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DISLIN Graphics Command Language - Disgcl-10.3

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D I S G C L 10.

A Graphics Command Language by Helmut Michels

Helmut Michels, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau 1995 - 2013 All rights reserved.

1 Overview 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Syntax of the DISGCL Command 1.3 Syntax of DISGCL Script Files . . 1.4 Syntax of Statements . . . . . . . 1.5 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Quickplots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 FTP Sites, WWW Homepage . . . 1.9 Reporting Bugs . . . . . . . . . . Data Types, Variables 2.1 Data Types . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Variables . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 System Variables . . . . . . 2.4 Specifying Constants . . . . 2.5 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Character Arrays and Strings Expressions and Operators 3.1 Operators . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Array Operations . . . . . 3.3 Type Conversions . . . . . 3.4 Type Conversion Functions 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 11 11 12 12 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20

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Statements 4.1 Identication of Script Files . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Comment Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Calling DISLIN Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Calling DISLIN Subroutines . . . . . . 4.3.2 Calling DISLIN Functions . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Passing Parameters to DISLIN Routines 4.4 DISGCL Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Initializing Arrays with { } . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 The IF Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 IF Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 SWITCH Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 The DO Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 The WHILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 The BREAK Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12 The CONTINUE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . i

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4.13 The GOTO Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14 Executing System Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 DISGCL Commands 5.1 Termination of DISGCL 5.2 Getting Help . . . . . . . 5.3 Including DISGCL Files 5.4 Listing Variables . . . . 5.5 Freeing Variables . . . . 5.6 The PRINT Command . 5.7 Logging Commands . . . 5.8 Creating Arrays . . . . .

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User-dened Subroutines and Functions 6.1 Calling User-dened Subroutines . . 6.2 Calling User-dened Functions . . . 6.3 The SUBROUTINE Statement . . . 6.4 The FUNCTION Statement . . . . . 6.5 The EXTERN Statement . . . . . . 6.6 The RETURN Statement . . . . . . 6.7 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quickplots 7.1 The PLOT Command . . . . 7.2 The SCATTR Command . . 7.3 The PLOT3 Command . . . 7.4 The PLOT3R Command . . 7.5 The SURF3 Command . . . 7.6 The SURFACE Command . 7.7 The SURSHADE Command 7.8 The CONTOUR Command . 7.9 The CONSHADE Command 7.10 Scaling of Quickplots . . . . 7.11 Quickplot Variables . . . . .

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Data Files 8.1 Syntax of Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Data File Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input and Output 9.1 Formatted Output with PRINTF . 9.2 Formatted Output with SPRINTF . 9.3 Formatted Input with SCANF . . 9.4 Formatted Input with SSCANF . . 9.5 File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 Formatted Output to Files . . . . . 9.7 Formatted Input from Files . . . . 9.8 Text Input and Output Functions . 9.9 Binary Input and Output Functions 9.10 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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A Intrinsic Functions A.1 Mathematical Functions . . . . . . A.2 Type Conversion Functions . . . . A.3 Complex Functions . . . . . . . . A.4 Array Functions . . . . . . . . . . A.5 Variable and Parameter Functions A.6 Data File Functions . . . . . . . . A.7 Memory Allocating Functions . . A.8 String Functions . . . . . . . . . . A.9 File Functions . . . . . . . . . . . A.10 Input and Output Functions . . . . A.11 System Functions . . . . . . . . . A.12 Time Functions . . . . . . . . . . A.13 Random Number Functions . . . .

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B Short Description of DISLIN Routines B.1 Initialization and Introductory Routines B.2 Termination and Parameter Resetting . . B.3 Plotting Text and Numbers . . . . . . . B.4 Colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.5 Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.6 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.7 Axis Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.8 Secondary Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.9 Modication of Axes . . . . . . . . . . B.10 Axis System Titles . . . . . . . . . . . B.11 Plotting Data Points . . . . . . . . . . . B.12 Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.13 Line Styles and Shading Patterns . . . . B.14 Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.15 Base Transformations . . . . . . . . . . B.16 Shielding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.17 Parameter Requesting Routines . . . . . B.18 Elementary Plot Routines . . . . . . . . B.19 Conversion of Coordinates . . . . . . . B.20 Utility Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.21 Date Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.22 Cursor Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.23 Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.24 Bar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.25 Pie Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.26 Coloured 3-D Graphics . . . . . . . . . B.27 3-D Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.28 Geographical Projections . . . . . . . . B.29 Contouring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.30 Image Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.31 Window Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . B.32 Widget Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . B.33 DISLIN Quickplots . . . . . . . . . . . B.34 MPS Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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C Examples C.1 Demonstration of CURVE . C.2 Polar Plots . . . . . . . . . . C.3 3-D Colour Plot . . . . . . . C.4 Surface Plot . . . . . . . . . C.5 Contour Plot . . . . . . . . . C.6 Shaded Contour Plot . . . . C.7 World Coastlines and Lakes C.8 Widgets . . . . . . . . . . . Index

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Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

This manual describes the graphics command language DISGCL which is an interpreter based on the graphics software DISLIN. All DISLIN statements can be written to a script le and then be executed with DISGCL, or can be entered in an interactive mode. Similar to programming languages such as Fortran and C, high-level language elements can be used within DISGCL. These are variables, operators, expressions, array operations, loops, if and switch statements, user-dened subroutines and functions, and le I/O routines. An easy to use interface for data input is given to include data into DISGCL jobs. The format of data les is very simple and useful for most DISLIN plotting routines. Several quickplots are offered by DISGCL which are collections of DISLIN statements to display data with one command.


Syntax of the DISGCL Command

The DISGCL command has the following syntax: Command: lename args disgcl [lename[.gcl]] [args] [options] is the name of a DISGCL script le. The extension .gcl is optional. are optional arguments that can be passed to DISGCL scripts. The arguments are stored in the system variables %ARG1, %ARG2, ..., %ARGn, or can be requested with the function GETARG (i), 1 <= i <= n. The number of passed arguments is stored in the system variable %NARGS. is an optional eld of keywords separated by blanks: denes the format of the metale created by DISLIN. This parameter will overwrite the keyword in the DISLIN routine METAFL and can have the same values as the parameter in METAFL. denes the le used for data input. This parameter will overwrite the le parameter in the routine DATFIL. replaces the le parameter of the rst INCLUDE statement in an DISGCL script le. This option can be used to initialize variables with different values. means that the extension .gcl is not added to the lename. opens a console window on Windows systems. 1

options -D=device

-F=le -I=le -f -o


prints program version and author.

Notes: - If no parameters are specied, DISGCL runs in interactive mode. - DISGCL searches the current working directory for the DISGCL script le. If the search fails, DISGCL searches the directory dened by the environment variable GCL PATH. - On UNIX systems, an DISGCL script le can be executed directly if the following line is included at the beginning of the script le: #! /path/disgcl -f where path is the directory containing the disgcl executable.


Syntax of DISGCL Script Files

DISGCL script les must have the following syntax: - A DISGCL script le must begin with the indentier %GCL. - Each line may contain up to 132 characters. - The current statement can be continued on the next line if a masterspace (@) is used at the end of the line. - Lines are allowed to carry trailing comment elds, following a double slash (//) or the # character. Empty lines are also be interpreted as comment lines. - Keywords and routine names can be in upper and lowercase letters. - String constants must be enclosed in a pair of either apostrophes or quotation marks. Example: %GCL SUM = 0 DO I = 1, 10 SUM = SUM + I END DO PRINT SUM


Syntax of Statements

The following statements can be used in DISGCL script les, or can be typed directly at the DISGCL prompt. 2

Command %GCL // Comment or # Comment routine (parameter list) CALL routine (parameter list) v = function (parameter list) v = expression command [parameter list] vray = { constant list } IF (expression) statement IF (expression) statements ELSE IF (expression) statements ELSE statements END IF DO v = expr1, expr2 [,expr3] statements END DO WHILE (expr) statements END WHILE SWITCH (iexpr) CASE n1: statements CASE n2: statements ...... DEFAULT: statements END SWITCH label: GOTO label $command

Description Identier for DISGCL script les. Comment line and inline comments. Call of a DISLIN or DISGCL routine. Call of a user-dened subroutine. Call of a DISLIN, DISGCL or user-dened function. Assigns the value of the expression to the variable v. DISGCL command. Creates and initializes an integer or oating point array. IF statement (conditional statement). IF construct. Up to 8 IF constructs can be nested. The ELSE IF and the ELSE parts are optional.

DO loop. Up to 8 loops can be nested. WHILE loop. Up to 8 loops can be nested. SWITCH statement where iexpr must be an integer expression and n1, n2, ... integer constants. Up to 8 SWITCH statements can be nested.

Label statement. GOTO statement. Executes a system command. Figure 1.1: DISGCL Statements


Data Types

Variables in DISGCL are dynamic. They dont have to be declared, and they can change their types during the lifetime of a DISGCL session. The following data types are known by DISGCL: CHAR BYTE SHORT INT FLOAT DOUBLE COMPLEX STRING an 8-bit integer in the range -128 to 127. an 8-bit integer in the range 0 to 255. an 16-bit integer in the range -32768 to 32767. an 32-bit integer in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647. an 32-bit oating point number in the range 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38 and with 7-digit precision. an 64-bit oating point number in the range 2.2E-308 to 1.8E+308 and with 15-digit precision. a pair of 32-bit oating point numbers in the range 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38. a sequence of characters. Strings are stored as CHAR arrays terminated with the ASCII value zero.



An expression is an combination of operands and operators. The operands can be constants, variables and functions, and may be scalars or arrays. Expressions can be assigned to variables or can be passed as parameters to subroutines and functions. Example: a = 60 x = exp (sin (a * 3.14159))



DISGCL offers several quickplots which are collections of DISLIN routines that can display data with one command. For example, the DISGCL command PLOT displays two-dimensional curves. Example: x = falloc (100) plot x, sin (x/5)

Figure 2.1: Example of the PLOT Command Note: All quickplots have corresponding widget interfaces that can be executed with the command disgcl quickplot

where quickplot is the name of a quickplot. The widget interfaces for quickplots expect data in the form of data les described in chapter 8, Data Files.


FTP Sites, WWW Homepage

DISGCL and DISLIN are available via ftp anonymous from the following sites: ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/grak/dislin The DISLIN Homepage is: http://www.dislin.de


Reporting Bugs

DISGCL bugs can be reported to the author: Helmut Michels Max-Planck-Institut fuer Sonnensystemforschung D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Max-Planck-Str. 2, Germany E-Mail: michels@linmpi.mpg.de Tel.: +49 5556 979 334 Fax: +49 5556 979 240

Chapter 2

Data Types, Variables

This chapter explains the DISGCL data types and shows how to specify constants and variables.


Data Types

As described in the last chapter, DISGCL data can have the following types:


Number of Bytes 1 1 2 4 4 8 8 n+1 Figure 2.1: Data Types

Range -128 - 127 0 - 255 -32768 - 32767 -2147483648 - 2147483647 1.2E-38 - 3.4E+38 2.2E-308 - 1.8E+308 1.2E-38 - 3.4E+38



All data in DISGCL are variables or constants. As in other programming languages, variables can change their values during the lifetime of a DISGCL session. But in DISGCL, variables can also change their types, and they dont have to be declared. The following rules are applied to variables: - The rst character must be a letter. Other characters can be letters, digits, or underscores. - The rst 16 characters of variable names are signicant. - DISGCL is not case-sensitive. Variable names, keywords, functions, routines and parameters can be specied in uppercase and lowercase letters. 7


System Variables

System variables are special variables with a predened meaning. For example, system variables can be used to set options for quickplots. System variables begin with the % character and are available to all DISGCL units such as subroutines and functions.


Specifying Constants

Constants are data that cannot change their values during the life of a DISGCL session. Constants can be integers, oating point numbers and strings. Integer constants can be specied in decimal or hexadecimal notation. Floating point constants contain a decimal point and can have an exponential part preceded by e or E. String constants must be enclosed in a pair of either apostrophes or quotation marks. Complex constants contain the keyword COMPLEX and a real and imaginary part. The imaginary part is optional and assumed to be zero if it is omitted. Examples: Constant 120 0xFF 0.56 3.6E2 ABC abc COMPLEX (3,4) COMPLEX (7) Type Decimal Hexadecimal Floating point Floating point String String COMPLEX COMPLEX

Figure 2.2: Constants



An array is a collection of data that share the same type and a common name. Array elements can be accessed by specifying subscripts in square brackets. Multidimensional arrays can be dened and accessed by specifying subscripts separated by commas. Examples: A[i] = 5 B[i, j] = 8 C[0, 10, 5] = 3.5 There are several ways to create arrays in DISGCL: - If an expression is assigned to a variable and the value of the expression is an array, the variable will also be an array. - The DISGCL commands CHAR, BYTE, SHORT, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE and COMPLEX create corresponding arrays and initialize them with zeros. Example: 8

INT A[10], B[20,10] - Integer and oating point arrays can be created and initialized with the statement: vray = { list } where list is a constant list of integers or oating point numbers separated by commas. Notes: - Array elements begin with the number 0. - If a subscript of an array is out of range, DISGCL prints a warning and cancels the calculation. - Multidimensional arrays are stored by rows. - If a subscript appears in a string or a CHAR array, the corresponding element is handled as an integer where the value of the integer is the ASCII code of the element.



Subscripts can be used to access single array elements or sections of arrays. The following are examples of array subscripts:

A[i] A[i:j] B[i1:i2, j] B[:i2, j] B[i1:, j] B[*, j]

Element i of array A Array section of size j - i + 1 Elements i1 to i2 of column j Elements 0 to i2 of column j Elements i1 to m - 1 of column j The whole column j.


Character Arrays and Strings

Strings in DISGCL are stored as character arrays terminated with ASCII value zero. Normally, strings and character arrays can be used in the same way if character arrays contain a string terminator. Some I/O functions require character arrays instead of strings to store characters. Character arrays can be dened with the CHAR command.


Chapter 3

Expressions and Operators

An expression is an combination of operands and operators. The operands can be constants, variables and functions, and may be scalars or arrays. The operators are displayed in the following paragraph.



Figure 3.1 shows all DISGCL operators and summarizes the rules for precedence and associativity of operators. Priority 1 2 Operator ** + ! 3 * / % 4 + 5 < <= > >= == != 6 && || Meaning Exponentiation Unary minus Unary plus Logical NOT Multiplication Division Modulus Addition Subtraction Less than Less than or equal Greater than Greater than or equal Equal Not equal Logical AND Logical OR Figure 3.1: Operators The rst column in gure 3.1 gives the precedence of an operator. This means that when two operators have different precedence, the operator with the higher precedence is evaluated rst. The highest precedence is 1. 11 Associativity Right to left Right to left Right to left Right to left Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to right Left to tight Left to right Left to right

When two operators have the same precedence, they are evaluated in the direction specied in the last column Associativity. The order of normal precedence can be changed by enclosing expressions in parenthesis. Examples: 3*2+1 2*3/2 2 ** 2 ** 3 has the value 7 since the operator * has a higher precedence than the operator +. has the value 3 since * and / are evaluated from left to right. has the value 256 since ** is evaluated from right to left.


Array Operations

In DISGCL, the operands in an expression can be scalars and arrays. Figure 3.2 shows the allowed array operations:

Operation array + array array - array array / array array * array array ** array array + scalar scalar + array array - scalar scalar -array array * scalar scalar * array array / scalar scalar / array array ** scalar scalar ** array

Value array array array array array array array array array array array array array array array

Figure 3.2: Array Operations


Type Conversions

When an operator has operands of different types, they are converted to a common type. Figure 3.3 shows the rules for type conversions if both operands are scalars or both are arrays:







Figure 3.3: Type Conversions Notes: - The only allowed operation between strings is the concatination with the + operator. - Complex operands can be used with other operands. The result is complex. When one operand is a scalar and the other operand an array, the value of the expression is also an array. The following gure shows the rules for type conversions between scalars and arrays: Scalar/Array BYTE SHORT INT FLOAT DOUBLE BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE * * SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT * * INT INT INT INT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE

Figure 3.4: Type Conversions between Scalars and Arrays Note: A * means that this operation is not allowed. A warning will be displayed by DISGCL if this operation appears in an expression.



Type Conversion Functions

DISGCL provides a set of functions that convert types of variables and expressions. The conversion functions are as follows: Function BYTE (x) CHAR (x) SHORT (x) INT (x) FLOAT (x) Meaning converts x to BYTE. converts x to CHAR. converts x to SHORT. converts x to INT. converts x to FLOAT. If x is complex, FLOAT returns the real part of x. DOUBLE (x) COMPLEX (x, y) converts x to DOUBLE. converts to COMPLEX. x is converted to the real, y to the imaginary part. The second parameter y is optional. STRING (x) converts x to STRING.

Figure 3.5: Type Conversion Functions Note: Normally, type conversion functions check operands for overow and print warnings. Examples: Example INT A[100] A = FLOAT (A) Z = COMPLEX (3, 4) converts A to a oating point array. creates the complex number Z with the real part 3 and the imaginary part 4. Z = COMPLEX (3) creates the complex number Z with the real part 3 and the imaginary part 0. IR = {65, 66, 67, 68} S = STRING (IR) creates the string S = ABCD. Figure 3.6: Type Conversion Examples Meaning


Chapter 4

This chapter describes the statements that can appear in DISGCL script les, or can be entered at the DISGCL prompt.


Identication of Script Files

DISGCL script les must begin with the string %GCL where the string can appear in upper or lowercase letters. Example: %GCL PRINT 3 + 4


Comment Lines

Empty lines and lines beginning with a double slash (//) or a # character are interpreted as commend lines. Lines are also allowed to carry trailing comment elds, following a double slash. Example: %GCL // This is a comment PRINT 3 + 4 // This is also a comment


Calling DISLIN Routines

About 500 DISLIN routines for plotting and parameter setting can be executed from DISGCL. DISLIN routines can either be subroutines that return no value, or functions that return a value.


Calling DISLIN Subroutines

DISLIN subroutines can be executed with the statement: routine (list) where routine is the name of a DISLIN routine and list the parameters of the routine separated by commas. 15

Example: %GCL METAFL DISINI GRAF DISFIN (CONS) () (0., 10., 0., 2., 0., 5., 0., 1.) ()


Calling DISLIN Functions

DISLIN functions can be executed with the statement: v = function (list) where function is the name of a DISLIN function and list the parameters of the function separated by commas.


Passing Parameters to DISLIN Routines

Actual parameters in DISLIN routines can be constants, variables and expressions. Integer constants must be specied without decimal points, oating point constants can be passed without decimal points. Normally, arrays must be passed to DISLIN routines as integer or oating point arrays. DISGCL checks the number and types of parameters passed to DISLIN routines. If an error occurs, a warning is printed on the screen and the call of the routine will be ignored. Example: N = TRMLEN (1) DISGCL will print the warning: >>>> Paramter mismatch User : TRMLEN (I) Correct : TRMLEN (S) The abbreviations in parameter mismatch warnings have the meaning: I X D S BR IR FR DR denotes an integer parameter. denotes a oating point, integer or double parameter. denotes a double parameter. denotes a string. denotes a byte array. denotes an integer array. denotes a oating point array. denotes a double array.


DISGCL Commands

A DISGCL command can be executed with the statement command [list] where command is the name of a DISGCL command and list the parameters of the command separated by commas. Several DISGCL commands are explained in the next chapter. Example: PRINT FALLOC(10) 16


Initializing Arrays with { }

Integer and oating point arrays can be created and initialized with the statement vray = { list } where list is a constant list of integers or oating point numbers separated by commas. Note: Arrays can also be created and initialized with the functions FALLOC, DALLOC and IALLOC, and with the DISGCL commands BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE and COMPLEX.


The IF Statement

The IF statement executes a statement if a logical expression is true. The syntax is: IF (expr) statement Example: IF (I < 10) A = 1


IF Constructs

IF constructs are statements for decision making. The syntax is: IF (expression) statements ELSE IF (expression) statements ELSE statements END IF If expression is true, the statements in the IF block will be executed; if expression is false, control is transferred to the next ELSE IF, ELSE or END IF statement. Example: IF (A > 0) ISIGN = 1 ELSE IF (A < 0) ISIGN = -1 ELSE ISIGN = 0 END IF Notes: - Up to 8 IF constructs can be nested. - The ELSE IF and ELSE blocks are optional. - Multiple ELSE IF blocks can be specied. 17


SWITCH Statements

The SWITCH statement is a multi-way decision that tests whether an expression matches one of the number of constant integer values. The syntax is: SWITCH (iexpr) CASE n1: statements CASE n2: statements .......... DEFAULT: statements END SWITCH Each case must be labeled by an INT constant while iexpr can be an integer expression. If a case matches iexpr, execution starts at that case. The case labeled DEFAULT is executed if none of the other cases are satised. The DEFAULT case is optional. The following example counts the number of characters and the number of blanks in a string . %GCL S = This is a test I=0 NCHAR = 0 NBLANK = 0 WHILE (S[I] != 0) SWITCH (S[I]) CASE 32: NBLANK = NBLANK + 1 DEFAULT: NCHAR = NCHAR + 1 END SWITCH I=I+1 END WHILE PRINT NCHAR, NBLANK Notes: - Up to 8 SWITCH statements can be nested. - The BREAK statement causes an immediate exit from a SWITCH statement.


The DO Statement

The DO statement can be used to repeat statements a set number of times. The syntax is: DO v = expr1, expr2 [,expr3] statements END DO where v expr1 expr2 is a loop counter. is an expression that initializes v. is an expression that denes the end of the loop range. 18


is an optional expression that will be used as an increment for the loop counter. The value cannot equal zero. The default value is 1.

The following restrictions apply to DO loops: - Up to 8 DO loops can be nested. - Jumping into a DO loop from outside its range is not allowed. - Overlapping of DO and IF constructs are not allowed. Notes: - The loop counter of a DO loop can be modied by statements within the loop. - Whenever possible, array data should be processed by array operations instead of operations in a loop. Array operations are much more faster than loop operations.


The WHILE Statement

A WHILE loop repeats as long as a given condition remains true. The syntax is: WHILE (expr) statements END WHILE Example: I=0 SUM = 0 WHILE (I < 10) I=I+1 SUM = SUM + I END WHILE The following restrictions apply to WHILE loops: - Up to 8 WHILE loops can be nested. - Jumping into a WHILE loop from outside its range is not allowed. - Overlapping of WHILE and IF constructs are not allowed.


The BREAK Statement

The BREAK statement causes an immediate exit from a SWITCH, DO and WHILE construct. Example: I=0 WHILE (I < 10) I=I+1 PRINT I IF ( I == 3) BREAK END WHILE The output of the example is: 1 2 3 Note: 19

The BREAK statement ends only the loop in which it appears.


The CONTINUE Statement

The CONTINUE statement can be used to skip all following statements in a loop and to execute the loop with the next iteration. Example: DO I = 1, 5 IF ( I == 3) CONTINUE PRINT I END DO The output of the example is: 1 2 4 5


The GOTO Statement

The GOTO statement makes a jump to another part of the DISGCL le. The syntax is: GOTO Label where Label is the name of a label. For label names, the same rules as for variable names are applied. The target of the GOTO statement must be a label statement which has the syntax: Label: Example: I=0 L1: I=I+1 PRINT I IF (I < 5) GOTO L1 The output of the example is: 1 2 3 4


Executing System Commands

System commands can be executed with the statement $Command where Command is a system command. Example: $DIR displays the les in the current directory if the operating system is MS-DOS or VMS (use $ls for UNIX).


Chapter 5

DISGCL Commands
This chapter describes several DISGCL commands.


Termination of DISGCL

The command EXIT terminates a DISGCL session. The call is: EXIT


Getting Help

The HELP command activates a menu for getting help. The call is: HELP


Including DISGCL Files

A DISGCL le can be included into another DISGCL le or DISGCL session with the statement INCLUDE le[.gcl] Notes: - Up to 8 include les can be nested. - DISGCL searches the current working directory for the lename. If the search fails, DISGCL searches the directory dened by the environment variable GCL PATH.


Listing Variables

The command LIST list all dened variables. The call is: option v1, v2, .., vn LIST [option] [v1, v2, ... vn] can have the values -s and -u. If -s is used, only system variables are listed, if -u is used, only user-dened variables are listed. are the names of variables. If no variables are specied, all dened variables are listed. 21


Freeing Variables

The command FREE deallocates the space allocated by arrays and strings. The call is: v1, v2, .., vn FREE v1, v2, ..., vn are the names of variables.


The PRINT Command

The command PRINT prints the value of an expression on the screen. The call is: PRINT expr1, expr2, ..., exprn

expr1, expr2, .., exprn are expressions.


Logging Commands

The command LOGON denes a le where interactive commands will be logged. The call is: cl Notes: - Logging can be terminated with the command LOGOFF. - A log le can be executed with the DISGCL command, or can be included into a DISGCL session with the INCLUDE statement. - If the le cl already exists, a new le version will be created. LOGON cl is a string containing a lename.


Creating Arrays

The commands BYTE, CHAR, INT, SHORT, FLOAT, DOUBLE and COMPLEX create corresponding arrays and initialize them with zeros. The call is: list Example: FLOAT list is a list of arrays with dimension specications separated by commas. FLOAT A[10], B[5, 10] creates an array A with 10 elements and a matrix B with 5 rows and 10 columns.


Chapter 6

User-dened Subroutines and Functions

User-dened subroutines and functions can be used to break large DISGCL tasks into several parts. Subroutines and functions offer some advantages: - They use local variables and labels that are not visible to other parts of the DISGCL task. - They make debugging easier. Once the subroutine or function is tested, it can be used in many other DISGCL runs. - They eleminate repetition of code. Each user-dened subroutine or function must be stored in a le with the extension .gcl where the name of the le and the name of the routine must be identical. The rst statement in the le must be the identier %GCL. The next non-comment statement in the le should be either the SUBROUTINE or the FUNCTION statement. Functions and subroutines are terminated with the rst END statement that should be the last statement in the le.


Calling User-dened Subroutines

The CALL statement executes a user-dened subroutine. The syntax is: CALL routine (list) where routine list is the name of the subroutine. are the actual parameters of the subroutine separated by commas.

DISGCL adds the extension .gcl to the name of the subroutine and searches the current directory for the lename. If the search fails, DISGCL searches the directory dened by the environment variable GCL PATH.


Calling User-dened Functions

A user-dened function is called in the same way as a DISLIN and DISGCL function. The syntax is: v = function (list) where function list is the name of the function. are the parameters of the function separated by commas. 23

The search order for functions is: 1. 2. 3. DISLIN functions. DISGCL functions. User-dened functions.

If the search for a DISLIN and DISGCL function fails, DISGCL adds the extension .gcl to the name of the function and searches the current directory for the lename. If the search also fails, DISGCL searches the directory dened by the environment variable GCL PATH.


The SUBROUTINE Statement

The SUBROUTINE statement must be the rst non-comment statement in a user-dened subroutine (after the identier %GCL). It has the syntax: SUBROUTINE routine (list) where routine list is the name of the subroutine. are the formal parameters of the subroutine separated by commas.


The FUNCTION Statement

The FUNCTION statement must be the rst non-comment statement in a user-dened function (after the identier %GCL). It has the syntax: FUNCTION function (list) where function list is the name of the function. are the formal parameters of the function separated by commas.


The EXTERN Statement

The EXTERN statement can be used to access variables of the main DISGCL unit. These are variables that are dened outside of functions and subroutines. The syntax is: EXTERN v1, v2, ..., vn where v1, v2, ..., vn are the names of variables.


The RETURN Statement

The RETURN statement can be used to exit a subroutine and must be used in a function to return a value. The syntax is: RETURN RETURN expr for subroutines. for functions. 24



Variables and expressions can be passed as parameters to user-dened functions and subroutines. Parameters in the CALL statement of a subroutine or in the function reference are called actual paramters. Formal parameters are the parameters declared in the SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION statement. A formal parameter has the syntax: [type:][key=]name where type is an optional type declaration of the parameter. It can have the keywords BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, COMPLEX and STRING. If a type declaration is specied, DISGCL compares automatically the type of actual and formal parameters. is an optional keyword for the parameter that identies which parameter is being passed. is the formal name of the parameter. The name of the parameter can have a dimension specication that means that the actual parameter must be an array.

key name

Example: SUBROUTINE MYSUB (FLOAT: A, INT: N, FLOAT: DATA=X[]) An actual parameter has the syntax: [key=]expr where key expr Example: CALL MYSUB (3., 10, DATA=XRAY) Notes: - The number of actual parameters can be lower than the number of formal parameters. The function ARGCNT() returns the total number of parameters passed to a subroutine or function. The function KEYCNT () returns the number of keyword parameters passed to a subroutine or function. The functions VARDEF (x), VARTYP (x), VARCNT (x) and VARDIM (x, n) can be used to analyse passed parameters (see Appendix A). - If the number of actual parameters is greater than the number of formal parameters, or a keyword is used that is not dened in the formal parameter list, DISGCL displays a warning and ignores the routine call. is an optional keyword for the parameter. is an expression.



Chapter 7

This chapter presents quickplots that are collections of DISLIN routines to display data with one command. The following rules are applied to quickplots: - Quickplots call DISINI automatically if it is not called before. METAFL (XWIN) will be used in quickplots if METAFL is not used before. - On X Window terminals, there are no calls to ENDGRF and DISFIN in quickplots, they let DISLIN in level 2 or 3. If the variable %ERASE is set to 0, following quickplots will overwrite the graphics window without erasing the window. - On other terminals such as VGA screens, quickplots are terminated with DISFIN to get back to the text mode. Note: All quickplots have corresponding widget interfaces that can be executed with the command gcl quickplot

where quickplot is the name of a quickplot. The widget interfaces for quickplots expect data in the form of data les described in chapter 8, Data Files.


The PLOT Command

The command PLOT makes a quickplot of two or more oating point arrays. The call is: xray1, yray1 Example: PLOT xray1, yray1 [,xray2, yray2, ... , xrayn, yrayn] are oating point arrays. x = falloc (100) plot x, sin (x), x, cos (x)


The SCATTR Command

The command SCATTR makes a quickplot of two or more oating point arrays where the points are marked with symbols. The call is: xray1, yray1 SCATTR xray1, yray1 [,xray2, yray2, ... , xrayn, yrayn] are oating point arrays. 27


The PLOT3 Command

PLOT3 xray, yray, zray are oating point arrays containing X-, Y- and Z-coordinates.

The command PLOT3 makes a 3-D colour plot. The call is: xray, yray, zray


The PLOT3R Command

PLOT3R x1ray, y1ray, x2ray, y2ray, zray are oating point arrays containing X- and Y- coordinates of rectangle corners. are oating point arrays containing the opposite rectangle corners. is a oating point array containing Z-coordinates.

The command PLOT3R makes a 3-D colour plot where the data are specied as rectangles. The call is: x1ray, y1ray x2ray, y2ray zray


The SURF3 Command

The command SURF3 makes a 3-D colour plot of a matrix. The columns of the matrix will be plotted as rows. The call is: zmat xray yray SURF3 zmat [,xray [, yray]] is a two-dimensional oating point array with m rows and n columns. is a oating point array with the dimension m. It will be used to position the rows of zmat. If xray is missing, an array with the values { 0.5, 1.5, ..., m - 0.5} will be used. is a oating point array with the dimension n. It will be used to position the columns of zmat. If yray is missing, an array with the values { 0.5, 1.5, ..., n - 0.5} will be used.


The SURFACE Command

SURFACE zmat [,xray, yray] is a two-dimensional oating point array with nx rows and ny columns. is a oating point array with the dimension nx. It will be used to position the rows of zmat. If xray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., nx - 1.} will be used. is a oating point array with the dimension ny. It will be used to position the columns of zmat. If yray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., ny - 1.} will be used.

The command SURFACE makes a surface plot of a matrix. The call is: zmat xray yray


The SURSHADE Command

SURSHADE zmat [,xray, yray] is a two-dimensional oating point array with nx rows and ny columns. is a oating point array with the dimension nx. It will be used to position the rows of zmat. If xray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., nx - 1.} will be used. is a oating point array with the dimension ny. It will be used to position the columns of zmat. If yray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., ny - 1.} will be used. 28

The command SURSHADE makes a shaded surface plot of a matrix. The call is: zmat xray yray


The CONTOUR Command

The command CONTOUR makes a contour plot of a matrix. The call is: or: zmat xray yray zlvray CONTOUR zmat [,xray, yray, zlvray] CONTOUR zmat, zlvray is a two-dimensional oating point array with nx rows and ny columns. is a oating point array with the dimension nx. It will be used to position the rows of zmat. If xray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., nx - 1.} will be used. is a oating point array with the dimension ny. It will be used to position the columns of zmat. If yray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., ny - 1.} will be used. is a oating point array containing the levels. If zlvray is missing, 10 levels between the minimum and maximum of zmat will be generated.


The CONSHADE Command

The command CONSHADE makes a shaded contour plot of a matrix. The call is: or: zmat xray yray zlvray CONSHADE zmat [,xray, yray, zlvray] CONSHADE zmat, zlvray is a two-dimensional oating point array with nx rows and ny columns. is a oating point array with the dimension nx. It will be used to position the rows of zmat. If xray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., nx - 1.} will be used. is a oating point array with the dimension ny. It will be used to position the columns of zmat. If yray is missing, an array with the values { 0., 1., ..., ny - 1.} will be used. is a oating point array containing the levels. If zlvray is missing, 10 levels between the minimum and maximum of zmat will be generated.


Scaling of Quickplots

Normally, quickplots are scaled automatically in the range of the data. This behaviour can be changed if certain variables are dened. The variables for the X-axis are: a) b) c) If the system variables %XMIN and %XMAX are dened, the X-axis will be scaled automatically in the range %XMIN, %XMAX. If the system variables %XMIN, %XMAX, %XOR and %XSTEP are dened, the scaling and labeling of the X-axis is completly dened by the user. If the system variable %XAUTO is dened and set to 1, the variables %XMIN, %XMAX, %XOR and %XSTEP will be ignored and scaling will be done automatically in the range of the data. Y-axis, Z-axis. For logarithmic scaling, the parameters must be exponents of base 10. 29

Analog: Note:


Quickplot Variables

There is a set of variables that can modify the appearance of quickplots. The corresponding DISLIN routines are given in parenthesis. %X %Y %Z %T1 %T2 %T3 %T4 %XTIC %YTIC %ZTIC %XDIG %YDIG %ZDIG %XSCL %YSCL %ZSCL %XLAB %YLAB %ZLAB %H %HNAME %HTITLE %XPOS %YPOS %XLEN %YLEN %ZLEN %POLCRV %INCMRK %MARKER %HSYMBL %XRES denes the X-axis title (NAME). denes the Y-axis title (NAME). denes the Z-axis title (NAME). denes line 1 of the axis system title (TITLIN). denes line 2 of the axis system title (TITLIN). denes line 3 of the axis system title (TITLIN). denes line 4 of the axis system title (TITLIN). sets the number of ticks for the X-axis (TICKS). sets the number of ticks for the Y-axis (TICKS). sets the number of ticks for the Z-axis (TICKS). sets the number of digits for the X-axis (LABDIG). sets the number of digits for the Y-axis (LABDIG). sets the number of digits for the Z-axis (LABDIG). denes the scaling of the X-axis (AXSSCL). denes the scaling of the Y-axis (AXSSCL). denes the scaling of the Z-axis (AXSSCL). denes the labels of the X-axis (LABELS). denes the labels of the Y-axis (LABELS). denes the labels of the Z-axis (LABELS). denes the character size (HEIGHT). denes the size of axis titles (HNAME). denes the size of the axis sytem title (HTITLE). denes the X-Position of the axis system (AXSPOS). denes the Y-Position of the axis system (AXSPOS). denes the size of an axis system in X-direction (AXSLEN). denes the size of an axis system in Y-direction (AXSLEN). denes the size of an axis system in Z-direction (AX3LEN). denes an interpolation method used by CURVE (POLCRV). denes line or symbol mode for CURVE (INCMRK). selctes a symbol for CURVE (MARKER). denes the size of symbols (HSYMBL). sets the width of points plotted by PLOT3 (SETRES). 30


sets the height of points plotted by PLOT3 (SETRES). sets the X-position of the viewpoint in absolut 3-D coordinates (VIEW3D). sets the Y-position of the viewpoint in absolut 3-D coordinates (VIEW3D). sets the Z-position of the viewpoint in absolut 3-D coordinates (VIEW3D). denes the X-axis length of the 3-D box (AXIS3D). denes the Y-axis length of the 3-D box (AXIS3D). denes the Z-axis length of the 3-D box (AXIS3D). denes vertical shifting for the axis system title (VKYTIT). selects an algorithm used for contour lling (SHDMOD). The variables can also be used, to initalize plotting parameters in DISINI. %X = X-axis %Y = Y-axis xray = falloc (10) plot xray, xray



Chapter 8

Data Files
This chapter describes data les that can be used to include data into DISGCL jobs. The format of data les is very simple and useful for most DISLIN plotting routines.


Syntax of Data Files

- A data le must begin with the keyword %GCL-ASC. - Each line may contain up to 512 characters. - Lines are allowed to carry trailing comment elds, following a double slash (//). Empty lines are also be interpreted as comment lines. - A data le can contain an optional header beginning with the keyword %HEADER. Variables can be dened in the header in the form name = value, where value is an integer, a oating point number or a string. Strings must be enclosed in a pair of either apostrophes or quotation marks. - A data eld begins with the keyword %DATA. The rst non comment line after %DATA must contain the number of columns of the data eld. The following lines give the data separated by blanks or commas. Data can be specied as integer or oating point numbers where oating point numbers can contain an exponent part. - Multiple data blocks can be given in one data le.


Data File Routines


The following routines handle data les.

The routine DATFIL opens a le for data input. The call is: CFIL ISTAT = DATFIL (CFIL) is the name of the data le. The default extension is .gdf (Graphics Data File). DATFIL returns -1 if it fails, or zero. DISGCL searches the current working directory for the data le. If the search fails, DISGCL searches the directory dened by the environment variable GCL DATA.



The routine DATCLS closes the current data le. It returns -1 if it fails, or zero. The call is: ISTAT = DATCLS ()

The routine DATHDR prints the header of a data le on the screen. The call is: ISTAT ISTAT = DATHDR () is the returned status of DATHDR and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, DATHDR returns -1.

The routine DATVAR returns the value of a variable dened in the header of a data le. The call is: CNAME V V = DATVAR (CNAME) is the name of the variable. is the returned value of the variable. The rst occurrence of the variable is returned.

The routine DATCNT returns the number of data of the current data block in a data le. The call is: COPT = ROWS = COLUMNS = FULL = BLOCKS N = DATCNT (COPT) is a string with the values means the number of rows in the current data block. means the number of columns in the current data block. means the number of data in the current data block. means the number of blocks in the data le.

The routine DATRAY creates an array containing a column of the current data block in a data le. The call is: NCOLUMN XRAY XRAY = DATRAY (NCOLUMN) denes the column of the data le. is a returned oating point array.

The routine DATMAT creates an array containing the whole current data block of the data le. The call is: XMAT XMAT = DATMAT () is a returned twodimensional oating point array.

The routine DATBLK sets the current data block of a data le. The call is: NBLOCK ISTAT = DATBLK (NBLOCK) species the current data block. DATBLK returns 0 if the data block NBLOCK is dened, and -1 if NBLOCK is not dened in the current data le. 34



%GCL-ASC %DATA 3 // Number of columns // x sin(x) cos(x) 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 14.545455 0.251148 0.967949 29.090910 0.486197 0.873849 43.636364 0.690079 0.723734 58.181820 0.849725 0.527225 72.727272 0.954902 0.296920 87.272728 0.998867 0.047582 101.818184 0.978802 -0.204807 116.363640 0.895994 -0.444067 130.909088 0.755750 -0.654861 145.454544 0.567060 -0.823677 160.000000 0.342020 -0.939693 174.545456 0.095056 -0.995472 189.090912 -0.158001 -0.987439 203.636368 -0.400931 -0.916108 218.181824 -0.618159 -0.786053 232.727280 -0.795762 -0.605610 247.272720 -0.922354 -0.386345 261.818176 -0.989821 -0.142315 276.363647 -0.993838 0.110838 290.909088 -0.934148 0.356886 305.454559 -0.814576 0.580057 320.000000 -0.642788 0.766044 334.545441 -0.429795 0.902926 349.090912 -0.189251 0.981929 360.000000 -0.000000 1.000000



Chapter 9

Input and Output

This chapter describes functions that write formatted data to the screen and access disk les.


Formatted Output with PRINTF

The function PRINTF translates internal values and prints them on the screen.

The call is: CFMT ARG1,..,ARGn ISTAT

ISTAT = PRINTF (CFMT, ARG1, ARG2, ..., ARGn) is a format string. are optional arguments. is the returned status of PRINTF and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, PRINTF returns -1.

The format string can contain ordinary characters and format specications. Ordinary characters are printed as text while format specications dene how the arguments of PRINTF are formatted. A format specication begins with a % and ends with a conversion character. Between the % and the conversion character there may be the following parts:

- A minus sign, which species left adjustment. - A number that species the minimum eld length. - A perid, which separates the eld width from the precision. - A number that species the precision. It denes the number of printed charcters from a string, or the number of digits after the decimal point of oating point values.

Conversion characters are shown in the following table:


Character %c %d %i %s %f %e %x %o \n

Meaning prints a character. prints an integer. prints an integer (same as %d). prints a string. prints a oating point number. prints a oating point number in e format. prints an integer in hexadecimal format. prints an integer in octal format. inserts a newline.

Figure 9.1: Conversion Characters Examples: The rst example shows the effect of some format specications for printing the string This is a string. (17 characters). %GCL s = This is a string. printf (:%s: \n, printf (:%15s: \n, printf (:%17s: \n, printf (:%20s: \n, printf (:%-20s: \n, printf (:%17.13s: \n, printf (:%-17.13s:\n, The output of the DISGCL script is: :This is a string.: :This is a string.: :This is a string.: : This is a string.: :This is a string. : : This is a str: :This is a str :

s) s) s) s) s) s) s)


The next example shows the effect of some format specications for printing the integer 254: %GCL i = 254 printf (:%d: \n, printf (:%8d: \n, printf (:%08d: \n, printf (:%-8d: \n, printf (:%-8.2d:\n, printf (:%x: \n, printf (:%08X: \n, printf (:%o: \n, The output is: :254: : 254: :00000254: :254 : :254 : :fe: :000000FE: :376: The next example shows the effect of some format specications for printing the oating point number 123.456: %GCL x = 123.456 printf (:%f: printf (:%15f: printf (:%-15f: printf (:%-15.2f: printf (:%e: printf (:%-15E: printf (:%-15.2E: The output is: :123.456000: : 123.456000: :123.456000 : :123.46 : :1.234560e+02: :1.234560E+02 : :1.23E+02 :

i) i) i) i) i) i) i) i)

\n, \n, \n, \n, \n, \n, \n,

x) x) x) x) x) x) x)


Formatted Output with SPRINTF

The function SPRINTF does the same conversions as PRINTF does, but stores the output in a character array. 39

The call is: CRAY CFMT ARG1,..,ARGn ISTAT

ISTAT = SPRINTF (CRAY, CFMT, ARG1, ARG2, ..., ARGn) is a character array that must be created with the CHAR command. CRAY must be big enough to hold the result and the string terminator. is a format string. are optional arguments. is the returned status of SPRINTF and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, SPRINTF returns -1.


Formatted Input with SCANF

The function SCANF is an analog function to PRINTF for formatted input from the keyboard. It uses the format specications listed in table 9.1. The call is: CFMT ARG1,..,ARGn ISTAT = SCANF (CFMT, ARG1, ARG2, ..., ARGn) is a format string. are optional arguments where the arguments must be variables. If a string should be read, the corresponding variable must be created with the DISGCL command CHAR and big enough to hold the string and a trailing string terminator. is the returned status of SCANF and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, SCANF returns -1.


Note: SCANF cannot be used in the interactive mode of DISGCL.


Formatted Input with SSCANF

The function SSCANF does the same conversions as SCANF does, but reads the input from a string. The call is: CSTR CFMT ARG1,..,ARGn ISTAT ISTAT = SSCANF (CSTR, CFMT, ARG1, ARG2, ..., ARGn) is a string where the input characters are taken from. is a format string. are optional arguments (see SCANF). is the returned status of SSCANF and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, SSCANF returns -1.



File Access

The following functions deal with operations on les.

The routine FOPEN opens a le and returns a le unit. The call is: CFIL NU = FOPEN (CFIL, CMOD) is the name of a le. If CFIL = CON:, the console is opened for le I/O. If DISGCL is used in interactive mode, the console can only be opened for output (CMOD = w). is a string that denes the mode for le access. The modes are listed in table 9.2. is the returned le unit, or -1 if an error occurs.


The following table shows the allowed le modes for FOPEN: Mode r Meaning opens a text le for reading. The le must exist, or an error message is printed. w opens a text le for writing. The contents of an existing le will be overwritten. a rb wb ab opens a text le for appending. opens a le for binary reading. opens a le for binary writing. opens a le for binary appending. Figure 9.2: File Modes for FOPEN

The function FCLOSE closes a le. The call is: NU ISTAT ISTAT = FCLOSE (NU) is a le unit. is the returned status of FCLOSE and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FCLOSE returns -1.

The function REMOVE deletes a le. The call is: CFIL ISTAT ISTAT = REMOVE (CFIL) is the name of a le. is the returned status of REMOVE and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, REMOVE returns -1. 41

The function RENAME changes the name of a le. The call is: COLD CNEW ISTAT ISTAT = RENAME (COLD, CNEW) is the old name of the le. is the new name of the le. is the returned status of RENAME and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, RENAME returns -1.

The function FTELL returns the current le position. The call is: NU NPOS NPOS = FTELL (NU) is a le unit. is the returned le position, or -1 on error.

The function FSEEK denes the current le position. The call is: NU NPOS ISTAT ISTAT = FSEEK (NU, NPOS) is a le unit. is the new le position. is the returned status of FSEEK and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FSEEK returns -1.

The function FFLUSH ushes any output buffers. For input, FFLUSH has no effect. The call is: NU ISTAT ISTAT = FFLUSH (NU) is a le unit. is the returned status of FFLUSH and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FFLUSH returns -1.

The function REWIND sets the current le position to the beginning of the le. The call is: NU ISTAT ISTAT = REWIND (NU) is a le unit. is the returned status of REWIND and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, REWIND returns -1.



Formatted Output to Files


The function FPRINTF does the same conversions as PRINTF does, but writes the output to a le. The call is: NU CFMT ARG1,..,ARGn ISTAT ISTAT = FPRINTF (NU, CFMT, ARG1, ARG2, ..., ARGn) is a le unit. is a format string. are optional arguments. is the returned status of FPRINTF and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FPRINTF returns -1.


Formatted Input from Files


The function FSCANF is an analog function to FPRINTF for formatted input. It uses the format specications listed in table 9.1. The call is: NU CFMT ARG1,..,ARGn ISTAT = FSCANF (NU, CFMT, ARG1, ARG2, ..., ARGn) is a le unit. is a format string. are optional arguments where the arguments must be variables. If a string should be read from the le, the corresponding variable must be created with the DISGCL command CHAR and big enough to hold the string and the trailing string terminator. is the returned status of FSCANF and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FSCANF returns -1.



Text Input and Output Functions


The function FGETC returns the next character from a le. The call is: NU N N = FGETC (NU) is a le unit. is the ASCII code of the returned character, or -1 if end of le or error occurs.

The function FGETS reads at most N-1 characters into a character array, stopping if a newline is encountered. The newline character is included in the character array. The call is: ISTAT = FGETS (CRAY, N, NU) 43


is a character array lled by FGETS. CRAY must be created with the DISGCL command CHAR (i.e. CHAR CRAY[N]). denes the number of characters to be read. At most N-1 characters will be read. is a le unit. is the returned status of FGETS and can have the values 0 and -1. FGETS returns -1 if end of le or error occurs.

Note: The function GETS (CRAY) reads the next input line into the character array CRAY; it replaces the terminating newline with \0.

The function FPUTC writes a character to a le. The call is: N NU ISTAT ISTAT = FPUTC (N, NU) is the ASCII code of a character that should be written to a le. is a le unit. is the returned status of FPUTC and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FPUTC returns -1.

The function FPUTS writes a string to a le. The call is: CSTR NU ISTAT ISTAT = FPUTS (CSTR, NU) is a string that should be written to the le. A newline character is not inserted after the string. is a le unit. is the returned status of FPUTS and can have the values 0 and -1. On error, FPUTS returns -1.

Note: The function PUTS (CSTR) prints the string CSTR and a newline on the console.


Binary Input and Output Functions


The function FREAD reads binary data from a le. The call is: VRAY N NU NRET = FREAD (VRAY, N, NU) is an array where the binary data should be lled in. is the number of array elements that should be lled with data. is a le unit. 44


is the number of elements read, or -1 if end of le or error occurs.

The function FWRITE writes binary data to a le. The call is: VRAY N NU NRET NRET = FWRITE (VRAY, N, NU) is an array containing the data that should be written to the le. is the number of array elements that should be written to the le. is a le unit. is the number of elements written, or -1 if error occurs.



The following example copies a text les and converts it to uppercase letters. %GCL // Copies a file and converts it to uppercase letters char cr[100], cinp[40], cout[40] printf (Inputfile: ) gets (cinp) printf (Outputfile: ) gets (cout) inp = fopen (cinp, r) if (inp == -1) exit out = fopen (cout, w) if (out == -1) exit i = fgets (cr, 100, inp) while (i != -1) s = strupr (cr) fputs (s, out) i = fgets (cr, 100, inp) end while fclose (inp) fclose (out) The example can be stored in a le and executed with the command: disgcl lename



Appendix A

Intrinsic Functions
This appendix is a summary of the DISGCL intrinsic functions.


Mathematical Functions
Function ABS (x) ACOS (x) ASIN (x) ATAN (x) ATAN2 (y, x) CEIL (x) COS (x) COSH (x) EXP (x) FLOOR (x) FMOD (x, y) Meaning absolute value | x |. cos (x)1 in the range [0, ], -1 x 1. sin (x)1 in the range [0, ], -1 x 1. tan (x)1 in the range [- /2, /2]. tan (y/x)1 in the range [- , ]. smallest integer not less than x, as a double. cosine of x. hyperbolic cosine of x. exponential function ex . largest integer not greater than x, as a double. oating point remainder of x/y, with the same sign as x. FMOD returns zero if y is zero. LOG (x) LOG10 (x) SIN (x) SINH (x) SQRT (x) TAN (x) TANH (x) natural logarithm ln (x), x > 0. base 10 logarithm, x > 0. sine of x. hyperbolic sine of x. x, x 0. tangent of x. hyperbolic tangent of x. Figure A.1: Mathematical Functions


Note: Normally, the parameter x in a mathematical function can be a scalar or an array expression, and may be real or complex. If x is a scalar expression, the returned value of a mathematical function has the type DOUBLE or COMPLEX. If x is an array expression of types FLOAT, DOUBLE or COMPLEX, the returned value is also a FLOAT, DOUBLE or COMPLEX array. If x is an array expression of type INT, the returned value is a FLOAT array.


Type Conversion Functions

Function ATONUM (s) BYTE (x) CHAR (x) COMPLEX (x, y) Meaning converts a string to a number. converts x to BYTE. converts x to CHAR. converts to COMPLEX. x is converted to the real, y is converted to the imaginary part. DOUBLE (x) FLOAT (x) converts x to DOUBLE. converts x to FLOAT. If x is a complex number, FLOAT returns the real part of x. INT (x) NUMTOA (x, ndig) converts x to INT. converts a number x to a string where ndig is the number of decimal places plotted after the decimal point. SHORT (x) STRING (x) converts x to SHORT. converts x to STRING.

Figure A.2: Type Conversion Functions


Complex Functions
Function ARG (z) CONJG (z) IMAG (z) Meaning returns the phase of z in radians. returns the conjugate of the complex value z. returns the imaginary part of z.

Figure A.3: Complex Functions



Array Functions
Function CATARR (a, b) MAXARR (a) MINARR (a) SUBARR (a, i1, n) Meaning Concatenates two arrays. Returns the maximum of an array a. Returns the minimum of an array a. Creates a subarry from the array a. i1 is the rst index, n the number of elements of a. SUBMAT (a, idx) Creates a submatrix from certain columns of the two-dimensional array a. idx is an integer array containing column numbers in the range 0 to n-1 where n is the number of columns in a. TRPMAT (a) Exchanges rows and columns of a matrix a. Figure A.4: Array Functions


Variable and Parameter Functions

Function ARGCNT () Meaning returns the total number of parameters passed to a user-dened subroutine or function. KEYCNT () returns the number of keyword parameters passed to a user-dened subroutine or function. VARCNT (v) returns the number of elements of a variable v, or -1 if v is not dened. VARDEF (v) returns 1 if the variable v is dened, and 0 if v is not dened. VARDIM (v, n) returns the n-th dimension of a variable v. If the dimension is not dened, VARDIM returns zero. VARTYP (v) returns the data type of the variable v, or the string UNDEF if v is not dened. The returned type can have the value BYTE, INT, FLOAT or DOUBLE. Figure A.5: Variable and Parameter Functions 49


Data File Functions

Function DATBLK (n)

Meaning denes the current data block. It returns -1 if the data block n is not dened.

DATCNT (copt)

returns the number of data in the current data block. copt can have the values ROWS, COLUMNS, FULL and BLOCKS.


denes the data le. It returns -1 if it fails.


prints the header of a data le on the screen. DATHDR returns -1 if it fails.


returns an array containing the whole current data block.

DATRAY (ncolumn)

returns an array containing a column of the current data block.

DATVAR (cname)

returns the value of a variable dened in the header of a data le.

Figure A.6: Data File Functions


Memory Allocating Functions

Function DALLOC (n)

Meaning creates a double array and initializes it with {0., 1., ....., n-1.}.


creates a oating point array and initializes it with {0., 1., ....., n-1.}.


creates an integer array and initializes it with {0, 1, ....., n-1}.

Figure A.7: Memory Allocating Functions



String Functions
Function STRLEN (s) STRLWR (s) STRREP (s, n) STRSTR (s1, s2) Meaning returns the length of a string. returns a string converted to lowercase letters. returns n copies of the string s. returns the rst occurence of string s2 in string s1, or -1 if not present. STRUPR (s) SUBSTR (s, i1, n) returns a string converted to uppercase letters. returns a substring of s where i1 is the starting index and n the number of characters of s. TRMLEN (s) returns the length of a string without trailing blanks. Figure A.8: String Functions


File Functions
Function FCLOSE (nu) Meaning closes the le with the unit nu. It returns -1 on error. FFLUSH (nu) FOPEN (cle, cmode) ushes any output buffers. opens a le and returns a le unit, or -1 if the open fails. FSEEK (nu, npos) sets the current le position. It returns -1 on error. FTELL (nu) INQUIRE (cle) returns the current le position, or -1 on error. tests if a le exists. It returns 0 on error, otherwise 1. REMOVE (cle) RENAME (cold, cnew) deletes a le. It returns -1 if the attempt fails. changes the name of a le. It returns -1 if the attempt fails. REWIND (nu) rewinds the le with the unit nu. It returns -1 if any errors occured. Figure A.9: File Functions



Input and Output Functions

Function FGETC (nu) Meaning returns the next character from a le. FGETC returns -1 if end of le or error occurs. FGETS (cbuf, n, nu) reads at most n-1 characters into the array cbuf, stopping if a newline is encountered; The newline is included in the array. FGETS returns -1 if end of le or error occurs. FPRINTF (nu, s, vlist) writes formatted output to a le connected to the unit nu. FPUTC (i, nu) writes the character with the ASCII value i to a le. FPUTC returns 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurs. FPUTS (cbuf, nu) writes the string cbuf to a le. FPUTS returns -1 if an error occurs. FREAD (a, n, nu) reads from a le n elements into the array a. FREAD returns the number of elements read, or -1 if an error occurs. FSCANF (nu, s, vlist) reads formatted input from a le connected to the unit nu. FWRITE (a, n, nu) writes from the array a n elements to the le with the unit nu. FWRITE returns the number of elements written, or -1 if an error occurs. GETS (cbuf) reads the next input line into the character array cbuf. The newline not is included in the array. GETS returns -1 if an error occurs. PUTS (cbuf) prints the string cbuf on the screen. A newline is printed after the string. PUTS returns -1 if an error occurs. PRINTF (s , vlist) SCANF (s, vlist) SPRINTF (cr, s, vlist) SSCANF (s1, s2, vlist) writes formatted output to the terminal. reads formatted input from the console. writes formatted output to a character array. reads formatted input from a string.

Figure A.10: Input/Output Functions



System Functions
Function GETENV (cenv) Meaning returns the environment string associated with cenv, or blank if no string exists. GETPID () SYSTEM (cmd) returns the process ID of the DISGCL executable. executes the system command cmd where cmd is a character variable. SYSTEM returns -1 if it fails. Figure A.11: System Functions


Time Functions
Function CLOCK () Meaning returns the processor time in seconds used by the DISGCL session since the last call of CLOCK. At the rst time, CLOCK returns 0. DATE () returns a string containing the date in the format dd.mm.yy TIME () returns a string containing the time in the format hh:mm:ss. Figure A.12: Time Functions


Random Number Functions

Function RAND () SRAND (iseed) Meaning returns a random number in the range from 0 to 1. sets the seed for rand. It resets the random-number generator to a random starting point. The generator is initially seeded with a value of 1. Figure A.13: Random Number Functions



Appendix B

Short Description of DISLIN Routines

This appendix presents a short description of all DISLIN routines that can be called from DISGCL. A complete description of the routines can be found in the DISLIN manual or via the online help of DISGCL. For parameters, the following conventions are used: integer variables begin with the character N or I strings begin with the character C other variables can be integers or oating point numbers. arrays end with the keyword ray. Normally, INT and FLOAT arrays must be passed to DISLIN routines.


Initialization and Introductory Routines

Routine Meaning denes the physical resolution of BMP les. modies the behaviour of the output buffer. denes the background colour for CGM les. sets the picture ID for CGM les. denes the DISLIN environment. initializes DISLIN. clears the screen. denes the error device. sets the name of the error le. modies the printing of error messages. denes the position and size of included metales. modies rules for creating le versions. enables transparency for GIF les. denes options for HPGL les. denes the origin of the PostScript hardware page. denes the size of the PostScript hardware page. modies the scale operator in PostScript les. denes the format of image les. includes metales into a graphics. denes the plotle format. creates a new page. denes the origin. sets the page size. 55

BMPMOD (n, cval, copt) BUFMOD (cmod, ckey) CGMBGD (xr, xg, xb) CGMPIC (cstr) DISENV (cenv) DISINI () ERASE () ERRDEV (cdev) ERRFIL (cl) ERRMOD (ckey, copt) FILBOX (nx, ny, nw, nh) FILOPT (copt, ckey) GIFMOD (cmod, ckey) HPGMOD (cmod, ckey) HWORIG (nx, ny) HWPAGE (nw, nw) HWSCAL (xscl) IMGFMT (copt) INCFIL (cl) METAFL (cfmt) NEWPAG () ORIGIN (nx, ny) PAGE (nw, nh)

Routine PAGFLL (iclr) PAGERA () PAGHDR (c1, c2, iopt, idir) PAGMOD (copt) PAGORG (copt) n = PDFBUF (cbuf, nmax) PDFMOD (cmod, ckey) PDFMRK (cstr, copt) PNGMOD (cmod, ckey) SCLFAC (x) SCLMOD (copt) SCRMOD (copt) SENDBF () SETFIL (cl) SETPAG (copt) SETXID (id, copt) SYMFIL (cdev, cstat) TIFMOD (n, cval, copt) UNIT (nu) UNITS (copt) WMFMOD (cmod, ckey)

Meaning lls the page with a colour. plots a page border. plots a page header. selects a page rotation. denes the origin of the page. copies a PDF le to a buffer. denes PDF options. denes kookmarks for PDF les. enables transparency for PNG les. denes a scaling factor for the entire plot. denes a scaling mode. swaps back- and foreground colours. ushes the output buffer. sets the plotle name. selects a predened page format. denes an external X Window or pixmap. sends a plotle to a device. denes the physical resolution of TIFF les. denes the logical unit for messages. denes the plot units. modies the format of WMF les.

Figure B.1: Initialization and Introductory Routines


Termination and Parameter Resetting

Routine Meaning terminates DISLIN. terminates an axis system and sets the level to 1. resets parameters to default values. Figure B.2: Termination and Parameter Resetting



Plotting Text and Numbers

Routine Meaning denes the character angle. denes an inclination angle for characters. affects character spacing. affects the width of characters. sets a constant character width. denes the thickness of text frames. denes the character height. plots text. 56

ANGLE (n) CHAANG (x) CHASPC (x) CHAWTH (x) FIXSPC (x) FRMESS (nfrm) HEIGHT (n) MESSAG (cstr, nx, ny)

Routine MIXALF () NEWMIX () n = NLMESS (cstr) NUMBER (x, ndig, nx, ny) NUMFMT (copt) NUMODE (c1, c2, c3, c4) RLMESS (cstr, x, y) RLNUMB (x, ndig, xp, yp) SETBAS (xfac) SETEXP (xfac) SETMIX (char, cmix) TEXMOD (cmode) TEXOPT (copt, ctype) TEXVAL (x, copt) TXTBGD (nclr) TXTJUS (copt)

Meaning enables control signs for plotting indices and exponents. denes an alternate set of control characters. returns the length of strings in plot coordinates. plots oating point numbers. determines the format of numbers. modies the appearance of numbers. plots text for user coordinates. plots numbers for user coordinates. determines the position of indices and exponents. sets height of indices and exponents. denes control signs for indices and exponents. enables TeX mode for plotting mathematical formulas. denes TeX options. denes TeX values. denes a background colour for text and numbers. denes the alignment of text and numbers. Figure B.3: Plotting Text and Numbers


Routine Meaning denes the colour used for text and lines. converts HSV to RGB coordinates. calculates a colour index. calculates an explicit colour value. changes the current colour table. converts RGB to HSV coordinates. denes colours. changes the current colour table. denes colours. selects a colour table. stores or loads a colour table. Figure B.4: Colours

COLOR (color) HSVRGB (xh, xs, xv, xr, xg, xb) n = INDRGB (xr, xg, xb) n = INTRGB (xr, xg, xb) MYVLT (rray, gray, bray, n) RGBHSV (xr, xg, xb, xh, xs, xv) SETCLR (nclr) SETIND (i, xr, xg, xb) SETRGB (xr, xg, xb) SETVLT (cvlt) VLTFIL (cl, cmod)



Routine Meaning denes the base alphabet. denes a bitmap font. denes the character coding. sets a complex font. sets a double-stroke font. sets the default font. denes a shift character for European characters. sets a gothic font. sets a shaded font. sets a shaded font with small characters. sets a standard hardware font. sets a PostScript font. enables Greek and Italic characters for PostScript fonts. sets a complex shaded font. sets a single-stroke font. denes shift characters for alternate alphabets. sets a triple-stroke font. loads a TrueType font. sets a TrueType font. sets an X11 font for X11 displays. Figure B.5: Fonts

BASALF (calph) BMPFNT (cfont) CHACOD (copt) COMPLX () DUPLX () DISALF () EUSHFT (cnat, char) GOTHIC () HELVE () HELVES () HWFONT () PSFONT (cfont) PSMODE (cmode) SERIF () SIMPLX () SMXALF (calph, c1, c2, n) TRIPLX () TTFONT (cfont) WINFNT (cfont) X11FNT (cfont, copt)


Routine Meaning denes the height of symbols. denes an user-dened symbol. plots symbols for user coordinates. plots symbols. denes a rotation angle for symbols. Figure B.6: Symbols

HSYMBL (n) MYSYMB (xray, yray, n, isym, iag) RLSYMB (nsym, x, y) SYMBOL (nsym, nx, ny) SYMROT (xang)



Axis Systems
Routine Meaning plots additional single labels. suppresses the plotting of the upper X- and the left Y-axis. denes axis lengths for a coloured 3-D axis system. plots the lines X = 0 and Y = 0. denes the background colour. denes axis lengths for a 2-D axis system. determines the position of a crossed axis system. determines the position of axis systems. select rectangular or crossed axis systems. plots a border around an axis system. centres axis systems. plots the lines X = 0 and Y = 0 and marks them with ticks. terminates an axis system. denes the frame thickness of axis systems. denes the colour of frames. calculates axis parameters. affects the clipping margin of axis systems. plots a two-dimensional axis system. plots an axis system for colour graphics.

ADDLAB (cstr, v, itic, cax) AX2GRF () AX3LEN (nxl, nyl, nzl) AXGIT () AXSBGD (iclr) AXSLEN (nxl, nyl) AXSORG (nx, ny) AXSPOS (nxp, nyp) AXSTYP (ctype) BOX2D () CENTER () CROSS () ENDGRF () FRAME (nfrm) FRMCLR (nclr) GAXPAR (v1, v2, copt, cax, a, b, or, stp, ndig) GRACE (ngrace) GRAF (xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp) GRAF3 (xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp, za, ze, zor, zstp) GRAFP (xe, xor, xstp, yor, ystp) GRDPOL (nx, ny) GRID (nx, ny) NOCLIP () NOGRAF () POLMOD (cpos, cdir) SETGRF (c1, c2, c3, c4) SETSCL (xray, n, cax) TITLE () XAXGIT () XCROSS () YAXGIT () YCROSS ()

plots a polar axis system. plots a polar grid. overlays a grid on an axis system. suppresses clipping of user coordinates. suppresses the plotting of an axis system. modies the appearance of polar labels. suppresses parts of an axis system. sets automatic scaling. plots a title over an axis system. plots the line Y = 0. plots the line Y = 0 and marks it with ticks. plots the line X = 0. plots the line X = 0 and marks it with ticks. Figure B.7: Axis Systems



Secondary Axes
Routine Meaning plots a linear X-axis. plots a logarithmic X-axis. plots a linear Y-axis. plots a logarithmic Y-axis. plots a linearly scaled colour bar. plots a logarithmically scaled colour bar.

XAXIS (xa, xe, xor, xstp, nl, cstr, it, nx, ny) XAXLG (xa, xe, xor, xstp, nl, cstr, it, nx, ny) YAXIS (ya, ye, yor, ystp, nl, cstr, it, nx, ny) YAXLG (ya, ye, yor, ystp nl, cstr, it, nx, ny) ZAXIS (za, ze, zor, zstp, nl, cstr, it, id, nx, ny) ZAXLG (za, ze, zor, zstp, nl, cstr, it, id, nx, ny)

Figure B.8: Secondary Axes


Modication of Axes
Routine Meaning denes colours for axis elements. suppresses certain labels. denes the axis scaling. denes the character height of axis names. denes integer numbering for all axes. sets the number of decimal places for labels. sets the distance between labels and ticks. selects labels. denes the alignment of axis labels. modies date labels. determines the position of labels. denes vertical or horizontal labels. modies the appearance of logarithmic ticks. sets user-dened labels. sets the distance between axis names and labels. denes axis titles. denes the alignment of axis titles. suppresses the plotting of axis lines. right-justies labels. denes an angle for Y-axis names. sets the number of ticks. sets the length of ticks. modies the plotting of ticks at calendar axes. 60

AXCLRS (nclr, copt, cax) AXENDS (copt, cax) AXSSCL (copt, cax) HNAME (nh) INTAX () LABDIG (ndig, cax) LABDIS (ndis, cax) LABELS (copt, cax) LABJUS (copt, cax) LABMOD (ckey, cval, cax) LABPOS (copt, cax) LABTYP (copt, cax) LOGTIC (copt) MYLAB (cstr, itic, cax) NAMDIS (ndis, cax) NAME (cstr, cax) NAMJUS (copt, cax) NOLINE (cax) RGTLAB () RVYNAM () TICKS (ntics, cax) TICLEN (nmaj, nmin) TICMOD (copt, cax)

Routine TICPOS (copt, cax) TIMOPT ()

Meaning determines the position of ticks. modies time labels. Figure B.9: Modication of Axes


Axis System Titles

Routine Meaning denes the character height of titles. left-justies title lines. denes line spacing. denes the alignment of titles. plots axis system titles. denes text lines for titles. denes the position of titles. shifts titles in the vertical direction. Figure B.10: System Titles

HTITLE (nh) LFTTIT () LINESP (xfac) TITJUS (copt) TITLE () TITLIN (cstr, ilin) TITPOS (copt) VKYTIT (nshift)


Plotting Data Points

Routine Meaning plots a bar graph. plots 3-D bars. changes curve attributes. denes attributes changed automatically by CURVE. plots a coloured surface. plots curves. plots coloured rectangles. plots rows of coloured rectangles. plots columns of coloured rectangles. plots error bars. plots nancial bars. plots a vector eld. denes gaps plotted by CURVE. denes the number of curves plotted with equal attributes. selects symbols or lines for CURVE. sets modes for the LIC algorithm. 61

BARS (xray, y1ray, y2ray, n) BARS3D (xray, yray, z1ray, z2ray, xwray, ywray, icray, n) CHNATT () CHNCRV (copt) CRVMAT (zmat, n, m, ixpts, iypts) CURVE (xray, yray, n) CURVE3 (xray, yray, zray, n) CURVX3 (xray, y, zray, n) CURVY3 (x, yray, zray, n) ERRBAR (xray, yray, e1ray, e2ray, n) FBARS (x1ray, x2ray, x3ray, x4ray, x5ray, n) FIELD (x1ray, y1ray, x2ray, y2ray, n, ivec) GAPCRV (xgap) INCCRV (ncrv) INCMRK (nmrk) LICMOD (cmod, ckey)

Routine LICPTS (xvmat, yvmat, nx, ny, itmat, iwmat, wmat) MARKER (nsym) MRKCLR (nclr) NOCHEK () PIEGRF (cbuf, nlin, xray, n) POLCRV (copt) RESATT () SETRES (nx, ny) SHDCRV (x1ray, y1ray, n1, x2ray, y2ray, n2) SPLMOD (ngrad, npts) STMMOD (cmod, ckey) STMOPT (n, ckey) n = STMPTS (xvmat, yvmat, nx, ny, xpray, ypray, x0, y0, xray, yray, nmax, n) STMTRI (xvray, yvray, xpray, ypray, n, ypray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, ntri, xsray, ysray, nray) STMVAL (x, ckey) STREAM (xvmat, yvmat, nx, ny, xpray, ypray, xsray, ysray, n) THKCRV (nthk) TXTURE (itmat, nx, ny) VECFLD (xvray, yvray, xpray, ypray, n, ivec) VECMAT (xvmat, yvamt, nx, ny, xpray, ypray, ivec)

Meaning calculates a Line Integral Convolution image of a vector eld. sets the symbols plotted by CURVE. denes the colour of symbols plotted by CURVE. suppresses listing of out of range data points. plots a pie chart. denes the interpolation method used by CURVE. resets curve attributes. sets the size of coloured rectangles. plots shaded areas between curves. modies spline interpolation. sets streamline modes. denes integer options for streamlines. generates a streamline.

plots streamlines from triangulated data.

denes oating point options for streamlines. plots streamlines.

denes the thickness of curves. generates a texture array for LICPTS. plots a vector eld. plots a vector eld on a regular grid.

Figure B.11: Plotting Data Points


Routine Meaning sets the frame thickness of legends. denes the background colour of legends. plots legends. initializes legends. denes text for legend lines. modies the appearance of legends. 62

FRAME (nfrm) LEGBGD (nclr) LEGEND (cbuf, ncor) LEGINI (cbuf, nlin, nmaxln) LEGLIN (cbuf, cstr, ilin) LEGOPT (xf1, xf2, xf3)

Routine LEGPAT (ityp, ithk, isym, iclr, ipat, ilin) LEGPOS (nxp, nyp) LEGTIT (ctitle) LEGTYP (ctype) LEGVAL (x, copt) LINESP (xfac) MIXLEG () nxl = NXLEGN (cbuf) nyl = NYLEGN (cbuf) stores curve attributes.


determines the position of legends. denes the legend title. denes horizontal or vertical legend lines. modies the appearance of legends. affects line spacing. enables multiple text lines in legends. returns the width of legends in plot coordinates. returns the height of legends in plot coordinates. Figure B.12: Legends


Line Styles and Shading Patterns

Routine Meaning sets a dotted-dashed line style. sets a dashed-dotted line style. sets a colour. sets a dashed line style. sets a long-dashed line style. sets a medium-dashed line style. sets a dotted line style. sets a long-dotted line style. enables or disables hardware features for line styles and shading patterns. denes colours for line styles. denes a line style. sets the line width. sets the line cap parameter. sets the line join parameter. sets the miter limit parameter. sets a user-dened line style. denes a global shading pattern. sets the pen width. selects a shading pattern. sets a solid line style.

CHNDOT () CHNDSH () COLOR (color) DASH () DASHL () DASHM () DOT () DOTL () HWMODE (cmod, ckey) LINCLR (nray, n) LINTYP (itype) LINWID (nwidth) LNCAP (copt) LNJOIN (copt) LNMLT (xfac) MYLINE (nray, n) MYPAT (iang, ityp, iden, icross) PENWID (nwidth) SHDPAT (ipat) SOLID ()

Figure B.13: Line Styles and Shading Patterns



Routine Meaning modies the colour cycle. modies the line style cycle. modies the pattern cycle. Figure B.14: Cycles

CLRCYC (index, iclr) LINCYC (index, itype) PATCYC (index, ipat)


Base Transformations
Routine Meaning denes a rotation about an arbitrary axis. resets 3-D base transformations. affects the 3-D rotation of plot vectors. affects the 3-D scaling of plot vectors. affects the 3-D shifting of plot vectors. resets base transformations. affects the rotation of plot vectors. affects the scaling of plot vectors. affects the shifting of plot vectors. Figure B.15: Base Transformations

TR3AXS (x, y, z, a) TR3RES () TR3ROT (xrot, yrot, zrot) TR3SCL (xscl, yscl, zscl) TR3SHF (xshf, yshf, zshf) TRFRES () TRFROT (xang, nx, ny) TRFSCL (xscl, yscl) TRFSHF (nx, ny)


Routine Meaning denes automatic shielding. denes circles as shielded areas. deletes shielded areas. denes ellipses as shielded areas. returns the index of a shielded area. denes pie segments as shielded areas. denes polygons as shielded areas. denes rotated rectangles as shielded areas. denes rectangles as shielded areas. deletes shielded areas. enables or disables shielded areas. Figure B.16: Shielding

SHIELD (carea, cmode) SHLCIR (nx, ny, nr) SHLDEL (id) SHLELL (nx, ny, na, nb, t) id = SHLIND () SHLPIE (nx, ny, nr, a, b) SHLPOL (nxray, nyray, n) SHLRCT (nx, ny, nw, nh, t) SHLREC (nx, ny, nw, nh) SHLRES (n) SHLVIS (id, cmode)


Parameter Requesting Routines

Routine Meaning returns the base alphabet. returns the current angle used for text and numbers. 64

calf = GETALF () n = GETANG ()

Routine GETCLP (nx, ny, nw, nh) n = GETCLR () GETDIG (nx, ny, nz) cdsp = GETDSP () cl = GETFIL () GETGRF (a, b, or, stp, cax) n = GETHGT () n = GETHNM () GETIND (i, xr, xg, xb) GETLAB (cx, cy, cz) GETLEN (nx, ny, nz) n = GETLEV () n = GETLIN () cm = GETMFL () c = GETMIX (copt) GETOR (nx, ny) GETPAG (nx, ny) n = GETPAT () GETPOS (nx, ny) GETRAN (nx, ny) GETRES (nx, ny) GETRGB (xr, xg, xb) GETSCL (nx, ny, nz) GETSCR (nwpix, nhpix) c = GETSHF (copt) GETSP1 (nx, ny, nz) GETSP2 (nx, ny, nz) GETSYM (nsym, nh) GETTCL (nmaj, nmin) GETTIC (nx, ny, nz) n = GETTYP () n = GETUNI () x = GETVER () GETVK (nytit, nxbar, nybar) cvlt = GETVLT () n = GETWID () GETWIN (nx, ny, nw, nh) id = GETXID (WINDOW) n = GMXALF (copt, c1, c2)

Meaning returns the currents clipping window. returns the current colour number. returns the number of decimal places used in labels. returns the terminal type. returns the current plotle name. returns the scaling of the current axis system. returns the current character height. returns the character height of axis titles. returns the RGB coordinates for a colour index. returns the current labels. returns the current axis lengths. returns the current level. returns the current line width. returns the current le format. returns shift characters for indices and exponents. returns the current origin. returns the current page size. returns the current shading pattern. returns the position of the axis system. returns the range of colour bars. returns the size of points used in 3-D colour graphics. returns the RGB coordinates of the current colour. returns the current axis scaling. returns the screen size in pixels. returns shift characters for European characters. returns the distance between axis ticks and labels. returns the distance between axis labels and names. returns the current symbol number and height. returns the current tick lengths. returns the number of ticks plotted between labels. returns the current line style. returns the current unit used for messages. returns the DISLIN version number. returns the current lengths used for shifting. returns the current colour table. returns the width of colour bars. returns the position and size of the graphics window. returns the X window ID. returns shift characters for additional alphabets.

Figure B.17: Parameter Requesting Routines



Elementary Plot Routines

Routine Meaning plots elliptical arcs. plots polygons. plots circles. plots a line to a point. plots ellipses. plots lines. suppresses the outline of geometric gures. plots pie segments. plots coloured rectangles where the position is dened by the centre point. plots coloured rectangles. plots rectangles. plots a rectangle with rounded corners. plots elliptical arcs for user coordinates. plots polygons for user coordinates. plots circles for user coordinates. plots ellipses for user coordinates. plots lines for user coordinates. plots pie segments for user coordinates. plots coloured rectangles for user coordinates. plots rectangles for user coordinates. plots for user coordinates a rectangle with rounded corners. plots coloured pie sectors for user coordinates. plots vectors for user coordinates. plots wind speed symbols for user coordinates. plots coloured pie sectors. moves the pen to a point. plots solid lled rectangles. plots solid lled rectangles. denes coulour for arrow heads. denes vector options. plots vectors. plots wind speed symbols. moves the pen to a point. plots a line to a point.

ARCELL (nx, ny, na, nb, alpha, beta, theta) AREAF (nxray, nyray, n) CIRCLE (nx, ny, nr) CONNPT (x, y) ELLIPS (nx, ny, nr1, nr2) LINE (nx, ny, nu, nv) NOARLN () PIE (nx, ny, nr, a, b) POINT (nx, ny, nb, nh, nc) RECFLL (nx, ny, nw, nh, nc) RECTAN (nx, ny, nw, nh) RNDREC (nx, ny, nw, nh, i) RLARC (x, y, r1, r2, a, b, t) RLAREA (xray, yray, n) RLCIRC (x, y, r) RLELL (x, y, r1, r2) RLINE (x, y, u, v) RLPIE (x, y, r, a, b) RLPOIN (x, y, nw, nh, nc) RLREC (x, y, xw, xh) RLRND (x, y, xw, xh, iopt) RLSEC (x, y, r1, r2, a, b, nc) RLVEC (x1, y1, x2, y2, iv) RLWIND (x, xp, yp, nw, a) SECTOR (nx, ny, nr1, nr2, a, b, ncol) STRTPT (x, y) TRIFLC (xray, yray, icray, n) TRIFLL (xray, yray) VECCLR (nclr) VECOPT (xopt, ckey) VECTOR (nx, ny, nu, nv, iv) WINDBR (x, nx, ny, nw, a) XMOVE (x, y) XDRAW (x, y)

Figure B.18: Elementary Plot Routines



Conversion of Coordinates
Routine Meaning converts Z-coordinates to colour numbers. converts X plot coordinates to pixel. converts X-coordinates to plot coordinates. converts Y plot coordinates to pixel. converts Y-coordinates to plot coordinates. converts Z-coordinates to colour numbers. converts one-dimensional coordinates. converts two-dimensional coordinates. converts three-dimensional coordinates. converts X- and Y-coordinates to plot coordinates. converts X plot coordinates to user coordinates. converts X-coordinates to real plot coordinates. converts Y plot coordinates to user coordinates. converts Y-coordinates to real plot coordinates.

COLRAY (zray, nray, n) n = NXPIXL (ix, iy) n = NXPOSN (x) n = NYPIXL (ix, iy) n = NYPOSN (y) n = NZPOSN (z) TRFCO1 (xray, n, cfrom, cto) TRFCO2 (xray, yray, n, cfrom, cto) TRFCO3 (xray, yray, zray, n, cfrom, cto) TRFREL (xray, yray, n) x = XINVRS (nx) x = XPOSN (x) y = YINVRS (ny) y = YPOSN (y)

Figure B.19: Conversion of Coordinates


Utility Routines
Routine Meaning calculates a Bezier interpolation. allows bit manipulation on 16 bit variables. allows bit manipulation on 32 bit variables. calculates a circle specied by 3 points. converts oating point numbers to character strings. calculates the number of digits for oating point numbers. calculates a histogram. converts integers to character strings. calculates the number of digits for integers. converts Unicode numbers to an UTF8 string. returns the length of character strings in plot coordinates. returns the length of numbers in plot coordinates. clips a polygon. sorts oating point numbers. sorts points in the X-direction. 67

BEZIER (xray, yray, n, xpray, ypray, np) n = BITSI2 (nbits, ninp, iinp, nout, iout) n = BITSI4 (nbits, ninp, iinp, nout, iout) CIRC3P (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xm, ym, r) n = FCHA (x, ndig, cstr) n = FLEN (x, ndig) HISTOG (xray, n, xhray, yhray, nh) n = INTCHA (nx, cstr) n = INTLEN (nx) INTUTF (iray, nray, cstr, mx, n) n = NLMESS (cstr) n = NLNUMB (x, ndig) POLCLP (xray, yray, n, x2ray, y2ray, nmax, n2, cedge) SORTR1 (xray, n, copt) SORTR2 (xray, yray, n, copt)

Routine SPLINE (xray, yray, n, xsray, ysray, nspl) SWAPI2 (iray, n) SWAPI4 (iray, n) TRFMAT (zmat, nx, ny, zmat2, nx2, ny2) ntri = TRIANG (xray, yray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, nmax) n = TRMLEN (cstr) UPSTR (cstr) UTFINT (cstr, iray, nray, n)

Meaning returns splined points as calculated in CURVE. swaps the bytes of 16 bit integer variables. swaps the bytes of 32 bit integer variables. converts matrices. calculates the Delaunay triangulation. calculates the number of characters in character strings. converts a character string to uppercase letters. converts an UTF8 string to Unicode numbers. Figure B.20: Utility Routines


Date Routines
Routine Meaning denes the base date. returns incremented days. returns the weekday of a date. converts incremented days to a date. Figure B.21: Date Routines

BASDAT (id, im, iy) n = INCDAT (id, im, iy) n = NWKDAY (id, im, iy) TRFDAT (n, id, im, iy)


Cursor Routines
Routine Meaning returns a character key. returns the end points of a line. collects cursor movements. sets and returns the cursor position. returns a pressed cursor position. collects cursor positions. returns opposite corners of a rectangle. selects the cursor type. selects the unit of returned cursor positions. denes the cursor type of the graphics window. Figure B.22: Cursor Routines

n = CSRKEY () CSRLIN (nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2) CSRMOV (nxray, nyray, nmax, n, iret) nkey = CSRPOS (nx, ny) CSRPT1 (nx, ny) CSRPTS (nxray, nyray, nmax, n, iret) CSRREC (nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2) CSRTYP (copt) CSRUNI (copt) SETCSR (copt)



Routine Meaning terminates alpha blending. initializes alpha blending. modies alpha blending. sets the alpha value. Figure B.23: Transparency

TPRFIN () TPRINI () TPRMOD (cmode, ckey) TPRVAL (x)


Bar Graphs
Routine Meaning denes the colour of bar borders. denes bar colours. affects clustered bars. enables variable bars. modies the appearance of 3-D bars. selects predened positions for bars. plots bar graphs. selects vertical or horizontal bars. modies the appearance of bars. denes the colour of bar labels. denes the number of decimal places in bar labels. denes bar labels. denes the position of bar labels. Figure B.24: Bar Graphs

BARBOR (iclr) BARCLR (ic1, ic2, ic3) BARGRP (ngrp, gap) BARMOD (cmod, copt) BAROPT (xf, ang) BARPOS (copt) BARS (xray, y1ray, y2ray, n) BARTYP (copt) CHNBAR (copt) LABCLR (nclr, BARS) LABDIG (ndig, BARS) LABELS (copt, BARS) LABPOS (copt, BARS)


Pie Charts
Routine Meaning denes colour and pattern attributes for pie segments. denes the colour of segment labels. denes the number of decimal places in segment labels. denes pie labels. denes the position of segment labels. modies the appearance of segment labels. denes the colour of pie borders. denes a callback routine for PIEGRF. denes pie colours. denes exploded pie segments. plots pie charts. sets additional character strings plotted in segment labels. modies the appearance of 3-D pies. sets a rotation angle for 2-D pie charts. 69

CHNPIE (copt) LABCLR (nclr, PIE) LABDIG (ndig, PIE) LABELS (copt, PIE) LABPOS (copt, PIE) LABTYP (copt, PIE) PIEBOR (iclr) PIECBK (crout) PIECLR (ic1ray, ic2ray, n) PIEEXP () PIEGRF (cbuf, nlin, xray, n) PIELAB (clab, cpos) PIEOPT (xf, ang) PIEROT (angle)

Routine PIETYP (copt) PIEVAL (x, ckey) PIEVEC (ivec, copt)

Meaning selects 2-D of 3-D pie charts. modies parameters for pie charts. modies the arrow plotted between labels and segments. Figure B.25: Pie Charts


Coloured 3-D Graphics

Routine Meaning denes axis lengths. denes colours. denes the range of colour bars. plots a coloured surface. plots coloured quadrangles. plots the coloured surface of a Delaunay triangulation. plots coloured rectangles. plots rows of coloured rectangles. plots columns of coloured rectangles. erases the screen. denes the thickness of frames around colour bars. plots a coloured axis system.

AX3LEN (nx, ny, nz) COLOR (color) COLRAN (nx, ny) CRVMAT (zmat, n, m, ixpts, iypts) CRVQDR (xray, yray, zray, n) CRVTRI (xray, yray, zray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, ntri) CURVE3 (xray, yray, zray, n) CURVX3 (xray, y, zray, n) CURVY3 (x, yray, zray, n) ERASE () FRMBAR (nfrm) GRAF3 (xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp, za, ze, zor, zstp) JUSBAR (copt) NOBAR () NOBGD () n = NZPOSN (z) POINT (nx, ny, nb, nh, nc) POSBAR (copt) RECFLL (nx, ny, nw, nh, nc) RLPOIN (x, y, nw, nh, nc) RLSEC (x, y, r1, r2, a, b, ncol) SECTOR (nx, ny, nr1, nr2, a, b, ncol) SETRES (nx, ny) SPCBAR (nspc) VKXBAR (nshift) VKYBAR (nshift)

denes the alignment of colour bars. suppresses the plotting of colour bars. suppresses the plotting of points which have the same colour as the background. converts a Z-coordinate to a colour number. plots coloured rectangles where the position is dened by the centre point. sets the position of colour bars. plots coloured rectangles. plots coloured rectangles for user coordinates. plots coloured pie sectors for user coordinates. plots coloured pie sectors. denes the size of coloured rectangles. sets the space between colour bars and axis systems. shifts colour bars in the X-direction. shifts colour bars in the Y-direction. 70

Routine WIDBAR (nw) ZAXIS (za, ze, zor, zstp, nl, cstr, it, id, nx, ny) ZAXLG (za, ze, zor, zstp, nl, cstr, it, id, nx, ny)

Meaning denes the width of colour bars. plots a linearly scaled colour bar. plots a logarithmically scaled colour bar.

Figure B.26: Coloured 3-D Graphics


3-D Graphics
Routine Meaning converts absolute 3-D coordinates to plot coordinates. denes the lengths of the 3-D box. plots 3-D bars. plots a border around the 3-D box. plots a cone. plots a line to a point in 3-D space. plots 3-D contours. plots curves or symbols. plots coloured 3-d symbols. plots a cylinder. terminates a depth sort. initializes a depth depth sort. can disable the depth sort. plots a disk. plots a vector eld. disables the suppression of axis labels. calculates colour values. calculates a function matrix from randomly distributed data points. plots an axis system. terminates a projection into 3-D space. initializes projections in 3-D space. plots a grid. sets the height of 3-D symbols. 71

ABS3PT (x, y, z, xp, yp) AXIS3D (x, y, z) BARS3D (xray, yray, z1ray, z2ray, xwray, ywray, icray, n) BOX3D () CONE3D (xm, ym, zm, r, h1, h2, n, m) CONN3D (x, y, z) CONSHD3D (xray, n, yray, m, y, z) zmat, zlvray, nlev) CURV3D (xray, yray, zray, n) CURV4D (xray, yray, zray, wray, n) CYLI3D (xm, ym, zm, r, h, n, m) DBFFIN () iret = DBFINI () DBFMOD (cmod) DISK3D (xm, ym, zm, r1, r2, n, m) FIELD3D (x1ray, y1ray, z1ray, x2ray, y2ray, z2ray, n, ivec) FLAB3D () n = GETLIT (x, y, z, xn, yn, zn) GETMAT (xray, yray, zray, n, zmat, nx, ny, zv, imat, wmat) GRAF3D (xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp, za, ze, zor, zstp) GRFFIN () GRFINI (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3) GRID3D (nx, ny, copt) HSYM3D (xh)

Routine nmax, ntri) ISOPTS (xray, nx, yray, ny, zray, nz, wmat, wlev, xtri, ytri, ztri, LABL3D (copt) LIGHT (cmode) LITMOD (id, cmode) LITOP3 (id, xr, xg, xb, ctype) LITOPT (id, xval, ctype) LITPOS (id, xp, yp, zp, copt) MATOP3 (xr, xg, xb, ctype) MATOPT (xval, ctype) MDFMAT (ix, iy, w) MSHCLR (iclr) MSHCRV (n) NOHIDE () PIKE3D (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, r, n, m) PLAT3D (xm, ym, zm, xl, copt) PLYFIN (cl, cobj) PLYINI (copt) POS3PT (x, y, z, xp, yp, zp) PYRA3D (xm, ym, zm, xl, h1, h2, n) QUAD3D (xm, ym, zm, xl, yl, zl) REL3PT (x, y, z, xp, yp) ROT3D (a, b, c) SETFCE (copt) SHLSUR () SPHE3D (xm, ym, zm, r, n, m) n = STMPTS3D (xv, yv, zv, nx, ny, nz, xpray, ypray, zpray, x0, y0, z0, xray, yray, zray, nmax) STREAM3D (xv, yv, zv, nx, ny, nz, xpray, ypray, zpray, xsray, ysray, n) STRT3D (x, y, z) SURCLR (itop, ibot) SURFCE (xray, nx, yray, ny, zmat) SURFCP (cfun, a1, a2, astp, b1, b2, bstp) SURFUN (cfun, ixp, xdel, iyp, ydel) SURISO (xray, nx, yray, ny, zray, nz, wmat, wlev) SURMAT (zmat, nx, ny, ixpts, iypts) calculates isosurfaces.


modies the appearance of labels on the 3-D box. turns lighting on or off. turns single light sources on or off. modies light parameters. modies light parameters. sets the position of light sources. modies material parameters. modies material parameters. modies the algorithm used in GETMAT. denes the colour of surface meshes. sets the resolution of meshes for 3-D curves. disables the hidden-line algorithm. plots a cone. plots a Platonic solid. terminates output of polygons to a PLY format. initializes output of polygons to a PLY format. converts user coordinates to absolute 3-D coordinates. plots a pyramid. plots a quad. converts user coordinates to plot coordinates. denes rotation angles for symbols and solids. sets a face side for dening material parameters. protects surfaces from overwriting. plots a sphere. generates a streamline.

plots streamlines. moves the pen to a point. selects surface colours. plots the surface of a function matrix. plots the surface of a parametric function. plots the surface grid of a function. plots isosurfaces. plots the surface of a function matrix.


Routine SURMSH (copt) SUROPT (copt) SURSHC (xray, nx, yray, ny, zmat, wmat) SURSHD (xray, nx, yray, ny, zmat) SURTRI (xray, yray, zray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, ntri) SURVIS (copt) SYMB3D (n, xm, ym, zm) THKC3D (nthk) TORUS3D (xm, ym, zm, r1, r2, h, a1, a2, n, m) TUBE3D (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, r, n, m) VECF3D (xvray, yvray, zvray, xpray, ypray, zpray, n, ivec) VECMAT3D (xv, yv, zv, nx, ny, nz, xpray, ypray, zpray, ivec) VECTR3 (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ivec) VANG3D (ang) VIEW3D (x, y, z, copt) VTX3D (xray, yray, zray, n, copt) VTXC3D (xray, yray, zray, icray, n, copt) VTXN3D (xray, yray, zray, xnray, ynray, znray, n, copt) VUP3D (ang) ZBFERS () ZBFFIN () iret = ZBFINI () ZBFLIN (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) ZBFMOD (cmod) ZBFRES () ZBFSCL (x) ZBFTRI (xray, yray, zray, iray) ZSCALE (zmin, zmax)

Meaning enables grid lines for surfcp and surshd. suppresses surface lines for surfce. plots a coloured surface. plots a coloured surface. plots the surface of an Delaunay triangulation. determines the visible part of surfaces. plots a 3-D symbol. denes the thickness of 3-D curves. plots a torus. plots a tube. plots a vector eld. plots a vector eld on a regular grid. plots vectors in 3-D space. denes the eld of view. denes the viewpoint. plots faces from vertices. plots faces from vertices. plots faces from vertices. denes the camera orientation. erases the frame buffer of a Z-buffer. terminates the Z-buffer. allocates space for a Z-buffer. plots lines. can disable the Z-buffer. resets the Z-buffer. scales the internal image for PDF output. plots triangles. denes a Z-scaling for coloured surfaces.

Figure B.27: 3-D Graphics



Geographical Projections
Routine Meaning plots curves or symbols. plots a geographical axis system. plots a grid. denes the base map. denes an external map le. plots a BMP or GIF map image. denes label options. species land or lake plotting. modies the connection of points used in CURVMP. denes map options. denes the map pole used for azimuthal projections. denes two latitudes used for conical projections. converts user coordinates to plot coordinates. selects a projection. shades African countries. shades Asiatic countries. shades Oceanic countries. shades European countries. shades continents. shades states of North and Central America. shades states of South America. shades USA states. plots coastlines and lakes. plots a secondary X-axis. plots a secondary Y-axis.

CURVMP (xray, yray, n) GRAFMP (xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp) GRIDMP (nx, ny) MAPBAS (copt) MAPFIL (cl, copt) MAPIMG (cl, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) MAPLAB (copt, ckey) MAPLEV (copt) MAPMOD (copt) MAPOPT (copt, ckey) MAPPOL (xpol, ypol) MAPREF (ylw, yup) POS2PT (x, y, xp, yp) PROJCT (copt) SHDAFR (inray, ipray, icray, n) SHDASI (inray, ipray, icray, n) SHDAUS (inray, ipray, icray, n) SHDEUR (inray, ipray, icray, n) SHDMAP (copt) SHDNOR (inray, ipray, icray, n) SHDSOU (inray, ipray, icray, n) SHDUSA (inray, ipray, icray, n) WORLD () XAXMAP (xa, xe, xor, xstp, cstr, nt, ny) YAXMAP (ya, ye, yor, ystp, cstr, nt, nx)

Figure B.28: Geographical Projections

B.29 Contouring
Routine CONCLR (ncray, n) CONCRV (xray, yray, n, z) CONFLL (xray, yray, zray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, ntri, zlvray, nlev) CONGAP (xfac) CONLAB (copt) CONMAT (zmat, nx, ny, z) Meaning denes colours for shaded contours. plots generated contours. plots lled contours of an Delaunay triangulation. affects the spacing between contour lines and labels. denes a character string used for contour labels. plots contours. 74

Routine CONMOD (xfac, xquot) CONPTS (xray, n, yray, m, zmat, zlev, xpts, ypts, maxpts, iray, maxcrv, ncrv) CONSHD (xray, nx, yray, ny, zmat, zlray, n) CONTRI (xray, yray, zray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, ntri, zlev) CONTUR (xray, nx, yray, ny, zmat, zlev) LABCLR (nclr, CONT) LABDIS (ndis, CONT) LABELS (copt, CONT) SHDMOD (copt, CONT) TRIPTS (xray, yray, zray, n, i1ray, i2ray, i3ray, ntri, zlev, xpts, ypts, maxpts, iray, maxcrv, ncrv)

Meaning affects the position of contour labels. generates contours.

plots shaded contours. plots contours of an Delaunay triangulation. plots contours. denes the colour of contour labels. denes the distance between labels. denes contour labels. sets the algorithm for shaded contours. generates contours from triangulated data.

Figure B.29: Contouring


Image Routines
Routine Meaning denes a rectangle for PostScript/PDF output. denes a clipping rectangle. terminates transfering of image data. initializes transfering of image data. selects index or RGB mode. denes an image size for PostScript/PDF output. denes a transparency colour for images. stores an image as PNG le in a buffer. stores an image as a BMP le. stores an image as a GIF le. copies an image from memory to a le. reads a pixel from memory. reads image data from memory. stores an image as a PNG le. stores an image as a PPM le. reads a row of image data from memory. stores an image as a TIFF le. denes the position of TIFF les copied with WTIFF. denes a clipping window for TIFF les. 75

IMGBOX (nx, ny, nw, nh) IMGCLP (nx, ny, nw, nh) IMGFIN () IMGINI () IMGMOD (cmod) IMGSIZ (nw, nh) IMGTPR (nclr) n = RBFPNG (cbuf, nmax) RBMP (cl) RGIF (cl) RIMAGE (cl) RPIXEL (ix, iy, iclr) RPIXLS (iray, ix, iy, nw, nh) RPNG (cl) RPPM (cl) RPXROW (iray, nx, ny, n) RTIFF (cl) TIFORG (nx, ny) TIFWIN (nx, ny, nw, nh)

Routine WIMAGE (cl) WPIXEL (ix, iy, iclr) WPIXLS (iray, ix, iy, nw, nh) WPXROW (iray, nx, ny, n) WTIFF (cl)

Meaning copies an image from le to memory. writes a pixel to memory. writes image data to memory. write a row of image data to memory. copies a TIFF le created by DISLIN to memory. Figure B.30: Image Routines


Window Routines
Routine Meaning closes a window. opens a window for graphics output. denes page formats for windows. selects a window for graphics output. denes the position and size of windows. denes a window or console application. denes a callback routine for the windows size. returns the ID of the currently selected window. denes a key that can be used for program continuation in DISFIN. affects the handling of windows in DISFIN. denes the size of windows. sets the title of the currently selected window. enables backing store. Figure B.31: Window Routines

CLSWIN (id) OPNWIN (id) PAGWIN (nxp, nyp) SELWIN (id) WINDOW (nx, ny, nw, nh) WINAPP (capp) WINCBK (crout, copt) id = WINID () WINKEY (ckey) WINMOD (copt) WINSIZ (nw, nh) WINTIT (cstr) X11MOD (copt)


Widget Routines
Routine Meaning processes pending events. displays a message that can be answered with Yes or No. returns a status for dialog widget routines. creates a le selection box. gets a selection from a list of items. displays a message. prompts an user for input. requests widget attributes. requests the value of a box widget. requests the status of a button widget. requests the value of a le widget. requests the value of a text widget as real number. 76

DOEVNT () ival = DWGBUT (cstr, ival) iret = DWGERR () cl = DWGFIL (clab, cl, cmsk) isel = DWGLIS (clab, clis, isel) DWGMSG (cstr) cstr = DWGTXT (clab, cstr) n = GWGATT (id, copt) n = GWGBOX (id) n = GWGBUT (id) cl = GWGFIL (id) x = GWGFLT (id)

Routine n = GWGINT (id) n = GWGLIS (id) x = GWGSCL (id) GWGSIZ (id, nw, nh) x = GWGTBF (id, irow, icol) n = GWBTBI (id, irow, icol) GWGTBL (id, xray, n, idx, copt) cstr = GWGTBS (id, irow, icol) cstr = GWGTXT (id) n = GWGXID (id) ITMCAT (clis, citem) n = ITMCNT (clis) citem = ITMSTR (clis, n) MSGBOX (cstr) SWGATT (id, catt, copt) SWGBOX (id, isel) SWGBUT (id, ival) SWGCB (id, routine, iray) SWGCB2 (id, crout) SWGCBK (id, crout) SWGCLR (xr, xg, xb, copt) SWGDRW (xf) SWGFIL (id, cl) SWGFLT (id, x, ndig) SWGFNT (cfnt, npts) SWGFOC (id) SWGHLP (cstr) SWGINT (id, n) SWGIOP (i, copt) SWGJUS (cjus, class) SWGLIS (id, isel) SWGMIX (char, cmix) SWGMRG (ival, cmrg) SWGOPT (copt, ckey) SWGPOP (copt) SWGPOS (nx, ny) SWGRAY (xray, n, copt) SWGSCL (id, xval) SWGSIZ (nw, nh) SWGSPC (xspc, yspc) SWGSTP (xstp) SWGTBF (id, x, ndig, i, j, copt)

Meaning requests the value of a text widget as integer. requests the value of a list widget. requests the value of a scale widget. returns the size of widgets. requests the value of a table cell as real number. requests the value of a table cell as integer. requests the values of table cells. requests the value of a table cell as a string. requests the value of a text widget. requests the windows ID of a widget. concatenates an element to a list string. calculates the number of elements in a list string. extracts an element from a list string. displays a message. sets widget attributes. changes the selection of a box widget. changes the status of a button widget. connects a widget with a callback routine. connects a callback routine with a table widget. connects a widget with a callback routine. sets widget colours. denes the height of draw widgets. changes the value of a le widget. changes the value of text widgets. denes widget fonts. sets the keyboard focus. sets a character string for the Help menu. changes the value of text widgets. sets integer options for widgets. denes the alignment of label widgets. changes the selection of a list widget. denes control characters. denes widget margins. sets a center option for parent widgets. modies the appearance of the popup menubar. denes the position of widgets. denes the width of columns in table widgets. changes the value of a scale widget. denes the size of widgets. modies the spaces between widgets. denes a step value for scale widgets. changes the values of table cells.


Routine SWGTBI (id, ix, i, j, copt) SWGTBL (id, xray, n, ndig, idx, copt) SWGTBS (id, cstr, i, j, copt) SWGTIT (cstr) SWGTXT (id, cval) SWGTYP (ctype, class) SWGVAL (id, xval) SWGWIN (nx, ny, nw, nh) SWGWTH (nwth) id = WGAPP (ip, clab) id = WGAPPB (ip, iray, nw, nh) id = WGBAS (ip, copt) id = WGBOX (ip, clis, isel) id = WGBUT (ip, cval, ival) id = WGCMD (ip, clab, cmd) id = WGDLIS (ip, clis, isel) id = WGDRAW (ip) id = WGFIL (ip, clab, cl, cmsk) WGFIN () id = WGINI (copt) id = WGLAB (ip, cstr) id = WGLIS (ip, clis, isel) id = WGLTXT (ip, clab, cstr, id = WGOK (ip) id = WGPBAR (ip, x1, x2, xstp) id = WGPBUT (ip, clab, nwth) id = WGPOP (ip, cstr) id = WGPOPB (ip, iray, nw, nh) id = WGQUIT (ip) id = WGSCL (ip, clab, xmin, xmax, xval, ndez) id = WGSEP (ip) id = WGSTXT (ip, nsize, nmax) id = WGTBL (ip, nrows, ncols) id = WGTXT (ip, cstr)

Meaning changes the values of table cells. changes the values of table cells. changes the values of table cells. sets a title for the main widget. changes the value of a text widget. modies the appearance of widgets. changes the value of progress bars. denes the position and size of widgets. sets the default width of widgets. creates an entry in a popup menu. uses an image as entry in a popup menu. creates a container wdiget. creates a list widget with toggle buttons. creates a button widget. creates a push button widget. A system command will be executed if the button is pressed. creates a dropping list widget. creates a draw widget. creates a le widget. terminates widget routines. creates a main widget and initalizes widget routines. creates a label widget. creates a list widget. creates a labeled text widget. creates a OK push button widget. creates a progress bar. creates a push button widget. creates a popup menu. uses an image as a popup menu. creates a Quit push button widget. creates a scale widget. creates a separator widget. creates a scrolled text widget. creates a table widget. creates a text widget.

Figure B.32: Widget Routines



DISLIN Quickplots
Routine Meaning plots a bar graph. plots a coloured surface. makes a contour plot. plots multiple curves. plots a curve. plots a pie chart. makes a scatter plot. sets a user-dened scaling. plots a surface. Figure B.33: DISLIN Quickplots

QPLBAR (xray, n) QPLCLR (zmat, n, m) QPLCON (zmat, n, m, nlv) QPLCRV (xray, yray, n, copt) QPLOT (xray, yray, n) QPLPIE (xray, yray, n) QPLSCA (xray, yray, n) QPLSCL (a, e, or, step, copt) QPLSUR (zmat, n, m)


MPS Logo
Routine Meaning plots the MPS logo. Figure B.34: MPS Logo

MPSLOGO (nx, ny, nsize, copt)



Appendix C

This appendix presents some examples of the DISLIN manual in DISGCL coding. The examples can be found in the DISLIN subdirectory gcldir and can be executed with the command: disgcl example where example is one of the examples.



Demonstration of CURVE

%GCL // Demonstration of CURVE N=101 PI = 3.1415926 XRAY XRAY YRAY1 YRAY2 = = = = FALLOC (N) (XRAY - 1.) * 3.6 SIN (XRAY * PI / 180.) COS (XRAY * PI / 180.) (CONS) () () () (X-axis, X) (Y-axis, Y) (Demonstration of CURVE, 2) (10, X) (-1, X)


IC = INTRGB (0.95, 0.95, 0.95) AXSBGD (IC) GRAF (0.,360.,0.,90.,-1.,1.,-1.,0.5) SETRGB (0.7, 0.7, 0.7) GRID (1, 1) COLOR BOX2D HEIGHT TITLE COLOR CURVE COLOR CURVE DISFIN (FORE) () (50) () (RED) (XRAY, YRAY1, N) (GREEN) (XRAY, YRAY2, N) ()


Demonstration of CURVE SIN(X), COS(X)



Figure C.1: Demonstration of CURVE





-1.0 90 180 X-axis 270 360


Polar Plots

%GCL // Polar Plots N=300 M=10 STEP = 360./(N-1) F = STEP * 3.1415926 / 180. Y1 = FALLOC (N) * F X1 = SIN (5 * Y1) X2 = FALLOC (M) + 1 Y2 = FALLOC (M) + 1 SETPAG METAFL DISINI HWFONT PAGERA TITLIN TICKS AXENDS LABDIG AXSLEN AXSORG (DA4P) (CONS) () () () (Polar Plots, 2) (3, Y) (NOENDS, X) (-1, Y) (1000, 1000) (1050, 900)

IC = INTRGB (0.95, 0.95, 0.95) AXSBGD (IC) GRAFP (1.,0., 0.2, 0., 30.) CURVE (x1, y1, n) HTITLE (50) TITLE () ENDGRF () LABDIG AXSORG LABTYP GRAFP BARWTH POLCRV CURVE (-1, X) (1050, 2250) (VERT, Y) (10.,0.,2.,0.,30.) (-5.) (FBARS) (x2, y2, m)



Polar Plots



12 0


180 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8







1 0








Figure C.2: Polar Plots






3-D Colour Plot

%GCL // 3-D Colour Plot N = 100 FLOAT ZMAT[N,N], XRAY[N] PI = 3.1415927 STEP = 2. * PI / (N - 1) DO I = 0, N - 1 XRAY[I] = SIN (I * STEP) END DO DO J = 0, N - 1 ZMAT[*,J] = 2 * XRAY * SIN (J * STEP) END DO METAFL DISINI COMPLX PAGERA LABDIG NAME NAME NAME TITLIN TITLIN (CONS) () () () (-1, XYZ) (X-Achse, X) (Y-Achse, Y) (Z-Achse, Z) (3-D Colour Plot of the Function, 1) (F(X,Y) = 2 * SIN(X) * SIN(Y), 3)

AUTRES (N, N) GRAF3 (0.,360.,0.,90.,0.,360.,0.,90.,-2.,2.,-2.,1.0) TITLE () CRVMAT (ZMAT, N, N, 1, 1) MPAEPL (3) DISFIN ()


3-D colour plot of the function F(X,Y) = 2 * SIN(X) * SIN(Y)




Figure C.3: 3-D Colour Plot







0 90 180 X-axis 270 360



Surface Plot

%GCL // Surface Plot N = 100 FLOAT ZMAT[N,N], XRAY[N] PI = 3.1415927 STEP = 2. * PI / (N - 1) DO I = 0, N - 1 XRAY[I] = SIN (I * STEP) END DO DO J = 0, N - 1 ZMAT[*,J] = 2 * XRAY * SIN (J * STEP) END DO METAFL SETPAG DISINI COMPLX PAGERA (CONS) (DA4P) () () ()

AXSPOS (200, 2600) AXSLEN (1800, 1800) NAME NAME NAME (X-axis, X) (Y-axis, Y) (Z-axis, Z)

TITLIN (Surface Plot (SURMAT), 2) TITLIN (F(X,Y) = 2 * SIN(X) * SIN(Y), 4) VIEW3D GRAF3D HEIGHT TITLE (-5.,-5.,4.,ABS) (0.,360.,0.,90.,0.,360.,0.,90.,-3.,3.,-3.,1.) (50) ()



Surface plot (SURMAT) F(X,Y) = 2*SIN(X)*SIN(Y)

Figure C.4: Surface Plot



Contour Plot

%GCL // Contour Plot N = 100 FLOAT ZMAT[N,N], XRAY[N] FPI = 3.1415927 / 180. STEP = 360. / (N - 1) X = FALLOC (N) * STEP Y = FALLOC (N) * STEP DO J = 0, N - 1 ZMAT[*,J] = 2 * SIN (X * FPI) * SIN (Y[J] * FPI) END DO METAFL SETPAG DISINI COMPLX PAGERA (CONS) (DA4P) () () ()

INTAX () AXSPOS (450, 2670) NAME NAME TITLIN TITLIN (X-axis, X) (Y-axis, Y) (Contour Plot, 2) (F(X,Y) = 2 * SIN(X) * SIN(Y), 4)

GRAF (0.,360.,0.,90.,0.,360.,0.,90.) HEIGHT (30) DO I = 1,9 ZLEV = -2.0 + (I - 1) * 0.5 IF (I == 5) LABELS (NONE, CONTUR) ELSE LABELS (FLOAT, CONTUR) END IF CONTUR (X, N, Y, N, ZMAT, ZLEV) END DO HEIGHT (50) TITLE () DISFIN ()


Contour Plot F(X,Y) = 2 * SIN(X) * SIN(Y)



1 .0












1 .5





-1 .5


-0. 5
-1 .5


0 0 90 180 X-axis 270 360

Figure C.5: Contour Plot








0. 5


Shaded Contour Plot

%GCL // Shaded Contour Plot N = 100 FLOAT ZMAT[N,N], XRAY[N], YRAY[N], ZLEV[12] STEP XRAY YRAY X = = = = 1.6 / (N - 1) FALLOC (N) * STEP FALLOC (N) * STEP XRAY * XRAY - 1

DO J = 0, N - 1 Y=YRAY[J] * YRAY[J] - 1. ZMAT[*,J] = X * X + Y * Y END DO METAFL SETPAG DISINI COMPLX PAGERA NAME NAME (CONS) (DA4P) () () () (X-axis, X) (Y-axis, Y)

MIXALF () TITLIN (Shaded Contour Plot, 1) TITLIN (F(X,Y) = (X[2$ - 1)[2$ + (y[2$ - 1)[2$, 3) SHDMOD (POLY, CONTUR) AXSPOS (450, 2670) GRAF (0., 1.6, 0., 0.2, 0., 1.6, 0., 0.2) HEIGHT (30) DO I = 0, 11 ZLEV[11-I] = 0.1 + I * 0.1 END DO CONSHD (XRAY, N, YRAY, N, ZMAT, ZLEV, 12) HEIGHT (50) TITLE () DISFIN ()


Shaded Contour Plot F(X,Y) = (X 2 - 1) 2 + (Y 2 - 1) 2










0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 X-axis 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

Figure C.6: Shaded Contour Plot



World Coastlines and Lakes

%GCL // World Coastlines and Lakes METAFL DISINI PAGERA COMPLX (CONS) () () ()

AXSPOS (400, 1850) AXSLEN (2400, 1400) NAME (Longitude, X) NAME (Latitude, X) TITLIN (World Coastlines and Lakes, 3) LABELS (MAP, XY) GRAFMP (-180.,180.,-180.,90.,-90.,90.,-90.,30.) GRIDMP COLOR WORLD COLOR (1, 1) (GREEN) () (FORE)



World coastlines and lakes

90.0 o N

60.0 o N

30.0 o N


Figure C.7: World Coastlines and Lakes


0.0 o

30.0 o S

60.0 o S

90.0 o S 180.0 o W 90.0 o W

0.0 o Longitude

90.0 o E

180.0 o E



%GCL // Widgets CL1 = Item1|Item2|Item3|Item4|Item5 CFIL = SWGTIT (Example) IP = WGINI (VERT) ID_LAB = WGLAB (IP, File Widget: ) ID_FIL = WGFIL (IP, Open File, CFIL, *.c) ID_LAB = WGLAB (IP, List Widget: ) ID_LIS = WGLIS (IP, CL1, 1) ID_LAB = WGLAB (IP, Button Widgets) ID_BT1 = WGBUT (IP, This is Button 1, 0) ID_BT2 = WGBUT (IP, This is Button 2, 1) ID_LAB = WGLAB (IP, Scale Widget) ID_SCL = WGSCL (IP, , 0., 10., 5., 1) ID_OK = WGOK WGFIN () CFIL ILIS IBT1 IBT2 XSCL = = = = = GWGFIL GWGLIS GWGBUT GWGBUT GWGSCL (IP)




Figure C.8: Widgets





ABS function 47 ACOS function 47 ARG function 48 ARGCNT function 49 Arrays 8 character 9 functions 49 initializing 17 multidimensional 9 operations 12 ASIN function 47 ATAN function 47 ATAN2 function 47 ATONUM function 48 BREAK statement 19 BYTE command 22 BYTE function 48 CATARR function 49 CEIL function 47 CHAR command 22 CHAR function 48 CLOCK function 53 Comments 15 COMPLEX command 22 Complex functions 48 COMPLEX function 48 CONJG function 48 Constants 8 numbers 8 hexadecimal 8 integers 8 strings 8 CONTINUE statement 20 Conversing functions 48 COS function 47 COSH function 47 DALLOC function 50 Data les 33 Data types 7 DATBLK function 34 DATCLS function 34 DATCNT function 34 DATE function 53 DATFIL function 33 DATHDR function 34 DATMAT function 34 DATRAY function 34 DATVAR function 34 DISGCL commands 16, 21 BYTE 22

CHAR 22 COMPLEX 22 CONTOUR 29 CONSHADE 29 DOUBLE 22 EXIT 21 FLOAT 22 FREE 22 HELP 21 INCLUDE 21 INT 22 LIST 21 LOGOFF 22 LOGON 22 PLOT3R 28 PLOT3 28 PLOT 27 PRINT 22 SCATTR 28 SHORT 22 SURF3 28 SURFACE 28 SURSHADE 28 DISGCL script les 2 DISGCL statements 2 DISLIN functions 16 DISLIN subroutines 15 DO statement 18 DOUBLE command 22 DOUBLE function 48 Examples 75 3-D Colour Plot 80 Contour Plot 88 Data les 35 Demonstration of CURVE 76 Format specications 38 Input/output 45 Polar Plots 78 Shaded Contour Plot 84 Surface Plot 82 Widgets 90 World Coastlines and Lakes 88 EXIT command 21 EXP function 47 Expressions 4, 11 EXTERN statement 24 FALLOC function 50 FCLOSE function 41 FFLUSH function 42 FGETC function 43 FGETS function 43 100

File modes 41 FLOAT command 22 FLOAT function 48 FLOOR function 47 FMOD function 47 FOPEN function 41 Format specications 37 FPRINTF function 43 FPUTC function 44 FPUTS function 44 FREAD function 44 FREE command 22 FSCANF function 43 FSEEK function 42 FTELL function 42 FUNCTION statement 24 Function 49 ABS 47 ACOS 47 ARGCNT 49 ASIN 47 ATAN2 47 ATAN 47 ATONUM 48 BYTE 14, 50 CATARR 47 CEIL 47 CHAR 14, 48 CLOCK 53 COMPLEX 14, 48 COSH 47 COS 47 DALLOC 50 DATBLK 34 DATCNT 34 DATE 53 DATFIL 33 DATHDR 34 DATMAT 34 DATRAY 34 DATVAR 34 DOUBLE 14, 48 EXP 47 FALLOC 50 FCLOSE 41 FFLUSH 42 FGETC 43 FGETS 43 FLOAT 14, 48 FLOOR 47 FMOD 47 FOPEN 41 101


VARDIM 49 VARTYP 49 FWRITE function 45 GETARG function 1 GETENV function 53 GETPID function 53 GETS function 44 GOTO statement 20 HELP command 21

SURFACE 28 SURSHADE 28 variables 30 Random number functions REMOVE function 41 RENAME function 42 RETURN statement 24 REWIND function 42 53

IALLOC function 50 IF constructs 17 IF statement 17 IMAG function 48 INCLUDE command 21 INT command 22 INT function 48 Intrinsic functions 47 KEYCNT function 49 LIST command 21 LOG function 47 LOG10 function 47 LOGOFF command 22 LOGON command 22 Mathematical functions 47 MAXARR function 49 Memory allocating functions MINARR function 49 NUMTOA function Operators 11 48


Parameters 25 PLOT command 27 PLOT3 command 28 PLOT3R command 28 PRINT command 22 PRINTF function 37 PUTS function 44 Quickplot 4, 27 CONTOUR 29 CONSHADE 29 PLOT3R 28 PLOT3 28 PLOT 27 scaling 29 SCATTR 27 SURF3 28

SCANF function 40 SCATTR command 27 SHORT command 22 SHORT function 48 SIN function 47 SINH function 47 SPRINTF function 39 SQRT function 47 SSCANF function 40 Statements 2 BREAK 19 calling DISLIN routines 15 comments 15 CONTINUE 20 DO 18 EXTERN 24 FUNCTION 24 GOTO 20 identication of GCL les 15 IF 17 IF constructs 17 RETURN 24 SUBROUTINE 24 SWITCH 18 WHILE 19 STRING function 48 String functions 51 Strings 9 STRLEN function 51 STRLWR function 51 STRREP function 51 STRSTR function 51 STRUPR function 51 SUBARR function 49 SUBMAT function 49 SUBROUTINE statement 24 Subroutines user-dened 23 SUBSTR function 51 SURF3 command 28 SWITCH statement 18 Syntax of data les 33 Syntax of GCL script les 2 Syntax of GCL statements 2 102

Syntax of the GCL command System commands 20 System functions 53 SYSTEM function 53 System variables 8 %ARGn 1 %CONSHD 31 %ERASE 27 %HNAME 30 %HSYMBL 30 %HTITLE 30 %H 30 %INCMRK 30 %MARKER 30 %NARGS 1 %POLCRV 30 %T1 30 %T2 30 %T3 30 %T4 30 %VTITLE 31 %X 30 %X3LEN 31 %X3VIEW 31 %XDIG 30 %XLAB 30 %XLEN 30 %XMAX 29 %XMIN 29 %XOR 29 %XPOS 30 %XRES 30 %XSCL 30 %XSTEP 29 %XTIC 30 %Y 30 %Y3LEN 31 %Y3VIEW 31 %YDIG 30 %YLAB 30 %YLEN 30 %YMAX 29 %YMIN 29 %YOR 29 %YPOS 30 %YRES 30 %YSCL 30 %YSTEP 29 %YTIC 30 %Z 30 %Z3LEN 31 %Z3VIEW 31

%ZDIG 30 %ZLAB 30 %ZLEN 30 %ZMAX 29 %ZMIN 29 %ZOR 29 %ZSCL 30 %ZSTEP 29 %ZTIC 30 TAN function 47 TANH function 47 Time functions 53 TIME function 53 TRMLEN function 51 TRPMAT function 49 Type conversions 12 VARCNT function VARDEF function VARDIM function Variables 7 VARTYP function WHILE statement 49 49 49 49 19



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