Cisco CCNA Help Document
Cisco CCNA Help Document
Cisco CCNA Help Document
Remember, however, that Packet Tracer is not a substitute for a hands-on lab experience with real equipment.
Termini i kodovi
Na PC: SET SET SET SET ECHO testing network with ping ipconfig /all ping
From the user exec mode, enter privileged exec mode: Router> enable
From the privileged exec mode, enter global configuration mode: Router# configuration terminal ili configure
*********** 1. Step 1: Podesavanje Imena Ruteru Set the device hostname to Router1: router(config)# hostname Router1
2. Configure a message-of-the-day banner POdesavanje Banera na Ruteru Configure the MOTD banner. The MOTD banner is displayed on all connections before the login prompt. banner motd % Ovde se kuca opis rutera %
ili moe: R1(config)#banner motd # Enter TEXT message. End with the character '#'. This is Router1 #
********** 3. Configure an EXEC mode password. POdesavanje Administratorske sifre Set the privileged exec password to cisco.
Router1(config)# enable secret cisco - Setup the secret password (or enable password)
4. Disable DNS lookup Step 5: Disable DNS lookup with the no ip domain-lookup command. R1(config)#no ip domain-lookup R1(config)#
************* 5. Configure a password for console connections. POdesavanje Sifre na Konzoli Step 2: Configure the console password. Set the console access password to class. The console password controls console access to the router.
-Setup console
******** 6.Configure a password for VTY connections. Podesavanje Sifre na Telnetu Step 3: Configure the virtual line password. Set the virtual line access password to class. The virtual line password controls Telnet access to the router. Router1(config-line)# line vty 0 4 Router1(config-line)# password class Router1(config-line)# login - telnet passwords
************* 7. Step 4: Podesavanje interfejsa FastEnthernet 0/0: Router1(config)# interface fa0/0 Router1(config-if)# description Connection to Host1 with crossover cable
8. Step 5: Display the contents of NVRAM. If the output of NVRAM is missing, it is because there is no saved configuration.: Router1# show startup-config startup-config is not present Router1#
10. Save RAM configuration to NVRAM. For a configuration to be used the next time the router is powered on or reloaded, it must be manually saved in NVRAM. Save the RAM configuration to NVRAM: Router1# copy running-config startup-config --- ili samo wr --- ili copy run start - snimanje (save) configuracije Destination filename [startup-config]? <ENTER> Building configuration... [OK]
Podesavanje IP adrese kod rutera Router(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/0 Router(config)#description Connects to main switch in Building A Router(config-if)#ip address 255.255.248
Router(config)#interface Serial 0/0/0 Router(config-if)# 255.255.248 Router(config-if)#clock rate 56000 Router(config-if)#no shutdown
Step 1 Enter the show running-config command to display the contents of the currently running configuration file.
Step 2 Enter the show startup-config command to display the startup configuration.
Step 3 Enter the show interfaces command to display the statistics for all interfaces.
Step 4 Enter the show version command to display the information about the currently loaded software version along with hardware and device information.
Step 5 Enter the show ip interface brief command to display a summary of the usability status information for each interface.
Rezime, osnovne show posle konfigurisanje su: show running-config show ip route show ip interface brief
Configure the router hostname: II) apply a unique hostname to the router Router(config)#hostname R1 R1(config)#
III) Configure an EXEC mode password: (sifra/pasword za ulazak u privilegovan mod) configure a password that is to be used to enter privileged EXEC mode. In our lab environment, we will use the password class
IV) a) configure the console and b) Telnet lines with the password cisco. Once again, the password cisco is used only in our lab environment.
The exec-timeout will terminate an exec session after the session has been idle for the configured exec-timeout time. The default is 10 minutes.
An absolute timeout however is a the maximum amount of time a single session can remain established. So if you have an absolute timeout of 12 minutes than even if the user is active, the session will be disconnected at after 12 minutes.
Sintaksa: Pali: logging synchronous [level {severity-level | all}] [limit number-of-buffers] Gasi: no logging synchronous
- level severity-level | all - (Optional) Specifies the message severity level. Messages with a severity level equal to or higher than this value are printed asynchronously. Low numbers indicate greater severity and high numbers indicate lesser severity. The all option specifies all messages are printed asynchronously, regardless of the severity level. The default value is 2. - limit number-of-buffers - (Optional) Specifies the number of buffers to be queued for the terminal after which new messages are dropped. The default value is 20.
If you do not specify the maximum number of buffers to be queued, the default value of 20 is assumed.
e) debug output with solicited output and prompts for the console and virtual terminal lines.
R1(config)#line console 0 R1(config-line)#password cisco moe i: R1(config-line)#logging synchronous ili Router(config-line)# logging synchronous level 7 limit 70000 - ovo je sa svim uslkucenim mogucim opcijama R1(config-line)#exec-timeout 15 R1(config-line)#login R1(config-line)#exit R1(config)#line vty 0 4 a moe i odmah bez exit: R1(config -line)#line vty 0 4 R1(config-line)#password cisco a moe se doda i:
R1(config-line)#logging synchronous R1(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0 - prva 0 su minuti, druga 0 sekunde, po defaultu je 10 min R1(config-line)#login R1(config-line)#exit
******************************* - exec-timeout command - malope ukljuena inae je opciona ******************************** To set the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits until user input is detected, we can use the exec-timeout line configuration command. If no input is detected during the interval, the EXEC facility resumes the current connection. If no connections exist, the EXEC facility returns the terminal to the idle state and disconnects the incoming session
Syntax description: minutesInteger that specifies the number of minutes. seconds(Optional) Additional time intervals in seconds.
In a lab environment, you can specify no timeout by entering the exec-timeout 0 0 command. This command is very helpful because the default timeout for lines is 10 minutes. However, for security purposes, you would not normally set lines to no timeout in a production environment.
V) Configuring a Banner. From the global configuration mode, configure the message-of-the-day (motd) banner.
R1(config)#banner motd #
*** - enable secret Enter the command enable secret >class< to set an encrypted password used to enter privileged EXEC mode.
- line con 0 Enter the command line con 0 to enter line configuration mode for the console line. Notice the change in the prompt.
- password Enter the command password cisco to set the console password. Enter the command login to require use of the password when logging in via the console port. Enter the command exit to return to global configuration mode.
-line vty 0 4 Enter the command line vty 0 4 to enter line configuration mode for all five virtual terminal lines. Enter the command password cisco to set the vty password. Enter the command login to require use of the password when telnetting to the router.
*** It is good practice to configure a description on each interface to help document the network information. The description text is limited to 240 characters
R1(config-if)#description Veza sa R2
*** When cabling a point-to-point serial link in our lab environment, one end of the cable is marked DTE and the other end is marked DCE. The router that has the DCE end of the cable connected to its serial interface will need the additional clock rate command configured on that serial interface.
------------------------------Dodatne funkcije: ************************ -- no ip domain-lookup - da kad u default modu rada ukucamo neto progreno ne pokuava da se telnetuje na server tj da ga trai ve da javi kao grku, tada e mislim traiti re telnet - disable DNS na ruteru tj iskljucivanje DNS-a
-- Router(config-line)#logging synchronous - In other words, the logging synchronous command prevents IOS messages delivered to the console or Telnet lines from interrupting your keyboard input. Primer gde se korsiti: R1(config)#line console 0 R1(config-line)#logging synchronous R1(config-line)#line vty 0 4 R1(config-line)#logging synchronous
--To set the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits until user input is detected, we can use the exec-timeout line configuration command: !!!< Router(config-line)#exec-timeout minutes [seconds] >!!! Syntax description: minutesInteger that specifies the number of minutes. seconds(Optional) Additional time intervals in seconds. a ako hoemo no timeout onda piemo: exec-timeout 0 0 Primer: R1(config)#line console 0 R1(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0 R1(config-line)#line vty 0 4 R1(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0
--R1#debug ip routing -IP routing debugging is on The debug ip routing command shows when routes are added, modified, and deleted from the
routing table a da se iskljui: R1(config-if)#end R1#no debug ip routing IP routing debugging is off __________________________ -- Dodavanje STATIKE rute -- Statiko rutiranje *******************************************
Static routing has several primary uses, including: Providing ease of routing table maintenance in smaller networks that are not expected to grow significantly. Routing to and from stub networks (see Chapter 2). Use of a single default route, used to represent a path to any network that does not have a more specific match with another route in the routing table.
Static routing advantages: Minimal CPU processing. Easier for administrator to understand. Easy to configure.
Static routing disadvantages: Configuration and maintenance is time-consuming. Configuration is error-prone, especially in large networks. Administrator intervention is required to maintain changing route information. Does not scale well with growing networks; maintenance becomes cumbersome. Requires complete knowledge of the whole network for proper implementation.
*********** Nain 1: *********** !!!< Router(config)# ip route network-address subnet-mask ip-address >!!!
gde je: network-address:Destination network address of the remote network to be added to the routing table. subnet-maskSubnet mask of the remote network to be added to the routing table. The subnet mask can be modified to summarize a group of networks. ip-addressCommonly referred to as the next-hop routers IP address
S [1/0] via - staicka C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 - podesen serial C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 - podeseni Ethernet
*********** Nain 2: *********** -- STATIKA ruta preko odreenog interfejsa umesto specificiranje NextHopa -To configure static routes with an exit interface specified, use the following syntax: !!!< Router(config)# ip route network-address subnet-mask exit-interface >!!! network-addressDestination network address of the remote network to be added to the routing table. subnet-maskSubnet mask of the remote network to be added to the routing table. The subnet mask can be modified to summarize a group of networks. exit-interfaceOutgoing interface that would be used in forwarding packets to the destination network. Primer: R3 router as the exit interface. R3(config)# ip route Serial0/0/1
--- kofiguracija DEFAULT rute --Configure the R1 router with a default route using the interface option on Serial 0/0/0 of R1 as the nexthop interface. !!!< R1(config)#ip route >!!! gde e sad: R1 router now has a default route, the gateway of last resort, and will send all unknown traffic out Serial 0/0/0, which is connected to R2.
-- brisanje STATIKIH ruta -R3(config)#no ip route R3(config)#no ip route Serial0/0/1
-- service password-encryption - Encrypt the un-encrypted passwords with service passwordencryption command and dont forget to turn it off after you show run.
********************************************************************************** ******************* Stub network & Static Routes (dodavanje Staticke IP adrese) - statiko rutiranje ********************************************************************************** ******************** Static routes are commonly used when routing from a network to a stub network. --- A stub network is a network accessed by a single route. ---
Router(config)#ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type interface-number [ip-address]} [distance] [name] [permanent] [tag tag]
1. network-address - Destination network address of the remote network to be added to the routing table
2. subnet-mask - Subnet mask of the remote network to be added to the routing table. The subnet mask can be modified to summarize a group of networks.
4. exit-interface - Outgoing interface that would be used in forwarding packets to the destination network
Primeri: Router(config)#ip route - rutiranje preko next-hope ip adresse
Router(config)#ip route serial0/0 - rutiranje preko izlaznog interfejsa Primer sa nula interfejsom: R2(config)#ip route Null0
Router(config)#ip route serial0/0 - rutiranje preko izlaznog interfejsa i next-hope ip adrese
Router(config)#ip route permanent - permanent oznaava da ruta nee biti obrisana ak i ako iterfejs padne
Router(config)#ip route 91 - promena default administation distance za statiku rutu (po defaultu je 1) na 91. Ova se zove (floating) lebdea statina ruta.
Router(config)#ip route - svi paketi koji su adresirani za mreu koja se ne nelazai u ruting tabeli ii e na nex-hope interfejs sa ip adressom Router(config)#ip route serial0/0 - sends all packets destined for networks not int the routing table out from serial 0/0 interfaces.
--- Kada se korsite default statike rute --Default static routes are used: When no other routes in the routing table match the packet's destination IP address. In other words, when a more specific match does not exist. A common use is when connecting a company's edge router to the ISP network.
When a router has only one other router to which it is connected. This condition is known as a stub router.
Note the * or asterisk next to the S. As you can see from the Codes table in the figure, the asterisk indicates that this static route is a candidate default route. That is why it is called a "default static" route.
********** Statiko rutiranje preko izlaznog interfejsa u odnosu na nain preko next-hope ip-addrese ************ - The difference between an Ethernet network and a point-to-point serial network is that a point-topoint network has only one other device on that network - the router at the other end of the link. With Ethernet networks, there may be many different devices sharing the same multi-access network, including hosts and even multiple routers. By only designating the Ethernet exit interface in the static route, the router will not have sufficient information to determine which device is the nexthop device
- POto se moe desi na nema dovoljno informacija i informacije koje su pouzdane: R1 knows that the packet needs to be encapsulated in an Ethernet frame and sent out the FastEthernet 0/1 interface. However, R1 does not know the next-hop IP address and therefore it cannot determine the destination MAC address for the Ethernet frame.
- Moese desiti da statika ruta iz nekih razloga NE RADI, pa je preporuljivo: This can be done by configuring the static route to include both the exit interface and the next-hop IP address.
**************************************************************** TroubleShooting - otklanjanje i nalaenje greaka oko nestalih statikih ruta, greke statikog rutiranja ****************************************** Troubleshooting a Missing Route
Networks are subject to many different forces that can cause their status to change quite often: 1. An interface fails. 2. A service provider drops a connection. 3. There is an over-saturation of links. 4. An administrator enters a wrong configuration.
i moe i: show ip interface brief - gives you a quick summary of interface status. - show cdp neighbors detail - CDP can help you gather information about the IP configuration of a directly connected Cisco device using the show cdp neighbors detail command.
********************************************************************************** ********* ------- Dinamiko Rutiranje - ruting protokoli, protokoli za rutiranje ------********************************************************************************** ********** Dinamiki Ruting Protokoli:
Dynamic routing advantages: Administrator has less work maintaining the configuration when adding or deleting networks. Protocols automatically react to the topology changes. Configuration is less error-prone. More scalable, growing the network usually does not present a problem.
Dynamic routing disadvantages: Router resources are used (CPU cycles, memory and link bandwidth). More administrator knowledge is required for configuration, verification, and troubleshooting.
Postoje 2 vrste Ruting protokola na osnovu Sabnet Maske (subnet musk) a to su:
Classful routing protocols do not send subnet mask information in routing updates. The first routing protocols such as RIP, were classful. This was at a time when network addresses were allocated based on classes, class A, B, or C. A routing protocol did not need to include the subnet mask in the routing update because the network mask could be determined based on the first octet of the network address.
Classful routing protocols do not support variable length subnet masks (VLSM). Their inability to support discontiguous networks.
Classless routing protocols include the subnet mask with the network address in routing updates. Today's networks are no longer allocated based on classes and the subnet mask cannot be determined by the value of the first octet. Classless routing protocols are required in most networks today because of their support for VLSM, discontiguous networks and other features
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POstoje 2 kategorije, odnsno 2 naina rada Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) - protokole koji rade u jednom ruting domenu: ********************************************************************************** *********** 1) ----------- Distance Vector Routing Protocol Operation ---------------------********************************************************************************** ************
Distance vector means that routes are advertised as vectors of distance and direction. Distance is defined in terms of a metric such as hop count and direction is simply the next-hop router or exit interface. Distance vector protocols typically use the Bellman-Ford algorithm for the best path route determination.
Some distance vector protocols periodically send complete routing tables to all connected neighbors. In large networks, these routing updates can become enormous, causing significant traffic on the links.
Distance Vektor Ruting protokoli se koriste kada: Distance vector protocols work best in situations where: The network is simple and flat and does not require a special hierarchical design. The administrators do not have enough knowledge to configure and troubleshoot link-state protocols. Specific types of networks, such as hub-and-spoke networks, are being implemented. Worst-case convergence times in a network are not a concern.
Ruteri koji zastupljaju ovaj nain znaju samo: The direction or interface in which packets should be forwarded and The distance or how far it is to the destination network.
Routers using distance vector routing are not aware of the network topology.
Some distance vector routing protocols like EIGRP do not send periodic routing table updates.
******************************************* Routing Loop - Petlje u Rutiranju -------------------------------------------Petlje u rutiranju mogu izazvati dosta manjih ili veih problema na mrei.
One mogu biti produkt - The loop may be a result of: Incorrectly configured static routes Incorrectly configured route redistribution (redistribution is a process of handing the routing information from one routing protocol to another routing protocol and is discussed in CCNP-level courses) Inconsistent routing tables not being updated due to slow convergence in a changing network Incorrectly configured or installed discard routes
The IP protocol has its own mechanism to prevent the possibility of a packet traversing the network endlessly. IP has a Time-to-Live (TTL) field and its value is decremented by 1 at each router. If the TTL is zero, the router drops the packet.
Mehanizmi i naini pomou kojih se mogu reiti i reavaju se petlje u rutiranju: 1. Defining a maximum metric to prevent count to infinity
To eventually stop the incrementing of the metric, "infinity" is defined by setting a maximum metric value. For example, RIP defines infinity as 16 hops - an "unreachable" metric. Once the routers "count to infinity," they mark the route as unreachable.
2. Holddown timers
Holddown timers are used to prevent regular update messages from inappropriately reinstating a route that may have gone bad. Holddown timers instruct routers to hold any changes that might affect routes for a specified period of time.
3. Split horizon
The split horizon rule says that a router should not advertise a network through the interface from which the update came.
Route poisoning: - is used to mark the route as unreachable in a routing update that is sent to other routers. Unreachable is interpreted as a metric that is set to the maximum. For RIP, a poisoned route has a metric of 16.
Poison reverse: - The rule for split horizon with poison reverse states when sending updates out a specific interface, designate any networks that were learned on that interface as unreachable.
5. Triggered updates
Distance vector routing protocols are like using road signs to guide you on your way to a destination, only giving you information about distance and direction.
Distance vector routing protocols are like road signs because routers must make preferred path decisions based on a distance or metric to a network. Just as travelers trust a road sign to accurately state the distance to the next town, a distance vector router trusts that another router is advertising the true distance to the destination network.
********************************************************************************** *********** 2) ---------------------- Link-state routing protocols ---------------------------------********************************************************************************** *********** Link stejt ruting protokoli (Link state routing protocols)
In contrast to distance vector routing protocol operation, a router configured with a link-state routing protocol can create a "complete view" or topology of the network by gathering information from all of the other routers. To continue our analogy of sign posts, using a link-state routing protocol is like having a complete map of the network topology. The sign posts along the way from source to destination are not necessary, because all link-state routers are using an identical "map" of the network. A link-state router uses the link-state information to create a topology map and to select the best path to all destination networks in the topology.
Link-state protocols work best in situations where: The network design is hierarchical, usually occurring in large networks. The administrators have a good knowledge of the implemented link-state routing protocol. Fast convergence of the network is crucial.
Link-state routing protocols are like using a map. With a map, you can see all of the potential routes and determine your own preferred path.
Link-state routing protocols are more like a road map because they create a topological map of the network and each router uses this map to determine the shortest path to each network. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Svaki Ruter na koji radi Link-State algoritam radi sledee: ************************************************************************** 1. Each router learns about its own links, its own directly connected networks. This is done by detecting that an interface is in the up state.
2. Each router is responsible for meeting its neighbors on directly connected networks.
Routers with link-state routing protocols use a Hello protocol to discover any neighbors on its links.
3. Each router builds a Link-State Packet (LSP) containing the state of each directly connected link. This is done by recording all the pertinent information about each neighbor, including neighbor ID, link type, and bandwidth.
4. Each router floods the LSP to all neighbors, who then store all LSPs received in a database. Neighbors then flood the LSPs to their neighbors until all routers in the area have received the LSPs. Each router stores a copy of each LSP received from its neighbors in a local database.
An LSP only needs to be sent: - During initial startup of the router or of the routing protocol process on that router - Whenever there is a change in the topology, including a link going down or coming up, or a neighbor adjacency being established or broken.
5. Each router uses the database to construct a complete map of the topology and computes the best path to each destination network. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Postoji nekoliko prednosti Link State protokola u odnosu na Distance Vektor Ruting Protokla 1. Builds a Topological Map
Link-state routing protocols create a topological map, or SPF tree of the network topology. Routers implementing a distance vector routing protocol only have a list of networks, which includes the cost (distance) and next-hop routers (direction) to those networks. Using the SPF tree, each router can independently determine the shortest path to every network.
2. Fast Convergence When receiving a Link-state Packet (LSP), link-state routing protocols immediately flood the LSP out all interfaces except for the interface from which the LSP was received. 3. Event-driven Updates After the initial flooding of LSPs, link-state routing protocols only send out an LSP when there is a change in the topology.
4. Hierarchical Design Link-state routing protocols such as OSPF and IS-IS use the concept of areas. Multiple areas create a hierarchical design to networks, allowing for better route aggregation (summarization) and the isolation of routing issues within an area.
2. Each router is responsible for "saying hello" to its neighbors on directly connected networks.
3. Each router builds a Link-State Packet (LSP) containing the state of each directly connected link.
4. Each router floods the LSP to all neighbors, who then store all LSPs received in a database.
5. Each router uses the database to construct a complete map of the topology and computes the best path to each destination network. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dinamiki protokoli za rutiranje ********************************************** Ruting Protokoli: *********************************************** 1. RIP - Classful Routing Protocol - Distance Vector Routing Protocol ************************************************* Routing Information Protocol (RIP) has the following key characteristics: - Hop count is used as the metric for path selection. - If the hop count for a network is greater than 15, RIP cannot supply a route to that network. - Routing updates are broadcast or multicast every 30 seconds, by default. -------------------------------------RIP Timers *************** 1. Invalid 2. Flush 3. Holddown
1. Invalid Timer - If an update has not been received to refresh an existing route after 180 seconds (the default), the route is marked as invalid by setting the metric to 16. The route is retained in the routing table until the flush timer expires.
2. Flush Timer - By default, the flush timer is set for 240 seconds, which is 60 seconds longer than the invalid timer. When the flush timer expires, the route is removed from the routing table.
3. Holddown Timer - This timer stabilizes routing information and helps prevent routing loops during periods when the topology is converging on new information. Once a route is marked as unreachable, it must stay in holddown long enough for all routers in the topology to learn about the unreachable network. By default, the holddown timer is set for 180 seconds. --------------------------------------
RIP_JITTER, ***************** - subtracts a variable amount of time to the update interval for each router in the network. This random jitter, or variable amount of time, ranges from 0% to 15% of the specified update interval. In this way, the update interval varies randomly in a range from 25 to 30 seconds for the default 30second interval.
Password:cisco R3>enable Password: class R3#configure terminal R3(config)#router RIP (gasi se RIP komandom: no router rip) R3(config-router)#network R3(config-router)#network R3(config-router)#network
znai ruter R3 je povezan na 3 mree i to Serial 0/0/1 na, sa Serial0/0/0 na, sa FE0/0 na I ukljucena je automacka sumarizacija na klasnu granicu jer se informacije u RIPv1 prenose bez subnet maske, pa mora da se nekako podrazumeva, pa stim su svi /24, odnosno mree klase C. To se zove Automacka Sumarizacije i ona se kod RIPv2 po defaultu ukljucena ali se za razliku pd RIPv1 moe iskljuiti, i postoji razlika u odnsu na Automacku Sumarizaciju i SuperNet, jer Automacku Sumarizacija svodi samo na klasne granice na SuperNet samo obuhvata eljene mree.
Krakta napomena: If you enter a subnet address, the IOS automatically converts it to a classful network address. For example, if you enter the command network, the router will convert it to network -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Konfigurisanje pasivnog interfejsa - da se ne bi slali rip updat-ovi za dabe ********************************************************************************** ***************** #passive-interface interface-type interface-number This command stops routing updates out the specified interface. However, the network that the specified interface belongs to will still be advertised in routing updates that are sent out other interfaces.
2.Slanje (statike) default rute kroz RIP. ************************************************** Default-information originate command specify that this router is to originate default information, by propagating the static default route in RIP updates.
3. Redistribucija statie rute u rip-u ************************************************* Redistribution involves taking the routes from one routing source and sending those routes to another routing source.
Show naredbe koje se korste uz RIP: ************************************************* #show ip rip database ***************************** - This command shows all RIP routes learned by Router, whether or not the RIP route is installed in the routing table.
#show ip route ************************************ - The show ip route command reveals that the distance is 0 for that directly connected route. Jer nam show ip route command displays the directly connected networks with no information about the AD value.
Troubleshooting komande: ************************************** - show ip route, - show ip protocols, - debug ip rip (no debug ip rip or simply undebug all),
Rules for Processing RIPv1 Updates ********************************************************** The following two rules govern RIPv1 updates: If a routing update and the interface on which it is received belong to the same major network, the subnet mask of the interface is applied to the network in the routing update. If a routing update and the interface on which it is received belong to different major networks, the classful subnet mask of the network is applied to the network in the routing update.
Rezime (Summary) ***************************** RIP uses hop count for its metric, with a metric of 16 hops meaning that route is unreachable. As a result, RIP can only be used in networks where there are no more than fifteen routers between any two networks.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*********************************************** 2. RIP v2 - Classless Routing Protocol - Distance Vector Routing Protocol *************************************************
RIPv2 is actually an enhancement of RIPv1's features and extensions rather than an entirely new protocol. Some of these enhanced features include: - Next-hop addresses included in the routing updates - Use of multicast addresses in sending updates - Authentication option available
Like RIPv1, RIPv2 is a distance vector routing protocol. Both versions of RIP share the following features and limitations: - Use of holddown and other timers to help prevent routing loops. - Use of split horizon or split horizon with poison reverse to also help prevent routing loops. - Use of triggered updates when there is a change in the topology for faster convergence. - Maximum hop count limit of 15 hops, with the hop count of 16 signifying an unreachable network.
Rip verzija 1 alje update verzije 1 a prima update i verzije 1 i verzije 2 (ta je viak u update -u iz verzije 2 on odmbaci). Rip verzija 2 alje update-ove verzije 2 i prima smao update-ove verzije 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Konfiguracije Ripv2 ******************************** 1. Redistribucija statie rute u rip-u *********************************************** R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)#redistribute static
2. Podeavanje da bude Ripv2 (po default-u je version 1) *************************************************************************** R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)#version 2
3. Vraanje da bude Ripv1 *********************************************** R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)#version 1 ili no version
Summary - Objedinjeno R1# configure terminal R1(config)# router rip R1(config-router)# no auto-summary R1(config-router)# version 2 R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# end
Metoda 1: Plain Text Authentication ************************************************** key chain kal **** !--- Name a key chain. A key chain may contain more than one key for added security. !--- It need not be identical on the remote router.
key 1 *** !--- This is the Identification number of an authentication key on a key chain. !--- It need not be identical on the remote router.
!--- The actual password or key-string. !--- It needs to be identical to the key-string on the remote router.
interface Serial0
ip rip authentication key-chain kal ***** !--- Enables authentication on the interface and configures !--- the key chain that will be used.
router rip
version 2
---- Primer1 : R1# configure terminal R1(config)# key chain RIP R1(config-keychain)# key 1 R1(config-keychain-key)# key-string RGjtl5ANYa R1(config-keychain-key)# end
- The key chain name, RIP, is user-defined and can be whatever you want it to be. It does not need to be the same on both routers.
- The identifier number of the authentication key, key 1, does not need to be identical UNLESS you are using MD5 authentication. - The key string, key-string RGjtl5ANYa, is the actual password. It does, of course, need to match on both sides.
R1# configure terminal R1(config)# interface serial 0/0 R1(config-if)# ip rip authentication key-chain RIP R1(config-if)# end
---- Primer 2 sa show naredbom: R2#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R2(config)#key chain RIP R2(config-keychain)#key 1 R2(config-keychain-key)#key-string CISCO R2(config-keychain-key)#end R2#
R2#show key chain Key-chain RIP: key 1 -- text "CISCO" accept lifetime (always valid) - (always valid) [valid now] send lifetime (always valid) - (always valid) [valid now] R2# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
key 1
key-string 234
interface Serial0
ip rip authentication mode md5 (no ip rip authentication mode md5 - da se vrati na staro)
!--- Specifies the type of authentication used !--- in RIPv2 packets. !--- Needs to be identical on remote router. !-- To restore clear text authentication, use the no form of this command.
Primer: R1# configure terminal R1(config)# key chain RIP R1(config-keychain)# key 1 R1(config-keychain-key)# key-string RGjtl5ANYa R1(config-keychain-key)# end
R1# configure terminal R1(config)# interface serial 0/0 R1(config-if)# ip rip authentication mode md5 R1(config-if)# end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moda ima jo koji nain za autentifikaciju na RIPv2 (na RIPv1 ne postoji ta opcija)
Interface command: ip rip authentication mode md5 Interface command: no ip rip authentication mode md5 Set the interface with RIPv2 MD5 authentication.
Interface command: ip rip authentication mode text Interface command: no ip rip authentication mode text Set the interface with RIPv2 simple password authentication.
Interface command: ip rip authentication string "string" Interface command: no ip rip authentication string "string" RIP version 2 has simple text authentication. This command sets authentication string. The string must be shorter than 16 characters.
Interface command: ip rip authentication key-chain "key-chain" Interface command: no ip rip authentication key-chain "key-chain" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Cisco. IGRP has the following key design characteristics: Bandwidth, delay, load and reliability are used to create a composite metric. Routing updates are broadcast every 90 seconds, by default. IGRP is the predecessor of EIGRP and is now obsolete.
*********************************************** 4. EIGRP - Classless Routing Protocol - Distance Vector Routing Protocol *************************************************
Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP) is a Cisco proprietary distance vector routing protocol. EIGRP has these key characteristics: It can perform unequal cost load balancing. It uses Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) to calculate the shortest path. There are no periodic updates as with RIP and IGRP. Routing updates are sent only when there is a change in the topology.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prednosi EIGRP-a U odnosu na RIP (RIPv1 and RIPv2) i IGRP. These features include: - Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP) - Bounded Updates - Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) - Establishing Adjacencies - Neighbor and Topology Tables
Although EIGRP may act like a link-state routing protocol, it is still a distance vector routing protocol. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP) is the protocol used by EIGRP for the delivery and reception of EIGRP packets.
RTP can send packets either as a unicast or a multicast. Multicast EIGRP packets use the reserved multicast address of
Tipovi EIGRP paketa (eigrp paketi) ********************************************** *** Hello packets *** - are used by EIGRP to discover neighbors and to form adjacencies with those neighbors. EIGRP hello packets are multicasts and use unreliable delivery.
On most networks EIGRP Hello packets are sent every 5 seconds. On multipoint nonbroadcast multiaccess networks (NBMA) such as X.25, Frame Relay, and ATM interfaces with access links of T1 (1.544 Mbps) or slower, Hellos are unicast every 60 seconds.
Holdtime tells the router the maximum time the router should wait to receive the next Hello before declaring that neighbor as unreachable. By default, the hold time is three times the Hello interval, or 15 seconds on most networks and 180 seconds on low speed NBMA networks. If the hold time expires, EIGRP will declare the route as down and DUAL will search for a new path by sending out queries.
*** Update packets *** - are used by EIGRP to propagate routing information. Unlike RIP, EIGRP does not send periodic updates. Update packets are sent only when necessary. EIGRP updates contain only the routing information needed and are sent only to those routers that require it. EIGRP update packets use reliable delivery. Update packets are sent as a multicast when required by multiple routers, or as a unicast when required by only a single router. In the figure, because the links are point-to-point, the updates are sent as unicasts.
The term partial means that the update only includes information about the route changes. EIGRP sends these incremental updates when the state of a destination changes, instead of sending the entire contents of the routing table.
The term bounded refers to the propagation of partial updates sent only to those routers that are affected by the change. The partial update is automatically "bounded" so that only those routers that need the information are updated.
By sending only the routing information that is needed and only to those routers that need it, EIGRP minimizes the bandwidth required to send EIGRP packets.
*** Acknowledgement (ACK) packets *** - are sent by EIGRP when reliable delivery is used. RTP uses reliable delivery for EIGRP update, query, and reply packets. EIGRP acknowledgement packets contain a nonzero acknowledgment number and always are sent by using a unicast address.
*** Query and reply packets *** - are used by DUAL when searching for networks and other tasks. Queries and replies use reliable delivery. Queries use multicast, whereas replies are always sent as unicast.
Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) is the convergence algorithm used by EIGRP instead of the Bellman-Ford or Ford Fulkerson algorithms used by other distance vector routing protocols, like RIP.
The decision process for all route computations is done by the DUAL - Finite State Machine. In general terms, a finite state machine (FSM) is a model of behavior composed of a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and events or actions that create the transitions.
DUAL maintains a list of backup routes it has already determined to be loop-free. If the primary route in the routing table fails, the best backup route is immediately added to the routing table.
Autonomni sistem - Autonomous System ***************************************************** An autonomous system (AS) is a collection of networks under the administrative control of a single entity that presents a common routing policy to the Internet.
Null0 - nula interfejs ************************** EIGRP automatically includes a null0 summary route as a child route whenever both of following conditions exist: - There is at least one subnet that was learned via EIGRP. - Automatic summarization is enabled.
We will see that the null0 summary route is removed when automatic summary is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Redistribucija Statike rute (obino default rute) **************************************************************** The redistribute static command tells EIGRP to include this static route in its EIGRP updates to other routers.
Nain 1: Router(config)#ip route serial0/0/1 Router(config)#router eigrp 1 Router(config-router)#redistribute static
ISP(config)# router ospf 1 ISP(config-router)# default-information originate ISP(config-router)# end ISP# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Iskoristivos bandvida linka u procentima, ograniavanje (bandwith utilization) *************************************************************************** Router(config-if)#ip bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number percent Primer: Router(config)#interface serial 0/1/0 Router(config-if)#bandwith 64 Router(config-if)#ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 1 50 (znai 50% bandwitha maksimalno moe EIGRP da kostisi, bandwitha podesenog ne stvarnog, ako nisu isti)
EIGRP will never use more the 32kbps of the link's bandwidth for EIGRP packet traffic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Podesavanje intervala slanja Hallo paketa i Hold time-a ************************************************************************* Router(config-if)#ip hello-interval eigrp as-number seconds
If you change the hello interval, make sure that you also change the hold time to a value equal to or greater than the hello interval. Otherwise, neighbor adjacency will go down after the hold time expires and before the next hello interval. The command to configure a different hold time is:
Teoriski reziime: *********************** - EIGRP used PDMs (Protocol Dependent Modules) giving it the capability to support different Layer 3 protocols including IP, IPX and AppleTalk. - EIGRP uses RTP (Reliable Transport Protocol) as the Transport layer protocol for the delivery of EIGRP packets. - EIGRP uses reliable delivery for EIGRP updates, queries and replies; and uses unreliable delivery for EIGRP hellos and acknowledgments. Reliable RTP means an EIGRP acknowledgment must be returned. - The successor is a neighboring router that is used to forward the packet using the least-cost route to the destination network. - Feasible distance (FD) is the lowest calculated metric to reach the destination network through the successor. - A feasible successor (FS) is a neighbor who has a loop-free backup path to the same network as the successor, and also meets the feasibility condition. - The feasibility condition (FC) is met when a neighbor's reported distance (RD) to a network is less than the local router's feasible distance to the same destination network. The reported distance is simply an EIGRP neighbor's feasible distance to the destination network.
Metrika kod EIGRP-a ****************************** By default, K1 and K3 are set to 1, and K2, K4, and K5 are set to 0. The result is that only the bandwidth and delay values are used
The tos (Type of Service) value is left over from IGRP and was never implemented. The tos value is always set to 0.
256 is because EIGRP metric is 256 x IGRP metric BW is 10^7 / Link BW in Kb (note this is of the slowest link in the path)
K values are the weights. So default is K1 = 1 , K2 = 0 , K3 = 1 , K4 = 0 , K5 = 0 pa onda ispadne: EIGRP Metric = 256*(Bw + Delay)
The smallest Kb value of any link on the best path from your diagram is 10000Kb. -----------------------------------------------------Bandwith ************* -- Statini podatak -The bandwidth metric (1544 Kbit) is a static value used by some routing protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF to calculate their routing metric. The bandwidth is displayed in Kbit (kilobits). Most serial interfaces use the default bandwidth value of 1544 Kbit or 1,544,000 bps (1.544 Mbps). This is the bandwidth of a T1 connection.
The value of the bandwidth may or may not reflect the actual physical bandwidth of the interface. The bandwidth command only modifies the bandwidth metric used by routing protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF. Hou rei da: --- Modifying the bandwidth value does not change the actual bandwidth of the link. ---
Delay ******** -- Statini podatak -Default value is 20,000 microseconds for Serial interfaces (T1) and 100 microseconds for FastEthernet interfaces.
100 microseconds 1.000 microseconds 20.000 microseconds 20.000 microseconds 20.000 microseconds
Reliability ************* -- Dinamini podatak -Reliability is measured dynamically with a value between 0 and 255, with 1 being a minimally reliable link and 255 one hundred percent reliable. Reliability is calculated on a 5-minute weighted average to avoid the sudden impact of high (or low) error rates.
255/255 would be 100 percent reliable, whereas a link of 234/255 would be 91.8 percent reliable.
Remember: By default, EIGRP does not use reliability in its metric calculation.
************ -- Dinamini podatak -Load (load) reflects the amount of traffic utilizing the link. Like reliability, load is measured dynamically with a value between 0 and 255. Similar to reliability, load is expressed as a fraction of 255. However, in this case a lower load value is more desirable because it indicates less load on the link. 1/255 would be a minimally loaded link. 40/255 is a link at 16 percent capacity, and 255/255 would be a link that is 100 percent saturated.
Load is displayed as both an outbound, or transmit, load value (txload) and an inbound, or receive, load value (rxload). This value is calculated on a 5-minute weighted average to avoid the sudden impact of high (or low) channel usage.
provera se sa show ip interface "serial 0/0/0" ... txload 1/255, rxload 1/255... txload - izlazni saobraaj (tj koliina izlaznog saobraaja) rxload - dolazni saobraaj
Remember: By default, EIGRP does not use load in its metric calculation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DUAL uses several terms which will be discussed in more detail throughout this section: - Successor ***************** A successor is a neighboring router that is used for packet forwarding and is the least-cost route to the destination network. The IP address of a successor is shown in a routing table entry right after the word via.
- Feasible Distance (FD) ********************************* Feasible distance (FD) is the lowest calculated metric to reach the destination network. As with other routing protocols this is also known as the metric for the route.
- Feasible Successor (FS) *********************************** A feasible successor (FS) is a neighbor who has a loop-free backup path to the same network as the successor by satisfying the feasibility condition.
- Reported Distance (RD) or Advertised Distance (AD) ************************************************************************ - Feasible Condition or Feasibility Condition (FC) ****************************************************************** The feasibility condition (FC) is met when a neighbor's reported distance (RD) to a network is less than the local router's feasible distance to the same destination network. The reported distance or advertised distance is simply an EIGRP neighbor's feasible distance to the same destination network. The reported distance is the metric that a router reports to a neighbor about its own cost to that network.
Although EIGRP refers to the parameter as an "autonomous-system" number, it actually functions as a process ID. This number is not associated with an autonomous system number discussed previously and can be assigned any 16-bit value.
Both EIGRP and OSPF can support multiple instances of each routing protocol, although this type of multiple routing protocol implementation is not usually needed or recommended.
Remember, the process ID must be the same on all routers for EIGRP to establish neighbor adjacencies and share routing information.
Komanda: eigrp log-neighbor-changes *************************************************** To enable the logging of EIGRP neighbor adjacency changes, use the: #eigrp log-neighbor-changes - command in router configuration mode. To turn off this function, use the no form of this command.
The eigrp log-neighbor-changes command is enabled by default; only the no form of the command appears in the running configuration.
This command turns off the neighbor logging when any neigbor resets or changes or goes down.
You should always turn it on to see which neighor has gone down and that makes troubleshooting easier.
Komanda: eigrp log-neighbor-warnings *************************************************** To enable the logging of EIGRP neighbor warning messages, use the #eigrp log-neighbor-warnings - command in router configuration mode. To turn off this function, use the no form of this command.
Komanda: eigrp router-id ********************************* To specify router ID used by the EIGRP routing process, use the #eigrp router-id - command in router configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.
Podesavanje manulene sumarizacije (manualna sumariacija kod EIGRP-a): ********************************************************************************** ************** Router(config)#interface serial0/0/1 Router(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp as-number network-address subnet-mask Router(config-if)#ip summary-address eigrp 1 192-168.0.0 --------------------------------Zadavanje mrea: Nain 1, classful: ********************** Router(config-router)#network "network-address"
Nain 2, A ako treba moe i sa subnetom, samo ne klasino nego preko wildcard: ********************************************************************************** ********************* Router(config-router)#network network-address [wildcard-mask]
Nain 3, Nije ba najpreporuljivije poto neke verzije IOS-a e ovu subnet masku pretoriti u wild card automacki a kod nekih e javiti greku, mada moe se pokuati, ne plaa se pokuaj pa zato da ne, mislim ovo je jednostava broj, moe biti i malo teih: ********************************************************************************** ************************** R2(config-router)#network ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Null0 summary routes (Null0 sumarna ruta) - So by default, EIGRP uses the Null0 interface to discard any packets that match the parent route but do not match any of the child routes. Null0 interface (Null0 interfejs, nula interfejs) - is simply a route to nowhere, commonly known as "the bit bucket."
A sad, seka! Na sve su mislili kod ovog protokola, i sad i kad je classless behavior na snazi, kod EIGRP-a traenje se ponaa kao classful: ********************************************************************************** ********************** You might think that if we configure classless routing behavior with the ip classless command, EIGRP would not discard that packet but would continue looking for a default or supernet route. However, the EIGRP Null0 summary route is a child route that will match any possible packets of the parent route that do not match another child route. Even with classless routing behavior, ip classless, where you would expect the route lookup process to check for supernets and default routes, EIGRP will use the Null0 summary route and discard the packet because this route will match any packets of the parent that do not have a child route.
Regardless of whether classful or classless routing behavior is being used, the null0 summary will be used and therefore denying the use of any supernet or default route.
Primer: is a variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks D C ... is a summary, 00:45:09, Null0 is directly connected, Serial0/0/1
EIGRP automatically includes a null0 summary route as a child route whenever both of following conditions exist: - There is at least one subnet that was learned via EIGRP. - Automatic summarization is enabled.
Like RIP, EIGRP automatically summarizes at major network boundaries. You may have already noticed in the #show run output - that EIGRP, by default, uses the autosummary command.
Ovakvo ponaanje se moe promeniti, tj iskljuiti automacka sumarizacija kod EIGRP-a tako to: Router(config)#router eigrp 1 Router(config-router)#no auto-summary
Show naredbe kod EIGRP-a: *************************************** #show ip eigrp neighbors - Use the show ip eigrp neighbors command to view the neighbor table and verify that EIGRP has established an adjacency with its neighbors.
The output from the show ip eigrp neighbor command includes: - H column - Lists the neighbors in the order they were learned. - Address - The IP address of the neighbor. - Interface - The local interface on which this Hello packet was received.
- Hold - The current hold time. Whenever a Hello packet is received, this value is reset to the maximum hold time for that interface and then counts down to zero. If zero is reached, the neighbor is considered "down". - Uptime - Amount of time since this neighbor was added to the neighbor table. - SRTT (Smooth Round Trip Timer) and RTO (Retransmit Interval) - Used by RTP to manage reliable EIGRP packets. - Queue Count - Should always be zero. If more than zero, then EIGRP packets are waiting to be sent. - Sequence Number - Used to track updates, queries, and reply packets. -------------------------------------------------------------#show ip eigrp topology ili #show ip eigrp topology [network] The topology table lists all successors and feasible successors that DUAL has calculated to destination networks.
1. P, 1 successor, FD is 3014400 2. 3. via (3014400/28160), Serial0/0/1 via (41026560/2172416), Serial0/0/0
1. Prvi red (P, 1 successor, FD is 3014400): ****************************************************************************** P - This route is in the passive state. When DUAL is not performing its diffusing computations to determine a path for a network, the route will be in a stable mode, known as the passive state. If DUAL is recalculating or searching for a new path, the route will be in an active state. All routes in the topology table should be in the passive state for a stable routing domain. DUAL will display an A if the route is "Active,".
1. P, 1 successor, FD is 3014400 2. 3. via (3014400/28160), Serial0/0/1 via (41026560/2172416), Serial0/0/0 - This is the destination network that is also found in the routing table.
1 successors - This shows the number of successors (sakcesora) for this network. If there are multiple equal cost paths to this network, there will be multiple successors.
FD (fizibal distanc) is 3014400 - This is the feasible distance, the EIGRP metric to reach the destination network.
E sad, drugi red ( via (3014400/28160), Serial0/0/1): ********************************************************************************** **** via - This is the next-hop address of the successor, R3. This address is shown in the routing table. 3014400 - This is the feasible distance to It is the metric shown in the routing table. 28160 - This is the reported distance of the successor and is R3's cost to reach this network. Serial0/0/1 - This is the outbound interface used to reach this network, also shown in the routing table.
I trei deo (via (41026560/2172416), Serial0/0/0): ********************************************************************************* via - This is the next-hop address of the feasible successor, R1. 41026560 - This would be R2's new feasible distance to if R1 became the new successor. 2172416 - This is the reported distance of the feasible successor or R1's metric to reach this network. --- This value, RD, must be less than the current FD of 3014400 to meet the feasibility condition. --Serial0/0/0 - This is the outbound interface used to reach feasible successor, if this router becomes the successor.
Znai poenta je da bi bilo ovako 2 rute, tj jedna koja se korsisti i druga backup ruta, potrebno je da druga brojka u backup ruti bude MANJA od prve brojke u ruti koja je sakcesor, u ovom sluaju to je tako jer je 2172416 manje od 3014400. A da to nije sluaj, rita ne bi posedovala fizibal sakcesora tj ne bi postojala backup ruta. Sve rute se mogu videti komandom #show ip eigrp topology all-links.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#show ip eigrp topology all-links The show ip eigrp topology all-links command shows all possible paths to a network including successors, feasible successors, and even those routes that are not feasible successors
Ovde se vide sve mogue rute. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#debug eigrp fsm turn on DUAL debugging with the debug eigrp fsm command.
Primer 1: R1# configure terminal R1(config)# router eigrp 42 R1(config-router)# no auto-summary R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# end
R1# configure terminal R1(config)# key chain EIGRP R1(config-keychain)# key 1 R1(config-keychain-key)# key-string RGjtl5ANYa R1(config-keychain-key)# end
R1# configure terminal R1(config)# interface serial 0/0 R1(config-if)# ip authentication key-chain eigrp 42 EIGRP R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# ip authentication mode eigrp 42 md5 R1(config-if)# end
*********************************************** 5. OSPF - Open Shortest Path First (AD = 110) - Classless Routing Protocol - Link-state routing protocols ************************************************* Each routers OSPF router ID should be the IP address of its FastEthernet 0/0 interface
The OSPF router ID is a 32-bit IP address selected at the start of the OSPF process. The highest IP address configured on the router is the router ID. If a loopback address is configured, it is the router ID. In the case of multiple loopback addresses, the highest loopback address is the router ID. Once the router ID is elected, it does not change unless OSPF restarts or is manually changed with the router-id command.
OSPF routers do flood their own link-states every 30 minutes. This is known as a paranoid update.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF ) is a link-state routing protocol that was developed as a replacement for the distance vector routing protocol RIP.
The Cisco IOS uses bandwidth as the OSPF cost metric. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vrste Paketa kod OSPF-a *************************************** 1. Hello - Hello packets are used to establish and maintain adjacency with other OSPF routers.
- Discover OSPF neighbors and establish neighbor adjacencies. - Advertise parameters on which two routers must agree to become neighbors. - Elect the Designated Router (DR) and Backup Designated Router (BDR) on multiaccess networks like Ethernet and Frame Relay.
Before two routers can form an OSPF neighbor adjacency, they must agree on three values: - a) Hello interval, - b) Dead interval, and - c) network type.
a) The OSPF Hello interval indicates how often an OSPF router transmits its Hello packets. By default, OSPF Hello packets are sent every 10 seconds on multiaccess and point-to-point segments and every 30 seconds on non-broadcast multiaccess (NBMA) segments (Frame Relay, X.25, ATM).
In most cases, OSPF Hello packets are sent as multicast to an address reserved for ALLSPFRouters at Using a multicast address allows a device to ignore the packet if its interface is not enabled to accept OSPF packets.
b) The Dead interval is the period, expressed in seconds, that the router will wait to receive a Hello packet before declaring the neighbor "down." Cisco uses a default of four times the Hello interval. For multiaccess and point-to-point segments, this period is 40 seconds. For NBMA networks, the Dead interval is 120 seconds.
If the Dead interval expires before the routers receive a Hello packet, OSPF will remove that neighbor from its link-state database. The router floods the link-state information about the "down" neighbor out all OSPF enabled interfaces.
2. DBD - The Database Description (DBD) packet contains an abbreviated list of the sending router's link-state database and is used by receiving routers to check against the local link-state database.
3. LSR - Receiving routers can then request more information about any entry in the DBD by sending a Link-State Request (LSR).
4. LSU - Link-State Update (LSU) packets are used to reply to LSRs as well as to announce new information. LSUs contain seven different types of Link-State Advertisements (LSAs).
Link-state updates (LSUs) are the packets used for OSPF routing updates. An LSU packet can contain 11 different types of Link-State Advertisements (LSAs), as shown in the figure. An LSU contains one or more LSAs and either term can be used to refer to link-state information propagated by OSPF routers.
5. LSAck - When an LSU is received, the router sends a Link-State Acknowledgement (LSAck) to confirm receipt of the LSU. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Razlika izmeu process-id kod OSPF-a i kod EIGRP-a ********************************************************************** - The process-id is locally significant, which means that it does not have to match other OSPF routers in order to establish adjacencies with those neighbors. - This differs from EIGRP. The EIGRP process ID or autonomous system number does need to match for two EIGRP neighbors to become adjacent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Router ID **************** A router ID is simply an IP address. Cisco routers derive the router ID based on three criteria and with the following precedence:
2. If the router-id is not configured, the router chooses highest IP address of any of its loopback interfaces.
3. If no loopback interfaces are configured, the router chooses highest active IP address of any of its physical interfaces.
The interface does not need to be enabled for OSPF, meaning that it does not need to be included in one of the OSPF network commands.
However, the interface must be active - it must be in the up state. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kad treba koristiti router-id komandu. Zbog specifinosti pravila mora se dobro paziti kad se ta radi: ********************************************************************************** ************************** Poto vlada pravilo da: The router ID is selected when OSPF is configured with its first OSPF network command. If the OSPF router-id command or the loopback address is configured after the OSPF network command, the router ID will be derived from the interface with the highest active IP address.
Onda je naknadno menjanje jedino mogue: The router ID can be modified with the IP address from a subsequent OSPF router-id command by reloading the router or by using the following command:
Primer: R1# clear ip ospf process Reset ALL OSPF processes? [no]:yes R1#
Note: Modifying a router ID with a new loopback or physical interface IP address may require reloading the router. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem sa nestabilnim linkom, interfejsom, tj flapping-om je donekle reen pomou Timera to se vidi pomou naredbe #show ip ospf: A flapping link can cause OSPF routers in an area to constantly recalculate the SPF algorithm, preventing proper convergence. To minimize this problem, the router waits 5 seconds (5000 msecs) after receiving an LSU before running the SPF algorithm. This is known as the SPF schedule delay. In order to prevent a router from constantly running the SPF algorithm, there is an additional Hold Time of 10 seconds (10000 msecs). The router waits 10 seconds after running the SPF algorithm before rerunning the algorithm again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metrika kod OSPF-a *************************** "A cost is associated with the output side of each router interface. This cost is configurable by the system administrator. The lower the cost, the more likely the interface is to be used to forward data traffic."
The Cisco IOS uses the cumulative bandwidths of the outgoing interfaces from the router to the destination network as the cost value.
Reference bandwidth **************************** FastEthernet or faster Ethernet E1 T1 128 kpps 64 kbps 56 kbps 1 10 48 64 781 1562 1785
The reference bandwidth can be modified to accommodate networks with links faster than 100,000,000 bps (100 Mbps) using the OSPF command #auto-cost reference-bandwidth. When this command is necessary, it is recommended that it is used on all routers so the OSPF routing metric remains consistent. Primer: R1(config)#router ospf 1 R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000 The range of the reference bandwidth is 1 to 4,294,967. The default is 100. The unit of measurement is Mbps.
100000000/1544000 = 64
1000000000/1544000 = 647 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ethernet LANs are an example of a broadcast multiaccess network. ********************************************************************************** ***** They are broadcast networks because all devices on the network see all broadcast frames. They are multiaccess networks because there may be numerous hosts, printers, routers, and other devices that are all members of the same network.
Point-to-point network there are only two devices on the network, one at each end. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OSPF definie 5 tipova mree a to su: ************************************************** OSPF defines five network types: Point-to-point Broadcast Multiaccess Nonbroadcast Multiaccess (NBMA) Point-to-multipoint Virtual links
NBMA and point-to-multi-point networks include Frame Relay, ATM, and X.25 networks. Virtual links are a special type of link that can be used in multi-area OSPF. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DR i BDR selektivni proces kod OSPF-a ******************************************************* DR/BDR elections do not occur in point-to-point networks. Therefore, in a standard three-router topology, R1, R2, and R3 do not need to elect a DR and BDR, because the links between these routers are not multiaccess networks.
Selekcije koji Router e biti DR a koji BDR se izvodi: ********************************************************************** 1. DR: Router with the highest OSPF interface priority.
3. If OSPF interface priorities are equal, the highest router ID is used to break the tie.
State stavka (kolona) kod komande #show ip ospf neighbour DROthers only form FULL adjacencies with the DR and BDR, but will still form a neighbor adjacency with any DROthers that join the network. This means that all DROther routers in the multiaccess network still receive Hello packets from all other DROther routers. When two DROther routers form a neighbor adjacency, the neighbor state is displayed as 2WAY.
When the DR is elected, it remains the DR until one of the following conditions occurs: - The DR fails. - The OSPF process on the DR fails. - The multiaccess interface on the DR fails.
Ako hoemo samoinicijativno da odredimo ili promenimo DR i BDR moemo uraditi jedno od sledeih stvari a to je: ********************************************************************************** ************************* - Boot up the DR first, followed by the BDR, and then boot all other routers, or - Shut down the interface on all routers, followed by a no shutdown on the DR, then the BDR, and then all other routers.
A najboilji nain je preko OSPF prioriteta na interfejsima: Router(config-if)#ip ospf priority {0 - 255} A value of 0 makes the router ineligible to become a DR or BDR.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teoriski Rezime (Summary) ************************************* OSPF does not use a Transport layer protocol, as OSPF packets are sent directly over IP.
For routers to become adjacent, their Hello interval, Dead interval, network types and subnet masks must match
Opet naponea, bitno je: Cisco routers derive the router ID based on three criteria and with the following precedence:
2. If the router-id is not configured, the router chooses highest IP address of any of its loopback interfaces.
3. If no loopback interfaces are configured, the router chooses highest active IP address of any of its physical interfaces.
********************************* Konfiguracije OSPF-a ********************************** Sintaksa: ************** 1. Pokretanje OSPF-a na ruteru: R1(config)#router ospf process-id (process-id = od 1 do 65535)
Primer: R1(config)#router ospf 1 R1(config-router)# -------------------------------------------------------------------2. Ukljuivanje mrea u OSPF ***************************************** Router(config-router)#network network-address wildcard-mask area area-id -------------------------------------------------------------------3. Podsetnik - konfiguracija LoopBack interfejsa **************************************************************** Router(config)#interface loopback number Router(config-if)#ip address ip-address subnet-mask -------------------------------------------------------------------4. Podesavanje router-id-a: ********************************************** Router(config)#router ospf process-id Router(config-router)#router-id ip-address
Primer iskljuivanje komande za menjanje router-id-a: R1(config)#router ospf 1 R1(config-router)#no router-id Reload or use clear ip ospf process command, for this to take effect R1(config-router)#end R1# clear ip ospf process Reset ALL OSPF processes? [no]:yes R1# -------------------------------------------------------------------5. Podesavanje bandwitha odnosno metrike, imamo dva naina, moda ovaj drugi ima vie prednosti, tj dobar je kad nisu svi ureaji Cisoco ali moramo mi da raunamo, ili pogledamo u tablicu, a kod prvog Router rauna: ********************************************************************************** ***************************
The ip ospf cost command is useful in multi-vendor environments where non-Cisco routers use a metric other than bandwidth to calculate the OSPF costs.
5.1 Podsetnik - podesavanje bandwith-a na interfejsu Router(config-if)#bandwidth bandwidth-kbps I kad na primer napiemo: Router(config-if)#bandwidth bandwidth 64 to je 64 = 64000 bps to znai da e metrika tj Cost: 1562 jer je 10 na 8 / 64000 bps = 1562. 10 na 8 je 100,000,000.
5.2. Ako hoemo moe i da direktno kaemo koliki je Cost za taj link, ako smo ga kojim sluajem sami izraunali ili imamo gotov podatak: Primer: R1(config)#interface serial 0/0/0 R1(config-if)#ip ospf cost 1562
Tablica: *********** bandwith 64 = 1526 bandwith 256 = 390 bandwith 128 = 781
Ako je potrebno da menjamo raunicu, ili da na svim ruterima podesimo isto raunanje (ako su ruteri razliiti, razliiti proizvoaa ili pak ako samo na razliite naine raunaju Cost po bandwith -u): Sintaksa: R1(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth ? 1-4294967 The reference bandwidth in terms of Mbits per second The default value is equivalent to 100.
6. Ako je potrebno, menjanje default vrednosti za Hello i Dead Timer: ********************************************************************************** ********* OSPF Hello and Dead intervals can be modified manually using the following interface commands:
The output that the Dead Time is counting down from 40 seconds. By default, this value is refreshed every 10 seconds when R1 receives a Hello from the neighbor.
OSPF requires that the Hello and Dead intervals match between two routers for them to become adjacent. This differs from EIGRP where the Hello and Holddown timers do not need to match for two routers to form an EIGRP adjacency. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osnovna konfiguracija OSPF-a: ****************************** ISP# configure terminal ISP(config)# router ospf 1 ISP(config-router)# network area 0 ISP(config-router)# network area 0 ISP(config-router)# end ISP# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Slanje default statike rute ostalim ruterima pod OSPF-om ***************************************************************************** Advertise the static default route to the other routers in the area. R1(config-router)#default-information originate
Use the default-information originate command to include the static route in the OSPF updates that are sent from the R1 router.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Manuelno podeavanje Ruter ID-a: ************************************************ ISP# configure terminal ISP(config)# router ospf 1 ISP(config-router)# router-id Reload or use "clear ip ospf process" command, for this to take effect ISP(config-router)# end ISP#
Note that IOS warned us that the router ID will not change until the OSPF process restarts (either manually or via a router reload).
Menjanje OSPF prioriteta na interfejsima ********************************************************************************** ************** First, to ensure that the ISP router will be the DR, well give it the highest possible OSPF priority (note that this is configured under the appropriate interface): ISP# configure terminal ISP(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0 ISP(config-if)# ip ospf priority 255 ISP(config-if)# end ISP#
Next, to ensure that the Remote2 router never participates in the election process we can set its OSPF priority to zero: Remote2# configure terminal Remote2(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0 Remote2(config-if)# ip ospf priority 0 Remote2(config-if)# end Remote2#
With our current configuration, the Remote1 router will always end up as the BDR. What if, however, we later added another router to the network. Because it would, by default, also have an OSPF priority of 1, it is possible that it could take over the role of BDR.
Za svaki sluaj da mu bude osigurano mesto BDR-a: Remote1# configure terminal Remote1(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0 Remote1(config-if)# ip ospf priority 254 Remote1(config-if)# end Remote1#
Primer: ISP# configure terminal ISP(config)# router ospf 1 ISP(config-router)# network area 0 ISP(config-router)# network area 0 ISP(config-router)# end ISP# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Autentifikacija OSPF: **************************** ISP# configure terminal ISP(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0 ISP(config-if)# ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 xooph8MuBaeph5ee ISP(config-if)# router ospf 1 ISP(config-router)# area 0 authentication message-digest ISP(config-router)# end ISP# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Show naredbe kod OSPF-a ************************************** Powerful OSPF troubleshooting commands include:
*********************************** When troubleshooting OSPF networks, the show ip ospf neighbor command can be used to verify that the router has formed an adjacency with its neighboring routers. If the router ID of the neighboring router is not displayed, or if it does not show as a state of FULL, the two routers have not formed an OSPF adjacency.
Postupno ta ta znai kod naredbe: - Neighbor ID - The router ID of the neighboring router. - Pri - The OSPF priority of the interface. - State - The OSPF state of the interface. FULL state means that the router and its neighbor have identical OSPF link-state databases. - Dead Time - The amount of time remaining that the router will wait to receive an OSPF Hello packet from the neighbor before declaring the neighbor down. This value is reset when the interface receives a Hello packet. - Address - The IP address of the neighbor's interface to which this router is directly connected. - Interface - The interface on which this router has formed adjacency with the neighbor.
Two routers may not form an OSPF adjacency if: - The subnet masks do not match, causing the routers to be on separate networks. - OSPF Hello or Dead Timers do not match. - OSPF Network Types do not match. - There is a missing or incorrect OSPF network command.
#show ip ospf or #show ip ospf interface ***************************************************** One command you can use to verify the current router ID is show ip protocols. Some IOS versions do not display the router ID as shown in the figure. In those cases, use the show ip ospf or show ip ospf interface commands to verify the router ID.
*********************************************** 6. BGP ************************************************** Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an inter-autonomous routing protocol - the routing protocol of the Internet.
BGP is the only routing protocol that uses an actual autonomous system number in its configuration.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*************************************** 7. IS IS - Link State Routing Protocol **************************************** IS-IS was originally designed for the OSI protocol suite and not the TCP/IP protocol suite. Later, Integrated IS-IS, or Dual IS-IS, included support for IP networks. Although IS-IS has been known as the routing protocol used mainly by ISPs and carriers, more enterprise networks are beginning to use ISIS.
OSPF and IS-IS share many similarities and also have many differences. There are many pro-OSPF and pro-IS-IS factions who discuss and debate the advantages of one routing protocol over the other. Both routing protocols provide the necessary routing functionality needed.
-- stavljanje svuda banera, opisa -- MOTD - Message of the Day RouterA(config-if)#description This link is connected to the Accounting Lan RouterA(config)#access-list 101 remark This list stops the telnet to the Marketing net RouterA(config)#banner motd #This router is connected to the marketing and accounting LANS#
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKRAENICE -- hotkeys -Control P Recalls the previous command in the history buffer Control N Recalls the next command in the history buffer Control E Goes to the end of the line Control A Goes to the beginning of the line
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iskljuivanje kontaktiranaj DNS-a na pogresne komande -- disable DNS RouterA(config)#line con 0 RouterA(config-line)#transport preferred none
Objanjenej nairoko: --Stop the router from looking-up DNS server for wrong commands.-When you misspell a command and hit the Enter key, the router does not recog nize the command and thinks that it might be a host name. The router, then, tries to contact the DNS server to resolve the name to an IP address so it would telnet it. This would take a large amount of time, especially when you have not setup a valid DNS server (because the router will broadcast the request and waits
for a DNS server to reply). To turn this off, use the transport preferred none command in the console and vty lines. kada NIJE ukljuen: MyRouter#shwo Translating "shwo"...domain server ( % Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address MyRouter# ISKLJUIVANJE: ! Console port line con 0 transport preferred none ! VTY Ports line vty 0 5 transport preferred none kada je UKLJUEN: MyRouter#shwo ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup the Bandwidth of serial interfaces -- podesavanje bandwidth-a na seriskim/seriskom interfejsu Use the bandwidth command for setting the bandwidth of ALL serial interfaces to guarantee the correct calculation of routing table. The bandwidth of a serial link is dependant on the type of WAN connection you are using Primer 1: RouterA(config)#int serial 0 RouterA(config-if)#bandwidth 1024 Primer 2: interface serial0 description This is a 56k link bandwidth 56 >> This means the link bandwidth is 1Mbit/second
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Turn off Auto-summarization of routing updates when using subnetted addresses. -- iskljucivanje automacke sumarizacije If you are using subnetting, remember use the no auto-summary command to turn off autosummarization. This is when using routing protocols that support it, like OSPF. Example: RouterA(config)#no auto-summary
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Keep the IP addresses of servers and printers out of the DHCP pool. -- iskljuicavanje DHCP-a za servere i stampace When using the router as a DHCP server, do NOT forget to exclude the addresses of server and printers off the DHCP pool. Example: RouterA(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address RouterA(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address You can use a single IP address in this command or a start-IP and end-IP to define a range.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep a scheduled reload when configuring a router remotely. -- komanda reload za restartovanej rutera i to posle odredjenog vremena po gubitku veze When you are configuring a router remotely, you might do something wring and loose the connectivity with the router. In this case, you will need to restart the router physically. There are chances that no one is around the router to restart it for you. You can solve this by yourself by using the reload in xx command. This command schedules a reload after xx minutes. So, before you start nosing around the router remotely, issue this command and schedule a reload. If something goes wrong and you loose the connectivity with the router, the router will reload and you get back in business. And if things go smooth and you dont need to reload after all, you can issue a reload cancel command to stop the scheduled restart from happening. Primer: -- palim reload -MyRouter#reload in 3 Reload scheduled in 3 minutes Proceed with reload? [confirm]y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A common frame-relay misunderstanding.-The encapsulation type on the physical interface must be set to frame-relay before any subinterfaces can be created. The default encapsulation type is usually HDLC (High-level Data Link Control).
So, before starting to create our frame-relay sub-interfaces, we need to first set the encapsulation type to frame-relay on the physical interface:
interface serial0.1 point-to-point description This is our first sub interface for serial1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provere: ---- show naredbe ******************** 1. R2#show ip interface brief - Check the status of the interfaces on each router 2. R3#show running-config - provera tekue konfiguracije koja je u RAM-u 3. R3#show ip route - To display the current state of the routing table, use the show ip route command in EXEC mode. ili napisati ta sve izbacuje: show ip route [[ip-address [mask] [longer-prefixes]] | [protocol [process-id]] | [list access-list-number | access-list-name]] 4. traceroute - is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network
-- Sumirano SHOW komande -show version Shows some good information like the IOS version, the configuration-register value and the interfaces available. show ip route Shows the routing table show ip interface Shows the access-lists applied to interfaces show access-list Shows the contents of access-lists show ip protocols Shows information about the routing protocols currently running. show cdp neighbor detail Shows detailed information about neighboring devices. show interface Show status information about interfaces. show run Shows the running configuration, i.e., all the commands now in action.
show ip arp - Displays the entire ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)table, which is the MAC-to-IP resolution table. show version - This command gives a good amount of information; the IOS version you are running, the available interfaces, the system uptime, the last reload reason, and the configuration register setting. show ip protocols - Displays information about the currently running routing protocols. show ip route - The old standby, which displays the entire IP route table. show ip route summary - Gives a very useful summary of the IP route table. show ip interface - Gives a summary of each interface from the IP level. show ip interface brief - A very brief summary of each interface. show ip traffic - An extensive summary of IP traffic statistics on the router. show access-list - This useful command not only shows the all the currently configured access-lists, but it also shows you the number of hits each line has received. You can use this information to better troubleshoot your access-lists. show cdp neighbors - Assuming you have CDP enabled, this command gives you a report of all Cisco devices that the current device is connected to. CDP stands for Cisco Discovery Protocol, which can be an invaluable tool. show cdp neighbors detail - This command gives even more information about CDP neighbors.
*********************** ---- SWITCH ------ kofiguracija/podesavanje switcha-a *********************** Kresnemo switch Switch> en Switch# config t Switch(config)#
Configure the MOTD banner. Switch1(config)# banner motd % Ovo je ovde opis switcha %
Step 4: Configure the privileged exec password. Set the privileged exec password to cisco.
Step 5: Configure the console password. Set the console access password to class.
Step 6: Configure the virtual line password. Set the virtual line access password to class. There are 16 virtual lines that can be configured on a Cisco IOS switch, 0 through 15. Switch1(config-line)# line vty 0 15
Apply the descriptions on the switch interface with the interface configuration command, description: Switch1(config)# interface fa0/1 Switch1(config-if)# description Connection to Router1 Switch1(config)# interface fa0/2 Switch1(config-if)# description Connection to host computer 2 Switch1(config)# interface fa0/3 Switch1(config-if)# description Connection to host computer 3 Switch1(config-if)# end Switch1#
Step 8: Save RAM configuration to NVRAM. For a configuration to be used the next time the switch is powered on or reloaded, it must be manually saved in NVRAM. Save the RAM configuration to NVRAM: Switch1# copy run start Destination filename [startup-config]? <ENTER> Building configuration... [OK] Switch1#
Precice/skracenice: Tab - Completes the remainder of the command or keyword Ctrl-R - Redisplays a line Ctrl-Z - Exits configuration mode and returns to the EXEC Down Arrow - Allows user to scroll forward through former commands
Up Arrow - Allows user to scroll backward through former commands Ctrl-Shift-6 - Allows the user to interrupt an IOS process such as ping or traceroute Ctrl-C - Aborts the current command and exits the configuration mode
Pregled sta ima na uredjaju - show naredbom show startup-config, show running-config, and show interfaces. show version C:\host1>arp -a ili arp -d show mac-address-table
Brisanje Sadrzaja NVRAM: Erase the NVRAM configuration file: Router1# erase start Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [confirm] <ENTER> [OK] Erase of nvram: complete Reload the router: Router1# reload Proceed with reload? [confirm] <ENTER> When the router reboots, enter the global configuration mode: Router> en Router# config t Router(config)#
Before turning off power to the router and switch, remove the NVRAM configuration file from each device with the privileged exec command erase startup-config.
Specific Configuration Modes Interface mode - to configure one of the network interfaces (Fa0/0, S0/0/0,..) Line mode - to configure one of the lines (physical or virtual) (console, AUX, VTY,..) Router mode - to configure the parameters for one of the routing protocols.
Switch#configure terminal Switch(config)#interface Fastethernet 0/1 Switch(config-if)#description Ovo je sad neki opis Switch(config-if)#exit Switch(config)#hostname Davitko Davitko(config)#exit Davitko#
Switch#configure terminal Switch(config)#interface vlan 1 Switch(config-if)#description Ovo je sad neki opis Switch(config-if)#ip address Switch(config-if)#no shutdown Switch(config-if)#exit Switch(config)#ip default-gateway Switch(config)#exit Switch#
Legenda: user mode: Router>; Switch> privileged mode: Router#; Switch# Global Configuration mod: Router(config)#; Switch(config)# Other Configuration Mode: Router(config-mode)#; Switch(config-mode)#
************ Teorija: ************* 1. TCP i UDP port TCP UDP (. TCP and UDP port) . (), . TCP UDP . / , . .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. DNS DNS (. Domain name system) , , (hostnames) . DNS (MX), DNS (SOA) . DNS .
DNS-- : - CNAME (. Cannonical NAME) - ( ) MX (. Mail eXchange) - SOA (. Start Of Authority) - DNS PTR, NS, AAAA, SRV, TXT, NAPTR, LOC .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. DHCP DHCP (. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) DHCP , . DHCP , plug-and-play .
- ( ), , DHCP , DHCP discovery ( DHCP ) . - DHCP DHCP discovery , DHCP offer ( DHCP ). . - DHCP , , DHCP , . DHCP request ( ) . . - DHCP acknowledgement . . , . DHCP , ( ). , , DHCP . , DHCP , DHCP , , . []
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. IP adresa . , . Microsoft Windows XP Obtain an IP address automatically , Use the following IP address . . . , .
3. -
4. () - .
5. - , . , . . . .
6. - ( ). . , .
Nastavak... ***************************************************** -------------- Pojmovi - Termini ----------***************************************************** ---------- Protokoli -------1. IP ( ) (. Internet Protocol) ( ). , (, , , ) , () IP . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. ------------ Statika IP ----------------Statike IP adrese su fiksne adrese koje se menjaju samo ukoliko im to runo naredi. One se koriste u sluajevima kada administrator ne eli da menja IP informaciju, a takvi sluajevi su interni serveri na LAN mrei, bilo koji server koji je povezan na Internet, i mreni ruteri. Sa statikim IP adresiranjem vi dodeljujete adresu i ostavljate je takvom. Druge maine znaju da ste uvek na toj odreenoj IP adresi i mogu vas kontaktirati uvek preko te adrese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. ----------------- DHCP -------------------DHCP (akronim od Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), je nain na koji IP adresa moe biti odreena raunaru prilikom startovanja. Kada se pokrene DHCP klijent, on onda alje zahtev na lokalnu mreu koji je namenjen DHCP serveru da mu dodeli IP adresu. DHCP server ima skup (ili opseg) IP adresa koje su dostupne. Server e odgovoriti na ovaj zahtev sa IP adresom iz skupa,
zajedno sa vremenom izdavanja (lease time). Jednom kada vreme izdavanja za datu IP adresu istekne, klijent mora opet da kontaktira server i da ponovi pregovor.
Klijent e prihvatiti IP adresu od servera i podesie zahtevani interfejs sa tom IP adresom. Meutim, postoji jedan zgodan trik kojeg DHCP klijenti koriste prilikom pregovora za IP adresu koja e im biti dodeljena. Klijent e zapamtiti poslednju dodeljenu IP adresu, i traie da mu server opet dodeli poslednju dodeljivanu IP adresu opet prilikom pregovora. Ako je mogue, server e to uraditi, ali ako nije, dodeljuje se nova adresa. Pa tako, pregovor lii na sledei razgovor:
Klijent: Ima li DHCP server dostupan na mrei? Server: Da, ima. Ovde sam. Klijent: Meni treba IP adresa. Server: Moe uzeti na 19200 sekundi. Klijent: Hvala.
Klijent: Ima li DHCP server dostupan na mrei? Server: Da, ima. Ovde sam. Klijent: Meni treba IP adresa. Poslednji put kad smo razgovarali, dobio sam; Mogu li je dobiti opet? Server: Da, moe (ili Ne, ne moe: uzmi umesto te). Klijent: Hvala. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. --- Ruter --The very first router, used for the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
The router in the figure has four interfaces. Each interface has a Layer 3 IP address and subnet mask that configures it for a different network. The Ethernet interfaces also have Layer 2 Ethernet MAC addresses.
The WAN interfaces are using different Layer 2 encapsulations. Serial 0/0/0 is using HDLC and Serial 0/0/1 is using PPP. Both of these serial point-to-point protocols use a broadcast address for the Layer 2 destination address when encapsulating the IP packet into a data link frame.
1. Every router makes its decision alone, based on the information it has in its own routing table.
2. The fact that one router has certain information in its routing table does not mean that other routers have the same information.
3. Routing information about a path from one network to another does not provide routing information about the reverse, or return, path.
Alex Zinin
5.1 []
--- - , . , ( ). : - - , -
--- - , .
--- - .
- (RIPv1 IGRP) (, , ). - , .
--- - (, ). --- - , .
5.2 . a) , . a.1) (. Interior Getaway Routing Protocols) - (. Distance Vector Routing Protocols) - (. Link-State Routing Protocols) a.2) (. Exterior Getaway Routing Protocols) - (. Path Vector Routing Protocols)
IPv4 (. Classfull Routing Protocols) (. Classless Routing Protocols) IPv6 IPX Apple Talk . []
a) (. Distance Vector Routing Protocols) : RIP, IGRP EIGRP. RIP IGRP - (. Bellman-Ford Algorithm), EIGRP (DUAL) (. Diffusing Update Algorithm). , () ( ) , . .
OSPF, (. Open Shortest Path First) DNA Phase V DEC , IS-IS . IS-IS, (. Intermediate System to Intermediate System) NLSP Novellova , (. NetWare Link Services Protocol) AURP, (. AppleTalk Update Routing Protocol) AppleTalk .
5.4 []
RIP, (. Routing Information Protocol) RIPv2, (. Routing Information Protocol) 2 RIPng, (. Routing Information Protocol Next Generation) IPv6 Cisco : IGRP, (. Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) EIGRP, (. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) OSPF, (. Open Shortest Path First) IS-IS, (. Intermediate System to Intermediate System) EGP, (. Exterior Gateway Protocol) BGP, (. Border Gateway Protocol) CSPF, (. Constrained Shortest Path First) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. RIP RIP (. Interior Getaway Routing Protocols). (. Bellman-Ford Algorithm) . (. hop) , (. Distance Vector Routing Protocols).
------ Dinstance Vektor i Link State, ta ne valja: Distance vector and link state routing are both intra-domain routing protocols. They are used inside an autonomous system, but not between autonomous systems. Both of these routing protocols become intractable in large networks and cannot be used in Inter-domain routing. Distance vector routing is subject to instability if there are more than a few hops in the domain. Link state routing needs huge amount of resources to calculate routing tables. It also creates heavy traffic due to flooding.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Ruting eme Routing schemes differ in their delivery semantics: 1) unicast delivers a message to a single specific node 2) broadcast delivers a message to all nodes in the network 3) multicast delivers a message to a group of nodes that have expressed interest in receiving the message 4) anycast delivers a message to anyone out of a group of nodes, typically the one nearest to the source 5) geocast delivers a message to a geographic area Unicast is the dominant form of message delivery on the Internet. This article focuses on unicast routing algorithms.
The Internet Protocol and other network addressing systems recognize three main addressing methodologies; Unicast addressing uses a one-to-one association between destination address and network endpoint: each destination address uniquely identifies a single receiver endpoint. Broadcast or multicast addressing uses a one-to-many association, datagrams are routed from a single sender to multiple endpoints simultaneously in a single transmission. The network automatically replicates datagrams as needed for all network segments (links) that contain an eligible receiver. Anycast addressing routes datagrams to a single member of a group of potential receivers that are all identified by the same destination address. This is a one-to-one-of-many association.
*** 1.Unicast **** In computer networking, unicast transmission is the sending of messages to a single network destination identified by a unique address.
The term unicast is contrasted with the term broadcast which means transmitting the same data to all possible destinations. Another multi-destination distribution method, multicasting, sends data only to interested destinations by using special address assignments. Unicast messaging is used for all network processes in which a private or unique resource is requested.
Internet radio stations using unicast connections may have high bandwidth costs.
These terms are also used by streaming content providers' services. Unicast-based media servers open and provide a stream for each unique user. Multicast-based servers can support a larger audience by serving content simultaneously to multiple users.
*** 2. Broadcasting ************* In telecommunication and information theory, broadcasting refers to a method of transferring a message to all recipients simultaneously. Broadcasting can be performed as a high level operation in a program, for example broadcasting Message Passing Interface, or it may be a low level networking operation, for example broadcasting on Ethernet.
In computer networking, broadcasting refers to transmitting a packet that will be received by every device on the network.[1] In practice, the scope of the broadcast is limited to a broadcast domain. Broadcast a message is in contrast to unicast addressing in which a host sends datagrams to another single host identified by a unique IP address.
Broadcasting is largely confined to local area network (LAN) technologies, most notably Ethernet and token ring, where the performance impact of broadcasting is not as large as it would be in a wide area network.
The successor to Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), IPv6 also does not implement the broadcast method, so as to prevent disturbing all nodes in a network when only a few may be interested in a particular service.
BROADCAST Domain ***************************** A broadcast domain is a logical division of a computer network, in which all nodes can reach each other by broadcast at the data link layer. A broadcast domain can be within the same LAN segment or it can be bridged to other LAN segments.
In terms of current popular technologies: Any computer connected to the same Ethernet repeater or switch is a member of the same broadcast domain. Further, any computer connected to the same set of inter-connected switches/repeaters is a member of the same broadcast domain. Routers and other higher-layer devices form boundaries between broadcast domains.
This is as compared to a collision domain, which would be all nodes on the same set of interconnected repeaters, divided by switches and learning bridges. Collision domains are generally smaller than, and contained within, broadcast domains.
While some layer two network devices are able to divide the collision domains, broadcast domains are only divided by layer 3 network devices such as routers or layer 3 switches. Separating VLANs divides broadcast domains as well, but provides no means to network these without layer 3 functionality.
Collision domain ********************** A collision domain is a section of a network where data packets can collide with one another when being sent on a shared medium or through repeaters, in particular, when using early versions of Ethernet. A network collision occurs when more than one device attempts to send a packet on a network segment at the same time. Collisions are resolved using carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA-CD) in which the competing packets are discarded and re-sent one at a time. This becomes a source of inefficiency in the network.[1] Only one device in the collision domain may transmit at any one time, and the other devices in the domain listen to the network in order to avoid data collisions. Because only one device may be transmitting at any one time, total network bandwidth is shared among all devices. Collisions also decrease network efficiency on a collision domain; if two devices transmit simultaneously, a collision occurs, and both devices must retransmit at a later time. Collision domains are found in a hub environment where each host segment connects to a hub that represents only one collision domain and only one broadcast domain. Collision domains are also found in wireless networks such as Wi-Fi. Modern wired networks use a network switch to eliminate collisions. By connecting each device directly to a port on the switch, either each port on a switch becomes its own collision domain (in the case of half duplex links) or the possibility of collisions is eliminated entirely in the case of full duplex links.
--- Znai Vladimir iri je reko: --Kolizioni domen - je na lejeru 1. Na primer svi raunari povezani na hub ili na koaksijalni, onaj stari bus, su na kolizionom domenu. To je grupa kablova gde se "uje" kolizija koja se desila na tom domenu. Na sviu postoji mikrosegmentacija, jer kolizioni domen ini samo dva ureaja: raunar i port svia.
Svi deli kolizioni domen, ali ne i brotkast. Ruter deli i kolizioni i brotkast domen.
**** 3. Multicast ***** In computer networking, multicast is the delivery of a message or information to a group of destination computers simultaneously in a single transmission from the source. Copies are
automatically created in other network elements, such as routers, but only when the topology of the network requires it. Multicast is most commonly implemented in IP multicast, which is often employed in Internet Protocol (IP) applications of streaming media and Internet television. In IP multicast the implementation of the multicast concept occurs at the IP routing level, where routers create optimal distribution paths for datagrams sent to a multicast destination address.
**** 4. Anycast ****** Anycast is a network addressing and routing methodology in which datagrams from a single sender are routed to the topologically nearest node in a group of potential receivers, though it may be sent to several nodes, all identified by the same destination address.
On the Internet, anycast is usually implemented by using Border Gateway Protocol to simultaneously announce the same destination IP address range from many different places on the Internet. This results in packets addressed to destination addresses in this range being routed to the "nearest" point on the net announcing the given destination IP address.
**** 5. Geocast ****** Geocast refers to the delivery of information to a group of destinations in a network identified by their geographical locations. It is a specialized form of multicast addressing used by some routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks.
A geographic destination address is expressed in three ways: point, circle (with center point and radius), and polygon (a list of points, e.g., P(1), P(2), , P(n1), P(n), P(1)). A geographic router (Geo Router) calculates its service area (geographic area it serves) as the union of the geographic areas covered by the networks attached to it. This service area is approximated by a single closed polygon. Geo Routers exchange service area polygons to build routing tables. The routers are organized in a hierarchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Frame Relay - je jedan od najpopularnijih protokola za prenos podataka (uz Eternet i ATM).[1] Koristi za povezivanje LAN, SNA, Internet ili ak "glasovnih" aplikacija. Frame Relay je pojednostavljena forma komutacije paketa u kome se sinhroni okviri podataka usmeravaju k razliitim odreditima zavisno od informacija sadranih u zaglavlju okvira. Uprkos velikoj brzini usmeravanja paketa s kraja na kraj, Frame Relay nema garancije za integritet podataka
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. UREAJI RASPOREDJENI PO LAYERIMA (koji ureaj/ureaji radi/rade na kom layeru (nivou) )
1. LAYER 1 - Fiziki Sloj: - Hub - Repeater Collisions are only an issue with hubs and not with switches.
2. LAYER 2 - Sloj veze: ( MAC adrese kod ethernet mrenih ureaja) i komunikacija na ovome nivou je mogua samo unutar lokalnih mrea - Switch (Komutatori)
CDP nalazi samo susede na Layeru 2! The Ethernet interfaces also have Layer 2 Ethernet MAC addresses Some layer 2 network devices are able to divide the collision domains.
A router is considered a Layer 3 device because its primary forwarding decision is based on the information in the Layer 3 IP packet, specifically the destination IP address. This process is known as routing.
Broadcast domains are only divided by layer 3 network devices such as routers or layer 3 switches.
>>> KOji su to Switchevi na Layeru 3: - Lejer 3 svievi su svievi koji mogu i da rutiraju na lejeru 3. To je otprilike kao da ima ruter sa 24 porta, ali bolje. Videe, radiemo ih iz trojke. <<<
4. Layer 4 - Transportni sloj ( protokola na transportnom sloju su TCP i UDP. Ako se neki paket "izgubi" na putu, TCP e traiti da se ponovo poalje, pa je stoga pogodan za razmjenu podataka za koje je integritet podatak na viem
nivou od brzine prijenosa. S druge UDP nema kontrolu da li se poneki paket zagubio, pa je zgodan za multimedijalne aplikacije, gdje nije toliko bitno da li se zagubi poneki paket, nego je bitna brzina komunikacije. )
5. Layer 5 - Sloj Sesije ( kod videa preko interneta, gdje ne elimo imati ton bez slike, ili sliku bez tona, ili oboje ali bez sinhronizacije. Za to se brine ovaj sloj )
6. Layer 6 - Sloj Prezentacije (txt datoteke na Mac-u, juniksu i Windows-ima na razliite naine oznaavaju prelazak u novi red. Sve takve konverzije se izvode (ukoliko su implementirane) na prezentacionom sloju )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. ATM (engl. Asynchronous Transfer Mode) tehnika je prenosa u telekomunikacijama koja se zasniva na asinhronom vremenskom multipleksiranju odseaka prometa (elija) veliine 53 bajta, od kojih je 48 koristan promet, a 5 ini zaglavlje. Glavna odlika ove tehnike je da osim prenosa podataka omoguava i kvalitetan prenos drugih vrsta saobraaja, kao to su digitalizovani glas (telefon) i slika (video). To je jedan od razloga za korienje ATM-a kod usluga zasnovanih na ADSL-u. ATM je postao popularan 1990-tih zahvaljujui telefonskim kompanijama i pojedinim proizvoaima raunara. Meutim, na kraju te decenije, drugi proizvodi bazirani na internet protokolima su imali bolji odnos cena/performanse, pa je uticaj ATM-a vremenom slabio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Subnetting Podela IP adresa na manje mreze (subneting, sabneting)
You may recall that a supernet is always a route summary, but a route summary is not always a supernet. It is possible that a router could have both a specific route entry and a summary route entry covering the same network.
>>> Zato IP adresa kad je tu MAC adresa: - IP adrese su za razliku od MAC hierarhijski organizovane. Kako bi izgledala ruting tabela sa rutama na osnovu MAC? Morala bi da sadri svaki mogui MAC, jer ne postoji nain za grupisanje. <<<
Originalni dizajn IP adresa prepoznaje nekoliko razlicitih klasa IP adresa. Ove klase razlikuju se kako po svojoj velicini (A, B, C), tako i po svojoj nameni (D, E). Za potrebe subnettinga, potrebano je razumeti razlike u velicini. Dakle, necemo se baviti drugim razlikama izmedju IP adresa.
A: Osnovna maska: (8 bita), opseg: do, broj mreza: 2 na 7 - 2 B: Osnovna maska: (16 bita), opseg: do, broj mreza: 2 na 14 - 2 65,534 host addresses C: Osnovna maska: (24 bita), opseg: do, broj mreza: 2 na 21 2 - 254 host addresses
Ako uzmemo u obzir da je moguci broj IP adresa preko 2000000000 i da su sve 32bitne, ako bi svaki uredjaj na mrezi znao putanju do svih adresa, dolazimo do problema da uredjaji moraju da imaju stravicno mnogo memorije da bi imali sve te informacije. Posebno sto pored same adrese moraju imati i podatke o putanji. Kako resiti ovaj problem?
Odgovor je netmaskama. Netmaske su nacin da se na jednostavan nacin referencira vise IP adresa. Kako netmaske funkcionisu? Pogledajmo primer jedne IP adrese:
Predpostavimo da je to IP adresa naseg racunara [B] u gornjem primeru. Neka su [C], [D] ... svi uvecani za 1. Dakle, imamo:
Pogledom na masku iznad vidimo da njom "pokrivamo" 256 adresa. Sta ukoliko nasa mreza ima manje racunara? Ovde dolazimo do osnovnog problema kojim se ova poruka bavi - subnettingom. Subnetting (neki nakaradan prevod na nas jezik bi mogao da bude podmrezavanje) je proces kojim se iz default "host polja" pozajmljuje odredjeni broj bitova i dodaje masci, kako bi se mreza podelila na manje funkcionalne (administrativne) celine. Recimo da se u nasem primeru iznad, krajnja mreza sastoji od pedeset racunara sa adresama - U tom slucaju, preko 200 adresa sa default maskom bi bilo neupotrebljeno. Ovaj problem se moze resiti tako sto bi se mreza podelila u subnete.
Najmanji subnet koji moze da opsluzi 50 racunara je od 64 adrese (26). Iznad sam spomenuo da je subnetting proces pozajmljivanja bitova iz host polja i dodavanja masci. Dakle, da bismo imali subnet od 64 adrese, nama je potrebno 6 umesto 8 bitova za host. Dakle, masci treba dodati 2 bita.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Ethernet (. Ethernet) je protokol i najkorienija viemedijumska tehnologija lokalnih raunarskih mrea, opisana velikim brojem IEEE 802.3 standarda, koji definiu tehnologije fizikog i sloja veze referentnog OSI modela. Isprva je izvedena u topologiji magistrale na zajednikom koaksijalnom kablu sa protokolom koji dinamiki odreuje kako raunari pristupaju mrei (CSMA/CD). Eternet danas iri svoj opseg primenljivosti na MAN i WAN mree, ima topologiju zvezde ili stabla, dok kao medijum koristi bakarne i optike kablove. Pored osnovne funkcije deljenja zajednikih resursa u lokalnoj mrei, ima i funkcije pristupa (internetu), okosince meu mreama i distribucije podataka na vee udaljenosti. Eternet definie kako se stanice vezuju na raunarsku mreu, tehnologiju koja se koristi za prenos signala, potom nain kako stanice pristupaju datoj mrei, brzinu prenosa, nain signalizacije i kodiranja informacija, kao i veliinu i format paketa informacije koji se koristi pri komunikaciji.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13. MAN
Gradska raunarska mrea ili MAN (engl. Metropolitan area network - MAN) predstavlja tip mree na osnovu podele raunarskih mrea prema prostoru koji obuhvataju. Radi se o mreama koje obuhvataju vee oblasti, najee na nivou grada (npr. povezuje poslovnice jedne banke u celom gradu). Najee tehnologije koje se koriste pri povezivanju stanica ili manjih mrea (lokalnih mrea) su tehnologije beinog prenosa informacija ili optikim vlaknima. Ove mree su poznate jo pod nazivima MAN, gradske mree ili mree gradskog podruja.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. Split-horizon route In computer networking, split-horizon route advertisement is a method of preventing routing loops in distance-vector routing protocols by prohibiting a router from advertising a route back onto the interface from which it was learned. Thus when a device that participates in such route advertisements receives an update from an interface, it (the device) does not forward updates through the same interface out. By doing so, routing loops are prevented.
Iz Materijala: The split horizon rule says that a router should not advertise a network through the interface from which the update came. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Load balancing - is a computer networking method for distributing workloads across multiple computing resources, such as computers, a computer cluster, network links, central processing units or disk drives. Load balancing aims to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any one of the resources. Using multiple components with load balancing instead of a single component may increase reliability through redundancy. Load balancing is usually provided by dedicated software or hardware, such as a multilayer switch or a Domain Name System server process.
*** The routing table will contain the single destination network but will have multiple exit interfaces, one for each equal cost path. The router will forward packets using the multiple exit interfaces listed in the routing table.
If configured correctly, load balancing can increase the effectiveness and performance of the network. Equal cost load balancing can be configured to use both dynamic routing protocols and static routes.
Just in case you are wondering, a router can send packets over multiple networks even when the metric is not the same if it is using a routing protocol that has this capability. This is known as unequal cost load balancing. EIGRP (as well as IGRP) are the only routing protocols that can be configured for unequal cost load balancing.
1) A router Ethernet interface usually uses an RJ-45 jack that supports unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling. When a router is connected to a switch, a straight-through cable is used. When two routers are connected directly through the Ethernet interfaces, or when a PC NIC is connected directly to a router Ethernet interface, a crossover cable is used.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17. MAC addresses - are used on LAN interfaces, such as Ethernet, and are not used on WAN interfaces. However, WAN interfaces use their own Layer 2 addresses depending on the technology. Layer 2 WAN encapsulation types and addresses
Metrika: RIP, use simple hop-count, which the number of routers between a router and the destination network. Other routing protocols, such as OSPF, determine the shortest path by examining the bandwidth of the links, and using the links with the fastest bandwidth from a router to the destination network.
The best path to a network is the path with the lowest metric
Speed is technically not an accurate description of bandwidth because all bits travel at the same speed over the same physical medium. Bandwidth is more accurately defined as the number of bits that can be transmitted over a link per second.
A metric is a value used by routing protocols to assign costs to reach remote networks. The metric is used to determine which path is most preferable when there are multiple paths to the same remote network.
Each routing protocol uses its own metric. For example, RIP uses hop count, EIGRP uses a combination of bandwidth and delay, and Cisco's implementation of OSPF uses bandwidth. Hop count is the easiest metric to envision. The hop count refers to the number of routers a packet must cross to reach the destination network.
Metrics used in IP routing protocols include: Hop count - A simple metric that counts the number of routers a packet must traverse Bandwidth - Influences path selection by preferring the path with the highest bandwidth Load - Considers the traffic utilization of a certain link Delay - Considers the time a packet takes to traverse a path Reliability - Assesses the probability of a link failure, calculated from the interface error count or previous link failures Cost - A value determined either by the IOS or by the network administrator to indicate preference for a route. Cost can represent a metric, a combination of metrics or a policy.
The metric for each routing protocol is: RIP: Hop count - Best path is chosen by the route with the lowest hop count. IGRP and EIGRP: Bandwidth, Delay, Reliability, and Load - Best path is chosen by the route with the smallest composite metric value calculated from these multiple parameters. By default, only bandwidth and delay are used. IS-IS and OSPF: Cost - Best path is chosen by the route with the lowest cost. . Cisco's implementation of OSPF uses bandwidth. IS-IS is discussed in CCNP.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Load balancing - load balansing The router "load balances" between these equal cost paths. The packets are forwarded using all equal-cost paths.
Load balancing is in effect if two or more routes are associated with the same destination.
Load balancing can be done either per packet or per destination. How a router actually load balances packets between the equal-cost paths is governed by the switching process.
100. Destet Najbitnih komandi Cisco IOS-a ****************************************************** The Cisco IOS provides thousands of commands, and configuring it can be challenging. Here are 10 commands you need to know, inside and out, when using the Cisco IOS.
#1: The ?
It may seem entirely too obvious that you should know how to type ? to ask for help when using the Cisco IOS. However, the Cisco IOS is completely different from other operating systems when it comes to using the question mark (help key). As the IOS is a command-line operating system with thousands of possible commands and parameters, using the ? can save your day.
You can use the command in many ways. First, use it when you dont know what command to type. For example, type ? at the command line for a list of all possible commands. You can also use ? when you dont know what a commands next parameter should be. For example, y ou might type show ip ? If the router requires no other parameters for the command, the router will offer CR as the only option. Finally, use ? to see all commands that start with a particular letter. For example, show c? will return a list of commands that start with the letter c.
The show running-config command shows the router, switch, or firewalls current configuration. The running-configuration is the config that is in the routers memory. You change this config when y ou make changes to the router. Keep in mind that config is not saved until you do a copy runningconfiguration startup-configuration. This command can be abbreviated sh run.
The show running-config command shows the current configuration of this interface. When the interface is disabled, the running-config command displays shutdown; however, when the interface is enabled, no shutdown is not displayed.
This command will save the configuration that is currently being modified (in RAM), also known as the running-configuration, to the nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). If the power is lost, the NVRAM will preserve this configuration. In other words, if you edit the routers configuration, dont use this command and reboot the routerthose changes will be lost. This command can be abbreviated copy run start. The copy command can also be used to copy the running or startup configuration from the router to a TFTP server in case something happens to the router.
The show interface command displays the status of the routers interfaces. Among other things, this output provides the following:
Interface status (up/down) Protocol status on the interface Utilization Errors MTU This command is essential for troubleshooting a router or switch. It can also be used by specifying a certain interface, like shint fa0/0.
Even more popular than show interface are show ip interface and show ip interface brief. The show ip interface command provides tons of useful information about the configuration and status of the IP protocol and its services, on all interfaces. The show ip interface brief command provides a quick status of the interfaces on the router, including their IP address, Layer 2 status, and Layer 3 status.
Cisco routers have different modes where only certain things can be shown or certain things can be changed. Being able to move between these modes is critical to successfully configuring the router.
For example, when logging in, you start off at the user mode (where the prompt looks like >). From there, you type enable to move to privileged mode (where the prompt looks like #). In privileged mode, you can show anything but not make changes. Next, type config terminal (or config t) to go to global configuration mode (where the prompt looks like router(config)# ). From here, you can change
global parameters. To change a parameter on an interface (like the IP address), go to interface configuration mode with the interface command (where the prompt looks like router(config-if)#). Also from the global configuration mode, you can go into router configuration using the router {protocol} command. To exit from a mode, type exit.
#7: no shutdown
The no shutdown command enables an interface (brings it up). This command must be used in interface configuration mode. It is useful for new interfaces and for troubleshooting. When youre having trouble with an interface, you may want to try a shut and no shut. Of course, to bring the interface down, reverse the command and just say shutdown. This command can be abbreviated no shut.
The show ip route command is used to show the routers routing table. This is the list of all networks that the router can reach, their metric (the routers preference for them), and how to get there. This command can be abbreviated shipro and can have parameters after it, like shiproospf for all OSPF routers. To clear the routing table of all routes, you do clear ip route *. To clear it of just one route, do clear ip route for clearing out that particular network.
The show version command gives you the routers configuration register (essentially, the routers firmware settings for booting up), the last time the router was booted, the version of the IOS, the name of the IOS file, the model of the router, and the routers amount of RAM and Flash. This command can be abbreviated shver.
#10: debug
The debug command has many options and does not work by itself. It provides detailed debugging output on a certain application, protocol, or service. For example, debug ip route will tell you every time a router is added to or removed from the router.
5. show ip protocols
This command shows the routing protocols used in the router and what networks are these protocols advertising. It also shows the sources of routing updates received at this router. It is very useful in routing issues troubleshooting.
4. show ip route
This command shows the routing table. This table helps you in finding out the next hop for each and every routable packet. It is the first indicator to point a problem in routing.
This command displays detailed information about the neighboring devices like IP addresses, platforms, and host names. This command can be useful in troubleshooting connectivity issues, and also can be used in finding out how devices are connected to each other when you have no clear drawn network map.
CDP operates at Layer 2 only. Therefore, CDP neighbors are Cisco devices that are directly connected physically and share the same data link.
This command is used to view the contents of the flash and the size of the IOS file(s) and the size of the flash and how much of it is free. It is necessary in upgrading or installing the IOS file.
11. show arp: Can't ping a neighbor? Make sure you're getting an arp entry.
12. show port: Similar to the show interface command on routers, this command gives you the status of ports on a SWITCH.
13. show vlan: With the trend toward having lots of VLANs, check this command to make sure your ports are in the VLANs you think they are. Its output is very well designed.
This command is great for collecting a lot of info. It basically runs a whole bunch of other show commands, and spits out dozens of pages of detailed output, designed to be sent to technical support. But, it's also useful for other purposes.
15. erase startup-config and confirm Clear any existing configuration by issuing the command erase startup-config and confirm.
17. copy running-config startup-config Enter the command copy running-config startup-config to save the configured changes to NVRAM
18. Bazina konfiguracija I) The enable command is used to enter the privileged EXEC mode. This mode allows the user to make configuration changes on the router. The router prompt will change from a ">" to a "#" in this mode.
-------------------------------------------------------------------19. K
---------------------------------------------------------------------20. R1#show interfaces fastethernet 0/0 view the same information, but for a specific interface, such as FastEthernet 0/0, use the show interfaces command with a parameter that specifies the interface
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Kako ruter, kad mu stigne paket odluuje i proverava ta treba da radi:
Directly Connected Network - If the destination IP address of the packet belongs to a device on a network that is directly connected to one of the router's interfaces, that packet is forwarded directly to that device. This means that the destination IP address of the packet is a host address on the same network as this router's interface.
Remote Network - If the destination IP address of the packet belongs to a remote network, then the packet is forwarded to another router. Remote networks can only be reached by forwarding packets to another router.
No Route Determined - If the destination IP address of the packet does not belong to either a connected or remote network, and if the router does not have a default route, then the packet is discarded. The router sends an ICMP unreachable message to the source IP address of the packet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21. Access list (akces lista) - Access liste slue za opis saobraaja. Kada naie neki paket prolazi se kroz access listu kao kroz pravila firewalla od prvog pravila do poslednjeg i proverava gde se meuje paket koji je naiao. Permit i deny se uzimaju u obzir tek ako se paket poklapa sa opisom koji je dat u tom redu. Na primer: access-list 1 deny access-list 1 permit any
Poto je access-list 1 u obe naredbe to znai da su u istoj listi koja se zove lista 1 oba pravila. Ako naie paket sa adrese paket e se blokirati, ako je lista primenjena na firewa llu. Za sve ostale adrese prvi red ne pasuje i prelazi se na drugi. Drugi red kae "dozvoli bez obzira koja je adresa" - permit any
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24. Parent route & Child route, Lev 1 and Lev 2, Ultimate Route, Default Route
Level 1 route - is a network route, a default route, or a supernet route. It is also called an ultimate route.
Level 2 route - is a subnetted route with a greater than classful subnet mask, it is also a called a child route.
Parent route - is a classful route, but it is not an ulltimate route. A parent route has subnetted child routes. If there are no child routes there is no parent route. Parent routes do not have an exit interface or next hop IP address. A parent route is also called a level 1 route.
Child route - A child route is a subnetted route, where the subnet mask is greater than the classful subnet mask (eg. /27 versus /24). A child route is a level 2 route.
Ultimate route - an ultimate route is a route that has an exit interface or a next hop IP address.
Default Route - also known as a "gateway of last resort," is a route configured to the /0 network and mask. This route does not have to qualify or "match" the destination network therefore it is a match for all destinations.
There are several types of routes that can be identified in the Cisco routing table.
Level 1 route route with a subnet mask equal to or less than the classful mask of the network address. A level 1 route can function as a:
Default route static route with the address Supernet route network address with a mask less than the classful mask. Network route has a subnet mask equal to the classful mask. A network route can also be a parent route. The level 1 route can be further defined as an ultimate route.
either a next-hop IP address (another path) and/or an exit interface. And further:
A level 1 parent route or simply only parent route is a network route that does not contain a nexthop IP address or exit interface for any network. A level 2 route is a route that is a subnet of a classful network address. Level 2 child routes are also considered ultimate routes because they will contain the next-hop IP address and/or exit interface. If there is only a single level 2 child route and that route is removed, the level 1 parent route will be automatically deleted. A level 1 parent route exists only when there is at least one level 2 child route. Regardless of the addressing scheme used by the network (classless or classful), the routing table will use a classful scheme.
Parent routes do not contain next-hop IP address or exit interface. Just search lines without these information. Little help, commonly you can find expressions as is subnetted or is variably subnetted. Only network routes can be parent routes.
So these are routes that are tabbed. Level 2 routes are also called child routes.
All level 2 routes are always ultimate routes. Level 1 routes are ultimate, if they contain next hop IP address or exit interface or both (dont have is subnetted or is variably subnetted).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25. #show interfaces brief - ta znae oznake - up, down, administratively down, stanje interfejsa
IP-Address - IP adresa dodeljena tom interfejsu moe da stoji adresa ili unassigned ako nije jos dodeljena IP adresa
OK? - slui da se vidi da li je IP Adresa dodeljena interfejsu validna ili nije, tj. "Yes" means that the IP Address is currently valid. "No" means that the IP Address is not currently valid.
Method - moe da bude manual ili NVRAM, kad je manual znai da smo je mi dodali a kad je NVRAM znai da je konfiguracija uitama iz memorije, tj iz startup-config. Moe da stoji i DHCP a to je kad: DHCP means that the interface is configured by DHCP.
Status - Administratively down means that the interface is currently in the shutdown mode, or turned off. (Administratively) up znai da je interfejs podignut sa no shutdown komandom.
Protocol - Line protocol is down means, in this case, that the interface is not receiving a carrier signal from a switch or the hub. This condition may also be due to the fact that the interface is in shutdown mode. Line protocol is up znai da je i interfejs na drugom kraju kabla proradio.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26. Administrativna distanca - kod ruting protokola - protokola za rutiranje Routing Protocol Administrative distance
----------------------------------------------------------------------------C Directly connected interface S Static route out an interface S Static route to next-hop address D EIGRP summary route External BGP D EX Internal EIGRP I IGRP 110 115 1 1 5 20 90 100 0
R Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) o On Demand Routing (ODR)
Please note that:An administrative distance of 255 will cause the router to disbelieve the route entirely and not use it. Since IOS 12.2, the administrative distance of a static route with an exit interface is 1. Prior to the release of 12.2 it was in fact 0. Only the interface itself has an administrative distance of 0, since a route cannot be less than 1. Directly connected routes have an administrative distance of 1.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27. Kablovi - boje kod kablova, kabal N - Naradasta puna n - Naradasta isprekidana Z - Zelena puna z - Zelena isprekidana P - Plava puna p - plava isprekidana B - Braon puna b - braon isprekidana
Koji se ureaj kako povezuje - kad se koji kabal koristi (koji se kabal kad koristi): 1. PC -> Switch - straight through 2. PC -> Hub - straight-through 3. Switch -> Router - straight through 4. PC -> Ruter - crossover cable, ako je auto-sense onda moe i straight through 5. Ruter i Ruter - crossover cable 6. switch -> switch - crossover cable 7. PC -> PC - crossover cable 8. Hub i switch - cross over cable 9. bridges and switches - cross over
Iz Materijala: Straight-through cables are used for: Switch-to-router Switch-to-PC Hub-to-PC Hub-to-server
Crossover cables are used for: Switch-to-switch PC-to-PC Switch-to-hub Hub-to-hub Router-to-router Router-to-server
Rollover cable - (also known as Cisco console cable or a Yost cable) is a type of null-modem cable that is often used to connect a computer terminal to a router's console port. This cable is typically flat (and has a light blue color) to help distinguish it from other types of network cabling. It gets the name rollover because the pinouts on one end are reversed from the other, as if the wire had been rolled over and you were viewing it from the other side.
v.35 Kabal - koristi se za povezivanje rutera. The WAN Physical layer describes the interface between the data terminal equipment (DTE) and the data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). Generally, the DCE is the service provider and the DTE is the attached device. Serial interfaces require a clock signal to control the timing of the communications. In most environments, the service provider (a DCE device such as a CSU/DSU) will provide the clock. By default, Cisco routers are DTE devices. Although Cisco serial interfaces are DTE devices by default, they can be configured as DCE devices. You can also distinguish DTE from DCE by looking at the connector between the two cables. The DTE cable has a male connector, whereas the DCE cable has a female connector.
*Mar 1 01:16:08.212: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up *Mar 1 01:16:09.214: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
The first changed state to up message indicates that, physically, the connection is good. If you do not get this first message, be sure that the interface is properly connected to a switch or a hub.
Although enabled with no shutdown, an Ethernet interface will not be active, or up, unless it is receiving a carrier signal from another device (switch, hub, PC, or another router).
The second changed state to up message indicates that the Data Link layer is operational. On LAN interfaces, we do not normally change the Data Link layer parameters. However, WAN interfaces in a lab environment require clocking on one side of the link. If you do not correctly set the clock rate, then line protocol (the Data Link layer) will not change to up. Clock rate command, on the router with the DCE cable.
29. #logging synchronous Kada kucamo komandu i IOS izbacuje neku poruku koja ne utie na nae kucanje ali nam moe smetati jer ne znamo gde smo stali, da se to ne bi deavalo ukljuiemo logging synchronous u #line console 0 i onde e kopirati celu nau naredbu ispod obavetenja. enter line configuration mode for the consoled port and add the logging synchronous command, as shown. You will see that messages returned by IOS no longer interfere with your typing.
30. ARP table Ethernet interface participates in ARP requests and replies and maintains an ARP table. If a router has a packet destined for a device on a directly connected Ethernet network, it checks the ARP table for an entry with that destination IP address in order to map it to the MAC address. If the ARP table does not contain this IP address, the Ethernet interface sends out an ARP request. The device with the destination IP address sends back an ARP reply that lists its MAC address. The IP address and MAC address information is then added to the ARP table for that Ethernet interface. The router is now able to encapsulate the IP packet into an Ethernet frame with the destination MAC address from
its ARP table. The Ethernet frame, with the encapsulated packet, is then sent via that Ethernet interface.
31. #show controllers - command to determine which end of the cable is attached to that interface. In the command output, notice that R1 has the DCE cable attached to its serial 0/0 interface and that no clock rate is set.
R1#show controllers serial 0/0/0 Interface Serial0/0/0 Hardware is PowerQUICC MPC860 DCE V.35, no clock <output omitted>
Znai koristi se da se vidi koji kabal je bocnut u taj serial da li je DTE ili DCE, jer ako je DCE treba da se konfigurise clock rate.
The available clock rates, in bits per second, are 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 56000, 64000, 72000, 125000, 148000, 500000, 800000, 1000000, 1300000, 2000000, and 4000000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32. CDP Protokol - Cisco Discovery Protocol Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a powerful network monitoring and troubleshooting tool. CDP is an information-gathering tool used by network administrators to get information about directly connected Cisco devices. CDP is a proprietary tool that enables you to access a summary of protocol and address information about Cisco devices that are directly connected. By default, each Cisco device sends periodic messages, which are known as CDP advertisements, to directly connected Cisco devices. These advertisements contain information such as the types of devices that are connected, the router interfaces they are connected to, the interfaces used to make the connections, and the model numbers of the devices. CDP provides the following information about each CDP neighbor device: Device identifiers - For example, the configured host name of a switch Address list - Up to one Network layer address for each protocol supported
Port identifier - The name of the local and remote port-in the form of an ASCII character string such as ethernet0 Capabilities list - For example, whether this device is a router or a switch Platform - The hardware platform of the device; for example, a Cisco 7200 series router
CDP nalazi samo susede na Layeru 2! ************************************************************ Razlika izmeu suseda na Layeru 2 i Layeru 3: ************************************************************* 1. Layer 3 Neighbors
At this point in our topology configuration, we only have directly connected neighbors. At Layer 3, routing protocols consider neighbors to be devices that share the same network address space.
For example, R1 and R2 are neighbors. Both are members of the network. R2 and R3 are also neighbors because they both share the network. But R1 and R3 are not neighbors because they do not share any network address space. If we connected R1 and R3 with a cable and configured each with an IP address from the same network, then they would be neighbors.
2. Layer 2 Neighbors
CDP operates at Layer 2 only. Therefore, CDP neighbors are Cisco devices that are directly connected physically and share the same data link. In the CDP Protocol figure, the network administrator is logged in to S3. S3 will receive CDP advertisements from S1, S2, and R2 only.
Rezime: *********** Notice the difference between Layer 2 and Layer 3 neighbors. The switches are not neighbors to the routers at Layer 3, because the switches are operating at Layer 2 only. However, the switches are Layer 2 neighbors to their directly connected routers.
********************************************************************************** *********
CDP Naighbours: #show cdp neighbors and #show cdp neighbors detail
CDP provides the following information about each CDP neighbor device:
- Address list - Up to one Network layer address for each protocol supported
- Port identifier - The name of the local and remote port-in the form of an ASCII character string such as ethernet0
- Platform - The hardware platform of the device; for example, a Cisco 7200 series router
The difference between Layer 2 and Layer 3 neighbors. The switches are not neighbors to the routers at Layer 3, because the switches are operating at Layer 2 only. However, the switches are Layer 2 neighbors to their directly connected routers.
R2#show cdp neighbors (detail) - Switchevi i Ruteri u okolini (smao Cisco ureaji) R2#show cdp interface - sve interfejse i vremena na koje alju CDP pakete i Hold timere R2# show cdp interface Fa0/0 - samo specifian interfejs, da nam ne pokazuje za sve R2#show cdp entry R3 - informacije o komiji R3 (moemo staviti bilo kog kompiju, Swtich ili R uter) R2(config)#no cdp run - iskljucivanje razmene CDP paketa, sada gore pomenutim kotrolama neemo dobiti nikakve informacije samo e nam se prikazati poruka: % CDP is not enabled R2(config)#cdp run - ukljucivanje (ukljuceno je po defaultu ali ako se predhodno bio iskljucivao) ovako se ukljucuje, mora malo da se saeka dok on razmeni pakete sa kompijama da opet napravi tabelu
***** Znai kad treba da ga ugasimo iz sigurnosnih razloga: If you need to disable CDP globally, for the entire device, use this command:
If you want to use CDP but need to stop CDP advertisements on a particular interface, use this command:
33. #telnet IP address u praksi HQ#telnet, je mogu'nost da se telnetuje na ruter ili switch kome ynamo IP adresu, a mo\emo je saznati i preko komande: HQ#show cdp neighbors detail ili da je ovako znamo. Telnet je maltene daljinsko povezivanje na ureaj, da se ne bismo povezivali preko Rollover kabla (COM porta na PC-u), moemo i ovako daljinski sve da podesavamo.
34. Null interface (nul interfejs, nula interfejs, nulti interfejs) - as the exit interface. You do not need to enter any commands to create or configure the null interface. It is always up but does not forward or receive traffic. Traffic sent to the null interface is discarded.
KOristimu null interfejs kod statike rute R2(config)#ip route Null0
******* 1. , , , are these networks contiguous? Odgovor: = ~ ( ~ - addresses left out = ~ ( ~ - addresses left out = ~ ( ~ - addresses left out = ~
******* 2. and are two different classful networks. and are two different classful networks as well.
******* 3. , , these are same subnets of a single same network and all class A. are these also contiguous? Odgvor: Yes these are contiguous, as they comprise - range with no addresses left out
or """" """" """" """" """" """"
This is a "discontiguous" network as we passed through two different "major" networks to get from one portion of the network to the rest of the network.
Is this a contiguous or discontiguous network? While the individual address are indeed "discontiguous", this network as a whole is "contiguous". Why? Because we did not pass through a different "major" network to get to another portion of the same "major" network. For example,
Is this a contiguous or discontiguous network? This is a "discontiguous" network as we passed through two different "major" networks to get from one portion of the network to the rest of the network.
Rezime: That's a great example. Indeed, a discontiguous network and a discontiguous address space are two different things. Thank you.
******* 7. Jedan predlog: Use binary math to build your networks and you wont go wrong. The idea is to group addresses by their most significant bits. If you have: WEST LAN (00001001) (00001000) (00001010) (00001011) EAST LAN (00001100) (00001101) (00001110) (00001111)
Your have contiguous networks and the router will be look at the most significatn common bits and advertise summary routes. WEST EAST
If you then go and move to WEST you loose the benefit of contiguous networks and cannot advertise summary routes. /8 , /8 , (even thought they are all Class A but different major networks)
********** 9. Znai, ako je: <-R1-> <-R2-> <-R3-> Is Contagiuous . Because we did not pass through a different "major" network to get to another portion of the same "major" network. Basically all are different maj. networks
Ans: Contiguous Network Reason :-Because we did not pass through a different "major" network to get to another portion of the same "major" network.
Ans: Contiguous Network Reason :-Because we did not pass through a different "major" network to get to another portion of the same "major" network.
Ans: Contiguous Network Reason :-Because we did not pass through a different "major" network to get to another portion of the same "major" network.
(as per definitiion there has to be same major network at the two ends . One is Class A network the other end has Class A ; so as the two end network are not part of the same portion of the same "major" network the above is Contiguous Network .
Say you have,,, and If you own all of these networks, you could advertise them summarized as
However, if you only owned the 10.8, 10.9, and 10.11 network spaces, you could not. You would then only be able to summarize it down to two routes -, and
Ans : In the above scenario the Network is Contiguous but the subnet are Distcontiguous
********** Major network ( to define a major network use classful subnetting based on ip) Same Major network ex. :- /24 ; /24; /24 (one major network /16) /8 , /8 , (even thought they are all Class A but different major networks)
as i understand u seeing that and belong to class A and to class B which is discontining the link between to class A address which is wrong in this concept. Network 1 network 2 network 3
three independent major network . thus contiguous Because we did not pass through a different "major" network to get to another portion of the same "major" network (as Brian explained ther is difference between a contiguous address space and a contiguous network. dont look for continous address space look for major network . Network 1 network 2 network 1
network 1 on either side and network 2 in middle so the network 2 has inersected the continuity of the network 1 on either side thus discontiguous network is formed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36. Redistribucija - Redistribution routes ****************************************************** Redistribucija ruta razmena ruta izmeu razliitih protokola rutiranja Kada postoji redistribucija jedan ruting domen uitava rute iz drugog ruteri u jednom ruting domenu znaju putanje do mrea iz drugog ruting domena postoji konektivnost i razmena saobraaja
Differences in routing protocol characteristics (such as metrics, administrative distance classful, and classless capabilities) can affect redistribution.
Note: When redistributing between a classful routing protocol (such as Routing Information Protocol Version 1 [RIP V1], Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [IGRP] ) and a classless routing protocol (such as Open Shortest Path First [OSPF]), RIP V2, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [EIGRP] ) will not advertise routes out an interface if those routes are on the same major network, but have a different mask than that particular interface.
Note: When redistributing routes into OSPF, a common mistake is to omit the subnets keyword from the redistribution statement.
When there is mutual redistribution between routing protocols, there is the possibility of creating routing loops.
A routing loop is when one routing protocol announces a route learned by another routing protocol through redistribution.
To avoid this, never announce the information originally received from routing process x back into routing process x.
This can be done with the use of distribution lists or route maps.
----------When you redistribute one protocol into another, remember that the metrics of each protocol play an important role in redistribution. Each protocol uses different metrics. For example, the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) metric is based on hop count, but Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) use a composite metric based on bandwidth, delay, reliability, load, and maximum transmission unit (MTU), where bandwidth and delay are the only parameters used by default. When routes are redistributed, you must define a metric that is understandable to the receiving protocol.
Zadavanje Metrike: Nain 1: router rip redistribute static metric 1 redistribute ospf 1 metric 1
Nain 2: Or you can use the same metric as a default for all redistribution (Using the default-metric command saves work because it eliminates the need for defining the metric separately for each redistribution.):
default-metric 1 ------------------------------------
************** Primer 1: ************** Ruteri R2 i R5 su oba granina, tj nalaze se na granici, i sa jedne strane imaju Rip a sa druge IGRP. In the previous topology, R2 and R5 are doing mutual redistribution. RIP is being redistributed into IGRP and IGRP is being redistributing into RIP, as this configuration shows.
redistribute rip metric 1 1 1 1 1 (bandwith izraen u Kbits, delay, reliability, load, MTU - Maximum Transmition Unit)
router rip network redistribute igrp 7 metric 2 (administrativni domen je 7, a hop caount je 2)
access-list 1 deny access-list 1 permit any The distribute lists added to the configurations, as shown above, filter any IGRP updates that come into the serial 1 interface of the routers. If the routes in the updates are permitted by access list 1, the router accepts them in the update; otherwise it does not. In this example, the routers are being told that they should not learn network through the IGRP updates they receive on their serial 1 interface. Therefore, the only knowledge these routers have for network is through RIP from R1.
I jedan rezime: This output shows an IGRP/EIGRP router redistributing static, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), RIP, and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) routes.
router igrp/eigrp 1 network redistribute static redistribute ospf 1 redistribute rip redistribute isis default-metric 10000 100 255 1 1500 IGRP and EIGRP need five metrics when redistributing other protocols: bandwidth, delay, reliability, load, and MTU, respectively. An example of IGRP metrics follows:
Metric 1. bandwidth 2. delay 3. reliability 4. load percent loading) 5. MTU is 1500 bytes
Value In units of kilobits per second; 10000 for Ethernet In units of tens of microseconds; for Ethernet it is100 x 10 microseconds = 1 ms 255 for 100 percent reliability Effective load on the link expressed as a number from 0 to 255 (255 is 100 Minimum MTU of the path; usually equals that for the Ethernet interface, which
OSPF *********** This output shows an OSPF router redistributing static, RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, and IS-IS routes.
router ospf 1 network area 0 redistribute static metric 200 subnets redistribute rip metric 200 subnets redistribute igrp 1 metric 100 subnets redistribute eigrp 1 metric 100 subnets redistribute isis metric 10 subnets The OSPF metric is a cost value based on 10na8/ bandwidth of the link in bits/sec. For example, the OSPF cost of Ethernet is 10: 108/107 = 10
Note: If a metric is not specified, OSPF puts a default value of 20 when redistributing routes from all protocols except Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes, which get a metric of 1.
37. NBMA ******************************* - non-broadcast multiple access network: is a computer network to which multiple hosts are attached, but data is transmitted only directly from one computer to another single host over a virtual circuit or across a switched fabric. NBMA networks do support multicast or broadcast traffic manually (pseudo-broadcasts). Some common examples of nonbroadcast network technologies include Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay, X.25, and home power line networking.
38.Routing Protocol ******************************* - A routing protocol is a set of processes, algorithms, and messages that are used to exchange routing information and populate the routing table with the routing protocol's choice of best paths
39. Wildcard mask ******************************* A wildcard mask is a mask of bits that indicates which parts of an IP address are available for examination. In the Cisco IOS, they are used in several places, for example: To indicate the size of a network or subnet for some routing protocols, such as OSPF. To indicate what IP addresses should be permitted or denied in access control lists (ACLs). A wildcard mask can be thought of as an inverted subnet mask. For example, a subnet mask of (binary equivalent = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000) inverts to a wildcard mask of Any wildcard bit-pattern can be masked for examination: For example, a wildcard mask of (binary equivalent = 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111110) will allow even-numbered IP addresses to be examined. A 0 octet in the wildcard mask indicates that the corresponding octet in the network must match exactly. On the other hand, a 254 indicates that you don't care what the corresponding octet is in the network except for the host(255) bit. A network and wildcard mask combination of would match an interface configured exactly with only, and nothing else. This is really useful if you want to activate OSPF on a specific interface in a very clear and simple way.
If you insist on matching a range of networks, the network and wildcard mask combination of would match any interface in the range of to Because of this, it's simpler and safer to stick to using wildcard masks of and identify each OSPF interface individually, but once configured, they function exactly the same- one way is not better than the other. Wildcard masks are used in situations where subnet masks may not apply. For example, when two affected hosts fall in different subnets, the use of a wildcard mask will group them together.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40. Sumarizacija ruta - Route Summarization, sumarne rute, supernet ********************************************************************************** *********** Supernet is an aggregation of multiple major classful network addresses.
--- Sumarizacije statikih ruta --Multiple static routes can be summarized into a single static route if: 1. The destination networks can be summarized into a single network address, and 2. The multiple static routes all use the same exit-interface or next-hop IP address
Here's the process of creating the summary route, as shown in the figure:
2. To find the subnet mask for summarization, start with the left-most bit.
3. Work your way to the right, finding all the bits that match consecutively.
4. When you find a column of bits that do not match, stop. You are at the summary boundary.
5. Now, count the number of left-most matching bits, which in our example is 22. This number becomes your subnet mask for the summarized route, /22 or
6. To find the network address for summarization, copy the matching 22 bits and add all 0 bits to the end to make 32 bits.
By following these steps, we can discover that the three static routes on R3 can be summarized into a single static route, using the summary network address of
CIDR allows for supernetting. A supernet is a group of major network addresses summarized as a single network address with a mask less than that of the default classful mask.
Summary routes can be used by both static routes and classless routing protocols. Classful routing protocols can only summarize routes to the default classful mask.
Razlika izmeu superneta i sumarne rute: You may recall that a supernet is always a route summary, but a route summary is not always a supernet. It is possible that a router could have both a specific route entry and a summary route entry covering the same network.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41. Subnet Maska ili Subnet Musk ************************************************************** Subnet mask in the route entry is what determines how many bits must match the packet's destination IP address for this route to be a match.
An Internet Service Provider (also known as an ISP or even as an IAP, internet access provider) is a firm that offers subscribers access to the internet. This internet service provider maintains large runs of cabling and maintains network services in order to transfer and deliver web content to those paying the subscription fee. Typically, these internet service providers focus on DSL, Cable modem, wireless, and more recently, dedicated high-speed interconnects such as T1 or fiber optic service (typically abbreviated Fios).
Maltene: An ISP is a company that supplies Internet connectivity to home and business customers. ISPs support one or more forms of Internet access, ranging from traditional modem dial-up to DSL and cable modem broadband service to dedicated T1/T3 lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43. Autonomous system (AS) - otherwise known as a Routing Domain ********************************************************************************** *********** ********************* - is a collection of routers under a common administration. Typical examples are a company's internal network and an Internet service provider's network. Because the Internet is based on the autonomous system concept, two types of routing protocols are required: interior and exterior routing protocols. These protocols are: - Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) are used for intra-autonomous system routing - routing inside an autonomous system. - Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP) are used for inter-autonomous system routing - routing between autonomous systems.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44. Konvergencija (Convergence) u dinamikom rutiranju ********************************************************************************** *********** Convergence is when all routers' routing tables are at a state of consistency. Convergence time is the time it takes routers to share information, calculate best paths, and update their routing tables.
Sporo konvergirajui: RIP i IGRP Brzo konvergirajui: EIGRP i OSPF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45. Vreme potrebno za konvergenciju, tj vreme konvergencije:
********************************************************************************** *********** Routing protocols are compared based on how fast they can propagate this information - their speed to convergence.
The speed of achieving convergence consists of: How quickly the routers propagate a change in the topology in a routing update to its neighbors. The speed of calculating best path routes using the new routing information collected.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46. Triger Update (triggered update) ********************************************* To speed up the convergence when there is a topology change, RIP uses triggered updates. A triggered update is a routing table update that is sent immediately in response to a routing change. Triggered updates do not wait for update timers to expire. The detecting router immediately sends an update message to adjacent routers. The receiving routers, in turn, generate triggered updates that notify their neighbors of the change.
Triggered updates are sent when one of the following occurs: - An interface changes state (up or down) - A route has entered (or exited) the "unreachable" state - A route is installed in the routing table
There are two problems with triggered updates: - Packets containing the update message can be dropped or corrupted by some link in the network. - The triggered updates do not happen instantaneously. It is possible that a router that has not yet received the triggered update will issue a regular update at just the wrong time, causing the bad route to be reinserted in a neighbor that had already received the triggered update.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47. Ruting tabela - Blii pogled (Routing Table - Closer Look), stavke u ruting tabeli ********************************************************************************** ************************** *******************
Level 1 rute: ******************* A level 1 route is a route with a subnet mask equal to or less than the classful mask of the network address. Primer: is a level 1 network route, because the subnet mask is equal to the network's classful mask. /24 is the classful mask for class C networks, such as the network.
A level 1 route can function as a: - Default route - A default route is a static route with the address - Supernet route - A supernet route is a network address with a mask less than the classful mask. - Network route - A network route is a route that has a subnet mask equal to that of the classful mask. A network route can also be a parent route. Parent routes will be discussed in the next section.
The source of the level 1 route can be a directly connected network, static route, or a dynamic routing protocol.
*************************************** Ultimate route (Ultimat ruta) *************************************** An ultimate route is a route that includes: - either a next-hop IP address (another path) - and/or an exit interface
Primer: C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 R [120/1] via, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/0
************************************************************** Roditeljska ruta (Parent Route) ************************************************************** A level 1 parent route is a network route that does not contain a next-hop IP address or exit interface for any network.
Parent route is created whenever a route with a mask greater than the classful mask is entered into the routing table
A level 1 parent route is the classful network address of the subnet route.
******************************* Dete ruta (Child Route) ******************************** A level 2 route is a route that is a subnet of a classful network address.
The source of a level 2 route can be a directly connected network, a static route, or a dynamic routing protocol.
Primer: C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/0
Level 2 child routes contain the route source and the network address of the route.
Level 2 child routes are also considered ultimate routes because they will contain the next-hop IP address and/or exit interface.
If there is only a single level 2 child route and that route is removed, the level 1 parent route will be automatically deleted. A level 1 parent route exists only when there is at least one level 2 child route.
********* Regardless of the addressing scheme used by the network (classless or classful), the routing table will use a classful scheme. ***********
************************************************************** The subnet mask of the route in the routing table is used to determine the minimum number of leftmost bits that must match. Remember, an IP packet only contains the IP address and not the subnet mask.
The route with the most number of equivalent left-most bits, or the longest match, is always the preferred route. ---------------------------------------------Classless and classful routing behaviors are not the same as classless and classful routing protocols. ********************************************************************************** **************************** - Classful and classless routing protocols affect how the routing table is populated. - Classful and classless routing behaviors determine how the routing table is searched after it is populated. ------------------------------------------------
Classful i Classless ponaanje (classful behavior and classless behavior) ********************************************************************************** ******************* The routing behavior, specified by the ip classless or no ip classless commands
Ako je ukljueno no ip classless ako posle poklapanja sa Parent rutom i ne poklapanja sa nijednom Child Rutom nee dalje gledati da li ima mod Default Ruta ve e odmah odbaciti paket, ak ni Supernet rute nee gledati!!!: - Because router R2 is using classful routing behavior, no ip classless, the router will not search beyond the child routes for a lesser match. - The routing table process will not use the default route,, or any other route.
- A common error is to assume that a default route will always be used if the router does not have a better route. In our example, R2's default route is not examined nor used, although it is a match. This is often a very surprising result when a network administrator does not understand the difference between classful and classless routing behavior.
A ako ukljuimo ip classless i imamo Default Rutu: S* is directly connected, Serial0/0/1
The mask is /0, which means that zero or no bits need to match. A default route will be the lowest-bit match. In classless routing behavior, if no other route matches, the default route will match.
Remember - that classful and classless routing behaviors are independent from classful and classless routing protocols. A router could be configured with classful routing behavior (no ip classless) and a classless routing protocol. A router could also be configured with classless routing behavior (ip classless) and a classful routing protocol.
***************** Zakljuak je: ***************** In today's networks, it is recommended to use classless routing behavior so that supernet and default routes can be used whenever needed.
Question: What happens when there is a match with the parent route but none of the child routes? Answere: - If the router is using classful routing behavior, no other routes will be searched and the packet will be discarded. Classful routing behavior can be implemented using the no ip classless command. - If there is a match with a parent route but none of the child routes, the routing table process will continue to search other routes in the routing table including a default route should one exist. Classless routing behavior is implemented by using the ip classless command.
Class A: Osnovna maska: (8 bita), opseg: do, broj mreza: 2 na 7 - 2
Class B: Osnovna maska: (16 bita), opseg: do, broj mreza: 2 na 14 - 2
Class C: Osnovna maska: (24 bita), opseg: do, broj mreza: 2 na 21 2
1) /31 - 2 na 1 = 2 1 network, 1 broadcast, 0 valid ip address - /31 /31 /31 /31...
2) /30 - 2 na 2 = 4 1 network, 1 broadcast, 2 valid ip address - /30 / 30 /30 /30 /30...
3) /29 - 2 na 3 = 8 1 network, 1 broadcast, 6 valid ip address - - / 29 /29 /29
4) /28 - 2 na 4 = 16 1 network, 1 broadcast, 14 valid ip address - 14 host addresses per subnet. creating 4,096 subnets - 0. 0. 0. 15 (Wildcard mask) /28 /28 /28 /28 /28 /28...
5) /27 - 2 na 5 = 32 1 network, 1 broadcast, 30 valid ip address - - /27 /27 /27 /27 /27 /27 /27 /27 /27 /27...
6) /26 - 2 na 6 = 64 1 network, 1 broadcast, 62 valid ip address - /26 /26 /26
7) /25 - 2 na 7 = 128 - /25 /25 /25 /25 /25...
----------Class C: ----------8) /24 - 2 na 8 = 256 1 network, 1 broadcast, 254 valid ip address * 256 subnets with a /24 mask. This mask will allow 254 host addresses per subnet - /24 - adresa mreze /24 //subneti /24 /24 /24 - broadcast /24 /24...
9) /23 - 2 na 9 = 512 /24 /24 /24 *** /23 /23 *** /23 /23 /23 /23 /23 *** /23 /23 *** /23 /23 /23 /23..
10) /22 - 2 na 10 = 1024 - /22 /22 /22 /22 /22 *** /22 /22
11) /21 - 2 na 11 = 2048 - /21 /21 /21...
12) /20 - 2 na 12 = 4098 subnet. 16 subnets - /20 /20 /20...
13) /19 - 2 na 13 = 8192 - /19 /19 /19...
14) /18 - 2 na 14 = 16.384 1 network, 1 broadcast, 16.382 valid ip address - /18 /18 /18 /18
Class B: 16) /16 - 2 na 16 = 65.536 - /16 - ovo je jedna mreza /16 - II mreza /16 - III mreza /16...
18) /14 - 2 na 18 = 262.144 /15 /15 /15 /15...
19) /13 - 2 na 19 = 524.288 /14 /14 /14 /14 /14...
20) /12 - 2 na 20 = 1.048.576 *** *** /13 /13 13 /13...
21) /11 - 2 na 21 = 2.097.152 *** *** /12 /12 /12 /12 /12 *** /12 /12 /12 *** /12 *** /12 /12 /12 *** /12 /12 /12 /12 /12 /12 ????!!!??!?
22) /10 - 2 na 22 = *** *** /11 /11 /11 /11 /11 ?!??! /10
-- Spisak Internet Protokola - : -- 7 (Layer 7) [] HTTP (. Hypertext Transfer Protocol) HTTPS (. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) FTP (. File Transport Protocol) TFTP (. Trivial File Transport Protocol) DNS (. Domain Name Service protocol)
BOOTP (. Bootstrap Protocol) DHCP (. Dynamic host configuration protocol) POP (. Post office protocol) POP3 (. Post office protocol verzija 3) SMTP (. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) SNMP (. Simple Network Management Protocol) Telnet(. Terminal emulation protocol) SSH (. Secure shell) RADIUS (. Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) RTP (. Real-time Transport Protocol) Jabber, XMPP (. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) GNUTELLA (peer-to-peer file sharing protocol)
-- 5 (Layer 5) [] SMB (. Server Message Block) ADSP (. AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol) ASP (. AppleTalk Session Protocol) ISO-SP (. OSI Session Layer Protocol (X.225, ISO 8327)) NetBIOS (. Network Basic Input Output System) PAP (. Password Authentication Protocol) PPTP (. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) SMPP (. Short Message Peer-to-Peer) SSH (. Secure Shell) : []
-- 4 (Layer 4) [] TCP (. Transmission Control Protocol) UDP (. User Datagram Protocol) CUDP (. Cyclic UDP) DCCP (. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) FCP (. Fiber Channel Protocol)
NBF (. NetBIOS Frames protocol) SCTP (. Stream Control Transmission Protocol) SPX (. Sequenced Packet Exchange) SST (. Structured Stream Transport) : []
-- 3 (Layer 3) [] IPv4 (. Internet Protocol verzija 4) IPv6 (. Internet Protocol verzija 6) IPSec (. Internet Protocol Security) ARP (. Address Resolution Protocol) RARP (. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) IPX (. Internetwork Packet Exchange) ICMP (. Internet Control Message Protocol) CLNP (. Connectionless Networking Protocol) IGP (. Interior gateway protocol) EGP (. Exterior Gateway Protocol) IGRP (. Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) EIGRP (. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) IS-IS (. Intermediate system to intermediate system) OSPF (. Open Shortest Path First) RIP, RIPv2 (. Routing Information Protocol) BGP (. Border Gateway Protocol) : []
-- 2 (Layer 2) [] Ethernet Token Ring (. Token ring) CDP (. Cisco Discovery Protocol) HDLC (. High-Level Data Link Control) Frame Relay (. Frame Relay)
MPLS (. MultiProtocol Label Switching) PPP (. Point-to-Point Protocol) NDP (. Neighbor Discovery Protocol) STP (. Spanning tree protocol) VTP (. VLAN Trunking Protocol)
-- 1 (Layer 1) [] ADSL (. Asymmetric digital subscriber line) ISDN (. Integrated Services Digital Network) RS-232 RS-485 EIA-422
Chuck Norris
911 is Chuck Norris cell phone number. Chuck Norris doesnt do TCP handshake he does TCP roundhouse-kick to initiate the connection. Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone. Chuck Norris is able to answer missed call before it is missed. Chuck Norris can cut cable from WiFi. Chuck Norris doesnt use pickup lines, he simply says, Now. The world is moving from IPv4 and going straight to IPv6 because Chuck Norris doesnt like the number 5! There are no hidden IOS commands. Only those Chuck Norris chooses not to look at! Cisco implemented the test crash hidden IOS command because it was otherwise impossible to break a router that Chuck Norris had worked on!
Metric in RIP represents distance between router and Chuck Norris. Lower the distance is, Chuck is closer to punch your packet and send it to grave. DHCP
DHCP jokes are leased. A DHCP packet walks into a bar and asks for a beer. Bartender says: here, but Ill need that back in an hour! Im a DHCP server at a local restaurant. This chick came up and asked me for my address, and I told her she was out of my scope. DNS
The best thing about DNSSEC jokes is that you can check if they were told wrong. DNS is the root of all problems. You know its love when you memorize her IP number to skip DNS overhead. WHOIS going to tell us a Domain Name joke? Ethernet
I had an Ethernet joke, but somebody else told it at the same time. So I exponentially backed off and tried again. {1,Two guys}{2,Hear about}{1,are talking}{2,the dope}{1,in}{2,who confused}{1.full-duplex,}{2,TDM with full-duplex?} LAN jokes can only be told properly if you tell an STP joke first. You have to tell a broadcast joke to everybody to find the one who see the fun on it. Broadcast your own ARP jokes, mine are only funny within the same collision domain. ARP jokes are often gratuitous. An ARP request goes to McDonalds and asks for a Big MAC. I like ARP jokes, because its so easy to make them appear to originate from other persons. How do you catch an Ether bunny? With an Ethernet. HTTP
The best thing about 404 jokes is wait, damnit, its around here somewhere Theres no more 301 jokes because they have all been moved permanently. HTTP 200 jokes are only OK.
An IPv4 address walks into a bar and says: Quick, give me a drink. I am exhausted! The worst thing about protocol jokes is the ridiculous TTL. Id tell you the one about the CIDR block, but youre too classy. Didnt we run out of IPv4 jokes? After dropping the packet the IP said it was my best effort. RFC1918 jokes are inside jokes. IP packet with TTL=1 arrives at bar. Bartender: Sorry, cant let you leave and you dont get any beer either Router: It hurts when IP. Network pray: Dear Lord, Please grant me the ability to punch people in the face over standard TCP/IP. We need to find more space for the IPv4 Comedy Roadshow, since all seats are taken. Theres no place like I have told IPv4 joke 254 times. Then it stopped being funny. I have told IPv4 joke to my friend. He checked checksum and had best effort laugh. I have tried to tell you IPv4 joke, but you were unreachable. Yo mama is so used, they call her IPv4. Hello, heres a packet : The problem with low MTU jokes is you can. Hello, heres a packet : wait a long time before reading. Hello, heres a packet : it. jokes are best told in private. IPv6
The bad thing about IPv6 jokes is that nobody wants to tell them first. The best part about IPv6 jokes is that you dont have to make up the punchline for 15 years. The great thing about Teredo jokes is that you can tell smart jokes even when surrounded by dumb peers. The problem with IPv6 jokes is theyre long, obscure and no one gets them without a translation. I know a great IPv6 joke, but I just dont think youre ready for it. An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to him. The great thing about Teredo jokes is that you can tell smart jokes even when surrounded by dumb peers.
I will tell you IPv6 joke, but first I need to tell you IPv4 joke, so you get it. If you run IPv6 then youre a c001:d00d. IPv4 is soon dead:beef. Multicast
Sometimes I feel like a multicast packet. Ask 10 different people how to get somewhere and get 10 different answers. A multicast packet walks into a bar and leaves by four different exits at the same time. A multicast packet walks into 100 bars at one time. Multicast jokes are good, but you can only get them if you bother to listen. NTP
An NTP packet calls ahead to make sure the bars open. By the time he gets there, its closed. I made an NTP joke once. The timing was perfect. The trick of telling a good NTP joke is about the timing Routing
Is smoke signal a routable protocol? Id like to tell you the full joke about a BGP table but I dont think you can remember it all. The best thing about RIP jokes is that theyre funny 15 more times. The strange thing about BGP jokes is that theyre borderline funny but everybody repeats them anyway. A LSA Type 6 packet walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender ignores him. A LSA Type 2 packet walks into a bar and asks for a beer. Bartender says here, but dont leave the area with it. Q. What did the OSPF router say to the other OSPF router ? A. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Five routers walk into a bar. Who gets the car keys? The Designated Router. Is IS-IS = 0 ? People who tell routing jokes always exceed their time-to-live. My new OSPF neighbor told me all his jokes after we said hello to each other. Then he tells me the whole database of jokes every 30 minutes.
I keep telling him all my RIP jokes, but he is passive about it. I was asking all my neighbors for an EIGRP joke. Didnt receive all replies, so I am stuck in active. Son, If I fail to route jokes to this destination, I want you to be my feasible successor. You have good distance. I told EIGRP all my OSPF jokes. EIGRP said that they are infinite. I would tell a BGP joke, but everyone probably already knows it. The great thing about BGP jokes? Anyone can claim they are their own, all you can do is hope your neighbours like them. I just heard 300.000 BGP jokes. I was arguing with my neighbor about who will tell great new BGP joke. I was locally more preferred joke teller, but didnt want to compete with his weight. Game Lemmings is like static routing. If improperly configured, you loose Lemmings. Security
SSH 1.33 and/or 1.5 protocol jokes are useless. I heard a great one about IPSEC, but you wouldnt get it its an inside joke. There are no good DH jokes because nobody agrees on the same prime. The problem with a cryptography joke is that you need to tell a pair of them before anyone understand whats being said. Why are ASAs so noisy? They dont know how to ssh. He said he was open to networking, but when we met up, he didnt make a PEAP. The great thing about HTTP Upgrade jokes is wait, someone might be listening, come closer add Ill whisper. The great thing about TLS jokes is that you can tell if its not original. SNMP
The problem with SMTP jokes are, you need some good reason to came back after greylisting and tell them again. SNMP walks into a bar and gets unknown object identifier. You need to tell a authorized POP3 joke before you can have a SMTP laugh. Unfortunately you need MIB files to understand the best SNMP jokes. My name is Bond, James Bond, SNMP agent. TCP & UDP
The problem with UDP jokes: I dont get half of them. In high society, TCP is more welcome than UDP. At least it knows a proper handshake. arrival order packet joke is critical to good a make T he bes thin gabou tTCPfl owcontr oljokesi sthatthey knowwhento backo ff. I was promised a three way and all I got was a TCP handshake. A TCP packet walks in to a bar and says I want a beer, barman says you want a beer? and TCP packet says yes, a beer. A bunch of TCP packets go into a bar, until its overcrowded. The next day, half as many go in. A bunch of TCP packets walk into a bar. The bartender says, Hang on just a second, I need to close the window. Im going to keep telling you this TCP joke until you get it. Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? When I try to send SYNs to chicks, I dont get any ACKs. Just FINs and RSTs. I dressed up as a UDP packet I dont think anyone got it, but I couldnt tell. Whats the worst thing about sending a joke in TCP? Ill keep telling it slower and slower until you get it. A UDP packet walks into a bar without a checksum. Nobody cares. TCP must be religious Why? Because it all starts with a SYN. Adam and Eve where in the Garden of Eden. Snake offered apple to Eve and that was the first SYN. Voice
I always get jittery when making jokes in real time. An RTP packet walks into a bar through the wrong entrance. The barman says Youre not getting any special treatment. The best thing about Delay-Tolerant Networking jokes is that everyone gets them eventually. More Voice jokes are in this post.
The bad thing about RTS jokes is, you must first get ready to get them told. The bad thing about WEP jokes is that they all stink, so better dont sniff them.
A joke about IEEE 802.15.5 is pointless if you tell it right. Telling a lot of bluetooth jokes will reduce the bandwidth of your WiFi jokes. I would tell you a WEP joke, but I need to collect 50,000 packets first. I was telling joke to my house neighbor over WiFi, but someone interfered. The problem with 802.11 jokes is they probably go over your head. Other
I tweeted several IPX/SPX jokes, but they cant reach the Internet. A token walks into a bar. Another token cant walk into the bar because its afraid of the dog. XML jokes are well-formed Open Traffic shaping: All packets are equal, but some are more equal than others. CRC jokes tend to get repeated until you get them right. Serial jokes must be told bit by bit. An ICMP Redirect walks into a bar. Everybody moves next door. See most people talk about the OSI model as having 7 layers but they dont mention layer 8 where a lot of the problems actually occur. When I go to the doctor for a cold and congestion, I usually tell him I have a ton of BECN bits set on the flow of my breathing through my nose. CCIE people dont use steering wheel in their cars. They use CLI. CCIE people plan their trips with a route map. My new years resolution is 1080p. I had a dream.. and there were 1s and 0s everywhere, and I think I saw a 2! Futurama If you have experienced an ICMP joke, ping me. We were supposed to be dressed in disguise. So I dressed as NAT. The worst thing about broadcast storm jokes is that everyones already heard them a hundred times. The great thing about QoS jokes is that you may never know how much attention you are getting.