Useful Phrases To Prepare A Presentation
Useful Phrases To Prepare A Presentation
Useful Phrases To Prepare A Presentation
1) Starting a Presentation Greet / Audience: Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen. Im very glad you could come today Name and position: Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is .. Subject: The title/ subject /topic of todays presentation /talk is Today Id like to speak about Objective: the aim today is to give some background about.. Outline: Ive divided /split my talk into three parts /sections First, what I want to do is give you some background Second /third, we will look at /move on to Then / Next After that / Finally, I will speak about . Length: The presentation will take /last about . Minutes Questions: If you have any question please, feel free to interrupt or Please interrupt me as we go along if you have any questions Id be glad to answer any question at the end of my presentation Link to start: OK. Lets start with the first point which is.
2) Signaling linking the parts Ending a section: I think that covers everything on Thats all I wanted to say about.. To summarize.. Intermediate questions: Are there any questions or comments in that would anyone like to ask a question at this point?
Opening a new section: now I want to turn to.. This brings me to the third and final point which is Adding ideas: in addition to this / moreover.. However.. /despite this So / therefore..
3) Highlighting and emphasizing: Id like to emphasize.. What: what is really important is.. Simplifying: basically / to put it simple.. Analyzing: Lets look at this more closely Dramatic language: a total / absolute / complete disaster a great / outstanding / remarkable success Contrast: yesterday it was easy, today is far more difficult
4) Engaging your audience Use rhetorical questions: are we satisfied with this product? Offer clarification: Is that clear? Directing questions: George, I know you have a lot of experience. Could you comment? Diplomacy: It may be a little / bit difficult TIPS: it is better to use we and not I. Always try to understand your audience point of view.
5) Visual Aids: they are very useful resources because they save time and creates impact on the audience Check visual aids: is that clear for everybody? Can everybody see that? Meaning of the visual aids: This shows / illustrates / demonstrates / refers to Focusing attention: Id like to draw your attention to Describing charts: (see appendix )
6) Body Language Tips Match your appearance to audience expectations Maintain eye contact Use positive facial expressions smile Move to create interest Use hands to create impact with gesture
7) Being persuasive Proposing: I suggest that we Advantages: The difference between and is enormous Choose between neutral and emotive language: it is risky vs it is a commercial suicide
8) Closing a presentation Signaling the end: Ok this brings me to the end of my presentation Right,. That covers everything I wanted to say about Summarizing: To sum up Before I finish, let me just go over Concluding: To conclude Id like to say that.. In conclusion. Final Recommendation: It seems to me, then, that we should I would therefore recommend Support: Ive prepared a handout which I will pass round I will give you my e-mail address in case you want to follow up on something I said Closing: Thank you for listening so attentively Thank you for your attention Inviting suggestions: are there any questions? yes, gentleman /lady sitting here (points)
9) Handling Questions: Positive response: thats a good /difficult / complex /interesting question thank you for ask me that question Im glad somebody asked that question. It allows me to say Check your answer: Does that answer your question? Is it clear now? Clarify: If I understand you correctly, you want to know.. sorry I didnt follow the question. Could you repeat that for me, please? Refer back: as I said earlier Accept criticism: I accept that I agree with what you are saying.. Avoiding: a) Wrong person: Im afraid I cant really answer that / Thats not really my area, Im afraid
b) Wrong topic: Im afraid that question goes beyond the subject of todays presentation Im afraid thats confidential Id be glad to discuss that with you personally at the end of the presentation c) Tennis retuning a question: well, let me ask you the same question I can answer that by asking you a question 10) Cross cultural tips: (see appendix 2) 11) Golden rules: ( see appendix 3)