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Managing Corporate Ethics Through Best Practices in Organizational Behavior Worldwide

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“Managing Corporate Ethics through Best Practices in

Organizational Behavior Worldwide”

Vic Kulkarni
President & CEO
Sequence Design, Inc.
Overview of Breakout Session

‰ The sooner companies begin start discussing and enacting

processes for managing integrity standards, the better!
‰ “Leadership with Trust” to promote ethical behavior
‰ A modern business ethic must be based on a clear
understanding of fundamental relationships in organizations
ƒ Between employer and employee, superior and subordinate
ƒ Must specify universally applicable rules of behavior for managers and
employees of an organization
ƒ Ethics of prudence and self-development and ethics of interdependence

(*) Ref: Peter Drucker, “What is ‘Business Ethics’?”, The Public Interest, No. 63, Spring 1981, pp 18-36.

Breakout Session Contents (cont’)

‰ I will be discussing practical ways to manage the

“Corporate Culture” within our company’s Centers of
Excellence in Santa Clara, Westford, London, Delhi
and Tokyo
‰ Examples of business ethics issues in India
ƒ “Intel fires 250 employees in India” Economic Times, Sep 2005
ƒ Faking bills to claim conveyance allowances, drivers’ salaries, expense
reports etc
ƒ Narrow vs broader approach of business ethics
ƒ Limited response to the concerns of local community in which the Company
operates vs consideration of social responsibility in all business decisions

“SMART Sequence” Culture

… Making “Sequence a GREAT place to work FOR and work WITH”

Vic Kulkarni
“SMART Sequence” Culture

‰ What is “SMART Sequence” culture?

‰ Overall principles

‰ Management and employee behavior guidelines

What is “SMART Sequence” Culture?

“SMART Sequence” is a set of simple guiding principles of corporate

behavior which we preach and practice in daily lives to make Sequence
“A GREAT place to work FOR and work WITH”

S Style
M Mindset
A Attitude
R Reputation
T Teamwork

Vic’s Comments: I have formulated these principles and guidelines from my previous companies (Avant!,
VLSI, CrossCheck, Fairchild and National Semiconductor) and from my mentors.
I learned these simple principles over the years from managing engineering, marketing, sales and G&A
organizations in U.S., China, Japan, UK, France and India

“S” : Style

‰ We have an “open door” style of management and communication

‰ We believe in being “Brutally honest, but not being brutal” in our daily
‰ We do NOT believe in “geographical barriers” for decision-making or
any hierarchy. All Sequence global locations have same importance
‰ We do a “fairness test” when making internal management decisions
about people, comp plans, projects and priorities
‰ We do NOT tolerate favoritism– all employees have an equal chance to
excel in their work and they are measured purely on their performance
ƒ “Leadership is an ACTION, not a POSITION”..

“M” : Mindset
‰ We encourage and exhibit “start-up spirit” in our actions
ƒ “Start-up spirit” has NO relationship to the size of the Company, it is a scalable mindset

‰ We believe in proposing a potential solution when we report a problem to our

colleagues or to our management
‰ We do NOT have “empire building” mindset; If we see one, we break it down

‰ We escalate issues in a timely manner without being a “cry wolf”--- This is very
important to get a timely resolution without wasting Company resources
‰ We do not go behind our peer’s backs; we confront them and resolve issues– in
cases when it is not possible, we gather facts and seek help through our chain of
‰ We follow simple guidelines espoused by many great leaders in the world…
ƒ Agree and commit
ƒ Disagree and commit
ƒ Disagree and dissociate
…. But do NOT agree in front of everyone, disagree in heart and “back-stab!”

Examples of Iconic Great Leaders

‰ Japan
ƒ Morita-san : SONY
ƒ Matsushita-san : MATSUSHITA CORP
ƒ Okuda-San : TOYOTA
ƒ Mitarai-san : Canon
‰ India
ƒ Ratan Tata : Tata Enterprise
ƒ Anand Mahendra : Mahendra & Mahendra
ƒ Narayan Murthy : Infosys
ƒ Aziz Premji : Wipro

Model for Effective Feedback & Corrective Action

Rapid Feedback Loop


INPUT Accountability and

If Output is NOT satisfactory….

Provide timely feedback,
Change Input,
Obtain desirable results!

Consensus Building with Team or Management

“Pain in the Neck”

Neck” Zone if
initial alignment is NOT
Approval done earlier

Sync up ideas at this

Stage before spending
a lot of time and effort

Time & Effort

An important approach for alignment with your peers and management!

“A”: Attitude

‰ We do NOT tolerate politics in our workforce

‰ We have a “winning” attitude in our daily behavior

‰ When we engage with customer evaluations, we engage to WIN

‰ We do NOT make casual commitments to each other or to third parties

or to our customers…
ƒ However, when we make a commitment we do the best that we can to meet
or exceed our commitments

‰ We are always humble in front of our customers

‰ We reward people with “STAR” recognition awards on a quarterly basis

in the areas of
ƒ Start-up spirit
ƒ Customer satisfaction
ƒ Teamwork
ƒ Outstanding achievement

Local Applicability

‰ Relationships are very important in India and in

ƒ Build after-hours relationships
ƒ Feel socially comfortable first, build trust and then do
ƒ Don’t be “harsh” in your approach
ƒ Never call a customer by first name (changing slowly)
ƒ Never insult a customerÆ he is always RIGHT!

“A” Attitude– Loyalty vs Competence Matrix


Difficult Ideal
To Manage Employee

Undesirable Trainable
Employee Employee

Low High
Loyalty to Sequence

Toughest management decision:

Letting the employee in the top left quadrant go
(India/ US: 60-90 days; Japan ~9 mo -1 year!

“R”: Reputation
‰ We strive to create high reputation with our customers by
ƒ Listening to them and providing them unique and innovative products and
support to solve their tough problems
ƒ Setting right expectations and then meeting or beating them
‰ We believe in strong alignment of “Strategy” and “Tactics”
ƒ Strategy = “Doing the right thing”
ƒ Tactics = “Doing things right”
…. for Customers, Employees and Stakeholders

‰ We do NOT believe in making inflated claims which are false

‰ We do NOT want you to bring in any IP from anywhere else in our

Company, nor do we want you to take our IP anywhere else!
‰ We do NOT “shoot the messenger” when someone delivers the “bad
news”--- but rather we immediately take a corrective action!
‰ We follow the “best hiring practices”
ƒ No geographical, racial, or religious barriers

Local Applicability
‰ Hiring practices vary from U.S. to Japan to India
ƒ Nep.o.tism:
ƒ Favoritism shown to a relative, especially in appointment to a desirable position
ƒ In non high-tech world, it is still quite common to hire people from their families–
rationale being built-in “trust”
ƒ Sanyo: Company promoted people from “Izutsu Family”
ƒ India: Most of the modern leaders do NOT encourage hiring from families any
ƒ U.S.-- Hiring people from your school (Harvard, Stanford, MIT… ) – A different
kind of “favoritism”

‰ Corruption at low levels is non-existent in US and Japan, but exists at

very high levels
‰ In India, the country is still going through social changes, however
one finds corruption at all levels in “non-high tech” world
ƒ Currently a check-and-balance system like “60-minute style” investigative reporting,
in-depth financial analysis of public companies and their practices through world-calss
financial institutions, open forum interviews on NDTV, CNN-India, Star-TV etc

“T”: Teamwork

‰ We believe that strong teamwork between our global

workforce leads to Company’s success

‰ We offer help to our colleagues when we have available

bandwidth independent of group, location, territory plans or
time zones

‰ We treat our external partners such as distributors and

consultants as extension of the workforce and treat them with
respect that we would give to our internal colleagues

‰ We team up with customer/partners to guide us in product and

technology validation and future directions

Be a SMART Sequencer!!


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