AER 309 Course Outline PDF
AER 309 Course Outline PDF
AER 309 Course Outline PDF
Calendar Description:
Learning Objectives:
Previous editions of the textbook are acceptable, however students are responsible for errata and differences with respect to the current edition. 2 The lab manual is available for download from the course Web site.
thermodynamic problems. (6) 5. Produce effective written communication using a coherent, logical and professional style with an appropriate format. (7) Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to the graduate attributes required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. For more information, see:
Course Organization:
3 hours of lecture per week for 13 weeks, in 1 section 2 hours of labs every other week for 10 weeks in 5-6 sections (max. 20 students per section). 3 Teaching Assistants, 1-2 sections per TA
Course Evaluation:
Assignments (4) Labs (5) Quizzes (5) Term Tests (2) Final Exam TOTAL
Grades will be posted on Blackboard and accessible by the individual student. Student work may be submitted to an electronic plagiarism detection service. Students who do not want their work submitted to this plagiarism detection service must, by the end of the second week of class, consult with the instructor to make alternate arrangements. Prompt attendance at all labs is mandatory. The late penalty on all submitted works is 20% per weekday.
Quizzes completed online (best 5 of 6) on dates announced in class. Assignments due during Weeks 3, 5, 9, and 11. Lab Reports due one week after completed lab session. Term Tests during Week 6 and 10 (1 hours, one aid sheet, property tables) to be returned in Week 7 and 11. Final Exam, during exam period (3 hours, one aid sheet, property tables).
Course Content:
Chap. Sections Hours Topic: description 1 1.1-1.9 3 Introductory Concepts and Definitions: thermodynamic systems; property, state, process, and equilibrium; units for mass, length, time, and force; specific volume and pressure; temperature; methodology for solving thermodynamics problems. 2 2.1-2.6 4 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics: Mechanical concepts of energy; energy transfer by work; energy of a system; energy transfer by heat; energy balance for closed systems; energy analysis of cycles. Evaluating Properties: State of a system; simple compressible systems; pvT
3.1-3.15 8
relation; thermodynamic property data; ideal gas model; polytropic processes. 4 4.1-4.11 6 Control Volume Energy Analysis: Conservation of mass for a control volume, conservation of energy for a control volume; analysis of control volumes at steady-state. The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Introduction; statements of the second law; irreversible and reversible processes; applying the second law to thermodynamic cycles; Kelvin temperature scale; maximum performance measures for cycles operating between two reservoirs; Carnot cycle. Entropy: Clausius inequality; definition of entropy change; entropy of a pure, simple compressible substance; entropy change in internally reversible processes; entropy balance for closed systems; entropy rate balance for control volumes (steady-state only); isentropic processes; heat transfer and work in internally reversible, steady-state flow processes. Gas Power Systems: Internal combustion engines; air-standard Otto cycle; airstandard Diesel cycle; gas turbine power plants; air-standard Brayton cycle. Allowance for Review and Exams
5.1-5.11 4
6.1-6.11, 7 6.13
4 3
Important Notes:
1. All of the required course-specific written reports will be assessed not only on their technical/academic merit, but also on the communication skills exhibited through these reports. 2. All assignment and lab/tutorial reports must have the standard cover page which can be completed and printed from the Department website at . The cover page must be signed by the student(s) prior to submission of the work. Submissions without the cover pages will not be accepted. 3. Should a student miss a mid-term test or equivalent (e.g. studio or presentation), with appropriate documentation, a make-up will be scheduled as soon as possible in the same semester. Make-ups should cover the same material as the original assessment but need not be of an identical format. Only if it is not possible to schedule such a make-up may the weight of the missed work be placed on the final exam, or another single assessment. This may not cause that exam or assessment to be worth more than 70% of the students final grade. If a student misses a scheduled make -up test or exam, the grade may be distributed over other course assessments even if that makes the grade on the final exam worth more than 70% of the final grade in the course. 4. Students who miss a final exam for a verifiable reason and who cannot be given a make-up exam prior to the submission of final course grades, must be given a grade of INC (as outlined in the Grading Promotion and Academic Standing Policy) and a make-up exam (normally within 2 weeks of the
beginning of the next semester) that carries the same weight and measures the same knowledge, must be scheduled. 5. Medical or Compassionate documents for the missing of an exam must be submitted within 3 working days of the exam. Students are responsible for notifying the instructor that they will be missing an exam as soon as possible. 6. Requests for accommodation of specific religious or spiritual observance must be presented to the instructor no later than two weeks prior to the conflict in question (in the case of final examinations within two weeks of the release of the examination schedule). In extenuating circumstances this deadline may be extended. If the dates are not known well in advance because they are linked to other conditions, requests should be submitted as soon as possible in advance of the required observance. Given that timely requests will prevent difficulties with arranging constructive accommodations, students are strongly encouraged to notify the instructor of an observance accommodation issue within the first two weeks of classes. 7. The results of the first test or mid-term exam will be returned to students before the deadline to drop an undergraduate course in good Academic Standing. 8. Students are required to adhere to all relevant University policies including: Undergraduate Grading, Promotion and Acad. Standing, Student Code of Academic Conduct, Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct, Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals, Examination Policy, Accom.of Student Relig., Abor. and Spir. Observance, Est.of Stud. Email Accts for Official Univ. Commun., 9. Students are required to obtain and maintain a Ryerson Matrix e-mail account for timely communications between the instructor and the students. 10. Any changes in the course outline, test dates, marking or evaluation will be discussed in class prior to being implemented. 11. I strongly encourage a cooperative environment, such as study groups. Cooperative learning has benefits for everyone involved. You may collaborate with your classmates on homework assignments, but make sure you fully understand the material and turn in "your" work. Exams, quizzes, and lab reports, however, are individual efforts, and I expect you to adhere to the principles of academic integrity. 12. You are expected to perform work outside of class, such as readings, homework, research, and projects. Please do not underestimate that effort. 13. Ultimately, you are responsible for your learning and grade. It is your responsibility to get the necessary notes, information, etc. needed for the course.
Date: _________________________