Coins Banknotes Book2013

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evsjv`k evsKi viK gy`v I bvU

Commemorative Coins and Notes of Bangladesh Bank

evsjv`k evsKi viK gy`v I bvU

Commemorative Coins and Notes of Bangladesh Bank eyjeyj Avng`
Bulbul Ahmed

eBbKkv I cQ` : nvkg Lvb

Bookdesign & Cover : Hashem Khan

UvKv Rv`yNi evsjv`k evsK

Taka Museum Bangladesh Bank

evsjv`k evsKi viK gy`v I bvU

eyjeyj Avng` evsjv`k evsK Gwcj 2013 P 1419
cKvkK cKvkKvj jLK

Commemorative Coins and Notes of Bangladesh Bank


Bulbul Ahmed

Bangladesh Bank
Date of Publication

April 2013 Chaitra 1419

Published By

Gd.Gg. gvKvj nK gnveevcK wWcvUgU Ae KwgDwbKk G cvewjKk, evsjv`k evsK


F.M. Mokammel Huq General Manager Department of Communications and Publications, Bangladesh Bank
Printed By

vKj AvBwU BwUwUDU, wmkix, XvKv

g~j t 500.00 UvKv

Sparkle IT Institute, Siddeswari, Dhaka

Price : Tk. 500.00

evsjv`k evsKi viK gy`v I bvU

Commemorative Coins and Notes of Bangladesh Bank

Dc gwYKv
YRbv RvZxq ewZ`i wZ Ges RvZxq I AvRvwZK iZen w`bY D`&hvcb Dcj mgq mgq evsjv`k evsKi Bmy Kiv viK gy`v I bvUjvi mwP ewkweeiYx m^wjZ GB cKvkbvwU cvVK`i mvgb Zzj aivi myhvM cq Avwg wekl Avbw`Z eva KiwQ| evsjv`k evsKi Bmy Kiv viK gy`v I bvUjvi g~j welqi AvM viK gy`v I bvU Bmyi ewkK BwZnvmi Ici MelYvagx Z_ej m~Pbv AavqwU cKvkbvwUK AviI mg KiQ| evsjv I BsiwR fvli cvkvcvwk gy`Y mvRvbv GB cKvkbvwU `k we`ki gy`v I bvU msMvnK ew I cwZvb QvovI MelK Ges mvaviY cvVK`i AvK Kie ej Avgvi wekvm| evsjv`k evsKi msMn _vKv wbR`i I Abvb `ki bZzb cyivZb gy`v I bvUjv GKwU c~Yv Kvix wgDwRqvg ev UvKv Rv`yNi myweb Kivi KvR PjQ; UvKv Rv`yNii mgy`q msMni Ici bZzb Aavq GB cKvkbvwUi fwelZ msiYK mgZi Kie ej Avwg Avkvev`x| cKvkbvwUi cYqb, mv`bv I gy`Y mswk- mevi Rb iBj Avgvi AvwiK abev`|

I am very pleased to have this opportunity of introducing before the readers this publication featuring illustrated description of commemorative coins and notes issued from time to time by Bangladesh Bank in memory of eminent personages of national stature or on occasions of important national or international events. An information rich investigative review of global history of commemorative coin and note issuance preceding the chapter on those from Bangladesh Bank has enriched the publication further. I believe the publication with Bangla and English text laid out side by side will attract wide attention of researchers and general readers at home and abroad, besides numismatist individuals and institutions. Work of laying out Bangladesh Bank's collection of old and new coins and currency notes of Bangladesh and other countries in a full-fledged currency museum is underway. I hope that a future edition of this publication will be enriched further by a new chapter on the collection in the currency museum. My heartfelt thanks for all involved in drafting, editing and printing of this publication.

(AvwZDi ingvb)
Mfbi evsjv`k evsK

(Atiur Rahman)
Governor Bangladesh Bank

Avgv`i Mie I AnsKvi 52i fvlv Av`vjb, 71 Gi gnvb gywhy| nvRvi eQii k evOvjx, RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb Avgv`i exiZ I mvnwmKZvi cZxK| evsjv`ki RvZxq mxZi iPwqZv wekKwe iex`bv_ VvKzi Avgv`i cvYi Kwe| RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRij Bmjvg iwPZ we`vnx KweZv civaxbZvi kLj fvOvi KvjRqx mw| viK gy`v I bvU cKvki gvag evsjv`k evsK RvZxq Rxebi Gic iYxq NUbv I ARb Ges eiYxq gnvb ewMYi wZK wPifv^i ivLvi cqvm cvq| `k I we`ki AvMnx gy`v msMvnK`i gvag Gme viK gy`v I bvU Avgv`i RvZxq Rxebi Miegq ARb I eiYeMi wZ Kvjvii mvx Ki ivLe| iK gy`v ev bvU Bmyi NUbvcx, K_KZv ev BwZnvm mwVKfve cYxZ nIqv AvekK| evsjv`k evsKi viK gy`v I bvU cywKvwUi iPwqZv RvnvxibMi wekwe`vjqi mnhvMx AavcK Rbve eyjeyj Avng` KvRwU wbfzjfve KiZ ciQb ejB Avgvi wekvm| evsjv`k evsK KZK gyw`Z I BmyKZ viKgy`v I bvUjvK GK m~ Mw_Z KiQ G cywKv| Gi gvag fvlv A`vjb _K ^vaxbZv ARbi gwngv hgb czwUZ nqQ Zgwb wPwZ nqQ G`ki AvRb jvwjZ mvwnZ, mswZ I xovcgx HwZn| evvjxi exiZMv_v, A_bwZK Dbqbi gweKvk Ges xov, mvwnZ I mvswZK HwZni ccvlK wnme GwU evsjv`k evsKi f~wgKvK mgyj Kie| hv`i wbijm kg eBwUi cKvk me nqQ Zv`iK RvbvB AvwiK abev`| eBwUi cQ` cKK cw_Zhkv eiY wPwkx Rbve nvkg Lvb kZ eZvi gvSI Zvi g~jevb mgq `vb Ki evsjv`k evsKK AKwg ezZi eb Ave KiQb| evsjv`k evsKi gbvMvd-1 wnme cywKvwU cKvki mvweK Drmvn I w`Kwb`kbv `vbi Rb Avgv`i cvYwcq Mfbi Wt AvwZDi ingvbi cwZ mKZ kv|

We are crowned with the glory and grandeur of the great language Movement of 1952 and Liberation War of 1971. The thousand years greatest Bangalee and father of the nation Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the icon of our heroism and courage. Rabindranath Tagore, the compositor of our national anthem, is our invigorating poet. The rebellious poem Bidrohi of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam is the time-defeating creation for salvation from subjugation. By issuing commemorative coins and notes, Bangladesh Bank endeavors to make the reminiscences of such outstanding memorable events and achievements and venerable great personalities of the nation everlasting. These commemorative coins and notes will keep the memories of our magnificent national achievements and adorable persons as eternal witness through the enthusiastic collectors of home and abroad. The events, their interpretation or histories relating to the issuance of commemorative coins and notes should be properly composed. I believe that the author of the Commemorative coins and notes of Bangladesh Bank Mr. Bulbul Ahmed, Associate Professor of Jahangirnagar University has accomplished the job accurately. Commemorative coins and notes printed and issued by Bangladesh Bank has been composed together in a single thread by this booklet. This booklet has fully manifested the splendor of Language Movement to attaining freedom and depicted the born cherished literature, culture and sport-loving tradition of this country as well. It will illuminate the role of Bangladesh Bank as the patron of Bangalees heroism, gradual evolution of economic development, sports, literature and cultural heritage. I sincerely thank them whose relentless efforts have enabled us to publish the booklet. Eminent cover designer as well as honorable painter Mr. Hashem Khan has confined Bangladesh Bank in true friendship by engaging his much valuable time despite enormous business. My grateful respect to our devoted Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman for his overall direction and inspiration to publish this booklet as Monograph-1 of Bangladesh Bank.

`vk Amxg Kzgvi

wbevnx cwiPvjK evsjv`k evsK

Dasgupta Asim Kumar

Executive Director Bangladesh Bank

mgM cw_exZB wewfb Dcj viK gy`v I bvU Rvwi ek Rbwcq| viK gy`vi cPjb 1960 Gi ci Rbwcq nq IV| Ze cvPxb mgq viK gy`v Rvwii AbK `v AvQ| Kvbv wekl DcjK K` Ki gy`v Rvwi cvq gy`vi gZvB cvPxb| evsjv`ki c_g viK gy`v Rvwi Kiv nqwQj 1991 mvj weRq w`emi 20Zg evwlKx Dcj| evsjv`k evsK wewfb iZc~Y NUbvK ZvrchgwZ Kivi Rb G-ch GMviwU viK gy`v I `ywU bvU Rvwi KiQ| GB cKvkbvwUZ evsjv`k evsKi Rvwi Kiv viK gy`v I bvUi Ici wevwiZ AvjvPbv iqQ| Avkv KiwQ GwU MelK, msMvnK I mvaviY cvVK`i mnvqK ne| Avwg KZZv cKvk KiwQ AavcK gybZvmxi gvgybi KvQ whwb AvgvK GB welq KvR KiZ DrmvwnZ KiQb| GB MwU cKvki D`vM MnYi Rb Avwg UvKv Rv`yNi KwgwUi m`m`i Ges evsjv`k evsKi wWcvUgU Ae KwgDwbKk G cvewjKkK abev` RvbvwQ| wewfb KvR mnvqZvi Rb Avwg wiw`Zv Zvmwgb, Kvgij nvmvb wg_yb, cwigj P` P ex, wekwRZ emvK, gv. b~ij Bmjvg, gv. gvgyb `Iqvb, gvt Avey Avj nvmvb, gvt Av`bvb Avwid mvwjg, gvt ingZ Djvn jwZd I gv. BwqvK gvwbKi cwZ KZ| MwU cKvki mgq Zuv`i mKjK iY KiZ ci Avwg fxlY Avbw`Z|

Issuing commemorative coins and notes in various occasions are much popular all over the world. The trend on issuing commemorative coins has become popular from the 1960s onward. But there are numerous examples of commemorative coins of more ancient date. Issuing coins to celebrate special occasions are nearly as old as coins themselves. The first commemorative coins of Bangladesh were issued in 1991on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Victory Day. Bangladesh Bank has issued eleven commemorative coins and two notes so far to signify various events. This publication contains the detail discussion on the commemorative coins and notes issued by Bangladesh Bank. Hope it will be helpful to the researchers, collectors and the general readers. I express my gratefulness to Professor Muntassir Mamoon who inspired me to work on this topic. I thank the Members of the Taka Jadughar Committee and the Department of Communications and Publi-cations of Bangladesh Bank for taking initiatives to publish this book. I am greateful to Ridita Tasmin, Kamrul Hasan Mithun, Parimal Chandra Chakraborty, Bishwajit Basak, Md. Noorul Isalm, Md. Mamun Dewan, Mohammad Abu Al Hasan, Md. Adnan Arif Salim, Md. Rahamat Ullah Latif and Md. Istiake Manik for their support in various purposes. It is my great pleasure to remember all of them at the time of publishing this book.

eyjeyj Avng` mnhvMx AavcK cZZ wefvM RvnvxibMi wekwe`vjq mvfvi, XvKv

Bulbul Ahmed
Associate Professor Department of Archaeology Jahangirnagar University Savar, Dhaka

f~wgKv BwZnvm: viK gy`v BwZnvm: viK bvU evsjv`k evsKi RvwiKZ viK gy`v I bvU Dcmsnvi Z_m~ 15 15 23 25 59 60

Introduction 15 History: Commemorative Coins 15 History: Commemorative Notes 23 Commemorative Coins and Notes issued by Bangladesh Bank 25 Conclusion 59 References 60

viK gy`v I bvU

Commemorative Coins and Notes

viK gy`v I bvU Rvwi Kiv nq wbw` Kvbv NUbv hgb, hyRq, ivRKxq weevn, Rb ev gZzevwlKxK iYxq Ki ivLZ A_ev Ljvayjvi iZc~Y NUbv, vcZ cwZv Ges evwbK ARbK D`&hvcb KiZ| mvaviYZ viK gy`v I bvUi mywbw` bK&kv _vK, mLvb Kvb Dcj mjv Rvwi Kiv nqwQj Zvi m~ DjL _vK| Gjv cavbZ msMvnK`i mvgMx njI wKQz `k bwgwK cPjbi Rb viK gy`v Rvwi Ki _vK| cw_exi AwaKvsk `kB HwZnvwmK ewZi ghv`v mgybZ KiZ, wecb cRvwZ mK mPZb KiZ, MYwkv, Rb^v-ms v wewfb kvMvbK Qwoq w`Z cwZwbqZ AmsL welqwfwK gy`v I bvU Rvwi KiQ| viK gy`v cvqB viK c`Ki mv_ wevw Zwi Ki| c`K KLbv gy`v wnme eeZ nq bv| wK mv`kc~Y MVb I AvKvii KviY viK gy`v cvqB GB wevwi Zwi Ki|

Commemorative coins and notes are issued to commemorate particular event like victory in war, royal wedding, birth or death jubilee, or celebrating sporting event, architectural establishment and scientific achievement etc. Usually commemorative coins and notes have a distinct design with reference to the occasion on which they were issued. Mainly they serve as collectors' items, although some countries are also issuing commemorative coins for regular circulation. Huge number of thematic coins and notes are continuously being issued by most of the countries all over the world to highlight historical personalities, aware about the endangered species, flourish various slogans on mass education, public health etc. The commemorative coins are often confused with commemorative medals. Medals have never been used as coin but are often mistaken for coins due to their similar form and size.

BwZnvm: viK gy`v

viK gy`vi cPjb 1960 Gi ci Rbwcq nq IV| Ze cvPxb mgq viK gy`v Rvwii AbK `v AvQ| Kvbv wekl DcjK K` Ki gy`v Rvwi cvq gy`vi gZvB cvPxb| wMK mfZvi cv_wgK chvq gy`v wQj wewbgq eevi m~iK aviv Ges Zv cZ Kiv nZv ag x q Drme I Ljvay j vi mgq| 1 mvBivwKDm 2 c v 3 WKv-WvK&gv (Avby. 400 wL c~ e v ) (AvjvKwP 1) Gaibi gy`vi AbZg D`vniY|

History: Commemorative Coins

The trend on issuing commemorative coins has become popular from the 1960s onward. But there are numerous examples of commemorative coins of more ancient date. Issuing coins to celebrate special occasions are nearly as old as coins themselves. In early period of the Greek civilization coin was a subsidiary form of currency and was struck for religious festivals or games.1 The deca-drachms2 (ca. 400 BC) from Syracuse3 (Plate 1) were the prominent examples of that type of coins.

AvjvKwP 1: mvBivwKDm cv WKv-WvK&gv (Avby. 419 wLc~ev)

Plate 1: Deca-drachms from Syracuse (ca. 419 BC)4

Commemorative Coins and Notes 15

WKv-WvK&gv Rvwi Kiv nZv AwbqwgZfve Ges bwgwK wewbgq bq eis Lye meZ viK Dk| WKv-WvK&gv AviI cvIqv wMqQ G_, Kv_R I 4 wgki _K| G-mKj gy`v Rvwii Dk weePbv Kij ejv hZ cvi Gjv cw_exi c_g viK gy`v| gnvgwZ AvjKRvvi AvbygvwbK 326 wLc~ev ivRv cyii (whwb Di cwg cvwKvb ivRZ KiZb) wei hy Rqjvf Kib| ejv nq _vK GB weRqK iYxq Ki ivLv nqwQj icvi WKv-WvK&gv Ges 5 UUv-WvK&gv Rvwii gvag| G-mKj gy`vi mvgbi wcV iqQ Nvovq emv gvbe cwZKwZ (meZ AvjKRvvii) hv nvwZi wcV emv Aci GK gvbe cwZKwZK (meZ cyiK Dcvcb KiQ) Av gY KiQ| gy`vi wecixZ wcV weRqi `ex bvBK KZK AvjKRvviK gyKzU civbvi `k DrKxY nqQ (AvjvKwP 2)| Abygvb Kiv nq _vK GB gy`v meZ mjyKvm KZK Rvwi Kiv Ges AvjKRvvii fviZ 6 Awfhvbi ci ciB evwejb gyw`Z nqwQj| B`vevKwUqvb kvmK`i ga AvMv_vKm (Avby. 190180 wLc~ev) AvjKRvvi, AvwUIKvm, wWIWUvm, BDw_Wgvm, wWwgwUqvm I cvUvwjqbi gv_vhy viK gy`v Rvwi Kib| Abyicfve BD wUWm (Avby. 170145 wLc~ev) Zuvi wcZv nwjIwKm I gvZv wjIwWmivK iYxq KiQb gy`vq Zuv`i hyM Ave 7 cwZKwZ DrKxY Ki|

The deca-drachms struck only occasionally and most probably for commemorative purpose rather than general currency. The decadrachms are also known from Athens, Carthage and Egypt.4 Considering the intention of issuing these coins it is said that these are the first commemorative coins of the world. Alexander the Great got victory against King Puru (who ruled a region in the Punjab, North Western Pakistan) in ca. 326 BC. This victory is said to have been commemorated by issuing silver deca-drachms and tetra-drachms.5 The depiction on the obverse of the coin is: a human figure (most probably Alexander) on horse-back is attacking another human figure (perhaps intended to represent King Puru) riding an elephant. The reverse contains the figure of Alexander being crowned by Nike the goddess of victory (Plate 2). It is assumed that these coins were perhaps issued by Seleucus and minted in Babylon following Alexander's campaigns in India.6 Among the Indo-Bactrian rulers Agathocles (ca. 190-180 BC) issued commemorative coins containing the heads of Alexander, Antiochus, Diodotus, Euthydemus, Demetrius and Pantaleon. Similarly, Eucratides (ca. 170-145 BC) commemorated his parents Heliocles and Leodice by depicting their joint busts on his coins.7

Plate 2: Commemorative Coin of Alexander (ca. 322 BC)9

AvjvKwP 2: AvjKRvvii viK gy`v (Avby. 322 wLv)

16 viK gy`v I bvU

AvjvKwP 3: jywmqvm fivm (Avby. 161-169 wLv) Gi gy`v

Plate 3: Coin of Lucius Verus (ca. 161-169 AD)10


wekl Dcj gy`v Rvwii GB ixwZ cvPxb ivgvb mvvRI cPwjZ wQj| mvU jywmqvm fivm (Avby. 161169 wLv) cvw_qvi PZz_ fvjvMvmm (Avby. 147-191 wLv) Gi wei RqjvfK D`&hvcb KiZ viK gy`v Rvwi KiwQjb (AvjvKwP 3)|11 fviZxq Dcgnv`ki BwZnvmI cvPxb hyM viK gy`v Rvwii `v iqQ| hyM viK gy`v Rvwii KqKwU D`vniY iqQ| c_g P` (Avby. 320-335 12 wLv)/mgy`i (Avby. 335-380 wLv) GK aibi gy`vZ ivRv I ivbx DfqK DrKxY Kiv nqQ| gy`vi mvgbi wcV bvgmn c_g P` I Zuvi ivbx Kzgvi`exi `uvovbv cwZKwZ DrKxY Kiv nqQ| mywbw` wKQz gy`vq `Lv hvq ivRv cwivifve ivbxK weqi evRy ev AvswU (weevnKZzKv) wbe`b KiQb|13

The practices of issuing coins in special occasions were also common in ancient Roman Empire. Emperor Lucius Verus (ca. 161-169 AD) issued commemorative coins (Plate 3) to celebrate his victory against Vologases IV (ca. 147-191 AD) of Parthia.11 Examples of issuing coins from ancient period have also been known in the history of the Indian subcontinent. There are several instances of issuing commemorative coins in the Gupta period. On one type coin of Chandragupta I (ca. 320-335 AD)/ Samudragupta (ca. 335-380 AD)12 both king and queen are depicted. Standing figures of Chandragupta I and his queen Kumaradevi with name have been depicted on the obverse of this coin. On certain coins king is clearly offering the queen a wedding armlet or ring (vivahakautuka).13

AvjvKwP 4: c_g P`/mgy`i ivRv I ivbx kwYi gy`v


Plate 4: 'King and Queen' Type coin of Chandragupta I/Samudragupta14

Commemorative Coins and Notes 17

gy`vi wecixZ wcV iqQ wmsni cxV emv jxi cwZKwZ mv_ wjwc wjQwe (AvjvKwP 4)| mvgbi wcVi welqe I wjwc Lye mnRB c_g P`i mv_ Kzgvi`exi weevnK Dcvcb KiQ| Kvbv Kvbv MelK gb Kib h, wcZvgvZv Ges wbR wjQwe MvxK iY Ki gy`vwU mgy` KZK Rvwi Kiv nqwQj|15 c_g Kzgvi (Avby. 414-455 wLv) I I (Avby. 455-467 wLv) ivRv I ivbx kwYi gy`v Rvwi KiwQjb| Ze Zuviv gy`vq ivbx`i bvg cKvk Kibwb| G-mKj gy`v AekB cKwZMZfve viK kwYi| `i AviI GK kwYi gy`vK viK wnme kbv Kiv hZ cvi| GB kwYwU Akga (Nvov DrmM) bvg cwiwPZ| mgy` I c_g Kzgvi GB kwYi gy`v Rvwi KiwQjb| Akga kwYi gy`vi mvgbi wcV cv`cxVi Ici `uvovbv Nvov Ges Gi mvgb dzjj Svv (A_ev wdZv) hy GKwU hycv (DrmM-m^xq `) iqQ| gy`vi wecixZ wcV `uvovbv bvix cwZKwZK (meZ gwnqmx ev cavb ivbx) `Lv hvq| DjL h, 1964-65 mvji DrLbb evsjv`ki Kzwgjvi kvjeb wenvi nZ mgy`i GKwU Akga gy`v AvweZ nqQ (AvjvKwP 5)|16

The reverse of the coin contains a figure of Laksmi seated on a lion with the legend Lichchhavayah (Plate 4). The obverse legend and feature simply represent the marriage of Chandragupta I with Kumaradevi. Researchers seem that this coin was issued by Samudragupta in commemoration of his parents and his own Lichchhavi descent.15 The 'king and queen type' coins were also issued by Kumargupta I (ca. 414455 AD) and Skandagupta (ca. 455-467 AD). But they do not disclose the names of their queens. These coins must be commemorative in nature. Another type of coin of the Guptas may be identified as commemorative issue. This type is known as Ashvamedha (horse-sacrifice). Samudragupta and Kumaragupta I issued this type of coins. The obverse of Ashvamedha type of coins contain a horse stands on a pedestal and in front of a yupa (sacrificial post) fitted with a flowering banner (or fillet). A standing female (probably mahishi i.e. the chief queen) is visible on the reverse of the coin. It should be mentioned here that an Ashvamedha coin of Samudragupta has been discovered from Salban Vihara, Comilla, Bangladesh through excavation in 1964-65 (Plate 5).16

AvjvKwP 5: mgy`i Akga gy`v, kvjeb wenvi, Kzwgjv, evsjv`k


Plate 5: Ashvamedha coin of Samudragupta, Salban Vihara, Comilla, Bangladesh17

18 viK gy`v I bvU

Akga gy`vi cQbi Kvwnbx Gi viK PwiK Dcvcb Ki| kZc_-evY Abymvi weRqi Dk mgi hvvi c~e A_ev GKi ci GK hy AvwacZ ARbi ci (Lye meZ ciiwU) Akga h cvjb Kiv nZv|18 cwZiv19 weePbv Kib GB DrmM AbyvbK iYxq Ki ivLZ Ges Abyvb AskMnYKvix evY`i gvS `wYv (mvbx) wnme weZiYi Rb Akga gy`v Rvwi Kiv nZv| gb Kiv nq, G-mKj gy`v eo msLvq Rvwi Kiv nZv|20 Akga gy`v AekB cKwZMZfve viK kwYi| Kvbv bZzb kvmKi ivR weRq NvlYv Kivi Dk viK gy`v Rvwii aviv gahyM j Kiv hvq| BLwZqvi-D`&-`xb gynv` web eLwZqvi LjRxi (1204-5 wLv) weLvZ Mo weRq21 (AvjvKwP 6) gy`vwU GB kwYi gy`v| myjZvbx hyM viK gy`v Rvwii AviI `v AvQ| nvewk myjZvb mvgyxb gyRvd&di kvn (1490-1493 wLv) KvgZv weRq Ges myjZvb AvjvDxb nvmb kvn (1493-1519 wLv) Kvgi-KvgZv-RvRbMi I Ewokv weRq (AvjvKwP 7) Dcj viK gy`v Rvwi KiwQjb|

The narration behind Ashvamedha coins represents its commemorative character. According to Satapatha-Brahmana the Ashvamedha sacrifice might be performed before setting out on a campaign of conquest or in celebration of acquisition of supremacy after a series of conquests (more usually the later).18 Scholars19 consider that Ashvamedha coins were issued on the occasion of this sacrifice in commemoration of it and as dakshina (fee) for distribution among the Brahmans who participated in that ritual. It is seemed that these coins must have been issued in large numbers.20 The Ashvamedha coins must be commemorative in nature. The trend of issuing commemorative coins has been found during the medieval period to proclaim the coronation of a new monarch. The famous 'Gauda-Vijaye' coins21 (Plate 6) of Ikhtiyer-ud-din Muhammmad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji (1204-5 AD) belong to this type. There are other examples of issuing commemorative coins in the Sultani period. Habshi ruler Sams al-din Muzaffar Shah (1490-1493 AD) and Ala al-din Husayn Shah (1493-1519 AD) issued coins on the occasions of their conquests against 'Kamta' and 'KamruKamta-Jajnagar and Orissa' (Plate 7) respectively.

AvjvKwP 6: BLwZqvi D`&-`xbi Mo weRq gy`v


Plate 6: 'Gauda-Vijaye' coin of Ikhtiyer-ud-din22

AvjvKwP 7: myjZvb AvjvDxb nvmb kvni Kvgi-KvgZv-RvRbMi I Ewokv weRq viK gy`v
Plate 7: 'Kamta' and 'Kamru-Kamta-Jajnagar and Orissa conquest' commemorative coin of Sultan Ala al-din Husayn Shah23


Commemorative Coins and Notes 19

gyMj kvmK`i ga mvU AvKei ekwKQz viK gy`v 24 Rvwi KiwQjb| mvU AvKeii mvbvi gy`vq 20wUi 25 AwaK I icvi gy`vq cvq 45wU UvKkvji bvg cvIqv hvq| gb Kiv nq cv`wkK ivRavbx AvMv, jvnvi, Rbcyi, w`jx I Avng`vev` Qvov G`i ewkifvMB Kvbv Awfhvb PjvKvj weivg wkwei wKsev Rq Kiv Kvbv kni wKsev ivR hv viK gy`vi UvKkvj wnme 26 eeZ nqQ| G-mKj gy`vi ga Lv`ki AvwmiMo `yMRqK iYxq Kivi Rb cPjb Kiv mvbvi gy`v weLvZ| GB gy`vi mvgbi wcV iqQ evR cvwLi cwZKwZ| Avi wecixZ wcV Avjv AvKei Bm&dvb&`vigyR Bjvnx 49 Rvi&e Avwmi DrKxY iqQ (AvjvKwP 8)| meZ G-NUbv Dcj G-aibi wKQz icvi gy`v I evR cvwLmn Akvivnx AvKeii cwZKwZhy AviK aibi 27 gy`v cPjb Kiv nqwQj| AvKei Zuvi ivRZi 50 eQi c~wZ Dcj wKQz mvbv I icvi viK gy`vI cPjb KiwQjb hLvb gy`vi mvgbi wcV bvMix nid ivgwmqv wjwcmn ivg I mxZvi cwZKwZ DrKxY iqQ (AvjvKwP 9)|

Among the Mughal rulers Emperor Akbar issued a good number of commemorative coins. Over 20 mint24 names are found on gold coins and about 45 mints25 on silver coins of Akbar. It seemed that apart from the provincial capitals Agra, Lahore, Jaunpur, Delhi and Ahmadabad, most of the names are either of the halting places during the invention or are the occupied cities or kingdoms which were used as the mint name of the commemorative coin.26 Among these coins, the gold coin issued to commemorate the victory of the Asirgarh fort of Khandesh is famous. The obverse of this coin bears a hawk. The legendAllah Akbar Isfandarmuz Illahi 49 zarb Asir is depicted on the reverse (Plate 8). Perhaps on this occasion, some silver coins of this type and another type, showing Akbar riding on a horse with a hawk, were also issued.27 Akbar issued commemorative coins on gold and silver also on the occasion of his 50th reignal year, where the effigy of Rama and Sita with the words RamaSiya in Nagri is found on the obverse of the coin (Plate 9).

AvjvKwP 8: mvU AvKeii viK gy`v, 28 AvwmiMo Rq Dcj Rvwi Kiv

Plate 8: Commemorative coin of Emperor Akbar, issued on the occasion of Asirgarh conquest28

AvjvKwP 9: mvU AvKeii viK gy`v, 29 ivRZi 50Zg eQi c~wZ Dcj Rvwi Kiv
Plate 9: Commemorative coin of Emperor Akbar, issued on the occasion of 50th reignal year29

wbqwgZ mvbvi gvni (cvq 11 Mvg) Ges icvi icx (cvq 11 Mvg) QvovI gyMj hyM kvmKiv gvS gvS DP (21000 Zvjv) I z` gvbi gy`v gy`Y KiZb| z` gvbi gy`vmg~n mvaviYZ `vbi Rb cZ Kiv nZv| G`i 30 ga me _K cPwjZ wQj wbmvi| GB gy`vi Kvbv wbavwiZ ZjixwZ wQj bv| Drmei iZi gvv weePbv 31 Ki wewfb IRbi gy`v cZ Kiv nZv|

During the Mughal period apart the regular gold muhar (about 11 gm) and silver rupee (about 11 gm), coins of higher (varies from two to thousand tola) and lower denominations were also minted by the Mughal rulers from time to time. Generally the lower denominational coins were struck for largesse. The commonest of these was the nisar.30

20 viK gy`v I bvU

mvU Rvnvxi (1605-1627 wLv) Gi m~Pbv Kib Ges mvU dviLkvqi (1713-1719 wLv) mgq Zv e nq hvq|32 Kvbv wbw` Dcj ev Drme RbMYi gvS weZiYi Dk wbmvi gy`v gy`Y Kiv nZv| mvaviYZ bZzb fwg `Lj, Dvab, Rb w`em ev hyRq cfwZ Dk G-mKj gy`v gyVv gyVv Ki weZiY Kiv nZv| AvBb-B-AvKeixZ AvKei (1542-1605 wLv) I Rvnvxii AvZRxebx ZzRyK-B-RvnvxixZ Rvnvxi KZK cPjb Kiv DP gvbi gy`vi DjL AvQ| KwZcq chUKI G-mKj gy`vi DjL KiQb|33 mvU AvKei 100 gvni (kvnvbkvn&), 50 gvni (ivnvm), 25 gvni (AvZv) Ges AviI Ab gvbi gy`v Rvwi KiwQjb| mvU Rvnvxi 100, 50, 20, 10 I 5 gvni Ges G`i wewfb Y-gvbi mvbv I icvi gy`vi cPjb KiwQjb| mvbvi gy`vjvi bvg wQj h_v g b~i-kvnx, b~i-myjZvbx, b~i-`jZ, b~i-Kig I b~i-wgn&i| icvi gy`vjvK h_v g KKf-BZvjvB, KKf-B-BKevj, KKf-B-gyiv`, KKf-BeLZ I KKf-B-mv` ejv nZv| cieZx gyMj kvmKivI GB ixwZ Aby m iY KiwQjb| `yfvMRbKfve G-mKj wekl gy`v Lye KgB cvIqv wMqQ| wewUk wgDwRqvg (jb), nvUwiqb wgDwRqvg (MvmMv), wdUR DBwjqvg wgDwRqvg (KgweR) KqKwU DP gvbi gy`v msMn KiQ|

There was no fixed weight standard for nisar coins. According to the degree of importance of the occasion, nisar of various weights were minted.31 It was initiated by Emperor Jahangir (1605-1627 AD) and was stopped in the reign of Emperor Farrukhsiar (1713-1719 AD).32 Nisar coins were minted to distribute among the public on some particular occasions or festivals. Usually, these coins were distributed in handfuls on the occasion of occupying new lands, inauguration, birthday or victory in war etc. Coins of higher denomination of Akbar (15421605 AD) are mentioned in the Ain-i-Akbari and of Jahangir in his autobiography Tuzuk-iJahangiri. These coins are also referred to by several travelers.33 Emperor Akbar had issued 100 muhar (Shanshah), 50 muhar (Rahas), 25 muhar (Atmah) and other denomination of coins. Emperor Jahangir had issued the higher denominational coins in gold and silver in the multiples of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 muhar. These gold coins were known as Nur-shahi, Nursultani, Nur-daulat, Nur-karam and Nur-mihr respectively. The silver coins were respectively called Kaukab-i-tala'i, Kaukab-i-iqbal, Kaukab-imurad, Kaukab-i-bakht and Kau-kab-i-saad. The succeeding Mughal monarchs also follow this tradition. Unfortunately a very few of these special coins are now found. British Museum (London), Huntarian Museum (Glasgow) and Fitz William Museum (Cam-bridge) have collected several Mughal coins of higher denominations.

AvjvKwP 10: mvU Rvnvxii 1000 gvni (cvq 12 KwR) Gi mvbvi gy`v


Plate 10: 1000 muhar (about 12 kg) gold coin of Emperor Jahangir34

Commemorative Coins and Notes 21

mvU Rvnvxii 1000 gvni Gi wekvjvKvi GK mvbvi gy`v, meZ Kvbv KUbwZK DcXKb, 1987 mvj myBRvijvi Rbfv nvem&evM dj&Wgvb GmG bvgK wbjvg Kvvwbi gvag wew i Rb Avm (AvjvKwP 10)| gy`vwU 1613 wLv AvMv UvKkvj cZ| Gi evm 20 mwg Ges IRb cvq 12 wKjvMvg| ejv nq GwU cw_exZ Zwi mePq eo mvbvi gy`v| HwZnvwmK m~ Abyhvqx mvU JiRe (1658-1707 wLv) weRvcyii wei Kvbv GK Awfhvb mvUi cy gyqvwgK mnvqZv Kivi ^xKwZ^ic Gic wekvjvKvi GK gy`v Avmvd-hvwn ivReski wdiR RsK w`qwQjb|35 ivR`~Z, gwnjv Ges Ab wcq cv`i Dcnvi `qvi Rb G-aibi DP gvbi gy`v cZ Kiv nZv|36 gyMj`i z` I DP gvbi G-mKj gy`vK AekB viK wnme weePbv Kiv hZ cvi| viK gy`vi AviI `v cvIqv hvq Rqxqv ivR (Avby. 1548-1835 wLv)| fviZi gNvjq ivRi Rqxqv cvnvo Ges eZgvb wmjUi Di-c~e mgf~wgZ Rqxqv bvgK GB ^vaxb ivR Mo DVwQj| Rqxqvi ivRviv wmsnvmb AvivnY Dcj viK gy`v Rvwi KiZb| Gch 15 Rb Rqxqv ivRvi gy`v AvweZ nqQ (AvjvKwP 11)|37 G-mKj gy`vi iZc~Y ewk njv Zviv cPjbKvix ivRvi bvg aviY Ki bv| AwaKvsk cPjbKvix ivRvK kbv Kiv nq gy`vq DrKxY ZvwiLi wfwZ|

A gigantic gold coin of 1000 muhar, possibly a diplomatic gift of Emperor Jahangir had come for sale in 1987 through an auction company, Habsburg Feldman S.A. of Geneva, Switzerland. This coin was struck in the Agra mint in 1613 AD. It has diameter of 20 cm and weighted almost 12 kilograms (Plate 10). It is said to be the largest gold coin of the world ever made. According to historical records one such gigantic coin was given by Emperor Aurangzeb (1658-1707 AD) to Firuz Jung of Asaf-Jahi dynasty in Hyderabad in recognition of services rendered to the emperor's son, Muazzam, during one of his expeditions against Bijapur.35 Coins of higher denominations were struck for presentation to ambassadors, ladies and other favourites.36 The lower and higher denominational coins of the Mughals can be considered as commemorative coins. The examples of commemorative coins have also found in Jaintia kingdom (ca. 1548-1835 AD). The independent kingdom of Jaintia was formed in the Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, India and plain land of north east Sylhet. The Jaintia kings issued commemorative coins on the occasion of ascending the throne. Coins (Plate 11) of fifteen Jaintia rulers are discovered so far.37 An important feature of these coins is that they do not contain the name of the issuers. In most of the cases their issuers are identified on the basis of the date depicted on coins.

AvjvKwP 11: Rqxqv ivRv wZxq ivgwms Gi gy`v (Avby. 1790-1832 wLv)
Plate 11: Coin of Jaintia King Ramsimha II (ca. 1790-1832 AD)38


22 viK gy`v I bvU

wmsnvmb AvivnY Dcj gy`v cPjb Kivi ixwZ fviZxq Dcgnv`k JcwbewkK hyMI cPwjZ wQj| wK kvmKiv gy`vq Dcj DjL KiZb bv| wZxq wekhyi c~e gy`v mvaviYZ g~jevb avZzZ cZ Kiv nZv| wesk kZK wewbgqhvM gy`vq g~jevb avZzi eenvi gB mxwgZ nq co| c_g wekhy Ges 30 Gi `kK wek A_bwZK g`vi dj mvbv I icvi gy`vi Avqx ev vqx wejvc NU Ges Zv evsKbvU icvwiZ nq| ZviciI H `kKjvZ g~jevb avZzZ viK gy`v cZ Kiv nZv Ges wewbgqhvM gy`v wnme G`i eenvi mxwgZ A_ev m~YicB e nq hvq| dj GKwU c_K kwYi gy`v wnme viK gy`vi Dbqb NU hvi mv_ bwgwKfve eeZ gy`v I bvUi cZfve ^xKZ Kvbv hvMm~ bB| eZgvb GB kwYi gy`v msMvnK`i mvgMx A_ev wKQz A_bwZK wewbqvM|

The tradition of issuing coins in the occasion of ascending the throne was continued during the Colonial period in the Indian subcontinent. But the rulers did not mention the occasion on coins. Before the World War II, coins were generally made of precious metals. However, during the 20th century, the use of precious metals for circulating currency became increasingly limited. The World War I and the world economic crisis of the 1930s brought about temporary or permanent abolition of the convertibility of notes to silver and gold coins. While the commemorative coins of these decades continued to be issued predominantly in precious metals, their use as circulating currency became scarce or stopped entirely. Thus, the commemorative coins developed into a separate class of coins with no immediately recognizable link to the coins and notes used in everyday transactions. This class of coins are collectors' items, or in some cases objects for economic investment.

gy`v Avwevii AbK ci bvUi Avwefve NU| c_g KvMRi bvUi Avwefve NU mg kZK Pxbi kvs ivReski mgq (Avby. 618-907 wLv)| mI`vMi I cvBKvix eemvqxiv eo eo evwYwRK wewbgqi mgq fvix avZe gy`vi cwienb GovZ GB bvU eenvi KiZb| cKZc iv KZK c_g KvMRi bvU (wRqvDwR) Rvwi nq 1024 wLv Pxbi wmPzqvb 39 ivRi ms ivResk (Avby. 960-1279 wLv)| gvKvcvjv (Avby. 1254-1324 wLv) I DBwjqvg Ae ieiK (Avby. 1220-1293 wLv) cgyL chUK`i gvag Pxbi KvMRi bvU wLxq 13 kZK 40 BDivc cwiwPZ nqwQj| Z_vwc BDivc h_v_ bvUi cPjb nq 1666 wLv evsK Ae myBWbi c~em~ix Knvgm evsKv (evsK Ae cvgvm A_ev cvgvm evsK bvgI cwiwPZ) Gi gvag| fviZxq bvUi BwZnvm 1770 mvji hLb KjKvZv GKwU emiKvwi evsK, evsK Ae wn`yvb c_g bvU 41 cPjb Ki| 1806 mvj cwZwZ evsK Ae ejI bvU Rvwi KiwQj| G-mKj bvU fviZel 1861 mvj ch Pvjy wQj|

BwZnvm: viK bvU

History: Commemorative Notes

Notes appeared after a long period of the invention of coins. The first known note on paper appeared in China in the Tang Dynasty (ca. 618907 AD) during the 7th century. The merchants and wholesalers used these notes to avoid the heavy bulk of metallic coins in large commercial transactions. Actually, the first paper currency (Jiaozi) was issued by the state in 1024 at Sichuan in China during the Song (ca. 960-1279 AD) dynasty.39 The Chinese paper money became known in Europe through the travelers, such as Marco Polo (ca. 1254-1324 AD) and William of Rubruck (ca. 1220 -1293 AD) in the 13th century.40 Though in Europe, proper notes were issued by Stockholms Banco (also known as Bank of Palmstruch or Palmstruch Bank), a predecessor of Bank of Sweden in 1666. The history of Indian notes dating back to 1770, when Bank of Hindustan, a private bank located in Kolkata issued its first notes.41 Bank of Bengal established in 1806 also issued notes . These notes were in circulation till 1861.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 23

1861 mvj fviZ miKvi (wewUk) bvU Rvwii KZZ MnY Ki Ges c~e RvwiKZ mKj bvU R Ki| 1935 mvj wiRvf evsK Ae Bwqv cwZwZ nq Ges ZLb _K GwU fviZ bvU Rvwi Kivi GKgv KZc| bvUi GB `xN BwZnvm viK bvUi Avwefve nq 1910 mvj gwKvZ|42 G-eQi evbKv wgbiv (gwKvi mveK U wPqvqv AewZ wQj) gwKvi ^vaxbZvi kZel D`&hvcb Dcj 5 cmv (AvjvKwP 12) Ges 10 cmv g~jgvbi `ywU viK bvU cPjb Ki|43

The Government of India (British Raj) undertook the authority to issue notes in 1861, and ceased all banks' currency issued earlier. In 1935, the Reserve Bank of India was established, and since then it has been the only currency-issuing authority for India. From that long history of notes, the commemorative issues appeared in 1910 in Mexico.42 In this year Banco Minero (formerly located in Mexican state Chihuahua) issued two commemorative notes of 5 peso (Plate 12) and 10 peso to celebrate the centenary of Mexico's independence.43

AvjvKwP 12: 5 cmv bvU, gwKv, 1910

Plate 12: 5 Peso note, Mexico 191044


Dcgnv`k, fviZ c_g viK bvU Rvwi Ki 1969 mvj gnvZv Mvxi RbkZevwlKx Dcj| viK bvU cPjbi aviv 1990 Gi kZK _K Rbwcq nZ _vK| eZgvb mgq cw_exi cvq me `kB wewfb Dcj viK bvU Rvwi Ki _vK|

In the subcontinent, India issued its first commemorative note in 1969 on the occasion of the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi. The trend on issuing commemorative notes has become popular from the 1990s onward. Now a day, almost every country of the world issues commemorative notes in various occasions.

24 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k evsKi RvwiKZ viK gy`v I bvU

Commemorative Coins and Notes issued by Bangladesh Bank

Commemorative Coins and Notes 25

1947 mvj wewUk fviZ wefvMi ci evsjv`k cvwKvbi Ask cwiYZ nq Ges Zv 1971 mvji gywhy c~eeZx mgqKvj ch ejer wQj| G-mgq GLvb cvwKvwb gy`v I bvU cPwjZ wQj| 1971 mvj evsjv`k Rbi ci evsjv`k miKvi U evsK Ae cvwKvbi XvKv kvLvK `ki K`xq evsK cybwebvm Ki Ges Gi bvg ivLv nq evsjv`k evsK| evsjv`k evsKi Kvh g ii mgq aiv nq 16 wWm^i 1971| K`xq evsK nIqvq GwU evsjv`k gy`v I bvU Rvwii GKgv KZc| 1972 wLv cvwKvwb icxK cwZvcb Ki UvKv evsjv`ki gy`vq cwiYZ nq| bwgwK cPjbi Rb 1973 mvj evsjv`k c_g 5, 10, 25 Ges 50 cqmv g~jgvbi gy`vi m~Pbv nq| evsjv`k gy`vi BwZnvm GK bZzb Aavqi m~Pbv nq 1991 mvj hLb evsjv`k evsK viK gy`v Rvwi i Ki| evsjv`ki c_g viK gy`v Rvwi Kiv nqwQj 1991 mvj weRq w`emi 20Zg evwlKx Dcj| evsjv`k evsK wewfb iZc~Y NUbvK ZvrchgwZ Kivi Rb Gch GMviwU viK gy`v Rvwi KiQ| h-mKj Dcj G-me gy`v Rvwi nqQ Zvnjv MxKvjxb AwjwK Mgm 1992, ^vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx 1996, evsjv`k evsKi iRZ Rqx 1996, hgybv mZy Dvab 1998, AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`em 2000, AvBwmwm w KU wekKvc 2011, iex`bv_ VvKzii 150Zg RbevwlKx 2011, we`vnx KweZvi 90 eQi c~wZ cfwZ| evsjv`k evsK G-me gy`v we qi eev AvQ| gy`vjvi ga GKwU mvbvi Avi evwKjv icvi Zwi| gy`vjvi AwfwnZ g~j njv 1, 10 Ges 20 UvKv| G-mKj viK gy`v Rvgvwb, b`vijv, WbgvK, KvbvWv, vfvwKqv cfwZ `ki UvKkvj _K gy`Y Kiv nqwQj| evsjv`k evsK G-ch 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 Ges 1000 UvKv g~jgvbi bvU Rvwi KiQ| mejv bvUB bwgwK eenvii Rb| G-mKj bvU QvovI, mvcwZKKvj evsjv`k evsK `ywU viK bvU Rvwi KiQ| bvU `ywUi ga, 40 UvKv AwfwnZ g~ji c_g bvUwU 40Zg weRq w`em Dcj 2011 mvj Rvwi Kiv nq| Avi 60 UvKv AwfwnZ g~ji wZxq bvUwU Rvwi Kiv nq 2012 mvj fvlv Av`vjbi 60 eQi c~wZ Dcj|

After the partition of British India in 1947, the territory of Bangladesh became the part of Pakistan and it continued till the Liberation War of 1971. During this period Pakistani coins and notes were in circulation here. After the birth of Bangladesh in 1971, the Government reorganized the Dhaka Branch of the State Bank of Pakistan as the Central Bank of the country, and named it Bangladesh Bank. It came into existence with retrospective effect from 16 December 1971. As the central bank it has the sole authority to issue coins and notes in Bangladesh. The 'taka' became Bangladesh's currency replacing the Pakistani 'rupee' in 1972. Coins for regular circulation were first introduced in Bangladesh in 1973 in denominations of 5, 10, 25 and 50 paisa. A new chapter was opened in the history of coins of Bangladesh in 1991 when Bangladesh Bank under took to issue commemorative coins. The first commemorative coins of Bangladesh were issued in 1991 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Victory Day. Bangladesh Bank has issued eleven commemorative coins so far to signify various events. The occasions on which these coins were issued, are Summer Olympic Games 1992, Silver Jubilee of Independence, 25th Anniversary of Bangladesh Bank, Inauguration of Jamuna Bridge, International Mother Language Day, ICC Cricket World Cup 2011, 150th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore 2011, 90 Years of the Poem 'Bidrohi', 40th Victory Anniversary of Bangladesh, etc. All these coins are available for sale in the Bangladesh Bank. Among these coins only one is made of gold and the rest other are in silver. The face values of these coins are one, ten and twenty taka. The commemorative coins were minted in various mints in Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, Spain, Slovakia etc. Bangladesh Bank has so far issued notes in the denominations of tk.5, tk.10, tk.20, tk.50, tk.100, tk.500 and tk.1000. All these notes are used for regular transaction. Beside these notes, Bangladesh Bank has issued two commemorative notes in recent time. Between the two notes, the first one has been issued on the occasion of 40th Anniversary of Victory Day in 2011 in denomination of tk. 40. The second one has been issued on the occasion of 60th Anniversary of Language Movement in 2012 in denomination of tk. 60.

26 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k viK gy`v 01

Dcj: 20Zg weRq evwlKx 1991
1947 mvj wewUk fviZ wef nq `ywU bZzb iv fviZ I cvwKvb MwVZ nq| cvwKvb MwVZ nq fMvwjK I mvswZKfve Avjv`v `ywU Aj cwg cvwKvb I c~e cvwKvb (AvaywbK evsjv`k) wbq| cwg cvwKvb ivRbwZK kw K`xf~Z wQj Ges GwU evcKfve Dcjw Kiv hvwQj h Acwimxg `ytL `y`kv mnKvi c~e cvwKvb A_bwZKfve kvwlZ nQ| c~e cvwKvb ^vaxKvi Av`vqi Av`vjb `vbv euvaZ _vK| GB cvcU c~e cvwKvbi evOvwjiv 1971 mvji 25 gvP ivZ cwg cvwKvwb kvmK Mvxi cvkweK `gbg~jK kwi gyLvgywL nq hv Acvikb mvPjvBU bvg cwiwPZ| cvwKvb mbvevwnbx GB Av gY i Kivi ciB eez kL gywReyi ingvbK Zuvi avbgwi evmfeb _K 26 gvP gaivZ MdZvi Kiv nq|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 01

Occasion: 20th Anniversary of Victory Day 1991
The Partition of British India in 1947 formed to two new states; India and Pakistan. Pakistan comprised two geographically and culturally separate areas; West Pakistan and East Pakistan (modern-day Bangladesh). Political power was concentrated in West Pakistan and it was widely perceived that East Pakistan was being exploited economically, leading to many grievances. The movement to claim independence started. In that situation, at night on 25 March 1971, the Bengali people of East Pakistan were met by brutal suppressive force from the ruling authority of West Pakistan which was termed 'Operation Searchlight'. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested from his Dhanmondi residence at midnight on 26 March 1971 after the Pakistan Army crack-down started.

Rbvij R.Gm. Aiviv I jdUbvU Rbvij G.G.K. wbqvRxi AvZmgcY `wjj ^vi


Gen J.S. Aurora and Lt. Gen A.A.K. Niazi's signatures on the Instrument of Surrender45

Commemorative Coins and Notes 27

gywRebMi miKvii kc_ MnY, gywRebMi, gnicyi, 17 Gwcj 1971


Oath taking of Mujibnagar Government, Mujibnagar, Meherpur, 17 April 197146

hy gywhvviv


Freedom fighters in a battle field47

28 viK gy`v I bvU

MdZvii AvMB eez evsjv`ki ^vaxbZv NvlYv Kib| 1971 mvji 16 wWm^i weRq AwRZ nq `xN bq gvmi hy Ges c~e cvwKvbi cvq 30 j cvYi wewbgq| G-w`b cwg cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi AwabvqK jdUbvU Rbvij G.G.K. wbqvRx XvKvi imKvm gq`vb (eZgvb mvnivIqv`x D`vb) AvZmgcY Kib Ges mw`bB evsjv `k bvgi RvwZ iv P~ovfve cwZwZ nq| GB w`bwUK RvwZ weRq w`em wnme D`&hvcb Ki| 1991 mvji 16 wWm^i RvwZ weRqi 20Zg evwlKx D`&hvcb Ki| evsjv`k evsK G-Dcj GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU Gbvgyj nKi bKkv Kiv Ges RvgvwbZ gyw`Z|

Prior to his arrest Bangabandhu declared the Independence of Bangladesh. The victory was gained in 16 December 1971 through a war spanning nine months and loss of about 3 million people of East Pakistan. Lt. Gen A.A.K. Niazi, Commanding Officer of Pakistan Army surrendered at Ramna Racecourse Ground (now Suhrawardy Uddyan) in Dhaka on that day and the nation state of Bangla Desh was finally established on the following day. This day is celebrated as the Bijoy Dibash (Victory Day) of the nation. The nation has celebrated the 20th anniversary of victory in 16 December 1991. Bangladesh Bank has issued a commemorative coin of silver to celebrate the occasion. This coin was designed by Enamul Haque and minted in Germany.

avZz: 925 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 31.47 Mvg gvv: 38.61X38.61X3.00 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 1 UvKv

Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm Dimension: 38.61X38.61X3.00 mm Face value: 1 Taka

mvgbi wcV: ei gvS gywhyi mvZ exiki cwZKwZ, evBi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi exik/ evsjv`k 16B wWm^i 20Zg weRq w`em 1991| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: Icii Ask BsiwR wjwcZ evKvi UzqbwU_ wfix W Ae evsjv`k, wbPi Ask BsiwR wjwcZ bvkbvj ggvwiqvj, Rvwi Kivi mvj 1991 Ges AwfwnZ g~j Iqvb UvKv, gvS RvZxq wZmai cwZKwZ| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv|

Obverse: Within a circle images of seven Beershreshtha (great heroes) of the Liberation War in the middle; outside the circle Beershreshtha / Bangladesh 16 December 20tamo Vijay Dibash 1991 in Bangla in a circular way. The total composition is enclosed by a circle. Reverse: 20th VICTORY DAY OF BANGLADESH in a circular way in English in the upper field; NATIONAL MEMORIAL, the year of issue 1991 and the face value ONE TAKA in English in the lower field; the image of the National Memorial in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a circle.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 29

evsjv`k viK gy`v 02

Dcj: MxKvjxb AwjwK Mgm& 1992
wLc~e Ag kZvwZ Mxm c_g AwjwK Mgm& i nq| GB Mgm& RvwZ, ag, eY wbwekl mviv cw_exi gvbyli gvS ezZc~Y mK Zwi Ki| 1992 mvji MxKvjxb AwjwK Mgm& (`vwiKfve Mgm& Ae `v UzqbwU-wdd&_ AwjwqvW bvg cwiwPZ) bi evmjvbvq AbywZ nqwQj| GB gnvb Mgm& 169 `ki 9,356 Rb (cyil 6,652 I bvix 2,704) xovwe` 286wU Ljvq AskMnY Ki| evsjv`k _K 6 Rb xovwe` `ywU Ljv: cyil`i 100 wgUvi wcU I 4X100 wgUvi wij im Ask wbqwQj| evsjv`k evsK 1992 Gi AwjwK Mgm& Dcj GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU Gbvgyj nKi bKkv Kiv Ges RvgvwbZ gyw`Z|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 02

Occasion: Summer Olympic Games 1992
Olympic Games was first started in Greece in 8th century BC. This games develops friendship among the people across the world irrespective of nations, religions and races. 1992 Summer Olympic Games (officially known as the Games of the XXV Olympiad) was held in Barcelona, Spain. 9,356 (6,652 men and 2,704 women) athletes from 169 nations had participated in 286 events in the great game show. Six athletes from Bangladesh had taken part in the game in two events: Men's 100 Metres Sprint and Men's 4x100 Metres Relay Race. Bangladesh Bank has issued a commemorative coin of silver on the occasion of the Olympic Games of 1992. This coin was designed by Enamul Haque and minted in Germany.

1992 MxKvjxb AwjwKi jvMv

Logo of 1992 Summer Olympics

30 viK gy`v I bvU

avZz: 925 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 31.47 Mvg gvv: 38.61X38.61X3.01 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 1 UvKv

Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm Dimension: 38.61X38.61X3.01 mm Face value: 1 Taka

mvgbi wcV: Icii Ask evKvi BsiwR wjwcZ UzqbwU-wdd&_ AwjwK Mgm& 1992, wbPi Ask BsiwR I evsjv Dfq wjwcZ evsjv`k, evg AwfwnZ g~j Iqvb UvKv| gvS AwjwK gkvj wbq `oiZ `yRb xovwe`i cwZKwZ| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: mvj 1992 mn evsjv`ki RvZxq cZxK| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv|

Obverse: 25th OLYMPIC GAMES 1992 in English in the upper field; BANGLADESH in both Bangla and English in the lower field; face value ONE TAKA in the left field; two athletes running with Olympic flame in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a circle. Reverse: National Emblem of Bangladesh with date 1992. The total composition is enclosed by a circle.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 31

evsjv`k viK gy`v 03

Dcj: ^vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx 1996
1947 mvj cwg cvwKvb I c~e cvwKvb (AvaywbK evsjv`k) wbq cvwKvb MwVZ nq| c~e cvwKvb cwg cvwKvbi ivRbwZK kwi KvQ cwZwbqZB A_bwZKfve kvwlZ nwQj| eez kL gywReyi ingvbi bZZ c~e cvwKvb ^vaxKvi Av`vqi Av`vjb `vbv euvaZ _vK| GB cvcU 1971 mvji 25 gvP ivZ cvwKvb mbvevwnbx c~e cvwKvb Av gY Ki| GB wnsm Av gYi gyL 26 gvP 1971 eez kL gywReyi ingvb c~e cvwKvbK ^vaxb iv evsjv `k wnme NvlYv Kib| Gw`bB evOvwj mvgwiK evwnbx, AvavmvgwiK evwnbx I mvaviY gvbyl cwg cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei hy i Ki|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 03

Occasion: Silver Jubilee of Independence 1996
Pakistan was formed to comprise West Pakistan and East Pakistan (modern-day Bangladesh) in 1947. East Pakistan was being exploited economically by the political power of West Pakistan. The movement to claim independence started under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In that situation, the Pakistan Army started crackdown in East Pakistan at night on 26 March 1971. The violent crackdown led Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declaring East Pakistan's independence as the state of Bangla Desh on 26 March 1971. Bengali military, paramilitary and civilians started fight against the West Pakistan army from that day.

gywhvv`i cwkY wkwei 1971


Training Camp of the Freedom Fighters 197148

fviZ gywevwnbxK A_bwZK, mvgwiK I KUbwZK mnvqZv `q| 1971 mvji 16 wWm^i ^vaxbZv AwRZ nq cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei `xN bq gvmi hy Ges c~e cvwKvbi cvq 30 j cvYi wewbgq|

India provided economic, military and diplomatic support to the Mukti Bahini. The independence was gained in 16 December 1971 through a war spanning nine months against the Pakistan Army and loss of about 3 million people of East Pakistan.

32 viK gy`v I bvU

26 gvP 1996 RvwZ ^vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx D`&hvcb Ki| GB w`bwU iY Kiv nq ^vaxbZvi NvlYv Ges j j bvMwiKi gZzi Rb huviv Avgv`i ^vaxbZvi Rb Rxeb DrmM Ki MQb| GB w`bwUK iYxq KiZ evsjv`k evsK GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU gvt gyQwjg wgqvi bKkv Kiv Ges b gyw`Z|

In 26 March 1996, the nation had celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Independence. This day commemorates the country's declaration of independence as well as the deaths of millions of civilians who sacrifice their lives for the sake of our independence. To commemorate this day Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative coin of silver. This coin was designed by Md. Muslim Mia and minted in Spain.

avZz: 925 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 31.47 Mvg gvv: 38.61X38.61X2.84 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm Dimension: 38.61X38.61X2.84 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: evBii ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi evsjv`ki ^vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx 1996, wbPi Ask evsjv wjwcZ AwfwnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, gvS eez kL gywReyi ingvbi cwZKwZ| wecixZ wcV: evBii ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi evsjv`ki ^vaxbZvi iRZ Rqx 1996, Icii Ask BsiwR wjwcZ wmjfvi Rywejx, wbPi Ask evsjv wjwcZ RvZxq wZ ma I AwfwnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, gvS RvZxq wZmai cwZKwZ|

Obverse: Bangladesher Swadhinatar Rajat Jayantee 1996 in Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the face value ten 10 taka in Bangla in the lower field; a image of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the middle. Reverse: Bangladesher Swadhinatar Rajat Jayantee 1996 in Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; SILVER JUBILEE in English in the upper field; and Jatio Smriti Shoudho; the face value ten 10 taka in the lower field in Bangla; an image of National Memorial at Savar in the middle.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 33

evsjv`k viK gy`v 04

Dcj: evsjv`k evsKi iRZ Rqx 1996
evsjv`k evsK njv `ki K`xq evsK| ^vaxbZv hyi ci evsjv`k miKvi U evsK Ae cvwKvbi XvKv kvLvK `ki K`xq evsK cybMwVZ Ki Ges Gi bvg ivLv nq evsjv`k evsK| evsjv`k evsKi Kvh g ii mgq aiv nq 16 wWm^i 1971| `ki gy`vbxwZ cYqb, cqvM I eevcbv, FY eevcbv, `ki AvRvwZK gy`v Znwej eevcbv Ges `ki evswKs mi wbqY GB evsKi cavb KvR| gy`v I evsKbvU Rvwii evsjv`k evsK GKK gZvi AwaKvix| 1 I 2 UvKvi bvU Qvov GB evsK mKj gvbi evsjv`wk UvKv Rvwi Ki| evsjv`k Gi Awdm AvQ `kwU| Gjv njv gwZwSj, m`iNvU, ewikvj, Lyjbv, wmjU, eov, ivRkvnx, iscyi, PMvg I gqgbwmsn| Gi m`i `i XvKvi gwZwSj AewZ| 1996 mvj evsjv`k evsK mvdji mv_ 25 eQi (iRZ Rqx) c~Y Ki| G Dcj evsjv`k evsK GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU gvt gyQwjg wgqvi bKkv Kiv Ges b gyw`Z|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 04

Occasion: Silver Jubilee of Bangladesh Bank 1996
Bangladesh Bank is the Central Bank of the country. After the Liberation War the Government of Bangladesh reorganized the Dhaka branch of the State Bank of Pakistan as the Central Bank of the country, and named it Bangladesh Bank. Bangladesh Bank came into existence with retrospective effect from 16 December 1971. Formulation, implementation and management of monetary policies, credit management, management of the country's international reserves and regulating the banking sector of the country are main tasks of the bank. Bangladesh Bank exercises monopoly power over the issue of currency and the notes. Except 1 and 2 taka notes, this bank issues all other denominations of Bangladeshi Taka. It has ten branches in Bangladesh. These are in Motijheel, Sadarghat, Barisal, Khulna, Sylhet, Bogra, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Chittagong and Mymensingh. It's headquarter is in Motijheel, Dhaka. In 1996 Bangladesh Bank has successfully passed 25 years (Silver Jubilee). Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative silver coin on this occasion. This coin was designed by Md. Muslim Mia and minted in Spain.

evsjv`k evsKi gbvMvg


Bangladesh Bank Monogram49

Commemorative Coins and Notes 35

avZz: 925 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 31.47 Mvg gvv: 41.83X38.61X2.87 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 31.47 gm Dimension: 41.83X38.61X2.87 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: gvS evsjv`k evsKi cavb Kvhvjqi cwZKwZ, Pviw`K evsjv wjwcZ evKvi evsjv`k evsK iRZ Rqx 1971-1996, AwfwnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, Icii Ask BsiwR wjwcZ wmjfvi Rywejx, cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv, GB ewU AviKwU AfzR w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: gvS iqQ evsjv`ki RvZxq cZxK, Gi Pvicvk iqQ evsjv wjwcZ evKvi evsjv`k evsK iRZ Rqx 1971-96 I AwfwnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv, GB ewU AviKwU AfzR w`q Niv|

Obverse: The image of the head office of Bangladesh Bank in the middle; Bangladesh Bank Rajat Jayantee 1971-1996; the face value ten 10 taka in Bangla in a circular way of the image; SILVER JUBILEE in English in the upper field; the total composition is enclosed by a circle, this circle is again enclosed by a octagon. Reverse: National Emblem of Bangladesh in the middle; Bangladesh Bank Rajat Jayantee 19711996; the face value ten 10 taka in Bangla in a circular way; the total composition is enclosed by a circle, this circle is again enclosed by a octagon.

36 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k viK gy`v 05

Dcj: eez mZzi Dvab 1998
eez mZz eZgvb evsjv`ki `xNZg mZz| 1998 mvj wbgvYi mgq GwU cw_exi GMviZg `xN (4.8 wKwg) mZy wQj| mZywUi wbgvY KvR kyi nqwQj 1994 mvji 15 Avei Ges 1998 mvji 23 Ryb GwU hvb PjvPji Rb Dby Kiv nq| wekvjvKvi mZywUi `N 4.8 wKwg hLvb cvq 100 wgUvi `Ni 47wU vb Ges `ycv cvq 65 wgUvi `Ni `ywU vb iqQ| Gi DcwifvMi c 18.5 wgUvi|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 05

Occasion: Inauguration of the Bangabandhu Bridge 1998
At present Bangabandhu Bridge is the longest bridge in Bangladesh. It was the 11th longest bridge (4.8 km) in the world when constructed in 1998. The construction work of the bridge was started in 15 October 1994 and opened in 23 June 1998. The massive bridge is 4.8 km long with 47 main spans of approximately 100 metres and two end spans of approximately 65 metres. The total width of its deck is 18.5 metres.

eez mZzi wbgvY

Construction of Bangabandhu Bridge

mZzwU wbwgZ nqwQj `vB Bwwbqvwis Av KUvKkb (Kvwiqv) KZK 962 wgwjqb Wjvi LiP Ki| GB LiPi Askx`vi nq BUvibvkbvj WfjcgU Avmvwmqkb (AvBwWG), Gwkqvb WfjcgU evsK (GwWwe), AMvbvBRkb di BKvbvwgK Kv-Acvikb Av WfjcgU (IBwmwW) Ges evsjv`k miKvi| evsjv`k evsK eez mZzi Dvab Dcj 20 UvKv AwfwnZ g~ji GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| GwUi bKkv Kib gvt gymwjg wgqv| gy`vwU vfvwKqvq cZ|

This bridge was constructed by Hyundai Engineering and Construction (Koera) at a cost of $962 million. The cost was shared by International Development Association (IDA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Government of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank has issued a silver commemorative coin of 20 taka face value on the occasion of the inauguration of Bangabandhu Bridge. It was designed by Md. Muslim Mia. This coin was minted in Slovakia.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 37

avZz: 90% dvBb wmjfvi I 10% wbKj, IRb: 30 Mvg gvv: 40.00X40.00X2.25 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 20 UvKv

Metal: 90% fine silver and 10% nickel, Weight: 30 gm Dimension: 40.00X40.00X2.25 mm Face value: 20 Taka

mvgbi wcV: evBii ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi eez mZzi Dvab 1998 evsjv`k, AwfwnZ g~j wek 20 UvKv, gvS eez kL gywReyi ingvbi cwZKwZ| wecixZ wcV: evBii ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi eez mZyi Dvab 1998 evsjv`k, AwfwnZ g~j wek 20 UvKv gvS eez mZyi cwZKwZ|

Obverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998 Bangladesh and the face value twenty 20 taka in Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; an image of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the middle. Reverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998 Bangladesh and the face value twenty 20 taka in Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the image of the Bangabandhu Bridge in the middle.

38 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k viK gy`v 06

Dcj: eez mZzi Dvab 1998
eez mZz hgybv b`xi c~e Zxii fyTvcyi I cwg Zxii wmivRMK mshy KiQ| evsjv`ki wZb cavb b`xi GKwU Ges Rjwbvkbi wePvi cw_exZ cg eng hgybv b`xi Ici GB mZz wbwgZ nqQ| GB mZz evsjv`ki c~e I cwg cvi ga GK KkjMZ mK vcb KiQ|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 06

Occasion: Inauguration of the Bangabandhu Bridge 1998
Bangabandhu Bridge connects Bhuapur on the Jamuna River's east bank to Sirajganj on its west bank. It was constructed over the Jamuna River, one of the three major rivers of Bangladesh, and the fifth largest in the world in terms of volumetric discharge. The bridge established a strategic link between the eastern and western parts of Bangladesh.

eez mZz
Bangabandhu Bridge

GwU MYgvbyli Rb bvbvwea mydj eq GbQ wekl Ki, `k AvtAvwjK evwYR msNwUZ Kivi | moK I ijc_ gvjvgvj I hvxi `Z hvZvqvZ QvovI GB mZz we`yr I cvKwZK Mvm mvjb Ges UwjhvMvhvM eevi mg^qK mnR KiQ| `ki AvtAvwjK evwYR AMMwZ mvab mnvqZvi gvag eez mZz evsjv`ki Av_-mvgvwRK Dbqb Zvrchc~Y f~wgKv iL PjQ| evsjv`k evsK eez mZzi Dvab Dcj 10 UvKv AwfwnZ g~ji GKwU wbKji viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| GwUi bKkv Kib gvngy`v LvZzb| gy`vwU KvbvWvq cZ|

It generates multifarious benefits for the people and especially, promotes inter-regional trade in the country. Apart from quick movement of goods and passenger traffic by road and rail, it facilitated transmission of electricity and natural gas, and integration of telecommunication links. By promoting inter-regional trade within the country, Bangabandhu Bridge has been significantly improving the socio-economic condition of the country. Bangladesh Bank has issued a nickel commemorative coin of 10 taka face value on the occasion of the inauguration of Bangabandhu Bridge. It was designed Mahmuda Khatun. This coin was minted in Canada.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 39

avZz: 100% wbKj, IRb: 25 Mvg gvv: 35.00X35.00X3.14 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 100% nickel, Weight: 25 gm Dimension: 35.00X35.00X3.14 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi eez mZyi Dvab 1998 evsjv`k Ges AwfwnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, gvS eez mZyi cwZKwZ| wecixZ wcV: ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi eez mZyi Dvab 1998 evsjv`k Ges AwfwnZ g~j `k 10 UvKv, gvS evsjv wjwcZ bvgmn AcivRq evsjvi cwZKwZ|

Obverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998 Bangladesh and the face value ten 10 taka in Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the image of the Bangabandhu Bridge in the middle. Reverse: Bangabandhu Setur Udbodhon 1998 Bangladesh and the face value ten 10 taka in Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; the image of Aparajeyo Bangla with its title in Bangla in the middle.

40 viK gy`v I bvU

International Mother Language Day

21 February 2002

1st Poster of UNESCO on International Mother Language Day 2002

AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`em Dcj BDbvi c_g cPvic 2002

Commemorative Coins and Notes 41

evsjv`k viK gy`v 07

Dcj: AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`em 2000
fvlv GKwU RvwZi HwZni aviK| gvZfvlvi gvag GKwU `ki mswZ cRb _K cRbvi Qwoq co| fvlvZ, mvswZK ewP I efvlvi cwZ wekevcx mPZbZv cmvii j 1999 mvji 17 bf^i RvwZmsNi wkv, wevb Ges mswZ welqK msv BDbvi mvaviY mfvq AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`emi (21 deqvwi) NvlYv `Iqv nq| w`emwU 1952 mvji 21 deqvwiK Dcvcb Ki hv evOvwji BwZnvm GKwU iYxq w`b| Hw`b cuvPRb Qv wbR`i Rxeb DrmM KiwQjb Zuv`i gvZfvlv evsjvi ^xKwZi `vweZ| cw_exi BwZnvm GwUB GKgv bwRi hLvb gvZfvlv ivi Rb RbZv wbRi i w`qQ| 21 deqvwi Ggb GK behyM m~PbvKvix NUbv h Zv AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`em wnmve wekevcx ^xKwZi gvag wPiiYxq nqQ| evsjv`k, evsjv fvlv Ges fvlv Av`vjbi mevP ZvM wekevcx ckswmZ, iYxq Ges mvwbZ nIqvq RvwZ wnme Avgiv Meeva Kwi| BDbvi GB ^xKwZ D`&hvcbi j evsjv`k evsK 2000 mvj GKwU mvbvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU gvngy`v LvZzbi bKkv Kiv Ges KvbvWvq gyw`Z |

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 07

Occasion: International Mother Language Day 2000
Language bears the heritage of a nation. Culture spreads across generations of a country through mother language. International Mother Language Day (21 February) was declared by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO in 17 November 1999 to promote worldwide awareness of linguistic, cultural diversity and multilingualism. The date represents the day 21 February of 1952 which is a red-letter day in the history of Bengali people. In that day, five students sacrificed their lives for recognition of their language, Bangla. This is the only example in the world where people gave their blood to save their mother tongue. 21 February was such an epoch making incident that it has been immortalized by global recognition as International Mother Language Day. We as a nation feel proud that Bangladesh, Bangla language and the supreme sacrifice of our language movement are being much admired, remembered and honoured worldwide. To celebrate this recognition of the UNESCO Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative gold coin in 2000. This coin was designed by Mahmuda Khatun and minted in Canada.

Agi GKzk Dcj K`xq knx` wgbvi Avjcbv AsKb, 2013

Drawing alpana in front of the Central Shaheed Minar for Amar Ekushey celebration, 2013

42 viK gy`v I bvU

avZz: 22 KviU mvbv, IRb: 10 Mvg gvv: 25.00X25.00X1.64 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 20 UvKv

Metal: Gold (22k), Weight: 10 gm Dimension: 25.00X25.00X1.64 mm Face value: 20 Taka

mvgbi wcV: ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evKvi AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`em, BsiwR wjwcZ BUvibvkbvj gv`vi jvyqR W I, AwfwnZ g~j 20 UvKv, wbPi Ask evsjv I BsiwR Dfq wjwcZ 21k deqvix, gvS K`xq knx` wgbvii cwZKwZ mv_ PviwU evsjv eY A, Av, K, L| knx` wgbvii Ici GKwU Do cvwL| wecixZ wcV: evBii ei wfZi BsiwR wjwcZ evKvi BUvibvkbvj gv`vi jvyqR W, evsjv I BsiwR wjwcZ 2000 mvj Ges BsiwR wjwcZ AwfwnZ g~j UzqbwU UvKv, gvS ei wfZi evsjv wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK I evsjv`k evsKi jvMv|

Obverse: Anterjatik Matribhasha Dibosh in Bangla, INTERNATIONAL MOTHER LANGUAGE DAY in English and the face value 20 taka in both English and Bangla in a circular way inside the outer circle; 21 FEBRUARY both in Bangla and English in the lower field; the image of the Central Shaheed Minar with four Bangla alphabets au, aa, ka, kha in the middle. An image of a flying bird is on the Shaheed Minar. Reverse: INTERNATIONAL MOTHER LANGUAGE DAY in English, the year 2000 both in Bangla and English and the face value TWENTY TAKA in a circular way inside the outer circle. Bangladesh Bank in Bangla and the logo of Bangladesh Bank are within a circle in the middle.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 43

AvBwmwm w KU wekKvci Dvabx Abyvb 2011

Opening of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

44 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k viK gy`v 08

Dcj: AvBwmwm w KU wekKvc 2011
AvBwmwm wekKvc w KU njv GKw`bi AvRvwZK w KUi mevP AvRvwZK cwZhvwMZv| 1975 mvj _K cwZ Pvi eQi ci ci GB cwZhvwMZv AbywZ nq| wekKvc w KU 2011 njv `kg wekKvc w KU hv h_fve AvqvRb KiQ Gwkqvi wZbwU `k evsjv`k, fviZ Ges kxjv| 14wU RvZxq w KU `j GB cwZhvwMZvq AskMnY Ki, hvi ga 10wU AvBwmwmi c~Y Ges 4wU mnhvMx m`m| GB wekKvc 2011 mvji 19 deqvwi _K 2 Gwcji gvS AbywZ nq| GwU evsjv`ki Rb c_g mn-^vMwZK `k wnme wekKvc w KUi AvqvRb| MYcRvZx evsjv`k miKvii gvbbxq cavbgx kL nvwmbv 2011 mvji 17 deqvwi XvKvi eez RvZxq wWqvg GB Avmii Dvab NvlYv Kib| 2011 mvji AvBwmwm w KU wekKvc Dcj evsjv`k evsK GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU K. wR. gyvdvi bKkv Kiv Ges RvgvwbZ gyw`Z|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 08

Occasion of Issuing: ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
The ICC Cricket World Cup is the premier international championship of One Day International cricket. The event held in every forth year from 1975. World Cup Cricket 2011 was the 10th Cricket World Cup jointly hosted by tri-Asian nations- Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Fourteen national cricket teams competed in the tournament, including ten full members and four associate members of ICC. The World Cup took place between 19 February and 2 April 2011. It was Bangladesh's first time co-hosting a World Cup. The Honourable Prime Minister of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, declared the event open on 17 February 2011 at Bangabandhu National Stadium, Dhaka. On the occasion of the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative silver coin. This coin was designed by K.G. Mustafa and minted in Germany.

AvBwmwm w KU Iqv Kvc 2011 Gi jvMv

Logo of ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

Commemorative Coins and Notes 45

avZz: 925 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 30 Mvg gvv: 38.00X38.00X2.66 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 30 gm Dimension: 38.00X38.00X2.66 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: wbPi Ask BsiwR wjwcZ AvBwmwm Iqv Kvc evsjv`k 2011, gvS AvBwmwm Iqv Kvci jvMv, cyiv welqe GKwU AjsKZ e w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: Icii Ask evsjv wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK, wbPi w`K BsiwR wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK, Wvb BsiwR wjwcZ AwfwnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKv, gvS w KU wekKvci Uwd, cyiv welqe GKwU AjsKZ e w`q Niv|

Obverse: ICC World Cup Bangladesh 2011 in English in the lower field; image of the ICC World Cup Logo in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a decorated circle. Reverse: Bangladesh Bank in Bangla in the upper field; BANGLADESH BANK in English in the lower field; the face value 10 TEN TAKA in the right field; the image of the ICC World Cup trophy in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a decorated circle.

46 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k viK gy`v 09

Dcj: weRqi 40 eQi D`&hvcb 2011
cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei `xN 9 gvm hyi kl 1971 mvji 16 wWm^i evsjv`k ^vaxb nq| GB w`bwU RvwZi weRq w`em wnme cvwjZ nq| GB ^vaxbZv hyi AMbvqK wQjb eez kL gywRei ingvb| 1971 mvji 25 gvP cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi AvKwK nvgjvi ci 26 gvP 1971 Gi c_g cni wZwb evsjv`ki ^vaxbZv NvlYv Kib| cvwKvb mbvevwnbxi wei P~ov weRqi AvM ch hy Kivi Rb eezi WvK evOvwj RvwZi D`vg Zz IV| RvwZ ARb Ki ^vaxbZv|

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 09

Occasion of Issuing: Victory Day 2011 40

Anniversary of

Bangladesh achieved freedom in 16 December 1971 after a liberation war against Pakistani Army for nine months. This day is celebrated as the Bijoy Dibash (Victory Day) of the nation. The leading figure behind the liberation war was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He had declared the independence of Bangladesh in the early hours of 26 March 1971 prior to the crackdown of Pakistani Army at midnight of 25 March 1971. The spirit of the Bengali nation soars in response of Bangabandhu's call to fight against Pakistan Army until final victory. The nation achieved independence.

Foundation-stone of National Martyrs Memorial, Savar, Laid by Bangabandhu 16 December 197250

eez KZK mvfvi RvZxq wZmai wfwci vcb 16 wWm^i 197250

2011 mvji 16 wWm^i RvwZ weRqi 40 eQi D`&hvcb Ki| weRqi 40 eQi D`&hvcbK iYxq Ki ivLZ evsjv`k evsK GKwU icvi viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU K. wR. gyvdvi bKkv Kiv Ges iqj WvP wgU, b`vijv _K gyw`Z|

The nation has celebrated the 40th anniversary of victory in 16 December 2011. Bangladesh Bank issued a silver coin to commemorate the occasion of 40th Victory Day. This coin was designed by K.G. Mustafa and minted in the Royal Dutch Mint, the Netherlands.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 47

avZy: 999 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 25 Mvg gvv: 38.00X38.00X2.56 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 999 fine silver, Weight: 25 gm Dimension: 38.00X38.00X2.56 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: Icii Ask evKvi Gevii msMvg Avgv`i gywi msMvg/Gevii msMvg ^vaxbZvi msMvg; wbPi Ask evKvi evsjv I BsiwR wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK, I BsiwR wjwcZ eez kL gywReyi ingvb, evg w`K BsiwRZ AwfwnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKv Ges Rvwii mgq 2011, gvS eez kL gywReyi ingvbi fvlYiZ cwZKwZ, cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: Icii Ask evKvi evsjv wjwcZ evsjv`ki 40Zg weRq evwlKx, wbPi Ask BsiwR wjwcZ 1971-2011 I evKvi dvwU_ wfwi Avwbfvmvwi Ae evsjv`k, gvS QqRb mk gywhvvi weRqvjvmiZ cwZKwZ, cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv|
48 viK gy`v I bvU

Obverse: Ebarer shongram amader muktir shongram/ebarer shongram swadhinatar shongram in Bangla in the upper field in a circular way; Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in English and BANGLADESH BANK both in Bangla and English the lower field in a circular way; the face value 10 TEN TAKA and the year of issue 2011 in the left field; an image of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in delivering speech in the middle, the total composition is enclosed by a circle. Reverse: Bangladesher 40tamo Vijaya Barshiki in Bangla in the upper field; 1971-2011 and 40th Victory Anniversary of Bangladesh in English in the lower field; the image of six armed freedom fighters in expressing joy for victory in the middle, the total composition is enclosed by a circle.

weRq w`emi 40Zg evwlKx D`&hvcb Dcj XvKvq evsjv`k wkKjv GKvWgxZ 40,000 gvgevwZ cjb 16 wWm^i 201151
40,000 candles were lighted at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka in 16 December 2011 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Victory Day51

Commemorative Coins and Notes 49

evsjv`k viK bvU 01

Dcj: weRq w`emi 40 eQi c~wZ 2011
Avgv`i ^vaxbZvi 40 eQi ci wewfb jYxq Dbqb AwRZ nqQ| RbMYi cavb Lv`km avb Drcv`b evsjv`k cvq ^qsm~YZv ARb KiQ| Zwi cvkvK wki Dbqb Af~Zc~e| GwU 50 j kwgKi Kgmsvb KiQ hvi ga 40 jB nZ`wi` gwnjv| wkvq `Z myhvM-myweav evovbvi dj mviZvi nvi eo `uvwoqQ cvq 60% hv gywhyi mgq wQj gv 18%| bvix-cyili Mo Avqy ew cq 50 eQii wbP (1970 mvj) _K 65 eQii Ici DbxZ nqQ| AvRvwZK xovbI evsjv`ki Zvrchc~Y mvdj j Kiv hvq|

Bangladesh Commemorative Note 01

Occasion of Issuing: 40th Anniversary of Victory Day 2011
After 40 years of our independence notable development has been achieved in various sectors. Bangladesh has achieved near self-sufficiency in rice production, the main food of the people. The development of the readymade garment industry is surprising. It employs about 5 million labourers of which around 4 million are poor women. There has been rapid expansion of educational facilities resulting in the increase of literacy rate to about 60% from 18% at the time of liberation war. Average life span for men and women has increased from below 50 years (in 1970) to 65 plus years. Achievements in the fields of international sports are also significant.

hy kl weRqvjvmiZ mk gywhvviv52
Armed freedom fighters expressing joy after victory in the battle52

evsjv`ki w KU `j GKw`bi AvRvwZK (IAvBwW), U Ges wU-20 w KU Ljvi ghv`v ARb KiQ| evsjv`k fviZ I kxjsKvi mv_ h_fve 2011 mvji AvBwmwm w KU wekKvc AvqvRb KiQ| mg A_bwZK vwqZ, wbwZ gvbevwaKvi, wbiM gwjK bvMwiK Rxeb Avgv`i weRq w`em D`&hvcb A_en KiZ cvi| weMZ mvZ eQi, evsjv`k Kg ewk 6% wRwWwc cew ARb KiQ| G-mKj m~PK BwZ Ki h 2021 mvji ga evsjv`k GKwU gaeZx Avqi `k cwiYZ ne| Avkv Kiv hvq Avgiv kxNB AviI A_en weRq w`em cvjb Kie| 2011 mvji 16 wWm^i RvwZ weRqi 40 eQi D`&hvcb Ki| weRqi 40 eQi D`&hvcbK iYxq Ki ivLZ evsjv`k evsK GKwU viK bvU Rvwi Ki| GB viK bvUwUi bKkv Kib K. wR. gyvdv| Avi Qvcv nq MvRxcyi w` wmwKDwiwU wcwUs Kcvikb evsjv`k wjwgUW|
50 viK gy`v I bvU

Bangladesh cricket team has achieved One Day International (OID), Test and T20 status. Bangladesh co-hosted the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup along with India and Sri Lanka. Prosperous economic stability, assured human rights, secured citizen life can make our Victory Day celebration meaningful. In the last seven years, Bangladesh achieved GDP growth rate more or less at 6%. All indicators suggest that Bangladesh will be a middle income country by 2021. Hope we will celebrate a more meaningful Victory Day soon. The nation has celebrated the 40th anniversary of victory in 16 December 2011. Bangladesh Bank issued a note to commemorate the occasion of 40th Victory Day. This commemorative note was designed by K.G. Mustafa. And it was printed in The Security Printing Corporation Bangladesh Limited, Gazipur.

Dcv`vb: KvMR, cvavb weviKvix is: jvj cwigvc: 124X60 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 40 UvKv, wcwd: `ywU evsjv eY m b wgK bs: 0391839

Material: Paper, Predominant Colour: Red, Size: 124X60 mm Face Value: 40 Taka, Prefix: Double Bangla alphabet Sh Na Serial No. 0391839

RjQvc: eez kL gywReyi ingvb, evsjv`k evsKi jvMv I 10| wbivcv myZv: mvgbi w`K _K `Lj, myZv KvMRi wfZi I evBi XD Gi gZv `Lvq| myZvZ gvB vwcU evsjvq 10 `Lv hvq| mvgbi wcV: evg w`K RvwZi wcZv eez kL gywReyi ingvbi WvbgyLx fvlYiZ cwZKwZ I Wvb w`K mvfvi RvZxq wZ mai cwZKwZ| ^vi`vZv: AvwZDi ingvb (Mfbi, evsjv`k evsK) wecixZ wcV: Qq Rb mk gywhvvi weRqvjvmiZ cwZKwZ I evsjv`k evsKi jvMv|

Watermark: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Logo of Bangladesh Bank and 10. Security Thread: Thread appears to weave in and out of the paper when viewed from front side. Microprint 10 in Bangla is visible on the thread. Front: An right-faced image of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in delivering speech at the left side and the National Martyr's Monument at Savar at the right side. Signatory: Atiur Bangladesh Bank) Rahman (Governor of

Back: Image of six armed freedom fighters in expressing joy for victory and Logo of Bangladesh Bank.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 51

evsjv`k viK gy`v 10

Dcj: iex`bv_ VvKzii 150Zg RbevwlKx 2011

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 10

Occasion: 150 Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore 2011

Rabindranath Tagore (7 evsjv mvwnZ I msMxZi May 1861-7 August 1941), wKse`x cyil iex`bv_ VvKzi the most prominent (7 g 1861-7 AvM 1941) celebrity in Bengali fviZi KjKvZvi RvovmuvKvi literature and music was born at Jorasanko Thakur VvKzi evwoZ RbMnY Kib| Bari, Kolkata, India. He was 1913 mvj MxZvjx KveMi the first non-European to Rb wZwb c_g A-BDivcxq win the Nobel Prize in wnme mvwnZ bvej cyivi Literature in 1913 for Gitanjali. As a promoter of cvb| evsjvi ibmuvi GKRb the Bengal Renaissance, ceZK wnme wPKg, kZvwaK he advanced a vast canon M, Ges `yB nvRvii ewk Mvb that comprised paintings, iPbvi gvag wZwb eo aibi sketches, hundreds of AM M wZ mvab KiQb| texts, and more over two thousand songs. He wrote evsjv`ki RvZxq msMxZ ZuviB the national anthem of jLv| Zuvi cwZwZ wekfviZx Bangladesh. His legacy wekwe`vjqi gvagI wZwb Agi endures also in the nq AvQb| wZwb cKvk ewUk institution he founded, the Visva-Bharati University. kvmbi wb`v KiwQjb Ges He denounced the British weUb _K ^vaxb nIqvi ^c 53 Raj and advocated iex`bv_ VvKzi gZ w`qwQjb| iex`bv_ evevi independence from Britain. Rabindranath Tagore53 Rwg`vix `Lvkvbvi Rb Rabindranath travelled evsjv`ki wewfb RvqMv hgb kvnvRv`cyi, cZxki, throughout Ban-gladesh, going to places such as Shahzadpur, Patisar, Kaligram as well as KvwjMvg Ges wkjvB`n gY KiQb| evsjv`ki gvbyl Shelidah, to manage his father's estates. The Ges cKwZ Zuvi ZLbKvi jLv KweZvq Mfxifve Rwoq people and the landscape of Bangladesh are AvQ| 7 g 2011 wQj iex`bv_ VvKzii 150Zg closely linked to the poems he wrote then. 7 May RbevwlKx| evsjv`k evsK G-Dcj GKwU icvi 2011 was the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore. Bangladesh Bank issued a viK gy`v Rvwi Ki| gy`vwU K. wR. gyvdvi bKkv Kiv silver commemorative coin on this occasion. This Ges evWb-IqviUgevM UvKkvj, Rvgvwb _K gyw`Z| coin was designed by K.G. Mustafa and minted in Baden-Wuerttemberg Mint, Germany.

52 viK gy`v I bvU

avZy: 925 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 22.10 Mvg gvv: 38.00X38.00X2.36 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 925 fine silver, Weight: 22.10 gm Dimension: 38.00X38.00X2.36 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: Icii Ask evKvi evsjv wjwcZ iex`bv_ VvKzii mvakZ RbevwlKx - 2011, wbPi Ask evKvi BsiwR wjwcZ Iqvb nvbWW Av wddwU_ ev_ Avwbfvmvwi Ae iex`bv_ UMi - 2011, evg w`K AwfwnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKv Ges gvS iex`bv_ VvKzii WvbgyLx cwZKwZ| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: Icii Ask evKvi evsjv wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK, wbPi Ask evKvi BsiwR wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK, gvS evsjv wjwcZ iex`bv_ VvKzii KweZvi wZbwU jvBb n b~Zb, / `Lv w`K Avi-evi/ Rbi c_g fY\ I Zuvi ^vi| cyiv welqe `ywU mgvivj e w`q Niv, bK&kvq hv`i GKwU mvaviY I AbwU AjsKZ e|

Obverse: Rabindranath Thakurer shardhoshato janmobarshiki - 2011 in Bangla in the upper field in a circular way and 150th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore 2011 in English in the lower field in a circular way; the face value 10 TEN TAKA in the left field; a right-facing image of Poet Rabindranath Tagore in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a circle. Reverse: Bangladesh Bank in Bangla in the upper field in a circular way; BANGLADESH BANK in English in the lower field in a circular way; he nuton,/ dhekha dik ar-bar/jonmer prothom shuvokkhan\ depicted in three lines in Bangla and signature of Poet Rabindranath Tagore in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by two parallal circles, one is general and another is decorated in design.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 53

evsjv`k viK gy`v 11

Dcj: we`vnx KweZvi 90 eQi c~wZ 2011

Bangladesh Commemorative Coin 11

Occasion: 90 Years of the Poem 'Bidrohi' 2011

In 2011 a commemorative 2011 mvj we`vnx KweZvi 90 coin has been issued by the eQi c~wZ Dcj evsjv`k Bangladesh Bank on the evsK GKwU viK gy`v Rvwi occasion of 90 years of the Ki| GB weLvZ KweZvwU poem 'Bidrohi'. The famous poem was written by Kazi evsjv`ki RvZxq Kwe KvRx Nazrul Islam (25 May 1899bRij Bmjvgi (25 g 1899 29 August 1976), the 29 AvM 1976) jLv| national poet of bRiji jLvq dzU IV Bangladesh. Nazrul's writings explore love, fvjvevmv, ^vaxbZv I we`vn| freedom, and revolution. He wZwb agxq Ges wjwfwK opposed all bigotry, elgmn mKj aibi Muvovwgi including religious and weivwaZv KiwQjb| 1922 mvj gender. He reached the peak of fame with the weRjx cwKvq Zuvi we`vnx publication of 'Bidrohi' in KweZv cKvwkZ nIqvi ci wZwb Bijli (Thunder) magazine in LvwZi Pig wkLi cuQvb| ewUk 1922. The rebellious kvmbi wei RbMYi c_g language and theme of the poem was popularly RvZxqZvev`x Awfhvb, AmnhvM received, coinciding with Av`vjb Zuvi we`vnx fvlv Ges the Non-cooperation KweZvi welq RbwcqZv cqwQj| KvRx bRij Bmjvg 192654 Movement in the first, mass Kazi Nazrul Islam in 192654 Zuvi KweZv Ges RvZxqZvev`x nationalist campaign of civil disobedience against the KgKv ZuvK Rbwcq we`vnx British rule. His poetry and nationalist activism Kwe DcvwaZ f~wlZ Ki| h Kvbv aibi MYAv`vjb earned him the popular title of Bidrohi Kobi (Rebel Zuvi jLv Avkvi Avjv RvMvq| GB viK gy`vwU K. wR. Poet). His writings always show the light in any gyvdvi bKkv Kiv Ges iqj WvP wgU, b`vijv _K mass-movement. This commemorative coin was designed by K.G. Mustafa and minted in Royal gyw`Z| Dutch Mint, the Netherlands.

54 viK gy`v I bvU

avZy: 999 dvBb wmjfvi, IRb: 25 Mvg gvv: 38.00X38.00X2.57 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 10 UvKv

Metal: 999 fine silver, Weight: 25 gm Dimension: 38.02X38.02X2.57 mm Face value: 10 Taka

mvgbi wcV: Icii Ask evKvi evsjv wjwcZ we`vnx KweZvi 90 eQi, wbPi Ask evKvi BsiwR wjwcZ cqU KvRx bRij Bmjvg I bvBbwU Bqvim Ae `v cvqg we`vnx 1921-2011, evg w`K AwfwnZ g~j 10 Ub UvKv Ges gvS KvRx bRij Bmjvgi cwZKwZ| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv| wecixZ wcV: Icii Ask evKvi evsjv wjwcZ evsjv`k evsK, wbPi Ask BsiwR wjwcZ 2011 I evKvi evsjv`k evsK, gvS evsjv wjwcZ KvRx bRij Bmjvgi we`vnx KweZvi PviwU jvBb ej exi-/ ej DbZ gg wki!/wki bnvwi Avgvwi,/bZwki IB wkLi wngvw`i! I Zuvi ^vi| cyiv welqe GKwU e w`q Niv|

Obverse: 'Bidrohi' kabitar 90 bachor in Bangla in the upper field in a circular way; Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam and 90 Years of the Poem 'BIDROHI' 19212011 in English in the lower field in a circular way; the face value 10 TEN TAKA in the left field; an image of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a circle. Reverse: Bangladesh Bank in Bangla in the upper field; the year of issue 2011 and BANGLADESH BANK in English in the lower field in a circular way; 'balo vheer-/ balo unnata mamo shir!/ shir nehari' amari,/ natoshir oi shikhor hemadrir!' depicted in four lines in Bangla and signature of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam in the middle. The total composition is enclosed by a circle.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 55

Part of the historic meeting in front of Old Arts Faculty Building 21 February 195255

cyivZb Kjvfebi mvgb HwZnvwmK mgveki Askwekl 21 deqvwi 195255

56 viK gy`v I bvU

evsjv`k viK bvU 02

Dcj: gvZfvlv Av`vjbi 60 eQi c~wZ 2012
1947 G cvwKvb Rbi ci _KB D`yK ivfvlv Kivi fqven P v PjZ _vK| 1948 Gi 21 gvP cvwKvbi Mfbi Rbvij gynv` Avjx wRbvn NvlYv Kib D`yB ne c~e I cwg Dfq cvwKvbi GKgv `vwiK fvlv| c~e cvwKvbi msLvMwi RbZvi fvlv wnme evsjv c~e cvwKvbi ivfvlv nIqv DwPZ| Qv mgvR evsjvK ivfvlv Kivi Rb `p cwZ nq| 1952 mvj 21 deqvwi cv`wkK cwil`i AwaekbK mvgb iL mgM `k evsjvK ivfvlv Kivi Av`vjb `vbv euvaZ _vK| G-w`b cywjk Qv-RbZvi cwZev` wgwQj wj elY Ki, KqKRb wbnZ nb| Zuv`i ga cuvP Rb njb mvjvg, iwdK, eiKZ, Revi Ges mwdDi|

Bangladesh Commemorative Note 02

Occasion: 60 Anniversary of Language Movement 2012
After the birth of Pakistan in 1947, the dire conspiracy for making Urdu as the state language continued. On 21 March 1948, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the Governor General of Pakistan, declared that Urdu would be the only official language for both West and East Pakistan. As the language of the majority of people of East Pakistan, Bangla should be the state language of East Pakistan. The students expressed their firm determination to make Bangla as the state language. The movement to establish Bangla as the state language was becoming intensive with the Provincial Parliamentary Assembly of 21 February of 1952 in focus. The police fired on the students and people protests and a number of people were killed. Five of them were Salam, Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar and Shafiur.

K`xq knx` wgbvi fvlv Av`vjbi knx``i cwZ kv wbe`b

Tribute to the martyrs of the Language Movement at the Central Shaheed Minar

cvwKvwb kvmKMvx evsjvK AbZg ivfvlvi ghv`v w`Z eva nq| BDbv 1999 mvji 17 bf^i GB w`bK AvRvwZK gvZfvlv w`em wnme NvlYv Ki| ZvB 21 deqvwi evsjv`wk RbMYi Rb Mfxi Zvrchi, DrmMi Ges ARbi| cwZeQi evsjv`ki gvbyl 21 deqvwi evsjv fvlv Av`vjb w`em wnme D`&hvcb Ki Ges gnvb exi`i mvb Rvbvq huviv gvZfvlv evsjvi Rb 1952 mvji 21 deqvwi Rxeb DrmM KiQb| 2012 mvj evsjv fvlv Av`vjb w`emi 60Zg evwlKx D`&hvwcZ nqQ|

The Pakistani rulers were compelled to dignify Bangla as one of the main state language of Pakistan. UNESCO has already announced the day as the International Mother Language Day in 17 November 1999. Thus, 21 February is a day of great significance, sacrifice and achievement for the Bangladeshi people. Every year, Bangladeshi people celebrate 21 February as the Bangla Language Movement Day, and pays respect to those great heroes who sacrificed their lives for their mother tongue, Bangla on 21 February, 1952. In 2012 Bangladesh has celebrated the 60th anniversary of Bangla Language Movement Day.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 57

G-DcjK iYxq Ki ivLZ evsjv`k evsK 2012 mvj GKwU viK bvU Rvwi KiQ| bvUwUi bKkv Kib wkx gvdv gbvqvi I K. wR. gyvdv| Avi Qvcv nq MvRxcyi w` wmwKDwiwU wcwUs Kcvikb evsjv`k wjwgUW|

To commemorate this occasion Bangladesh Bank issued a commemorative note in 2012. This note was designed by Artist Mostafa Monwar and K.G. Mustafa. And it was printed in The Security Printing Corporation Bangladesh Limited, Gazipur.

Dcv`vb: KvMR, cvavb weviKvix is: Mvjvcx, cwigvc: 130X60 wgwg AwfwnZ g~j: 60 UvKv, wcwd: `ywU evsjv eY m b wgK bs: 0769981

Material: Paper, Predominant Colour: Pink, Size: 130X60 mm Face Value: 60 Taka, Prefix: Double Bangla alphabet Sh Na, Serial No. 0769981

RjQvc: eez kL gywReyi ingvb, evsjv`k evsKi jvMv I 50| wbivcv myZv: mvgbi w`K _K `Lj, myZv KvMRi wfZi I evBi XD Gi gZv `Lvq| myZvZ gvB vwcU evsjvq 50 `Lv hvq| mvgbi wcV: fvlv Av`vjbi XvKv K`xq knx` wgbvii cwZKwZ| ^vi`vZv: AvwZDi ingvb (Mfbi, evsjv`k evsK) wecixZ wcV: wkgyji GKwU dzjj Wvj, evsjv wjwcZ bvgmn cuvP fvlv knx`: knx` mvjvg, knx` iwdK, knx` eiKZ, knx` Revi, I knx` mwdDi Gi cwZKwZ, 1952 Gi c_g knx` wgbvii cwZKwZ I evsjv`k evsKi jvMv|
58 viK gy`v I bvU

Watermark: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Logo of Bangladesh Bank and 50. Security Thread: Thread appears to weave in and out of the paper when viewed from front side. Microprint 50 in Bangla is visible on the front side. Front: Image of the Central Shaheed Minar (Martyrs' monument) of the Language Movement in Dhaka. Signatory: Atiur Rahman (Governor of Bangladesh Bank) Back: A flowering branch of Shimul; images of five Martyrs of Language Movement (Vasha Shaheed) with their names Shaheed Salam, Shaheed Rafiq, Shaheed Barkat, Shaheed Jabbar and Shaheed Shafiur in Bangla, the image of first Shaheed Minar of 1952, and logo of Bangladesh Bank.

mgM cw_exZB wewfb Dcj viK gy`v I bvU Rvwi ek Rbwcq| G-mKj gy`v I bvU cavbZ msMvnK`i mvgMx wnmeB mgv`Z| evsjv`k evsK G-ch gv 11wU viK gy`v I 2wU bvU Rvwi KiQ| eZgvb `k we`k G-mKj mvgMxi ek Pvwn`v iqQ| evsjv`k msMvnK`i msLv ek fvj| BZvga evsjv`k evsKi ekwKQz viK gy`v I evsKbvUi we q mb nqQ| evsjv`k mvswZK I cvKwZK HwZn mg| Gi mvswZK HwZni ga cvnvocyii e wenvi, evMinvUi HwZnvwmK gmwR` kni evMinvU, eovi gnvvbMo, Dqvix-eUki cZZvwK , gqbvgwZi cZZvwK magvjv, w`bvRcyii KvRx gw`i, bevb Drme, weRy Drme, jvjb msMxZ, Agi GKzk eBgjv cnjv ekvL cfwZ wek Abb| my`ieb, KevRvi mgy` mKZ, Uvyqvi nvIo, KvvB jK cfwZ `ki weLvZ cvKwZK HwZn | viK gy`v I bvU Avgv`i GmKj HwZnK wek `ievi cwiwPZ KivZ iZc~Y f~wgKv cvjb KiZ cvi| Avgiv Avkv Kwi evsjv`k evsK GB welqjv weePbv Kie Ges fwelZ AviI viK gy`v I bvU Rvwii D`vM MnY Kie|

Issuing commemorative coins and notes in various occasions are much popular all over the world. These coins and notes are mainly admired as collectors' item. Bangladesh Bank has issued only eleven coins and two notes till now. At present these items have a good demand in home and abroad. There are a good number of collectors in Bangladesh. Already several commemorative coins and notes of Bangladesh Bank are sold out. Bangladesh is rich in cultural and natural heritages. Among her cultural heritages Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur, Historic Mosque City of Bagerhat, Mahasthangarh at Bogra, Wari-Bateshwar archaeological site, Mainamati group of archaeological monuments, Kantajee temple at Dinajpur, Nabanna Utsav, Biju Utsav, Lalon song, Ekushey Book Fair, Bengali New Year/ Pohela Boishakh etc. are unique in the world context. The Sundarbans, Cox's Bazar seashore, Tanguar Lake, Kaptai Lake etc. are the famous natural heritages of the country. Commemorative coins and notes can be played an important role to introduce our heritage to the world community. We hope Bangladesh Bank will consider these themes and take initiatives to issue more commemorative coins and notes in future.

Commemorative Coins and Notes 59

1. BjvW RO, Iqv Kqb GbmvBKvcwWqv, (wbwjqvg gviiv Av Kvvbx AvBGbwm., wbD BqK, 1984), 71| 2. WvK&gv njv cvPxb I AvaywbK Dfq MxmiB gy`vi GKK| WKv-WvK&gv njv 10-WvK&gv| `Lyb, BjvW RO, Iqv Kqb GbmvBKvcwWqv, (wbwjqvg gviiv Av Kvvbx AvBGbwm., wbD BqK, 1984), 82, 90| 3. mvBivwKDm njv wmwmwji GK HwZnvwmK kni| 2700-eQii cyivbv GB kni cvPxbKvj cavb f~wgKv cvjb KiZ hLb GwU f~gamvMixq Aji AbZg kw wQj| 4. BjvW RO, Iqv Kqb GbmvBKvcwWqv, (wbwjqvg gviiv Av Kvvbx AvBGbwm., wbD BqK, 1984), 82| 5. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 17| 6. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 191| 7. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 19| 8. AvjvKwPi Drm: wewUk wgDwRqvg, www., CM BMC Syracuse 201. [22 m^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 9. AvjvKwPi Drm: we w Uk wgDwRqvg,, CM 1926-4-2-1 (PCG IV.A.4), AN0. [22 m^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv]

1. Ewald Junge, World Coin Encyclopedia, (Nilliam Marrow and Company INC., New York, 1984), 71. 2. Drachm was the monetary unit of both ancient and modern Greece. See, Deca-drachms mean the denomination of 10-drachms. Ewald Junge, World Coin Encyclopedia, (Nilliam Marrow and Company INC., New York, 1984), 82, 90. 3. Syracuse was a historic city in Sicily. This 2700-year-old city played key role in ancient times, when it was one of the major powers of the Mediterranean world. 4. Ewald Junge, World Coin Encyclopedia, (Nilliam Marrow and Company INC., New York, 1984), 82. 5. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 17. 6. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 191. 7. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 19. 8. Source of photograph: British Museum,, CM BMC Syracuse 201. [Accessed in 22 September 2012] 9. Source of photograph: British Museum., CM 1926-4-2-1 (PCG IV.A.4), AN0. [Accessed in 22 September 2012] 10. Source of photograph: enarius-Lucius_Verus-Arenia-s1537.jpg/250pxDenarius-Lucius_Verus-Arenia-s1537.jpg. [Accessed in 22 September 2012] 11. commons/thumb/a/a5/Denarius-Lucius_VerusArenia-s1537.jpg/250px-Denarius-Lucius _Verus-Arenia-s1537.jpg. [Accessed in 22 September 2012]

10. AvjvKwPi Drm: ttp:// wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Denarius-Lucius_ Verus-Arenia-s1537.jpg/250px-Denarius-Lucius_Verus -Arenia-s1537.jpg. [22 m^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 11. ttp:// thumb/a/a5/Denarius-Lucius_Verus-Arenias1537.jpg/250px-Denarius-Lucius_Verus-Arenias1537.jpg. [22 m^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv]

60 viK gy`v I bvU

12. Avjvb gb Kib GB gy`v mgy` Rvwi Kib| `Lyb, Rb Avjvb, KvUvjM Ae Kqbm Ae `v v WvBbw Av Ae kkv, wKs Ae Mov, (jb, wewUk wgDwRqvg, 1914, c_g fviZxq msiY, IwiqUvj eyKm wiwcU Kcvikb, wbD w`jx, 1975), lxviii| Avi wcGj gb Kib GB gy`v c_g Kzgvi Rvwi Kib| `Lyb, wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 53, 199, cU XIII, gy`v bs 136| GGm AvjZKviI wcGj i gZv GKB gZvgZ cvlY Kib| `Lyb, GGm AvjZKvi, `v KqbR Ae `v v Gwiqi, (evivbmx, `v wbDwgRgvwUK mvmvBwU Ae Bwqv, 1957), 28-30| 13. Rb Avjvb, KvUvjM Ae Kqbm Ae `v v WvBbw Av Ae kkv, wKs Ae Mov, (jb, wewUk wgDwRqvg, 1914, c_g fviZxq msiY IwiqUvj eyKm wiwcU Kcvikb, wbD w`jx, 1975), lxviii| 14. AvjvKwPi Drm: bvkbvj wgDwRqvg, w`jx, msMn bs 51.77/1| 15. Rb Avjvb, KvUvjM Ae Kqbm Ae `v v WvBbw Av Ae kkv, wKs Ae Mov, (jb, wewUk wgDwRqvg, 1914, c_g fviZxq msiY IwiqUvj eyKm wiwcU Kcvikb, wbD w`jx, 1975), lxviii| 16. Gg. nvibyi iwk`, `v gqbvgwZ Mv Kqbm, evsjv`k jwjZ Kjv, L 1, bs 1, (1975), 47-48, AvjvKwP XXIII-1| 17. AvjvKwPi Drm: eyjeyj Avng`, WKzgUkb Ae Kqbm dvD Bb evsjv`k, GKwU MelYv cK, RvnvxibMi wekwe`vjqi Kjv I gvbweKx Abyl` Rgv `Iqv nqQ, 2009-2010| mRb, cZZ Awa`i, evsjv`k miKvi, cyivKxwZ bs 1480, 1964-65, mshvRb bs we/G/wm/08.2001| 18. Rb Avjvb, KvUvjM Ae Kqbm Ae `v v WvBbw Av Ae kkv, wKs Ae Mov, (jb, wewUk wgDwRqvg, 1914, c_g fviZxq msiY IwiqUvj eyKm wiwcU Kcvikb, wbD w`jx, 1975), lxvii| 19. Rb Avjvb, KvUvjM Ae Kqbm Ae `v v WvBbw Av Ae kkv, wKs Ae Mov, (jb, wewUk wgDwRqvg, 1914, c_g fviZxq msiY IwiqUvj eyKm wiwcU Kcvikb, wbD w`jx, 1975), lxvi|

12. Allan believes that this coin was issued by Samudragupta. See, John Allan, Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda, (London, The British Museum, 1914, 1st Indian Edition by Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi in 1975), lxviii. PL Gupta thinks that Chandragupta I issued this coin. See, PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 53, 199 Plate XIII, coin no. 136. AS Altekar shows same opinion as PL Gupta. See, AS Altekar, The Coinage of the Gupta Empire, (Baranashi, The Numismatic Society of India, 1957), 28-30. 13. John Allan, Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda, (London, The British Museum, 1914, 1st Indian Edition by Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi in 1975), lxviii. 14. Source of Photograph: National Museum, Delhi, Acc. No. 51.77/1. 15. John Allan, Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda, (London, The British Museum, 1914, 1st Indian Edition by Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi in 1975), lxviii. 16. M. Harunur Rashid, 'The Mainamati Gold Coins', Bangladesh Lalit Kala vol. 1, No. 1, (1975), 47-48, Pl. XXIII-1. 17. Source of Photograph: Bulbul Ahmed, Documentation of Gupta Coins found in Bangladesh, a research project submitted in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, 2009-2010, Courtesy, Department of Archaeology, Government of Bangladesh, Antiquity No. 1480 of 1964-65, Acc. No. BA/C/08.2001. 18. John Allan, Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda, (London, The British Museum, 1914, 1st Indian Edition by Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi in 1975), lxxvii. 19. John Allan, Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda, (London, The British Museum, 1914, 1st Indian Edition by Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi in 1975), lxxvi.
Commemorative Coins and Notes 61

20. Rb Avjvb, KvUvjM Ae Kqbm Ae `v v WvBbw Av Ae kkv, wKs Ae Mov, (jb, wewUk wgDwRqvg, 1914, c_g fviZxq msiY IwiqUvj eyKm wiwcU Kcvikb, wbD w`jx, 1975), lxvi| 21. cKZc BLwZqvi-D`&-`xb Mo-weRq gy`v Zuvi cfz w`jxi myjZvb gywqR-D`&-`xb Avey gynv` web mvgi c Rvwi KiwQjb| 22. vb Mvivb I Rwc Mvqv, `v Kqbm& Ae `v Bwqvb mvjZvbvZm: Kfvwis `v Gwiqv Ae cRU-W Bwqv, cvwKvb Av evsjv`k, (gywivg gbvnijvj cvewjkvm cv. wj., wbD w`jx, 2001), 146| 23. AvjvKwPi Drm: byij Bmjvg msMn, XvKv| 24. AvMv, Avng`vev`, Avwmi, eyinvbcyi, w`jx, dZcyi, nvRxcyi, Rbcyi, Kvkxi, Kveyj, jvnvi, gvjcyi, cvUbv, knicb, wmZvcyi, D`qcyi, Dqb, D`-Rvdi-Kvwib cfwZ| `Lyb, wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 116| 25. AvMv, Avng`vev`, Avng`bMi, AvKeibMi, AvKeicyi, Zvv, Gjvnvev`, AvjIqvi, evjvcyi, evz, evvjv, evivi, eyinvbcyi, w`jx, BwjPcyi, dZcyi, Mvqvwjqi, wnmvi, Rbcyi, Kveyj, Kvjwc, jvnvi, gyjZvb, gvjcyi, cvUbv, kiMo, wmZvcyi, kxbMi, Dqbx, D`-Rvdi-Kvwib cfwZ| `Lyb, wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 116| 26. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 116| 27. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 115| 28. AvjvKwPi Drm: bvkbvj wgDwRqvg, w`jx, msMn bs 59-39-79| 29. AvjvKwPi Drm: [08 Avei 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 30. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 126| 31. GmGBP nvw`fvjv, wnvwiKvj vwWR Bb gyMj wbDwgRgvwU, (ev^, cybgy`Y 1976), 184|
62 viK gy`v I bvU

20. John Allan, Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda, (London, The British Museum, 1914, 1st Indian Edition by Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi in 1975), lxxvi 21. Actually Ikhtiyer-ud-din Muhammmad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji issued these coins on behalf of his master Muiz-ud-din-duniawa al-din Abu Muzaffar Muhammad bin Sam, Sultan of Delhi. 22. Stan Goran and JP Goenka, The Coins of the Indian Sultanates: Covering the Area of Present-Day India, Pakistan And Bangladesh, (Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2001), 146. 23. Source of photograph: Noorul Islam Collection, Dhaka. 24. Agra, Ahamedabad, Asir, Burhanpur, Delhi, Fathpur, Hajipur, Jaunpur, Kashmir, Kabul, Lahore, Malpur, Patna, Shaharpattan, Sitapur, Udaipur, Ujjain, Urdu-zafar-qarin etc. See, PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 116. 25. Agra, Ahamedabad, Ahamadnagar, Akbarnagar, Tanda, Allahabad, Alwar, Balapur, Bandhu, Bangala, Barar, Burhanpur, Delhi, Elichpur, Fathpur, Gwalior, Hisar. Jaunpur, Kabul, Kalpi, Lahore, Multan, Malpur, Patna, Shergarh, Sitapur, Srinagar, Ujjain, Urdu-zafarqarin etc. See, PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 116. 26. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 116. 27. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 115. 28. Source of Photograph: National Museum, Delhi, Acc. No. 59-39-79. 29. Source of Photograph: [Accessed in 08 October 2012] 30. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 126. 31. SH Hodivala, Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics, (Bombay, reprint in 1976), 184.

32. gvt iRvDj Kwig, Kqbm Av Kvix wmmUg: wgWvBfvj Av jU wgWvBfvj wcwiqW, `Lyb, mywd gvvwdRyi ingvb (mvw`Z), AvwKIjwRKvj nwiUR, KvjPvivj mvf Ae evsjv`k, wmwiR 1, (XvKv, GwkqvwUK mvmvBwU Ae evsjv`k, 2007), 135| 33. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 126| 34. AvjvKwPi Drm: nupam/delhi1.html. [22 m^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 35. wbRvg-Dj-nvmvb, gwKs weM gvwb, `Lyb, `v wn`yvb UvBgm, g 1, 1998| 36. wcGj , Kqbm, (wbD w`jx, bvkbvj eyK Uv, 1969, ZZxq msiY 1991), 126| 37. GbwR ivWm& I GmK evm, `v KqbR Ae Rqxqvcyi DB_ Avb GKvDU Ae `v jv WR Ae `v Rqxqv ivR, (KjKvZv: MnvwU, GbwR ivWm& I GmK evm, 2010), 59-68| 38. AvjvKwPi Drm: byij Bmjvg msMn, XvKv| 39. WvewjD U gUb, Pvqbv: BUm wnix Av KvjPvi, (wbD BqK, wjwbKvU, 1980), 95| 40. wmqb myqb-myBb, mvq Av wmwfjvBRkb Bb Pvqbv, L 5, cvU 1 (ccvi Av wcwUs), (KgweR BDwbfvwmwU cm, 1985), 48| 41. iRIqvb ivvK I wKkvi SzbSzbIqvjv, `v wifvBRW vvW idvi MvBW Uz Bwqvb ccvi gvbx, (Kqbm& Av Kvixm&, Bwqv, 2012)| 42. hvmd Mvievi I nvbm&-jyWBDM MvevmwK, KggviwUf bvUm Ae `v Iqv, (MBU-fvijvM, 2012)| 43. Iqb RvKe, G gwKvb KggviwUf bvU, wgWAvBjv Kve Rvbvj, L 6, bs 12, wWm^i 2007| 44. AvjvKwPi Drm: Iqb RvKe, G gwKvb KggviwUf bvU, wgW-AvBjv Kve Rvbvj, L 6, bs 12, wWm^i 2007|

32. Md. Rezaul Karim, 'Coins and Currency System: Medieval and Late Medieval Period', in Sufi Mostafizur Rahman (ed.), Archaeological Heritage, Cultural Survey of Bangladesh, Series 1, (Dhaka, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2007), 135. 33. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 126. 34. Najm-Ul-Hasan, 'Making Big Money', in The Hindustan Times, May 1, 1998. 35. PL Gupta, Coins, (New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1969, 3rd edition in 1991), 126. 36. Source of photograph: edu/~nupam/delhi1.html. [Accessed in 22 September 2012] 37. NG Rhodes and SK Bose, The Coinage of Jaintiapur with an Account of the Last Days of the Jaintia Raj, (Kolkata : Guwahati, NG Rhodes & SK Bose, 2010), 59-68. 38. Source of photograph: Noorul Islam Collection, Dhaka. 39. W. Scott Morton, China: Its History and Culture, (New York, Lippincott, 1980), 95. 40. Tsien Tsuen-Hsuin, Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 5, Part 1 (Paper and Printing), (Cambridge University Press, 1985), 48. 41. Rezwan Razack and Kishore Jhunjhunwalla, The Revised Standard Reference Guide to Indian Paper Money, (Coin and Currencies, India, 2012). 42. Joseph Gerber and Hans-Ludwig Grabowski, Commemorative Notes of the World, (Gietl Verlag, 2010). 43. Wayne Jacob, 'A Mexican Commemorative Bank-note', Mid-Island Coin Club Journal, Vol. 6, No. 12, December 2007. 44. Source of photograph: Wayne Jacob, 'A Mexican Commemorative Note', Mid-Island Coin Club Journal, Vol. 6, No. 12, December 2007.
Commemorative Coins and Notes 63

45. AvjvKwPi Drm: RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb, (wbevnx mv`K nvkg Lvb), (RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb ggvwiqvj Uv, XvKv, 1997, wZxq msiY 2003), 107| 46. AvjvKwPi Drm: RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb, (wbevnx mv`K nvkg Lvb), (RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb ggvwiqvj Uv, XvKv, 1997, wZxq msiY 2003), 97| 47. AvjvKwPi Drm: RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb, (wbevnx mv`K nvkg Lvb), (RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb ggvwiqvj Uv, XvKv, 1997, wZxq msiY 2003), 98| 48. AvjvKwPi Drm: RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb, (wbevnx mv`K nvkg Lvb), (RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb ggvwiqvj Uv, XvKv, 1997, wZxq msiY 2003), 98| 49. bKkvKvi: wkvPvh Rqbyj Avew`b| 50. AvjvKwPi Drm: RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb, (wbevnx mv`K nvkg Lvb), (RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb ggvwiqvj Uv, XvKv, 1997, wZxq msiY 2003), 130| 51. AvjvKwPi Drm: image/3705802-16x9-940x529.jpg. [05 bf^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 52. AvjvKwPi Drm: RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb, (wbevnx mv`K nvkg Lvb), (RvwZi RbK eez kL gywReyi ingvb ggvwiqvj Uv, XvKv, 1997, wZxq msiY 2003), 105| 53. AvjvKwPi Drm: Rabindranath_Tagore. [05 bf^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 54. AvjvKwPi Drm: Kazi_Nazrul_Islam [05 bf^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv] 55. AvjvKwPi Drm: www.commons.wikimedia. org. [05 bf^i 2012 ZvwiL `Lv]

45. Source of photograph: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : The Father of the Nation, (Executive Editor Hashem Khan), (Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust, Dhaka, 1997, 2nd edition in 2003), 107. 46. Source of photograph: Bangabandh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : The Father of the Nation, (Executive Editor Hashem Khan), (Father of the Nation Bangabandh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust, Dhaka, 1997, 2nd edition in 2003), 97. 47. Source of photograph: Bangabandh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : The Father of the Nation, (Executive Editor Hashem Khan), (Father of the Nation Bangabandh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust, Dhaka, 1997, 2nd edition in 2003), 98. 48. Source of photograph: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : The Father of the Nation, (Executive Editor Hashem Khan), (Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust, Dhaka, 1997, 2nd edition in 2003), 98. 49. Designer:Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin. 50. Source of photograph: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : The Father of the Nation, (Executive Editor Hashem Khan), (Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust, Dhaka, 1997, 2nd edition in 2003), 130. 51. Source of photograph: au/news/image/3705802-16x9-940x529.jpg. [Accessed in 05 Novemberr 2012] 52. Source of photograph: Bangabandh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : The Father of the Nation, (Executive Editor Hashem Khan), (Father of the Nation Bangabandh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust, Dhaka, 1997, 2nd edition in 2003), 105. 53. Source of photograph: org/wiki/Rabindranath_Tagore. [Accessed in 05 Novemberr 2012] 54. Source of photograph: org/wiki/Kazi_Nazrul_Islam. [Accessed in 05 November 2012] 55. Source of photograph: www.commons. [Accessed in 05 November 2012]

64 viK gy`v I bvU

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