Case Study Somalia
Case Study Somalia
Case Study Somalia
Figure.1 The Political Map of Afriean Boarders
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Sources: from htp:// (under search Map of Somalia)
June 26 1960 and the Italian trust tertor of Smalia that achieved
Independence on July 1 1960.
Te other three parts remained under foreig cntrol. Te Ogaden
region, (Somali wester part) which is Ur Etiopia administrtion as
well as Norther Front District (). is under Kenyan administrtion.
Djibouti that was under French but had aiee it indepndn in 197
during the Ogaden war between Ethiopia and Somalia and bcme
independent state, Republic of Djibouti not joined rest of the Somalia.
Somalia transition to independenc difered radically from that of
most African states. In 1950 the former Italian colony was placd under a
United Nations trusteeship and administered by Italy. Although British
Somalilad retained its colonial status until independenc, chages
instituted by the United Nations in the tusteeship territory infuenced
political developments there as well. A a result, Somalia's indepndence
as a unifed state practising multiparty parliamentary demoacy wa
attained relatvely painlessly.1
Te early post-independence period was dominated by difcult in
integrating the former colonial territories and in addition the new state
had confics with Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti arising fom Somalia's
Irredentism demands. Interal political conficts revolved around methods
1 Harold, D. (1982) Somalia a Country Study. Washington DC: American University
press, pp.3-
of handling these difculties. Competition for electoral support widened
cleavages within the nation as politicias sought the backng of rival
regional and clan groups, there by often obscuring the country's pressing
need for development.
Somalia has a land area of 637, 540 square klometres, and a terrain
tat consists mainly of plateau and highlands. The weather is hot
throughout the year, except the higher elevations in the north. Moderate
rainfall is confmed to the northwest, and particularly in the southwest,
where the country's two main rivers are found; in tese region agriclture
is practised.
Somalia has a long castline of about (3,025 klometres). The
castline i important for tade with the Middle East and te rest of East
Ac. Te exploitaton of the shore and the continental shelf for fshing
and other purposes had barely begun by the early 19s. Sovereignty was
claimed over territorial waters up to 20 nautical miles. Somalis has four
seasons, two rainy (gu' and dayr) and two dry (iilaal and hagaa). The GU
rains begin in April and last untl June, and dayr by the day rains fom
October to November.
Somali populaton is about six million and is made up of fve major
clans: Darood, Hawiye, Isaak, Dir, and Rahaweyn. (see fgure 3.) Each
2 Helen, M. (192) Sma Cuntry Study. Wahingon DC: Aerican Univerity pres, p.10
clan is than subdivided into six or more subclas and each subclans and
faer subclas. Al te lineage's extended families and divided smal
groups which are kown (ilib) whom are living same region or district,
which pays and receives blood compensaton in cases involving
homicide. But in general Somali people share a common language,
physical characteristic, religion, cstoms, and tradition.
Table 1. Somalian Clan Family
Cla and subclan
Darood Isaaq Hawiye
Ogaden H.Awal Abgal
Mjerteen Garhsjis H. gidir
Gadabursi dhulbaante H.jeclo Murrsade
Somalia: Aer Independence from 1960-91
When Somalia was formed in 1960, it was adopted a Parliamentary
democracy. It lasted fom June to October 1969 in a constant state of
confsion. There were up to 6 political parties. All expression of the
various cans and sub-clans (see Table . 1). But as soon as the elections
were over, they all allied to the dominant Somali Youth Lague (SY),
the nationalist party that had been nurtured by British Military
Administration between 1941and 1948. Since the SYL was the only
national party wit a support tat was relatively broady based across the
clans, the various other parties, which were in fact clan-based interest
group, rallied to the SYL, dominated goverent in order to be able to
beneft fom the state. Tus the country lived bth with a myriad of
parties and a de-facto single party. Tis system led to massive corruption
and a strong disenchantent on the part of the public towards its
goverent. In October 1969, a group of military ofcers took power in
bloodless coup d'etat.
Te new goverent had all the tappings of the then fashionable
socialist military regimes: a single party, a single trade union, a strongly
controlled press, close ties with the USSR, and mass organisation for
women, youth and workers given the emphasis on the reunifcaton of the
Somali people. It also had an aggressive foreign polic and spent massive
share of its budget on military expenses. Sinc regimes potental foes
Ethiopia, Kenya, and France were all, in the cold war context of the time.
Close American allies Somalia entered into the very cose relatons with
USSR and the goverent declared it self to be adherent of scientc
socialism to please its new Soviet fiends. Progressive foreig
intellectuals duly tried to discover the social and economic basis for a