Supermolecular Structure and Selected Properties of PA 6/LCO Modified Fibres
Supermolecular Structure and Selected Properties of PA 6/LCO Modified Fibres
Supermolecular Structure and Selected Properties of PA 6/LCO Modified Fibres
Institute of Textile Engineering and Polymer Materials University of Bielsko-Biala ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Polyamides are essential materials in fibres production for textiles and technical uses. However, for those fields of applications extremely high strength parameters as well as excellent dimensional stability are required. In order to improve polymer properties they are reinforced with glass fibres or with very high strength and high modulus liquid crystalline polymers LCPs. During the last decades, liquid crystalline polymers were presented as new compounds with superior properties, as compared to conventional polymers. The search for melt-processable LCPs which are miscible with conventional polymers is still a great challenge in polymer science [1]. Blending thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers with semi-crystaline thermoplastic polymers to form in situ polymer composites is very attractive because LCP acts a
reinforcing element in the blends and its addition to a polymer matrix has a significant impact on the physical and mechanical properties of the final product [27]. It should be noted that the melting temperature of most liquid crystalline polymers is too high for processing semicrystalline thermoplastic polymers. In order to reduce the melting and transition temperature new liquid crystalline oligoesters (LCO), with a much shorter chain than typical liquid crystalline polymers and with flexible units in the main chain, were synthesised, resulting in a decrease of their melting temperature. Due to its relatively low melting temperature LCO can be used as a proper compound for processing with semicrystalline thermoplastic polymers [810]. The main goal of the investigations presented in this paper was to determine the influence of the LCO on the supermolecular structure of the fibres which were pre-
pared from the polyamide 6 and liquid crystalline oligoester blend (PA 6/LCO). X-ray diffraction methods were used to characterize the supermolecular structure of the polymer matrix of fibres: WAXS was used to characterize crystalline polymorphs and crystallinity of the PA 6 matrix, while parameters of the lamellar structure were extracted from the SAXS patterns. Thermal properties are discussed in the context of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) results and some results of the mechanical tests are presented as well. The morphological parameters of unmodified PA 6 fibres are included for comparison.
Materials The blend for fibre formation was prepared from PA 6 and liquid crystalline oligoester with 95 % of PA 6 and 5 % of LCO by weight. Commercial PA 6 Tarnamid T27 (Azoty-Tarnw, Poland) with a density of 1140 kg/m3 and a melt flow index of MFI = 12 g/min was used. The LCO was provided by the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze. In the molecular structure of LCO, aromatic rings of the mesogen are bonded with ester groups, while the aliphatic end-groups consisting of eleven carbon atoms are connected with the aromatic ring by ester bonds, as shown in Formula (I).
O CH3(CH2)10 C O O C O O O C O O C (CH2)10CH3 (I)
The preparation of the blend consists of three essential stages: blending, extrusion, and annealing at a temperature above Tm of LCO and below Tm of polymer matrix [9, 10]. Formation of fibres Unmodified PA 6 fibres and fibres from the PA 6/LCO 95/5 blend were formed by using the prototype single-head laboratory extruder. The extruders head consists of a spinneret with a single hole of diameter f = 0.2 mm. Fibre-forming materials were melted in a mass cylinder and extrudered under the pressure of 0.7 MPa. During the formation process the temperature of the spinneret was set at 230 C. The fibres were spun with a take-up velocity of 70 m/min. Methods of testing The SAXS/WAXS investigations of the LCO modifier were carried out using the synchrotron beamline of the X33 double focusing camera of the EMBL in Hasylab, at the storage ring DORIS III of the DESY in Hamburg at a
where: Ic the intensity scattered by the crystalline regions, Ia the intensity scattered by the amorphous regions. Small-angle X-ray scattering investigations for fibres were performed by means of a MBraun camera with conventional Kratky collimation system. The front of the camera was directly mounted on the top of the tube shield of the stabilized Philips PW 1830 X-ray generator. The X-ray tube was operated at a power of 1200 W. CuKa radiation was used; monochromatisation was performed by a Ni-b filter and a pulse-height discriminator. Scattered radiation was recorded using an acquisition time of 900 s by means of MBraun PSD50 linear position-sensitive detector (1024 channels with a channel-to-channel distance of 52 nm). The experimental SAXS curves were corrected for sample absorption and de-smeared for collimation slit distortion by means of the 3DVIEW MBraun computer program. On the basis of the SAXS curves basic parameters of the lamellar structure of the polymer matrix of fibres were obtained using the correlation function approach [1416]. The normalized correlation function was calculated, using the OTOKO program [17], from the following equation:
(r) =
cos (2 r) ds
where: I(s) the scattering intensity function, r a distance in real space, s the modulus of the scattering vector (s = 2sinq/l), where l the X-ray wavelength and 2q the scattering angle.
The values of Tm, DHm and Ti, DHi correspond to the two main endothermal signals, melting and isotropisation, respectively, which are observed in the heating DSC curve. When a cooling run was performed after initial heating, exothermal peaks were observed which were characterized by the values of Tc, DHc and Ti, DHi, respectively.
T a b l e 1. Transition temperatures and enthalpies obtained from DSC measurements during heating and cooling LCO*) Heating Tg, C Tm, C DHm J/g 40.6
*) T
Cooling Ti, C 156.6 DHi J/g 2.3 Tc, C 114.8 DHc J/g 11.0 Ti, C 155.0 DHi J/g 2.6
g, Tm, Tc, Ti glass transition, melting, crystallization and isotropisation temperatures, respectively, DHm, DTc, DHi the enthalpies of melting, crystallization and isotropisation, respectively.
where: DH the enthalpy of melting of the fibre, DH100 the enthalpy of 100 % crystalline PA 6, the value being assumed is 230.1 J/g [18]. Tensile strength parameters of the fibres were defined by means of the tensile testing machine INSTRON 5544 Single Column. The machine consisted of a press-stretching head for fibres for a static load cell rating 10 N with the indication error 1.0 %. The tensile testing machine was connected to the computer equipped with MERLIN software. The measurements were taken at ambient temperature for sample lengths of 10 mm. The tensile speed was 30 mm min-1 and 20 tests were made for each sample. On the basis of the measurements the basic mechanical parameters of fibres such as initial modulus breaking tenacity and breaking elongation were determined.
The results from Table 1 reveal that the LCO modifier exhibits the ability to form a thermotropic mesophase in the temparature range 118156 C. The mesophase was detected both during the heating and cooling processes, which is typical for an enantiotropic liquid crystal compound [8]. In order to determine the supermolecular structure of a thermotropic LCO and its changes accompanying the heating to the melt time-resolved SAXS/WAXS measurements during heating and cooling were performed. Fig. 1 presents selected SAXS and WAXS curves of the LCO during heating.
0.020 SAXS 0.016 WAXS 160 C 150 C 145 C 140 C 123 C 120 C 110 C 75 C 25 C 25 30
Intensity, a.u.
0.012 0.008 0.004 0.000 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 15 20 2q, deg
Fig. 1. Time resolved SAXS and WAXS scattering patterns of LCO during heating
Thermal behaviour and supermolecular structure of the LCO modifier The thermal behaviour of LCO was analysed using DSC measurements. Table 1 presents the results of our analysis of the DSC heating and cooling curves of the oligoester collected at a rate 10 C/min. The WAXS/SAXS curves exhibit characteristic phenomena: a strong crystalline peak and a very weak amorphous halo in the WAXS data as well as the first diffraction maximum in SAXS curve occurs in the same temperature range (25123 C). The crystalline peak in the
WAXS data disappears at 123 C while the second diffraction maximum in the SAXS data occurs in the temperature range 104160 C. The WAXS patterns registered from 25 C to 123 C, involving a strong cystalline peak and a very weak amorphous halo indicate the presence of a well-ordered structure while scattering curves registered at higher temperatures indicate the liquid crystalline state of LCO. The angular position (2q) of the peak observed on SAXS curves is connected to the supermolecular structure of the oligoester involving different electron densities of two phases, which are separated by a repeat distance (d-space). The d-space values, based on the position of the first and the second peak (which corresponds to solid crystalline state and liquid crystalline state, respectively) were calculated using Braggs law and these results are presented in Fig. 2.
g a a
g PA6/LCO 95/5
Fig. 3. Comparision of WAXS curves for unmodified and modified polyamide fibres
5.0 4.8 4.6 1 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature, C 140 160 2
caused by the addition of a small amount of the LCO modifier; subsequentely both sets were compared. The WAXS curves of both PA 6/LCO 95/5 and PA 6 fibres are reported in Fig. 3. The scattering patterns reveal the existence of the well-known polymorphism of the PA 6 matrix in both samples. Both diffraction curves exhibit the two medium diffraction peaks at 2q = 20.3 and at 2q = 23.7, a weak peak at 2q = 11 and a strong peak at 2q = 21.6. These two medium peaks are a distinctive feature of the a-crystal polymorph of PA 6 and both the weak and the strong
d-Spacing, nm
Fig. 2. d-Spacing for LCO: in solid state (1), in liquid crystalline state (2)
Intensity, cps
80 60 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 2q, deg 50 60 g a g A1 a
Fig. 2 shows that d-space values corresponding to the first peak of the SAXS curves are constant (4.5 nm) and they are characteristic for a well-ordered solid state of the LCO. The values of d-spacing, based on the angular position of the second SAXS peak, steadily decrease from 3.8 nm (104 C) to 3.6 nm (123 C) as a result of the increase of chain flexibility during heating. According to our SAXS results the transition occurs at a temperature of 123 C since the value of d-spacing is constant. Such SAXS patterns with two diffraction maxima and corresponding changes of d-space values are characteristic of the smectic liquid crystal structure [8, 10, 19]. WAXS studies of supermolecular structure of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres The results of the wide angle scattering measurements were analysed with respect to the crystalline structure of a PA 6 matrix of fibres and the concomitant changes
Fig. 4. WAXS curve of PA 6 fibres resolved into individual crystalline peaks and the amorphous components (A1 and A2)
peaks stand for the g-crystal polymorph of PA 6 [2], which generally is not thermodynamically stable in polyamides and being predominant only under fast cooling conditions during spinning of the fibres. The analysis of the curves reveals that the intensities of all the peaks mentioned above slightly decrease by introducing LCO in the sample. Such changes point to a decrease of the index of
Fig. 6. Correlation function for PA 6 fibres, from which the parameters of lamellar structure are determined
is shown in Fig. 6. The calculation of the long period Lp of the structure is based on the position of the first maximum in the function. Other structural parameters like the crystalline lamellae (lc) and the amorphous layer thickness (la) are also calculated on the basis of this function as shown in Fig. 6. The values of the structural parameters, which are calculated for both investigated fibres are presented in Table 2.
Intensity, a.u.
T a b l e 2. The values of parameters of the lamellar structure of PA 6 matrix of investigated fibres, determined by SAXS methods Sample PA 6 PA 6/LCO 95/5
Long period calculated from Braggs law based on angular position of the PA 6 peak on the SAXS curve.
The SAXS curve of a PA 6 sample exhibits only one wide diffraction peak (1.64) corresponding to the long period of the lamellar structure of the polyamide. However, the curve of PA 6/LCO 95/5 sample exhibits two distinct peaks: a first one (1.55) from PA 6 and the second one (1.96) from the LCO modifier. This clearly points to the fact that the polymer matrix of the modified fibres keeps its lamellar structure in the presence of the oligoester. Moreover, the angular position of the LCO peak in the data of the modified fibre (corresponding to d-space value 4.5 nm) is the same as in the case of the SAXS data of the oligoester (in the solid state) in the absence of the PA 6 matrix (see Fig. 1). This means that the LCO keeps its excellent dimensional stabillity even in the polymer matrix. To compare the parameters of the lamellar structure of the PA 6 matrix of both fibres, based on SAXS curves, the correlation functions were calculated from equation (2). A typical correlation function as obtained for PA 6 fibres
The results from Table 2 show that Lp, lc and la values for the modified and the unmodified sample are comparable. It means that the lamellar structure of the polymer matrix of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres practically depends on the conditions of the formation of the fibres and is not markedly affected by the presence of the LCO modifier. More details, particularly concerning the distribution of LCO domains in PA 6 matrix of modified fibres are obtained from the 2D-SAXS measurements. The 2D-SAXS patterns of both PA 6 and PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres are presented in Fig. 7. Both patterns exhibit symmetrical meridional peaks typical for the polymer matrix. The angular position of the maximum intensity of the peaks is 1.55 and 1.64 for PA 6/LCO 95/5 and PA 6 100, respectively. These results are in excellent agreement with the values of Lp of the lamellar structure of the matrix: 5.7 nm and 5.4 nm for PA 6/LCO 95/5 and PA 6, respectively (see Table 2). In the case of the 2D-SAXS pattern of the LCO modified sample, beside meridional peaks, four diagonal-peaks are observed resulting from the presence of the LCO modifier in the sample. The 2q position of these peaks and their
70 1.9 nm 5.3 nm
4.5 nm
Fig. 9. Proposed model of the supermolecular structure of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres based on results derived from SAXS measurements Fig. 7. 2D-SAXS patterns for PA 6 (a) and PA 6/LCO 95/5 (b) fibres
orientation in relation to fibre axe direction were also determined. The 2q position (1.96) connected with the d-space of LCO, as expected, is the same as obtained from SAXS curve in Fig. 5. The orientation of the LCO peaks is connected with the distribution of the orientation of the mesogens of LCO in relation to the fibre axis direction. A quantitative estimation of the orientation of the mesogens was obtained by considering an azimuthal plot of SAXS scattering data (for a suitable range of 2q values). This plot is presented in Fig. 8 and makes clear that the mean angle of the orientation is equal to 70.
Based on our results derived from the SAXS measurements, a model of the supermolecular structure of modified fibres is proposed (Fig. 9). This model suggests that the liquid crystalline oligoester domains are distributed into the interfibrillar areas of the polymer matrix as well as slightly slipped between crystalline lamellae (into the amorphous layer). Such a way of distribution of the LCO modifier in PA 6 proves that the LCO in practice only influences the amorphous layers thickness of PA 6 (see Table 2). The proposed model also accounts for the degree of the preferred molecular orientation of the oligoester in the fibres. Thermal properties of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres The thermal behaviour of the modified PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres was studied by using differential scanning calorimetry. The results of the DSC measurements are analyzed in terms of changes of the basic thermal parameters of the polymer matrix, such as melting temperature (Tm), enthalpy of melting (DHm), mass degree of crystallinity (k), crystallization temperature (Tc) and enthalpy of crystallization (DHc) caused by the addition of the LCO modifier. The shape of the DSC curves (Fig. 10), obtained for both modified and unmodified fibres during heating of the samples in the form as received (curve 1 and 2) is similar and they contain only one endothermic peak which illustrates the melting of the crystalline phase of the polymer matrix. The minimum of the endothermic peak occurs at 221.9 C for the modified sample, whereas for the pure polyamide 6 sample it is only very slightly shifted towards a lower value. Additionally, the endothermic effect measured by the value of the enthalpy of
LCO mesogen
70 PA6 lamellae
Fig. 8. Azimuthal plot showing the orientation of LCO mesogen and polymer matrix lamellae in PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres
Next the process of non-isothermal crystallization of the polymer matrix of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres was analyzed by comparision of DSC thermograms (Fig. 11) obtained for both unmodified and modified fibres. Both DSC cooling curves exhibit one exotherm: the crystallization peak. The crystallization peak temperature for both samples is almost the same while differences in the value of the enthalpy of crystallization DHc (calculated only with respect to PA 6) and the onset crystallization temperature (TcON-SET) are observed. The higher DHc and TcON-SET values for the PA 6/LCO 95/5 sample probably result from the heterogeneous nucleation due to the presence of the LCO modifier, which is absent in the crystallization process of the PA 6 matrix. Mechanical properties of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres The results of the experimental investigation of the effect of LCO modifier on the mechanical properties of polyamide 6 fibres are presented in Table 3.
77.1 J/g(*)
calculated in respect to PA 6 matrix
Fig. 10. DSC curves of unmodified (curves 1 and 3) and modified polyamide (curves 2 and 4) fibres during heating at a rate of 10 C/min registered for: samples in form as received (1 and 2), samples after the previous controlled cooling from the melt (3 and 4)
melting (DHm), and calculated only with respect to the polymer matrix, decreases when the LCO modifier is present in the PA 6 matrix. The lower value of DHm indicates that the addition of the modifier causes a slight decrease of the degree of ordering of the supermolecular structure of PA 6. The degree of crystallinity, calculated from equation (3), is 33.5 % and 35.5 % for fibres PA 6/LCO 95/5 and PA 6, respectively. Another observation resulting from the DSC analysis of the fibres, repeatedly heated after the previous controlled supercooling from the melt (curve 3 and 4), is the presence of two endotherms as compared to one endo-
T a b l e 3. The values of mechanical parameters of unmodified and modified polyamide fibres*) Sample PA 6 100 PA 6/LCO 95/5 gation, respectively. Mp, cN/tex 1.18 1.99 Wr, cN/tex 20.5 26.8 er, % 178.1 184.2
*) M , W , e initial modulus, p r r
The comparative analysis of the results shows that presence of the liquid crystalline oligoester has a positive influence on all the investigated parameters of the fibres. The higher values of the initial modulus and of the tenacity, which are observed in the case of PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres mean that the LCO mesogen acts as a stiff and strong element, which transfers part of the tensions from the matrix of the fibres. Consequently, modified fibres become more stiff and strong in relation to the unmodified PA 6 fibres.
Fig. 11. DSC curves of unmodified (1) and modified (2) polyamide fibres during cooling from the melt at the rate of 10 C/min
therm in the as received samples. The minimum of the first endothermic peak (curve 3 and 4) occurs at a temperature close to 212 C for both samples and this endotherm probably results from the melting of less perfect crystallites of PA 6.
This study indicates that the synthesised oligoester which was used as a modifier of PA 6 fibres exhibits the ability of thermotropic mesophase (smectic type) formation. The solid crystalline state of LCO is observed in the temperature range from 25 C to 123 C, and the liquid crystalline state in the temperature range 118156 C. The crystalline and lamellar structure of the polymer matrix of the fibres formed from the PA 6/LCO 95/5 blend, is not markedly affected by the LCO modifier. The supermolecular structure of the PA 6/LCO 95/5 fibres, proposed in this study, reveals a specific distribution of the LCO domains in the polymer matrix. This specific distri-
bution of the stiff and strong rod-like mesogen of LCO in the PA 6 matrix of the fibres causes a considerable increase in the values of the tensile strength parameters of the fibres. REFERENCES
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