CNEWS - March 2008

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MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429

Keeping you in contact with your community

20TH EDITION MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awaal 1429

Inside this issue


Manual put
A s the world celebrates
International Women’s
Day we would like to highlight
and to women. Sons are preferred
in order to perpetuate the family
name while a girl loses her iden-
es the age of 15 or 16, her lower
lip is pierced so she can wear a
lip plate. The larger the lip plate
certain African cultures that tity with marriage. The responsi- she can tolerate, the more cattle Trokosi or interpreted in English
education first perpetuate sexism, patriarchy bility for the care of aging parents her bride price will bring for her as “Wives of Gods” are young
PAGE 2 and violence against women. often falls to sons who also per- father. The Mursi live between girls that are given to fetish
form their parents’ burial rites. their dry season range in the shrines, forced under threat of
The preference of a son over Thus not having a son is a source Mursi Hills, and their wet sea- death to live as domestic and
a daughter is as old as the age of vulnerability for parents while son range on the Tama Plains, sex slaves. They are girls paying
of history itself. In the pagan having daughters only is a social north of Mago Park in the Omo for crimes they did not commit,
era, fathers used to bury their stigma. River region of South-Western crimes linked to family members
new born daughters alive, as Ethiopia. who committed petty offense
they believed her birth brought The effects of son preference generations ago before the girls
the family shame and burden- ripple into other spheres such as were born. (Ghana, Togo, Benin,
some responsibility. Today, nutrition and education. In the Nigeria) Excerpts from inter-
THE INTERNATIONAL almost 1400 years ago when traditional African homes sons views with two Trokosi:
INSTITUTE FOR the Holy Prophet Muhammad would be given better food than
(saw) emancipated women to daughters and are more likely “Awlesi Amegawi lost both her
ISLAMIC THOUGHT an honourable status, do we still to be enrolled in schools and freedom and her will to live 40
BOOK REPOSITORY practice our culture and tradi- encouraged to finish. When funds years ago when she was given
PAGE 5 tion in the guise of upholding are short, a girl is likely to be away as a slave to a Ghanaian
the tenets Islam. withdrawn from schools so as to priest to atone for the sins of
make allowance for a son to be a family member. Amegawi, a
According to WHO countries educated irrespective of whether wizened woman in her fifties, is a
in Africa where son preference the girl is naturally intelligent Ritual Flogging “trokosi” or the spouse of god…
is most apparent are Algeria, and the son is dull.
Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, The Hamer of Ethiopia are Amegawi said every day was a
Cameroon, Liberia, Senegal and Son preference reinforces a known for three reasons. They welcome countdown to death…
Madagascar. Oppressive patri- girl’s low self worth, low self- make beautiful pottery, high and eventual liberation. “When
archy and male dominance in esteem, depression and eventual quality honey and they flog their I die, I do not want to be born
all African societies mean that low productivity in adulthood. women. The women submit to again. Every day I am insulted,
in all countries, there is some the ritual floggings proudly and humiliated and made to work
form of son preference and dis- Lip Plate love to show the deep scars that like a super slave. I work in the
crimination against girls. are regarded as a proof of devo- priest’s fields, I cook, I gather
TRIBUTE TO Girls and women in parts of tion to their husbands. firewood and I have four chil-
The roots causes of son preference Ethiopia wear lip plates for dren from a man I do not love.
ISMAIL COLLIER among African families include protection and marriageability.
PAGE 8 the social roles ascribed to men When a young Mursi girl reach- Continue on page 4


a mushy ball of potato chips.
Well, we telephoned Simba, the
T he Community News office
was burgled on 4 March.
Nothing substantial was stolen, but
keeper alerted us to the identity of
the burglars. They happen to be the
‘homeless drunks’ that sleeps under
manufacturers, and they sent a our offices were trashed. The con- Lansdowne bridge – jail would
courier. Finally, we opened the tents of our desks, shelves and work do them more harm. The Islamic
END THE SIEGE packet and it was a mushy ball bags, including our refuse bin were Media Agency, controlling compa-
of potato chips which emanated emptied onto the floor. When our ny of the Community News, have
IN GAZA a rotten smell. In return for alarm finally activated the thieves decided it’s a better option to assist
all the inconvenience and a ran off leaving their screwdriver resident organsations in developing
PAGE 12 over-active imagination, Simba (used to lift up the aluminum win- and rehabilitating Lansdowne, than
apologized for the poor qual- dows), sun hat and bag behind. flogging a dead horse.
CK 2002/001313/23

Editor: Sanaa Petersen

A reader delivered
unopened packet of Lays

Chips to our offices, too afraid

ity. “Your complaint has been
brought to the attention of the
manager concerned, who will
Thankfully, our computers that were
ready for flight, was left undam-
aged. Now, the Community News,
Religious Contributors:
Dr Abdul Malik
to open it, she ‘instructed’ us to take corrective action to ensure sports the state of the art sensory
Printers: Independent let a Simba representative open that further incidents of this alarm technology and wrap around
Contributors: Mariam Salie, Roshaan
Misbach and Sheikh 'Abd Al-Rasheed
the packet. Our reader was con- nature are avoided,” said Elize electric security fences. An option
vinced that it felt like a human Oelofsen, Consumer Services we were initially averse to. There
466 Lansdowne Road,
Lansdowne, 7780
body part, like a finger, was in an apology letter. Our reader is good news, when the thieves
Tel: 021 697 2294 • Fax: 021 697 2304 inside. When feeling the packet received a R25 voucher for tried to sell our licence software
Email:[email protected] from the outside, it felt like R2.50 disappointment. to a second-hand shop, the shop-
2 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


Dramatic increase in The report also found that anti- Day. This year’s theme is: and to stop trying to re-colo- on SA’s electricity consum-
Islamophobia in the Semitic insults and expressions ‘Investing in Women and nise Africa,” says a letter to ers. She says that the proposed
Netherlands had “tended to become a fea- Girls.’ The Deputy Secretary- EU Trade Commissioner Peter electrical regulatory law that
ture of everyday life, reflect- General Asha-Rose Migiro said Mandelson, who arrived for was approved by parliament
Islamophobia is gaining ing in part a similar trend in women are disproportionately a five-day tour of southern recently has made provision for
ground in the Netherlands, Holocaust denial, notably impacted by global challenges Africa this week. the drastic action. The savings
with Muslim minorities fac- among the younger genera- yet are uniquely prepared to and penalties will be measured
ing rising violence and dis- tions.” find solutions to them. “In Namibia’s case, our small against use from September
crimination, a pan-European traders will in all likelihood suf- 2006 to October 2007.
anti-racism commission said ------------------------------------ “Women, who know the price fer from cheaper EU imports,”
in a report released earlier this of threats to human security said Nela Kasuto of the Komeho ------------------------------------
month. President Mbeki so well, are also often better Namibia Development Agency.
attends Mauritian equipped than men to prevent Independent trade expert CIA : Al Qaeda Never
The European Commission 40th Independence or resolve them,” she said in an Wallie Roux said Namibia Existed : A Complete
against Racism and Intolerance Anniversary address to a European Union would have to scrap its infant Fabrication
(ECRI) found Islamophobia in Commission conference enti- industry protection status for
the country to have “increased President Thabo Mbeki, sup- tled “Women: Stabilizing an local beer, pasta and long-life IBBC’s killer documen-
dramatically” since 2000, ported by Minister Essop Insecure World.” Meanwhile, milk, and allow EU countries a tary called “The Power of
reporting that Muslims were Pahad, lead a South African the World Health Organisation ‘most favoured nation’ (MFN) Nightmares”. Top CIA offi-
“disproportionately targeted” government delegation on the said investment in women and status for their goods export- cials openly admit, Al-qaeda
by security policies and faced 11 March 2008 to Port Louis, girls not only contributes to ed to Namibia. “Namibia will is a total and complete fabri-
racist violence and discrim- to celebrate Mauritius 40th socio-economic progress, but also be unable to protect local cation, never having existed
ination. Tensions have been Independence Day celebra- is also an investment in health maize and wheat producers at any time. The Bush admin-
fuelled by national and inter- tions. President Thabo Mbeki development. against cheap maize and wheat istration needed a reason that
national events, such as the attended these celebrations from Europe, should it sign the complied with the Laws so
September 11 2001 attacks in within the context of South “Protecting and promoting full EPA,” Roux pointed out. they could go after “the bad
the United States and the mur- Africa’s priority to consoli- health, we can help improve guy of their choice” namely
der of outspoken columnist date bilateral political, eco- life conditions for women and Meanwhile, the South African laws that had been set in place
and filmmaker Theo van Gogh nomic and trade relations with girls. We can help make women government announced on to protect us from mobs and
by a radical Muslim in 2004, Mauritius. Additionally, he and girls fit to perform their Tuesday that it would not sign “criminal organizations” such
the report said. focused on Mauritius’ inten- higher roles in families, com- an economic partnership agree- as the Mafia. They paid Jamal
tion to set up a Truth and munities and society at large,” ment with the EU. South Africa al Fadl, hundreds of thousands
“The tone of Dutch political Justice Commission based on said WHO. has a separate trade agreement of dollars to back the U.S.
and public debate around inte- the South African model (Truth with the EU. Government’s story of Al-
gration and other issues rel- and Reconciliation – TRC). ------------------------------------ qaeda, a “group” or criminal
evant to ethnic minorities has ------------------------------------ organization they could “legal-
experienced a dramatic dete- ------------------------------------ Stop re-colonising Africa ly” go after.
rioration,” it said, warning of a Save power or cough up
“worrying polarisation between UN Urges Governments, Nine civil society organ- Watch This Video
majority and minority commu- Societies to Invest More is ations have called on the If South Africans don’t save Link to Video :
nities. ”It found that the coun- in Women and Girls European Union and its Trade electricity by July 1, 2008, they
try’s Muslims - a community Commission to align its eco- can be penalised by three to ranking-cia-operatives-admit-
of one million people, or six Governments and societies nomic partnership proposals five times their regular power al-qaeda-is-a-complete-fabri-
percent of the population - had should do more to include the with Africa’s economic inte- tariffs. According to Nelisiwe cation.html
faced “stereotyping, stigmatis- contribution of women in find- gration plans. “The time has Magibane, vice-director gen-
ing”, “outright racist political ing solutions to global chal- come to listen to the voices eral of the department of min-
discourse” and “biased media lenges, the United Nations from southern Africa, and in erals and energy, the depart-
portrayal”. appealed as the world prepared this regard we call on you ment is finalising legislation
for the International Women’s to stop the EC’s EPA agenda that can have a drastic effect

Manual puts education first

T he government will spend
the most generous slice
of Finance Minister Trevor
cation is central to govern-
ment’s objective of broaden-
ing opportunity and fighting
poverty. “This Budget priori-
tises school building, early
childhood education, school
books and educator remu-
neration,” Manuel said. Skills
Manuel’s total R611.1bn Over the next three years, Revenue from the skills
Budget pie on education. BUDGET BREAKDOWN provinces have budgeted development levy is project-
PROTECTION to spend over R18bn on ed to rise to over R9bn by
This year’s Budget is SERVICES EDUCATION
school infrastructure and 2010/11. The government,
R121.1bn. Additional allo- equipment, so that “we can business and labour owed
cations over the MTEF indeed eradicate unsafe it to young people and tax-
period of R3.4bn for educa- schools”. The expansion payers to ensure that these
tion are mainly for higher INTEREST of early childhood educa- funds leverage visible and
education (R1.4bn), support 8%
tion (R40m) to about 600 lasting improvements in
for the expansion of Grade 000 more children is aimed further education and train-
R and Early Childhood at putting basic pre-school ing programmes and in eco-
Development (R40m), and COMMUNITY
HEALTH education within reach of nomic productivity. The
support for the expansion of DEVELOPMENT the poorest. Government is exploring
inclusive education (R27m). ways in which skills levy
The national school nutri- “In addition, the school funds could be used to sup-
tion programme conditional nutrition programme port FET colleges. Fin 24
grant receives an increase of increases by over 30% next
R1.8bn. year so that we can feed
more children, in more
Unveiling his new Budget ECONOMIC SERVICES schools, more days of the
in parliament Manuel said 25% year”.
that the allocation to edu- HOUSING
MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429

The most trendiest

restaurant in Wynberg
C osy Corner Restaurant and Take-aways is one of the oldest, most
vibrant and now the most trendy Halaal restaurant in Wynberg. This
family owned establishment was first opened in 1973 by the late Ismail
most exciting dishes, with signature basting sauces to tantalize and satisfy
any palate (and pocket). The restaurant’s new look with Malaysian Teak
furniture and gold and red decor, has been designed by one of Cape Town’s
Hartley and his wife Zuleigha. Today, Cosy Corner Restaurant and Take- top interior designers, Guy of Interiors at Dean. The restaurant seats 60 and
Aways is managed by their youngest son Yusri and his wife Tasneem. This caters for functions. The Take-Aways décor is trendy and has the feel of a
young management team has revitalized the décor and menu, serving the traditional American diner style.

Yusri Hartley with his mother Zuleigha. (Breaking News -Yusri and his wife Tasneem will soon be celebrating the birth of their new baby. May your baby bring you immeasurable joy,
happiness and grow to be a successful and pious Muslim. Insha’Allah)

Cosy Corner Restaurant and Take-Aways,

119 Ottery Road, Wynberg. Tel: 021 797 2498.
4 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429

Continue from page 1

Forced Feeding abduction for purposes of mar- and 15 years of age. In Ethiopia “When you cut a girl, you know
Mercy Senahe was nine years old riage are invariably forced and where child marriage is preva- she will remain pure until she
when her parents handed her over Young girls are fed by force violate the right of a girl to lent, doctors at the Fistula hos- gets married, and that after
to the Avakpe shrine, about 30km to make them gain weight, choose her spouse. pital in Addis Ababa operate marriage, she will be faithful....
(19 miles) from her family home and obese to be attractive to on approximately 1,200 girls a But when you leave a girl uncut,
in Ho, the capital of Ghana’s husbands who consider this The prevalence of child mar- year. she sleeps with any man in the
Volta Region. Her grandmother as beauty. The health conse- riage in all of Africa is dif- community”. All other reasons
had been blamed for the theft quences include hypertension, ficult to determine. In some Unfortunately legislative provi- advanced for FGM including
of a trokosi woman’s gold ear- malformation of the bones and selected countries such as sions in some countries such as mysticism, spirituality and
ring. After that, Mercy recalls that diabetes. (Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Mozambique, Niger and Algeria, Chad, Libya, allows linking it with Islam are addi-
members of her family started Nigeria, Mali). In some com- Chad the prevalence of child a rapist to be pardoned if he tional reinforcement to sustain
falling ill and dying. munities, relatives, to make marriage is between 70 and 80 marries his victim even if the the practice and be acceptable
women who have newly given percent victim is a minor. Abduction to prospective suitors.
“Nothing was said to me before birth, gain weight and “be of minors where men consum-
I was taken to the shrine. Beads healthy” feed her forcibly. In some African communities mate the marriage with rape Legal provisions have not
were placed around my knees and girls are betrothed in infancy is permitted in some rural set- proved to be sufficient deter-
ankles and then my family left. I Virginity Testing and married as early as 7 years. tings in Ethiopia irrespective of rents. Therefore, considerable
started weeping when I realised Young adolescents are abduct- the legal provisions outlawing attention should be given to
that I’d been given to the priest. In order to present a woman ed and forcibly married while abduction. raising awareness among girls,
I cried until some of the women, as a virgin on her wedding day, others have their marriages families, and communities
also trokosis, came to tell me I she is subjected to pressure and arranged by their fathers and Female Genital
could not go back, that they’d put under control by her fam- given to much older men. In Mutilation Governments should prioritise
been there for many years.” ily in obedience to the norms Ethiopia in a study conducted compulsory girl-child education
of the society. However a man among 227 wives, 60% said Female Genital Mutilation against violent and humiliat-
Mercy says there were about 60 is free and never made to be they were abducted before 15 (FGM) encompasses “all pro- ing practices. Men would need
women and girls in the shrine. tested for virginity. and 93% before age 20. (UN cedures involving partial or periodic training and refresher
As time went on, more children OCHA/IRIN Publication 2005 total removal of the external courses on gender and power
began to arrive. “The priest Widowhood And page 64.) female genitalia or other injury relations.
was about 50 years old. If we Wife Inheritance to the female genital organs
refused to do the work he gave Poverty and ignorance seem to whether for cultural or other “Putting an end to gender-
us - chopping wood, working At the death of a husband be the main reasons for child non-therapeutic reasons.” based violence will bring us
in the fields, preparing food - accusing fingers are pointed marriage where parents desire that much closer to a stage
he would beat us…” at the widow suspecting her material gain in form of bride According to UNICEF estimate, of human social development
of being the cause of death price. Other motives include about 140 million women and in which the rights, respon-
Workload On directly or indirectly. She is controlling a girl’s sexuality, girls have undergone FGM world- sibilities and opportunities of
Women And Girls compelled to undergo certain curbing promiscuity and out- wide, and a further 2 million girls individuals will not be deter-
rites some of which could be of -wedlock pregnancy. Child are at risk of undergoing the pro- mined by the fact of being
In almost all of African homes, very harsh and dehumanizing. marriage and abduction are cedure every year. Whatever the born male or female. The goal
household chores and care-giv- Besides, at end of the rituals forms of gender-based violence type of FGM practiced, the sus- is to create a world where all
ing fall almost exclusively on the she could be forcefully inher- with multiple consequences. taining factor is gender inequal- people regardless of gender are
shoulders of daughters and their ited against her will. Pregnancy, childbirth and child- ity, a desire by society to sub- free to achieve their full poten-
mothers. Hardly do sons partici- care are risks and burdens for jugate women and control their tial” (Broken bodies, broken
pate equally in domestic work. Forced Child any married under-aged girl. sexuality in the name of desirable dreams, UN OCHA/IRIN pub-
Girls take on household and care Marriage Fistula is closely linked with tradition. A female circumciser in lication 2005).
giving tasks in addition to or obstructed labour during child Kenya sums up the main reason
instead of going to school. All child marriages including bearing among girls between 10 behind FGM thus: -

Mitchells Plain
Tel: 021 372 1106
Fax: 021 372 1110
Duah made by Queen Sheba,’Rabbi inni zalamtu nafsi wa ‘aslamtu ma ‘a sulaimana lillahi rabbil ‘alamin.

‘It was said to her:’ Enter the lofty palace, but when she saw it she thought that it was a pool of water, and she
(tucked up her skirt)
uncovering her legs. [Sulaiman (Solomon)] said: ‘Verily, it is a palace on a glass surface with water underneath.’
She said: ‘My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, and I submit (in Islam), together with Sulaiman to the
of all the worlds.’(‘Al Naml, 27:24)

Whenever you have erred, be honest about it and openly confess your wrong, admit that you have been unjust
to your soul and repent. You will find honor and solace in submitting to your Creator, the Lord of all the
worlds, such as Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba.

(source Inspirational Supplications:Sheikh Abdurraghiem Hasan Salie -

MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


An assault on the dignity of all our people
T he acts of abuse and
humiliation committed
last year by students from
to abuse black women work-
ers, the perpetrators drew
attention, probably unknow-
State, but a struggle against
the social, cultural, political
and economic chains that
common with the Free State
incident the actions of a few
South Africans that infringe
reality of racism and sexism,
is nevertheless struggling to
overcome its past.
the University of the Free ingly, to the triple oppres- bind black women workers. on the rights of other South
State, which were captured sion that a large proportion It poses a challenge to deep- Africans on the basis of atti- Such incidents do not signal
on a video leaked last week of our society confront. en efforts to remove all of tudes that should have no a return to the trenches of
to the media, are an assault these chains. place in a democratic soci- racial animosity.
on the human dignity of all As women, as workers, and ety, particularly in a coun-
South Africans. as black people, this section It also requires a concerted try that has fought so hard Nor should they be quickly
of society remains particu- assault on the patriarchal against racism and sexism, buried to ensure a semblance
These acts are a stark larly vulnerable, not just to relations that permeate all and for which so many peo- of normality. They should
reminder of the many ways the outrageous abuse seen in facets of social interaction, ple have sacrificed. be used as an opportunity
in which the basic rights of graphic detail over the past whether in the home, in the for reflection and debate.
our people have been violat- week, but to daily exploita- workplace, in schools, in The sense of general out- Society should be able to
ed over centuries, and how tion and suffering. They are political organisations, in rage that these incidents discuss such incidents open-
the attitudes that fed suchvi- the section of society most the media, or in the count- provoked among ordinary ly and frankly, better to
olations still stubbornly per- likely to be living in pov- less other places where South Africans, both black understand the many ways
sist in a democratic South erty, to be unemployed, to women are discriminated and white, does however that racism, sexism and class
Africa. be caring for children and against and oppressed. point to the progress made oppression (and ageism) still
elderly family members, and in developing respect for affect our people. And then
The incident shown in the most exposed to violence The depth of sexist attitudes human rights and a rejection to discuss how all South
video, which shocked the and abuse. in our society was evident of overt racism and sexism. Africans, working together,
nation and received interna- in another recent incident, It shows a society that has can overcome these rem-
tionalattention, reveals how The struggle against this tri- this time in Johannesburg, travelled some way along nants of our divided and
historical power relations ple oppression is not merely where a young woman was the road towards a non-racial brutal past.
between people of differ- a struggle against the kind of harassed and abused by taxi and non-sexist future - a
ent race,gender, class and hateful barbarism shown by drivers because of the clothes society which, although still (ANC Journal)
age continue. By choosing four young men in the Free she was wearing. It shares in faced with the legacy and

The International Institute for

Islamic Thought (IIIT) book
repository opened at IPSA
A wqaf SA and the Muslim
Student Association of the
Cape, acting on behalf of IIIT,
– a critical study of their his-
torical & linguistic origins’:
Ahmad ‘Ali Al-Imam and
Cnr. Silversands & Merrydale Rd. Portalnds Tel: 371 6882/Tel: 371 9600/Fax: 371 4315
recently handed over 400 pub- ‘Towards Realization of the
lications to the International Higher Intents of Islamic
Peace University SA (IPSA). Law – Maqasid al-Shari’ah: A Nnr. Kimberley Way & Montegue Dr/ Portlands TEL: 392 2565 TEL: 392 7920/FAX: 392 0581
functional approach’ : Gamal
Included in the list are titles from Eldin Attia.
renowned scholars namely,
‘Islamic Awakening, between IIIT is a non-profit Muslim think
rejection & extremism’: Yusuf tank based in Pennsylvania,
Al-Qaradawi, ‘Contribution which is committed to the
of Islamic Thought to Modern development of Islamic schol-
Economics’: Misbah Oreibi, arship in contemporary social
Epistemological Bias in the sciences and humanities. The
Physical & Social Sciences’: Institute recently held their
Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri, Annual General Meeting in
Variant readings of the Quran Cape Town.

To satisfy the various tastes of our customers we now boast an assortment of new
products which include:
(l-r) Yaqub Abrahams, Yusuf Mohamed (MSA), Sh Igsaan Taliep (IPSA),
Raaghieb Najjar (AWQAF), Dr Salie Abrahams (IPSA), Mln Mukkadem
(IPSA) and Dr Abdul Malik (IPSA)
6 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


GREATEST WARRIOR I was introduced to Khalid Manjoo

(KM) while reporting on the MSA-
Revival of the Spirit conference in
SP- Towards which degree were you
studying ?
KM- I enrolled at university for a 4
right up until launch preparations and
actual commissioning and control of
the satellite once in orbit.

G entle hearted Saladin

Ayyubi became one of the
world’s greatest warriors by
of Crusaders were arrested.
However, when their moth-
ers, sisters, and wives appealed
August and was intrigued by his
career choice as a satellite engineer.
Besides, him been the first satellite
year degree in electrical and electronic
engineering. Typical 1st year subjects
included mathematics, physics and
SP - What do you love most about
your job?
defeating crusaders and captur- to Saladin, he released them. engineer I’ve met, he is also an ener- computer sciences, follow-ons and KM - Hmm, Amidst the wonderful
ing the holy city of Jerusalem. Many crusaders were ransomed. getic, dynamic and goal-orientated build-up courses from matric (if stu- balance between an interesting line of
However, he paid for many of individual with an infectious sense of dents saw them this way, they might work and the monetary factor, I guess
Born in Tikrit, Iraq, Saladin, them. In addition, he provided humor, definetly not the nerdy type begin to enjoy it). As you progress it would have to be the opportunity
his Arabic name is Salah al-Din them transport, etc. He allowed usually associated with inventors. So, in your degree, you begin to take on of being part of something beneficial
Yusuf ibn Ayyub. At the age of neither massacre nor looting. my first question posed to Khalid was courses in electronic design, telecom- and knowing you can make a differ-
14 he joined other members of He gave free pardon to all citi- to enlighten our readers on the back- munications, digital signal process- ence and improve the quality of life
his family (the Ayyubids) in the zens. He even arranged for their ground of Space and Space Sciences. ing, embedded systems and so on … through your work. There is nothing
service of the Syrian ruler Nur traveling. He granted freedom your choices are diverse and it’s up more rewarding than being able to
ad-Din. . He was brought up to Christians to leave the city KM - For centuries man has been fas- to you to choose something you have work towards a better future for man-
by his noble father and talent- if they paid a small tribute. cinated with space, the stars and plan- grown to enjoy. I personally chose the kind and developing technology that
ed uncle, Asad-ud-din Shirkhu. Saladin paid it, himself, for ets, their positions, patterns and influ- above mentioned courses because of can help us achieve this vision. Also,
Saladin was a very intelligent about ten thousand poor people. ence on our lives here on Earth. The my interest in them as well as their there is seldom a day when you
and noble person. He loved His brother paid it for seven ability to look into the deep recesses relevance to the nature of the contem- don’t learn anything new or interest-
peace and never enjoyed fight- thousand people. Saladin also of our universe and also to look down porary electronic world. ing. One cannot pursue a career in
ing battles but he and his uncle allocated one of the gates of the on Earth holds great value to us, help- satellite engineering without being
were ordered to travel and fight city for people who were too ing us better understand our world, influenced and affected in some way
in three expeditions. And when poor to pay anything that they where we fit into the greater scheme by the nature of space and many a
the young boy who didn’t like leave from there. of things and where we are heading. times being humbled by the marvel
fighting in battles fought, he Satellite Engineering is but one facet and beauty of it thereof. I love what
fought with great bravery and On Friday 27th Rajab 583 AH, of the vast arena of space sciences and I do not only because it is my forte,
strength. Saladin entered Jerusalem. involves the building and use of satel- but also because it gives me an
After entering the city they lites and satellite imagery to monitor opportunity to recognize Allah and
Between 1164 and 1169 he dis- went straight to the Mosque natural resources and evaluate demo- His grandeurs in the kaleidoscope of
tinguished himself in the three and cleaned it. Then for the first graphic effects such as urban expan- His creation within and beyond our
expeditions sent by Nur ad-Din time in more then 80 years, the sion, pollution, deforestation and so known world.
to aid the decadent Fatimid rul- people of Jerusalem heard the on. These satellites are often placed
ers of Egypt against attacks by Azan (call of prayer) from Al high in the earth’s atmosphere, any- SP - Some advice to young learn-
the Christian Crusaders based Aqsa Mosque. where between 500kms (Low earth ers embarking on choosing their
in Palestine. In 1169 he was orbit) to 30 000kms (Geostationary Khalid Manjoo delivering a careers ?
made commander in chief of the In 1189 the nations of west- Orbit) and can also be used for mili- Sunspace presentation KM - Life is all about balance, weigh
Syrian army and vizier of Egypt. ern Europe launched the Third tary, telecommunications and GPS the good against the bad, recog-
Having revitalized Egypt’s Crusade to win back the holy purposes as well. SP - What is a typical day in the life nize your talents and then select
economy and reorganized its city. But they failed. On of a satellite engineer? your desired careers. You are the
land and naval forces, Saladin March 4, 1193, Saladin died in SP- Has your fascination with space KM - lots of free time to Google and raw materials from which forth great
repelled the Crusaders and took Damascus. He died with no pos- encouraged you to study satellite email friends (laughs) … everyday scholars, engineers, doctors and law-
the offensive against them. session of Gold coins, Palaces, engineering ? is a new experience. Most of the yers will be produced. You consti-
Slaves, but The Holy Land Of KM - In all honesty, 2 years ago I was time you will find yourself either tute the edifice of a great nation to
After Nur ad-Din’s death in Jerusalem. oblivious to the existence of such a at your PC programming or writing come and any great nation is highly
1174, Saladin became head field and career path in South Africa. documentation, but often you will dependant upon its moral upbringing
of state, Saladin expanded his He is remembered by Muslims Close to completion of my degree, find yourself surrounded by electronic and education. Define your goals
power in Syria and northern as well as Non-Muslims as a around about the time when new- equipment testing the cool stuff that and know what you want in life ..
Mesopotamia.Following the kind hearted un-selfish Warrior. bie graduates begin stressing about you have built. The testing takes place then have the courage to follow your
submission of Damascus (1174), He was a religious person and jobs (aside from the 3 m’s : money, in a cleanroom environment (much dreams and make them a reality.
Halab (Aleppo) (1183), and followed the teachings of Quran motorcar and marriage), I happen to like an operating theatre with your
Mosul (1186), numerous Muslim (Book of God) and Prophet come across the advert for a training design as the patient and you the doc- SP - And, finally tell us a little
armies, allied under Saladin’s Muhammad’s teachings regard- programme in satellite engineering tor) … you also get to dress-up just about yourself ?
command were looking immor- ing War, he treated all of his at a company called SunSpace in like a surgeon with the blue overalls, KM – Well, I’m 24 years of age and a
tal, The Crusaders were not Prisoners with Respect and Stellenbosch. The description of the the gloves, head-cap and face-mask. satellite engineer. I am also the direc-
happy by Saladin’s increasing dignity, no torture, massacre, programme sounded so cool, I imme- tor of Jakhil Visionary Productions
power and success. Uniting their mass killing, took place during diately forwarded my CV. I was so My particular role at SunSpace is and its sister company One4Kids
forces, they planned a decisive his time. And unlike all other fascinated with the opportunity to be part of the Assembly, Integration and South Africa, as well as a trustee
attack on Muslim area. Battle of Sultan’s he did not build a sin- part of something revolutionary and Testing (AIT) Team. We are referred of the MSA of the Cape. If I had to
Hittin took place. Muslims won gle Palace or any building for ‘against the grain’ of career choices to as ‘jacks of all trades, masters of describe myself in a nutshell, I would
under the leadership of Saladin. himself yet he erected mosques, that I even called SunSpace to make none’ simply because we need to say that I am all about balance; a
Thousands of Crusaders were palaces, hospitals, and universi- sure they received my application. have an understanding of all aspects sound mind and character matched
arrested. Saladin treated the ties in for his Muslim brothers Alhamdulillah, 2 years and a couple of the satellite since we piece the by good looks (Alhamdulillah). My
prisoners with tolerance. in Cairo. This is why he is a of months to the date, here I am. puzzle together and build-up the final hobbies include reading, internet,
favourite topic to write on by satellite system. The AIT team is radio, sports, and I love food (invent-
In 1187 CE, Saladin con- even Westerners. involved at all levels of the satel- ed halaal tour 2007/2008 with my
quered Jerusalem. Thousands lite lifespan from first integration friends)

MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


Exclusively for Community News readers
In simple terms it is called economi- jy moet nog R2000.00 gee vir papier Nurjahan Advice - One reader too often that one desperately
cal manipulation to be politically werk. Then I signed a document at needed advice on how to get a wants to believe one’s part-
correct! This is the time that other the back, because it was turned face large sum of monies back from ner because it is easier than
forms of abuse also takes place down so I asked him is document someone who allegedly got dealing with or facing the
because the wife is in a vulner- legitimate he then said yes. I signed her and her spouse to sign a truth. However this can be
able position; no income/no job, the and my husband signed at the back contract ‘in a hurry’ and with- to the detriment of the victim
home and car is in her husband’s not reading because this man was out affording them the oppor- and of course one will never
name. This is also the time that all In a hurry. He then called in the tunity to read the terms and have peace of mind until one
forms of regret kicks in; why did I guy that sold the van to us. When conditions thereof. To prevent faces the reality regardless
not take driving lessons when I had Binjamin came out he said (die man such a situation from happen- of the consequences. Lastly
the opportunity, why did I not save is skelm hy vra R1500.00 vir papier ing readers should beware that I informed the reader that in
some of my weekly/monthly allow- werk). Within two weeks I went once one signs a contract one such a situation, a parent has
ance, why did I not end the marriage back to this man and I paid him the accepts the terms and condi- a duty to act in the child’s

W omen always seem to com-

plain even more will agree
when it is said that women are the
after the first physical attack on me,
why did I not pursue a career or my
studies, why this, why that?
R170000.00. So I said I am finish
with you I don’t owe you any money.
Then this man said ( NEE JY SKILD
tions thereof and it can become
very problematic and costly if
one wants to opt out later. It
best interest.

Other common problems is

ones that keep families together MY NOG WANT EK MOET OOK is therefore important to care- that all too often people are
especially in times of crisis. This is The answer is simple, don’t wait for LEEF) I looked at him and I left. fully peruse the entire contract. ignorant of their rights and/or
in line with the saying ‘you strike a the ‘why’ moment!! Make things If one can show that there too trusting more especially
women, you strike a rock’. happen because you can! Grow with Three months later he send me a was misrepresentation, then of between relatives or friends,
your partner but don’t outgrow him statement saying that I owe him course one can lay a crimi- therefore the dishonest will eas-
The saddest part is that most or allow him to outgrow you. R46000.00. So I went to an attorney nal charge of fraud against ily succeed in exploiting them.
women in fact undermine their he send me to an Advocate. The the fraudster and recover any People also have a tendency
worth because they give so much Life is a growing experience and Advocate said don’t worry wait till losses suffered provided the to suffer in silence because
of themselves to a point where it even a bad experience can have he summon you. That I also had fraudster has sufficient assets. society is quicker to judge than
tires them and therefore they lose a positive outcome depending on to pay for. About six months later to assist those in need. For this
track of their self-worth. By not how one internalises that event. the summons came so I went back I also informed another read- reason it is vital for family and
keeping in touch with one’s own Don’t dwell on the negative or to the lawyer he then sent me to er that in a situation where friends to remain neutral and
feelings, one tends to lose faith of bad moments for ever, move ahead another lawyer. After paying just there is an allegation of sexual offer a helping hand whenever
those around you at times and as instead. over R5000.00 I took my file to molestation or indecent assault possible.
a result, bit by bit, the rock chips another lawyer, because I did not and the court finds the perpe-
away and becomes small and frail. Whilst keeping your family happy, get any joy. On the 10th December trator not guilty, it does not Until next time
do the little things in life that would 2006 after the summons the Sheriff necessarily mean that the per- Nurjahan Khan
It is therefore equally important to make you happy, give you satisfac- came for the van. So I said my hus- petrator did not commit such If you would like advice
not only constantly give of oneself tion and empower yourself, all of band is out to have the van fix. The offence but rather that there please email: info@islam-
to others (which is healthy for the course within the confines of your Sheriff then said can your husband was insufficient evidence on and fax:
soul) but to give to oneself that value system. Act in a responsible drop the van off at the Sheriffs yard which to prove guilt beyond 021 697 2304
which is important to maintain a manner when dealing with money by 3 o’clock tomorrow. I asked a reasonable doubt. It is all
balance as far as ones own mental, and when making decisions that him what is going to
spiritual and physical energy is would impact on your life and that happen now, so he
concerned. Once a woman fail to of the family. said we’ll keep the
maintain this balance, it is easy van there until the

for her to fall into a ‘comfort zone’ Become involved in community hearing in court.
where; she loses her own identity, projects and in so doing utilise Then Wednesday
accepts her situation, follow blind- your time constructively and learn 12th December
ly and lose faith of the cold reality
until it is too late. The ‘cold-real-
ity-zone’ comes when a woman
finds herself all alone, jobless and
skills whilst helping others in need.
Increase your self-worth.

In our next issue, I will discuss and

2006 when I was
driving on Vangard
I saw the van being
driven by a man. So
in some case s homeless and even inform of the where and when for I phoned the Sheriff

worse, without her children. women with real complaints! I asked him where
is my van so he said
It is imperative that women be Advice from Nurjahan to Community it is in the yard at

is the essence of faith

well informed about religious mat- News readers concerns: our offices. I then
ter, educational matters and any told him you better
other topics of public interest. It I received quite a bit of enquiries phone your office.
is in their best interest and in the as a result of your article and wish He phoned me back
interest of their families to do so. to advise on the nature of calls to say the person
If women choose to build barriers and emails received from readers. that we owe money Hazrat Aisha (R. Anha) quotes the Holy Propeht
around them, they find themselves Readers on the whole were in need has asked for the
devastated when the walls around of answers to a range of issues van taken to him.
(peace be on him) to have stated that Allah has
them collapse unexpectedly. affecting their daily lives. Like the There was no hear- revealed to him that he will make the way to
one below: ing I am with this the paradise for the man who goes out to gain
From an Islamic perspective, the attorney for more
husband has a duty to provide for Salaam Nurjahan, then a year paid
knowlege. He will give the paradise to the man
the wife according to his means “I bought a vehicle from a private almost R5000.00 whom he bereaved of his eyes.
and if possible according to the person for R47000.00 in the year still no joy.
standard that the wife is/was
accustomed to. On the whole, most
2000. I only had R30000.00 from
getting a second bond. So I was My problem is I paid
The profundity of knowlege is better than plenty
husband’s are reasonable, intel- short R17000.00. So I was recom- the lender R17000.00 of worship. Piety is the essence of faith
ligent and God-fearing men who mended to some to lend me the I am still paying the
religiously (excuse the pun) main- R17000.00. This person told me to extra on my bond
tain their wives. bring the van so that he could look and I have no van.
at it. He ask me why don’t you buy a I know it sound very
However, the court’s corridors are van from me for only R60000.00 so complicated,but if
443 Albert Road Salt River 7925 Cape Town
packed with women (including I said no I cannot afford that. The you can help me.” Tel: +27 21 448 1816 -1 • Fax: +27 21 448 6491
Muslim women) where the hus- Saturday myself ,my husband and [email protected] •
band neglects to do so and the wife seller went to him (the financier) . I
is often at the husband’s mercy. gave him the R30000.00 so he said
The Butcher who cares
8 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


O n Thursday 28 February, SA
sadly bade farewell to one of
the most remarkable and generous
came to introduce himself to me.
He spoke about his beliefs in a
quiet, understated way and offered
further point of organising and a
meeting point for activists.
visit to him just prior to the arrival
of Shaykh Raed Salah, he asked
me if I could arrange a favour for
tance race, but with a difference.
He didn’t drop out or slacken his
pace. He raced to the finishing
human rights activist of our time. to help us in any way that we felt I remember the passion and seri- him, he wanted to greet the Shaykh line, and along the way everyone
Ismail Collier was always in the was necessary. And so a relation- ousness with which Ismail (ragam) and send his salaams to the peo- else had to keep up with his pace
forefront fighting to uphold the ship was born. held his views, an anger against ple of Palestine. Alhamdulillah the and endurance. This is how Ismail
human dignity of the oppressed. injustice that you could see in his Shaykh made the visit and that was handled all the projects that he was
Over the next few months I got to body, in the intensity of his voice, perhaps his last contact with the involved.
know and respect this new teacher, his movements, when he spoke. people of Palestine. Sometimes I
someone who helped our group of wonder about the fact that a man of Just ten days before he passed
young high school students with My memories of him is of a teacher Shaykh Raed calibre and status was away, Ismail phoned me – his
transport, with kind words when with commitment, courage, a hum- here in Cape Town just before his voice brimming with excitement
we faced difficult moments and ble and strong person. In the years demise and that he was honoured – to inform me about the guests
with access to the school’s printing that passed, he continued to show with this visit. There is indeed for the 60th commemoration of the
machines. He gave of his time and that commitment to his students a great message in this. Allahu a Nakba, which he was spearheading
resources without hesitation and and his beliefs. We saw each other lam. as co-ordinator of the Friends of
allowed the group of young people occasionally in later years, at the Al-Aqsa organisation.
to develop their ideas on their own. home of our mutual friend Hamied Brother Ismail was a man who
Mahate, and I found that time had many could not keep up with, Most people know of Ismail as a
Hamas representative Mohammed
Ismail was very practical and while not dimmed Ismail’s commitment his energy surpassed men much passionate activist for the cause
Nazzal, Minister Ronnie Kasrils at the
Nakba Conference 2007
he was passionate about his politics, or the strength of his beliefs. We younger than him. He was driven of the Palestinians. But through-
he looked for ways in which his were all enriched by the time we by his heart and his intense love for out his campaigns for the cause
Tribute to Ismail Collier politics could manifest itself in his spent with Ismail, and we have the oppressed. I remember many of Palestine, he was focussed on
daily work. Our physical education beautiful memories of an activist, years ago - he organized the first the global nature of oppression,
I met the late Ismail (ragam) in lessons also became a time when a teacher and a humble man who Islamic Winter University in SA. and therefore believed in a global
the late 1970s while I was a high we would talk about organising gave much, quietly. response in fighting for justice. So,
school student. students. He was a popular teacher Ebrahim Patel We pray that he be granted a high he very consciously connected the
and used the respect that students place in jannah alongside the mar- struggle of a Palestinian school-
At the time, as students, we were had for him to support the message Brother Ismail Collier was a man tyrs that died for the liberation of child in a refugee camp in Rafah
actively involved in student and of the student activists. I remember energized and driven by his con- Palestine, Ameen. – for example – to the struggle of a
worker organisation. We had set up the meetings we held, on the soc- cern for the oppressed people of Nabeweya Malik school-child in Bonteheuwel. Ismail
SRCs and inter-school committees cer-field with a group of students in Palestine. When I had the priviledge Muslim Judicial Council made people aware of the fact that
to take up the fight against apart- shorts and t-shirts, to discuss ways to chat with him inevitably we would – PRO both these schoolchildren face the
heid and were meeting with the to raise money and collect food for be discussing a conference or protest same challenges of malnutrition,
democratic trade unions to support the striking workers at Fatti’s and march, anything to create awareness For the past 25 years that I had lack of resources and violence.
their struggles. Moni’s and Ismail (ragam) trans- around the plight of the people of known Ismail, what stood out was
porting the food with his car. Palestine. Brother Ismail was a man his commitment and consistent Ismail also displayed those fine touch-
Ismail had just been appoint- who lived by the beautiful hadith effort in the cause for justice and es of a caring, compassionate human
ed physical education teacher at Ismail and Derrick Naidoo, who which says that the person who is for the rights of the oppressed. being, who didn’t forget the little ges-
Heathfield High. Within days of taught at Harold Cressy at the not concerned about the condition of tures that lifted people’s spirits.
joining the staff, he made his sup- time, started an interschool volley- another is not a Muslim. To use an athletics analogy – after
port for the growing student organi- ball tournament, got me involved all, Ismail was a super athlete Farid Sayed
sation known. I was chairperson in the team and rapidly turned His sincerity and his humility was and sports coach – he was like Muslim Views-Editor
of the SRC at school and Ismail the volleyball tournaments into a something which I value. During a the pace-setter in a middle dis-


T he Islamic Resource Foundation of SA (IRFSA) hosted a day in honour of all their
donors and supporters. IRFSA’s vision is the creation and administration of a central
fund that will act as a base for a unified support system to assist in addressing the equi-
table distribution of resources to a growing community and its charitable organisations.
The Ameerah, Sheikha Maimona Solomons highlighted the fundamental roles donors
play in the sustainability and success of community developmental foundations and
thanked Prof Rashid Bhika, chairperson of the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb and managing
director of Tibb Health Sciences for his generous support.

(l-r) Sheikha Maimona Solomons (IRFSA), Prof Rashid Bhikha and Gadija Essop The Muslim Student Association (MSA) of the Cape hosted a ‘book party’ at the
(IRFSA) at the Thank You Donor Day, held at the IRFSA Resource Centre, Heideveld Rosmead Deli in Adderley street. For more information please call Roshan Misbach on
on 12 March 2008 083 6473707
MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429
Husami Mosque York Road, Cravenby Estate DEFINING OUR LEGACY
A n exciting and new monthly feature of the Community News is to share and revital-
ize an interest in our past as Muslims in the Cape. A crucial point to start is not the
history of the mosque but the leaders of the mosque and their leadership qualities and
methodologies. If you would like to share your history, please email info@islamicmedia. or fax 021 697 2304 or tel 021 697 2294. To view or add more information log onto –


Narrated Shaheen Galant, chairperson

Kromboom mosque, was founded up the leadership in the sixties

in 1912 as a Salaah Ghana on and officiated as Emaam for a
the premises of Nieftaagodien considerable period until he left
Committee members their roles 24hr Contact Hendricks. In 1930 land was for Durban. He was consequent-
and contact numbers Dawood Gaffoor acquired in the same road, being ly replaced by Emaam Achmat
• Omar Khan Tel.931-1450, 082 8808649 Ayeshire street and then known Hendricks (Achmat Miela) son of
(President) Tel.932-8695 as the Malay Camp. The building the founder member Nieftaagodien
• Dawood Gafoor (Chairman) Bank Details on the mosque started and it was Hendricks. With the advent of the
Tel.931-1450 First National Bank, Parow Branch completed in 1935/6, the original Group Areas Act Emaam Achmat
• Dr Zakir Mowzer (Secretary) A/c No.50221374198 wood and iron structure was then and most of the indigenous peo-
Tel.932-6811 replaced by brick and mortar. ple of the area was forced to
• Jahangir Khan (Treasurer) Activities move to allocated areas by the
Tel.932-5574 1. Afternoon madrassa (Mon- The first Emaam appointed was then Apartheid regime. Emaam
• Ashraf Parker
(Vice Chair) Tel.932-5048
• Khalil Sunglay (Asst Sec)
Thurs) from 3.45- 5.15pm.
2. Nursery & Pre-primary school
from 9am to 5pm.
M asjidus-Sunni f o r-
mally known as Sunni
Mohammedan Congregational
Emaam Omar Arend, followed
by Emaam Kamaar Samsodien.
Emaam Rejaalodien Salie, also
Achmat subsequently took up the
post as Emaam in Lansdowne at
the Shukrul Mubeen mosque.
Tel.083 5556134 3. Hifz class :Mon-Fri from 3.30- Mosque and commonly known as known as Emaam Jaalse, took
• Jamal Parker 6.00pm.
(Asst Treasurer) 4. Monday evening classes by Sh accepted Emaam Achmat (Ponnie) Emaam Ebrahim Davids (Sep)
Tel.082 8857860 Riyaad Fataar. Moos, as the new Emaam. Emaam became the popular leader of the
• Khaleed Yaghya 5. Tuesday evening Fiqh class by Ponnie brought a new face to the mosque and his tireless efforts
(Bilal) Tel.931-9591 Sh Riyaad Walls. mosque - in that he was of the in enriching the community and
6. Thursday evening Hajj class few Ghufaath in the WC. Emaam inspiring the youth left indelible
Brief History after Eshaa by Imam Yusuf Ponnie was known to be a robust, prints on the minds of many. In
1971 - Land acquired Pandy (Hajj season). down to earth and straight forward 1997, the Emaam succumbed to ill
1973 - Construction commenced person who made no bones about health and peacefully passed on.
1974 - Construction completed Forthcoming events: it when you erred. He passed on
1974 - First jamaah salaah per-
Mosque complex extended 2005
1 Moulood Celebrations Sun
23 March08 @ 11.00- Guest
Speaker Sh Ebrahim Gabriels
I n the interim the mosque affairs
was conducted by a few mem-
bers who stayed behind. Amongst
suddenly in 1986 and was replace
by Sheikh Abdul Karriem Toffar,
one of the foremost scholars of
Thereafter Sheikh Faaik Gameldien
served the mosque for eight years
and Sheikh Hashim Julies for a
Capacity 1500. 2 Husami Sautush Shabaab them was the prolific scholar and Jurisprudence in SA. The Sheikh period of one year. The current
Phases 2+3 to commenced in 2007. youth hike 30 March 2008 educationist, Haka Galan, who served the community for a number leader of the mosque is Sheikh
3 Husami educare and madressa saw to the administrative and spir- of years until he re-directed his ‘Abd al-Rasheed Brown, an ener-
Previous Imaam braai function 05April 08 itual affairs of the mosque. At the focus into the Institute of Islamic getic, industrious and youthful
Sh Fakhruddin Owaisi recommendation of Boeta Haka, Shariah Studies. visionary who has the well being
(2002 - 2007) the depleted congregation and of the youth at heart.
Current Imam
2006) Sheikh Riyaad Fataar
(Tel.073 0337653)
Temporary Imaam
Anwar Begg, Magnum Carpets
Flamingo Crescent, Lansdowne – 021 762 2770
The Cassiem Family
Klipfontein Road Rylands Estate 7764 Tel: 021-637 4007 7 ENDEAVOUR STREET ATHLONE IND. 2 CAPE TOWN
CRAVENBY TEL: 021-691 6399
For the best Wholesale Prices
PHONE: 931-9487/932-3717/42 142 BALVENIE ROAD
T he newly appointed Imam of Masjidus Sunni, ‘Abd al Rasheed Brown and
his brother Hafith Adiel Brown, launched the Ibn Al-Jazariy Institute which
incorporates the Imaam Hafs Qur’an Academy on 9 March.. The Hifz academy is
BOX 150
named after the renowned tajweed scholar, Ibn al-Jazariy. The Hifz academy has
RYNEVELD STREET an integrated secular curricular and includes subjects like Mathematics, Science
EERSTE RIVIER 7103 and Literacy – all taught by experts in their fields. “We don’t only want to teach
TEL: 021 904 1620
FAX: 021 904 3636 our young learners memorization of the Holy Quran, but also its implementation in
E-mail: [email protected] all spheres of life,” said Sheikh Rasheed. The Hifz academy is situated at Masjidus
Sunni, 11 Ayeshire Kromboom, tel : 072 3693332

BRICKS • BLOCKS • PAVING Quality cast in concrete


Miekaeel Adams, Gaafithau Abdul Razaak, Amiera Abrahams, Shuaib Abrahams, M. Uzair Achmat, Zaakira Ashtiker, Abubakr Barden, Ismaeel Bester, Ebraheem Bester,
Musaddiqah Brown, M. Hashiem Datay, Goesain Davids, Thaabiet Dawood, Yaaseen Ebrahiem, Luqmaan Haitas, Abdul-Malick Isaacs, M. Ali Ismail, Raees-Ahmed Ismail,
Suhail Jacobs, Abdun-Nur Jacobs, M.Ameen Karriem, Abdul-Maalik Kerbelker, Zaakiyya Lalla, Nasheetah Marius, Kauthar Marlie, Layla Misbach, Muzaffar Mohamed, Fahrad
Moosajee, Ameer Osman, Muammar Ras Safodien, M.Azzam Solomons, Uzayr VD Schyff, Ebraheem VD Schyff, M. Yaseen VD Schyff, Moosa Waggie, Meekhail Waggie,
Abubakr Johaadien and Ayesha Gamieldien
10 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


[email protected] • fax 021 697 2304
sms 074 227 4345
learn that our packages are exorbitantly expose these exploiters, because if any- and our families! The crime is chasing all Dear Mr President
expensive. thing, we know and as citizens our coun- our skilled workers away and pretty soon
try( from our history) , we would not we will be sitting with no one! I think the State of the Nation Address
HAJJ is the FIFTH pillar of Islam and only tolerate oppression and exploitation from seems very unpromising this year. As
becomes obligatory once an adult has suffi- anyone - anytime!! As for the youth, mere words are not always the government makes extravagant
cient funds to undertake the journey which going to change the situation with our empty promises. Never mind the political
is once in a lifetime for many of us. Thanking You Kindly. youth. We need to start looking at our- corruption in the government. And the
selves instead of asking why the youth act policemen that are convicted of crimes
Many of our people yearn to undertake Activist the way they do. It is common knowledge reinstated in the police force due to “staff
this pilgrimage because of it being the that youth follow the example of their shortages”. My suggestion to you is pay
last obligation to complete our faith, as leaders, seniors etc. So how can we expect our police service, medical personnel and
well as to go and visit the two most holi- Dear Mr President our youth to be model citizens when their teachers a decent salary, so they don’t
Dear Mr President est cities of Islam, i.e. Makka and Medina. leaders are exposed for corruption, fraud, have to free-lance in criminal activities
Hence our travel agents have no mercy I read your state of the nation address bribery and sex scandals? and flee SA. The Power saga of Eskom
We are concerned citizens who fear that and charge exorbitant fares because they with much skepticism because its been 14 sends a tarnish image of SA to the rest of
there is a cartel controlling and monopolis- know that, out of our love for our faith , years into our democracy and still things The government aims to lower the amount the world. All good and find for the 2010
ing the Muslim pilgrimage travel industry. we would pay any price for this once in a do not seem to be improving much. These of hiv/aids victims, yet they promote pro- World Cup, but where is all the capital
life time opportunity. plans are all good on paper but in reality miscuity by making condoms available for monies coming from – hope its not from
South Africa is one of the most expensive will they be effective? children. Teenagers as young as 12 years Eskom. Let’s not start on the economy,
countries in the world, when it comes to All we are asking you MR. PRESIDENT old can go for abortion without the knowl- what’s with our high cost of living – we
our South African Muslims wishing to is to look into this monopoly and bring the The crime in this country especially has edge or consent of parents. Does this not average, hard working citizens are strug-
perform the Pilgrimage as we are obli- “oppressors” to book. Regulate pilgrim- recently spun out of control and has go against moral reformation? Somewhere, gling to survive and pay for all govern-
gated to by the Religion of Islam. age prices for the benefit of our people made South African citizens like myself, somehow we are failing the youth and it is ment corruption and stupidity. Looks like
(like you have done with the pharmacy extremely paranoid. What the criminals time to stop the talk and start acting! SA is trying to mirror Zimbabwe.
We know this when we meet with our industry). need is harsher punishments. I mean real-
brothers and sisters from the various ly, we pay the taxes that keep the murder- Mariam Salie Shabier Jacobs
countries. We discuss our travel packages Have your team investigate this and also ers and rapists alive. The very same crimi- Crawford
and we get very surprised and shocked to do comparative country pricings and nals who destroy the lives of our children

Book Reviews PICKLE FISH

Title: Ideal Mother The Shaikhs Exotics Way
Author: Muhammad Hanif Abdul Majid As can be expected, teaching the child the Quran and
By: Roshaan Misbach developing the love of Arabic is also highlighted.
Ingredients Method
Like many phases in life, motherhood is experienced Common challenges such as childhood stubbornness, • 1kg white fish (yellowtail, FISH: Rub the fish with seafood
differently by everyone. Sometimes one wish there was anger within children, affection towards children, respect kabeljou, cape salmon, kingklip) masala and fry in oil , remove
a manual that helps one along this path. As humans we for elders, watching too much television , mixing with cleaned and cut into portions and drain , allow to cool
are not infallible hence this book attempts to guide one the wrong friends, self confidence etc are all briefly • Shaikhs Exotics Seafood Masala SAUCE: Place sugar , vinegar , water
along the path of being the best mother you can be. It’s addressed in this book • Oil for frying , whole pickling spices and 2
certainly not the one and only “guide” but it lays a very • 125ml sugar Tblsp. of curry powder in
good foundation and creates an opportunity for intro- The book ends with a summary and a self evaluation • 375ml brown vinegar a large flat bottomed pot.
spection to ones own spirituality in an attempt to strive which is quite refreshing and unique. The book might • 250ml water Add the onion rings and
towards that which ultimately pleases Allah. not appeal to all readers but like any other book it should • 4 medium sized onions , peeled cook 15minutes , add salt
be read in it’s entirety and to take from it what is appro- and sliced into rings to taste Pour the hot onion
Right from the onset the author suggest a method for priate to your own life especially the recommendations • Shaikhs Exotics Whole Pickling sauce over the fried fish and
reading the book, commencing with the intention by based on Quran and Sunnah. Spice allow to cool Refrigerate for
supplicating to Allah “Oh Allah! Render this book a • Shaikhs Exotics Malay curry 1-2 days
source of my guidance and make me the coolness of my A wise person once said that the essence of mother- powder
husband’s eyes and the best of all his possessions and hood is having the opportunity to nourish another TIP 1: When using hake , first fry the
make me a pious and model mother for my children.” soul. The author has also written the male version fish in a batter, cool , then
called Ideal Father. pour hot sauce over fish
Some excellent tips and advice is given to moms from TIP 2: Rub Seafood masala over
the stage of pregnancy onwards. In particular it is recom- fish, brush with oil and bake
mended to immediately perform 2 raka’at nafl salaah and in the oven for 20 Minutes or
express gratitude to Allah. In fact throughout the book until done.
the author places tremendous emphasis on the impor-
tance of salaah, that of the mother and the entire family.

Amongst the 3 golden rules of child rearing mentioned

the book mentions devotion to fard salaah right at the Pickle fish is best eaten a
top, followed by abstention from lies and then, the habit day or two after preparation
of serving others. The author also implores the readers as this allows the flavours to
to read and study the lives of the sahabiyaat (female draw through .
companions of the Prophet , peace be upon him). Great Enjoy !
emphasis is placed on the fact the sahabah and tabi’in
who were holders of exceptional virtues, inherited these
virtues from their mothers. The likes of Safiyyah bint
Abdul Muttalib (radiallahu anha), Asma bint Abi Bakr
(radiallahu anha), Umm Sulaim (radiallahu anha), to Shaikhs Exotics
mention but a few. Blomvlei Rd. , Lansdowne
MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429


S outh African women can
now, for the first time,
be vaccinated against cervical
Glaxo-Kline-Smith, which
manufactured the vaccine. “It
is a very historic event. More
African setting, cervical can-
cer kills more women than
breast cancer,” he said.
Glaxo-Smith-Kline’s Medical
Director, Nevin Singh, said
the vaccine “is not a sub-
uct - for example, redness,
maybe swelling at the injec-
tion side… perhaps even
cancer. This follows the recent so, because in South Africa stitute for regular screening vomiting,” he said. Women
registration by the Medicines it is for the first time that we Worldwide a woman dies of measures. In fact, we encour- from the age of eleven years
Control Council of a vaccine have a vaccine against cer- cervical cancer every two age regular screening as well upwards can use the vaccine.
to prevent the growth of this vical cancer. And knowing minutes. This is according to as vaccination”. However, those who are poor
particular cancer. quite well that if you look at statistics from the Medical will never have access to it
some of the statistics that are Research Council. Developing Dr Singh said the vaccine is due to the costs involved.
“The registration of this vac- available approximately about countries in sub-Saharan safe to use, but warned of pos- Each injection costs R700.
cine represents a giant step 6700 women will develop Africa and South Asia are the sible side-effects. “Because At least three injections are
forward for all South African cervical cancer. And of that most affected, with at least it is an injection, one will required, bringing the total to
women”, so says Elvis number about 3700 will die. 80% of cervical cancer deaths anticipate events occurring R2100. Health-e
Mokoena, spokesperson for And incidentally, in the South occurring there. around the use of the prod-


Rihab ‘Attia Abu Taha (f)
A mnesty International
reports that the Israeli
authorities are refusing to allow
refuse passage out of Gaza to a
number of the 13 sick people.
The court acknowledged that
NGOs threatened to take their
cases to the Supreme Court.
However, far more patients are
Judge Advocate General
6 David Elazar Street, Hakirya,
Tel Aviv, Israel
critically ill Palestinians to they needed urgent treatment, not allowed to leave Gaza. Fax: + 972 3 608 0366
leave the Gaza Strip for urgent but ruled that it could not inter- Email: [email protected]
medical treatment which is not vene in the decision to refuse Help the Palestinians by sending Salutation: Dear Brigadier
available in Gaza. Since Israel them passage from Gaza. appeals to arrive as quickly as General
tightened its blockade on the possible to the Israeli authorities
Gaza Strip in June 2007, closing The Israeli authorities say they expressing grave concern that the To the Palestinian Authority and
the crossing between the Gaza cannot allow these and other 13 patients (naming them) have Egypt: - calling on them to
Strip and Egypt, every one of critically ill patients to leave the been prevented from leaving the work urgently to ensure that
the 1.5 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip because of unspeci- Gaza Strip for urgent medical Israel reopens the Rafah cross-
Gaza Strip requires permission fied “security” reasons. Such treatment that they cannot get at ing between the Gaza Strip and
to leave from the Israeli mili- restrictions, though common for home, and this puts their lives in Egypt, which is the only gate to
tary authorities. This is almost several years, have reached their danger pointing out that under the outside world for the popu-
always refused. highest level in recent months, international law, Israel, as the lation of Gaza.
notably since Hamas won power occupying power, must ensure
The 13 people named above all in Gaza in June 2007. Denying that the residents of the Gaza Mahmoud Abbas
have cancer or other life-threat- passage to patients in desperate Strip have access to medical care President of the Palestinian
aged 28, Karima Abu Dalal (f) ening illnesses. Refusing them need of medical care serves no to the same extent as nationals of Authority
aged 34,Bassam al-Oehidi (m) passage out of the Gaza Strip legitimate security purpose, as the State of Israel. Fax: +972 2296 3170/296 3179
Sha’aban Fares Salama Abu deprives them of the treatment all patients undergo strict secu- Salutation: Dear President
‘Obeid (m) aged 37,Tayseer al- they urgently need and puts rity checks at the crossing, and Ehud Barak
Qanou’ (m) aged 50, Ibrahim their lives in danger. Dozens of are generally gravely ill. These Minister of Defence His Excellency Mohammad
al-Qanou’ (m) aged 28, Rami people refused passage out of measures appear to be retalia- Ministry of Defence Hosni Mubarak
al-Masri (m) aged 25, Ahmad Gaza for medical treatment have tion for rocket attacks launched 37 Kaplan Street President of the Arab Republic
Mas’oud (m) aged 20 , Sameer died in the past few months. In by Palestinian armed groups Hakirya, Tel Aviv 61909, Israel of Egypt ‘Abedine Palace,
Taleb (m) aged 47, Iyad Jandiya response to a petition lodged from Gaza into southern Israel. Fax: +972 3 691 6940 Cairo, Egypt
(m) aged 32, Amin Fayad (m) by the Israeli human rights Email: [email protected] Fax: +20223901998
aged 28, Rami Al-Arouqi (m) organization Physician for Several patients denied permits to Salutation: Dear Minister Salutation: Your Excellency
aged 29, Bassam al-Dos (m) Human Rights-Israel, the Israeli leave Gaza on “security” grounds
aged 35 Supreme Court examined the have eventually been allowed to Brigadier General Avihai
military authorities’ decision to leave after Israeli human rights Mandelblit


S eventeen Danish newspapers
reprinted on February 13,
a drawing of a man described as
announced a national boycott of
Danish products for reprinting
the cartoons that depict Prophet
Muhammad. Local media reports
said the action would affect about
60 Danish imported items available
in Sudan, largely dairy products.

Meanwhile, renowned Islamic

are appealing for the Muslim
Ummah for a rational, wise and
calm response.” Sheikh Qaradhawi
Prophet Muhammad with a ticking scholar Yusuf Qaradhawi called stressed that Muslims must resort
bomb in his turban. The move came Muslims worldwide for a calm, to all peaceful and legal ways
following the arrest of two Tunisians rational reaction to the reprinting of to protest insults to their great
and a Dane of Moroccan origin a Danish cartoon ridiculing Prophet prophet. “We should work with
for allegedly plotting to kill the Muhammad (peace be upon him). others to bring these people to
cartoonist who drew the caricature. “This is an insult to Muslims and trial and work to issue legislations
an attempt to provoke them,” said banning such actions.” The
Sudan has announced a national Qaradhawi, the president of the boycott of Danish products should
boycott of Danish goods and International Union for Muslim be activated.” Muslims worldwide
banned imports of the products Scholars. He also renewed the boycotted Danish products during
in retaliation for the reprint in call to boycott Danish products the 2005 crisis, causing Danish
Denmark of a blasphemous cartoon as a demonstration of anger at companies nearly $1.5 million a
depicting Prophet Muhammad the reprinting of the lampooning day in losses. Denmark’s leading
(peace be upon him). Sudan’s cartoon. dairy company Arla Foods, one
State Minister for Foreign Trade of the hardest hit, issued at the
Al Samih Siddik said customs “Those people are provoking time a strong condemnation of the
authorities have ordered importers us to go in protests everywhere cartoon and appealed to Arabs and
not to purchase any Danish product and Muslims have a right to be Muslims to end their boycott of its
the Sudanese Trade Ministry has angry,” said Qaradhawi.”But we products.
12 MARCH 2008 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1429

Pic by Sanaa Petersen

PASS RATE OF 96% ver ten thousand human

T he South African National Zakáh

Fund – Gauteng branch hosted its
second Annual Graduation Ceremony
rights and peace Activists
marched from District Six to
Parliament on the 12 March
on Saturday, 21 February 2008 at 2008, to protest against the
the Nana Memorial Hall in Crosby, atrocities perpetrated by the
Gauteng. rogue Zionist ‘state’ of Israel.
The Activists demanded the
The event was in honour of 24 gradu- SA government to severe ties
ates that had successfully completed with Israel and hold Israel
their studies in 2007 and an occasion accountable for its genocide
to meet and interact with the parents and committed war crimes
of the 140 students selected onto the against the innocent chil-
2008 Bursary Programme. It also gave dren, women and civilians of
SANZAF an opportunity to motivate Palestine.
the students and to inform the parents
of the SANZAF Bursary Programme AL QUDS FOUNDATION
expectations. SA

In 2007, ten students attained five and AL AQSA IS THE

more distinctions at tertiary level and RESPONSIBILITY OF THE
three attained full distinctions during UMMAH!
the 2007 academic year. Two univer-
sity students attained full distinctions in Notification of change of
their courses. Overall, the 120 students address
on the 2007 programme achieved an
average pass rate of 96%. The offices of the Al Quds
Foundation has re-located
The top ten achievers from the to:
SANZAF Bursary programme are: Little Street (above Athlone
1) Adams Nasreen (Ms) = Graphic Post Office)
Design (12 out of 12 distinctions) Athlone
2) Dinat Naseera (Ms) = Tel: 021 6966545
Physiotherapy Fax: 021 6966469
3) Haffejee Hoosein (Mr) = Human Email:
Resource [email protected]
4) Hassimbhai Aslam (Mr) = B.Com
(Acc) Please forward all you dona-
5) Lambaat Rashaad (Mr) = tions for Masjidul Aqsa,
Physiotherapy the People of Gaza and
6) Mashilo Beverly Makgarape = B. Palestine
Com Accounting
7) Missi Aysha (Ms) = Information
8) Patel Muneebah (Ms) = B. Acc
(10 out of 10 distinctions)
9) Sedick Samiera (Ms) = Psychology
(11 out of 11 distinctions)
10) Khan Faheema (Ms) = Social
So much have been written about us women some good and
Work some bad, yet these writers have never walked in our shoes.
The SANZAF Bursary Programme is
As women we want to write our own stories, leave behind our
not limited to the payment of tuition ISLAMIC MEDIA AG ENCY own legacy - A living legacy for our daughters, sisters and humanity.
fees only, but where necessary, the
amount pledged for tuition fees in 2008
is supplemented with other value added
(T) 021 697 2294
(F) 021 697 2304
(M) 074 227 4345
services such as leadership training
workshops and outreach programmes,
(E) [email protected]
The Islamic Media Agency invites you to the launch of
designed to develop a holistic student their womens’ creative writing club titled,
and future leader.
S er vi ces “IT’S ABOUT ME”
• Advertising
CONGRATULATIONS to all our stu-
• Event Planning
dents. May Allah (SWT) guide you to
• Free-lance Journalists
When: 12 April, 2008
success- Ameen!
• Graphic Design Where : Country Manor, Schaapkraal road, Schaapkraal
• Media Planning
• Marketing (Strandfontein road, pass Makro)
• Newsletters
Time: 2 - 5pm
• Photography Cost: R150 includes creative writing tool kit and refreshments
• Project Management
• Publishing
(We have dedicated facilities and entertainment for children,
• Research under 12’s are free)
• Training
• Writers Don’t despair if you haven’t written a letter in your life or read an
Seated: (l-r) – Shanaaz Thokan
owa r ds bu i l di n y entire book , we will share with you our “HOT TIPS”, guide and
(SANZAF Gauteng Bursary T soci et
Committee), Dr Shouket A. Thokan ge-ba sed
(SANZAF Gauteng Trustee ), k n owl ed support you throughout your journey of self - discovery .
Mohamed Yusuf Dinat (Guest
Speaker & ex- Administrator Wits ***
University Medical school) and the 24
students who were honoured at the Please call our offices now to book your seat
SANZAF graduation

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