UTOM Siddur 2013
UTOM Siddur 2013
UTOM Siddur 2013
Persons Siddur
For use in the Daily Morning, Evening, Shabbat and Rosh
Hodesh service for the use of the persons or congregations of
UTOM. Blessings are included for daily use.
This Siddur was created with Liturgy in the form of both Karaite and Rabbinic prayers in the spirit of unity in
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Thou shalt not take vengeance, or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as thyself: I
am YHWH. (Leviticus 19:18)
The above passage is not only a commandment but a guide as to how we shall treat others. It is in this
love that this Siddur was created. A major step in the process of having unity between the groups is to
meet on common grounds. This Siddur is an extension of the love and understanding between groups
and has been created with respect for the practice of both Karaite and Rabbinic Judaism. We
understand that there will be people who do not agree with our mission and this is okay as we respect
their opinion yet we will remain steadfast in the unity of Judaism.
The UTOM organization is comprised of persons from various denominations including Orthodox,
Conservative and Karaite Judaism. We are dedicated to the preservation of Judaism and its traditions
be they Rabbinic decrees (Talmudim), Karaite Sevel HaYerushah (Yoke of Inheritance) or through
peshat (plain meaning). We seek truth and our practice involves the search for truth.
To ensure a more complete Siddur we have included not only the basic prayers daily and weekly
prayers but also the Torah Service and Berakhot (blessings). We appreciate those who made this Siddur
possible and the time spent in the selecting of liturgy and the process of editing. With this I introduce
the UTOM Siddur with the following passage:
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Hear, O Israel: YHWH is our God, YHWH is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
WARNING: This Siddur contains the name of YHWH ( )and as per Jewish tradition
this Siddur should be sent to a Genizah or handled properly. Do not burn, shred or
handle this Siddur in an inappropriate manner. If you are unsure of the proper
handling of this document after use, please contact us or your local Rabbi/Hakham.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Service Identifier of the Siddur .................................................................................................................................. 4
Donning the Tallit ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Laying Tefillin
...................................................................................................................................................... 5
..................................................................................................................................................... 40
...................................................................................................................................... 46
................................................................................................................................. 66
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This Siddur was prepared in the spirit of building bridges in Judaism with elements of both the Karaite
and Rabbinic prayer service. The daily service has additions for Shabbat and the New Moon to help
standardize the liturgy.
There are service identifiers to denote elements that are specific to Rabbinic or Karaite prayer. These
identifiers allow the congregant or congregation the opportunity to decide their preferred service. We
have included the counting of the Omer, Torah Service and Haftarah services. There is a concluding
section with blessings.
We would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to assist us in the creation
of this Siddur as well as some very positive feedback. As UTOM, as an organization continues to
prosper in our mission we welcome the opinion of our member congregations and any individual who
is willing to provide suggestions for future literary projects.
With the above short introduction, we entreat you to enjoy the Torah Observant Persons Siddur.
Baruch Adonai.
Hands High
Laying Tefillin
This is the blessing for placing Tefillin upon your head and arm as interpreted in the Torah
(Deuteronomy 6:8, and 11:18), so the requirement is one of the few that are repeated twice in
the Torah. So, it is a double blessing to perform this Mitzvah. Please note: Rabbinic
Tradition teaches that once you do the blessing you are not allowed to speak until both the
Head and Arm Tefillin are bound to you. If you do speak, you are required to do the blessing
again upon place the second Tefillin (most likely the Head Tefillin, since it goes on second).
For proper placement of the Tefillin see Appendix.
Karaites do not don Tefillin as Karaites do not interpret the Deuteronomy passages as
commanding the use of Tefillin but for us to remember the commandments and to keep them
in all that you do.
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King
Baruch ata Adonay, Eloheiny
of the universe, who has sanctified Melech HaOlam Asher
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us with His commandments, and
Kideshanu Bemitzvotov
commanded us to put on Tefillin.
Vetzivanu Lehaniach Tefillin
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Evening Prayer
This is a non-Tanakh section which introduces the worshipper to the prayer service.
Who am I, but dust and ashes,
Mi anokhi afar ve-efer rima
wretched and woeful, vain and
vetolea hevel varik, she-ezke
empty, that I may be worthy to
laamod bitfila lifne hamelekh
stand in prayer before the great
ha-gadol vehanora, ram venisa
and awesome king, sublime and
shemo. Melekh malkhe
exalted is his name, the king of
hamelakhim hakadosh baruckh
emperors, the Holy One blessed be
He, the cause of all causes, the
hasibot ela mipene raHamav
reason for all reasons; but I am
vaHasadav hagedolim, shehu
dependent upon his great mercy
meraHem al beriyotav, verotse
and his magnificent grace, for he
bitfilot uvtaHanunim shel ahas mercy upon on his creations
and accepts the prayers and
vadav, kemo shene-emar. Karov
supplications of his servants, as it is Adonai lekhol koreav lekhol
written: (K.S.) The Lord is near to all asher yikrauhu be-emet. Retson
who call Him, to all who call Him
yereav yaase, ve-et shavatam
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Sit Down and Say (A person who does not prostrate may bow)
O YHWH, hear my prayer, let my
cry come before You. (Psalms
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Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God,
the Lord alone.(Deuteronomy 6:4)
Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God,
the Lord alone. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
Praise the Lord; for He is good
His steadfast love is eternal
Praise the God of Gods
His steadfast love is eternal
Praise the Lord of Lords
His steadfast love is eternal
Who alone works great marvels,
His steadfast love is eternal
Who made the heavens with wisdom,
His steadfast love is eternal
Who spread the earth over the water,
His steadfast love is eternal
Who made the great lights
His steadfast love is eternal
The sun to dominate the day
His steadfast love is eternal
The moon and the starts to dominate
the night,
His steadfast love is eternal
(Psalms 136:1-9)
Who gives food to all flesh,
His steadfast love is eternal
Praise the God of heaven
His steadfast love is eternal
(Psalms 136:25-26)
May we enjoy, O Lord, Your faithful
As we have put our hope in You.
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(Psalms 33:22)
Blessed is the Lord forever. Amen,
and Amen. (Psalms 89:53)
On Saturday night:
The Lord founded the earth by
wisdom; He established the
heavens by understanding.
(Proverbs 3:19) When God began to
create heaven and earth the
earth being unformed and void,
with darkness over the surface of
the deep and a wind from God
sweeping over the water God
said, Let there be light; and there
was light. God saw that the light
was good, and God separated the
light from the darkness. God called
the light Day, and the darkness He
called Night. And there was evening
and there was morning, a first day.
(Genesis 1:1-5)
On Sunday night:
God said, Let there be an expanse
in the midst of the water, that it
may separate water from water.
God made the epanse, and it
separated the water which was
below the expanse from the water
which was above the expanse. And
it was so. God called the expanse
Sky. And there was evening and
there was morning, a second day.
(Genesis 1:6-8)
On Monday night:
And God said, Let the water below
the sky be gathered into one area,
that the dry land may appear. And
it was so. God called the dry land
Earth, and the gathering of waters
He called Seas. And God saw that
this was good. And God said, Let
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On Tuesday night:
And God said, Let there be lights in
the expanse of the sky to separate
day from night; they shall serve as
signs for the set times the days
and the years; and they shall serve
as lights in the expanse of the sky
to shine upon the earth. And it
was so. God made the two great
lights, the greater light to dominate
the day and the lesser light to
dominate the night, and the stars.
And God set them in the expanse of
the sky to shine upon the earth, to
dominate the day and the night,
and to separate light from
darkness. And God saw that this
was good. And there was evening
and there was morning, a fourth
day. (Genesis 1:14-19)
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On Wednesday night:
God said, Let the waters bring
forth swarms of living creatures,
and birds that fly above the earth
across the epanse of the sky. God
created the great sea monsters,
and all the living creatures of every
kind that creep, which the waters
brought forth in swarms, and all the
winged birds of evey kind. And God
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On Thursday night:
God said, Let the earth bring forth
every kind of living creature: cattle,
creeping things, and wild beasts of
every kind. And it was so. God
made wild beasts of every kind and
cattle of every kind, and all kinds of
creeping things of the earth. And
God saw that this was good. And
God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness. They shall
rule the fish of the sea, the birds of
the sky, the cattle, the whole earth,
and all the creeping things that
creep on earth. And God created
man in His image, in the image of
God He created him; male and
female He created them, Be fertile
and increase, fill the earth and
master it; and rule the fish of the
sea, the birds of the sky, and all the
living things that creep on earth.
God said, See I give you every
seed-bearing plant that is upon all
the earth, and every tree that has
seed-bearing fruit; they shall be
yours for food. And to all the
animals on land, to all the birds of
the sky and to everything that
creeps on earth, in which there is
the breath of life, all the green
plants for food. And it was so. And
God saw all that He had made, and
found it very good. And there was
evening and there was morning,
the sixth day. (Genesis 1:24-31)
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On Shabbat say:
The heaven and the earth were
finished, and all their array. On the
seventh day God finished the work
that He had been doing, and He
ceased on the seventh day from all
the work that He had done. Ad God
blessed the seventh day and
declared it holy, because on it God
ceased from all the work of
creation that He had done.
(Genesis 2:1-3) The Israelite people
shall keep the Sabbath, observing
the Sabbath throughout the ages as
a covenant for all time: it shall be a
sign for all time between Me and
the people of Israel. For in six days
the Lord made heaven and earth,
and on the seventh day He ceased
from work and was refreshed.
(Exodus 31:16-17) Moses then
convoked the whole Israelite
community and said to them: These
are the things that the Lord has
commanded you to do: On six days
work may be done, but on the
seventh day you shall have a
Sabbath of complete rest, holy to
the Lord; whoever does any work
on it shall be put to death. You shall
kindle no fire throughout your
settlements on the Sabbath day.
(Exodus 35:1-3) You shall keep My
Sabbaths and venerate My
sanctuary: I am the Lord (Leviticus
19:30) You shall each revere his
mother and his father, and keep My
Sabbaths: I the Lord am your God.
(Leviticus 19:3)
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kedosh yisrael.
He issued His commands to Jacob,
His statutes and rules to Israel. He
did not do so for any other nation;
of such rules they know nothing.
Hallelujah (Psalms147:19-20)
Blessed is the Lord forever. Amen,
and Amen. (Psalms 89:53)
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emunatekha balelot.
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If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my
Im eshkahekh Yerushalayim
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Daily Sanctification
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Shema Israel is the most important section of the prayer service in Judaism. It affirms the
oneness of YHWH and contains many of the commandments.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu,
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the Lord alone. (Deuteronomy 6:4) Adonai Echad
Blessed be the Name of His glorious
kingdom for ever and ever.
One is our God, great is our Lord;
holy and mighty is His name forever
more. (K.S.)
You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your might. Take
to heart these instructions with
which I charge you this day,
Impress them upon your children.
Recite them when you stay at
home and when you are away and
when you lie down and when you
get up. Bind them as a sign on your
hand and let them serve as a
symbol on your forehead; Inscribe
them on the doorposts of your
house and on your gates.
(Deuteronomy 6:5-9)
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The four tzitziyot are held between the hands (the cords spanning from one hand
to the other) arms fully stretched out look at them when saying the following
The Lord said to Moses as follows:
Speak to the Israelite people and
instruct them to make for
themselves fringes on the corners
of their garments throughout the
ages; let them attach a cord of blue
to the fringe at each corner. That
shall be your fringe; look at it and
recall all the commandments of the
Lord and observe them, so that you
do not follow your heart and eyes
in your lustful urge. Thus you shall
be reminded to observe all My
commandments and to be holy to
your God. I the Lord and your God,
who brought you out of the land of
Egypt to be your God: I, the Lord
your God.(Numbers 15:37-41)
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Sit Down and Say (A person who does not prostrate may bow)
Praised be the Lord who has
granted a haven to His people
Israel, just as He promised; not a
single word has failed of all the the
gracious promises that He made
through His servant Moses. (1Kings
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Ki lo al tsidkotenu anahnu
mapilim tahanunenu lefanekha
ki al rahamekha harabim.
Adonai shema-a Adonai selaha,
Adonai hakshiva va-ase el
teahar, lema-ankha elohay, ki
shimkha nikra al irekha veal
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Morning Prayer
This is a non-Tanakh section which introduces the worshipper to the prayer service.
Who am I, but dust and ashes,
Mi anokhi afar ve-efer rima
wretched and woeful, vain and
vetolea hevel varik, she-ezke
empty, that I may be worthy to
laamod bitfila lifne hamelekh
stand in prayer before the great
ha-gadol vehanora, ram venisa
and awesome king, sublime and
shemo. Melekh malkhe
exalted is his name, the king of
hamelakhim hakadosh baruckh
emperors, the Holy One blessed be
He, the cause of all causes, the
hasibot ela mipene raHamav
reason for all reasons; but I am
vaHasadav hagedolim, shehu
dependent upon his great mercy
meraHem al beriyotav, verotse
and his magnificent grace, for he
bitfilot uvtaHanunim shel ahas mercy upon on his creations
and accepts the prayers and
vadav, kemo shene-emar. Karov
supplications of his servants, as it is Adonai lekhol koreav lekhol
written: (K.S.) The Lord is near to all asher yikrauhu be-emet. Retson
who call Him, to all who call Him
yereav yaase, ve-et shavatam
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Sit Down and Say (A person who does not prostrate may bow)
O YHWH, hear my prayer, let my
cry come before You. (Psalms
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On Sunday Morning:
The Lord founded the earth by
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On Monday Morning:
God said, Let there be an expanse
in the midst of the water, that it
may separate water from water.
God made the epanse, and it
separated the water which was
below the expanse from the water
which was above the expanse. And
it was so. God called the expanse
Sky. And there was evening and
there was morning, a second day.
(Genesis 1:6-8)
On Tuesday Morning:
And God said, Let the water below
the sky be gathered into one area,
that the dry land may appear. And
it was so. God called the dry land
Earth, and the gathering of waters
He called Seas. And God saw that
this was good. And God said, Let
the earth sprout vegetation: seedbearing plants, fruit trees of every
kind on earth that bear fruit with
the seed in it. And God saw that
this was good. And there was
evening and there was morning, a
third day. (Genesis 1:9-13)
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On Wednesday Morning:
And God said, Let there be lights in
the expanse of the sky to separate
day from night; they shall serve as
signs for the set times the days
and the years; and they shall serve
as lights in the expanse of the sky
to shine upon the earth. And it
was so. God made the two great
lights, the greater light to dominate
the day and the lesser light to
dominate the night, and the stars.
And God set them in the expanse of
the sky to shine upon the earth, to
dominate the day and the night,
and to separate light from
darkness. And God saw that this
was good. And there was evening
and there was morning, a fourth
day. (Genesis 1:14-19)
On Thursday Morning:
God said, Let the waters bring
forth swarms of living creatures,
and birds that fly above the earth
across the epanse of the sky. God
created the great sea monsters,
and all the living creatures of every
kind that creep, which the waters
brought forth in swarms, and all the
winged birds of evey kind. And God
saw that this was good. God
blessed them, saying, Be fertile
and increase on the earth. And
there was evening and there was
morning, a fifth day. (Genesis 1:2023)
On Friday Morning:
God said, Let the earth bring forth
every kind of living creature: cattle,
creeping things, and wild beasts of
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On Shabbat say:
Remember the sabbath day and
keep it holy. Six days you shall labor
and do all your work, but the
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day and night the laws of heaven
and earth. (Jeremiah 33:25) For I
ve'anochi Adonai eloheicha roga
the Lord your God Who stir up
the sea into roaring waves, Whose
haiyam vaiyehemu galav Adonai
name is Lord of Hosts. (Isaiah 51:15)
tzevaot shemo. yodu shimcha
They praise Your name as great and
gadol venora kadovsh hu.
awesome; He is Holy. (Psalms 99:3)
Holy, holy, holy, The Lord of hosts; kadosh kadosh kadosh Adonai
His presence fills all the earth.
tzeva'ot melo chol-ha'aretz
(Isaiah 6:3*)
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A Psalm of praise. Raise a shout for
the Lord, all the earth; worship the
Lord in gladness; come into His
presence with shouts of joy.
Acknowledge that he Lord is God;
He made us and we are His, His
people, the flock he tends. Enter
His gates with praise, His courts
with acclamation praise Him!
Bless his name. For the Lord is
good; His steadfast love is eternal;
His faithfulness is for all
generations. (Psalms 100:1-5)
Truth is the essence of Your word;
Your just rules are eternal.
(Psalms 119:160) You have
commanded, that your precepts
be kept diligently. (Psalms119:4)
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Sit Down and Say (A person who does not prostrate may bow)
Hear my cry, O God; attend unto
my prayer. (Psalms 61:2)
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On Shabbat Say
And the Lord said to Moses: speak
to the Israelite people and say:
nevertheless, you must keep my
Sabbaths, for this is a sign between
Me and you throughout the ages,
that you may know that I the Lord
have consecrated you. You shall
keep my Sabbath, for it is holy for
you. He who profanes it shall be
put to death: whoever does work
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(Exodus 35:1-3)
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On Shabbat Say
A Psalm, a Song. For the sabbath
day. It is good to praise the Lord, to
sing hymns to Your name, O Most
High, To proclaim Your steadfast
love at daybreak, Your faithfulness
each night with a ten-stringed harp,
with voice and lyre together You
have gladdened me by Your deeds,
O Lord; I shout for joy at Your
handiwork. How great are Your
works, O Lord, how very subtle
Your designs! A brutish man cannot
know, a fool cannot understand
this: though the wicked sprout like
grass, though all evildoers blossom,
it is only that they may be
destroyed forever. But You are
exalted, O Lord for all time. Surely,
Your enemies, O Lord, surely, Your
enemies perish; all evildoers are
scattered. You raise my horn high
like that of a wild ox; I am soaked in
freshening oil. I shall see the defeat
of my watchful foes, hear of the
downfall of the wicked who beset
me. The righteous bloom like a
date-palm; they thrive like a cedar
in Lebanon; planted in the house of
the Lord, they flourish in the courts
of our God. In old age they still
produce fruit; they are full of sap
and freshness, attesting that the
Lord is upright, my rock, in whom
there is no wrong. (Psalms 92:1-16)
Blessed is the Lord forever. Amen,
and Amen. (Psalms 89:53)
Et-shabbetotai tishmoru
umikdashi tira-u ani Adonai. Ish
imo ve-aviv tira-u veetshabbetotai tishmoru ani
Adonai eloheichem. Omar
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Shema Israel is the most important section of the prayer service in Judaism. It affirms the
oneness of YHWH and contains many of the commandments.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu,
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the Lord alone. (Deuteronomy 6:4) Adonai Echad
Blessed be the Name of His glorious
kingdom for ever and ever.
One is our God, great is our Lord;
holy and mighty is His name forever
more. (K.S.)
You shall love the Lord your od with
all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your might. Take to
heart these instructions with which
I charge you this day, Impress them
upon your children. Recite them
when you stay at home and when
you are away and when you lie
down and when you get up. Bind
them as a sign on your hand and let
them serve as a symbol on your
forehead; Inscribe them on the
doorposts of your house and on
your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:5-9)
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The four tzitziyot are held between the hands (the cords spanning from one hand
to the other) arms fully stretched out look at them when saying the following
The Lord said to Moses as follows:
Speak to the Israelite people and
instruct them to make for
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Sit Down and Say (A person who does not prostrate may bow)
Praised be the Lord who has
granted a haven to His people
Israel, just as He promised; not a
single word has failed of all the the
gracious promises that He made
through His servant Moses. (1Kings
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Ki lo al tsidkotenu anahnu
mapilim tahanunenu lefanekha
ki al rahamekha harabim.
Adonai shema-a Adonai selaha,
Adonai hakshiva va-ase el
teahar, lema-ankha elohay, ki
shimkha nikra al irekha veal
amekha. Shuv lema-an
avadekha, shivte nahalatekha.
Hashivenu Adonai elekha
venashuva, hadesh yamenu
kekedem.vesalahta, la-avotenu
ulhatatenu unhaltanu. Barukh
Adonai leOlam, Amen veAmen.
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The Amidah
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A-do-nai s'fa-tai tif-tach, u-fi ya-gid t'hi-la-te-cha.
Adonai, open my lips that my mouth may declare Your glory
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Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, E-lo-hei-nu, Vei-lo-hei a-vo-tei-nu, E-lo-hei Av-ra-ham, E-lo-hei Yitz-chak, Vei-lo-hei
Ya-a-kov, Ha-eil Ha-Ga-dol Ha-Gi-bor v'Ha-No-rah Eil Eil-yon, go-meil cha-sa-dim to-vim v'ko-nei ha-kol
v'zo-cheir chas-dei a-vot u'mei-vi go-eil liv-nei v'nei-hem l'ma-an sh'mo b'a-ha-vah, Me-lech o-zeir u'moshi-a u-ma-gein . Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ma-gein Av-ra-ham
Blessed are You, L-RD our G-d and G-d of our fathers, G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob, the great,
mighty and awesome G-d, G-d supreme, Who extends loving-kindness and is Master of all, Who remembers
the gracious deeds of our forefathers, and Who brings a Redeemer with love to their childrens children for His
Names sake. King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield! Blessed are You O L-RD, Shield of Abraham
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A-tah gi-bur l'o-lam, A-do-nai m'chai-yei mei-tim a-ta rav l'ho-shi-a, m'chal-keil cha-yim b'che-sed m'chayei mei-tim b'ra-cha-mim ra-bim so-meich no-f'lim v'ro-fei cho-lim u-ma-tir a-su-rim u-m'kai-yeim e-mu-nato li-shei-nei a-far mi cha-mo-cha ba-al g'vu-rot u-mi do-me lach me-lech mei-mit u-m'chai-ye u-matz-miach y'shu-a, v'ne-e-man a-tah l'ha-cha-yot mei-tim Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, m'cha-yei ha-mei-tim.
Your might is eternal, O L-rd, Who revives the dead, powerful in saving, Who sustains the living with lovingkindness, Who revives the dead with great mercy, Who supports the falling, heals the sick, frees the captive,
and keeps faith with those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, Almighty, and who resembles You, O King? Who
can bring death and give life, and can make salvation blossom forth! And faithful are You to revive the dead.
Blessed are You, L-RD, Who revives the dead.
Kedushat Hashem
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A-tah ka-dosh, v'shim-cha ka-dosh, u-k'do-shim b'chawl-yom y'ha-l'lu-cha se-lah. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai,
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ha-Eil * ha-Ka-dosh.
You are holy and Your Name is holy, and holy ones will praise You every day, Selah. Blessed are You O L-RD, the
holy G-d.
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A-tah cho-nein l'a-dam da-at, um-la-meid le-e-nosh bi-nah. Cha-nei-nu mei-i-t'cha dei-ah bi-nah v'has-keil.
Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, cho-nein ha-da-at
You bestow knowledge to man, and teach understanding to mortals. Bestow upon us knowledge,
understanding, and discernment from You. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who bestows knowledge.
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Ha-shi-vei-nu A-vi-nu l'to-ra-te-cha, v'ka-r'vei-nu Mal-kei-nu la-a-vo-da-te-cha, v'ha-cha-zi-rei-nu bit-shu-vah
sh'lei-mah l'fa-ne-cha. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ha-ro-tseh bit-shu-vah.
Cause us to return, our Father, to Your Torah; draw us near, our King, to Your service; and bring us back to You
in whole-hearted repentance. Blessed are You L-rd, who desires penitence.
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S'lach la-nu A-vi-nu ki cha-ta-nu, m'chal la-nu Mal-kei-nu ki fa-sha-nu, ki mo-cheil v'so-lei-ach a-ta. Baruch a-tah A-do-nai, cha-nun ha-mar-beh lis-lo-ach.
Forgive us our Father, for we have sinned. Pardon us our King, for we have transgressed, for You pardon and
forgive. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who is gracious and abundantly forgives.
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R'ei na v'an-yei-nu, v'ri-va ri-vei-nu, ug-a-lei-nu m'hei-rah l'ma-an sh'me-cha, ki go-eil cha-zak a-ta. Ba-ruch
a-tah A-do-nai, go-eil Yis-ra-eil.
See our affliction, and fight our battle, and redeem us quickly for Your Names sake, for You are a strong
Redeemer. Blessed are You O L-RD, Redeemer of Israel
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R'fa-ei-nu A-do-nai v'nei-ra-fei, ho-shi-ei-nu v'ni-va-shei-a, ki t'hi-la-tei-nu a-ta, v'ha-a-lei r'fu-ah sh'leimah l'chawl ma-ko-tei-nu, ki Eil me-lech ro-fei ne-e-man v'ra-cha-man a-ta. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ro-fei
cho-lei a-mo Yis-ra-eil.
Heal us, O L-RD, and we will be healed. Save us, and we will be saved, for You are our praise. Cause complete
healing to arise for all our ailments. For You are G-d, King, Healer, faithful, and compassionate. Blessed are You
O L-RD, Healer of the sick of His people Israel.
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Ba-reich a-lei-nu A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu et ha-sha-nah haz-zot v'et kawl mi-nei t'vu-a-tah, v'tein b'ra-cha al
p'nei ha-a-da-mah, v'sa-b'ei-nu mi-tu-vah u-va-reich sh'na-tei-nu ka-sha-nim ha-to-vot , Ba-ruch a-tah A-donai, m'va-reich ha-sha-nim.
Bless for us, O L-RD our G-d, this year and all the kinds of crops for goodness, and give a blessing upon the face
of the earth. Satisfy us from Your goodness, and bless our year like the good years. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who
blesses the years.
Birkat Hashanim
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T'ka b'sho-far ga-dol l'chei-ru-tei-nu, v'sa neis l'ka-beits ga-lu-yo-tei-nu, v'ka-b'-tsei-nu ya-chad mei-ar-ba
kan-fot ha-a-ret. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, m'ka-beits nid-chei a-mo Yis-ra-eil.
Blast the great shofar for our freedom, and raise a banner to gather our exiles, and gather us together from the
four corners of the earth. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who gathers in the dispersed of His people Israel.
Kibbutz Galuyot
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Ha-shi-va sho-f'tei-nu k'va-ri-sho-nah, v'yo-a-tsei-nu k'va-t'hi-lah, v'ha-seir mi-me-nu ya-gon va-a-na-chah,
um-loch a-lei-nu a-tah A-do-nai l'va-d'cha b'che-sed uv-ra-cha-mim, v'tsa-d'kei-nu ba-mish-pat. Ba-ruch atah A-do-nai, me-lech o-heiv ts'da-kah u-mish-pat
Return our judges as at first, and our counselors as in the beginning, and remove sorrow and groan from us, and
rule over us, You O L-RD alone, with devotion and compassion, and justify us in judgment. Blessed are You O LRD, King Who loves righteousness and judgment.
Birkat Haminim
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V'la-mal-shi-nim al t'hi tik-va, v'chawl ha-ri-sha k're-ga to-veid, v'chawl o-y've-cha m'hei-rah yi-ka-rei-tu,
v'ha-zei-dim m'hei-rah t'a-keir ut-sha-beir ut-ma-geir v'tach-ni-a bim-hei-rah v'ya-mei-nu. Ba-ruch a-tah Ado-nai, sho-veir o-y'vim u-mach-ni-a zei-dim.
Let there be no hope for informers, and may all the heretics and all the wicked instantly perish; may all the
enemies of Your people be speedily extirpated; and may You swiftly uproot, break, crush and subdue the reign
of wickedness speedily in our days. Blessed are You L-rd, who crushes enemies and subdues the wicked.
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Al ha-tsa-di-kim v'al ha-cha-si-dim, v'al zik-nei a-m'cha beit Yis-ra-eil, v'al p'lei-tat so-f'rei-hem, v'al gei-rei
ha-tse-dek v'a-lei-nu, ye-he-mu na ra-cha-me-cha A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, v'tein sa-char tov l'chawl ha-bot'chim b'shim-cha be-e-met, v'sim chel-kei-nu i-ma-hem, ul-o-lam lo nei-vosh ki v'cha ba-tach-nu,
Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, mish-an u-miv-tach la-tsa-di-kim.
On the righteous, on the devout, on the elders of Your people, the House of Israel, and on their remaining
scholars, and on the righteous proselytes and on us, may Your compassions be incited, O L-RD our G-d, and give
a good reward to all who sincerely trust in Your Name. Set our portion with them forever, and we will not be
ashamed, for we trust in You. Blessed are You O L-RD, stronghold and security for the righteous.
Binyan Yerushalayim
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V'li-ru-sha-lai-yim i-r'cha b'ra-cha-mim ta-shuv, v'tish-kon b'to-cha ka-a-sher di-bar-ta. uv-nei o-tah b'ka-rov
b'ya-mei-nu bin-yan o-lam, v'chi-sei Da-vid av-d'cha m'hei-rah l'to-chah ta-chin. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, bonei Y'ru-sha-lai-yim
Return to Jerusalem, Your city, and dwell in her midst as You have spoken. May You build it soon and in our days
as an eternal building, and prepare the throne of David within it quickly. Blessed are You O L-RD, Builder of
Kabbalat Tefilah
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sh'ma ko-lei-nu A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, chus v'ra-cheim a-lei-nu, v'ka-beil b'ra-cha-mim uv-ra-tson et t'fi-la-teinu, ki Eil sho-mei-a t'fi-lot v'ta-cha-nu-nim a-ta. U-mi-l'fa-ne-cha Mal-kei-nu rei-kam al t'shi-vei-nu. ki a-tah
sho-mei-a t'fi-lat a-m'cha Yis-ra-eil b'ra-cha-mim. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, sho-mei-a t'fi-lah.
Hear our voice, O L-RD our G-d, take pity and show compassion to us, and receive our prayer with compassion
and favor, for You are a G-d Who hears prayers and supplications. Our King, do not turn us away with nothing,
for You compassionately hear the prayer of Your people Israel. Blessed are You O L-RD, Who hears prayer.
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R'tsei, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, b'a-m'cha Yis-ra-eil u-vit-fi-la-tam. V'ha-sheiv et-ha-a-vo-dah lid-vir bei-te-cha.
V'i-shei Yis-ra-eil ut'fi-la-tam b'a-ha-va t'ka-beil b'ra-tson. U-t'hi l'ra-tson ta-mid a-vo-dat Yis-ra-eil a-mecha. V'te-che-ze-na ei-nei-nu b'shu-v'cha, l'Tsi-on b'ra-cha-mim. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ha-ma-cha-zir
sh'chi-na-to l'Tsi-on.
Be favorable, O L-RD our G-d, toward Israel Your people, turn to their prayer and restore the service to the Holy
of Holies of Your House. And the fire offerings of Israel and their prayers may You speedily accept with love and
favor, and may the service of Your people Israel be continually favorable to You. May our eyes behold Your
return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, O L-RD, Who restores His Dwelling Presence to Zion.
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Mo-dim a-nach-nu lach sha-a-ta hu A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu vei-lo-hei a-vo-tei-nu l'olam va-ed. Tsur cha-yei-nu
ma-gein yish-ei-nu a-tah hu l'dor va-dor. No-deh l'cha un'sa-peir t'hi-la-te-cha al cha-yei-nu ha-m'su-rim
b'ya-de-cha v'al nish-mo-tei-nu ha-p'ku-dot lach v'al ni-se-cha she-b'chawl-yom i-ma-nu v'al nif-l'o-te-cha
v'to-vo-te-cha, she-b'chawl-eit, e-rev va-vo-ker v'tsaw-ha-ra-yim.Ha-tov ki lo cha-lu ra-cah-me-cha me-cha
vha-mra-cheim ki lo ta-nu cha-sa-de-cha ki mei-o-lam ki-vi-nu lach. V'al ku-lam, yit-ba-rach v'yit-ro-mam
shim-cha Mal-kei-nu, ta-mid l'o-lam va-ed. V'chol ha-cha-yim yo-du-cha se-la vi-ha-l'lu et-shim-cha be-emet, ha-eil y'shu-a-tei-nu v'ez-ra-tei-nu se-la. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ha-tov shim-cha ul'cha na-e l'ho-dot.
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We gratefully thank You, for it is You Who are the L-RD, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers forever. Our
Rock, the Rock of our lives, Shield of our Salvation are You from generation to generation. We shall thank You
and relate Your praise: for our lives, which are committed to Your power, and for our souls that are entrusted to
You; for Your miracles that are with us every day; and for Your wonders and favors in every seasonevening,
morning, and afternoon. O Good One, Your compassions were never exhausted. O Compassionate One, Your
kindnesses never ended. We have always put our hope in You. For all these, may Your Name be blessed, exalted,
and extolled, our King, continually forever and ever. Everything alive will gratefully acknowledge YouSelah!
And may they praise Your great Name sincerely, O G-d of our salvation and helpSelah! Blessed are You, O LRD; Your Name is "The Good One," and to You, it is fitting to give thanks.
Sim Shalom
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Sim sha-lom to-va uv-ra-cha, chein va-che-sed v'ra-cha-mim, a-lei-nu v'al kawl Yis-ra-eil a-me-cha.
Ba-r'chei-nu a-vi-nu, ku-la-nu k'e-chad, b'or pa-ne-cha. ki v'or pa-ne-cha na-ta-ta la-nu, A-do-nai E-lo-heinu, To-rat cha-yim v'a-ha-vat che-sed, uts-da-ka uv-ra-cha v'ra-cha-mim, v'cha-yim v'sha-lom. b'ei-ne-cha
l'va-reich et a-m'cha Yis-ra-eil b'chawl eit uv-chawl sha-ah bish-lo-me-cha. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai,
ha-m'va-reich et a-mo Yis-ra-eil ba-sha-lom.
Grant peace, goodness, and blessing; grace, devotion, and compassion to us and to all Your people Israel. Bless
us, our Father, all of us as one, with the light of Your countenance. For in the light of Your countenance You give
us, O L-RD, the Torah of life, and the love of devotion, righteousness, and blessing, compassion, life, and peace.
And it is good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel at every moment and every hour with Your peace. Blessed
are You, O L-RD, Who blesses His people Israel with peace.
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Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, E-lo-hei-nu, Vei-lo-hei a-vo-tei-nu, E-lo-hei Av-ra-ham, E-lo-hei Yitz-chak, Vei-lo-hei
Ya-a-kov, Ha-eil Ha-Ga-dol Ha-Gi-bor v'Ha-No-rah Eil Eil-yon, go-meil cha-sa-dim to-vim v'ko-nei ha-kol
v'zo-cheir chas-dei a-vot u'mei-vi go-eil liv-nei v'nei-hem l'ma-an sh'mo b'a-ha-vah, Me-lech o-zeir u'mo-shia u-ma-gein . Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ma-gein Av-ra-ham
Blessed are You, L-RD our G-d and G-d of our fathers, G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob, the great,
mighty and awesome G-d, G-d supreme, Who extends loving-kindness and is Master of all, Who remembers the
gracious deeds of our forefathers, and Who brings a Redeemer with love to their childrens children for His
Names sake. King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield! Blessed are You O L-RD, Shield of Abraham
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A-tah gi-bur l'o-lam, A-do-nai m'chai-yei mei-tim a-ta rav l'ho-shi-a, m'chal-keil cha-yim b'che-sed m'chayei mei-tim b'ra-cha-mim ra-bim so-meich no-f'lim v'ro-fei cho-lim u-ma-tir a-su-rim u-m'kai-yeim e-mu-nato li-shei-nei a-far mi cha-mo-cha ba-al g'vu-rot u-mi do-me lach me-lech mei-mit u-m'chai-ye u-matz-miach y'shu-a, v'ne-e-man a-tah l'ha-cha-yot mei-tim Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, m'cha-yei ha-mei-tim.
Your might is eternal, O L-rd, Who revives the dead, powerful in saving, Who sustains the living with lovingkindness, Who revives the dead with great mercy, Who supports the falling, heals the sick, frees the captive, and
keeps faith with those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, Almighty, and who resembles You, O King? Who can
bring death and give life, and can make salvation blossom forth! And faithful are You to revive the dead. Blessed
are You, L-RD, Who revives the dead.
Kedushat Hashem
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A-tah ka-dosh, v'shim-cha ka-dosh, u-k'do-shim b'chawl-yom y'ha-l'lu-cha se-lah. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai,
ha-Eil * ha-Ka-dosh.
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You are holy and Your Name is holy, and holy ones will praise You every day, Selah. Blessed are You O L-RD, the
holy G-d.
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Nkadesh et shim-cha ba-olam, kshem sheh mak-dishim oto bish-mei marom. Ka-ka-tuv al yad nvi-echa: Vkara
zeh el zeh vamar: Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Adonai tzvaot, mlo kol ha-aretz kvodo. Adir adir-enu, Adonai
Adoneinu, mah adir shim-cha bchol ha-aretz. Baruch kvod Adonai, mimkomo. Echad hu eloheinu, hu avi-nu, hu
mal-kei-nu, hu moshi-enu. Vhu yash-mi-einu bra-chamav leinei kol chai. Ani Adonai elohei-chem. Yim-loch
Adonai lolam, elo-ha-yich Tsion, ldor vador Halleluyah.
We sanctify Your name in this world, just as the angels do in the high heavens. As it is written by the hand of Your
prophet: They called to each other saying: Holy, holy, holy is Hashem of hosts; the whole earth is full of Gods
glory. Our mighty God, vuvh our Lord, how mighty is your name in the whole earth? Blessed is the Glory of vuvh,
from His place. Our God is One; our parent, our ruler, our savior, And God will cause us to hear, before the eyes of
all the living: I am vuvh your God. vuvh rules forever, your God O Zion, from generation to generation.
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L-dor va-dor na-gid god-le-cha. (2x) Ulne-ztach ne-tza-chim kdu-shat-cha nak-dish, kdu-shat-cha nak-dish
vshiv-che-cha eloheinu mi-pi-nu lo ya-mush lolam vaed. Baruch atah Adonai ha-el ha-ka-dosh. (betw. RH and
YK: hamelech hakadosh).
From generation to generation we shall speak of your greatness. and forever we shall declare your holiness. and
your praise shall never depart from our lips. Blessed are You,vuvh, the holy God. (between RH and YK: the holy
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R'tsei, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, b'a-m'cha Yis-ra-eil u-vit-fi-la-tam. V'ha-sheiv et-ha-a-vo-dah lid-vir bei-te-cha.
V'i-shei Yis-ra-eil ut'fi-la-tam b'a-ha-va t'ka-beil b'ra-tson. U-t'hi l'ra-tson ta-mid a-vo-dat Yis-ra-eil a-mecha. V'te-che-ze-na ei-nei-nu b'shu-v'cha, l'Tsi-on b'ra-cha-mim. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ha-ma-cha-zir
sh'chi-na-to l'Tsi-on.
Be favorable, O L-RD our G-d, toward Israel Your people, turn to their prayer and restore the service to the Holy
of Holies of Your House. And the fire offerings of Israel and their prayers may You speedily accept with love and
favor, and may the service of Your people Israel be continually favorable to You. May our eyes behold Your
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return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, O L-RD, Who restores His Dwelling Presence to Zion.
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Mo-dim a-nach-nu lach sha-a-ta hu A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu vei-lo-hei a-vo-tei-nu l'olam va-ed. Tsur cha-yei-nu
ma-gein yish-ei-nu a-tah hu l'dor va-dor. No-deh l'cha un'sa-peir t'hi-la-te-cha al cha-yei-nu ha-m'su-rim
b'ya-de-cha v'al nish-mo-tei-nu ha-p'ku-dot lach v'al ni-se-cha she-b'chawl-yom i-ma-nu v'al nif-l'o-te-cha
v'to-vo-te-cha, she-b'chawl-eit, e-rev va-vo-ker v'tsaw-ha-ra-yim.Ha-tov ki lo cha-lu ra-cah-me-cha me-cha
vha-mra-cheim ki lo ta-nu cha-sa-de-cha ki mei-o-lam ki-vi-nu lach. V'al ku-lam, yit-ba-rach v'yit-ro-mam
shim-cha Mal-kei-nu, ta-mid l'o-lam va-ed. V'chol ha-cha-yim yo-du-cha se-la vi-ha-l'lu et-shim-cha be-emet, ha-eil y'shu-a-tei-nu v'ez-ra-tei-nu se-la. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ha-tov shim-cha ul'cha na-e l'ho-dot.
We gratefully thank You, for it is You Who are the L-RD, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers forever. Our
Rock, the Rock of our lives, Shield of our Salvation are You from generation to generation. We shall thank You
and relate Your praise: for our lives, which are committed to Your power, and for our souls that are entrusted to
You; for Your miracles that are with us every day; and for Your wonders and favors in every seasonevening,
morning, and afternoon. O Good One, Your compassions were never exhausted. O Compassionate One, Your
kindnesses never ended. We have always put our hope in You. For all these, may Your Name be blessed, exalted,
and extolled, our King, continually forever and ever. Everything alive will gratefully acknowledge YouSelah!
And may they praise Your great Name sincerely, O G-d of our salvation and helpSelah! Blessed are You, O LRD; Your Name is "The Good One," and to You, it is fitting to give thanks.
Sim Shalom
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Sim sha-lom to-va uv-ra-cha, chein va-che-sed v'ra-cha-mim, a-lei-nu v'al kawl Yis-ra-eil a-me-cha.
Ba-r'chei-nu a-vi-nu, ku-la-nu k'e-chad, b'or pa-ne-cha. ki v'or pa-ne-cha na-ta-ta la-nu, A-do-nai E-lo-heinu, To-rat cha-yim v'a-ha-vat che-sed, uts-da-ka uv-ra-cha v'ra-cha-mim, v'cha-yim v'sha-lom. b'ei-ne-cha
l'va-reich et a-m'cha Yis-ra-eil b'chawl eit uv-chawl sha-ah bish-lo-me-cha. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai,
ha-m'va-reich et a-mo Yis-ra-eil ba-sha-lom.
Grant peace, goodness, and blessing; grace, devotion, and compassion to us and to all Your people Israel. Bless
us, our Father, all of us as one, with the light of Your countenance. For in the light of Your countenance You give
us, O L-RD, the Torah of life, and the love of devotion, righteousness, and blessing, compassion, life, and peace.
And it is good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel at every moment and every hour with Your peace. Blessed
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are You, O L-RD, Who blesses His people Israel with peace.
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Torah Service
The Torah Service is written without English translation as the service is said only in
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She-ma' Yis-ra-el, A-do-nai E-Io-he-nu A-do-nai, E-had.
)Hear, O Israel: YHWH is our God, YHWH is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4
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E-had e-Io-he-nu ga-dol a-do-ne-nu, ka-dosh ve-no-ra she-mo le-' o-Iam va-' ed.
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E-had e-Io-he-nu
A-do-nai e-Io-he-nu a-vi-nu bo-re-e-nu go-a-Ie-nu do-re-she-nu, ya-hid be-'o-Ia-mo e-met.
She-ma' yis-ra-el
A-do-nai e-Io-he-nu ho-de-nu va-ha-da-re-nu za-ne-nu, ya-hid be-'o-Ia-mo e-met.
She- ma' yis-ra-el
A-do-nai e-Io-he-nu ho-ne-ne-nu to-ve-nu yo-tse-re-nu, ya-hid be-to-la-me e-met.
She-rna' yis-ra-el
A-do-nai e-lo-he-nu ka-bi-re-nu lo-ha-rne-nu mis-qa-be-nu, ya-hid be-'o-Ia-mo e-rnet.
She-ma' yis-ra-el
A-do-nai e-lo-he-nu no-a-me-nu so-me-khe-nu 'o-ze-re-nu, ya-hid be-'o-Ia-mo e-met.
She-ma' yis-ra-el
A-do-nai e-Io-he-nu po-de-nu tsu-re-nu ke-do-she-nu, ya-hid be-'o-Ia-mo e-met.
She-rna' yis-ra-el
A-do-nai e-Io-he-nu ro-'e-nu sho-me-re-nu to-me-khe-nu, ya-.b.id be-'o-Ia-mo e-met.
She-ma' yis-ra-el
Mal-khu-te-kha mal-khut kol 'o-Ia-mim, u-mem-shal-te-kha be-khol dor va-dor.
Mal-khu-te-kha mal-khut
A-do-nai shim-kha le-' o-Iam, A-do-nai zikh-re-kha le-dor va-der.
A-do-nai shim-kha
A-do-nai me-Iekh, A-do-nai ma-Iakh, A-do-nai, yim-Iokh le-'o-Iam va-ed
A-do-nai me-Iekh
Adonai oz le-'a-mo yi-ten, A-do-nai, ye-va-rekh et 'a-mo va-sha-Iom.
The Torah scroll is raised three times while saying:
To-rat A-do-nai te-mi-ma me-shi-vat na-fesh, 'e-dut A-do-nai ne-e-ma-na, mah-ki-mat, pe-ti. Pi-ku-de
A-do-nai ye sha-rim me-sa-me-he lev, mits-vat A-do-nai bara me-i-rat 'e-na-yim.
As the scroll is opened, all raise their hands toward it:
Va-yif-tal; 'ez-ra ha-se-fer le-'e-ne khol ha-'am, ki me-'al kol ha-'am ha-ya, ukh-fit-ho 'a-me-du khol
ha-'am. Vay-ta-rekh 'ez-ra et A-do-nai ha-e-Io-him ha-ga-dol, va-ya-'a-nu khol ha-'am amen, amen bemo-'al ye-de-hem, va-yik-du va-yish-ta-ha-vu la-do-nai a-pa-yim ar-tsa.
The Cohen is called to the Torah
Ve-a-ta a-hi ha-ko-hen 'a-te-ret ro-shi la-to-ra, uk-rav lik-ro be-se-fer ha-to-ra, be-kha-vod a-ha-ron bare-khu et A-do-nai.
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A-do-nai be-tsi-yon ga-dol, ve-ram hu 'al kol ha-'a-mim. Ba-rukh A-do-nai e-Io-he yis-ra-el me-ha-'oIam ve-'ad ha-o-lam, amen, ve-a-men. Ki ya-shar de-var A-do-nai, ve-khol ma-'a-se-hu
Tsid-ka-te-kha tse-dek le-e-lam , ve-to-ra-te-kha e-met. Ba-rukh A-do-nai le-'o-Iam, a-men, ve-a-men.
Cohen blessing after the Torah Reading
Ba-rukh A-do-nai e-lo-him e-Io-he yis-ra-el, 'o-se nif-Ia-ot le-va-do. U-va-rukh, shem ke-vo-do le-'oIam, ve-yi-ma-Ie khe-vo-do et kol ha-a-rets, amen, ve-a-men.
Then the Levite (and after each Israelite) is called to the Torah
_____ ] [
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Ve-a-ta a-hi _____ ha-le-vi [ha-yis-ra-e-li] ten ka-vod la-to-ra, uk-rav lik-ro be-se-fer ha-to-ra, be-khavod ke-rav. Bet ha-le-vi [yis-ra-el] ba-re-khu et A-do-nai
Levite (Israelite) blessing before the Torah Reading
A-do-nai ha-fets le-maan tsid-kom
yag-dil to-ra ve-ya-dir.
Tora tsiv-va la-nu mo-she,
mo-ra-sha ke-hi-lat ya-a-kov.
Ve-zot ha-to-ra a-sher sam mo-she,
lif-ne be-ne yis-ra-el
Tsid-ka-te-kha tse-dek le-o-lam, ve-to-ra-te-kha e-met. Ba-rukh A-do-nai le-o-lam, a-men, ve-a-men.
Levite (Israelite) blessing after the Torah Reading
Ba-rukh A-do-nai e-lo-him e-lo-he yis-ra-el, 'o-se nif-la-ot le-va-do. U-va-rukh shem ke-vo-do lee-lam, ve-yi-ma-Ie khe-vo-do et kol ha-a-rets, amen, ve-a-men.
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Haftarah Service
Blessing Before reading the Haftarah
Ve-di-bar-ti 'al ha-ne-vi-im , ve-a-no-khi -ha-zon hir-be-ti , uv-'ad ha-ne-vi-im a-da-me. Ki lo ya-'a-se Ado-nai e-Io-him da-var, ki im ga-Ia so-do, el. 'a-va-dav ha-ne-vi-im. Ar-ye sha-aq mi lo
yi-ra, A-do-nai e-Io-him di-ber, mi lo yi-na-ve.
Blessing After reading the Haftarah
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Go-a-Ie-nu A-do-nai tse-va-ot she-mo, ke-dosh yis-ra-el. U-va le-tsi-yon go-el, ul-sha-ve fe-sha' be-ya-'akov, ne-um A-do-nai. Va-a-ni zot be-ri-ti a-tam a-mar A-do-nai , ru-h-i a-sher 'a-Ie-kha , ud-va-rai a-sher
sam-ti be-fi-kha, lo ya-mu-shu mi-pi-kha u-mi-pi zar-'a-kha u-mi-pi ze-ra' zar-'a-kha a-mar A-do-nai me'a-ta ve-'ad 'o-Iam. Ba-rukh A-do-nai le-o-lam, amen, ve-a-men.
ve-shemerennah vecholev
and keep it wholeheartedly. Lead
hadricheni bintiv mitzvotaicha
: ,
me in the path of Your
kivov chafatzeti. Hat-linni el-, -. -
commandments, for that is my
concern. Turn my heart to Your
. - ;
Hatlibbi eledevoteicha ve-al eldecrees and not to love of gain..
; ,
batza. Deracheicha Adonai
(Psalms 119:33-36) Let me know
hovdieni orechovteicha lam .
Your paths, O Lord; teach me Your
medeni. Tzidkatecha tzedek leways. (Psalms 25:4) Your
righteousness is eternal; Your
olam vetovratecha emet. Shiva
teaching is true. (Psalms 119:142)
Shavuot tispar-lach mehachel
You shall count off seven weeks;
, ,
chermesh bakkamah tachel
start to count the seven weeks
lispor shiva Shavuot.
when the sickle is first put to the
standing grain. (Deuteronomy 16:9)
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The Omer is counted in the following manner by both Rabbinic and Karaite practice.
Karaites begin the count of the Omer on the morrow after the Sabbath during Passover
(Lev 23:15-16 and Deut. 16:9). Rabbinates begin the count on the 2nd day of Passover
(Midrash Rabbah Parashas Emor).
Today is one day in the Omer.
Hayom yom echad la-omer
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vatzavenu Adonai la-asot et-kolhachukim ha-eleh leyira etAdonai eloheinu letov lanu kolhayamim lechayotenu ke-hayom
haze. utzedaka tihyelanu
kinishmor la-asot et-kolhamitzva hazot lifnei Adonai
eloheinu ka-asher tzivanu.
maggid devarav le-ya-akov
chukav umishpatav le-yisrael. lo
asa chen lecholgoi umishpatim
bal-ye-daum haleluyah. Baruch
Adonai leolam a-men ve-amen.
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The Blessing included below are post-biblical additions by the Sages (both Rabbinic and
Karaite). The source of the blessings is based in the biblical scriptures to show reverence
for the Creator. Blessings are a major portion of the Jewish life as it is written I will bless
the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth (Psalms 34:1).
Modeh Ani
I gratefully thank You, O living and
eternal King, for You have returned
my sould within me with
compassion abundant is Your
Bedtime Shema
Ruler of the universe, I hereby
forgive anyone who angered or
antagonized me, or who did wrong
against me, whether against my
body or whether against my
property, whether against my
honor or whether against anything
that is mine, whether they did so
accidentally or whether willfully,
whether carelessly or whether
purposely, whether through speech
or whether through deed, whether
in deliberation or whether with
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blessing, selah.
May we lie down, Hashem our
Elohim, in peace, and may we arise,
our Sovereign, to life. Spread over
us the shelter of Your peace, guide
us with Your good counsel, and save
us for the sake of Your Name. and
protect us for our sake, and remove
from us enemies, disease, and war,
and famine, and anguish, and
removethe Opponent from before
us and from behind us, Under the
shadow of your wings hide us, for
the One who guards us and saves
us is You, for You are the Sovereign
of mercy and compassion. Guard us
when we go out and when we
return, for life and for peace, from
now until eternity.
Hashkiveinu AdonaiEloheinu
lshalom, vha-amideinu
malkeinu lchayim. Ufros aleinu
sukat shlomecha, vtakneinu
beitzah tovah milfanecha,
vhoshi-einu lma-an shmecha,
vhagein ba-adeinu, vhaseir
mei-aleinu oyeiv, dever,
vcherev, vra-av, vyagon,
vhaseirsatan milfaneinu umeiachareinu, uvtzeil knafecha
tastireinu, ki Eil shomreinu
umatzileinu atah, ki Eil melech
chanun vrachum atah. Ushmor
tzeiteinu uvo-einu, lchayim
ulshalom, mei-atah vad olam.
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lcha shalom.
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Adon Olam
(Sung at the end of service and the Bedtime Shema)
You are the Ruler of the Universe,
Adon olam asher malach,
who ruled before anything was
bterem kol ytzir nivra. Leit na
created. When everything was
asah vcheftso kol, azai melech
created according to Your will, then
shmo nikra.
the sovereignty of Your Name was
And after everything ceases to be,
You will majestically reign alone. And
You were and You are, and You will be
forever in grandeur.
Byado afkid ruchi, beit ishan vairah. Vim ruchi gviyati, Adonai li
vlo ira.
. :
: ,
Rabbinic Version
Blessed are thou, Lord our G-d, King
of the Universe, Creator of the fruit
of the vine.
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Karaite Version
And blessed is our Elohim, king of
the universe, who created the vine
and from its wine makes happy the
heart of the sons of men. As it is
written, (N.B.) Wine that cheers
the hearts of men, oil that makes
the face shine, and bread that
sustains mans life. (Psalms
104:15). Blessed are you Lord, our
Elohim, king of the universe, who
blesses and sanctifies the Sabbath
day for his people Israel, Amen.
And blessed be our Elohim king of
the universe who gives us
celebration and joy and who
creates the fruit of the vine, Amen.
Rabbinic Version
Blessed are You, the Lord our God,
King of the Universe, Creator of
the fruit of the vine. (Amen)
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King
of the Universe, Who sanctified us
with His commandments, and
hoped for us, and with love and
intent invested us with His sacred
Sabbath, as a memorial to the deed
of Creation. It is the first amongst
( )
noo li-had-leek nershel Sha-bbat
of the Holy Shabbat.
Version that would be acceptable for non-Rabbinicals as it states that lighting Shabbat
candles are a permission
Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King Baruch a-ta A-do-nay Elo-hei-nu
of the universe, who has sanctified me-lech ha-o-lam a-sher ki-deesha-nu bi-mitz-vo-tav ve-hi-tir laus with His commandments, and
noo li-had-leek nershel Sha-bbat
permitted us to kindle the light of
the Holy Shabbat
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Mi Sheberakh
May the One who blessed our
ancestors -- Patriarchs Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob,
Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca,
Rachel, and Leah -- bless and
heal the one who is ill:
_______ son/daughter of
_______ . May the Holy Blessed
One overflow with compassion
upon him/her, to restore
him/her, to heal him/her, to
strengthen him/her, to enliven
him/her. The One will send
him/her, speedily, a complete
healing -- healing of the soul and
healing of the body -- along with
all the ill, among the people of
Israel and all humankind, soon,
speedily, without delay, and let
us all say: Amen!
Mi Sheberakh Avoteinu:
Avraham, Yitzhak, v'Yaakov,
v'Imoteinu: Sarah, Rivka, Rachel
v'Leah, Hu yivarekh virapei et
_____________ ben/bat
______________ HaKadosh
Barukh Hu yimalei rahamim
l'hahalimo/l'hahlimah, ul'rap'oto/u-l'rap'otah,
l'hahaziko/l'hazikah, u-l'hayoto/u-l'hay-otah. V'yishlah lo/lah
bim-hera r'fuah shlemah, r'fu-at
hanefesh u-r'fu-at hagoof,
b'tokh sh'ar holei Yisrael vholei
yoshvei tevel, hashta ba'agalah
u-vizman kariv, v'no-mar, Amen!
, , ,
, ,
Karaite Version
May Adonai, God of Israel, in his
great mercies and reliable charities,
will show favor and have mercy and
have pity on and all the sick people
of Israel that became sick. May The
God of Israel, in his great mercies,
make them revive from ther illness
and heal them from ther suffering
and show mercy on them, and raise
them again, and recuperate from
their sickness. And treat them as it
is written: And said, If you will
diligently listen to the voice of
Adonai, your God, and will do that
A-do-nai e-Io-he is-ra-el be-raha-mav ha-ra-bim u-va-ha-sadav ha-ge-do-lim ve-ha-ne-e-manim, - hu ya-hon ve-ra-ha-m vayah-mol 'al ma-'a-Iat
____________ve-khol ho-Ie 'amo bet yis-ra-el she-na-fe-Iu beho-li. E-Io-he yis-ra-el be-ra-hamav ha-ra-bim ye-ha-ye-hem
me-gel-yam ve-yir-pa-em mimakh-o-vam, vi-ra-hem 'a-Iehem. Vi-ki-mem ve-ya-a-Ii-mem
mi-ma-ha-la-tam. Vi-ka-yem 'aPage 67 of 75
Ie-hem mik-ra she-ka-tuv. Va-yomer im sha-mo-wa' tish-ma' lekol, A-do-nai e-lo-he-kha ve-haya-shar be-'e-nav ta-'a-sa ve-haa-zan-ta le-mits-vo-tav ve-shamar-ta kol- hu-kav kol ha-ma-hala a-sher sam-ti be-mits-ra-yim
le-a-sim 'al-e-kha ki a-ni A-do-nai
ro-fe-e-kha. ve-he-sir A-do-nai
mi-me-kha kol ho-li ve-khol
mad-ve mits-ra-yim ha-ra-'im asher ya-da'-ta la ye-si-mam bakh
un-ta-nam be-khol so-ne-e-kha.
Re-fa-em A-do-nai ve-ye-ra-fe-u
ho-shi-'em ve-yi-va-she-'u ki tehil-Ia-ti a-ta. EI na re-fa na lahem Amen. EI na re-fa na la-hem
Amen. EI na re-fa nala-hem
Amen. A-do-nai ho-shi-'a ha-meIekh ya-'a-ne-nu ve-yom-kor-enu. Ba-rukh A-do-nai le-'o-Iam
Amen ve-Amen
Mourners Kaddish
May His great Name grow exalted
and sanctified (`Cong: Amen.)
v'yam'likh mal'khutei
b'chayeikhon uv'yomeikhon
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Blessed is He.
B'rikh hu.
toosh'b'chatah v'nechematah,
da'ameeran b'al'mah, v'eemru:
good land which He has given you.
Ha-Aretz Ha-Tova Asher Natan
(Deut. 8:10) O House of Israel, bless Lakh: Bet Yisrael Barekhu Et
, . -
the Lord! * O House of Aharon,
Adonai, * Bet Aharon Barekhu Et
bless the Lord! * O House of Levi,
Adonai: *Bet Halevi Barekhu Et
, .-
bless the Lord! * You who fear the
Lord, bless the Lord! * Blessed is
,; -
Et Adonai: * Barukh Adonai Mithe Lord from Zion, He who dwells
tziyon, Shokhen Yerushalayim,
in Jerusalem! Halleluyah. (Psalms
Haleluya: Adonai Oz Le-Amo
135:19-21) May the Lord grant
Yiten, Adonai Yevarekh Et Amo
strength to His people; may the
, ;,--.
Lord bestow on His people
Bashalom: Barukh Adonai Le. -
wellbeing. (Psalms 29:11) Blessed is Olam, Amen Ve-Amen:
the Lord forever. Amen, and Amen.
(Psalms 89:53)
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Prostration in Prayer
For the purpose the prayer service outlined in this Siddur
Hands up
After reciting the blessing, throw the tallit over your shoulders like a cape and bring your hands together in front
of your face briefly, covering your head. Then adjust the tallit comfortably on your shoulders. The tallit should be
draped over the shoulders like a shawl or a cape, not around the neck like a scarf.
Images for the proper way to don a Tallit come from www.jewfaq.org
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While putting on the Tefillin, one may not talk from the first blessing (through the Statement) until step #3.
Step # 2
1. Remove the shel Rosh (tefillin for the head) from the bag, unwrap the straps, and take it out of the box. Place
the shel Rosh on your head, with the bayis on your head just before the hairline
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2. The knot should be behind your head - just above your neck, and the strap should be lying loosely on your
3. Recite the blessing:
Blessed are You Hashem, King of the universe, Who has made us holy
through His commandments, and commanded us concerning the
Mitzvah of tefillin.
4. Tighten the straps around your head by pulling them down at the sides, front and back, as necessary.
5. Now recite: (the Statement)
Blessed is his name, whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever
From Your Wisdom you, O supreme God, may you imbue me; From your
understanding give me understanding; with your kindness do greatly with
me; with your power cut down my foes and rebels. May you pour goodly oil
upon the seven arms of the menorah, to cause your good to flow to your
creatures. May you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living
Step #3
Now resume wrapping the strap of the shel yad. Unwind the strap from your palm, and as the strap comes from
the wrist,
Bring it around.
Then twice around the lower part of the middle finger, while saying the below:
Keep going around till just about completing the rest of the strap.
The final 2,3 inches, tie it around the middle straps to keep it firm.
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Step #4
Step #5
Taking off your tefillin is done in the reverse order
1 First unwrap the strap from your fingers, wrapping it around your palm.
2 Then take off the shel Rosh Wrap it up and put it away.
3 Then take off your shel yad, wrap it up and put it away.
JPS Tanakh: The Jewish Bible. [S.l.]: Jewish Publication Society, 1991. Print.
"How to Lay Tefillin." Davening.net. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.davening.net/tefillin.html>.
"Judaism 101: Donning Tallit and Tefillin." Judaism 101: Donning Tallit and Tefillin. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2012.
Karaite Prayer book. Nehemia Gordon (translated from Abraham Firkowitch original; Vilna c. 1870)
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