Cross Culture Psychological Segmentation

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Cross Culture Psychological Segmentation The system of segmenting consumers, clustering them on different behavioural and psychological dimensions

is psychological segmentation. In the USA the popular classification is VALS 2 where the respondents are classified on the basis of resources and the extent to which they are action oriented. There are eight groups as follows: Fulfilleds Believers Actualizers Achievers Strivers Strugglers Experiencers Makers In Japan a specially designed VALS is operative In Europe other approaches to psychographic segmentation have been used. One large study of 7,600 European from the continents five major luxury markets were conducted to identify the relationship between culture, trend following, income and the acquisition of luxury goods. Consumers worldwide traits, presenting opportunities for standardized advertising. Among the global psycho-demographic segments that have emerged are the following: Global teenager Psychographically, teenagers are described as astute consumers with precise desires for brand name clothing, products and entertainment. They purchase Levis and Jeans, Nike shoes and Ralph Lauren clothing. They listen to Madonna and World Beat music, go to discos and see newly released movies. This segment has been successfully targeted with messages local and international celebrity endorsers. MTV and CNN and Star Tv are into homes across the globe; global fast food franchise are appearing at street corners; it appears that we are moving toward one homogenized global community. Teenagers all over the world are more exposed than most cultural influences from other countries through music, clothing food, personal appearance and sports. Teenagers are less likely to be parochial and nationalistic and more likely to identify with pan national organizations. Global Elite. This group has the highest income of all consumers; From a psychographic perspective, they travel the globe, often have homes in more than one country and spend money on luxury brands, such as Rolex and Mercedes. Targeting

this group focuses on status, exclusive distribution, high price and status-oriented ad messages While a common ad strategy might be possible for some countries, the need is also to accommodate country specific difference. An interesting segment is a combination of the two, a youth driven Euroculture where natural heritage has become less important for a multilingual, educated, well traveled, cosmopolitan commonalities based on continental values and lifestyles. This spectrum covers a wide spectrum of male, female consumers A study suggests that 95% of the population surveyed in 18 countries can be put in one of the five global segments given below: Strivers 26% , Achievers 22% , Pressured 13%, Adapters 18% and Traditional Young and Rubicum had its own theory based global segmentation scheme called Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation in which consumers in 20 countries have been placed in seven segments based on their goals, motivations and values In sum, there are many others with various groups of consumers varying chiefly on the dimensions of income, desire for material success and social acceptance and personal or social idealism Every country has its rich, middle class and poor, those that live their lives keeping up with the Joneses those who are dreamers and rebels. Human nature and circumstances are essentially the same no matter where you live. The challenge facing the global advertiser is not only knowing the global segment to which the target consumer belongs but also the local difference. There is need to focus on both simultaneously..

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