DMR-2505 DMR-2505
DMR-2505 DMR-2505
DMR-2505 DMR-2505
by T E Norgate and R R Lovel by T E Norgate and R R Lovel September 2004 September 2004
While the Australian mining industry consumed only about 2% of Australias total water consumption in 2000-01, many of these mining operations are located in regions of low water supply and are in competition with other users for access to water resources. In 1996-97, 95% of the water consumed by the mining industry was sourced locally from groundwater, with only 5% being supplied through mains infrastructure. Water reforms currently taking place in Australia are based on the principles espoused in the National Water Initiative recently established by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), and may result in restricted access to water and reduced security of supply. Consequently water issues are likely to become more concerning to the minerals industry. Mining and mineral processing are the first two of several stages in the life cycle of metal production. These stages are generally followed by smelting and refining stages, which can also consume significant amounts of water. Furthermore, the various raw material and energy inputs into the various stages may consume significant amounts of water in their production or generation (eg. electricity). In this report, the authors have used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to assess the variations in water use associated with different mineral processing options and to add a life cycle perspective to the debate about water resources and their sustainability, particularly with respect to the minerals and metal production industries. LCA methodology was used to estimate the cradle-to-gate (ie. from ore extraction through to refined metal production) water consumptions for the production of a number of metals by various processing routes. The essence of LCA methodology is to account for all inputs, both direct (ie. within a process stage) and indirect (ie. external to a process stage) in the life cycle of a process or product. Data on the amounts of water consumed in the various stages in the production life cycle of the various metals was sourced from publically available literature, and then incorporated into the LCA spreadsheet models previously developed for each metal processing route. The results for the cradle-to-gate water consumption ranged from 2.9 m3/t for steel up to 252,087 m3/t for gold. The results are strongly correlated to the grade of the initial ore used to produce each metal, and can be approximated by the following equation:
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(R2 = 0.916)
W = cradle-to-gate water consumption (m3/t refined metal) G = grade of ore used to produce metal (% metal);
Indirect water consumption in the metal production life cycle, in particular that associated with electricity generation, made a significant contribution to the cradle-to-gate water consumption for aluminium, and to a lesser extent titanium. When the cradle-to-gate water consumptions were expressed in terms of m3/t ore, the mean value for the water consumption of all metals considered was 2.1 m3/t ore, while the mean value for the water consumption for the mining and concentrating stage was 0.7 m3/t ore, indicating that cradleto-gate water consumption is, on average, three times that of the mining and concentration stage for the metals considered. This observation illustrates the importance of using a life cycle approach when evaluating the amount of water extracted from the environment for metal production. Water recycling is a candidate to help reduce water consumption in the minerals industry, however issues such as the recycling of organic molecules, inorganic and microbiological species, and the build-up of collectors, among others, will influence the extent to which this can be achieved. The use of dry or near-dry processing technologies, for which the demand for water is small or zero, may offer a solution to the water consumption problem, however the introduction of dry processing will bring with it a new set of problems, including dust. It is emphasised that given the wide range in water consumption data between mining, mineral processing and metal production sites often reported in the literature, even when using the same processing route (partly explained by the above correlation and also by varying degrees of water recycling), the results presented in this report should be considered as first estimates only.
This report contains information which is commercial-in-confidence. Accordingly, it must not be used or disclosed in whole or in part except in accordance with the terms of the agreement covering this work. Copyright CSIRO 2004
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CONTENTS 1 2 2.1 3 3. 1 3. 2 4 5 5. 1 5. 2 5. 3 5.4 6 7 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 1 WATER AND THE MINERALS INDUSTRY ....................................... 2 Mine site water balance ...................................................................... 4 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT ............................................................. 5 Goal and scope .................................................................................. 6 Inventory and assumptions ................................................................ 7 RESULTS ........................................................................................... 8 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................... 12 Economic value of water .................................................................... 12 Water quality ...................................................................................... 14 Water recycling ................................................................................... 15 Dry processing ................................................................................... 16 CONCLUSIONS................... 17 REFERENCES ...... 18 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: The water cycle and water resources.......................... 23 APPENDIX B: Water consumption data .. 29 APPENDIX C: Process stage contributions to "cradle-to-gate" water consumptions for target metals ............. 33 DISTRIBUTION LIST ........................................................................................... 39 CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................................ 39
This report contains information which is commercial-in-confidence. Accordingly, it must not be used or disclosed in whole or in part except in accordance with the terms of the agreement covering this work. Copyright CSIRO 2004
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This report contains information which is commercial-in-confidence. Accordingly, it must not be used or disclosed in whole or in part except in accordance with the terms of the agreement covering this work. Copyright CSIRO 2004
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1 INTRODUCTION Without water there cannot be life, and therefore it can be argued that water is the worlds most valuable resource. Population growth, changing weather patterns, increased industrialisation and competition among users have recently changed the reliability of water supply and society is beginning to recognise that water is a finite resource. In many countries, both developing and developed, current pathways for water use are often not sustainable. There is clear and convincing evidence that the world faces a worsening series of local and regional water quantity and quality problems, largely as a result of poor water allocation, wasteful use of the resource, and lack of adequate management action. Water resource constraints and water degradation are weakening one of the resource bases on which human society is built (from the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development report Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World, 1999). Numericaly, the world has plenty of fresh water. However its uneven distribution combined with human activity over the last century has seriously threatened local availability (Brown, 2002). Globally, 66% of all water withdrawn for human use each year is used for agriculture, 20% is used for industry, with 10% for municipal or domestic use (Shiklomanov, 2000), although these averages vary a great deal between regions. In Australia 79% is used for irrigated farmland and other rural uses, 9% for industry and 12% for domestic use (Nowland, 2003). Mining accounted for about 3% of the total water consumed in Australia in 1996-97 (Chartres and Williams, 2003), but this decreased to about 1.6% in 2000-01 (see Appendix A). Many mining operations are located in regions of low water supply, and the minerals industry may be in competition with other users for access to water resources. Permission to access water resources is gained through allocations, rights or licences of a variety of types. Water allocation systems generally evolved at a time when there was less concern for, or awareness of, human impacts on the environment and there were fewer water users. Consequently, some people believe that water has been over-allocated and that inequity between users has resulted. Many issues and drivers can influence the future of water use. Dunlop (2001a) grouped many of them into the following categories: domestic and export market driven growth in commodity production; social attitudes toward water use (and re-use) and the environment; government policy; uncertainty associated with global climate change.
Global climate change is very likely to have some significant effects on water resources in Australia, and current allocation procedures will need to become adaptive enough to cope with increasing climatic variability. However, issues 1
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such as changing water allocation procedures may be complicated by the fact that water resources in Australia are the constitutional responsibility of the State and Territory Governments. The water debate is raging in many sectors, and the national and state water reforms currently occurring in Australia are attempting to balance these issues, primarily by guaranteeing an allocation to the environment and establishing markets for water trading. The purpose of the study described in this report was to add a life cycle perspective to the debate about water resources and their sustainability, particularly with regard to the life cycles and supply chains of metal production. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology was used to estimate typical water consumptions (in terms of fresh or raw water consumed per tonne of refined metal) for the production of a number of metals, and in some instances by alternative processing routes (eg. pyrometallurgical versus hydrometallurgical). The work was Appropriation-funded, and was carried out as part of the Social and Economic Integration (SEI) project at CSIRO Minerals. 2 WATER AND THE MINERALS INDUSTRY As noted in Appendix A, the mining industry consumed 401 GL or 1.6% of Australias total net water consumption in 2000-01, down from 570 GL (ie. 3%) in 1996-97 (Chartres and Williams, 2003).1 Information on the water cycle and Australian water resources is given in Appendix A. In the minerals industry, relatively little water is used in most types of mining, and the majority of water is used in mineral processing, refining and the associated tailings disposal (Brown, 2002). Mineral processing operations such as grinding, flotation, gravity concentration, dense medium separation and hydrometallurgical processes all consume substantial amounts of water. Three factors are said to make make water the fluid of choice for mineral processing (Brown, 2002: Napier-Munn and Morrison, 2003): water is an efficient (low energy, low cost) way of transporting particles within and between processes, mixing particles, and supplying reactants to the site of a reaction; water is a medium which can provide a suitable vehicle for the selective action of a distributed force field, eg. gravity or centrifugal force;
Net water consumption refers to the amount of water used and not discharged back to existing water bodies (ie. it includes any losses within the plant such as evaporation seepage and other discharges). Thus the words use and consume are used interchangeably in the remainder of this report to mean the net amount of raw water extracted from a water source (ie. the raw water makeup) for use by the operations.
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Grinding generally uses water to convey the particles being ground along the mill and to remove heat. Flotation exploits the chemical nature of mineral surfaces to separate them by reverse sedimentation through the selective attachment of bubbles to those minerals naturally hydrophobic or rendered so by the addition of reagents. Water is essential to the chemistry of the method of discrimination, the medium of separation by gravitational force, and the transport of the particles in the process. Water is also essential to many chemical processes in which minerals are concentrated through a change of state. Hydrometallurgical processes, such as leaching and electrowinning, require aqueous solutions of reagents to dissolve and re-precipitate minerals and metals to concentrate and purify them (Miller, 2003). Tailings disposal is another major consumer of water on most mine and mineral processing sites. In many cases it is also the largest source of water loss as well as representing a major environmental risk. Water may be lost through either evaporation or seepage. Refining processes used to extract and purify the valuable metals from the concentrates produced by mineral processing can also use large amounts of water. The main refining processes may be classified as being either pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical. Table 1 compares several aspects of water use in mineral processing and in pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes in base metals refining (Marr and Petrie (2002) as reported by Brown (2002)). Table 1. Aspects of water use in base metals refining.
Aspect Water use Mineral processing Transport Pyrometallurgical Utilites (cooling) Pollution abatement Granulation Small High Raw to potable Evaporation Hydrometallurgical Reaction medium Transport Utilities Pollution abatement Large Moderate to high Potable to demineralised Inventory Evaporation Spills/releases Products Consumption Ecotoxicity Eutrophication Acidification Chemical oxygen demand Suspended solids
Very large Very high Raw to potable Entrainment Evaporation Consumption Suspended solids
Environmental impact
The sources of water supplies for the above uses within the minerals industry are varied. They may come from local water authority reticulation systems, purpose-built dams, rivers, lakes and groundwater sources of several kinds, including artesian water as at Olympic Dam. Sometimes the supply is located some distance from the mine site, requiring the use of purpose-built pipelines. According to Chartres and Williams (2003) and Anon (2004a), only about 5% of the water consumed by the Australian mining industry in 1996-97 was supplied through mains infrastructure, with 95% sourced locally from surface and groundwater. 3
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2.1 Mine site water balance As the mineral processing stage uses a large proportion of the total water required in the life cycle of metal production, it is of interest to consider the mine site water balance2. A simplified mine site water balance (excluding internal mill water recycles, eg. from thickener overflows, dewatering and filtering operations) is shown in Figure 1, although there are many variations on this figure in practice. The common sources of water used on mine and processing sites are (Brown, 2003): groundwater extracted from bores; groundwater inflows into the mine; reclaimed, treated and recycled water; purpose-built dams and/or pipelines; surface run-off and storm water collected on site rivers or lakes; reticulated supplies from local water companies or authorities.
Precipitation Precipitation
Evaporation Runoff
Makeup water
Water in concentrate
Recycle water Tailings
Seepage Water in ore Evaporation Runoff
Mine water
Figure 1. Mine site water balance. McQuade and Riley (1996) gave a typical water balance for a mine makeup water or tailings dam according to the following equation: Dam storage = Rainfall + Groundwater flow + Runoff + Returns from process Inputs to process Evaporation Seepage Discharge Pump transfers Historically, in Australia and elsewhere, many mining projects have failed because of a lack of adequate supplies of water on the one hand, or an
Refining may or may not be carried out on the same site as mining and mineral processing.
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inability to control inflows of water into mining excavations on the other. Australian mining lore and history is filled with stories of explorers and miners suffering from a lack of water and having to go to great lengths to transport water to newly discovered mining fields. A classic example of this is the search for, and eventual supply of, water to the Eastern Goldfields in the Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie district of Western Australia. A more recent example is given by Gibson et al (2003) who report that water shortages caused a loss of 100,000 t of plant feed to the Northparkes mine in NSW in 1998. Conversely, gold mining in central Victoria has been disrupted by too much water for much of the 20th Century. The development of a mining operation often has an impact on local and regional groundwater systems (Hair, 2003). Impact occurs when mining progresses below the groundwater table, thereby creating a groundwater sink and altering the local flow regime. The altered flow regime drives inflows into open cut operations and underground mining voids which must be minimised and controlled in order to provide safe and dry working conditions. In drier situations, ie. when rainfall is low and evaporation is high, surface water storages (dams) are not a reliable water supply, and the mining operation may have to rely on a borefield, often located a considerable distance from the mining operation itself. Many mining operations use water unsuitable for agriculture and re-use water within the constraints imposed by quality requirements, water availability, and discharge considerations as discussed later (Section 5.2). The water balance for a Bayer plant for alumina refining has been reported by Stegink et al (2003) and software tools have been developed for managing mine water balances (Anon, 2004b). 3 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of a number of methodologies that have been developed in recent years to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with a product, process or activity during its entire life cycle. It essentially involves the compilation of an inventory of relevant exchanges during the life cycle and evaluating the potential impacts associated with those exchanges. LCA has also been referred to as cradle-to-grave analysis. The objective of most LCA studies is to find the design option that minimizes the life cycle impact of the process. The LCA methodology has four distinct stages: the goal definition and scoping stage, where the goals and scope of the proposed study are described and agreed upon with reference to the intended application; the inventory stage, where the material and energy inputs and outputs to and from the system are quantified; 5
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the impact assessment stage, where the results of the inventory analysis are interpreted in terms of the potential impacts they have on the environment; the improvement assessment stage, where potential areas of improvement are identified.
The most time-consuming stage of a LCA is the inventory stage. There is generally a paucity of publicly available LCA inventory data, although this issue is slowly being addressed. Furthermore, published inventory data are rarely mass-balanced for a particular plant or process, and data must be combined from different sources. This is particularly true for water consumption, as this is currently one of the least reported operating parameters of a plant or process. The growing practice of companies to issue Environmental/Sustainability reports has improved this situation, but even then the reported data are often aggregated over a companys plant or total operations, with very little stage-by-stage detail on water consumption. The inventory results are classified according to the kind of problems to which they contribute during the impact assessment stage. Attempts are then made to quantify the contributions to each impact category. Assessing environmental impacts often requires equivalency factors to indicate how much a particular substance contributes to an environmental impact compared to a reference substance. Some of the environmental impacts commonly considered are: global warming measured relative to the effect of 1 kg of CO2; acidification - measured relative to the effect of 1 kg of SO2; photochemical oxidant formation - measured relative to the effect of 1 kg of ethylene; nutrification - measured relative to the effect of 1 kg of phosphate; resource depletion measured relative to world reserves.
3.1 Goal and scope LCAs of various metal production processes have been carried out by CSIRO Minerals (eg. Norgate and Rankin, 2000; Norgate and Rankin, 2002) to assess the environmental impacts associated with greenhouse and acid rain gaseous emissions along with the Gross Energy Requirement of the processes. To expand the environmental impacts included in these LCAs and to add life cycle perspective to the debate about water resources and their sustainability, LCA methodology has been used to estimate typical life cycle water consumptions for the production of a number of metals by the processes shown in Table 2. The system boundary for the study described here was restricted to cradleto-gate, i.e., the processes have only been considered to the point where refined metal is available to the secondary manufacturing sector. For 6
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simplicity reasons the functional unit chosen for the study was m3 (or tonnes) of fresh or raw water consumed per tonne of refined metal. LCA spreadsheet models of each process flowsheet were previously set up using CSIRO Minerals in-house, Excel-based, LCA software (LCA-PRO). The flowsheets were constructed at a level of detail consistent with available process data, generally resulting in flowsheets of 3-4 process steps; mining, mineral processing, smelting and refining. Table 2. Metal production processes included in the LCA.
Metal Copper Nickel Lead Zinc Aluminium Titanium Iron/steel Stainless steel Gold Process Smelting/converting & electrorefining Heap acid leaching & SX/EW Flash furnace smelting & Sherritt-Gordon refining Pressure acid leaching & SX/EW Blast furnace Imperial smelting process Imperial smelting process Electrolytic process Bayer/Hall-Heroult processes Becher/Kroll processes Blast furnace & Basic Oxygen furnace Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization CIL cyanidation & EW/smelt Feed Sulphide ore (3% Cu) Sulphide ore (2% Cu) Sulphide ore (2.3% Ni) Laterite ore (1% Ni) Sulphide ore (8.6% Zn; 5.5% Pb) Sulphide ore (8.6% Zn; 5.5% Pb) Sulphide ore (8.6% Zn; 5.5% Pb) Sulphide ore (8.6% Zn; 5.5% Pb) Bauxite (17.4% Al) Mineral sands (9.8% Ti) Iron ore (64% Fe) Ferronickel (23% Ni, 69% Fe) Nickel (100% Ni) Gold ore (3.6 g Au/t)
3.2 Inventory and assumptions The water consumption data used for input to each LCA spreadsheet model were derived solely from publicly-available literature, with the data being cross-checked with more than one source where possible. These data are summarised in Table 3 and given in detail in Appendix B. It should be appreciated that there can be a wide range of water consumption data between sites, even for the same metal production route, and the data given in Table 3 are meant to be average or typical values only for each process. In addition to the direct water consumption data shown in Table 3, LCA methodology also requires indirect water consumption to be included, ie. water consumed in producing some of the other raw materials used in the various process stages, eg. ammonia in the Sherritt-Gordon refining stage for nickel, lime in the Bayer alumina refining stage for aluminium, and also in generating the electricity consumed in the various stages of a metals life cycle. While these indirect water consumption amounts were included in the LCAs, they are not shown in Table 3. The following assumptions were made in deriving the indirect water consumption data for electricity generation and consumption for the various metal production processes: electricity in the State grids was assumed to be generated in conventional coal-fired power plants; water consumption (via evaporative losses) for conventional coal-fired power plants was assumed to be 1.76 m3/MWh (ACARP, 2001); 7
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water consumption for diesel-fuelled generating sets was assumed to be small (air-cooled and/or sealed water cooling systems) and hence can be ignored; 60% of Australian gold production is from small to medium operations (Tyrwhitt et al, 1993) and it was assumed that these operations generate their electricity on-site using diesel-fuelled generating sets large operations were assumed to obtain their electricity from State grids; based on the above assumptions, the indirect water consumption value for electricity consumption for small to medium gold operations is 0.70 m3/MWh (ie. 0.6 x 0 + 0.4 x 1.76).
Process Smelting/converting & electrorefining Stage Mine & concentrator Smelting Refining Mining & heap leaching SX/EW Mine & concentrator Smelting Refining Total all stages * Mine & concentrator Smelting Refining Mine & concentrator Smelting Refining Mine & concentrator Smelting Refining Mine & concentrator Electrolytic refining Mining Bayer alumina refining Hall-Heroult smelting Mine & concentrator Becher process Kroll process Mine & concentrator Sintering BF & BOF Smelting & refining Smelting & refining Total all stages * Water consumption 3 0.37 m /t ore 3 7.8 m /t Cu 3 0.6 m /t Cu 3 23.0 m /t Cu 3 6.4 m /t Cu 3 0.93 m /t ore 3 0.81 m /t conc 3 7.16 m /t matte 3 3.4 m /t ore 3 0.64 m /t ore 3 4.85 m /t Pb 3 0.47 m /t Pb 3 0.64 m /t ore 3 12.73 m /t Pb 3 0.47 m /t Pb 3 0.64 m /t ore 3 12.73 m /t Zn 3 0.54 m /t Zn 3 0.64 m /t ore 3 12.33 m /t Zn 3 0.03 m /t bauxite 3 2.9 m /t alumina 3 1.5 m /t Al 3 5.16 m /t ilmenite 3 6 m /t S rutile 3 40 m /t Ti 3 0.21 m /t ore 3 0.15 m /t sinter 3 1.94 m /t steel 3 2.24 m /t s steel 2.24 0.74 m /t s steel m /t ore
3 3
Heap acid leaching & SX/EW Nickel Flash furnace smelting & Sherritt-Gordon refining
Becher/Kroll processes
Stainless steel
Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization ferronickel feedstock Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization nickel feedstock CIL cyanidation & EW/smelt
* Stage-by-stage data not available. 4 RESULTS The LCA cradle-to-gate results are summarised in Table 4 (column 3) and Figure 2. By far the largest cradle-to-gate water consumption was for gold production at 252,087 m3 water/t gold, followed by nickel produced by the hydrometallurgical (pressure acid leaching) route at 377 m3 water/t nickel. Steel production had the lowest water consumption at 2.9 m3 water/t 8
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steel. Figure 2 shows both the direct and indirect water consumptions for each metal production process, with the sum of the two values representing the cradle-to-gate water consumptions given in Table 4. Because of the high value for gold compared to the other metals, the actual value could not be plotted in Figure 2, however the relative proportions of direct and indirect water consumptions for gold shown in Figure 2 are the correct proportions, having been scaled from the actual values. In order to see the direct and indirect relativities better for the other metals, the results in Figure 2 are reproduced in Figure 3 without the gold and nickel hydrometallurgical results. Table 4. Life cycle (cradle-to-gate) water consumption for metal production.
Metal Copper Nickel Lead Zinc Aluminium Titanium Iron/steel Stainless steel Process Smelting/converting & electrorefining Heap acid leaching & SX/EW Flash furnace smelting & Sherritt-Gordon refining Pressure acid leaching & SX/EW Blast furnace Imperial smelting process Imperial smelting process Electrolytic process Bayer/Hall-Heroult processes Becher/Kroll processes Blast furnace & Basic Oxygen furnace Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization ferronickel feedstock Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization nickel feedstock CIL cyanidation & EW/smelt Water consumption 3 3 (m water/t (m water/t ore) metal) 25.9 0.7 38.0 0.5 79.0 1.4 376.6 12.6 21.7 21.2 26.3 35.9 110 2.9 74.0 13.4 252087 3.5 0.5 0.9 1.5 1.8 6.2 5.4 1.8 13.7 2.0 0.8 Metal $ value 3 /m water consumed 158 105 250 52 95 55 66 53 68 216 125 25 139 80
550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
FeNi Ni Pyro Hydro BF ISF
Indirect Direct
Figure 2. Life cycle water consumptions all metals (m3/t refined metal).
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Indirect Direct
20 0
Figure 3. Life cycle water consumptions excluding gold and nickel hydro (m3/t refined metal). Figure 3 highlights the finding that indirect water consumption makes a significant contribution to the cradle-to-gate results for those metals requiring substantial inputs of electricity in their production, eg. aluminium and titanium. The cradle-to-gate water consumptions largely reflect the grade of the initial ore used to produce each metal as shown in Figure 4, using the data presented in Tables 2 and 4, but excluding the two stainless steel results as more than a single ore is used to produce this metal (ie. iron ore, chrome ore and nickel ore). The equation of the line fitted to the data in Figure 4 is given below, and may be used to give a rough first estimate of the cradle-togate water consumption for the production of most refined metals. W = 167.7 G - 0.9039 (R2 = 0.916)
where W = cradle-to-gate water consumption (m3/t refined metal) G = grade of ore used to produce metal (% metal) While the functional unit of the LCAs was one tonne of refined metal as outlined earlier, Table 4 also includes the results expressed per tonne of ore extracted from the ground (column 4). When expressed in this way, there is less spread in the results, once again reflecting the influence of ore grade. The mean value of cradle-to-gate water consumption for all metals was 2.1 m3/t ore, and the mean value of water consumed in the mining and concentration stage for all metals was 0.7 m3/t ore, identical to the mean value quoted by Brown (2003) of 0.7 m3/t ore (range 0.4 1.0 m3/t ore) for the amount of water typically consumed in mining and concentrating operations 10
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1000000 Water consumed (m3/t metal) 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.0001
Figure 4. Cradle-to-gate water consumption as a function of ore grade. The economic or monetary value of each metal per m3 of water consumed in their production is also included in Table 4 (column 5) and plotted in Figure 5. Despite its high price (viz. US$400/oz or US$14.1 M/t), gold has a relatively low $/m3 water value due to its high cradle-to-gate water consumption. Nickel produced via the pyrometallurgical route had the highest $/m3 water value, followed by titanium. Stainless steel produced using ferronickel feedstock had the lowest $/m3 water value of all the metals considered.
300 Metal A$ value/ m3 water consumed 250 200
Pyro Pyro
150 100 50 0
ee l
ee l
S/ st
Figure 5. Metal economic value/m3 water consumed in production. The contributions of the various process stages to the cradle-to-gate water consumptions are shown in Appendix C for all metals considered in the study, 11
S/ st
G ol
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with the exception of nickel by the hydrometallurgical route (pressure acid leaching) and gold, for which the water consumption data were not broken down into individual process stages. 5 DISCUSSION Using a life cycle approach enables a more accurate assessment of the consumption of water over the supply chain of metal production to be made. In the processes studied , the mean cradle-to-gate water consumption was approximately three times the mean for the mining and concentration stage (when expressed in terms of m3/t ore) a result not readily obtained without using LCA. This illustrates the contribution that LCA methodology can make to the debate about sustainable water resources and their allocation. Other issues related to water allocation and use in the minerals industry are discussed in the next sections. 5.1 Economic value of water The minerals industry is generally said to provide a greater financial return per unit of water used than the agricultural industry, which is the largest user of water in Australia (see Appendix A - Figure A3). This is shown in Table 5, where the economic value per m3 (or kL) of water consumed is shown for a range of goods and services across a number of industry sectors, taken from various sources. Values for the various metals from Table 4 are also included in Table 5, with mean values shown where there are competing processes in Table 4. However, economic measures are not the sole criteria for allocating water resources. For example, water can be allocated on a more sustainable basis by allowing for the other two components (viz. environmental and social) of the triple-bottom-line concept when determining water resource allocation. The provision of minimum flows to sustain healthy wetlands, the allocation of minimum water volumes for recreation and tourism and the allocation of water to the production of food crops are all examples that suggest short term economics is not the only factor applied to water allocation. Water reform in the Australian states is taking place on the basis of the principles espoused in the National Water Initiative Agreement (Anon, 2004a; DPMC, 2004) established in 2004 by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) for the efficient and sustainable reform of the Australian water industry . The key elements of the Agreement are: improve the security of water access entitlements, including by clear assignment of risks of reductions in future water availability and by returning overallocated systems to sustainable allocation levels; ensure ecosystem health by implementing regimes to protect environmental assets at a whole-of-basin, aquifer or catchment scale; 12
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143 143
ensure water is put to best use by encouraging the expansion of water markets and trading across and between districts and States (where water systems are physically shared), involving clear rules for trading, robust water accounting arrangements and pricing based on full cost recovery principles; encourage water conservation in our cities, including better use of stormwater and recycled water.
The implications of water reforms for the mining industry are discussed by Gilbert and Fenton (2003) who suggested that:: in areas where water resources are limited and systems are already stressed, reform plans will restrict or ban access to new entitlements and access to water may become solely dependent on being able to acquire water entitlements from existing users under trading rules; for new mining projects or projects undergoing expansion, and which are located in areas subject to developing water planning, it is likely that 13
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moratoriums on new water development will be imposed pending the outcome of catchment hydrological assessments and subsequent operational plans; in other areas where water sharing plans are in force (typically current for ten years) it will be important to understand and monitor changes in supply reliability, especially for entitlements which amount to a share of a variable resource the assumption of guaranteed supply is not valid.
These water reforms will likely see increased pressure on the minerals industry, along with others, to reduce raw water consumption. Some of the issues associated with achieving this goal are discussed below. 5.2 Water quality Water quality is an important operational issue in mineral processing operations such as flotation, flocculation, and agglomeration, and can also be significant in gravity and magnetic separations, as well as in grinding, classification, thickening and filtration. In general, water quality is relevant whenever the chemical nature of the mineral surface is important. However, relatively little research effort has been devoted to understanding and controlling the influence of water quality on these processes. Historically, this probably stems from the perception of water as an inert transport medium. However, the changing attitude towards water as a valuable resource has given impetus to increasing requirements to use relatively impure make-up water supplies (Schumann et al, 2003). The quality of water can range from very high quality, soft water derived from melting snow, to poor quality hard water (high levels of dissolved calcium and magnesium) from underground aquifiers and to even lower quality seawater (very high levels of dissolved solid including sodium chloride). Some underground water is much more saline than seawater, a phenomenon well known in Western Australia. High quality water is not always required. For example, gold projects in Western Australia have operated effectively with water qualities up to almost 300,000 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS) together with pHs as low as 3.0-3.5 for CIP/CIL processing, while the Mt Keith nickel project uses a process water supply that ranges up to well over 100,000 mg/L TDS despite the optimum water quality for the project being specified as between 15,000 and 20,000 mg/L (Dundon, 2000). Laboratory flotation tests on a copper-gold ore (Schumann et al, 2003) indicated that while copper recovery is generally unaffected by the type of water used, both gold and sulphur recovery are influenced by the water used during flotation. The results suggested that gold recovery in particular appears to be lower in water where the salinity is very low (dam water). Sulphur recovery was dependent on water TDS, with those waters having higher TDS resulting in higher recovery. Gold recovery showed a similar but much less significant effect, while copper recovery was independent of TDS in the water used for flotation. While these observations suggest that salinity (ie. TDS) 14
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improves gold recovery within certain limits, the authors advocate that further research be carried out to better understand the impact of water quality on sulphide flotation. The effect of water quality on flotation has also been studied by Levay et al (2001), while Janssen (2003) examined the effect of sediment in water on mining and mineral processing operations. In light of the above comments, the water strategy that should be adopted by mining, mineral processing and metal production operations is to use water that is fit for purpose, an approach that is used by Rio Tinto (OReilly, 2003). 5.3 Water recycling The two main objectives of water recycling in the mineral process industry are to reduce the demand for fresh or raw water and to reduce the volume of effluent. Re-use of water is not a new concept, with the re-use of process water, generally without treatment, long being a feature of water management in mineral processing plants internationally (Brown, 2002). The treatment and re-use of process, mine, domestic and industrial waters is now becoming a significant means of minimising overall water consumption and the volume of contaminated water that may require treatment prior to transfer to long-term water storages, streams or sale to a third party. The effect of recycled water properties on plant performance, including issues regarding the recycle of organic molecules, inorganic and microbiological species, and the build-up of collectors, is discussed by Johnson (2003). Typically, treatment before re-use is required to reduce acidity or to remove metals, dissolved salts or suspended solids, including biological materials and micro-organisms. The major contaminants and their typical sources are listed in Table 6 (Brown, 2002). There are a wide range of water treatment options available and Table 7 lists those methods with very low capital and operating costs that are favoured by the minerals industry (due to the prevailing low value of the metal products in general) as reported by Johnson (2003). Table 6. Contaminants on mining sites and their sources (Brown 2002 from Pulles et al 1995)
Contaminant Metals iron, manganese, zinc, lead, copper Sulphate Cyanide Suspended solids Sodium Chlorides Nitrogen compounds Phosphates Acidity Radionuclides Typical source Pyrite oxidation in underground stopes & surface rock and sand dumps & slimes dams with dissolution of metals Pyrite oxidation in underground stopes & surface rock and sand dumps & slimes dams to produce sulphates Spillage from plant areas, ruptured slimes delivery pipelines and slimes dams Inadequate underground settling, runoff from surface rock, sand dumps & slimes dams Fissure water, addition of sodium-based neutralisation chemicals Fissure water Waste explosives, gas by-products from explosives, sewage and contaminated runoff from hostels Sewage and contaminated runoff from hostels Pyrite oxidation underground, surface dumps (rock, sand & slimes), spillage from plant areas Pyrite oxidation in underground stopes & surface rock and sand dumps & slimes dams with dissolution of radionuclides
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Microbes faecal coliforms, coliphages
Faecal contamination of underground mine service water, poorly treated sewage, runoff from hostel areas, livestock grazing
Table 7. Methods for water treatment (Johnson 2003 from Rao and Finch 1989).
Category Chemical reaction Method Chemical precipitation Chemical oxidation, eg. by ozone Adsorption on solid or at an interface Adsorption on active carbon or coal Adsorption on mineral slimes Adsorption on bentonite clay Adsorption at gas-liquid interface Other methods Biological oxidation Ion exchange resins Reverse osmosis Atmospheric freezing Application Removal of alkaline earth and heavy metal ions Oxidation of most high molecular weight organics to simpler molecules Removal of most organics Removal of metal ions and some organics depending upon the slime composition Removal of metal ions and amines Removal of highly surface active organics (eg. alkyl sulphates) Removal of biodegradable organics Removal of ionic species Removal of electrolytes Removal of electrolytes and organics
The contribution of recycled water, including both internally recycled (ie within the mill or concentrator) and externally recycled (ie. external to the mill or concentrator, eg. from the tailings dam) water to the total amount of water consumed on a mining and mineral processing site varies from location to location. Thompson and Minns (2003) reported that the average percentage of water recycled for Newmont Australias operations in 2002 was 44%, while the average percentage of water recycled for Rio Tintos worldwide operations in 2002 was 25% (OReilly, 2003). A water recycling rate of 80% was reported by Schumann et al (2003) for Newcrest Minings Cadia Hill gold mine in central NSW. 5.4 Dry processing Currently, the price of water fluctuates according to supply and demand conditions, with the average price of water in Australia being about A$1/kL or A$1000/ML (Urban Ecology). Pressures on water supply (as discussed above) are anticipated to result in water supplies for the minerals industry to become increasingly compromised. Thus water availability and cost are likely to drive changes in water consumption within the minerals industry. While increased water recycling is an obvious candidate to help reduce the water consumption of mineral processing plants, there may be a more radical solution to the problem the use of dry or near-dry processing technologies, for which the demand for water is small or zero (Napier-Munn and Morrison, 2003). If dry processing is to replace conventional mineral processing in applications in which water is scarce, unavailable or difficult to recycle, Napier-Munn and Morrison (2003) have suggested that two major issues will need to be addressed: a new paradigm will be required for the design of processing flowsheet this will need to extend to innovative ways of valuing particular process routes, eg. more emphasis can be placed on achieving selective mineral 16
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liberation in blasting and coarse comminution so that simple (dry) methods can be used to remove waste prior to conventional processing; research will be required to develop current dry methods to increase throughput and overcome other disadvantages, and to develop new dry separation methods, perhaps exploiting alternative mineral properties special attention will have to be paid to efficient energy utilisation.
Dry processing has been applied to many products in the minerals industry including gypsum, salt, phosphate, talc, magnesite, diamonds, limestone, potash, gold, coal, uranium and copper-lead-zinc ores (Brown, 2003). In recent years at CSIRO Minerals, dry particle separation research has focussed on using a vibrating plate separator that classifies particles on the basis of size and density (OConnor et al, 2002). The most serious problem with dry processing is currently considered to be dust and its association with health and environmental issues. There are many other unknowns associated with dry processing, and it is likely that the introduction of dry processing would bring with it a new set of problems. 6 CONCLUSIONS Water consumption data derived from the literature have been incorporated into previously developed LCA spreadsheet models to obtain cradle-to-gate water consumption values for a number of metals by various processing routes.The following conclusions may be drawn from the work: cradle-to-gate water consumption for production of the metals considered in the study ranged from 2.9 m3/t for steel up to 252,087 m3/t for gold; these results largely reflect the grade of the initial ore used to produce each metal, and can be approximated by the following equation: W = 167.7 G - 0.9039 where (R2 = 0.916)
W = cradle-to-gate water consumption (m3/t refined metal) G = grade of ore used to produce metal (% metal);
the above correlation, together with varying degrees of water recycling, partly explains the wide range in water consumption data between mining, mineral processing and metal production sites often reported in the literature, even when using the same processing route ; LCA can be used to examine process pathways and highlight possible alternative processing routes with lower water use, eg. up to 80% less cradle-to-gate water use for stainless steel using nickel instead of ferronickel feedstock, with reductions of 40% for lead and 20% for zinc also being indicated however there is often not a choice in determining 17
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the most appropriate processing route for a particular orebody, as it is strongly influenced by mineralogy and grade; indirect water consumption in the metal production life cycle, in particular that due to electricity generation, made a significant contribution to the cradle-to-gate water consumption for aluminium, and to a lesser extent titanium; when expressed in terms of m3/t ore, the mean cradle-to-gate water consumption was 2.1 m3/t ore, while the mean water consumption for the mining and concentrating stage was 0.7 m3/t ore, indicating that cradle-togate water consumption is roughly three times that of the mining and concentration stage; water reforms currently taking place in Australia are likely to see issues such as competition for water access, reduced security of supply and increase in cost as major concerns of the minerals industry in the future consequently the minerals industry, along with others, may come under increasing pressure to reduce fresh or raw water use; while water recycling is an obvious candidate to help reduce water consumption in the minerals industry, issues such as the associated recycling of organic molecules, inorganic and microbiological species, and the build-up of collectors, among others, will influence the extent to which this can be achieved, and a fit for purpose water strategy should be adopted by mining, mineral processing and metal production operations; the use of dry or near-dry processing technologies, for which the demand for water is small or zero, maybe a more radical solution to the water consumption problem, however it is likely that the introduction of dry processing would bring with it a new set of problems, including dust; the water-related issues facing the minerals industry represent part of a wider crisis in the availability and management of water resources facing many parts of the world.
While the focus of this study has been on water consumption, it should be borne in mind that when assessing the relative environmental merits of alternative processing routes, broader impacts (eg. greenhouse and acid rain gas emissions, nutrification, community capacity, economics etc.) must be considered in addition to water consumption/resource depletion, with each impact being weighted appropriately. 7 REFERENCES ACARP (Australian Coal Association Research Program). Coal in Sustainable Society (Project C9058), 2001, p. B1-1 (
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Anon. Miners get tick in COAG water initiative. Australian Journal of mining, July/August 2004a, p. 30. Anon. Water data management. Australian Journal of mining, July/August 2004b, p. 29. Australian Waterlines, 2004, Australian Statistics Extract from Water Account 2000/2001 ( Brown, E. Water for a sustainable minerals industry. Report to Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland (Julius Kruttschnitt Minerals Research Centre), October 2002. Brown, E. Water for a sustainable minerals industry A review. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 3-14. Chartres, C and Williams, J. Competition for Australias diminishing water resources Agriculture versus industry versus environment. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 15-24. DMPC (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet), 2004. National Water Initiative ( DRD (Department of Resources Development, Western Australia). Titanium metal pre-feasibility study. November 1994. Dundon, P. Water in Mining Where will it come from and where will it go to?. Proceedings of After 2000: The future of mining. Sydney, 2000 (AusIMM). Dunlop, M, Hall, N, Watson, B, Gordon, L and Foran, B, 2001a. Water use in Australia. Report I of IV in a series on Australian water futures. Working Paper Series 01/02. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems ( Dunlop, M, Foran, B and Poldy, F, 2001b. Scenarios of future water use. Report IV of IV in a series on Australian water futures. Working Paper Series 01/05. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems ( Farmweb website ( Foran, B and Poldy, F. The future of water. From Future dileemas: Options to 2050 for Australias population, technology, resources and development (Chapter 6). CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, October 2002. Formanek, L, Lommert, H and Beyzavi, A. Synthetic rutile manufacture by the SL/RN-becher process. Heavy Minerals 1997, Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and metallurgy, pp. 161-168. Gibson, D, Jilbert,B, McPhail, G and Puglusi, R. Practical implementation of Rio Tintos Excellence in Water Management program at Northparkes Mines,
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New South Wales. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 189-195. Gilbert, L and Fenton, C. Water reform, tradeability and understanding the value of water for large-scale resource projects. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 67-69. Gleick, P, 1998. The Worlds Water 1998-1999. Island Press Washington, DC. ( Guirco, D, Stewart, M and Petrie, J. Decision making to support sustainability in the copper industry: technology selection. 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, September 2001. Hair, I. Groundwater issues in the mining industry. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 173-179. Hillier, J, Kellett, J, Foster, L and McMahon, G. The Great Artesian Basin Use and sustainability. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 71-79. Janssen, R. Ignore sediment at your peril Sediment issues in water management. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 113121. Johnson, N. Issues in maximisation of recycling of water in a mineral processing plant. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 239-245. Johnson, S and Commander, P. Groundwater utilisation by the mining industry in arid Western Australia. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 179-185. Levay, G, Smart, R and Skinner, W. The impact of water quality on flotation performance. Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, March/April 2001, pp. 69-75. Marr, S and Petrie, J. Water in the design context: a focus on base metals refining. Workshop for the Mineral Processing 2002 Conference: Environmental Issues and water Management in Mineral Processing, Cape Town, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. McIntosh, K and Cronin, D. Bauxite mining in water supply catchments Water conservation and quality protection. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 203-210. McQuade, C and Riley, S. Water Management, in Environmental Management in the Australian Minerals and Energy Industries. D Mulligan (Editor), UNSW Press, 1996, p. 199.
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Milligan, I, Huxley, W and Roche, M. A mine and its neighbours Delivering sustainable water resource management. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 81-84. Miller, G. Water consumption optimisation in copper heap leach-SX-EW projects. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 279-284. Napier-Munn, T and Morrison, R. The potential for the dry processing of ores. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 247-250. Norgate, T E and Rankin, W J, 2000. Life cycle assessment of copper and nickel production, in Proceedings of MINPREX 2000, pp. 133-138 (The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Melbourne). Norgate, T. E. and Rankin, W. J., An environmental assessment of lead and zinc production processes, Green Processing 2002, (The AusIMM), Cairns,May 2002, pp 177-184. Nowlands, G. Domestic water conservation: A users guide. March 2003, Environment Centre of WA ( NSW Department of Mineral Resources. Strategy for Mining Development in the Central West of New South Wales, September 1998 (prepared by Dames & Moore) OConnor, M, Clout, J and Nicholson, R. Dry particle separation A contribution to sustainable processing. Green Processing 2002, (The AusIMM), Cairns,May 2002, pp 291-297. OReilly, J. Towards excellence in water management within Rio Tinto. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 25-28. Pulles, W, Howie, D, Otto, D and Easton, J. A manual on mine water treatment and management practices in South Africa. WRC Report No. TT80/95, June 1995. Water Research Commission: Pretoria. Rao, S anf Finch, J. A review of water re-use in flotation. Mineral Engineering, 2(1), 1989, pp. 65-85. Schumann, R, Levay, G, Dunne, R and Hart, S. Managing process water quality in base metal sulfide flotation. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 251-259. Sheng, W. Sintering practice with Australian hematite fines. 4th ChinaAustralia Symposium on Technology of feed preparation for ironmaking, Dampier, 1993. pp. 5.1-5.3. Shiklomanov, I. Appraisal and assessment of world water resources. Water International, 25(1), 2000, pp. 11-32.
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Stegink, H, Lane, J, Barker, D and Pei, B. Water usage reductions at Queensland Alumina. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 293-299. Taylor, A and Cairns, D. Technical development of the Bulong laterite treatment project. Nickel/cobalt pressure leaching and hydrometallurgy forum, 1997, ALTA Metallurgical Services. Thompson, M and Minns, A. Mine water usage eco-efficiency. Water in Mining Conference, Brisbane, October 2003, pp. 301-304. Tyrwhitt, D, Randell, V and Barrett, J. Gold ore mining practice in 1991 at medium-size gold mines. Australia. Australasian Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), 1993, pp. 923-932. Urban Ecology Australia website ( UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), 2004, ( Valenzuela,A. Advances towards an environmental sustainability in the Chilean mining sector. Copper 2003 Conference, Santiago, Chile, Vol II, p. 3. Wagerup alumina project. Environment review and management programme, May 1978. Water and Rivers Commission. Western Australias groundwater resources. Water Facts 9, 1998. Wright, P. Nickel ore concentration at Leinster Nickel Operations of Western Mining Corporation Limited, Leinster, WA. Australia. Australasian Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), 1993, pp. 1189-1193.
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THE WATER (OR HYDROLOGIC) CYCLE The water or hydrologic cycle, is driven by the suns heat. It causes the water held in the oceans and on the surfaces of the land to vaporise (this process is known as evaporation). Rising warm air carries the water vapour with it, and as it rises the water vapour cools and condenses into tiny water droplets which join together to form clouds, that under certain conditions produce rain, hail or snow (collectively termed precipitation). Winds blow the clouds from the water source to other sites prior to precipitation. Deposited on land, much of the rainwater soaks up into the topsoil of the earth. The roots of plants will absorb some of this water from the topsoil and some of the water will evaporate directly from the land back into the atmosphere. The water that does not evaporate or is not absorbed into the soil will run-off into rivers, lakes and wetlands or will migrate downwards into the groundwater (water held beneath the ground). In addition, the plants that absorbed the water will, under the heat of the sun, release the water back into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. The collective effect of evaporation and transpiration is termed evapo-transpiration. When the water returns to the atmosphere, the evapo-transpirated water forms clouds and the cycle continues. A schematic diagram of the water cycle is shown in Figure A1, while the estimated residence times of the worlds water resources are shown in Figure A2 (both figures from UNEP, 2004). It has been estimated that about 502,800 km3 (Note: 1km3 = 1000 GL (gigalitres)) of water evaporates each year over the oceans and seas, of which 458,000 km3 (or about 90%) returns directly to the oceans through precipitation, while the remainder (44,800 km3) falls over land. With evapotranspiration totalling about 74,200 km3, the total volume in the terrestrial hydrological cycle is about 119,000 km3. About 35% of this, or 44,800 km3 is returned to the oceans as run-off from rivers, groundwater and glaciers. Annually the hydrologic cycle circulates nearly 577,000 km3 of water. WORLD WATER RESOURCES Reliable assessment of the amount of water stored on the Earth is a complicated problem because water is very dynamic. The total amount of water in the hydrosphere consists of the free water in liquid, solid or gaseous states in the atmosphere, on the Earths surface, and in the crust down to a depth of approximately 2000 m. The worlds water resource has been estimated (Shiklomanov, 2000) at approximately 1400 million km3. However 97.5% of this is saline water largely in the oceans, with only 2.5% as fresh water. Frozen water in the form of ice and permanent snow cover in polar and mountainous regions accounts for the greater proportion (68.7%) of this fresh water. Of the balance of 11 million km3, 90,000 km3 is concentrated in lakes, reservoirs and river systems while the remainder lies underground. The above values are the natural static or long-term amounts of water stored in the elements of the hydrosphere. In the shorter-term, the values vary as a result
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Figure A1. The worlds water cycle (UNEP, 2004). of water exchange between the oceans, the land and the atmosphere as part of the global hydrological cycle. In hydrology and water management, two concepts are often used to assess water resources in a region static freshwater storage and renewable water resources (Shiklomanov, 2000). The static storage conventionally includes freshwater with a period of full renewal of many years or decades (large lakes, groundwater, glaciers, etc.) Its intensive use unavoidably results in storage depletion and unfavourable ecological consequences. Renewable water resources include the water yearly replenished in the process of water turnover on the earth. The annually renewed volume, usually measured as 25
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Figure A2. Estimated residence times of the worlds water resources (UNEP, 2004). volume per unit of time (eg. km3/year) consists mainly of the regional runoff and the inflow of groundwater into the river network. Estimates of renewable water resources and availability by continent Shiklomanov (2000) are shown in Table A1. The mean global value of renewable water resources is estimated at 42,780 km3/year, and it varies greatly in time and space. Australia (with Oceania) has the smallest volume (2400 km3/year). Further breakdown of the data in Table A1 on a country-bycountry basis is given by Shiklomanov, 2000). Globally, about 45-55% of the run-off that forms the total renewable resource occurs during periods of flooding, which means that some of the potential water supply shown in Table A1 is not actually available for use. The unevenness of river runoff distribution during a year leads to the desirability for human regulation through the creation of different types of reservoirs. In considering water use, it is necessary to distinguish between the amounts of water withdrawn from the hydrosphere and the amount consumed. Water consumed is the amount of water loss after taking into account the water returned to the system. Shiklomanov (2000) reported that in 1995 total global water withdrawal was 3788 km3/year while consumption was 2074 km3/year, or 55% of withdrawal. This was predicted to increase to 5235 km3/year and 2764 km3/year (ie. 53% of withdrawal) respectively in 2025. The amount of water withdrawal in Australia in 1995 was estimated by Shiklomanov (2000) at 27.1 km3/year and was predicted to increase to 35 km3/year in 2025. Dunlop et al (2001a) give an estimate of 22 km3/year for Australian water withdrawal. 26
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Table A1. Renewable water resources and water availability by continent (Shiklomanov, 2000).
Continent Area 6 2 (10 km ) 10.46 24.3 30.1 43.5 17.9 8.95 (7.68) 135 Population (millions, 1994) 685 453 708 3445 315 28.7 (17.9) 5633 Average 2900 7890 4050 13510 12030 2400 (352) 42780 Water resources 3 (km /year) Maximum 3410 8917 5082 15008 14350 2880 (228) 44750 Minimum 2254 6895 3073 11800 10320 1891 (701) 39780 Potential water availability 3 (1000 m /year) Per 1 km 277 324 134 311 672 269 (45.8) 316
Europe North America Africa Asia South America Australia & Oceania (Australia) World
Per capita 4.23 17.4 5.72 3.92 38.2 83.7 (19.7) 7.60
AUSTRALIAN WATER RESOURCES Australia is characterised by large variations in its water cycle, receiving a yearly average of about 3300 km3/year of rainfall (Dunlop et al, 2001b), however this is distributed very unevenly across Australia, throughout the year and between years. Evaporation also varies widely across the country, in vast areas of Australia surface evaporation can exceed rainfall, but there are also large areas in northern Australia that do have large seasonal surface runoff. On average about 12% of rainfall (ie. about 380 km3/year) ends up as runoff (Dunlop et al (2001a)). The latter figure compares with the values of 352 km3/year given by Shiklomanov (2000) in Table A1, 343 km3/year given by Gleick (1998) and 397 km3/year given by Dunlop et al (2001b). Australia has vast underground water resources, which can be grouped into two main categories: artesian water underground water that flows naturally to the surface sub-artesian water underground water that does not naturally flow to the surface, and which needs to be pumped
Australias potential annual groundwater supplies are about 15 km3 or 15,000 GL (Dunlop et al, 2001a). About 150 GL/y (0.15 km3/year) of groundwater is used by the mining industry in Western Australia (Johnson and Commander, 2003) from an annual renewable groundwater source of 2500 GL (Water and Rivers Commission, 1998), with about 80 GL/y being used in the gold industry (Johnson and Commander, 2003). The mining industry extracts about 11 GL/y of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin (Hillier et al, 2003). Total net water consumption in Australia in 2000-01 was 24,909 GL (24.9 km3/year), with the breakdown into various sectors shown in Figure A3 (Australian Waterlines, 2004). Net water consumption refers to the amount of water used and not actively discharged back to existing water bodies. The mining industry consumed 401 GL or 1.6% of Australias total water consumption, down from 570 GL (ie. 3%) in 1996-97 (Chartres and Williams, 2003). However the latter authors give a projected use of 810 GL for the mining industry in 2020. Dunlop et al (2001b) examined a number of different 27
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scenarios in which the the total water consumption in Australia increased by up to 28,800 GL in 2050 and commented on the likely effects on Australias water resources. As noted by Dunlop et al (2001a) In gross terms Australia has more than enough water available to support rapid economic growth and healthy ecosystems for a considerable period the reality is however that the mismatch between the natural variation and our production systems greatly limit that scope of growth.
Agriculture Mining Manufacturing Electricity and gas production Domestic (household) Mining 1.6% Other
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Metal Copper
Smelting Refining
Water consumption 3 0.53 m /t ore 3 0.34 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 0.38 3 m /t ore 0.22 3 0.37 m /t ore 3 7.8 m /t Cu 3 0.6 m /t Cu 3 23.0 m /t Cu 3 6.4 m /t Cu 3 23.1 m /t Cu 3 30.0 m /t Cu 3 35.0 m /t Cu 3 29.4 m /t Cu 3 0.92 m /t ore 3 0.93 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 0.97 3 m /t ore 0.92 3 m /t ore 0.90 3 0.93 m /t ore 3 0.81 m /t conc 3 7.16 m /t matte 3 2.3 m /t ore 3 4.5 m /t ore 3 3.4 m /t ore 3 0.65 m /t ore 3 0.95 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 0.34 3 m /t ore 0.63 3 0.64 m /t ore 3 4.85 m /t Pb 3 0.47 m /t Pb 3 0.65 m /t ore 3 0.95 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 0.34 3 m /t or 0.63 3 0.64 m /t ore 3 15.3 m /t Pb 3 10.15 m /t Pb 3 12.73 m /t Pb 3 0.47 m /t Pb
Reference 2002 MIM Environment and Community Report (Ernest Henry) 2002 MIM Environment and Community Report (McArthur River) Valenzuela copper (Chile) Falconbridge 2002 Sustainable Development Report (Kidd Mine) MEAN Boliden Environmental Facts 2003 (Ronnskar) 2002 MIM Environment and Community Report (Townsville) Miller (2003) By difference Valenzuela (2003) Giurco et al (2001) 2003 BHP Billiton HSEC report (Cerro Colorada) MEAN 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Mt Keith) 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Leinster) 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Kambalda) Johnson & Commander (2003) Wright (1993) MEAN 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Kambalda) 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Kwinana) Taylor & Cairns (1997) Johnson & Commander (2003) MEAN 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Broken Hill) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Elura) 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (McArthur River) Milligan et al (2003) MEAN 2000 Pasminco Environment report (port Pirie) 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (Northfleet) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Broken Hill) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Elura) 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (McArthur River) Milligan et al (2003) MEAN 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (Avonmouth) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Cockle Creek) MEAN 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (Northfleet
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Electrolytic process
Bayer/Hall-Heroult processes
Hall-Heroult smelting Titanium Becher/Kroll processes Mine & concentrator Becher process Kroll process Mine & concentrator
0.65 0.95 0.34 0.63 0.64 15.3 10.15 12.73 0.54 0.65 0.95 0.34 0.63 0.64 12.33 0.03 0.03 0.03 2.6 2.2 2.9 3.0 3.8 2.9 1.5 1.4 1.5 5.16 6 40 0.3 0.21 0.13 0.21 0.12 0.16 0.15 1.94 2.24
m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t Zn 3 m /t Zn 3 m /t Zn 3 m /t Zn 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t Zn 3 m /t bauxite 3 m /t bauxite 3 m /t bauxite 3 m /t alumina 3 m /t alumina 3 m /t alumina 3 m /t alumina 3 m /t alumina 3 m /t alumina 3 m /t Al 3 m /t Al 3 m /t Al 3 m /t ilmenite m /t S rutile 3 m /t Ti 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t ore 3 m /t sinter 3 m /t sinter 3 m /t sinter 3 m /t steel m /t s steel
3 3
Sintering BF & BOF Stainless steel Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization ferronickel feedstock Smelting & refining
2000 Pasminco Environment report (Broken Hill) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Elura) 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (McArthur River) Milligan et al (2003) MEAN 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (Avonmouth) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Cockle Creek) MEAN Mean of copper (pyro) & lead (pyro) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Broken Hill) 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Elura) 2002 MIM Environment and Community report (McArthur River) Milligan et al (2003) MEAN 2000 Pasminco Environment report (Hobart) McIntosh and Cronin (2003) Wagerup project 91978) MEAN Mean of various miscellaneous sources 2002/2003 Worsley Aluminium HSEC report 2002 Alcan gove HSEC report 2002 Alcoa Sustainability report p 20 & 52 Stegink et al (2003) MEAN 2003 Comalco sustainable development report 2002 Alcoa Sustainability report p 20 & 52 MEAN By difference from data for Mine & Conc & Becher process in 2002 3 Iluka Sustainability report of 14.6 m /t S rutile (mid & south west) Formanek et al (1997) DRD report 1994, p. 19 2003 Robe Social & Environment report 1999 Rio Tinto Social & Environment report 2003 bhpbilliton HSEC report MEAN Sheng (1993) remas data sheet MEAN By difference from data for Mine & Conc, sintering & BF/BOF of 2.4 3 m /t steel from various sources bhpbilliton 2002 HSEC report (Samancor) bhpbilliton 2002 HSEC report (Eastern Chrome Mines Nickel Development Institute LCI Tables (2000)
CSIRO Minerals
Electric arc furnace / argon oxygen decarburization nickel feedstock Gold CIL cyanidation & EW/smelt
bhpbilliton 2002 HSEC report (Samancor) bhpbilliton 2002 HSEC report (Eastern Chrome Mines Nickel Development Institute LCI Tables (2000) 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Agnew) 2000 WMC Business report and site data (Central Norseman) 2000 WMC Business report and site data (St Ives) 2002 Placer Dome Sustainability report (Granny Smith) Barrick Gold, 2003 Responsibility report MEAN
CSIRO Minerals
30 Water consumption (m3/t metal) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mining & concentrating Smelting Refining
Figure C1. Process stage contributions to water consumption for copper production (pyrometallurgical route).
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mining & crushing Heap leach SX/EW
Figure C2. Process stage contributions to water consumption for copper production (hydrometallurgical route).
18 Water consumption (m3/t metal) Water consumption (m3/t metal) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Mining & Mining & concentrating concentrating Smelting Smelting Refining Refining
Figure C3. Process stage contributions to water consumption for lead production (Imperial smelting furnace). 35
CSIRO Minerals
16 Water consumption (m3/t metal) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Mining & concentrating Smelting Refining
Figure C4. Process stage contributions to water consumption for lead production (blast furnace).
25 Water consumption (m3/t metal)
Figure C5. Process stage contributions to water consumption for zinc production (Imperial smelting furnace).
Figure C6.
Process stage contributions to water consumption for zinc production (electrolytic process). 36
CSIRO Minerals
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mining & crushing Alumina refining Smelting
Figure C7. Process stage contributions to water consumption for aluminium production.
90 80 Water consumption (m3/t metal) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Mining & concentrating SR upgrade Smelting & refining
Figure C8. Process stage contributions to water consumption for titanium production.
60 Water consumption (m3/t metal) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Mining & concentrating Smelting Refining
Figure C9. Process stage contributions to water consumption for nickel production (pyrometallurgical route). 37
CSIRO Minerals
3 Water consumption (m3/t metal)
Figure C10. Process stage contributions to water consumption for steel production.
80 Water consumption (m3/t metal) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pig iron production FeNi production FeCr production EAF & AOD
Figure C11. Process stage contributions to water consumption for stainless steel production (ferronickel feedstock).
80 Water consumption (m3/t metal) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pig iron production Ni production FeCr production EAF & AOD
Figure C12. Process stage contributions to water consumption for stainless steel production (nickel feedstock). 38
CSIRO Minerals
This is an electronic copy of a CSIRO Minerals report, originally downloaded from:
Mr T E Norgate CSIRO Minerals Box 312 Clayton South, Vic. 3169 Tel: Fax: e-mail: +61 (03) 9545-8574 +61 (03) 9562-8919 [email protected]