Worksheet 1
Name _____________________
Date ________ Period ________
PART I: In the following sentences, circle each incorrectly used lowercase letter.
Example: Will it sound too formal if i begin with the salutation dear Sir?
i wondered if Ms. jay would approve this murder mystery for my book report.
Luis wrote, dear Jim Arnosky, i was fascinated by your recently published book.
my teacher asked me to write a poem beginning with the line roses are red.
Wondering who the guests would be, i asked, whom did you invite to our party?
During lunch, Robin jotted a letter to Amy and signed it, your friend, Robin.
10. christine raised her hand and asked, may i read my short story to the class?
11. I just got the new CD by lauryn hill.
12. My favorite rabbit is peter cottontail.
13. Justine took her cat smokey to the vet.
14. Did you hear michael feldman on the radio this weekend?
15. My dentist, Dr. larry k. lane, always gives me free dental floss.
16. Tracy enjoys taking her dog bandit to the park.
17. Our neighbors, the garzas, are hosting the block party this year.
18. Did you read this biography of catherine the great?
19. One of my favorite authors is J.r.r. Tolkien.
20. Why did you name your parrot khan?
21. There is a rocky island in the atlantic called st. helena.
22. On June 30, 1998, a volcano named korovin erupted on atka island in alaska.
23. Thomas is drawing a map of africa and has marked the location of the equator.
24. Ships use the panama canal to pass between the Caribbean sea and the pacific ocean.
25. Although you may think lake charles is just a lake, it is also a city in louisiana.
26. I spoke with a woman from laos, which is a country between vietnam and thailand.
27. Sanyas class toured the museum located at 249 dixon parkway.
31. actor
32. principal
33. parent
34. cat
35. doctor
36. horse
37. friend
38. neighbor
39. mountain
40. country
41. state
42. island
43. sea
44. street
45. park
PART III: Select five of the words you wrote above. Use each one in a complete
sentence in the spaces below.
46. __________________________________________________________________
47. __________________________________________________________________
48. __________________________________________________________________
49. __________________________________________________________________
50. __________________________________________________________________