A Comparison of The Montserrat and Mount ST Helens Eruptions
A Comparison of The Montserrat and Mount ST Helens Eruptions
A Comparison of The Montserrat and Mount ST Helens Eruptions
The Montserrat and Mount St Helens volcanic eruption were vaguely similar in the consequences and process. There are various similarities including numerous differences in the eruptions. Mount St Helens eruption occurred in 1980 while the Montserrat volcano started to erupt in 1995. The Mount St Helens volcano showed signs of erupting three months prior to the actual eruption however Chances Peak started erupting in July 1995 lasting for another two years. The reason behind both volcanic eruptions is the alike. The Montserrat eruption occurred due to the North and South American plates that were subducted by the Caribbean plate. The melted plate being less dense than the rest of the mantle due to sea water rose upwards. This causes less pressure in the crust ultimately leading to the release if various dissolved gases. The released gas also pushes out dust and ash from previous eruption. Mount St Helens eruption is also due to a destructive plate margin however the Montserrat eruption differs slightly. Both volcanoes were over a destructive margin where a lot of gas, steam and ash had burst out when the volcano erupted. This meant that both were composite volcanoes with acidic lava. In addition to the gas in the magma chamber the Mont St Helens volcano possessed a volcanic plug. A volcanic plug is made up of solidified lave that has been left over from a previous eruption. This caused the Mont St. Helens to erupt in a different way from Chances Peak. The volcanic plug also provided another sign of eruption which Montserrat did not have. On 3th April 1980 a bulge appeared on the side of Mount St Helens growing at least 1.5 metres a day where by 12th April the bulge had reached 100 metres in height. This was because of the plug. The pressure in the mantle cause the magma to rise upwards since the top was blocked the magma tried to find another way out creating the bulge thus when the volcano did finally erupt not only did it burst from the top. It also erupted sideways through the newly formed parasitic cone because of the former plug its top had collapsed unlike Chance Peak, leaving the mountain 365 metres lower than before. One of the first signs that both volcanoes had were tiny seismic vibration underground although Mount St. Helens actually felt 47earthquakes before the actual eruptions. On 26 March a warning in the local Mount St. Helens area was issued. In 1995 in Montserrat people had to be evacuated to the northern part of the island by April 1996 everyone had to evacuate Plymouth, the capital city. In the Mont St. Helens area the local authorities had to create a 30 km danger zone around the volcano but unlike Montserrat the people did not have to completely move away. Chance peak was considered a dormant volcano while Mount St. Helens is found in of range of Fold Mountains. When Chances Peak tart duping n June 1995 ash and dust was the first warning. By June 1995 the south of the island was covered in river of hot ash, gases, mud and rock called pyroclastic flow. Several fires caught throughout the island causing the death of 19 people. The vegetation was burnt and covered ion ash.
Some people had to been evacuated by boats paid by the UK government and USA. Even the British navy transported people from Montserrat to various other places. In Mount St. Helens a pyroclastic flow burnt trees over 360 square kilometres. 7000 animals and 12 million salmon were also killed. 61 people were killed in Mount St. Helens eruption compared to the 19 killed Montserrat. There were no mudslides in Montserrat but in the Mount St. Helens eruption melted snow and magma caused mudslides that flowed at 35 metres per second. In Montserrat the sole airport was covered in ash preventing any planes from landing. In mount St Helens something similar occurred, the ash clouds had risen 24 km upwards and planes had to be diverted. In both cases pyroclastic flow caused damage to roads, crops and farm machinery. The loss of farm equipment and damaged crops caused a massive blow to each economy however it was particular difficult for the people living in Montserrat. Many families livelihood depended on farming thus after the eruption numerous young people had decided to restart their lives elsewhere. Unlike Mount St Helens where the US government had compensated the people by giving 951 million dollars to rebuild its industry Montserrat was an LEDC and its Montserrats population structure had been altered. The government did however fund a three year re-development program to encourage new business and reconstruct various buildings, in all costing 122.8 million. In both case studies the Pyroclastic flow had caused the majority of damage. Since Montserrat was an island the effects of the volcano had bigger impact than in the Mount St. Helens area. Two- thirds of the Montserrat households were destroyed leaving many people homeless. After the eruption a volcano usually becomes a tourist attraction. In Montserrat this can provide jobs for the people who go back to the island. In both cases the local economy would increase. In Mount St Helens there would also be an increase of flooding because of all the material that may have been deposited in the river. Over time the soil may become fertile as the ash and lava break down which could provide even more jobs for the people. A volcanic eruption causes many problems for the people living in the area. An eruption may deprive a person of his home or even his family. There are vast similarities between the two eruptions where people suffered and the environment was also damaged but there were also different responses. While in Montserrat the locals had to be evacuated by boats and half of the population had to be moved, in Mount St. Helen only a 30 km danger zone was put in place before the eruption.