CNEWS - March 2008
CNEWS - March 2008
CNEWS - March 2008
Manual put
A s the world celebrates
International Women’s
Day we would like to highlight
and to women. Sons are preferred
in order to perpetuate the family
name while a girl loses her iden-
es the age of 15 or 16, her lower
lip is pierced so she can wear a
lip plate. The larger the lip plate
certain African cultures that tity with marriage. The responsi- she can tolerate, the more cattle Trokosi or interpreted in English
education first perpetuate sexism, patriarchy bility for the care of aging parents her bride price will bring for her as “Wives of Gods” are young
PAGE 2 and violence against women. often falls to sons who also per- father. The Mursi live between girls that are given to fetish
form their parents’ burial rites. their dry season range in the shrines, forced under threat of
The preference of a son over Thus not having a son is a source Mursi Hills, and their wet sea- death to live as domestic and
a daughter is as old as the age of vulnerability for parents while son range on the Tama Plains, sex slaves. They are girls paying
of history itself. In the pagan having daughters only is a social north of Mago Park in the Omo for crimes they did not commit,
era, fathers used to bury their stigma. River region of South-Western crimes linked to family members
new born daughters alive, as Ethiopia. who committed petty offense
they believed her birth brought The effects of son preference generations ago before the girls
the family shame and burden- ripple into other spheres such as were born. (Ghana, Togo, Benin,
some responsibility. Today, nutrition and education. In the Nigeria) Excerpts from inter-
THE INTERNATIONAL almost 1400 years ago when traditional African homes sons views with two Trokosi:
INSTITUTE FOR the Holy Prophet Muhammad would be given better food than
(saw) emancipated women to daughters and are more likely “Awlesi Amegawi lost both her
ISLAMIC THOUGHT an honourable status, do we still to be enrolled in schools and freedom and her will to live 40
BOOK REPOSITORY practice our culture and tradi- encouraged to finish. When funds years ago when she was given
PAGE 5 tion in the guise of upholding are short, a girl is likely to be away as a slave to a Ghanaian
the tenets Islam. withdrawn from schools so as to priest to atone for the sins of
make allowance for a son to be a family member. Amegawi, a
According to WHO countries educated irrespective of whether wizened woman in her fifties, is a
in Africa where son preference the girl is naturally intelligent Ritual Flogging “trokosi” or the spouse of god…
is most apparent are Algeria, and the son is dull.
Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, The Hamer of Ethiopia are Amegawi said every day was a
Cameroon, Liberia, Senegal and Son preference reinforces a known for three reasons. They welcome countdown to death…
Madagascar. Oppressive patri- girl’s low self worth, low self- make beautiful pottery, high and eventual liberation. “When
archy and male dominance in esteem, depression and eventual quality honey and they flog their I die, I do not want to be born
all African societies mean that low productivity in adulthood. women. The women submit to again. Every day I am insulted,
in all countries, there is some the ritual floggings proudly and humiliated and made to work
form of son preference and dis- Lip Plate love to show the deep scars that like a super slave. I work in the
crimination against girls. are regarded as a proof of devo- priest’s fields, I cook, I gather
TRIBUTE TO Girls and women in parts of tion to their husbands. firewood and I have four chil-
The roots causes of son preference Ethiopia wear lip plates for dren from a man I do not love.
ISMAIL COLLIER among African families include protection and marriageability.
PAGE 8 the social roles ascribed to men When a young Mursi girl reach- Continue on page 4
Dramatic increase in The report also found that anti- Day. This year’s theme is: and to stop trying to re-colo- on SA’s electricity consum-
Islamophobia in the Semitic insults and expressions ‘Investing in Women and nise Africa,” says a letter to ers. She says that the proposed
Netherlands had “tended to become a fea- Girls.’ The Deputy Secretary- EU Trade Commissioner Peter electrical regulatory law that
ture of everyday life, reflect- General Asha-Rose Migiro said Mandelson, who arrived for was approved by parliament
Islamophobia is gaining ing in part a similar trend in women are disproportionately a five-day tour of southern recently has made provision for
ground in the Netherlands, Holocaust denial, notably impacted by global challenges Africa this week. the drastic action. The savings
with Muslim minorities fac- among the younger genera- yet are uniquely prepared to and penalties will be measured
ing rising violence and dis- tions.” find solutions to them. “In Namibia’s case, our small against use from September
crimination, a pan-European traders will in all likelihood suf- 2006 to October 2007.
anti-racism commission said ------------------------------------ “Women, who know the price fer from cheaper EU imports,”
in a report released earlier this of threats to human security said Nela Kasuto of the Komeho ------------------------------------
month. President Mbeki so well, are also often better Namibia Development Agency.
attends Mauritian equipped than men to prevent Independent trade expert CIA : Al Qaeda Never
The European Commission 40th Independence or resolve them,” she said in an Wallie Roux said Namibia Existed : A Complete
against Racism and Intolerance Anniversary address to a European Union would have to scrap its infant Fabrication
(ECRI) found Islamophobia in Commission conference enti- industry protection status for
the country to have “increased President Thabo Mbeki, sup- tled “Women: Stabilizing an local beer, pasta and long-life IBBC’s killer documen-
dramatically” since 2000, ported by Minister Essop Insecure World.” Meanwhile, milk, and allow EU countries a tary called “The Power of
reporting that Muslims were Pahad, lead a South African the World Health Organisation ‘most favoured nation’ (MFN) Nightmares”. Top CIA offi-
“disproportionately targeted” government delegation on the said investment in women and status for their goods export- cials openly admit, Al-qaeda
by security policies and faced 11 March 2008 to Port Louis, girls not only contributes to ed to Namibia. “Namibia will is a total and complete fabri-
racist violence and discrim- to celebrate Mauritius 40th socio-economic progress, but also be unable to protect local cation, never having existed
ination. Tensions have been Independence Day celebra- is also an investment in health maize and wheat producers at any time. The Bush admin-
fuelled by national and inter- tions. President Thabo Mbeki development. against cheap maize and wheat istration needed a reason that
national events, such as the attended these celebrations from Europe, should it sign the complied with the Laws so
September 11 2001 attacks in within the context of South “Protecting and promoting full EPA,” Roux pointed out. they could go after “the bad
the United States and the mur- Africa’s priority to consoli- health, we can help improve guy of their choice” namely
der of outspoken columnist date bilateral political, eco- life conditions for women and Meanwhile, the South African laws that had been set in place
and filmmaker Theo van Gogh nomic and trade relations with girls. We can help make women government announced on to protect us from mobs and
by a radical Muslim in 2004, Mauritius. Additionally, he and girls fit to perform their Tuesday that it would not sign “criminal organizations” such
the report said. focused on Mauritius’ inten- higher roles in families, com- an economic partnership agree- as the Mafia. They paid Jamal
tion to set up a Truth and munities and society at large,” ment with the EU. South Africa al Fadl, hundreds of thousands
“The tone of Dutch political Justice Commission based on said WHO. has a separate trade agreement of dollars to back the U.S.
and public debate around inte- the South African model (Truth with the EU. Government’s story of Al-
gration and other issues rel- and Reconciliation – TRC). ------------------------------------ qaeda, a “group” or criminal
evant to ethnic minorities has ------------------------------------ organization they could “legal-
experienced a dramatic dete- ------------------------------------ Stop re-colonising Africa ly” go after.
rioration,” it said, warning of a Save power or cough up
“worrying polarisation between UN Urges Governments, Nine civil society organ- Watch This Video
majority and minority commu- Societies to Invest More is ations have called on the If South Africans don’t save Link to Video :
nities. ”It found that the coun- in Women and Girls European Union and its Trade electricity by July 1, 2008, they
try’s Muslims - a community Commission to align its eco- can be penalised by three to ranking-cia-operatives-admit-
of one million people, or six Governments and societies nomic partnership proposals five times their regular power al-qaeda-is-a-complete-fabri-
percent of the population - had should do more to include the with Africa’s economic inte- tariffs. According to Nelisiwe cation.html
faced “stereotyping, stigmatis- contribution of women in find- gration plans. “The time has Magibane, vice-director gen-
ing”, “outright racist political ing solutions to global chal- come to listen to the voices eral of the department of min-
discourse” and “biased media lenges, the United Nations from southern Africa, and in erals and energy, the depart-
portrayal”. appealed as the world prepared this regard we call on you ment is finalising legislation
for the International Women’s to stop the EC’s EPA agenda that can have a drastic effect
Yusri Hartley with his mother Zuleigha. (Breaking News -Yusri and his wife Tasneem will soon be celebrating the birth of their new baby. May your baby bring you immeasurable joy,
happiness and grow to be a successful and pious Muslim. Insha’Allah)
Mitchells Plain
Tel: 021 372 1106
Fax: 021 372 1110
Duah made by Queen Sheba,’Rabbi inni zalamtu nafsi wa ‘aslamtu ma ‘a sulaimana lillahi rabbil ‘alamin.
‘It was said to her:’ Enter the lofty palace, but when she saw it she thought that it was a pool of water, and she
(tucked up her skirt)
uncovering her legs. [Sulaiman (Solomon)] said: ‘Verily, it is a palace on a glass surface with water underneath.’
She said: ‘My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, and I submit (in Islam), together with Sulaiman to the
of all the worlds.’(‘Al Naml, 27:24)
Whenever you have erred, be honest about it and openly confess your wrong, admit that you have been unjust
to your soul and repent. You will find honor and solace in submitting to your Creator, the Lord of all the
worlds, such as Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba.
To satisfy the various tastes of our customers we now boast an assortment of new
products which include:
(l-r) Yaqub Abrahams, Yusuf Mohamed (MSA), Sh Igsaan Taliep (IPSA),
Raaghieb Najjar (AWQAF), Dr Salie Abrahams (IPSA), Mln Mukkadem
(IPSA) and Dr Abdul Malik (IPSA)
6 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429
MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429
for her to fall into a ‘comfort zone’ Become involved in community hearing in court.
where; she loses her own identity, projects and in so doing utilise Then Wednesday
accepts her situation, follow blind- your time constructively and learn 12th December
ly and lose faith of the cold reality
until it is too late. The ‘cold-real-
ity-zone’ comes when a woman
finds herself all alone, jobless and
skills whilst helping others in need.
Increase your self-worth.
worse, without her children. women with real complaints! I asked him where
is my van so he said
It is imperative that women be Advice from Nurjahan to Community it is in the yard at
(l-r) Sheikha Maimona Solomons (IRFSA), Prof Rashid Bhikha and Gadija Essop The Muslim Student Association (MSA) of the Cape hosted a ‘book party’ at the
(IRFSA) at the Thank You Donor Day, held at the IRFSA Resource Centre, Heideveld Rosmead Deli in Adderley street. For more information please call Roshan Misbach on
on 12 March 2008 083 6473707
MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429
Husami Mosque York Road, Cravenby Estate DEFINING OUR LEGACY
A n exciting and new monthly feature of the Community News is to share and revital-
ize an interest in our past as Muslims in the Cape. A crucial point to start is not the
history of the mosque but the leaders of the mosque and their leadership qualities and
methodologies. If you would like to share your history, please email info@islamicmedia. or fax 021 697 2304 or tel 021 697 2294. To view or add more information log onto –
Miekaeel Adams, Gaafithau Abdul Razaak, Amiera Abrahams, Shuaib Abrahams, M. Uzair Achmat, Zaakira Ashtiker, Abubakr Barden, Ismaeel Bester, Ebraheem Bester,
Musaddiqah Brown, M. Hashiem Datay, Goesain Davids, Thaabiet Dawood, Yaaseen Ebrahiem, Luqmaan Haitas, Abdul-Malick Isaacs, M. Ali Ismail, Raees-Ahmed Ismail,
Suhail Jacobs, Abdun-Nur Jacobs, M.Ameen Karriem, Abdul-Maalik Kerbelker, Zaakiyya Lalla, Nasheetah Marius, Kauthar Marlie, Layla Misbach, Muzaffar Mohamed, Fahrad
Moosajee, Ameer Osman, Muammar Ras Safodien, M.Azzam Solomons, Uzayr VD Schyff, Ebraheem VD Schyff, M. Yaseen VD Schyff, Moosa Waggie, Meekhail Waggie,
Abubakr Johaadien and Ayesha Gamieldien
10 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429
Pic by Sanaa Petersen
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