Carrer Goal Statement:: REFERENCES Available Upon Request
Carrer Goal Statement:: REFERENCES Available Upon Request
Carrer Goal Statement:: REFERENCES Available Upon Request
To obtain a full-time position in the field of Mechanical Engineering and enabling me to utilize my: Substantial knowledge of Mechanical Engineering principles along with a strong background in both academic and research settings. Strong research abilities including experience of implementing various research protocols using a variety of laboratory equipment, analyzing different types of data, and simulating the model. Strong written and verbal communication skills including experience presenting technical findings in written reports and poster presentations. Knowledge of Microsoft office suite and basic drawing CATIA and basic programming MATLAB. Expert in realistic simulation and CAD software ABAQUS.
Therefore I would like to Make significant contributions and work with teams to fulfill the mission and achieve the goals of the organization.
.. Full-time position in the field of Electrical Engineering. knowledge to Make significant contributions and work in teams to further the mission and goals of the organization. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Email Address (Area Code) Phone Number Month Date, Year Mr./Ms./Dr. First and Last Name of Person Title Organization Street Address City, State Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name: 1st Paragraph Why Am I Writing? -- Identify the position or field of work you are inquiring about. Identify how you heard of the opening or organization. Identify why you decided to contact the employer. 2nd Paragraph Who Am I and Why Should You Hire Me? -- Identify your skills, experiences and qualities and demonstrate how they relate to the position. Highlight one or two of your strongest qualifications and explain how they relate to the needs of the employer. Do NOT simply restate the facts that are on your resume, show how you believe your qualifications could benefit the organization. Explain why you are specifically interested in the employer and the type of work/location, etc. and demonstrate your understanding of the duties of the position. 3rd Paragraph My Next Step? -- Refer the reader to the enclosed application, resume, and other required documents. Close the letter with a strong interest in pursuing the next step of the employment process. Make sure your closing is assertive, elicits a response from the employer, and indicates whether you or the employer will follow up. Thank the reader for his/her time and consideration. Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Typed Name
2622 Chautauqua Avenue Apt. M303C Norman, OK 73072 September XX, 20XX Aaron Elkin(HR Manager) EZT Production 625 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Dear Mr. Elkin: I am writing in response to your job posting for a full time Engineering Trainee on the University of Oklahomas Career Services website. I am confident that you will find that my academic training in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, along with my leadership experience from working as a team player, qualify me for this position. To broaden my education at the University of Oklahoma, I took six courses in biological science and chemistry in addition to my degree requirements for Mechanical Engineering. I believe that my knowledge of Organic chemistry will be valuable while working as an Engineer in the field or plants, where high-pressured hydrocarbons and other gasses are usually present. Additionally, From my years ofholding leadership positions, I have learned to effectively work well as a team player and a teamleader, effectively collaborating with a variety of people. I have also learned to work in a timelyfashion and work well even under pressure and stress. I believe these experiences will help mesucceed in this position. More information about my experiences and education is included in my enclosed resume. I would really appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in person to further discuss my application. I can be reached by phone: 405-532-1269, or email: [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Handwritten Signature Anthony Moreno Enclosure
900 Asp Avenue Norman, OK 73019 [email protected] (405) 325-1974 Month Date, Year
Mr. Timothy D. Smith Senior Engineer Midwest Engineering, Inc. 4500 Prairie Drive Kansas City, MO 75254 Dear Mr. Smith: I am writing to inquire about an Electrical Engineering position at Midwest Engineering, Inc. I am particularly interested in the robotics industry in which Midwest Engineering, Inc. holds a prestigious reputation. My engineering education, wide range of work experience, and leadership achieved through special projects equips me with a valuable knowledge base to be a productive asset to your company. Challenging projects have always attracted my interest. Both inside and outside the classroom, I have assumed leadership roles and have been able to creatively solve problems. As President of the Student Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, I served as project manager for the annual engineering competition where our college engineering team designed and built a robotic mouse. Our teams design won the competition, beating out 18 other college teams. With my experience as a proven leader and my technical experience, I would be interested in working with your robotics team to prove I could make a substantial contribution to your companys profitability. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this position and my qualifications in more detail. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at (405) 325-1974. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Typed Name . 900 Asp Avenue Norman, OK 73019 [email protected] (405) 325-1974 Month Date, Year Mr. Dean A. Martin Hiring Manager A&B Construction 123 Post Road Oklahoma City, OK 73003 Dear Mr. Martin: I am applying for the Construction Project Manager position advertised through the Resume Post newsletter. My credentials and interest in the area are a strong match for your requirements and should be considered for the position. I recently graduated with a Civil Engineering degree and have two years experience in Construction Project Management. I have worked extensively with Construction Project Managers in both the government and private sectors with responsibilities focusing on managing interning engineers to managing various crews. As an adaptable and versatile professional, I offer a willingness to learn new methods and meet demanding standards.
A well-trained and professional Construction Project Manager is key to the growth and integrity of any organization. I am a highly qualified candidate for the position of Construction Project Manager. If you would like to meet for a personal interview, please call me at (405) 325-1974 for a time that suits your schedule. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for accepting my letter and resume. Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Typed Name
Follow-up letter Send a thank you letter to follow-up and express continued interest with an employer after any contact like interviews, career fairs, site visits, or information sessions. A handwritten thank you is preferred, but if you know there is not enough time to get a hand written note across their desk, an email is suitable. .example:
Dear Ms. Smith, Thank you for scheduling my interview for the Engineering Manager position. I am pleased with the benefits Mack & Co. offers and am also impressed with its long-term outlook and projects in development. Id greatly appreciate the opportunity to contribute to Macks future success. After completing my interview today, I am confident that my qualifications are in line with your requirements. As promised, I will fax my completed job application to you by tomorrow afternoon. Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Dear Mr. Johns, Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you
today. As we discussed, my internship experience combined with my coursework has given me the communication and problem-solving skills necessary to be successful as an IT Manager at DB Software, Inc. Please feel free to contact me at (405) 555-5555 should you have additional questions. I am very interested in the position and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you again for your time and consideration. Regards,
Handwritten Signature
Dear Mr. Matthews, It was a pleasure meeting with you today at the career fair. I truly enjoyed our conversation, and both hearing about the position and learning more about the needs of Rhodes International, Corp. In particular, I am impressed with the way your company operates and the ethical standards it upholds. Thank you again for your time and the experience of getting to know you and your company better. I would welcome the opportunity to work for Rhodes International, Corp. and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Typed Name
Dear Ms. Peters, I appreciate your courtesy and the time you took to answer my questions about the Architectural Internship during my visit to Technology, Inc. this morning. Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you and see your facilities. The interview and the tour made for an exciting and informative day. Again, thank you for your hospitality and for all your efforts to arrange my visit. Having seen your operation, I am enthused about the internship opportunity that Technology, Inc. offers. I look forward to your decision. Best Regards, Typed Nam
900 Asp Avenue Norman, OK 73019 [email protected] (405) 325-1974 Month Date, Year Mr. John G. Falcioni Vice President Megacorp Enterprises 1111 Allen Road San Francisco, CA 94000 Dear Mr. Falcioni: I am very pleased to accept your offer of an Information Systems Manager at Megacorp Enterprises. Please consider this letter my formal acceptance . I am pleased to accept your offer at a salary of $55,500 annually. As we agreed, my starting date will be July 28, and I will report to you at 9:00 a.m. in the ninth-floor conference room. I also understand that I will receive full company pay and benefits during the 12-week training program and that I am considered probationary during that time. Thank you again, Mr. Falcioni, for offering me this wonderful opportunity, Im very excited to join the Megacorp team. Please let me know if I can do anything in advance of my start date to facilitate the paperwork. Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Typed Name 900 Asp Avenue Norman, OK 73019 [email protected] (405) 325-1974 Month Date, Year Mr. Chris Hammon Network Administrator Solutions, Inc. 569 Brook Drive Edmond, OK 73003 Dear Mr. Hammon: I received your letter on Friday with the disappointing news that Solutions, Inc. was no longer pursuing me as a candidate for the Engineering Manager position. Im writing in
hopes that you will reconsider the decision. From my research of the company, my experience with java script and my passion for new initiatives is right in line with what Solutions, Inc. is looking for in leadership for the new department that was acquired from the merger. I feel strongly about the future of Solutions, Inc. and my possible contribution to future projects. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide to be reconsidered. I still look foward to working and growing with Solutions, Inc. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Typed Name