Think Python
Think Python
Think Python
ThinkPython/Printversion Preface
(ThissectionwaswrittenbyAllenB.Downey[1]) InJanuary1999,IwaspreparingtoteachanintroductoryprogrammingclassinJava.IhadtaughtitthreetimesandIwasgettingfrustrated.Thefailurerate intheclasswastoohighand,evenforstudentswhosucceeded,theoveralllevelofachievementwastoolow. OneoftheproblemsIsawwasthebooks.Theyweretoobig,withtoomuchunnecessarydetailaboutJava,andnotenoughhighlevelguidanceabouthowto program.Andtheyallsufferedfromthe"trapdooreffect":theywouldstartouteasy,proceedgradually,andthensomewherearoundChapter5thebottom wouldfallout.Thestudentswouldgettoomuchnewmaterial,toofast,andIwouldspendtherestofthesemesterpickingupthepieces. Twoweeksbeforethefirstdayofclass,Idecidedtowritemyownbook. Mygoalswere: Keepitshort.Itisbetterforstudentstoread10pagesthanread50pages. Becarefulwithvocabulary.Itriedtominimizethejargonanddefineeachtermatfirstuse. Buildgradually.Toavoidtrapdoors,Itookthemostdifficulttopicsandsplitthemintoaseriesofsmallsteps. Focusonprogramming,nottheprogramminglanguage.IincludedtheminimumusefulsubsetofJavaandleftouttherest. Ineededatitle,soonawhimIchose HowtoThinkLikeaComputerScientist . Myfirstversionwasrough,butitworked.Studentsdidthereading,andtheyunderstoodenoughthatIcouldspendclasstimeonthehardtopics,the interestingtopicsand(mostimportant)lettingthestudentspractice. IreleasedthebookundertheGNUFreeDocumentationLicense,whichallowsuserstocopy,modify,anddistributethebook. Whathappenednextisthecoolpart.JeffElkner,ahighschoolteacherinVirginia,adoptedmybookandtranslateditintoPython.Hesentmeacopyofhis translation,andIhadtheunusualexperienceoflearningPythonbyreadingmyownbook. JeffandIrevisedthebook,incorporatedacasestudybyChrisMeyers,andin2001wereleased HowtoThinkLikeaComputerScientist:Learningwith Python,alsoundertheGNUFreeDocumentationLicense.AsGreenTeaPress,IpublishedthebookandstartedsellinghardcopiesthroughAmazon.comand In2003,IstartedteachingatOlinCollegeandIgottoteachPythonforthefirsttime.ThecontrastwithJavawasstriking.Studentsstruggledless,learned more,workedonmoreinterestingprojects,andgenerallyhadalotmorefun. OverthelastfiveyearsIhavecontinuedtodevelopthebook,correctingerrors,improvingsomeoftheexamplesandaddingmaterial,especiallyexercises.In
OverthelastfiveyearsIhavecontinuedtodevelopthebook,correctingerrors,improvingsomeoftheexamplesandaddingmaterial,especiallyexercises.In 2008Istartedworkonamajorrevisionatthesametime,IwascontactedbyaneditoratCambridgeUniversityPresswhowasinterestedinpublishingthe nextedition.Goodtiming! Theresultisthisbook,nowwiththelessgrandiosetitle ThinkPython.Someofthechangesare: Iaddedasectionaboutdebuggingattheendofeachchapter.Thesesectionspresentgeneraltechniquesforfindingandavoidingbugs,andwarnings aboutPythonpitfalls. Iremovedthematerialinthelastfewchaptersabouttheimplementationoflistsandtrees.Istilllovethosetopics,butIthoughttheywereincongruent withtherestofthebook. Iaddedmoreexercises,rangingfromshorttestsofunderstandingtoafewsubstantialprojects. Iaddedaseriesofcasestudieslongerexampleswithexercises,solutions,anddiscussion.SomeofthemarebasedonSwampy,asuiteofPython programsIwroteforuseinmyclasses.Swampy,codeexamples, ( Iexpandedthediscussionofprogrammingdevelopmentplansandbasicdesignpatterns. TheuseofPythonismoreidiomatic.Thebookisstillaboutprogramming,notPython,butnowIthinkthebookgetsmoreleveragefromthelanguage. Ihopeyouenjoyworkingwiththisbook,andthatithelpsyoulearntoprogramandthink,atleastalittlebit,likeacomputerscientist. AllenB.Downey NeedhamMA AllenDowneyisanAssociateProfessorofComputerScienceattheFranklinW.OlinCollegeofEngineering.
Firstandmostimportantly,IthankJeffElkner,whotranslatedmyJavabookintoPython,whichgotthisprojectstartedandintroducedmetowhathasturned outtobemyfavoritelanguage. IalsothankChrisMeyers,whocontributedseveralsectionsto HowtoThinkLikeaComputerScientist . AndIthanktheFreeSoftwareFoundationfordevelopingtheGNUFreeDocumentationLicense,whichhelpedmakemycollaborationwithJeffandChris possible. IalsothanktheeditorsatLuluwhoworkedon HowtoThinkLikeaComputerScientist . Ithankallthestudentswhoworkedwithearlierversionsofthisbookandallthecontributors(listedbelow)whosentincorrectionsandsuggestions. AndIthankmywife,Lisa,forherworkonthisbook,andGreenTeaPress,andeverythingelse,too.
Morethan100sharpeyedandthoughtfulreadershavesentinsuggestionsandcorrectionsoverthepastfewyears.Theircontributions,andenthusiasmfor thisproject,havebeenahugehelp. Ifyouhaveasuggestionorcorrection,pleasesendemailto f e e d b a c k @ t h i n k p y t h o n . c o m .IfImakeachangebasedonyourfeedback,Iwilladdyoutothecontributor list(unlessyouasktobeomitted). Ifyouincludeatleastpartofthesentencetheerrorappearsin,thatmakesiteasyformetosearch.Pageandsectionnumbersarefine,too,butnotquiteas easytoworkwith.Thanks! LloydHughAllensentinacorrectiontoSection8.4. YvonBouliannesentinacorrectionofasemanticerrorinChapter5. FredBremmersubmittedacorrectioninSection2.1. JonahCohenwrotethePerlscriptstoconverttheLaTeXsourceforthisbookintobeautifulHTML. MichaelConlonsentinagrammarcorrectioninChapter2andanimprovementinstyleinChapter1,andheinitiateddiscussiononthetechnical aspectsofinterpreters. BenoitGirardsentinacorrectiontoahumorousmistakeinSection5.6. CourtneyGleasonandKatherineSmithwrote h o r s e b e t . p y ,whichwasusedasacasestudyinanearlierversionofthebook.Theirprogramcannowbe foundonthewebsite. LeeHarrsubmittedmorecorrectionsthanwehaveroomtolisthere,andindeedheshouldbelistedasoneoftheprincipaleditorsofthetext. JamesKaylinisastudentusingthetext.Hehassubmittednumerouscorrections. DavidKershawfixedthebroken c a t T w i c e functioninSection3.10. EddieLamhassentinnumerouscorrectionstoChapters1,2,and3.HealsofixedtheMakefilesothatitcreatesanindexthefirsttimeitisrunand helpedussetupaversioningscheme. ManYongLeesentinacorrectiontotheexamplecodeinSection2.4. DavidMayopointedoutthattheword"unconsciously"inChapter1neededtobechangedto"subconsciously". ChrisMcAloonsentinseveralcorrectionstoSections3.9and3.10. MatthewJ.Moelterhasbeenalongtimecontributorwhosentinnumerouscorrectionsandsuggestionstothebook. SimonDiconMontfordreportedamissingfunctiondefinitionandseveraltyposinChapter3.Healsofounderrorsinthe i n c r e m e n t functioninChapter13. JohnOuztscorrectedthedefinitionof"returnvalue"inChapter3. KevinParkssentinvaluablecommentsandsuggestionsastohowtoimprovethedistributionofthebook. DavidPoolsentinatypointheglossaryofChapter1,aswellaskindwordsofencouragement. MichaelSchmittsentinacorrectiontothechapteronfilesandexceptions. RobinShawpointedoutanerrorinSection13.1,wherethe p r i n t T i m e functionwasusedinanexamplewithoutbeingdefined. PaulSleighfoundanerrorinChapter7andabuginJonahCohensPerlscriptthatgeneratesHTMLfromLaTeX. CraigT.SnydalistestingthetextinacourseatDrewUniversity.Hehascontributedseveralvaluablesuggestionsandcorrections. 3/282
IanThomasandhisstudentsareusingthetextinaprogrammingcourse.Theyarethefirstonestotestthechaptersinthelatterhalfofthebook,and theyhavemadenumerouscorrectionsandsuggestions. KeithVerheydensentinacorrectioninChapter3. PeterWinstanleyletusknowaboutalongstandingerrorinourLatininChapter3. ChrisWrobelmadecorrectionstothecodeinthechapteronfileI/Oandexceptions. MosheZadkahasmadeinvaluablecontributionstothisproject.InadditiontowritingthefirstdraftofthechapteronDictionaries,he providedcontinualguidanceintheearlystagesofthebook. ChristophZwerschkesentseveralcorrectionsandpedagogicsuggestions,andexplainedthedifferencebetween gleichand selbe. JamesMayersentusawholeslewofspellingandtypographicalerrors,includingtwointhecontributorlist. HaydenMcAfeecaughtapotentiallyconfusinginconsistencybetweentwoexamples. AngelArnalispartofaninternationalteamoftranslatorsworkingontheSpanishversionofthetext.HehasalsofoundseveralerrorsintheEnglish version. TauhidulHoqueandLexBerezhnycreatedtheillustrationsinChapter1andimprovedmanyoftheotherillustrations. Dr.MicheleAlzettacaughtanerrorinChapter8andsentsomeinterestingpedagogiccommentsandsuggestionsaboutFibonacciandOldMaid. AndyMitchellcaughtatypoinChapter1andabrokenexampleinChapter2. KalinHarveysuggestedaclarificationinChapter7andcaughtsometypos. ChristopherP.SmithcaughtseveraltyposandishelpinguspreparetoupdatethebookforPython2.2. DavidHutchinscaughtatypointheForeword. GregorLinglisteachingPythonatahighschoolinVienna,Austria.HeisworkingonaGermantranslationofthebook,andhecaughtacoupleofbad errorsinChapter5. JuliePeterscaughtatypointhePreface. FlorinOprinasentinanimprovementin m a k e T i m e ,acorrectionin p r i n t T i m e ,andanicetypo. D.J.WebresuggestedaclarificationinChapter3. KenfoundafistfuloferrorsinChapters8,9and11. IvoWevercaughtatypoinChapter5andsuggestedaclarificationinChapter3. CurtisYankosuggestedaclarificationinChapter2. BenLogansentinanumberoftyposandproblemswithtranslatingthebookintoHTML. JasonArmstrongsawthemissingwordinChapter2. LouisCordiernoticedaspotinChapter16wherethecodedidn'tmatchthetext. BrianCainsuggestedseveralclarificationsinChapters2and3. RobBlacksentinapasselofcorrections,includingsomechangesforPython2.2. JeanPhilippeReyatEcoleCentraleParissentanumberofpatches,includingsomeupdatesforPython2.2andotherthoughtfulimprovements. JasonMaderatGeorgeWashingtonUniversitymadeanumberofusefulsuggestionsandcorrections. JanGundtofteBruunremindedusthataerrorisanerror. 4/282
AbelDavidandAlexisDinnoremindedusthatthepluralofmatrixismatrices,notmatrixes.Thiserrorwasinthebookforyears,buttworeaders withthesameinitialsreporteditonthesameday.Weird. CharlesThayerencouragedustogetridofthesemicolonswehadputattheendsofsomestatementsandtocleanupouruseofargumentand parameter. RogerSperbergpointedoutatwistedpieceoflogicinChapter3. SamBullpointedoutaconfusingparagraphinChapter2. AndrewCheungpointedouttwoinstancesofusebeforedef. C.CoreyCapelspottedthemissingwordintheThirdTheoremofDebuggingandatypoinChapter4. AlessandrahelpedclearupsomeTurtleconfusion. WimChampagnefoundabrainoinadictionaryexample. DouglasWrightpointedoutaproblemwithfloordivisionin a r c . JaredSpindorfoundsomejetsamattheendofasentence. LinPeihengsentanumberofveryhelpfulsuggestions. RayHagtvedtsentintwoerrorsandanotquiteerror. TorstenHbschpointedoutaninconsistencyinSwampy. IngaPetuhhovcorrectedanexampleinChapter14. ArneBabenhauserheidesentseveralhelpfulcorrections. MarkE.Casidaisisgoodatspottingrepeatedwords. ScottTylerfilledinathatwasmissing.Andthensentinaheapofcorrections. GordonShephardsentinseveralcorrections,allinseparateemails. AndrewTurner s p o t tedanerrorinChapter8. AdamHobartfixedaproblemwithfloordivisionin a r c . DarylHammondandSarahZimmermanpointedoutthatIservedup m a t h . p i tooearly.AndZimspottedatypo. GeorgeSassfoundabuginaDebuggingsection. BrianBinghamsuggestedExercise11.9. LeahEngelbertFentonpointedoutthatIused t u p l e asavariablename,contrarytomyownadvice.Andthenfoundabunchoftyposandausebefore def. JoeFunkespottedatypo. ChaochaoChenfoundaninconsistencyintheFibonacciexample. JeffPaineknowsthedifferencebetweenspaceandspam. LubosPintessentinatypo. GreggLindandAbigailHeithoffsuggestedExercise14.6. MaxHailperinpointedoutachangecominginPython3.0.Maxisoneoftheauthorsoftheextraordinary ConcreteAbstractions,whichyoumightwant toreadwhenyouaredonewiththisbook. ChotipatPornavalaifoundanerrorinanerrormessage. 5/282
StanislawAntolsentalistofveryhelpfulsuggestions. EricPashmansentanumberofcorrectionsforChapters411. MiguelAzevedofoundsometypos. JianhuaLiusentinalonglistofcorrections. NickKingfoundamissingword. MartinZuthersentalonglistofsuggestions. AdamZimmermanfoundaninconsistencyinmyinstanceofaninstanceandseveralothererrors. RatnakarTiwarisuggestedafootnoteexplainingdegeneratetriangles. AnuragGoelsuggestedanothersolutionfor i s _ a b e c e d a r i a n andsentsomeadditionalcorrections.AndheknowshowtospellJaneAusten. KelliKratzerspottedoneoftheytypos. MarkGriffithspointedoutaconfusingexampleinChapter3. RoydanOngiefoundanerrorinmyNewtonsmethod.
InSeptemberof2008,WhiteknightconvertedtheHTMLversionof"ThinkPython"atGreenTeaPress[2]toaWikitextversionatWikibooks[3].Nowanyone canimprovethetext. 1. "Thestrangehistoryofthisbook"( 2. "ThinkPython"atGreenTeaPress( 3. Wikibooks:ThinkPython(
Thegoalofthisbookistoteachyoutothinklikeacomputerscientist.Thiswayofthinkingcombinessomeofthebestfeaturesofmathematics,engineering, andnaturalscience.Likemathematicians,computerscientistsuseformallanguagestodenoteideas(specificallycomputations).Likeengineers,theydesign things,assemblingcomponentsintosystemsandevaluatingtradeoffsamongalternatives.Likescientists,theyobservethebehaviorofcomplexsystems,form hypotheses,andtestpredictions. Thesinglemostimportantskillforacomputerscientistis problemsolving.Problemsolvingmeanstheabilitytoformulateproblems,thinkcreativelyabout solutions,andexpressasolutionclearlyandaccurately.Asitturnsout,theprocessoflearningtoprogramisanexcellentopportunitytopracticeproblem solvingskills.Thatswhythischapteriscalled,Thewayoftheprogram. Ononelevel,youwillbelearningtoprogram,ausefulskillbyitself.Onanotherlevel,youwilluseprogrammingasameanstoanend.Aswegoalong,that endwillbecomeclearer.
TheprogramminglanguageyouwilllearnisPython.Pythonisanexampleofa highlevellanguageotherhighlevellanguagesyoumighthaveheardofare C,C++,Perl,andJava. 6/282
Therearealso lowlevellanguages,sometimesreferredtoasmachinelanguagesorassemblylanguages.Looselyspeaking,computerscanonlyexecute programswritteninlowlevellanguages.Soprogramswritteninahighlevellanguagehavetobeprocessedbeforetheycanrun.Thisextraprocessingtakes sometime,whichisasmalldisadvantageofhighlevellanguages. Theadvantagesareenormous.First,itismucheasiertoprograminahighlevellanguage.Programswritteninahighlevellanguagetakelesstimetowrite, theyareshorterandeasiertoread,andtheyaremorelikelytobecorrect.Second,highlevellanguagesare portable,meaningthattheycanrunondifferent kindsofcomputerswithfewornomodifications.Lowlevelprogramscanrunononlyonekindofcomputerandhavetoberewrittentorunonanother. Duetotheseadvantages,almostallprogramsarewritteninhighlevellanguages.Lowlevellanguagesareusedonlyforafewspecializedapplications. Twokindsofprogramsprocesshighlevellanguagesintolowlevellanguages: interpretersand compilers.Aninterpreterreadsahighlevelprogramand executesit,meaningthatitdoeswhattheprogramsays.Itprocessestheprogramalittleatatime,alternatelyreadinglinesandperformingcomputations.
Thechevron, > > > ,isthe prompttheinterpreterusestoindicatethatitisready.Ifyoutype 1+1 ,theinterpreterreplies 2 . Alternatively,youcanstorecodeinafileandusetheinterpretertoexecutethecontentsofthefile,whichiscalleda script.Byconvention,Pythonscripts havenamesthatendwith . p y . 7/282
A programisasequenceofinstructionsthatspecifieshowtoperformacomputation.Thecomputationmightbesomethingmathematical,suchassolvinga systemofequationsorfindingtherootsofapolynomial,butitcanalsobeasymboliccomputation,suchassearchingandreplacingtextinadocumentor (strangelyenough)compilingaprogram. Thedetailslookdifferentindifferentlanguages,butafewbasicinstructionsappearinjustabouteverylanguage: input: Getdatafromthekeyboard,afile,orsomeotherdevice. output: Displaydataonthescreenorsenddatatoafileorotherdevice. math: Performbasicmathematicaloperationslikeadditionandmultiplication. conditionalexecution: Checkforcertainconditionsandexecutetheappropriatesequenceofstatements. repetition: Performsomeactionrepeatedly,usuallywithsomevariation. Believeitornot,thatsprettymuchallthereistoit.Everyprogramyouveeverused,nomatterhowcomplicated,ismadeupofinstructionsthatlookpretty muchlikethese.Soyoucanthinkofprogrammingastheprocessofbreakingalarge,complextaskintosmallerandsmallersubtasksuntilthesubtasksare simpleenoughtobeperformedwithoneofthesebasicinstructions. Thatmaybealittlevague,butwewillcomebacktothistopicwhenwetalkabout algorithms.
Programmingiserrorprone.Forwhimsicalreasons,programmingerrorsarecalled bugsandtheprocessoftrackingthemdowniscalled debugging. Threekindsoferrorscanoccurinaprogram:syntaxerrors,runtimeerrors,andsemanticerrors.Itisusefultodistinguishbetweentheminordertotrackthem downmorequickly. Syntaxerrors Pythoncanonlyexecuteaprogramifthesyntaxiscorrectotherwise,theinterpreterdisplaysanerrormessage. Syntaxreferstothestructureofaprogram andtherulesaboutthatstructure.Forexample,parentheseshavetocomeinmatchingpairs,so ( 1+2 ) islegal,but 8 ) isa syntaxerror. 8/282
InEnglishreaderscantoleratemostsyntaxerrors,whichiswhywecanreadthepoetryofE.E.Cummingswithoutspewingerrormessages.Pythonisnotso forgiving.Ifthereisasinglesyntaxerroranywhereinyourprogram,Pythonwilldisplayanerrormessageandquit,andyouwillnotbeabletorunyour program.Duringthefirstfewweeksofyourprogrammingcareer,youwillprobablyspendalotoftimetrackingdownsyntaxerrors.Asyougainexperience,you willmakefewererrorsandfindthemfaster. Runtimeerrors Thesecondtypeoferrorisaruntimeerror,socalledbecausetheerrordoesnotappearuntilaftertheprogramhasstartedrunning.Theseerrorsarealso called exceptionsbecausetheyusuallyindicatethatsomethingexceptional(andbad)hashappened. Runtimeerrorsarerareinthesimpleprogramsyouwillseeinthefirstfewchapters,soitmightbeawhilebeforeyouencounterone. Semanticerrors Thethirdtypeoferroristhe semanticerror.Ifthereisasemanticerrorinyourprogram,itwillrunsuccessfullyinthesensethatthecomputerwillnot generateanyerrormessages,butitwillnotdotherightthing.Itwilldosomethingelse.Specifically,itwilldowhatyoutoldittodo. Theproblemisthattheprogramyouwroteisnottheprogramyouwantedtowrite.Themeaningoftheprogram(itssemantics)iswrong.Identifyingsemantic errorscanbetrickybecauseitrequiresyoutoworkbackwardbylookingattheoutputoftheprogramandtryingtofigureoutwhatitisdoing. Experimentaldebugging Oneofthemostimportantskillsyouwillacquireisdebugging.Althoughitcanbefrustrating,debuggingisoneofthemostintellectuallyrich,challenging,and interestingpartsofprogramming. Insomeways,debuggingislikedetectivework.Youareconfrontedwithclues,andyouhavetoinfertheprocessesandeventsthatledtotheresultsyousee. Debuggingisalsolikeanexperimentalscience.Onceyouhaveanideaaboutwhatisgoingwrong,youmodifyyourprogramandtryagain.Ifyourhypothesis wascorrect,thenyoucanpredicttheresultofthemodification,andyoutakeastepclosertoaworkingprogram.Ifyourhypothesiswaswrong,youhaveto comeupwithanewone.AsSherlockHolmespointedout,Whenyouhaveeliminatedtheimpossible,whateverremains,howeverimprobable,mustbethe truth.(A.ConanDoyle, TheSignofFour) Forsomepeople,programminganddebuggingarethesamething.Thatis,programmingistheprocessofgraduallydebuggingaprogramuntilitdoeswhat youwant.Theideaisthatyoushouldstartwithaprogramthatdoes somethingandmakesmallmodifications,debuggingthemasyougo,sothatyoualways haveaworkingprogram. Forexample,Linuxisanoperatingsystemthatcontainsthousandsoflinesofcode,butitstartedoutasasimpleprogramLinusTorvaldsusedtoexplorethe Intel80386chip.AccordingtoLarryGreenfield,OneofLinussearlierprojectswasaprogramthatwouldswitchbetweenprintingAAAAandBBBB.Thislater evolvedtoLinux.(TheLinuxUsersGuideBetaVersion1). Laterchapterswillmakemoresuggestionsaboutdebuggingandotherprogrammingpractices.
Formalandnaturallanguages 9/282
Naturallanguagesarethelanguagespeoplespeak,suchasEnglish,Spanish,andFrench.Theywerenotdesignedbypeople(althoughpeopletrytoimpose someorderonthem)theyevolvednaturally. Formallanguagesarelanguagesthataredesignedbypeopleforspecificapplications.Forexample,thenotationthatmathematiciansuseisaformal languagethatisparticularlygoodatdenotingrelationshipsamongnumbersandsymbols.Chemistsuseaformallanguagetorepresentthechemicalstructure ofmolecules.Andmostimportantly: Programminglanguagesareformallanguagesthathavebeendesignedtoexpresscomputations. Formallanguagestendtohavestrictrulesaboutsyntax.Forexample,3+3=6isasyntacticallycorrectmathematicalstatement,but3+=3$6isnot. H2O isasyntacticallycorrectchemicalformula,but 2Zzisnot. Syntaxrulescomeintwoflavors,pertainingto tokensandstructure.Tokensarethebasicelementsofthelanguage,suchaswords,numbers,andchemical elements.Oneoftheproblemswith3+=3$6isthat $ isnotalegaltokeninmathematics(atleastasfarasIknow).Similarly, 2Zzisnotlegalbecause thereisnoelementwiththeabbreviation Zz. Thesecondtypeofsyntaxerrorpertainstothestructureofastatementthatis,thewaythetokensarearranged.Thestatement3+=3$6isillegalbecause eventhough+and=arelegaltokens,youcanthaveonerightaftertheother.Similarly,inachemicalformulathesubscriptcomesaftertheelementname, notbefore. Exercise1 WriteawellstructuredEnglishsentencewithinvalidtokensinit.Thenwriteanothersentencewithallvalidtokensbutwithinvalidstructure. WhenyoureadasentenceinEnglishorastatementinaformallanguage,youhavetofigureoutwhatthestructureofthesentenceis(althoughinanatural languageyoudothissubconsciously).Thisprocessiscalled parsing. Forexample,whenyouhearthesentence,Thepennydropped,youunderstandthatthepennyisthesubjectanddroppedisthepredicate.Onceyouhave parsedasentence,youcanfigureoutwhatitmeans,orthesemanticsofthesentence.Assumingthatyouknowwhatapennyisandwhatitmeanstodrop, youwillunderstandthegeneralimplicationofthissentence. Althoughformalandnaturallanguageshavemanyfeaturesincommontokens,structure,syntax,andsemanticstherearesomedifferences: ambiguity: Naturallanguagesarefullofambiguity,whichpeopledealwithbyusingcontextualcluesandotherinformation.Formallanguagesaredesignedtobe nearlyorcompletelyunambiguous,whichmeansthatanystatementhasexactlyonemeaning,regardlessofcontext. redundancy: Inordertomakeupforambiguityandreducemisunderstandings,naturallanguagesemploylotsofredundancy.Asaresult,theyareoftenverbose. Formallanguagesarelessredundantandmoreconcise. literalness: Naturallanguagesarefullofidiomandmetaphor.IfIsay,Thepennydropped,thereisprobablynopennyandnothingdropping[1].Formallanguages meanexactlywhattheysay. 10/282
Peoplewhogrowupspeakinganaturallanguageeveryoneoftenhaveahardtimeadjustingtoformallanguages.Insomeways,thedifferencebetween formalandnaturallanguageislikethedifferencebetweenpoetryandprose,butmoreso: Poetry: Wordsareusedfortheirsoundsaswellasfortheirmeaning,andthewholepoemtogethercreatesaneffectoremotionalresponse.Ambiguityisnot onlycommonbutoftendeliberate. Prose: Theliteralmeaningofwordsismoreimportant,andthestructurecontributesmoremeaning.Proseismoreamenabletoanalysisthanpoetrybutstill oftenambiguous. Programs: Themeaningofacomputerprogramisunambiguousandliteral,andcanbeunderstoodentirelybyanalysisofthetokensandstructure. Herearesomesuggestionsforreadingprograms(andotherformallanguages).First,rememberthatformallanguagesaremuchmoredensethannatural languages,soittakeslongertoreadthem.Also,thestructureisveryimportant,soitisusuallynotagoodideatoreadfromtoptobottom,lefttoright. Instead,learntoparsetheprograminyourhead,identifyingthetokensandinterpretingthestructure.Finally,thedetailsmatter.Smallerrorsinspellingand punctuation,whichyoucangetawaywithinnaturallanguages,canmakeabigdifferenceinaformallanguage.
Traditionally,thefirstprogramyouwriteinanewlanguageiscalledHello,World!becauseallitdoesisdisplaythewords,Hello,World!InPython,itlooks likethis:
p r i n t' H e l l o ,W o r l d ! '
Itisagoodideatoreadthisbookinfrontofacomputersoyoucantryouttheexamplesasyougo.Youcanrunmostoftheexamplesininteractivemode, butifyouputthecodeintoascript,itiseasiertotryoutvariations.
Wheneveryouareexperimentingwithanewfeature,youshouldtrytomakemistakes.Forexample,intheHello,world!program,whathappensifyouleave outoneofthequotationmarks?Whatifyouleaveoutboth?Whatifyouspell p r i n t wrong? Thiskindofexperimenthelpsyourememberwhatyoureaditalsohelpswithdebugging,becauseyougettoknowwhattheerrormessagesmean.Itisbetter tomakemistakesnowandonpurposethanlaterandaccidentally. Programming,andespeciallydebugging,sometimesbringsoutstrongemotions.Ifyouarestrugglingwithadifficultbug,youmightfeelangry,despondentor embarrassed. Thereisevidencethatpeoplenaturallyrespondtocomputersasiftheywerepeople[3].Whentheyworkwell,wethinkofthemasteammates,andwhenthey areobstinateorrude,werespondtothemthesamewaywerespondtorude,obstinatepeople. Preparingforthesereactionsmighthelpyoudealwiththem.Oneapproachistothinkofthecomputerasanemployeewithcertainstrengths,likespeedand precision,andparticularweaknesses,likelackofempathyandinabilitytograspthebigpicture. Yourjobistobeagoodmanager:findwaystotakeadvantageofthestrengthsandmitigatetheweaknesses.Andfindwaystouseyouremotionstoengage withtheproblem,withoutlettingyourreactionsinterferewithyourabilitytoworkeffectively. Learningtodebugcanbefrustrating,butitisavaluableskillthatisusefulformanyactivitiesbeyondprogramming.Attheendofeachchapterthereisa debuggingsection,likethisone,withmythoughtsaboutdebugging.Ihopetheyhelp!
problemsolving: Theprocessofformulatingaproblem,findingasolution,andexpressingthesolution. highlevellanguage: AprogramminglanguagelikePythonthatisdesignedtobeeasyforhumanstoreadandwrite. lowlevellanguage: Aprogramminglanguagethatisdesignedtobeeasyforacomputertoexecutealsocalledmachinelanguageorassemblylanguage. portability: Apropertyofaprogramthatcanrunonmorethanonekindofcomputer. interpret: Toexecuteaprograminahighlevellanguagebytranslatingitonelineatatime. compile: Totranslateaprogramwritteninahighlevellanguageintoalowlevellanguageallatonce,inpreparationforlaterexecution. sourcecode: Aprograminahighlevellanguagebeforebeingcompiled. objectcode: Theoutputofthecompilerafterittranslatestheprogram. executable: Anothernameforobjectcodethatisreadytobeexecuted. 12/282
prompt: Charactersdisplayedbytheinterpretertoindicatethatitisreadytotakeinputfromtheuser. script: Aprogramstoredinafile(usuallyonethatwillbeinterpreted). interactivemode: AwayofusingthePythoninterpreterbytypingcommandsandexpressionsattheprompt. scriptmode: AwayofusingthePythoninterpretertoreadandexecutestatementsinascript. program: Asetofinstructionsthatspecifiesacomputation. algorithm: Ageneralprocessforsolvingacategoryofproblems. bug: Anerrorinaprogram. debugging: Theprocessoffindingandremovinganyofthethreekindsofprogrammingerrors. syntax: Thestructureofaprogram. syntaxerror: Anerrorinaprogramthatmakesitimpossibletoparse(andthereforeimpossibletointerpret). exception: Anerrorthatisdetectedwhiletheprogramisrunning. semantics: Themeaningofaprogram. semanticerror: Anerrorinaprogramthatmakesitdosomethingotherthanwhattheprogrammerintended. naturallanguage: Anyoneofthelanguagesthatpeoplespeakthatevolvednaturally. formallanguage: Anyoneofthelanguagesthatpeoplehavedesignedforspecificpurposes,suchasrepresentingmathematicalideasorcomputerprogramsall programminglanguagesareformallanguages. token: Oneofthebasicelementsofthesyntacticstructureofaprogram,analogoustoawordinanaturallanguage. parse: Toexamineaprogramandanalyzethesyntacticstructure. 13/282
printstatement: AninstructionthatcausesthePythoninterpretertodisplayavalueonthescreen.
Exercise2 UseawebbrowsertogotothePythonwebsite,,andit givesyoutheabilitytosearchthePythondocumentation.Forexample,ifyouenter p r i n t inthesearchwindow,thefirstlinkthatappearsisthedocumentation ofthe p r i n t statement.Atthispoint,notallofitwillmakesensetoyou,butitisgoodtoknowwhereitis. Exercise3 StartthePythoninterpreterandtype'h e l p ( ) 'tostarttheonlinehelputility.Oryoucantype h e l p ( ' p r i n t ' ) togetinformationaboutthe'p r i n t 'statement. Ifthis exampledoesntwork,youmayneedtoinstalladditionalPythondocumentationorsetanenvironmentvariablethedetailsdependonyouroperatingsystem andversionofPython. Exercise4 StartthePythoninterpreteranduseitasacalculator.Pythonssyntaxformathoperationsisalmostthesameasstandardmathematicalnotation.For example,thesymbols'+ ',''and'/ 'denoteaddition,subtractionanddivision,asyouwouldexpect.Thesymbolformultiplicationis'* '. Ifyouruna10kilometer racein43minutes30seconds,whatisyouraveragetimepermile?Whatisyouraveragespeedinmilesperhour?(Hint:thereare1.61kilometersinamile).
1. Thisidiommeansthatsomeonerealizedsomethingafteraperiodofconfusion. 2. InPython3.0, p r i n t isafunction,notastatement,sothesyntaxis p r i n t ( H e l l o ,W o r l d ! ) .Wewillgettofunctionssoon! 3. SeeReevesandNass, TheMediaEquation:HowPeopleTreatComputers,Television,andNewMediaLikeRealPeopleandPlaces.
A valueisoneofthebasicthingsaprogramworkswith,likealetteroranumber.Thevalueswehaveseensofarare 1 , 2 ,and ' H e l l o ,W o r l d ! ' . Thesevaluesbelongtodifferent types: 2 isaninteger,and ' H e l l o ,W o r l d ! ' isa string,socalledbecauseitcontainsastringofletters.You(andthe interpreter)canidentifystringsbecausetheyareenclosedinquotationmarks. Theprintstatementalsoworksforintegers.
> > >t y p e ( ' H e l l o ,W o r l d ! ' ) < t y p e' s t r ' > > > >t y p e ( 1 7 ) < t y p e' i n t ' >
Oneofthemostpowerfulfeaturesofaprogramminglanguageistheabilitytomanipulate variables.Avariableisanamethatreferstoavalue. An assignmentstatementcreatesnewvariablesandgivesthemvalues:
> > >m e s s a g e=' A n dn o wf o rs o m e t h i n gc o m p l e t e l yd i f f e r e n t ' > > >n=1 7 > > >p i=3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 1
> > >p r i n tn 1 7 > > >p r i n tp i 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 9
> > >t y p e ( m e s s a g e ) < t y p e' s t r ' > > > >t y p e ( n ) < t y p e' i n t ' > > > >t y p e ( p i ) < t y p e' f l o a t ' >
Exercise1 Ifyoutypeanintegerwithaleadingzero,youmightgetaconfusingerror:
> > >z i p c o d e=0 2 4 9 2 ^ S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i dt o k e n
Canyoufigureoutwhatisgoingon?Hint:printthevalues 0 1 , 0 1 0 , 0 1 0 0 and 0 1 0 0 0 .
Programmersgenerallychoosenamesfortheirvariablesthataremeaningfultheydocumentwhatthevariableisusedfor. Variablenamescanbearbitrarilylong.Theycancontainbothlettersandnumbers,buttheyhavetobeginwithaletter.Itislegaltouseuppercaseletters,but itisagoodideatobeginvariablenameswithalowercaseletter(you'llseewhylater). Theunderscorecharacter(_ )canappearinaname.Itisoftenusedinnameswithmultiplewords,suchas m y _ n a m e or a i r s p e e d _ o f _ u n l a d e n _ s w a l l o w . Ifyougiveavariableanillegalname,yougetasyntaxerror:
> > >7 6 t r o m b o n e s=' b i gp a r a d e ' S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x > > >m o r e @=1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x > > >c l a s s=' A d v a n c e dT h e o r e t i c a lZ y m u r g y ' S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x
7 6 t r o m b o n e s isillegalbecauseitdoesnotbeginwithaletter. m o r e @ isillegalbecauseitcontainsanillegalcharacter, @ .Butwhat'swrongwith c l a s s ?
a s s e r t e l s e b r e a k c l a s s
p a s s y i e l d
e x c e p ti m p o r tp r i n t e x e c i n r a i s e r e t u r n
c o n t i n u ef i n a l l yi s d e f f o r
l a m b d at r y
Youmightwanttokeepthislisthandy.Iftheinterpretercomplainsaboutoneofyourvariablenamesandyoudon'tknowwhy,seeifitisonthislist. 17/282
youcanseethat y i e l d hasbeenrecognizedasakeywordandnotasanordinaryvariable,sinceitiscoloredorange.
AstatementisaunitofcodethatthePythoninterpretercanexecute.Wehaveseentwokindsofstatements:printandassignment. Whenyoutypeastatementininteractivemode,theinterpreterexecutesitanddisplaystheresult,ifthereisone. Ascriptusuallycontainsasequenceofstatements.Ifthereismorethanonestatement,theresultsappearoneatatimeasthestatementsexecute. Forexample,thescript
p r i n t1 x=2 p r i n tx
1 2
Operatorsarespecialsymbolsthatrepresentcomputationslikeadditionandmultiplication.Thevaluestheoperatorisappliedtoarecalled operands. Theoperators + , , * , / and * * performaddition,subtraction,multiplication,divisionandexponentiation,asinthefollowingexamples:
2 0 + 3 2 h o u r 1 h o u r * 6 0 + m i n u t e m i n u t e / 6 0 5 * * 2 ( 5 + 9 ) * ( 1 5 7 )
> > >m i n u t e=5 9 > > >m i n u t e / 6 0 0
An expressionisacombinationofvalues,variables,andoperators.Avalueallbyitselfisconsideredanexpression,andsoisavariable,sothefollowingare alllegalexpressions(assumingthatthevariable x hasbeenassignedavalue):
1 7 x x+1 7
Ifyoutypeanexpressionininteractivemode,theinterpreter evaluatesitanddisplaystheresult:
> > >1+1 2
Nowputthesamestatementsintoascriptandrunit.Whatistheoutput?Modifythescriptbytransformingeachexpressionintoaprintstatementandthen runitagain.
Whenmorethanoneoperatorappearsinanexpression,theorderofevaluationdependsonthe rulesofprecedence.Formathematicaloperators,Python followsmathematicalconvention.Theacronym PEMDAS isausefulwaytoremembertherules: P arentheseshavethehighestprecedenceandcanbeusedtoforceanexpressiontoevaluateintheorderyouwant.Sinceexpressionsinparentheses areevaluatedfirst, 2*( 3 1 ) is4,and ( 1 + 1 ) * * ( 5 2 ) is8.Youcanalsouseparenthesestomakeanexpressioneasiertoread,asin ( m i n u t e*1 0 0 )/6 0 ,even ifitdoesn'tchangetheresult. E xponentiationhasthenexthighestprecedence,so 2 * * 1 + 1 is3,not4,and 3 * 1 * * 3 is3,not27. Multiplicationand Divisionhavethesameprecedence,whichishigherthan Additionand S ubtraction,whichalsohavethesameprecedence.So 2 * 3 1 is 5,not4,and 6 + 4 / 2 is8,not5. Operatorswiththesameprecedenceareevaluatedfromlefttoright.Sointheexpression d e g r e e s/2*p i ,thedivisionhappensfirstandtheresultis multipliedby p i .Todivideby2,youcanreordertheoperandsoruseparentheses.
' 2 ' ' 1 ' ' e g g s ' / ' e a s y ' ' t h i r d ' * ' ac h a r m '
Theoutputofthisprogramis t h r o a t w a r b l e r . The * operatoralsoworksonstringsitperformsrepetition.Forexample, S p a m * 3 is ' S p a m S p a m S p a m ' .Ifoneoftheoperandsisastring,theotherhastobean integer. Thisuseof + and * makessensebyanalogywithadditionandmultiplication.Justas 4 * 3 isequivalentto 4 + 4 + 4 ,weexpect ' S p a m ' * 3 tobethesameas ' S p a m ' + ' S p a m ' + ' S p a m ' ,anditis.Ontheotherhand,thereisasignificantwayinwhichstringconcatenationandrepetitionaredifferentfromintegeradditionand multiplication.Canyouthinkofapropertythatadditionhasthatstringconcatenationdoesnot?
Comments 20/282
p e r c e n t a g e=( m i n u t e*1 0 0 )/6 0 #p e r c e n t a g eo fa nh o u r
v=5 #v e l o c i t yi nm e t e r s / s e c o n d .
Atthispointthesyntaxerroryouaremostlikelytomakeisanillegalvariablename,like c l a s s and y i e l d ,whicharekeywords,or o d d ~ j o b and U S $ ,whichcontain illegalcharacters. Ifyouputaspaceinavariablename,Pythonthinksitistwooperandswithoutanoperator:
> > >b a dn a m e=5 S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x
Theruntimeerroryouaremostlikelytomakeisausebeforedefthatis,tryingtouseavariablebeforeyouhaveassignedavalue.Thiscanhappenifyou spellavariablenamewrong:
> > >p r i n c i p a l=3 2 7 . 6 8 > > >i n t e r e s t=p r i n c i p l e*r a t e N a m e E r r o r :n a m e' p r i n c i p l e 'i sn o td e f i n e d
Butthedivisionhappensfirst,soyouwouldget/2,whichisnotthesamething!ThereisnowayforPythontoknowwhatyoumeanttowrite,sointhis caseyoudontgetanerrormessageyoujustgetthewronganswer.
value: Oneofthebasicunitsofdata,likeanumberorstring,thataprogrammanipulates. type: Acategoryofvalues.Thetypeswehaveseensofarareintegers(type i n t ),floatingpointnumbers(type f l o a t ),andstrings(type s t r ). integer: Atypethatrepresentswholenumbers. floatingpoint: Atypethatrepresentsnumberswithfractionalparts. string: Atypethatrepresentssequencesofcharacters. variable: Anamethatreferstoavalue. statement: Asectionofcodethatrepresentsacommandoraction.Sofar,thestatementswehaveseenareassignmentsandprintstatements. assignment: Astatementthatassignsavaluetoavariable. statediagram: Agraphicalrepresentationofasetofvariablesandthevaluestheyreferto. keyword: 22/282
Areservedwordthatisusedbythecompilertoparseaprogramyoucannotusekeywordslike i f , d e f ,and w h i l e asvariablenames. operator: Aspecialsymbolthatrepresentsasimplecomputationlikeaddition,multiplication,orstringconcatenation. operand: Oneofthevaluesonwhichanoperatoroperates. floordivision: Theoperationthatdividestwonumbersandchopsoffthefractionpart. expression: Acombinationofvariables,operators,andvaluesthatrepresentsasingleresultvalue. evaluate: Tosimplifyanexpressionbyperformingtheoperationsinordertoyieldasinglevalue. rulesofprecedence: Thesetofrulesgoverningtheorderinwhichexpressionsinvolvingmultipleoperatorsandoperandsareevaluated. concatenate: Tojointwooperandsendtoend. comment: Informationinaprogramthatismeantforotherprogrammers(oranyonereadingthesourcecode)andhasnoeffectontheexecutionoftheprogram.
Exercise3 Assumethatweexecutethefollowingassignmentstatements:
w i d t h=1 7 h e i g h t=1 2 . 0 d e l i m i t e r=' . '
w i d t h / 2 w i d t h / 2 . 0 h e i g h t / 3 1+2*5 d e l i m i t e r*5
1. InPython3.0,theresultofthisdivisionisa f l o a t .Thenewoperator / / performsintegerdivision.
Inthecontextofprogramming,a functionisanamedsequenceofstatementsthatperformsacomputation.Whenyoudefineafunction,youspecifythe nameandthesequenceofstatements.Later,youcan"call"thefunctionbyname.Wehavealreadyseenoneexampleofa functioncall :
Pythonprovidesbuiltinfunctionsthatconvertvaluesfromonetypetoanother.Theintfunctiontakesanyvalueandconvertsittoaninteger,ifitcan,or complainsotherwise:
> > >i n t ( ' 3 2 ' ) 3 2 > > >i n t ( ' H e l l o ' ) V a l u e E r r o r :i n v a l i dl i t e r a lf o ri n t ( ) :H e l l o
> > >i n t ( 3 . 9 9 9 9 9 ) 3 > > >i n t ( 2 . 3 ) 2
> > >f l o a t ( 3 2 ) 3 2 . 0 > > >f l o a t ( ' 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 ' ) 3 . 1 4 1 5 9
> > >s t r ( 3 2 ) ' 3 2 ' > > >s t r ( 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 ) ' 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 '
Pythonhasamathmodulethatprovidesmostofthefamiliarmathematicalfunctions.A moduleisafilethatcontainsacollectionofrelatedfunctions. Beforewecanusethemodule,wehavetoimportit:
> > >i m p o r tm a t h
Thisstatementcreatesa moduleobjectnamedmath.Ifyouprintthemoduleobject,yougetsomeinformationaboutit:
> > >r a t i o=s i g n a l _ p o w e r/n o i s e _ p o w e r > > >d e c i b e l s=1 0*m a t h . l o g 1 0 ( r a t i o ) > > >r a d i a n s=0 . 7 > > >h e i g h t=m a t h . s i n ( r a d i a n s )
> > >d e g r e e s=4 5 > > >r a d i a n s=d e g r e e s/3 6 0 . 0*2*m a t h . p i > > >m a t h . s i n ( r a d i a n s ) 0 . 7 0 7 1 0 6 7 8 1 1 8 7
Theexpressionmath.pigetsthevariablepifromthemathmodule.Thevalueofthisvariableisanapproximationof,accuratetoabout15digits. Ifyouknowyourtrigonometry,youcancheckthepreviousresultbycomparingittothesquarerootoftwodividedbytwo:
Sofar,wehavelookedattheelementsofaprogramvariables,expressions,andstatementsinisolation,withouttalkingabouthowtocombinethem. Oneofthemostusefulfeaturesofprogramminglanguagesistheirabilitytotakesmallbuildingblocksand composethem.Forexample,theargumentofa functioncanbeanykindofexpression,includingarithmeticoperators: 26/282
x=m a t h . e x p ( m a t h . l o g ( x + 1 ) )
Almostanywhereyoucanputavalue,youcanputanarbitraryexpression,withoneexception:theleftsideofanassignmentstatementhastobeavariable name.Anyotherexpressionontheleftsideisasyntaxerror.
> > >m i n u t e s=h o u r s*6 0 > > >h o u r s*6 0=m i n u t e s S y n t a x E r r o r :c a n ' ta s s i g nt oo p e r a t o r #r i g h t #w r o n g !
Sofar,wehaveonlybeenusingthefunctionsthatcomewithPython,butitisalsopossibletoaddnewfunctions.A functiondefinitionspecifiesthenameof anewfunctionandthesequenceofstatementsthatexecutewhenthefunctioniscalled. Hereisanexample:
d e fp r i n t _ l y r i c s ( ) : p r i n t" I ' mal u m b e r j a c k ,a n dI ' mo k a y . " p r i n t" Is l e e pa l ln i g h ta n dIw o r ka l ld a y . "
defisakeywordthatindicatesthatthisisafunctiondefinition.Thenameofthefunctionis p r i n t _ l y r i c s .Therulesforfunctionnamesarethesameasfor variablenames:letters,numbersandsomepunctuationmarksarelegal,butthefirstcharactercan'tbeanumber.Youcan'tuseakeywordasthenameofa function,andyoushouldavoidhavingavariableandafunctionwiththesamename. Theemptyparenthesesafterthenameindicatethatthisfunctiondoesn'ttakeanyarguments. Thefirstlineofthefunctiondefinitioniscalledthe headertherestiscalledthe body.Theheaderhastoendwithacolonandthebodyhastobeindented. Byconvention,theindentationisalwaysfourspaces(seeSection).Thebodycancontainanynumberofstatements. Thestringsintheprintstatementsareenclosedindoublequotes.Singlequotesanddoublequotesdothesamethingmostpeopleusesinglequotesexcept incaseslikethiswhereasinglequote(whichisalsoanapostrophe)appearsinthestring. Ifyoutypeafunctiondefinitionininteractivemode,theinterpreterprintsellipses(... )toletyouknowthatthedefinitionisn'tcomplete:
> > >d e fp r i n t _ l y r i c s ( ) : . . . p r i n t" I ' mal u m b e r j a c k ,a n dI ' mo k a y . " 27/282
. . . . . .
Toendthefunction,youhavetoenteranemptyline(thisisnotnecessaryinascript). Definingafunctioncreatesavariablewiththesamename.
> > >p r i n tp r i n t _ l y r i c s < f u n c t i o np r i n t _ l y r i c sa t0 x b 7 e 9 9 e 9 c > > > >p r i n tt y p e ( p r i n t _ l y r i c s ) < t y p e' f u n c t i o n ' >
Onceyouhavedefinedafunction,youcanuseitinsideanotherfunction.Forexample,torepeatthepreviousrefrain,wecouldwriteafunctioncalled r e p e a t _ l y r i c s :
d e fr e p e a t _ l y r i c s ( ) : p r i n t _ l y r i c s ( ) p r i n t _ l y r i c s ( )
Andthencall r e p e a t _ l y r i c s :
> > >r e p e a t _ l y r i c s ( ) I ' mal u m b e r j a c k ,a n dI ' mo k a y . Is l e e pa l ln i g h ta n dIw o r ka l ld a y . I ' mal u m b e r j a c k ,a n dI ' mo k a y . Is l e e pa l ln i g h ta n dIw o r ka l ld a y .
Butthat'snotreallyhowthesonggoes. 28/282
Movethefunctioncallbacktothebottomandmovethedefinitionof p r i n t _ l y r i c s afterthedefinitionof r e p e a t _ l y r i c s .Whathappenswhenyourunthisprogram?
Inordertoensurethatafunctionisdefinedbeforeitsfirstuse,youhavetoknowtheorderinwhichstatementsareexecuted,whichiscalledthe flowof execution. Executionalwaysbeginsatthefirststatementoftheprogram.Statementsareexecutedoneatatime,inorderfromtoptobottom. Functiondefinitionsdonotaltertheflowofexecutionoftheprogram,butrememberthatstatementsinsidethefunctionarenotexecuteduntilthefunctionis called. Afunctioncallislikeadetourintheflowofexecution.Insteadofgoingtothenextstatement,theflowjumpstothebodyofthefunction,executesallthe statementsthere,andthencomesbacktopickupwhereitleftoff. 29/282
Someofthebuiltinfunctionswehaveseenrequirearguments.Forexample,whenyoucallmath.sinyoupassanumberasanargument.Somefunctions takemorethanoneargument:math.powtakestwo,thebaseandtheexponent. Insidethefunction,theargumentsareassignedtovariablescalled parameters.Hereisanexampleofauserdefinedfunctionthattakesanargument:
d e fp r i n t _ t w i c e ( b r u c e ) : p r i n tb r u c e p r i n tb r u c e
Thisfunctionassignstheargumenttoaparameternamedbruce.Whenthefunctioniscalled,itprintsthevalueoftheparameter(whateveritis)twice. Thisfunctionworkswithanyvaluethatcanbeprinted.
> > >p r i n t _ t w i c e ( ' S p a m ' ) S p a m S p a m > > >p r i n t _ t w i c e ( 1 7 ) 1 7 1 7 > > >p r i n t _ t w i c e ( m a t h . p i ) 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 9 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 9
Thesamerulesofcompositionthatapplytobuiltinfunctionsalsoapplytouserdefinedfunctions,sowecanuseanykindofexpressionasanargumentfor p r i n t _ t w i c e : 30/282
> > >m i c h a e l=' E r i c ,t h eh a l fab e e . ' > > >p r i n t _ t w i c e ( m i c h a e l ) E r i c ,t h eh a l fab e e . E r i c ,t h eh a l fab e e .
Whenyoucreateavariableinsideafunction,itis local ,whichmeansthatitonlyexistsinsidethefunction.Forexample:
d e fc a t _ t w i c e ( p a r t 1 ,p a r t 2 ) : c a t=p a r t 1+p a r t 2 p r i n t _ t w i c e ( c a t )
> > >l i n e 1=' B i n gt i d d l e' > > >l i n e 2=' t i d d l eb a n g . ' > > >c a t _ t w i c e ( l i n e 1 ,l i n e 2 ) 31/282
B i n gt i d d l et i d d l eb a n g . B i n gt i d d l et i d d l eb a n g .
When c a t _ t w i c e terminates,thevariablecatisdestroyed.Ifwetrytoprintit,wegetanexception:
Parametersarealsolocal.Forexample,outside p r i n t _ t w i c e ,thereisnosuchthingasbruce.
Tokeeptrackofwhichvariablescanbeusedwhere,itissometimesusefultodrawa stackdiagram.Likestatediagrams,stackdiagramsshowthevalueof eachvariable,buttheyalsoshowthefunctioneachvariablebelongsto. Eachfunctionisrepresentedbya frame.Aframeisaboxwiththenameofafunctionbesideitandtheparametersandvariablesofthefunctioninsideit.The stackdiagramforthepreviousexamplelookslikethis: File:Book004.pngTheframesarearrangedinastackthatindicateswhichfunctioncalledwhich,andsoon.Inthisexample, p r i n t _ t w i c e wascalledby c a t _ t w i c e ,and c a t _ t w i c e wascalledby _ _ m a i n _ _ ,whichisaspecialnameforthetopmostframe.Whenyoucreateavariableoutsideofanyfunction, itbelongsto _ _ m a i n _ _ . Eachparameterreferstothesamevalueasitscorrespondingargument.So,part1hasthesamevalueasline1,part2hasthesamevalueasline2,andbruce hasthesamevalueascat. Ifanerroroccursduringafunctioncall,Pythonprintsthenameofthefunction,andthenameofthefunctionthatcalledit,andthenameofthefunctionthat called that ,allthewaybackto _ _ m a i n _ _ . Forexample,ifyoutrytoaccesscatfromwithin
p r i n t _ t w i c e ,yougetaNameError:
T r a c e b a c k( i n n e r m o s tl a s t ) : 32/282
Someofthefunctionsweareusing,suchasthemathfunctions,yieldresultsforlackofabettername,Icallthem fruitful functions.Otherfunctions,like p r i n t _ t w i c e ,performanactionbutdon'treturnavalue.Theyarecalled voidfunctions. Whenyoucallafruitfulfunction,youalmostalwayswanttodosomethingwiththeresultforexample,youmightassignittoavariableoruseitaspartofan expression:
m a t h . s q r t ( 5 )
Itmaynotbeclearwhyitisworththetroubletodivideaprogramintofunctions.Thereareseveralreasons: Creatinganewfunctiongivesyouanopportunitytonameagroupofstatements,whichmakesyourprogrameasiertoreadanddebug. Functionscanmakeaprogramsmallerbyeliminatingrepetitivecode.Later,ifyoumakeachange,youonlyhavetomakeitinoneplace. Dividingalongprogramintofunctionsallowsyoutodebugthepartsoneatatimeandthenassemblethemintoaworkingwhole. Welldesignedfunctionsareoftenusefulformanyprograms.Onceyouwriteanddebugone,youcanreuseit.
Ifyouareusingatexteditortowriteyourscripts,youmightrunintoproblemswithspacesandtabs.Thebestwaytoavoidtheseproblemsistousespaces exclusively(notabs).MosttexteditorsthatknowaboutPythondothisbydefault,butsomedon't. Tabsandspacesareusuallyinvisible,whichmakesthemhardtodebug,sotrytofindaneditorthatmanagesindentationforyou.
function:Anamedsequenceofstatementsthatperformssome usefuloperation.Functionsmayormaynottakeargumentsandmayormaynotproducearesult. functiondefinition:Astatementthatcreatesanewfunction, specifyingitsname,parameters,andthestatementsitexecutes. functionobject:Avaluecreatedbyafunctiondefinition. Thenameofthefunctionisavariablethatreferstoafunctionobject. header:Thefirstlineofafunctiondefinition. body:Thesequenceofstatementsinsideafunctiondefinition. parameter:Anameusedinsideafunctiontorefertothevalue passedasanargument. functioncall:Astatementthatexecutesafunction.It consistsofthefunctionnamefollowedbyanargumentlist. argument:Avalueprovidedtoafunctionwhenthefunctioniscalled. Thisvalueisassignedtothecorrespondingparameterinthefunction. localvariable:Avariabledefinedinsideafunction.Alocal variablecanonlybeusedinsideitsfunction. 35/282
returnvalue:Theresultofafunction.Ifafunctioncall isusedasanexpression,thereturnvalueisthevalueoftheexpression. fruitfulfunction:Afunctionthatreturnsavalue. voidfunction:Afunctionthatdoesn'treturnavalue. module:Afilethatcontainsa collectionofrelatedfunctionsandotherdefinitions. importstatement:Astatementthatreadsamodulefileandcreates amoduleobject. moduleobject:Avaluecreatedbyanimportstatement thatprovidesaccesstothevaluesdefinedinamodule. dotnotation:Thesyntaxforcallingafunctioninanother modulebyspecifyingthemodulenamefollowedbyadot(period)andthefunctionname. composition:Usinganexpressionaspartofalargerexpression, orastatementaspartofalargerstatement. flowofexecution:Theorderinwhichstatementsareexecutedduring aprogramrun. stackdiagram:Agraphicalrepresentationofastackoffunctions, theirvariables,andthevaluestheyreferto. frame:Aboxinastackdiagramthatrepresentsafunctioncall. Itcontainsthelocalvariablesandparametersofthefunction. traceback:Alistofthefunctionsthatareexecuting, printedwhenanexceptionoccurs.
Exercises 36/282
Pythonprovidesabuiltinfunctioncalledlenthat returnsthelengthofastring,sothevalueof l e n ( ' a l l e n ' ) is5. Writeafunctionnamed r i g h t _ j u s t i f y thattakesastringnamedsasaparameterandprintsthestringwithenoughleadingspacessothatthelastletterofthe stringisincolumn70ofthedisplay.
' ' > > >r i g h t _ j u s t i f y ( ' a l l e n ' ) a l l e n ' '
Afunctionobjectisavalueyoucanassigntoavariableorpassasanargument.Forexample, d o _ t w i c e isafunctionthattakesafunctionobjectasan argumentandcallsittwice:
1. Typethisexampleintoascriptandtestit. 2. Modify d o _ t w i c e sothatittakestwoarguments,afunctionobjectandavalue,andcallsthefunctiontwice,passingthevalueasanargument. 3. Writeamoregeneralversionof p r i n t _ s p a m ,called p r i n t _ t w i c e ,thattakesastringasaparameterandprintsittwice. 4. Usethemodifiedversionof d o _ t w i c e tocall p r i n t _ t w i c e twice,passing ' s p a m ' asanargument. 5. Defineanewfunctioncalled d o _ f o u r thattakesafunctionobjectandavalueandcallsthefunctionfourtimes,passingthevalueasaparameter.There shouldbeonlytwostatementsinthebodyofthisfunction,notfour. 37/282
Thisexercise' canbedoneusingonlythestatementsandotherfeatureswehavelearnedsofar. 1. Writeafunctionthatdrawsagridlikethefollowing:
' ' +----+----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +----+----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +----+----+ ' '
' ' p r i n t' + ' ,' '' '
' ' p r i n t' + ' ,p r i n t' '' '
Toaccompanythisbook,IhavewrittenasuiteofmodulescalledSwampy.OneofthesemodulesisTurtleWorld,whichprovidesasetoffunctionsfordrawing 38/282
TurtleWorldprovidesseveralturtlesteeringfunctions: f d and b k forforwardandbackward,and l t and r t forleftandrightturns.Also,eachTurtleisholdinga pen,whichiseitherdownorupifthepenisdown,theTurtleleavesatrailwhenitmoves.Thefunctions p u and p d standforpenupandpendown. Todrawarightangle,addtheselinestotheprogram(aftercreating b o b andbeforecalling w a i t _ f o r _ u s e r ):
f d ( b o b ,1 0 0 ) r t ( b o b ) f d ( b o b ,1 0 0 )
Simplerepetition 39/282
f d ( b o b ,1 0 0 ) l t ( b o b ) f d ( b o b ,1 0 0 ) l t ( b o b ) f d ( b o b ,1 0 0 ) l t ( b o b ) f d ( b o b ,1 0 0 )
H e l l o ! H e l l o ! H e l l o ! H e l l o !
ThefollowingisaseriesofexercisesusingTurtleWorld.Theyaremeanttobefun,buttheyhaveapoint,too.Whileyouareworkingonthem,thinkabout whatthepointis. Thefollowingsectionshavesolutionstotheexercises,sodontlookuntilyouhavefinished(oratleasttried). Writeafunctioncalled s q u a r e thattakesaparameter named t ,whichisaturtle.Itshouldusetheturtletodrawasquare.Writeafunctioncallthatpasses b o b asanargumentto s q u a r e ,andthenruntheprogram again. Addanotherparameter,named l e n g t h ,to s q u a r e . Modifythebodysolengthofthesidesis l e n g t h ,andthenmodifythefunctioncalltoprovideasecondargument.Runtheprogramagain.Testyourprogram witharangeofvaluesfor l e n g t h . Thefunctions l t and r t make90degreeturnsby default,butyoucanprovideasecondargumentthatspecifiesthenumberofdegrees.Forexample, l t ( b o b ,4 5 ) turns b o b 45degreestotheleft.Makeacopyof s q u a r e andchangethenameto p o l y g o n .Addanotherparameternamed n andmodifythebodysoitdrawsannsidedregularpolygon.Hint:Theanglesofann sidedregularpolygonare360.0/ ndegrees.
Hint:figureoutthecircumferenceofthecircleandmakesurethat l e n g t h*n=c i r c u m f e r e n c e . Anotherhint:if b o b istooslowforyou,youcanspeedhimupbychanging b o b . d e l a y ,whichisthetimebetweenmoves,inseconds. b o b . d e l a y=0 . 0 1 oughttoget himmoving. Makeamoregeneralversionof c i r c l e called a r c 41/282
Thefirstexerciseasksyoutoputyoursquaredrawingcodeintoafunctiondefinitionandthencallthefunction,passingtheturtleasaparameter.Hereisa solution:
d e fs q u a r e ( t ) : f o rii nr a n g e ( 4 ) : f d ( t ,1 0 0 ) l t ( t ) s q u a r e ( b o b )
Theinnermoststatements, f d and l t areindentedtwicetoshowthattheyareinsidethe f o r loop,whichisinsidethefunctiondefinition.Thenextline, s q u a r e ( b o b ) ,isflushwiththeleftmargin,sothatistheendofboththe f o r loopandthefunctiondefinition. Insidethefunction, t referstothesameturtle b o b refersto,so l t ( t ) hasthesameeffectas l t ( b o b ) .Sowhynotcalltheparameter b o b ?Theideaisthat t canbe anyturtle,notjust b o b ,soyoucouldcreateasecondturtleandpassitasanargumentto s q u a r e :
r a y=T u r t l e ( ) s q u a r e ( r a y )
Thenextstepistoadda l e n g t h parameterto s q u a r e .Hereisasolution:
d e fs q u a r e ( t ,l e n g t h ) : f o rii nr a n g e ( 4 ) : f d ( t ,l e n g t h ) l t ( t ) s q u a r e ( b o b ,1 0 0 )
Thisdrawsa7sidedpolygonwithsidelength70.Ifyouhavemorethanafewnumericarguments,itiseasytoforgetwhattheyare,orwhatordertheyshould bein.Itislegal,andsometimeshelpful,toincludethenamesoftheparametersintheargumentlist:
p o l y g o n ( b o b ,n = 7 ,l e n g t h = 7 0 )
Thenextstepistowrite c i r c l e ,whichtakesaradius, r ,asaparameter.Hereisasimplesolutionthatuses p o l y g o n todrawa50sidedpolygon:
d e fc i r c l e ( t ,r ) : c i r c u m f e r e n c e=2*m a t h . p i*r n=5 0 l e n g t h=c i r c u m f e r e n c e/n p o l y g o n ( t ,n ,l e n g t h )
approximatesacirclewithradius r . Onelimitationofthissolutionisthat n isaconstant,whichmeansthatforverybigcircles,thelinesegmentsaretoolong,andforsmallcircles,wewastetime drawingverysmallsegments.Onesolutionwouldbetogeneralizethefunctionbytaking n asaparameter.Thiswouldgivetheuser(whoevercalls c i r c l e )more control,buttheinterfacewouldbelessclean. The interfaceofafunctionisasummaryofhowitisused:whataretheparameters?Whatdoesthefunctiondo?Andwhatisthereturnvalue?Aninterfaceis cleanifitisassimpleaspossible,butnotsimpler.(Einstein) Inthisexample, r belongsintheinterfacebecauseitspecifiesthecircletobedrawn. n islessappropriatebecauseitpertainstothedetailsof howthecircle shouldberendered. 43/282
Ratherthanclutteruptheinterface,itisbettertochooseanappropriatevalueof n dependingon c i r c u m f e r e n c e :
d e fc i r c l e ( t ,r ) : c i r c u m f e r e n c e=2*m a t h . p i*r n=i n t ( c i r c u m f e r e n c e/3 )+1 l e n g t h=c i r c u m f e r e n c e/n p o l y g o n ( t ,n ,l e n g t h )
WhenIwrote c i r c l e ,Iwasabletoreuse p o l y g o n becauseamanysidedpolygonisagoodapproximationofacircle.But a r c isnotascooperativewecantuse p o l y g o n or c i r c l e todrawanarc. Onealternativeistostartwithacopyof p o l y g o n andtransformitinto a r c .Theresultmightlooklikethis:
d e fa r c ( t ,r ,a n g l e ) : a r c _ l e n g t h=r*m a t h . r a d i a n s ( a n g l e ) n=i n t ( a r c _ l e n g t h/3 )+1 s t e p _ l e n g t h=a r c _ l e n g t h/n s t e p _ a n g l e=f l o a t ( a n g l e )/n f o rii nr a n g e ( n ) : f d ( t ,s t e p _ l e n g t h ) l t ( t ,s t e p _ a n g l e )
Finally,wecanrewrite c i r c l e touse a r c :
d e fc i r c l e ( t ,r ) : a r c ( t ,r ,3 6 0 )
A developmentplanisaprocessforwritingprograms.Theprocessweusedinthiscasestudyisencapsulationandgeneralization.Thestepsofthisprocess are: Startbywritingasmallprogramwithnofunctiondefinitions. Onceyougettheprogramworking,encapsulateitinafunction andgiveitaname. Generalizethefunctionbyaddingappropriateparameters. Repeatsteps13untilyouhaveasetofworkingfunctions. Copyandpasteworkingcodetoavoidretyping(andredebugging). Lookforopportunitiestoimprovetheprogrambyrefactoring. Forexample,ifyouhavesimilarcodeinseveralplaces,considerfactoringitintoanappropriatelygeneralfunction. Thisprocesshassomedrawbackswewillseealternativeslaterbutitcanbeusefulifyoudontknowaheadoftimehowtodividetheprograminto functions.Thisapproachletsyoudesignasyougoalong.
A docstringisastringatthebeginningofafunctionthatexplainstheinterface(docisshortfordocumentation).Hereisanexample:
d e fp o l y l i n e ( t ,l e n g t h ,n ,a n g l e ) : " " " D r a wnl i n es e g m e n t sw i t ht h eg i v e nl e n g t ha n d a n g l e( i nd e g r e e s )b e t w e e nt h e m . ti sat u r t l e . " " " f o rii nr a n g e ( n ) : f d ( t ,l e n g t h ) l t ( t ,a n g l e )
Aninterfaceislikeacontractbetweenafunctionandacaller.Thecalleragreestoprovidecertainparametersandthefunctionagreestodocertainwork. Forexample, p o l y l i n e requiresfourarguments.ThefirsthastobeaTurtle(orsomeotherobjectthatworkswith f d and l t ).Thesecondhastobeanumber, anditshouldprobablybepositive,althoughitturnsoutthatthefunctionworksevenifitisnt.Thethirdargumentshouldbeaninteger r a n g e complains otherwise(dependingonwhichversionofPythonyouarerunning).Thefourthhastobeanumber,whichisunderstoodtobeindegrees. Theserequirementsarecalled preconditionsbecausetheyaresupposedtobetruebeforethefunctionstartsexecuting.Conversely,conditionsattheendof thefunctionare postconditions.Postconditionsincludetheintendedeffectofthefunction(likedrawinglinesegments)andanysideeffects(likemovingthe TurtleormakingotherchangesintheWorld). Preconditionsaretheresponsibilityofthecaller.Ifthecallerviolatesa(properlydocumented!)preconditionandthefunctiondoesntworkcorrectly,thebugis inthecaller,notthefunction.However,forpurposesofdebuggingitisoftenagoodideaforfunctionstochecktheirpreconditionsratherthanassumetheyare true.Ifeveryfunctionchecksitspreconditionsbeforestarting,thenifsomethinggoeswrong,youwillknowwhichfunctiontoblame.
instance: Amemberofaset.TheTurtleWorldinthischapterisamemberofthesetofTurtleWorlds. loop: Apartofaprogramthatcanexecuterepeatedly. encapsulation: Theprocessoftransformingasequenceofstatementsintoafunctiondefinition. 46/282
generalization: Theprocessofreplacingsomethingunnecessarilyspecific(likeanumber)withsomethingappropriatelygeneral(likeavariableorparameter). keywordargument: Anargumentthatincludesthenameoftheparameterasakeyword. interface: Adescriptionofhowtouseafunction,includingthenameanddescriptionsoftheargumentsandreturnvalue. developmentplan: Aprocessforwritingprograms. docstring: Astringthatappearsinafunctiondefinitiontodocumentthefunctionsinterface. precondition: Arequirementthatshouldbesatisfiedbythecallerbeforeafunctionstarts. postcondition: Arequirementthatshouldbesatisfiedbythefunctionbeforeitends.
Exercise1 Downloadthecodeinthischapterfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / p o l y g o n . p y '. Writeappropriatedocstringsfor'p o l y g o n ','a r c 'and 'c i r c l e '. Drawastackdiagramthatshowsthestateoftheprogram whileexecuting'c i r c l e ( b o b ,r a d i u s ) '.Youcandothearithmeticbyhandoradd'p r i n t 'statementstothecode. Theversionof'a r c 'inSection'4.7'isnot veryaccuratebecausethelinearapproximationofthecircleisalwaysoutsidethetruecircle.Asaresult,theturtleendsupafewunitsawayfromthecorrect destination.Mysolutionshowsawaytoreducetheeffectofthiserror.Readthecodeandseeifitmakessensetoyou.Ifyoudrawadiagram,youmightsee howitworks. Exercise2 Writeanappropriatelygeneralsetoffunctionsthat candrawflowerslikethis: <IMGSRC="book005.png"> Youcandownloadasolutionfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / f l o w e r . p y '. Exercise3 Writeanappropriatelygeneralsetoffunctionsthat candrawshapeslikethis: 47/282
<IMGSRC="book006.png"> Youcandownloadasolutionfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / p i e . p y '. Exercise4 '' Thelettersofthealphabetcanbeconstructedfromamoderatenumberofbasicelements,likeverticalandhorizontallinesandafewcurves.Designafont thatcanbedrawnwithaminimalnumberofbasicelementsandthenwritefunctionsthatdrawlettersofthealphabet. Youshouldwriteonefunctionforeachletter,withnames d r a w _ a , d r a w _ b ,etc.,andputyourfunctionsinafilenamed'l e t t e r s . p y '.Youcandownloadaturtle typewriterfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / t y p e w r i t e r . p y 'tohelpyoutestyourcode. Youcandownloadasolutionfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / l e t t e r s . p y '.
The modulusoperatorworksonintegersandyieldstheremainderwhenthefirstoperandisdividedbythesecond.InPython,themodulusoperatorisa percentsign(% ).Thesyntaxisthesameasforotheroperators:
> > >q u o t i e n t=7/ /3 > > >p r i n t ( q u o t i e n t ) 2 > > >r e m a i n d e r=7%3 > > >p r i n t ( r e m a i n d e r ) 1
So7dividedby3is2with1leftover. Themodulusoperatorturnsouttobesurprisinglyuseful.Forexample,youcancheckwhetheronenumberisdivisiblebyanotherif x%y iszero,then x is divisibleby y . Also,youcanextracttherightmostdigitordigitsfromanumber.Forexample, x%1 0 yieldstherightmostdigitof x (inbase10).Similarly x%1 0 0 yieldsthe lasttwodigits.
A booleanexpressionisanexpressionthatiseithertrueorfalse.Thefollowingexamplesusetheoperator = = ,whichcomparestwooperandsandproduces T r u e iftheyareequaland F a l s e otherwise:
> > >5= =5 T r u e 48/282
> > >t y p e ( T r u e ) < t y p e' b o o l ' > > > >t y p e ( F a l s e ) < t y p e' b o o l ' >
Therearethree logicaloperators: a n d , o r ,and n o t .Thesemantics(meaning)oftheseoperatorsissimilartotheirmeaninginEnglish.Forexample, x>0a n dx <1 0 istrueonlyif x isgreaterthan0 andlessthan10.
n % 2= =0o rn % 3= =0 istrueif eitheroftheconditionsistrue,thatis,ifthenumberisdivisibleby2 or3.
Inordertowriteusefulprograms,wealmostalwaysneedtheabilitytocheckconditionsandchangethebehavioroftheprogramaccordingly. Conditional
#n e e dt oh a n d l en e g a t i v ev a l u e s !
Asecondformofthe i f statementis alternativeexecution,inwhichtherearetwopossibilitiesandtheconditiondetermineswhichonegetsexecuted.The syntaxlookslikethis:
i fx%2= =0 : p r i n t' xi se v e n ' e l s e : p r i n t' xi so d d '
Sometimestherearemorethantwopossibilitiesandweneedmorethantwobranches.Onewaytoexpressacomputationlikethatisa chainedconditional :
i fx<y : p r i n t' xi sl e s st h a ny ' e l i fx>y : p r i n t' xi sg r e a t e rt h a ny ' e l s e : p r i n t' xa n dya r ee q u a l '
i fc h o i c e= =' a ' : d r a w _ a ( ) e l i fc h o i c e= =' b ' : d r a w _ b ( ) e l i fc h o i c e= =' c ' : d r a w _ c ( )
Eachconditionischeckedinorder.Ifthefirstisfalse,thenextischecked,andsoon.Ifoneofthemistrue,thecorrespondingbranchexecutes,andthe statementends.Evenifmorethanoneconditionistrue,onlythefirsttruebranchexecutes.
i fx= =y : p r i n t' xa n dya r ee q u a l ' e l s e : i fx<y : p r i n t' xi sl e s st h a ny ' e l s e : p r i n t' xi sg r e a t e rt h a ny '
Itislegalforonefunctiontocallanotheritisalsolegalforafunctiontocallitself.Itmaynotbeobviouswhythatisagoodthing,butitturnsouttobeoneof themostmagicalthingsaprogramcando.Forexample,lookatthefollowingfunction:
d e fc o u n t d o w n ( n ) : i fn< =0 : p r i n t' B l a s t o f f ! ' e l s e : p r i n tn c o u n t d o w n ( n 1 )
Theexecutionof c o u n t d o w n beginswith n = 0 ,andsince n isnotgreaterthan0,itoutputstheword,Blastoff!andthen returns. The c o u n t d o w n thatgot n = 1 returns. The c o u n t d o w n thatgot n = 2 returns. The c o u n t d o w n thatgot n = 3 returns. Andthenyourebackin _ _ m a i n _ _ .So,thetotaloutputlookslikethis:
3 2 1 B l a s t o f f ! 52/282
If n< =0 the r e t u r n statementexitsthefunction.Theflowofexecutionimmediatelyreturnstothecaller,andtheremaininglinesofthefunctionarenot executed. Therestofthefunctionissimilarto c o u n t d o w n :if n isgreaterthan0,itdisplays s andthencallsitselftodisplay s n1additionaltimes.Sothenumberoflinesof outputis 1+( n-1 ) ,whichaddsupto n . Forsimpleexampleslikethis,itisprobablyeasiertousea f o r loop.Butwewillseeexampleslaterthatarehardtowritewitha f o r loopandeasytowritewith recursion,soitisgoodtostartearly.
InSection3.10,weusedastackdiagramtorepresentthestateofaprogramduringafunctioncall.Thesamekindofdiagramcanhelpinterpretarecursive function. Everytimeafunctiongetscalled,Pythoncreatesanewfunctionframe,whichcontainsthefunctionslocalvariablesandparameters.Forarecursivefunction, theremightbemorethanoneframeonthestackatthesametime. Thisfigureshowsastackdiagramfor c o u n t d o w n calledwith n=3 : <IMGSRC="book007.png"> Asusual,thetopofthestackistheframefor _ _ m a i n _ _ .Itisemptybecausewedidnotcreateanyvariablesin _ _ m a i n _ _ orpassanyargumentstoit. Thefour c o u n t d o w n frameshavedifferentvaluesfortheparameter n .Thebottomofthestack,where n = 0 ,iscalledthe basecase.Itdoesnotmakearecursive call,sotherearenomoreframes. Drawastackdiagramfor p r i n t _ n calledwith s=' H e l l o ' and n = 2 . Writeafunctioncalled d o _ n thattakesafunctionobjectandanumber, n asarguments,andthatcallsthegivenfunction n times.
Ifarecursionneverreachesabasecase,itgoesonmakingrecursivecallsforever,andtheprogramneverterminates.Thisisknownas infiniterecursion, anditisgenerallynotagoodidea.Hereisaminimalprogramwithaninfiniterecursion: 53/282
d e fr e c u r s e ( ) : r e c u r s e ( )
Inmostprogrammingenvironments,aprogramwithinfiniterecursiondoesnotreallyrunforever.Pythonreportsanerrormessagewhenthemaximum recursiondepthisreached:
F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e2 ,i nr e c u r s e F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e2 ,i nr e c u r s e F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e2 ,i nr e c u r s e . . . F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e2 ,i nr e c u r s e R u n t i m e E r r o r :M a x i m u mr e c u r s i o nd e p t he x c e e d e d
Thistracebackisalittlebiggerthantheonewesawinthepreviouschapter.Whentheerroroccurs,thereare1000 r e c u r s e framesonthestack!
Theprogramswehavewrittensofarareabitrudeinthesensethattheyacceptnoinputfromtheuser.Theyjustdothesamethingeverytime. Pythonprovidesabuiltinfunctioncalled r a w _ i n p u t thatgetsinputfromthekeyboard[1].Whenthisfunctioniscalled,theprogramstopsandwaitsfortheuserto typesomething.WhentheuserpressesReturnorEnter,theprogramresumesand r a w _ i n p u t returnswhattheusertypedasastring.
> > >i n p u t=r a w _ i n p u t ( ) W h a ta r ey o uw a i t i n gf o r ? > > >p r i n ti n p u t W h a ta r ey o uw a i t i n gf o r ?
Beforegettinginputfromtheuser,itisagoodideatoprintaprompttellingtheuserwhattoinput. r a w _ i n p u t cantakeapromptasanargument:
> > >n a m e=r a w _ i n p u t ( ' W h a t . . . i sy o u rn a m e ? \ n ' ) W h a t . . . i sy o u rn a m e ? A r t h u r ,K i n go ft h eB r i t o n s ! > > >p r i n tn a m e A r t h u r ,K i n go ft h eB r i t o n s !
> > >p r o m p t=' W h a t . . . i st h ea i r s p e e dv e l o c i t yo fa nu n l a d e ns w a l l o w ? \ n ' > > >s p e e d=r a w _ i n p u t ( p r o m p t ) W h a t . . . i st h ea i r s p e e dv e l o c i t yo fa nu n l a d e ns w a l l o w ? 1 7 > > >i n t ( s p e e d ) 1 7
> > >s p e e d=r a w _ i n p u t ( p r o m p t ) W h a t . . . i st h ea i r s p e e dv e l o c i t yo fa nu n l a d e ns w a l l o w ? W h a td oy o um e a n ,a nA f r i c a no raE u r o p e a ns w a l l o w ? > > >i n t ( s p e e d ) V a l u e E r r o r :i n v a l i dl i t e r a lf o ri n t ( )
ThetracebackPythondisplayswhenanerroroccurscontainsalotofinformation,butitcanbeoverwhelming,especiallywhentherearemanyframesonthe stack.Themostusefulpartsareusually: Whatkindoferroritwas,and Whereitoccurred. Syntaxerrorsareusuallyeasytofind,butthereareafewgotchas.Whitespaceerrorscanbetrickybecausespacesandtabsareinvisibleandweareusedto ignoringthem.
> > >x=5 > > > y=6 F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e1 y=6 ^ S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x
T r a c e b a c k( m o s tr e c e n tc a l ll a s t ) : F i l e" s n r . p y " ,l i n e5 ,i n? d e c i b e l s=1 0*m a t h . l o g 1 0 ( r a t i o ) O v e r f l o w E r r o r :m a t hr a n g ee r r o r
modulusoperator: Anoperator,denotedwithapercentsign(% ),thatworksonintegersandyieldstheremainderwhenonenumberisdividedbyanother. booleanexpression: Anexpressionwhosevalueiseither T r u e or F a l s e . comparisonoperator: Oneoftheoperatorsthatcomparesitsoperands: = = , ! = , > , < , > = ,and < = . logicaloperator: Oneoftheoperatorsthatcombinesbooleanexpressions: a n d , o r ,and n o t . conditionalstatement: Astatementthatcontrolstheflowofexecutiondependingonsomecondition. condition: Thebooleanexpressioninaconditionalstatementthatdetermineswhichbranchisexecuted. compoundstatement: Astatementthatconsistsofaheaderandabody.Theheaderendswithacolon(:).Thebodyisindentedrelativetotheheader. body: Thesequenceofstatementswithinacompoundstatement. branch: Oneofthealternativesequencesofstatementsinaconditionalstatement. 56/282
chainedconditional: Aconditionalstatementwithaseriesofalternativebranches. nestedconditional: Aconditionalstatementthatappearsinoneofthebranchesofanotherconditionalstatement. recursion: Theprocessofcallingthefunctionthatiscurrentlyexecuting. basecase: Aconditionalbranchinarecursivefunctionthatdoesnotmakearecursivecall. infiniterecursion: Afunctionthatcallsitselfrecursivelywithouteverreachingthebasecase.Eventually,aninfiniterecursioncausesaruntimeerror.
Exercise1 FermatsLastTheoremsaysthattherearenointegers'a','b',and'c'suchthat an+ bn= cn foranyvaluesof'n'greaterthan2. Writeafunctionnamed c h e c k _ f e r m a t thattakesfour parameters'a ','b ','c 'and'n 'andthatcheckstoseeifFermatstheoremholds.If 'n'isgreaterthan2anditturnsouttobetruethat 'a''n ' '+ b''n ' '= c''n ' '' 'theprogramshouldprint,Holysmokes,Fermatwaswrong!Otherwisetheprogramshouldprint,No,thatdoesntwork.' 'Writeafunctionthatpromptstheusertoinputvalues for'''a ''','''b ''','''c '''and'''n ''',convertsthemtointegers,anduses'' c h e c k _ f e r m a t ' 'tocheckwhethertheyviolateFermatstheorem.' Exercise2 Ifyouaregiventhreesticks,youmayormaynotbeabletoarrangetheminatriangle.Forexample,ifoneofthesticksis12incheslongandthe othertwoareoneinchlong,itisclearthatyouwillnotbeabletogettheshortstickstomeetinthemiddle.Foranythreelengths,thereisasimpletesttosee ifitispossibletoformatriangle: Ifanyofthethreelengthsisgreaterthanthesumoftheothertwo,thenyoucannotformatriangle.Otherwise,youcan[2]. Writeafunctionnamed i s _ t r i a n g l e thattakesthree
Exercise4 TheKochcurveisafractalthatlookssomethinglikethis: <IMGSRC="book008.png"> TodrawaKochcurvewithlength'x',allyouhavetodois DrawaKochcurvewithlength'x/3'. Turnleft60degrees. DrawaKochcurvewithlength'x/3'. Turnright120degrees. DrawaKochcurvewithlength'x/3'. Turnleft60degrees. DrawaKochcurvewithlength'x/3'. 58/282
Theonlyexceptionisif'x'islessthan3.Inthatcase, youcanjustdrawastraightlinewithlength'x'. Writeafunctioncalled'k o c h 'thattakesaturtleand alengthasparameters,andthatusestheturtletodrawaKochcurvewiththegivenlength. Writeafunctioncalled's n o w f l a k e 'thatdrawsthree Kochcurvestomaketheoutlineofasnowflake. Youcanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / k o c h . p y '. TheKochcurvecanbegeneralizedinseveralways.See 'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / K o c h _ s n o w f l a k e 'forexamplesandimplementyourfavorite.
1. InPython3.0,theresultofthisdivisionisa f l o a t .Thenewoperator / / performsintegerdivision.
Someofthebuiltinfunctionswehaveused,suchasthemathfunctions,produceresults.Callingthefunctiongeneratesavalue,whichweusuallyassigntoa variableoruseaspartofanexpression.
e=m a t h . e x p ( 1 . 0 ) h e i g h t=r a d i u s*m a t h . s i n ( r a d i a n s )
r e t u r nm a t h . p i*r a d i u s * * 2
Bytheway,Pythonprovidesabuiltinfunctioncalled a b s thatcomputesabsolutevalues.
Writea'c o m p a r e 'functionthatreturns'1 'if'x>y ','0 'if'x= =y ',and'1 'if'x<y '.
Todealwithincreasinglycomplexprograms,youmightwanttotryaprocesscalled incrementaldevelopment.Thegoalofincrementaldevelopmentisto
Again,youwouldruntheprogramatthisstageandchecktheoutput(whichshouldbe25).Finally,youcanuse m a t h . s q r t tocomputeandreturntheresult:
d e fd i s t a n c e ( x 1 ,y 1 ,x 2 ,y 2 ) : d x=x 2-x 1 d y=y 2-y 1 d s q u a r e d=d x * * 2+d y * * 2 r e s u l t=m a t h . s q r t ( d s q u a r e d ) r e t u r nr e s u l t
Ifthatworkscorrectly,youaredone.Otherwise,youmightwanttoprintthevalueof r e s u l t beforethereturnstatement. Thefinalversionofthefunctiondoesntdisplayanythingwhenitrunsitonlyreturnsavalue.The p r i n t statementswewroteareusefulfordebugging,butonce yougetthefunctionworking,youshouldremovethem.Codelikethatiscalled scaffoldingbecauseitishelpfulforbuildingtheprogrambutisnotpartofthe finalproduct. Whenyoustartout,youshouldaddonlyalineortwoofcodeatatime.Asyougainmoreexperience,youmightfindyourselfwritinganddebuggingbigger chunks.Eitherway,incrementaldevelopmentcansaveyoualotofdebuggingtime. Thekeyaspectsoftheprocessare: Startwithaworkingprogramandmakesmallincrementalchanges.Atanypoint,ifthereisanerror,youshouldhaveagoodideawhereitis. Usetemporaryvariablestoholdintermediatevaluessoyoucandisplayandcheckthem. Oncetheprogramisworking,youmightwanttoremovesomeofthescaffoldingorconsolidatemultiplestatementsintocompoundexpressions,but onlyifitdoesnotmaketheprogramdifficulttoread.
Useincrementaldevelopmenttowriteafunctioncalled'h y p o t e n u s e 'thatreturnsthelengthofthehypotenuseofarighttrianglegiventhelengthsofthetwolegs asarguments.Recordeachstageofthedevelopmentprocessasyougo.
Asyoushouldexpectbynow,youcancallonefunctionfromwithinanother.Thisabilityiscalled composition. Asanexample,wellwriteafunctionthattakestwopoints,thecenterofthecircleandapointontheperimeter,andcomputestheareaofthecircle. Assumethatthecenterpointisstoredinthevariables x c and y c ,andtheperimeterpointisin x p and y p .Thefirststepistofindtheradiusofthecircle,whichis 62/282
r e s u l t=a r e a ( r a d i u s )
d e fc i r c l e _ a r e a ( x c ,y c ,x p ,y p ) : r a d i u s=d i s t a n c e ( x c ,y c ,x p ,y p ) r e s u l t=a r e a ( r a d i u s ) r e t u r nr e s u l t
d e fi s _ d i v i s i b l e ( x ,y ) : i fx%y= =0 : r e t u r nT r u e e l s e : r e t u r nF a l s e
Theresultofthe = = operatorisaboolean,sowecanwritethefunctionmoreconciselybyreturningitdirectly:
d e fi s _ d i v i s i b l e ( x ,y ) : r e t u r nx%y= =0
i fi s _ d i v i s i b l e ( x ,y ) : p r i n t' xi sd i v i s i b l eb yy '
i fi s _ d i v i s i b l e ( x ,y )= =T r u e : p r i n t' xi sd i v i s i b l eb yy '
WehaveonlycoveredasmallsubsetofPython,butyoumightbeinterestedtoknowthatthissubsetisa completeprogramminglanguage,whichmeansthat anythingthatcanbecomputedcanbeexpressedinthislanguage.Anyprogrameverwrittencouldberewrittenusingonlythelanguagefeaturesyouhave learnedsofar(actually,youwouldneedafewcommandstocontroldeviceslikethekeyboard,mouse,disks,etc.,butthatsall). ProvingthatclaimisanontrivialexercisefirstaccomplishedbyAlanTuring,oneofthefirstcomputerscientists(somewouldarguethathewasa mathematician,butalotofearlycomputerscientistsstartedasmathematicians).Accordingly,itisknownastheTuringThesis.Foramorecomplete(and accurate)discussionoftheTuringThesis,IrecommendMichaelSipsersbook IntroductiontotheTheoryofComputation. Togiveyouanideaofwhatyoucandowiththetoolsyouhavelearnedsofar,wellevaluateafewrecursivelydefinedmathematicalfunctions.Arecursive definitionissimilartoacirculardefinition,inthesensethatthedefinitioncontainsareferencetothethingbeingdefined.Atrulycirculardefinitionisnotvery useful: frabjuous: Anadjectiveusedtodescribesomethingthatisfrabjuous. Ifyousawthatdefinitioninthedictionary,youmightbeannoyed.Ontheotherhand,ifyoulookedupthedefinitionofthefactorialfunction,denotedwiththe symbol!,youmightgetsomethinglikethis: 64/282
0!=1 n!= n(n1)! Thisdefinitionsaysthatthefactorialof0is1,andthefactorialofanyothervalue, n,is nmultipliedbythefactorialof n1. So3!is3times2!,whichis2times1!,whichis1times0!.Puttingitalltogether,3!equals3times2times1times1,whichis6. Ifyoucanwritearecursivedefinitionofsomething,youcanusuallywriteaPythonprogramtoevaluateit.Thefirststepistodecidewhattheparameters shouldbe.Inthiscaseitshouldbeclearthat f a c t o r i a l takesaninteger:
d e ff a c t o r i a l ( n ) :
d e ff a c t o r i a l ( n ) : i fn= =0 : r e t u r n1
Otherwise,andthisistheinterestingpart,wehavetomakearecursivecalltofindthefactorialof n1andthenmultiplyitby n:
d e ff a c t o r i a l ( n ) : i fn= =0 : r e t u r n1 e l s e : r e c u r s e=f a c t o r i a l ( n 1 ) r e s u l t=n*r e c u r s e r e t u r nr e s u l t
Followingtheflowofexecutionisonewaytoreadprograms,butitcanquicklybecomelabyrinthine.AnalternativeiswhatIcalltheleapoffaith.Whenyou cometoafunctioncall,insteadoffollowingtheflowofexecution,you assumethatthefunctionworkscorrectlyandreturnstherightresult. Infact,youarealreadypracticingthisleapoffaithwhenyouusebuiltinfunctions.Whenyoucall m a t h . c o s or m a t h . e x p ,youdontexaminethebodiesofthose functions.Youjustassumethattheyworkbecausethepeoplewhowrotethebuiltinfunctionsweregoodprogrammers. Thesameistruewhenyoucalloneofyourownfunctions.Forexample,inSection6.4,wewroteafunctioncalled i s _ d i v i s i b l e thatdetermineswhetherone numberisdivisiblebyanother.Oncewehaveconvincedourselvesthatthisfunctioniscorrectbyexaminingthecodeandtestingwecanusethefunction withoutlookingatthebodyagain. Thesameistrueofrecursiveprograms.Whenyougettotherecursivecall,insteadoffollowingtheflowofexecution,youshouldassumethattherecursive callworks(yieldsthecorrectresult)andthenaskyourself,AssumingthatIcanfindthefactorialof n1,canIcomputethefactorialof n?Inthiscase,itis clearthatyoucan,bymultiplyingby n. Ofcourse,it'sabitstrangetoassumethatthefunctionworkscorrectlywhenyouhaven'tfinishedwritingit,butthat'swhyit'scalledaleapoffaith!
After f a c t o r i a l ,themostcommonexampleofarecursivelydefinedmathematicalfunctionis f i b o n a c c i ,whichhasthefollowingdefinition[3]: fibonacci(0)=0 66/282
Whathappensifwecall f a c t o r i a l andgiveit1.5asanargument?
> > >f a c t o r i a l ( 1 . 5 ) R u n t i m e E r r o r :M a x i m u mr e c u r s i o nd e p t he x c e e d e d
Itlookslikeaninfiniterecursion.Buthowcanthatbe?Thereisabasecasewhen n= =0 .Butif n isnotaninteger,wecan missthebasecaseandrecurse forever. Inthefirstrecursivecall,thevalueof n is0.5.Inthenext,itis0.5.Fromthere,itgetssmaller(morenegative),butitwillneverbe0. Wehavetwochoices.Wecantrytogeneralizethe f a c t o r i a l functiontoworkwithfloatingpointnumbers,orwecanmake f a c t o r i a l checkthetypeofits argument.Thefirstoptioniscalledthegammafunction[4]anditsalittlebeyondthescopeofthisbook.Sowellgoforthesecond. Wecanusethebuiltinfunction i s i n s t a n c e toverifythetypeoftheargument.Whilewereatit,wecanalsomakesuretheargumentispositive:
e l i fn= =0 : r e t u r n1 e l s e : r e t u r nn*f a c t o r i a l ( n 1 )
Breakingalargeprogramintosmallerfunctionscreatesnaturalcheckpointsfordebugging.Ifafunctionisnotworking,therearethreepossibilitiestoconsider: Thereissomethingwrongwiththeargumentsthefunction isgettingapreconditionisviolated. Thereissomethingwrongwiththefunctionapostcondition isviolated. Thereissomethingwrongwiththereturnvalueorthe wayitisbeingused. Toruleoutthefirstpossibility,youcanadda p r i n t statementatthebeginningofthefunctionanddisplaythevaluesoftheparameters(andmaybetheir types).Oryoucanwritecodethatchecksthepreconditionsexplicitly. Iftheparameterslookgood,adda p r i n t statementbeforeeach r e t u r n statementthatdisplaysthereturnvalue.Ifpossible,checktheresultbyhand.Consider callingthefunctionwithvaluesthatmakeiteasytochecktheresult(asinSection6.2). Ifthefunctionseemstobeworking,lookatthefunctioncalltomakesurethereturnvalueisbeingusedcorrectly(orusedatall!). Addingprintstatementsatthebeginningandendofafunctioncanhelpmaketheflowofexecutionmorevisible.Forexample,hereisaversionof f a c t o r i a l68/282
Addingprintstatementsatthebeginningandendofafunctioncanhelpmaketheflowofexecutionmorevisible.Forexample,hereisaversionof f a c t o r i a l withprintstatements:
d e ff a c t o r i a l ( n ) : s p a c e=''*( 4*n ) p r i n ts p a c e ,' f a c t o r i a l ' ,n i fn= =0 : p r i n ts p a c e ,' r e t u r n i n g1 ' r e t u r n1 e l s e : r e c u r s e=f a c t o r i a l ( n 1 ) r e s u l t=n*r e c u r s e p r i n ts p a c e ,' r e t u r n i n g ' ,r e s u l t r e t u r nr e s u l t
s p a c e isastringofspacecharactersthatcontrolstheindentationoftheoutput.Hereistheresultof f a c t o r i a l ( 5 ) :
f a c t o r i a l5 f a c t o r i a l4 f a c t o r i a l3 f a c t o r i a l2 f a c t o r i a l1 f a c t o r i a l0 r e t u r n i n g1 r e t u r n i n g1 r e t u r n i n g2 r e t u r n i n g6 r e t u r n i n g2 4 r e t u r n i n g1 2 0
Ifyouareconfusedabouttheflowofexecution,thiskindofoutputcanbehelpful.Ittakessometimetodevelopeffectivescaffolding,butalittlebitof scaffoldingcansavealotofdebugging.
temporaryvariable: Avariableusedtostoreanintermediatevalueinacomplexcalculation. deadcode: Partofaprogramthatcanneverbeexecuted,oftenbecauseitappearsaftera r e t u r n statement. 'N o n e ': Aspecialvaluereturnedbyfunctionsthathavenoreturnstatementorareturnstatementwithoutanargument. incrementaldevelopment: Aprogramdevelopmentplanintendedtoavoiddebuggingbyaddingandtestingonlyasmallamountofcodeatatime. 69/282
d e fb ( z ) : p r o d=a ( z ,z ) p r i n tz ,p r o d r e t u r np r o d d e fa ( x ,y ) : x=x+1 r e t u r nx*y d e fc ( x ,y ,z ) : s u m=x+y+z p o w=b ( s u m ) * * 2 r e t u r np o w x=1 y=x+1 p r i n tc ( x ,y + 3 ,x + y )
1 See w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / C o l l a t z _ c o n j e c t u r e . 2 See w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / P i .
Strings 70/282
Astringisa sequenceofcharacters.Youcanaccessthecharactersoneatatimewiththebracketoperator:
> > >f r u i t=' b a n a n a ' > > >l e t t e r=f r u i t [ 1 ]
l e n
l e n isabuiltinfunctionthatreturnsthenumberofcharactersinastring:
Togetthelastletterofastring,youmightbetemptedtotrysomethinglikethis: 71/282
Traversalwithaf o r loop
Alotofcomputationsinvolveprocessingastringonecharacteratatime.Oftentheystartatthebeginning,selecteachcharacterinturn,dosomethingtoit, andcontinueuntiltheend.Thispatternofprocessingiscalleda traversal .Onewaytowriteatraversaliswitha w h i l e loop:
i n d e x=0 w h i l ei n d e x<l e n ( f r u i t ) : l e t t e r=f r u i t [ i n d e x ] p r i n tl e t t e r i n d e x=i n d e x+1
Thislooptraversesthestringanddisplayseachletteronalinebyitself.Theloopconditionis i n d e x<l e n ( f r u i t ) ,sowhen i n d e x isequaltothelengthofthe string,theconditionisfalse,andthebodyoftheloopisnotexecuted.Thelastcharacteraccessedistheonewiththeindex l e n ( f r u i t ) 1 ,whichisthelast characterinthestring. Exercise1 Writeafunctionthattakesastringasanargumentanddisplaysthelettersbackward,oneperline. Anotherwaytowriteatraversaliswitha f o r loop:
f o rc h a ri nf r u i t : p r i n tc h a r
Eachtimethroughtheloop,thenextcharacterinthestringisassignedtothevariable c h a r .Theloopcontinuesuntilnocharactersareleft. 72/282
J a c k K a c k L a c k M a c k N a c k O a c k P a c k Q a c k
Asegmentofastringiscalleda slice.Selectingasliceissimilartoselectingacharacter:
> > >s=' M o n t yP y t h o n ' > > >p r i n ts [ 0 : 5 ] M o n t y > > >p r i n ts [ 6 : 1 3 ] P y t h o n
> > >f r u i t=' b a n a n a ' > > >f r u i t [ : 3 ] ' b a n ' > > >f r u i t [ 3 : ] ' a n a '
Ifthefirstindexisgreaterthanorequaltothesecondtheresultisan emptystring,representedbytwoquotationmarks:
> > >f r u i t=' b a n a n a ' > > >f r u i t [ 3 : 3 ] ' '
Giventhat'f r u i t 'isastring,whatdoes'f r u i t [ : ] 'mean?
Itistemptingtousethe [ ] operatorontheleftsideofanassignment,withtheintentionofchangingacharacterinastring.Forexample:
> > >g r e e t i n g=' H e l l o ,w o r l d ! ' > > >g r e e t i n g [ 0 ]=' J ' T y p e E r r o r :o b j e c td o e sn o ts u p p o r ti t e ma s s i g n m e n t
Thisexampleconcatenatesanewfirstletterontoasliceof g r e e t i n g .Ithasnoeffectontheoriginalstring.
Searching 74/282
d e ff i n d ( w o r d ,l e t t e r ) : i n d e x=0 w h i l ei n d e x<l e n ( w o r d ) : i fw o r d [ i n d e x ]= =l e t t e r : r e t u r ni n d e x i n d e x=i n d e x+1 r e t u r n1
Inasense, f i n d istheoppositeofthe [ ] operator.Insteadoftakinganindexandextractingthecorrespondingcharacter,ittakesacharacterandfindsthe indexwherethatcharacterappears.Ifthecharacterisnotfound,thefunctionreturns 1 . Thisisthefirstexamplewehaveseenofa r e t u r n statementinsidealoop.If w o r d [ i n d e x ]= =l e t t e r ,thefunctionbreaksoutoftheloopandreturnsimmediately. Ifthecharacterdoesntappearinthestring,theprogramexitstheloopnormallyandreturns 1 . Thispatternofcomputationtraversingasequenceandreturningwhenwefindwhatwearelookingforisacalleda search.
Modify'f i n d 'sothatithasathirdparameter,theindexin'w o r d 'whereitshouldstartlooking.
Thefollowingprogramcountsthenumberoftimestheletter a appearsinastring:
w o r d=' b a n a n a ' c o u n t=0 f o rl e t t e ri nw o r d : i fl e t t e r= =' a ' : c o u n t=c o u n t+1 p r i n tc o u n t
Rewritethisfunctionsothatinsteadoftraversingthestring,itusesthethreeparameterversionof'f i n d 'fromtheprevioussection.
s t r i n g methods
A methodissimilartoafunctionittakesargumentsandreturnsavaluebutthesyntaxisdifferent.Forexample,themethod u p p e r takesastringand returnsanewstringwithalluppercaseletters: Insteadofthefunctionsyntax u p p e r ( w o r d ) ,itusesthemethodsyntax w o r d . u p p e r ( ) .
> > >w o r d=' b a n a n a ' > > >n e w _ w o r d=w o r d . u p p e r ( ) > > >p r i n tn e w _ w o r d B A N A N A
> > >n a m e=' b o b ' > > >n a m e . f i n d ( ' b ' ,1 ,2 ) 1
Thei n operator
Theword i n isabooleanoperatorthattakestwostringsandreturns T r u e ifthefirstappearsasasubstringinthesecond:
> > >' a 'i n' b a n a n a ' T r u e > > >' s e e d 'i n' b a n a n a ' F a l s e
Forexample,thefollowingfunctionprintsallthelettersfrom w o r d 1 thatalsoappearin w o r d 2 :
d e fi n _ b o t h ( w o r d 1 ,w o r d 2 ) : f o rl e t t e ri nw o r d 1 : i fl e t t e ri nw o r d 2 : p r i n tl e t t e r
i fw o r d= =' b a n a n a ' : p r i n t ' A l lr i g h t ,b a n a n a s . '
i fw o r d<' b a n a n a ' : p r i n t' Y o u rw o r d , '+w o r d+' ,c o m e sb e f o r eb a n a n a . ' e l i fw o r d>' b a n a n a ' : p r i n t' Y o u rw o r d , '+w o r d+' ,c o m e sa f t e rb a n a n a . ' e l s e : p r i n t' A l lr i g h t ,b a n a n a s . '
Y o u rw o r d ,P i n e a p p l e ,c o m e sb e f o r eb a n a n a .
Acommonwaytoaddressthisproblemistoconvertstringstoastandardformat,suchasalllowercase,beforeperformingthecomparison.Keepthatinmind incaseyouhavetodefendyourselfagainstamanarmedwithaPineapple.
Whenyouuseindicestotraversethevaluesinasequence,itistrickytogetthebeginningandendofthetraversalright.Hereisafunctionthatissupposedto comparetwowordsandreturn T r u e ifoneofthewordsisthereverseoftheother,butitcontainstwoerrors:
d e fi s _ r e v e r s e ( w o r d 1 ,w o r d 2 ) : i fl e n ( w o r d 1 )! =l e n ( w o r d 2 ) : r e t u r nF a l s e i=0 j=l e n ( w o r d 2 ) w h i l ej>0 : i fw o r d 1 [ i ]! =w o r d 2 [ j ] : r e t u r nF a l s e i=i + 1 j=j 1 78/282
r e t u r nT r u e
w h i l ej>0 : p r i n ti ,j
#p r i n th e r e
i fw o r d 1 [ i ]! =w o r d 2 [ j ] : r e t u r nF a l s e i=i + 1 j=j 1
> > >i s _ r e v e r s e ( ' p o t s ' ,' s t o p ' ) 04 . . . I n d e x E r r o r :s t r i n gi n d e xo u to fr a n g e
IfIfixthaterrorandruntheprogramagain,Iget: 79/282
object: Somethingavariablecanreferto.Fornow,youcanuseobjectandvalueinterchangeably. sequence: Anorderedsetthatis,asetofvalueswhereeachvalueisidentifiedbyanintegerindex. item: Oneofthevaluesinasequence. index: Anintegervalueusedtoselectaniteminasequence,suchasacharacterinastring. slice: Apartofastringspecifiedbyarangeofindices. emptystring: Astringwithnocharactersandlength0,representedbytwoquotationmarks. immutable: Thepropertyofasequencewhoseitemscannotbeassigned. traverse: Toiteratethroughtheitemsinasequence,performingasimilaroperationoneach. search: Apatternoftraversalthatstopswhenitfindswhatitislookingfor. 80/282
Astringslicecantakeathirdindexthatspecifiesthestepsizethatis,thenumberofspacesbetweensuccessivecharacters.Astepsizeof2meansevery othercharacter3meanseverythird,etc.
' ' > > >f r u i t=' b a n a n a ' > > >f r u i t [ 0 : 5 : 2 ] ' b n n ' ' '
Readthedocumentationofthestringmethodsat'd o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / l i b / s t r i n g m e t h o d s . h t m l '.Youmightwanttoexperimentwithsomeofthemtomakesureyou understandhowtheywork.'s t r i p 'and'r e p l a c e 'areparticularlyuseful. Thedocumentationusesasyntaxthatmightbeconfusing. Forexample,in f i n d ( s u b [ ,s t a r t [ ,e n d ] ] ) ,thebracketsindicateoptionalarguments.So's u b 'is required,but's t a r t 'isoptional,andifyouinclude's t a r t ',then'e n d 'isoptional.
Thefollowingfunctionsareall intendedtocheckwhetherastringcontainsanylowercaseletters,butatleastsomeofthemare wrong.Foreachfunction,describewhatthefunctionactuallydoes.
' ' d e fa n y _ l o w e r c a s e 1 ( s ) : f o rci ns : i fc . i s l o w e r ( ) : r e t u r nT r u e 81/282
e l s e : r e t u r nF a l s e d e fa n y _ l o w e r c a s e 2 ( s ) : f o rci ns : i f' c ' . i s l o w e r ( ) : r e t u r n' T r u e ' e l s e : r e t u r n' F a l s e ' d e fa n y _ l o w e r c a s e 3 ( s ) : f o rci ns : f l a g=c . i s l o w e r ( ) r e t u r nf l a g d e fa n y _ l o w e r c a s e 4 ( s ) : f l a g=F a l s e f o rci ns : f l a g=f l a go rc . i s l o w e r ( ) r e t u r nf l a g d e fa n y _ l o w e r c a s e 5 ( s ) : f o rci ns : i fn o tc . i s l o w e r ( ) : r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e ' '
ROT13isaweakformofencryptionthatinvolvesrotatingeachletterinawordby13places[7].Torotatealettermeanstoshiftitthroughthealphabet, wrappingaroundtothebeginningifnecessary,soAshiftedby3isDandZshiftedby1isA. Writeafunctioncalled r o t a t e _ w o r d thattakesastringandanintegerasparameters,andthatreturnsanewstringthatcontainsthelettersfromtheoriginal stringrotatedbythegivenamount. Forexample,cheerrotatedby7isjollyandmelonrotatedby10iscubed. Youmightwanttousethebuiltinfunctions'o r d ',whichconvertsacharactertoanumericcode,and'c h r ',whichconvertsnumericcodestocharacters. PotentiallyoffensivejokesontheInternetaresometimesencodedinROT13.Ifyouarenoteasilyoffended,findanddecodesomeofthem.
1. InPython3.0,theresultofthisdivisionisa f l o a t .Thenewoperator / / performsintegerdivision. 82/282
FortheexercisesinthischapterweneedalistofEnglishwords.TherearelotsofwordlistsavailableontheWeb,buttheonemostsuitableforourpurposeis oneofthewordlistscollectedandcontributedtothepublicdomainbyGradyWardaspartoftheMobylexiconproject [8].Itisalistof113,809official crosswordsthatis,wordsthatareconsideredvalidincrosswordpuzzlesandotherwordgames.IntheMobycollection,thefilenameis 1 1 3 8 0 9 o f . f i c Iincludea copyofthisfile,withthesimplername w o r d s . t x t ,alongwithSwampy. Thisfileisinplaintext,soyoucanopenitwithatexteditor,butyoucanalsoreaditfromPython.(Youmayneedtomovethefilefromtheswampyfolder intothemainpythonfolder)Thebuiltinfunction o p e n takesthenameofthefileasaparameterandreturnsa fileobjectyoucanusetoreadthefile.
> > >f i n=o p e n ( ' w o r d s . t x t ' ) > > >p r i n tf i n < o p e nf i l e' w o r d s . t x t ' ,m o d e' r 'a t0 x b 7 f 4 b 3 8 0 >
f i n isacommonnameforafileobjectusedforinput.Mode ' r ' indicatesthatthisfileisopenforreading(asopposedto ' w ' forwriting).
Thenextwordisaah,whichisaperfectlylegitimateword,sostoplookingatmelikethat.Or,ifitsthewhitespacethatsbotheringyou,wecangetridofit withthestringmethod s t r i p :
> > >l i n e=f i n . r e a d l i n e ( ) > > >w o r d=l i n e . s t r i p ( ) > > >p r i n tw o r d a a h e d
Therearesolutionstotheseexercisesinthenextsection.Youshouldatleastattempteachonebeforeyoureadthesolutions. Exercise2 In1939ErnestVincentWrightpublisheda50,000wordnovelcalled Gadsbythatdoesnotcontainthelettere.Sinceeisthemostcommonletterin English,thatsnoteasytodo. Infact,itisdifficulttoconstructasolitarythoughtwithoutusingthatmostcommonsymbol.Itisslowgoingatfirst,butwith cautionandhoursoftrainingyoucangraduallygainfacility. Allright,Illstopnow. Writeafunctioncalled h a s _ n o _ e thatreturns'T r u e 'if thegivenworddoesnthavethelettereinit. Modifyyourprogramfromtheprevioussectiontoprintonlythewordsthathavenoeandcomputethepercentageofthewordsinthelisthavenoe. Exercise3 Writeafunctionnamed'a v o i d s 'thattakesawordandastringofforbiddenletters,andthatreturns'T r u e 'iftheworddoesntuseanyoftheforbiddenletters. Modifyyourprogramtoprompttheusertoenterastringofforbiddenlettersandthenprintthenumberofwordsthatdontcontainanyofthem.Canyoufinda combinationof5forbiddenlettersthatexcludesthesmallestnumberofwords? Exercise4 Writeafunctionnamed u s e s _ o n l y thattakesawordandastringofletters,andthatreturns'T r u e 'ifthewordcontainsonlylettersinthelist.Canyoumakea sentenceusingonlytheletters'a c e f h l o '?OtherthanHoealfalfa? Exercise5 Writeafunctionnamed u s e s _ a l l thattakesawordandastringofrequiredletters,andthatreturns'T r u e 'ifthewordusesalltherequiredlettersatleastonce. Howmanywordsaretherethatuseallthevowels'a e i o u '?Howabout'a e i o u y '? Exercise6 84/282
AlloftheexercisesintheprevioussectionhavesomethingincommontheycanbesolvedwiththesearchpatternwesawinSection8.6.Thesimplest exampleis:
d e fh a s _ n o _ e ( w o r d ) : f o rl e t t e ri nw o r d : i fl e t t e r= =' e ' : r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e
d e fa v o i d s ( w o r d ,f o r b i d d e n ) : f o rl e t t e ri nw o r d : i fl e t t e ri nf o r b i d d e n : r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e
Wecanreturn F a l s e assoonaswefindaforbiddenletterifwegettotheendoftheloop,wereturn T r u e .
u s e s _ o n l y issimilarexceptthatthesenseoftheconditionisreversed:
d e fu s e s _ o n l y ( w o r d ,a v a i l a b l e ) : f o rl e t t e ri nw o r d : i fl e t t e rn o ti na v a i l a b l e : r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e
u s e s _ a l l issimilarexceptthatwereversetheroleofthewordandthestringofletters:
d e fu s e s _ a l l ( w o r d ,r e q u i r e d ) : f o rl e t t e ri nr e q u i r e d : i fl e t t e rn o ti nw o r d : r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e
Iwrotethefunctionsintheprevioussectionwith f o r loopsbecauseIonlyneededthecharactersinthestringsIdidnthavetodoanythingwiththeindices. For i s _ a b e c e d a r i a n wehavetocompareadjacentletters,whichisalittletrickywitha f o r loop:
d e fi s _ a b e c e d a r i a n ( w o r d ) : p r e v i o u s=w o r d [ 0 ] f o rci nw o r d : i fc<p r e v i o u s : r e t u r nF a l s e p r e v i o u s=c r e t u r nT r u e
d e fi s _ a b e c e d a r i a n ( w o r d ) : i fl e n ( w o r d )< =1 : r e t u r nT r u e i fw o r d [ 0 ]>w o r d [ 1 ] : 86/282
r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r ni s _ a b e c e d a r i a n ( w o r d [ 1 : ] )
Anotheroptionistousea w h i l e loop:
d e fi s _ a b e c e d a r i a n ( w o r d ) : i=0 w h i l ei<l e n ( w o r d ) 1 : i fw o r d [ i + 1 ]<w o r d [ i ] : r e t u r nF a l s e i=i + 1 r e t u r nT r u e
Theloopstartsat i = 0 andendswhen i = l e n ( w o r d ) 1 .Eachtimethroughtheloop,itcomparestheithcharacter(whichyoucanthinkofasthecurrentcharacter)to thei+1thcharacter(whichyoucanthinkofasthenext). Ifthenextcharacterislessthan(alphabeticallybefore)thecurrentone,thenwehavediscoveredabreakintheabecedariantrend,andwereturn F a l s e . Ifwegettotheendoftheloopwithoutfindingafault,thenthewordpassesthetest.Toconvinceyourselfthattheloopendscorrectly,consideranexample like ' f l o s s y ' .Thelengthofthewordis6,sothelasttimethelooprunsiswhen i is4,whichistheindexofthesecondtolastcharacter.Onthelastiteration,it comparesthesecondtolastcharactertothelast,whichiswhatwewant. Hereisaversionof i s _ p a l i n d r o m e (seeExercise6.6)thatusestwoindicesonestartsatthebeginningandgoesuptheotherstartsattheendandgoesdown.
d e fi s _ p a l i n d r o m e ( w o r d ) : i=0 j=l e n ( w o r d ) 1 w h i l ei < j : i fw o r d [ i ]! =w o r d [ j ] : r e t u r nF a l s e i=i + 1 j=j 1 r e t u r nT r u e
d e fi s _ p a l i n d r o m e ( w o r d ) : r e t u r ni s _ r e v e r s e ( w o r d ,w o r d )
Testingprogramsishard.Thefunctionsinthischapterarerelativelyeasytotestbecauseyoucanchecktheresultsbyhand.Evenso,itissomewhere betweendifficultandimpossibletochooseasetofwordsthattestforallpossibleerrors. Taking h a s _ n o _ e asanexample,therearetwoobviouscasestocheck:wordsthathaveaneshouldreturn F a l s e wordsthatdontshouldreturn T r u e .Youshould havenotroublecomingupwithoneofeach. Withineachcase,therearesomelessobvioussubcases.Amongthewordsthathaveane,youshouldtestwordswithaneatthebeginning,theend,and somewhereinthemiddle.Youshouldtestlongwords,shortwords,andveryshortwords,liketheemptystring.Theemptystringisanexampleofa special case,whichisoneofthenonobviouscaseswhereerrorsoftenlurk. Inadditiontothetestcasesyougenerate,youcanalsotestyourprogramwithawordlistlike w o r d s . t x t .Byscanningtheoutput,youmightbeabletocatch errors,butbecareful:youmightcatchonekindoferror(wordsthatshouldnotbeincluded,butare)andnotanother(wordsthatshouldbeincluded,but arent). Ingeneral,testingcanhelpyoufindbugs,butitisnoteasytogenerateagoodsetoftestcases,andevenifyoudo,youcantbesureyourprogramiscorrect. Accordingtoalegendarycomputerscientist: Programtestingcanbeusedtoshowthepresenceofbugs,butnevertoshowtheirabsence!EdsgerW.Dijkstra
fileobject: Avaluethatrepresentsanopenfile. problemrecognition: Awayofsolvingaproblembyexpressingitasaninstanceofapreviouslysolvedproblem. specialcase: Atestcasethatisatypicalornonobvious(andlesslikelytobehandledcorrectly).
ThisquestionisbasedonaPuzzlerthatwasbroadcastontheradioprogram CarTalk[9]: Givemeawordwiththreeconsecutivedoubleletters.I'llgiveyoua
Heresanother CarTalkPuzzler[10]: IwasdrivingonthehighwaytheotherdayandIhappenedtonoticemyodometer.Likemostodometers,itshowssixdigits,inwholemilesonly. So,ifmycarhad300,000miles,forexample,Idsee300000. Now,whatIsawthatdaywasveryinteresting.Inoticedthatthelast4digits werepalindromicthatis,theyreadthesameforwardasbackward.Forexample,5445isapalindrome,somyodometercouldhaveread31 5445. Onemilelater,thelast5numberswerepalindromic.Forexample,it couldhaveread365456.Onemileafterthat,themiddle4outof6 numberswerepalindromic.Andyoureadyforthis?Onemilelater,all6werepalindromic! Thequestionis,whatwasontheodometerwhenIfirstlooked? WriteaPythonprogramthattestsallthesixdigitnumbersandprintsanynumbersthatsatisfytheserequirements.Youcanseemysolutionat 't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / c a r t a l k . p y '.
Heresanother CarTalkPuzzleryoucansolvewithasearch[11]: RecentlyIhadavisitwithmymomandwerealizedthatthetwodigitsthatmakeupmyagewhenreversedresultedinherage.Forexample,if shes73,Im37.Wewonderedhowoftenthishashappenedovertheyearsbutwegotsidetrackedwithothertopicsandwenevercameupwith ananswer. WhenIgothomeIfiguredoutthatthedigitsofourageshavebeenreversiblesixtimessofar.Ialsofiguredoutthatifwereluckyit wouldhappenagaininafewyears,andifwerereallyluckyitwouldhappenonemoretimeafterthat.Inotherwords,itwouldhavehappened8 timesoverall.Sothequestionis,howoldamInow? WriteaPythonprogramthatsearchesforsolutionstothisPuzzler. Hint:youmightfindthestringmethod'z f i l l 'useful. Youcanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / c a r t a l k . p y '.
1. InPython3.0,theresultofthisdivisionisa f l o a t .Thenewoperator / / performsintegerdivision.
Lists 89/282
Likeastring,a listisasequenceofvalues.Inastring,thevaluesarecharactersinalist,theycanbeanytype.Thevaluesinlistarecalled elementsor sometimes items. Thereareseveralwaystocreateanewlistthesimplestistoenclosetheelementsinsquarebrackets([ and ] ):
[ 1 0 ,2 0 ,3 0 ,4 0 ] [ ' c r u n c h yf r o g ' ,' r a mb l a d d e r ' ,' l a r kv o m i t ' ]
Thefirstexampleisalistoffourintegers.Thesecondisalistofthreestrings.Theelementsofalistdonthavetobethesametype.Thefollowinglist containsastring,afloat,aninteger,and(lo!)anotherlist:
[ ' s p a m ' ,2 . 0 ,5 ,[ 1 0 ,2 0 ] ]
Thesyntaxforaccessingtheelementsofalististhesameasforaccessingthecharactersofastringthebracketoperator.Theexpressioninsidethe bracketsspecifiestheindex.Rememberthattheindicesstartat0:
> > >p r i n tc h e e s e s [ 0 ] C h e d d a r
> > >n u m b e r s=[ 1 7 ,1 2 3 ] > > >n u m b e r s [ 1 ]=5 > > >p r i n tn u m b e r s 90/282
[ 1 7 ,5 ]
Theoneethelementof n u m b e r s ,whichusedtobe123,isnow5. Youcanthinkofalistasarelationshipbetweenindicesandelements.Thisrelationshipiscalleda mappingeachindexmapstooneoftheelements.Here isastatediagramshowing c h e e s e s , n u m b e r s and e m p t y : <IMGSRC="book013.png"> Listsarerepresentedbyboxeswiththewordlistoutsideandtheelementsofthelistinside. c h e e s e s referstoalistwiththreeelementsindexed0,1and2. n u m b e r s containstwoelementsthediagramshowsthatthevalueofthesecondelementhasbeenreassignedfrom123to5. e m p t y referstoalistwithno elements. Listindicesworkthesamewayasstringindices: Anyintegerexpressioncanbeusedasanindex. Ifyoutrytoreadorwriteanelementthatdoesnotexist,yougetan I n d e x E r r o r . Ifanindexhasanegativevalue,itcountsbackwardfromtheendofthelist. The i n operatoralsoworksonlists.
> > >c h e e s e s=[ ' C h e d d a r ' ,' E d a m ' ,' G o u d a ' ] > > >' E d a m 'i nc h e e s e s T r u e > > >' B r i e 'i nc h e e s e s F a l s e
Themostcommonwaytotraversetheelementsofalistiswitha f o r loop.Thesyntaxisthesameasforstrings:
f o rc h e e s ei nc h e e s e s : p r i n tc h e e s e
Thislooptraversesthelistandupdateseachelement. l e n returnsthenumberofelementsinthelist. r a n g e returnsalistofindicesfrom0to n1,where nisthe lengthofthelist.Eachtimethroughtheloop i getstheindexofthenextelement.Theassignmentstatementinthebodyuses i toreadtheoldvalueofthe elementandtoassignthenewvalue. A f o r loopoveranemptylistneverexecutesthebody:
f o rxi ne m p t y : p r i n t' T h i sn e v e rh a p p e n s . '
[ ' s p a m ' ,1 ,[ ' B r i e ' ,' R o q u e f o r t ' ,' P o ll eV e q ' ] ,[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] ]
The + operatorconcatenateslists:
> > >a=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] > > >b=[ 4 ,5 ,6 ] > > >c=a+b > > >p r i n tc [ 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ]
Similarly,the * operatorrepeatsalistagivennumberoftimes:
> > >[ 0 ]*4 [ 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ] > > >[ 1 ,2 ,3 ]*3 [ 1 ,2 ,3 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,1 ,2 ,3 ]
> > >t=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' ,' f ' ] > > >t [ 1 : 3 ] [ ' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >t [ : 4 ] 92/282
[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ] > > >t [ 3 : ] [ ' d ' ,' e ' ,' f ' ]
Ifyouomitthefirstindex,theslicestartsatthebeginning.Ifyouomitthesecond,theslicegoestotheend.Soifyouomitboth,thesliceisacopyofthe wholelist.
> > >t [ : ] [ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' ,' f ' ]
Sincelistsaremutable,itisoftenusefultomakeacopybeforeperformingoperationsthatfold,spindleormutilatelists. Asliceoperatorontheleftsideofanassignmentcanupdatemultipleelements:
> > >t=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' ,' f ' ] > > >t [ 1 : 3 ]=[ ' x ' ,' y ' ] > > >p r i n tt [ ' a ' ,' x ' ,' y ' ,' d ' ,' e ' ,' f ' ]
Pythonprovidesmethodsthatoperateonlists.Forexample, a p p e n d addsanewelementtotheendofalist:
> > >t=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >t . a p p e n d ( ' d ' ) > > >p r i n tt [ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ]
e x t e n d takesalistasanargumentandappendsalloftheelements:
> > >t 1=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >t 2=[ ' d ' ,' e ' ] > > >t 1 . e x t e n d ( t 2 ) > > >p r i n tt 1 [ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' ]
Thisexampleleaves t 2 unmodified.
s o r t arrangestheelementsofthelistfromlowtohigh:
> > >t=[ ' d ' ,' c ' ,' e ' ,' b ' ,' a ' ] 93/282
> > >t . s o r t ( ) > > >p r i n tt [ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' ]
d e fa d d _ a l l ( t ) : t o t a l=0 f o rxi nt : t o t a l+ =x r e t u r nt o t a l
t o t a l isinitializedto0.Eachtimethroughtheloop, x getsoneelementfromthelist.The + = operatorprovidesashortwaytoupdateavariable:
t o t a l+ =x
t o t a l=t o t a l+x
r e t u r nr e s
r e s isinitializedwithanemptylisteachtimethroughtheloop,weappendthenextelement.So r e s isanotherkindofaccumulator.
Writeafunctionthattakesalistofnumbersandreturnsthecumulativesumthatis,anewlistwherethe'i 'thelementisthesumofthefirst'i +1'elements fromtheoriginallist.Forexample,thecumulativesumof'[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] 'is'[ 1 ,3 ,6 ] '.
Thereareseveralwaystodeleteelementsfromalist.Ifyouknowtheindexoftheelementyouwant,youcanuse p o p :
> > >t=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >x=t . p o p ( 1 ) > > >p r i n tt [ ' a ' ,' c ' ] > > >p r i n tx b
p o p modifiesthelistandreturnstheelementthatwasremoved.Ifyoudontprovideanindex,itdeletesandreturnsthelastelement.
Ifyoudontneedtheremovedvalue,youcanusethe d e l operator: 95/282
> > >t=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >d e lt [ 1 ] > > >p r i n tt [ ' a ' ,' c ' ]
Ifyouknowtheelementyouwanttoremove(butnottheindex),youcanuse r e m o v e :
> > >t=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >t . r e m o v e ( ' b ' ) > > >p r i n tt [ ' a ' ,' c ' ]
Astringisasequenceofcharactersandalistisasequenceofvalues,butalistofcharactersisnotthesameasastring.Toconvertfromastringtoalistof characters,youcanuse l i s t :
> > >s=' s p a m ' > > >t=l i s t ( s ) > > >p r i n tt [ ' s ' ,' p ' ,' a ' ,' m ' ]
Anoptionalargumentcalleda delimiterspecifieswhichcharacterstouseaswordboundaries.Thefollowingexampleusesahyphenasadelimiter:
> > >s=' s p a m s p a m s p a m ' > > >d e l i m i t e r=' ' > > >s . s p l i t ( d e l i m i t e r ) [ ' s p a m ' ,' s p a m ' ,' s p a m ' ]
j o i n istheinverseof s p l i t .Ittakesalistofstringsandconcatenatestheelements. j o i n isastringmethod,soyouhavetoinvokeitonthedelimiterandpass
> > >t=[ ' p i n i n g ' ,' f o r ' ,' t h e ' ,' f j o r d s ' ] > > >d e l i m i t e r='' > > >d e l i m i t e r . j o i n ( t ) ' p i n i n gf o rt h ef j o r d s '
a=' b a n a n a ' b=' b a n a n a '
Weknowthat a and b bothrefertoastring,butwedontknowwhethertheyrefertothe samestring.Therearetwopossiblestates: <IMGSRC="book014.png"> Inonecase, a and b refertotwodifferentobjectsthathavethesamevalue.Inthesecondcase,theyrefertothesameobject. Tocheckwhethertwovariablesrefertothesameobject,youcanusethe i s operator.
> > >a=' b a n a n a ' > > >b=' b a n a n a ' > > >ai sb T r u e
> > >a=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] > > >b=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] > > >ai sb F a l s e
Sothestatediagramlookslikethis: <IMGSRC="book015.png"> Inthiscasewewouldsaythatthetwolistsare equivalent,becausetheyhavethesameelements,butnot identical ,becausetheyarenotthesameobject.If twoobjectsareidentical,theyarealsoequivalent,butiftheyareequivalent,theyarenotnecessarilyidentical. Untilnow,wehavebeenusingobjectandvalueinterchangeably,butitismoreprecisetosaythatanobjecthasavalue.Ifyouexecute a=[ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , a refers toalistobjectwhosevalueisaparticularsequenceofelements.Ifanotherlisthasthesameelements,wewouldsayithasthesamevalue.
If a referstoanobjectandyouassign b=a ,thenbothvariablesrefertothesameobject:
> > >a=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] > > >b=a > > >bi sa T r u e
Althoughthisbehaviorcanbeuseful,itiserrorprone.Ingeneral,itissafertoavoidaliasingwhenyouareworkingwithmutableobjects. Forimmutableobjectslikestrings,aliasingisnotasmuchofaproblem.Inthisexample: 98/282
Whenyoupassalisttoafunction,thefunctiongetsareferencetothelist.Ifthefunctionmodifiesalistparameter,thecallerseesthechange.Forexample, d e l e t e _ h e a d removesthefirstelementfromalist:
d e fd e l e t e _ h e a d ( t ) : d e lt [ 0 ]
> > >l e t t e r s=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >d e l e t e _ h e a d ( l e t t e r s ) > > >p r i n tl e t t e r s [ ' b ' ,' c ' ]
#W R O N G !
> > >l e t t e r s=[ ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ] > > >r e s t=t a i l ( l e t t e r s ) > > >p r i n tr e s t [ ' b ' ,' c ' ]
Writeafunctioncalled'c h o p 'thattakesalistandmodifiesit,removingthefirstandlastelements,andreturns'N o n e '. Thenwriteafunctioncalled'm i d d l e 'thattakesalistandreturnsanewlistthatcontainsallbutthefirstandlastelements.
Carelessuseoflists(andothermutableobjects)canleadtolonghoursofdebugging.Herearesomecommonpitfallsandwaystoavoidthem: Dontforgetthatmostlistmethodsmodifytheargumentand return N o n e .Thisistheoppositeofthestringmethods,whichreturnanewstringandleavetheoriginalalone.Ifyouareusedtowritingstringcodelikethis:
w o r d=w o r d . s t r i p ( )
t=t . s o r t ( ) #W R O N G !
Because s o r t returns N o n e ,thenextoperationyouperformwith t islikelytofail. Beforeusinglistmethodsandoperators,youshouldreadthedocumentationcarefullyandthentestthemininteractivemode.Themethodsandoperatorsthat listssharewithothersequences(likestrings)aredocumentedat d o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / l i b / t y p e s s e q . h t m l .Themethodsandoperatorsthatonlyapplytomutable sequencesaredocumentedat d o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / l i b / t y p e s s e q m u t a b l e . h t m l . Pickanidiomandstickwithit. Partoftheproblemwithlistsisthattherearetoomanywaystodothings.Forexample,toremoveanelementfromalist,youcanuse p o p , r e m o v e , d e l ,oreven asliceassignment. Toaddanelement,youcanusethe a p p e n d methodorthe + operator.Butdontforgetthattheseareright:
t . a p p e n d ( x ) t=t+[ x ]
t . a p p e n d ( [ x ] ) t=t . a p p e n d ( x ) t+[ x ] t=t+x #W R O N G ! #W R O N G ! #W R O N G ! #W R O N G !
Ifyouwanttouseamethodlike s o r t thatmodifiestheargument,butyouneedtokeeptheoriginallistaswell,youcanmakeacopy.
o r i g=t [ : ] t . s o r t ( )
Glossary 101/282
list: Asequenceofvalues. element: Oneofthevaluesinalist(orothersequence),alsocalleditems. index: Anintegervaluethatindicatesanelementinalist. nestedlist: Alistthatisanelementofanotherlist. listtraversal: Thesequentialaccessingofeachelementinalist. mapping: Arelationshipinwhicheachelementofonesetcorrespondstoanelementofanotherset.Forexample,alistisamappingfromindicestoelements. accumulator: Avariableusedinalooptoadduporaccumulatearesult. reduce: Aprocessingpatternthattraversesasequenceandaccumulatestheelementsintoasingleresult. map: Aprocessingpatternthattraversesasequenceandperformsanoperationoneachelement. filter: Aprocessingpatternthattraversesalistandselectstheelementsthatsatisfysomecriterion. object: Somethingavariablecanreferto.Anobjecthasatypeandavalue. equivalent: Havingthesamevalue. identical: Beingthesameobject(whichimpliesequivalence). reference: Theassociationbetweenavariableanditsvalue. aliasing: Acircumstancewheretwovariablesrefertothesameobject. delimiter: Acharacterorstringusedtoindicatewhereastringshouldbesplit.
Exercise3 102/282
Writeafunctioncalled i s _ s o r t e d thattakesalistasaparameterandreturns'T r u e 'ifthelistissortedinascendingorderand'F a l s e 'otherwise.Youcanassume (asaprecondition)thattheelementsofthelistcanbecomparedwiththecomparisonoperators'< ','> ',etc. Forexample, i s _ s o r t e d ( [ 1 , 2 , 2 ] ) shouldreturn'T r u e 'and i s _ s o r t e d ( [ ' b ' , ' a ' ] ) shouldreturn'F a l s e '.
Twowordsareanagramsifyoucanrearrangethelettersfromonetospelltheother.Writeafunctioncalled i s _ a n a g r a m thattakestwostringsandreturns'T r u e 'if theyareanagrams. Exercise5 The(socalled)BirthdayParadox: Writeafunctioncalled h a s _ d u p l i c a t e s thattakesalistandreturns'T r u e 'ifthereisanyelementthatappearsmorethanonce.Itshouldnotmodifytheoriginallist. Ifthereare23studentsinyourclass,whatarethechances thattwoofyouhavethesamebirthday?Youcanestimatethisprobabilitybygeneratingrandomsamplesof23birthdaysandcheckingformatches.Hint:you cangeneraterandombirthdayswiththe'r a n d i n t 'functioninthe'r a n d o m 'module. Youcanreadaboutthisproblemat 'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / B i r t h d a y _ p a r a d o x ',andyoucanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / b i r t h d a y . p y '. Exercise6 Writeafunctioncalled r e m o v e _ d u p l i c a t e s thattakesalistandreturnsanewlistwithonlytheuniqueelementsfromtheoriginal.Hint:theydonthavetobeinthe sameorder.
Writeafunctionthatreadsthefile'w o r d s . t x t 'andbuildsalistwithoneelementperword.Writetwoversionsofthisfunction,oneusingthe'a p p e n d 'methodand theotherusingtheidiom't=t+[ x ] '.Whichonetakeslongertorun?Why? Youcanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / w o r d l i s t . p y '.
Tocheckwhetherawordisinthewordlist,youcouldusethe'i n 'operator,butitwouldbeslowbecauseitsearchesthroughthewordsinorder. Becausethewordsareinalphabeticalorder,wecanspeedthingsupwithabisectionsearch,whichissimilartowhatyoudowhenyoulookawordupinthe dictionary.Youstartinthemiddleandchecktoseewhetherthewordyouarelookingforcomesbeforethewordinthemiddleofthelist.Ifso,thenyousearch thefirsthalfofthelistthesameway.Otherwiseyousearchthesecondhalf.
Twowordsinterlockiftakingalternatinglettersfromeachformsanewword1.Forexample,shoeandcoldinterlocktoformschooled. Writeaprogramthatfindsallpairsofwordsthatinterlock. Hint:dontenumerateallpairs! Canyoufindanywordsthatarethreewayinterlockedthatis, everythirdletterformsaword,startingfromthefirst,secondorthird?
1 Thisexerciseisinspiredbyanexampleat p u z z l e r s . o r g .
A dictionaryislikealist,butmoregeneral.Inalist,theindiceshavetobeintegersinadictionarytheycanbe(almost)anytype. Youcanthinkofadictionaryasamappingbetweenasetofindices(whicharecalled keys)andasetofvalues.Eachkeymapstoavalue.Theassociationof akeyandavalueiscalleda keyvaluepairorsometimesan item. Asanexample,we'llbuildadictionarythatmapsfromEnglishtoSpanishwords,sothekeysandthevaluesareallstrings. Thefunction d i c t createsanewdictionarywithnoitems.Because d i c t isthenameofabuiltinfunction,youshouldavoidusingitasavariablename.
> > >e n g 2 s p=d i c t ( ) > > >p r i n te n g 2 s p { }
Thesquigglybrackets, { } ,representanemptydictionary.Toadditemstothedictionary,youcanusesquarebrackets:
> > >e n g 2 s p [ ' o n e ' ]=' u n o '
> > >e n g 2 s p={ ' o n e ' :' u n o ' ,' t w o ' :' d o s ' ,' t h r e e ' :' t r e s ' }
Butifyouprint e n g 2 s p ,youmightbesurprised:
> > >p r i n te n g 2 s p { ' o n e ' :' u n o ' ,' t h r e e ' :' t r e s ' ,' t w o ' :' d o s ' }
The l e n functionworksondictionariesitreturnsthenumberofkeyvaluepairs:
> > >l e n ( e n g 2 s p ) 105/282
Writeafunctionthatreadsthewordsin'w o r d s . t x t 'andstoresthemaskeysinadictionary.Itdoesntmatterwhatthevaluesare.Thenyoucanusethe'i n ' operatorasafastwaytocheckwhetherastringisinthedictionary. IfyoudidExercise'10.8',youcancomparethespeedofthisimplementationwiththelist'i n 'operatorandthebisectionsearch.
Supposeyouaregivenastringandyouwanttocounthowmanytimeseachletterappears.Thereareseveralwaysyoucoulddoit: Youcouldcreate26variables,oneforeachletterofthealphabet.Thenyoucouldtraversethestringand,foreachcharacter,incrementthe correspondingcounter,probablyusingachainedconditional. Youcouldcreatealistwith26elements.Thenyoucouldconverteachcharactertoanumber(usingthebuiltinfunction o r d ),usethenumberasan indexintothelist,andincrementtheappropriatecounter. Youcouldcreateadictionarywithcharactersaskeysandcountersasthecorrespondingvalues.Thefirsttimeyouseeacharacter,youwouldaddan itemtothedictionary.Afterthatyouwouldincrementthevalueofanexistingitem. Eachoftheseoptionsperformsthesamecomputation,buteachofthemimplementsthatcomputationinadifferentway. An implementationisawayofperformingacomputationsomeimplementationsarebetterthanothers.Forexample,anadvantageofthedictionary
Dictionarieshaveamethodcalled'g e t 'thattakesakeyandadefaultvalue.Ifthekeyappearsinthedictionary,'g e t 'returnsthecorrespondingvalueotherwise itreturnsthedefaultvalue.Forexample:
' ' > > >h=h i s t o g r a m ( ' a ' ) > > >p r i n th { ' a ' :1 } > > >h . g e t ( ' a ' ,0 ) 1 > > >h . g e t ( ' b ' ,0 ) 0 ' '
Ifyouuseadictionaryina f o r statement,ittraversesthekeysofthedictionary.Forexample, p r i n t _ h i s t printseachkeyandthecorrespondingvalue:
d e fp r i n t _ h i s t ( h ) : f o rci nh : p r i n tc ,h [ c ]
> > >h=h i s t o g r a m ( ' p a r r o t ' ) > > >p r i n t _ h i s t ( h ) a1 p1 r2 t1 o1
Dictionarieshaveamethodcalled'k e y s 'thatreturnsthekeysofthedictionary,innoparticularorder,asalist. Modify p r i n t _ h i s t toprintthekeysandtheirvaluesinalphabeticalorder.
Givenadictionary d andakey k ,itiseasytofindthecorrespondingvalue v=d [ k ] .Thisoperationiscalleda lookup. Butwhatifyouhave v andyouwanttofind k ?Youhavetwoproblems:first,theremightbemorethanonekeythatmapstothevalue v .Dependingonthe application,youmightbeabletopickone,oryoumighthavetomakealistthatcontainsallofthem.Second,thereisnosimplesyntaxtodoa reverse lookupyouhavetosearch. Hereisafunctionthattakesavalueandreturnsthefirstkeythatmapstothatvalue:
d e fr e v e r s e _ l o o k u p ( d ,v ) : f o rki nd : i fd [ k ]= =v : r e t u r nk r a i s eV a l u e E r r o r
> > >k=r e v e r s e _ l o o k u p ( h ,3 ) T r a c e b a c k( m o s tr e c e n tc a l ll a s t ) : F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e1 ,i n? F i l e" < s t d i n > " ,l i n e5 ,i nr e v e r s e _ l o o k u p V a l u e E r r o r
Listscanappearasvaluesinadictionary.Forexample,ifyouweregivenadictionarythatmapsfromletterstofrequencies,youmightwanttoinvertitthatis, createadictionarythatmapsfromfrequenciestoletters.Sincetheremightbeseveralletterswiththesamefrequency,eachvalueintheinverteddictionary shouldbealistofletters. Hereisafunctionthatinvertsadictionary: 109/282
Eachtimethroughtheloop, k e y getsakeyfrom d and v a l getsthecorrespondingvalue.If v a l isnotin i n v ,thatmeanswehaventseenitbefore,sowecreatea newitemandinitializeitwitha singleton(alistthatcontainsasingleelement).Otherwisewehaveseenthisvaluebefore,soweappendthecorresponding keytothelist. Hereisanexample:
> > >h i s t=h i s t o g r a m ( ' p a r r o t ' ) > > >p r i n th i s t { ' a ' :1 ,' p ' :1 ,' r ' :2 ,' t ' :1 ,' o ' :1 } > > >i n v=i n v e r t _ d i c t ( h i s t ) > > >p r i n ti n v { 1 :[ ' a ' ,' p ' ,' t ' ,' o ' ] ,2 :[ ' r ' ] }
Imentionedearlierthatadictionaryisimplementedusingahashtableandthatmeansthatthekeyshavetobe hashable. 110/282
Readthedocumentationofthedictionarymethod's e t d e f a u l t 'anduseittowriteamoreconciseversionof i n v e r t _ d i c t .
Ifyouplayedwiththe f i b o n a c c i functionfromSection6.7,youmighthavenoticedthatthebiggertheargumentyouprovide,thelongerthefunctiontakesto run.Furthermore,theruntimeincreasesveryquickly. Tounderstandwhy,considerthis callgraphfor f i b o n a c c i with n = 4 : <IMGSRC="book019.png"> Acallgraphshowsasetoffunctionframes,withlinesconnectingeachframetotheframesofthefunctionsitcalls.Atthetopofthegraph, f i b o n a c c i with n = 4 calls f i b o n a c c i with n = 3 and n = 2 .Inturn, f i b o n a c c i with n = 3 calls f i b o n a c c i with n = 2 and n = 1 .Andsoon. Counthowmanytimes f i b o n a c c i ( 0 ) and f i b o n a c c i ( 1 ) arecalled.Thisisaninefficientsolutiontotheproblem,anditgetsworseastheargumentgetsbigger. Onesolutionistokeeptrackofvaluesthathavealreadybeencomputedbystoringtheminadictionary.Apreviouslycomputedvaluethatisstoredforlater useiscalleda memo[12].Hereisanimplementationof f i b o n a c c i usingmemos:
k n o w n={ 0 : 0 ,1 : 1 } d e ff i b o n a c c i ( n ) : i fni nk n o w n : r e t u r nk n o w n [ n ] r e s=f i b o n a c c i ( n 1 )+f i b o n a c c i ( n 2 ) k n o w n [ n ]=r e s r e t u r nr e s
k n o w n isadictionarythatkeepstrackoftheFibonaccinumberswealreadyknow.Itstartswithtwoitems:0mapsto0and1mapsto1. 111/282
Runthisversionof'f i b o n a c c i 'andtheoriginalwitharangeofparametersandcomparetheirruntimes.
Inthepreviousexample, k n o w n iscreatedoutsidethefunction,soitbelongstothespecialframecalled _ _ m a i n _ _ .Variablesin _ _ m a i n _ _ aresometimescalled global becausetheycanbeaccessedfromanyfunction.Unlikelocalvariables,whichdisappearwhentheirfunctionends,globalvariablespersistfromone functioncalltothenext. Itiscommontouseglobalvariablesfor flagsthatis,booleanvariablesthatindicate(flag)whetheraconditionistrue.Forexample,someprogramsusea flagnamed v e r b o s e tocontrolthelevelofdetailintheoutput:
v e r b o s e=T r u e d e fe x a m p l e 1 ( ) : i fv e r b o s e : p r i n t' R u n n i n ge x a m p l e 1 '
b e e n _ c a l l e d=F a l s e d e fe x a m p l e 2 ( ) : b e e n _ c a l l e d=T r u e
#W R O N G
c o u n t=0 d e fe x a m p l e 3 ( ) : c o u n t=c o u n t+1
#W R O N G
U n b o u n d L o c a l E r r o r :l o c a lv a r i a b l e' c o u n t 'r e f e r e n c e db e f o r ea s s i g n m e n t
k n o w n={ 0 : 0 ,1 : 1 } d e fe x a m p l e 4 ( ) : k n o w n [ 2 ]=1
d e fe x a m p l e 5 ( ) : g l o b a lk n o w n k n o w n=d i c t ( )
Ifyoucompute f i b o n a c c i ( 5 0 ) ,youget:
> > >f i b o n a c c i ( 5 0 ) 1 2 5 8 6 2 6 9 0 2 5 L
The L attheendindicatesthattheresultisalonginteger[13],ortype l o n g . 113/282
Inthefirstcasetheresulthastype i n t inthesecondcaseitis l o n g .
Exponentiationoflargeintegersisthebasisofcommonalgorithmsforpublickeyencryption.ReadtheWikipediapageontheRSAalgorithm[14]andwrite functionstoencodeanddecodemessages.
Asyouworkwithbiggerdatasetsitcanbecomeunwieldytodebugbyprintingandcheckingdatabyhand.Herearesomesuggestionsfordebugginglarge datasets: Scaledowntheinput: Ifpossible,reducethesizeofthedataset.Forexampleiftheprogramreadsatextfile,startwithjustthefirst10lines,orwiththesmallestexample youcanfind.Youcaneithereditthefilesthemselves,or(better)modifytheprogramsoitreadsonlythefirst n lines.Ifthereisanerror,youcanreduce
n tothesmallestvaluethatmanifeststheerror,andthenincreaseitgraduallyasyoufindandcorrecterrors.
Checksummariesandtypes: Insteadofprintingandcheckingtheentiredataset,considerprintingsummariesofthedata:forexample,thenumberofitemsinadictionaryorthe totalofalistofnumbers.Acommoncauseofruntimeerrorsisavaluethatisnottherighttype.Fordebuggingthiskindoferror,itisoftenenoughto printthetypeofavalue. Writeselfchecks: Sometimesyoucanwritecodetocheckforerrorsautomatically.Forexample,ifyouarecomputingtheaverageofalistofnumbers,youcouldcheck thattheresultisnotgreaterthanthelargestelementinthelistorlessthanthesmallest.Thisiscalledasanitycheckbecauseitdetectsresultsthat areinsane.Anotherkindofcheckcomparestheresultsoftwodifferentcomputationstoseeiftheyareconsistent.Thisiscalledaconsistencycheck. Prettyprinttheoutput: Formattingdebuggingoutputcanmakeiteasiertospotanerror.WesawanexampleinSection6.9.The p p r i n t moduleprovidesa p p r i n t functionthat displaysbuiltintypesinamorehumanreadableformat. Again,timeyouspendbuildingscaffoldingcanreducethetimeyouspenddebugging. 114/282
dictionary: Amappingfromasetofkeystotheircorrespondingvalues. keyvaluepair: Therepresentationofthemappingfromakeytoavalue. item: Anothernameforakeyvaluepair. key: Anobjectthatappearsinadictionaryasthefirstpartofakeyvaluepair. value: Anobjectthatappearsinadictionaryasthesecondpartofakeyvaluepair.Thisismorespecificthanourprevioususeofthewordvalue. implementation: Awayofperformingacomputation. hashtable: ThealgorithmusedtoimplementPythondictionaries. hashfunction: Afunctionusedbyahashtabletocomputethelocationforakey. hashable: Atypethathasahashfunction.Immutabletypeslikeintegers,floatsandstringsarehashablemutabletypeslikelistsanddictionariesarenot. lookup: Adictionaryoperationthattakesakeyandfindsthecorrespondingvalue. reverselookup: Adictionaryoperationthattakesavalueandfindsoneormorekeysthatmaptoit. singleton: Alist(orothersequence)withasingleelement. callgraph: Adiagramthatshowseveryframecreatedduringtheexecutionofaprogram,withanarrowfromeachcallertoeachcallee. histogram: Asetofcounters. memo: Acomputedvaluestoredtoavoidunnecessaryfuturecomputation. globalvariable: Avariabledefinedoutsideafunction.Globalvariablescanbeaccessedfromanyfunction. flag: Abooleanvariableusedtoindicatewhetheraconditionistrue. 115/282
D i c t i o n a r i e sh a v eam e t h o dc a l l e d' k e y s 't h a tr e t u r n st h ek e y so ft h ed i c t i o n a r y ,i n
Twowordsarerotatepairsifyoucanrotateoneofthemandgettheother(see r o t a t e _ w o r d inExercise'8.12'). Writeaprogramthatreadsawordlistandfindsalltherotatepairs.
HeresanotherPuzzlerfromCarTalk[15]: ThiswassentinbyafellownamedDanOLeary.Hecameuponacommononesyllable,fiveletterwordrecentlythathasthefollowingunique property.Whenyouremovethefirstletter,theremaininglettersformahomophoneoftheoriginalword,thatisawordthatsoundsexactlythe same.Replacethefirstletter,thatis,putitbackandremovethesecondletterandtheresultisyetanotherhomophoneoftheoriginalword.And thequestionis,whatstheword? NowImgoingtogiveyouanexamplethatdoesntwork.Letslookat thefiveletterword,wrack.WRACK, youknowliketowrackwithpain.IfIremovethefirstletter,Iamleftwithafourletterword,RACK.Asin,Holycow,didyouseetherackon thatbuck!Itmusthavebeenaninepointer!Itsaperfecthomophone.Ifyouputthewback,andremovether,instead,youreleftwiththe word,wack,whichisarealword,itsjustnotahomophoneoftheothertwowords. Butthereis,however,atleastonewordthatDanandweknowof, whichwillyieldtwohomophonesifyouremoveeitherofthefirsttwolettersto maketwo,newfourletterwords.Thequestionis,whatstheword? ' YoucanusethedictionaryfromExercise'11.1'tocheckwhetherastringisinthewordlist. Tocheckwhethertwowordsarehomophones,youcanusetheCMUPronouncingDictionary.Youcandownloaditfrom'w w w . s p e e c h . c s . c m u . e d u / c g i b i n / c m u d i c t 'or from't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / c 0 6 d 'andyoucanalsodownload't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / p r o n o u n c e . p y ',whichprovidesafunctionnamed r e a d _ d i c t i o n a r y thatreadsthe pronouncingdictionaryandreturnsaPythondictionarythatmapsfromeachwordtoastringthatdescribesitsprimarypronunciation. WriteaprogramthatlistsallthewordsthatsolvethePuzzler. Youcanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / h o m o p h o n e . p y '.
Notes 116/282
Atupleisasequenceofvalues.Thevaluescanbeanytype,andtheyareindexedbyintegers,sointhatrespecttuplesarealotlikelists.Theimportant differenceisthattuplesareimmutable. Syntactically,atupleisacommaseparatedlistofvalues:
> > >t=' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e '
> > >t=( ' a ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' )
> > >t 1=( ' a ' , ) > > >t y p e ( t 1 ) < t y p e' t u p l e ' >
Anotherwaytocreateatupleisthebuiltinfunction t u p l e .Withnoargument,itcreatesanemptytuple:
> > >t=t u p l e ( ) > > >p r i n tt ( )
> > >t=t u p l e ( ' l u p i n s ' ) > > >p r i n tt 117/282
( ' l ' ,' u ' ,' p ' ,' i ' ,' n ' ,' s ' )
> > >p r i n tt [ 1 : 3 ] ( ' b ' ,' c ' )
> > >t [ 0 ]=' A ' T y p e E r r o r :o b j e c td o e s n ' ts u p p o r ti t e ma s s i g n m e n t
> > >t=( ' A ' , )+t [ 1 : ] > > >p r i n tt ( ' A ' ,' b ' ,' c ' ,' d ' ,' e ' )
Itisoftenusefultoswapthevaluesoftwovariables.Withconventionalassignments,youhavetouseatemporaryvariable.Forexample,toswap a and b :
> > >t e m p=a > > >a=b > > >b=t e m p
Thissolutioniscumbersome tupleassignmentismoreelegant:
> > >a ,b=b ,a
Moregenerally,therightsidecanbeanykindofsequence(string,listortuple).Forexample,tosplitanemailaddressintoausernameandadomain,you couldwrite:
> > >a d d r=' m o n t y @ p y t h o n . o r g ' > > >u n a m e ,d o m a i n=a d d r . s p l i t ( ' @ ' )
Strictlyspeaking,afunctioncanonlyreturnonevalue,butifthevalueisatuple,theeffectisthesameasreturningmultiplevalues.Forexample,ifyouwant todividetwointegersandcomputethequotientandremainder,itisinefficienttocompute x / y andthen x % y .Itisbettertocomputethembothatthesame time. Thebuiltinfunction d i v m o d takestwoargumentsandreturnsatupleoftwovalues,thequotientandremainder.Youcanstoretheresultasatuple:
> > >t=d i v m o d ( 7 ,3 ) > > >p r i n tt ( 2 ,1 )
> > >q u o t ,r e m=d i v m o d ( 7 ,3 ) > > >p r i n tq u o t 2 > > >p r i n tr e m 1
d e fm i n _ m a x ( t ) : r e t u r nm i n ( t ) ,m a x ( t )
m a x and m i n arebuiltinfunctionsthatfindthelargestandsmallestelementsofasequence. m i n _ m a x computesbothandreturnsatupleoftwovalues.
Functionscantakeavariablenumberofarguments.Aparameternamethatbeginswith * gathersargumentsintoatuple.Forexample, p r i n t a l l takesany numberofargumentsandprintsthem:
d e fp r i n t a l l ( * a r g s ) : p r i n ta r g s
Thegatherparametercanhaveanynameyoulike,but a r g s isconventional.Hereshowthefunctionworks:
> > >p r i n t a l l ( 1 ,2 . 0 ,' 3 ' ) ( 1 ,2 . 0 ,' 3 ' )
d e fp o i n t l e s s ( r e q u i r e d ,o p t i o n a l = 0 ,* a r g s ) : p r i n tr e q u i r e d ,o p t i o n a l ,a r g s
> > >d i v m o d ( * t ) ( 2 ,1 )
Manyofthebuiltinfunctionsusevariablelengthargumenttuples.Forexample,'m a x 'and'm i n 'cantakeanynumberofarguments:
' ' > > >m a x ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) 3 ' '
But's u m 'doesnot.
' ' > > >s u m ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) T y p e E r r o r :s u me x p e c t e da tm o s t2a r g u m e n t s ,g o t3 ' '
Writeafunctioncalled's u m a l l 'thattakesanynumberofargumentsandreturnstheirsum.
z i p isabuiltinfunctionthattakestwoormoresequencesandzipsthemintoalist 1oftupleswhereeachtuplecontainsoneelementfromeachsequence.
> > >s=' a b c ' > > >t=[ 0 ,1 ,2 ] > > >z i p ( s ,t ) [ ( ' a ' ,0 ) ,( ' b ' ,1 ) ,( ' c ' ,2 ) ]
Theresultisalistoftupleswhereeachtuplecontainsacharacterfromthestringandthecorrespondingelementfromthelist. Ifthesequencesarenotthesamelength,theresulthasthelengthoftheshorterone.
> > >z i p ( ' A n n e ' ,' E l k ' ) [ ( ' A ' ,' E ' ) ,( ' n ' ,' l ' ) ,( ' n ' ,' k ' ) ]
Youcanusetupleassignmentina f o r looptotraversealistoftuples:
t=[ ( ' a ' ,0 ) ,( ' b ' ,1 ) ,( ' c ' ,2 ) ] f o rl e t t e r ,n u m b e ri nt : p r i n tn u m b e r ,l e t t e r
Ifyouneedtotraversetheelementsofasequenceandtheirindices,youcanusethebuiltinfunction e n u m e r a t e :
f o ri n d e x ,e l e m e n ti ne n u m e r a t e ( ' a b c ' ) : p r i n ti n d e x ,e l e m e n t
0a 1b 2c
Dictionarieshaveamethodcalled i t e m s thatreturnsalistoftuples,whereeachtupleisakeyvaluepair2.
> > >d={ ' a ' : 0 ,' b ' : 1 ,' c ' : 2 } > > >t=d . i t e m s ( ) > > >p r i n tt [ ( ' a ' ,0 ) ,( ' c ' ,2 ) ,( ' b ' ,1 ) ]
Asyoushouldexpectfromadictionary,theitemsareinnoparticularorder. Conversely,youcanusealistoftuplestoinitializeanewdictionary: 122/282
> > >t=[ ( ' a ' ,0 ) ,( ' c ' ,2 ) ,( ' b ' ,1 ) ] > > >d=d i c t ( t ) > > >p r i n td { ' a ' :0 ,' c ' :2 ,' b ' :1 }
0a 2c 1b
f o rl a s t ,f i r s ti nd i r e c t o r y : p r i n tf i r s t ,l a s t ,d i r e c t o r y [ l a s t , f i r s t ]
Therearetwowaystorepresenttuplesinastatediagram.Themoredetailedversionshowstheindicesandelementsjustastheyappearinalist.For example,thetuple ( ' C l e e s e ' ,' J o h n ' ) wouldappear: <IMGSRC="book020.png"> Butinalargerdiagramyoumightwanttoleaveoutthedetails.Forexample,adiagramofthetelephonedirectorymightappear: <IMGSRC="book021.png"> HerethetuplesareshownusingPythonsyntaxasagraphicalshorthand. ThetelephonenumberinthediagramisthecomplaintslinefortheBBC,sopleasedontcallit.
ThecomparisonoperatorsworkwithtuplesandothersequencesPythonstartsbycomparingthefirstelementfromeachsequence.Iftheyareequal,itgoes ontothenextelements,andsoon,untilitfindselementsthatdiffer.Subsequentelementsarenotconsidered(eveniftheyarereallybig).
> > >( 0 ,1 ,2 )<( 0 ,3 ,4 ) T r u e > > >( 0 ,1 ,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 )<( 0 ,3 ,4 ) T r u e
The s o r t functionworksthesameway.Itsortsprimarilybyfirstelement,butinthecaseofatie,itsortsbysecondelement,andsoon. Thisfeaturelendsitselftoapatterncalled DSUfor Decorate asequencebybuildingalistoftupleswithoneormoresortkeysprecedingtheelementsfromthesequence, Sort thelistoftuples,and Undecorate byextractingthesortedelementsofthesequence. Forexample,supposeyouhavealistofwordsandyouwanttosortthemfromlongesttoshortest:
d e fs o r t _ b y _ l e n g t h ( w o r d s ) : t=[ ] f o rw o r di nw o r d s : t . a p p e n d ( ( l e n ( w o r d ) ,w o r d ) ) t . s o r t ( r e v e r s e = T r u e )
r e s=[ ] f o rl e n g t h ,w o r di nt : r e s . a p p e n d ( w o r d ) r e t u r nr e s
s o r t comparesthefirstelement,length,first,andonlyconsidersthesecondelementtobreakties.Thekeywordargument r e v e r s e = T r u e tells s o r t togoin
decreasingorder. Thesecondlooptraversesthelistoftuplesandbuildsalistofwordsindescendingorderoflength.
Inthisexample,tiesarebrokenbycomparingwords,sowordswiththesamelengthappearinalphabeticalorder.Forotherapplicationsyoumightwantto breaktiesatrandom.Modifythisexamplesothatwordswiththesamelengthappearinrandomorder.Hint:seethe'r a n d o m 'functioninthe'r a n d o m 'module.
Ihavefocusedonlistsoftuples,butalmostalloftheexamplesinthischapteralsoworkwithlistsoflists,tuplesoftuples,andtuplesoflists.Toavoid enumeratingthepossiblecombinations,itissometimeseasiertotalkaboutsequencesofsequences. Inmanycontexts,thedifferentkindsofsequences(strings,listsandtuples)canbeusedinterchangeably.Sohowandwhydoyouchooseoneovertheothers? Tostartwiththeobvious,stringsaremorelimitedthanothersequencesbecausetheelementshavetobecharacters.Theyarealsoimmutable.Ifyouneed theabilitytochangethecharactersinastring(asopposedtocreatinganewstring),youmightwanttousealistofcharactersinstead. Listsaremorecommonthantuples,mostlybecausetheyaremutable.Butthereareafewcaseswhereyoumightprefertuples: Insomecontexts,likea r e t u r n statement,itissyntacticallysimplertocreateatuplethanalist.Inothercontexts,youmightpreferalist. Ifyouwanttouseasequenceasadictionarykey,youhavetouseanimmutabletypelikeatupleorstring. Ifyouarepassingasequenceasanargumenttoafunction,usingtuplesreducesthepotentialforunexpectedbehaviorduetoaliasing. Becausetuplesareimmutable,theydontprovidemethodslike s o r t and r e v e r s e ,whichmodifyexistinglists.ButPythonprovidesthebuiltinfunctions s o r t e d and r e v e r s e d ,whichtakeanysequenceasaparameterandreturnanewlistwiththesameelementsinadifferentorder.
Lists,dictionariesandtuplesareknowngenericallyas datastructuresinthischapterwearestartingtoseecompounddatastructures,likelistsoftuples, anddictionariesthatcontaintuplesaskeysandlistsasvalues.Compounddatastructuresareuseful,buttheyarepronetowhatIcall shapeerrorsthatis, errorscausedwhenadatastructurehasthewrongtype,sizeorcomposition.Forexample,ifyouareexpectingalistwithoneintegerandIgiveyouaplainold integer(notinalist),itwontwork.
Afancierprogrammightwritelistof3int s,butitwaseasiernottodealwithplurals.Heresalistoflists:
> > >t 2=[ [ 1 , 2 ] ,[ 3 , 4 ] ,[ 5 , 6 ] ] > > >p r i n ts t r u c t s h a p e ( t 2 ) l i s to f3l i s to f2i n t
Iftheelementsofthelistarenotthesametype, s t r u c t s h a p e groupsthem,inorder,bytype:
> > >t 3=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 . 0 ,' 5 ' ,' 6 ' ,[ 7 ] ,[ 8 ] ,9 ] > > >p r i n ts t r u c t s h a p e ( t 3 ) l i s to f( 3i n t ,f l o a t ,2s t r ,2l i s to fi n t ,i n t )
> > >s=' a b c ' > > >l t=z i p ( t ,s ) > > >p r i n ts t r u c t s h a p e ( l t ) l i s to f3t u p l eo f( i n t ,s t r )
> > >d=d i c t ( l t ) > > >p r i n ts t r u c t s h a p e ( d ) d i c to f3i n t > s t r
Ifyouarehavingtroublekeepingtrackofyourdatastructures, s t r u c t s h a p e canhelp.
tuple: 126/282
Animmutablesequenceofelements. tupleassignment: Anassignmentwithasequenceontherightsideandatupleofvariablesontheleft.Therightsideisevaluatedandthenitselementsareassignedto thevariablesontheleft. gather: Theoperationofassemblingavariablelengthargumenttuple. scatter: Theoperationoftreatingasequenceasalistofarguments. DSU: Abbreviationofdecoratesortundecorate,apatternthatinvolvesbuildingalistoftuples,sorting,andextractingpartoftheresult. datastructure: Acollectionofrelatedvalues,oftenorganizedinlists,dictionaries,tuples,etc. shape(ofadatastructure): Asummaryofthetype,sizeandcompositionofadatastructure.
Writeafunctioncalled m o s t _ f r e q u e n t thattakesastringandprintsthelettersindecreasingorderoffrequency.Findtextsamplesfromseveraldifferent languagesandseehowletterfrequencyvariesbetweenlanguages.Compareyourresultswiththetablesat'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / L e t t e r _ f r e q u e n c i e s '.
Moreanagrams! Writeaprogram thatreadsawordlistfromafile(seeSection'9.1')andprintsallthesetsofwordsthatareanagrams. Hereisanexampleofwhattheoutputmightlooklike:
' ' [ ' d e l t a s ' ,' d e s a l t ' ,' l a s t e d ' ,' s a l t e d ' ,' s l a t e d ' ,' s t a l e d ' ] [ ' r e t a i n e r s ' ,' t e r n a r i e s ' ] [ ' g e n e r a t i n g ' ,' g r e a t e n i n g ' ] [ ' r e s m e l t s ' ,' s m e l t e r s ' ,' t e r m l e s s ' ] ' '
HeresanotherCarTalkPuzzler4: WhatisthelongestEnglishword,thatremainsavalidEnglishword,asyouremoveitslettersoneatatime? Now,letterscanberemovedfrom eitherend,orthemiddle,butyoucantrearrangeanyoftheletters.Everytimeyoudropaletter,youwindupwithanotherEnglishword.Ifyou dothat,youreeventuallygoingtowindupwithoneletterandthattooisgoingtobeanEnglishwordonethatsfoundinthedictionary.Iwant toknowwhatsthelongestwordandhowmanylettersdoesithave? Imgoingtogiveyoualittlemodestexample:Sprite.Ok?Youstart offwithsprite,youtakealetteroff,onefromtheinterioroftheword,take theraway,andwereleftwiththewordspite,thenwetaketheeofftheend,wereleftwithspit,wetakethesoff,wereleftwithpit,it,andI. Writeaprogramtofindallwordsthatcanbereducedinthisway, andthenfindthelongestone. Thisexerciseisalittlemorechallengingthanmost,soherearesomesuggestions: Youmightwanttowriteafunctionthattakesawordand computesalistofallthewordsthatcanbeformedbyremovingoneletter.Thesearethechildrenoftheword. Recursively,awordisreducibleifanyofitschildren arereducible.Asabasecase,youcanconsidertheemptystringreducible. ThewordlistIprovided,'w o r d s . t x t ',doesnt containsingleletterwords.SoyoumightwanttoaddI,a,andtheemptystring. Toimprovetheperformanceofyourprogram,youmightwant tomemoizethewordsthatareknowntobereducible. Youcanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / r e d u c i b l e . p y '. 128/282
Writeaprogramthatreadsafile,breakseachlineintowords,stripswhitespaceandpunctuationfromthewords,andconvertsthemtolowercase. Hint:The's t r i n g 'moduleprovidesstringsnamed'w h i t e s p a c e ', whichcontainsspace,tab,newline,etc.,and'p u n c t u a t i o n 'whichcontainsthepunctuation characters.LetsseeifwecanmakePythonswear:
> > >i m p o r ts t r i n g > > >p r i n ts t r i n g . p u n c t u a t i o n ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
GotoProjectGutenberg('g u t e n b e r g . o r g ')anddownloadyourfavoriteoutofcopyrightbookinplaintextformat. Modifyyourprogramfromthepreviousexercisetoreadthebookyoudownloaded,skipovertheheaderinformationatthebeginningofthefile,andprocess therestofthewordsasbefore. Thenmodifytheprogramtocountthetotalnumberofwordsinthebook,andthenumberoftimeseachwordisused. Printthenumberofdifferentwordsusedinthebook.Comparedifferentbooksbydifferentauthors,writtenindifferenteras.Whichauthorusesthemost extensivevocabulary?
Modifythepreviousprogramtoreadawordlist(seeSection'9.1')andthenprintallthewordsinthebookthatarenotinthewordlist.Howmanyofthemare typos?Howmanyofthemarecommonwordsthat shouldbeinthewordlist,andhowmanyofthemarereallyobscure?
Giventhesameinputs,mostcomputerprogramsgeneratethesameoutputseverytime,sotheyaresaidtobe deterministic.Determinismisusuallyagood thing,sinceweexpectthesamecalculationtoyieldthesameresult.Forsomeapplications,though,wewantthecomputertobeunpredictable.Gamesarean obviousexample,buttherearemore. Makingaprogramtrulynondeterministicturnsouttobenotsoeasy,buttherearewaystomakeitatleastseemnondeterministic.Oneofthemistouse algorithmsthatgenerate pseudorandomnumbers.Pseudorandomnumbersarenottrulyrandombecausetheyaregeneratedbyadeterministiccomputation, butjustbylookingatthenumbersitisallbutimpossibletodistinguishthemfromrandom. The r a n d o m moduleprovidesfunctionsthatgeneratepseudorandomnumbers(whichIwillsimplycallrandomfromhereon). Thefunction r a n d o m returnsarandomfloatbetween0.0and1.0(including0.0butnot1.0).Eachtimeyoucall r a n d o m ,yougetthenextnumberinalongseries. Toseeasample,runthisloop:
i m p o r tr a n d o m f o rii nr a n g e ( 1 0 ) : x=r a n d o m . r a n d o m ( ) p r i n tx
Tochooseanelementfromasequenceatrandom,youcanuse c h o i c e :
> > >t=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] > > >r a n d o m . c h o i c e ( t ) 2 > > >r a n d o m . c h o i c e ( t ) 130/282
The r a n d o m modulealsoprovidesfunctionstogeneraterandomvaluesfromcontinuousdistributionsincludingGaussian,exponential,gamma,andafewmore.
Writeafunctionnamed c h o o s e _ f r o m _ h i s t thattakesahistogramasdefinedinSection'11.1'andreturnsarandomvaluefromthehistogram,chosenwith probabilityinproportiontofrequency.Forexample,forthishistogram:
' ' > > >t=[ ' a ' ,' a ' ,' b ' ] > > >h=h i s t o g r a m ( t ) > > >p r i n th { ' a ' :2 ,' b ' :1 } ' '
i m p o r ts t r i n g d e fp r o c e s s _ f i l e ( f i l e n a m e ) : h=d i c t ( ) f p=o p e n ( f i l e n a m e ) f o rl i n ei nf p : p r o c e s s _ l i n e ( l i n e ,h ) r e t u r nh d e fp r o c e s s _ l i n e ( l i n e ,h ) : l i n e=l i n e . r e p l a c e ( ' ' ,'' ) f o rw o r di nl i n e . s p l i t ( ) : w o r d=w o r d . s t r i p ( s t r i n g . p u n c t u a t i o n+s t r i n g . w h i t e s p a c e ) w o r d=w o r d . l o w e r ( ) h [ w o r d ]=h . g e t ( w o r d ,0 )+1 h i s t=p r o c e s s _ f i l e ( ' e m m a . t x t ' )
d e fd i f f e r e n t _ w o r d s ( h ) : r e t u r nl e n ( h )
p r i n t' T o t a ln u m b e ro fw o r d s : ' ,t o t a l _ w o r d s ( h i s t ) p r i n t' N u m b e ro fd i f f e r e n tw o r d s : ' ,d i f f e r e n t _ w o r d s ( h i s t )
T o t a ln u m b e ro fw o r d s :1 6 1 0 7 3 N u m b e ro fd i f f e r e n tw o r d s :7 2 1 2
Tofindthemostcommonwords,wecanapplytheDSUpattern m o s t _ c o m m o n takesahistogramandreturnsalistofwordfrequencytuples,sortedinreverse orderbyfrequency:
d e fm o s t _ c o m m o n ( h ) : t=[ ] f o rk e y ,v a l u ei nh . i t e m s ( ) : t . a p p e n d ( ( v a l u e ,k e y ) ) t . s o r t ( r e v e r s e = T r u e ) r e t u r nt
Hereisaloopthatprintsthetenmostcommonwords: 132/282
Andherearetheresultsfrom Emma:
T h em o s tc o m m o nw o r d sa r e : t o 5 2 4 2 t h e 5 2 0 4 a n d 4 8 9 7 o f 4 2 9 3 i 3 1 9 1 a 3 1 3 0 i t 2 5 2 9 h e r 2 4 8 3 w a s 2 4 0 0 s h e 2 3 6 4
Wehaveseenbuiltinfunctionsandmethodsthattakeavariablenumberofarguments.Itispossibletowriteuserdefinedfunctionswithoptionalarguments, too.Forexample,hereisafunctionthatprintsthemostcommonwordsinahistogram
d e fp r i n t _ m o s t _ c o m m o n ( h i s t ,n u m = 1 0 ) t=m o s t _ c o m m o n ( h i s t ) p r i n t' T h em o s tc o m m o nw o r d sa r e : ' f o rf r e q ,w o r di nt [ 0 : n u m ] : p r i n tw o r d ,' \ t ' ,f r e q
p r i n t _ m o s t _ c o m m o n ( h i s t ,2 0 )
n u m getsthevalueoftheargumentinstead.Inotherwords,theoptionalargument overridesthedefaultvalue. 133/282
Findingthewordsfromthebookthatarenotinthewordlistfrom w o r d s . t x t isaproblemyoumightrecognizeassetsubtractionthatis,wewanttofindallthe wordsfromoneset(thewordsinthebook)thatarenotinanotherset(thewordsinthelist).
s u b t r a c t takesdictionaries d 1 and d 2 andreturnsanewdictionarythatcontainsallthekeysfrom d 1 thatarenotin d 2 .Sincewedontreallycareaboutthevalues,
d e fs u b t r a c t ( d 1 ,d 2 ) : r e s=d i c t ( ) f o rk e yi nd 1 : i fk e yn o ti nd 2 : r e s [ k e y ]=N o n e r e t u r nr e s
Herearesomeoftheresultsfrom Emma:
T h ew o r d si nt h eb o o kt h a ta r e n ' ti nt h ew o r dl i s ta r e : r e n c o n t r ej a n e ' sb l a n c h ew o o d h o u s e sd i s i n g e n u o u s n e s s f r i e n d ' sv e n i c ea p a r t m e n t. . .
Someofthesewordsarenamesandpossessives.Others,likerencontre,arenolongerincommonuse.Butafewarecommonwordsthatshouldreallybein thelist!
Pythonprovidesadatastructurecalled's e t 'thatprovidesmanycommonsetoperations.Readthedocumentationat'd o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / l i b / t y p e s s e t . h t m l 'andwritea programthatusessetsubtractiontofindwordsinthebookthatarenotinthewordlist.
Randomwords 134/282
Tochoosearandomwordfromthehistogram,thesimplestalgorithmistobuildalistwithmultiplecopiesofeachword,accordingtotheobservedfrequency, andthenchoosefromthelist:
d e fr a n d o m _ w o r d ( h ) : t=[ ] f o rw o r d ,f r e qi nh . i t e m s ( ) : t . e x t e n d ( [ w o r d ]*f r e q ) r e t u r nr a n d o m . c h o i c e ( t )
Thisalgorithmworks,butitisnotveryefficienteachtimeyouchoosearandomword,itrebuildsthelist,whichisasbigastheoriginalbook.Anobvious improvementistobuildthelistonceandthenmakemultipleselections,butthelistisstillbig. Analternativeis: Use'k e y s 'togetalistofthewordsinthebook. Buildalistthatcontainsthecumulativesumoftheword frequencies(seeExercise'10.1').Thelastiteminthislististhetotalnumberofwordsinthebook,'n'. Choosearandomnumberfrom1to'n'.Useabisectionsearch (SeeExercise'10.8')tofindtheindexwheretherandomnumberwouldbeinsertedinthecumulativesum. Usetheindextofindthecorrespondingwordinthewordlist. Writeaprogramthatusesthisalgorithmtochoosearandomwordfromthebook.
t h i st h es m a l lr e g a r dh a r r i e tw h i c hk n i g h t l e y ' si tm o s tt h i n g s
Aseriesofrandomwordsseldommakessensebecausethereisnorelationshipbetweensuccessivewords.Forexample,inarealsentenceyouwouldexpect anarticlelikethetobefollowedbyanadjectiveoranoun,andprobablynotaverboradverb.
OnewaytomeasurethesekindsofrelationshipsisMarkovanalysis,whichcharacterizes,foragivensequenceofwords,theprobabilityofthewordthatcomes next.Forexample,thesong Eric,theHalfaBeebegins: Halfabee,philosophically, Must,ipsofacto,halfnotbe. Buthalfthebeehasgottobe Visavis,itsentity.Dyousee? Butcanabeebesaidtobe Ornottobeanentirebee Whenhalfthebeeisnotabee Duetosomeancientinjury? Inthistext,thephrasehalftheisalwaysfollowedbythewordbee,butthephrasethebeemightbefollowedbyeitherhasoris. TheresultofMarkovanalysisisamappingfromeachprefix(likehalftheandthebee)toallpossiblesuffixes(likehasandis). Giventhismapping,youcangeneratearandomtextbystartingwithanyprefixandchoosingatrandomfromthepossiblesuffixes.Next,youcancombinethe endoftheprefixandthenewsuffixtoformthenextprefix,andrepeat. Forexample,ifyoustartwiththeprefixHalfa,thenthenextwordhastobebee,becausetheprefixonlyappearsonceinthetext.Thenextprefixisa bee,sothenextsuffixmightbephilosophically,beordue. Inthisexamplethelengthoftheprefixisalwaystwo,butyoucandoMarkovanalysiswithanyprefixlength.Thelengthoftheprefixiscalledtheorderofthe analysis.
Markovanalysis: WriteaprogramtoreadatextfromafileandperformMarkovanalysis.Theresultshouldbeadictionarythatmapsfromprefixestoacollectionof possiblesuffixes.Thecollectionmightbealist,tuple,ordictionaryitisuptoyoutomakeanappropriatechoice.Youcantestyourprogramwithprefix lengthtwo,butyoushouldwritetheprograminawaythatmakesiteasytotryotherlengths. AddafunctiontothepreviousprogramtogeneraterandomtextbasedontheMarkovanalysis.HereisanexamplefromEmma withprefixlength2: Hewasveryclever,beitsweetnessorbeangry,ashamedoronly amused,atsuchastroke.ShehadneverthoughtofHannahtillyouwerenevermeantforme?""Icannotmakespeeches,Emma:"hesooncut itallhimself. Forthisexample,Ileftthepunctuationattachedtothewords.Theresultisalmostsyntacticallycorrect,butnotquite.Semantically,italmostmakessense, butnotquite. Whathappensifyouincreasetheprefixlength?Doestherandomtextmakemoresense? Onceyourprogramisworking,youmightwanttotryamashup:ifyouanalyzetextfromtwoormorebooks,therandomtextyougeneratewillblend 136/282
UsingMarkovanalysistogeneraterandomtextisfun,butthereisalsoapointtothisexercise:datastructureselection.Inyoursolutiontotheprevious exercises,youhadtochoose: Howtorepresenttheprefixes. Howtorepresentthecollectionofpossiblesuffixes. Howtorepresentthemappingfromeachprefixtothecollectionofpossiblesuffixes. Ok,thelastoneistheeasytheonlymappingtypewehaveseenisadictionary,soitisthenaturalchoice. Fortheprefixes,themostobviousoptionsarestring,listofstrings,ortupleofstrings.Forthesuffixes,oneoptionisalistanotherisahistogram(dictionary). Howshouldyouchoose?Thefirststepistothinkabouttheoperationsyouwillneedtoimplementforeachdatastructure.Fortheprefixes,weneedtobeable toremovewordsfromthebeginningandaddtotheend.Forexample,ifthecurrentprefixisHalfa,andthenextwordisbee,youneedtobeabletoform thenextprefix,abee. Yourfirstchoicemightbealist,sinceitiseasytoaddandremoveelements,butwealsoneedtobeabletousetheprefixesaskeysinadictionary,sothat rulesoutlists.Withtuples,youcantappendorremove,butyoucanusetheadditionoperatortoformanewtuple:
d e fs h i f t ( p r e f i x ,w o r d ) : r e t u r np r e f i x [ 1 : ]+( w o r d , )
s h i f t takesatupleofwords, p r e f i x ,andastring, w o r d ,andformsanewtuplethathasallthewordsin p r e f i x exceptthefirst,and w o r d addedtotheend.
Forthecollectionofsuffixes,theoperationsweneedtoperformincludeaddinganewsuffix(orincreasingthefrequencyofanexistingone),andchoosinga randomsuffix. Addinganewsuffixisequallyeasyforthelistimplementationorthehistogram.Choosingarandomelementfromalistiseasychoosingfromahistogramis hardertodoefficiently(seeExercise13.7). Sofarwehavebeentalkingmostlyabouteaseofimplementation,butthereareotherfactorstoconsiderinchoosingdatastructures.Oneisruntime. Sometimesthereisatheoreticalreasontoexpectonedatastructuretobefasterthanotherforexample,Imentionedthatthe i n operatorisfasterfor dictionariesthanforlists,atleastwhenthenumberofelementsislarge. Butoftenyoudontknowaheadoftimewhichimplementationwillbefaster.Oneoptionistoimplementbothofthemandseewhichisbetter.Thisapproach iscalled benchmarking.Apracticalalternativeistochoosethedatastructurethatiseasiesttoimplement,andthenseeifitisfastenoughfortheintended application.Ifso,thereisnoneedtogoon.Ifnot,therearetools,likethe p r o f i l e module,thatcanidentifytheplacesinaprogramthattakethemosttime.
Whenyouaredebuggingaprogram,andespeciallyifyouareworkingonahardbug,therearefourthingstotry: reading: Examineyourcode,readitbacktoyourself,andcheckthatitsayswhatyoumeanttosay. running: Experimentbymakingchangesandrunningdifferentversions.Oftenifyoudisplaytherightthingattherightplaceintheprogram,theproblem becomesobvious,butsometimesyouhavetospendsometimetobuildscaffolding. ruminating: Takesometimetothink!Whatkindoferrorisit:syntax,runtime,semantic?Whatinformationcanyougetfromtheerrormessages,orfromtheoutput oftheprogram?Whatkindoferrorcouldcausetheproblemyoureseeing?Whatdidyouchangelast,beforetheproblemappeared? retreating: Atsomepoint,thebestthingtodoisbackoff,undoingrecentchanges,untilyougetbacktoaprogramthatworksandthatyouunderstand.Thenyou canstartingrebuilding. Beginningprogrammerssometimesgetstuckononeoftheseactivitiesandforgettheothers.Eachactivitycomeswithitsownfailuremode. Forexample,readingyourcodemighthelpiftheproblemisatypographicalerror,butnotiftheproblemisaconceptualmisunderstanding.Ifyoudont understandwhatyourprogramdoes,youcanreadit100timesandneverseetheerror,becausetheerrorisinyourhead. Runningexperimentscanhelp,especiallyifyourunsmall,simpletests.Butifyourunexperimentswithoutthinkingorreadingyourcode,youmightfallintoa patternIcallrandomwalkprogramming,whichistheprocessofmakingrandomchangesuntiltheprogramdoestherightthing.Needlesstosay,random walkprogrammingcantakealongtime. Youhavetotaketimetothink.Debuggingislikeanexperimentalscience.Youshouldhaveatleastonehypothesisaboutwhattheproblemis.Iftherearetwo ormorepossibilities,trytothinkofatestthatwouldeliminateoneofthem. Takingabreakhelpswiththethinking.Sodoestalking.Ifyouexplaintheproblemtosomeoneelse(orevenyourself),youwillsometimesfindtheanswer beforeyoufinishaskingthequestion. Buteventhebestdebuggingtechniqueswillfailiftherearetoomanyerrors,orifthecodeyouaretryingtofixistoobigandcomplicated.Sometimesthebest optionistoretreat,simplifyingtheprogramuntilyougettosomethingthatworksandthatyouunderstand.
deterministic: Pertainingtoaprogramthatdoesthesamethingeachtimeitruns,giventhesameinputs. pseudorandom: Pertainingtoasequenceofnumbersthatappeartoberandom,butaregeneratedbyadeterministicprogram. defaultvalue: Thevaluegiventoanoptionalparameterifnoargumentisprovided. override: Toreplaceadefaultvaluewithanargument. benchmarking: Theprocessofchoosingbetweendatastructuresbyimplementingalternativesandtestingthemonasampleofthepossibleinputs.
Therankofawordisitspositioninalistofwordssortedbyfrequency:themostcommonwordhasrank1,thesecondmostcommonhasrank2,etc. Zipfslawdescribesarelationshipbetweentheranksandfrequenciesofwordsinnaturallanguages1.Specifically,itpredictsthatthefrequency,'f',oftheword withrank'r'is:
Apalindromeisawordthatisspelledthesamebackwardandforward,likenoonandredivider.Recursively,awordisapalindromeifthefirstandlast lettersarethesameandthemiddleisapalindrome. 139/282
d e ff i r s t ( w o r d ) : r e t u r nw o r d [ 0 ] d e fl a s t ( w o r d ) : r e t u r nw o r d [ 1 ] d e fm i d d l e ( w o r d ) : r e t u r nw o r d [ 1 : 1 ]
WellseehowtheyworkinChapter'8'. Typethesefunctionsintoafilenamed'p a l i n d r o m e . p y ' andtestthemout.Whathappensifyoucall'm i d d l e 'withastringwithtwoletters?Oneletter?Whatabouttheemptystring,whichiswritten ' andcontains noletters? Writeafunctioncalled i s _ p a l i n d r o m e thattakes astringargumentandreturns'T r u e 'ifitisapalindromeand'F a l s e 'otherwise.Rememberthatyoucanusethebuiltinfunction'l e n 'tocheckthelengthofa string.
Anumber,'a',isapowerof'b'ifitisdivisibleby'b'and'a/ b'isapowerof'b'.Writeafunctioncalled i s _ p o w e r thattakesparameters'a 'and'b 'andreturns'T r u e ' if'a 'isapowerof'b '.
Thegreatestcommondivisor(GCD)of'a'and'b'isthelargestnumberthatdividesbothofthemwithnoremainder[6]. OnewaytofindtheGCDoftwonumbersisEuclidsalgorithm, whichisbasedontheobservationthatif'r'istheremainderwhen'a'isdividedby'b',then 'gcd(a, b)= gcd(b, r)'.Asabasecase,wecanconsider'gcd(a,0)= a'. Writeafunctioncalled g c d thattakesparameters'a 'and'b 'andreturnstheirgreatestcommondivisor.Ifyouneedhelp,see 'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / E u c l i d e a n _ a l g o r i t h m '.
1. InPython3.0,theresultofthisdivisionisa f l o a t .Thenewoperator / / performsintegerdivision.
Asyoumayhavediscovered,itislegaltomakemorethanoneassignmenttothesamevariable.Anewassignmentmakesanexistingvariablerefertoanew value(andstopreferringtotheoldvalue).
b r u c e=5 p r i n tb r u c e , b r u c e=7 p r i n tb r u c e
Theoutputofthisprogramis 57 ,becausethefirsttime b r u c e isprinted,itsvalueis5,andthesecondtime,itsvalueis7.Thecommaattheendofthefirst p r i n t statementsuppressesthenewline,whichiswhybothoutputsappearonthesameline. Hereiswhat multipleassignmentlookslikeinastatediagram: <IMGSRC="book010.png"> Withmultipleassignmentitisespeciallyimportanttodistinguishbetweenanassignmentoperationandastatementofequality.BecausePythonusesthe equalsign(= )forassignment,itistemptingtointerpretastatementlike a=b asastatementofequality.Itisnot! First,equalityisasymmetricrelationandassignmentisnot.Forexample,inmathematics,if a=7then7= a.ButinPython,thestatement a=7 islegaland 7=a isnot. Furthermore,inmathematics,astatementofequalityiseithertrueorfalse,foralltime.If a= bnow,then awillalwaysequal b.InPython,anassignment statementcanmaketwovariablesequal,buttheydonthavetostaythatway:
a=5 b=a a=3
Oneofthemostcommonformsofmultipleassignmentisan update,wherethenewvalueofthevariabledependsontheold.
x=x + 1 141/282
Beforeyoucanupdateavariable,youhaveto initializeit,usuallywithasimpleassignment:
> > >x=0 > > >x=x + 1
Thew h i l e statement
Computersareoftenusedtoautomaterepetitivetasks.Repeatingidenticalorsimilartaskswithoutmakingerrorsissomethingthatcomputersdowelland peopledopoorly. Wehaveseentwoprograms, c o u n t d o w n and p r i n t _ n ,thatuserecursiontoperformrepetition,whichisalsocalled iteration.Becauseiterationissocommon, Pythonprovidesseverallanguagefeaturestomakeiteasier.Oneisthe f o r statementwesawinSection4.2.Wellgetbacktothatlater. Anotheristhe w h i l e statement.Hereisaversionof c o u n t d o w n thatusesa w h i l e statement:
d e fc o u n t d o w n ( n ) : w h i l en>0 : p r i n tn n=n 1 p r i n t' B l a s t o f f ! '
Youcanalmostreadthe w h i l e statementasifitwereEnglish.Itmeans,While n isgreaterthan0,displaythevalueof n andthenreducethevalueof n by1. Whenyougetto0,displaytheword B l a s t o f f ! Moreformally,hereistheflowofexecutionfora w h i l e statement: Evaluatethecondition,yielding T r u e or F a l s e . Iftheconditionisfalse,exitthe w h i l e statementandcontinueexecutionatthenextstatement. Iftheconditionistrue,executethebodyandthengobacktostep1. Thistypeofflowiscalleda loopbecausethethirdsteploopsbackaroundtothetop. 142/282
#ni se v e n #ni so d d
Theconditionforthisloopis n! =1 ,sotheloopwillcontinueuntil n is 1 ,whichmakestheconditionfalse. Eachtimethroughtheloop,theprogramoutputsthevalueof n andthencheckswhetheritisevenorodd.Ifitiseven, n isdividedby2.Ifitisodd,thevalue of n isreplacedwith n * 3 + 1 .Forexample,iftheargumentpassedto s e q u e n c e is3,theresultingsequenceis3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1. Since n sometimesincreasesandsometimesdecreases,thereisnoobviousproofthat n willeverreach1,orthattheprogramterminates.Forsomeparticular valuesof n ,wecanprovetermination.Forexample,ifthestartingvalueisapoweroftwo,thenthevalueof n willbeeveneachtimethroughtheloopuntilit reaches1.Thepreviousexampleendswithsuchasequence,startingwith16. Thehardquestioniswhetherwecanprovethatthisprogramterminatesfor allpositivevaluesof n .Sofar1,noonehasbeenabletoproveit ordisproveit! Exercise1 Rewritethefunction p r i n t _ n fromSection'5.8'usingiterationinsteadofrecursion.
b r e a k
Sometimesyoudontknowitstimetoendaloopuntilyougethalfwaythroughthebody.Inthatcaseyoucanusethe b r e a k statementtojumpoutofthe loop. Forexample,supposeyouwanttotakeinputfromtheuseruntiltheytype d o n e .Youcouldwrite:
w h i l eT r u e : l i n e=r a w _ i n p u t ( ' >' ) i fl i n e= =' d o n e ' : b r e a k p r i n tl i n e p r i n t' D o n e ! ' 143/282
Loopsareoftenusedinprogramsthatcomputenumericalresultsbystartingwithanapproximateansweranditerativelyimprovingit. Forexample,onewayofcomputingsquarerootsisNewtonsmethod.Supposethatyouwanttoknowthesquarerootof a.Ifyoustartwithalmostany estimate, x,youcancomputeabetterestimatewiththefollowingformula: x+ a/ x 2
> > >x=y > > >y=( x+a / x )/2 > > >p r i n ty 2 . 0 0 6 4 1 0 2 5 6 4 1
> > >x=y > > >y=( x+a / x )/2 > > >p r i n ty 2 . 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 0 3 > > >x=y > > >y=( x+a / x )/2 > > >p r i n ty 2 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Ingeneralwedontknowaheadoftimehowmanystepsittakestogettotherightanswer,butweknowwhenwegettherebecausetheestimatestops changing:
> > >x=y > > >y=( x+a / x )/2 > > >p r i n ty 2 . 0 > > >x=y > > >y=( x+a / x )/2 > > >p r i n ty 2 . 0
Newtonsmethodisanexampleofan algorithm:itisamechanicalprocessforsolvingacategoryofproblems(inthiscase,computingsquareroots). Itisnoteasytodefineanalgorithm.Itmighthelptostartwithsomethingthatisnotanalgorithm.Whenyoulearnedtomultiplysingledigitnumbers,you probablymemorizedthemultiplicationtable.Ineffect,youmemorized100specificsolutions.Thatkindofknowledgeisnotalgorithmic. Butifyouwerelazy,youprobablycheatedbylearningafewtricks.Forexample,tofindtheproductof nand9,youcanwrite n1asthefirstdigitand10n astheseconddigit.Thistrickisageneralsolutionformultiplyinganysingledigitnumberby9.Thatsanalgorithm! Similarly,thetechniquesyoulearnedforadditionwithcarrying,subtractionwithborrowing,andlongdivisionareallalgorithms.Oneofthecharacteristicsof algorithmsisthattheydonotrequireanyintelligencetocarryout.Theyaremechanicalprocessesinwhicheachstepfollowsfromthelastaccordingtoa simplesetofrules. Inmyopinion,itisembarrassingthathumansspendsomuchtimeinschoollearningtoexecutealgorithmsthat,quiteliterally,requirenointelligence. Ontheotherhand,theprocessofdesigningalgorithmsisinteresting,intellectuallychallenging,andacentralpartofwhatwecallprogramming. Someofthethingsthatpeopledonaturally,withoutdifficultyorconsciousthought,arethehardesttoexpressalgorithmically.Understandingnatural languageisagoodexample.Wealldoit,butsofarnoonehasbeenabletoexplain howwedoit,atleastnotintheformofanalgorithm.
Asyoustartwritingbiggerprograms,youmightfindyourselfspendingmoretimedebugging.Morecodemeansmorechancestomakeanerrorandmore placeforbugstohide. Onewaytocutyourdebuggingtimeisdebuggingbybisection.Forexample,ifthereare100linesinyourprogramandyoucheckthemoneatatime,it wouldtake100steps. Instead,trytobreaktheprobleminhalf.Lookatthemiddleoftheprogram,ornearit,foranintermediatevalueyoucancheck.Adda p r i n t statement(or somethingelsethathasaverifiableeffect)andruntheprogram. Ifthemidpointcheckisincorrect,theproblemmustbeinthefirsthalfoftheprogram.Ifitiscorrect,theproblemisinthesecondhalf. Everytimeyouperformachecklikethis,youhalvethenumberoflinesyouhavetosearch.Aftersixsteps(whichismuchlessthan100),youwouldbedown tooneortwolinesofcode,atleastintheory. Inpracticeitisnotalwaysclearwhatthemiddleoftheprogramisandnotalwayspossibletocheckit.Itdoesntmakesensetocountlinesandfindthe exactmidpoint.Instead,thinkaboutplacesintheprogramwheretheremightbeerrorsandplaceswhereitiseasytoputacheck.Thenchooseaspotwhere youthinkthechancesareaboutthesamethatthebugisbeforeorafterthecheck.
Glossary 146/282
multipleassignment: Makingmorethanoneassignmenttothesamevariableduringtheexecutionofaprogram. update: Anassignmentwherethenewvalueofthevariabledependsontheold. initialize: Anassignmentthatgivesaninitialvaluetoavariablethatwillbeupdated. increment: Anupdatethatincreasesthevalueofavariable(oftenbyone). decrement: Anupdatethatdecreasesthevalueofavariable. iteration: Repeatedexecutionofasetofstatementsusingeitherarecursivefunctioncalloraloop. infiniteloop: Aloopinwhichtheterminatingconditionisneversatisfied.
Totestthesquarerootalgorithminthischapter,youcouldcompareitwith'm a t h . s q r t '.Writeafunctionnamed t e s t _ s q u a r e _ r o o t thatprintsatablelikethis:
' ' 1 . 01 . 0 1 . 0 0 . 0 2 . 01 . 4 1 4 2 1 3 5 6 2 3 71 . 4 1 4 2 1 3 5 6 2 3 72 . 2 2 0 4 4 6 0 4 9 2 5 e 1 6 3 . 01 . 7 3 2 0 5 0 8 0 7 5 71 . 7 3 2 0 5 0 8 0 7 5 70 . 0 4 . 02 . 0 2 . 0 0 . 0 5 . 02 . 2 3 6 0 6 7 9 7 7 5 2 . 2 3 6 0 6 7 9 7 7 5 0 . 0 6 . 02 . 4 4 9 4 8 9 7 4 2 7 82 . 4 4 9 4 8 9 7 4 2 7 80 . 0 7 . 02 . 6 4 5 7 5 1 3 1 1 0 62 . 6 4 5 7 5 1 3 1 1 0 60 . 0 8 . 02 . 8 2 8 4 2 7 1 2 4 7 52 . 8 2 8 4 2 7 1 2 4 7 54 . 4 4 0 8 9 2 0 9 8 5 e 1 6 9 . 03 . 0 3 . 0 0 . 0 ' '
Thebuiltinfunction'e v a l 'takesastringandevaluatesitusingthePythoninterpreter.Forexample:
' ' > > >e v a l ( ' 1+2*3 ' ) 7 > > >i m p o r tm a t h > > >e v a l ( ' m a t h . s q r t ( 5 ) ' ) 2 . 2 3 6 0 6 7 9 7 7 4 9 9 7 8 9 8 > > >e v a l ( ' t y p e ( m a t h . p i ) ' ) < t y p e' f l o a t ' > ' '
ThebrilliantmathematicianSrinivasaRamanujanfoundaninfiniteseries2thatcanbeusedtogenerateanumericalapproximationof :
Writeafunctioncalled e s t i m a t e _ p i thatusesthisformulatocomputeandreturnanestimateof''.Itshouldusea'w h i l e 'looptocomputetermsofthe summationuntilthelasttermissmallerthan'1 e 1 5 '(whichisPythonnotationfor'1015). Youcanchecktheresultbycomparingitto'm a t h . p i '. Youcanseemysolutionat't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / p i . p y '. f=crs where's'and'c'areparametersthatdependonthelanguageandthetext.Ifyoutakethelogarithmofbothsidesofthisequation,youget: log'f='log'cs'log'r Soifyouplot'log'f ' versus'log'r',youshouldgetastraightlinewithslope''s' andintercept'log'c'. Writeaprogramthatreadsatextfromafile,countswordfrequencies,andprintsonelineforeachword,indescendingorderoffrequency,with'log'f ' and 'log'r'.Usethegraphingprogramofyourchoicetoplottheresultsandcheckwhethertheyformastraightline.Canyouestimatethevalueof's'?
1 See w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / Z i p f ' s _ l a w 148/282
Mostoftheprogramswehaveseensofararetransientinthesensethattheyrunforashorttimeandproducesomeoutput,butwhentheyend,theirdata disappears.Ifyouruntheprogramagain,itstartswithacleanslate. Otherprogramsare persistent:theyrunforalongtime(orallthetime)theykeepatleastsomeoftheirdatainpermanentstorage(aharddrive,for example)andiftheyshutdownandrestart,theypickupwheretheyleftoff. Examplesofpersistentprogramsareoperatingsystems,whichrunprettymuchwheneveracomputerison,andwebservers,whichrunallthetime,waitingfor requeststocomeinonthenetwork. Oneofthesimplestwaysforprogramstomaintaintheirdataisbyreadingandwritingtextfiles.Wehavealreadyseenprogramsthatreadtextfilesinthis chapterswewillseeprogramsthatwritethem. Analternativeistostorethestateoftheprograminadatabase.InthischapterIwillpresentasimpledatabaseandamodule, p i c k l e ,thatmakesiteasyto storeprogramdata.
Atextfileisasequenceofcharactersstoredonapermanentmediumlikeaharddrive,flashmemory,orCDROM.Wesawhowtoopenandreadafilein Section9.1. Towriteafile,youhavetoopenitwithmode ' w ' asasecondparameter:
> > >f o u t=o p e n ( ' o u t p u t . t x t ' ,' w ' ) > > >p r i n tf o u t < o p e nf i l e' o u t p u t . t x t ' ,m o d e' w 'a t0 x b 7 e b 2 4 1 0 >
Again,thefileobjectkeepstrackofwhereitis,soifyoucall w r i t e again,itaddsthenewdatatotheend.
> > >l i n e 2=" t h ee m b l e mo fo u rl a n d . \ n " > > >f o u t . w r i t e ( l i n e 2 ) 149/282
> > >f o u t . c l o s e ( )
Theargumentof w r i t e hastobeastring,soifwewanttoputothervaluesinafile,wehavetoconvertthemtostrings.Theeasiestwaytodothatiswith s t r :
> > >x=5 2 > > >f . w r i t e ( s t r ( x ) )
Analternativeistousethe formatoperator, % .Whenappliedtointegers, % isthemodulusoperator.Butwhenthefirstoperandisastring, % istheformat operator. Thefirstoperandisthe formatstring,andthesecondoperandisatupleofexpressions.Theresultisastringthatcontainsthevaluesoftheexpressions, formattedaccordingtotheformatstring. Asanexample,the formatsequence ' % d ' meansthatthefirstexpressioninthetupleshouldbeformattedasaninteger(d standsfordecimal):
> > >c a m e l s=4 2 > > >' % d '%c a m e l s ' 4 2 '
Thenumberofelementsinthetuplehastomatchthenumberofformatsequencesinthestring.Also,thetypesoftheelementshavetomatchtheformat sequences:
Inthefirstexample,therearentenoughelementsinthesecond,theelementisthewrongtype. Theformatoperatorispowerfulbutdifficulttouse.Youcanreadmoreaboutitat d o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / l i b / t y p e s s e q s t r i n g s . h t m l .
Filesareorganizedinto directories(alsocalledfolders).Everyrunningprogramhasacurrentdirectory,whichisthedefaultdirectoryformostoperations. Forexample,whenyouopenafileforreading,Pythonlooksforitinthecurrentdirectory. The o s moduleprovidesfunctionsforworkingwithfilesanddirectories(osstandsforoperatingsystem). o s . g e t c w d returnsthenameofthecurrentdirectory:
> > >i m p o r to s > > >c w d=o s . g e t c w d ( ) > > >p r i n tc w d / h o m e / d i n s d a l e
c w d standsforcurrentworkingdirectory.Theresultinthisexampleis / h o m e / d i n s d a l e ,whichisthehomedirectoryofausernamed d i n s d a l e .
Ifitexists, o s . p a t h . i s d i r checkswhetheritsadirectory:
> > >o s . p a t h . i s d i r ( ' m e m o . t x t ' ) F a l s e > > >o s . p a t h . i s d i r ( ' m u s i c ' ) 151/282
T r u e
Similarly, o s . p a t h . i s f i l e checkswhetheritsafile.
o s . l i s t d i r returnsalistofthefiles(andotherdirectories)inthegivendirectory:
Todemonstratethesefunctions,thefollowingexamplewalksthroughadirectory,printsthenamesofallthefiles,andcallsitselfrecursivelyonallthe directories.
d e fw a l k ( d i r ) : f o rn a m ei no s . l i s t d i r ( d i r ) : p a t h=o s . p a t h . j o i n ( d i r ,n a m e ) i fo s . p a t h . i s f i l e ( p a t h ) : p r i n tp a t h e l s e : w a l k ( p a t h )
o s . p a t h . j o i n takesadirectoryandafilenameandjoinsthemintoacompletepath.
Modify'w a l k 'sothatinsteadofprintingthenamesofthefiles,itreturnsalistofnames. Exercise2 The'o s 'moduleprovidesafunctioncalled'w a l k 'thatissimilartothisonebutmoreversatile.Readthedocumentationanduseittoprintthenamesofthefiles inagivendirectoryanditssubdirectories.
Alotofthingscangowrongwhenyoutrytoreadandwritefiles.Ifyoutrytoopenafilethatdoesntexist,yougetan I O E r r o r :
> > >f i n=o p e n ( ' b a d _ f i l e ' ) I O E r r o r :[ E r r n o2 ]N os u c hf i l eo rd i r e c t o r y :' b a d _ f i l e '
> > >f o u t=o p e n ( ' / e t c / p a s s w d ' ,' w ' ) I O E r r o r :[ E r r n o1 3 ]P e r m i s s i o nd e n i e d :' / e t c / p a s s w d '
> > >f i n=o p e n ( ' / h o m e ' ) I O E r r o r :[ E r r n o2 1 ]I sad i r e c t o r y
Pythonstartsbyexecutingthe t r y clause.Ifallgoeswell,itskipsthe e x c e p t clauseandproceeds.Ifanexceptionoccurs,itjumpsoutofthe t r y clauseand executesthe e x c e p t clause. Handlinganexceptionwitha t r y statementiscalled catchinganexception.Inthisexample,the e x c e p t clauseprintsanerrormessagethatisnotveryhelpful. Ingeneral,catchinganexceptiongivesyouachancetofixtheproblem,ortryagain,oratleastendtheprogramgracefully.
A databaseisafilethatisorganizedforstoringdata.Mostdatabasesareorganizedlikeadictionaryinthesensethattheymapfromkeystovalues.The biggestdifferenceisthatthedatabaseisondisk(orotherpermanentstorage),soitpersistsaftertheprogramends. Themodule a n y d b m providesaninterfaceforcreatingandupdatingdatabasefiles.Asanexample,Illcreateadatabasethatcontainscaptionsforimagefiles. Openingadatabaseissimilartoopeningotherfiles:
> > >i m p o r ta n y d b m > > >d b=a n y d b m . o p e n ( ' c a p t i o n s . d b ' ,' c ' )
Whenyouaccessoneoftheitems, a n y d b m readsthefile:
> > >p r i n td b [ ' c l e e s e . p n g ' ] P h o t oo fJ o h nC l e e s e .
Ifyoumakeanotherassignmenttoanexistingkey, a n y d b m replacestheoldvalue:
> > >d b [ ' c l e e s e . p n g ' ]=' P h o t oo fJ o h nC l e e s ed o i n gas i l l yw a l k . ' > > >p r i n td b [ ' c l e e s e . p n g ' ] P h o t oo fJ o h nC l e e s ed o i n gas i l l yw a l k .
> > >d b . c l o s e ( )
Alimitationof a n y d b m isthatthekeysandvalueshavetobestrings.Ifyoutrytouseanyothertype,yougetanerror. The p i c k l e modulecanhelp.Ittranslatesalmostanytypeofobjectintoastringsuitableforstorageinadatabase,andthentranslatesstringsbackintoobjects.
p i c k l e . d u m p s takesanobjectasaparameterandreturnsastringrepresentation(d u m p s isshortfordumpstring):
> > >i m p o r tp i c k l e > > >t=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] > > >p i c k l e . d u m p s ( t ) ' ( l p 0 \ n I 1 \ n a I 2 \ n a I 3 \ n a . '
> > >s=p i c k l e . d u m p s ( t 1 ) > > >t 2=p i c k l e . l o a d s ( s ) > > >p r i n tt 2 [ 1 ,2 ,3 ]
> > >t= =t 2 T r u e > > >ti st 2 F a l s e
Mostoperatingsystemsprovideacommandlineinterface,alsoknownasa shell .Shellsusuallyprovidecommandstonavigatethefilesystemandlaunch applications.Forexample,inUnix,youcanchangedirectorieswith c d ,displaythecontentsofadirectorywith l s ,andlaunchawebbrowserbytyping(for example) f i r e f o x . AnyprogramthatyoucanlaunchfromtheshellcanalsobelaunchedfromPythonusinga pipe.Apipeisanobjectthatrepresentsarunningprocess. Forexample,theUnixcommand l sl normallydisplaysthecontentsofthecurrentdirectory(inlongformat).Youcanlaunch l s with o s . p o p e n :
> > >c m d=' l sl ' > > >f p=o s . p o p e n ( c m d )
Whenyouaredone,youclosethepipelikeafile: 155/282
Ifyoureadlinesfrom f p oneatatime,youneverhavetostoretheuncompressedfileinmemoryorondisk.
AnyfilethatcontainsPythoncodecanbeimportedasamodule.Forexample,supposeyouhaveafilenamed w c . p y withthefollowingcode:
d e fl i n e c o u n t ( f i l e n a m e ) : c o u n t=0 f o rl i n ei no p e n ( f i l e n a m e ) : c o u n t+ =1 r e t u r nc o u n t p r i n tl i n e c o u n t ( ' w c . p y ' )
> > >i m p o r tw c 7
Nowyouhaveamoduleobject w c :
> > >p r i n tw c < m o d u l e' w c 'f r o m' w c . p y ' >
Thatprovidesafunctioncalled l i n e c o u n t :
isexecuted.Otherwise,ifthemoduleisbeingimported,thetestcodeisskipped. Exercise4 Typethisexampleintoafilenamed'w c . p y 'andrunitasascript.ThenrunthePythoninterpreterand'i m p o r tw c '.Whatisthevalueof _ _ n a m e _ _ whenthemodule isbeingimported? Warning:Ifyouimportamodulethathasalreadybeenimported, Pythondoesnothing.Itdoesnotrereadthefile,evenifithaschanged. Ifyouwanttoreloadamodule,youcanusethebuiltinfunction'r e l o a d ',butitcanbetricky,sothesafestthingtodoisrestarttheinterpreterandthenimport themoduleagain.
Whenyouarereadingandwritingfiles,youmightrunintoproblemswithwhitespace.Theseerrorscanbehardtodebugbecausespaces,tabsandnewlines arenormallyinvisible:
> > >s=' 12 \ t3 \ n4 ' > > >p r i n ts 12 3 4
Thiscanbehelpfulfordebugging. 157/282
persistent: Pertainingtoaprogramthatrunsindefinitelyandkeepsatleastsomeofitsdatainpermanentstorage. formatoperator: Anoperator, % ,thattakesaformatstringandatupleandgeneratesastringthatincludestheelementsofthetupleformattedasspecifiedbytheformat string. formatstring: Astring,usedwiththeformatoperator,thatcontainsformatsequences. formatsequence: Asequenceofcharactersinaformatstring,like % d ,thatspecifieshowavalueshouldbeformatted. textfile: Asequenceofcharactersstoredinpermanentstoragelikeaharddrive. directory: Anamedcollectionoffiles,alsocalledafolder. path: Astringthatidentifiesafile. relativepath: Apaththatstartsfromthecurrentdirectory. absolutepath: Apaththatstartsfromthetopmostdirectoryinthefilesystem. catch: Topreventanexceptionfromterminatingaprogramusingthe t r y and e x c e p t statements. database: Afilewhosecontentsareorganizedlikeadictionarywithkeysthatcorrespondtovalues.
Exercise5 The'u r l l i b 'moduleprovidesmethodsformanipulatingURLsanddownloadinginformationfromtheweb.Thefollowingexampledownloadsandprintsasecret messagefrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m ': 158/282
Runthiscodeandfollowtheinstructionsyouseethere. Exercise6 InalargecollectionofMP3files,theremaybemorethanonecopyofthesamesong,storedindifferentdirectoriesorwithdifferentfilenames.Thegoalof thisexerciseistosearchfortheseduplicates. Writeaprogramthatsearchesadirectoryandallofits subdirectories,recursively,andreturnsalistofcompletepathsforallfileswithagivensuffix(like'. m p 3 ').Hint:'o s . p a t h 'providesseveralusefulfunctionsfor manipulatingfileandpathnames. Torecognizeduplicates,youcanuseahashfunctionthat readsthefileandgeneratesashortsummaryofthecontents.Forexample,MD5(MessageDigestalgorithm5)takesanarbitrarilylongmessageandreturns a128bitchecksum.Theprobabilityisverysmallthattwofileswithdifferentcontentswillreturnthesamechecksum. YoucanreadaboutMD5at 'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / M d 5 '.OnaUnixsystemyoucanusetheprogram'm d 5 s u m 'andapipetocomputechecksumsfromPython. Exercise7 ' TheInternetMovieDatabase(IMDb)isanonlinecollectionof informationaboutmovies.Theirdatabaseisavailableinplaintextformat,soitisreasonably easytoreadfromPython.Forthisexercise,thefilesyouneedare'a c t o r s . l i s t . g z 'and'a c t r e s s e s . l i s t . g z 'youcandownloadthemfrom 'w w w . i m d b . c o m / i n t e r f a c e s # p l a i n '. ' Ihavewrittenaprogramthatparsesthesefilesandsplitsthemintoactornames,movietitles,etc.Youcandownloaditfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / i m d b . p y '. Ifyourun'i m d b . p y 'asascript,itreads'a c t o r s . l i s t . g z 'andprintsoneactormoviepairperline.Or,ifyou'i m p o r t i m d b ' youcanusethefunction p r o c e s s _ f i l e to, well, processthefile.Theargumentsareafilename,afunctionobjectandanoptionalnumberoflinestoprocess.Hereisanexample:
' ' i m p o r ti m d b d e fp r i n t _ i n f o ( a c t o r ,d a t e ,t i t l e ,r o l e ) : p r i n ta c t o r ,d a t e ,t i t l e ,r o l e i m d b . p r o c e s s _ f i l e ( ' a c t o r s . l i s t . g z ' ,p r i n t _ i n f o ) 159/282
' '
Whenyoucall p r o c e s s _ f i l e ,itopens'f i l e n a m e ',readsthecontents,andcalls p r i n t _ i n f o onceforeachlineinthefile. p r i n t _ i n f o takesanactor,date,movietitleand roleasargumentsandprintsthem. Writeaprogramthatreads'a c t o r s . l i s t . g z 'and'a c t r e s s e s . l i s t . g z 'anduses's h e l v e 'tobuildadatabase thatmapsfromeachactortoalistofhisorherfilms. Twoactorsarecostarsiftheyhavebeeninatleastone movietogether.Processthedatabaseyoubuiltinthepreviousstepandbuildaseconddatabasethatmapsfromeachactortoalistofhisorhercostars. WriteaprogramthatcanplaytheSixDegreesofKevin Bacon,whichyoucanreadaboutat'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / S i x _ D e g r e e s _ o f _ K e v i n _ B a c o n '.Thisproblemischallengingbecauseitrequiresyoutofindtheshortestpathin agraph.Youcanreadaboutshortestpathalgorithmsat'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / S h o r t e s t _ p a t h _ p r o b l e m '.
WehaveusedmanyofPythonsbuiltintypesnowwearegoingtodefineanewtype.Asanexample,wewillcreateatypecalled P o i n t thatrepresentsapoint intwodimensionalspace. Inmathematicalnotation,pointsareoftenwritteninparentheseswithacommaseparatingthecoordinates.Forexample,(0,0)representstheorigin,and(x, y)representsthepoint xunitstotherightand yunitsupfromtheorigin. ThereareseveralwayswemightrepresentpointsinPython: Wecouldstorethecoordinatesseparatelyintwovariables, x and y . Wecouldstorethecoordinatesaselementsinalistortuple. Wecouldcreateanewtypetorepresentpointsasobjects. Creatinganewtypeis(alittle)morecomplicatedthantheotheroptions,butithasadvantagesthatwillbeapparentsoon. Auserdefinedtypeisalsocalleda class.Aclassdefinitionlookslikethis:
c l a s sP o i n t ( o b j e c t ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t sap o i n ti n2 Ds p a c e " " "
> > >b l a n k . x=3 . 0 > > >b l a n k . y=4 . 0
Thissyntaxissimilartothesyntaxforselectingavariablefromamodule,suchas m a t h . p i or s t r i n g . w h i t e s p a c e .Inthiscase,though,weareassigningvaluesto namedelementsofanobject.Theseelementsarecalled attributes. Asanoun,ATtributeispronouncedwithemphasisonthefirstsyllable,asopposedtoaTRIBute,whichisaverb. Thefollowingdiagramshowstheresultoftheseassignments.Astatediagramthatshowsanobjectanditsattributesiscalledan objectdiagram: <IMGSRC="book022.png"> Thevariable b l a n k referstoaPointobject,whichcontainstwoattributes.Eachattributereferstoafloatingpointnumber. Youcanreadthevalueofanattributeusingthesamesyntax:
> > >p r i n tb l a n k . y 161/282
d e fp r i n t _ p o i n t ( p ) : p r i n t' ( % g ,% g ) '%( p . x ,p . y )
p r i n t _ p o i n t takesapointasanargumentanddisplaysitinmathematicalnotation.Toinvokeit,youcanpass b l a n k asanargument:
Writeafunctioncalled'd i s t a n c e 'thatittakestwoPointsasargumentsandreturnsthedistancebetweenthem.
Sometimesitisobviouswhattheattributesofanobjectshouldbe,butothertimesyouhavetomakedecisions.Forexample,imagineyouaredesigninga classtorepresentrectangles.Whatattributeswouldyouusetospecifythelocationandsizeofarectangle?Youcanignoreangletokeepthingssimple, assumethattherectangleiseitherverticalorhorizontal. Thereareatleasttwopossibilities: Youcouldspecifyonecorneroftherectangle(orthecenter),thewidth,andtheheight. 162/282
Functionscanreturninstances.Forexample, f i n d _ c e n t e r takesa R e c t a n g l e asanargumentandreturnsa P o i n t thatcontainsthecoordinatesofthecenterofthe R e c t a n g l e :
d e ff i n d _ c e n t e r ( b o x ) : p=P o i n t ( ) p . x=b o x . c o r n e r . x+b o x . w i d t h / 2 . 0 p . y=b o x . c o r n e r . y+b o x . h e i g h t / 2 . 0 r e t u r np
Hereisanexamplethatpasses b o x asanargumentandassignstheresultingPointto c e n t e r : 163/282
Youcanchangethestateofanobjectbymakinganassignmenttooneofitsattributes.Forexample,tochangethesizeofarectanglewithoutchangingits position,youcanmodifythevaluesof w i d t h and h e i g h t :
b o x . w i d t h=b o x . w i d t h+5 0 b o x . h e i g h t=b o x . h e i g h t+1 0 0
> > >p r i n tb o x . w i d t h 1 0 0 . 0 > > >p r i n tb o x . h e i g h t 2 0 0 . 0 > > >g r o w _ r e c t a n g l e ( b o x ,5 0 ,1 0 0 ) > > >p r i n tb o x . w i d t h 1 5 0 . 0 > > >p r i n tb o x . h e i g h t 3 0 0 . 0
Writeafunctionnamed m o v e _ r e c t a n g l e thattakesaRectangleandtwonumbersnamed'd x 'and'd y '.Itshouldchangethelocationoftherectanglebyadding'd x ' tothe'x 'coordinateof'c o r n e r 'andadding'd y 'tothe'y 'coordinateof'c o r n e r '.
Aliasingcanmakeaprogramdifficulttoreadbecausechangesinoneplacemighthaveunexpectedeffectsinanotherplace.Itishardtokeeptrackofallthe 164/282
> > >p r i n t _ p o i n t ( p 1 ) ( 3 . 0 ,4 . 0 ) > > >p r i n t _ p o i n t ( p 2 ) ( 3 . 0 ,4 . 0 ) > > >p 1i sp 2 F a l s e > > >p 1= =p 2 F a l s e
The i s operatorindicatesthat p 1 and p 2 arenotthesameobject,whichiswhatweexpected.Butyoumighthaveexpected = = toyield T r u e becausethesepoints containthesamedata.Inthatcase,youwillbedisappointedtolearnthatforinstances,thedefaultbehaviorofthe = = operatoristhesameasthe i s operator itchecksobjectidentity,notobjectequivalence.Thisbehaviorcanbechangedwellseehowlater. Ifyouuse c o p y . c o p y toduplicateaRectangle,youwillfindthatitcopiestheRectangleobjectbutnottheembeddedPoint.
> > >b o x 2=c o p y . c o p y ( b o x ) > > >b o x 2i sb o x F a l s e > > >b o x 2 . c o r n e ri sb o x . c o r n e r T r u e
Writeaversionof m o v e _ r e c t a n g l e thatcreatesandreturnsanewRectangleinsteadofmodifyingtheoldone.
Whenyoustartworkingwithobjects,youarelikelytoencountersomenewexceptions.Ifyoutrytoaccessanattributethatdoesntexist,yougetan A t t r i b u t e E r r o r :
> > >p=P o i n t ( ) > > >p r i n tp . z A t t r i b u t e E r r o r :P o i n ti n s t a n c eh a sn oa t t r i b u t e' z '
> > >t y p e ( p ) < t y p e' _ _ m a i n _ _ . P o i n t ' >
Ifyouarenotsurewhetheranobjecthasaparticularattribute,youcanusethebuiltinfunction h a s a t t r :
> > >h a s a t t r ( p ,' x ' ) T r u e > > >h a s a t t r ( p ,' z ' ) F a l s e
Thefirstargumentcanbeanyobjectthesecondargumentisa stringthatcontainsthenameoftheattribute.
Glossary 166/282
class: Auserdefinedtype.Aclassdefinitioncreatesanewclassobject. classobject: Anobjectthatcontainsinformationaboutauserdefinedtype.Theclassobjectcanbeusedtocreateinstancesofthetype. instance: Anobjectthatbelongstoaclass. attribute: Oneofthenamedvaluesassociatedwithanobject. embedded(object): Anobjectthatisstoredasanattributeofanotherobject. shallowcopy: Tocopythecontentsofanobject,includinganyreferencestoembeddedobjectsimplementedbythe c o p y functioninthe c o p y module. deepcopy: Tocopythecontentsofanobjectaswellasanyembeddedobjects,andanyobjectsembeddedinthem,andsoonimplementedbythe d e e p c o p y functioninthe c o p y module. objectdiagram: Adiagramthatshowsobjects,theirattributes,andthevaluesoftheattributes.
W o r l d . p y '',whichispartofSwampy(seeChapter'4'),containsaclassdefinitionforauserdefinedtypecalled'W o r l d '.Ifyourunthiscode:
theupperrightcorner. Youcandrawacirclelikethis:
' ' c a n v a s . c i r c l e ( [ 2 5 , 0 ] ,7 0 ,o u t l i n e = N o n e ,f i l l = ' r e d ' ) ' '
Thefirstparameteristhecoordinatepairforthecenterofthecirclethesecondparameteristheradius. Ifyouaddthislinetotheprogram, theresultshouldresemblethenationalflagofBangladesh(see'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / G a l l e r y _ o f _ s o v e r e i g n s t a t e _ f l a g s '). Writeafunctioncalled d r a w _ r e c t a n g l e thattakesa CanvasandaRectangleasargumentsanddrawsarepresentationoftheRectangleontheCanvas. Addanattributenamed'c o l o r 'toyourRectangleobjectsand modify d r a w _ r e c t a n g l e sothatitusesthecolorattributeasthefillcolor. Writeafunctioncalled d r a w _ p o i n t thattakesa CanvasandaPointasargumentsanddrawsarepresentationofthePointontheCanvas. DefineanewclasscalledCirclewithappropriateattributesand instantiateafewCircleobjects.Writeafunctioncalled d r a w _ c i r c l e thatdrawscirclesonthecanvas. WriteaprogramthatdrawsthenationalflagofoftheCzechRepublic( Hint:youcandrawapolygonlikethis:
' ' p o i n t s=[ [ 1 5 0 , 1 0 0 ] ,[ 1 5 0 ,1 0 0 ] ,[ 1 5 0 ,1 0 0 ] ] c a n v a s . p o l y g o n ( p o i n t s ,f i l l = ' b l u e ' ) ' '
Classesandfunctions 168/282
Asanotherexampleofauserdefinedtype,we'lldefineaclasscalled T i m e thatrecordsthetimeofday.Theclassdefinitionlookslikethis:
c l a s sT i m e ( o b j e c t ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t st h et i m eo fd a y . a t t r i b u t e s :h o u r ,m i n u t e ,s e c o n d " " "
Wecancreateanew T i m e objectandassignattributesforhours,minutes,andseconds:
t i m e=T i m e ( ) t i m e . h o u r=1 1 t i m e . m i n u t e=5 9 t i m e . s e c o n d=3 0
Thestatediagramforthe T i m e objectlookslikethis:
Writeafunctioncalled p r i n t _ t i m e thattakesaTimeobjectandprintsitintheform h o u r : m i n u t e : s e c o n d . Hint:theformatsequence % . 2 d printsanintegerusingatleasttwodigits,includingaleadingzeroifnecessary.
Writeabooleanfunctioncalled i s _ a f t e r thattakestwoTimeobjects, t 1 and t 2 ,andreturns T r u e if t 1 follows t 2 chronologicallyand F a l s e otherwise. Challenge:don'tusean i f statement.
Inthenextfewsections,wellwritetwofunctionsthataddtimevalues.Theydemonstratetwokindsoffunctions:purefunctionsandmodifiers.Theyalso demonstrateadevelopmentplanIllcall prototypeandpatch,whichisawayoftacklingacomplexproblembystartingwithasimpleprototypeand incrementallydealingwiththecomplications. Hereisasimpleprototypeof a d d _ t i m e :
d e fa d d _ t i m e ( t 1 ,t 2 ) : 169/282
Thefunctioncreatesanew T i m e object,initializesitsattributes,andreturnsareferencetothenewobject.Thisiscalleda purefunctionbecauseitdoesnot modifyanyoftheobjectspassedtoitasargumentsandithasnoeffect,likedisplayingavalueorgettinguserinput,otherthanreturningavalue. Totestthisfunction,IllcreatetwoTimeobjects: s t a r t containsthestarttimeofamovie,like MontyPythonandtheHolyGrail,and d u r a t i o n containstherun timeofthemovie, whichisonehour35minutes.
a d d _ t i m e figuresoutwhenthemoviewillbedone.
> > >s t a r t=T i m e ( ) > > >s t a r t . h o u r=9 > > >s t a r t . m i n u t e=4 5 > > >s t a r t . s e c o n d= 0 > > >d u r a t i o n=T i m e ( ) > > >d u r a t i o n . h o u r=1 > > >d u r a t i o n . m i n u t e=3 5 > > >d u r a t i o n . s e c o n d=0 > > >d o n e=a d d _ t i m e ( s t a r t ,d u r a t i o n ) > > >p r i n t _ t i m e ( d o n e ) 1 0 : 8 0 : 0 0
r e t u r ns u m
Sometimesitisusefulforafunctiontomodifytheobjectsitgetsasparameters.Inthatcase,thechangesarevisibletothecaller.Functionsthatworkthis wayarecalled modifiers.
i n c r e m e n t ,whichaddsagivennumberofsecondstoa T i m e object,canbewrittennaturallyasamodifier.Hereisaroughdraft:
Thefirstlineperformsthebasicoperationtheremainderdealswiththespecialcaseswesawbefore. Isthisfunctioncorrect?Whathappensiftheparameter s e c o n d s ismuchgreaterthansixty? Inthatcase,itisnotenoughtocarryoncewehavetokeepdoingituntil t i m e . s e c o n d islessthansixty.Onesolutionistoreplacethe i f statementswith w h i l e statements.Thatwouldmakethefunctioncorrect,butnotveryefficient. Exercise3 Writeacorrectversionof'i n c r e m e n t 'thatdoesntcontainanyloops. Anythingthatcanbedonewithmodifierscanalsobedonewithpurefunctions.Infact,someprogramminglanguagesonlyallowpurefunctions.Thereissome evidencethatprogramsthatusepurefunctionsarefastertodevelopandlesserrorpronethanprogramsthatusemodifiers.Butmodifiersareconvenientat times,andfunctionalprogramstendtobelessefficient. Ingeneral,Irecommendthatyouwritepurefunctionswheneveritisreasonableandresorttomodifiersonlyifthereisacompellingadvantage.Thisapproach mightbecalleda functional programmingstyle. Exercise4 Writeapureversionof'i n c r e m e n t 'thatcreatesandreturnsanewTimeobjectratherthanmodifyingtheparameter.
ThedevelopmentplanIamdemonstratingiscalledprototypeandpatch.Foreachfunction,Iwroteaprototypethatperformedthebasiccalculationandthen testedit,patchingerrorsalongtheway. Thisapproachcanbeeffective,especiallyifyoudontyethaveadeepunderstandingoftheproblem.Butincrementalcorrectionscangeneratecodethatis unnecessarilycomplicatedsinceitdealswithmanyspecialcasesandunreliablesinceitishardtoknowifyouhavefoundalltheerrors. Analternativeis planneddevelopment,inwhichhighlevelinsightintotheproblemcanmaketheprogrammingmucheasier.Inthiscase,theinsightisthata Timeobjectisreallyathreedigitnumberinbase60(see w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / S e x a g e s i m a l )!The s e c o n d attributeistheonescolumn,the m i n u t e attributeisthe sixtiescolumn,andthe h o u r attributeisthethirtysixhundredscolumn. Whenwewrote a d d _ t i m e and i n c r e m e n t ,wewereeffectivelydoingadditioninbase60,whichiswhywehadtocarryfromonecolumntothenext. ThisobservationsuggestsanotherapproachtothewholeproblemwecanconvertTimeobjectstointegersandtakeadvantageofthefactthatthecomputer knowshowtodointegerarithmetic. HereisafunctionthatconvertsTimestointegers:
d e ft i m e _ t o _ i n t ( t i m e ) : m i n u t e s=t i m e . h o u r*6 0+t i m e . m i n u t e s e c o n d s=m i n u t e s*6 0+t i m e . s e c o n d r e t u r ns e c o n d s
Thisversionisshorterthantheoriginal,andeasiertoverify. 172/282
Exercise5 Rewrite'i n c r e m e n t 'using t i m e _ t o _ i n t and i n t _ t o _ t i m e . Insomeways,convertingfrombase60tobase10andbackisharderthanjustdealingwithtimes.Baseconversionismoreabstractourintuitionfordealing withtimevaluesisbetter. Butifwehavetheinsighttotreattimesasbase60numbersandmaketheinvestmentofwritingtheconversionfunctions(t i m e _ t o _ i n t and i n t _ t o _ t i m e ),wegeta programthatisshorter,easiertoreadanddebug,andmorereliable. Itisalsoeasiertoaddfeatureslater.Forexample,imaginesubtractingtwoTimestofindthedurationbetweenthem.Thenaveapproachwouldbeto implementsubtractionwithborrowing.Usingtheconversionfunctionswouldbeeasierandmorelikelytobecorrect. Ironically,sometimesmakingaproblemharder(ormoregeneral)makesiteasier(becausetherearefewerspecialcasesandfeweropportunitiesforerror).
ATimeobjectiswellformedifthevaluesof m i n u t e s and s e c o n d s arebetween0and60(including0butnot60)andif h o u r s ispositive. h o u r s and m i n u t e s shouldbe integralvalues,butwemightallow s e c o n d s tohaveafractionpart. Thesekindofrequirementsarecalled invariantsbecausetheyshouldalwaysbetrue.Toputitadifferentway,iftheyarenottrue,thensomethinghasgone wrong. Writingcodetocheckyourinvariantscanhelpyoudetecterrorsandfindtheircauses.Forexample,youmighthaveafunctionlike v a l i d _ t i m e thattakesaTime objectandreturns F a l s e ifitviolatesaninvariant:
d e fv a l i d _ t i m e ( t i m e ) : i ft i m e . h o u r s<0o rt i m e . m i n u t e s<0o rt i m e . s e c o n d s<0 : r e t u r nF a l s e i ft i m e . m i n u t e s> =6 0o rt i m e . s e c o n d s> =6 0 : r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e
Oryoucouldusean a s s e r t statement,whichchecksagiveninvariantandraisesanexceptionifitfails: 173/282
d e fa d d _ t i m e ( t 1 ,t 2 ) : a s s e r tv a l i d _ t i m e ( t 1 )a n dv a l i d _ t i m e ( t 2 ) s e c o n d s=t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( t 1 )+t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( t 2 ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s )
a s s e r t statementsareusefulbecausetheydistinguishcodethatdealswithnormalconditionsfromcodethatchecksforerrors.
prototypeandpatch: Adevelopmentplanthatinvolveswritingaroughdraftofaprogram,testing,andcorrectingerrorsastheyarefound. planneddevelopment: Adevelopmentplanthatinvolveshighlevelinsightintotheproblemandmoreplanningthanincrementaldevelopmentorprototypedevelopment. purefunction: Afunctionthatdoesnotmodifyanyoftheobjectsitreceivesasarguments.Mostpurefunctionsarefruitful. modifier: Afunctionthatchangesoneormoreoftheobjectsitreceivesasarguments.Mostmodifiersarefruitless. functionalprogrammingstyle: Astyleofprogramdesigninwhichthemajorityoffunctionsarepure. invariant: Aconditionthatshouldalwaysbetrueduringtheexecutionofaprogram.
Writeafunctioncalled m u l _ t i m e thattakesaTimeobjectandanumberandreturnsanewTimeobjectthatcontainstheproductoftheoriginalTimeandthe number. Thenuse m u l _ t i m e towriteafunctionthattakesaTimeobjectthatrepresentsthefinishingtimeinarace,andanumberthatrepresentsthedistance, andreturnsaTimeobjectthatrepresentstheaveragepace(timepermile).
WriteaclassdefinitionforaDateobjectthathasattributes'd a y ','m o n t h 'and'y e a r '.Writeafunctioncalled i n c r e m e n t _ d a t e thattakesaDateobject,'d a t e 'andan integer,'n ',andreturnsanewDateobjectthatrepresentstheday'n 'daysafter'd a t e '.Hint:ThirtydayshathSeptember...Challenge:doesyourfunctiondeal withleapyearscorrectly?See''w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / L e a p _ y e a r
Exercise8 174/282
Pythonisan objectorientedprogramminglanguage,whichmeansthatitprovidesfeaturesthatsupportobjectorientedprogramming. Itisnoteasytodefineobjectorientedprogramming,butwehavealreadyseensomeofitscharacteristics: Programsaremadeupofobjectdefinitionsandfunction definitions,andmostofthecomputationisexpressedintermsofoperationsonobjects. Eachobjectdefinitioncorrespondstosomeobjectorconcept intherealworld,andthefunctionsthatoperateonthatobjectcorrespondtothewaysrealworldobjectsinteract. Forexample,the T i m e classdefinedinChapter16correspondstothewaypeoplerecordthetimeofday,andthefunctionswedefinedcorrespondtothekinds ofthingspeopledowithtimes.Similarly,the P o i n t and R e c t a n g l e classescorrespondtothemathematicalconceptsofapointandarectangle. Sofar,wehavenottakenadvantageofthefeaturesPythonprovidestosupportobjectorientedprogramming.Thesefeaturesarenotstrictlynecessarymost ofthemprovidealternativesyntaxforthingswehavealreadydone.Butinmanycases,thealternativeismoreconciseandmoreaccuratelyconveysthe structureoftheprogram. Forexample,inthe T i m e program,thereisnoobviousconnectionbetweentheclassdefinitionandthefunctiondefinitionsthatfollow.Withsomeexamination, itisapparentthateveryfunctiontakesatleastone T i m e objectasanargument. Thisobservationisthemotivationfor methodsamethodisafunctionthatisassociatedwithaparticularclass.Wehaveseenmethodsforstrings,lists, dictionariesandtuples.Inthischapter,wewilldefinemethodsforuserdefinedtypes. Methodsaresemanticallythesameasfunctions,buttherearetwosyntacticdifferences: Methodsaredefinedinsideaclassdefinitioninordertomaketherelationshipbetweentheclassandthemethodexplicit. Thesyntaxforinvokingamethodisdifferentfromthesyntaxforcallingafunction. Inthenextfewsections,wewilltakethefunctionsfromtheprevioustwochaptersandtransformthemintomethods.Thistransformationispurelymechanical youcandoitsimplybyfollowingasequenceofsteps.Ifyouarecomfortableconvertingfromoneformtoanother,youwillbeabletochoosethebestformfor whateveryouaredoing. 175/282
InChapter16,wedefinedaclassnamed T i m e andinExercise16.1,youwroteafunctionnamed p r i n t _ t i m e :
c l a s sT i m e ( o b j e c t ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t st h et i m eo fd a y . a t t r i b u t e s :h o u r ,m i n u t e ,s e c o n d " " " d e fp r i n t _ t i m e ( t i m e ) : p r i n t' % . 2 d : % . 2 d : % . 2 d '%( t i m e . h o u r ,t i m e . m i n u t e ,t i m e . s e c o n d )
Tocallthisfunction,youhavetopassa T i m e objectasanargument:
> > >s t a r t=T i m e ( ) > > >s t a r t . h o u r=9 > > >s t a r t . m i n u t e=4 5 > > >s t a r t . s e c o n d=0 0 > > >p r i n t _ t i m e ( s t a r t ) 0 9 : 4 5 : 0 0
Tomake p r i n t _ t i m e amethod,allwehavetodoismovethefunctiondefinitioninsidetheclassdefinition.Noticethechangeinindentation.
c l a s sT i m e ( o b j e c t ) : d e fp r i n t _ t i m e ( t i m e ) : p r i n t' % . 2 d : % . 2 d : % . 2 d '%( t i m e . h o u r ,t i m e . m i n u t e ,t i m e . s e c o n d )
Nowtherearetwowaystocall p r i n t _ t i m e .Thefirst(andlesscommon)wayistousefunctionsyntax:
> > >T i m e . p r i n t _ t i m e ( s t a r t ) 0 9 : 4 5 : 0 0
Thereasonforthisconventionisanimplicitmetaphor: Thesyntaxforafunctioncall, p r i n t _ t i m e ( s t a r t ) , suggeststhatthefunctionistheactiveagent.Itsayssomethinglike,Hey p r i n t _ t i m e !Heresanobjectforyoutoprint. Inobjectorientedprogramming,theobjectsaretheactive agents.Amethodinvocationlike s t a r t . p r i n t _ t i m e ( ) saysHey s t a r t !Pleaseprintyourself. Thischangeinperspectivemightbemorepolite,butitisnotobviousthatitisuseful.Intheexampleswehaveseensofar,itmaynotbe.Butsometimes shiftingresponsibilityfromthefunctionsontotheobjectsmakesitpossibletowritemoreversatilefunctions,andmakesiteasiertomaintainandreusecode.
Rewrite t i m e _ t o _ i n t (fromSection'16.4')asamethod.Itisprobablynotappropriatetorewrite i n t _ t o _ t i m e asamethoditsnotclearwhatobjectyouwould invokeiton!
Heresaversionof i n c r e m e n t (fromSection16.3)rewrittenasamethod:
#i n s i d ec l a s sT i m e : d e fi n c r e m e n t ( s e l f ,s e c o n d s ) : s e c o n d s+ =s e l f . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s )
Theerrormessageisinitiallyconfusing,becausethereareonlytwoargumentsinparentheses.Butthesubjectisalsoconsideredanargument,soalltogether thatsthree.
i s _ a f t e r (fromExercise16.2)isslightlymorecomplicatedbecauseittakestwoTimeobjectsasparameters.Inthiscaseitisconventionaltonamethefirst
parameter s e l f andthesecondparameter o t h e r :
#i n s i d ec l a s sT i m e : d e fi s _ a f t e r ( s e l f ,o t h e r ) : r e t u r ns e l f . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( )>o t h e r . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( )
> > >e n d . i s _ a f t e r ( s t a r t ) T r u e
Theinitmethod(shortforinitialization)isaspecialmethodthatgetsinvokedwhenanobjectisinstantiated.Itsfullnameis _ _ i n i t _ _ (twounderscore characters,followedby i n i t ,andthentwomoreunderscores).Aninitmethodforthe T i m e classmightlooklikethis:
#i n s i d ec l a s sT i m e : d e f_ _ i n i t _ _ ( s e l f ,h o u r = 0 ,m i n u t e = 0 ,s e c o n d = 0 ) : s e l f . h o u r=h o u r s e l f . m i n u t e=m i n u t e 178/282
s e l f . s e c o n d=s e c o n d
Itiscommonfortheparametersof _ _ i n i t _ _ tohavethesamenamesastheattributes.Thestatement
s e l f . h o u r=h o u r
Ifyouprovideoneargument,itoverrides h o u r :
> > >t i m e=T i m e( 9 ) > > >t i m e . p r i n t _ t i m e ( ) 0 9 : 0 0 : 0 0
Ifyouprovidetwoarguments,theyoverride h o u r and m i n u t e .
> > >t i m e=T i m e ( 9 ,4 5 ) > > >t i m e . p r i n t _ t i m e ( ) 0 9 : 4 5 : 0 0
Writeaninitmethodforthe'P o i n t 'classthattakes'x 'and'y 'asoptionalparametersandassignsthemtothecorrespondingattributes.
The_ _ s t r _ _ method
_ _ s t r _ _ isaspecialmethod,like _ _ i n i t _ _ ,thatissupposedtoreturnastringrepresentationofanobject.
Forexample,hereisa s t r methodforTimeobjects:
#i n s i d ec l a s sT i m e : 179/282
d e f_ _ s t r _ _ ( s e l f ) : r e t u r n' % . 2 d : % . 2 d : % . 2 d '%( s e l f . h o u r ,s e l f . m i n u t e ,s e l f . s e c o n d )
Writea's t r 'methodforthe'P o i n t 'class.CreateaPointobjectandprintit.
Bydefiningotherspecialmethods,youcanspecifythebehaviorofoperatorsonuserdefinedtypes.Forexample,ifyoudefineamethodnamed _ _ a d d _ _ forthe T i m e class,youcanusethe + operatoronTimeobjects. Hereiswhatthedefinitionmightlooklike:
#i n s i d ec l a s sT i m e : d e f_ _ a d d _ _ ( s e l f ,o t h e r ) : s e c o n d s=s e l f . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( )+o t h e r . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s )
> > >s t a r t=T i m e ( 9 ,4 5 ) > > >d u r a t i o n=T i m e ( 1 ,3 5 ) > > >p r i n ts t a r t+d u r a t i o n 1 1 : 2 0 : 0 0
Writean'a d d 'methodforthePointclass.
IntheprevioussectionweaddedtwoTimeobjects,butyoualsomightwanttoaddanintegertoaTimeobject.Thefollowingisaversionof _ _ a d d _ _ that checksthetypeof o t h e r andinvokeseither a d d _ t i m e or i n c r e m e n t :
#i n s i d ec l a s sT i m e : d e f_ _ a d d _ _ ( s e l f ,o t h e r ) : i fi s i n s t a n c e ( o t h e r ,T i m e ) : r e t u r ns e l f . a d d _ t i m e ( o t h e r ) e l s e : r e t u r ns e l f . i n c r e m e n t ( o t h e r ) d e fa d d _ t i m e ( s e l f ,o t h e r ) : s e c o n d s=s e l f . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( )+o t h e r . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s ) d e fi n c r e m e n t ( s e l f ,s e c o n d s ) : s e c o n d s+ =s e l f . t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s )
Thebuiltinfunction i s i n s t a n c e takesavalueandaclassobject,andreturns T r u e ifthevalueisaninstanceoftheclass. If o t h e r isaTimeobject, _ _ a d d _ _ invokes a d d _ t i m e .Otherwiseitassumesthattheparameterisanumberandinvokes i n c r e m e n t .Thisoperationiscalleda type baseddispatchbecauseitdispatchesthecomputationtodifferentmethodsbasedonthetypeofthearguments. Hereareexamplesthatusethe + operatorwithdifferenttypes:
> > >s t a r t=T i m e ( 9 ,4 5 ) > > >d u r a t i o n=T i m e ( 1 ,3 5 ) > > >p r i n ts t a r t+d u r a t i o n 1 1 : 2 0 : 0 0 > > >p r i n ts t a r t+1 3 3 7 1 0 : 0 7 : 1 7
> > >p r i n t1 3 3 7+s t a r t T y p e E r r o r :u n s u p p o r t e do p e r a n dt y p e ( s )f o r+ :' i n t 'a n d' i n s t a n c e '
> > >p r i n t1 3 3 7+s t a r t 1 0 : 0 7 : 1 7
Writean'a d d 'methodforPointsthatworkswitheitheraPointobjectoratuple: IfthesecondoperandisaPoint,themethodshouldreturnanewPointwhose'x'coordinateisthesumofthe'x'coordinatesoftheoperands,and likewiseforthe'y'coordinates. Ifthesecondoperandisatuple,themethodshouldaddthefirstelementofthetupletothe'x'coordinateandthesecondelementtothe'y'coordinate, andreturnanewPointwiththeresult.
Typebaseddispatchisusefulwhenitisnecessary,but(fortunately)itisnotalwaysnecessary.Oftenyoucanavoiditbywritingfunctionsthatworkcorrectly forargumentswithdifferenttypes. Manyofthefunctionswewroteforstringswillactuallyworkforanykindofsequence.Forexample,inSection11.1weused h i s t o g r a m tocountthenumberof timeseachletterappearsinaword.
d e fh i s t o g r a m ( s ) : d=d i c t ( ) f o rci ns : i fcn o ti nd : d [ c ]=1 e l s e : d [ c ]=d [ c ] + 1 r e t u r nd
Thisfunctionalsoworksforlists,tuples,andevendictionaries,aslongastheelementsof s arehashable,sotheycanbeusedaskeysin d . 182/282
> > >t=[ ' s p a m ' ,' e g g ' ,' s p a m ' ,' s p a m ' ,' b a c o n ' ,' s p a m ' ] > > >h i s t o g r a m ( t ) { ' b a c o n ' :1 ,' e g g ' :1 ,' s p a m ' :4 }
Ingeneral,ifalloftheoperationsinsideafunctionworkwithagiventype,thenthefunctionworkswiththattype. Thebestkindofpolymorphismistheunintentionalkind,whereyoudiscoverthatafunctionyoualreadywrotecanbeappliedtoatypeyouneverplannedfor.
Itislegaltoaddattributestoobjectsatanypointintheexecutionofaprogram,butifyouareasticklerfortypetheory,itisadubiouspracticetohaveobjects ofthesametypewithdifferentattributesets.Itisusuallyagoodideatoinitializeallofanobjectsattributesintheinitmethod. Ifyouarenotsurewhetheranobjecthasaparticularattribute,youcanusethebuiltinfunction h a s a t t r (seeSection15.7). Anotherwaytoaccesstheattributesofanobjectisthroughthespecialattribute _ _ d i c t _ _ ,whichisadictionarythatmapsattributenames(asstrings)and values:
> > >p=P o i n t ( 3 ,4 ) > > >p r i n tp . _ _ d i c t _ _ { ' y ' :4 ,' x ' :3 }
d e fp r i n t _ a t t r i b u t e s ( o b j ) : f o ra t t ri no b j . _ _ d i c t _ _ : p r i n ta t t r ,g e t a t t r ( o b j ,a t t r )
p r i n t _ a t t r i b u t e s traversestheitemsintheobjectsdictionaryandprintseachattributenameanditscorrespondingvalue. 183/282
Thebuiltinfunction g e t a t t r takesanobjectandanattributename(asastring)andreturnstheattributesvalue.
objectorientedlanguage: Alanguagethatprovidesfeatures,suchasuserdefinedclassesandmethodsyntax,thatfacilitateobjectorientedprogramming. objectorientedprogramming: Astyleofprogramminginwhichdataandtheoperationsthatmanipulateitareorganizedintoclassesandmethods. method: Afunctionthatisdefinedinsideaclassdefinitionandisinvokedoninstancesofthatclass. subject: Theobjectamethodisinvokedon. operatoroverloading: Changingthebehaviorofanoperatorlike + soitworkswithauserdefinedtype. typebaseddispatch: Aprogrammingpatternthatchecksthetypeofanoperandandinvokesdifferentfunctionsfordifferenttypes. polymorphic: Pertainingtoafunctionthatcanworkwithmorethanonetype.
Thisexerciseisacautionarytaleaboutoneofthemost common,anddifficulttofind,errorsinPython. Writeadefinitionforaclassnamed'K a n g a r o o 'withthefollowing methods: An _ _ i n i t _ _ methodthatinitializesanattributenamed p o u c h _ c o n t e n t s toanemptylist. Amethodnamed p u t _ i n _ p o u c h thattakesanobjectofanytypeandaddsitto p o u c h _ c o n t e n t s . A_ _ s t r _ _ methodthatreturnsastringrepresentationoftheKangarooobjectandthecontentsofthepouch. Testyourcodebycreatingtwo'''K a n g a r o o '''objects,assigningthemtovariablesnamed'''k a n g a '''and'''r o o ''',andthenadding'''r o o '''tothecontentsof'''k a n g a '''s pouch.' 'Download'''t h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / B a d K a n g a r o o . p y '''.Itcontains 184/282
VisualisaPythonmodulethatprovides3Dgraphics.ItisnotalwaysincludedinaPythoninstallation,soyoumighthavetoinstallitfromyoursoftware repositoryor,ifitsnotthere,from'v p y t h o n . o r g '. Thefollowingexamplecreatesa3Dspacethatis256unitswide,longandhigh,andsetsthecentertobethepoint'(128,128,128)'.Thenitdrawsablue sphere.
' ' f r o mv i s u a li m p o r t* s c e n e . r a n g e=( 2 5 6 ,2 5 6 ,2 5 6 ) s c e n e . c e n t e r=( 1 2 8 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 8 ) c o l o r=( 0 . 1 ,0 . 1 ,0 . 9 ) #m o s t l yb l u e s p h e r e ( p o s = s c e n e . c e n t e r ,r a d i u s = 1 2 8 ,c o l o r = c o l o r ) ' '
c o l o r ''isanRGBtuplethatis,theelementsareRedGreenBluelevelsbetween0.0and1.0(see'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / R G B _ c o l o r _ m o d e l ').
Wikipedia:VPython Wikipedia:RGBcolormodel
Inthischapterwewilldevelopclassestorepresentplayingcards,decksofcards,andpokerhands.Ifyoudontplaypoker,youcanreadaboutitat w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / P o k e r (,butyoudon'thavetoI'lltellyouwhatyouneedtoknowfortheexercises. IfyouarenotfamiliarwithAngloAmericanplayingcards,youcanreadaboutthemat w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / P l a y i n g _ c a r d s (
Therearefiftytwocardsinadeck,eachofwhichbelongstooneoffoursuitsandoneofthirteenranks.ThesuitsareSpades,Hearts,Diamonds,andClubs (indescendingorderinbridge).TheranksareAce,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Jack,Queen,andKing.Dependingonthegamethatyouareplaying,anAcemay behigherthanKingorlowerthan2. Ifwewanttodefineanewobjecttorepresentaplayingcard,itisobviouswhattheattributesshouldbe: r a n k and s u i t .Itisnotasobviouswhattypethe attributesshouldbe.Onepossibilityistousestringscontainingwordslike ' S p a d e ' forsuitsand ' Q u e e n ' forranks.Oneproblemwiththisimplementationisthatit wouldnotbeeasytocomparecardstoseewhichhadahigherrankorsuit. Analternativeistouseintegersto encodetheranksandsuits.Inthiscontext,encodemeansthatwearegoingtodefineamappingbetweennumbersand suits,orbetweennumbersandranks.Thiskindofencodingisnotmeanttobeasecret(thatwouldbeencryption). Forexample,thistableshowsthesuitsandthecorrespondingintegercodes: Spades Hearts 3 2
Diamonds 1 Clubs 0
Thiscodemakesiteasytocomparecardsbecausehighersuitsmaptohighernumbers,wecancomparesuitsbycomparingtheircodes. Themappingforranksisfairlyobviouseachofthenumericalranksmapstothecorrespondinginteger,andforfacecards: 186/282
Queen 12 King 13
InordertoprintCardobjectsinawaythatpeoplecaneasilyread,weneedamappingfromtheintegercodestothecorrespondingranksandsuits.Anatural waytodothatiswithlistsofstrings.Weassigntheseliststo classattributes:
#i n s i d ec l a s sC a r d : s u i t _ n a m e s=[ ' C l u b s ' ,' D i a m o n d s ' ,' H e a r t s ' ,' S p a d e s ' ] r a n k _ n a m e s=[ N o n e ,' A c e ' ,' 2 ' ,' 3 ' ,' 4 ' ,' 5 ' ,' 6 ' ,' 7 ' , ' 8 ' ,' 9 ' ,' 1 0 ' ,' J a c k ' ,' Q u e e n ' ,' K i n g ' ] d e f_ _ s t r _ _ ( s e l f ) : r e t u r n' % so f% s '%( C a r d . r a n k _ n a m e s [ s e l f . r a n k ] , C a r d . s u i t _ n a m e s [ s e l f . s u i t ] )
Bothkindsofattributeareaccessedusingdotnotation.Forexample,in _ _ s t r _ _ , s e l f isaCardobject,and s e l f . r a n k isitsrank.Similarly, C a r d isaclassobject, and C a r d . r a n k _ n a m e s isalistofstringsassociatedwiththeclass. Everycardhasitsown s u i t and r a n k ,butthereisonlyonecopyof s u i t _ n a m e s and r a n k _ n a m e s . Puttingitalltogether,theexpression C a r d . r a n k _ n a m e s [ s e l f . r a n k ] meansusetheattribute r a n k fromtheobject s e l f asanindexintothelist r a n k _ n a m e s fromtheclass C a r d ,andselecttheappropriatestring. Thefirstelementof r a n k _ n a m e s is N o n e becausethereisnocardwithrankzero.Byincluding N o n e asaplacekeeper,wegetamappingwiththenicepropertythat theindex2mapstothestring ' 2 ' ,andsoon.Toavoidthistweak,wecouldhaveusedadictionaryinsteadofalist. Withthemethodswehavesofar,wecancreateandprintcards:
> > >c a r d 1=C a r d ( 2 ,1 1 ) > > >p r i n tc a r d 1 J a c ko fH e a r t s
Forbuiltintypes,thereareconditionaloperators(< , > , = = ,etc.)thatcomparevaluesanddeterminewhenoneisgreaterthan,lessthan,orequaltoanother. Foruserdefinedtypes,wecanoverridethebehaviorofthebuiltinoperatorsbyprovidingamethodnamed _ _ c m p _ _ .
_ _ c m p _ _ takestwoparameters, s e l f and o t h e r ,andreturnsapositivenumberifthefirstobjectisgreater,anegativenumberifthesecondobjectisgreater,and0
#i n s i d ec l a s sC a r d : d e f_ _ c m p _ _ ( s e l f ,o t h e r ) : t 1=s e l f . s u i t ,s e l f . r a n k t 2=o t h e r . s u i t ,o t h e r . r a n k r e t u r nc m p ( t 1 ,t 2 )
Writea _ _ c m p _ _ methodforTimeobjects.Hint:youcanusetuplecomparison,butyoualsomightconsiderusingintegersubtraction.
NowthatwehaveCards,thenextstepistodefineDecks.Sinceadeckismadeupofcards,itisnaturalforeachDecktocontainalistofcardsasan attribute. Thefollowingisaclassdefinitionfor D e c k .Theinitmethodcreatestheattribute c a r d s andgeneratesthestandardsetoffiftytwocards:
c l a s sD e c k : d e f_ _ i n i t _ _ ( s e l f ) : s e l f . c a r d s=[ ] f o rs u i ti nr a n g e ( 4 ) : f o rr a n ki nr a n g e ( 1 ,1 4 ) : c a r d=C a r d ( s u i t ,r a n k ) s e l f . c a r d s . a p p e n d ( c a r d )
Theeasiestwaytopopulatethedeckiswithanestedloop.Theouterloopenumeratesthesuitsfrom0to3.Theinnerloopenumeratestheranksfrom1to 13.EachiterationcreatesanewCardwiththecurrentsuitandrank,andappendsitto s e l f . c a r d s . 189/282
Hereisa _ _ s t r _ _ methodfor D e c k :
# i n s i d ec l a s sD e c k : d e f_ _ s t r _ _ ( s e l f ) : r e s=[ s t r ( c a r d )f o rc a r di ns e l f . c a r d s ] r e t u r n' \ n ' . j o i n ( r e s )
Todealcards,wewouldlikeamethodthatremovesacardfromthedeckandreturnsit.Thelistmethod p o p providesaconvenientwaytodothat:
# i n s i d ec l a s sD e c k : d e fp o p _ c a r d ( s e l f ) : r e t u r ns e l f . c a r d s . p o p ( )
d e fa d d _ c a r d ( s e l f ,c a r d ) : s e l f . c a r d s . a p p e n d ( c a r d )
Dontforgettoimport r a n d o m .
WriteaDeckmethodnamed's o r t 'thatusesthelistmethod's o r t 'tosortthecardsina'D e c k '.'s o r t 'usesthe _ _ c m p _ _ methodwedefinedtodeterminesortorder.
Thelanguagefeaturemostoftenassociatedwithobjectorientedprogrammingis inheritance.Inheritanceistheabilitytodefineanewclassthatisamodified versionofanexistingclass. Itiscalledinheritancebecausethenewclassinheritsthemethodsoftheexistingclass.Extendingthismetaphor,theexistingclassiscalledthe parentand thenewclassiscalledthe child. Asanexample,letssaywewantaclasstorepresentahand,thatis,thesetofcardsheldbyoneplayer.Ahandissimilartoadeck:botharemadeupofa setofcards,andbothrequireoperationslikeaddingandremovingcards. Ahandisalsodifferentfromadeckthereareoperationswewantforhandsthatdontmakesenseforadeck.Forexample,inpokerwemightcomparetwo handstoseewhichonewins.Inbridge,wemightcomputeascoreforahandinordertomakeabid. Thisrelationshipbetweenclassessimilar,butdifferentlendsitselftoinheritance. Thedefinitionofachildclassislikeotherclassdefinitions,butthenameoftheparentclassappearsinparentheses:
c l a s sH a n d ( D e c k ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t sah a n do fp l a y i n gc a r d s " " "
> > >h a n d=H a n d ( ' n e wh a n d ' ) > > >p r i n th a n d . c a r d s [ ] > > >p r i n th a n d . l a b e l n e wh a n d
Anaturalnextstepistoencapsulatethiscodeinamethodcalled m o v e _ c a r d s :
# i n s i d ec l a s sD e c k : d e fm o v e _ c a r d s ( s e l f ,h a n d ,n u m ) : f o rii nr a n g e ( n u m ) : h a n d . a d d _ c a r d ( s e l f . p o p _ c a r d ( ) )
m o v e _ c a r d s takestwoarguments,aHandobjectandthenumberofcardstodeal.Itmodifiesboth s e l f and h a n d ,andreturns N o n e .
Sofarwehaveseenstackdiagrams,whichshowthestateofaprogram,andobjectdiagrams,whichshowtheattributesofanobjectandtheirvalues.These diagramsrepresentasnapshotintheexecutionofaprogram,sotheychangeastheprogramruns. Theyarealsohighlydetailedforsomepurposes,toodetailed.Aclassdiagramsisamoreabstractrepresentationofthestructureofaprogram.Insteadof showingindividualobjects,itshowsclassesandtherelationshipsbetweenthem. Thereareseveralkindsofrelationshipbetweenclasses: Objectsinoneclassmightcontainreferencestoobjectsinanotherclass.Forexample,eachRectanglecontainsareferencetoaPoint,andeachDeck containsreferencestomanyCards.Thiskindofrelationshipiscalled HASA,asin,aRectanglehasaPoint. Oneclassmightinheritfromanother.Thisrelationshipiscalled ISA,asin,aHandisakindofaDeck. Oneclassmightdependonanotherinthesensethatchangesinoneclasswouldrequirechangesintheother. A classdiagramisagraphicalrepresentationoftheserelationships2.Forexample,thisdiagramshowstherelationshipsbetween C a r d , D e c k and H a n d . <IMGSRC="book027.png"> ThearrowwithahollowtriangleheadrepresentsanISArelationshipinthiscaseitindicatesthatHandinheritsfromDeck. ThestandardarrowheadrepresentsaHASArelationshipinthiscaseaDeckhasreferencestoCardobjects. Thestar(* )nearthearrowheadisa multiplicityitindicateshowmanyCardsaDeckhas.Amultiplicitycanbeasimplenumber,like 5 2 ,arange,like 5 . . 7 or astar,whichindicatesthataDeckcanhaveanynumberofCards. AmoredetaileddiagrammightshowthataDeckactuallycontainsa list ofCards,butbuiltintypeslikelistanddictareusuallynotincludedinclassdiagrams.
Read'T u r t l e W o r l d . p y ','W o r l d . p y 'and'G u i . p y 'anddrawaclassdiagramthatshowstherelationshipsamongtheclassesdefinedthere. 193/282
Inheritancecanmakedebuggingachallengebecausewhenyouinvokeamethodonanobject,youmightnotknowwhichmethodwillbeinvoked. SupposeyouarewritingafunctionthatworkswithHandobjects.YouwouldlikeittoworkwithallkindsofHands,likePokerHands,BridgeHands,etc.Ifyou invokeamethodlike s h u f f l e ,youmightgettheonedefinedin D e c k ,butifanyofthesubclassesoverridethismethod,youllgetthatversioninstead. Anytimeyouareunsureabouttheflowofexecutionthroughyourprogram,thesimplestsolutionistoaddprintstatementsatthebeginningoftherelevant methods.If D e c k . s h u f f l e printsamessagethatsayssomethinglike R u n n i n gD e c k . s h u f f l e ,thenastheprogramrunsittracestheflowofexecution. Asanalternative,youcouldusethisfunction,whichtakesanobjectandamethodname(asastring)andreturnstheclassthatprovidesthedefinitionofthe method:
d e ff i n d _ d e f i n i n g _ c l a s s ( o b j ,m e t h _ n a m e ) : f o rt yi nt y p e ( o b j ) . m r o ( ) : i fm e t h _ n a m ei nt y . _ _ d i c t _ _ : r e t u r nt y
> > >h a n d=H a n d ( ) > > >p r i n tf i n d _ d e f i n i n g _ c l a s s ( h a n d ,' s h u f f l e ' ) < c l a s s' C a r d . D e c k ' >
Sothe s h u f f l e methodforthisHandistheonein D e c k .
f i n d _ d e f i n i n g _ c l a s s usesthe m r o methodtogetthelistofclassobjects(types)thatwillbesearchedformethods.MROstandsformethodresolutionorder.
encode: Torepresentonesetofvaluesusinganothersetofvaluesbyconstructingamappingbetweenthem. classattribute: Anattributeassociatedwithaclassobject.Classattributesaredefinedinsideaclassdefinitionbutoutsideanymethod. instanceattribute: Anattributeassociatedwithaninstanceofaclass. 194/282
veneer: Amethodorfunctionthatprovidesadifferentinterfacetoanotherfunctionwithoutdoingmuchcomputation. inheritance: Theabilitytodefineanewclassthatisamodifiedversionofapreviouslydefinedclass. parentclass: Theclassfromwhichachildclassinherits. childclass: Anewclasscreatedbyinheritingfromanexistingclassalsocalledasubclass. ISArelationship: Therelationshipbetweenachildclassanditsparentclass. HASArelationship: Therelationshipbetweentwoclasseswhereinstancesofoneclasscontainreferencestoinstancesoftheother. classdiagram: Adiagramthatshowstheclassesinaprogramandtherelationshipsbetweenthem. multiplicity: Anotationinaclassdiagramthatshows,foraHASArelationship,howmanyreferencestherearetoinstancesofanotherclass.
Thefollowingarethepossiblehandsinpoker,inincreasingorderofvalue(anddecreasingorderofprobability): pair: twocardswiththesamerank ''twopair:'' twopairsofcardswiththesamerank ''threeofakind:'' threecardswiththesamerank ''straight:'' fivecardswithranksinsequence(acescanbehighorlow,so'A c e 2 3 4 5 'isastraightandsois'1 0 J a c k Q u e e n K i n g A c e ',but'Q u e e n K i n g A c e 2 3 'isnot.) ''flush:'' fivecardswiththesamesuit ''fullhouse:'' threecardswithonerank,twocardswithanother ''fourofakind:'' 195/282
:Acompleteversionofthe'C a r d ','D e c k 'and'H a n d 'classesinthischapter. ''P o k e r H a n d . p y '' :Anincompleteimplementationofaclass thatrepresentsapokerhand,andsomecodethattestsit. 'Ifyourun'''P o k e r H a n d . p y ''',itdealssix7cardpokerhands andcheckstoseeifanyofthemcontainsaflush.Readthiscodecarefullybeforeyougoon.' 'Addmethodsto'''P o k e r H a n d . p y ''' named'' h a s _ p a i r ' ', '' h a s _ t w o p a i r ' ',etc.thatreturnTrueorFalseaccordingtowhetherornotthehandmeetstherelevantcriteria.Yourcodeshouldworkcorrectlyforhandsthat containanynumberofcards(although5and7arethemostcommonsizes).' 'Writeamethodnamed'''c l a s s i f y ''' thatfiguresout thehighestvalueclassificationforahandandsetsthe'''l a b e l '''attributeaccordingly.Forexample,a7cardhandmightcontainaflushandapairitshouldbe labeledflush.' 'Whenyouareconvincedthatyourclassificationmethodsare working,thenextstepistoestimatetheprobabilitiesofthevarioushands.Writeafunctionin'''P o k e r H a n d . p y '''thatshufflesadeckofcards,dividesitintohands, classifiesthehands,andcountsthenumberoftimesvariousclassificationsappear.' 'Printatableoftheclassificationsandtheirprobabilities. Runyourprogramwithlargerandlargernumbersofhandsuntiltheoutputvaluesconvergetoareasonabledegreeofaccuracy.Compareyourresultstothe valuesat'''w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / H a n d _ r a n k i n g s '''.'
ThisexerciseusesTurtleWorldfromChapter'4'. YouwillwritecodethatmakesTurtlesplaytag.Ifyouarenotfamiliarwiththerulesoftag,see 'w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / T a g _ ( g a m e ) '. Download't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / W o b b l e r . p y 'andrunit.You shouldseeaTurtleWorldwiththreeTurtles.Ifyoupressthe'Run'button,theTurtleswanderatrandom. Readthecodeandmakesureyouunderstandhowitworks. The'W o b b l e r 'classinheritsfrom'T u r t l e ',whichmeansthatthe'T u r t l e 'methods'l t ','r t ','f d 'and'b k 'workonWobblers. The's t e p 'methodgetsinvokedby TurtleWorld.Itinvokes's t e e r ',whichturnstheTurtleinthedesireddirection,'w o b b l e ',whichmakesarandomturninproportiontotheTurtlesclumsiness,and 'm o v e ',whichmovesforwardafewpixels,dependingontheTurtlesspeed. Createafilenamed'T a g g e r . p y '.Importeverythingfrom 'W o b b l e r ',thendefineaclassnamed'T a g g e r 'thatinheritsfrom'W o b b l e r '.Call m a k e _ w o r l d passingthe'T a g g e r 'classobjectasanargument. Adda's t e e r 'methodto'T a g g e r 'tooverridetheonein 'W o b b l e r '.Asastartingplace,writeaversionthatalwayspointstheTurtletowardtheorigin.Hint:usethemathfunction'a t a n 2 'andtheTurtleattributes'x ','y 'and 'h e a d i n g '. Modify's t e e r 'sothattheTurtlesstayinbounds. Fordebugging,youmightwanttousethe'Step'button,whichinvokes's t e p 'onceoneachTurtle. Modify's t e e r 'sothateachTurtlepointstowarditsnearest neighbor.Hint:Turtleshaveanattribute,'w o r l d ',thatisareferencetotheTurtleWorldtheylivein,andtheTurtleWorldhasanattribute,'a n i m a l s ',thatisalistof allTurtlesintheworld. Modify's t e e r 'sotheTurtlesplaytag.Youcanaddmethods to'T a g g e r 'andyoucanoverride's t e e r 'and _ _ i n i t _ _ ,butyoumaynotmodifyoroverride's t e p ','w o b b l e 'or'm o v e '.Also,'s t e e r 'isallowedtochangetheheadingofthe Turtlebutnottheposition. Adjusttherulesandyour's t e e r 'methodforgoodqualityplay forexample,itshouldbepossiblefortheslowTurtletotagthefaster Turtleseventually. Youcangetmysolutionfrom't h i n k p y t h o n . c o m / c o d e / T a g g e r . p y '.
1 See w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / B o t t o m _ d e a l i n g . 197/282
2 ThediagramsIamusingherearesimilartoUML(see w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / U n i f i e d _ M o d e l i n g _ L a n g u a g e ),withafewsimplifications.
Differentkindsoferrorscanoccurinaprogram,anditisusefultodistinguishamongtheminordertotrackthemdownmorequickly: SyntaxerrorsareproducedbyPythonwhenitistranslatingthesourcecodeintobytecode.Theyusuallyindicatethatthereissomethingwrongwiththe syntaxoftheprogram.Example:Omittingthecolonattheendofa d e f statementyieldsthesomewhatredundantmessage S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x . Runtimeerrorsareproducedbytheinterpreterifsomethinggoeswrongwhiletheprogramisrunning.Mostruntimeerrormessagesincludeinformation aboutwheretheerroroccurredandwhatfunctionswereexecuting.Example:Aninfiniterecursioneventuallycausestheruntimeerrormaximum recursiondepthexceeded. Semanticerrorsareproblemswithaprogramthatrunswithoutproducingerrormessagesbutdoesntdotherightthing.Example:Anexpressionmay notbeevaluatedintheorderyouexpect,yieldinganincorrectresult. Thefirststepindebuggingistofigureoutwhichkindoferroryouaredealingwith.Althoughthefollowingsectionsareorganizedbyerrortype,some techniquesareapplicableinmorethanonesituation.
Syntaxerrorsareusuallyeasytofixonceyoufigureoutwhattheyare.Unfortunately,theerrormessagesareoftennothelpful.Themostcommonmessages are S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i ds y n t a x and S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i dt o k e n ,neitherofwhichisveryinformative. Ontheotherhand,themessagedoestellyouwhereintheprogramtheproblemoccurred.Actually,ittellsyouwherePythonnoticedaproblem,whichisnot necessarilywheretheerroris.Sometimestheerrorispriortothelocationoftheerrormessage,oftenontheprecedingline. Ifyouarebuildingtheprogramincrementally,youshouldhaveagoodideaaboutwheretheerroris.Itwillbeinthelastlineyouadded. Ifyouarecopyingcodefromabook,startbycomparingyourcodetothebookscodeverycarefully.Checkeverycharacter.Atthesametime,rememberthat thebookmightbewrong,soifyouseesomethingthatlookslikeasyntaxerror,itmightbe. Herearesomewaystoavoidthemostcommonsyntaxerrors: MakesureyouarenotusingaPythonkeywordforavariablename. Checkthatyouhaveacolonattheendoftheheaderofevery compoundstatement,including f o r , w h i l e , i f ,and d e f statements.
Makesurethatanystringsinthecodehavematching 198/282
Anunclosedopeningoperator( , { ,or
[ makesPythoncontinuewiththenextlineaspartofthecurrentstatement.Generally,anerroroccursalmostimmediatelyinthenextline.
Iftheinterpretersaysthereisanerrorandyoudontseeit,thatmightbebecauseyouandtheinterpreterarenotlookingatthesamecode.Checkyour programmingenvironmenttomakesurethattheprogramyouareeditingistheonePythonistryingtorun. Ifyouarenotsure,tryputtinganobviousanddeliberatesyntaxerroratthebeginningoftheprogram.Nowrunitagain.Iftheinterpreterdoesntfindthenew error,youarenotrunningthenewcode. Thereareafewlikelyculprits: Youeditedthefileandforgottosavethechangesbefore runningitagain.Someprogrammingenvironmentsdothisforyou,butsomedont. Youchangedthenameofthefile,butyouarestillrunning theoldname. Somethinginyourdevelopmentenvironmentisconfigured incorrectly. 199/282
Ifyouarewritingamoduleandusing i m p o r t , makesureyoudontgiveyourmodulethesamenameasoneofthestandardPythonmodules.
Thisproblemismostcommonwhenyourfileconsistsoffunctionsandclassesbutdoesnotactuallyinvokeanythingtostartexecution.Thismaybeintentional ifyouonlyplantoimportthismoduletosupplyclassesandfunctions. Ifitisnotintentional,makesurethatyouareinvokingafunctiontostartexecution,orexecuteonefromtheinteractiveprompt.AlsoseetheFlowof Executionsectionbelow.
Ifaprogramstopsandseemstobedoingnothing,itishanging.Oftenthatmeansthatitiscaughtinaninfinitelooporinfiniterecursion. Ifthereisaparticularloopthatyoususpectisthe problem,adda p r i n t statementimmediatelybeforetheloopthatsaysenteringtheloopandanotherimmediatelyafterthatsaysexitingtheloop.Runthe program.Ifyougetthefirstmessageandnotthesecond,youvegotaninfiniteloop.GototheInfiniteLoopsectionbelow. Mostofthetime,aninfiniterecursionwillcausetheprogram torunforawhileandthenproduceaRuntimeError:Maximumrecursiondepthexceedederror.Ifthathappens,gototheInfiniteRecursionsectionbelow.If youarenotgettingthiserrorbutyoususpectthereisaproblemwitharecursivemethodorfunction,youcanstillusethetechniquesintheInfiniteRecursion section. Ifneitherofthosestepsworks,starttestingother
Nowwhenyouruntheprogram,youwillseethreelinesofoutputforeachtimethroughtheloop.Thelasttimethroughtheloop,theconditionshouldbe f a l s e . Iftheloopkeepsgoing,youwillbeabletoseethevaluesof x and y ,andyoumightfigureoutwhytheyarenotbeingupdatedcorrectly. InfiniteRecursion Mostofthetime,aninfiniterecursionwillcausetheprogramtorunforawhileandthenproducea M a x i m u mr e c u r s i o nd e p t he x c e e d e d error. Ifyoususpectthatafunctionormethodiscausinganinfiniterecursion,startbycheckingtomakesurethatthereisabasecase.Inotherwords,thereshould besomeconditionthatwillcausethefunctionormethodtoreturnwithoutmakingarecursiveinvocation.Ifnot,thenyouneedtorethinkthealgorithmand identifyabasecase. Ifthereisabasecasebuttheprogramdoesntseemtobereachingit,adda p r i n t statementatthebeginningofthefunctionormethodthatprintsthe parameters.Nowwhenyouruntheprogram,youwillseeafewlinesofoutputeverytimethefunctionormethodisinvoked,andyouwillseetheparameters. Iftheparametersarenotmovingtowardthebasecase,youwillgetsomeideasaboutwhynot. FlowofExecution Ifyouarenotsurehowtheflowofexecutionismovingthroughyourprogram,add p r i n t statementstothebeginningofeachfunctionwithamessagelike enteringfunction f o o ,where f o o isthenameofthefunction. Nowwhenyouruntheprogram,itwillprintatraceofeachfunctionasitisinvoked. 201/282
Ifsomethinggoeswrongduringruntime,Pythonprintsamessagethatincludesthenameoftheexception,thelineoftheprogramwheretheproblem occurred,andatraceback. Thetracebackidentifiesthefunctionthatiscurrentlyrunning,andthenthefunctionthatinvokedit,andthenthefunctionthatinvoked that ,andsoon.Inother words,ittracesthesequenceoffunctioninvocationsthatgotyoutowhereyouare.Italsoincludesthelinenumberinyourfilewhereeachofthesecalls occurs. Thefirststepistoexaminetheplaceintheprogramwheretheerroroccurredandseeifyoucanfigureoutwhathappened.Thesearesomeofthemost commonruntimeerrors: NameError: Youaretryingtouseavariablethatdoesntexistinthecurrentenvironment.Rememberthatlocalvariablesarelocal.Youcannotrefertothemfrom outsidethefunctionwheretheyaredefined. TypeError: Thereareseveralpossiblecauses: Youaretryingtouseavalueimproperly.Example:indexing astring,list,ortuplewithsomethingotherthananinteger. Thereisamismatchbetweentheitemsinaformatstringand theitemspassedforconversion.Thiscanhappenifeitherthenumberofitemsdoesnotmatchoraninvalidconversioniscalledfor. Youarepassingthewrongnumberofargumentstoafunctionormethod. Formethods,lookatthemethoddefinitionandcheckthatthefirstparameteris s e l f .Thenlookatthemethodinvocationmakesureyouareinvoking themethodonanobjectwiththerighttypeandprovidingtheotherargumentscorrectly. KeyError: Youaretryingtoaccessanelementofadictionaryusingakeythatthedictionarydoesnotcontain. AttributeError: Youaretryingtoaccessanattributeormethodthatdoesnotexist.Checkthespelling!Youcanuse d i r tolisttheattributesthatdoexist.Ifan AttributeErrorindicatesthatanobjecthas N o n e T y p e ,thatmeansthatitis N o n e .Onecommoncauseisforgettingtoreturnavaluefromafunctionifyou gettotheendofafunctionwithouthittinga r e t u r n statement,itreturns N o n e .Anothercommoncauseisusingtheresultfromalistmethod,like s o r t ,that returns N o n e . IndexError: Theindexyouareusingtoaccessalist,string,ortupleisgreaterthanitslengthminusone.Immediatelybeforethesiteoftheerror,adda p r i n t statementtodisplaythevalueoftheindexandthelengthofthearray.Isthearraytherightsize?Istheindextherightvalue? 202/282
ThePythondebugger(p d b )isusefulfortrackingdownExceptionsbecauseitallowsyoutoexaminethestateoftheprogramimmediatelybeforetheerror.You canreadabout p d b at d o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / l i b / m o d u l e p d b . h t m l . Iaddedsomany p r i n t statementsIgetinundatedwithoutput. Oneoftheproblemswithusing p r i n t statementsfordebuggingisthatyoucanendupburiedinoutput.Therearetwowaystoproceed:simplifytheoutputor simplifytheprogram. Tosimplifytheoutput,youcanremoveorcommentout p r i n t statementsthatarenthelping,orcombinethem,orformattheoutputsoitiseasierto understand. Tosimplifytheprogram,thereareseveralthingsyoucando.First,scaledowntheproblemtheprogramisworkingon.Forexample,ifyouaresearchingalist, searcha smalllist.Iftheprogramtakesinputfromtheuser,giveitthesimplestinputthatcausestheproblem. Second,cleanuptheprogram.Removedeadcodeandreorganizetheprogramtomakeitaseasytoreadaspossible.Forexample,ifyoususpectthatthe problemisinadeeplynestedpartoftheprogram,tryrewritingthatpartwithsimplerstructure.Ifyoususpectalargefunction,trysplittingitintosmaller functionsandtestingthemseparately.
Insomeways,semanticerrorsarethehardesttodebug,becausetheinterpreterprovidesnoinformationaboutwhatiswrong.Onlyyouknowwhatthe programissupposedtodo. Thefirststepistomakeaconnectionbetweentheprogramtextandthebehavioryouareseeing.Youneedahypothesisaboutwhattheprogramisactually doing.Oneofthethingsthatmakesthathardisthatcomputersrunsofast. Youwilloftenwishthatyoucouldslowtheprogramdowntohumanspeed,andwithsomedebuggersyoucan.Butthetimeittakestoinsertafewwellplaced p r i n t statementsisoftenshortcomparedtosettingupthedebugger,insertingandremovingbreakpoints,andsteppingtheprogramtowheretheerroris occurring.
Youshouldaskyourselfthesequestions: Istheresomethingtheprogramwassupposedtodobut 203/282
n e i g h b o r=s e l f . f i n d N e i g h b o r ( i ) p i c k e d C a r d=s e l f . h a n d s [ n e i g h b o r ] . p o p C a r d ( ) s e l f . h a n d s [ i ] . a d d C a r d ( p i c k e d C a r d )
Theexplicitversioniseasiertoreadbecausethevariablenamesprovideadditionaldocumentation,anditiseasiertodebugbecauseyoucancheckthetypes oftheintermediatevariablesanddisplaytheirvalues.
Wheneveryouarenotsureoftheorderofevaluation,useparentheses.Notonlywilltheprogrambecorrect(inthesenseofdoingwhatyouintended),itwill alsobemorereadableforotherpeoplewhohaventmemorizedtherulesofprecedence.
c o u n t=s e l f . h a n d s [ i ] . r e m o v e M a t c h e s ( ) r e t u r nc o u n t
Nowyouhavetheopportunitytodisplaythevalueof c o u n t beforereturning.
First,trygettingawayfromthecomputerforafewminutes.Computersemitwavesthataffectthebrain,causingthesesymptoms: Frustrationandrage. 205/282
Ithappens.Eventhebestprogrammersoccasionallygetstuck.Sometimesyouworkonaprogramsolongthatyoucantseetheerror.Afreshpairofeyesis justthething. Beforeyoubringsomeoneelsein,makesureyouareprepared.Yourprogramshouldbeassimpleaspossible,andyoushouldbeworkingonthesmallest inputthatcausestheerror.Youshouldhave p r i n t statementsintheappropriateplaces(andtheoutputtheyproduceshouldbecomprehensible).Youshould understandtheproblemwellenoughtodescribeitconcisely. Whenyoubringsomeoneintohelp,besuretogivethemtheinformationtheyneed: Ifthereisanerrormessage,whatisit andwhatpartoftheprogramdoesitindicate? Whatwasthelastthingyoudidbeforethiserroroccurred? Whatwerethelastlinesofcodethatyouwrote,orwhatisthenewtestcasethatfails? Whathaveyoutriedsofar,andwhathaveyoulearned? Whenyoufindthebug,takeasecondtothinkaboutwhatyoucouldhavedonetofinditfaster.Nexttimeyouseesomethingsimilar,youwillbeabletofind thebugmorequickly. Remember,thegoalisnotjusttomaketheprogramwork.Thegoalistolearnhowtomaketheprogramwork.
SeebelowforChapter1exercises. 206/282
Ifyouruna10kilometerracein43minutes30seconds,whatisyouraveragetimepermile?Whatisyouraveragespeedinmilesperhour?(Hint:thereare 1.61kilometersinamile).
> > >1 0 / 1 . 6 1#C o n v e r tk i l o m e t e r st om i l e s 6 . 2 1 1 1 8 0 1 2 4 2 2 3 6 0 1 8 > > >( 4 3 * 6 0 ) + 3 0#C o n v e r tt i m et os e c o n d s 2 6 1 0 > > >2 6 1 0 / 6 . 2 1 1 1 8 0 1 2 4 2 2 3 6 0 1 8#w h a ti sy o u ra v e r a g et i m e( s e c o n d s )p e rm i l e 4 2 0 . 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 > > >4 2 0 . 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 / 6 0#w h a ti sy o u ra v e r a g et i m e( m i n u t e s )p e rm i l e 7 . 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 > > >6 0 / 7 . 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7#M i l e sp e rh o u r 8 . 5 6 7 1 4 4 9 9 8 9 2 9 1 0 5 5
Comment:Thisisnotvalid,it ONLY worksfor43minand30secondsto10km's.Pythonshouldhaveawaytodothistheproperway. Inordertodothistheproperway,apersonmustdosomethinglikethis. 43*60>converttheminutestoseconds. 2580+30>addtheseconds 2610/10>dividebydistance 261/60>changesecondsintominutes 4.35>istheanswer,nowyoumust .35*60>multiplythenumberafterthedecimalwith60 21seconds.. Endresult=4.21minutesperKM,thistechniqueworksforalldistancesandtimes.
> > >z i p c o d e=0 2 4 9 2 ^ S y n t a x E r r o r :i n v a l i dt o k e n
> > >z i p c o d e=0 2 1 3 2 > > >p r i n tz i p c o d e 1 1 1 4 207/282
Thevolumeofaspherewithradius ris 4/3 r3. Whatisthevolumeofaspherewithradius5?
> > >p i=3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 1 > > >r=5 > > >4 / 3 * p i * r * * 3#T h i si st h ew r o n ga n s w e r 3 9 2 . 6 9 9 0 8 1 6 9 8 7 2 4 1 1 > > >r=5 . 0#R a d i u sc a nb eaf l o a th e r ea sw e l l ,b u ti sn o t_ n e c e s s a r y _ . > > >4 . 0 / 3 . 0 * p i * r * * 3#U s i n gf l o a t sg i v et h ec o r r e c ta n s w e r 5 2 3 . 5 9 8 7 7 5 5 9 8 2 9 8 8 6 > > >
Supposethecoverpriceofabookis$24.95,butbookstoresgeta40%discount.Shippingcosts$3forthefirstcopyand75centsforeachadditionalcopy. Whatisthetotalwholesalecostfor60copies?
$ 2 4 . 9 5 $ 9 . 9 8 $ 1 4 . 9 7 6 0 $ 8 9 8 . 2 0 C o s t D i s c o u n tp e rb o o k C o s tp e rb o o ka f t e rd i s c o u n t T o t a ln u m b e ro fb o o k s T o t a lc o s tn o ti n cd e l i v e r y
$ 3 . 0 0 F i r s tb o o kd e l i v e r y 5 9 R e m a i n i n gb o o k s 208/282
Pythonprovidesabuiltinfunctioncalled lenthatreturnsthelengthofastring,sothevalueoflen('allen')is5.Writeafunctionnamedright_justifythattakesa stringnamed sasaparameterandprintsthestringwithenoughleadingspacessothatthelastletterofthestringisincolumn70ofthedisplay.
> > >d e fr i g h t _ j u s t i f y ( s ) : . . . p r i n t( '' * ( 7 0 l e n ( s ) ) + s ) . . . > > >r i g h t _ j u s t i f y ( ' a l l e n ' ) a l l e n > > >
Exercise3.5 209/282
" " " S o l u t i o nt oE x e r c i s eX . Xo np a g eXo fT h i n kP y t h o n A l l e nB .D o w n e y " " " #h e r ei sam o s t l y s t r a i g h t f o r w a r ds o l u t i o nt ot h e #t w o b y t w ov e r s i o no ft h eg r i d . d e fd o _ t w i c e ( f ) : f ( ) f ( ) d e fd o _ f o u r ( f ) : d o _ t w i c e ( f ) d o _ t w i c e ( f ) d e fp r i n t _ b e a m ( ) : p r i n t' +---' , d e fp r i n t _ p o s t ( ) : p r i n t' | ' , d e fp r i n t _ b e a m s ( ) : d o _ t w i c e ( p r i n t _ b e a m ) p r i n t' + ' d e fp r i n t _ p o s t s ( ) : d o _ t w i c e ( p r i n t _ p o s t ) p r i n t' | ' d e fp r i n t _ r o w ( ) : p r i n t _ b e a m s ( ) d o _ f o u r ( p r i n t _ p o s t ) d e fp r i n t _ g r i d ( ) : d o _ t w i c e ( p r i n t _ r o w ) p r i n t _ b e a m s ( ) p r i n t _ g r i d ( ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ # a n o t h e rs o l u t i o n d e fd o _ t w i c e ( f ) : f ( ) f ( ) d e fd o _ f o u r ( f ) : d o _ t w i c e ( f ) d o _ t w i c e ( f ) d e fp r i n t _ c o l u m n ( ) : 210/282
d e fp r i n t _ r o w s ( ) : d o _ f o u r ( p r i n t _ r o w ) d e fd o _ b l o c k ( ) : p r i n t _ c o l u m n ( ) p r i n t _ r o w s ( ) d e fp r i n t _ b l o c k ( ) : d o _ t w i c e ( d o _ b l o c k ) p r i n t _ c o l u m n ( ) p r i n t _ b l o c k ( ) # n a t h a nm o s e s g o n z a l e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #h e r ei sal e s s s t r a i g h t f o r w a r ds o l u t i o nt ot h e #f o u r b y f o u rg r i d d e fo n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( f ,g ,h ) : f ( ) d o _ f o u r ( g ) h ( ) d e fp r i n t _ p l u s ( ) : p r i n t' + ' , d e fp r i n t _ d a s h ( ) : p r i n t' ' , d e fp r i n t _ b a r ( ) : p r i n t' | ' , d e fp r i n t _ s p a c e ( ) : p r i n t'' , d e fp r i n t _ e n d ( ) : p r i n t d e fn o t h i n g ( ) : " d on o t h i n g " d e fp r i n t 1 b e a m ( ) : o n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( n o t h i n g ,p r i n t _ d a s h ,p r i n t _ p l u s ) d e fp r i n t 1 p o s t ( ) : o n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( n o t h i n g ,p r i n t _ s p a c e ,p r i n t _ b a r ) d e fp r i n t 4 b e a m s ( ) : o n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( p r i n t _ p l u s ,p r i n t 1 b e a m ,p r i n t _ e n d ) 211/282
d e fp r i n t 4 p o s t s ( ) : o n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( p r i n t _ b a r ,p r i n t 1 p o s t ,p r i n t _ e n d ) d e fp r i n t _ r o w ( ) : o n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( n o t h i n g ,p r i n t 4 p o s t s ,p r i n t 4 b e a m s ) d e fp r i n t _ g r i d ( ) : o n e _ f o u r _ o n e ( p r i n t 4 b e a m s ,p r i n t _ r o w ,n o t h i n g ) p r i n t _ g r i d ( ) c o m m e n t=" " " A f t e rw r i t i n gad r a f to ft h e4 x 4g r i d ,In o t i c e dt h a tm a n yo ft h e f u n c t i o n sh a dt h es a m es t r u c t u r e :t h e yw o u l dd os o m e t h i n g ,d o s o m e t h i n ge l s ef o u rt i m e s ,a n dt h e nd os o m e t h i n ge l s eo n c e . S oIw r o t eo n e _ f o u r _ o n e ,w h i c ht a k e st h r e ef u n c t i o n sa sa r g u m e n t s ;i t c a l l st h ef i r s to n eo n c e ,t h e nu s e sd o _ f o u rt oc a l lt h es e c o n do n e f o u rt i m e s ,t h e nc a l l st h et h i r d . T h e nIr e w r o t ep r i n t 1 b e a m ,p r i n t 1 p o s t ,p r i n t 4 b e a m s ,p r i n t 4 p o s t s , p r i n t _ r o wa n dp r i n t _ g r i du s i n go n e _ f o u r _ o n e . P r o g r a m m i n gi sa ne x p l o r a t o r yp r o c e s s . W r i t i n gad r a f to fap r o g r a m o f t e ng i v e sy o ui n s i g h ti n t ot h ep r o b l e m ,w h i c hm i g h tl e a dy o ut o r e w r i t et h ec o d et or e f l e c tt h es t r u c t u r eo ft h es o l u t i o n . -A l l e n " " " p r i n tc o m m e n t
f i n=o p e n ( ' w o r d s . t x t ' ) f o rl i n ei nf i n : w o r d=l i n e . s t r i p ( ) i fl e n ( w o r d )> =2 0 : p r i n t( w o r d )
Writeafunctionthattakesalistofnumbersandreturnsthecumulativesumthatis,anewlistwheretheithelementisthesumofthefirsti+1elementsfrom theoriginallist.Forexample,thecumulativesumof[1,2,3]is[1,3,6]. 212/282
> > >d e fc h o p ( x ) : d e lx [ : 1 ] d e lx [ 1 : ]
> > >d e fm i d d l e ( x ) : r e s=[ ] i=1 w h i l ei< =l e n ( x ) 2 : r e s . a p p e n d ( x [ i ] ) i+ =1 r e t u r nr e s
> > >d e fm i d d l e ( x ) : r e t u r nx [ 1 : 1 ]
Writeafunctionthatreadsthewordsinwords.txtandstoresthemaskeysinadictionary.Itdoesntmatterwhatthevaluesare.Thenyoucanusethein operatorasafastwaytocheckwhetherastringisinthedictionary.
e n g l i s h d i c t i o n a r y=d i c t ( ) 213/282
d e fh i s t o g r a m ( s ) : d=d i c t ( ) f o rci ns : d [ c ]=1+d . g e t ( c ,0 ) r e t u r nd
Dictionarieshaveamethodcalledkeysthatreturnsthekeysofthedictionary,innoparticularorder,asalist.Modifyprint_histtoprintthekeysandtheir valuesinalphabeticalorder.
v={ ' p ':1 ,' a ':1 ,' r ':2 ,' o ':1 ,' t ':1 } d e fp r i n t _ h i s t ( h ) : x=h . k e y s ( ) y=l i s t ( x ) y . s o r t ( ) f o rci ny : p r i n t ( c ,h [ c ] )
d e fr e v e r s e _ l o o k u p ( d , v ) : l=l i s t ( ) f o rci nd : i fd [ c ]= =v : l . a p p e n d ( c ) r e t u r nl
Exercise12.1 214/282
d e fs u m a l l ( * t ) : x=0 f o rii nr a n g e ( l e n ( t ) ) : x+ =t [ i ] r e t u r nx
d e fs u m a l l ( * a r g s ) : t=l i s t ( a r g s ) r e t u r ns u m ( t )
i m p o r tr a n d o m d e fs o r t _ b y _ l e n g t h ( w o r d s ) : t=[ ] f o rw o r di nw o r d s : t . a p p e n d ( ( l e n ( w o r d ) , w o r d ) ) t . s o r t ( r e v e r s e = T r u e ) r e s=[ ] f o rl e n g t h ,w o r di nt : r e s . a p p e n d ( w o r d ) i = 0 f i n a l=[ ] w h i l ei< =l e n ( r e s ) 2 : i fl e n ( r e s [ i ] )= =l e n ( r e s [ i + 1 ] ) : y _ l i s t=[ r e s [ i ] ,r e s [ i + 1 ] ] r a n d o m . s h u f f l e ( y _ l i s t ) f i n a l=f i n a l+y _ l i s t i+ =2 e l s e : f i n a l . a p p e n d ( r e s [ i ] ) i+ =1 i fi= =l e n ( r e s ) 1 : f i n a l . a p p e n d ( r e s [ i ] ) r e t u r nf i n a l 215/282
f r o mr a n d o mi m p o r ts h u f f l e d e fs o r t _ b y _ l e n g t h ( w o r d s ) : r=[ ] d=d i c t ( ) f o rw o r di nw o r d s : d . s e t d e f a u l t ( l e n ( w o r d ) ,[ ] ) . a p p e n d ( w o r d ) f o rk e yi ns o r t e d ( d ,r e v e r s e = T r u e ) : i fl e n ( d [ k e y ] )>1 : s h u f f l e ( d [ k e y ] ) r . e x t e n d ( d [ k e y ] ) r e t u r nr
i m p o r ts t r i n g d e fm o s t _ f r e q u e n t ( s ) : d=d i c t ( ) i n v=d i c t ( ) f o rc h a ri ns : i fc h a ri ns t r i n g . a s c i i _ l e t t e r s : l e t t e r=c h a r . l o w e r ( ) d [ l e t t e r ]=d . g e t ( l e t t e r ,0 )+1 f o rl e t t e r ,f r e qi nd . i t e m s ( ) : i n v . s e t d e f a u l t ( f r e q ,[ ] ) . a p p e n d ( l e t t e r ) f o rf r e qi ns o r t e d ( i n v ,r e v e r s e = T r u e ) : p r i n t ( ' { : . 2 % } : ' . f o r m a t ( f r e q / ( s u m ( l i s t ( i n v ) * l e n ( i n v [ f r e q ] ) ) ) ) ,' ,' . j o i n ( i n v [ f r e q ] ) )
f r o ms t r i n gi m p o r tp u n c t u a t i o n ,w h i t e s p a c e ,d i g i t s f r o mr a n d o mi m p o r tr a n d i n t f r o mb i s e c ti m p o r tb i s e c t _ l e f t d e fp r o c e s s _ f i l e ( f i l e n a m e ) : h=d i c t ( ) f p=o p e n ( f i l e n a m e ) f o rl i n ei nf p : p r o c e s s _ l i n e ( l i n e ,h ) 216/282
r e t u r nh d e fp r o c e s s _ l i n e ( l i n e ,h ) : l i n e=l i n e . r e p l a c e ( ' ' ,'' ) f o rw o r di nl i n e . s p l i t ( ) : w o r d=w o r d . s t r i p ( p u n c t u a t i o n+w h i t e s p a c e+d i g i t s ) w o r d=w o r d . l o w e r ( ) i fw o r d! =' ' : h [ w o r d ]=h . g e t ( w o r d ,0 )+1 h i s t=p r o c e s s _ f i l e ( ' e m m a . t x t ' ) d e fc u m _ s u m ( l i s t _ o f _ n u m b e r s ) : c u m _ l i s t=[ ] f o ri ,e l e mi ne n u m e r a t e ( l i s t _ o f _ n u m b e r s ) : i fi= =0 : c u m _ l i s t . a p p e n d ( e l e m ) e l s e : c u m _ l i s t . a p p e n d ( c u m _ l i s t [ i 1 ]+e l e m ) r e t u r nc u m _ l i s t d e fr a n d o m _ w o r d ( h ) : w o r d _ l i s t=l i s t ( h . k e y s ( ) ) n u m _ l i s t=[ ] f o rw o r di nw o r d _ l i s t : n u m _ l i s t . a p p e n d ( h [ w o r d ] ) c u m _ l i s t=c u m _ s u m ( n u m _ l i s t ) i=r a n d i n t ( 1 ,c u m _ l i s t [ 1 ] ) p o s=b i s e c t _ l e f t ( c u m _ l i s t ,i ) r e t u r nw o r d _ l i s t [ p o s ] p r i n t ( r a n d o m _ w o r d ( h i s t ) )
i m p o r ts h e l v e d e fd i c t _ o f _ s i g n a t u r e s _ a n d _ w o r d s ( f i l e n a m e = ' w o r d s . t x t ' ) : d=d i c t ( ) f o rl i n ei no p e n ( f i l e n a m e ) : w o r d=l i n e . l o w e r ( ) . s t r i p ( ) s i g n a t u r e=' ' . j o i n ( s o r t e d ( w o r d ) ) d . s e t d e f a u l t ( s i g n a t u r e ,[ ] ) . a p p e n d ( w o r d ) r e t u r nd d e fd b _ o f _ a n a g r a m s ( f i l e n a m e = ' a n a g r a m s ' ,d = d i c t _ o f _ s i g n a t u r e s _ a n d _ w o r d s ( ) ) : d b=s h e l v e . o p e n ( f i l e n a m e ) f o rk e y ,v a l u e si nd . i t e m s ( ) : i fl e n ( v a l u e s ) > 1 : f o ri n d e x ,v a l u ei ne n u m e r a t e ( v a l u e s ) : 217/282
d b [ v a l u e ] = v a l u e s [ : i n d e x ] + v a l u e s [ i n d e x + 1 : ] d b . c l o s e ( ) d e fp r i n t _ c o n t e n t s _ o f _ d b ( f i l e n a m e = ' a n a g r a m s ' ) : d b=s h e l v e . o p e n ( f i l e n a m e ,f l a g = ' r ' ) f o rk e yi ns o r t e d ( d b ) : p r i n t ( k e y . r j u s t ( 1 2 ) ,' \ t < = = > \ t ' ,' ,' . j o i n ( d b [ k e y ] ) ) d b . c l o s e ( ) d b _ o f _ a n a g r a m s ( ) p r i n t _ c o n t e n t s _ o f _ d b ( )
#R e p l a c eu r l l i b . r e q u e s tw i t hu r l l i bi fy o uu s eP y t h o n2 . #Iw o u l dl o v et os e eam o r ee l e g a n ts o l u t i o nf o rt h i se x e r c i s e ,p o s s i b l yb ys o m e o n ew h ou n d e r s t a n d sh t m l . i m p o r tu r l l i b . r e q u e s t d e fc h e c k ( z i p _ c o d e ) : i fz i p _ c o d e= =' d o n e ' : r e t u r nb r e a k i fl e n ( z i p _ c o d e )! =5 : p r i n t ( ' \ n T h ez i pc o d em u s th a v ef i v ed i g i t s ! ' ) r e t u r nc o n t i n u e d e fg e t _ h t m l ( z i p _ c o d e ) : g i b b e r i s h=u r l l i b . r e q u e s t . u r l o p e n ( ' h t t p : / / w w w . u s z i p . c o m / z i p / '+z i p _ c o d e ) l e s s _ g i b=g i b b e r i s h . r e a d ( ) . d e c o d e ( ' u t f 8 ' ) r e t u r nl e s s _ g i b d e fe x t r a c t _ t r u t h ( c o d e ,k e y ,d e l i m i t e r ) : p o s=c o d e . f i n d ( k e y )+l e n ( k e y ) n e a r l y _ t r u e=c o d e [ p o s : p o s + 4 0 ] t r u t h=n e a r l y _ t r u e . s p l i t ( d e l i m i t e r ) [ 0 ] r e t u r nt r u t h w h i l eT r u e : z i p _ c o d e=i n p u t ( ' P l e a s et y p eaz i pc o d e( 5d i g i t s )o r" d o n e "i fw a n tt os t o p : \ n ' ) c h e c k ( z i p _ c o d e ) c o d e=g e t _ h t m l ( z i p _ c o d e ) i n v a l i d _ k e y=' ( 0r e s u l t s ) ' i fi n v a l i d _ k e yi nc o d e : p r i n t ( ' \ n N o tav a l i dz i pc o d e . ' ) c o n t i n u e n a m e _ k e y=' z i pc o d eo f< s t r o n g > ' n a m e _ d e l=' < ' n a m e=e x t r a c t _ t r u t h ( c o d e ,n a m e _ k e y ,n a m e _ d e l ) 218/282
p o p _ k e y=' P o p u l a t i o n : < / b > < / t d > < t d > ' p o p _ d e l='< ' n a m e=e x t r a c t _ t r u t h ( c o d e ,p o p _ k e y ,p o p _ d e l ) i fn o t1<l e n ( p o p )<9 : p o p=' n o ta v a i l a b l e ' p r i n t ( ' \ n '+n a m e ) p r i n t ( ' P o p u l a t i o n : ' ,p o p ,' \ n ' )
i m p o r tm a t h c l a s sP o i n t ( o b j e c t ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t sap o i n ti n2 Ds p a c e " " " d e fd i s t a n c e ( p 1 ,p 2 ) : d i s t a n c e=m a t h . s q r t ( ( p 2 . x-p 1 . x ) * * 2+( p 2 . y-p 1 . y ) * * 2 ) r e t u r nd i s t a n c e p 1=P o i n t ( ) p 2=P o i n t ( ) p 1 . x=3 p 1 . y=2 p 2 . x=4 p 2 . y=3 p r i n t ( d i s t a n c e ( p 1 ,p 2 ) )
d e fp r i n t _ t i m e ( t ) : p r i n t' % . 2 d : % . 2 d : % . 2 d '%( t . h o u r ,t . m i n u t e ,t . s e c o n d )
#S o l u t i o nf o rP y t h o n 3 #M o r eo ns t r i n gf o r m a t t i n g :h t t p : / / d o c s . p y t h o n . o r g / p y 3 k / l i b r a r y / s t r i n g . h t m l # f o r m a t s p e c 219/282
d e fi s _ a f t e r ( t 1 ,t 2 ) : r e t u r n( t 1 . h o u r ,t 1 . m i n u t e ,t 1 . s e c o n d )>( t 2 . h o u r ,t 2 . m i n u t e ,t 2 . s e c o n d )
#C o m m e n tn o tb yt h ea u t h o r :T h i sw i l lg i v eaw r o n gr e s u l t ,i f( t i m e . s e c o n d+s e c o n d s%6 0 )>6 0 d e fi n c r e m e n t ( t i m e ,s e c o n d s ) : n=s e c o n d s / 6 0 t i m e . s e c o n d+ =s e c o n d s-6 0 . 0 * n t i m e . m i n u t e+ =n m=t i m e . m i n u t e / 6 0 t i m e . m i n u t e=m * 6 0 t i m e . h o u r+ =m
#S o l u t i o nf o rP y t h o n 3 #R e p l a c e' / / 'b y' / 'f o rP y t h o n 2 d e fi n c r e m e n t ( t i m e ,s e c o n d s ) : t i m e . s e c o n d+ =s e c o n d s t i m e . m i n u t e+ =t i m e . s e c o n d / / 6 0 t i m e . h o u r+ =t i m e . m i n u t e / / 6 0 t i m e . s e c o n d% =6 0 t i m e . m i n u t e% =6 0 t i m e . h o u r% =2 4
#S o l u t i o nf o rP y t h o n 3 #R e p l a c e' / / 'b y' / 'f o rP y t h o n 2 f r o mc o p yi m p o r td e e p c o p y d e fi n c r e m e n t ( t i m e ,s e c o n d s ) : 220/282
r=d e e p c o p y ( t i m e ) r . s e c o n d+ =s e c o n d s r . m i n u t e+ =r . s e c o n d / / 6 0 r . h o u r+ =r . m i n u t e / / 6 0 r . s e c o n d% =6 0 r . m i n u t e% =6 0 r . h o u r% =2 4 r e t u r nr
c l a s sT i m e ( o b j e c t ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t st h et i m eo fd a y . a t t r i b u t e s :h o u r ,m i n u t e ,s e c o n d " " " t i m e=T i m e ( ) t i m e . h o u r=1 1 t i m e . m i n u t e=5 9 t i m e . s e c o n d=3 0 d e ft i m e _ t o _ i n t ( t i m e ) : m i n u t e s=t i m e . h o u r*6 0+t i m e . m i n u t e s e c o n d s=m i n u t e s*6 0+t i m e . s e c o n d r e t u r ns e c o n d s d e fi n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s ) : t i m e=T i m e ( ) m i n u t e s ,t i m e . s e c o n d=d i v m o d ( s e c o n d s ,6 0 ) t i m e . h o u r ,t i m e . m i n u t e=d i v m o d ( m i n u t e s ,6 0 ) r e t u r nt i m e d e fi n c r e m e n t ( t i m e ,a d d t i m e ) : s e c o n d s=t i m e _ t o _ i n t ( t i m e ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ t i m e ( s e c o n d s+a d d t i m e ) d e fp r i n t _ t i m e( x ) : p r i n t' T h et i m ei s% . 2 d:% . 2 d:% . 2 d '%( x . h o u r ,x . m i n u t e ,x . s e c o n d ) p r i n t _ t i m e( t i m e ) n e w t i m e=i n c r e m e n t( t i m e ,7 0 ) p r i n t _ t i m e( n e w t i m e )
d e ft i m e _ t o _ i n t ( t i m e ) : m i n u t e s=t i m e . h o u r*6 0+t i m e . m i n u t e 221/282
WriteaclassdefinitionforaDateobjectthathasattributes day, monthand year.Writeafunctioncalled increment_datethattakesaDateobject, date,andan integer, n,andreturnsanewDateobjectthatrepresentstheday ndaysafter date.Hint:ThirtydayshathSeptember...Challenge:doesyourfunctiondeal withleapyearscorrectly?See
c l a s sD a t e ( o b j e c t ) : " " " r e p r e s e n t sad a t e . a t t r i b u t e s :d a y ,m o n t h ,y e a r " " " d e fp r i n t _ d a t e ( d a t e ) : #G e r m a nd a t ef o r m a t p r i n t ( ' { } . { } . { } ' . f o r m a t ( d a t e . d a y ,d a t e . m o n t h ,d a t e . y e a r ) ) d e fi s _ l e a p _ y e a r ( y e a r ) : #h t t p : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / L e a p _ y e a r # A l g o r i t h m i fy e a r%4= =0 : i fy e a r%1 0 0= =0 : i fy e a r%4 0 0= =0 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e d e fm o n t h _ l i s t ( y e a r ) : i fi s _ l e a p _ y e a r ( y e a r ) : r e t u r n[ 3 1 ,2 9 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ] r e t u r n[ 3 1 ,2 8 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 0 ,3 1 ] d e fd a y s _ o f _ y e a r ( y e a r ) : i fi s _ l e a p _ y e a r ( y e a r ) : r e t u r n3 6 6 222/282
r e t u r n3 6 5 d e fd a t e _ t o _ i n t ( d a t e ) : d a y s=0 f o ry e a ri nr a n g e ( 1 ,d a t e . y e a r ) : d a y s+ =d a y s _ o f _ y e a r ( y e a r ) m o n t h _ d a y s=m o n t h _ l i s t ( d a t e . y e a r ) f o rm o n t hi nr a n g e ( 1 ,d a t e . m o n t h ) : d a y s+ =m o n t h _ d a y s [ m o n t h-1 ] d a y s+ =d a t e . d a y-1 r e t u r nd a y s d e fi n t _ t o _ d a t e ( d a y s ) : d a t e=D a t e ( ) d a t e . y e a r=1 n e x t _ d a y s=3 6 5 w h i l ed a y s> =n e x t _ d a y s : d a t e . y e a r+ =1 d a y s=n e x t _ d a y s n e x t _ d a y s=d a y s _ o f _ y e a r ( d a t e . y e a r ) d a t e . m o n t h=1 n e x t _ d a y s=3 1 m o n t h _ d a y s=m o n t h _ l i s t ( d a t e . y e a r ) w h i l ed a y s> =n e x t _ d a y s : d a t e . m o n t h+ =1 d a y s=n e x t _ d a y s n e x t _ d a y s=m o n t h _ d a y s [ d a t e . m o n t h-1 ] d a t e . d a y=d a y s+1 r e t u r nd a t e d e fi n c r e m e n t _ d a t e ( d a t e ,n ) : d a y s=d a t e _ t o _ i n t ( d a t e ) r e t u r ni n t _ t o _ d a t e ( d a y s+n ) d 1=D a t e ( ) d 1 . d a y ,d 1 . m o n t h ,d 1 . y e a r=8 ,3 ,2 0 1 2 p r i n t _ d a t e ( d 1 ) d 2=i n c r e m e n t _ d a t e ( d 1 ,7 ) p r i n t _ d a t e ( d 2 )
1.Usethe datetimemoduletowriteaprogramthatgetsthecurrentdateandprintsthedayoftheweek.
f r o md a t e t i m ei m p o r td a t e d e fc u r r e n t _ w e e k d a y ( ) : 223/282
i=d a t e . t o d a y ( ) . w e e k d a y ( ) p r i n t ( [ ' M o n d a y ' ,' T u e s d a y ' ,' W e d n e s d a y ' ,' T h u r s d a y ' ,' F r i d a y ' ,' S a t u r d a y ' ,' S u n d a y ' ] [ i ] ) c u r r e n t _ w e e k d a y ( )
#P y t h o n 3s o l u t i o n .R e p l a c e" i n p u t "b y" r a w _ i n p u t "f o rP y t h o n 2 . f r o md a t e t i m ei m p o r td a t e t i m e d e ft i m e _ u n t i l _ b i r t h d a y ( ) : d o b _ i n p u t=i n p u t ( ( ' P l e a s ee n t e rt h ed a t eo fy o u rb i r t hi n' ' t h ef o r m a t" m m / d d / y y y y " :' ) ) d o b=d a t e t i m e . s t r p t i m e ( d o b _ i n p u t ,' % m / % d / % Y ' ) n o w=d a t e t i m e . n o w ( ) i fn o w>d a t e t i m e ( n o w . y e a r ,d o b . m o n t h ,d o b . d a y ) : a g e=n o w . y e a r-d o b . y e a r n e x t _ y e a r=T r u e e l s e : a g e=n o w . y e a r-d o b . y e a r-1 n e x t _ y e a r=F a l s e t i m e _ t o _ b i r t h d a y=d a t e t i m e ( n o w . y e a r+n e x t _ y e a r , d o b . m o n t h ,d o b . d a y )-n o w d a y s=t i m e _ t o _ b i r t h d a y . d a y s h o u r s ,r e m a i n d e r=d i v m o d ( t i m e _ t o _ b i r t h d a y . s e c o n d s ,3 6 0 0 ) m i n u t e s ,s e c o n d s=d i v m o d ( r e m a i n d e r ,6 0 ) p r i n t ( " \ n Y o ua r e{ }y e a r so l d . " . f o r m a t ( a g e ) ) p r i n t ( ( " Y o uh a v e{ 0 }d a y s ,{ 1 }h o u r s ,{ 2 }m i n u t e sa n d{ 3 }" " s e c o n d sl e f tu n t i ly o u rn e x tb i r t h d a y . " ) . f o r m a t ( d a y s ,h o u r s ,m i n u t e s ,s e c o n d s ) ) t i m e _ u n t i l _ b i r t h d a y ( )
f r o mv i s u a li m p o r ts c e n e ,s p h e r e s c e n e . r a n g e=( 2 5 6 ,2 5 6 ,2 5 6 ) s c e n e . c e n t e r=( 1 2 8 ,1 2 8 ,1 2 8 ) t=r a n g e ( 0 ,2 5 6 ,5 1 ) f o rxi nt : f o ryi nt : f o rzi nt : p o s=x ,y ,z 224/282
c o l o r=( x / 2 5 5 . ,y / 2 5 5 . ,z / 2 5 5 . ) s p h e r e ( p o s = p o s ,r a d i u s = 1 0 ,c o l o r = c o l o r )
# r e c u r s i o no rr e c u r s i v e p r i n t" \ n I N D E X \ n " " \ n C = 1f o ra d d i t i o n \ n " " \ n C = 2f o rs u b s t r a c t i o n \ n " " \ n C = 3f o rm u l t i p l i c a t i o n \ n " " \ n C = 4f o rd i v i s i o n \ n " " \ n C = 5f o rt of i n dm o d u l u s \ n " " \ n C = 6t of i n df a c t o r i a l \ n " C = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rc h o i c eh e r e :" ) d e fa d d ( x , y ) : c = x + y 225/282
p r i n tx , " + " , y , " = " , c d e fs u b ( x , y ) : c = x y p r i n tx , " " , y , " = " , c d e fm u l ( x , y ) : c = x * y p r i n tx , " * " , y , " = " , c d e fd i v ( x , y ) : c = x / y p r i n tx , " / " , y , " = " , c d e fm o d ( x , y ) : c = x % y p r i n tx , " % " , y , " = " , c i fC = = 6 : d e ff ( n ) : i fn = = 1 : p r i n tn r e t u r nn e l s e : p r i n tn , " * " , r e t u r nn * f ( n 1 ) n = i n p u t ( " e n t e ry o u rn oh e r e :" ) p r i n tf ( n ) i fC = = 1 : a = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rf i r s tn oh e r e :" ) b = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rs e c o n dn oh e r e :" ) a d d ( a , b ) e l i fC = = 2 : a = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rf i r s tn oh e r e :" ) b = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rs e c o n dn oh e r e :" ) s u b ( a , b ) e l i fC = = 3 : a = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rf i r s tn oh e r e :" ) b = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rs e c o n dn oh e r e :" ) m u l ( a , b ) e l i fC = = 4 : a = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rf i r s tn oh e r e :" ) b = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rs e c o n dn oh e r e :" ) d i v ( a , b ) e l i fC = = 5 : a = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rf i r s tn oh e r e :" ) b = i n p u t ( " E n t e ry o u rs e c o n dn oh e r e :" ) m o d ( a , b )
d e ff i r s t ( w o r d ) : r e t u r nw o r d [ 0 ] d e fl a s t ( w o r d ) : r e t u r nw o r d [ 1 ] d e fm i d d l e ( w o r d ) : r e t u r nw o r d [ 1 : 1 ] d e fp a l i n d r o m e ( w o r d ) : 226/282
d e fs u m _ o f _ n _ n u m b e r s ( n u m b e r ) : i f ( n u m b e r = = 0 ) : r e t u r n0 e l s e : r e t u r nn u m b e r+s u m _ o f _ n _ n u m b e r s ( n u m b e r 1 ) n u m=r a w _ i n p u t ( " E n t e ran u m b e r : " ) n u m = i n t ( n u m ) s u m=s u m _ o f _ n _ n u m b e r s ( n u m ) p r i n ts u m # # # a n o t h e ra n s w e ri nc a s eo fw h i l el o o p s d e fs u m _ o f _ D i g i t s ( n u m b e r ) : s u m = 0 w h i l en u m b e r > 0 : d i g i t = n u m b e r % 1 0 s u m = s u m + d i g i t n u m b e r = n u m b e r / 1 0 r e t u r ns u m n u m = r a w _ i n p u t ( " e n t e rt h en u m b e r " ) n u m = i n t ( n u m ) s u m _ o f _ d i g i t s = s u m _ o f _ D i g i t s ( n u m ) p r i n ts u m _ o f _ d i g i t s
c l a s sC a r d ( o b j e c t ) : s u i t _ n a m e s=[ ' C l u b s ' ,' D i a m o n d s ' ,' H e a r t s ' ,' S p a d e s ' ] r a n k _ n a m e s=[ N o n e ,' A c e ' ,' 2 ' ,' 3 ' ,' 4 ' ,' 5 ' ,' 6 ' ,' 7 ' , ' 8 ' ,' 9 ' ,' 1 0 ' ,' J a c k ' ,' Q u e e n ' ,' K i n g ' ] d e f_ _ i n i t _ _ ( s e l f ,s u i t=0 ,r a n k=2 ) : s e l f . s u i t=s u i t s e l f . r a n k=r a n k 227/282
d e f_ _ s t r _ _ ( s e l f ) : r e t u r n' % so f% s '%( C a r d . r a n k _ n a m e s [ s e l f . r a n k ] , C a r d . s u i t _ n a m e s [ s e l f . s u i t ] ) d e f_ _ c m p _ _ ( s e l f ,o t h e r ) : c 1=( s e l f . s u i t ,s e l f . r a n k ) c 2=( o t h e r . s u i t ,o t h e r . r a n k ) r e t u r nc m p ( c 1 ,c 2 ) d e fi s _ v a l i d ( s e l f ) : r e t u r ns e l f . r a n k>0 c l a s sD e c k ( o b j e c t ) : d e f_ _ i n i t _ _ ( s e l f ,l a b e l=' D e c k ' ) : s e l f . l a b e l=l a b e l s e l f . c a r d s=[ ] f o rii nr a n g e ( 4 ) : f o rki nr a n g e ( 1 ,1 4 ) : c a r d=C a r d ( i ,k ) s e l f . c a r d s . a p p e n d ( c a r d ) d e f_ _ s t r _ _ ( s e l f ) : r e s=[ ] f o rc a r di ns e l f . c a r d s : r e s . a p p e n d ( s t r ( c a r d ) ) p r i n ts e l f . l a b e l r e t u r n' \ n ' . j o i n ( r e s ) d e fd e a l _ c a r d ( s e l f ) : r e t u r ns e l f . c a r d s . p o p ( 0 ) d e fa d d _ c a r d ( s e l f ,c a r d ) : s e l f . c a r d s . a p p e n d ( c a r d ) d e fs h u f f l e ( s e l f ) : i m p o r tr a n d o m r a n d o m . s h u f f l e ( s e l f . c a r d s ) d e fs o r t ( s e l f ) : s e l f . c a r d s . s o r t ( ) d e fm o v e _ c a r d s ( s e l f ,o t h e r ,n u m ) : f o rii nr a n g e ( n u m ) : o t h e r . a d d _ c a r d ( s e l f . d e a l _ c a r d ( ) ) d e fd e a l _ h a n d s ( s e l f ,n u m _ h a n d s ,n u m _ c a r d s ) : i fn u m _ h a n d s * n u m _ c a r d s>5 2 : r e t u r n' N o te n o u g hc a r d s . ' l=[ ] f o rii nr a n g e ( 1 ,n u m _ h a n d s+1 ) : h a n d _ i=H a n d ( ' H a n d% d '%i ) s e l f . m o v e _ c a r d s ( h a n d _ i ,n u m _ c a r d s ) 228/282
l . a p p e n d ( h a n d _ i ) r e t u r nl c l a s sH a n d ( D e c k ) : d e f_ _ i n i t _ _ ( s e l f ,l a b e l=' ' ) : s e l f . c a r d s=[ ] s e l f . l a b e l=l a b e l #1 8 6 ,1 4 : c l a s sP o k e r H a n d ( H a n d ) : d e fs u i t _ h i s t ( s e l f ) : s e l f . s u i t s={ } f o rc a r di ns e l f . c a r d s : s e l f . s u i t s [ c a r d . s u i t ]=s e l f . s u i t s . g e t ( c a r d . s u i t ,0 )+1 r e t u r ns e l f . s u i t s d e fr a n k _ h i s t ( s e l f ) : s e l f . r a n k s={ } f o rc a r di ns e l f . c a r d s : s e l f . r a n k s [ c a r d . r a n k ]=s e l f . r a n k s . g e t ( c a r d . r a n k ,0 )+1 r e t u r ns e l f . r a n k s d e fP ( s e l f ) : s e l f . r a n k _ h i s t ( ) f o rv a li ns e l f . r a n k s . v a l u e s ( ) : i fv a l> =2 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e d e fT P ( s e l f ) : s e l f . r a n k _ h i s t ( ) c o u n t=0 f o rv a li ns e l f . r a n k s . v a l u e s ( ) : i fv a l= =4 : r e t u r nT r u e e l i fv a l> =2a n dv a l<4 : c o u n t+ =1 r e t u r nc o u n t> =2 d e fT O A K ( s e l f ) : s e l f . r a n k _ h i s t ( ) f o rv a li ns e l f . r a n k s . v a l u e s ( ) : i fv a l> =3 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e d e fS T R s e q ( s e l f ) : s e q=[ ] l=S T R l i s t ( ) s e l f . r a n k _ h i s t ( ) h=s e l f . r a n k s . k e y s ( ) h . s o r t ( ) i fl e n ( h )<5 : 229/282
r e t u r n[ ] #A c c o u n t sf o rh i g hA c e s : i f1i nh : h . a p p e n d ( 1 ) f o rii nr a n g e ( 5 ,l e n ( h ) + 1 ) : i fh [ i 5 : i ]i nl : s e q . a p p e n d ( h [ i 5 : i ] ) r e t u r ns e q d e fS T R ( s e l f ) : s e q=s e l f . S T R s e q ( ) r e t u r ns e q! =[ ] d e fF L ( s e l f ) : s e l f . s u i t _ h i s t ( ) f o rv a li ns e l f . s u i t s . v a l u e s ( ) : i fv a l> =5 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e d e fF H ( s e l f ) : d=s e l f . r a n k _ h i s t ( ) k e y s=d . k e y s ( ) f o rk e yi nk e y s : i fd [ k e y ]> =3 : k e y s . r e m o v e ( k e y ) f o rk e yi nk e y s : i fd [ k e y ]> =2 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e d e fF O A K ( s e l f ) : s e l f . r a n k _ h i s t ( ) f o rv a li ns e l f . r a n k s . v a l u e s ( ) : i fv a l> =4 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e d e fS F L ( s e l f ) : s e q=s e l f . S T R s e q ( ) i fs e q= =[ ] : r e t u r nF a l s e f o rl i s ti ns e q : l i s t _ s u i t s=[ ] f o ri n d e xi nl i s t : f o rc a r di ns e l f . c a r d s : i fc a r d . r a n k= =i n d e x : l i s t _ s u i t s . a p p e n d ( c a r d . s u i t ) l i s t _ h i s t=h i s t o g r a m ( l i s t _ s u i t s ) f o rk e yi nl i s t _ h i s t . k e y s ( ) : i fl i s t _ h i s t [ k e y ]> =5 : r e t u r nT r u e r e t u r nF a l s e 230/282
d e fc l a s s i f y ( s e l f ) : s e l f . s c o r e s=[ ] h a n d s=[ ' P a i r ' ,' T w o P a i r ' , ' T h r e eo faK i n d ' ,' S t r a i g h t ' , ' F l u s h ' ,' F u l lH o u s e ' , ' F o u ro faK i n d ' ,' S t r a i g h tF l u s h ' ] i fs e l f . P ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 1 ) i fs e l f . T P ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 2 ) i fs e l f . T O A K ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 3 ) i fs e l f . S T R ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 4 ) i fs e l f . F L ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 5 ) i fs e l f . F H ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 6 ) i fs e l f . F O A K ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 7 ) i fs e l f . S F L ( ) : s e l f . s c o r e s . a p p e n d ( 8 ) i fs e l f . s c o r e s! =[ ] : r e t u r nh a n d s [ m a x ( s e l f . s c o r e s ) 1 ] d e fS T R l i s t ( ) : s=[ ] f o rii nr a n g e ( 0 , 9 ) : s . a p p e n d ( r a n g e ( 1 , 1 4 ) [ i : i + 5 ] ) s . a p p e n d ( [ 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 ] ) r e t u r ns d e fh i s t o g r a m ( l ) : d=d i c t ( ) f o rki nr a n g e ( l e n ( l ) ) : d [ l [ k ] ]=1+d . g e t ( l [ k ] , 0 ) r e t u r nd #1 8 6 ,5 : d e fp ( c o n f i g=' ' ,t r i a l s=1 0 0 0 0 ,n=1 ) : " " " E s t i m a t e sp r o b a b i l i t yt h a tt h e n t hd e a l th a n dw i l lb ec o n f i g .Ah a n d c o n s i s t so fs e v e nc a r d s . " " " s u c c e s s e s=0 f o rii nr a n g e ( 1 ,t r i a l s+1 ) : d e c k=D e c k ( ' D e c k% d '%i ) d e c k . s h u f f l e ( ) b o x=H a n d ( ) d e c k . m o v e _ c a r d s ( b o x ,( n 1 ) * 7 ) h a n d=P o k e r H a n d ( ' P o k e rH a n d% d '%i ) d e c k . m o v e _ c a r d s ( h a n d ,7 ) 231/282
Writeafunctioncalled bisectionthattakesasortedlistandatargetvalueandreturnstheindexofthevalueinthelist,ifitsthere,or Noneifitsnot.
f r o mb i s e c ti m p o r tb i s e c t _ l e f t d e fb i s e c t i o n ( s o r t e d _ l i s t ,i t e m ) : i=b i s e c t _ l e f t ( s o r t e d _ l i s t ,i t e m ) i fi<l e n ( s o r t e d _ l i s t )a n ds o r t e d _ l i s t [ i ]= =i t e m : r e t u r ni e l s e : r e t u r nN o n e i f_ _ n a m e _ _= =' _ _ m a i n _ _ ' : a=[ 1 ,2 ,3 ] p r i n t ( b i s e c t i o n ( a ,2 ) ) #e x p e c t1 b=[ 1 ,3 ] p r i n t ( b i s e c t i o n ( b ,2 ) ) #e x p e c tN o n e c=[ 1 ,2 ] p r i n t ( b i s e c t i o n ( c ,3 ) ) #e x p e c tN o n e
Index 232/282
Ackermanfunction,6.11 literalness,1.4
looping withdictionaries,11.2
ambiguity,1.4 Markovanalysis,13.8 anagram,10.15 McCloskey,Robert,8.3 anagramset,12.11,14.7 MD5algorithm,14.12 andoperator,5.3 Menubuttonwidget,19.7 anydbmmodule,14.6 MontyPythonandtheHolyGrail,16.2 appendmethod,10.6,10.12,10.15,18.4,18.6 MP3,14.12 arcfunction,4.3 mappattern,10.7,10.14 argument,3.1,3.5,3.8,3.8,3.14,10.12 mapto,18.1 gather,12.4
attribute __dict__,17.10
init,17.5,18.1,18.4,18.7 benchmarking,13.9,13.11 items,12.6 big,hairyexpression,A.3.2 join,10.9,18.5 binding,19.8,19.10 keys,11.2 bingo,12.11 mro,18.9 birthday,16.7 pop,10.8,18.6 birthdayparadox,10.15 radd,17.8 bisectmodule,10.15 read,14.8 bisectionsearch,10.15 readline,9.1,14.8 bisection,debuggingby,7.7 remove,10.8 bitwiseoperator,2.5 replace,13.1 body,3.5,3.14,5.13,7.3 setdefault,11.4 238/282
booltype,5.2 sort,10.6,10.13,12.7,18.6 booleanexpression,5.2,5.13 split,10.9,12.2 booleanfunction,6.4,16.1 string,8.13 booleanoperator,8.9 strip,9.1,13.1 borrowing,subtractionwith,7.6,16.4 translate,13.1 boundmethod,19.6,19.10 update,12.6 boundingbox,15.9,19.4,19.10 values,11 bracket squiggly,11 void,10.6
circulardefinition,6.5 moduleobject,3.3,14.9 class,15.1,15.8 module,writing,14.9 Card,18.1 modulusoperator,5.1,5.13 Date,16.7 mromethod,18.9 Deck,18.4 multilinestring,4.9,A.1 Hand,18.7 multipleassignment,7.1,7.8,11.6 Kangaroo,17.12 multiplicity(inclassdiagram),18.8,18.10 Point,15.1,17.5 mutability,8.5,10.2,10.5,10.11,11.6,12.1,12.8,15.5 242/282
Nonespecialvalue,3.11,6.1,6.10,10.6,10.8 classattribute,18.2,18.10 naturallanguage,1.4,1.7 classdefinition,15.1 negativeindex,8.2 classdiagram,18.8,18.10 nestedconditional,5.7,5.13 classobject,15.1,15.8 nestedlist,10.1,10.3,10.14 closemethod,14.2,14.6,14.8 newline,5.11,7.1,18.5 cmpfunction,18.3 notoperator,5.3 __cmp__method,18.3
colorlist,15.9,17.12 OverflowError,5.12 comment,2.9,2.11 object,8.5,8.12,10.10,10.10,10.14,15.1 commutativity,2.8,17.8 Callable,19.7 comparefunction,6.1 Canvas,15.9 comparison string,8.10 class,15.1
printing,17.2 concatenation,2.8,2.11,3.9,8.3,8.5,10.9
objectdiagram,15.2,15.3,15.6,15.8,16.1,18.2 condition,5.4,5.13,7.3,A.2.2 objectorientedlanguage,17.11 conditional,A.1 objectorientedprogramming,17.1,17.11,18.7 chained,5.6,5.13 octal,2.2 nested,5.7,5.13 odometer,9.7 conditionalexecution,5.4 openfunction,9.1,9.1,14.2,14.5,14.6 conditionaloperator,18.3 operand,2.5,2.11
conversion type,3.2
coordinate Canvas,19.3,19.8
copy deep,15.6
logical,5.2,5.3 246/282
optionalparameter,13.5,17.5 Dateclass,16.7 oroperator,5.3 Deckclass,18.4 orderofoperations,2.7,2.10,A.3.2 Dijkstra,Edsger,9.5 osmodule,14.4 Doyle,ArthurConan,1.3.4 other(parametername),17.4 DSUpattern,12.7,12.10,13.4 overloading,17.11 datastructure,12.9,12.10,13.9 override,13.5,13.11,17.5,18.3,18.7,18.9 database,14.6,14.11,14.12
debugging,1.3,1.3,1.6,1.7,2.10,3.13,4.10,5.12,6.9,8.11,9.5,10.13,11.8, 12.9,13.10,14.10,15.7,16.5,17.10,18.9,19.9,A
Puzzler,9.7,9.7,9.7,11.10,12.11 bybisection,7.7 Pythagoreantheorem,6.2 emotionalresponse,1.6,A.3.4 Python3.0,1.5,2.5,5.11,11.7,12.5 experimental,1.3.4 Pythondebugger(pdb),A.2.3 superstition,A.3.4 PythonImagingLibrary(PIL),19.11 deck,playingcards,18.4 packingwidgets,19.6,19.10 declaration,11.6,11.9 palindrome,6.11,8.13,9.4,9.7,9.7 decoratesortundecoratepattern,12.7 parameter,3.8,3.9,3.14,10.12 decrement,7.2,7.8
state,2.2,7.1,8.11,10.2,10.10,10.11,11.4,12.6,15.2,15.3,15.6,16.1,18.2 pdb(Pythondebugger),A.2.3
dispatch typebased,17.9
division floatingpoint,2.5
programtesting,9.5 Einstein,Albert,4.6 254/282
programminglanguage,1.1 Entrywidget,19.5 prompt,1.1,1.7,5.11 Euclidsalgorithm,6.11 prose,1.4 Eventobject,19.8 prototypeandpatch,16.2,16.4,16.6 element,10.1,10.14 pseudorandom,13.2,13.11 elementdeletion,10.8 purefunction,16.2,16.6 elifkeyword,5.6,1.8 ellipses,3.5
RSAalgorithm,11.7 emotionaldebugging,1.6,A.3.4 RuntimeError,5.10,6.8 emptylist,10.1 raddmethod,17.8 emptystring,8.12,10.9 radian,3.3 encapsulation,4.4,4.11,6.3,7.5,8.7,18.7 rage,A.3.4 encode,18.1,18.10 raisestatement,11.3,16.5 encrypt,18.1 randintfunction,10.15,13.2 encryption,11.7 randomfunction,12.7,13.2 endoflinecharacter,14.10 randommodule,10.15,12.7,13.2,18.6 enumeratefunction,12.5 randomnumber,13.2 epsilon,7.5 randomtext,13.8 equalityandassignment,7.1 randomwalkprogramming,13.10,A.3.4 256/282
eventstring,19.8 relativepath,14.4,14.11 eventdrivenprogramming,19.2,19.9,19.10 reloadfunction,14.9,A.1.1 exception,1.3.2,1.7,2.10,A,A.2.3 removemethod,10.8 AttributeError,15.7,A.2.3 repetition,4.2 IndexError,8.2,8.11,10.2,A.2.3 list,10.4 IOError,14.5
rotation letters,11.10
SVG,19.11 Falsespecialvalue,5.2 Swampy,4.1,9.1,15.9,18.11,19.1 FermatsLastTheorem,5.14 SyntaxError,3.4 Framewidget,19.6 safelanguage,1.3.2 FreeDocumentationLicense,GNU,0,0 sanitycheck,11.8 factorialfunction,6.5,6.8 scaffolding,6.2,6.10,11.8 fibonaccifunction,6.7,11.5 scatter,12.4,12.10 file,14 260/282
searchpattern,8.6,8.12,9.3 fileobject,9.1,9.6 search,bisection,10.15 filename,14.4 secretexercise,14.12 filterpattern,10.7,10.14 self(parametername),17.2 findfunction,8.6 semanticerror,1.3.3,1.7,2.1,2.10,8.11,A,A.3 flag,11.6,11.9 semantics,1.3.3,1.7,17.1 floatfunction,3.2 sequence,8.1,8.12,10.1,10.9,12.1,12.8 floattype,2.1 coordinate,19.4 floatingpoint,2.11,7.5 261/282
flowofexecution,3.7,3.14,6.7,6.9,7.3,18.9,19.9,A.2.2 setmembership,11 flower,4.12 setdefaultmethod,11.4 folder,14.4 sexagesimal,16.4 forloop,4.2,8.3,10.3,12.5 shallowcopy,15.6,15.8 formallanguage,1.4,1.7 shape,12.10 formatoperator,14.3,14.11,A.2.3 shapeerror,12.9 formatsequence,14.3,14.11 shell,14.8 formatstring,14.3,14.11 shelvemodule,14.7,14.12 frabjuous,6.5 shufflefunction,18.6 262/282
eval,7.9 splitmethod,10.9,12.2 exists,14.4 sqrt,6.2 factorial,6.5 sqrtfunction,3.3 fibonacci,6.7,11.5 squareroot,7.5 find,8.6 squigglybracket,11 float,3.2 264/282
stackdiagram,3.10,3.10,3.14,4.12,5.9,6.5,6.11, 10.12
statediagram,2.2,2.11,7.1,8.11,10.2,10.10,10.11, 11.4,12.6,15.2,15.3,15.6,16.1,18.2
accumulator,18.5 str,3.2 comparison,8.10 sum,12.4 empty,10.9 tuple,12.1 immutable,8.5 type,15.7 method,8.8 zip,12.5 multiline,4.9,A.1
functionalprogrammingstyle,16.3,16.6 suit,18.1
testing andabsenceofbugs,9.5
traverse dictionary,12.6
hyperlink,19.11 triangle,5.14
imageviewer,19.11 tupleassignment,12.3,12.5,12.10 immutability,8.5,8.5,8.12,10.11,11.4,12.1,12.8 tuplefunction,12.1 implementation,11.1,11.9,13.9 turtletypewriter,4.12 importstatement,3.14,4.1,14.9 type,2.1,2.1,2.11 inoperator,8.9,9.3,10.2,11 bool,5.2 increment,7.2,7.8,16.3,17.3 273/282
dict,11 incrementaldevelopment,6.10,A.1 file,14 indentation,3.5,17.2,A.1 float,2.1 index,8.1,8.1,8.11,8.12,10.2,10.14,11,A.2.3 int,2.1 loopingwith,9.4,10.3 list,10 negative,8.2 long,11.7 slice,8.4,10.5 set,13.6 startingatzero,8.1,10.2 str,2.1
Unixcommand gzip,14.8
itemsmethod,12.6 ValueError,5.11,11.3,12.2
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