Social Media Audit Template

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The key takeaways are to assess a company's current social media presence, compare it to competitors, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop an overall social media strategy.

The purpose of conducting a social media audit is to assess a client's current social media presence relative to competition and best practices in order to provide a clear roadmap for an effective social media program.

Some of the key elements that are assessed in a social media audit include channel presence on websites, blogs, social networks and other channels; goals for social media; infrastructure and organizational issues; cultural issues; search optimization; and competitive analysis.


Media Audit
Client: Date of Audit: Purpose of Audit: Assess clients current social media presence relaKve to compeKKon and overall best pracKces in order to provide a clear roadmap for a measurably-eecKve social media program.
Renegade, LLC 2010, Adapted from the Social Media Client Benchmarking Template wri@en by Jonathan Briggs & the OTHER media 2010, Published under a CreaKve Commons License (Non-commercial, share alike, a@ribuKon)

Goals Checklist

Assess current state of clients SM acKvity Assess compeKKve SM acKviKes and relaKve strength/weakness IdenKfy infrastructure and organizaKonal changes needed to support tacKcal opportuniKes IdenKfy cultural changes (if any) required to make social media program an on-going success Outline SM tacKcal opportuniKes Dene overall SM strategy in the context of overall business goals

Social Media Audit

Social Media Environment

Channel Presence Comments- The purpose here is to establish a benchmark for the work done thus far in establishing a web & social media presence.

Website Microsites Blogs Social Networks Microblogs Video (YouTube and Vimeo) Feedback Search (Google, Ning, YouTube, etc.) Other (mobile app, web app, wikis, )
Do your social media eorts enhance organic search results? At this stage, focus only on the major players An eecKve site should be supported by other channels.

Social Media Audit

Reac6ons to and Goals for Social Media Planning & Compe66ve Issues
Ques6ons Strengths and weaknesses of current web presence Social media goals Strategic role of each social media element in context of overall goals What companies do you admire for their social media success? Reac6ons Comments What do you like? What are you unhappy with? How do these goals support the overall goals of the organizaKon? Leads, sales, retenKon, cost-cudng, loyalty, customer saKsfacKon, customer referral

Social Media Audit

Reac6ons to and Goals for Social Media Infrastructure & Organiza6onal Issues
Ques6ons Who has responsibility for social media in the organizaKon? How will you measure the impact of any changes you make? What tools are in place to help with this measurement? Reac6ons

What is in place to help you deal with adverse comment and discussion on social media sites now? What are the email markeKng processes in place? Where is the SM strategy being aggregated into the overall markeKng strategy? Do you have a hubsite for all of your social media content? Who in Senior Management is acKve in social media?

Social Media Audit

Reac6ons to and Goals for Social Media Cultural Issues

Ques6ons Comments

Do you have a corporate social media policy? Is this policy informed by regulatory issues in your industry? Are there any cultural issues (good or bad) that have had an impact on your social media acKviKes? What are the senior mgmt reacKons to tools like Twi@er and Facebook? Commitment from Senior sta is crucial to success

Do you encourage your employees to parKcipate in company and/or personal social media acKviKes?

Is there a culture of allowing sta to access social media during the work day?

Are there any internal people who could become your social media expert or the voice of your brand?

Social Media Audit

List Four Major Compe6tors

Compe6tors Website Microsite Blog Facebook TwiMer YouTube Other (feedback)


Establishing compeKtors web and social media performance will help set benchmarks and goals for the company and the brand.

Social Media Audit

Feature Assess the presence of the company or brand on Facebook Look for sta involvement with Facebook Evaluate Fan page Links to company or brand site Record number of fans Last Kme their Facebook presence was updated Specic Facebook apps or automaKon Like Bu@on throughout web presence Notes Compe6tors Comments
Is there any ocial or unocial presence? Has it been thought through? Many companies will have a sta that is acKve on FB Fan Pages provide powerful tools for developing a brand presence How is FB being used to drive trac to main website? Make a note of the current number of fans Make a note of the date when an update was made to the page (by the company) List any evidence of the use of apps by the company Link from main website to FB are important.

Social Media Audit


Use twi@er analyKcs tools to measure how well they are doing with their compeKtors Notes Compe6tors Comments
Does this help set up the goal of your company? Pushing data Asking for info Helping followers Engaging followers How are you driving trac to main website? Record as baseline How inuenKal can you be? How many people can you reach through your followers? How oqen are you tweeKng? Needed to drive fans

Bio and background Styles of tweets: Publishing QuesKons Customer Service ConversaKon Links to company or brand site # followers Inuence Reach Recency Follow us bu@ons on site Retweet bu@ons next to content on website

Social Media Audit

Blogs and Comments

Feature How are you monitoring reacKons to your organizaKon or products on blogs or posted in comments? Are you parKcipaKng in responding to comments? Notes Compe6tors Comments
Blogs are some of the most powerful drivers of both community and reputaKon. Bloggers are likely to talk about a successful company or its products and the client will want to be involved with this process. You may want to set up your own blog to be more in control.

Who are the powerful bloggers in your industry? Does your own blog or presence on services like GetSaKsfacKon help provide a place for customer discussion?

Social Media Audit


Member-only Communi6es & Special Interest Social Networks

Feature Is there a relevant member only community / special interest social network? Is the community healthy? How so? Is the community built on a common plasorm like Ning or is it custom built? Is there an opportunity to create a new community?
What is the group commonality and unmet need? Size, frequency of visit, duraKon of visit, content sharing




Social Media Audit


Search: How social media ac6vi6es support organic search

Feature How does website perform on an organic search basis for wide range of relevant terms? Do current blogs enhance organic search results? Are microblog feeds and other news feeds on the website? Is there a lot of Flash-based content? Notes Compe6tors

Social Media Audit


List Key Phrases that dene how the company or brand would expect to be found in the search engines.
Keywords or phrases Demand Visibility Comments
These should be based on real needs as likely to be typed into search engines. While brand terms are important, more than half of these should be generic market or industry terms. Use one of the soqware tools available to assess demand, How visible are you for each of these terms? This will help you understand more about your terminology and how far you have to go. Check that compeKtors really are their compeKtors in terms of these terms

Notes on compeKtors

Social Media Audit


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