as a filament winding within the resin
system or as an outer layer.
Glass fibre Increases strength and reduces expansion
and contraction.





Additives are used to modify the physical properties or
colour of the resin base. They can be organic or inorganic,
fibrous or granular. Some examples of additives and their
uses are given below:
Mica Temperature resistance.
Carbon Resists ultra violet degradation. Provides
electrical conductivity.
Pigments Provides opaqueness and colour.


Figure 4
Typical stress/strain curve, reinforced plastic


2.2 Properties.


The properties of a glass reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe will vary

considerably depending on the choice of resins, hardeners,
roving, roving form, winding angle of the roving and the glass
content of the reinforcement. The physical properties of a
finished pipe can therefore be altered as required and while this
is an advantage to the designer, it presents problems to those
approving a pipe for use on board ship. Pipes, which are made
from the same materials and which have the same wall thickness, will not necessarily have the same strength. Therefore in
addition to prototype testing of a Manufacturers pipes, an
examination of the Quality Control System will be very important, to ensure repeatable properties in their product.
Figures 3, 4 and 5 give an idea of the form of typical
stress/strain curves for plastics and steel materials. In general
plastics have a lower ultimate strength and modulus of elastic-


Figure 5
Typical stress/strain curve, steel

2.3 GRP Pipe Construction

For the majority of services on board ship reinforced thermosets will be used, usually GRP. The construction of a typical
GRP pipe is shown in figure 6.
GRP pipes may incorporate some, or all, of the following
features in their construction.
Resin rich outer layer

Resin rich inner layer

Filament wound

Figure 7 Filament wound reinforcement

Fire protection

Filament wound reinforcement and resin

Figure 6 GRP pipe construction



Glass filaments (8 to 14 microns diameter) are twisted
together in bundles of about 200, to form a continuous
glass strand. In turn up to 60 of these strands are bundled
to form a continuous glass roving.
These continuous glass rovings are used as reinforcement
in a GRP pipe (See figure 7). They have high strength and
a modulus of elasticity many times greater than that of the
Polyester resin. In a composite pipe therefore, the glass
fibres carry a correspondingly higher stress, thus adding
strength to the pipe.
Typical grades of glass used as reinforcements are E Glass,
which is a general purpose glass with low alkali content,
and C Glass which is a high silica alkaline glass used where
a greater degree of chemical resistance is required.
The glass can be used in a variety of forms such as;
Uni-directional strands
Bi- directional strand.
Continuous filament mat
Chopped strand mat
Uni-directional Woven (See figure 8)

Glass Roving

Filament mat

Chopped Strand mat

Bi-Directional Roving

Figure 8 Glass roving



These may consist of a thermoplastic resin inner layer,
which is added to increase a pipes resistance to chemical
attack and wear. This layer may, or may not, be reinforced.The proportions of glass and resin in a typical pipe
incorporating a reinforced liner are as follows:
Pipe 70% Glass, 30% Resin
Liner 10% Glass, 90% Resin

Conductive elements:
These are used to increase the electrical conductivity of
the pipe.This can be achieved by the use of:
Additives Incorporated into the resin mix, ie Carbon.
Conductive filaments Carbon fibre.
Coatings Incorporated into the design as an outer
or inner layer.
Fire Resistance:
An additional degree of fire resistance can be given to a
GRP pipe by the inclusion of additives to the resin, or the
use of a special coating of intumescent fire resistant material.





As stated earlier, LRs requirements are given in Part 5,

Chapter 12, Section 5.of the Rules. Additional guidance can
be found in other documents such as Plan Approval Circular
ES/CIRC/PSD/91/037 or Approval of Load Line Conditions
of Assignment Guidance Notes, Revision Number 2. To date
the approval procedure has been based on the limited acceptance detailed in these documents.
Pipes intended to be used in non essential services, such as
sanitary and domestic systems need not have been of a type
approved by LR. The Manufacturers documentation showing
construction, physical properties and joining methods may
however have been submitted.
Pipes used in other systems, such as Cargo and Ballast lines
are required to be approved and this would have involved
submission of the Manufacturers product information, an
examination of the manufacturing works, and evidence of testing on selected sizes of pipe. In addition to the testing required
by LR it is normal for pipe Manufacturers to have carried out
their own programme of testing before applying to LR for
approval, and details of these tests are usually supplied to
support any application for approval. The amount of testing
required by LR has been limited. This does not mean that the
test requirements were not sufficiently stringent. It should be
remembered that the services in which plastics pipes have been
accepted until now have been either non essential, or, as in the
case of ballast lines in ballast tanks, in locations which are physically protected and where failure will not result in flooding or
danger to the ship.
The Approval system to date has proved satisfactory with
very few reported cases of pipe failure. It is now intended to
extend acceptance to other services, and therefore factors
other than those of internal pressure and temperature, against
which plastic pipes have been examined in the past, should be
taken into account. The suitability of any pipe must now be
demonstrated by subjecting it to the testing regime detailed in
the Guidelines.

4.1 Part 1 Introduction.

Part 1 of the IMO Guidelines covers the Purpose, Scope,
Philosophy and Definitions and needs no interpretation.
4.2 Part 2 Material Design Properties and Performance
This part of the IMO Guidelines is divided into two sections.
The first relates to the testing requirements which are applicable to all pipes whilst the second relates to those additional
tests which may be required depending on the service and/or
location of the pipes.
1.0 Requirements applicable to all piping systems.
1.1 General.
This sub-section gives several general statements which
should be considered. Paragraph 1.2 states, The specification
of the piping should be to a recognised standard acceptable to
the Administration.... There are several published standards
covering the manufacture and testing of plastic pipes. These
standards, however, are not specifically intended for pipes
which are to be used on ships and while many of the standards
detail test methods which can be used to assess the suitability
of a plastic pipe, it will be necessary to establish minimum
acceptance criteria from these tests for marine applications.
1.2 Internal Pressure.

Internal Pressure (Bar)





Time (Hours)

100 000

Figure 9 Internal pressure test curve

The nominal internal pressure for a pipe is found by a
comparison of the short term and long term hydrostatic
strength as follows;
PN = Pst/4

PN = Plt/2.5

PN = Nominal Internal Pressure.

Pst = Short Term Hydraulic Test Failure Pressure.
Plt = Long Term Hydraulic Test Failure Pressure.
(100000 hrs.)
Figure 9 shows this diagrammatically, where the strength
decreases over a period of 100000 hrs. The short term hydrostatic test failure pressure is divided by a safety factor of 4, and
the long term hydrostatic test failure pressure by a safety factor

of 2.5. The nominal internal pressure for a pipe being taken as

the lesser of these two values.
These long and short term hydrostatic failure pressures can
be found by a combination of prototype testing and calculation. Due to the length of time stipulated for the long term
test it is expected that testing will be carried out to a suitable
standard, such as ASTM 2837 and ASTM D 1598. These standards allow tests to be carried out over a shorter period of
time and the results extrapolated. It should be remembered
that the nominal internal pressure may need to be adjusted to
take account of results obtained from ageing tests, and a
further allowance will also have to be made where a high maximum service temperature is envisaged.
While the Guidelines allow for a combination of testing
and calculation, the proportion of testing is not stated and the
selection of sizes for testing will therefore be a matter of judgement. For a small range of pipe sizes with similar construction
the testing of a single size may be adequate. However, for
larger ranges, testing of pipes from the top, middle and bottom
of the range may be the minimum required. This testing will
of course help to verify the calculations used to cover the
remaining sizes. It should be realised however that the
Manufacturer may change the winding angle of the roving for
the larger sizes in a range, and it will be necessary to take this
into account when selecting the pipe sizes to be tested, to
ensure that pipes incorporating these changes in construction
method are covered.

Many plastic pipes used in shore based applications are

suitable for the internal working pressure but are so thin that
they deform or sag under their own weight when not
supported. Such pipes would be perfectly adequate as say
underground pipes, where additional support is given by the
trench infill, but may not have the robustness necessary for
use on board ships.
Plastic pipes intended for use in dry compartments and on
the open deck will not be subject to an external head of liquid
in the same manner as pipes located inside tanks. They may
however be subjected to other forces such as wave action,
transportation, personnel traffic, or to vacuum conditions.
It is therefore suggested that testing to determine the pipes
resistance to deformation under external load be carried out
irrespective of whether the pipe is subjected to an external
pressure due to liquid head when it is in service. Testing to a
recognised standard such as ASTM D 2412, which involves
deforming a sample of pipe between parallel plates to measure
the deflection under load, would give an indication of a pipes
1.4 Axial strength.
As stated in the Guidelines, the sum of the longitudinal
stresses due to pressure, weight and other dynamic and
sustained loads should not exceed the allowable longitudinal
stress. When determining the longitudinal stresses in a system,
thermal expansion and contraction should also be taken into
The requirements of this section can only be dealt with
when full details of the pipe and piping system are known.
While these matters could be dealt with during the Plan
Approval stage, Plan Approval for Classification purposes is
only concerned with the appraisal of schematic piping plans.
The only Rule requirement for a complete pipe stress analysis
being that given in the Gas Ship Rules Chapter 5. This is
however only in respect of cargo piping subject to temperatures below -110c. It is therefore not considered necessary to
appraise calculations of expected pipe stresses, other than for
low temperature gas carriers, or examine details of the pipe
fastenings and hangings with respect to axial strength. For LR
to carry out a pipe stress analysis, or even verify a piping
system designers calculations on every system employing
plastic piping would be time consuming, and could be
expected to add considerably to the fees already charged.
Consequently it may be acceptable to simply confirm that the
Builder has taken these matters into account in his design.
When considering GRP pipes care should be taken to
ensure that the sum of the longitudinal stresses does not
exceed half the hoop stress at the nominal internal pressure.
This is particularly important as, while filament winding
angles commonly vary between 55 and 85, it is possible to
produce a reinforced plastic pipe with a 90 winding angle,
that is, limited axial strength.

1.3 External pressure.

The requirement that piping be subjected to an external
pressure test is included in the section applicable to all piping
systems. However, paragraph 3.1 of the Guidelines states that
external pressure is to be taken into account for installations
which may be subjected to vacuum conditions inside the pipe
or a head of liquid outside the pipe. These conditions will not
apply to all pipes.
It is anticipated that the nominal external pressure for each
pipe size will be determined by a combination of testing and
calculation. The sizes required to be tested may be decided in
the same way as those for internal pressure testing. The results
from these tests again being used to verify calculations for the
remaining sizes. After the collapse pressure is determined a
factor of safety of 3 is applied.
PN ext = Pcol/3
PN ext Nominal External Pressure Rating
Pcol Collapse Pressure
When steel or copper piping is employed onboard ships the
Rule thickness is calculated using the material properties,
together with the appropriate formula given in Part 5
Chapter 12 of the Societys Rules. This ensures that any piping
used is suitable for the internal design pressure of the system.
While the calculations do not specifically take into account
the additional factors given in the Guidelines, these aspects
are not ignored. For some pipes, calculations carried out in
accordance with the Rules would indicate that a thin pipe wall
is adequate. However, regardless of this calculated value,
there is a minimum value for wall thickness, below which pipes
are not accepted, and these values are given in Part 5, Chapter
12, Table 12.2.4. This table for minimum wall thickness ensures
that pipes are not only suitable for the internal working pressure, but have a robustness, adequate for shipboard use.
Similarly, where plastic pipes are used on board ships, an additional thickness may be required, over and above that
obtained from calculations.

1.5 Temperature.
A reduction in the physical properties of plastics materials
when subjected to an increase in temperature is to be
expected. Pipe Manufacturers will normally provide relevant
information in the form of a graph or table. In order however,
for acceptance to be given to any pipe, testing of the resin
material should be carried out to determine the heat distortion
temperature using ISO 75 Method A, or equivalent.This is a
simple test involving a rectangular test specimen positioned
between two supports, loaded in the centre, and then
subjected to an increase in temperature. The minimum heat
distortion temperature of the resin, that is the temperature at

which the rate of material softening rapidly increases, should

not be less than 80c. From the test results the maximum working temperature (Max WT) can be determined as follows.

While the evaluation of test specimens is mentioned in the

Guidelines, the designer may also rely on previous experience
with a similar material. No specific testing is required and it
is considered that this matter can be left to the pipe
Manufacturer and system designer.

Max WT = Min. Heat Distortion Temp -20c

Degradation at high temperatures may also be increased
by other factors such as the presence of oxygen. At low
temperatures plastics pipes become less ductile, although
there is some evidence that it is possible for plastic pipes to
retain acceptable physical properties down to -175c. In
general however plastic pipes on ships are expected to be used
in systems down to about -40c.
Where plastics pipes are proposed for low temperature
service the Manufacturer would be expected to submit
evidence of the pipes suitability, and any testing supporting
the Manufacturer's claim should be witnessed.
Fluctuation in operating temperature can, in time, lead to
crazing of the pipe material.

1.9 Erosion resistance.

Again, as with fatigue there are no specific test requirements in the Guidelines. Until specific operating experience
is gained the Manufacturers advice should be sought in these
matters. Where erosion is considered to be a problem it will
be necessary to obtain the Manufacturers confirmation as to
the suitability of their pipes, or request suitable testing.
To counter the effects of erosion, the Manufacturer can
change the pipe materials, increase the wall thickness or add
a special liner to the pipes.
1.10 Fluid absorption.

1.6 Impact resistance.

Most plastics materials will absorb liquids to some degree,

although this is usually a slow process. Fluid absorption testing
is therefore to be carried out to an acceptable standard. It must
be remembered that the testing should cover, not only the fluid
being carried inside the pipe, but also any fluid through which
the pipe passes or with which it may come into contact, for
example, where pipes are located inside a ballast tank.
It may be necessary to carry out testing on any internal or
external pipe coatings. It should be borne in mind that coatings
which are separately applied to the pipe for fire resistance
purposes may be destroyed, or their properties greatly
impaired by the absorption of certain liquids.
In general, Polymers are insoluble in water but the additives, fillers and stabilizers used in the pipe construction are
often soluble, Styrene being an example.

Plastics pipes are vulnerable to impact damage and where

damage of this nature is likely to occur, for example where
pipes are located in the vicinity of a stores crane, suitable
protection should be provided.
The impact resistance of a plastic pipe should be measured
using a suitable standard such as ASTM D 2444. The values
obtained from this testing will enable future comparisons to
be made, thus aiding the selection of pipes for specific locations.
1.7 Ageing.
Ageing may affect the physical properties of plastics pipes.
It is normal for Manufacturers to have carried out testing to
measure the effect of ageing on their pipes. Unfortunately,
where tests have been performed by a Manufacturer, the testing has usually been carried out with respect to their main
market, that is land based installations. Testing may have
involved exposing samples to ultra violet (UV) radiation,
burying them in the ground for extended periods or ageing
samples in an oven. The Guidelines, however, require testing
to be carried out to show that the pipes will not degrade significantly after exposure to, not only the effects of UV radiation,
but also salt water, oil, grease, temperature and humidity.
It should be confirmed that the Manufacturer has considered these aspects and that any testing carried out is relevant
to the intended use and/or location of the pipes. Where testing
indicates that the properties of a pipe may be adversely
affected, the Manufacturer should take steps to counter any
ageing effects. For example, the tensile strength of a plastic
pipe can be adversely affected by UV radiation, which may
give rise to embrittlement or crazing. This is due to the photon
energy at the UV wavelength causing a dissociation of the
chemical bonds in the polymerized chains. The effect of UV
radiation can however be reduced by covering the pipe with
a coating or by adding UV stabilizers or opaque fillers, such
as carbon, to the pipe material.

1.11 Material compatibility.

Whereas plastic materials in general have a good chemical
resistance to a wide range of substances, most plastics are
susceptible to damage by at least one group of chemicals. This
is of special concern when considering plastics pipes for use
on chemical tankers, where the list of chemical cargoes may
run into hundreds, not forgetting the solvents or cleaners
which may also be used on board. Damage such as embrittlement, crazing, softening, swelling or absorption of the product
could occur. Where relevant information is not available, suitable testing should be requested.
Consideration should also be given to the compatibility of
any fire resistant coating used, not only with respect to the
liquids which it may come into contact with, but also with the
effects of paints which may be applied.
2.0 Requirements Applicable to Piping Systems Depending
on Service and/or Locations.
2.1 Fire Endurance.
The fire endurance aspects are probably the most comprehensive of all the sections in the Guidelines. Plastic pipes and
their fittings, which are used in piping systems essential for
the safety of a ship, are required to possess a minimum level
of fire endurance. There are three levels of fire endurance testing given in the Guidelines, Level 1 (L1), Level 2 (L2) and
Level 3 (L3).
Level 1 is the most severe test. Pipes are required to withstand the fire test, detailed in Appendix 1 of the Guidelines,
for 60 minutes in a dry condition. The severity of the test is

1.8 Fatigue.
The effects of cyclic and fluctuating load are to be considered by the designer. For example, plastic pipes may have a
limited fatigue endurance when subjected to high
frequencies.This is due to localised temperature build up
which can occur within the material, although below 100 Hz
this is not expected to be a problem.

designed to ensure the integrity of the pipe is maintained

during a full scale hydrocarbon fire. This level is not only
applied to essential services but also to systems where failure
of the pipe would release flammable liquids into the fire. The
time /temperature relationship is given in figure 10, where it
is compared to the SOLAS fire test curve.
Level 2 requires a pipe to be tested using the same test
procedure as that given for level 1, but for a duration of only
30 minutes in a dry condition.This level is intended for pipes
in essential services, where the integrity of the pipe is required
to be maintained after a fire of short duration such that the
system can be restored.
Level 3 is intended for water filled pipes, where the
integrity of the pipe is required to be maintained such that
the system can be restored after a fire of short duration. The
test procedure is given in the Guidelines, Appendix 2.
Level 1 and 2 testing is carried out on a dry pipe inside a
furnace, while level 3 is an open test on a liquid full pipe. This
difference in the test method is necessary due to the danger
of a liquid full pipe bursting inside a hot furnace.
In all the above tests it should be noted that where a fire
protective coating is necessary for a pipe to achieve the
required level of fire endurance, the coating becomes an integral part of the fire endurance rating of the pipe. Such coatings
have not previously been considered acceptable by LR and
where fitted, their long term integrity will become a necessary
safety factor worthy of periodic survey.
Appendix 4 of The Guidelines lists the relative fire
endurance requirements in the form of a matrix. This matrix
covers most piping systems, and takes into account both the
pipe contents and its location. It can be seen from the matrix
that the fire endurance requirements for say a ballast line will
change from 0 when the pipe is situated inside a ballast tank,
to L3 when the pipe passes into the pump room or machinery
space. In the matrix a 0 is used for those locations where plastic pipes are accepted but no fire endurance testing is
Throughout the matrix, footnotes have been added to
detail additional requirements covering specific situations.
For example, footnote 1 states that where non metallic piping
is used, remotely controlled valves are to be provided at the
ships side and that these valves are to be controlled from
outside the space. This is applicable to all sea water pipes
where there is a risk of flooding should fire damage occur.
When using the matrix it may be helpful to note that it was
developed with fire safety aspects in mind, and references to
spaces, or connections between spaces, refer to the spaces
bounded by fire division boundaries, and not necessarily individual compartments within these fire division boundaries.
Furthermore, other than footnotes 7 and 10, no differentiation is made between the various types of ships, passenger,
dry cargo, tanker etc.
The Level 1 fire test is a 1 hour test at temperatures up to
1100c, in the dry condition. At the time of writing this paper
it is understood that no plastics pipe has yet withstood such
a test, with or without a fire protective coating.In fact unprotected plastics pipes can be expected to endure only 3 to 6
minutes exposure to this test.
Both SOLAS and Part 5, Chapter 13, Section 2.1.3. of
the Ship Rules state that materials sensitive to heat are not
to be used in certain services. However, the Guidelines
provide an internationally agreed fire endurance standard
which will permit the use of these materials where they are
currently prohibited. It is recognised that these standards
are severe, however, it is not unreasonable to require such
testing in order that Administrations can be confident that
the pipes will provide a minimum level of safety in a fire


Guidelines Appendix 1



Temperature (C)








Time (minutes)



Figure 10 IMO and SOLAS fire test curves

2.2 Flame Spread.

The flame spread characteristics of a plastics pipe should
be determined using the testing procedure given in
Resolution A653(16) Recommendation on the Improved
Fire Test Procedures for Surface Flammability of Bulkheads,
Ceiling, and Deck Finish Materials, as modified in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Guidelines. Because the testing
given in resolution A 653(16) uses a flat test piece, Appendix
3 of the Guidelines detail the modifications necessary to
enable a pipe to be tested using the same test rig. The test
requirement relates to all pipes, except those within tanks,
cofferdams, void spaces, pipe tunnels and ducts, where a fire
is unlikely to occur. This approach differs from the flame
retardant testing requirements for electrical cables, which
are applied to cables in all locations, as electrical cables can
in themselves be the source of a fire.
2.3 Smoke Generation, and,
2.4 Toxicity.
IMO has been concerned for many years about smoke
generation and the levels of toxicity given off from burning
material on ships, however, at present, there is no agreed
testing standard. Any testing procedure must be able to accurately measure the smoke or toxic products given off during
tests and be repeatable so that accurate comparisons can be
made between samples. Smoke and toxicity tests are
currently being evaluated, although it may be some time
before agreed test procedures and acceptance criteria are
developed. Until these matters are finalized toxicity and
smoke generation should still be considered when approving
pipe materials and fire protection coatings, as some
Administrations may wish to limit the use of plastic pipes in
accommodation, service and control spaces.
Any consideration will be based on the results of flame
spread or non combustibility testing which may be carried
out by the Manufacturer, together with any experience
gained from the use of similar materials.


2.5 Electrical Conductivity.

installation. Similarly metallic pipe supports, if allowed to

get hot, can have a deleterious effect on the piping system
in a fire.
Modifying the pipe material may be beneficial in reducing flame spread, smoke generation and toxicity.

Some liquids are non conductive and the flow of such

liquid through a pipe can generate electrostatic charges on
the surface of the pipe. This is not a problem for conductive
liquids or systems incorporating steel pipes as any electrostatic charge is led to earth via the liquid or the steel pipe
wall and pipe brackets. Plastics materials however, are poor
conductors of electricity and an electrostatic charge can
accumulate in the pipe. Sudden discharge of this electrostatic charge, in the form of sparks, can cause explosions in
hazardous areas and damage to the inner or outer surface
of a pipe, resulting in the outflow of pipe contents.
While LR presently recognizes the need for some pipes
to be electrically conductive, such as those within the cargo
tanks of products tankers, the Guidelines now extend this
requirement to any pipe in areas which may become
hazardous in a fault condition, regardless of the fluid being
carried. This will now include all pipes within cargo tanks
on crude oil and product tankers, together with pipes in
hazardous areas on deck and spaces adjacent to cargo tanks,
where a dangerous atmosphere may be present.
Where it is necessary to have an electrically conductive
pipe, testing will need to be carried out to verify that the
resistance per unit length of pipe does not exceed 1x105
Ohms/m. There are two types of testing, for volume or
surface conductivity.
The test for volume conductivity involves measuring the
electrical resistance through a sample of plastic between two
embedded electrodes. The test gives good repeatable
The test for surface conductivity measures the electrical
resistance between electrodes which are placed on the
surface of a pipe. As this test is very sensitive to the surface
conditions, repeatability is hard to achieve and this makes
comparisons between tests difficult. It is however, the
surface conductivity which is important and hence this is the
testing which should be requested. Testing to ASTM F 927
or ASTM D 257 could be accepted.
After installation on board, the resistance between any
point in the piping installation and earth should be checked
and is not to exceed 1x106 Ohms. Any earthing straps used
are to be accessible for inspection.

4.3 Part 3 Material Approval and Quality Control During

Amendments are currently being made to LRs Rules to
take account of the Guidelines. Once published, the revised
Rules will state LRs requirements for material approval and
Quality Control (QC) during manufacture.
As already mentioned, the physical properties of a
composite pipe are dependent on many aspects such as the
materials used, type of reinforcement, angle of windings,
cure time etc. It is therefore important that a Manufacturer
has a system of quality control which will ensure that all pipe
production will possess identical properties to those of the
pipes which have been tested.
It is expected that following any request for LR Approval
of plastic pipes the LR Surveyor will visit the Pipe
Manufacturers Works to examine the pipe production
method and witness the agreed tests, ensuring that:

2.6 Fire Protection Coatings.

Various methods have been proposed to protect plastics

pipes in a fire situation.
A common method is to coat both pipe and fittings with
an intumescent coating. These coatings consist of a combination of chemicals in an epoxy resin. The chemicals are
chosen so that in a fire situation they will expand and char,
forming an insulating barrier around the pipes. A disadvantage with this system is that while the expansion and charring
is taking place, smoke and fumes are usually given off. Some
of these fumes may be toxic and therefore any proposal to
use such coatings inside machinery or accommodation areas
should be carefully considered.
Other coatings may consist of mineral fibre or ceramic
Where the fire endurance of a pipe is dependent on the
protective coating, the IMO rating, L1, L2, etc., is valid only
for the combination of pipe and coating that has been tested.
It should also be noted that plastics pipes are vulnerable
to axial heat penetration from conventional metallic fittings,
ie.valves, which if not insulated can act as very effective heat
sinks in a fire. Adequate protection of those fittings for the
fire test and in service is very important to the success of the

All Materials used are in accordance with those given

in the approval documentation.
When alternative materials are used, the details of these
alternative materials have been submitted as part of the
approval documentation.
Adequate records are kept of the materials purchased,
including date received. To ensure that materials are
used within their expected shelf life.
Storage conditions are adequate, ie.temperature and
Adequate testing and inspection is carried out on the
raw materials before use.
The pipe manufacturing procedures, as submitted, are
being adhered to.(ie.Winding angle, curing time,
Procedures exist for rectification of faults should they
be found during testing or inspection.
The results of this testing and inspection are recorded.
Completed pipes and fittings are labelled correctly and
Pipes are stored in a reasonable manner prior to shipment of an order.

4.4 Part 4 Installation.

4.4.1 Supports.
As with any piping system the design of brackets and their
spacing is important. Plastics pipes, and PVC pipes in particular, expand much more than steel pipes. This should not in
itself cause any problems in a system specifically designed
for plastics pipes. It is worth noting however that where
minor modifications, or replacement of steel pipes with plastics pipes, is undertaken on an existing ship, several factors
will need to be considered.
The support brackets used for steel pipes will probably
not be suitable for a plastics pipe, even if the pipe is of the
same outside diameter. The plastic pipe brackets should be
designed to allow for the increased movement of the pipe
with temperature variations. Due to this increased movement, the brackets must not be over tightened, as this could
lead to pipe damage by crushing. Where movement is
expected between a pipe and bracket, saddles or a thin metal


cladding can be fitted in way of the bracket strap to accommodate any wear, without affecting the performance of the
pipe.(Figure 11).
As plastics pipes are not rigidly clamped, provision may
need to be made to take thrust loads and the weight of the
pipes when they are mounted in the vertical position. These
forces can be transmitted to the pipe bracket by means of
saddles which are bonded to the pipe.(See figure 12).
Further, the span between supports may need to be shorter
for a plastics pipe than for a steel pipe. The Manufacturers
documentation will usually give information as to the acceptable spacing. This should only be treated as a guide,
particularly as such documentation is normally of a general
nature and applies to land based installations, which are not
subject to forces such as roll, pitch, heave or wave loading experienced on a ship.
Any heavy items, such as valves or filter bodies, should be
independently supported to prevent excessive forces on the
plastic pipe.



Figure 12 Pipe thrust saddle

should be stored under the correct conditions. They have a

limited shelf life, and must be used before the Manufacturers
expiry date.
Each adhesive will vary depending on the manufacture and
make of pipe used and subsequently the choice of adhesive will
be very important. In fact the internal pressure rating of a GRP
piping system may be reduced by as much as 50% by changing
from an epoxy to a vinylester adhesive. It will, therefore, be
necessary to know the properties of any adhesive which is to
be used.


Bracket Couplings.
Where flanged joints are used, the flanges may be pre formed
onto the end of the pipe length in the factory. In this case the
glass filament roving is drawn up around a former to produce
the flange. It would be expected that any faults at this stage
will be picked up by the QC inspections during manufacture.
Alternatively, molded flanges can be attached to the pipes on
site (See figure 14). It is usually necessary to machine the outer
surface of a GRP pipe in way of the flange. The pre formed
flange is then slipped over this prepared end and fixed in position with adhesive. The machining of the pipe end can be
carried out using a special tool supplied by the Manufacturer
and, when correctly used, this should produce a good outer
surface concentric with the pipe bore. The length and profile
of the cut is important if problems are to be avoided at a later
stage(See figure 15). If the hub of the flange is not positioned
hard against the back of the cut, a gap will be left. While this

Figure 11 Pipe bracket

4.4.2 External Loads.

Temporary point loading may occur in places where personnel
are likely to walk over the pipes or in stores handling areas.
Where such locations are identified, suitable protection should
be provided. This is not a matter that can be dealt with at the
Plan Approval stage and therefore are best dealt with by the
on site Surveyor.
4.4.3 Strength of Connections.
There are various methods of joining plastics pipes, several of
which are shown in Appendix B, together with a brief explanation of each one. It should be noted that, irrespective of the
properties of the pipe and the testing carried out, the use of
plastic pipe may be limited by the joining method used. For
example joints incorporating a single or double O-ring are
regarded as slip joints similar to mechanical couplings, whether
or not a locking ring is employed. Adhesives.
These are used for joining pipe to pipe or pipe to fittings (See
figure 13). The adhesive normally consists of two parts, a resin
and hardener, which are supplied in pre-measured quantities,
ready to be mixed together just before use. The chemicals

Figure 13 Adhesive Bonded Joint (Spigot and Socket)

(Reproduced courtesy of Ameron)


gap may subsequently be filled with resin, the resultant thinning of the pipe wall in this area leads to a reduction in strength.
This has been known to lead to cracking. Incorrect machining
of the pipe could also lead to local overheating which may cause
degradation and softening of the resin. To overcome these
problem, it is important that the pipe Manufacturers instructions are followed with respect to the use of cutting fluids, feed
rates and the correct cutting tools. It is possible for the
Manufacturer to supply the pipe sections with pre machined
ends, but of course this may add to the installation costs and it
is a decision for the Shipyard whether pipes are purchased in
this condition.
Couplings of the mechanical type provide a convenient
method of joining pipes, however, these couplings vary in
design depending on whether they are intended to join plastic
to plastic, or plastic to steel. Usually the coupling bolt tightening torque is less for a plastic pipe, therefore it is important
that the correct type of coupling is used, and the Manufacturers
fitting instructions followed.

Where pipes are required to be electrically conductive, the

electrical continuity must be maintained across the pipe
connections by the use of bonding straps, conductive adhesive
or conductive O rings.
While corrosion is not expected to affect plastics piping, the
couplings may contain metal parts which in some cases are
subject to increased corrosion and should therefore be carefully inspected at regular intervals.
It should be noted that screwed couplings are available but
are not considered acceptable for use on board ships.
4.4.4 Control During Installation.


The Guidelines detail the qualification procedure necessary

for each person required to carry out the joint bonding. This
is a self certification process, the testing being carried out by
the Manufacturer or the Yard who will maintain a record showing the bonding procedure, performance qualification, dates
and results of testing for each person. These records should be
available for inspection.
For essential services, each qualified person should make
one test joint, representative of each type to be used. The test
joint should then be hydrostatically tested to an internal pressure of 4 times design pressure for 1 hour. During the test there
should be no separation of the joint or leakage. This testing
should be witnessed and carried out at the place of construction, where conditions and equipment may differ from those
where the bonders qualification procedure was carried out.
There should also be a system of Quality Control checks to
ensure repeatability of the joining method and it must be
ensured that conditions, such as humidity, temperature and
cleanliness, are suitable for the joining process, that is, within
the limits set by the Manufacturer.
4.4.5 Testing After Installation On Board.

Pressure testing:
The Guidelines require that pressure testing be carried
out after installation on board, that is:
1.5 x WP for essential services.
Leak Test for other services.
From Classification aspects, pressure testing should
generally be in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 12, Section
7 of the Rules. The requirements of Pt.5, Ch. relating to pipes which have been assembled on board will also
apply to plastic pipe systems where bonding has been
carried out on board.
After any pressure testing the test pipe should be examined for evidence of damage such as cracking or crazing
of the surfaces.


The resistance to earth should be measured where
conductive piping is required to be fitted. Readings are to
be greater than 1x106 Ohms from any point on the pipe
to earth.
It is expected that in some systems a mixture of conductive
and non conductive piping will be used, for example,
ballast lines passing from a dangerous to safe zone. It will
therefore be necessary to ensure that the correct pipe has
been used in each location, and the resistance to earth
verified where necessary.


Non Destructive Examination (NDE):

The Manufacturers QC System should ensure that the
pipes produced are free from defects. However, where
pipes are joined on site by adhesive bonding methods, non

Figure 14 Cemented flange joint

Figure 15 Adhesive bonded flange


destructive testing may be required. The examination of

GRP pipes has previously been addressed in the discussion document on LRTA paper Developments in
Ultrasonic NDE by J.W.Hamilton. The situation remains
as stated in this document, that while various techniques
such as radiography, eddy currents and acoustic emission
have been tried, there are as yet no practical procedures
for thick section GRP pipe inspection. Examination will
therefore be limited to pressure testing and visual inspection. A light can sometimes be used to aid the visual
inspection. This is a simple procedure whereby a bright
light is placed inside a GRP pipe. The light is visible when
viewed from outside the pipe and should show up any
irregularities in the roving, air bubbles, or trapped foreign
particles. Clearly this test will not work on pipes which
incorporate opaque fillers or colouring.

that a limited amount of repair material will be carried on

board, for example:

Lengths of pipe. It is unusual for a ship to carry spare

lengths of pipe of every size on board. It is not however
envisaged that much, if any, spare plastic piping will be
carried. The emphasis being on temporary, in service,
repairs of the Patch type, until such time as a permanent
repair, or the replacement of damaged pipe sections can
be carried out (See Figure 16).

The inspection of pipes is detailed in several Codes and
National Standards. Several of the more common defects
are given in Appendix C.

4.4.6 Penetration of Fire Divisions.

The Guidelines require that fire resistance is not impaired
where penetrations are made for the passage of plastic pipes
through A or B class divisions. They also state that any
arrangements should be tested in accordance with
Recommendations for fire test procedures for A B and
F bulkheads (Resolution A.517(13)), as amended.
Where it is necessary to lead plastic pipes through fire divisions the arrangements should be submitted for approval.
Figure 16 Temporary repair saddle
4.4.7 Penetration of Watertight Bulkheads and Decks.
Any penetrations of watertight bulkheads or decks should
maintain the watertight integrity and strength of the deck or
bulkhead. Further, where the deck or bulkhead is also a fire
division, a metallic shut off valve should be fitted at the deck
or bulkhead, if destruction of the plastic pipe will cause inflow
of liquids from tanks. This valve is to be operable from above
the freeboard deck. Details of any such penetrations should be
submitted for approval.



4.4.8 Methods of Repair.

The Guidelines state that pipe material should be capable of
temporary repair by the ships staff, and that the necessary
materials and tools be kept on board. Currently LR Rules do
not cover repairs to piping systems.
Damage caused by falling objects, weld splatter etc. is likely
to occur to plastic pipes, either in service or during fitting out
stages of newbuilding. This possibility should be anticipated
and the pipes adequately protected. Where damage does
occur, the damaged section should ideally be removed and
replaced with material of the same type. Patch type repairs
are possible, but in each case a full 360 wrap around of the
laminate, with sufficient overlap of the damaged area, should
be made.
Full details of any repair procedure, indicating the materials used, curing temperatures etc, should be submitted for
consideration. In most cases it will be necessary for a prototype
test to be carried out to verify that the strength of the pipe will
be maintained. Such repairs may be considered permanent
subject to periodic examination at suitable intervals, and full
details of any repairs should be retained on board.
As it is the intention of the Guidelines that the repair of
damaged piping can be carried out at any time, it is anticipated





Flanges/elbows/tees etc. As for lengths of straight pipe,

it is not envisaged that many, if any, of these fittings will
be carried on board.
Couplings Couplings of the mechanical type may be
carried, as it can be expected that they will be used to facilitate removal of pipe sections for maintenance purposes,
and the replacement of damaged pipe sections without
resorting to laminating joints. It is important to check that,
where a repair has been carried out, the correct coupling
has been used and that the Manufacturers fitting instructions have been followed.
Resins and Hardeners. For most of the repairs expected
to be carried out on board it will be necessary to use a
resin and a hardener. These are commonly supplied in
separate tins which contain the correct quantities, ready
for mixing. Under normal circumstances these will not be
used and as such may be stored for prolonged periods. The
Manufacturers recommendations must therefore be
followed with regard to the conditions under which these
chemicals are stored and used. Factors such as low temperatures or high humidity could impair the curing and
adhesion of any repair, seriously affecting the properties
of any repaired pipe.
Rovings. For the purposes of repair, these are usually
made from woven glass strands. The storage life and
conditions are not as critical as for resins and hardeners,
however, care should still be taken to prevent physical
damage to the roving or impregnation with water or oil
products before use.
Fire Coatings. Where a section of pipe has been given a
fire protective coating, this will need to be removed in
order to expose a section of pipe requiring repair. It will
therefore be necessary to ensure that any fire protection




coating is reinstated satisfactorily after repairs. Some fire

protection coatings are sprayed on, while other coatings
may consist of a separate barrier, such as fire resistant
lagging. In the case of spray coatings the same precautions
apply as for resins and hardeners, that is, limited shelf life
and correct conditions for application.
Electrical bonding straps. Spare bonding straps of each
type used on board may not be carried. Consequently,
where conductive pipes are required to be fitted it will be
important to check that any bonding straps are undamaged and have been correctly replaced. A check of the
electrical resistance to earth should be carried out after
any repairs.
Availability of spares. Considering the low density of
plastics materials, and therefore their low weight, it should
be possible to airfreight most items needed to carry out a
repair. While it is anticipated that the worldwide availability will improve, with the increased use of plastics pipes,
the present speed of delivery worldwide means there
should be no major delays in acquiring spares from
After a ship has been delivered and has left the Building
Yard it may be necessary for repairs to be carried out using
pipes or fittings manufactured by a company different to
those originally fitted. In each case the pipe used should
be of an approved type and suitable for the intended
service. If the joining method incorporates an adhesive
joint, details of the pipe materials and adhesives should
be examined to ensure compatibility.
Information held on board. It is expected that the material Manufacturers instructions will be followed when any
repair is undertaken, and instructions detailing the procedures to be followed must be available on board.


Having decided on an interpretation of the Guidelines, it will
be necessary to produce general requirements which can be
used to assess the suitability of any plastics pipe requiring
approval in future.
It is anticipated that the information to be submitted will
be similar to LRs present Data submission requirements, (see
Appendix D).
Once the details of the pipe material and construction
method have been examined, a test programme will be drawn
up covering the testing detailed in the Guidelines.
It will also be necessary for the place of manufacture to be
inspected with respect to the Quality Control System, to ensure
the system of pipe production is such that repeatable properties
can be achieved for the pipes.
As with our present approval procedure the pipe
Manufacturer should indicate those services in which the pipes
are intended to be used. A statement of the intended uses is
needed in order that a suitable test programme can be
produced. The Manufacturer, however, may be unaware of the
full range of services in which plastic pipes will now be permitted on board ships. In this case it will be necessary to briefly
examine the product before suggesting a list of services in
which the pipe may be accepted. While some of the required
testing may already have been carried out, it is expected that
in most cases additional testing will be specified. The
Manufacturer will also need to consider whether it is intended
to use the pipes in locations where a level of fire endurance is
required, and if so, to which fire endurance level the pipe is to
be tested. Careful consideration of these matters at an early
stage of any application for approval will help to prevent
unnecessary and expensive testing, while ensuring that the
pipes are approved for all the services intended.
For many of the tests, required by the Guidelines, there are
no test methods given, or set values at which pipes will be
considered to have failed. It will therefore often be left to the
Manufacturer to decide on the test method to be used. The
results obtained from this testing should be recorded so that
future comparisons can be made between different pipes, or
where a Manufacturer changes the materials used. Eventually
this accumulated data may be used to set acceptance criteria.
Tables 1 and 2 list the test requirements detailed in the
Guidelines, indicating those tests which should be witnessed
by the Surveyor, together with suggested testing standards, and
the minimum sample range where appropriate.

Table 1 Requirements covering all piping systems

Internal pressure
IMO Guidelines
Top, Middle,
Short term (w)
Bottom (of range)
Long term (w)
External pressure (w)
IMO Guidelines
Top, Middle,
Bottom (of range) (i)
Load deformation
ASTM D 2412
Top, Middle,
Bottom (of range)
Axial strength
Installation design
ISO 75 Method A
One sample of
each type of resin
Impact resistance
ASTM D 2444
One sample of
each type of
construction (ii)
Each type of
construction (ii)
One sample of
standard or service
each type of
construction (i)
Errosion resistance
Installation design
(i) (ii)
Fluid absorption
(i) (ii)
Material compatibility
(i) (ii)
(w) Test to be witnessed
(i) If applicable
(ii) to include any coatings

Table 2 Additional requirements depending on service

and/or location
Fire endurance
Each size and type
Level 1, 2 or 3 (w)
Appendix 1 and 2
of construction (i)
Flame spread (w)
Each size and type
Appendix 3
of construction (i)
Smoke generation
To be considered
To be considered
ASTM F 927 or
Each size and type
conductivity (w)
ASTM D 257
of construction (i)
(w) Test to be witnessed
(i) If applicable
(ii) to include any coatings




The Guidelines are intended to aid Administrations when

making decisions on the use of plastics piping. They have been
written in such a way that Administrations can, in many cases,
apply their own acceptance criteria as they see fit.
Experience is yet to be gained from the use of plastic pipes
in many of the services listed in the Guidelines and it can be
expected that requirements will change as their use increases.
In order, however, to deal with the expected increase in the
use of plastic pipes following the introduction of the
Guidelines, it is now necessary for LR to re-assess the previous
acceptance criteria and extend the scope of services for which
plastic pipes could be accepted.

The author would like to express sincere thanks to all those

within Engineering Services Group who offered advice and
assistance, in particular Mr.R.Moore for his contribution.
The author would also like to thank Capt. W.Roselaar,
Ameron, Mr.G.Grimm, Shell Seatex and Mr.D.van der Kamp,
Wavin for their valuable advice and supply of material used in
the preparation of this paper.



Specification for Low Pressure Fiberglass

Line Pipe.
Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass
Line Pipe.
ASTM B 117
Salt Spray (Fog) Testing.
ASTM D 257
D-C Resistance or Conductance of
Insulating Materials.
ASTM D 570
Test for Water Absorption.
ASTM D 648
Test for Deflection Temperature Under
Flexural Load.
ASTM D 883-86b Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to
ASTM D 1598
Time to Failure of Plastic Pipe Under
Constant Internal Pressure.
ASTM D 1599
Test for Short Term Rupture Strength of
Pipe and Fittings.
ASTM D 2412
Test for External Loading Properties of
RTRP. Parallel Plate Loading.
ASTM D 2444
Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe
and Fittings by Means of a Tup (falling
ASTM D 2563
Classification Visual Defects in RTRP.
ASTM D 2583
Hardness Test Barcol.
ASTM D 2837
Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for
Thermoplastic Pipe Materials.
ASTM D 2924
Test for External Pressure Resistance of
ASTM D 2996
Specification for RTRP.
ASTM F 927
Electrical Conductivity.
ISO 75 Method A


Chapter II-1 Reg.17.9.4.
steel or other equivalent material(discharges led through the
shell plating)
Chapter II-1 Reg.21.1.3.
steel or other suitable material (all bilge pipes in or under
coal bunkers or fuel storage tanks or in boiler or machinery
Chapter II-2 Reg.
steel or other equivalent heat resisting material to the satisfaction of the Administration (piping systems essential for the
release of systems)
Chapter II-2 Reg.15.2.8.
steel or other approved material (oil fuel pipes)
Chapter II-2 Reg.18.2.1.
materials approved by the Administration having regard to
the temperature such divisions are required to withstand
(pipes penetrating A or B class division)
Chapter II-2 Reg.18.2.2.
a material approved by the Administration having regard to
the fire risk (the pipes conveying oil or combustible liquids
through accommodation and service spaces)
Chapter II-2 Reg.18.2.3.
materials readily rendered ineffective by heat (overboard
scuppers, sanitary discharges, and other outlets which are close
to the water line and where the failure of the material in the
event of fire would give rise to danger of flooding)
Chapter II-2 Reg.18.2.4.
material readily rendered ineffective by heat (cargo vent
piping and cargo piping of tanks dedicated for carrying crude
oil and petroleum products having a flashpoint not
exceeding 60c



The Manufacturer's recommendations should be

followed carefully.
Joints must not reduce the rating of the pipe system.
Joint strength should be checked at the Surveyors discretion.
Pipes must be adequately supported, while allowing for
expansion and contraction.
Heavy valves and fittings must be adequately supported.
Where electrically conductive pipe systems are required,
the continuity of a conductive path across the joints is to
be ensured ie.conductive adhesive , conductive O rings
or external bonding straps may be required.


Rubber Seal Joint(Spigot and Socket).(Figure A2)

A non-rigid joint using an Oring seal which can be
supplied ready for Dry assembly.

accommodates limited angular misalignment,

accommodates limited expansion or contraction.


centre to centre alignment of joint is critical,

depth of engagement of spigot into socket is critical,

anchoring of pipe is essential.





Figure A3 Rubber seal lock joint single 'O' ring

Figure A1 Adhesive bonded joint



Adhesive Bonded Joints.(Figure A1)

This is a rigid joint (flange or socket type), made using a
two-component adhesives.
The following assembly procedures are critical:

preparation of the pipe,

dryness and cleanliness,

mixing proportions of adhesive,

application of adhesive,

bringing together of the pipes,

curing time and curing temperature.


these joints are difficult to control in situ and are

practically impossible to remake in the event of leakage,

pipe wall thickness may be reduced too much in way

of the joint,

internal voids,

resin rich areas,

eccentric machining of the pipe ends,

inadequate support and/or system design allowing

excessive stress to be transmitted to the rigid glued

the pipes are not normally dismountable unless

flanges are incorporated in the system.

Rubber Seal Lock Joint.(Figure A3)

A non rigid joint using an Oring seal with the addition
of a locking key to prevent pull out of the joint. This
joint is little used in marine installations, but widely used
ashore in buried systems where anchor fixing points are
not readily available.

anchoring of the pipes is not critical.

Figure A4 Rubber seal lock joint double 'O' ring


Figure A2 Rubber seal joint single 'O' ring


Double O Ring Joint.(Figure A4)

A non rigid joint using two O ring seals, similar to the
rubber seal joint (Spigot and Socket), the outer O ring
is used to keep the inner seal surfaces clean.

limited angular misalignment can be accommodated

which is normally sufficient for shipboard applications,

anchoring of the pipes is essential.


Mechanical Couplings.(Figure A5)

A non rigid joint which can be used on plain ended pipe
for the connection of GRP, steel or cast iron pipes. Suitable
variants of the coupling can be used for connection to
flanged valve, bulkhead spool piece etc.

pipe outside diameter is critical,

angular alignment is critical,

anchoring of pipe is essential.


Shell type flange connection.(Figure A6)

While this is not the Manufacturer's production joint, it is
included to show one repair method which should be used
on installations where pipes have been damaged. The
damaged sections are cut off and GRP collars adhesively
bonded to the pipe ends. The pipes are then drawn
together with the use of steel backing rings and through
bolts. This method can also be used on plain ended pipes.
Although it has some of the drawbacks associated with
adhesive bonded joints, it is fully dismountable and the
collars can be attached in controlled workshop conditions.




Steel backing rings

GRP 'collars' on pipe ends

Figure A5 Mechanical coupling

Figure A6 Shell type flange connection


Typical defects, together with suggested maximum acceptable level
Inside Pipe
Outside Pipe
Bubbles of air trapped
6mm dia. x 1.5mm
beneath the laminate
high (i)
Small pieces broken
6mm long with no
off due to impact
damage to the
glass laminate
Separation or splitting
of the laminate
Small surface grooves
Acceptable provided no damage to
glass laminate
Fine cracks at or under
Slight, if no damage
to the laminates (ii)
Pin hole
Porous surface
3mm dia. x 0.5mm deep (i)
Exposed or
At the surface or a
unwetted glass
cut edge
Foreign particles
Trapped particles
None (i)
(i) Blisters, pin holes and surface foreign particles may be ground and filled provided there is
no damage to the laminates and the physical properties of the pipe are not affected.
(ii) Crazing may occur after impact damage or pressure testing.
All repair procedures should be agreed on a case by case basis prior to commencement
of work.



Data to be submitted for approval

Where G.R.P. piping, which has not previously been
approved, is proposed for installation on board ships, the
following data should be submitted for consideration.
4.1 The pipe manufacturers name and address.
4.2 The trade name and reference numbers or designation specific to the piping.
4.3 The resin type, polyester or epoxide, together with
the manufacturers name and address and full trade
name and reference number.
4.4 The catalyst and accelerator types employed in the
case of reinforced polyester resin pipes, or hardeners, where epoxide resins are employed, also their
manufacturers name and address and the full trade
name and reference number for these additives.
4.5 A statement of all reinforcements employed,
together with manufacturers trade names and reference numbers. Where the reference number does
not identify the mass per unit area in the case of
chopped strand mats or woven products or the tex
number of a roving used in a filament winding
process, these are to be detailed.
4.6 Full information regarding the type of gel-coat or
thermoplastic liner employed during construction,
as appropriate.


A full statement of the manufacturing process, identifying the order in which the reinforcements are
placed, the mass of reinforcement employed in the
successive layers during construction and the
resin/reinforcement ratios in the individual layers of
the construction.
4.8 The cure and post cure temperatures and times
4.9 Details of the quality control methods and tests
conducted, both during manufacture and on the
finished products.
4.10 The dimensions and tolerances permitted of the
finished products.
4.11 A full statement of tests conducted on the subject
piping to evaluate its bursting pressure, weeping
pressure, resistance of flexural fatigue, deflection
under load, resistance to build up of static electrical
charges and resistance to fire.
4.12 Recommendations for installation, including joining
of pipe sections to each other and to metallic piping,
also the distance between supports.


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