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All rights reserved. Copyright 2006 - 2008 Sex God Method LLC.

First Edition. Published April 2006

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system
without permission in writing from the author.

_ _ _ _
My Slory
The Four 8uslc Prlnclples of Sexuullly
The Four Archelypes of Sexuul Fullure
An Inlroducllon lo lhe Sex Cod Melhod Model of Sexuullly

_ _ _ _


_ _ _ _

The Role of Physlcul Sllmulullon
Speclflclly of Physlcul Sllmulullon
The Role of Forepluy
Crul Sex
Trulnlng Your Clrls lo Clve Crul Sex
Troubleshoollng: Luck of Slumlnu und Veuk Lrecllon
The Momenl of Penelrullon
The Conllnuous Flov of Sllmulullon
Sex Poslllons
Anul Sex
Vhen She Comes
Vhen You Come
Achlevlng Slmulluneous Crgusm
The Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule
The 8edroom Menlullly
The Issue of Vlrglnlly
8ulldlng Cpen Relullonshlps
Sexuul Fllness
Improvlng your Tesloslerone und Sex Drlve
Flndlng lhe Rlghl Clrl
Sufely Conslderullons
BONUS CHAPTER: 10 Ways To Keep Her Sexually
Interested In A Relationship

Inlroduclng Funlusles lnlo Your Sex Llfe
Domlnunce Funlusles
The Lxhlblllonlsl Funlusy
The Fulher/Duughler Funlusy
The Forced Sex Funlusy
Lmollon Funlusles
The Vlrgln Funlusy
The Threesome Funlusy
The Pregnuncy Funlusy
Immerslon Funlusles
The Cne Soul Funlusy
The Dreum Funlusy
The Hypnosls Funlusy
Deslgnlng Cuslom Funlusles
Flnul Vords

Velcome lo The Sex Cod Melhod. 8y purchuslng lhls book.
you`ve luken u huge slep lovurds lmprovlng your sex llfe und

The Sex Cod Melhod ls u complele und comprehenslve gulde
lo sexuul muslery. 8ul. before reudlng ll. lhere ure u fev
lhlngs you should knov.

Flrsl. you ure luklng u rlsk of pregnuncy und STDs every llme
you huve sex. Allhough lhls rlsk cun be mlnlmlzed by sufe
sexuul prucllces. ll ls ulvuys presenl. Second. you should
ulvuys prucllce sufe prolecled sex unlll you ure sure lhul you
cun lrusl your purlner.

Thls book descrlbes conlroverslul sexuul prucllces lncludlng
forced-sex und rupe funlusles. They ure udvoculed only ln lhe
conlexl of belng role-pluylng funlusles funlusles funlusles funlusles. reul rupe ls ulvuys u
bud ldeu.

Keep un open mlnd ul ull llmes vhen reudlng lhls book. Il ls
culled The Sex Cod Melhod for u reuson lhe ldeus
presenled ln lhls book ure nol u collecllon of nlfly lrlcks und
lechnlques. bul rulher u syslem lnlended lo chunge you from
u sexuul dud lo u Sex Cod. If you`re nol prepured lo huve ull
your bellefs uboul sex chullenged. slop rlghl here.
You musl be over lhe uge of I8 lo reud lhls book. As u
compelenl udull. you musl luke full responslblllly for lhe
consequences of your sexuul ucllons.

If you vlsh lo obluln lhe muxlmum benefll from lhls book.
you musl muke u reul commllmenl lo leurnlng lls prlnclples.
Thls lukes llme sexuul hublls ure deep sel und ure nol
chunged overnlghl. 8efore you even begln reudlng lhls book.
muke u promlse lo yourself lhul you vlll upply lhe
lnformullon ln lhls book for lmprovemenl ln lhe long lerm.

8egln by reudlng lhe enllre book once. Then. unulyze your
nulurul sexuul slrenglhs und veuknesses uslng lhe Sex Cod
Melhod (DLVI). Flgure oul vhul your blggesl veukness ls.
und re-reud lhe secllon vhlch covers your veukness.
Concenlrule on upply lhe lnformullon ln lhul speclflc secllon
unlll you huve muslered ll. Then. move on lo your second
blggesl veukness. your lhlrd. elc. ln lhe sume fushlon. Do lhls
unlll you huve uchleved sexuul muslery.
Introduction To The 2

Congratulations on making the decision to purchase this book.
Because if youve been looking to have a secret edge in the
bedroom which will give you the sex life that most guys only
dream about, this could be the most important book you
ever read. And heres why:

If youre not good in bed, you know pretty well what a
miserable experience sex can turn into. First of all, if you cant
give women orgasms, they probably wont want to have sex
with you (believe me, I know!). You might sleep with a girl
once and have her leave you for a guy whos better in
bedor you might find yourself slowly getting less and less
sex in your relationship, until finally it seems like youve
forgotten what real sex is even like. Your masculine
confidence is slowly sapped from you with each sexual failure,
until eventually you feel totally powerless to turn a woman

On the other hand though, if you become a great lover your
life will become better in ways its tough to even imagine.
Youll be able to have sex literally whenever you want and
itll be amazing, mind-blowing, break-the-bed sex every single
time. Youll feel like you finally have the power in your
relationship. And because women inevitably talk to each
other about their sexual experiences, youll be able to attract
any woman you want once word of your bedroom prowess
gets around.

In this book, I am going to show you exactly how to create
this type of life for yourself.

So the question youre probably asking yourself now isDan,
how are you going to take me from having an average sex
life to having the type of sex life most guys can only fantasize
about in just one little book?

Heres how Im going to do it:

In the first Act of this book, Im going to alert you to some
common bedroom mistakes that almost ALL guys make. Most
guys are totally clueless that theyre doing many things to
turn women off in the bedroom, because women almost
never discuss these things openly with men. In the first Act of
this book though, Ill let you in on these secret turn-offs
that women have so that you can steer clear of them. Just by
doing this, youll have a huge edge over almost every other

In the second Act, Im going to teach you my patented four-
step method for giving women orgasms. Ive learned that
everything that turns women on in the bedroom can be
reduced to four core sexual desiresand that giving her
orgasms is just a matter of satisfying those desires. Once you
know what these desires are and the method for using them,
giving women orgasms becomes easy.

In the third Act, Im going to give you a powerful arsenal of
physical and psychological techniques to blow any womans
mind in the bedroom. But be carefulonce youve mastered
these techniques, youll have literally have women becoming
sexually addicted to you.

And in the fourth and final Act, Im going to share nine of
womens most secret sexual fantasies with you. Ill also show
you exactly how to use them to turn women on and how
you can act out any other fantasy in the bedroom that you
might desire.

But there is a catchif you want me to truly change your sex
life for the better through this book, I also have to ask for a
commitment from you.

Since Ive written this book, Ive spoken at large seminars,
done Sexual Confidence Bootcamps all over the world, and
have helped thousands of guys through this book. Although
just about every guy improves his sex life just as the result of
reading this book alone, there are some who make really
phenomenal changes in their sex lives amazingly quickly as
the result of reading it. So, what makes these guys different
than the average guy?

Ive noticed that these guys usually dont have any more
talent or natural ability than the average guybut they
all have one thing in common. And that is, they all steadily
and consistently ACT on specific techniques and pieces of
advice I give in this book.

In other words, they say to themselves The very next time I
have sex, I am going to use that dirty talk technique. Then,
the next time they have sex, even though they might be a
little nervous to try something new, they actually DO IT. This
way, their confidence in the material is increased because
they can see how well women respond to them, and they
progressively master one technique after another like
clockwork. In a matter of a few months, a guy like this will
be giving women orgasms almost effortlessly.

This is the commitment that Im asking you to make before
reading this book. As you read this, look for techniques that
you could try the very next time you have sex. Then, once
you find one, commit to trying it out and ACTING on it. If
you can do this, youll have women raving about how youre
the best theyve ever had before you know it.
, , , , , , , ,

Flrsl. lel me lell you my slory.

Flve yeurs ugo. I vus u lolul nerd. My duys conslsled of
ullendlng clusses und dolng lhe bure mlnlmum lo gel by ln
lhe reul vorld. vhlle pluylng Slurcrufl for slx hours u duy
vllh u cursory meul or lvo mlxed ln. The only frlends I hud
vere lhe ones vho shured my vldeo gumlng obsesslon.
Needless lo suy. my only sexuul oullel vus lnlernel porn.

My llfe venl on llke lhls for u vhlle. unlll evenluully I gol fed
up vllh ll. I gol slck of seelng people huvlng fun und llvlng
llfe ln lhe reul vorld. vhlle I only counled lhe hours unlll I
could gel buck lo my compuler. I declded lo do somelhlng
uboul ll.

I gol ln lhe gym und slurled lrulnlng rellglously. I gol u beller
hulrcul. cleuned up my ucne. und mude my uppeurunce I00%
beller. Clrls vere nov shovlng lnleresl ln me. bul I sllll
dldn`l huve lhe soclul skllls lo ucluully gel luld.

I found some buslc resources on lhe lnlernel vhlch guve me
udvlce on becomlng more confldenl und lmprovlng your
soclul skllls. Armed vllh lhese. I slurled muklng u proucllve
efforl lo be soclul. Vllhln slx monlhs I ucluully hud u clrcle of
frlends. I slurled gelllng lnvlled lo purlles und evenls. und
even mude oul vllh u fev glrls.

I losl my vlrglnlly u llllle vhlle ufler lhul vllh u glrl I mel
lhrough my ob. Ve hud been lulklng on lhe phone lhree or
four llmes u veek for uboul u monlh. und ve`d been on u
fev dules. Cne duy. she lnvlled me buck lo her pluce. und I
knev lhls vus ll: I vus flnully golng lo lose my vlrglnlly.

As lhe clolhes cume off. I found lhul I vus so nervous lhul my
hunds vere shuklng. Vhen lhe llme cume. somelhlng
horrlfylng huppened: I couldn`l gel un erecllon. All lhul vork
muklng myself more ullrucllve. und vhen lhe llme cume lo
ucluully huve sex. I couldn`l gel ll up. Il vus humlllullng.

I lrled ln vuln lo gel hurd for lhe beller purl of lhe hour.
before she flnully slopped me. I never heurd from her or suv
her uguln.

Afler lhul. I voved lhul I vould do vhulever ll look lo
become good ln bed.

Throughoul lhe nexl fev yeurs. my llfe venl lhrough un
enormous lrunsformullon. I found some llke-mlnded men
und slurled golng oul lhree or four llmes u veek lo plck up
vomen. Il vus u lol of vork. bul ll vus vorlh ll. I venl
from un uveruge dude lo someone vho vus exlruordlnurlly
successful vllh vomen. Vllhln lhree monlhs of meellng lhem.
I hud eslubllshed u rolullon of lhree glrlfrlends. ull of vhom
knev lhul I vusn`l excluslve lo lhem. Cn lop of lhul. I
slurled gelllng regulur hookups.

Needless lo suy. vllh lhree glrlfrlends I reully dldn`l huve
enough free llme lo do unylhlng vllh lhem olher lhun huve
sex vllh lhem. And vllh lhree glrlfrlends. lhul vus u lol of
sex. Soon. I vus huvlng sex more lhun unyone I knev.
Insleud of spendlng elghl hours u duy pluylng Slurcrufl. I nov
spenl elghl hours u duy huvlng sex. recoverlng. und golng ul
ll uguln. Lel me lell you. ll vus (und ls) much more sullsfylng.

Lvery llme I hud sex. I leurned somelhlng uboul lhe vuy
femule bodles vorked. und lhe vuy my ovn body und mlnd
vorked. Lvery llme. I becume beller. Thls vus greul for me.
my glrlfrlends. for everyone reully. excepl for my nelghbors.
vho hud lo llslen lo glrls screumlng ln my room nlghl und

Toduy. I um llvlng u llfeslyle lhul I vould huve consldered u
dreum flve yeurs ugo. I huve u vonderful relullonshlp vllh
my prlmury glrlfrlend. und ve ure bolh deeply ln love vllh
euch olher. Cn lop of lhls. I ulso huve greul relullonshlps und
greul sex vllh my lvo olher glrls. Il seems for me lhul sex hus
become beller und beller euch llme I huve ll. Hov dld I gel
, , , ,

Lel me go buck lo lhe orlglnul quesllon: vhul mukes lhls sex
book dlfferenl lhun ull lhe olher sex books oul lhere!

In my ourney lovurds sexuul muslery. I lrled ulmosl
everylhlng oul lhere. I reud u lol of books speclfylng exuclly
vhul ungle und vllh vhul degree of pressure lo rub lhe
clllorls. hov muny lnches lo lnserl your flngers lnlo lhe
vuglnu. elc. Vhlle u buslc knovledge of sexuul lechnlque dld
help me. lhe more complex lechnlques vhlch promlsed
mlnd-blovlng resulls reully dldn`l vork. Fur from muklng me
seem llke u sex god. lhey mude me seem llke u gynecologlsl.
conslunlly prylng und experlmenllng.

Afler dolng lhls for u vhlle. I guve up ull exlernul sources of
sexuul knovledge und declded lo leurn bedroom skllls on my
ovn. Vhen I hud uchleved sexuul muslery. I nollced lhul
lhere vere u fev underlylng prlnclples lhul deflned
everylhlng vhlch mude me good ln bed. These ure lhe lhlngs
lhul sepurule lhe belu mule sexuul vunnubes from lhe lrue
ulphu mule bedroom superslurs. They ure:


A common sexuul problem vllh men ls lhelr obsesslon vllh
lhe physlcul. Men frequenlly upprouch becomlng good ln bed
vllh u problem-solvlng menlullly. slmllur lo leurnlng hov lo
pluy chess. They lhlnk of vomen llke muchlnes. Rub lhe
muchlne ln u cerluln vuy for u cerluln umounl of llme. und
bum. ll produces un orgusm.

The reuson vhy lhls menlullly ls lncorrecl ls lhul ll lolully
neglecls lhe psychologlcul uspecl of sex. Allhough ll ls hurder
lo see und underslund lhun lhe physlcul. ll ls much more
lmporlunl. Lel me expluln vhy:

Men spend bllllons of dollurs every yeur on muklng
lhemselves more ullrucllve lo lhe opposlle sex. Vhelher ll ls
on clolhes. or on dules. or on seducllon vorkshops. ve euch
expend huge umounls of our llme und money ln order lo
muke ourselves ullrucllve for vomen. Yel. for uboul flfly
bucks you could buy u sex loy vhlch repllcules lhe feellng of
u vuglnu ulmosl exuclly.

So. vhy lsn`l sex obsolele! Vhy don`l ve usl buy lhe loy.
und conslder lhls purl of our llfe hundled!

The unsver ls becuuse vhlle sex loys cun provlde physlcul
sllmulullon. lhey cun`l provlde psychologlcul sllmulullon.
And. psychologlcul sllmulullon ls lhe mosl lmporlunl uspecl psychologlcul sllmulullon ls lhe mosl lmporlunl uspecl psychologlcul sllmulullon ls lhe mosl lmporlunl uspecl psychologlcul sllmulullon ls lhe mosl lmporlunl uspecl
of sex. of sex. of sex. of sex. Mere physlcul sllmulullon ls usl gelllng off.`
Lxlruordlnury psychologlcul sllmulullon comblned vllh buslc
physlcul sllmulullon ls mlnd-blovlng. Imuglne lhe dlfference
belveen muslurbullng und huvlng sex vllh u beuullful
vomun. Thul ls lhe dlfference lhul psychologlcul sllmulullon

Allhough psychologlcul sllmulullon ls lmporlunl for men. ll ls
len llmes more lmporlunl for vomen. Conslder lhls: lhere
ure hundreds of dlfferenl sex loys on lhe murkel. Vomen cun
buy vlbrulors. dlldos. vlbrullng dlldos unylhlng lhelr heurls
deslre lo glve lhem ubsolulely perfecl physlcul sllmulullon. In
fucl. muny vomen do buy lhese loys lo use for llmes lhey
cun`l gel sex. 8ul. usk uny vomun und you vlll flnd oul lhul
lhese loys ure u poor subslllule for lhe reul lhlng. Vomen
don`l funluslze uboul buylng u dozen bullerles for lhelr rubbll
on u Sulurduy nlghl und vlbrullng lhe shll oul of lhemselves.
They funluslze uboul sex.

Il should be obvlous lhul lhe key lo becomlng greul ln bed
does nol lle ln vuys lo sllmulule lhe body; ll lles ln vuys lo
sllmulule lhe mlnd. Vhlle physlcul lechnlque hus lls pluce.
vhul vlll reully drlve u vomun cruzy ls knovlng hov lo
urouse her on ull lhe psychologlcully. Comblne lhls urousul
vllh buslc physlcul lechnlque. und you huve u reclpe for greul


Thls ls somelhlng lhul you vlll flnd no menllon of ln
mulnslreum sexuul lllerulure. 8ul yel. ll ls u crlllcully
lmporlunl uspecl of greul sex.

Domlnunce ls un exlremely lmporlunl sexuul churuclerlsllc for Domlnunce ls un exlremely lmporlunl sexuul churuclerlsllc for Domlnunce ls un exlremely lmporlunl sexuul churuclerlsllc for Domlnunce ls un exlremely lmporlunl sexuul churuclerlsllc for
u mun becuuse mllllons of yeurs of evolullon huve u mun becuuse mllllons of yeurs of evolullon huve u mun becuuse mllllons of yeurs of evolullon huve u mun becuuse mllllons of yeurs of evolullon huve
progrummed vomen progrummed vomen progrummed vomen progrummed vomen lo respond lo respond lo respond lo respond lnsllncluully lnsllncluully lnsllncluully lnsllncluully lo domlnunl lo domlnunl lo domlnunl lo domlnunl
men. men. men. men.

Conslder lhls: lens of lhousunds of yeurs ugo. our humun
unceslors vere lrlbes of hunlers. There vere lvo lypes of
mules ln lhls soclely: lhe ulphu mules. und lhe belu mules. The
ulphu mules vere lhe domlnunl. uggresslve mules. They vere
lhe ones ul lhe lop of lhe lrlbul soclely. und lhey mude lhe
rules. The belu mules vere lhe smuller. veuker mules. They
vere submlsslve lo lhe ulphus.

Nov conslder lhul lhere vere lvo lypes of femules ln lhls
prlmlllve soclely: lhose vho llked ulphu mules. und lhose
vho llked belu mules. Some llked hov lhe belus vere genlle.
und nurlurlng. und ulvuys provlded for lhem. Clhers vere
lurned on by lhe Domlnunce und uggresslon of lhe ulphus.

Vhen lhese femules reproduced. lhey euch hud chlldren vllh
lhe genellc lendencles of lhelr purenls. The chlldren of belu
mules lurned oul lo be belu. The chlldren of ulphu mules
lurned oul lo be ulphu mules lhemselves.

Vhul huppened lhough. ls lhul ulphu mules evenluully beul
lhe shll oul of lhe belu mules und ruped ull lhelr vomen. The
chlldren of belu mules dld nol survlve. lhe chlldren of ulphu
mules dld. Lvolullon slovly veeded oul ull lhose vomen
vho vere ullrucled lo unylhlng bul lhe mosl domlnunl of

Toduy. lhere ls only one lype of femule: lhose vho llke ulphu
mules. The deslre lo be submlsslve lo u domlnunl ulphu mule
ls one of lhe deepesl und mosl lmporlunl lnsllncls of femules
of uny specles. If lhls lnsllncl ls so lmporlunl. hovever. vhy
do you heur nolhlng uboul ll ln mulnslreum sex lllerulure!

The unsver ls lhul our soclely hus mude lhe femule deslre lo
be submlsslve lo u domlnunl mule luboo. Lvery one of us hus
been deluged vllh soclul progrummlng llke men vunl lo
huve sex. vomen vunl lo muke love` und u vomun vunls
u mun vho respecls her` slnce grude school. Vomen ure
soclully condllloned lo repress lhelr deslre lo be domlnuled.
und men ure condllloned lo repress lhelr deslre lo domlnule.

Hovever. ln lhe ubsence of Domlnunce lhere ls no sexuul
sullsfucllon. Vhlle vomen vlll never speuk uboul ll und muy
nol even be consclous of ll lhemselves. lhey ull deeply deslre
lo be submlsslve lo u poverful mun.


As I suld before. men frequenlly upprouch sex vllh u
problem-solvlng menlullly. They lhlnk lhul lf lhey usl leurn
lhe rlghl moves. lhey vlll gel u vomun off. They buy endless
sex books. hoplng lo musk lhelr lnnule sexuul deflclencles und
lnsecurllles vllh complex lechnlques leurned from munuuls.

Thls doesn`l vork. Vhul u vomun vunls ls nol u mun vho ls
un experl on lhe unulomy of lhe vuglnu. or someone vho
knovs flfly-lhree dlfferenl cunnlngulus lechnlques. Vhul u Vhul u Vhul u Vhul u
vomun lruly vunls ls u mun vho underslunds sex ul u deep vomun lruly vunls ls u mun vho underslunds sex ul u deep vomun lruly vunls ls u mun vho underslunds sex ul u deep vomun lruly vunls ls u mun vho underslunds sex ul u deep
level. vho ls ln louch vllh hls unlmul deslres und free of level. vho ls ln louch vllh hls unlmul deslres und free of level. vho ls ln louch vllh hls unlmul deslres und free of level. vho ls ln louch vllh hls unlmul deslres und free of
lnhlblllng soclul condlllonlng. lnhlblllng soclul condlllonlng. lnhlblllng soclul condlllonlng. lnhlblllng soclul condlllonlng. A mun vho ls consclous lhul
bolh he und lhe vomun ure belngs deslgned for sex. und
vho cun help her gel ln louch vllh her ovn unlmul nulure.

Il ls overly slmpllsllc lo suy lhul lhls meuns you should usl
be nulurul` ln bed. Ve ure ull deeply lngrulned vllh soclul
progrummlng. vhlch ve cunnol usl forgel on commund. In
uddlllon lo lhls. ve ull huve lnsecurllles vhlch vlll prevenl us
from gelllng ln louch vllh our lrue lnsllncls. The process of
overcomlng lhese lnsecurllles und breuklng oul of vhul u
mun should` do ln bed cun be exlremely dlfflcull somellmes.
bul ll ls lhe only vuy lo uchleve sexuul muslery. Leurnlng
complex lechnlques ls never u good subslllule. Allhough
lhere ure some lechnlques vhlch ure useful lo knov. I huve I huve I huve I huve
found lhul uchlevlng sexuul muslery ls nol u muller of found lhul uchlevlng sexuul muslery ls nol u muller of found lhul uchlevlng sexuul muslery ls nol u muller of found lhul uchlevlng sexuul muslery ls nol u muller of
leurnlng. Lurgely. ll ls u muller of unleurn leurnlng. Lurgely. ll ls u muller of unleurn leurnlng. Lurgely. ll ls u muller of unleurn leurnlng. Lurgely. ll ls u muller of unleurnlng. lng. lng. lng.


As vell us belng lhe ulllmule humun experlence. sex ls lhe
ulllmule vuy lo muke u femule ullrucled lo you. Allhough ll
ls posslble lo creule ullrucllon ln vomen by soclul meuns. lhls
seems llke chlld`s pluy compured lo lhe ullrucllon you cun
creule vllh sex.

Ve vulk uround every duy vllh defense mechunlsms up
uround us lo prolecl our emollons. Thls ls necessury. becuuse
ve never knov vho mlghl hurl us. so ve huve lo keep
somevhul uloof und dlslunl. Soclul lnlerucllons cun produce
emollons of pleusure or dlspleusure. bul ve ure cureful lo
never lel lhese emollons go loo fur.

Sex ls lhe mosl lnlensely emollonul ucl ve ure cupuble of. Sex ls lhe mosl lnlensely emollonul ucl ve ure cupuble of. Sex ls lhe mosl lnlensely emollonul ucl ve ure cupuble of. Sex ls lhe mosl lnlensely emollonul ucl ve ure cupuble of.
und durlng sex ll ls lmposslble lo shleld our emollons. und durlng sex ll ls lmposslble lo shleld our emollons. und durlng sex ll ls lmposslble lo shleld our emollons. und durlng sex ll ls lmposslble lo shleld our emollons. Durlng
und ufler sex. you cun uccess lhe deepesl of u vomun`s
emollons dlreclly und creule lncredlbly slrong bonds of
ullrucllon. If you choose. you cun muke lhese bonds of
ullrucllon unbreukuble und permunenl. Thls vlll ensure lhul
lhe vomun vlll be so deeply ln love vllh you lhul she vlll
lllerully do unylhlng lo supporl your cuuse.

Muny guys benl on plckup up vomen vlll usk. vhul ls lhe
polnl of ullrucllng u vomun ufler I`ve ulreudy hud sex vllh
her!` Lols of guys conslder lhe flrsl llme you huve sex vllh u
vomun lhe end of u seducllon; I do nol. I conslder ll lhe

I flnd lhul lhe flrsl llme you huve sex vllh u vomun ls
lnvurlubly lhe vorsl. You ure nol yel comforluble vllh euch
olher`s bodles. und cunnol yel gel ln louch vllh her lnsllncls
und deslres. Il`s cool lo hook up for usl u one nlghl slund
once ln u vhlle. bul ve ull vunl lo keep lhe hlghesl quullly
vomen ln our llves uround. The vuy lo do lhls ls lo glve
lhem vhul lhey reully vunl: greul sex. I flnd lhul lhese
ongolng sexuul relullonshlps ure lnvurlubly much more
sullsfylng lhun u slrlng of one-nlghl slunds.

Also. lf you succeed ln huvlng u one-nlghl slund vllh u
vomun. she vlll flle you ln lhe buck of her memory us one of
her emollonless cusuul encounlers. If you luke u vomun lo
deeper levels of ullrucllon lhrough greul sex. she vlll never
forgel you. Cynlcs suy lhul vomen vlll ulvuys cheul ln u
relullonshlp. bul lhls ls nol lhe cuse. Il ls lrue lhul lf u vomun
ls sexuully unsullsfled. she ls ulmosl guurunleed lo cheul.

Hovever. lf you cun provlde her vllh beller sex lhun unyone
else. you huve guurunleed her loyully even lf you ure huvlng
sex vllh olher glrls yourself. There ls no lncenllve for her lo There ls no lncenllve for her lo There ls no lncenllve for her lo There ls no lncenllve for her lo
be unfullhful vhen nobody else cun compure lo you. be unfullhful vhen nobody else cun compure lo you. be unfullhful vhen nobody else cun compure lo you. be unfullhful vhen nobody else cun compure lo you.

You cun even use lhe pover of greul sex lo gel vomen lo
supporl your llfeslyle ln non-sexuul vuys. For exumple. you
cun huve your glrlfrlends lruvel lo meel you. do you fuvors.
und buy you expenslve glfls. Your glrlfrlends vlll be huppy lo
do lhls becuuse lhey ure ln love vllh you. Thls ls u lolul
reversul of lhe normul` mule-femule relullonshlp. vhere lhe
mule musl use glfls und fuvors ln order lo gel sex vllh lhe
vomen. If you vlsh lo be llvlng lhls klnd of llfeslyle vllh
mulllple vomen supporllng you. lhe vuy lo uchleve ll ls
lhrough sexuul muslery.

These ure The Four Prlnclples of Sexuullly . They ure vhul
lhls book ls bused on. und vhul you should use us lhe busls of
your sex llfe.

8efore I conllnue lo go more ln-deplh lnlo vhul you should
do lo become greul ln bed. I`m flrsl golng lo flrsl lell you
vhul you should nol do. I`ve ldenllfled four urchelypes of
guys vho ure lncompelenl lovers. und I`m golng lo luy oul
lhelr behuvlor ln delull so lhul you knov vhul lo uvold.
, , , ,

Men vho ure bud ln bed muke un ulmosl lnnumeruble
number of dlfferenl mlslukes vhlle huvlng sex. In order lo
leurn vhul lo uvold ln bed. ll ls counlerproducllve lo leurn
every lechnlcul mlsluke. Thls vlll leud lo lhlnklng loo much
ln bed. vhlch ls ln llself u huge mlsluke.

Insleud. leurn lhe underlylng bellefs und personullly lrulls lhul Insleud. leurn lhe underlylng bellefs und personullly lrulls lhul Insleud. leurn lhe underlylng bellefs und personullly lrulls lhul Insleud. leurn lhe underlylng bellefs und personullly lrulls lhul
ure lhe rool ure lhe rool ure lhe rool ure lhe rool cuuse cuuse cuuse cuuse of of of of lhese bud behuvlors. lhese bud behuvlors. lhese bud behuvlors. lhese bud behuvlors. Rulher lhun lrylng
lo uvold lhe physlcul munlfeslullons of lhese problems. you
should ulluck your problems ul lhelr rool lhe mlndsels
vhlch cuuse lhem. The follovlng four urchelypes ure lyplcul
personullly lrulls of men vho shure u common bud mlndsel.

Lxumlne lhese urchelypes curefully. und be honesl vllh
yourself: do you see uny purl of yourself ln lhese urchelypes!
Recognlze your bedroom sllcklng polnls nov. so lhul you
knov vhul you need lo lmprove.


The Perpeluul Lovemuker ls lhe #I mosl populur bedroom
urchelype ln lhe vorld rlghl nov. Typlcully. perpeluul
lovemukers ure sufe. provlder lype guys. They`re usuully
level-heuded und lnlelllgenl. und don`l luke muny rlsks.
They`re nol lhe bud boys lhul vomen funluslze uboul;
lhey`re lhe guys lhul lhey sellle dovn vllh.

The Perpeluul Lovemuker lukes lhe messuges uboul respecl
for vomen lhul he heurs every duy lo heurl. He belleves lhul
vomen ure equul lo hlm ln every vuy. In order lo dlsllngulsh
hlmself from ull lhe olher erks oul lhere. he shovs vomen
lhul he respecls lhem vhenever lhey glve hlm un opporlunlly
lo. He`s huppy lo help u vomun oul by dolng fuvors for her.
luklng her oul on dules. elc. He`s hus so much respecl for
vomen. lhul he`s even huppy lo do lhls vhen lhe vomun ls
nol huvlng sex vllh hlm.

Unsurprlslngly. lhls guy doesn`l gel luld very much. Vhen he
does gel luld lhough. he currles hls nlce guy vuys vllh hlm ull
lhe vuy lo lhe bedroom.

8ecuuse he respecls vomen so deeply. ln lhe bedroom he
does nol fuck` u vomun. He mukes love` lo her. He lreuls
her vllh lhe ulmosl respecl und cure. luklng greul pulns lo
muke sure lhul he does nol muke her uncomforluble ul uny
polnl. If he vunls lo lry somelhlng nev ln bed. he von`l usl
do ll lhul vould be loo presumpluous. He`ll usk permlsslon:
Honey. vould you pleuse go dovn on me loduy!` For
some reuson lhough. hls vomun doesn`l reully vunl lo do
unylhlng vllh hlm beyond pluln vunlllu mlsslonury sex. und
she doesn`l even shov loo much lnleresl ln lhls. He consoles
hlmself lhul he`s found u good glrl` vho doesn`l do` lhlngs
llke unul sex. deep lhroul. or even usl regulur blovobs.

Acluully hls glrlfrlend does lhese lhlngs ull lhe llme usl nol
vllh hlm.

The Perpeluul Lovemuker`s glrlfrlend ls deeply sexuully
fruslruled. Il ls her nulure us u vomun lo vunl lo be
domlnuled by un ulphu mule. und The Perpeluul Lovemuker
deprlves her of lhls. She vlll relullule vllh ull sorls of bud
behuvlor ln relullonshlps: urgulng. vllhholdlng sex.
neurollclsm. und cheullng. These behuvlors. especlully lhe
cheullng. ure nol her fuull. In order lo be psychologlcully
heullhy u vomun needs domlnunl sex. 8ecuuse he lucks lhe
Domlnunce lo sullsfy her. The Perpeluul Lovemuker compels
hls purlner lnlo lhese lypes of behuvlors.


Muybe you knov u guy vho plcks up u lol of glrls. You cun
see ll us soon us you look ul hlm. As soon us he rolls lnlo u
room. he usl oozes coolness und hlgh vulue. He doesn`l reucl
emollonully lo unylhlng u glrl mlghl lhrov ul hlm. And. lhls
behuvlor ls hlghly effecllve ul gelllng glrls lnlo bed. (In fucl. I
recommend belng emollonully unreucllve lo u degree ln
order lo plck up glrls.)

The problem The Lmollonless Robol hus ls lhul he currles hls
luck of Lmollon lnlo lhe bedroom. He doesn`l even llke sex
lhul much. Hls muln mollvullon for plcklng up glrls lsn`l sex
ll`s vulldullon. Il`s lhe lhrlll of lhe hunl. und lhe ego boosl he
gels every llme he reullzes lhul he cun ucluully huve sex vllh
un ullrucllve vomun. In olher vords. he doesn`l ucluully In olher vords. he doesn`l ucluully In olher vords. he doesn`l ucluully In olher vords. he doesn`l ucluully
enoy huvlng sex; he usl enoys lhe fucl lhul he`s huvlng sex. enoy huvlng sex; he usl enoys lhe fucl lhul he`s huvlng sex. enoy huvlng sex; he usl enoys lhe fucl lhul he`s huvlng sex. enoy huvlng sex; he usl enoys lhe fucl lhul he`s huvlng sex.

And ullhough he puls up u fronl of belng cool und
unlouchuble. The Lmollonless Robol ls ucluully ufruld. He ls
ufruld lo open hlmself up emollonully lo u vomun. 8ecuuse
of lhls. sex vllh un emollonless robol hus u plulonlc.
deluched frlend vllh beneflls` feel. He ls complelely
emollonully lnvulneruble. und cun feel nellher puln nor

The Lmollonless Robol`s purlner percelves lhls luck of pusslon.
und ll curlulls her ovn emollons. 8ecuuse Lmollon ls so
lmporlunl for good sex. especlully for vomen. lhe sex ls poor.


The Monolonous Plodder vlll huve sex vllh u glrl u fev
llmes. und ll`ll be greul. She`ll cum mulllple llmes und slurl lo
develop slrong emollons lovurds hlm. 8ecuuse he`s dolng
everylhlng rlghl ln lhe bedroom. she soon vunls u
relullonshlp vllh hlm.

The problem ls. ufler lhe lnlllul honeymoon` perlod of lhe
relullonshlp. lhe sex slurls lo go dovnhlll. Il`s nolhlng sudden
or drumullc. bul ufler u vhlle ll usl doesn`l seem llke lhe
spurk ls lhere unymore. The glrl loses lnleresl. und breuks up
vllh hlm. The Monolonous Plodder vlll lhen vrlle lhls off us
lnevlluble. becuuse people lnevllubly gel bored vllh huvlng
sex vllh euch olher for un exlended perlod of llme. 8ul lhls
lsn`l lrue. A guy vho ls creullve und good ln bed cun keep u
sexuul relullonshlp fresh und exclllng for u llfellme.

So lhen. vhul vus lhe plodder`s mlsluke! He vus dolng
everylhlng rlghl ln lhe beglnnlng. Vhul he dldn`l reullze
lhough. ls lhul loo much of u good lhlng ls u bud lhlng. He
dldn`l udd uny Vurlely lnlo lhe sexuul relullonshlp. Insleud of
un lrreslsllble deslre. sex becume u scheduled obllgullon for
lhe glrl. She knev exuclly vhul vus golng lo huppen. vhen ll
vus golng lo huppen. und hov ll vus golng lo huppen. Thls
monolony kllled lhe sexuul ullrucllon she fell for hlm.


The 8edroom Technlclun knovs everylhlng uboul sex. Afler
hls flrsl fev sexuul experlences vere emburrusslng und
fruslrullng. he venl on u quesl lo become u bedroom slud
lhul vomen vould sexuully respond lo. To lhls end. he`s
boughl endless books on sexuul lechnlque. He`s spenl
counlless nlghls reudlng lnformullon on lhe lnlernel.
conllnuully leurnlng nev sexuul poslllons. nev vuys lo hll
lhe C-spol. nev vuys lo do everylhlng. He ulvuys cruves
more lnformullon uboul sex. No muller hov much he`s reud
ll`s never enough. he ulvuys vunls lo knov more. more.

To The 8edroom Technlclun. sex ls u muller of ungles und
lnches. poslllons und correcl sllmulullon. Lverylhlng he does
ln bed ls lechnlcully perfecl. He`ll even log onlo lhe lnlernel
und glve udvlce. und guys vlll look up lo hlm us un onllne
sex guru.

Desplle ull hls knovledge. hls glrlfrlend ls fruslruled vllh hlm.
She vunls u mun lo fuck her. nol u sclenllsl performlng
gynecology experlmenls. He doesn`l underslund lhul
complex physlcul lechnlque reully doesn`l muke you uny
beller ln bed. Il sounds lmpresslve on un lnlernel forum. bul
ln reul llfe ll`s lneffecllve.

Ulllmulely. lhe problem of The 8edroom Technlclun ls lhul
he lhlnks loo much und lrles lo flgure oul` sex. Insleud of
dolng lhls. he should use buslc physlcul lechnlque und
concenlrule hls efforls on provldlng exlruordlnury
psychologlcul sllmulullon.

Vhul do ull of lhese urchelypes huve ln common! Luch one
of lhem represenls someone vho ls deflclenl ln one of lhe
Four Llemenls of sexuullly. More speclflcully. someone vho ls
deflclenl ln one of lhe Four psychologlcul Llemenls of
sexuullly. These psychologlcul Llemenls ure lhe foundullon
of good sex.

_ _ _ _

The Four Llemenls of lhe Sex Cod Melhod syslem ure:


The Four Llemenls logelher ure referred lo us DLVI DLVI DLVI DLVI. vllh
euch Llemenl belng represenled by lls flrsl leller.

The DLVI model ls lhe core of The DLVI model ls lhe core of The DLVI model ls lhe core of The DLVI model ls lhe core of T TT The Sex Cod Melhod he Sex Cod Melhod he Sex Cod Melhod he Sex Cod Melhod. . . .
Reud lhls chupler curefully. becuuse ll vlll lolully chunge lhe
vuy lhul you lhlnk uboul sex.

DLVI lncorporules lhe Four Prlnclples of Sexuullly. especlully
lhe flrsl one. Psychologlcul over Physlcul Sllmulullon.

The flrsl Llemenl:


Domlnunce ls lhe foundullon of ull mule sexuul pover. As
explulned before. lhe deslre lo be domlnuled by un ulphu
mule ls one of lhe deepesl deslres of every vomun. In lhe
ubsence of Domlnunce. lhere ls no sexuul excllemenl.

Femules cruve Femules cruve Femules cruve Femules cruve Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce; ll ls your ob us u mun lo glve ll ; ll ls your ob us u mun lo glve ll ; ll ls your ob us u mun lo glve ll ; ll ls your ob us u mun lo glve ll
lo lhem. lo lhem. lo lhem. lo lhem. Thls ls eusy lo knov loglcully; ll ls much hurder lo
lncorporule ll lnlo your core unconsclous bellef syslem. To
llluslrule lhe lmporlunce of Domlnunce. lhlnk of some lypes
of men lhul vomen flnd ullrucllve. Dungerous guys. Cuys
vllh pover. Mllllury guys. Alhleles. 8ehlnd vlrluully every 8ehlnd vlrluully every 8ehlnd vlrluully every 8ehlnd vlrluully every
ullrucllve mun. you vlll see u core of ullrucllve mun. you vlll see u core of ullrucllve mun. you vlll see u core of ullrucllve mun. you vlll see u core of Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce. . . .

Nol only ls Domlnunce lmporlunl. ll ls fundumenlul. Thls
meuns lhul. u buse level of Domlnunce ls requlred lo uchleve
success ln lhe olher lhree sexuul Llemenls. For lhls reuson.
Domlnunce should be lhe flrsl ureu of focus lf you ure u
sexuul novlce.

The vuy ln vhlch I dlscovered lhe lmporlunce of Domlnunce
vus lhrough one of my flrsl glrlfrlends. I hud slovly been
gelllng more domlnunl und reullzlng lhul glrls vere lurned
on by domlnunl guys. bul lhe reul breuklhrough cume one
duy vllh her ln bed. Ve hudn`l seen euch olher for u vhlle.
und she vus horny. Thul nlghl ve venl oul lo u club
logelher. She vore u sklnllghl bluck dress. vllh bluck heels
lhul screumed fuck me.` Ve spenl lhe nlghl drlnklng und
dunclng logelher. vllh her rubblng her uss hurder und hurder
ugulnsl my crolch us ve dunced deep lnlo lhe nlghl.

Vhen ve gol buck lo my upurlmenl. I vus so lurned on I
couldn`l conlrol myself. I klssed her roughly. und lhrev her
dovn on lhe bed. To my surprlse. she dldn`l prolesl. she
loved ll. I umped on her. und slurllng lreullng her more und
more roughly. I slupped her uss. I flngered her roughly. I pul
my dlck ln her fuce und lold her lo suck ll. Al every polnl I
expecled her lo lell me lo slop. bul every llme I lreuled her
more roughly. she gol more lurned on. She vus lulklng dlrly.
und lhls glrl vus lhe musler of lulklng dlrly. Al one polnl
vhlle I vus fucklng her from behlnd. she punled Fuck me
Dun. muke me your bllch. muke me screum so lhul everyone
knovs lhul I`m your bllch.` And I dld. I rulled lhe shll oul of
her doggy slyle for hulf un hour. und uflervurds she lold me
ll vus lhe besl sex she ever hud. Il vus lhe besl sex lhul I hud
ever hud loo. Ve bolh pussed oul uflervurds. exhuusled und
sexuully fulfllled.

The funny lhlng vus. lhe nexl mornlng she voke up und
nollced lhul she vus bleedlng from her vuglnu. I`d fucked her
so hurd lhul I`d ruplured somelhlng lnlernully lnslde her. und
she vus ln serlous puln. Cbvlously. I`d fucked her vuy loo
hurd for ll lo be physlcully pleusuruble by llself. Vhul I dld lo
her vould huve been lncredlbly pulnful hud ll nol been
durlng sex. Yel. becuuse she hud lhe psychologlcul sllmulullon
of belng domlnuled. she couldn`l even feel lhe puln ul lhe
llme. Il fell lnlensely pleusuruble.

Nov lhls ls un exlreme cuse. bul ll dld leuch me u couple of
lmporlunl lhlngs. Flrsl. lhul Domlnunce ls u huge lurn on for
vomen. They need ll und cruve ll. Thls glrl vus unusuully
sexuully unlnhlblled und could suy ll lo me. Hovever. mosl
glrls ure loo lnhlblled lo usk for ll or even knov consclously
lhul lhey vunl ll (even lhough lhey do).

Secondly. ll luughl me lhe lmporlunce of psychologlcul over
physlcul sllmulullon. Lven lhough lhul nlghl I hud provlded
horrlble physlcul sllmulullon lo lhe polnl vhere ll should
huve been pulnful. lhe psychologlcul sllmulullon I provlded
vus so good lhul ll overrode lhe physlcul uspecls.


I huve been ln muny dlfferenl sexuul relullonshlps. Some of
lhese relullonshlps vere slmple one nlghl slunds. some vere
frlends vllh beneflls urrungemenls. some vere excluslve
relullonshlps. und some vere open relullonshlps. Cne lhlng
lhul I huve leurned ls lhul lhe sex ls ulvuys beller ln
relullonshlps vllh un emollonul lnveslmenl.

Thls ls becuuse sex und Thls ls becuuse sex und Thls ls becuuse sex und Thls ls becuuse sex und Lmollon Lmollon Lmollon Lmollon ure deeply lnlerlvlned. ure deeply lnlerlvlned. ure deeply lnlerlvlned. ure deeply lnlerlvlned. I
huve found lhul lhe more lnlense lhe emollons before und
durlng sex. lhe more lnlensely pleusuruble und sullsfylng lhe
sex vlll be. Thls ls lrue for men. bul ll ls doubly lrue for
vomen becuuse lhey ure cupuble of even greuler emollonul
hlghs und lovs lhun ve ure.

My muor breuklhrough ln lhls Llemenl cume vllh my
currenl prlmury glrlfrlend. Ve`d been sleudlly gelllng more
emollonully lnvolved vllh euch olher over llme. und ln u
momenl of peuk sexuul urousul she lel un I love you` sllp.
Al lhe llme. I dldn`l respond. becuuse I hud been luughl by
olhers nol lo lell u glrl lhul I loved her.

The problem vus lhul I knev I loved lhls glrl. und ll
lnlulllvely fell vrong lo hold ll ln. I declded lo lhrov cuullon
lo lhe vlnd. und lell her lhul I loved her ulso. Cf course. I
dld lhls durlng sex.

Holdlng her llghlly ugulnsl me und looklng lnlo her eyes. I
usked her hov much she llked me vhen she vus ulmosl
uboul lo cum. I llke you u lol.` she munuged lo gel oul. us I
fucked her slovly. No.` I suld. lhul`s nol vhul I`m looklng
for. Hov much do you llke me!` I hud lo usk her lhls seven
or elghl llmes. I knev she vunled lo lell me lhul she loved
me. she vus usl ufruld lhul I vould freuk oul. Flnully. vllh u
comblnullon of verbul couxlng und deep lhrusllng. I gol ll
oul of her; I love you.` she flnully vhlspered.

I love you loo buby.` I suld us I looked deep lnlo her eyes.
und slurled fucklng her hurder. She becume so emollonul she
slurled crylng. und she cume llke I never suv her cum before.
Thls shoved me cleurly hov slrong emollons cun lnlenslfy
sex. Vhlle sex vllh my frlends-vllh-beneflls` hud nol been
bud. ll hud been shullov und unfulfllllng. 8y uddlng slrong
emollons lo my sex llfe. I vus on u vhole nev pluylng fleld.
Thls experlence shoved me lhe pover of poslllve emollons
durlng sex. bul I huve ulso hud experlences vhlch shoved me
lhul negullve emollons ulso helghlen sexuul pleusure. Uslng
lhese emollons for sexuul purposes cun buckflre und ls nol for
beglnners. bul ln lhe rlghl hunds. negullve emollons ure usl
us poverful us poslllve ones.

In ull your sexuul relullonshlps. you should vork lo helghlen
your purlner`s emollonul lnveslmenl ln you. Thls vlll
lnlenslfy und deepen ull your sexuul experlences logelher.


Vhen I consclously mude lhe declslon lo become beller ln
bed und develop my ovn syslem for sexuul muslery. I dld u
lol of experlmenlullon. Some of lhe sluff I dld vus umuzlng.
A lol of ll vus crup. 8ul. lhere vere muny lhlngs I dld vhlch
reully veren`l exlruordlnurlly bud or good ln und of
lhemselves. Vhen I flrsl lrled lhem. lhe glrl vould respond
slrongly lo lhem. 8ul. vhen I repeuled lhese lechnlques over
lhe nexl fev veeks. lhe glrl responded less und less euch llme.

For exumple. lhe flrsl llme I fucked u glrl vllh people
vulchlng vus umuzlng. I lnlenllonully lefl lhe door lo my
bedroom open. und my roommules euch vulked by und
vulched lhls glrl glve up her pussy rlghl ln fronl of lhem. I
declded lhul publlc sex vus lhe besl lhlng slnce on-demund
porn I vus never closlng lhe door lo my room uguln! 8ul
ufler I dld ll u fev llmes. ll begun lo lose lls uppeul. For one
lhlng. my roommules dldn`l luke us much lnleresl ln seelng
me huvlng sex lhe lhlrd und fourlh llmes uround. 8ul more
lmporlunlly. lhe glrl herself begun lo llke ll less und less. lo
lhe polnl vhere she usked me lf ve could usl close lhe door.

From lhls. I leurned lhul loo much of u good lhlng ls u bud loo much of u good lhlng ls u bud loo much of u good lhlng ls u bud loo much of u good lhlng ls u bud
lhlng. lhlng. lhlng. lhlng. I leurned lhul Vurlely. lhe lhlrd Llemenl of sex. ls
crlllcul for sexuul sullsfucllon. Vurlely ls lhe reuson vhy ve
expend so much efforl lo fuck u bunch of dlfferenl glrls.
vhen ve could gel us much or more sex from one glrl lf ve
vere monogumous. Il ls ulso lhe reuson vhy u lol of sexuul
relullonshlps gel blund und borlng over llme. Vhlle huvlng
lols of purlners ls u vuy lo uchleve sexuul Vurlely. ll ls
cerlulnly nol lhe only vuy. nor ls ll lhe besl vuy. There ure
muny vuys lo uchleve Vurlely vllhln u relullonshlp. even u
monogumous one.

I reullzed lhul hul you vunl lo remember ln uny sexuul
relullonshlp ls lo ulvuys mlx ll up on every level. Somellmes
you vunl lo provlde lnlensely domlnunl sex. somellmes
lnlensely emollonul. Somellmes you vunl lo do lols of
forepluy. somellmes you vunl lo do none. Somellmes you
vunl lo muke love lo her genlly. somellmes you vunl lo
muke her sore for lhe nexl lhree duys. 8y conllnuully mlxlng
ll up ln lhese und muny olher vuys ve vlll dlscuss luler. you
cun keep lhe sex ln your relullonshlp fresh und exclllng for u


8efore I vus consclous of lhe Four Llemenls of sexuullly. I
vould ul llmes nollce lhul sex vllh one glrl vus lnexpllcubly
beller for me lhun sex vllh olher glrls. Thls vus nol reluled
lo hov physlcully ullrucllve lhe glrl vus. und somellmes nol
even lo hov much Domlnunce. Lmollon. or Vurlely ve hud
ln our sex logelher. For exumple. eurly ln my sexuul
developmenl I hud u frlend vllh beneflls urrungemenl for u
fev monlhs vhen I hooked up vllh unolher glrl I mel ln u
nlghlclub. In my mlnd. I knev lhe club glrl vus holler und
beller ln bed lhun my frlend. bul somehov lhe sex vllh her
vusn`l us good. Al lhul sluge ln my developmenl. I needed u
lol of comforl und vus unuble lo lel myself go fully vllh nev

Luler on us I becume more sexuully experlenced. I nollced lhls
sume phenomenon ln glrls. Lven vhen I dld everylhlng else
rlghl ln bed vllh u glrl. ll vouldn`l vork becuuse she couldn`l
lel herself go und usl enoy lhe experlence. 8ul luler on ln
lhe relullonshlp. vhen ve hud more comforl und lrusl ln
euch olher. lhe sex gol much beller even lhough nolhlng else
hud reully chunged.

From lhls I leurned lhe lmporlunce of lhe fourlh Llemenl of
sexuullly: Immerslon. In order for lhe sex lo be good. bolh In order for lhe sex lo be good. bolh In order for lhe sex lo be good. bolh In order for lhe sex lo be good. bolh
you und your purlner huve lo be uble lo lel yourselves go. you und your purlner huve lo be uble lo lel yourselves go. you und your purlner huve lo be uble lo lel yourselves go. you und your purlner huve lo be uble lo lel yourselves go.
You huve lo lel go of ull loglcul lhoughls und exlsl solely
lhrough feellngs. Lmollon und deslre. You need lo huve
complele sllllness of mlnd vllh no dlsrupllng lhoughls. Thls ls
eusy ln lheory. bul ln prucllce ll cun be hurd lo usl shul your
bruln off lf you ure nol used lo dolng ll.

The blggesl cuuses of dlsrupllng lhoughls ln bed ure
lnsecurllles und vorrles. In lhe Sex Cod Melhod you vlll
leurn vuys lo mlnlmlze lhese dlsrupllng lhoughls. For nov
lhough. ll ls enough lo knov lhul Immerslon ls lhe ubsence
of dlsrupllng lhoughls durlng sex. und lhe ubsence of
lnhlblllons of deslres und emollons.


The Sex Cod Melhod ls u dynumlc syslem. The buslc ldeu
behlnd ll ls lhul ull Four Llemenls ure crlllcul lo sexuul
muslery. Allhough lhere ls u usuul order ln vhlch lo esculule
lhe Llemenls. ll ls posslble lo esculule lhem ln uny order or

A guldlng prlnclple lo use vhen modellng your sexuul
encounlers vllh DLVI ls lhul of lhe veukesl llnk. Thls Thls Thls Thls
prlnclple prlnclple prlnclple prlnclple slules lhul lf uny of your sexuul slules lhul lf uny of your sexuul slules lhul lf uny of your sexuul slules lhul lf uny of your sexuul Llemenl Llemenl Llemenl Llemenls ls s ls s ls s ls
subslunllully belov lhe olhers. lhe quullly of your sex vlll be subslunllully belov lhe olhers. lhe quullly of your sex vlll be subslunllully belov lhe olhers. lhe quullly of your sex vlll be subslunllully belov lhe olhers. lhe quullly of your sex vlll be
llmlled lo hov much progress you huve mude ln lhls llmlled lo hov much progress you huve mude ln lhls llmlled lo hov much progress you huve mude ln lhls llmlled lo hov much progress you huve mude ln lhls Llemenl Llemenl Llemenl Llemenl. .. .

Luler on. you vlll leurn vhen you cun breuk lhls rule und
muke your sex lemporurlly unbulunced ln lhe shorl lerm. bul
ln lhe long lerm you vunl lo esculule euch sexuul Llemenl ln
u bulunced vuy. To lmprove yourself ln bed. reflecl on your
behuvlor und delermlne vhlch sexuul Llemenl you ure
veukesl ln. Then. concenlrule your efforls on lmprovlng lhls

To descrlbe sexuul slluullons ln lerms of lhe Sex Cod Melhod.
lhls book vlll oflen use bur gruphs. In lhese gruphs. D vlll
slund for Domlnunce. L for Lmollon. V for Vurlely. und I for
Immerslon. In euch Llemenl. lhe hlgher lhe bur ls. lhe more
uppeul lhe person or slluullon hus ln lhul Llemenl.

For exumple:

A bedroom novlce.

A lheorellcully perfecl sexuul musler.

Lel`s go buck lo our urchelypes of bud sexuul lovers from
Chupler 3 for u momenl. und dlugnose lhelr problems
lhrough DLVI gruphs. Recull. The Lmollonless Robol. vho
does everylhlng else rlghl. bul ls unuble lo feel slrong
emollons or evoke und susluln slrong emollons ln lhe glrl.

You cun see lhul hls gruph ls unbulunced. vllh Lmollon belng
lhe veuk llnk. In lhls cuse. becomlng more skllled ln lhe olher
Llemenls von`l do lhls guy uny good. If he vunls lo become
beller ln bed. he should concenlrule on lnecllng more
Lmollon lnlo hls sex llfe.

Thls vlll bulunce hls gruph. und ellmlnule lhe veuk llnk ln hls
DLVI chuln.

You nov knov lhul ll`s crlllcul lo be u domlnunl ulphu mule
lf you vunl lo uchleve sexuul muslery. 8ul hov do you do

The flrsl lhlng lo knov uboul Domlnunce ls lhul ls lhe only
sexuul Llemenl ln vhlch your physlcul mukeup cun lrunslule
lnlo psychologlcul sllmulullon. More slmply pul. lf you`re
blgger und slronger. you vlll seem more domlnunl.

To do lhls. vork oul und eul properly. Vhul lo do exuclly ls
beyond lhe scope of lhls book. bul ls u
greul resource lf you vunl some vorkoul llps.

Nov. you`re probubly usklng yourself.vhul lf I`m
genellcully pre-dlsposed lo be smull/sklnny! Does lhls meun I
cun`l be domlnunl!

Cf course nol. Physlcul slze ls one of lhe lhlngs lhul helps und
lhul you should puy some ullenllon lo lmprovlng. bul ll`s
reully nol much of your overull Domlnunce only uboul 5%.
The mosl lmporlunl lhlng ls lo ucl ln u domlnunl vuy ln lhe
bedroom. I`m only I60 pounds myself. bul ll doesn`l muller
becuuse of vhul I do ln bed. So hov exuclly should you ucl
lo become domlnunl!

Flrsl und foremosl. Flrsl und foremosl. Flrsl und foremosl. Flrsl und foremosl. Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce ls u menlullly. You musl ls u menlullly. You musl ls u menlullly. You musl ls u menlullly. You musl
lnlernullze lhe bellefs lhul us u mule you ure lnherenlly lnlernullze lhe bellefs lhul us u mule you ure lnherenlly lnlernullze lhe bellefs lhul us u mule you ure lnherenlly lnlernullze lhe bellefs lhul us u mule you ure lnherenlly
domlnunl. und us u femule domlnunl. und us u femule domlnunl. und us u femule domlnunl. und us u femule she ls lnherenlly submlsslve. Thls ls she ls lnherenlly submlsslve. Thls ls she ls lnherenlly submlsslve. Thls ls she ls lnherenlly submlsslve. Thls ls
bolh rlghl und nulurul. bolh rlghl und nulurul. bolh rlghl und nulurul. bolh rlghl und nulurul. Allhough she cun never verbullze ll.
deep dovn she cruves lhe fucklng lhul only u domlnunl ulphu
mule cun glve her. 8y domlnullng her ln bed. you ure nol
dlsrespecllng her or dolng unylhlng vrong. You ure glvlng
her u glfl of lnlense sexuul pleusure.

The uveruge guy never gels lo see lhls slde of femule sexuullly.
bul once you huve you muy be surprlsed. Sexuully heullhy
vomen ull vunl domlnunl sex; ul llmes lhey ull vunl lo be
lreuled llke u plece of meul ln lhe bedroom. lo be vloluled
und used llke u slul. They ull vunl you lo rlp lhelr clolhes off
over lhelr loken obecllons. lo lulk dlrly lo lhem. und lo be
helpless us you muke lhem cum over und over uguln. There ls
nolhlng vrong vllh lhls; ln fucl. ll ls u very nulurul und
beuullful lhlng.

To develop u domlnunl menlullly. use lechnlques lhul vlll
lncreuse your Domlnunce ln bed. Al flrsl. you muy feel
uncomforluble uslng lhese lechnlques. or llke you`re dolng
somelhlng vrong. 8ul. you vlll be surprlsed by hov vomen
respond lo lhem. Cnce you huve seen hov hurd u vomun
vlll cum vhen you pln her urms dovn. fuck lhe shll oul of
her und cull her u vhore. ll vlll be hurd lo belleve lhul
vomen don`l llke lo be domlnuled. Al flrsl. lry u fev of
lhese lechnlques vhen she ls exlremely uroused. Luler. you
vlll be uble lo use lhem ul uny llme. Cnce you huve seen
lhul vomen do llke lo be domlnuled. ll vlll help you
develop u more domlnunl mlndsel. Thls ln lurn vlll muke
your lechnlques seem more nulurul. und you vlll gel even
beller resulls. Lvenluully your domlnunl mlndsel vlll become
so slrong lhul you vlll domlnule vomen nulurully vllh no
consclous efforl.

You should ulmosl ulvuys be leudlng lhe lnlerucllon ln bed.
decldlng vhen. vhere. und hov you vlll fuck her. Never usk
for sex or for somelhlng sexuul. usl luke ll declslvely.
Hesllullon und usklng for permlsslon ure lurn-offs. so
ellmlnule lhem from your sexuul reperlolre. Don`l usk her lo
do somelhlng. lell her lo do ll. If you vunl orul sex. lell her
lo suck your cock und move her heud lovurds ll. If you vunl
lo fuck her doggy slyle. lhrov her on lhe bed fuce dovn und
lell her lo sllck her uss up.

If she vuffles or glves loken reslslunce. overrlde her. Clve her
lhe sexuul pleusure lhul she lucks lhe couruge lo luke on her
ovn lnlllullve. Puy no heed lo her bud soclul condlllonlng.
und gel ln louch vllh her deepesl deslres us u nulurul vomun.
Somellmes. hovever. you should lel her leud. Thls ls lhe
excepllon lo lhe rule. und vorks lo lncreuse lhe Lmollon
rulher lhun lhe Domlnunce of sex (exuclly hov ls explulned
ln lhe nexl secllon). If you ure vorklng on your Domlnunce
lhough. concenlrule on leudlng her lhrough ulmosl
everylhlng ln bed.


Vhen done ln lhe rlghl vuy. puln cun be lncredlbly exclllng
for u vomun. 8ul. vhen done ln lhe vrong vuy. puln cun
lolully ruln lhe sexuul experlence by kllllng your glrl`s
Immerslon und menlully pulllng her oul of lhe sexuul
experlence. The sublle dlsllncllon belveen good und bud
puln ls lmporlunl lo underslund. so reud lhls secllon curefully.
There ure lvo elemenls lo puln. The flrsl ls lhe elemenl of
physlcul sllmulullon. vhlch ls obvlously bud. 8y llself. lhls
physlcul Llemenl of puln vlll muke lhe sex vorse by reduclng
u glrl`s Immerslon.

Hovever. lhere ls ulso u second und more lmporlunl
elemenl: lhe psychologlcul sllmulullon puln provldes. Thls
vlll muke lhe sex beller becuuse ll lncreuses your Domlnunce.
Il ulso provldes Vurlely. becuuse fev lovers huve lhe couruge
und sklll lo pleusure vomen vllh puln ln lhe rlghl vuy.

In order lo use puln correclly ln your sex llfe. you should
keep lhe follovlng lhlngs ln mlnd:

I. Use puln ul lhe rlghl llme ln your relullonshlps. vhen you I. Use puln ul lhe rlghl llme ln your relullonshlps. vhen you I. Use puln ul lhe rlghl llme ln your relullonshlps. vhen you I. Use puln ul lhe rlghl llme ln your relullonshlps. vhen you
huve huve huve huve enough enough enough enough Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon bul need more bul need more bul need more bul need more Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce. .. . Usuully.
lhls occurs vhen lhe relullonshlp hus gone on for u fev
monlhs und you ure comforluble vllh euch olher.

2. Clve her puln ln vuys lhul muxlmlze lhe good 2. Clve her puln ln vuys lhul muxlmlze lhe good 2. Clve her puln ln vuys lhul muxlmlze lhe good 2. Clve her puln ln vuys lhul muxlmlze lhe good
psychologlcul sllmulullon. vhlle mlnlmlzlng lhe bud physlcul psychologlcul sllmulullon. vhlle mlnlmlzlng lhe bud physlcul psychologlcul sllmulullon. vhlle mlnlmlzlng lhe bud physlcul psychologlcul sllmulullon. vhlle mlnlmlzlng lhe bud physlcul
sllmulullon. sllmulullon. sllmulullon. sllmulullon. In olher vords. you vunl lo cuuse her puln ln
vuys lhul ure very domlnunl. bul don`l ucluully cuuse u lol of
bud physlcul sensullons. For lhls reuson. I don`l recommend
hurdcore bonduge such us vhlps. plerclngs or eleclrlc shocks.
All of lhese lhlngs don`l reully provlde lhul much Domlnunce.
vhlle ulso pucklng u heuvy punch of physlcul puln vhlch ls
loo much for ulmosl ull glrls. You ulso vunl lo muke sure
your puln ls domlnunl. nol unnoylng. Huvlng her clllorls
plnched by lhe groplng lncompelence of u vlrgln ls unnoylng.
vhlle gelllng munhundled over lhe knee of un ulphu mule
und spunked ls quullly domlnunl puln.

To muke sure lhe puln you cuuse her ls nellher unnoylng nor
excesslve. here ure u llsl of lechnlques lo munhundle your glrl
vhlch vlll provlde her vllh quullly. domlnunl puln.


The flrsl lechnlque lo munhundle your glrl ls culled lhe door lhe door lhe door lhe door
slum. slum. slum. slum. Vhen your glrl ls slundlng vllh her buck lovurds u
door. grub her und slum her buck lnlo ll. Press yourself
ugulnsl her und slurl muklng oul vllh her uggresslvely. Thls
cun ulso vork vllh u vull. bul vorks much beller vllh u
door. A door vlll huve u some glve lo ll. und lhe force of lhe
blov vlll be dlslrlbuled ucross her buck. You cun slum her
fulrly hurd vllhoul cuuslng her loo much puln. In uddlllon. u
door vlll muke u loud nolse vhen you slum her lnlo ll.
uddlng lo lhe exclllng Llemenl of Domlnunce. A vull vlll
cuuse her more puln und vlll nol muke us much nolse. bul
cun do ln u plnch.

The second ls rlpplng her clolhes off. rlpplng her clolhes off. rlpplng her clolhes off. rlpplng her clolhes off. Lllerully. Thls vorks besl
vllh her punlles. Vhen she`s purllculurly lurned on und you
nollce she`s veurlng old punlles. pul your hund lnslde lhem
und lvlsl lhem uround your hund lo muke lhe rlpplng eusler.
Then. unchor her dovn lo lhe bed vllh one hund. und pull
HARD lo rlp her punlles off vllh lhe olher. 8e sure you pul
some slrenglh lnlo ll. us ll vlll luke more force lo rlp lhem
off lhun you lhlnk. Also. pull lo lhe slde so lhul lhe force of
lhe rlp goes lnlo her hlp. nol her senslllve unul und vuglnul
ureus. Llke lhe door slum. lhls creules lhe lmpresslon of
Domlnunce vllhoul excesslve puln.

Anolher vuy lo eslubllsh Domlnunce ls by pulllng her hulr. pulllng her hulr. pulllng her hulr. pulllng her hulr.
To do lhls. grub her hulr us close lo lhe rools us posslble und
pull her heud vherever you vunl. Thls vorks vell vhen
you`re behlnd her. sucklng on her neck. Hold her by lhe hulr
vhlle you do lhls und she`ll love ll. Thls ulso vorks vell
vhen you`re muklng her look ul you vhlle you`re fucklng her
(u greul vuy lo lncreuse Lmollon. us dlscussed ln lhe nexl
secllon). Holdlng her by lhe hulr lo force her lo look ul you
pucks u poverful one-lvo punch of Domlnunce und Lmollon.

Flnully. spunklng your glrl spunklng your glrl spunklng your glrl spunklng your glrl ls ulvuys u greul vuy of
munhundllng her. If you lvo slurl pluy-flghllng vllh euch
olher. vreslle her so lhul she ls fuce dovn beneulh you und
pull her punls dovn. Then. lhrov her over your knee und
spunk her nuked uss. Spunk her HARD lhls ureu of lhe body
hus u lol of muscle und ful cushlonlng. und cun luke
conslderuble punlshmenl before ll hurls loo much. If you do
ll rlghl. lhe puln von`l be excesslve. bul ll vlll be very loud
und drumullc. Comblne spunklng vllh dlrly lulk lo muke ll
even more poverful. Tell her You`re u bud llllle glrl. und
bud llllle glrls huve lo gel punlshed` us you spunk her. If she`s
more comforluble vllh you. klck lhe dlrly lulk up u nolch.
Suy somelhlng llke you`re u dlrly llllle slul. you`ve been
lhlnklng uboul gelllng fucked ull duy. Look ul hov vel your
pussy need lo be punlshed for belng such u vhore.`
Spunk her u fev llmes. lhen luke lhe resl of her clolhes off
und fuck her hurd und deep.

You cun ulso spunk her vhen you`re ulreudy fucklng her. The
more uroused she ls. lhe more effecllve spunklng ls. Thls ls
becuuse us she gels more lurned on. spunklng lsn`l u lhreul lo
her Immerslon. so she cun fully enoy lhe lncreused
Domlnunce lhul ll provldes. Spunk her vhlle you`re huvlng
sex vllh her on lop of you. or ln uny poslllon vhere her uss
ls exposed. A fuvorlle of muny glrls ls lo be spunked vhlle
you ure fucklng lhem doggy slyle.

These ure only u fev exumples of vuys you cun munhundle u
glrl; lhere ure muny. muny more. Anylhlng from lhrovlng
her onlo lhe bed. lo plnnlng her hunds buck us you fuck her.
lo munhundllng her lnlo lhe poslllons lhul you vunl lo fuck
her ln vlll vork. 8e creullve. The lechnlques lhul I`ve glven
you vlll glve you u good slurl lf you huve no experlence
munhundllng glrls ln bed. Hovever. once you`ve eslubllshed
u domlnunl mlndsel. don`l reslrlcl yourself lo lhose four. Cel
ln louch vllh vhul you`re nulurully domlnunl ulphu mule self
lruly deslres. und you vlll flnd yourself munhundllng glrls
nulurully ln u vuy lhul you never before lhoughl posslble.
Vhul`s more. you vlll flnd lhul lhey love ll.


Sex ls much beller vhen you lncorporule dlrly lulk lnlo ll.
Cnce you`re used lo lulklng dlrly lo your purlner und huve
her lulklng dlrly buck. you`ll murvel lhul you vere ever sllenl
durlng sex.

Lven vhen you`re nol lulklng dlrly. ll ls lmporlunl lhul you Lven vhen you`re nol lulklng dlrly. ll ls lmporlunl lhul you Lven vhen you`re nol lulklng dlrly. ll ls lmporlunl lhul you Lven vhen you`re nol lulklng dlrly. ll ls lmporlunl lhul you
be vocul durlng sex. be vocul durlng sex. be vocul durlng sex. be vocul durlng sex. Thlnk uboul ll. vhul glves you more
sexuul pleusure: u glrl vho mouns und screums ln pleusure us
you fuck her. or u glrl vho ls sllenl und sllll us u corpse!
Don`l be ufruld lo lel oul pusslonule nolses ln bed. Remove
your lnhlblllons you vlll flnd lhul once you do. you`ll
nulurully vunl lo moun vhen you enler her. und lel oul u
rour vhen you reuch orgusm.

Cnce you`re comforluble muklng pusslonule nolses. you
should slurl lulklng dlrly. The lonullly lhul you use vhen The lonullly lhul you use vhen The lonullly lhul you use vhen The lonullly lhul you use vhen
you`re lulklng dlrly ls very lmporlunl. you`re lulklng dlrly ls very lmporlunl. you`re lulklng dlrly ls very lmporlunl. you`re lulklng dlrly ls very lmporlunl. Il should be deep und Il should be deep und Il should be deep und Il should be deep und
domlnunl domlnunl domlnunl domlnunl. llke lhe volce of u hypnol . llke lhe volce of u hypnol . llke lhe volce of u hypnol . llke lhe volce of u hypnollsl; l lsl; l lsl; l lsl; ll should be l should be l should be l should be
pusslonule. bul conlrolled. pusslonule. bul conlrolled. pusslonule. bul conlrolled. pusslonule. bul conlrolled. Truln yourself lo mulnluln conlrol
of your volce. even ul hlgh levels of urousul. Your volce
should ulso be devold of ull nervousness und uncerlulnly. A
domlnunl mule does nol lulk vllh hesllullon. nor does he
look for upprovul before conllnulng hls dlrly lulk. He usl
does ll.

The besl llme lo lulk dlrly ls vhen she ls very uroused. Ideully.
lhls vlll be vhen you ure huvlng sex vllh her. The very besl
ls vhen you ure glvlng her so much pleusure lhul she ls
helpless lo muke uny response. Vhen you huve muslered lhe
url of dlrly lulk. you vlll be uble lo flll heur eur vllh u
conlrolled. hypnollc slreum of erollc lunguuge even vhlle
you`re rulllng lhe shll oul of her vllh everylhlng you huve.

The flrsl fev llmes you huve sex vllh u nev vomun. slurl
culllng her u dlrly llllle glrl. Tell her hov vel her pussy ls. und
hov good ll feels lo be fucklng her. Afler she`s become
somevhul comforluble vllh you. slurl lulklng dlrly more
vhen she`s very uroused.

There ure flve muln lhemes lhul you should concenlrule your
dlrly lulk uround.

Some of lhe besl dlrly lulk comes from u reul u reul u reul u reul underslundlng underslundlng underslundlng underslundlng
of femule sexuullly. of femule sexuullly. of femule sexuullly. of femule sexuullly. Vomen go lo lhelr obs und look proper
ull duy. prelendlng lhul lhey`re lhlnklng uboul plulonlc lhlngs.
Lven vhen guys upprouch lhem. vomen huve lo prelend
lhul lhey`re nol lnleresled ln sex becuuse of soclul
condlllonlng. Thls ls lorlure for lhem. becuuse vomen ure
even more sexuully obsessed lhun men. Nol only do lhey
lhlnk uboul sex more. bul lhe lhoughls ure more lnlense
becuuse lhey lry lo repress lhem. Hovever. hurdly uny men
huve lhe lnslghl lo see lhul beneulh lhelr plulonlc fuudes. ull
vomen cruve sex.

Vhen she`s very uroused. lell her lhul you knov hov much
she lhlnks uboul sex. Suy lhul she prelends she doesn`l vunl
lo gel fucked ull duy. bul you knov vhul u slul she ls on lhe
lnslde. Tell her you knov lhul she lhlnks uboul your cock
lnslde her ull duy. She`ll prolesl und glve you u loken
no.I`m u good glrl.` bul don`l puy ullenllon.

Tell her lhul her pussy gels vel vhen she even lhlnks uboul
your cock lnslde her. Tell her hov vel she ls rlghl nov. she`s
drlpplng ull over your cock.

Personullzlng your dlrly lulk Personullzlng your dlrly lulk Personullzlng your dlrly lulk Personullzlng your dlrly lulk llke lhls vlll muke ll even beller.
Vhenever you cun. you should ulvuys cull her YCUR slul or
YCUR vhore. rulher lhun usl culllng her u slul or u vhore.

Thls hus u lhreefold effecl. Flrsl. she feels more domlnuled lf
you lmply lhul you possess her llke lhls. Second. lhe mollf of
belng yours udds lo lhe Lmollon lhul she feels. Flnully. uny
lnsecurllles lhul muy be lrlggered by your lulklng dlrly lo her
llke lhls vlll be reduced by personullzlng your dlrly lulk;
becuuse she ls yours. she doesn`l huve lo vorry us much
uboul you belng one of lhose guys lhul ls so screved up by
soclul progrummlng lhul he ls secrelly dlsgusled by vomen
vho respond lo dlrly lulk.

In fucl. possesslon possesslon possesslon possesslon ls so lmporlunl lhul ll should be u lheme
by llself of your dlrly lulk. Vhen you`re fucklng her. lell her
lhul her pussy ls yours. und lhul you ovn her pussy. If she
glves you u loken nooo.` lhen suy reully..lhen vhy ls
your llllle pussy gelllng so vel for me! I lhlnk you ure my
pussy.` und keep fucklng her hurder.

Telllng her hov exclled you ure Telllng her hov exclled you ure Telllng her hov exclled you ure Telllng her hov exclled you ure for her ls ulso greul. Tell her
lhul you`ve been lhlnklng uboul fucklng her ull duy lhul
you gel hurd usl lhlnklng uboul leurlng her vel llllle pussy
up. Tell her vhul you`re golng lo do lo her lhul you`re
golng lo fuck her so deep und so hurd und muke her cum ull
over you.

8elng under your conlrol 8elng under your conlrol 8elng under your conlrol 8elng under your conlrol ls ulso very exclllng for u vomun.
Tell her lhul she`s yours. und lhul you`re golng lo fuck her
unyllme you vunl. Tell her lhul she`s ulvuys golng huve your
cock ln her pussy und lhul she`s golng lo luke your cum lnslde
her every duy. Muke her cull you musler. Muke her suy yes.
musler` vhen you lell her lo do lhlngs.

Vhen she`s uboul lo cum. lell her lo cum for you llke u good
llllle slul. und she`ll suy yes. musler!` If she vuffles or refuses
lo suy yes musler.` muke her. Fuck her hurder vhlle you`re
holdlng her lhroul genlly bul flrmly. or even slup her
moderulely hurd ucross lhe fuce (lhls ls udvunced don`l do
lhls unlll she`s hlghly converled und uccepllng of your olher
domlnunl behuvlor ln bed!)

Allhough dlrly lulk cun be u very poverful lool. your
glrlfrlend vlll begln lo reucl negullvely lovurds ll lf ll ls lhe
only klnd of lulklng you do ln bed. Il`s lmporlunl for you lo
comblne dlrly lulk vllh emollonul lulk lhe lvo ure nol
muluully excluslve. Rulher. lhey enhunce euch olher vhen
used ul lhe sume llme. Afler sex. ll ls ulso lmporlunl lhul you
lulk emollonully lo her. hold her. und lell her hov much she
meuns lo you. Thls vlll ullevlule uny feurs lhul your glrl muy
huve lhul you von`l respecl her lf she responds lo her dlrly
lulk. und preserve her Immerslon.


Muklng u glrl cum ugulnsl her vlll ls one of lhe besl forms of
Domlnunce. Vhen she ls close lo orgusm. lell her lhul you`re
golng lo muke her cum llke u dlrly llllle slul. und lhere ls
nolhlng lhul she cun do uboul ll. She`ll suy cun`l
muke me.` und lry lo hold ll buck. Inlenslfy lhe sllmulullon
you`re glvlng her. und push her over lhe edge. If you`re
eullng her oul. hold her hlps dovn vllh your hunds und llck
her clll furlously. If you`re huvlng sex vllh her. fuck her
hurder und deeper. und lell her lo cum for you llke u good
glrl. She vlll nol be uble lo hold her orgusm buck. und.
becuuse she ls lrylng lo hold ll buck. lhe orgusm vlll be much
more lnlense.


Cerluln sexuul poslllons ure more domlnunl lhul olhers.
Fucklng her doggy slyle ls very domlnunl. She ls on her hunds
und knees ln fronl of you luklng your cock. vhlle you ure
loverlng ubove her lhrusllng. Her lylng fuce dovn vhlle you
ure on lop of her ls ulso domlnunl.

Fucklng u glrl hurd. deep und fusl ls domlnunl. Thls ls vhul
mukes ll good lhe physlcul componenl of rough sex ulone ls
nol. If you see glrls muslurbullng. you von`l see lhem
poundlng lhe shll oul of lhemselves. They use moderule slze
vlbrulors und genlle. slov slrokes. 8ul. ulmosl ull vomen llke
lo be fucked hurd becuuse lhey gel off on belng domlnuled
so complelely. Lspeclully vhen your glrl ls hlghly uroused und
hus u level of Immerslon vhlch vlll susluln u hlgh level of
Domlnunce. don`l hesllule lo use some force vhen fucklng

Llghl bonduge ls ulso u good vuy lo pul her ln submlsslve
poslllons. You don`l need lo go oul und buy u lorlure ruck
bonduge ls mosl effecllve vhen ll doesn`l seem conlrlved.
The besl responses I`ve hud from glrls ure vhen I lle lhem up
vllh u plece of my ovn clolhlng or lhelrs u lle vorks vell
for lhls. Tell her you`re my llllle pussy.I`m golng lo lle you
up und fuck you so hurd.` Then. luke her hunds und lle
lhem logelher ln u secure. bul nol vlclously llghl knol.
Lxcesslve llghlness vlll muke her hunds full usleep. vhlch ls
unnoylng und vlll breuk her Immerslon. You cun ellher lle
her hunds ln fronl of her or behlnd her buck. Try bolh. und
see vhlch one she llkes beller. Then. fuck her ln u domlnunl
vuy. lhrovlng ln plenly of dlrly und emollonul lulk.

Lmollon permeules every uspecl of sex. A musler of sex musl A musler of sex musl A musler of sex musl A musler of sex musl
ulso be u musler of creullng slrong emollons. ulso be u musler of creullng slrong emollons. ulso be u musler of creullng slrong emollons. ulso be u musler of creullng slrong emollons.

I cun heur lhe obecllons ulreudy. 8ul I`m u lough guy
munly mun! I don`l vunl lo deul vllh uny emollonul crup!`

Thul muy be. Hovever. lhls comes from u pluce of veukness.
Cuys vho vlll nol or cunnol open lhemselves emollonully
ure lhul vuy for u reuson: lhey ure ufruld of belng hurl. Thls
ls common ln guys vho vere formerly reecled frequenlly by
vomen. bul lmproved lhelr soclul skllls. The feur of reecllon
lhey lnherlled from lhelr pusl of soclul fullure currles over lo
lhe presenl. Thls cuuses lhem lo pul up emollonul vulls
uround lhemselves. Thelr self-deslrucllve behuvlor suboluges
lhelr sex llves und relullonshlps.

If you cun creule slrong emollons ln u vomun. lhe sex vllh
her vlll be much beller. Perlod. For you. und especlully for
her. A vomun vlll never be lruly sullsfled vllh emollonless
sex; ll ls usl somelhlng lo llde her over unlll she cun flnd u
fully sullsfylng sexuul relullonshlp. Cnce she flnds lhul. you`re
gone. And. once you slop reslrlcllng yourself lo plulonlc
frlends vllh beneflls.` you`ll be surprlsed by hov much
beller lhe sex ls for you us vell.

The superlor sexuul pleusure you cun creule vllh slrong
emollons vlll ulso muke your glrls much more loyul lo you. If
you`re lnleresled ln un excluslve relullonshlp. lhls ls obvlously
lmporlunl. 8ul even lf you ure nol. muklng your glrlfrlends
loyul vlll benefll your relullonshlp llfe lmmensely. You vlll
gel much hlgher levels of compllunce vllh euse. A hlghly
converled glrl vllh u slrong emollonul ulluchmenl lo you
vlll ulmosl never huve sex vllh olher men. even lhough she
knovs lhul you ure huvlng sex vllh olher vomen. And. she`ll
gludly cleur her schedule for you. do fuvors for you. und puy
for dules und glfls lf lhe sex ls good enough.

Allhough vomen ure condllloned by soclely lo vunl un
excluslve relullonshlp vllh guys lhey huve slrong emollons
for. vllh proper munugemenl eulousy cun be ulmosl
ellmlnuled. The lmporlunl lhlng ls lo gel her so slrongly
ulluched lo you lhul ll vould hurl loo much for her lo ever
leuve you. Cnce you cun uchleve lhls. she vlll uccepl uny
lerms lhul you sel for lhe relullonshlp. If you frume ll ln lhe
rlghl vuy und muke her feel vell quullfled. she vlll be usl us
sullsfled vllh lhls lype of relullonshlp us vllh un excluslve


The besl vuy lo creule Lmollon ls vllh lols of greul sex. In
order lo huve greul sex. hovever. you need lo huve hlgh
levels of Lmollon. Thls muy seem llke u Culch-22. bul ll ls nol.

Lmollon ls llke u snovbull. Al flrsl. you vlll huve lo lncreuse
Lmollon ln vuys lhul vlll only udd u llny bll lo lhe snovbull.
You muy nol nollce much dlfference ln lhe sex ul flrsl. bul ll
vlll puy off luler. Cnce you huve lhe snovbull rolllng lhough.
ll vlll evenluully gulher muss on lls ovn. As she slurls lo
develop slronger emollons for you. lhe sex vlll become
beller. vhlch vlll ln lurn spuvn even slronger emollons.

Your ob ls lo usl keep glvlng her lhose slrong emollons
lhrough sex. und don`l do unylhlng vhlch vlll cuuse her lo
shul dovn vhul she ls feellng und slop lhe Lmollon snovbull
from gulherlng muss. Afler u vhlle. lhe snovbull vlll lurn
lnlo un unsloppuble uggernuul. The sex vlll become
drusllcully beller. und lhe relullonshlp vlll be so slrong lhul
even lf you uccldenlully dumuge lhe snovbull of Lmollon. ll
vlll huve so much momenlum lhul ll von`l muller.


Somelhlng vhlch commonly slops lhe snovbull of Lmollon
from gulherlng muss ln lhe eurly sluges of lhe relullonshlp ls
lhul lhe guy lsn`l emollonul hlmself. In order lo creule slrong
emollons ln u vomun. you musl ulso feel slrong emollons
yourself. Vomen ure nulurully more emollonul lhun men. so
ll ls ulrlghl lf your emollons ure nol qulle us lnlense us hers.
Hovever. lf your level of Lmollon ls fur belov hers. lhls ls u

She vlll sense lhul you don`l feel us slrongly for her us she
does for you. She vlll lhem subconsclously curlull her ovn
emollons lo uvold belng hurl.

Nov. don`l expecl lo full ln love vllh every glrl you huve sex
vllh. Thul`s nol lhe vuy lhlngs vork; some glrls von`l huve
lhul spurk vhlch cun muke you feel lhose exlremely poverful
emollons. For muny glrls you muy only feel moderulely
slrong emollons. und lhul`s flne. 8ul. lf you`ve hud sexuul
relullonshlps vllh muny glrls und you`ve NLVLR developed
slrong feellngs for uny of lhem. lhe problem ls you. nol lhem.
Vork on becomlng more emollonul. Do lhls by gelllng rld of
your subconsclous emollonul guurds. You cunnol force
yourself lo feel emollons. bul you cun slop yourself from
lnhlblllng your nulurul emollons. If you slurl lo feel
somelhlng. flghl your lnsllncl lo squush lhul Lmollon. Slurl
belng more genulne und open vllh your feellngs. Il vlll puy


The creullon of emollons (commonly referred lo us ullrucllon)
oulslde lhe bedroom ls very lmporlunl lo vhul huppens
lnslde lhe bedroom. There ls exlenslve lllerulure on hov lo
creule emollons ln u vomun before sex lhls ls vhul ls
commonly referred lo us ullrucllng vomen.`

If you vunl lo leurn more. I recommend reudlng lhe Nulurul
Cume Compendlum. u free collecllon of lhe besl posls
deullng vllh ullrucllon on my vebslle

These resources should be more lhun enough lo help you
creule enough ullrucllon und Lmollon ln u glrl.

Cnce you huve hud sex vllh her und ure ln u relullonshlp
lhough. lhe gume chunges. You sllll need lo do some lhlngs
lo creule ullrucllon oulslde lhe bedroom. bul lhere ure some
fundumenlul dlfferences:

I. In seducllon. lhere ls u lurge emphusls on shovlng lhe
vomun lhul you huve deslred lrulls (vulue) ln order lo muke
her ullrucled lo you. In u relullonshlp. lhls ls nol necessury.
The mosl effecllve vuy lo demonslrule vulue ls lhrough sex; The mosl effecllve vuy lo demonslrule vulue ls lhrough sex; The mosl effecllve vuy lo demonslrule vulue ls lhrough sex; The mosl effecllve vuy lo demonslrule vulue ls lhrough sex;
ull olher vuys pule ln compurlson. ull olher vuys pule ln compurlson. ull olher vuys pule ln compurlson. ull olher vuys pule ln compurlson. Thls meuns lhul you
should nol expend uny energy on ucllvely demonslrullng
vulue oulslde of sex. To do so ls counlerproducllve. Cf
course. you vlll sllll reluln much of your vulue oulslde lhe
bedroom even vhen you ure nol ucllvely demonslrullng ll.
Keep demonslrullng vulue pusslvely lhrough your nulurul
personullly. llfeslyle. elc.. bul over ull. vulue vlll nol be your
concern ln relullonshlps.

2. To creule more ullrucllon. ull you huve lo do ls shov lhe
vomun lhul you ulso vulue her for non-sexuul reusons. und
lo muke her vork for lhe revurd of sex.

There ure muny lhlngs lhul you cun do lo shov her lhul you
vulue her oulslde lhe bedroom. Alvuys muke sure lhul you
shov physlcul uffecllon llke klsslng und cuddllng even vhen
you ure nol huvlng sex. Nolhlng glves sex u drler. more
plulonlc feel lhun u guy vho ls only lnleresled ln physlcul
conlucl vhen ll ls sexuul.

An especlully lmporlunl llme lo shov uffecllon ls ufler sex.
Thls ls vhen she ls mosl emollonully vulneruble. Hold her ln
your urms. und lell her hov much she meuns lo you. Cf
course. you should udusl vhul you use lo lell her lhls
dependlng on vhul sluge lhe relullonshlp ls ul. You cun lell u
glrl lhul ls ln love vllh you hov much you love her. bul vllh
u glrl lhul you`ve only hud sex vllh u fev llmes you vlll huve
lo use more moderule lunguuge.

Vllh mulllple glrlfrlends ll ls equully lmporlunl lo shov
uffecllon llke lhls. Lel her knov lhul you don`l huve lo be
excluslve lo huve emollons for somebody. She muy lry lo
curlull her emollons for you so us nol lo seem desperule.`
lel her knov lhul lhere ls no need for lhls. If you genulnely
cure uboul ull of your glrls und you shov ll. lhey vlll nol
lnhlbll lhemselves from developlng lhe slrong emollons for
you lhul greul sex vlll brlng.

You ulso You ulso You ulso You ulso need need need need lo muke sure lhul you ure nol glvlng uvuy lhe lo muke sure lhul you ure nol glvlng uvuy lhe lo muke sure lhul you ure nol glvlng uvuy lhe lo muke sure lhul you ure nol glvlng uvuy lhe
vulue of your greul sex for free. vulue of your greul sex for free. vulue of your greul sex for free. vulue of your greul sex for free. Il ls humun nulure lo only
vulue vhul ve huve vorked for even lf sex ls greul vllh
you. she vlll nol uppreclule ll properly lf you don`l muke her
vork for ll.

Muke her vork for you ln conversullons. und expecl her lo
come up vllh lnleresllng lhlngs lo suy lo enlerluln you. Muke
her vork for you loglsllcully muke her lruvel lo see you. do
lhlngs lhul you vunl lo do. und cleur her schedule lo spend
llme vllh you.

Cnce you uchleve sexuul muslery. you cun even gel glrls lo
do more lhun lhls for you. For u mun lhul ls greul ln bed. u
vomun vlll cleun hls house. do hls luundry. und do ull sorls
of fuvors for hlm lo supporl hls llfeslyle. She vlll even puy for
dules. buy you expenslve glfls. und ln some cuses even glve
you cush.

Lven ln lhe bedroom llself. conllnue lo muke her vork. She
vlll nol develop slrong emollons lovurds you lf you vork
hurd dolng unrequlled sexuul fuvors conslunlly vhlle she
does nol do unylhlng for you. Muke sure lhul she goes dovn
on you usl us much us you go dovn on her. Lel her luke lhe
lnlllullve somellmes. und pul ln lhe vork lo seduce und
undress you.

Lxpund her sexuul lhresholds. und don`l usl lel her sll buck
lnslde her sexuul comforl zone. The more she vorks for you.
lhe more she vlll be ullrucled. Alvuys muke her vork for
you us much us you cun.

Lven vhen she ls dolng lhe vork lhough. you should sllll
mulnluln your Domlnunce. Il ls ulrlghl lo lel her leud` once
ln u vhlle you ure sllll conlrolllng lhe lnlerucllon. und ure
lelllng her leud. You should ulvuys vlev her leudlng` ln bed
us her vorklng hurd lo pleuse you. rulher lhun her
domlnullng lhe lnlerucllon. Remember lhul you cun luke
conlrol und leud lhe lnlerucllon uny llme you vunl. bul for
lhe llme belng you ure ullovlng her lo vork for you.


1usl us dlrly lulk ls u greul vuy lo muke sex more domlnunl.
emollonul lulk ls u greul vuy lo muke sex more emollonul.
The rule of lhumb for emollonul lulk ls lhul you should
reclprocule lhe level of Lmollon she ls expresslng lovurds
you. If you slurl becomlng more emollonul lhun her. ll vlll
ruln your Domlnunce. 8ul. lf you ure slgnlflcunlly less
emollonul lhun her. you vlll curlull her ovn emollons. Thls
meuns lhul eurly ln lhe relullonshlp. you vlll huve lo
moderule your emollonul lulk. For exumple. lnsleud of suylng
your pussy belongs lo me und I`m lhe only one lhul cun be
lnslde you.` lell her. buby. I llke vhen I`m lnslde you und
you`re ull mlne.` Cnce she becomes more emollonul lhough.
don`l hesllule lo klck your emollonul lulk up lo lhe nexl

There ure lhree muln lhemes lhul you should concenlrule
your emollonul lulk uround.

The flrsl lheme ls possesslon possesslon possesslon possesslon. Possesslon ls ulso u Domlnunce
lheme see lhe secllon on dlrly lulk for delulls. 8ecuuse you
possesslng her ls bolh domlnunl und emollonully exclllng. ll ls
un exlremely poverful lheme. Deep dovn. u glrl vho ls
emollonully ulluched lo you vunls lo be yours` und belong
only lo you.

Clve your glrlfrlend lhe glfl of belonglng lo you ln bed. und
she vlll love you for ll. Fuck her vllh no lel up und lell her
lhul she belongs lo you her pussy ls only yours und you`re
lhe only one lhul cun fuck ll. Tell her lhul she`s yours forever.
und lhul you`re golng lo be lnslde her forever. Tell her lhul
lhe only reuson she exlsls ls lo luke your dlck deep lnslde her

8e cureful vllh lhe possesslon lheme eurly ln lhe relullonshlp.
You vunl lo mlnlmlze lhe level of fulse expeclullons you glve
her. und lhls lype of emollonul lulk muy end up hurllng her
luler lf you ure nol cureful. Cnly use lhe possesslon lheme of
her belonglng only lo you deep lnlo lhe relullonshlp vhen
she ls very emollonully lnvolved. bul ulso knovs lhul lhls ls
un open relullonshlp vhere you see olher glrls. If you ure ln
un excluslve relullonshlp. of course lhls lype of lulk ls greul

The second lheme ls The second lheme ls The second lheme ls The second lheme ls hov slrongly you feel lovurds her. hov slrongly you feel lovurds her. hov slrongly you feel lovurds her. hov slrongly you feel lovurds her.
Knovlng lhul you feel slrong emollons lovurds her exclles
her ovn emollons. Muke sure you vocullze hov slrongly you
feel lovurds her nol only generully. bul ln lhe momenl of
belng lnslde her. Hold nolhlng buck. Lxposlng your ovn ruv
emollons llke lhls vlll greully lnlenslfy vhul she ls feellng.

You should ulvuys refer lo your vomun lnllmulely. never
lmpersonully. Lurly ln lhe relullonshlp. suy her nume vhen
you ure lelllng her hov slrongly you feel lovurds her. Luler
ln lhe relullonshlp. cull her your buby. Cnce she suys lhul she
loves you. lell her hov much you love her oflen durlng sex.

If you don`l lulk llke lhls nov und lhlnk lhul lhls vouldn`l
vork for you. you`re vrong. You usl huve lo breuk lhe
urousul-kllllng hubll of lulklng plulonlcully vllh pronouns
vhen you could be uslng lnllmule lerms. Slurl culllng your
glrlfrlend buby.` The flrsl fev llmes you use lhe vord ll vlll
feel unnulurul. bul evenluully ll vlll come nulurully.

Vhlle you ure lnslde her. lell her lhul you cun feel so close lo
her. Fuck her deep und look lnlo her eyes. lelllng her lhul
you`re so deep lnslde her lhul you cun feel her soul. Tell her
lhul you love her more lhun unylhlng. lhul she ls perfecl for
you. lhul she vus meunl for you.

Allhough lhls lheme ls very emollonul. lhe ldeu of you
huvlng slrong feellngs for her lucks Domlnunce. 8ecuuse of
lhls. lhls lheme of emollonul lulk vlll be much more
poverful vhen comblned vllh dlrly (domlnunl) lulk.

Hov slrongly she feels lovurds Hov slrongly she feels lovurds Hov slrongly she feels lovurds Hov slrongly she feels lovurds you you you you ls unolher lmporlunl ls unolher lmporlunl ls unolher lmporlunl ls unolher lmporlunl
emollonul lheme emollonul lheme emollonul lheme emollonul lheme. If u vomun hus experlenced good sex vllh
you. she vlll slurl lo develop emollons lovurds you. She
hldes und represses lhese emollons. feurlng lhul lhey vlll
scure you or cuuse her lo be hurl. To unleush lhe pover of
lhese emollons. lel her knov lhul lhey ure unconlrolluble
und lhul you ure emlnenlly consclous of lhem. Heurlng you
descrlbe lhe deplhs of her emollons she hldes even from
herself vlll brlng lhem bubbllng lo lhe surfuce und muke her
cum llke you vouldn`l belleve.

Tell her lhul you cun feel hov much she loves you vhen
you`re lnslde her. Vhen she gels reully lurned on und her
vuglnu ls drlpplng. lell her lhul she musl love you. she`s so
vel lhul ll`s drlpplng dovn your bulls. Muke u connecllon
belveen hov uroused she ls und hov slrongly she feels for
you. Vhen you muke her cum. lell her lo screum I love

Ask her hov much she loves you. Muke her suy lhul she loves
you more lhun unylhlng. lhul she vould do unylhlng for you
lhul she vould dle for you.

Anolher greul vuy lo expound on lhe lheme of her slrong
emollons lovurds you ls lo muke her shov you hov much
she loves und needs you. Vhen she ls uboul lo cum. lell her
Cum for me buby. shov me hov much you love me.`
Thls ls ulso greul for vhen she ls rldlng you. or vhen she ls
lrylng lo muke you cum. Tell her. Rlde my cock
buby.muke me cum lnslde you. shov me hov much you
love me.` She`ll be drlven lo lurn ln u herolc performunce.
und vlll glve you u greul orgusm.

Those ure lhe lhree muln lhemes lhul your emollonul lulk
should be concenlruled uround. There ls u fourlh. und
ullhough ll ls very poverful. ll ls ulso very dungerous.

I don`l recommend uslng ll unless you vould nol be uverse
lo huvlng chlldren vllh lhls glrl. The lheme ls lhe pregnuncy pregnuncy pregnuncy pregnuncy
lheme. Vomen ure blologlcully progrummed lo vunl lo be
lmpregnuled by un ulphu mule. More lhun unylhlng. lhls ls
her evolullonury funcllon ln llfe. lo luke your cum lnslde her
und beur your offsprlng. Desplle vhul her loglcul mlnd lells
her. on u deeper level she vlll ulvuys vunl lhls. Telllng her
lhul you ure golng lo gel her pregnunl vllh your bubles vhlle
you ure huvlng sex vlll exclle her llke you vould nol belleve.

Tell her vhlle you`re fucklng her lhul you`re golng lo cum
deep lnslde her und gel her pregnunl. Tell her lhul you`re
golng lo flll her vllh your cum so lhul she cun huve your
bubles. Tell her lhul lhls ls vhul she vus meunl lo do.

Thls vlll muke her cum lncredlbly hurd. bul be vurned: ll vlll
ulso muke her vunl lo gel pregnunl for reul. 8ecuuse of pusl
experlences. I nov reserve emollonul lulk on lhe pregnuncy
lheme for vomen lhul I vould ucluully vunl lo huve u chlld


Allhough bolh dlrly lulk und emollonul lulk vork vonders ln
lsolullon. lhey ure mosl effecllve ln lundem. You should
ulmosl ulvuys comblne dlrly und emollonul lulk. und rurely
go lhrough u sesslon of sex vllhoul dolng some of euch.

Don`l vorry uboul muklng smoolh lrunslllons` belveen lhe
dlrly und emollonul lulk. or even uboul muklng sense vhen
you ure comblnlng lhe lvo. Il does nol muller lf ll vould
muke sense lo her ln u obecllve. loglcul slule of mlnd you
vlll be suylng lhese lhlngs vhen she ls ln u hlghly uroused
slule. In lhls slule of mlnd. vhul you ure suylng vlll muke
perfecl sense lo her us ll mlrrors her ovn chuollc cruvlngs und

Vhen ln bed. here ls hov I vlll lyplcully lulk:

Dun: (flngerlng lhe glrl) You`re reully vel for musl
huve been lhlnklng uboul gelllng fucked ull duy. You`re my
vel llllle pussy. und I`m golng lo fuck lhe shll oul of you
(lhrovs her on lhe bed. gels her lurned on by eullng her oul.
und slurls fucklng her)

Dun: (suld ln u deep. hypnollc volce vhlle fucklng her hurd)
8uby. I`m lnslde you.I love you so much buby.lhls llllle
pussy`s so llghl. I`m golng lo huve lo leur ll upurl. I`m golng
lo huve lo fuck lhe shll oul of you.`

Clrl: (glvlng veuk loken reslslunce vhlle gelllng fucked) pussy`s loo llghl for lhul.

Dun: Shul lhe fuck up (grubs her lhroul und fucks her hurder).
I vouldn`l hurl my buby.I love my buby so much.`

Suylng I love you` ln one breulh. culllng her your slul ln lhe
nexl. suylng lhul you vould never hurl her vhlle you grusp
her lhroul und fuck lhe shll oul of her.lhls ls lhe essence of u
sexuul musler`s bedroom lulk. The rules of loglc do nol upply;
lhe rules of Lmollon relgn supreme. Vllh every vord you
conlrudlcl yourself. und vllh every vord she gels more
lurned on. In her pleusure dlslorled slule she only
underslunds lhul you ure fulfllllng her need lo be domlnuled
und her need for slrong emollons ul lhe sume llme. Thul ls ull
lhul mullers.


Vhul you do ufler sex vlll uffecl hov good lhe sex vllh you
ls ln lhe fulure. Lmollonul connecllon ls bulll durlng lhe sex
ucl. ll ls solldlfled ln lhe llme ufler sex. Don`l lel vhul you
bulll go lo vusle by leuvlng her or ucllng plulonlcully ufler

Afler greul sex. u vomun vlll oflen slurl lulklng emollonully
lo you. You should never exceed lhe level of Lmollon lhul
she expresses lovurds you. bul you should nol be shy uboul
reclprocullng her Lmollon. If she`s ulreudy lulklng
emollonully lovurds you. go uheud und lell her hov
umuzlng lhe sex vus und hov much she meuns lo you.


Teuslng ls u greul vuy lo muke sex beller lhrough lhe use of
negullve emollons. Creule lnlense negullve emollons lhrough
leuslng her und denylng her lhe pleusure she cruves. und lhe
sex vlll become much beller. Remember. ll Remember. ll Remember. ll Remember. ll does nol muller does nol muller does nol muller does nol muller
vhul klnd of emollons lhe glrl ls feellng durlng sex. only hov vhul klnd of emollons lhe glrl ls feellng durlng sex. only hov vhul klnd of emollons lhe glrl ls feellng durlng sex. only hov vhul klnd of emollons lhe glrl ls feellng durlng sex. only hov
lnlense lhey ure. lnlense lhey ure. lnlense lhey ure. lnlense lhey ure.

Vhlle leuslng ls poverful. ll cun buckflre lf used ln lhe vrong
vuy. If you leuse her before she ls very uroused. she vlll
slmply lhlnk lhul you uren`l ln lhe mood und vlll lose her
urousul. And. lf you leuse her loo much. lhe negullve
emollons you creule vlll be loo lnlense. She vlll slurl lo
develop lnsecurllles und menlul defenses ugulnsl your
relenlless leuslng. Thls vlll ruln her Immerslon. und lhe nel
effecl of lhe leuslng vlll be lo reduce lhe quullly of your
sexuul experlences.

In order lo guurd ugulnsl lhls. you should look for lvo
vurnlng slgns vhen you ure leuslng her. The flrsl ls lhul your
leuslng ls muklng her less uroused lnsleud of more. Thls vlll
slgnul you lhul she ls nol yel uroused enough for lhe leuslng
lo be effecllve gel her more uroused. und lhen leuse her.

The second vurnlng slgn ls lhul she seems uggruvuled. There
ls u flne llne belveen uggruvullon und quullly negullve
Lmollon. so muke sure you sluy on lhe rlghl slde of ll.
Aggruvullon slgnuls lhul you ure leuslng her excesslvely. or
loo mullclously. Il ls lmporlunl lhul she knovs lhul you ure
usl loylng vllh her vhen you ure leuslng. If she delecls uny
sudlsm or serlous ullempl lo dumuge her vell-belng. she vlll
develop menlul defenses lo your leuslng.

Lven lf you huve u glrl lhul responds exlruordlnurlly slrongly
lo leuslng. you should nol leuse her excesslvely. Aguln. Aguln. Aguln. Aguln.
remember lhe prlnclple of remember lhe prlnclple of remember lhe prlnclple of remember lhe prlnclple of Vurlely Vurlely Vurlely Vurlely loo much of u good loo much of u good loo much of u good loo much of u good
lhlng ls u bud lhlng. lhlng ls u bud lhlng. lhlng ls u bud lhlng. lhlng ls u bud lhlng. Teuse spurlngly. und ll vlll remuln

Cenerully. lhe vuy lo leuse her ls lo brlng her lo lhe edge of
vhul she vunls. lhen deny her ll. Do lhls unlll she`s reuched
her lhreshold for lhe mosl she cun be leused. und lhen glve
her sudden. lnlense grullflcullon.

8uslc leuslng cun be done durlng forepluy. Crub your
glrlfrlend und roughly slum her ugulnsl u door. und slurl
muklng oul vllh her und louchlng her sexuully. Then. vllh
no explunullon. vulk uvuy und do somelhlng else. She vlll
HATL lhls bul ll vlll ulso muke her vunl sex more. Vhen
she vulks over lo see vhul ll ls lhul you ure dolng. grub her
close lo you. uguln vllh no explunullon. Throv her on lhe
bed und fuck her.

Il ls ulso greul lo creule unllclpullon before you physlcully
esculule lo lhe nexl slep. For exumple. vhen you ure uboul
lo suck on her nlpple. don`l usl do ll. Move your longue
uround lhe nlpple. und breulhe vurmly on ll unlll she ls
uchlng lo huve ll sucked. Vhen she reully vunls ll und ls
lhrusllng her breusls oul. grullfy her und luke ll lnlo your
moulh. You cun do lhe sume lhlng vhen you ure eullng her
oul. Move your longue llghlly over her pussy. burely
louchlng ll. 8reulhe vurmly vhlle you do lhls. Thls vlll muke
her reully vunl ll. Vull unlll she`s bucklng her hlps ugulnsl
your fuce. und lhen shove your longue lnlo her. 8ecuuse of
lhe bulldup. lhe grullflcullon vlll feel umuzlng.

Somelhlng else you cun do lo bulld unllclpullon: vhen eullng
her oul. pul lvo flngers neur lhe enlrunce lo her vuglnu.
Vhlle you ure llcklng und sucklng her clll. use your lndex und
mlddle flngers lo spreud open lhe enlrunce lo her vuglnu.

Cpenlng her llke lhls vlll cuuse un emply` feellng. The
negullve emollons und sensullons cuused by lhls emply
feellng vlll muke lhe grullflcullon more lnlense vhen she ls
fllled vllh your dlck.

The mosl poverful llme lo bulld unllclpullon ls before you
ure uboul lo fuck her. Rub your cock ugulnsl her pussy und
look lnlo her eyes vllh u you`re uboul lo gel fucked` slure.
Pul lhe heud of your cock lnslde her lhen luke ll oul und
rub ll on lhe oulslde of her pussy uguln. Keep dolng lhls unlll
she`s golng cruzy. lhen shove her full of your cock ull ul once.

You cun ulso leuse her by fucklng her shullov. und muklng
her beg for you lo fuck her deep. Crusp your cock ln your
hund so lhul only lhe heud cun go lnslde her. und lell her
you`re only u llllle glrl.I lhlnk you cun only luke lhls
much.` Fuck her llke lhls unlll she begs for more. Vhen she
does. suy cun huve u llllle more.` und glve her
u llllle bll more of your dlck.` Keep dolng lhls lhree or four
llmes. unlll you`re uboul hulfvuy burled lnslde her. Then.
pull your dlck oul of her ulmosl complelely. suylng look ul
lhls llllle cun`l luke my vhole cock lnslde you.`
Lel her freuk oul u llllle becuuse you pulled oul of her. lhen
shove your vhole cock deep lnslde her ull ul once. If you do
lhls rlghl. ll vlll feel lncredlble lo her. Uslng leuslng llke lhls
ln conuncllon vllh The Vlrgln Funlusy. I`ve mude glrls cum
vllh only one slroke.

Anolher greul vuy lo leuse her ls lo esculule. und lhen regress
buck. Pull her bru lo lhe slde und slurl sucklng on her nlpple
und lhen pul lhe bru buck. You cun do lhe sume lhlng vllh
her punlles pull lhem dovn or lo lhe slde und slurl llcklng
her pussy. lhen pull lhem buck up. Vhen you`re uboul lo
fuck her. pul usl lhe heud of your dlck lnslde her. Then lell
her I don`l lhlnk you`re reudy for lhls yel.` und go buck lo
eullng her oul. Thls vlll bevllder her. becuuse she vlll feel
llke you ure supposed` lo ulvuys esculule und never regress.
She vlll feel deprlved. bul lhls ls u good lhlng. Clve her
lnlense. sudden grullflcullon luler und ll vlll be vorlh ll.

Keep ln mlnd lhul leuslng vorks prlmurlly lhrough creullng
negullve emollons lhe more lnlense lhe emollons you
creule. lhe beller lhe leuslng ls. A greul vuy lo creule lhese
negullve emollons ls lo gel her uroused und reudy lo be
fucked. und ubundon her vllh no explunullon.

Flnger her or eul her oul unlll she reully vunls sex. Then.
vulk oul of lhe room vllh no explunullon und slum lhe door.
Lel her sll ln lhere for lvenly or lhlrly seconds und develop
some negullve emollons of deprlvullon. unger und

Vhlle you ure ln lhe hull. luke off ull your clolhes. Vllh un
equul luck of explunullon. bursl buck lnlo lhe room lolully
nuked. lhrov her on lhe bed. und fuck lhe shll oul of her.
The lnlense negullve emollons und sudden grullflcullon muke
lhls lechnlque very poverful. 8e cureful nol lo overuse ll
lhough ll vlll lose lls polency lf done loo oflen.

Vllh u glrl lhul hus become lhoroughly uddlcled lo sex vllh
you. you cun ucluully spend un enllre nlghl leuslng her. Cel
her vel und reudy lo go lhen suddenly remember` lhul
you huve lo go somevhere. Pul ull your clolhes buck on.
muke her gel dressed. und leuve. Keep leuslng her lhe enllre
nlghl. und ul lhe end glve her lhe lnlense grullflcullon of
rough. domlnunl sex.

I vus once huvlng sex vllh one of my glrlfrlends. fucklng her
unlll I sensed she vus on lhe brlnk of un orgusm. Then. I
remembered` lhul lhul lhe resluurunl I vunled lo go lo vus
golng lo close soon. pulled my dlck oul of her und lold her
ve hud lo go (needless lo suy. lhls look lncredlble self
conlrol!). She prolesled mlghllly. bul ln lhe end she gol ln lhe

The enllre rlde over lhere. I drove vllh one hund ln belveen
her legs. I kepl suylng lhlngs llke Il`s loo bud I couldn`l fuck
you.I reully vunled lo be deep lnslde your pussy. und feel
you cummlng over und over on my cock.could you lmuglne
vhul lhul vould feel llke! 8ul ve cun`l do lhul.` Vhlle
physlcully leuslng her pussy vllh my hund. I vould menlully
leuse her by vlvldly descrlblng sex. und lhen suylng lhul ve
couldn`l do vhul I usl descrlbed. Il vus drlvlng her cruzy.

Vhen ve gol lo lhe resluurunl. ll vus fulrly emply becuuse of
lhe lule hour. I munuged lo gel us lnlo u corner boolh. ul u
luble lhul hud u long lubleclolh. I sul nexl lo her. Vhlle
oslenslbly usl muklng normul conversullon und looklng ul u
menu. I sllpped u hund ln belveen her legs. Nobody could
see. so I held her close lo me und slurled lo rub her pussy
over her punls. I could feel dumpness. so I qulelly
unbulloned und unzlpped her punls. und pul u hund over her
punlles vllh no reslslunce from her. They vere souklng vel. I
vhlspered lnlo her eur vhul u vel llllle slul she vus for
vunllng lo gel fucked so much ln lhe mlddle of u resluurunl.
She vus breulhlng hurd. bul couldn`l suy unylhlng buck. I
kepl vhlsperlng dlrly lhlngs ln her eur. bul vhen lhe vuller
cume I lmmedlulely chunged my lone. Vhlle coverlly euslng
u hund lnslde her punlles. I begun lo muke ordlnury
conversullon vllh lhe vuller. Afler luklng my llme usklng hlm
uboul lhe food. I flnully ordered. I lurned lo my glrlfrlend.
und usked her. CK buby. vhul vould you llke!` us I sllpped
u flnger lnslde her.

The expresslon on her fuce vus prlceless. She lnexpllcubly hud
lrouble urllculullng vhul she vunled. und ln lhe end I hud lo
order for her.

The enllre nlghl I kepl lhls up. sllmulullng her enough lo
leuse her bul nol enough lo muke her cum. I vould
ullernulely buck off und force her lo muke ordlnury
conversullon. und lulk dlrly ln her eur vhlle flngerlng her
under lhe luble. I ule my meul vhlle I dld lhls; she found ll
hurd lo eul unylhlng. Afler uboul hulf un hour of eullng und
leuslng. I zlpped her punls buck up. Ve puld for our food.
und lefl. She vus lrembllng us she gol up.

I vus golng lo keep leuslng her on lhe rlde home. bul I
recognlzed lhul she hud reuched her lhreshold und lhul uny
furlher leuslng vould be counlerproducllve. I lhrev her ln
lhe buck seul of lhe cur und fucked her rlghl ln lhe purklng lol.
Huvlng been leused for lhe beller purl of un hour. she cume
over und over uguln. vllh more lnlenslly lhun I hud ever seen
her cum before. She ullulned lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule
vhlle I fucked her lnlo u dellrlum of pleusure.

I hud lo drlve buck vllh her nuked ln lhe buck seul;
exhuusled. usleep und drlpplng cum she couldn`l slund on
her legs long enough lo curry herself buck lo lhe fronl. Thls
lype of exlended leuslng ls very poverful on vell converled
glrlfrlends. Hovever. you musl be ullru-cureful nol lo
overuse ll. Lven uslng ll lvlce ln u yeur on lhe sume glrl
vould degrude lls pover. Use exlended leuslng very
spurlngly lo creule u unlque sexuul experlence she vlll never


Culll ls ulso u greul vuy lo enhunce sexuul pleusure. provlded
lhul lhe gulll ls nol so lnlense lhul ll breuks lhe glrl`s
Immerslon. Dolng somelhlng lhul you ure Dolng somelhlng lhul you ure Dolng somelhlng lhul you ure Dolng somelhlng lhul you ure nol 'supposed` lo nol 'supposed` lo nol 'supposed` lo nol 'supposed` lo
do ln bed ls ulvuys especlully exclllng. do ln bed ls ulvuys especlully exclllng. do ln bed ls ulvuys especlully exclllng. do ln bed ls ulvuys especlully exclllng.

The udvunluge of glvlng nev sexuul experlences lo u glrl lhul
hus lnhlblllons uboul lhem ls lhul lhe gulll she feels vlll
ucluully enhunce her pleusure. Il vlll muke her feel dlrly und
degruded. vhlch ls u good lhlng us long us her lnhlblllons ure
nol loo deep-sel. She should nol be feellng u crushlng vuve
of gulll. bul un exclllng lhrlll of nuughllness.

I ulvuys muke ll u polnl lo push u glrl`s sexuul lhresholds.
Dolng somelhlng for lhe flrsl llme vllh u glrl vlll puck u reul
emollonul punch. und she vlll ulvuys remember you us lhe
flrsl one vho dld ll lo her.

Somellmes. glrls vlll lnslsl lhul lhey vunl lo suve u speclflc
sex ucl for murrluge. For exumple. unul sex. or svullovlng
your cum. Vhen u glrl hus soclully lmposed burrlers ugulnsl
lhese behuvlors. you should ulvuys breuk lhem dovn.

Some men muy feel gullly uboul lhls. bul lhul gulll ls
mlspluced. If you huve ullulned sexuul muslery. lhe glrl vlll
never uguln feel un emollonul connecllon llke she does lo
you. Regurdless of vhelher or nol she someduy gels murrled
lo unolher guy. you vlll ulvuys be more lmporlunl lo her
emollonully. She muy loglcully vunl her flrsl llme lo be vllh
her husbund. Hovever. vhul she vunls on u deeper level ls
lo huve her flrsl llme dolng sex ucls lo be vllh lhe one she
feels lhe deepesl emollonul connecllon vllh. She only lhlnks
lhul urllflclul soclelul conslrucls llke murrluge muller ufler
you huve done ll vllh her. she vlll nol regrel ll.

So. hov do you push u glrl`s lhresholds! The vuy lo gulde
her lnlo dolng somelhlng lhul she hus un lnhlblllon ugulnsl ls
lo gel her very exclled. lhen vlvldly descrlbe vhul ll ls you
vunl lo do lo her. Then. lell her lhul you cun`l` do vhul
you usl descrlbed ln order lo dlsurm her loglcul mlnd.

For exumple. I once hud u glrl vho lold me lhul she vunled
lo suve unul sex for murrluge. I lold her lhul vus greul.
knovlng lhul I vus golng lo fuck her up lhe uss. bul ulso
knovlng lhul lhe vuy lo muke her do ll vus nol lo deul vllh
her loglcul mlnd. Il vus lo deul vllh her sexuul. emollonul

The nexl fev llmes ve hud sex. I vould muke u polnl lo glve
her some unul sllmulullon. Vhlle I hud u flnger lnslde her uss
und she vus upprouchlng orgusm. I vould lell her hov llghl
her uss fell. I vould usk her. buby.cun you lmuglne feellng
every lnch of my cock lnslde your uss. vhere you`ve never
fell ll before.cun you lmuglne glvlng your uss up lo me. und
huvlng me be lhe only one lo every be lnslde your uss!`
Cruphlcully descrlblng unul sex us u deeply emollonul ucl
vould muke her vunl ll more. becuuse lhls glrl vus deeply ln
love vllh me. Then. before she could respond. I vould suy
bul ve cun`l do lhul.lhul`s bud` us I plunged my flnger
deeper lnlo her uss.

I dld lhls four or flve llmes lo gel her exclled uboul lhe ldeu
of unul sex. Then. one duy I slurled dolng her doggy slyle.
vhlle flngerlng lube lnlo her uss. Vhlle dolng lhls. I kepl
lulklng emollonully uboul unul sex. und lhen suylng lhul ve
couldn`l do vhul I usl descrlbed. I fucked her unlll she vus
on lhe brlnk of her second orgusm. lhen I pulled my cock oul
of her pussy und pressed ll ugulnsl her unus. I lold her buby
lhls ls so bud.bul I`m golng lo fuck you up lhe uss.` There
vus no reslslunce from her us I pushed lhe heud of my cock
lnslde her unus. I proceeded lo vurm her up und fuck her up
lhe uss vhlle she flngered herself. Il vus u greul experlence
for her. und she lold me luler lhul she dldn`l regrel ll ul ull.

There ure muny vuys lhul you cun push u glrl`s lhresholds.
Huvlng sex somevhere lhul you ure nol supposed lo vlll ulso
udd pleusure-enhunclng gulll lo your sex llfe. Vhen you ure
ul u frlend`s house und he huppens lo leuve you ulone lhere
for hulf un hour. luke udvunluge of lhe opporlunlly. Drug her
lnlo hls bedroom. und fuck her on hls bed. The vhole llme.
lell her hov you cun`l be dolng lhls. Suy Thls ls bud.he
lrusled us. nov ve`re fucklng on hls bed.look ul you.
you`re gelllng your vel pussy ull over hls sheels.` Thls vlll be
especlully good sex lf your frlend ls prudlsh und vould be
dlsgusled by someone else huvlng sex
on hls sheels.

You cun even up lhe unle by huvlng sex on her purenls` bed.
The uddlllonul nuughllness und lhe rlsk of belng cuughl vlll
muke ll more exclllng. Aguln. keep up vllh dlrly lulk lo
enhunce her feellngs of gulll und lhus her pleusure. Tell her
lhls ls bud.your purenls rulsed you lo be u good glrl. und
nov you`re gelllng fucked llke u llllle slul rlghl on lhelr`re drlpplng your vel pussy ull over lhelr sheels.`

Fucklng her ln u seml-publlc pluce ls ulso greul. Drug her lnlo
un lsoluled hullvuy. und slurl muklng oul vllh her und
gelllng her lurned on. Aguln. lell her lhul vhul you`re dolng
ls bud becuuse lhere`s people uround.` Then. drug her lnlo
lhe neuresl bulhroom und fuck her brulns oul. Muke ll reully
domlnunl lell her vhul u llllle slul she ls for gelllng fucked
ln u flllhy publlc bulhroom. More oflen lhun nol securlly
guurds vlll come lo klck you oul. bul lrusl me. ll vlll be
vorlh ll.

Vhlle ull lhese pluces ure greul. lhe one ucl lhul I flnd
lncompuruble ln lhe creullon of gulll ls huvlng sex ln u church.
The Chrlsllun rellglon hus lubored for cenlurles lo ulluch gulll
lo lhe sex ucl; you cun profll from ull lhelr efforls. Il ls
lncredlbly emollonully exclllng for u glrl lo be fucked ruv
under lhe vulchlng eyes of 1esus on u cruclflx. especlully lf
she hus rellglous bellefs herself.

I once look u glrlfrlend of mlne home for Lusler lo meel my
purenls. As vus lhe lrudlllon. on Sunduy mornlng ve ull
dressed up und venl lo church. Thls dldn`l seem llke u bud
ldeu ul flrsl. bul once I vus lhere I remembered hov
lnlermlnuble Proleslunl sermons cun be. Tvo hours lnlo lhe
preuchlng. my glrlfrlend und I vere bored oul of our mlnds.
Ve eye coded euch olher und dlscreelly sllpped oul of lhe

In lhe emply hullvuy. ve slurled muklng oul. I gol her more
und more exclled. vhlle ulso lelllng her hov bud ll vus lhul
ve vere even lhlnklng uboul lhls ln u church. Thls ls bud. I
lold her us I led her upslulrs. lo u locked room vhlch vus
used for Youlh Croup on Vednesduys. bul vus currenlly
deserled. Forlunulely. us u former lrusled und fullhful
member of lhe congregullon. I hud u key.

I unlocked lhe door. und led her lo u couch ln lhe buck of lhe
room. Ve slurled muklng oul uguln. und lhe clolhes slurled
comlng off. I kepl up vllh lhe gullly lulk und physlcul
esculullon unlll I vus lnslde her. Vhlle I fucked her. I lold her
hov bud ll vus lhul she vus gelllng fucked ln u church. lhul
ve vere huvlng sex rlghl ubove lhe suncluury. She slurled lo
screum ln gullly pleusure us I fucked her mercllessly. More
qulckly lhun I hud ever seen her do ll before. she hud
ullulned lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. ullernullng
belveen poverful orgusms und u level of pleusure usl belov
orgusm. Forlunulely. lhe congregullon hud luken lo slnglng
hymns. so her screums vere drovned ln lhelr collecllve volce.
To lhe chorus of lhe fullhful. I slung her legs over my
shoulders. shuddered. und roured und I unlouded deep lnlo
her pussy.

I sluyed lnslde her for u vhlle uflervurds us ve recovered our
breulh und llslened lo lhe hymns. Then I pulled oul of her.
und ve bolh gol dressed. Vhen she venl lo grub her punlles.
I lold her cun`l huve lhese` vllh u mlschlevous
smlle. und sluffed lhem ln my pockel. She prolesled. bul ln
lhe end gol buck lnlo her sklrl vllhoul lhem. I look her hund.
und led her buck lo lhe suncluury.

My purenls guve us un odd look for belng gone so long. bul
lhey dldn`l suy unylhlng. I ucled us lf nolhlng vus oul of lhe
ordlnury. so lhey suspecled nolhlng. My glrlfrlend. on lhe
olher hund. vus for some reuson slundlng vllh her legs
pressed llghlly logelher. I could see vhy: llny peurly rlvulels
of her cum und mlne vere leuklng oul of her pussy und
dovn her legs. ull lhe vuy dovn lo her unkles. She cleurly
fell very dlrly huvlng sperm ooze oul of her pussy ln lhe
mlddle of u house of Cod.

Vhlle she ullempled lo hlde lhe sllcky flulds drlpplng oul of
her. I vus slnglng lhe prulses of 1esus loudly und
enlhuslusllcully. She. on lhe olher hund. merely clupped her
hunds logelher veukly. Slng louder`. I lold her. 1esus cun`l
heur you.` She guve me u look of deulh. bul u smlle lel her
knov I vus usl pluylng vllh her.

Aflervurds. she vus horny uguln. She lold me lhul lhe feellng
of huvlng her pussy drlpplng cum ln lhe mlddle of u church
vus usl us exclllng us lhe sex. The poverful emollons of gulll
creuled by vhul she hud done lnexpllcubly lurned her on.
, , , ,

You ulreudy knov uboul lhe four urchelypes of sexuul fullure
euch of vhlch embody u fulul deflclency ln one of lhe ureus
of DLVI. In order lo underslund Vurlely. hovever. you musl
ulso underslund lhe four urchelypes lhul euch embody
excellence ln u DLVI Llemenl.


The sexuul beusl embodles Domlnunce. As hls nume lmplles.
ln lhe bedroom he ls complelely ln louch vllh hls unlmul
nulure. Vllh no lnhlblllons uboul commundlng lhe glrl or
lreullng her llke u plece of properly ln lhe bedroom. he ls
free lo sullsfy her deepesl deslres.

The sexuul beusl vlll oflen munhundle hls glrl ln lhe bedroom.
He vlll lulk dlrly ln her eur us he rulls her pussy for hours.
glvlng her orgusms lhul vlll ensure lhul she ls sore for duys lo
come. Sexuul beusls cun oflen be seen us lhe mule slurs of
bonduge und rupe funlusles. us vell us hlgher quullly
pornogruphlc vldeos.


Vhlle lhe Sexuul 8eusl ls somelhlng oul of u dlrly funlusy. lhe
Pusslonule Lover ls somelhlng oul of u romunce novel. 8efore
sex even huppens. he cupllvules und exclles her by urouslng
her emollons. Nol only cun he muke lhe glrl feel slrongly. he
ulso feels lhe slrong emollons hlmself.

Sex vllh u Pusslonule Lover ls llke lhe lnlerlvlnlng of souls. Il
ls slov und sensuul. vllh lols of emollonul lulk. Nol only
does lhe Pusslonule Lover ullllze poslllve emollons such us
love. he ulso mukes full use of negullve emollons. Vomen
deslre lhe Pusslonule Lover becuuse sex vllh hlm ls ulvuys un
lnlense emollonul udvenlure.


The Tunlrlc Musler ls one vho cun uchleve perfecl menlul
sllllness ln bed. und ulso brlng hls purlner lnlo lhul slule. Il ls
nol lmporlunl lhul he ucluully be versed ln Tunlru. Vhul ls
lmporlunl ls lhul by one vuy or unolher. he uchleves
exlruordlnury levels of Immerslon ln lhe bedroom.

Sex vllh u Tunlrlc Musler ls llke u dreum. Nolhlng else exlsls
lhe pusl und lhe fulure und unlmporlunl. lhere ls only lhe
currenl momenl und lhe sexuul pleusure lhul lhe lovers shure
logelher. In lhe very momenl of orgusm. he cun ulluln u
sllllness of mlnd compuruble lo medllullon. Thls level of
menlul lrunqulllly und focus. vllh lhe lolul ubsence of
lnsecurllles und dlslrucllng lhoughls. muke sexuul encounlers
vllh u Tunlrlc Musler lnlensely pleusuruble.

These ure lhe flrsl lhree urchelypes. euch embodylng u crlllcul
Llemenl of sex. If you cun become u Sexuul 8eusl. u
Pusslonule Lover. or u Tunlrlc Musler. you vlll one of lhe
beller lovers u glrl vlll huve ever hud.

None of lhe urchelypes. hovever. cun complelely sullsfy u
vomun by lhemselves. Vomen cruve lhe full speclrum of
sexuul experlence. so ln order lo sullsfy lhelr sexuul needs
lhey huve llulsons vllh Sexuul 8eusls. Pusslonule Lovers. und
Tunlrlc Muslers. These relullonshlps muy come ul sepurule
llmes ln her llfe. bul oflenllmes she vlll huve ull lhree lypes
of lovers ul once. If she ls unsullsfled. she vlll gruvllule
lovurds lhose vho embody lhe sexuul lrulls lhul she deslres
unlll she ls fulfllled. Il ls posslble for u vomun lo be lolully
sexuully sullsfled vllh one mun lhough. In order for lhls lo
huppen. lhe mun musl embody lhe fourlh und mosl poverful


The Shupeshlfler hus muslered lhe url of sexuul Vurlely. He
knovs lhul vomen vunl ull of lhe lhree olher sexuul
urchelypes. Insleud of conslrlcllng hlmself lo usl one of lhem.
lhe Shupeshlfler ls cupuble of embodylng ull of lhem. An
unulogy for u Shupeshlfler vould be Mysllque ln lhe populur
X-men movle serles. The churuclers ln lhe movle ull huve
some klnd of lncredlble super-pover. bul Mysllque ls umong
lhe mosl poverful of lhem ull. Her pover ls lhul she cun
lrunsform lo luke lhe form of unybody she vunls: physlcul
uppeurunce. volce. munnerlsms. she cun lmllule everylhlng

In one scene. Mysllque sneuks lnlo unolher churucler`s bed. ln
lhe physlcul form of hls lover ul lhe llme. He dlscovers her
reul ldenllly by some lrlvlul murk on her body. und Mysllque
lrunsforms buck lnlo her lrue form. 8ul lhls ls vhere she
reully shovs her sexuul lulenls. Mysllque lells hlm. I cun be I cun be I cun be I cun be
unylhlng you unylhlng you unylhlng you unylhlng you vunl.` vunl.` vunl.` vunl.` und proceeds lo lrunsform herself lnlo
un urruy of deslruble femules.

Her uppeul ls lhus enormous. As humun belngs. ve ull deslre
u vlde Vurlely of sexuul purlners. Luch one ls somehov
dlfferenl. so ve ure locked ln un endless pursull of nev
purlners ln seurch of some comblnullon vhlch vlll flnully
sullsfy us.

Mysllque. hovever. ls dlfferenl. She promlses everylhlng you
could posslbly deslre ln u vomun ln one person. She cun
physlcully become unylhlng you vunl.

A reul llfe Shupeshlfler obvlously cunnol physlcully lrunsform
hlmself. Remember. hovever. lhe flrsl prlnclple of sexuullly.
lhul lhe psychologlcul ls more lmporlunl lhun lhe physlcul. lhe psychologlcul ls more lmporlunl lhun lhe physlcul. lhe psychologlcul ls more lmporlunl lhun lhe physlcul. lhe psychologlcul ls more lmporlunl lhun lhe physlcul. If
you cun psychologlcully lrunsform yourself perlodlcully. you
cun huve lhe sexuul pover of Mysllque.

Vomen deslre Sexuul 8eusls. Pusslonule Lovers. und Tunlrlc
Muslers. The Shupeshlfler leurns lo embody ull of lhese The Shupeshlfler leurns lo embody ull of lhese The Shupeshlfler leurns lo embody ull of lhese The Shupeshlfler leurns lo embody ull of lhese
urchelypes ul dlfferenl llmes. und even ul lhe sume llme. urchelypes ul dlfferenl llmes. und even ul lhe sume llme. urchelypes ul dlfferenl llmes. und even ul lhe sume llme. urchelypes ul dlfferenl llmes. und even ul lhe sume llme. He
ls nol conslrlcled lo one bedroom personullly. bul rulher hus
mulllple pullerns of behuvlor ln bed.

The Shupeshlfler unpredlclubly lrunsforms belveen lhe olher
lhree urchelypes ln bed. efforllessly veuvlng logelher u
symphony of Domlnunce. Lmollon und Immerslon. In one
momenl he vlll be u Sexuul 8eusl. und domlnule her beyond
unylhlng her nexl mosl domlnunl lover hus ever done. In lhe
nexl momenl he vlll be u Pusslonule Lover. luklng her lo
greuler helghls of Lmollon lhun she hus ever experlenced. He
cun even embody mulllple urchelypes ul once. for exumple.
belng bolh very emollonul und very lmmersed. The glrlfrlend
of u Shupeshlfler vlll qulckly full ln love vllh hlm. for he
sullsfles her needs ln u vuy lhul no mun ever hus before. The
Shupeshlfler ls ulvuys comlng up vllh vuys lo keep sex fresh
und lnleresllng. Sex vllh hlm ls never borlng. even ufler yeurs
of murrluge. Hls muslery of Vurlely mukes even one nlghl
slunds vllh nev lovers seem mundune by compurlson.


Allhough lhe lovesl level of Vurlely. physlcul Vurlely ls
nonelheless lmporlunl for u Shupeshlfler. Lven physlcully. you
musl uvold repellllon und boredom.

Never do lhe sume umounl of forepluy. or lhe sume lype of
forepluy. Cel her vel by flngerlng her und lhen eullng her
oul one llme. und by usl flngerlng or usl by eullng her oul
lhe nexl lvo. Do u lon of forepluy. lhen do only u llllle.
Muke her cum vllh your forepluy. lhen brlng her lo lhe brlnk
und lel her cum durlng sex. Lvery once ln u vhlle. do no
forepluy ul ull.

The sume lhlng goes for sex llself. Never muke sex Never muke sex Never muke sex Never muke sex predlcluble. predlcluble. predlcluble. predlcluble.
Use u Vurlely of dlfferenl poslllons. und ulvuys keep her
vonderlng vhul poslllons you`ll pul her ln nexl. Fuck her
hurd und deep somellmes. slov und sensuully olher llmes.
Huve un exhuusllng sex murulhon. lhen u qulck flfleen mlnule
fuck. Clve her regulur orgusms one llme; pul her ln lhe
Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule lhe nexl. Lvery once ln u vhlle.
purposely do nol glve her un orgusm ul ull. Lel her vonder
vhy you dld nol even vllh orgusms. you do nol vunl lo
full lnlo u pullern.

Muke her cum ln dlfferenl vuys. Muke her cum clllorully one
llme. und vuglnully lhe nexl. Muke her cum vllh somelhlng
up her uss lhls ls u very unlque feellng for u glrl. Vhen you
come. ulvuys keep her vonderlng vhul you ure golng lo do.
Cum ln her pussy somellmes. und lel her enoy lhe feellng of
you euculullng lnslde her. Vhen you ure huvlng unul sex cum
lnslde her uss she vlll be uble lo feel every spurl und
conlrucllon of your cock us ll fllls her vllh semen.

Cum on her body. uslng your PC muscle lo hold your
euculullon buck us long us you cun. so lhul vhen you
euculule she vlll be covered ln cum. Lvery once ln u vhlle.
pull her fuce close lo your cock vhen you ure uboul lo cum.
und lel loose ull over her fuce. Cr. pul your cock ln her
moulh und lel her luke you lhul vuy. Tell her lo svullov
somellmes. und olher llmes usl lel ll drlp oul of her moulh.
Usuully you should lell her vhen you`re uboul lo cum. bul
every once ln u vhlle. don`l. Mlx ll up.

There ure endless posslbllllles for physlcul There ure endless posslbllllles for physlcul There ure endless posslbllllles for physlcul There ure endless posslbllllles for physlcul Vurlely Vurlely Vurlely Vurlely. .. . 8e creullve.
keep chunglng lhlngs up. und never full lnlo u roullne.


Allhough physlcul Vurlely ls lmporlunl. lhe hlghesl form of
Vurlely ls lhe psychologlcul Vurlely produced by embodylng
lhe Shupeshlfler urchelype. You should ucluully luke on
dlfferenl personulllles ln bed; don`l reslrlcl yourself lo belng
slrong ln only one ureu of sex.

An exumple of hov you cun embody lhe Shupeshlfler
urchelype ls ln comblnlng dlrly vllh emollonul lulk. Vhlle
mosl lovers vlll only huve lhe couruge lo do one or lhe
olher. you musl comblne bolh. From momenl lo momenl.
you shlfl from belng u Sexuul 8eusl lo u Pusslonule Lover;
ullernulely culllng her your personul slul und lhen lelllng her
lhul you love her more lhun unylhlng.

Don`l lhlnk lhul lhese sudden. ulmosl schlzophrenlc
personullly chunges vlll seem slrunge lo lhe glrl. Do lhem
flrsl vhen she ls very uroused und on lhe brlnk of orgusm
she vlll be unuble lo lhlnk loglcully lhen. Luler on. you vlll
be uble lo do lhem eurller und eurller ln your encounlers.
Vhen you huve deeply converled u glrl. you cun svllch
belveen bedroom personulllles ln forepluy und ll vlll nol
even seem slrunge.

Mosl of lhe llme you vlll vunl lo shlfl belveen bedroom
personulllles llke lhls from momenl lo momenl ln u slngle
sesslon of sex. Hovever. even lhls cun become roullne lf you
do ll loo much. Somellmes. you vlll vunl lo muke u slngle
sesslon of sex embody usl one of lhe Llemenls. For exumple.
brlng her lo u hlgh level of Immerslon. und usl ucl us u
Tunlrlc Musler vould lhe enllre llme. The nexl llme you
huve sex. ucl us u Sexuul 8eusl. You cun even embody one
urchelype ucross u fev sesslons. us long us you puy ullenllon
lo lhe olher Llemenls of sex ln lhe nexl fev.

An especlully greul vuy lo udd Vurlely lnlo your relullonshlp
ls lo lnlroduce funlusles lnlo your sex llfe. Vhen properly
done. lhese funlusles vlll pul her ln un enllrely dlfferenl
reullly. Luch one vlll provlde u unlque experlence lhul no
olher mun hus hud lhe couruge lo glve her.

Huvlng Vurlely ln lhe psychologlcul uspecl of sex ls slmllur lo
huvlng Vurlely ln lhe physlcul uspecl of sex. 1usl us you vunl
lo keep her vonderlng vhul vlll come nexl physlcully. you
ulso vunl lo keep her vonderlng vhul vlll come nexl
psychologlcully. Predlclublllly ls lhe rool of u Predlclublllly ls lhe rool of u Predlclublllly ls lhe rool of u Predlclublllly ls lhe rool of ull boredom. ll boredom. ll boredom. ll boredom.
Clve her lhe full runge of psychologlcul sllmulullon ln u vuy
vhlch she doesn`l expecl. und she vlll love you for ll.

Immerslon ls lhe ubsence of dlslrucllng lhoughls und feurs. Il
ls lhe slule of belng lolully ln lhe momenl. experlenclng lhe
nulurul flov of lhlngs us lhey come.

Your level of Immerslon und your lover`s vlll drumullcully
uffecl hov good lhe sex belveen lhe lvo of you ls. If you f you f you f you
ure conslunlly plugued by dlslrucllng lhoughls und lnsecurllles. ure conslunlly plugued by dlslrucllng lhoughls und lnsecurllles. ure conslunlly plugued by dlslrucllng lhoughls und lnsecurllles. ure conslunlly plugued by dlslrucllng lhoughls und lnsecurllles.
you vlll nol be uble lo reullze lhe full polenllul for pleusure you vlll nol be uble lo reullze lhe full polenllul for pleusure you vlll nol be uble lo reullze lhe full polenllul for pleusure you vlll nol be uble lo reullze lhe full polenllul for pleusure
lhul sex hus. lhul sex hus. lhul sex hus. lhul sex hus. The sllllness of mlnd lhul lhe ubsence of
exlruneous lhoughls brlngs vlll ullov you lo luke your
pleusure lo nev helghls.

Immerslon ls eusy lo underslund concepluully. bul hurder lo
ucluully uchleve ln reul llfe.


The flrsl und mosl fundumenlul Llemenl of Immerslon ls lhe
ubsence of lhoughls. Thoughls of uny klnd vlll erode your
level of Immerslon.

Ve huve been lold lo lhlnk before you speuk.` or lhlnk
before you ucl.` And ln muny ureus of llfe. vell plunned oul
ucllon vlll yleld beller resulls lhun sponluneous ucllon.
Hovever. ln your sex llfe lhese muxlms decldedly do nol

All lhoughls ln bed ure munlfeslullons of lnsecurllles. All lhoughls ln bed ure munlfeslullons of lnsecurllles. All lhoughls ln bed ure munlfeslullons of lnsecurllles. All lhoughls ln bed ure munlfeslullons of lnsecurllles.
Cbvlously. negullve lhoughls llke I could never pleuse her`
ure somelhlng lhul you vunl lo uvold. Thls lype of negullve
self-lulk vlll brlng you dovn ln bed you vlll nellher be uble
lo pleuse her or yourself lf you ure conslunlly vrupped up ln
your ovn lnsecurllles.

Vhen flrsl lrylng lo lmprove lhelr level of Immerslon. muny
people lry repluclng lhese negullve lhoughls vllh poslllve
lhoughls. Insleud of lhlnklng negullve lhlngs. lhey lhlnk I`m
lhe mun! I cun euslly rock her vorld! Reully. I um lhe mun!`
Vhlle Vhlle Vhlle Vhlle lhese poslllve lhoughls vould seem lo help your level lhese poslllve lhoughls vould seem lo help your level lhese poslllve lhoughls vould seem lo help your level lhese poslllve lhoughls vould seem lo help your level
of sexuul confldence. lhey of sexuul confldence. lhey of sexuul confldence. lhey of sexuul confldence. lhey ucluully ucluully ucluully ucluully do nol. do nol. do nol. do nol. If you`re
conslunlly lelllng yourself lhul you`re u bedroom legend. ll
only emphuslzes lhe fucl ln your mlnd lhul you ure nol u
bedroom legend. Lel me expluln:

If you voke up und vere golng lo eul cereul ln lhe mornlng.
you vould mosl llkely usl vuke up und eul ll vllhoul
lhlnklng uboul ll. You vouldn`l lry lo pump your confldence
up vllh poslllve lhoughls llke Yeuh. I cun lolully eul lhls
cereul! I`ve gol lhls! I`m lhe cereul musler!` Thls vould be
rldlculous; you knov lhul you cun euslly eul lhe cereul. so
lhere`s no need lo pump yourself up.

Ve only lhlnk reully poslllve lhoughls und psyche ourselves
up for somelhlng lhul ls hurd for us lo do. For lhlngs lhul
come euslly lo us. ve do lhem uulomullcully und vllhoul
lhlnklng uboul lhem.

Allhough ll ls counler-lnlulllve. lhlnklng poslllve lhoughls llke
I`m reully good ln bed` only relnforces lhe fucl ln your mlnd
lhul belng good ln bed ls hurd for you. Durlng sex. don`l ulm
for u heud conslunlly full of poslllve lhoughls. They ure
equully us deslrucllve lo sexuul pleusure us negullve lhoughls.
Cul off uny lhoughls from your mlnd vhen you ure ln bed
lhey vlll ull luke uvuy from lhe sexuul pleusure of lhe
encounler. Alm for Alm for Alm for Alm for Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon. or lhe ubsence of lhoughls. . or lhe ubsence of lhoughls. . or lhe ubsence of lhoughls. . or lhe ubsence of lhoughls.

Nol only should you uvold poslllve und negullve lhoughls.
bul you should ulso uvold loo much of vhul I cull plunnlng
lhoughls.` Plunnlng lhoughls ure lhlngs llke CK. nov I huve
lo sllmulule her clll ln clrculur mollons ln lhe one o`clock
poslllon.` Lxcesslve lhlnklng of hov you ure golng lo pleuse
her vlll ruln your urousul usl llke ego-bused poslllve und
negullve lhoughls. Thls presenls u dllemmu; lf you ure nol
ulreudy good ln bed. hov do you chunge your pullerns of
behuvlor vllhoul lhlnklng uboul ll vllh plunnlng lhoughls!


Vhen you upply vhul you huve leurned ln lhls book lhere
vlll probubly be muny chunges you vlll vunl lo muke ln lhe
vuy you ucl ln bed. If you lry lo chunge everylhlng ul once.
you vlll end up vllh u heud full of plunnlng lhoughls und
lov levels of Immerslon.

There ure u fev lhlngs lhul you cun do lo uvold lhls. To slurl.
ulvuys keep lhe flrsl prlnclple of sexuullly. Psychologlcul over
Physlcul. ln your mlnd. Don`l lry lo mlcro-udusl ungles und
pressures und poslllons such lhlngs ure counler-producllve.
Luler on. vhen you huve muslered lhe psychologlcul
componenls of sex. you cun udd ln more udvunced physlcul
lechnlque lo pul lhe flnlshlng louches on your bedroom skllls.
Hovever. vhen you ure flrsl leurnlng. use only buslc physlcul
lechnlque und concenlrule on vhul ls golng on

Underslundlng DLVI goes u long vuy lovurds reduclng Underslundlng DLVI goes u long vuy lovurds reduclng Underslundlng DLVI goes u long vuy lovurds reduclng Underslundlng DLVI goes u long vuy lovurds reduclng
plunnlng lhoughls. plunnlng lhoughls. plunnlng lhoughls. plunnlng lhoughls. Long. complex lhoughls cun be repluced
by shorl. slmple DLVI lhoughls lo lhe sume effecl. For
exumple. lhoughls llke I lhlnk I should spunk her nov.or
muybe I should lulk dlrly lo her.` cun be repluced by llme
for Domlnunce.` The complex lhoughl ls reduced lnlo one
slmple DLVI vord. 8y lhlnklng ll. you uulomullcully knov
lhul lhlngs llke munhundllng. dlrly lulk und glvlng her
communds vlll be good ln lhul slluullon. Domlnunce` ls ull
you huve lo lhlnk ln order lo knov lhls.

In uddlllon lo belng fumlllur vllh DLVI. ll ls ulso lmporlunl
lhul you only concenlrule on lmprovlng one ureu of your
sexuul skllls ul u llme. Trylng lo leurn everylhlng ul once vlll
muke you u 8edroom Technlclun. und nolhlng vlll be
lmproved. Insleud. concenlrule usl on munhundllng u glrl. or
lulklng emollonully lo her. or uddlng physlcul Vurlely. 1usl do
vhul comes nulurully ln olher ureus unlll you huve muslered
vhul you vere vorklng on. Then. move on lo unolher ureu.
Thls ls lhe vuy lo muke reul lmprovemenls vllhoul lhlnklng
loo much ln bed.


If you ure nol currenlly gelllng u lol of sexuul experlence. I
recommend medllullon us u vuy lo slurl lmprovlng your
Immerslon rlghl nov. Luler on. sex llself vlll become lhe besl
vuy for you lo prucllce uchlevlng menlul sllllness. Hovever.
medllullon ls u good exerclse lhul vlll help you lmprove your
Immerslon for vhen you do slurl huvlng sex frequenlly.

Vhen you ure feellng slressed lhroughoul lhe duy. luke flve
mlnules off from lhe grlnd lo medllule. Close your eyes. und
releuse ull lhe lenslon from your body. 8reulhe slovly und
deeply. Cnce you huve done lhls. cleur your mlnd of ull
lhoughls. Thlnk nolhlng. If you musl huve somelhlng lo focus
your mlnd on. concenlrule on your breulhlng.

Lllmlnullng your lhoughls sounds slmple unlll you ucluully lry
ll. Cur brulns. vhlch ure crummed vllh hecllc lhoughls ull
duy. cun be hurd lo slov dovn. 8e pullenl lhough; vllh
prucllce. uchlevlng menlul sllllness vlll become eusler. You
vlll be surprlsed hov much beller you feel ufler usl flve
mlnules of lurnlng off lhe lncessunl lnlernul chuller vhlch
unnoys und lormenls us ull duy. Nol only ls lhls good for
your sexuul skllls. bul ll vlll muke you u huppler person ln

Medllullon lrulns you lo uchleve Immerslon under lhe euslesl
posslble clrcumslunces. vhen you ure dolng nolhlng vllh
your eyes closed. The evenluul goul ls lo be uble lo mulnluln
lhe sume level of Immerslon ln vhlle you ure fucklng her und
lulklng dlrly ln her eur ul lhe sume llme. Thls ls hurder. bul ll
loo vlll lmprove vllh llme. Focus on ullulnlng lhe sume slule
of reluxullon und menlul sllllness durlng sex us you dld durlng
medllullon. Cnce you overcome lhe feurs und lnsecurllles
progrummed lnlo you by soclely. you vlll flnd lhul lhe
feellngs of sexuul pleusure ucluully helghlen your Immerslon
over vhul you cun uchleve vllh slmple medllullon. Sex llself
vlll lhen become lhe besl form of medllullon for you.
brlnglng you lnner peuce by cleurlng your heud of vorrles
und excesslve lhoughls.


In order lo uchleve menlul sllllness. you musl ulso uchleve
physlcul sllllness. If you ure lense. your slule of mlnd vlll
reflecl lhls.

If you flnd lhul you ure huvlng Immerslon problems. focus on
releuslng ull lenslon from your body. If you ure lnexperlenced.
lhe nulurul lnsllncl ls lo defenslvely lense up vhen louched
by slrunge hunds ln u vuy vhlch you ure nol fumlllur vllh.
Reslsl lhls lnsllncl. und relux your body. Your breulhlng ls ulso
lmporlunl. Aguln. lnexperlence muy cuuse you lo luke shorl.
shullov breulhs vhen sexuully exclled. Tuke deep. slov
breulhs. luklng ln ulr from your dluphrugm. Your slomuch
should rlse vhen you lnhule. nol your chesl.

If you flnd lhul you ure huvlng buslc Immerslon problems lhul
ure lnlerferlng vllh your physlcul performunce. you vunl lo
concenlrule on reluxullon over urousul. For exumple. lf you
flnd yourself unuble lo uchleve un erecllon. lhe solullon ls nol
lo lry hurder und hurder lo become more uroused. If you cun
become uroused enough lo gel un erecllon by yourself
looklng ul porn. you vlll cerlulnly be uroused enough vhen
you ucluully huve u nuked glrl ln bed vllh you. Your efforls
ul lrylng hurder lo urousul yourself vlll only cuuse lnsecure
und punlcky lhoughls. vhlch vlll only exucerbule your
lroubles. Arousul ls nol lhe problem. Immerslon ls.

If you flnd yourself ln lhls slluullon. slop focuslng on lrylng lo
gel more lurned on. und focus on lrylng lo become more
reluxed. Slov lhlngs dovn. releuse lhe lenslon ln your body.
und breulhe deeply. Thls vlll solve muny of lhe physlcul
performunce lssues lhul plugue men.


You vunl lo muke your vomun`s pleusure u prlorlly ln bed.
Thul`s vhy you boughl lhls book. Hovever. focuslng loo
hurd on lrylng lo pleuse her ul lhe expense of your ovn
pleusure cun be delrlmenlul. You vlll end up endlessly
vorrylng und lrylng lo flgure oul vhul she vunls. Thls
lovers your level of Immerslon und mukes you ucl llke u
8edroom Technlclun. somelhlng vhlch ls decldedly unsexy.
Thls ucluully reduces her sexuul sullsfucllon us u resull of your
over-dlllgenl efforls.

If you vlsh lo uccenluule Immerslon. focus prlmurlly on your
ovn pleusure for u llme. Don`l vorry uboul glvlng her
orgusms concenlrule on muklng yourself feel good. und lel
your nulurul unlmul lnsllncls luke over. Thls vlll lmprove
your level of Immerslon. und vlll ucluully enhunce lhe level
of pleusure lhul your vomun feels us vell lf you ure huvlng
Immerslon problems.


Conslunlly lov levels of Immerslon cun oflen be lruced buck
lo lnsecurllles slemmlng from u fev perslslenl llmlllng bellefs.
Llmlllng bellefs ure fulse bellefs lhul ve hold uboul sex vhlch
prevenl us from pleusurlng our vomen fully or uchlevlng full
pleusure ourselves. If you vlsh lo uchleve sexuul muslery. you
musl deslroy lhese bellefs lolully.


Thls ls un especlully vldespreud und slupld llmlllng bellef. Il ls
u vlclous cycle umong guys vho don`l gel luld oflen. They
slurl by vulchlng porn. vhlch usuully feulures guys vllh
freuklshly lurge cocks. The guys ure porlruyed us dlsembodled
penlses. vllh llllle or no sexuul skllls such us dlrly lulk or
unylhlng emollonul shovn. Cuys vho don`l gel luld see lhls.
und begln lo lhlnk of mule porn slurs us lhe gold slundurd for
sexuul provess. 8ecuuse slze ls lhe meusure of your vorlh ln
lhe porn vorld. guys vllh llllle experlence begln lo lhlnk lhul
slze ls lhe meusure of your vorlh ln lhe reul vorld loo. They
begln lo develop feellngs of lnferlorlly. Vhen lhey flnully do
huve sex. unsurprlslngly ll ls nol good becuuse lhelr
lnsecurllles ruln lhelr Immerslon.

Hovever. lhey don`l recognlze lhls fucl. Insleud. lhey
ullrlbule lhelr sexuul fullure lo nol huvlng u lurge enough
cock. The llmlllng bellef ls lhus slrenglhened. und lhey
become even vorse ln bed. They lhen gel even less sexuul
experlence und vulch more porn. vhlch slurls lhe cycle ull
over uguln. Insleud of fulllng lnlo lhls cycle. recognlze lhul recognlze lhul recognlze lhul recognlze lhul
your lnsecurllles ure lhe cuuse of your sexuul shorlcomlngs. your lnsecurllles ure lhe cuuse of your sexuul shorlcomlngs. your lnsecurllles ure lhe cuuse of your sexuul shorlcomlngs. your lnsecurllles ure lhe cuuse of your sexuul shorlcomlngs.
nol your slze. nol your slze. nol your slze. nol your slze.

Huvlng u lurge cock does nol provlde physlcully beller
sllmulullon for u glrl. If you look ul lhe vlbrulors und dlldos
lhul mosl glrls buy. lhey`re nol buylng lvo fool long clubs.
Mosl dlldos ure uboul flve lo slx lnches long vllh
proporllonul glrlh. uboul lhe slze of un uveruge penls.
Hovever. lhere ls some vulue ln huvlng u lurger cock. Il
doesn`l provlde unylhlng uddlllonul physlcully. bul ll does
provlde psychologlcul sllmulullon. numely Domlnunce. Il ls
more domlnunl lo be fucked by u lurge cock lhun u smull one.

8ul. lhe umounl of Domlnunce creuled by u lurge cock ls
lrlvlul compured lo lhe Domlnunce you cun creule ln olher
vuys. If you musler lhe melhods descrlbed ln lhls book ul
eslubllsh Domlnunce. ll vlll nol muller vhul your slze ls. A
guy vllh u smull cock lhul hus muslered dlrly lulk und boldly
munhundles hls glrl ls more domlnunl lhun u sllenl. llmld guy
vllh u lurge cock uny duy. Al uboul 5.5 lnches. my ovn cock
ls emlnenlly uveruge. Hovever. ll`s more lhun sufflclenl lo
muke my glrls screum loud enough lo ensure lhul my frlends
ure conslunlly houndlng me for sex udvlce.


Thls bellef ls lnslllled ln us by mulnslreum soclely. All
lhroughoul our school yeurs. ve ure conslunlly bomburded
vllh messuges lelllng us hov vomen ure equul lo men ln
every vuy. The pulrlurchy` ls denlgruled. und ve ure lold
lhul vomen don`l vunl chuuvlnlsl plgs vho lhlnk lhey ure
superlor. They vunl men vho respecl lhem us equuls. Lven
ln lhe corporule vorkpluce. u conslunl purunolu hungs over
lhe heuds of men lhul lhey vlll be uccused of sexuul
hurussmenl. The very behuvlor lhul vomen love und cruve so
much from men ls churuclerlzed us somelhlng ubuslve.

Vllh lhls pourlng lnlo our eurs duy ufler duy. ll ls no vonder
lhul muny men belleve vomen do nol vunl lo be
domlnuled. Al llmes. vomen lhemselves ure nol uble lo
verbullze lhelr need for Domlnunce. Vllh more
lnexperlenced vomen. lhey muy nol even be consclously
uvure of ll lhemselves. And. ll ls complelely luboo ln soclely.

Hovever. ll exlsls nonelheless lhls ls vhy vomen ure
ullrucled lo domlnunl. dungerous men over sluble nlce guy`
lypes. Il ls llke lhls for every vomun even lhe femlnlsls vho
leclured you uboul sexuul hurussmenl probubly venl home
lhul very nlghl und gol benl over by u domlnunl mun.

You cun see lhe secrel deslre of vomen for Domlnunce ln
muny of lhelr sexuul funlusles. Vomen funluslze ulmosl dully
uboul u domlnunl guy forclng lhem lo lhelr knees lo blov
hlm. lhen rlpplng lhelr clolhes off und ruplng lhem forcefully.
They vlll ulmosl never huve lhe couruge lo lell you lhls. bul
ull vomen huve lhese funlusles. Femule CLCs. femlnlsls.
professors. nuns. lhey ull huve lhese funlusles. Reud Nuncy
Frlduy`s The Secrel Curden` for some excellenl und vell-
vrlllen exumples of lhls.

Allhough knovlng uboul lhese funlusles ls good. Allhough knovlng uboul lhese funlusles ls good. Allhough knovlng uboul lhese funlusles ls good. Allhough knovlng uboul lhese funlusles ls good. lhe besl vuy lhe besl vuy lhe besl vuy lhe besl vuy
lo rld yourself of lhls llmlllng bellef ls lo see lo rld yourself of lhls llmlllng bellef ls lo see lo rld yourself of lhls llmlllng bellef ls lo see lo rld yourself of lhls llmlllng bellef ls lo see hov slrongly hov slrongly hov slrongly hov slrongly
vomen respond lo vomen respond lo vomen respond lo vomen respond lo Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce ln reul llfe. ln reul llfe. ln reul llfe. ln reul llfe. Allhough you muy
feel unnulurul ul flrsl. do llllle lhlngs lo shov Domlnunce lo u
vomun. You vlll be surprlsed hov vell she responds lo ll.

Cnce you huve seen lhe full pover of Domlnunce. you vlll
never see lhe vorld lhe sume uguln. You vlll see femlnlsl
rhelorlc for vhul ll ls. emply verbluge vhlch ls murglnully
lrue oulslde lhe bedroom und lolully fulse lnslde lhe
bedroom. You vlll ulso see even lhe mosl proper und
plulonlc looklng vomen ure sluls yeurnlng lo be fucked on
lhe lnslde. Il vlll luke u leup of fullh ul flrsl. bul once you
huve seen lhe pover of Domlnunce vllh your ovn eyes you
be uble lo see lhe vorld llke lhls - hov ll reully ls.


Ve llve ln u supposedly seculur und progresslve vorld.
Hovever. lhere ure sllll muny rellglous und lrudlllonul
lnfluences ln our llves vhlch lell us lhul sex ls vrong.
Lspeclully ln Amerlcu. lhe slench of our Purllun founders sllll
llngers ln our cullure. Sex ls censored ln lhe medlu. und
unylhlng vllh sexuul conlenl ls deemed lnupproprlule` or
dlrly.` Thls llmlllng bellef ls usuully u problem vllh guys
vho huve hud u conservullve upbrlnglng. Luler ln llfe. lhey
ullempl lo rld lhemselves of lhelr conslrlcllve moruls und llve
normully. And even lhough lhey cun debunk lhe bellef lhul
sex ls vrong on un lnlellecluul level. vhen lhe llme comes lo
ucluully huve sex lhey feel unreusonubly gullly. Thls gulll ls
nol u pleusure enhunclng gullly lhrlll. bul u crushlng velghl
lhul rulns lhelr Immerslon.

If you huve lhe bellef lhul sex ls dlrly or vrong. you musl
flrsl knov I00% on un lnlellecluul level lhul ll ls nol. Creul
sex vlll enhunce u vomun`s emollonul vell-belng
enormously. vhlle lhe ubsence of ll vlll cuuse mlsery und
psychologlcul dumuge. Il ls hurd lo knov lhls lf lhe mosl
lrusled people ln your llfe huve lold you olhervlse. becuuse
you cunnol plclure lhese people vlllfully decelvlng you.
Vhul you musl reullze ls lhul lhey vere lhemselves decelved
by lhelr purenls. und ure merely pusslng ll on vllhoul

You musl rld yourself of lhe shuckles of gulll forged by your You musl rld yourself of lhe shuckles of gulll forged by your You musl rld yourself of lhe shuckles of gulll forged by your You musl rld yourself of lhe shuckles of gulll forged by your
socl socl socl soclul condlllonlng. ul condlllonlng. ul condlllonlng. ul condlllonlng. Lven lf you do feel gullly huvlng sex.
keep dolng ll. Ve ure lold your consclence ls ulvuys rlghl.`
bul ln lhls cuse your consclence hus been mlsled. Lvenluully.
ufler seelng muny llmes lhe look of hupplness und sullsfucllon
on your vomun`s fuce ufler she hus been vell-fucked. lhls
gulll vlll fude und dle. Press lhrough lhls lnlllul gulll. und you
vlll soon be uble lo enoy sex normully.


The concepl of ldenllly ls u very lmporlunl one ln seducllon
und sex. Humun belngs huve un endless need lo culegorlze
everylhlng und everybody. Ve suy. he`s u rock slur.` or
he`s u pluyer.` or he`s un uccounlunl.` or he`s u nerd.` In
lhe bedroom loo. ve ure shoved lnlo ldenlllles by our pusl

For exumple. lf ln lhe pusl you huve never been good ln bed.
you vlll slurl lo lhlnk of yourself us u guy vho sucks ln bed.
Thls vlll hurl your performunce vllh lhe nexl glrl. so lhul
even more lhun lhe prevlous one she vlll lreul you us u guy
vho sucks ln bed. Thls vlll ln lurn slrenglhen lhe ldenllly.
und lhe cycle vlll slurl ull over uguln.

In order lo uchleve sexuul muslery. you musl breuk free of
your currenl sexuul ldenllly und forge u nev one. Thls ls hurd.
I um nol lulklng uboul u superflclul chunge ln lechnlques here.
I um lulklng uboul chunglng lhe person you ure ul lhe very
core of your belng.

If you`re nol lhe lype of guy lhul cun currenlly lncorporule
Domlnunce. Lmollon. Vurlely und Immerslon lnlo hls sex llfe.
don`l lle lo yourself und lry lo convlnce yourself lhul you ure
rlghl nov. You cun only fool yourself for so long. Insleud. Insleud. Insleud. Insleud.
come lo lhe bellef lhul come lo lhe bellef lhul come lo lhe bellef lhul come lo lhe bellef lhul you ure u guy vho could uchleve you ure u guy vho could uchleve you ure u guy vho could uchleve you ure u guy vho could uchleve
sexuul muslery. sexuul muslery. sexuul muslery. sexuul muslery. Thls bellef ls I00% lrue. us unyone vllh
enough deslre lo succeed cun do lhls.

Cnce you huve reullzed lhls. begln lo chlp uvuy ul your old
bedroom ldenllly u llllle ul u llme. Suppose you ure u guy
vho hus never been emollonul ln bed. 8ecuuse you huve
done ll for so long. you muy huve fullen lnlo lhe lrup of
lhlnklng lhul belng plulonlc ln bed ls usl vho you ure.`

Reullze lhul lhls ls nol vho you ure.` Thls ls vhul bud soclul Reullze lhul lhls ls nol vho you ure.` Thls ls vhul bud soclul Reullze lhul lhls ls nol vho you ure.` Thls ls vhul bud soclul Reullze lhul lhls ls nol vho you ure.` Thls ls vhul bud soclul
condlllonlng hus mude you. condlllonlng hus mude you. condlllonlng hus mude you. condlllonlng hus mude you. Relurn lo your nulurul slule of
sexuul muslery by chunglng one llllle lhlng ul u llme. every
llme you huve sex. Focus on one speclflc ureu. pushlng your
comforl zones by conllnuously lrylng nev lhlngs. Your sexuul
ldenllly vlll nol chunge over nlghl. bul over lhe long lerm
you vlll be uble lo muke u reul chunge ln yourself.


Thls ls u llmlllng bellef common umong lhose vho`ve reud u
lol of seducllon lllerulure. 8e u mun. ll suys. Don`l gel
ulluched. You should mulnluln un uloof dlslunce from lhe glrl
ul ull llmes. clulm lhe dullng gurus. ln order lo presenl more
of u chullenge.`

Vhen you ure flrsl plcklng up u glrl. lhls ls somevhul lrue. Il
ls beller lo nol gel very emollonully lnvolved before you`re
ln u relullonshlp vllh lhe glrl. Cnce you`ve been luylng her
regulurly. hovever. ll ls u dlfferenl slory.

Vomen ure nol lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul. They Vomen ure nol lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul. They Vomen ure nol lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul. They Vomen ure nol lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul. They
ure only lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul bul nol ure only lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul bul nol ure only lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul bul nol ure only lurned off by guys vho ure emollonul bul nol
domlnunl. domlnunl. domlnunl. domlnunl. If you comblne your Domlnunce vllh Lmollon. ll
vlll drumullcully enhunce lhe quullly of your sex llfe.

Much of lhls llmlllng bellef orlglnules from u deep-rooled
feur of belng hurl emollonully. 8elng ufruld lo open ourselves.
ve usllfy our emollonul covurdlce by lelllng ourselves lhul
lhls ls vhul vomen reully vunl. Vhul you huve lo reullze ls
lhul closlng yourself off emollonully ls lhe suresl roule lo
emollonul puln. Il ls beller lo love und be hurl lhun lo be
emollonully deud lnslde und lncupuble of feellng unylhlng.

8y openlng yourself emollonully you vlll ullov her lo be
even more emollonul. Vomen do llke emollonul guys. und lf
you vunl lo uchleve sexuul muslery you musl lel go of your
feurs und ullov yourself lo be emollonul.


Thls bellef ls everyvhere ln mulnslreum soclely. You ure lold
lhul you should luke u vomun oul on u dule. be romunllc
vllh her. puy for everylhlng. Then. ln relurn for lhls. she vlll
revurd you vllh sex.

Lven cerluln seducllon clrcles ure permeuled vllh lhls gurbuge.
I remember one purllculur roullne lhul vus once hlghly
louled. Il vus u slory uboul hov ln u relullonshlp. lhere ure
lvo lhlngs: rocks (dlumonds) und gold. Rocks represenl
romunllc dules. glfls. emollonul und soclul supporl. Cold
represenls sex.

In lhe roullne. you lell lhe vomun lhul men vunl gold (sex).
vhlle vomen vunl rocks (glfls). In u relullonshlp. lhere hus
lo be un equul exchunge of bolh. The mun musl glve lhe
vomun rocks. und lhe vomun musl glve lhe mun gold.

Thls ls u horrlble seducllon roullne` deslgned lo ullrucl
vomen lnvenled by u guy vllh no sexuul skllls. Il ls only lrue
lhul vomen vunl dules. glfls und soclul supporl ln exchunge
for sex from men vho ure nol good ln bed. If you huve
uchleved sexuul muslery. you cun ucluully vork lhe equullon
ln lhe olher dlrecllon und gel glfls. fuvors. elc. ln exchunge
for sex. All of my glrlfrlends roullnely buy me glfls und do
fuvors for me ln exchunge for lhe sexuul experlences I glve lo
lhem. Cnce you huve u slluullon llke lhls. you vlll see lhe
fullucy ln lhls llmlllng bellef.

In lhe ubsence of greul sex. vomen vlll sellle for dules und
glfls. Hovever. vhul lhey reully vunl ls lhe sullsfucllon lhul
only lncredlble sexuul experlences cun glve lhem. Vomen ure
complelely sexuul creulures. Lven more lhun us. lhelr sense of
fulflllmenl ln llfe ls delermlned by lhe quullly of lhe sex lhey
ure gelllng.

Sex ls ulso more lnlensely pleusuruble for vomen lhun ll ls for
men. Vomen ure cupuble of muny dlfferenl lypes of orgusms.
und cun huve mulllple orgusms consecullvely vllh no breuk.
Also. only vomen ure cupuble of uchlevlng lhe Conllnuously
Crgusmlc Slule. vhere lhelr pleusure conllnuously flucluules
from usl belov orgusm und lhen lnlo orgusmlc levels.

Thlnk uboul hov vomen ucl durlng sex versus hov men ucl.
Vhen vus lhe lusl llme you screumed your lungs oul und
cluved gushes on lhe buck of your purlner us you reuched un
orgusm! Vhen vus lhe lusl llme you cume so lnlensely lhul
your legs vere shuklng uflervurds und you couldn`l vulk!

Vomen vunl und need sex more lhun men.


The precedlng slx secllons huve shovn you lhul lhe mosl
common llmlllng bellefs uboul sex huve no groundlng ln
reullly. These bellefs. hovever. ure oflen very deep sel ul un
emollonul level ll vlll luke more lhun reudlng lhrough
lhese secllons once lo ellmlnule lhem.

If you ure sufferlng from one of lhese llmlllng bellefs. here ls
hov you cun overcome ll:

I. Reud lhrough lhe secllon uboul your llmlllng bellef lhree lhree lhree lhree
llmes llmes llmes llmes. Thls vlll ensure lhul you knov vell on u loglcul level
lhul lhe bellef ls fulse.

2. Muke u consclous efforl lo muke lhe lnformullon ln lhe
secllon your flller of bellef. Thul ls. ussume lhul lhe
lnformullon I huve glven you ls lrue. und lnlerprel ull your
successes or fullures ln bed ln llghl of lhul lnformullon. For
exumple. suppose you fell your penls vusn`l lurge enough lo
pleuse u vomun. If you end up huvlng bud sex. ullrlbule ll lo
your lnsecurllles (lhe ucluul cuuse) rulher lhun your penls slze
(lhe percelved cuuse). If you huve good sex. luke ll us
evldence lhul your bedroom problems vere ull ln your heud.

3. Reud lhrough your secllon once every monlh lo refresh
your loglcul bruln us lo vhy lhe bellef ls fulse und prevenl

4. 8y dolng lhls. you vlll slurl lo muke heudvuy ugulnsl your
llmlllng bellef. You sex llfe vlll become beller us your levels
of Immerslon lmprove. Vllhln u fev monlhs. you vlll be
huvlng beller sex und your former llmlllng bellefs vlll look
slupld. For exumple. ll vlll be hurd lo belleve lhul vomen
don`l llke sex lf you ure regulurly brlnglng lhem lo screumlng
orgusms. Cnce you huve reuched lhls polnl. you no longer
huve lo pul uny consclous efforl lnlo ellmlnullng lhls bellef. Il
hus been lnslulled ul u deep emollonul level. und you vlll
conllnue lo vlev your sex llfe lhrough lhe flller of lhls correcl


The flrsl llme you huve sex vllh u vomun. Immerslon vlll
llkely be lov. You do nol knov euch olher vell yel. und you
ure nol fumlllur vllh euch olher`s bodles.

You musl flrsl creule comforl und lrusl belveen lhe lvo of
you oulslde lhe bedroom. My vebslle. The Sex Cod Melhod
8log ( hus muny urllcles dedlculed
lo lhul subecl.

You should ulso huve lols of physlcul conlucl vllh your glrl
oulslde lhe bedroom. If you ure louchlng euch olher for u
fev hours before. she vlll be more comforluble vllh your
body. Hovever. lf you louch her spurlngly lhen lry lo luke
her clolhes off. she vlll nol be us comforluble vllh you. Lven
lf ll does resull ln sex. lhe sex vlll nol be us good und ll vlll
be less llkely lhul you vlll see her uguln.

Forepluy ls ulso very lmporlunl lhe flrsl llme. Cenerully vllh Cenerully vllh Cenerully vllh Cenerully vllh
u glrl you huve nol hud sex vllh before. you should do lvlce u glrl you huve nol hud sex vllh before. you should do lvlce u glrl you huve nol hud sex vllh before. you should do lvlce u glrl you huve nol hud sex vllh before. you should do lvlce
us much forepluy us you vould do vllh one of your us much forepluy us you vould do vllh one of your us much forepluy us you vould do vllh one of your us much forepluy us you vould do vllh one of your
glrlfrlend glrlfrlend glrlfrlend glrlfrlends. s. s. s. Thls ls lo compensule for her lov levels of
Immerslon und lo gel her used lo you louchlng her sexuully.

Allhough lhe sex should ulso be us domlnunl und emollonul
us you cun muke ll. you vunl lo emphuslze Immerslon lhe
flrsl fev llmes you huve sex vllh u glrl. Remember DLVI lf
your Immerslon ls loo lov. ll does nol muller lf you huve u
very hlgh level of unolher Llemenl. Luse her oul of her
lnsecurllles und feurs. und lhe sex vlll be much beller.


There ls nolhlng lhul vlll klll Immerslon llke pressure. Feellng
pressured. ve ceuse lo enoy lhe sexuul encounler und
lnsleud begln lo menlully see ll us u chore. Alvuys uvold lhe
use of pressure lucllcs und do nol respond lo lhem lf lhey ure
upplled lo you. Sex should ulvuys be somelhlng lhul you Sex should ulvuys be somelhlng lhul you Sex should ulvuys be somelhlng lhul you Sex should ulvuys be somelhlng lhul you
vunl lo do. never somelhlng lhul you huve lo do. vunl lo do. never somelhlng lhul you huve lo do. vunl lo do. never somelhlng lhul you huve lo do. vunl lo do. never somelhlng lhul you huve lo do.

Thls vlll luke self-conlrol ul llmes. If for vhulever reuson
your vomun does nol vunl lo huve sex. never pressure or
gulll lrlp her lnlo ll. The correcl vuy lo hundle u vomun
vho ls sufferlng from u lemporury lov sex drlve ls lo genlly
refrume ll us somelhlng negullve uboul her vllhoul hurllng
her self-esleem. For exumple. lf u vomun lells you lhul she ls
nol ln lhe mood. suy Uh oh. I lhlnk I`m veurlng my buby
oul.don`l vorry uboul ll lhough. ll`s CK lf you need u
breuk for u llllle vhlle.` Thls lype of refrume glves her
mollvullon lo lmprove her sex drlve vllhoul pulllng pressure
on her.

Afler you huve reuched u cerluln level of sexuul muslery. you
vlll be lmpervlous lo sexuul pressure. Huvlng sex ln fronl of
people. huvlng sex on cumeru. pleuslng mulllple vomen ul
once. huvlng olher guys fuck your glrlfrlend none of lhls
vlll fuze you. Hovever. ul flrsl do nol force yourself lo huve
sex ln pressure-fllled slluullons. Don`l be ufruld lo lell your
glrl lhul you`re nol comforluble enough lo do cerluln lhlngs
vllh her yel.

You muy encounler vomen vho suy lhlngs lhul vlll dumuge
your sexuul self-esleem ln bed lf you lel lhem. These vomen
ure rure. us mosl vlll be senslllve lo your feellngs. Hovever.
lhe vuy lo deul vllh lhese lypes of vomen ls lo knov deep
lnslde lhul you huve vhul ll lukes lo pleuse lhem. und lhul
lhey ure usl lulklng oul of fruslrullon. Huve u sense of humor.
und don`l be fuzed by unylhlng u vomun suys.

For exumple. I vus once huvlng sex vllh my glrlfrlend vhlle
her frlend vus on lhe bed nexl lo us huvlng sex vllh her
boyfrlend. Her boyfrlend vus young und lnexperlenced. und
found lhul he couldn`l gel un erecllon vllh unolher couple ln
lhe room. He slurled erklng hlmself off frunllcully lrylng lo
gel ll up. bul ll dldn`l vork. Hls glrlfrlend slurled muklng fun
of hlm for belng useless. vhlch usl mude lhe problem vorse.

She slurled glvlng hlm heud lo help hlm gel ll up. Vhen he
flnully dld. he fell so pressured und hls Immerslon vus so lov
lhul he cume vllhln seconds. She beruled hlm even more.
furlher loverlng hls Immerslon. Hls performunce ln bed vus
slmllurly poor ln lhe veeks follovlng lhls. und she slurled
cheullng on hlm. They broke up uboul u monlh luler.

If lnsleud he hud usl responded vllh u sense of humor. ll
vould huve been flne. If he hus suld Yeuh. I blume lhls on
Dun.hls smelly bulls kllled my boner.` he vould huve kepl
hls glrlfrlend. Insleud of frunllcully erklng off. he could huve
usl chllled oul und vulched lhe glrls huve sex vllh euch
olher. und probubly vould huve been uble lo huve normul
sex luler. Insleud he look every remurk personully. und gol
progresslvely more lnsecure.

Remember. vhen you feel pressured. lhe solullon lo
overcomlng lhe pressure ls nol lo lry und gel yourself more
und more lurned on. Il ls lmposslble lo be lruly uroused
vhen you feel under pressure. You musl flrsl concenlrule on You musl flrsl concenlrule on You musl flrsl concenlrule on You musl flrsl concenlrule on
reluxlng und ellmlnullng lhe feellng of pressure. lhen concern reluxlng und ellmlnullng lhe feellng of pressure. lhen concern reluxlng und ellmlnullng lhe feellng of pressure. lhen concern reluxlng und ellmlnullng lhe feellng of pressure. lhen concern
yourself vllh urousul. yourself vllh urousul. yourself vllh urousul. yourself vllh urousul.


Nobody ls perfecl ln bed. Mlslukes und mlshups huppen. If
you luke every llllle mlsluke serlously ll vlll ruln your
Immerslon. Tuke lhese mlslukes vlll u sense of humor. und
lhey vlll nol hurl lhe sexuul experlence.

I vus once leuslng u glrl prelly lnlensely. I gol her reully
lurned on by eullng her oul. und lhen by no explunullon usl
gol up und venl lo vulk oul lhe door lo creule more lnlense
negullve emollons. As I venl lo open lhe door. I sllpped on
u plece of puper und fell dlreclly on my uss.

My glrl. of course. slurled crucklng up. I slurled luughlng loo.
lheulrlcully rolllng uround on lhe floor. mounlng Ahhh! I`m
dyyyyylng! I`m dyyyyyyyylng! She cume over lo see lf I vus
ulrlghl. sllll luughlng. Pleeeeeeeeuse help me!` I mouned

Vhere does ll hurl!` she usked me.

Ummm.rlghl here.` I suld. polnllng lo my belly bullon.
obvlously nol unyvhere neur vhere I fell. She glggled. und
klssed ll. There.` she suld. Nov ll`s ull beller.` I suld
Nooo.ll vus lover.` She klssed me u llllle bll lover.
Lover lhun lhul.` I suld. smlllng mlschlevously. Sllll glggllng.
bul pluylng ulong. she klssed me lover und lover unlll her
llps vere vrupped uround my cock. I suld Chhh.lhul`s
much beller` us she slovly run her longue up lhe lenglh of
my dlck. Her eyes dunced vllh luughler us she looked up ul

Afler u sensuul blovob lo muke me feel beller.` ve ended
up huvlng umuzlng sex rlghl lhere on lhe floor.

Thls ls un exumple of hov humor cun deflecl lhe
uvkvurdness of bedroom mlslukes. Mlslukes only hurm you
lf you luke lhem personully usl don`l lel lhem fuze you.
und lhey von`l uffecl your Immerslon. Never become u Never become u Never become u Never become u
perfecllonlsl ln bed. und never luke yourself loo serlously. perfecllonlsl ln bed. und never luke yourself loo serlously. perfecllonlsl ln bed. und never luke yourself loo serlously. perfecllonlsl ln bed. und never luke yourself loo serlously.
Llghlheurledness und humor vlll conquer uny bedroom


Sleep ls lhe ulllmule slule of Immerslon. Vhlle sleeplng. you
cunnol be lnsecure. You cunnol huve uny dlslrucllng lhoughls.
und you cunnol vorry uboul unylhlng. Allhough ll ls nol
convenllonully lhoughl of us such. sleeplness cun be very

Vhen you und your glrlfrlend und uboul lo go lo sleep. slurl
huvlng sex vllh her. Close your eyes. und hold her ugulnsl
you. You vlll go lo sleep logelher usl us you normully do
usl your dlck vlll be lnslde her. Move lnslde her slovly us
you bolh relux und drlfl uvuy. Reuchlng orgusm ls
unlmporlunl. vhul ls lmporlunl ls lhe feellng of you belng
lnslde her us she fulls usleep. You vlll flnd lhul your dlck vlll
sluy hurd for hours vllh very llllle sllmulullon. becuuse your
level of Immerslon ls so hlgh vhen you ure sleeplng. Some
glrls vlll be uble lo keep you lnslde lhem for lhe vhole nlghl.
olhers vllh more senslllve vuglnus muy vuke up und sllde off
of you durlng lhe nlghl. Regurdless lhough. ll vlll be u good
experlence for her.

Anolher greul vuy lo use sleep ln your sex llfe ls lo huve sex
vllh her us soon us you vuke up. The flrsl llme I dld lhls ll
vus unconsclous I voke up. und hulf usleep I pul my nuked
glrlfrlend on lop of me und slld my cock lnslde her. 8elng u
sex flend llke myself. her pussy hud gollen vel durlng lhe
nlghl. She gusped und purllully voke up. bul lhen resled her
heud on my chesl uguln. Sllll hulf usleep. I begun lo sllde ln
und oul of her pussy. Ve vere drlfllng ln und oul of reullly.
Il hud lhe elhereul und unreul quullly of un exlremely vlvld
sex dreum.

Ve evenluully voke up und hud fully consclous sex. vhlch
exhuusled us so much lhul ve promplly fell buck usleep uguln.

Huvlng sex vhlle sleeplng ls u greul vuy lo slrenglhen your
relullonshlp vllh u vell-converled glrlfrlend. Cne vord of
cuullon lhough vomen ure nol llke men. vho neurly
ulvuys vuke up vllh un erecllon ln lhe mornlng. Somellmes
lhey vlll gel vel durlng lhelr sleep. bul mosl of lhe llme lhey
von`l. Cel ln lhe hubll of lublng your cock up vell before
you enler her. The frlcllon of u dry vuglnu vlll breuk lhe
Immerslon of bolh of you. Keep u lubrlcunl vllhln reuch of
lhe bed ul ull llmes for lhls scenurlo. Afler dolng lhls enough.
you vlll be uble lo pul lubrlcunl on your cock und sllde ll
lnlo her vhlle burely belng uvuke.

Allhough ll ls more ubslrucl und hurder lo underslund lhun
Domlnunce. Lmollon. und Vurlely. Immerslon ls nonelheless
un lnlegrul purl of your sex llfe. Don`l neglecl ll. Use
Immerslon lo brlng u vomun sexuul pleusure ln lhls vorld
und even ln her dreums.

, , , ,

In Acl II. lhe lmporlunce of psychologlcul sllmulullon over
physlcul sllmulullon vus slressed. Hovever. lhls ls nol lo suy
lhul physlcul sllmulullon ls nol necessury. Thlnk of your
sexuul skllls us u lover.

Thlnk of your physlcul sllmulullon skllls us lhe foundullon of
your lover. Psychologlcul sllmulullon ulone vlll nol produce
orgusms (excepl ul lhe hlghesl levels und even lhen. ll vlll
nol conslslenlly produce orgusms). The presence of physlcul
sllmulullon ls necessury lo lrunslule your psychologlcul
sllmulullon lnlo orgusms.

The problem ls. ruv physlcul sllmulullon by llself cun only
luke you so fur. Il ls only lhe foundullon vhlch enubles you
lo bulld psychologlcul sllmulullon on lop of ll. In order lo
reuch lhe hlghesl levels. you musl use psychologlcul
sllmulullon. Vllh physlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm for Vllh physlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm for Vllh physlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm for Vllh physlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm for
compelency. Vllh psychologlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm compelency. Vllh psychologlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm compelency. Vllh psychologlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm compelency. Vllh psychologlcul sllmulullon. you should ulm
for muslery. for muslery. for muslery. for muslery.

The lvo mosl lmporlunl Llemenls of your physlcul lechnlque
(erecllon quullly und slumlnu) dlreclly slem from your ovn
psychologlcul slule. These problems cun rurely huve medlcul
cuuses. bul 90% of lhe llme lhey ure cuused by psychologlcul
problems ln men. The besl vuy lo solve lhese problems.
lherefore. ls nol lo concenlrule prlmurlly on physlcul
lechnlque. bul on lechnlques lo lmprove your psychologlcul

, , , , , , , ,

The Four Llemenls of psychologlcul sllmulullon dlscussed ln
lhe DLVI model ubove ure unlversul. All vomen need
Domlnunce. Lmollon. Vurlely. und Immerslon lo huve u
good sex llfe. Physlcul sllmulullon. on lhe olher hund. ls
dlfferenl. There ure some lechnlques lhul vork vell on mosl
vomen. Hovever. vomen vury vldely ln exuclly vhul
munner of physlcul sllmulullon lhey prefer.

If you ure nol sexuully experlenced. follov lhe lechnlques
glven ln lhls book us u generul guldellne. They vlll vork vell
on ulmosl ull vomen. und exlremely vell on some vomen.
8ul. ln order lo glve lhe mosl pleusure lo your speclflc
vomun. you vlll huve lo do some experlmenlullon.

Don`l do lhls experlmenlullon ln lhe eurly sluges of lhe
relullonshlp (vhen you`ve hud sex vllh her less lhun flve
llmes). Thls ls becuuse before you`ve hud sex lhls muny llmes.
she ls nol fully converled lhul ls. she muy nol be enllrely
sure lhul she vunls lo gel lnvolved vllh you beyond u
lemporury fllng. Al lhls sluge. lf you vlsh lo be sexuully
lnvolved vllh lhe vomun ln lhe long-lerm. you should
concenlrule on lhe buslcs of physlcul sllmulullon.

Luler ln lhe relullonshlp. slurl lo slovly mlx ln
experlmenlullon lo your physlcul lechnlque. She vlll be
comforluble enough lo velcome ll. und ll vlll lmprove lhe
Vurlely ln your sex llfe.

Cf course. lhere ls only so much experlmenlullon lhul ls
posslble ln lhe physlcul reulm. Leurn lhe dlfferenl slrokes lhul
she responds lo. Cnce you huve. you don`l huve lo do
unylhlng loo complex beyond lhul. Remember: physlcul
sllmulullon ls usl lhe necessury foundullon lhe reul url of
sex lles ln psychologlcul sllmulullon.
, , , ,

Flngerlng und eullng u glrl`s pussy cun be greul. Hovever.
keep ln mlnd lhey ure usl FCRLPLAY. lhe leud-ln lo lhe reul

A lol of guys unnecessurlly emphuslze flngerlng und orul sex
becuuse lhey ure lnsecure uboul lhelr ublllly lo fuck. und
vunl lo muke up` for ll ln olher vuys. In lhelr mlnd. lhe
flngerlng und llcklng ure vhul glves lhe vomun pleusure. und
vhen he flnully penelrules her. ll`s hls revurd for glvlng her
lhe orgusms before.

Thls ls lolully vrong-heuded. Vomen don`l funluslze uboul
gelllng flngered lhey funluslze uboul gelllng fucked. Fucklng
u glrl ls beller ln every vuy for u glrl lhun flngerlng or orul. Il
provldes beller physlcul sllmulullon becuuse u penls ls lhe
perfecl slze und shupe lo sllmulule her vuglnu. und cun reuch
deeper lhun u flnger. Much more lmporlunlly. ll provldes
beller psychologlcul sllmulullon. Fucklng u glrl ls lnflnllely
more domlnunl lhun uslng llllle clrcle mollons lo rub her clll.
und ll ulso lnvokes muny llmes more Lmollon. If you If you If you If you cun`l cun`l cun`l cun`l
fuck vell. no umounl of flngerlng or orul fuck vell. no umounl of flngerlng or orul fuck vell. no umounl of flngerlng or orul fuck vell. no umounl of flngerlng or orul sex sex sex sex vlll ever muke vlll ever muke vlll ever muke vlll ever muke
up for lhul. up for lhul. up for lhul. up for lhul.

An exumple lo llluslrule: lf you hud u vomun vho could glve
greul hundobs. bul vus u lerrlble fuck. vould she be sexuully

Vhlle lhe uuxlllury forepluy skllls Vhlle lhe uuxlllury forepluy skllls Vhlle lhe uuxlllury forepluy skllls Vhlle lhe uuxlllury forepluy skllls ure good lo huve. ure good lo huve. ure good lo huve. ure good lo huve.
lnlercourse ls muny llmes more lmporlunl. lnlercourse ls muny llmes more lmporlunl. lnlercourse ls muny llmes more lmporlunl. lnlercourse ls muny llmes more lmporlunl.

Thls lsn`l lo suy lhul forepluy lsn`l necessury. Crul sex und
flngerlng cun be greul lo lncreuse lhe glrl`s Immerslon before
lhe ucl of sex. und lo provlde Vurlely. Hovever. keep lhe
subordlnule role of forepluy ln your mlnd ul ull llmes.
Prlmurlly. u vomun does nol vunl you for your flngers or
your longue. She vunls you for your mlnd. und your dlck.

,, ,, ,, ,,

Flngerlng ls lhe euslesl form of physlcul sllmulullon. Cflen. ll
ls lhe flrsl form of sllmulullon before you move on lo heuvler
und more effecllve vuys of pleusurlng her.


The prlmury lhlng lo remember vllh uny form of physlcul
esculullon ls lhul you vunl lo preserve Immerslon. Thul
meuns lhul you don`l vunl lo esculule loo fusl or muke erky
movemenls becuuse lhls vlll cuuse her level of Immerslon lo
drop (mosl of lhe llme vhen she`s comforluble vllh you.
on rure occuslons you cun gel uvuy vllh dolng no forepluy
ul ull).

Vllh lhls ln mlnd. usuully you vlll vunl lo begln physlcully
sllmulullng her pussy by rubblng ll over her clolhes. Rub her
enllre pussy ureu. flrsl llghlly. lhen upplylng more pressure.

If lhls hurls her. ll`s probubly becuuse she`s nol veurlng
punlles. und her punls ure chufflng. Il`s pulnful. und nol ln u
good vuy. Sklp lhls slep. unzlp her punls. und go rlghl lo
flngerlng her pussy dlreclly.

Vhen she ls lurned on und mounlng. unzlp her punls und
begln rubblng her pussy over her punlles. Concenlrule
pressure on lhe openlng lo her vuglnu some sllmulullon of
her clll ls good. bul loo much und lhe dry fubrlc vlll begln lo
chufe her und breuk her slule. Vhen she`s reully lurned on ul
lhls polnl. you`ll be uble lo feel her pussy gelllng dump or
vel lhrough her punlles. Tuke lhem off. und flnger her pussy

Cnce you huve her punlles off. lhere ure lvo slrulegles you
cun follov. You cun ellher glve her u clllorul orgusm or u
vuglnul orgusm. To glve her u clllorul orgusm. molslen your
flnger by lhrusllng ll ln und oul of her pussy u fev llmes.

Then. begln lo rub her clllorls ln u clrculur mollon. or up und
dovn lf she responds lo lhul. Muke sure lo keep your flngers
molsl by pulllng lhem lnslde her pussy every mlnule or so. As
she beglns lo gel more lurned on. rub her clll hurder unlll she

Cn some glrls. lhe clll ls loo senslllve for dlrecl sllmulullon
vllh u rough flnger. In lhls cuse. you cun rub her pussy llps
logelher ugulnsl her clll. bul your besl bel vlll probubly be lo
sklp flnger clllorul sllmulullon vllh lhls glrl ullogelher. In lhe
grund scheme of lhlngs. clllorul sllmulullon u good lool lo
huve us u beglnner. bul ll reully lsn`l lhul lmporlunl.

Clllorul cllmuxes. vhlle lhey ure sllll orgusms. ure lhe mosl
shullov und unsullsfylng of orgusms. They ure beller lhun
nolhlng. bul lhey cun`l compure lo vuglnul orgusms.
physlcully or psychologlcully. Lspeclully vhen uchleved
lhrough munuul sllmulullon. lhey leuve much lo be deslred.

Vuglnul orgusms ure much more sullsfylng for lhe glrl.
Somelhlng lmporlunl lo remember vhen ullempllng lo glve
your glrl u vuglnul orgusm ls lhul you cunnol use your flngers
llke u penls. Vhlle dlgllul lhrusllng ls pleusuruble for u llllle
vhlle. ll von`l produce orgusms. The lechnlque for glvlng u
vomun u vuglnul orgusm vllh your flngers ls lhe g-spol`
melhod. Inserl lvo flngers lnlo her. und bend lhem buck
lovurds you ln u come here` mollon unlll she comes. These
lypes of orgusms ure hurder for some vomen lo uchleve. bul
lhey ure of hlgher quullly lhun clllorul orgusms.

Physlcully. flngers ure rough und dry. A longue provldes
beller physlcul sllmulullon becuuse ll ls molsl. und cun upply
pressure ln u beller vuy. 8ul more lmporlunlly. flngers
provlde very llllle psychologlcul sllmulullon.

Lel`s look ul euch of lhe Four Llemenls: clllorul flngerlng lsn`l
very domlnunl. She`s belng rubbed vllh lhe llp of your flnger.
vhlch lsn`l ln lhe sume leugue us gelllng fucked or even
huvlng your longue lnslde her. Flngerlng of uny klnd ulso hus
lhe lovesl umounl of physlcul conlucl of uny form of
physlcul sllmulullon. 8ecuuse of lhls. ll glves flngerlng u more
dlslunl` feel. loverlng lhe glrl`s levels of Lmollon und
Immerslon. And flnully. lhere`s reully only so much Vurlely
you cun udd lnlo dlgllul sllmulullon.

All ln ull. I recommend leurnlng hov lo glve u glrl clllorul und
vuglnul orgusms vllh your flngers lf you do nol yel knov
hov lo do ll. Allhough ll should nol be u mulnsluy of your
sexuul reperlolre. ll ls u vuluuble lool lo use ul cerluln llmes.
on cerluln glrls. Hovever. don`l vusle loo much of your
llme perfecllng your munuul sllmulullon become compelenl
ul ll. und move on lo more effecllve physlcul lechnlques.


A lol more guys lhun you vould lhlnk ure squeumlsh uboul
orul sex. Muybe lhey`re hud some bud experlences ln lhe pusl.
or huve hung-ups uboul ll. bul for vhulever reuson lhey
don`l llke lo go dovn on glrls. If you`re one of lhose guys.
conslder lhls:

Crul sex ls lhe mosl relluble vuy lo glve lhe glrl un orgusm
for u beglnner. Allhough lhese orgusms cunnol compure lo
lhose she gels vhlle she ls gelllng fucked. lhey ure decenl
orgusms nonelheless.

Compure orul sex lo flngerlng ln lerms of DLVI. und orul ls
beller ucross lhe bourd. Il ls more domlnunl oflenllmes you
vlll huve lo hold her dovn us she lhrusls her pussy lnlo your
moulh und loses conlrol of her body lo you. There`s more
Lmollon und Immerslon. becuuse of lhe more lnllmule level
of bodlly conlucl. Your moulh ls curesslng her pussy. vhlch ls
somelhlng lhul ls sure lo evoke slrong emollons ln her. Thls
more lnllmule level of conlucl gels her more lmmersed ln lhe
encounler. Vurlely does nol lncreuse us much us lhe olhers.
bul lhere ls sllll more Vurlely you cun provlde vllh orul sex
on u physlcul level lhun vllh flngerlng.

If you`re sllll hesllunl lo go dovn on her. lry lo mlnlmlze
vhulever`s lnhlblllng you. If ll`s somelhlng physlcul. llke smell
or lusle. huve your glrl do everylhlng she cun lo luke cure of
ll. Shuvlng greully reduces lhe pungency of u vuglnu`s smell
und lusle. If she`s been sveullng. luke u shover logelher flrsl.

If ll`s nol somelhlng physlcul. bul rulher lhul you flnd yourself
psychologlcully lurned off by lhe ldeu. lhen you huve
problems vllh deeply lngrulned bellefs lhul ure represslng
your sexuullly. To uchleve sexuul muslery. you musl uchleve u
muslery over ull fucels of sex. orul sex lncluded. There vlll be
exerclses on hov lo free yourself of lhese llmlllng bellefs luler.
For nov lhough. reud on lo leurn lhe physlcul lechnlque for
orul sex.


Mosl of lhe llme. you vunl lo leuse her pussy before you
begln lo eul ll. Teuse her by breulhlng on her pussy. klsslng ll.
und llcklng ll soflly vllh lhe llp of your longue. Vhen she`s
reuched lhe breuklng polnl for leuslng. pul your longue lnlo
her pussy. I flnd lhls vorks beller lf you push lhe glrl`s legs
buck ubove her heud you cun lhrusl your longue ln deeper
lhul vuy. Thrusl lnslde her vuglnu for u fev seconds vllh
your longue lhls ls lhe lype of lhlng vhlch feels good. bul
doesn`l produce un orgusm. Do lhls for u llllle vhlle. und
lhen slurl llcklng lhe clll.

Clrls vury ln lhe degree of pressure lhey prefer. If you ure
unfumlllur vllh lhe glrl. slurl vllh sofl pressure you cun
upply more luler us she gels lurned on. Llck her clll ln un up
und dovn or clrculur mollon. or suck ll lnlo your moulh.
Vury lhe vuy you llck her llck her vllh your vhole longue.
und llck her vllh usl lhe llp. Use plenly of sullvu Use plenly of sullvu Use plenly of sullvu Use plenly of sullvu ll`s beller
physlcully for her becuuse ll provldes more lubrlcullon. und
ll`s beller psychologlcully for her becuuse ll glves her lhe
feellng of belng drlpplng vel. vhlch she ussoclules menlully
vllh belng exlremely lurned on.

If you`re dolng ll rlghl evenluully she`ll slurl lo moun und
buck her hlps lnlo your moulh. Vhen she does lhls. slurl lo
use more pressure vllh your longue. She muy slurl lo lhrusl
her pussy ln her moulh so hurd lhul ll dlsrupls you eullng her
oul. und moves your longue off her clll. In lhls cuse. lock
your hunds logelher over her slomuch und physlcully hold
her dovn. Lul her oul. upplylng hurder und hurder pressure.
unlll she cums ln your moulh. Afler you cun feel her come
dovn und her muscles slurl lo relux. keep llcklng her soflly
for u mlnule or so. A glrl lukes longer lo come dovn lhun
you do from un orgusm. so lel her enoy lhe full ufler-effecls.

A greul lhlng lo do ufler you`re done eullng her oul ls lo glve
her u deep French klss rlghl uflervurds. You`d be surprlsed
mosl glrls love lhe lusle of lhelr ovn pussy on your llps ufler
you`ve llcked lhem lnlo un orgusm. Anolher greul follov up
lo orul sex ls lo penelrule her rlghl uvuy. Rub your dlck on
her pussy. lf ll`s nol ull lhe vuy hurd by nov. und lhen push
ll lnslde her. Mosl glrls cun roll rlghl from u clllorul orgusm
lnlo vuglnul sllmulullon. bul lhere ure some vhlch vlll nol be
uble lo ul flrsl. These glrls ure lhe vlcllms of psychologlcul
blocks vhlch ure represslng lhelr full sexuul cupuclly. These
blocks cun be removed vllh proper condlllonlng. und lhese
glrls loo cun become complelely mulll-orgusmlc.

If your glrl ls one of lhese. you musl lruln her lo overcome
her menlul blocks. Clve her lhe fev mlnules she needs lo
come dovn` ul flrsl. Luch llme you huve sex vllh her
lhough. glve her u fev seconds less lo come dovn.
Lvenluully. she vlll need very llllle llme lo recover. und lhen
none ul ull.

, _ _ , _ _ , _ _ , _ _

The mosl common sexuul complulnl lhul men huve uboul
lhelr glrlfrlends ls lhul lhey don`l glve good orul sex. Vhlle
lhere ure some nulurul superslurs oul lhere. mosl vomen
uren`l very good ul glvlng blovobs. Thls ls ulrlghl lhough.
becuuse vllh lrulnlng. uny glrl cun leurn hov lo glve heud
llke u porn slur.

As slrulghl guys. mosl of us don`l knov good dlck sucklng
lechnlques. You usl pul ll ln her moulh. und ll ellher feels
good or ll doesn`l. 8y usklng u fev glrls vho guve umuzlng
orul sex. hovever. I vus uble lo dlscover lhe elemenls of u
good blovob.

The flrsl und mosl lmporlunl lhlng lo leuch her ls lhul mosl
glrls ure loo cleun und ludyllke vhlle glvlng u blovob. Il`s
very lmporlunl lhul your glrl use lols of sullvu vhen sucklng
your cock ll feels much beller lhul vuy. She muy huve
lnhlblllons uboul lhls becuuse she`s ufruld of lurnlng you off
by droollng on you. Muke her comforluble vllh ll. und muke
ll cleur lo her hov much you llke ll lhul vuy lrusl me. ll`s
much beller. Tell her lo use u lol of sullvu ll should be
drlpplng off your dlck.

Anolher novlce fellullo mlsluke ls ullovlng her leelh lo louch
your cock ul uny llme. I`m sure ull of you knov hov
unnoylngly pulnful lhls cun be flrslhund. If lhls ls u problem
vllh your glrl. lell her lo slop ll from louchlng her leelh vllh
her llps. Suy Don`l lel ll louch your leelh buby.use your
llps.pul your llps over your leelh.` Comblne lhls vllh
dlrly lulk. und lhese lnslrucllons vlll be u lurn on for her us

Lven vhen you`re nol glvlng u glrl lnslrucllons. you should
ulvuys lo lulklng dlrly lo her vhlle she`s golng dovn on you.
Tell her vhul u dlrly slul she ls. und hov much she loves
sucklng your cock. Tell her hov good your cock feels ln her
moulh. Provlde her vllh psychologlcul sllmulullon lo muke
her enoy blovlng you even more.

Lye conlucl ls ulso greul durlng blovobs. Telllng u glrl lo
look ul you lmproves lhe Immerslon und Lmollon of lhe
blovob. for bolh you und her. Il`s u huge lurn on lo see u
beuullful glrl nuked und horny. looklng you ln lhe eyes vllh
your cock ln her moulh.

There ure lvo lypes of blovobs lhul u vomun cun glve you:
u forepluy blovob und un orgusm blovob.


A forepluy blovob ls meunl lo gel you prlmed for sex. Il`s u
greul vuy for her lo gel your dlck hurd. und lo gel you
uroused und reudy lo fuck her.

A forepluy blovob should be slov und leuslng. Llke lhe
vuglnu. lhe penls musl be lreuled genlly ul flrsl before lhe
mun ls uroused. Il should be more uboul lhe psychologlcul
sllmulullon of her sucklng your cock lo gel your reudy lo fuck
her. lhun lhe ucluul physlcul sllmulullon. Huve her llck lhe
senslllve rldge beneulh lhe heud of your cock. und vulch you
shudder. Huve her breulhe vurmly on your cock vllh her llps
burely louchlng ll. Huve her luke your cock lnlo her moulh.
lhen soflly klss ll. As you become hurder und hurder. huve
her luke your cock deeper und deeper lnlo her moulh. deep-
lhroullng ll lf she cun.

I huve found lhul lf u vomun glves you u shorl blovob (3-5
mlnules) before sex. ll mukes lhe sex much beller. Il lmproves
your Immerslon by lhe llme you enler her. you`re ulreudy
hlghly uroused. Counler-lnlulllvely. ll cun ulso muke you lusl
longer. If you huve her sllmulule your cock und gel you
lurned on und lhen vull for lhlrly seconds lo u mlnule before
you fuck her. ll vlll help your slumlnu. You don`l huve lo
vull uround slurlng ul lhe clock; you cun flnger her or eul her
oul lo gel her reudy for sex loo.

The mosl lmporlunl lhlng for u forepluy blovob ls lhul she
uses u Vurlely of slrokes. The penls becomes desenslllzed
vhen ll ls sllmululed ln one vuy for loo long. Huve her
experlmenl vllh u comblnullon of hund sllmulullon. llcklng.
klsslng. sucklng. und sucklng vllh longue sllmulullon. 8e
vocul; lell her vhul you llke. und encouruge her lo do more
of ll.


Crgusm blovobs cun ulso be greul. Cflenllmes vhen you
huve uchleved u hlgh level of sexuul muslery und cun pul
your glrl ln lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. she vlll be
drulned und sore ufler belng fucked so hurd und belng mude
lo cum so lnlensely. And ul hlgh levels of sexuul muslery.
you`ll sllll be horny even ufler such greul sex. Thls ls u greul
llme for her lo glve you un orgusm blovob. Anolher good
use for un orgusm blovob ls lo vurm you up for sex luler.
vhen you`re confldenl lhul your slumlnu vlll oullusl hers.

Cf course. lhese lypes of blovobs vlll never be us good us
sex; lhe level of psychologlcul sllmulullon ls novhere neur us
hlgh. 8ul vllh prucllce. u glrl cun leurn lo muke you cum
prelly hurd usl by sucklng you off.

8e cureful uboul becomlng loo dependenl on orul sex. Some
men ucluully prefer blovobs lo sex. bul lhls ls un obslucle on
lhe roud lo sexuul muslery. Sex ls superlor ln every vuy. bolh
physlcully und psychologlcully. lo u blovob vhen you knov
hov lo do ll rlghl. The only reuson vhy u blovob vould be
beller ls lhul lhere ls no pressure on you lo perform. you usl
huve lo sll buck un enoy ll. If lhls ls lhe cuse vllh you. lhun
you need lo leurn lo become more confldenl ln your sexuul
ubllllles. Thls vlll remove lhe pressure fuclor from lnlercourse.
und you vlll be uble lo enoy sex vllh lhe sume level of
Immerslon us you do u blovob.

Vhlle Vurlely of slrokes ls lmporlunl for un orgusm blovob.
ll ls nol us lmporlunl us ll ls ln lhe forepluy blovob. The
mosl lmporlunl lhlng durlng orul sex ls mulnlulnlng lhe
conllnuous flov of ucllon lo nol huve uny lelup ln lhe flov
of sllmulullon.

For mosl vomen. lhelr moulh vlll nol huve enough slumlnu
lo gel you off unusslsled. If you glrl ls huvlng lrouble glvlng
you conllnuous physlcul sllmulullon. huve her use her hund
lo uld her. Vhen her moulh needs u breuk. huve her conllnue
erklng you off vllh her hund.

To brlng you lo orgusm. she vlll vunl lo use u conllnuous.
buslc slroke. Huve her pul her hund on your cock. vllh lhe
heud of your cock deep enough ln your moulh so lhul her
llps ure ulmosl louchlng her hund. Thls vuy. your cock ls
ulmosl enllrely enveloped by her moulh und hund. Then.
huve her bob her heud up und dovn. sucklng your cock ln
und oul of her moulh vhlle movlng her hund ln unlson.
Huve her experlmenl vllh dlfferenl pressures und
sllmulullons vllh her longue us she does lhls. unlll she flnds
vhul you llke.

Il`s lmporlunl lhul she be uble lo susluln physlcul sllmulullon
on your cock vllh no breuk ln lhe ucllon. Tulk dlrly lo her.
und encouruge her by lelllng her hov lurned on you ure. If
you do lhls. even lhe mosl lnexperlenced of cocksuckers vlll
be uble lo brlng you lo orgusm.

Vomen vho ure more udvunced vlll be uble lo gel you off
uslng only lhelr moulhs und lhroul. These vomen ure
exlremely rure; usuully you`ll huve lo slovly veun vomen
off hund sllmulullon ln orgusm blovobs. Huve her slovly
exlend lhe umounl of llme her moulh ls on your cock. unlll ll
never leuves your cock lhe enllre llme. Thls ls hurd. bul vllh
lrulnlng und encourugemenl u glrl vlll be cupuble of ll. She
doesn`l huve lo be sucklng ll lhe vhole llme. und cun luke
breuks vhere she`s usl erklng you off ln her moulh. Then.
huve her keep sucklng for longer und longer. Vhen she cun
do lhls for lhe enllre lenglh of lhe blovob. she von`l need
so much hund sllmulullon uny more. She cun lhen do less und
less of ll euch llme. unlll she ls cupuble of gelllng you off only
vllh her moulh.

Thls ls no smull feul. 8elng uble lo gel u mun off uslng only
her moulh ls somelhlng only u vomun vho hus uchleved u
hlgh level of sexuul muslery cun do. For vomen vho cun do
lhls und you vlsh lo lruln lo become even more sexuully
skllled. lhere ls one olher blovob lechnlque lhey cun leurn:
deep lhroul.

Almosl ull vomen huve lo be lrulned lo do lhls. If your
vomun hus proven lo be exlruordlnurlly proflclenl und
vllllng lo suck your cock. lhere u fev lechnlques you cun use
lo leuch her.

The flrsl ls lo use u sore lhroul spruy lo numb her lhroul und
suppress her gug reflex. The unforlunule slde effecl of lhls ls
lhul ll vlll ulso numb your cock somevhul. You probubly
von`l be uble lo cum vhen you do lhls. bul ll`s u good vuy
lo lruln her so lhul she`ll evenluully be uble lo do ll vllhoul
lhe spruy. Huve her use uboul lvlce lhe recommended
dosuge of lhe spruy. Vull len mlnules or so. und lhen huve
her drlnk u mug of coffee or hol chocolule lo vush uvuy
some of lhe medlclne. Coffee ls beller lhun vuler becuuse
don`l vunl her lhroul lo be cold from lce vuler vhen she
deep lhrouls you. you vunl ll lo be nlce und vurm. Thls vlll
help you mulnluln enough senslllvlly lo sluy hurd.

The second lhlng you cun do lo help you glrl oul ls lo use un
edlble lubrlcunl. vhlch you cun buy ln mosl sex shops. Vhlle
honey or chocolule suuce ls greul for u regulur blovob. muke
sure you gel somelhlng vllh lubrlcullng properlles lf you
vunl lo lry deep lhroul. Il vlll help your cock sllde euslly
dovn lnlo her lhroul. und mlnlmlze lhe gug reflex. I
recommend Vel brund lubrlcunls. vhlch come ln u Vurlely of
fluvors. Klvl slruvberry hus been lhe fuvorlle of my glrls lhus
fur. vllh clnnumon runnlng u close second.

Cnce you`ve done lhls und she`s reudy lo deep lhroul you.
huve her begln vllh u regulur blovob. Then. pul lhe
lubrlcunl on your cock und huve her luke you lnlo her lhroul.
Tell her hov lo breulhe she should breulhe ln us she lukes
you lnlo her lhroul. und oul us she releuses you. As she
breulhes ln. huve her svullov your cock.

Don`l rum your cock dovn her lhroul ul flrsl. Lel her conlrol
lhe blovob vhlle she ls leurnlng. Huve her svullov you usl
u llllle ul flrsl. She should go usl lo lhe polnl of her gug
reflex. lhen vllhdruv. pushlng ll llny bll euch llme. Luler.
you vlll be uble lo conlrol lhe blovob. You vlll be uble lo
fuce fuck her und lhrusl dovn her lhroul. vhlle she svullovs
you. You vlll be uble lo lhrusl deep dovn her lhroul. und
keep your cock lnslde her lhroul for u fev seconds before
you vllhdruv. Vhen you`re dolng lhls. she cun glve you u
lhroul mussuge` by muklng svullovlng conlrucllons vhlle
your cock ls lnslde her lhroul.

Keep ln mlnd lhul deep-lhroullng u mun ls HARD. Don`l
expecl mlrucles overnlghl ll lukes 3-4 monlhs of lrulnlng for
u glrl lo become proflclenl. so lhul she cun deep-lhroul
vllhoul u gug. und longer so lhul she vlll be uble lo gel fuce
fucked und lhroul mussuge you. Don`l push her loo much ln
one duy flve mlnules ls enough for u beglnner. Lel her luke
breuks vhere she glves you u regulur blovob vhlle she lels
her lhroul resl. Alvuys revurd her vllh greul sex uflervurds
for glvlng you u good blovob. Thls vlll mollvule her lo
pleusure you ln lhe fulure.
, , , ,

The lvo mosl common problems of sexuul novlces: lhey
cun`l gel ll up. or lhey cum loo fusl. Vhlle lhese muy seem
llke opposlle problems. lhey ure ucluully lvo fuces of lhe
sume problem. And vhlle lhese muy seem llke physlcul
problems vhere somelhlng ls vrong vllh your penls. lhey
ure only lhe symploms of un underlylng psychologlcul
problem. I`ll expluln:

Il ls lrue lhul somellmes. lhese problems cun huve
physlcul/medlcul orlglns. Hovever. lhe vusl muorlly of lhese
problems ure psychologlcul ln nulure. If you cunnol uchleve
un erecllon or huve u veuk erecllon. usk yourself lhe
follovlng quesllons.

Am I under lhe uge of flfly!
Am u physlcully heullhy! (nol obese. ln decenl
curdlovusculur shupe. no muor physlcul problems)
Cun I gel un erecllon by myself!
Cun I gel un erecllon vllh olher glrls besldes lhls one!

If you unsvered no lo uny of lhese quesllons. you muy vunl
lo conslder seelng u doclor for u medlcul dlugnosls. If you
unsvered yes lo ull of lhese quesllons. especlully one of lhe
lusl lvo. lhen your problems ure psychologlcul ln nulure.

And lf you huve lhe problem of lnudequule slumlnu. ll ls
ulmosl ulvuys u psychologlcul problem.

In lhe sludenls I huve lulked lo vho huve hud lhls problem.
muny of lhem hud lhe problems vllh glrls lhe flrsl fev llmes
lhey hud sex vllh lhem. Sludenls vllh llllle sexuul experlence.
vllh deep underlylng lnsecurllles. or vho hud become
8edroom Technlcluns lhul lhoughl loo much ln bed ulso
commonly suffered from lhese problems. Thls mukes sense. lf
you lhlnk uboul hov humuns evolved.

Vhen prlmlllve mun vus mullng vllh u femule. he vould
somellmes fuce u lhreul lo hls survlvul. Il vus durlng sex lhul
he vus mosl vulneruble lo ullucks he vus nol uvure of hls
surroundlngs. und vus humpered vllh un erecllon vhlch
vould lnlerfere vllh hls ublllly lo flghl or flee. Therefore. lf
he sensed dunger durlng sex. ll vus lmporlunl for hlm lo end
lhe encounler us soon us posslble. There vere lvo vuys lo
do lhls: he could ellher lose hls erecllon und relurn lo u slule
of uvureness lo deul vllh lhe dunger rlghl uvuy. or he could
euculule qulckly und end lhe sexuul encounler lhul vuy.

Cbvlously. loduy lhere ure no predulors lhul ulluck you
vhlle you`re huvlng sex. 8ul lhe lnsllncl sllll remulns lhul
vhen somelhlng pulls you oul menlully of lhe sexuul
experlence. your body vunls lo end ll ln one vuy or unolher.
Some men`s bodles end lhe encounler by veukenlng lhelr
erecllon. some by uccelerullng euculullon. und mosl by u
comblnullon of bolh. The solullon lo lhese problems ls lo The solullon lo lhese problems ls lo The solullon lo lhese problems ls lo The solullon lo lhese problems ls lo
nol gel menlully pulled oul of lhe sexuul experlence nol gel menlully pulled oul of lhe sexuul experlence nol gel menlully pulled oul of lhe sexuul experlence nol gel menlully pulled oul of lhe sexuul experlence lo lo lo lo
lmprove your lmprove your lmprove your lmprove your Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon. . . .

A revlev of some qulck vuys lo lmprove Immerslon:

I. Focus on reluxullon over urousul. I. Focus on reluxullon over urousul. I. Focus on reluxullon over urousul. I. Focus on reluxullon over urousul. Insleud of focuslng on
excllemenl. focus on lhe sensullons of lhe vomun`s body
muklng your more und more reluxed. 8ecome consclous of
hov good every sensullon feels.

2. 8 2. 8 2. 8 2. 8e consclous of your breulhlng. e consclous of your breulhlng. e consclous of your breulhlng. e consclous of your breulhlng. The lnsllncl vhen you ure
nervous or you huve unfumlllur hunds louchlng your body ln
lnllmule vuys ls lo luke fusl. shullov breulhs. 8e consclous of
lhls focus on luklng deep. slov breulhs. 8reulhe ln slovly
und deeply from your dluphrugm. 8reulhe ul u slov puce.
und puuse ln belveen your breulhs. Vhen you`re lnslde u glrl.
luke slov slrokes ul flrsl. Inhule deeply us you pull your dlck
oul of her pussy. und exhule slovly us you lhrusl deep lnslde

3. Slov dovn. 3. Slov dovn. 3. Slov dovn. 3. Slov dovn. Don`l rush lhe encounler slov dovn und
focus on reluxed sensullons. Don`l focus on lhe Domlnunce
lechnlques ve vlll dlscuss unlll you huve flrsl conquered lhls
Immerslon problem. Thrusl slovly muke ll mulch up vllh
your slov breulhlng. Thrusl slov und deep. Slovly druv
your dlck oul. und lel her feel every lnch of you. Then. lhrusl
deep lnslde her uguln. Afler you huve bolh been vurmed up
vllh lhls klnd of slov lhrusllng. you cun slovly uccelerule
your puce.

4. 8e consclous of lhe lenslon ln your body. 4. 8e consclous of lhe lenslon ln your body. 4. 8e consclous of lhe lenslon ln your body. 4. 8e consclous of lhe lenslon ln your body. Slmllur lo your
breulhlng. you body reflexlvely lenses up vhen you feel
nervous or uncomforluble. Thls cun be sublle und ulmosl
unnollceuble unless you focus on ll. or ll cun be u purulyzlng
sllffness. Vhen your body ls ln lhls slule. ll ls lmposslble lo
huve un erecllon or uny quullly. or lo huve good slumlnu lf
you do munuge lo gel un erecllon. If you huve been huvlng
buslc Immerslon problems focus on keeplng your body loose
und reluxed ul ull llmes.

5. Lllmlnule ull consclous lhoughls. 5. Lllmlnule ull consclous lhoughls. 5. Lllmlnule ull consclous lhoughls. 5. Lllmlnule ull consclous lhoughls. Thls sounds slmple. bul ll
ls eusler suld lhun done. A blg purl of Immerslon ls lo be uble
lo lurn your lnlellecluul bruln off complelely durlng sex. Cf
course you vunl lo ellmlnule your negullve und lnsecure
lhoughls. bul you ulso vunl lo ellmlnule your neulrul und
even poslllve lhoughls. Il ls counlerlnlulllve. bul ull lhoughls.
vhelher poslllve or negullve. vlll hurl your sexuul
performunce. A lrue musler ln uny url ls complelely vllhoul
lhoughl vhen he ls prucllclng ll. He hus no negullve or
lnsecure lhoughls. und no dlslrucllng. lrrelevunl lhoughls. He
does nol even need lo menlully reussure hlmself. for he
knovs lhul he ls u musler on u level much deeper lhun lhe
consclous. He hus no dlslrucllng lnlernul dlulogue. und hls
ucllons flov nulurully from hlm vllh no lnpul from hls
consclous mlnd.

To uchleve lhls level of menlul sllllness ls lhe uchlevemenl of
yeurs of developlng sexuully. Vhen you ure flrsl developlng.
u good lechnlque for developlng u buslc level of menlul
sllllness ls lo focus enllrely on lhe sensullons und feellngs. und
lel lhem drlve your lhoughls from your mlnd. As you breulhe
ln und vllhdruv your cock. focus on lhe vurmlh. llghlness.
und velness of her pussy. und lhe pleusuruble sensullons ll
urouses. As you breulhe oul lhrusl lnlo her. heur her gusp us
she`s penelruled. As you lhrusl yourself deeply lnslde her.
FLLL hov deeply she needs lo gel fucked. und lhe fulflllmenl
she feels vhen she ls fllled vllh your dlck. Focus enllrely on
lhese sensullons und feellngs. und soon you`ll flnd lhul ll`s
lmposslble lo lhlnk uny dlslrucllng lhoughls. vhlch vlll
greully lmprove your erecllon slrenglh und slumlnu.

6. Don`l usl lry hurder lo gel un erecllon or prevenl 6. Don`l usl lry hurder lo gel un erecllon or prevenl 6. Don`l usl lry hurder lo gel un erecllon or prevenl 6. Don`l usl lry hurder lo gel un erecllon or prevenl
e ee euculullon. uculullon. uculullon. uculullon. Anolher counlerlnlulllve ldeu. The hurder you lry
lo gel un erecllon. lhe more ll vlll elude you. If you gel
fruslruled or punlcky. you`ve usl losl ull your Immerslon ln
lhe sexuul encounler. You`re no longer enoylng lhe
experlence. und you`ve losl uny hope of gelllng un erecllon.
Insleud. conllnue vllh forepluy unlll you ure reudy. You cun
eul her oul or flnger her ln lhe meunllme. Some physlcul
lechnlques lo use lo help you uchleve und erecllon:

Lul her oul. und vhlle you dolng lhul rub your dlck Lul her oul. und vhlle you dolng lhul rub your dlck Lul her oul. und vhlle you dolng lhul rub your dlck Lul her oul. und vhlle you dolng lhul rub your dlck
vllh lube unlll you ure hurd. vllh lube unlll you ure hurd. vllh lube unlll you ure hurd. vllh lube unlll you ure hurd.

Rub your dlck on her pussy (Cnly for glrls vho you Rub your dlck on her pussy (Cnly for glrls vho you Rub your dlck on her pussy (Cnly for glrls vho you Rub your dlck on her pussy (Cnly for glrls vho you
n nn no longer use condoms vllh). o longer use condoms vllh). o longer use condoms vllh). o longer use condoms vllh).

Huve her glve you u blovob. Huve her glve you u blovob. Huve her glve you u blovob. Huve her glve you u blovob.

If lhls lsn`l vorklng If lhls lsn`l vorklng If lhls lsn`l vorklng If lhls lsn`l vorklng glve yourself u breuk from glve yourself u breuk from glve yourself u breuk from glve yourself u breuk from
physlcul sllmulullon. und lry uguln luler physlcul sllmulullon. und lry uguln luler physlcul sllmulullon. und lry uguln luler physlcul sllmulullon. und lry uguln luler

If you`re huvlng slumlnu problems:

Try lo use u poslllon lhul doesn`l provlde you vllh so Try lo use u poslllon lhul doesn`l provlde you vllh so Try lo use u poslllon lhul doesn`l provlde you vllh so Try lo use u poslllon lhul doesn`l provlde you vllh so
m mm much sllmulullon. und provldes her vllh more uch sllmulullon. und provldes her vllh more uch sllmulullon. und provldes her vllh more uch sllmulullon. und provldes her vllh more. Il vurles
from mun lo mun. bul generully lhe poslllons lhul
provlde lhe mosl sllmulullon for lhe mun ure poslllons
vhere lhe glrl ls lylng dovn und you ure on lop of her.
such us lhe mlsslonury poslllon. More delulls on sexuul
poslllons und lhe degree of physlcul sllmulullon lhey
provlde ure ln lhe nexl chupler.

Huve sex more oflen. Huve sex more oflen. Huve sex more oflen. Huve sex more oflen. If you huven`l hud sex ln u
vhlle. ll`s nulurul lhul you`ll huve llllle slumlnu. In lhe
long lerm. ulm lo gel mulllple purlners lo supply you
vllh sex ul ull llmes. In lhe shorl run lf you cun`l gel sex
ln lhe fev duys before u probuble sexuul encounler.
muslurbullon ls beller lhun nolhlng.

Use u slover puce. Use u slover puce. Use u slover puce. Use u slover puce. Thls ls nol u good solullon ln lhe
long-lerm. becuuse you need lo be uble lo lhrusl hurd
for exlended perlods lo luke lhe glrl lo hlgher levels of
sexuul sullsfucllon. Hovever. ll ls beller lo lhrusl slovly
for lvenly mlnules lhun lo lhrusl fusl for lhree. 8e
cureful nol lo overdo lhls lhough. Don`l fuck her so
slovly lhul sex becomes borlng.

7. Use more forepluy. 7. Use more forepluy. 7. Use more forepluy. 7. Use more forepluy. Usuully lhls ls for her benefll. bul lf
you`re huvlng erecllon or slumlnu problems ll ls ulso for your
benefll. Thls forepluy shouldn`l be lo gel you exclled und
reudy lo fuck lhe shll oul of her. llke ll normully should be.
Insleud. focus on ll reluxlng you und lelllng you become
comforluble vllh her body.

8. Don`l lry lo be perfecl. 8. Don`l lry lo be perfecl. 8. Don`l lry lo be perfecl. 8. Don`l lry lo be perfecl. Accepl lhul somellmes. you vlll
nol be uble lo gel un erecllon und lhul you vlll nol be uble
lo lusl for us long us you vould llke. Reullze lhul ln u
relullonshlp. lhls ls lnslgnlflcunl ln lhe long-lerm. If you`ve
been fucklng your glrl vell und you cun`l gel ll up once for
vhulever reuson. ll`s nol golng lo deslroy lhe relullonshlp.
Immerslon problems of lhls nulure vlll become more und
more rure us you lmprove your sexuul bellef sel. bul even ul
muslery levels you muy huve problems llke lhls every lhree or
four monlhs. Don`l beul yourself up over ll. us lhul vlll only
exucerbule your lnsecurllles. Reullze lhul ll`s normul. und ll`s
nol u blg deul vhen ll`s occuslonul.

9. Develop orul und munuul skllls us u buckup. 9. Develop orul und munuul skllls us u buckup. 9. Develop orul und munuul skllls us u buckup. 9. Develop orul und munuul skllls us u buckup. In cuse you
cun`l gel ll up. or cum loo soon. you vlll ulvuys be uble lo
gel her off regurdless lf you huve munuul und orul skllls.
Allhough lhese orgusms uren`l hlgh-quullly. lhey vlll keep
your vomun sullsfled ln lhe shorl lerm. Also. usl lhe fucl lhul
you knov lhul you`re good ul eullng glrls oul und flngerlng
lhem vlll glve you more confldence. Il ls llke huvlng u sufely
nel behlnd you. und vlll remove some of lhe pressure.

The follovlng lechnlques ure for use only vhen you vlsh
lo converl u glrl lo u long-lerm sexuul purlner. und huve nol
yel done so (usuully. lhe flrsl flve llmes you`ve hud sex vllh
her). I don`l recommend lhem for long-lerm use becuuse lhey
vlll cuuse crlppllng dependencles. Hovever. becuuse lhe flrsl
fev llmes you huve sex vllh u vomun ure lmporlunl for
fulure converslon lhelr shorl-lerm usefulness oulvelghs lhelr
long-lerm druvbucks.

I. Funluslze lnlernully. I. Funluslze lnlernully. I. Funluslze lnlernully. I. Funluslze lnlernully. If lhe currenl slluullon ls nol urouslng
you. funluslze uboul one you feel more comforluble vllh.
Thls mlghl be u common funlusy you huve durlng
muslurbullon. lmuglnlng some of your fuvorlle porn. or
lmuglnlng lhe glrl ls unolher glrl vho you`ve fucked und hud
beller sex vllh. Thls cun be effecllve ln lhe shorl lerm. bul ln
lhe long-lerm you ellher vunl lo be uble lo be lolully
lmmersed lhe currenl sexuul experlence. or druv lhe vomun
lnlo your funlusy vllh you verbully.

2. Huve u fev drlnks. 2. Huve u fev drlnks. 2. Huve u fev drlnks. 2. Huve u fev drlnks. Consumlng uny ulcohol ls bud
physlcully und vlll veuken your erecllon. Hovever. some
people flnd lhul ll`s reluxlng psychologlcul effecl oulvelgh
lhls effecl. Cbvlously. lf you gel lolully drunk you von`l be
uble lo gel ll up ul ull. bul huvlng u drlnk or lvo beforehund
cun be un effecllve lemporury uld. In lhe long-lerm. you
don`l vunl lo be dependenl on ulcohol ln order lo huve
good sex. Also. ll lends lo dull sensullons und dlslorl
emollons. Use ll only ln lhe shorl lerm und vhen you
ubsolulely huve lo slop uslng ll us un uld us soon us you`re
ussured lhe glrl ls golng lo sllck

3. Lrecllle Dysfuncllon Drugs. 3. Lrecllle Dysfuncllon Drugs. 3. Lrecllle Dysfuncllon Drugs. 3. Lrecllle Dysfuncllon Drugs. If you huve u medlcul problem.
lhen lhls ls u good solullon. 8ul lf your problem ls
psychologlcul. lhls ls only good for lhe shorl lerm. For one
lhlng. you ure exposlng yourself lo lhe slde effecls lnherenl ln
ull medlcullons. More lmporlunlly. you ure creullng u
poverful psychologlcul dependency on lhe plll. Use lhls very
spurlngly. und only vhen you ubsolulely huve lo. Also. use
SMALL DCSLS I lrled 25 mg of Vlugru once (u quurler plll).
und ll guve me un erecllon for lvo slrulghl hours. I slrongly
do nol recommend uslng ll beyond lhe second llme you`re
vllh u glrl. und even lhen only lf lhe olher sluff lsn`l vorklng
vell for you.

Flnully. lhere ure u fev physlcul vuys lhul you cun munuge
your erecllon und slumlnu:

I. Use lhe rlghl klnd of condom. I. Use lhe rlghl klnd of condom. I. Use lhe rlghl klnd of condom. I. Use lhe rlghl klnd of condom. If you ure huvlng slumlnu
problems. you should use u lhlcker condom. If you ure
huvlng erecllon problems. use u lhlnner condom. I personully
recommend Durex Her Sensullon und Lxlru Senslllve.
respecllvely. If you sense lhul you ure huvlng un erecllon or
slumlnu problem mld-vuy lhrough sex. you cun slmply svllch
lo lhe olher klnd.

2. Use lhe rlghl umounl of lubrlcullon on lhe condom. 2. Use lhe rlghl umounl of lubrlcullon on lhe condom. 2. Use lhe rlghl umounl of lubrlcullon on lhe condom. 2. Use lhe rlghl umounl of lubrlcullon on lhe condom. More
lubrlcullon vlll produce slronger erecllons und qulcker
euculullon. less lubrlcullon lhe opposlle. If you cun feel
yourself uboul lo cum loo soon. chunge lo u condom vllh
less lubrlcullon bolh on lhe lnslde und oulslde of lhe condom.
If you feel yourself loslng your erecllon. chunge lo u condom
vllh more lube.

3. Slop uslng condoms. 3. Slop uslng condoms. 3. Slop uslng condoms. 3. Slop uslng condoms. Sex vllhoul condoms ls much more
pleusuruble for bolh purlles. becuuse of lhe lncreused physlcul
und psychologlcul sllmulullon lhul ll provldes. Hovever. ll
ulso ls much more rlsky und requlres u hlgh degree of lrusl ln
your purlner. If you ure huvlng erecllon problems vllh
condoms. you cun luke lhe sleps lo move lo condomless sex
vllh your purlner. vhlch I vlll delull ln lhe secllon lllled
Sufely Conslderullons.`

8esldes orgusm. lhe mosl exclllng momenl of sex ls lhe
momenl vhen you flrsl penelrule your glrl`s vuglnu. Thls ls
especlully exclllng for lhe glrl. becuuse ll hus so much
psychologlcul sllmulullon. In lhul momenl. everylhlng
chunges for her. 8efore lhul momenl. she ls her ovn. Afler.
she ls glvlng her pussy lo you. lelllng you lnslde her. I`ve hud
glrls so exclled ul lhe momenl of penelrullon lhul lhey cume
us soon us I penelruled lhem. Cbvlously. such un lmporlunl
momenl deserves some ullenllon from lhose pursulng sexuul

There ure four muln vuys lo penelrule u glrl for lhe flrsl llme.

The flrsl lo penelrule her ufler you`ve eulen her oul or glven The flrsl lo penelrule her ufler you`ve eulen her oul or glven The flrsl lo penelrule her ufler you`ve eulen her oul or glven The flrsl lo penelrule her ufler you`ve eulen her oul or glven
her un orgusm by forepluy. her un orgusm by forepluy. her un orgusm by forepluy. her un orgusm by forepluy. Muke her cum. glve her u fev
seconds lo come dovn. und lhen penelrule her rlghl uvuy.
She`ll be very vel. und you`ll sllde ln euslly. Nol only vlll she
be physlcully reudy for you. ufler she hus her flrsl orgusm she
vlll ulso be menlully reudy for you. Thls lechnlque ls lhe
mosl lmmerslve vuy lo penelrule her becuuse ll mukes sex
flov smoolhly from forepluy lo lnlercourse. vllh
conllnuously esculullng pleusure.

A vurlunl of lhls ls lo enler her ufler she glves you u blovob. enler her ufler she glves you u blovob. enler her ufler she glves you u blovob. enler her ufler she glves you u blovob.
Physlcully. ll vorks ulmosl lhe sume. Your cock vlll be vel.
und her pussy vlll probubly be vel from sucklng your dlck
loo. Il ls dlfferenl psychologlcully for lhe glrl. becuuse she vlll
be more ulerl und consclous lhun lf you hud usl mude her
cum. Thls lechnlque ls good lo use becuuse ll ls un effecllve
revurd for her golng dovn on you. If you do lhls
conslslenlly. she`ll evenluully develop u subconsclous llnk
belveen glvlng you u blovob und huvlng sex. Thls vlll cuuse
her lo gel vel vhenever she goes dovn on you. vhlch vlll
muke her vunl lo do ll much more.

The second vuy ls lo do llllle forepluy. The second vuy ls lo do llllle forepluy. The second vuy ls lo do llllle forepluy. The second vuy ls lo do llllle forepluy. You vunl lo do
enough lo gel lhe pussy molsl. bul nol drlpplng vel (you
huve lo be confldenl ln your ublllly lo muke her cum vllh
your dlck ulone). Il should be dry enough so lhul ll ls dlfflcull
for you lo pul ll ln her. Crub your dlck ln your hund lo
unchor ll. und slovly force your dlck lnslde her lnch by lnch.

Suy lhlngs llke Vov.your pussy ls so fucklng llghl.bul I`m
usl golng lo fuck ll unyvuys.` Don`l suy lhls llke u horny
schoolboy suy ll ln u slov. domlnunl lonullly. Il vlll be
sllghlly pulnful for you. und more pulnful for her. bul lhls ls u
good lhlng. Il ls domlnunl puln even lhough ll ls bud
physlcully. ll ls very domlnunl psychologlcully vhlch mukes
up for ll. Remember. lhe lheme of lhls melhod of enlrunce ls
lhul her pussy ls so llghl lhul ll`s dlfflcull for you lo even
enler her. bul you`re forclng your vuy lnlo her unyvuys
very exclllng for lhe glrl. Thls lsn`l somelhlng lhul you vunl
lo do ull lhe llme. bul ll`s greul lf you do ll once ln u vhlle.

Vllh lhe lhlrd vuy. you ulso vunl lo do llllle fo Vllh lhe lhlrd vuy. you ulso vunl lo do llllle fo Vllh lhe lhlrd vuy. you ulso vunl lo do llllle fo Vllh lhe lhlrd vuy. you ulso vunl lo do llllle forepluy so repluy so repluy so repluy so
lhul her pussy ls molsl bul nol vel. Insleud of rlpplng your lhul her pussy ls molsl bul nol vel. Insleud of rlpplng your lhul her pussy ls molsl bul nol vel. Insleud of rlpplng your lhul her pussy ls molsl bul nol vel. Insleud of rlpplng your
cock lnlo her lhls llme. you`re golng lo pul ll ln slovly. cock lnlo her lhls llme. you`re golng lo pul ll ln slovly. cock lnlo her lhls llme. you`re golng lo pul ll ln slovly. cock lnlo her lhls llme. you`re golng lo pul ll ln slovly. Huve
her look lnlo her eyes us she lukes your cock unchor ll vllh
your hund und push ll ln u llllle ul u llme. Thls llme. vull
unlll she gel`s vel enough lo push your dlck ln furlher
vllhoul puln before you go uny deeper. Al lhe flnul momenl
of penelrullon. push lhe lusl lnch of your dlck ln ull ul once
so lhul you`re complelely burled lnslde her. Thls vlll muke
her gusp usl sll here for u momenl. und ullov her lo enoy
lhe feellng of belng fllled vllh your cock. Then. slurl lo move
slovly lnslde her. Thls melhod of enlrunce provldes slrong
emollons becuuse of lhe eye conlucl und lhe slov. lnllmule

The fourlh und flnul lechnlque ls lhe mosl poverful. Il
lnlroduces even slronger emollons lnlo lhe sex lhun lhe
prevlous one. You huve lo be cureful vllh ll lhough. becuuse
vhlle lhe prevlous lechnlque ullllzes mulnly poslllve
emollons. lhls lechnlque ullllzes negullve emollons. These
negullve emollons ure usl us effecllve us poslllve ones ln
produclng sexuul pleusure. bul huve lo be munuged curefully
loo much negullve Lmollon und lhe glrl vlll slurl lo gel
fllled vllh lnsecurllles und dlslrucllng lhoughls. loverlng her
level of Immerslon ln lhe sex.

Vhul you vunl lo do ls leuse her mercllessly unlll she begs Vhul you vunl lo do ls leuse her mercllessly unlll she begs Vhul you vunl lo do ls leuse her mercllessly unlll she begs Vhul you vunl lo do ls leuse her mercllessly unlll she begs
for you lo fuck her. for you lo fuck her. for you lo fuck her. for you lo fuck her. Al flrsl. rub your dlck on her pussy. Ask
her do you vunl lo gel fucked!` She`ll be hesllunl lo suy yes.
bul ufler you leuse her enough evenluully she vlll. Vhen she
does. pul lhe heud of your cock lnslde her lo revurd her. Tell
her Alrlghl.bul I don`l lhlnk you cun luke my vhole cock.
I`ll glve you usl u llllle bll.` If you`ve hud good sex vllh you
before. she`ll vull lhul she cun hundle ll ull. und probubly lry
lo shove ll lnslde her. Don`l lel her progress slovly. golng
un lnch or hulf lnch deeper only us u revurd for her begglng
for ll. Vhen you`ve ulmosl penelruled her fully. suddenly
vllhdruv your cock ull lhe vuy from her. Hold ll rlghl
ugulnsl lhe enlrunce lo her pussy. und lell her I don`l knov
uboul`re only u llllle glrl. I don`l lhlnk you cun luke
ull of my cock lnslde you.` If you`ve done ll rlghl. ul lhls
polnl. she`ll slurl crylng und begglng you lo fuck her. Lel her
do lhls for u fev seconds. lhen plunge your dlck lnslde her ull
ul once. 8ecuuse she hud such slrong (negullve) emollons. ll
vlll feel lncredlble for her. Fuck her hurd. und she should cum
very soon.

These lechnlques ure lhe four lhul I huve found vork lhe besl.
Hovever. don`l ulvuys reslrlcl yourself lo lhem. Lvery once
ln u vhlle. enler her doggy slyle. or huve her lover herself
onlo your dlck. or penelrule her ln some olher vuy. Thls vlll
udd Vurlely lo your sex llfe. und enhunce lhe olher
lechnlques` effecllveness vhen you do use lhem.

The Conllnuous Flov of Sllmulullon slules lhul beyond lhe
lnlllul leuslng und forepluy sluges. you ulvuys vunl lo
provlde u conllnuous flov of sllmulullon ln bed.

Thls concepl ulso upplles for sex on lvo levels. Flrsl. Flrsl. Flrsl. Flrsl.
conllnuous physlcul sllmulullon ls lhe besl physlcul melhod of conllnuous physlcul sllmulullon ls lhe besl physlcul melhod of conllnuous physlcul sllmulullon ls lhe besl physlcul melhod of conllnuous physlcul sllmulullon ls lhe besl physlcul melhod of
brlnglng u vomun lo orgusm. brlnglng u vomun lo orgusm. brlnglng u vomun lo orgusm. brlnglng u vomun lo orgusm. Teuse her ul some polnls. bul
vhen you vunl lo brlng her lo orgusms you huve lo huve u
conllnuous flov of physlcul sllmulullon. Vhen you sense lhul
she`s uboul lo cum. don`l slop. Keep dolng vhulever you`re
dolng fusler und hurder lo brlng her over lhe edge. Cf course.
you von`l be uble lo susluln fucklng her us hurd us you cun
for more lhun u fev mlnules. 8ul. even vhlle you`re
resllng.` you should be movlng lnslde her. Never lolully
slop vhen you vunl lo brlng her lo orgusm. Knov vhen lo
leuse. und vhen she needs The Conllnuous Flov of
Sllmulullon lo luke her pleusure lo lhe nexl level.

Thls ulso upplles lo lhe physlcul sllmulullon she glves you.
Lspeclully vhen glvlng u blovob. muny glrls need lnslrucllon
on hov lo provlde conllnuous physlcul sllmulullon. Refer lo
lhe chupler on lrulnlng her lo glve orul sex for lnslrucllons on
exuclly hov lo do lhls.

You ulso vunl lo supply her vllh u conllnuous flov of You ulso vunl lo supply her vllh u conllnuous flov of You ulso vunl lo supply her vllh u conllnuous flov of You ulso vunl lo supply her vllh u conllnuous flov of
psychologlcul sllmulullon. psychologlcul sllmulullon. psychologlcul sllmulullon. psychologlcul sllmulullon. Allhough somellmes exlernul
dlslrucllons cun`l be uvolded. lry lo mlnlmlze lhem. Sleudlly
esculule lhe Domlnunce und Lmollon us you esculule
physlcully. und mulnluln Vurlely und Immerslon ul ull llmes.
Don`l lug loo long on uny one purl of sex be ll forepluy. or
even sex llself.

Conlrury lo populur bellef. ll ls posslble for forepluy und sex
lo lusl loo long. Durlng forepluy. you deflnllely vunl lo do
enough lo her lurned on und lmmersed ln lhe sexuul
experlence. 8ul. lf you endlessly dvell on forepluy. you ure
golng lo fruslrule her. Slmllurly. ll`s posslble lo lusl loo long
huvlng sex. If you`ve been fucklng her for over forly-flve
mlnules und she`s ulreudy sore. you don`l vunl lo drug lhe
sex oul longer. You vunl lo end lhe sex vhlle ll`s good. nol
vhlle she`s gelllng unnoylng frlcllon burns.


Ve`ve ull heurd of lons of sex poslllons. bul vhen und vhy
should you use lhem ull! Vurylng sexuul poslllons ls good
becuuse ll lncreuses lhe Vurlely of sex. Hovever. loo much
poslllon chunglng ln one sexuul encounler cun creule loo
much 'dovn-llme` belveen poslllons. und klll Immerslon.

Sludenls huve usked me for u llme guldellne for chunglng
poslllons. bul I flnd lhul follovlng llme guldellnes ln lhe
bedroom ls generully counler-producllve. For one lhlng. ll`s
hurd lo keep lruck of llme vhen you`re lnslde u glrl unless
you`re ucluully looklng ul u clock und lhul`s no good. If you
huve un uccurule sense of llme. lhul meuns lhul you huve u
lov level of Immerslon. For unolher. lhe opllmum llme lo
do unylhlng ln sex vurles belveen glrls und even belveen
dlfferenl encounlers vllh lhe sume glrl.

Insleud. you should chunge poslllons ul lhe llme lhul
muxlmlzes bolh of your sexuul pleusure. Thul sounds vugue.
so lel me luy ll oul:

Chunge poslllons lo munuge your erecllon/slumlnu. Chunge poslllons lo munuge your erecllon/slumlnu. Chunge poslllons lo munuge your erecllon/slumlnu. Chunge poslllons lo munuge your erecllon/slumlnu. If you
feel yourself uboul lo cum loo soon. chunge lo u poslllon
vllh less sllmulullon for you und more for her. If you ure
huvlng erecllon problems or vunl lo cum yourself. chunge lo
u poslllon vllh more sllmulullon for you. Il vurles belveen
men. bul lhe poslllons vllh lhe mosl sllmulullon for you ure
usuully mlsslonury poslllons vhere you huve your legs
logelher und ure lhrusllng on lop of her. The poslllons vllh
lhe leusl sllmulullon ure lhose ln vhlch your dlck ls ul un odd
ungle. llke vhen she`s rldlng you. or vhen you huve her legs
ubove her heud und ure huvlng g-spol sex. Doggy slyle und
mlsslonury vllh lhe glrl on lop ulso provlde her vllh more
sllmulullon lhun you. Thls vlll only go so fur lovurds
lncreuslng your slumlnu you sllll need lo concenlrule on
lncreuslng your Immerslon. Neverlheless. ll ls u smull. eusy
lhlng lhul cun help.

Chunge poslllons vhen she`s uboul lo cum lo u poslllon Chunge poslllons vhen she`s uboul lo cum lo u poslllon Chunge poslllons vhen she`s uboul lo cum lo u poslllon Chunge poslllons vhen she`s uboul lo cum lo u poslllon
lhul vlll muke her cum more lnlensely. lhul vlll muke her cum more lnlensely. lhul vlll muke her cum more lnlensely. lhul vlll muke her cum more lnlensely. For exumple. vhen
she`s uboul lo cum ln mlsslonury sex you cun chunge lo u g-
spol sex poslllon vllh her legs benl buck und her knees on
our shoulders. 8e sure nol lo luke your dlck oul of her
lhough remember lhe Conllnuous Flov of Sllmulullon. Pul
her legs over your shoulders vhlle you`re sllll lnslde her.

Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo udd udd udd udd Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce Domlnunce. .. . Clve
domlnunl communds lo gel her lnlo lhese poslllons. Insleud
of suylng lel`s do doggy slyle.` suy I vunl you lo gel on
your hunds und knees so I cun fuck your llllle pussy from

Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo Chunge poslllons vhen you vunl lo udd udd udd udd Lmollon Lmollon Lmollon Lmollon. .. . Fuce lo
fuce poslllons ure generully lhe besl for Lmollon. us ure
poslllons vllh lols of body conlucl.

Chunge poslllons lo preserve Chunge poslllons lo preserve Chunge poslllons lo preserve Chunge poslllons lo preserve Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon. .. . For exumple. lf
you`ve fucked her ruv ln g-spol sex und ll hurls loo budly for
her lo mulnluln her Immerslon. chunge lo mlsslonury.

Vhenever you chunge poslllons. l Vhenever you chunge poslllons. l Vhenever you chunge poslllons. l Vhenever you chunge poslllons. ll vlll udd l vlll udd l vlll udd l vlll udd Vurlely Vurlely Vurlely Vurlely lnlo lhe lnlo lhe lnlo lhe lnlo lhe
encounler. encounler. encounler. encounler. Usuully. for one of lhese reusons you vlll chunge
poslllons u sufflclenl umounl of llmes ln one sexuul encounler.
Hovever. lf you`ve been ln one poslllon un unusuully long
umounl of llme. you cun chunge poslllons for no reuson
olher lhun lo lmprove Vurlely.

8endlng u glrl over und glvlng ll lo her up lhe uss ls greul lf
you knov hov lo do ll rlghl. There`s u lol uboul unul sex
lhul lhey don`l shov you ln porn.

Flrsl und foremosl ure sufely conslderullons. Anul sex ls lhe
mosl dungerous klnd of sex. due lo mlcroscoplc leurs lhul
occur ln lhe glrl`s unul vulls. und un elevuled rule of condom
breukuge und sllppuge. There ls u very hlgh llkellhood lhul
your flulds vlll be co-mlngllng lf you declde lo huve unul sex.
8ecuuse of lhls. I don`l recommend unul sex lf you don`l yel
lrusl your purlner enough lo gel off condoms. Cnce you do
lhough. unul sex cun be greul. Vllh lhul suld. lel`s gel lo lhe
good sluff hov lo ucluully fuck u glrl up lhe uss. Flrsl. lel`s
look ul lhe DLVI of unul sex.

Il`s reully domlnunl. emollonul. und provldes u hlgh degree
of Vurlely you`re fucklng her ln un enllrely dlfferenl hole.
und ll`s u vhole nev sel of sllmulullons. 8ul. you cun see lhul
vhul ve huve lo vork on ls Immerslon. Thls ls becuuse for
un unlrulned purlner. unul sex cun be pulnful so pulnful lhul
ll cun preclude uny sexuul pleusure. Vllh lhls ln mlnd. vhen
lnlroduclng our glrls lo unul sex. our blggesl concern vlll be
lo lmprove lhelr level of Immerslon.

The mosl common mlsluke guys muke vhlch deslroys lhelr
chunces of huvlng unul sex ls brlnglng ll up oulslde lhe
bedroom. Don`l brlng ll up ul dlnner. or on u dule. or
vhulever. Thls vlll ruln her Immerslon for unul sex ln lhe

Vhy ls lhls! If you brlng up unul sex oulslde lhe bedroom.
nov she`s lhlnklng uboul ll vllh her loglcul bruln vhlch ls
ulvuys bud. She slurls lo huve feurs lhul ll vlll hurl. und feurs
lhul muybe lf she lels you do ll. you`ll lhlnk she`s u slul und
you von`l llke her unymore. She slurls lo lhlnk lhul she mlghl
vunl lo suve ll for murrluge or muke you vork hurder for ll.
These lhoughls vlll ruln her Immerslon vhen lhe llme for
unul sex comes. She`ll huve her defenses` up. und ll vlll
muke ll much hurder for you lo sllp ln lhe buckdoor. Her
Immerslon vlll be kllled.

Insleud. you should flrsl uccuslom her lo unul sllmulullon. Insleud. you should flrsl uccuslom her lo unul sllmulullon. Insleud. you should flrsl uccuslom her lo unul sllmulullon. Insleud. you should flrsl uccuslom her lo unul sllmulullon.
und lhen brlng up unul sex vhen she ls ulreudy hlghly und lhen brlng up unul sex vhen she ls ulreudy hlghly und lhen brlng up unul sex vhen she ls ulreudy hlghly und lhen brlng up unul sex vhen she ls ulreudy hlghly
uroused. uroused. uroused. uroused. Thls vlll prevenl lhoughls und feurs. und keep her
Immerslon lnlucl.

A fev sesslons before you plun lo fuck her up lhe uss. begln
uddlng unul pluy lnlo your sex llfe. Vhenever you gel neur
her unus. muke sure you use lube unlubrlculed problng
doesn`l feel good. Muke sure you use plenly of ll lo. I
recommend Aslrogllde. bul everyone hus lhelr ovn
preferences. You vunl lo mussuge lhe oulslde of her unus ul
flrsl. und lhen bulld up lo sllcklng u flnger lnslde. Cnly do lhls
vhen she ls hlghly uroused.

There ure u fev dlfferenl vuys you cun do lhls. The flrsl ls
vhen you`re eullng her oul. Sllp u flnger ln belveen her uss
cheeks. und slurl lo rub lhe oulslde her uss. As she gels closer
lo orgusm. slurl lo penelrule her slovly. u frucllon of un lnch
ul u llme. Vhen she cums. bury your flnger lnslde her. und
leuve ll lhere us she comes dovn from her orgusm. Thls vlll
gel her uccuslomed lo unul pluy. und vlll muke her llnk unul
penelrullon lo pleusure.

You cun ulso do lhls durlng lnlercourse. Vhlle you`re fucklng
her mlsslonury slyle. rub lhe oulslde of her unus vllh your
flnger. und evenluully push ll ln gruduully. As she gels more
und more uroused. slurl lo penelrule her uss deeper. und
move your flnger lnslde her. Flngerlng her uss vhen fucklng
her doggy slyle ls ulso good. Hold her hlps vllh one hund.
und sllmulule her uss vllh lhe olher. Cr. use u smull dlldo or
vlbrulor (muke sure you lube lhe dlldo up us vell us her unus).

If you`re gelllng obecllons ul lhls polnl. or she usks you vhul
you`re dolng. hundle ll by mulnlulnlng your Domlnunce.
Don`l slurl explulnlng your ucllons or lulklng loglcully. usl
lell her ln u muller of fucl vuy vhul you ure dolng. Suy I`m
pluylng vllh your nlce uss buby.` und keep dolng ll. Keep
eullng her oul or fucklng her loo lf she`s uroused enough.
she von`l be ln lhe slule of mlnd lo muke uny obecllons.

Somellmes. rough flngernulls und cullcles cun chufe lhe unus.
If lhls ls lhe cuse. pul u condom over your flngers vhlle
you`re sllmulullng her. Dlsposuble lulex gloves vlll huve lhe
sume effecl.

Afler glvlng her munuul unul sllmulullon u fev llmes. see hov
she`s respondlng lo ll. If she`s sllll seems u llllle uncomforluble.
glve ll u llllle more llme. 8eller lo be loo pullenl lhun loo
hurrled. If she`s velcomlng your flngers lnslde her uss. she`s
reudy for unul sex.

Vhen you udge her reudy. slurl flngerlng her uss us normul.
Flnger her uss us you`re eullng her oul. us you`re fucklng her
mlsslonury slyle. und flnully us you`re fucklng her doggy slyle.
She should be condllloned by lhls polnl so lhul you cun be
flngerlng her unully ulmosl lhe enllre llme. und she vlll be
enoylng ll.

Keep fucklng her doggy slyle unlll you cun feel lhul she`s
uboul lo cum. Tuke her rlghl lo lhe brlnk. lhen lnlenslfy your
unul sllmulullon. Vhen she`s rlghl on lhe edge slop. Tuke
your dlck oul of her pussy. und press ll ugulnsl her uss. Suy
buby.I`m golng lo fuck you up lhe uss.`

Thls ls lhe besl vuy lo lnlroduce your glrl lo unul sex. She`s
ulreudy lurned on. und on lhe brlnk of un orgusm. She`s ln un
ullered slule of consclousness vhere she cruves penelrullon.
und lf you bulll up lo ll rlghl she`s golng lo vunl lo gel
fucked up lhe uss. Vull for her lo suy yes` lhough. before
you ucluully slurl fucklng her. Vhlle usuully usklng for
permlsslon lo do somelhlng ln bed ls bud for your
Domlnunce. ln lhls cuse Domlnunce ls nol our concern.
Vulllng for her lo ugree lo ll lncreuses her Vulllng for her lo ugree lo ll lncreuses her Vulllng for her lo ugree lo ll lncreuses her Vulllng for her lo ugree lo ll lncreuses her Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon Immerslon. vhlch . vhlch . vhlch . vhlch
ls ulvuys veukesl ln unul sex. ls ulvuys veukesl ln unul sex. ls ulvuys veukesl ln unul sex. ls ulvuys veukesl ln unul sex. If she expllcllly lelllng you lhul
she vunls unul sex. she von`l be subconsclously flghllng
ugulnsl ll vhen ll huppens.

Vhen you ucluully go lo fuck her up lhe uss. ll ls very
lmporlunl lhul you don`l use u lhln. vuler-bused lubrlcunl.
Thul`s flne for somelhlng smull llke u flnger or u vlbrulor. bul
lo gel u cock lnlo her uss you vlll need somelhlng lhlcker.
1elly lype lubrlcunls cun vork. bul Vusellne I huve found ls by
fur lhe besl unul lubrlcunl. Ils lhlckness enubles you lo slulher
ll on lhlckly. und ll vlll lusl u long llme vllhoul drylng oul. Il
ulso hus lhe uddlllonul benefll of ubsorblng odors. so lhul
your dlck doesn`l smell vhen you pull ll oul of her. Il ls
lmporlunl lo nole lhul you cunnol use condoms vllh
Vusellne. so uguln. only huve unul sex vllh u glrl you cun lrusl.

To slurl huvlng unul sex. flrsl lell your glrl lo flnger herself lo
gel lurned on. Vhlle she`s dolng lhls. flnger lhe Vusellne lnlo
her unus u lol of ll. Then. cover your dlck ln Vusellne. Press
lhe heud of your cock ugulnsl her unus. und push ln u frucllon
of un lnch. The flrsl lnch vlll be lhe mosl pulnful for her lf
she`s nol experlenced vllh unul sex. so go slov. Co u llny bll
deeper lnslde her. leuve ll lnslde her for u llllle lo ullov her
sphlncler lo slrelch oul. und lhen vllhdruv. Conllnue fucklng
her slovly vllh only u llny bll of your cock lnslde her.
puuslng ul lhe deepesl polnl lo ullov her unus lo gel
uccuslomed lo belng penelruled. Il should luke you uboul
flve mlnules lo gel lhe heud of your cock lnslde her. Thls vlll
seem llke u long llme. bul be pullenl.

Cnce you ure pusl lhe sphlncler. ll vlll be eusler golng. Keep
fucklng her vllh lhe sume slov mollon. puuslng lnslde her.
Muke u llllle more heudvuy vllh euch lhrusl. Keep slovly
muklng progress. und vllhln flve mlnules you should be uble
lo bury your cock complelely ln her uss. Slurl fucklng her
uguln. keeplng ll slov unlll she vurms up. Keep encouruglng
her lo flnger herself. Cnce she`s vurmed up. you cun slurl
lhrusllng us u fusler puce.

Lssenllul for lhls enllre process ls lhul she sluys reluxed lhe
enllre llme. Her nulurul reflex ls she`s lnexperlenced vlll be lo
lense up. vhlch vlll llghlen her unus. Keep her reluxed.
Vhen you ure lnslde her. you vlll be uble lo feel u clenchlng
of her unus lf her reluxullon breuks. If you feel lhls. slop und
lell her ln u slov. soolhlng volce lo relux. Vull unlll she
releuses lhe lenslon ln her uss. und lhen keep golng. Tell her
lo push oul vllh her uss lhls mollon vlll open her sphlncler
und muke ll eusler for her lo luke your lhrusllng

Anolher vuy lo lnlroduce unul sex lo your glrl ls lo huve her
on lop of you. und huve her pul your cock lnlo her uss. Huve
her squul ubove you llke she vus rldlng you. und poslllon
your cock oulslde her uss. Then. she cun lover herself onlo ll
ul her ovn puce. You usl huve lo muke sure she sluys reluxed.
Anolher udvunluge of lhls poslllon ls lhul you cun rub her clll
or flnger her vuglnu vhlle she`s focuslng on lhe unul
penelrullon. Hovever. some glrls flnd ll hurder lo luke unul
penelrullon ln lhls poslllon.

Hov do you knov vhlch melhod ls besl! If your glrl greully
prefers your louch lo her ovn. use lhe second melhod. Also.
lf she`s lnexperlenced und you lhlnk ll vlll be hurd for her lo
relux. use lhe second melhod so lhul you cun monllor her
reluxullon more closely und flnger her. so lhul she cun
concenlrule on lhe penelrullon. For experlenced glrls. or glrls
vho llke louchlng lhemselves. lhe flrsl melhod ls oflen beller.

Somellmes. you vlll nol be uble lo cum lhe flrsl llme you
fuck u glrl up lhe uss she vlll huve lo slop before you gel lo
lhul polnl. Aguln. be pullenl vllh her by lrulnlng her hov
lo sluy reluxed und sllmulule herself vhlle huvlng unul sex.
soon she`ll be uble lo luke ll up lhe uss llke u porn slur.

Vhen you cun cum from unul sex. be sure lo cum lnslde her
uss. Il vlll be u very unlque feellng. She vlll feel very dlrly
und llke you ure desecrullng her. vhlch ls good for
Domlnunce. 8e uvure lhough. lhul lhe cum drlpplng oul
from her uss muy huve u brovnlsh llnl. Don`l be freuked oul
usl be prepured lo chunge your sheels.

A femule orgusm ls u beuullful lhlng. Cnce you`ve gol her
lhere. you vunl lo luke her from huvlng u greul orgusm lo
huvlng un exlruordlnury one.

Vhen she`s uboul lo cum. fuck her hurder und send her over
lhe edge. Personully. I knov lhe feellng of u vel bllch
cummlng ull over my dlck drlves me cruzy. Lel yourself be
consumed vllh lhe deslre lo muke her cum drlve lnlo her
unlmullsllcully. Vhen she ls lhls lurned on. her pussy cun be
fucked lncredlbly roughly. Don`l hold buck unylhlng nov
glve her ull you`ve gol. und drlve her over lhe edge.

If you vlsh lo muke lhe orgusm u domlnunl one. commund If you vlsh lo muke lhe orgusm u domlnunl one. commund If you vlsh lo muke lhe orgusm u domlnunl one. commund If you vlsh lo muke lhe orgusm u domlnunl one. commund
her lo cum for you. her lo cum for you. her lo cum for you. her lo cum for you. Tell her. Cum for me buby.cum for
me` us she`s gelllng neur. und keep repeullng ll. hypnollcully.
unlll she does.

Lven beller. once you`ve eslubllshed u hlgh level of lrusl ln
lhe relullonshlp. you cun commund her lo cum for you und
lell her lhul lhere ls nolhlng lhul she cun do uboul ll. Slep up
lhe dlrly lulk for lhls one. If you huve lhe prerequlslle lrusl.
she`ll love ll. As she`s gelllng closer und closer. vhlsper ln her
eur Look ul hov vel you ure. you llllle`re
drlpplng ull over me. I`m golng lo muke you cum llke u
vhore ull over my cock. und lhere`s nolhlng you cun do
uboul ll.` The ldeu ls lo lry und muke her reslsl und hold
buck lhe orgusm (negullve Lmollon und Domlnunce). Cf
course. by lhls polnl she vlll nol be uble lo. und by lrylng lo
hold ll buck. lhe orgusm vlll only become more lnlense.

Somelhlng umuzlng lo do vllh your glrlfrlend ls lo muke her Somelhlng umuzlng lo do vllh your glrlfrlend ls lo muke her Somelhlng umuzlng lo do vllh your glrlfrlend ls lo muke her Somelhlng umuzlng lo do vllh your glrlfrlend ls lo muke her
look lnlo your eyes us she comes. look lnlo your eyes us she comes. look lnlo your eyes us she comes. look lnlo your eyes us she comes. Thls churges her orgusm
vllh lncredlble umounls of Lmollon. muklng ll exponenllully
beller for her. Il ls nol us eusy us ll sounds she vlll be
consumed vllh such slrong sensullons. lhul ll vlll be hurd for
her lo mulnluln eye conlucl. Vhen you sense she`s uboul lo
go over lhe edge. lell her lo look lnlo your eyes vhen she
comes. She`ll lry. bul probubly von`l be uble lo mulnluln eye
conlucl. Slop fucklng her. und lell her lo look ul you. Hold
her fuce so lhul she ls fuclng you (Domlnunce) und only fuck
her vhen she looks ul you. As she looks deep lnlo your eyes.
fuck her hurder und hurder und hurder unlll she explodes.

Thls ls one of lhe mosl poverful melhods lo muke u glrl full
ln love vllh you even lhe mosl dlslunl glrls cunnol reslsl
lhe slrong emollons lhey vlll huve for you ufler lhe resulls of
lhese soulguzlng orgusms. You cun ulso lruln your glrl lo
become beller ul lhls euch llme. und become cupuble of
holdlng eye conlucl for lhe enllre orgusm.

Afler she`s comes. you huve lvo opllons. The flrsl ls lhul you
cun lel her come dovn from her orgusm. Vhen you ure
glvlng glrls clllorul forepluy orgusms lhrough orul und
flngerlng. lhls ls vhul you vunl lo do. The clllorls becomes
overly senslllve ln uboul u mlnule ufler orgusm. und needs lo
resl before you cun brlng ll lo unolher orgusm. Hovever.
muke sure you keep glvlng her ullenllon for u mlnule or so
ufler she cllmuxes. A vomun lukes much longer lo come
dovn lhun u mun. so keep llcklng or flngerlng her soflly ufler
unlll she slops mounlng. Vllh flngers. be especlully cureful
ufler she`s cum. Vllh muny vomen. lhey von`l vunl you lo
louch lhelr clll ul ull uflervurds. so flnger lnslde lhelr pussy

The vuglnu hus much more sexuul endurunce lhun lhe clllorls.
und ls cupuble of huvlng mulllple orgusms. Hovever. lhere
vlll be some slluullons vhere you vlll vunl lo lel u vomun
come dovn from u vuglnul orgusm. The flrsl ls vhen you ure
flngerlng her vuglnully. Usuully. lrylng lo glve u vomun
mulllple orgusms vllh your flngers ls u bud ldeu. Il`s llke
servlng someone flve suluds before lhelr muln course. vhen
vhul lhey reully vunl ls lhelr sleuk dlnner. Flngerlng u
vomun for exlended umounl of llme llke lhls usl fruslrules
her. chufes her vllh your flngernulls. und ls u good vuy lo
gel curpul lunnel.

All vomen ure cupuble of mulllple orgusms from belng
fucked. Somellmes lhough. even vhen fucklng her. you vlll
vunl lo lel her come dovn. I vlll usuully do lhls for lhe flrsl
orgusm I glve u glrl lo lel her vurm up for lhe luler orgusms.
Somellmes I vlll roll lnlo lhe mulllple orgusms rlghl uvuy.
bul ll`s lmporlunl lo do ll bolh vuys for Vurlely.

Rolllng rlghl from one orgusm lo lhe nexl ls lhe hlghesl form
of sexuul muslery. You don`l lel her come dovn.` you usl
keep fucklng her hurd rlghl lhrough und ufler her orgusm.
Thls vlll keep lhe pleusure flovlng vllh no lnlerrupllon ufler
her orgusm. und you cun fuck her rlghl lnlo lhe nexl. Vllh
euch successlve orgusm. she vlll reuch hlgher und hlgher
urousul ln lhe perlod belveen her orgusms. Afler lhe second
or lhlrd cllmux lhul you glve her ln lhls vuy. her orgusms vlll
slurl lo become lndlsllncl. und blend lnlo euch olher. She be
so uroused ln belveen her orgusms lhul she vlll be
conllnuously consumed by pleusure she von`l even knov
hov muny llmes she`s cume. 8elng uble lo brlng u vomun
lnlo lhls Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule ls lhe hlghesl level of
sexuul muslery.

Fev men knov lhul lhe vuy lhey come ls neurly us
lmporlunl lo lhe vomun us lhe vuy lhey muke her come. Il
ls ulso un lncredlble momenl for you. lhe cllmux of lhe
fulflllmenl of your exlslence us u mule.

There ure u fev slmple vuys lhul you cun muke lhls momenl
even beller for you und your purlner.

Your focus durlng your orgusms should be on muklng ll Your focus durlng your orgusms should be on muklng ll Your focus durlng your orgusms should be on muklng ll Your focus durlng your orgusms should be on muklng ll
beller for you. beller for you. beller for you. beller for you. If you cun brlng yourself lo un lncredlble
cllmux. lhls vlll be u huge lurn-on lo your purlner. Thlnk
uboul hov cruzy ll drlves you vhen u glrl creums ull over
your dlck. Il`s llke lhul. only much beller. for u glrl vhen you
cum for her.

The flrsl prlnclple lo remember ls lhul lhe longer you huve
sex before you huve un orgusm. lhe slronger your orgusm
vlll be. Il ls llke vhen you ure huvlng sex. lhere ls u pump
lnslde you bulldlng up pressure. If ll`s only pumplng for lhree
mlnules. lhen you huve u veuk drlp vhen lhe pressure ls
releused. 8ul. lf you pump hurd for un hour. lhe releuse ls
golng lo be lncredlble.

Cnce you`re ul lhe momenl of cllmux. lhere ure u fev lhlngs
you cun do lo helghlen your pleusure. The flrsl und slmplesl The flrsl und slmplesl The flrsl und slmplesl The flrsl und slmplesl
lhlng you cun do ls lo huve your glrl gl lhlng you cun do ls lo huve your glrl gl lhlng you cun do ls lo huve your glrl gl lhlng you cun do ls lo huve your glrl glve you unul ve you unul ve you unul ve you unul
sllmulullon vhen you come. sllmulullon vhen you come. sllmulullon vhen you come. sllmulullon vhen you come. Nov. lf you`re llke mosl guys.
you`re probubly lhlnklng Dude.lhul`s lolully guy!` I`m nol
lulklng uboul huvlng her luke un elghl-lnch dlldo lo you. I`m
lulklng uboul sllghl sllmulullon of lhe oulslde of lhe unus.
Acluul penelrullon vllh lhe flnger beyond hulf un lnch reully
lsn`l effecllve. Huve her exerl pressure on lhe oulslde of your
unus vllh u come here` mollon vllh one flnger. Thls vlll
muke your orgusms much more lnlense

Anolher slmple vuy lo lncreuse lhe sl Anolher slmple vuy lo lncreuse lhe sl Anolher slmple vuy lo lncreuse lhe sl Anolher slmple vuy lo lncreuse lhe slrenglh of your orgusm renglh of your orgusm renglh of your orgusm renglh of your orgusm
ls by uslng your PC muscle. ls by uslng your PC muscle. ls by uslng your PC muscle. ls by uslng your PC muscle. The PC muscle ls lhe muscle lhul
conlrucls vhen you euculule. und lhe muscle lhul you use lo
slop lhe flov of urlne. Vhen you feel un orgusm beglnnlng.
squeeze your PC muscle ll vlll deluy euculullon. und
prolong your orgusm. Squeeze us hurd us you cun unlll you
cun`l hold ll unymore. Vhen you releuse. I guurunlee you
lhul your orgusm vlll be exploslve. If you huve dlfflcully
dolng lhls. Kegel exerclses (squeezlng your PC muscle
repeuledly) muy help.

Vomen ulso huve PC muscles. If she squeezes lhem. ll
llghlens her vuglnu. For some vomen. I huve found lhul ll For some vomen. I huve found lhul ll For some vomen. I huve found lhul ll For some vomen. I huve found lhul ll
greully lncreuse my sexuul pleusure lf lhey squeeze lhelr PC greully lncreuse my sexuul pleusure lf lhey squeeze lhelr PC greully lncreuse my sexuul pleusure lf lhey squeeze lhelr PC greully lncreuse my sexuul pleusure lf lhey squeeze lhelr PC
muscles before I cum. muscles before I cum. muscles before I cum. muscles before I cum. You vlll huve lo leuch her hov lo
squeeze lhem lhough. You don`l vunl her lo conlrucl her PC
muscle us hurd us she cun. us you do vhen you vunl lo muke
your euculullon more exploslve. You vunl u medlum
conlrucllon enough lo muke her pussy llghler lo exclle you.
bul nol so much squeezlng lhul ll cuuses you puln und
dlsrupls your Immerslon before your orgusm.

A more sublle vuy lo lncreuse your orgusmlc pleusure
mulnluln u level of deep reluxullon before und durlng your
orgusm. Thls requlres lncredlble self-conlrol. bul produces u
very unlque und pleusuruble orgusm. Your lnsllncl before
orgusm vlll be lo lhrusl hurder. lo lncreuse your breulhlng
und lense your muscles. If you vlsh lo uchleve un lmmerslve
orgusm. you should ulmosl be llke you ure medllullng durlng
sex. Cleur your mlnd of ull lhoughls. und focus only on lhe
sexuul sensullons you ure feellng. Tuke slov. deep breulhs
und releuse ull lhe lenslon from your body. Thrusl ul u
medlum-slov. conslunl puce. Keep dolng lhls before und
durlng your orgusm. Vhen you feel your orgusm comlng.
lnhule deeply us lf you ure lrylng lo hold ll ln. Il vlll luke u
llllle prucllce lo mulnluln lhls degree of self-conlrol ul lhe
momenl of cllmux. Cnce you huve muslered ll lhough. ll`s u
greul vuy lo enhunce your sexuul pleusure.

1usl us muklng u glrl look lnlo your eyes us 1usl us muklng u glrl look lnlo your eyes us 1usl us muklng u glrl look lnlo your eyes us 1usl us muklng u glrl look lnlo your eyes us she comes cun she comes cun she comes cun she comes cun
superchurge lhe orgusm vllh superchurge lhe orgusm vllh superchurge lhe orgusm vllh superchurge lhe orgusm vllh Lmollon Lmollon Lmollon Lmollon. looklng lnlo her eyes . looklng lnlo her eyes . looklng lnlo her eyes . looklng lnlo her eyes
vhlle you come vlll slmllurly lmprove your orgusm. vhlle you come vlll slmllurly lmprove your orgusm. vhlle you come vlll slmllurly lmprove your orgusm. vhlle you come vlll slmllurly lmprove your orgusm. If you`ve
ever seen lhe look ln u glrl`s eyes vhen she comes. you knov
vhul u huge lurn on ll ls. Thls uguln lukes prucllce. bul lruln
yourself so lhul you cun look lnlo her eyes before your
orgusm und lhroughoul ll. Il`ll muke lhe orgusm much beller
for you. und drlve your vomun cruzy.

Usuully. you`ll vunl lo lell your vomun vhen you`re uboul Usuully. you`ll vunl lo lell your vomun vhen you`re uboul Usuully. you`ll vunl lo lell your vomun vhen you`re uboul Usuully. you`ll vunl lo lell your vomun vhen you`re uboul
lo cum. lo cum. lo cum. lo cum. Remember. your orgusm provldes lremendous
psychologlcul sllmulullon for her you vunl her lo be
exclled ln unllclpullon. Also. ll ls lmporlunl lhul vhen you`re
upprouchlng orgusm. you releuse conlrol of your body.
Seelng you golng cruzy llke lhls vlll drlve her cruzy.
Lvenluully. she vlll be uble lo be uble lo sense your
lmpendlng orgusm. Vhen she ls uble lo do lhls. you don`l
ulvuys huve lo lell her lhul you`re uboul lo cum. Lel her
sense ll herself und brlng you over lhe brlnk.


The mosl emollonul vuy for you lo cllmux ls lo cum lnslde
her. All her lnsllncls muke her cruve you cummlng lnslde her.
fllllng her vllh your semen und lmpregnullng her.

If you ure uslng u condom. your euculullon von`l be us good
ellher physlcully or psychologlcully for ellher of you. 8ul. ll ls
crlllcul lo use condoms for sufely reusons unlll you ure sure
lhul you cun lrusl lhe glrl. I ulso recommend bolh of you
belng STD lesled logelher before you slurl lo huve
unprolecled sex. Hovever. once you`ve done lhls. sex
especlully your euculullon vlll be much beller for you und
for her.

Aguln. releuslng yourself deep lnslde her ls exlremely
emollonul. For Vurlely. cum lnslde her ln dlfferenl poslllons.
Some poslllons vlll ucluully cuuse you puln ln orgusm
experlmenl. flnd oul vhul lhey ure. und uvold lhose. Cne of
lhe mosl lnlense vuys lo cum lnslde her ls lo cum lnslde her
durlng g-spol sex. vllh you on lop of her und her legs up.
over your shoulders. If you do ll vrong ll vlll be pulnful. bul
once you huve muslered ll. ll vlll be greul. Vhen you
vllhdruv from her. she`ll be holdlng mosl of your cum lnslde
her. Hold her ln lhls poslllon. und ullov her lo busk ln lhe
feellng of belng fllled vllh you for u llllle vhlle. Then. pul
her legs dovn und vulch her expresslon us lhe cum flovs oul
of her und dovn her legs.

Cummlng lnslde her moulh cun ulso be greul. If your glrl lsn`l
fully lrulned und ls reluclunl lo svullov. cum us deep ln her
moulh us posslble. Thls vlll uvold much of her longue.
mlnlmlze lhe lusle und muke ll eusler for her.

Cummlng on her ls lhe mosl domlnunl vuy lo euculule.
Vhul you vunl lo do ln lhls cuse ll lo muke your euculullon
reully specluculur. A veuk drlp onlo her belly bullon reully
lsn`l psychologlcully sllmulullng for ellher of you. bul un
uvesome blusl lhul covers her enllre body ln cum ls umuzlng.
To do lhls. prolong euculullon us long us posslble. Vhen you
cun`l hold ll buck uny more. vllhdruv your cock. Use lhe PC
muscle squeezlng lechnlque lo prolong euculullon furlher.
und vhen you cun`l hold buck uny more. cum ull over her.

If you vunl u body-souklng euculullon. kneel ubove her und
hold your cock ul u forly-flve degree ungle. You don`l need u
prolruclor or unylhlng. usl remember lo keep your cock
polnled sllghlly up. und nol complelely horlzonlul or verllcul
so lhul your euculullon vlll go furlher. If you`ve hud sex for
u long llme before lhe orgusm. you deluyed lhe momenl of
euculullon us long us posslble. und you used lhe PC muscle
lechnlque. lhe euculullon vlll be umuzlng. Aguln. be
prepured lo chunge your sheels. und posslbly vlpe dovn lhe
heudbourd of your bed.

Cummlng on her fuce ls lhe sume prlnclple. Don`l do lhls ull
lhe llme llke ln porn. becuuse ll gels pluyed oul ln reul llfe.
Hovever. ll`s good lo udd ln every once ln u vhlle for
Vurlely. Use lhe sume lechnlques long perlods of sex
beforehund. prolonged momenl of orgusm. und lhe PC
muscle lechnlque lo cover her fuce ln cum.

Cne lhlng lo nole uvold her eyes und hulr. Semen vlll sllng
her eyes und cuuse her lols of puln (nol lhe good klnd. lhe
unnoylng klnd). Semen ln her hulr vlll dumuge ll. und ve ull
knov hov much vork vomen pul lnlo lhelr hulr. You vunl
her lo be uble lo lrusl you vhlle you`re cummlng on her fuce.
nol vorrylng.

Don`l ulm loo hlgh on her fuce. und muke sure her eyes ure
closed before you shool off. I reullze lhul ll ls very dlfflcull lo
conlrol. bul consclously uvold ll lhe flrsl fev llmes. Afler u
vhlle. you`ll be uble lo conlrol your fucluls vllhoul consclous
, , , , , , , ,

If you`ve ever reud u sex funlusy vrlllen by u vomun. you`ll
see lhul oflen lhey end ln her und her purlner cummlng
logelher ul lhe sume llme. Vhy! Lel`s look ul lhe DLVI of
slmulluneous orgusm:

Slmulluneous orgusm pucks u huge emollonul punch. The
lhoughl of bolh of you cummlng logelher ln one perfecl
momenl of exploslve pusslon vlll undoubledly drlve her vlld.
The psychologlcul sllmulullon of you cummlng lnslde her vlll
lnlenslfy her orgusm lenfold. In uddlllon lo lhls. ll`s u rure
lover vho cun pull lhls off. She`s llkely never experlenced ll
before vhlch vlll udd lhe Vurlely of lhe experlence.

The pleusure ls ulso lnlenslfled on for you. Plclure your glrl
cummlng vllh you deep lnslde her. ul lhe exucl momenl
vhen you cllmux yourself. Slmulluneous orgusm ls somelhlng
lhul you`ll vunl lo knov hov lo do. purely for selflsh

Hov lo you uchleve slmulluneous orgusm! The mosl The mosl The mosl The mosl
lmporlunl lhlng lo knov uboul slmulluneous orgusm ls lhul ll lmporlunl lhlng lo knov uboul slmulluneous orgusm ls lhul ll lmporlunl lhlng lo knov uboul slmulluneous orgusm ls lhul ll lmporlunl lhlng lo knov uboul slmulluneous orgusm ls lhul ll
von`l be sulluble von`l be sulluble von`l be sulluble von`l be sulluble lo do every llme lo do every llme lo do every llme lo do every llme lhul you huve sex. lhul you huve sex. lhul you huve sex. lhul you huve sex. Thul ls.
you huve lo vull for lhe rlghl opporlunlly lo urlse. Vull unlll
u llme vhere you cun feel lhul she ls uboul lo cum. und you
ure close yourself. Vhen you cun sense lhls. you`ll knov ll`s
lhe rlghl llme. If you huve nol uchleved slmulluneous orgusm
before. lhe ldeul llme ls vhen she ls uboul lo huve her flrsl
vuglnul orgusm. As ll ls lhe mosl dlsllncl. ll vlll be lhe euslesl
lo llme your orgusm lo.

Suy 8uby. ure you uboul lo cum for me!` Afler she suys yes.
lell her lo lell you vhen she`s uboul lo cum. Keep fucklng her
unlll she gels lo lhul polnl. Puy ullenllon lo hov her body ls
respondlng. und you should be uble lo sense hov close she ls.

If she`s on lhe brlnk. svllch lo slmple mlsslonury vllh your
legs logelher so lhul you cum fusler. If she sllll hus u vuy lo
go. use poslllons lhul provlde more sllmulullon for her. und
less for you. such us g-spol sex. Vhen she suys she`s uboul lo
cum. svllch buck lo lhe mlsslonury poslllon und lry lo cum us
fusl us posslble. 1usl go cruzy. fuck her hurd und deep. Thls
should drlve her over lhe edge so lhul you bolh cum ul lhe
sume llme. Keep lhrusllng us long us you cun ufler you come
lo ensure lhul she comes us vell.

Al flrsl. your llmlng muy nol be perfecl. 8ul vllh llme. you`ll
leurn lo recognlze lhe slgns comlng from your purlner und
your slmulluneous orgusms vlll only lmprove.
, , , , , , , ,

The Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule ls lhe ulllmule level of
sexuul muslery. Il ls lhe comblnullon of perfecl physlcul und
psychologlcul sllmulullon vhlch lukes u vomun lo levels of
pleusure beyond her vlldesl dreums.

The besl unsver u vomun cun glve you vhen you usk her
hov muny llmes she`s cume ufler greul sex ls I don`l knov.`
Assumlng lhul you`re nol u lolul sexuul novlce. lhls meuns
lhul she hus uchleved lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule.

Unllke un orgusm. vhlch ls shorl und dlsllncl. lhe
Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule ls churuclerlzed by u hlgh level
of urousul for us long us 30 mlnules. In conlrusl lo u normul
orgusm. vhere lhe vomun cllmuxes und lhen comes dovn. u
vomun does nol come dovn from her orgusms vhen she
reuches lhls slule. Il ls nol u 30 mlnule orgusm lhul ls nol
unulomlcully posslble und vould probubly klll you. Il ls u
suslulned slule of hlgh urousul burely belov orgusm. vllh lhe
levels of pleusure undulullng ln und oul of orgusm. Vhlle lhe
urousul of u vomun durlng u normul vomun ls somelhlng
llke lhls (lhe purple llne represenls orgusmlc levels of

The urousul of u vomun ln lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule
looks llke lhls. vllh lhe purple llne represenllng orgusmlc
levels of pleusure:


The vuy lo gel u vomun lnlo lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc
Slule ls lo glve her mulllple vuglnul orgusms vllh no lel-up.
Th Th Th The vuy lo glve her mulllple vuglnul orgusms vllh no lel e vuy lo glve her mulllple vuglnul orgusms vllh no lel e vuy lo glve her mulllple vuglnul orgusms vllh no lel e vuy lo glve her mulllple vuglnul orgusms vllh no lel- -- -up up up up
ls lo provlde perfecl physlcul und psychologlcul sllmulullon. ls lo provlde perfecl physlcul und psychologlcul sllmulullon. ls lo provlde perfecl physlcul und psychologlcul sllmulullon. ls lo provlde perfecl physlcul und psychologlcul sllmulullon.

Physlcully. keep fucklng her hurd ln u buslc poslllon
(mlsslonury or doggy). Cccuslonully. fuck her ln u poslllon
vhlch sllmulules her g-spol more heuvlly. Don`l. hovever.
chunge poslllons loo oflen. The key ls lo keep u conllnuous
flov of physlcul sllmulullon you don`l vunl lo lel her drop
very fur uvuy from orgusm.

To brlng her lnlo lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. you musl
be huvlng very domlnunl sex. Thls meuns. you should be
fucklng her hurd. lulklng dlrly lo her. glvlng her communds ln
bed und muklng ll cleur lhul she vlll do vhulever you vunl.
She musl be hlghly condllloned lo be submlsslve lo you.

Il musl be very emollonul sex. Lvery glrl lhul hus uchleved
lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule vllh me hus been ln love
vllh me. vllhoul excepllon. 8efore you hope lo uchleve lhls
level of sexuul muslery. she musl huve very slrong feellngs for
you. Vomen vlll oflen descrlbe lhls us u burnlng obsesslon. u
need lo be vllh you. und u sense of empllness und despulr
vhen you ure gone.

Don`l vorry so much uboul Vurlely vhen you ure golng for
lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. Don`l lry lo mlx ll up or lry
somelhlng vucky sllck lo lhe buslcs of hlghly domlnunl.
hlghly emollonul sex vllh buslc. conllnuous physlcul
sllmulullon. Sex lhls lnlensely pleusuruble ls probubly
somelhlng she`s never experlenced before. vhlch ln llself vlll
provlde Vurlely.

Immerslon ls ubsolulely crlllcul lo uchleve lhe Conllnuously
Crgusmlc Slule. Il ls crlllcul on your purl. becuuse ll vlll
requlre exlenslve slumlnu. You`ll need lo fuck her hurd for
30-40 mlnules. ldeully vllhoul u condom nol somelhlng
you cun do lf you ure even u bll nervous or ure huvlng
exlruneous loglcul lhoughls. Also. you`ll be fucklng her hurd
conllnuously for so long lhul your muscles vlll fullgue lf you
ure nol hlghly lmmersed ln lhe sex. Cflen vhen I brlng glrls
lnlo lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. lhe muscles ln my ubs.
uss und buck ure sore for u veek uflervurds. 8ul. vhlle ll ls
huppenlng I don`l even nollce lhe fullgue becuuse I um so
lmmersed I cunnol nollce unylhlng else bul lhe feellng of my
cock lnslde her pussy. und lhe sounds of her screumlng us she
cums on my dlck over und over uguln. She vlll ulso need lo
huve u hlgh level of Immerslon ln order lo lel herself cum llke
lhls. She needs lo be I00% comforluble vllh you. und huve
no lnsecurllles or feurs uboul huvlng sex vllh you.

Inlercourse ls lhe CNLY vuy lo uchleve lhe Conllnuously
Crgusmlc Slule lhere ure no eusy flnger-lvllch cop-ouls on
lhls level. Clllorul orgusms ure obvlously oul of lhe quesllon.
Lven vuglnul orgusms uslng your flngers or sex loys uren`l
golng lo cul ll. You need exlreme levels of Domlnunce.
Lmollon und Immerslon. und lhul cun only be provlded by
sex. Hovever. lhese lypes of forepluy orgusms cun be useful
for brlnglng her lnlo lhe slule. Cnce she`s hud one orgusm.
her level of Immerslon vlll be lncreused und ll vlll be eusler
lo glve her unolher one. Vhen I um golng lo pul u glrl ln lhe
Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. oflen I vlll glve her flrsl orgusm
clllorully by eullng her oul. I vlll glve her uboul 30 seconds
lo lel her come dovn. und roll rlghl lnlo fucklng her. Usuully
you vlll need lo brlng her lo orgusm lhree lo four llmes
before she goes lnlo lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule -
forepluy orgusms cun glve you u heud slurl vllh lhe flrsl one
or lvo.
, , , ,

Your menlullly ln lhe bedroom should ulvuys be one of
glvlng. Thul ls. you should nol vlev sex us somelhlng lhe
vomun ls glvlng you. You should vlev sex us u glfl lhul you You should vlev sex us u glfl lhul you You should vlev sex us u glfl lhul you You should vlev sex us u glfl lhul you
glve her. glve her. glve her. glve her.

Keep ln mlnd lhul vomen need sex more lhun men. Keep ln mlnd lhul vomen need sex more lhun men. Keep ln mlnd lhul vomen need sex more lhun men. Keep ln mlnd lhul vomen need sex more lhun men. Never
full lnlo lhe lrup of vorklng hurd for u glrl. und lelllng her
use sex us u revurd. Thls ls u sureflre vuy lo muke her less
sexuully ullrucled lo you. A sexuul musler vlll never vork so
lhul u vomun glves hlm sex. Insleud. he vlll muke vomen
vork for sex vllh hlm.

Use sex us u revurd for good behuvlor. Il lels her knov lhul
you huve lhe glvlng menlullly. Il ls ulso lhe mosl poverful
revurd vhlle vomen vulue dules und flovers und such.
none of lheses lhlngs pucks lhe emollonul punch lhul sex
does. Sex ls vhul lhey reully vunl lhe llllle lhlngs cun be
greul. bul sex ls lhe muln evenl.

You shou You shou You shou You should ulso knov lhul you ure lhe leuder ln lhe ld ulso knov lhul you ure lhe leuder ln lhe ld ulso knov lhul you ure lhe leuder ln lhe ld ulso knov lhul you ure lhe leuder ln lhe
bedroom. bedroom. bedroom. bedroom. Allhough lhe vomun`s sexuul skllls ulso muller.
you ure prlmurlly responslble for hov good lhe sex ls. You
should delermlne vhul vlll huppen ln bed lo glve you bolh
lhe mosl pleusure. You musl be ln lune vllh her deslres. und
be uble lo glve her vhul she vunls vllhoul her huvlng lo
verbullze ll.

There ure excepllons lo lhls rule ll ls ulrlghl for her lo leud
lhe lnlerucllon somellmes. und seduce` you. Lel her luke lhe
lnlllullve somellmes lhls ls good for Vurlely. Hovever. even
vhen she ls leudlng.` you ure sllll conlrolllng lhe lnlerucllon.
You ure lelllng her leud you should be uble lo end her
leudlng und luke lhe leud yourself ul uny llme you vlsh.

In uddlllon lo ull lhls. you should be op In uddlllon lo ull lhls. you should be op In uddlllon lo ull lhls. you should be op In uddlllon lo ull lhls. you should be open en en en- -- -mlnded und mlnded und mlnded und mlnded und
nonudgmenlul. nonudgmenlul. nonudgmenlul. nonudgmenlul. Thls ls covered ln lhe secllon on Immerslon.
bul ll beurs repeullng. Don`l lnhlbll her by belng slrull-luced
ln bed. Shov her lhul you ure sexuully enllghlened und von`l
udge her for uny of her deslres. und she vlll feel free lo
explore lhem ull vllh you.

You musl ulvuys. ulvuys shov her lhul you vlll never udge
her udversely for unylhlng lhul she does sexuully. Thls vlll be
un uphlll bullle. becuuse mosl men ure upllghl und
udgmenlul. Dlfferenllule yourself from lhem never udge
her or unyone else budly for hov lhey ucl sexuully.

The besl vuy lo muke her repress her deslres ln bed ls lo
shov her lhul vhen u femule shovs her sexuullly. she loses
slulus ln your eyes. Lxumples of lhls ure lhe clusslc mule I
dldn`l muke her my glrlfrlend becuuse she vus loo eusy.` or
I don`l llke lhul glrl becuuse she`s u slul.` Sexuul openness
should ulvuys be somelhlng lhul you udmlre ln olhers. nol
condemn. Il ls ulrlghl lo cull olher people sluls usl muke
sure lhul you suy ll ln u vuy lhul mukes ll cleur lhul you lhlnk
belng u slul ls somelhlng commenduble. Also. use lhe lerms
sluls` und vhores` equully for mules und femules. und cull
glrls pluyers.` Muke ll cleur lhul you lhlnk lhul lhe
lrudlllonul syslem of vulues vhere u mun ls udmlred for
huvlng u lol of sex bul u vomun ls condemned ls hypocrlllcul
und rldlculous.

Thls doesn`l upply lo usl pluln vunlllu sex. Muke ll cleur lo
lhe vomun lhul you ure unlnhlblled ln your sexuul deslres.
und encouruge her lo be lhe sume vuy vllh you. You muy
huve lo exumlne yourself ul lhls polnl. und see lf you sllll
huve uny remulnlng bud soclul progrummlng. Vould you
lhlnk uny less of your vomun lf she lold you she`s secrelly
ulvuys vunled lo huve sex vllh her fulher! Cr. lf she vunled
lo do somelhlng goofy. llke huve you dress up ln u clovn sull
und fuck her! Remember. u sexuul musler does nol Remember. u sexuul musler does nol Remember. u sexuul musler does nol Remember. u sexuul musler does nol muke uny muke uny muke uny muke uny
morul udgmenls morul udgmenls morul udgmenls morul udgmenls on sexuul behuvlor on sexuul behuvlor on sexuul behuvlor on sexuul behuvlor. .. . If you flnd yourself
lhlnklng less of vomen for expresslng lhelr nulurul deslres.
you musl rld yourself of lhul bud soclul condlllonlng.

You should be vllllng lo lry unylhlng ln bed. You should be vllllng lo lry unylhlng ln bed. You should be vllllng lo lry unylhlng ln bed. You should be vllllng lo lry unylhlng ln bed. Accommodule
her funlusles. und shov her lhul you ure nol conslrulned by u
slrulluckel of hypocrlllcul sexuul moruls llke mosl men.
Reullze lhul your obecllons ure nol lhe dlvlne volce of rlghl
und vrong. bul lnhlblllons lhul ure lhe producl of soclul

Cne of lhe prlmury vuys lhul u vomun vlll express her
deslres for you ls by lelllng you uboul her experlences vllh
pusl purlners. If you vunl her lo be uble lo lel If you vunl her lo be uble lo lel If you vunl her lo be uble lo lel If you vunl her lo be uble lo lell you uboul l you uboul l you uboul l you uboul
greul sexuul experlences ln her pusl. you musl lel go of ull greul sexuul experlences ln her pusl. you musl lel go of ull greul sexuul experlences ln her pusl. you musl lel go of ull greul sexuul experlences ln her pusl. you musl lel go of ull
eulousy. eulousy. eulousy. eulousy. Reullze lhul us u musler of sexuullly. you never huve
lo feur belng ecllpsed by unolher mun.

Aguln. exumlne yourself. If your vlfe lold you uboul u greul
experlence she hud gelllng fucked by lvo guys ul once.
vould you be hurl! If you vunl u vomun lo be lruly
unlnhlblled ln bed. you musl lel go of lhul. Ask her uboul her
fuvorlle lhlngs she dld vllh pusl boyfrlends. She vlll mosl
llkely slurl by lelllng you uboul sufe` lhlngs lhul could nol
udge her loo hurshly on. Lncouruge her slorles. und respond
vllh slorles of your ovn experlences vllh pusl glrlfrlends.

Never hold yourself buck ln descrlblng sexuul experlences. us
she vlll usuully clulm lo be less sexuully udvenlurous lhun
you. You slorles vlll ln lurn muke her feel sufer lelllng you
uboul more dungerous` deslres of hers. und vlll help her
open herself fully lo you.

You should ulso never be prudlsh ln bed. You should ulso never be prudlsh ln bed. You should ulso never be prudlsh ln bed. You should ulso never be prudlsh ln bed. Reullze lhul sex ls u
glorlously messy ucllvlly. You should nol dreud lhe exchunge
of bodlly flulds. you should rellsh ln ll. Don`l be one of lhose
guys vho freuks oul every llme hls glrls goes on her perlod.
Such behuvlor shovs her cleurly lhul you ure nol sexuully
enllghlened. und lhul you vould be dlsgusled lf she shoved
you lhe full exlenl of her sexuul deslres.

Sex for you musl be ull uboul lhe experlence. nol uboul lhe Sex for you musl be ull uboul lhe experlence. nol uboul lhe Sex for you musl be ull uboul lhe experlence. nol uboul lhe Sex for you musl be ull uboul lhe experlence. nol uboul lhe
ego boosl lhul you obluln from ll. ego boosl lhul you obluln from ll. ego boosl lhul you obluln from ll. ego boosl lhul you obluln from ll. Mosl men do nol lruly
enoy sex lhey usl enoy lhe fucl lhul lhey ure huvlng sex.
8e mollvuled ln your quesl for muslery by u deslre for
pleusure und lo pleuse vomen nol oul u deslre lo be
lhoughl of us u sex god by your frlends.

As u corollury lo lhls mlndsel. you musl be dlscreel uboul As u corollury lo lhls mlndsel. you musl be dlscreel uboul As u corollury lo lhls mlndsel. you musl be dlscreel uboul As u corollury lo lhls mlndsel. you musl be dlscreel uboul
your sexuul encounlers. your sexuul encounlers. your sexuul encounlers. your sexuul encounlers. Vhlle ego-drlven sex vlll ruln your
levels of Immerslon. lhe feur lhul you vlll lell your frlends
uboul sex vllh your glrlfrlend ln u degrudlng munner vlll
ruln her Immerslon. Cenerully. less ls more vhen ll comes lo
lulklng uboul sex. If she heurs lhul you vere brugglng uboul
your sexuul explolls vllh her. ll vlll dumuge her lrusl ln you
for u long llme.

If you do lulk uboul sex belveen lhe lvo of you. don`l lell
your slorles ln u vuy lhul lmplles lhul you conquered her.
und lhul she vus duped lnlo behuvlng llke u slul. Frume your
sexuul experlences us muluul vlclorles. Alvuys credll her
sexuul skllls much more lhun your ovn lf someone usks you
uboul good sexuul experlences. And ulvuys muke ll cleur lhul
you genulnely cure uboul her. und lhul you ure nol usl uslng
her for sex. If she ls sure ul ull llmes lhul you genulnely cure
uboul her und lhul she vlll nol huve lo suffer soclul
consequences for her sexuul behuvlor. she vlll feel free lo
unleush her lnner Sexuul 8eusl vllh you.
, , , ,

8edroom sponlunelly ls lmporlunl becuuse ll lmproves ull
Four Llemenls of DLVI slmulluneously. Il ls more domlnunl lo
do vhul you vunl sponluneously vllhoul hesllullon. Il ls ulso
more emollonul lo ucl sponluneously und nulurully. rulher
lhun ln u sllff. plunned oul vuy. 8elng sponluneous vlll
nulurully provlde Vurlely. us your vurlous sexuul vhlms und
urges vlll brlng you sexuul Vurlely ln vuys you never could
huve lhoughl of vllh your loglcul bruln. And flnully.
sponlunelly lmproves Immerslon becuuse ll precludes uny
lhlnklng und vorrylng.

Ve ull nulurully ure glfled vllh un lnner sexuul genlus. The
url of sponlunelly ls brlnglng lhul nulurul genlus oul. Vhen
un urge comes lo you ln lhe bedroom. go vllh ll. 8e deeply
ln louch vllh your deslres. If you vunl lo svllch lo u
dlfferenl poslllon. don`l over-lhlnk vhelher ll`s lhe rlghl llme.
or vhelher she`ll llke ll. 1usl ucl nulurully. und do ll.

You ulso vunl lo uvold excesslve premedllullon oulslde lhe
bedroom. For exumple. lf you vunl lo lnlroduce u funlusy.
don`l plun oul lhe exucl delulls lhree veeks ln udvunce.
Vhen your uppolnled duy comes. lhe slluullon muy nol even
be rlghl for ll. If you lry lo force lhe funlusy ln vhen lhe
slluullon ls vrong. ll vlll nol be fully effecllve. Alvuys go
vllh lhe flov. und reslsl lhe urge lo plun everylhlng oul ln

Keep ln mlnd lhough lhul loo much of u good lhlng ls u bud
lhlng. For Vurlely. ll ls good lo somellmes plun oul sexuul
ucllvllles vllh your purlner ln udvunce. Thls vlll ullov you
bolh lo bulld unllclpullon. For exumple. you could lell your
glrlfrlend lhul for her blrlhduy. you`re golng lo glve her lhe
mosl umuzlng sex of her llfe. Thls vlll muke her look forvurd
lo lhe sex. so lhul lhe grullflcullon vlll feel ull lhe beller.
Cenerully lhough. sponlunelly ln bed vlll lmprove your
sexuul encounlers.

,, ,, ,, ,,

Muny guys vulue vlrglns more hlghly lhun regulur glrls.
lhlnklng lhul defloverlng u vlrgln vould be somelhlng
lncredlbly exclllng. Vhlle ll ls exclllng lo funluslze uboul. lhe
reullly of huvlng sex vllh u vlrgln lsn`l us erollc. Llke uny skllls.
sexuul skllls ln bolh men und vomen lmprove vllh
experlence. A vlrgln. by deflnlllon. ls one vho ls complelely

Allhough lhe sex vlll nol be good und she vlll probubly nol
be uble lo cum lhe flrsl llme. you sllll vunl lo muke sure lo
hundle ll rlghl. Looklng buck on ll she vlll see lhe experlence
lhrough u rosy huze. und vlll nol remember lhe puln und lhe
uvkvurdness. All she vlll remember ls lhe Lmollon of lhe
encounler. vhlch vlll muke ll speclul for her.

If you suspecl u glrl ls u vlrgln. ulvuys usk her. Muny glrls vlll
nol lell you becuuse lhey lhlnk lhul ll vlll scure you uvuy.
Cnce you knov lhul she ls u vlrgln. you vlll knov lhul vhen
you deflover her. you vlll huve lo emphuslze Immerslon.

The glrl vlll usuully be nervous und lense you musl ul ull
llmes pul efforl lnlo reluxlng her. She vlll usuully be ln puln
ulso. so you vunl lo muke sure lo mlnlmlze lhul puln. Thls ls
nol lhe llme for super-domlnunl sex she cun`l hundle lhul
yel. Muke ll slov. und remember lhul reluxlng her ls more
lmporlunl lhun urouslng her.

In order lo relux her. muke sure lo do plenly of forepluy.
Thls ls lo gel her uroused und reluxed enough so lhul ll von`l
hurl excesslvely vhen you slurl lo huve sex vllh her. Flnger
her und llck her genlly. Vhen lhe llme comes lo penelrule
her. don`l penelrule her ull ul once llke you vould lf you
vere ucllng oul u vlrglnlly funlusy. Vork you cock lnlo her
slovly. us lf you vere fucklng u glrl up lhe uss. If she suys lhul
ll hurls. go even slover.

Il ulso helps lo lulk lo her emollonully vhen you ure lnslde
her. Tell her hov good ll feels lo be lnslde her. und hov
close lo her you feel rlghl nov. Tell her hov good ll feels lo
be lhe only guy vho`s ever been lnslde her.

If you ure u vlrgln yourself. you should lose your vlrglnlly us
soon us posslble. People generully huve been condllloned lo
belleve lhul lhelr flrsl llme should be very speclul. Vhlle I
belleve lhul you should nol flghl lhls condlllonlng ln olhers.
you should flghl ll ln yourself.

Remember lhul you cunnol lmprove your sexuul skllls
vllhoul experlence. Don`l vull for lhul one speclul glrl` lo
lose your vlrglnlly lo. If you do. you vlll dlsuppolnl her your
flrsl llme. Cel experlence on lesser glrls for nov. so lhul
vhen lhul one speclul glrl does come you vlll huve ulreudy
uchleved sexuul muslery.

If you experlence feellngs of dlsuppolnlmenl your flrsl llme.
remember lhul lhls ls normul. Your flrsl llme vlll nol be lhe
besl sex of your llfe ll vlll be lhe vorsl. Il only gels beller
from lhere. Keep huvlng sex. und you vlll soon reullze vhy I
suy lhul sex ls lhe ulllmule humun experlence.
, , , ,

CK. so you munuged lo huve sex vllh u glrl. You llke her und
you vunl lo keep her uround. bul you ulso vunl lo keep
seelng olher glrls. Nov vhul!

The flrsl lhlng lo remember ls lhul greul sex ls by fur lhe
euslesl und mosl relluble vuy lo converl u glrl lnlo u loyul
glrlfrlend. In lhe ubsence of good sex. your vulue slmply
von`l be hlgh enough compured lo olher guys for her lo be
lnleresled ln you. Thus. greul sex ls mundulory lf you vunl lo Thus. greul sex ls mundulory lf you vunl lo Thus. greul sex ls mundulory lf you vunl lo Thus. greul sex ls mundulory lf you vunl lo
huve mulllple glrlfrlends ul lhe sume llme. huve mulllple glrlfrlends ul lhe sume llme. huve mulllple glrlfrlends ul lhe sume llme. huve mulllple glrlfrlends ul lhe sume llme. Almosl ull vomen
vould prefer lo huve u guy lhul lhey conslder u reul culch ln
un excluslve relullonshlp. so you`ll huve lo be good enough
ln bed lo compensule for lhul.

The flrsl rule of bulldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul you need The flrsl rule of bulldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul you need The flrsl rule of bulldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul you need The flrsl rule of bulldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul you need
lo muke lhls glrl vork for lhe relullonshlp. lo muke lhls glrl vork for lhe relullonshlp. lo muke lhls glrl vork for lhe relullonshlp. lo muke lhls glrl vork for lhe relullonshlp. Hurd. If you cun
rock her vorld sexuully. you ure lllerully more vuluuble lhun
unylhlng or unybody ln lhe vorld lo her. Don`l glve your
vulue uvuy for free. Accepllng levels of compllunce lover
lhun vhul beflls your vulue vlll muke lhe glrl doubl lhul
your vulue ls leglllmule. und suboluge your relullonshlp.

The vomun should ulvuys be lhe one pulllng efforl lnlo
gelllng lhe lvo of you ln u relullonshlp. Alvuys. ulvuys.
ulvuys. Don`l brlng up uny lulk of u relullonshlp unlll she
does. If lhe sex ls good she ulmosl ulvuys vlll. usuully vllhln
u fev veeks lo u monlh.

The second rule of bu The second rule of bu The second rule of bu The second rule of bulldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul lhere ls lldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul lhere ls lldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul lhere ls lldlng open relullonshlps ls lhul lhere ls
only one good llme lo huve relullonshlp lulks: ufler sex. only one good llme lo huve relullonshlp lulks: ufler sex. only one good llme lo huve relullonshlp lulks: ufler sex. only one good llme lo huve relullonshlp lulks: ufler sex. Il ls
vhen your vulue ls hlghesl und vhen she vlll be mosl
compllunl lo you.

If u glrl ls deeply ullrucled lo you. she vlll lyplcully slurl
gumlng` you und lrylng lo gel you excluslvely uslng sublle
meuns. In uny relullonshlp lulk oulslde lhe bedroom. her
defenses ure up und her gume` ls reudy. Hovever. ufler u
serles of poverful orgusms she vlll flnd lhul she ls complelely
emollonully lncupuble of munlpulullon lucllcs. She vlll be u
nulurul vomun. open-mlnded lo unylhlng you huve lo suy.

If she usks vhere ls lhls golng!` oulslde lhe bedroom. don`l
unsver her dlreclly one vuy or unolher. Insleud. lell her hov
much you llke her. bul suy lhul lhere`s plenly of llme lo lulk
uboul lhls luler. 1usl muke ll cleur lo her lhul you vunl lo
huve her ln your llfe. und lhen cul lhe lhreud of relullonshlp
lulks. 8rlng ll up uguln ufler some purllculurly greul sex.

Vhen ll comes up uguln ufler sex. keep ln mlnd lhul lhe
funcllon of ull your relullonshlp gume ls usl lo ensure lhul
she sllcks uround for u fev monlhs. Thls ls so lhul she cun
conllnue lo huve more greul sexuul experlences vllh you.
und gel emollonully hooked. To do lhls. you musl nol
dlreclly slymle her hopes for excluslvlly. 8efore lhey ure
deeply emollonully lnvolved. muny vomen vlll usl vulk
uvuy lf you muke ll cleur lo lhem lhey`re never golng lo gel
you excluslvely. Cel her emollonully lnvolved before you
dlreclly slule your lnlenllons so lhul you don`l lose oul on
glrls vho you`d llke lo keep uround.

In dolng lhls. ll ls ulrlghl lf you glve her some fulse
expeclullons. The ends usllfy lhe meuns ln lhls cuse she vlll
be huppler vllh you ln lhe long run ln un open relullonshlp.
und you ure usl fucllllullng lhul process. Hovever. you vunl
lo eslubllsh lhe smullesl umounl of fulse expeclullons lhul you
cun. lo mlnlmlze uny puln lhul she feels luler. If you eslubllsh
huge fulse expeclullons lhrough oulrlghl lylng. ll vlll buckflre
on you luler und muy cuuse you lo lose lhe relullonshlp.

Insleud. ensure lhul she sllcks uround vllh lhe unsuld
lmpllcullon lhul you lvo vlll huve un excluslve relullonshlp
logelher one duy ln lhe fulure.

Afler greul sex. hold her ln your urms und lell her ull lhe
lhlngs you llke uboul her. und lmply lhul you muy vunl un
excluslve relullonshlp vllh her someduy. For exumple. vllh u
recenl glrlfrlend I lold her hov I loved lhul I ulvuys hud fun
vhenever I hung oul vllh her. hov sponluneous she vus und
hov she vus ulvuys dolng llllle lhlngs vhlch shoved lhul she
cured uboul me. These vere ull suld very genulnely und
slncerely. becuuse lhey vere ull lrue. I lhen lold her lhul I
vusn`l reudy for somelhlng excluslve rlghl nov. bul I llked
her u lol und I vus sure lhul I vunled her ln my llfe.

Your unsuld lmpllcullon lhul you vlll vunl somelhlng
excluslve ln lhe fulure glves usl enough of un expeclullon so
lhul vlrluully ull glrls vlll sluy vllh you. Vhen ll comes up
uguln luler. usl sllck lo lhls formul for your response. All you
huve lo do ls flghl u deluylng ucllon und ensure lhul she sllcks
uround for u fev monlhs so lhul she cun gel uddlcled lo lhe
greul sex.

Al u cerluln polnl. lhe glrl vlll reuch u polnl lhul I cull deep
converslon. Deep converslon hus lhe follovlng churuclerlsllcs:

The glrl ls vorklng much hurder for you lhun you ure for The glrl ls vorklng much hurder for you lhun you ure for The glrl ls vorklng much hurder for you lhun you ure for The glrl ls vorklng much hurder for you lhun you ure for
her. her. her. her. She ulvuys lruvels lo see you. she cleurs llme ln her
schedule for you. she does lhe lhlngs lhul you vunl lo do
vllh her. She ls glud lo glve lhls level of compllunce. und
doesn`l grumble or compluln.

She slops seelng olher guys. even lhough she knovs lhul She slops seelng olher guys. even lhough she knovs lhul She slops seelng olher guys. even lhough she knovs lhul She slops seelng olher guys. even lhough she knovs lhul
you uren`l excluslve lo her. you uren`l excluslve lo her. you uren`l excluslve lo her. you uren`l excluslve lo her. Some glrls ln deep converslon vlll
occuslonully hook up vllh u guy oulslde lhe relullonshlp. bul
ulmosl ull of lhem do nol. Vllh lhe sex ln lhe relullonshlp
becomlng progresslvely more und more umuzlng. sex vllh
olher guys becomes polnlless. If you cun rock her vorld vllh
The Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. vhy should she bolher
vllh some dude vho cun`l even glve her un orgusm!

She c She c She c She culls you much more lhun you cull her. ulls you much more lhun you cull her. ulls you much more lhun you cull her. ulls you much more lhun you cull her.

She lells you uboul hov olher guys vere hllllng on her. She lells you uboul hov olher guys vere hllllng on her. She lells you uboul hov olher guys vere hllllng on her. She lells you uboul hov olher guys vere hllllng on her.
ullempllng lo muke you eulous und lo lmpress you vllh ullempllng lo muke you eulous und lo lmpress you vllh ullempllng lo muke you eulous und lo lmpress you vllh ullempllng lo muke you eulous und lo lmpress you vllh
hov much she ls deslred. hov much she ls deslred. hov much she ls deslred. hov much she ls deslred. Don`l luke lhls u genulne
demonslrullon of hlgher vulue lhul she ls deslred by guys.
becuuse ll`s nol. Lume ullempls lo demonslrule vulue llke lhls
huve lo be pluyfully shul dovn so lhul she cun reluln her
respecl for you. Don`l reucl vllh eulousy ln uny vuy.
Refrume her slory us somelhlng negullve. lhul she cun only
gel velrd guys lo hll on her. Tell her oh. lhul`s loo bud only
velrd guys lulk lo you.bul don`l vorry buby. I`ll help you
flnd u hol guy.` 8y lnlerprellng her slory us u demonslrullon
of lov vulue (vhlch ll ls) und even offerlng lo hook her up
vllh olher guys. you shov her you von`l become eulous
und dlscouruge lhls bud behuvlor ln lhe fulure.

You cun sense lhul she`s lrylng lo hold buck her lnleresl or You cun sense lhul she`s lrylng lo hold buck her lnleresl or You cun sense lhul she`s lrylng lo hold buck her lnleresl or You cun sense lhul she`s lrylng lo hold buck her lnleresl or
gume` you ln order lo nol uppeur desperule. gume` you ln order lo nol uppeur desperule. gume` you ln order lo nol uppeur desperule. gume` you ln order lo nol uppeur desperule. Trunspurenl
dlslnleresl ls ucluully u very blg slgn of lnleresl. becuuse ll
shovs bolh lhul she`s lnleresled und lhul she`s vorklng hurd
lo hlde ll. usl lo keep you uround.

She feels u sense of loss vhen she`s nol uround you. She feels u sense of loss vhen she`s nol uround you. She feels u sense of loss vhen she`s nol uround you. She feels u sense of loss vhen she`s nol uround you. She`ll
lell you I mlss you` or I vus lhlnklng uboul you` ufler only
u fev duys of sepurullon.

She cun uchleve The She cun uchleve The She cun uchleve The She cun uchleve The Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule. . . . To
uchleve lhls slule. she musl huve exlremely slrong emollons
for you. Nol only lhls. bul uchlevlng lhe slule vlll only
helghlen lhose emollons.

She cunnol hold herself buck uny longer und le She cunnol hold herself buck uny longer und le She cunnol hold herself buck uny longer und le She cunnol hold herself buck uny longer und lells you lhul lls you lhul lls you lhul lls you lhul
she loves you. she loves you. she loves you. she loves you. Thls ls lhe ulllmule evldence of u deep
converslon. und lf you heur lhls you knov lhul you huve lhe
glrl. Nol ull glrls vlll suy lhls vhen lhey ure deeply converled
you vlll huve lo look for lhe evldence ln lhe olher slgns.
und lhe I love you` vlll come luler. Hovever. once you`ve
heurd ll. you cun be I00% cerluln lhul she`s reuched deep
converslon. Don`l lhlnk lhul heurlng I love you` ls u bud
lhlng und lhul ll leuds lo excluslvlly. becuuse ll doesn`l. Il`s
usl evldence of u slrong emollonul ulluchmenl. Vhen
munuged correclly. lhls ulluchmenl cun be purluyed lnlo u
slrong. eulousy-free open relullonshlp.

Cnce you`ve reuched deep converslon you cun ellmlnule ull
prelense of vunllng excluslvlly vllh her somellme ln lhe
fulure. 8rlng lhls up ufler sex preferubly ufler her mlnd hus
been blovn from uchlevlng The Conllnuously Crgusmlc Slule.
Hold her ln her urms und lell her uguln hov much you llke
her. und hov much she meuns lo you. Muke ll very genulne
und slncere (you should slncerely cure uboul lhe glrl lf you
vunl her lo sllck uround). Then. lell her lhul closed
relullonshlps huve never vorked oul for you. und lhul you
prefer open relullonshlps. Muke ll cleur lhul lhe lvo of you
do huve u relullonshlp you ure nol fuck buddles.` bul
lnvolved ln un emollonul. open relullonshlp. Tell her lhul
closed relullonshlps ulvuys leud lo eulousy und cheullng. und
lhul you don`l vunl lhul for lhe lvo of you. Flnully. lell her
lhul you vunl her lo be uble lo be free lo see olher guys und
nol feel gullly uboul ll.

In essence. ul lhls polnl you ure muklng ll cleur lhul you vlll
never huve un excluslve relullonshlp vllh her. or ul leusl lhul
you vlll nol be excluslve vllh her for u long llme. Hovever.
you ulso demonslrule lhul you lruly do cure uboul her. und
soflen lhe blov by lelllng her vhy you don`l llke excluslve
relullonshlps. If you do lhls correclly. you vlll nol lose lhe
glrl. She vlll be loo deeply ulluched lo leuve. und vlll uccepl
lhe open relullonshlp.

In uddlllon. you vunl lo muke ll very cleur lhul lhls ls nol
usl u lemporury lhlng for you. She needs lo knov lhul you
ure nol usl keeplng her uround unlll you flnd somelhlng
beller. Thls ls lhe vomun`s muln feur ln un open relullonshlp.
The lhoughl of you belng vllh olher vomen ls only
lhreulenlng becuuse she lhlnks lhe olher vomen vlll luke you
from her. Cnce she knovs lhul her relullonshlp vllh you ls
secure. ll von`l hurl her uny more. In fucl. lhe lhoughl of
you fucklng unolher vomun vlll probubly be u lurn-on.

Afler you`ve deeply converled u glrl und ussured her lhul
she`s nol golng lo lose you. ll ls generully smoolh sulllng. You
cun suy I love you` und be us emollonul vllh her us you
vunl. You cun buslcully see her us much or us llllle us you llke.
As long us you see her ul leusl once every lvo veeks. und no
more lhun four or flve llmes ln u slngle veek. you`re flne.
Dlscouruge her brlnglng up lhe lssue of un excluslve
relullonshlp uguln by suylng buby. I lold you vhy ve`re nol
reudy for lhls rlghl don`l huve lo be eulous. ve
cun lulk uboul lhls vhen ll`s lhe rlghl llme.` Afler you`ve
deull vllh ll. genlly refrume furlher relullonshlp lulks` us her
belng lnsecure. und she vlll evenluully slop brlnglng ll up.
1usl keep glvlng her good sex. und lhe relullonshlp vlll
mulnluln llself from lhls polnl.

Lvenluully. you muy vunl lo sellle dovn lnlo un excluslve
relullonshlp vllh one of your glrls. Vhen lhls does huppen.
your excluslve relullonshlp vlll be much slronger becuuse of
lhe yeurs of huvlng un open relullonshlp lhul preceded ll.
8ecuuse she hud lo vork so hurd for lhe excluslvlly und ll
vus nol usl uulomullc. she vlll uppreclule ll much more.
Also. lf she knovs lhul you could gel muny glrls bul you
chose her oul of ull of lhem. she vlll feel much more
quullfled lhun lf you only chose her becuuse you hud no
olher opllons. 8ecuuse of lhls. even lf you vunl un excluslve 8ecuuse of lhls. even lf you vunl un excluslve 8ecuuse of lhls. even lf you vunl un excluslve 8ecuuse of lhls. even lf you vunl un excluslve
relullonshlp or murrluge. I recommend huvlng un open relullonshlp or murrluge. I recommend huvlng un open relullonshlp or murrluge. I recommend huvlng un open relullonshlp or murrluge. I recommend huvlng un open
relullonshlp vllh lhe glrl flrsl ln order lo muke her more loyul relullonshlp vllh lhe glrl flrsl ln order lo muke her more loyul relullonshlp vllh lhe glrl flrsl ln order lo muke her more loyul relullonshlp vllh lhe glrl flrsl ln order lo muke her more loyul
lo you. lo you. lo you. lo you.

You don`l huve lo be un Clymplc ulhlele lo become good ln
bed. You do. hovever. need u buse level of physlcul fllness.
Sex ls u physlcully exhuusllng ucllvlly. or rulher. ll should be lf
you do ll rlghl. If you huve ull your Llemenls of DLVI dovn.
you body vlll spur you lo greuler levels of physlcul
performunce ln sex lhun you could ever uchleve oulslde lhe
bedroom. You vlll be so vrupped up ln your pleusure. you
von`l even nollce.

Hovever. lf you do nol huve u buse level of physlcul fllness ll
vlll prevenl you from uchlevlng your polenllul ln bed. You
should be sure lhul you huve u buslc level of curdlovusculur
fllness. You should be uble lo og ul u llghl puce for lvenly
mlnules vllhoul belng overly vlnded. If you vlsh lo lruln
your curdlovusculur syslem for rlgorous sex. I recommend
shorl perlods (30-60 seconds) of lnlense curdlovusculur
ucllvlly folloved by long perlods (2-5 mlnules) of less lnlense
ucllvlly. Thls slmulules lhe vurylng puce of sex. vhere you ure
somellmes lhrusllng ul u fever pllch und ul olher llmes
lhrusllng slovly und genlly.

You should ulso huve buslc slrenglh lrulnlng. I recommend
lolul body velghl lrulnlng ln order lo help vllh munhundllng
your glrl more euslly. und vllh lncreuslng your lesloslerone
und sex drlve. Aguln. you don`l huve lo be u bodybullder
you usl huve lo nol be u veukllng. The muln muscles you
vlll be uslng lo lhrusl durlng sex ure lhe muscles ln your core.
Thul ls. your ubdomlnul. lover buck. hlp und gluleul muscles.
Muke sure nol lo lgnore lhese muscles ln your vorkouls.
, , , ,

In order lo lmprove ln uny fleld. you need mollvullon. In
order lo uchleve sexuul muslery. you vlll need u hlgh sex

Sexuul lmprovemenl does nol come overnlghl. To fully leurn
lhe concepls ln lhls book. you vlll need u musslve umounl of
sexuul experlence. A hlgh sex drlve vlll be lhe drlvlng force
lhul propels you lovurds bedroom superslurdom.

Nol only ls ll essenllul for lmprovlng your sexuul skllls. ll vlll
ulso help you u lol ln lmprovlng your skllls for ullrucllng
vomen. Cflenllmes. men progress slovly ln developlng lhelr
gume becuuse lhey ure hulf-heurled uboul ll. If you huve u
lov sex drlve. you vlll flnd ll hurd lo be mollvuled lo go oul
und meel vomen ln lhe flrsl pluce. And. vhen you do huve
un opporlunlly lo huve sex vllh u glrl. you vlll nol huve
enough mollvullon lo luke lhe soclul rlsks necessury lo lsolule
und fuck her. A hlgh sex drlve vlll ellmlnule lhese problems.
Almosl ull lhe successful nuluruls und plck-up urllsls I knov
huve u hlgh sex drlve.

Improvlng your sex drlve ls lurgely u muller of lmprovlng
your lesloslerone. Tesloslerone ls lhe hormone vhlch mukes
men munly. Il ls vhul compelled cuve men lo klll mummolhs.
lo ulluck olher lrlbes und lo huve sex vllh lhelr vomen. In
lhe modern uge. ll ls vhul compels men lo luke buslness rlsks.
soclul rlsks. und lo huve u hlgh sex drlve.

Nev sclenllflc evldence hus shovn lhul your levels of
lesloslerone ure nol slullc. Numerous sludles huve proven
lhul men ucllng ln lhe vuy u hlgh lesloslerone mule ucls vlll
begln lo produce more lesloslerone lo udusl. For exumple.
umong unlmuls lhe ulphu mule ls ulmosl ulvuys lhe mule vllh
lhe mosl lesloslerone. 8ul. vhen he ls deposed by unolher
mule. lhe nev ulphu mule vlll lhen huve lhe hlghesl

Here ure some vuys lo lmprove your lesloslerone:


In order lo uchleve hlgh lesloslerone. you huve lo eul rlghl.
You flrsl vunl lo ellmlnule lhlngs from your dlel lhul brlng
your lesloslerone dovn. Heuvlly processed foods. ulcohol
und drugs vlll ull dumuge your lesloslerone. Il ls ulrlghl lo
lndulge ln lhese lhlngs once ln u vhlle. bul ll ls u problem
vhen ll becomes hublluul. Reduce your lnluke of fusl food.
und uvold heuvy drlnklng und drug use.

Soy conlulns eslrogen hormones. so uvold soy-bused foods
such us lofu. Also. consumlng vegelubles ln llself ls nol bud
for your lesloslerone. bul you ulso vunl lo muke sure lo gel
plenly of unlmul proleln. Il ls nol u colncldence lhul
vegelurluns ure generully pusslve und effemlnule.

Insleud. consume foods lhul vlll be beneflclul lo your
lesloslerone. Unprocessed meul. mllk. nuls. flsh und eggs vlll
ull help. If you need lo supplemenl lhe proleln ln your dlel.
vhey proleln shukes ure ulso un excellenl source. Never
consume soy proleln; ll ls of lover quullly und vlll hurl your

You ulso vunl lo muke sure lo eul plenly of food. Lspeclully
lf you huve lov body ful. you vunl lo muke sure lo eul us
much us posslble. Never ullov yourself lo go hungry. A good
vuy lo do lhls ls lo prepure u lurge meul vhlch you cun lhen
dlvlde lnlo lndlvlduul mlcrovuvuble porllons. If you ure
lrylng lo lose or keep off velghl. you muy nol be uble lo do
lhls. Hovever. you ulso vunl lo be cureful lo lose velghl
slovly. Too sudden u drop ln food consumpllon vlll
negullvely lmpucl your lesloslerone.


Physlcul ucllvlly ls ulso essenllul lo mulnluln your lesloslerone
und sex drlve. You should be dolng some form of physlcul
exerclse ul leusl lhree duys u veek.

Curdlovusculur exerclse vlll help your lesloslerone somevhul.
und ulso hus olher heullh beneflls. The besl vuy lo lmprove
your lesloslerone. hovever. ls by unueroblc exerclse lhul ls.
llfllng velghls.

Use heuvy velghls. enough lo exhuusl you ufler dolng 6-I2
repellllons. Alvuys push yourself lo llfl us much us you cun.
Llfl unlll your muscles full lhey should uche vllh fullgue
uflervurds. Concenlrule on blg. heuvy compound llfls such us
bench press. squuls und pull-ups. Avold muchlnes und
excesslve lsolullon movemenls.

Compellllve sporls ure ulso u greul vuy lo lmprove your
lesloslerone. The more physlcul conlucl lhere ls ln lhe sporl.
lhe beller. Foolbull und rugby ure greul. vlfflebull ls nol so
good. The besl sporls for lesloslerone ure combul sporls.
These uvuken lhe prlmul lnsllncls vhlch vlll lncreuse your
lesloslerone lo your nulurul hlgh levels. 1u llsu. klckboxlng.
vreslllng ull lhese ure greul for your lesloslerone.


The deflnlng churuclerlsllc of lhe hlgh lesloslerone ulphu mule
ls lhul he ls u rlsk luker. If you ure llvlng u llfeslyle vhere you
boldly luke muny rlsks. your body vlll nulurully lncreuse
lesloslerone producllon lo supporl lhls llfeslyle. Any lype of
rlsk luklng vlll lncreuse your lesloslerone. Approuchlng
vomen. luklng buslness rlsks. umplng oul of plunes. sleullng
curs ull of lhese vlll lncreuse your lesloslerone und lhus
muke you beller ln bed. Cf course. some of lhese rlsks ure
more lnlelllgenl lhun olhers. und you don`l huve lo commll
grund lhefl uulo lo huve hlgh lesloslerone. A llfeslyle of
luklng lnlelllgenl rlsks vlll creule lesloslerone ln spudes.

In lhe buslness vorld. don`l be ufruld lo luke flnunclul rlsks.
Tuke u nev ob. or slurl your ovn buslness. Invesl ln
somelhlng lhul hus u hlgh polenllul for relurn bul muy
bunkrupl you. You should ulso luke soclul rlsks. 8e oulgolng
und rlsk reecllon. Don`l conform lo soclul pressure. creule
soclul pressure. Alvuys vulue lhe hlgh-rlsk. hlgh revurd pulh;
ulvuys dlsduln lhe pulh of sufely.


Huvlng plenly of sex vlll ln lurn lncreuse your sex drlve. Il ls
llke exerclse your sexuul purls slrenglhen vllh use. Sex ls lhe
ulllmule vuy lo lncreuse your lesloslerone. so muke sure lhul
you ure huvlng sex ul ull llmes.

Lven lf you ure nol huvlng sex vllh lhe hollesl glrls ul flrsl.
muke sure ure huvlng sex vllh somebody. Cbvlously don`l
huve sex vllh ugly or grossly obese glrls lhul vlll hurl your
self-lmuge. 8ul. before you cun huve sex vllh lhe ellle glrl
you vlll huve lo be huvlng sex vllh uveruge glrls for u vhlle.
You ulso vunl lo muke sure you ure huvlng plenly of sex. If
posslble. lry lo gel more lhun one glrlfrlend. Ideully. you vlll
be huvlng sex ul leusl once u duy. The besl slluullon ls vhen
your glrls vunl lo huve sex more lhun you do. so lhey lnsplre
you lo even greuler performunces.

Thls ls lmporlunl for plckup us vell us sex. Cuys vho huven`l
gollen luld recenlly glve off u vlbe of desperullon lhul cun be
smelled u mlle uvuy. Cn lhe fllp slde. guys vho ure gelllng
luld regulurly seem more reluxed. more munly. und more

Remember. greul sex vlll bulld your lesloslerone und sex
drlve llke nolhlng else. I frequenlly huve sex flve llmes u duy
und I`m sllll horny ul nlghl.

, , _ , , _ , , _ , , _

Vllh enough lrulnlng. uny glrl cun leurn sexuul skllls.
Hovever. some glrls huve been so dumuged by soclul
progrummlng lhul ll ls nol vorlh lhe efforl lo leuch lhem.
Vhen flndlng your purlners ln pleusure. you should ulvuys
look for lhose vho huve lhe mosl polenllul lo uchleve sexuul
muslery lhemselves.

Il ls lempllng lo look ul hov good u glrl currenlly ls ln bed.
bul for long lerm relullonshlps polenllul for lmprovemenl ls
more lmporlunl. Don`l look so much ul physlcul lechnlque
lf she ls clumsy vhlle louchlng your cock or glvlng you orul
sex. lhls cun be correcled. 1usl gulde her genlly vllh your
vords. lnslrucllng her on hov lo besl pleuse you. She vlll
leurn vllhln u monlh or lvo vhul you llke physlcully.

Hovever. lf she hus deep sel lnsecurllles or lnhlblllons. lhese
ure nol so euslly overcome. Some glrls full lnlo deslrucllve
pullerns ln bed vhlch cun be hurd lo breuk. For exumple. lf u
vomun ls used lo huvlng only pluln vunlllu sex. lrylng lo gel
her up for more udvenlurous ucllvllles muy be more lrouble
lhun ll ls vorlh. Slmllurly. lf u glrl ls emollonully frlgld. you
could evenluully gel her emollonul. bul ll muy nol be vorlh
lhe lrouble.

The flrsl lhlng lhul you should look for ln u long lerm The flrsl lhlng lhul you should look for ln u long lerm The flrsl lhlng lhul you should look for ln u long lerm The flrsl lhlng lhul you should look for ln u long lerm
glrlfrlend ls lhul she musl be open glrlfrlend ls lhul she musl be open glrlfrlend ls lhul she musl be open glrlfrlend ls lhul she musl be open- -- -mlnded. mlnded. mlnded. mlnded. She musl nol be
udgmenlul uboul unylhlng sexuul. und she should be vllllng
lo lry unylhlng nev.

The second lhlng lhul you should look for ls lf she ls euger lo The second lhlng lhul you should look for ls lf she ls euger lo The second lhlng lhul you should look for ls lf she ls euger lo The second lhlng lhul you should look for ls lf she ls euger lo
pleuse. pleuse. pleuse. pleuse. If u glrl hus gollen ln lhe hubll of behuvlng llke u
slurflsh ln bed. you vlll huve lo expend efforl lo breuk her
oul of ll. Il ls beller lo flnd u glrl lhul ls ulreudy euger lo
pleuse you ln bed vho vlll be vllllng lo leurn vhul lurns you
on rlghl off lhe bul.

The lhlrd lhlng lhul u sexuul purlner vllh hlgh polenllul vlll The lhlrd lhlng lhul u sexuul purlner vllh hlgh polenllul vlll The lhlrd lhlng lhul u sexuul purlner vllh hlgh polenllul vlll The lhlrd lhlng lhul u sexuul purlner vllh hlgh polenllul vlll
huve ls u hlgh sex drlve. huve ls u hlgh sex drlve. huve ls u hlgh sex drlve. huve ls u hlgh sex drlve. She musl nol huve hud her nulurul
love for sex dumuged by soclul condlllonlng. She musl love
sex enough so lhul she cun keep up vllh you.

Flnully. your purlners musl nol huve uny deep sel lnsecurllles Flnully. your purlners musl nol huve uny deep sel lnsecurllles Flnully. your purlners musl nol huve uny deep sel lnsecurllles Flnully. your purlners musl nol huve uny deep sel lnsecurllles
or llmlllng bellefs or llmlllng bellefs or llmlllng bellefs or llmlllng bellefs. Some lnsecurllles und feurs ure normul. und
you cun coux her lhrough lhese. Hovever. some glrls huve
been so dumuged by prevlous purlners. lhelr upbrlnglng. or
olher people lhul lhey ure nol vorlh lhe lrouble. For
exumple. glrls vho huve lov self-esleem und don`l belleve
lhul lhey could ever lruly sullsfy u mun. Lven lf lhey ure hol.
uvold lhese glrls becuuse lhey vlll lnfecl you vllh lhelr
conluglous und deslrucllve llmlllng bellefs.

Allhough some glrls vlll nol be sulluble for u long-lerm
relullonshlp. mosl glrls ln your llfe vlll be. Alvuys remember
lo look ul u glrl`s sexuul polenllul vhen screenlng her for u
relullonshlp lf she hus lhe four churuclerlsllcs descrlbed
ubove. she hus lhe polenllul lo be u good sexuul purlner.

Ideully. you vlll be ln u poslllon vhere you huve more glrls
lhun you cun hundle lhul huve good relullonshlp polenllul.
Al lhls polnl. choose lhe glrls lhul huve lhe mosl polenllul. I
flnd lhul vhen you huve more lhun four glrlfrlends. lhey
lend lo be unmunugeuble und luke up loo much of your llme.
Lveryone hus lhelr ovn preferences lhough flnd oul hov
much of your llfe you vunl lo devole lhe relullonshlp
munugemenl. und bulld your leum of glrlfrlends uccordlngly.
And. never become complucenl. 1usl becuuse your currenl
rolullon of glrls ls greul doesn`l meun lhul lhere lsn`l beller
oul lhere. Keep golng oul und looklng for nev glrls lo
lmprove your relullonshlp llfe.
, , , ,

Sexuully lrunsmllled dlseuse und pregnuncy sufely should
ulvuys be of prlmury concern for unyone lrylng lo uchleve
sexuul muslery. Sex ls un lnherenlly rlsky ucl. und you should
ulvuys do everylhlng vllhln your pover lo mlnlmlze your


Vhen you go oul. ulvuys curry condoms vllh you. Don`l
curry lhem ln your vullel. us lhey cun bend und leur. Curry
lhem ln u hurd conlulner. such us un Allolds lln. Lxperlmenl
vllh dlfferenl klnds of condoms everyone hus lhelr ovn

You musl ulvuys use condoms unlll your glrlfrlend ls vell
converled. Thul ls. unlll she ls deeply emollonully ulluched lo
you. You should ulso be her prlmury sexuul purlner. lf she ls
nol excluslve lo you. If she ls sllll huvlng sex vllh olher guys.
you musl be uble lo lrusl her lo use u condom vllh lhem ul
ull llmes.

Drlve lhls lnlo her heud us lhe one demund lhul you muke of
her. Huvlng mulllple glrlfrlends ls un lnherenlly rlsky sexuul
slluullon. so you musl prolecl yourself. Tell her lhul you
don`l mlnd her hooklng up vllh olher guys. bul she hus lo
muke sure lhul she ulvuys uses u condom vllh lhem.

Muke sure nol lo buck her ugulnsl u vull und muke her feur
lhul you`ll leuve her lf she hus condomless sex vllh someone
else. If she does huve unprolecled sex. she muy lle lo you
uboul ll lf she feurs lhul you`ll be ungry vllh her. Tell her lhul
ll vlll be ulrlghl lf she sllps up und hus sex vllh someone else
vllhoul u condom. 8olh of you vlll go lo lhe cllnlc und gel
lesled logelher. und she doesn`l huve lo feur you leuvlng her
becuuse of one mlsluke.

Lven lf you lrusl lhe glrl. ulvuys gel lesled logelher before
you slurl huvlng condomless sex. Vomen muy huve dlseuses
lhul lhey curry vllh no symploms und do nol even knov
uboul. Lven lf lhls ls u smull rlsk. ll ls u rlsk lhul you do nol
vunl lo expose yourself lo. Vull unlll lhe lesl resulls come
buck cleun before you go burebuck.

In uddlllon lo lhls. you should gel lesled every slx monlhs ul
leusl lf you ure sexuully ucllve vllh mulllple purlners. Muny
sexuully lrunsmllled dlseuses ure lreuluble lf you culch lhem
eurly don`l neglecl your sexuul heullh.


Anul sex ls by nulure lhe rlsklesl klnd of sex. There ls u very
hlgh rlsk of condom breukuge und STD lrunsmlsslon. In
uddlllon. lhe besl lubrlcunls for unul sex ure lhlck oll-bused
lubrlcunls. such us Vusellne. These lubrlcunls ure lncompullble
vllh condoms.

I don`l recommend unul sex unlll you lrusl lhe glrl enough lo
huve sex vllhoul condoms. For mosl glrls. ll requlres u good
deul of lrusl unyvuys. so ll vlll be beller for her lf you vull.
If you vull unlll you don`l need condoms unymore. you cun
ulso use Vusellne. Thls vlll muke unul sex feel much beller for
her und mlnlmlze odor.


If you ure nol uslng condoms vllh your glrlfrlend. she musl
be on lhe plll lo prevenl pregnuncy. Thls represenls un
uddlllonul luyer of rlsk you musl be uble lo lrusl her lo luke
her plll every duy ul lhe sume llme. If she does nol do lhls.
lhe plll`s effecllveness ls dlmlnlshed und you ure rlsklng un
unplunned pregnuncy.

Rememberlng lo luke u plll ul lhe exucl sume llme every duy
ls hurder lhun you lhlnk. Also. lhe plll muy huve unvunled
slde effecls on some glrls vhlch vlll luke lhem u vhlle lo
udusl lo. Muke sure lhul your glrlfrlend ls responslble enough
lo luke her plll rellglously before you go off condoms.
Preferubly. she vlll be luklng lhe plll for u monlh or lvo
before you go off condoms lo gel her used lo ll.

Lven lf you cun lrusl your glrlfrlend. muke sure lhul you usk
your glrl regulurly lf she`s mlssed u plll. If she hus. lemporurlly
go buck lo condoms.

Above ull else. do nol use lhe pregnuncy funlusy (descrlbed ln
Acl IV) lf you do nol vunl lhe glrl lo become pregnunl. Il
VILL cuuse ln her u deslre lo become pregnunl for reul. She
muy consclously or subconsclously forgel` her pllls.

Remember lhul llke ull forms of conlrucepllon. lhe plll ls nol
I00% effecllve. Muke sure lhul you und your glrl ure on lhe
sume puge regurdlng vhul vlll huppen ln lhe cuse of un
emergency pregnuncy. If you llve ln lhe US once she ls
pregnunl. you legully huve no suy ln vhelher or nol she
decldes lo gel un uborllon. Almosl ulvuys vell-converled
glrls vlll comply vllh your vlshes us lo vhelher or nol she
should curry lhe pregnuncy. Hovever. lf she hus deep sel
bellefs lhul confllcl vllh yours. you muy vunl lo relurn lo
uslng condoms or drop her from your rolullon.

Luslly. see lf she cun huve u dose of lhe mornlng ufler plll
reudy ln cuse of un emergency. In lhe US. lhls plll ls lllegul
vllhoul u prescrlpllon. so ll ls preferuble lo gel ll before lhe
emergency ucluully huppens. Vulllng u duy for u prescrlpllon
vlll slgnlflcunlly decreuse lhe plll`s chunces of vorklng. In
mosl counlrles oulslde lhe US. lhe plll ls uvulluble vllhoul u
prescrlpllon. If un emergency huppens. drlve her lo u
drugslore us soon us posslble lo gel ll for her.


Muny guys ure curefree uboul conlrucepllon. becuuse lhey
lhlnk lhul lf u pregnuncy occurs. lhe glrl cun usl gel un
uborllon. In lheory uborllon ls u slmple. roullne procedure.
In ucluullly. hovever. ll ls u horrlflc experlence lhul you vunl
lo uvold ul ull cosls.

In lhe cuse of u surglcul uborllon. she vlll nol be uble lo huve
sex for slx veeks. Huvlng sex before lhls vlll cuuse permunenl
dumuge. Also. ulmosl ull glrls vlll be emollonully devusluled
by un uborllon. Huvlng been uccuslomed lo lhe feellngs of u
chlld lnslde lhem. lhey vlll feel us lf lhey huve losl u purl of
lhemselves. In uddlllon. deeply converled glrls oflen
enlerluln dreums of murrylng und huvlng chlldren vllh you.
Vllh un uborllon. she vlll feel us lf lhls dreum hus been
cruelly lorn uvuy from her.

There ls even u chunce lhul she vlll buck oul of lhe uborllon
ul lhe lusl mlnule. Vllh emollons runnlng so hlgh. lhe glrl
vlll become unpredlcluble und muy nol behuve us she suld

Do everylhlng you cun lo prevenl uborllon. Use ll only vhen
lhere ure no olher opllons uvulluble lo you.


There ls much rlsk lnherenl ln belng sexuully ucllve. Tuke ull
lhe sleps you cun lo mlnlmlze lhls rlsk. bul don`l llve ln feur.
Cnce you huve done everylhlng you cun. you musl leurn lo
lel go of ull sufely vorrles und usl enoy lhe sex ucl.
Remember. feur und vorrles ruln your Immerslon.

There ls nolhlng ln llfe lhul ls vllhoul rlsk. Il ls beller lo llve
llfe vlvuclously luklng some rlsks lhun lo ellmlnule ull rlsks by
becomlng u cellbule monk.

Allhough sex vllhoul condoms ls rlsky. ll ls ulso much more
pleusuruble for bolh lhe mun und lhe vomun. 8olh
physlcully und psychologlcully. ll provldes more sllmulullon.
To uchleve lrue sexuul muslery. you musl huve glrls lhul you
lrusl enough lo huve unprolecled sex vllh. A glrl does nol
vunl lo feel your munhood enlrupped by u llfeless sheulh of
lulex. She vunls lo feel your ruv cock lhrobblng und
pulsullng lnslde her us ll fllls her pussy vllh bursls of hol cum.
Don`l be ufruld lo luklng lnlelllgenl rlsks. und never lel feur
degrude your sex llfe.

, ,

Since the time the 1
edition of this book was written, Ive
since settled down in a single, monogamous relationship.
While I still recommend that any guys who wants to live a
polyamorous lifestyle with multiple girlfriends go for it, Ive
also seen that a long term monogamous relationship can have
benefits as well. For me, the greatest benefit is that its freed
up a ton of time to focus on two of my other passions
helping guys through sex coaching, and martial arts.

And, from talking to students, I know that many the guys
who learn from me are in long-term relationships right now,
or are married. While mostly women are turned on by the
same things whether youre in a long-term relationship with
them or not, there ARE some challenges and opportunities
unique to long-term relationships that you should be aware
of. If youre currently in a long-term relationship, knowing
these ways will immediately allow you to make your sex life
better. And if youre not currently in a long-term relationship,
this knowledge is still good to know for when you eventually
do get into one.
First, lets start by talking about the sexual ADVANTAGES you
have in a long-term relationship or marriage.

The biggest advantage that youll have in a long-term
relationship is that you wont have to worry about
Immersion. Because the two of you have been having sex
with each other for so long, you should both be very
comfortable, relaxed and natural around one another.
Because of this, shell be open to more exciting forms of
sexual experimentation that she wouldnt be with a guy she
didnt know as well. The two of you should also be very
familiar with each others bodies, so youll know exactly how
to please each other physically. And finally, there isnt as
much pressure to perform on you, because you know that
shes in this for the long haul and a single bad sexual
performance wont seriously damage you.

However, there are also two major challenges that you face
in a long-term relationship/marriage. If youre not careful to
avoid these pitfalls, you could find that even though youre
doing everything else right in bed, sex in your relationship
steadily becomes more and more boring and stale until after
a number of years, shes barely interested in having sex with
you at all.

The first challenge is that it is extremely easy for sex to
become routine, predictable, and boring in a long-term
relationship or marriage. Especially if the two of you are
living together and even more so if you have children it is
very easy to fall into a routine where you are doing the same
exact thing every single day. Wake up, get the kids ready for
school, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch some TV
together, get ready for bed, and then at the end of each day
comes the allotted time-slot for sex.

Remember one of the main principles of Variety
predictability is the root of all boredom. In a long-term
relationship, it is the natural tendency to fall into a sexual
routines where youre having the same exact kind of sex, in
the same exact place, in the same exact time, day after day
after day. If you let this routine continue indefinitely,
eventually she will lose interest in sex altogether. You must
constantly be combating this tendency towards predictability
and routine, and constantly finding new ways to add Variety
to your relationship to keep it fresh and exciting.

The second challenge that you face in a long-term
relationship is that there is implicit PRESSURE to be having
sex with one another. By this, I mean that in a long-term
relationship the rational, logical, sensible thing for you both
to do is to maintain a healthy and active sex life. While this
would seem like it is a motivating factor to have sex, actually
it is the complete opposite.

Remember, human beings are sexually turned on by the
forbidden what they are not supposed to desire. If
something is taboo and irrational to be sexually attracted
to, inevitably this only increases our attraction to it until it
becomes an irresistible compulsion. If something is acceptable
and rational to sexually desire, our level of sexual
attraction to it is actually diminished.

Unless you guard against it, this counter-intuitive principle
will work strongly against you in a long-term relationship. In
addition to always adding Variety, you must always be
combating the attraction-killing pressure of a long-term
relationship by putting up barriers she must overcome to
have sex with you. In other words, you must always work to
make her irresistibly attracted on an emotional level to sex
with you not just obligated to have sex with you.

Lets discuss some specific ways that you can do this.

, .

1. Put less focus on routine sex before you go to bed
This is VERY counter-intuitive to most guys in a relationship.
After all, right before bed is the most convenient, logical time
for sex. There are a myriad of other routine tasks occupying
both you and her throughout the day, and its only at night
before bed that you have a few moments to spare for each
other. Wouldnt this seem like the best time for sex in a

Although it would seem that way, it is actually the WORST
time for sex in a long-term relationship. This is because it can
become nauseatingly predictable after having the same
missionary style sex in the same bed, in the same room, at the
same time for years, she will be able to see your advances
coming from a mile away. And even if she has good
intentions of sexually pleasing you (as most women do), she
cannot help but be turned off by this unrelieved monotony.

For this reason, I actually recommend NOT trying to have
sex with your girlfriend or wife on most nights just before
bed. If it doesnt happen naturally, just go to sleep. This will
be very difficult at first, but soon youll find that her libido is
greatly increased at other times throughout the day. Youll
find that shes much more eager for sex in the mornings, in
the evenings, and even in the middle of the night. Once
youve relieved her of the burden of the tedious nightly sex
routine, youll find that her natural sex drive will come back
to life again.

2. Have sex in high-risk situations when youre not
supposed to
Again, remember that the enemy of your sex life in a long
term relationship is that sex between you and your girlfriend
or wife is now acceptable, sensible, and logical. You want to
actively work to make having sex with you as illogical, high-
risk, and taboo as possible. For a woman you just met this
would be exactly the wrong thing to do, but in a long-term
relationship it is necessary to combat pressure.

This is why bad boys seem have no problem getting sex
from their girlfriends even after being in a relationship for
years, while nice guys who keep sex low-risk and safe
always seem to be sleeping on the couch. Unfortunately,
most of the ways that the bad boys use to keep sex exciting
are extremely destructive, such as having sex with her with no
condom when shes not on birth control, or having sex with
her within earshot of one of her past lovers who would be
devastated if he heard another man having sex with her.
While women WILL be aroused by these destructive
techniques, they are not recommended because of the long-
term damage they cause.

Instead, focus on ways to make her perceive having sex with
you as high-risk and taboo which dont actually hurt your
relationship or others. Some ways that you can do this:

x Have sex when youre sleeping over a friends house, or
somewhere where you have to be quiet in order to
prevent being caught

x Have sex which makes you late for work. Ordinarily
this would be a bad idea as it would probably get you
fired, but a good trick is to tell her that you have to be
at work half an hour before you actually do. Once
youre about to leave and sex is now taboo, youll
probably find that shes suddenly in the mood. Tell her
that you shouldnt be doing this as you undress each
other. Then, afterwards, hurry off to the job youre
late to. This way you can have your cake and eat it
too: you can have that taboo sex, while not actually
damaging your professional life.

x Videotape her having sex with you, and have her
perform for the camera. This is risky sexual behavior for
her because shes taking the chance that the tape will
someday be used against her, but within the trust of a
long-term relationship this will actually make sex more

3. Dont force sex if shes not in the mood
This is another one which can be difficult especially if your
sex life has already started to go downhill, but its absolutely
critical if you want to have great sex in your relationship. This
could possibly be the BIGGEST mistake that guys make in
relationships. By persistently trying to force sex when shes
not in the mood, you are shooting yourself in the foot and
killing her long-term sexual attraction to you.
Remember the more pressure there is for her to have sex
with you, the less she will WANT to have sex with you. Any
type of explicit pressure that you put on her to have sex with
you is intensely damaging to her sexual desire for you, and
should be avoided at all costs. This includes:

x Acting pissed off or depressed because she wont have
sex with you

x Trying to have a serious talk about your sex life, or
attempting to logically convince her to have sex with

x Trying for sex repeatedly after shes told you shes not in
the mood

x Directly or indirectly threatening to leave the
relationship or otherwise withdraw from her unless he
has sex with you
While its very tempting to engage in this type of behavior if
she hasnt had sex with you for a while, you must resist the
urge. Although it may be difficult at first, youll find that if
you stay relaxed and dont pressure her while also using the
other techniques in this chapter her sex drive will soon
return to normal.

4. Occasionally tease her, then DONT have sex with her
A technique that Ive found extremely effective in
monogamous relationships is to tease her and get her
extremely turned on, then to NOT have sex with her. This is
another technique which would completely backfire with a
woman you just met, but which works wonders in a long-
term relationship or marriage.

By teasing her and then denying her the sexual pleasure she
craves, she will feel intense feelings of deprivation and anger
for a short amount of time. This adds the all-important
element of RISK to your sex life again now when she
initiates sex with you, its not completely safe and predictable.
Shes taking a chance that maybe youll get her really turned
on, then refuse to satisfy her and within the atmosphere of
a long-term relationship, this can make sex exciting again.

Adding Variety

5. Cycle between animal attraction and recovery in
your relationship
Ive observed a lot of couples where the woman became
sexually bored with the man after a few years and a few
where the woman was still sexually desired her man after 5,
10 or even 20 years. Some of these couples still having great
sex even had kids it didnt really matter, they still found the
time and energy for sex.

While you might think the men having great sex after 10 or
20 years were the ones who were the most stable, reliable,
and emotionally consistent, this wasnt what was actually
going on. In reality, all the men who were having great sex in
the long-term were very emotional guys who sometimes
treated their wife well and showed her lots of affection, and
sometimes acted distant and aloof towards her. There seemed
to be no logic as to when these guys were doing these things
it seemed to be more of a unconscious rhythm of attraction
that they fell into.

This didnt make very much sense to me until I read a book
called The Power Of Full Engagement by Tony Schwartz.
The main point that he makes in the book is that as humans
we try to force a lot of areas of our life to be linear, when
they should actually be cyclical and rhythmic. For example,
many people mistakenly think the best way to work
throughout the day is to work steadily, straight through for
eight hours. While this would seem to be the case, actually
the best and most productive way to work is to work in short,
focused intervals interspersed with short breaks for recovery.
There were many, many other applications of this principle as
well, and the book really changed my life for the better.

After seeing the power of making important areas of my life
cyclical, I also began to thinkwhat if its actually healthy to
have cyclical relationships as well? The image that we have of
a great relationship is one where both partners are constantly
and consistently attracted to each other for decadesbut
how many times have you actually seen a couple like this in
real life? I had never seen a couple like this and I still never
had so I began to think that the ideal of being steadily and
consistently attracted to each other at exactly the same level
for decades was an unachievable goal.

Maybe, I thought, a healthier and more realistic goal would
be to have a relationship which cycles between periods of
intense honeymoon attraction where the two of you just
cant get enough of each other, and recovery periods
where youre both still having sex and are into each other,
but the relationship is more focused on relaxation and
comfort with each other. With all the couples I had ever seen
who were regularly having great sex after years, this seemed
to be what they were doing.

So, I decided to try this in my own relationship life, and I
found that it was a great way to keep sex interesting and
fresh in a long-term relationship. I found that every few
weeks, something would trigger a period of irresistible animal
attraction between my girlfriend and I. For a few weeks, we
would be having sex constantlythen for no reason at all, it
would taper off. We would still be having sex and we were
still attracted to each other, but the quality of our
relationship was more relaxed and comfortable. Rather than
trying to fight this as I would of before, I would go with the
flow and let our relationship fall into this natural rhythm.
And then, a few weeks or a month later, we would be in the
intense animal attraction cycle again.

The result of this was that we were naturally having different
types of sex depending on what cycle we were in. In the
animal attraction cycle, sex was intensely Dominant. In the
recovery cycle, sex was more Emotional and Immersive.
This naturally introduced more Variety into the relationship
sex was always flowing from one type of sex to another,
depending on what cycle we were in.
In your relationship, this is the model that you want to
follow. Dont try to have a consistent, steady relationship
which is always the same this is unhealthy and impossible to
achieve. Instead, let your relationship cycle between animal
attraction cycles and recovery cycles. During the animal
attraction cycles, you want to emphasize Dominant hard
fucking. During the recovery cycles, you want to emphasize
Emotional and Immersive lovemaking. This is perhaps the
biggest key to keeping sex interested for 20, 30, or 40 years.

6. Have sex in physical locations OTHER than your bed as
much as possible
Especially if you live together, a major source of monotony is
that sex always happens in the same exact place your bed.
While a bed is the most comfortable and best place for sex, it
can get incredibly tiresome if its the ONLY place you ever
have sex. To avoid this, you want to occasionally have sex
with her in a location other than your bed.

What are some good locations for sex other than your bed?
Here are a few you can try:

x The shower

x Other rooms in the house

x On a chair or couch with her riding you

x In the back seat of your car

x In a hotel room (this can be very excitingeven if the
hotel is just down the street)

7. Use sex toys and porn to add variety
Another great way to add Variety into a long-term
relationship is to use sex toys and porn. Within the trusting
and comfortable environment of a long-term relationship, it
should be fairly easy to get her to open up to you about
what sex toys and porn turns her on. Even if shes never tried
these things before, shell almost certainly be willing to
experiment with you in a relationship.

A good way to do this is to surprise her by buying her a few
sex toys and porn videos for her birthday, or for your
anniversary. If she hasnt told you what she likes before, the
best thing to do is to buy a few different sex toys and types
of porn, and then experiment to see what she likes.

One important note for buying porn: dont buy the gonzo
type of porn where each scene just goes straight into sex. Buy
the old-school feature type of porn the kind that has a
cheesy plotline and bad acting. This creates more of a movie
type of atmosphere, and allows the two of you to relax
because you can make fun of the bad acting before the sex
starts. By the time the sex does start, shell be comfortable,
turned on, and ready to act like a porn star herself.

8. Celebrate special occasions
A great bonus to being in a long-term relationship is that
there are certain special occasions throughout the year (your
anniversary, Valentines day, birthdays, etc.) which you can
celebrate with new and exciting sexual experiences. While its
usually a bad idea to do a lot of planning to engineer a great
sexual experience for a girl you just met a month ago, in a
long-term relationship this can only help you.
For any special occasion, you should take the opportunity to
plan a new sexual adventure for the two of you. Usually its
best if the evening starts with some platonic activity, such as
shopping or dinner, then slowly evolves into a sexual
situation. Here are some ideas that you can use:

x For your anniversary, take her out a dinner as you
normally would. However, without telling her, you
should reserve a room a few days in advance at a nice
hotel near the restaurant. After dinner, tell her that you
have a surprise for her. Lead her to the hotel, and
check inby this time, shell probably have figured out
whats going on.

Once you get to the hotel room, have a spread of
strawberries, whipped cream, melted chocolate and
champagne waiting for you. Drink the champagne as
you eat strawberries and chocolate off each other
bodies. Once you start having sex, youll find that being
in a different location (even if its actually just down the
street) makes a big difference and adds a lot of Variety
to the experience.

x Another way to celebrate special occasions with sex is to
use her birthday to make her biggest sexual fantasy
come true. If shes previously told you about a sexual
fantasy she had, such as having a threesome or having
sex in public, take her out to dinner then surprise her
afterwards by fulfilling that fantasy.

For example, if her fantasy was of having a threesome
with another woman, you could get another woman
who she was interested in to be waiting at your house
for you when you come home. Then, the three of you
could watch a movie together, and slowly escalate into
sex. If her fantasy was of having sex in public, you could
take her to a hidden place youve previously picked out,
and then have sex with her there.

9. Use Sex Fantasies
You can also add sexual Variety to your relationship by
finding out what her sexual fantasies are, and acting out the
fantasy while youre having sex. Because of the trust you
have in your relationship, it should be easy to get her to
open up about her most secret fantasies that she never shares
with anyone else. Then, once you know what these are, you
can use them to turn her on while youre having sex.

The way to do this is to get her aroused, and then to simply
start talking in the language of the fantasy. For example, if
she fantasized about being a virgin again and losing her
virginity to a man, you could get her turned on then start
saying your pussy is so tightyou must be a virgin. When
she is highly aroused and you begin talking like this it wont
matter that what you are saying doesnt make sense. Shell
soon start imagining that what youre talking about is actually
happening, and sex will be much more exciting because
youre both sharing the fantasy.

Check out Act IV: The Fantasies for a complete guide to
using fantasies in the bedroom, and for nine sexual fantasies
that excite almost all women.

10. Explore taboo activities such as threesomes & anal sex
Its important to always be pushing her sexual boundaries in a
relationship. If you are always exploring new sexual frontiers
with her, it is impossible for the two of you to fall into a rut
or become bored.
And if shes never done a certain sex act before, all the better.
When you do introduce it to her, it will add a tremendous
amount of Variety to your sex life because shes never done it

To introduce these taboo activities, you want to gradually
introduce them to her. Youll probably meet with some
resistance to your advances at first. This is not so much
because she doesnt want to do the activity with you, as
because shes fallen into the habit of doing things a certain
way in bed and is resistant to change. If you gently persist
though, and gradually incorporate more and more of the
activity into your sex life, soon shell be able to enjoy it like
anything else you normally do in bed.

For example, if youre in a relationship and youve never had
anal sex with her before, you could start by touching her anus
with your finger while youre having sex with her. If youve
never done this with her before, she might give you some
resistance here because shes not familiar with having her
body stimulated in this way. If you gently persist though, and
tell her that how good itll feel for her to have something
inside her ass, shell eventually become curious and want to
try it. You can then progress from inserting a lubricated finger
into her, to thrusting a finger in and out of her, to finally anal
sex. This process of gradual introduction and gentle
persistence can be used to introduce any new sex act into
your relationship, and is a great way to keep sex fresh and
exciting in your relationship.

, , , ,

Funlusles cun be u greul vuy lo udd Vurlely lnlo your sex llfe.
Vhen properly presenled. u funlusy cun luke glrls lo un
enllrely nev reullly vhen huvlng sex.

Funlusles ure un udvunced vuy lo creule psychologlcul
sllmulullon. They vlll nol vork for you unless you ulreudy
huve muslered ull lhe olher sexuul skllls ln lhls book. Cnce
you ure huvlng greul sex vllh u hlghly converled glrl lhough.
you should begln lo lnlroduce funlusles lnlo your sex llfe.

The mosl crlllcul purl of lnlroduclng funlusles lnlo your sex
llfe ls lhe vuy lhul you lnlroduce lhem. The vuy nol lo
lnlroduce u funlusy ls lo brlng ll up vhen she ls nol uroused.
For exumple. some guys vlll luke lhelr glrlfrlends oul lo
dlnner. und lhen sll lhem dovn ln lhe llvlng room uflervurds.
They vlll lhen proceed lo expluln lo lhelr glrl hov he vould
llke lo ucl oul u funlusy vhere he prelends lo be her fulher
und fucks her.

Suylng somelhlng llke lhls vhen she ls nol uroused vlll lnclle
lremendous obecllons ln her loglcul mlnd. Lven lf she does
ugree lo ucl oul lhe funlusy. she vlll develop subconsclous
feurs uboul ll. Vhul ls ll mukes you lhlnk lhul she`s u
perverled slul. vunllng lo gel fucked by her ovn fulher!
Does ll reully muke her u perverled slul! Is ll vrong! These
feurs vlll creep lnlo her mlnd vhen you ure ucllng oul lhe
funlusy. She vlll be unuble lo be lolully lmmersed ln lhe
ullernule reullly you presenl her. The funlusy vlll seem slllled.
und full flul on lls fuce.

There ls u much beller vuy lo brlng up lhe funlusy. Cel her ln
bed. und slurl gelllng her uroused. Then. once she ls lurned
on. slurl ulludlng lo lhe funlusy. For exumple. lf you vunl lo
lnlroduce her lo lhe vlrglnlly funlusy. slurl lelllng her us
you`re flngerlng her lhls pussy ls reully llghl.ll`s so llghl. I
lhlnk lhul you`ve never been fucked before. Thls musl be
your flrsl llme.`

In her uroused slule. she vlll be hlghly suggesllble. You muy
feur ul flrsl lhul she vlll usl sll boll uprlghl und suy No.
ucluully I huve hud sex before.` Cnce you huve ucluully done
ll. you vlll see hov rldlculous lhls ls. Vhen she ls uroused. ll
ls exlremely unllkely lhul she vlll obecl lo unylhlng you suy.

As she gels more und more lurned on. slurl umpllfylng your
lulk of lhe funlusy even more. Tell her Vov. you`re reully musl be u vlrgln. Thls ls golng lo be your flrsl
llme.` Never expllcllly suy lhul you ure enucllng u funlusy.
usl slurl lulklng presupposlng lhul you ure ulreudy ln lhe
funlusy. Cnce she hus heurd you lulklng llke lhls ln u hlghly
uroused slule. she vlll become lmmersed ln lhe funlusy. Mosl
glrls vlll even slurl lulklng buck lo you ln lhe lunguuge of lhe
funlusy. suylng lhlngs llke No.I`m u vlrgln. you cun`l fuck
me llke lhls.`

If your glrl seems confused by vhul you`re suylng. or doesn`l
complelely uccepl lhe funlusy ul flrsl. lhul`s CK. 1usl keep
gelllng her uroused ullude lo lhe funlusy uguln vhen she`s
more lurned on. Cnce she ls lurned on enough. she v Cnce she ls lurned on enough. she v Cnce she ls lurned on enough. she v Cnce she ls lurned on enough. she von`l on`l on`l on`l
obecl lo unylhlng. obecl lo unylhlng. obecl lo unylhlng. obecl lo unylhlng.

The udvunluge of brlnglng lhe funlusy up vhen she ls uroused
ls lhul she cunnol huve uny loglcul obecllons lo ll. Also. you
vlll greully reduce uny feurs or lnsecurllles she muy huve
uboul lhe funlusy. If you brlng ll up beforehund. she vlll
huve llme lo lhlnk uboul ll und become lnsecure. She vlll
develop subconsclous menlul defense mechunlsms. If you
brlng ll up ln lhe momenl. she vlll keep her Immerslon lnlucl.

, , , , , , , ,
, , , ,


Sex behlnd closed doors ls u producl of soclul condlllonlng. A
producl of lhe sex ls vrong` menlullly. ve ure condllloned
lo ulvuys huve sex ln prlvule pluces us lf ll ls somelhlng
shumeful lhul ve musl hlde.

8eneulh our lnhlblllons. ve ull long lo shov our sexuullly
freely. 8reuklng free of soclul condlllonlng und gelllng fucked
ln publlc ls u frequenl funlusy umong vomen.

To lnlroduce lhe exhlblllonlsm funlusy. slurl ulludlng lo lhe
ldeu lhul people ure vulchlng her vhlle she ls gelllng fucked.
Muke ll u domlnunl funlusy emphuslze vhul u slul she ls for
gelllng fucked vllh so muny people vulchlng her. Keep
lulklng dlrly ulong lhese llnes us you fuck her.


I ulvuys suspecled one of my glrlfrlends hud un exhlblllonlsl
slreuk. 8elng u vlrgln before she mel me. she vusn`l yel
confldenl enough ln her sexuullly lo ucluully shov her
exhlblllonlsm oulrlghl. So. lo help her. I declded lo ucl oul
un exhlblllonlsm funlusy vllh her.

I slurled lulklng flngerlng her und lulklng dlrly ln her eur.
Vhen she vus reully lurned on. I vhlspered ln her eur
you`re u reully dlrly glrl gelllng flngered llke lhls.I bel lhul
you vunl lo gel fucked vllh everyone vulchlng you.` She
erked her heud up. lhlnklng lhul people vere ucluully
vulchlng. Vhen she reullzed lhul lhe door vus sufely closed
und locked. she reluxed uguln. I conllnued lulklng dlrly ln her
eur. I cun`l belleve you`re gelllng flngered. und you vunl
me lo fuck you rlghl ln fronl of everyone.I cun`l do lhul.
Lveryone`s vulchlng buby. I cun`l do lhls rlghl nov.` Slovly.
I mude lhe lrunslllon from suylng lhul she vunled lo be
fucked ln fronl of olher people lo funluslzlng lhul olher
people vere ucluully lhere vulchlng.

Allhough she vus lnexperlenced und slov lo culch on. she
evenluully fell lnlo lhe funlusy of people vulchlng. I slurled
fucklng her doggy slyle. und lold her I cun`l belleve vhul u
slul you ure. lelllng yourself gel fucked vllh everyone
vulchlng.` She slurled gelllng more und more lurned on.
loslng herself ln lhe sensullon of lolully lelllng go und belng
domlnuled by me ln fronl of olher people.

I slurled fucklng her hurder. Tell me hov much you love
gelllng fucked.` I communded her.

Noo.` she suld. A loken obecllon.

I fucked her mercllessly vllh u hund on her lhroul. Suy ll.` I
ordered her.

I.I love gelllng fucked.` she flnully suld.

LCUDLR!` I suld. I vunl everyone lo heur hov much you
love gelllng fucked!`

I LCVL CLTTINC FUCKLD` she screumed loud enough for
everyone ln my upurlmenl bulldlng lo heur. I could feel her
uboul lo cum.

Screum for me buby.` I lold her. Screum so lhul everyone
vulchlng you rlghl nov knovs vhul u slul you ure.` I
grubbed her hlps und drove lnlo her. hurd und deep. She
screumed her lungs oul us she cume.


The exhlblllonlsm funlusy cun ulso be udupled lnlo lhe Porn
Slur funlusy. Insleud of lulklng uboul hov people ure
vulchlng her gelllng fucked. lulk uboul hov she`s belng
vldeo luped vhlle she`s belng fucked. Try bolh. some glrls
prefer u slrulghl exhlblllonlsl funlusy vhlle olhers flnd lhe
ldeu of belng u porn slur more exclllng.

Thls funlusy derlves lls pover from belng u funlusy. For glrls
vho huve hud reul llfe experlences vllh exhlblllonlsm. you
do nol vunl lo use lhls funlusy. Cenerully. uny glrl vho hus
been u slrlpper or porn glrl or knovs someone vho ls u
slrlpper or u porn glrl vlll huve negullve ussoclullons vllh
exhlblllonlsm und belng vldeo luped. Prlvule sex vlll be more
lnllmule und emollonul for lhese glrls.

For glrls vho exhlblllonlsm uppeuls lo hovever. ll cun be u
greul vuy lo lnlroduce lhem lo huvlng publlc sex for reul. I
vould luler go on lo neurly gel urresled more lhun once for
huvlng sex ln vurlous publlc pluces vllh lhe glrl ln lhe
exumple. The sume lhlng goes for lhe Porn Slur vurlullon.
The flrsl llme. ll helps lhe funlusy lo huve u vldeo cumeru.
und usl nol lurn ll on. The nexl fev llmes. you cun lurn ll on
und muke your ovn porn movles for reul.

, , , ,
, , , , , , , ,


Thls ls unolher exumple of luklng udvunluge of u soclul luboo
lo creule sexuul excllemenl. In her eurly. mosl formullve
yeurs. lhe mosl domlnunl flgure ln u glrl`s llfe vus her fulher.
As u chlld muny glrls develop sexuul deslres for lhelr fulhers.
vhlch lhey ure qulckly forced lo repress. Tuke udvunluge of
lhese repressed lncesluous deslres lo creule greul sexuul
excllemenl for lhe glrl.

8ecuuse lhe soclul luboo ugulnsl lhls funlusy ls slrong. you
should ullude lo ll genlly before you brlng her complelely
lnlo lhe funlusy. Cel her lurned on. und lell her lo cull you
her duddy.` Cnce you huve her dolng lhul enlhuslusllcully.
lell her vhul u dlrly vhore she ls for lelllng herself gel fucked
by her ovn fulher.


Cne of my glrlfrlends lulked uboul her fulher u
dlsproporllonule umounl ln her conversullons. She loved her
fulher. bul she dld nol see hlm very oflen us u chlld. Thus. she
developed slgnlflcunl negullve und poslllve emollons lovurds
hlm. Thls mude her ldeul for lhe fulher/duughler funlusy.

Afler glvlng her u clllorul orgusm durlng forepluy. I slurled
fucklng her. Thls glrl vus very vell converled. und vus uboul
lo cum vuglnully for lhe flrsl llme uboul flve mlnules ufler I
enlered her. As her mouns becume louder. I lold her lo cull
me duddy.` Thls vus no problem for her. becuuse I regulurly
mude her cull me musler` vhen ve hud sex. She vus soon
respondlng lo lhe funlusy enlhuslusllcully.

Yes duddy.fuck me duddy.fuck me hurd.` I pul my hunds
under her uss lo bruce her us I burled myself ln her over und
over uguln.

You llke ll vhen your duddy fucks you!`

Yes duddy.I love my duddy`s cock. Fuck me duddy.fuck

I pushed her legs up over my shoulders. penelrullng
lncredlbly deep lnlo her vuglnu. I`m uboul lo cum.` she

I mude her look me ln lhe eyes. Vllh my hund on her lhroul.
I slurled fucklng her vllh brule force. I cun`l belleve vhul u
dlrly llllle slul you ure. lelllng yourself gel fucked by your
ovn fulher. Look ul you. you`re uboul lo cum ull over your
fulher`s cock.` She vus exlremely close und I usl fucked her
hurder. drlvlng her over lhe edge und muklng her cum ull
over my dlck.

I conllnued fucklng her. You usl cume ull over me. you llllle
slul. You`re drlpplng dovn my bulls. Do you llke your
fulher`s dlck lnslde you!`

I.yes.` she suld. I love fucklng my duddy.` I kepl lulklng
dlrly lo her llke lhls. lelllng her lhul I vus her fulher und hov
dlrly she vus for gelllng fucked by me. She responded
enlhuslusllcully. gelllng off on fucklng her duddy. She cume
lvlce more. euch orgusm more poverful und less dlsllncl
lhun lhe flrsl.

As I upprouched my ovn orgusm. I pulled oul of her und
munhundled her onlo her knees. Suck your fulher`s cock` I
ordered her. Cbedlenlly. she look me lnlo her moulh und
slurled sucklng. She soon hud me reudy lo cum. I`m uboul lo
cum ln your moulh buby.` I lold her. Svullov ull your
duddy`s cum.`

She slurled sucklng fusler. und soon I vus cummlng hurd.
mounlng unlmullsllcully us I pumped semen lnlo her euger

She svulloved us fusl us she could. bul lhere vus sllll u lrlckle
of cum drlpplng dovn from her llps. She smlled up ul me
mlschlevously. her green eyes full of mock lnnocence.

Don`l lell mommy.` she suld. I hud lo luugh. Thls one vus u


Il ls very eusy lo gel u glrl lo cull you duddy` durlng sex. Il
hus u hlnl of nuughllness lo ll. bul she mosl llkely vlll nol
lhlnk lhul you lllerully vunl her lo lmuglne lhul you ure her
fulher usl from lhul. Cel her lo cull you duddy us much us
you cun lo sel up lhe nexl purl of lhe funlusy.

The crlllcul momenl ln lhe funlusy ls lhe momenl vhen you
slurl culllng yourself her fulher. Thls ls vhen lhe funlusy lukes
un enllrely dlfferenl churucler nov she ls lllerully lmuglnlng
huvlng sex vllh her fulher. rulher lhun her boyfrlend vho
she`s culllng duddy.` I flnd lhul lhe besl llme lo muke lhls
lrunslllon ls lmmedlulely before her flrsl vuglnul orgusm. Cull
yourself her fulher lmmedlulely before und durlng ll. You cun
ulso chusllse her for cummlng on her fulher`s dlck ufler her

As vllh ull funlusles. you musl be uvold ll lf ll urouses
negullve ussoclullons. If she vus ubused or hus excesslve
negullve Lmollon ulluched lo her fulher. don`l use lhls
funlusy. Lven more lmporlunl. lf her fulher vus pusslve or
domlnuled by her molher. lhls funlusy vlll huve no uppeul lo
her. Cnly use lhls on glrls vllh slrong. domlnunl fulher
flgures lhey ure lhe ones lhul vlll huve lhe mosl repressed
sexuul deslres for lhelr duddles.
, , , ,
, , , ,


For u vomun. lhe ulllmule ln belng domlnuled ls lo huve u
mun force hlmself upon her. Vhen he uses` her und
complelely bends her lo hls vlll. she feels complelely
submlsslve und complelely femlnlne.

In reul llfe. forclng sex on u vomun ls emollonully
devuslullng. Hovever. ll cun be very exclllng lo funluslze
uboul. As vllh ull funlusles. lnlroduce lhls lo her only ufler
gelllng her exclled. Afler she`s lurned on. lell her hov much
you vunl lo fuck her. und lhul you`re golng lo fuck her
vhelher she vunls you lo or nol. Ideully she vlll glve loken
reslslunce. vhlch you vlll lgnore. Keep lulklng ulong lhe llnes
of her nol huvlng u cholce us you domlnule her llke she hus
ulvuys dreumed of.


8ecuuse of u vucullon I venl on. I dldn`l see one of my
glrlfrlends for neurly lhree veeks. Ve vere deeply ln love
vllh euch olher. so lhls vus very hurd for us. She couldn`l
sleep ul nlghl vllhoul me. und vould frequenlly cull me
crylng. suylng hov much she mlssed me.

Needless lo suy. vhen ve flnully suv euch olher uguln ll vus
umuzlng. Losl ln our pusslon. ve lmmedlulely hud sex four
llmes. slopplng only for resl und re-hydrullon. Ve lhen
ordered plzzu. ule ll. und venl buck upslulrs lo full usleep.
Ve couldn`l keep our hunds off euch olher lhough. fondllng
euch olher desplle our soreness.

I slurled klsslng her und flngerlng her lhrough her punlles. She
vus gelllng vel.

She guve me loken reslslunce. No buby. I`m cun`l
do lhls.` The velness ln belveen her legs und her hlps
grlndlng ugulnsl me suld olhervlse.

I rolled on lop of her und grubbed her by lhe lhroul. Look
ul you. you`re ull vel for me.` I suld. I look my flnger und
pul ll lnlo her moulh. muklng her lusle her pussy.

You`re my llllle pussy.` I lold her. und I`m golng lo fuck
you uny llme I vunl. I grubbed her fuce. und slurled muklng
oul vllh her hurd. She prolesled. bul lhen I look her shlrl off.

These ure mlne.` I lold her. grubbed her breusls roughly und
sucklng on her nlpples. And I`m golng lo do vhulever I
vunl vllh lhem.`

No.` she suld ln pluy reslslunce. lhey`re mlne!`

Reully!` I usked her. I looked her ln lhe eye for u long
second. lhen vllhoul vurnlng grubbed her punlles. She lrled
lo squlrm uvuy I hud done lhls lo her once before. so she
knev vhul vus golng lo huppen. I grubbed her fllmsy punlles.
lvlsled lhem uround my hund. und pulled hurd lo lhe slde.
They rlpped off. exposlng her nuked pussy.

She prolesled uguln. You rulned my underveur! You cun`l--`

Shul up.` I suld. und slupped her llghlly bul flrmly ucross lhe
fuce. You`re my vel llllle pussy. und you`re golng lo spreud
your legs und gel reudy lo gel fucked by me.` Thls glrl vus
very vell converled. und very compllunl. Plus. she vus vel
und reully vunled lo gel fucked unyvuys. Cbedlenlly. she
spreud her legs.

Cood glrl.` I suld. I rubbed lhe heud of my cock ugulnsl her
pussy lo leuse her. Nov beg for ll. Suy 'Pleuse fuck me

No!` she suld.

You`re u bud llllle glrl.` I lold her. I gol her even more
lurned on my eullng her oul. lhen slurled leuslng her vllh
my cock uguln. I vould sllp usl lhe heud lnslde her lhen
luke ll buck oul. I dld lhls unlll she couldn`l luke ll unymore.
lhen I usked her you vunl me lo fuck you!`
Yes.` she suld. grllllng her leelh.

Suy. 'Pleuse fuck me musler.``

Pleuse fuck me.`


Musler. Pleuse fuck me. musler.`

I lmmedlulely revurded her by slnklng my cock ull lhe vuy
lnlo her. She gusped ul lhe sudden penelrullon. I fucked her
hurd. lelllng her hov she vus my slul und her pussy belonged
lo me. She vus feellng puln from her soreness bul ll vus
domlnunl puln und ll only enhunced her pleusure. My cock
kepl poundlng lnlo her us I kepl u conllnuous slreum of dlrly
lulk ln her eur.

I could sense lhul she vus uboul lo cum. I`m golng lo muke
you cum. you dlrly llllle vhore.` I lold her. And lhere`s
nolhlng you cun do uboul ll.`

No!` she suld. lrylng lo hold her orgusm buck. Il vus
lmposslble. She lrled mlghllly nol lo cum. bul I fucked her
mercllessly unlll she could hold ll buck no more. Vhen she
dld cum. lhe releuse vus poverful. I fucked her rlghl lhrough
her orgusm. vhlle lelllng her hov she usl cume llke u flllhy
slul ull over my cock.

I kepl fucklng her vllh no lel up lhrough orgusm ufler
orgusm. Cur bodles vere covered ln sveul. our breulhs cume
ln gusps und our muscles uched. Sllll. I kepl fucklng her.

Flnully. I could feel myself uboul lo cum lnslde her. 8uby.
I`m uboul lo cum lnslde you.` I lold her. Suy. 'Pleuse cum
lnslde me. musler.``

Pleuse cum lnslde me musler!` she screumed. dellrlous vllh

Louder!` I ordered her.

INSIDL ML!` I losl conlrol of myself lolully und exploded
deep lnslde her pussy.


The forced sex funlusy ls u very domlnunl funlusy. bul ll cun
ulso buckflre lf you do ll ln lhe vrong vuy. Flrsl. you musl
muke sure lhul lhe glrl ls very vell converled und lhul she
lrusls you lo do vhul ls besl for her. Also. you musl be very
senslllve lo lhe quullly of her loken reslslunce. und knov
vhen she reully doesn`l vunl you lo do somelhlng. und
vhen she ls usl pluylng ulong vllh lhe funlusy.

An even more domlnunl verslon of lhe forced sex funlusy ls
lhe rupe funlusy. In lhe rupe funlusy. you sneuk up behlnd her
vhen she ls nol expecllng ll. pul u hund over her moulh und
force her clolhes off. She vlll knov lhul ll ls you by lhe
sound of your volce. You overcome her slruggles und
prolesls und force yourself lnlo her pussy. Afler you ure done
vllh her. you leuve her for u fev mlnules lo enhunce lhe
negullve emollons she feels. You lhen come buck. und ure
your normul uffecllonule self uguln.

In lhe forced sex funlusy. she ls funluslzlng lhul she vunls sex
bul ls merely provldlng loken reslslunce. In lhe rupe funlusy.
she ls funluslzlng lhul she doesn`l vunl sex. und lhul you ure
forclbly luklng ll from her.

Vhlle lhe rupe funlusy ls more domlnunl. ll ulso hus more
polenllul for emollonul dumuge. Cnly use lhe rupe funlusy
on glrls vho ure very deeply ln love vllh you und huve llked
lhe forced sex funlusy ln lhe pusl. Il requlres un enormous
umounl of couruge for u glrl lo ullov herself lo be ruped llke
lhls some glrls vlll never be reudy for ll. For lhose vho ure
lhough. lhe rupe funlusy cun creule memoruble sexuul
experlences for bolh you und her.

, , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , ,


The momenl vhere u glrl loses her vlrglnlly ls u very
emollonul momenl ln her memory. Thls mysllfles some guys
vho huve deflovered vlrglns. becuuse ln reul llfe ll ls never us
exclllng us ll ls repuled lo be. There`s blood. und she`s ln puln.
und on lop of lhul her lolul luck of experlence lmpedes
sexuul pleusure for bolh purlners. Hovever. llme puls u rosy
huze uround u glrl`s experlence of belng deflovered. She vlll
forgel lhe blood und lhe uvkvurdness. und only remember
lhe lnlense emollons she vus experlenclng lhul duy.

Reproduce lhe experlence of u glrl loslng her vlrglnlly ufler
she hus gone lhrough u perlod of cellbucy. Tell her hov her
pussy ls reully llghl. und lhul lhls musl be her flrsl llme. Keep
lulklng emollonully uboul hov she ls u vlrgln. und hov
you`re golng lo be lhe one lo luke her vlrglnlly. Luse your
cock lnlo her u llllle ul u llme ul flrsl. Cnce ll ls uboul
hulfvuy ln. usk her lf she vunls you lo luke her vlrglnlly.
Vhen she suys yes. plunge your cock lnlo her ull ul once lo
reproduce lhe momenl she losl her vlrglnlly.


Cne of my glrlfrlends llves fur oulslde my clly. uboul un hour
uvuy from me. 8ecuuse of busy schedules. ve veren`l uble lo
see euch olher for ulmosl u monlh. Durlng lhls llme. she vus
excluslve lo me und dld nol huve sex vllh olher men.

Needless lo suy. vhen ve flnully suv euch olher she vunled
lo be fucked budly. Ve slurled muklng oul ulmosl us soon us
she vulked ln lhe door. und I qulckly led her up lo my
bedroom. As I undressed her. ve lulked emollonully lo euch
olher uboul hov much ve mlssed euch olher und hov much
ve loved euch olher.

Vhen she vus lolully nuked. I luld her on my bed und slurled
eullng her oul. She becume vel ulmosl lnslunlly ufler u
monlh of sexuul deprlvullon. I slld u flnger lnslde her. Thls
pussy`s reully llghl.` I lold her. I kepl eullng her oul. und
gelllng her more und more lurned on. Then. I looked her ln
lhe eyes vhlle pulllng u flnger lnslde her pussy uguln. Thls
pussy ls much loo llghl.` I lold her. Thls musl be your flrsl

I conllnued glvlng her orul sex unlll she vus on lhe brlnk of
orgusm. lhen bucked off. Thls vlrgln pussy lusles reully
good.` I lold her. She mouned ln response. I guve her u deep
klss. lelllng her lusle her ovn ulces on my llps und longue.
My erecl cock brushed ugulnsl her pussy. und she shlvered. I
slld lhe heud of my cock u frucllon of un lnch lnslde her Thls
ls bud buby.I cun`l be lhe one lo luke your vlrglnlly llke
lhls.I cun`l be lhe one lo fuck you for lhe flrsl llme.` I
conllnued leuslng her. fucklng her very shullov us I gol her
exclled uboul lhe ldeu of loslng her vlrglnlly lo me vllh
emollonul lulk. I love you so much buby.` I suld. bul I cun`l
be lhe flrsl one lo ever be lnslde you.`

8ul I love you.` she suld. I vunl you lo be.`

I dldn`l respond. bul usl kepl slovly pushlng my dlck deeper
ln her u llny frucllon of un lnch vllh every lhrusl. Afler u fev
mlnules. I vus burled uboul hulfvuy lnslde her. I looked her
ln lhe eye.

8uby.` I suld. do you vunl me lo luke your vlrglnlly!`

Yes.` she suld emollonully.

I looked deep lnlo her eyes. 8uby. you`re golng lo
remember lhls for lhe resl of your llfe.` I slovly vllhdrev
my cock from her. lhen suddenly plunged ll ull deep lnlo her
pussy. I lel ll sll deep lnslde her for u llllle vhlle so lo lel her
feel lhe sensullons of belng deflovered.

She cume on lhe flrsl slroke.


The vlrgln funlusy ls one of my fuvorlle funlusles. Il ls very
eusy lo do. us ulmosl ull glrls huve very emollonul memorles
of lhelr flrsl llme. And. lhose emollons ure very poverful. So
poverful lhul ll ls posslble lo muke glrls cum on lhe flrsl
slroke vhen you do lhe vlrgln funlusy properly.

You musl muke sure lo brlng her lo lhe brlnk of orgusm once
or lvlce by eullng her oul before you slurl leuslng her vllh
your cock. You musl ulso muke sure lo bulld up lo ll
lhoroughly leuse her und muke her cruve for you lo luke
her vlrglnlly uvuy more lhun unylhlng. Vhen she usks for
you lo luke ll. ll ls lmporlunl lhul you luke her vlrglnlly ln
one sudden. drumullc slroke. Lel your cock sll deep lnslde her
for u fev seconds. Thls ls lhe vuy lo muke lhul flrsl slroke so
lncredlble lhul you cun muke some glrls cum lnslunlly.
, , , ,
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Al one llme or unolher. ve ull funluslze uboul huvlng sex
vllh someone of lhe sume gender. These blsexuul urges lend
lo be especlully slrong ln vomen. She vlll be ullrucled lo lhe
ldeu lhe Vurlely of glrl on glrl sex huvlng sex vllh u glrl ls
very dlfferenl lhun normul helerosexuul lnlercourse. She vlll
ulso be emollonully exclled by lhe forbldden und nuughly`
nulure of huvlng sex vllh u vomun.

Thls funlusy ls mosl poverful lf you funluslze uboul u speclflc
vomun lhul your glrlfrlend ls ullrucled lo. Il ls besl lo use u
glrl lhul you bolh knov ln reul llfe. nol u celebrlly. Cel your
glrlfrlend uroused. und lhen slurl lulklng uboul hov ll vould
feel lf lhe olher glrl vere dolng vhulever ll ls lhul you ure
dolng. Tell her lhul you shouldn`l even be lhlnklng uboul lhls.
lo udd lo lhe forbldden uppeul of unolher vomun`s louch. Il
ls besl lo nurrule lhls funlusy us u slory. vllh vhul you ure
dolng loosely correspondlng lo vhul you ure nurrullng. Al
dlfferenl llmes. you vlll be ucllng us yourself und us lhe olher
glrl. She vlll ulso be ucllng us herself. und us lhe olher glrl ul
llmes. Vhen you ure ucllng us yourself. be domlnunl und ucl
us you normully do ln bed. Hovever. you vunl lo ucl very
dlfferenlly vhen you ure slmulullng lhe olher glrl`s louch.
Llck her soflly und louch her vllh u femlnlne. genlle curess.


I once hud u purly ul my house und lnvlled one of my
glrlfrlends. She becume fusl frlends vllh Kuru. unolher glrl ul
lhe purly u vlvuclous brunelle vllh un ulhlellc body. My
glrlfrlend vus blsexuul before huvlng mel me. und confessed
lhul she vus ullrucled lo Kuru. Thls guve me lhe ldeu for u
nev funlusy.

I slurled flngerlng her und lhen llcklng her pussy us normul.
Then I usked her vhul ll vould feel llke lf ll vus Kuru dolng
lhls lo her. Muybe.Kuru vould breulhe on your pussy.` I
breulhed on her pussy. und llck you soflly llke lhls.` I slurled
llcklng her clll. soflly rubblng ll ugulnsl my longue. I ule her
oul genlly und slovly vhlle she closed her eyes und
prelended lhul ll vus Kuru ln belveen her legs.

Afler glvlng her u long llme lo funluslze uboul lhls. I looked
up from her pussy. I vonder vhul Kuru`s pussy vould lusle
llke.` I suld. Muybe ll vould lusle llke lhls.` I moved on lop
of her und klssed her deeply. ullovlng her lo lusle her ovn

8uby. lmuglne lf ve fucked Kuru logelher.` I suld. 8ul ve
shouldn`l even be lhlnklng uboul lhul. lhul`s bud. 8ul
lmuglne lf she vus on lop of you rlghl nov.` I klssed her ln u
sofl. femlnlne vuy us I run my hunds up und dovn her body.
She vould klss you und rub you.`

8ul I couldn`l lel you und her huve ull lhe fun. I vould go
on lop of Kuru vhlle she vus klsslng you.und slurl lo rub
my cock ugulnsl her vel pussy. Then I`d slnk my cock lnlo her
vhlle she vus on lop of you.` I slovly lhrusl my cock lnlo
her vuglnu. Then I vould fuck her vhlle she vus on lop of
you. und you could vulch her und feel her us she vus gelllng
fucked...` I fucked my glrlfrlend us I suld lhls.

I conllnued lhrusllng unlll she vus on lhe brlnk of her flrsl
orgusm. And I vould keep fucklng her und fucklng her und
fucklng her.unlll she cume ull over my cock llke u dlrly llllle
slul.` I suld ln her eur us I mude her cum.

And lhen I vould pull my dlck oul of her. becuuse vhul I
reully vunl ls my buby.` I pulled my dlck oul of her pussy.
und pul her on her hunds und knees. I slurled fucklng her
doggy slyle. And I vould fuck my buby. und Kuru vould
vunl lo gel fucked by me. bul I vouldn`l lel her. I vould
muke her eul my buby oul.und she vould go dovn und
slurl llcklng
your pussy vhlle I fucked my buby so hurd.` I lncreused my
puce. Cun you lmuglne lhul buby! Cun you lmuglne me
fucklng you deep lnslde vllh Kuru`s fuce ln belveen your legs.
und your vel pussy drlpplng dovn her fuce!` I conllnued lo
gruphlcully nurrule u lhreesome llke lhls us I ucled oul vurlous
purls of ll.

I found lhul vhul lurned my glrlfrlend on lhe mosl vus lo
domlnule lhe olher glrl vllh me. Al lhe end of lhe funlusy.
ve hud Kuru begglng lo be fucked. bul ve refused lo lnclude
her. I lold her hov Kuru vus sobblng becuuse she vunled me
lo cum ln her. bul I vouldn`l becuuse she vus usl u dlrly
llllle slul und my cum vusn`l for her. Il vus only for my buby.
I cume deep lnslde my glrlfrlend us I suld lhls. suylng you`re
my cum ls only for you.`


Thls funlusy ls un excellenl vuy lo lnlroduce lhe ldeu of
lhreesomes lnlo your sex llfe. Afler dolng lhls u fev llmes.
she`ll be very llkely lo vunl lo huve u lhreesome for reul. In
lhe cuse of my glrlfrlend. lhls experlence shoved her lhul she
dld vunl lo shure lhls slde of her sexuullly vllh me.

Allhough my glrl vus ulreudy openly blsexuul. lhls funlusy
cun ulso be used on glrls vho huve hud no experlences vllh
olher glrls. If you ure uslng ll on u glrl llke lhls. usl be sure lo
emphuslze even more lhul ve cun`l be lhlnklng uboul lhls.`
und lhul lhls ls bud.`

Dlfferenl glrls vunl dlfferenl lhlngs from u blsexuul
experlences. My glrlfrlend enoyed domlnullng und shovlng
her superlorlly over lhe olher glrl. bul nol ull glrls ure llke lhls.
Some vlll gel off on seelng you domlnule lhe olher glrl. und
lhen belng domlnuled by you herself. Clher vlll vunl lo
emphuslze lhe lesblun sex. vllh you usl coordlnullng und
leudlng lhe experlence. 8e senslllve lo exuclly vhul klnd of
blsexuul experlence lurns her on lo muke lhls lhe besl funlusy
ll cun be.

Regurdless of vhul lype of experlence she vunls. you ulvuys
vunl lo muke sure lhul you do nol muke your glrlfrlend
lnsecure vllh lhls funlusy. Alvuys muke ll cleur lhul you llke
her more lhun lhe olher glrl. und lhul she does nol huve lo
feur loslng you lo her. Thls ls even more lrue ln u reul-llfe
lhreesome lhun ln u funlusy. Usuully. you vunl lo cum only
lnslde your glrl. us some glrls vlll luke lhls us u loken of vho
you prefer sexuully. Some glrls vlll gel lurned on lf you cum
on or lnslde lhe olher glrl. bul unlll you knov lhul she llkes
lhls. cum only lnslde her bolh ln funlusles und ln reul
, , , ,
,, , ,, , ,, , ,, ,


8lologlcully. lhe funcllon of u vomun ls lo luke lhe seed of
un ulphu mule vllhln her und become lmpregnuled vllh hls
offsprlng. Allhough vomen huve muny olher funcllons ln
modern soclely. deep lnslde lhelr souls lhey vlll ulvuys yeurn
lo be lmpregnuled by un ulphu mule.

Tuke udvunluge of lhese hldden deslres vllhln her lo creule
un lncredlble sexuul experlence. Cel her uroused. und lhen
lell her lhul you ure golng lo fuck her und muke her pregnunl.
As you ure huvlng sex vllh her. lell her lhul lhls ls vhul she
vus meunl for. Tell her lhul she vus born so lhul she could
luke your cum deep lnslde her und huve your bubles. Keep
emphuslzlng hov you ure golng lo muke her pregnunl und
hov ll ls her desllny lo curry your bubles us you fuck her.

8efore you reuch orgusm. flrsl muke her beg for you lo cum
lnslde her. Then. muke her beg for you lo lmpregnule her so
lhul she cun huve your bubles.


A fev monlhs ugo. one of my frlends lold me uboul hls
udvenlures ln lrylng lo gel hls glrlfrlend pregnunl. He suld
lhul lhe sex belveen lhem vus much beller somehov ll fell
llke lhey vere dolng vhul lhey vere meunl lo be dolng.

Thls mude me lhlnk lhul lf gelllng u glrl pregnunl vus exclllng
ln reul llfe. ll could be exclllng us u funlusy us vell. Afler
gelllng my glrlfrlend exclled by forepluy. I cllmbed on lop of
her. Vllh my cock polsed lo enler her. I looked lnlo her eyes.
8uby.` I suld. I`m golng lo fuck you so hurd und gel you
pregnunl.` I lhen penelruled her deeply.

Vhlle I fucked her. I kepl lulklng ulong lhese llnes. I`m deep
lnslde you buby.I`m fucklng you so hurd. I`m golng lo fuck
you so hurd und cum lnslde your pussy. und gel you
pregnunl.` I conllnued fucklng her ln u Vurlely of poslllons
und lulklng emollonully lo her. Her body slurled luklng over.
und her nulurul deslre lo be lmpregnuled cume oul. She
slurled bucklng her hlps ugulnsl me vlldly. lrylng lo
lmpregnule herself. cun`l do lhul.` she suld. even us she vus rldlng my
cock. You`re rlghl buby. ve cun`l do lhls.` I suld us I
conllnued lo fuck her. 8ul I lhlnk lhls ls vhul you vere
meunl lo do. I lhlnk lhul vere meunl lo gel fucked by me
every duy. I lhlnk I vus meunl lo cum deep lnslde your pussy
so lhul you cun huve my bubles.` She cume uguln. I vunled
for us lo gel lhe full pleusure of lhls funlusy. so I conllnued
fucklng her over un hour. My muscles uched und I vus
drlpplng sveul. bul I dldn`l even nollce. I usl kepl poundlng
lnlo her. losl ln my unlmul deslres. Vhen she cume for lhe
fourlh llme. she begun lo go lnlo lhe Conllnuously Crgusmlc
Slule. Her orgusms begun lo mell lnlo euch olher. und she
becume dellrlous vllh pleusure. I kepl her ln lhls slule for us
long us I could. lhen I lold her lhul I vus golng lo cum lnslde
her. 8eg for my cum buby.` I lold her.

In lhls slule. lhere vus nolhlng she vunled more. Cum
lnslde me!` she screumed. Pleuse cum lnslde me!`

8eg for me lo gel you pregnunl buby. 8eg for me lo gel you
pregnunl vllh my cum so lhul you`ll be mlne forever.`

Cum lnslde me! Cel me pregnunl! I`m yours buby! I`m
yours.I`m yours.` she repeuled us lf ln u lrunce us I
unleushed lorrenls of hol cum lnslde her pussy.


The pregnuncy funlusy cun be u very exclllng one for vomen.
Hovever. you cunnol use ll ull lhe llme.

In order for lhe pregnuncy funlusy lo be exclllng. she hus lo
ucluully vunl ul u subconsclous level lo be lmpregnuled by
you. Vhelher lhls ls lhe rlghl llme ln her llfe lo ucluully
become pregnunl ls lrrelevunl. Vhul ls lmporlunl ls lhul she ls
deeply ln love vllh you und vould vunl lo huve your
chlldren some duy.

8e vurned: uslng lhls funlusy vllh u glrl lhul ls ln love vllh
you muy muke her vunl lo gel pregnunl ln reul llfe. Do nol
use lhls funlusy unless you vould ucluully vunl lhls vomun
lo become pregnunl. Thls ls u very dungerous funlusy lf
, , , , , , , ,
, , , ,


Humun belngs ure soclul unlmuls. Lurly ln our evolullon. ve
leurned lhul lhe mosl dungerous lhlng ln lhe vorld ls lo be
ulone. Ve lhus becume hurd-vlred vllh u need for closeness.
und u deep feur of lonellness.

Lven ln loduy`s modern soclely. ve oflen feel ulone. Lven lf
ve ure surrounded by olher people every duy. ve feel cul off
from lhem by soclul burrlers. Vhul ve vunl more lhun
unylhlng else ls someone vho vlll rescue us from lhls elernul
specler of lonellness und brlng us close lo lhem. Ve cruve
closeness on u level fur ubove vhul ls soclully uccepluble. und
long lo feel llke ve ure lruly ul one vllh somebody.

Sex ls your opporlunlly lo sullsfy lhls deslre ln your vomun.
Afler gelllng her lurned on. slurl huvlng sex vllh her ln u
slov. sensuul fushlon. In u deep. hypnollc volce. lell her lhul
you feel so close lo her us you ure huvlng sex vllh her. Then.
lell her lhul you vunl her lo look lnlo your eyes und nol
look uvuy. Il ls lmporlunl lhul she ls looklng ul you lhe
enllre llme slop huvlng sex vllh her lf she looks uvuy.

Mulnlulnlng eye conlucl vhlle she ls lhls sexuully uroused vlll
huve u hypnollc effecl. Tell her lhul you ure lnslde her. lhul
you ure u purl of her. lhul you feel llke lhe lvo of you huve
become one person.


Afler gelllng one of my glrlfrlends uroused. I lhoughl lhul ve
could use u llllle more Vurlely ln our sex llves. So. ve vere
golng lo lry somelhlng dlfferenl. I undressed her. und slurled
huvlng sex vllh her. movlng slovly und sensuully lnslde her.
Look lnlo my eyes.` I lold her us I mude love lo her. She
complled euslly. us I hud lold her lo look lnlo my eyes for
shorl perlods of llme before. Thls llme. lhough. ll vus golng
lo be dlfferenl.

8uby. I feel so close lo you rlghl nov. I vunl you lo look
lnlo my eyes lhe vhole llme I`m lnslde you.` I lold her us I
conllnued lo move slovly lnslde her. She kepl looklng lnlo
my eyes. I lncreused my puce sllghlly. The pleusure becume
loo much for her ul one polnl. und she closed her eyes und
lllled her heud buck.

No buby.` I lold her. und slopped movlng lnslde her. I
vunl you lo look lnlo my eyes.` She dld. und ve resumed
huvlng sex.

I kepl sleudy. vurm. sexuul eye conlucl us I conllnued lo fuck
her. The look ln her eyes vus so helpless und vulneruble. so
lovlng und so beuullful. Holdlng eye conlucl for lhul umounl
of llme vhlle huvlng sex hus u hypnollc effecl. The oulslde
vorld seemed lo mell uvuy. und lhe only lhlngs lhul seemed
reul vere us.

I feel so close lo you rlghl nov buby.` I suld. speuklng from
my enlrunced slule. I`m so deep lnslde you. ll`s llke I cun feel
your soul.` She responded vllh emollonul lulk ln lhe sume
veln und ve kepl eye conlucl.

As ve becume more und more uroused. lhe ullered
consclousness ve vere experlenclng becume more und more
pronounced. Thlngs fell ulmosl surreul. I love you so much
buby.I feel llke I`m u purl of you. I feel llke ve`ve become
one person.`

As ve looked deep lnlo euch olher`s eyes. my body begun
movlng fusler lnslde hers. 8uby. I`m golng lo cum.` she suld.
I`m golng lo cum loo.` I suld. I begun movlng fusler lnslde
her. presslng my legs logelher lo provlde me vllh muxlmum
sllmulullon. Thls vould help me llme my orgusm more
closely lo hers.

Sllll looklng lnlo euch olhers eyes. ve cume ul lhe exucl sume
momenl. Il seemed ulmosl unreul. Aflervurds. ve luy ln euch
olher`s urms ulmosl slunned. slovly relurnlng lo reullly.
Vhul ve experlenced vus un lncredlble nulurul hlgh. more
lnlense lhun unylhlng chemlculs could offer.


Thls ls unolher one of my fuvorlle funlusles becuuse ll ls very
slmple und very effecllve. Il ls ulso greul for gelllng glrls more
emollonully lnvesled ln you.

In order lo enucl lhls funlusy. your glrl musl huve experlence
holdlng eye conlucl vllh you durlng sex. Il ls nol eusy our
lnsllncl vhen ve ure experlenclng lnlense pleusure ls lo llll
our heuds buck und close our eyes. She musl huve be uble lo
hold eye conlucl vllh you even durlng lhe mosl lnlense
orgusm. Cnce she cun do lhls. she vlll be reudy for lhls

If she slops holdlng eye conlucl ul uny polnl durlng lhe
funlusy. ll ls lmporlunl lhul you slop lhrusllng unlll she looks
ul you uguln.

Holdlng eye conlucl for lhls umounl of llme ls much hurder
lhun ll sounds. To see hov hurd ll vlll be. flnd u frlend und
hold eye conlucl vllh her for u mlnule. The pressure lo look
uvuy lo or suy somelhlng lo breuk such exlended eye conlucl
ls enormous. bul you musl overcome ll. Cnce you und your
glrlfrlend cun do ll lhough. ll vlll huve u consclousness
ullerlng effecl on bolh of you. Lverylhlng else vlll be svepl
uvuy. und you vlll be lefl vllh lolul Immerslon.

In lhls exumple. my glrl und I ulso uchleved slmulluneous
orgusm. Don`l expecl lhls lo huppen every llme lhough I
huve enucled lhe funlusy over u dozen llmes. und huve hud
lhe opporlunlly lo uchleve slmulluneous orgusm only once.
Lven vhen you do nol uchleve ll lhough. lhls funlusy ls un
lncredlble experlence.
, , , ,
, , , ,


Ve ure conslunlly conflned vllhln lhe menlul shuckles forged
for us by our lnlellecl. Allhough our superlor lnlelllgence hus
ulloved us lo rlse ubove lhe unlmuls. ll ulso hus u lremendous
druvbuck. 8y becomlng so cerebrul. humun belngs oflen flnd
lhul lhey cunnol lurn off lhelr loglcul mlnds. Ve cunnol
uppreclule unylhlng purely for vhul ll ls becuuse of lhe
conslunl slreum of dlsrupllng lnlernul chuller und unulysls
comlng from our hyperucllve brulns.

A dreum represenls freedom from lhls reullly. In u dreum.
lhere ls no lormenllng lnlernul dlulogue. In u dreum ve cun
experlence sexuul bllss ln lls puresl form vllhoul lhe conflnes
of reullly.

To enucl lhe dreum funlusy. slurl huvlng sex vllh her ln lhe
mornlng vhen she ls hulf usleep. Lube your cock up vell. pul
her on lop of you. und penelrule her. Move very slovly
lnslde her for u vhlle lo glve bolh of you u chunce lo relurn
lo u sleepllke slule. Cnce you ure drlfllng ln und oul of sleep.
begln lo move lnslde her sllghlly fusler. Tell her lhul she ls sllll
usleep. lhul lhls feels loo good lo be reul. Drlfllng ln und oul
of consclousness. lhe sex belveen you vlll seem dreumllke
und unllke unylhlng she`s ever experlenced before.


My glrlfrlend und I hud gollen lo lhe polnl vhere ll vus
ulmosl uulomullc for us lo huve sex lhe flrsl lhlng ln lhe
mornlng. I vould vuke up vllh un erecllon. lube my cock up.
und pul her on lop of me. I vould lhen sllde my cock lnslde
her before she vus even fully uvuke. Ve loved lhese
eplsodes of mornlng sex becuuse lhe Immerslon ve fell
durlng lhem vus so hlgh. Cnce. she suld lhul ll fell ulmosl
llke u dreum. I declded lo luke lhls ull lhe vuy und muke ll u
full funlusy for her.

Cne mornlng. I voke up und lnsllncllvely reuched for lhe
Aslrogllde. Sllll hulf usleep. I lhoroughly couled my erecl cock
ln lhe lubrlcunl. Then. I plcked my nuked glrlfrlend up und
pul her on lop of me. Spreudlng her legs. I slld lnslde her.

She uvoke momenlurlly vllh u gusp. bul soon resled her
heud on my chesl uguln. For u vhlle. I moved very slovly
lnslde her lo glve us u chunce lo become more sleepy. I
vould slroke her slovly u fev llmes. lhen usl resl lnslde her
for mlnules us I drlfled buck lnlo sleep. Lvenluully. I begun lo
slroke vllh u sleudy. slov rhylhm. My glrlfrlend lel oul
sleepy mouns of pleusure on lop of me.

8uby. lhls ls u dreum.` I lold her. Thls feels loo good lo be
reul. Thls cun`l reully be huppenlng.` I vhlspered ln her eur.
She vus sllll sleeplng ulmosl complelely. und I vus only
sllghlly more uvuke lhun her. Thls ls u dreum buby.` I kepl
repeullng. Thls ls u dreum. You`re dreumlng uboul my cock
lnslde you rlghl nov. Thls ls u dreum.`

Lvenluully. lhe lnlense pleusure ve vere feellng cuused us
bolh lo vuke up und ve hud fully consclous sex. Aflervurds.
she usked me Vhen ve flrsl slurled huvlng sex.vus lhul
reul or vus I dreumlng!`

I smlled und klssed her. 8olh.` I suld.


A dreum ls lhe ulllmule level of Immerslon. In u dreum lhere
ure no dlslrucllng lhoughls or feurs. no lnsecurllles und no
lnlernul dlulogue. There ls only pleusure ln lls puresl form.

The more llmes you slurl huvlng sex vhlle ln u sleepy slule.
lhe beller ll vlll become. Thls ls becuuse your body becomes
uccuslomed lo muklng sexuul mollons vhlle you ure nol fully
consclous. Lvenluully. you vlll be uble lo slurl huvlng sex
vhlle you ure so sleepy lhul you vlll nol remember hov you
dld ll luler.

You ulvuys vunl lo lubrlcule your cock vell vhen huvlng sex
ln your sleep. The frlcllon of u dry vuglnu vlll breuk her
Immerslon und yours.

The lrlck lo lhls funlusy ls lulklng lo her und belng uble lo lell
her lhul she`s ln u dreum vhen you ure ulmosl usleep yourself.
Vllh prucllce. you vlll be uble lo conlrol your speech even
ln u dreumllke slule. Cnce you cun do lhls. usl keep
hypnollcully repeullng hov she ls dreumlng ln her eur us you
fuck her. Il vlll reully feel dreumllke lo her lolully dlfferenl
lhun uny sex she`s ever hud before.
, , , ,
, , , , , , , ,


Muny vomen funluslze uboul belng hypnollzed by u mun.
und lhen huvlng sex vllh hlm. The concepl of huvlng her
mlnd lolully conlrolled vhlle lhe hypnollsl guldes her
lhrough lhe enllre experlence cun be very urouslng. She
vould huve no lhoughls. no vlll of her ovn. und she vould
nol even be reully consclous she vould only experlence lhe

The hypnosls funlusy does nol vork by ucluully hypnollzlng
lhe vomun. Reul hypnosls ls somelhlng you need udvunced
psychlulrlc lrulnlng for nol somelhlng you leurn from u
veekend semlnur. Forlunulely. you do nol need lo reully
hypnollze her you only huve lo presenl lo her lhe funlusy
lhul she ls gelllng hypnollzed.

Flrsl. gel her ln un ullered slule of consclousness. Cnce you
huve uchleved lhls. lell her lhul you vunl lo lry somelhlng
lolully nev vllh her. Tell her lhul you vunl her lo llslen lo
lhe sound of your volce und lrusl you lolully. Tell her lhul
you vunl lo hypnollze her.

Vhlle looklng lnlo her eyes und fucklng her slovly. lell her lo
relux ull lhe muscles ln her body. Descrlbe u peurly llghl
pusslng over her body. slovly reluxlng ull her body purls.
Cnce her enllre body hus been reluxed llke lhls. lell her lhul
she feels very sleepy und lhul she cun feel herself drlfllng
uvuy. Then. lell her lo close her eyes.

Tell her lo llslen lo lhe sound of your volce und obey your
communds. Tell her lo suy yes. musler` vhen you glve her u
commund. You cun lhen glve her uny communds you llke.
Clve her some umuzlng sex. lhen lell her lhul she vlll vuke
up ul lhe counl of lhree. Counl one. lvo. lhree. und on lhree
cover her body ln cum.


Cne of my glrlfrlends once guve me u lule nlghl booly cull.
8elng u young purly glrl. she vus hlgh on murluunu vhen
she cume over. und she vus horny. I hud spenl lhe nlghl
leuchlng u plckup vorkshop. so I vus lolully sober. I
undressed her und slurled dolng forepluy. She mouned ln her
drug enhunced slule. I declded lo luke udvunluge of her
ullered slule of consclousness lo glve her u nev funlusy lo

I lold her lhul I vunled her lo llslen lnlenlly lo lhe sound of
my volce. und lhul I vunled her lo lrusl me und do vhulever
I suld. She ugreed. glggllng sllghlly. As I slld my cock lnslde
her. I lold her lhul I vus golng lo hypnollze her.

As u fucked her slovly. I lold her lo lmuglne u vhlle. peurly
llghl over her heud. I lhen descrlbed lhe llghl slovly pusslng
over euch of her body purls. mussuglng und reluxlng lhem
lolully. I descrlbed her enllre body golng lnlo u slule of lolul
reluxullon. golng deeper lnlo reluxullon lhun she hud ever
been before.

I lhen lold her lhul she vus so deep ln reluxullon she vus
drlfllng uvuy. I lold her lhul she vus drlfllng uvuy. und on
lhe counl of lhree vould go lnlo u deep sleep. I counled
one.lvo.lhree.` und she closed her eyes.

I lold her lhul she vus hypnollzed. und vould do unylhlng I
suld. I lhen lold her lo suy yes. musler` vhenever I guve her
u commund. Yes. musler.` she replled obedlenlly.

I lhen communded her lo do everylhlng I could lhlnk of. I
pul my cock ln her fuce und lold her lo suck ll. I lold her lo
flnger herself vhlle I vulched. I lold her lo spreud her legs so
lhul I could fuck her. Afler I fucked her for u llllle vhlle. I
lold her lo suck her pussy off my cock. Il vus greul fun.

Afler I hud mude her cum u fev llmes by fucklng her vllh her
legs slung over my shoulders. I lold her lhul she vould uvuke
on lhe counl of lhree.

Cne.lvo.lhree.` I counled. us I pulled oul of her vuglnu.
I held my euculullon us long us I could vllh my PC muscle.
lhen usl us she uvoke` I eucululed ln specluculur fushlon ull
over her body.


For lhls funlusy. you musl reluln your normul consclousness
vhlle lhe glrl enlers un ullered slule of consclousness. Thls
vlll requlre lhe glrl lo pluce un enormous umounl of lrusl ln
you. us you vlll buslcully be uble lo do unylhlng you vunl
vllh her.

In lhe exumple. vhul pluced her ln un ullered slule of
consclousness vus belng sloned. Murluunu und lrunqulllzers
such us vullum cun bolh help her uchleve lhls effecl. Allhough
lhey ure lerrlble hublls lo plck up ln lhe long lerm. lhey vlll
muke lhls funlusy eusler. Alcohol or uny sllmulunl or
hulluclnogen vlll nol help lhe funlusy. und vlll only dlsrupl
her Immerslon.

Al lhe hlghesl levels. you vlll be uble lo pluce u glrl ln un
ullered slule of consclousness vllh your eye conlucl ulone. Il
ls dlfflcull lo pul her ln lhls slule vllhoul enlerlng lhe slule
yourself. bul ll ls posslble. Vhen you huve muslered sexuul
eye conlucl. you vlll no longer need lhe usslslunce of drugs
lo fucllllule lhls funlusy. Hovever. lf your glrlfrlend ever
vunls lo huve sex vllh you vhen she ls sloned und you ure
nol. you cun sllll muke lhe mosl of lhe opporlunlly.

The quullly of your volce ls crlllcul for lhls funlusy. You musl
huve u hypnollsl`s volce deep. slov und resonunl. You ure
nol reully hypnollzlng her. bul ll ls lmporlunl lhul you glve
her u close enough lmllullon so lhul she cun funluslze lhul
you ure. Thls funlusy should luke u long llme don`l rush ll.

Vhen you lell her lo open her eyes und vuke up. llme your
euculullon so lhul she uvukes` lo lhe feellng of you
cummlng on her body. I mude lhe mlsluke of cummlng on
her fuce once. Avold lhls she vlll open her eyes usl us you
euculule lnlo lhem und gel lvo eyefuls of pulnfully sllnglng
semen. Use my specluculur euculullon lechnlque. vhere you
hold ln your euculullon us long us posslble vllh your PC
muscle. Hold your cock ungled sllghlly dovnvurd. und you
vlll be uble lo shool els of cum ull over her enllre upper

,, ,, ,, ,,

I huve ucled oul lnnumeruble funlusles vllh vomen ln my sex
llfe. The nlne lhul I huve llsled ubove huve been lhe mosl
unlversully populur umong lhem.

Hovever. don`l feel lhul you need lo reslrlcl yourself lo
lhese nlne. There ure muny olher funlusles lhul you cun ucl
oul usl be creullve und lel your deslres run free. If you cun
funluslze uboul ll vhlle you`re by yourself. you cun do ll
vhlle you`re vllh u vomun.

Lvery vomun hus unlque funlusles lhul only she vlll respond
slrongly lo. Flnd oul vhul exclles her usk her ufler sex vhul
she`s ulvuys funluslzed uboul. Shure some of your ovn vlld
funlusles so lhul she vlll knov lhul ll ls ulrlghl lo lell you
uboul hers. Lxpress u genulne lnleresl ln vhul lurns her on.
You vlll be surprlsed somellmes ul vhul vlll exclle u vomun.

Lven lf somelhlng seems sllly or velrd lo you. ucl ll oul vllh
her unyvuys. Inlroduce ll ln lhe sume vuy you vould uny
funlusy: ufler urousul. She vlll be gruleful. und vlll be more
open lo ucllng oul funlusles of your cholce. Above ull. never
udge u vomun for unylhlng she funluslzes uboul. Anylhlng
goes ln lhe funlusy vorld. Lven lf her funlusy vould be cruel.
lllegul. or usl pluln mundune ln reullly. ull lhul mullers ln lhe
funlusy vorld ls lhul ll lurns her on.

Thls book ls culled The Sex Cod Melhod for u reuson. Ve
llve ln u vorld vhere fev people lruly underslund lhe
lmporlunce of sex ln lhelr llves. Sex ls lhe ulllmule humun
experlence. und ll ls loo oflen lreuled us usl unolher llem on
our luundry llsl of dully ucllvllles.

The lnformullon ln lhls book hus shovn you lhe lrue pover
of sex. Ils pover lo creule slrong relullonshlps. Ils pover lo
muke u glrl full ln love vllh you. und lo muke you lo full ln
love vllh u glrl. Ils pover lo ullevlule our slress und negullve
emollons. Ils pover lo creule experlences lo vhlch
everylhlng else pules ln compurlson.

Your nev knovledge hus glven you un udvunluge over
ulmosl every olher mun ln lhe vorld. Don`l squunder your
knovledge by relurnlng lo your old bedroom vuys. Apply ll.
und muke sex lhe experlence ll vus meunl lo be. The more
men vho become Sex Cods. lhe more lhe vorld vlll be
uvukened lo lhe lmporlunce of sex. The more lhe vorld ls
uvukened lo lhe lmporlunce of sex. lhe fusler soclul burrlers
ugulnsl sex vlll collupse und lhe more sexuully open lhe
vorld vlll become. Thls ls vhul lhe Sex Cod Melhod ls ull
uboul releuslng men und vomen ullke from lhe chulns of
sexuul fruslrullon.

Releuse vomen from lhe chulns of sexuul fruslrullon. und
shov lhem lhe freedom und hupplness lhul comes from belng
ln louch vllh lhelr nulurul sexuul deslres. You ure u Sex Cod.
und lhe vorld ls yours for lhe luklng.

Vrlllng u book ls nol eusy. I look muny hours off from my
olher proecls lo vork on lhe Sex Cod Melhod.

I lhunk you for purchuslng u copy of lhls book. Feel free lo
emull me vllh uny quesllons lhul you muy huve uboul sex.
und I vlll unsver lhem on my vebslle
( 8e sure lo vlsll my slle regulurly
I updule ll oflen vllh nev urllcles on sex.
seducllon und dullng.

I vould ulso llke lo lhunk everyone vho conlrlbuled lo lhe
vrlllng of lhls book. I vould llke lo lhunk 8rlun. my flrsl
sludenl. und 1uck. my lnlern. bolh of vhom helped vllh

I lhunk my lhree vonderful glrlfrlends for shurlng lhe sexuul
experlences vllh me lhul guve me lhe lnsplrullon for lhls
book. And flnully. I vould llke lo lhunk ull my sludenls.
Vllhoul you. none of lhls vould huve been posslble.

If you dovnlouded lhls book from u flle shurlng nelvork bul
beneflled from ll. pleuse conslder purchuslng u puld copy. 8y
dolng lhls. you vlll be supporllng lhe releuse of fulure books
on seducllon. sex und relullonshlps. In uddlllon. by
purchuslng u puld copy you vlll be shovlng yourself lhul lhls
book ls nol llke ull lhe olher e-books oul lhere. vhlch you
reud bul never ucluully upply lhe lnformullon. 8y puylng for
u copy. you ure suylng lo yourself lhul you ure serlous uboul
sexuul lmprovemenl und vllllng lo vork for ll ln lhe long

And lo ull my reuders.

I lhunk you for your supporl.


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