Ability Gujarat: (Project For Identification, Registration of Pwds & Issuance of Certificate)
Ability Gujarat: (Project For Identification, Registration of Pwds & Issuance of Certificate)
Ability Gujarat: (Project For Identification, Registration of Pwds & Issuance of Certificate)
Disability (PwDs) and undertake issuance of disability certificates to the individuals within a specified time period. The application was launched by Honble Minister of SJED and Honble Minister of Health on 10th July, 2012.
Features of Ability Gujarat: Scientific assessment of degree of the disability based on guidelines and formulae. Generation of a computer based Disability Certificate with unique ID along with Identity Card. Will provide details of support services for disabled person The database thus generated will be hosted in the Public Domain which can be accessed online. Query Module will help us to retrieve the information in desired format. Online analytical reports of various parameters related to PwDs can be generated
Persons with Disability (PwDs) can avail the benefits of Ability Gujarat project through following work flow
Direct online registration from website ( www.abilitygujarat.in ) Registration through NGOs- using website/manual forms Manual forms filled by Health workers Applications send by postal services
Physical Assessment
PwD can visit nearby Public Health Facility for assessment Doctor will varify the legal documents and perform physical asssessment of disability
If degree of disability is more than 40% - certificate will be issued otherwise rejection of certificate will be done
Impact and Achievements: Since the inception of online web application total registration is 1, 24,919 (Upto 17th October 2012) and out of this total disability certificates issued to 10,036.
Benefits of the Ability Gujarat: Centralized database will be helpful for effective camp approach Efficient services at hospitals due to digitalization of records Real-time Information about PwDs Easy to avail disability certificate due to Fixed Day and Fixed time approach Reduced per visit time and Less waiting time for the certificate Longer life of Disability records Improvement in the quality of life of PwDs