Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta: Environmental Services Program
Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta: Environmental Services Program
Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta: Environmental Services Program
USAIDs Environmental Services Program (ESP) works with Indonesian government, private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to promote public health by improving water resources management and expanding access to clean water and sanitation services.
Six subwatersheds within the densely populated Progo Watershed are the target of ESPs assistance.
PROMOTING INTEGRATION THROUGH COMMUNITY INITIATIVES ESP works in six subwatersheds of the densely populated Progo watershed (Tangsi, Blongkeng, Soti, Bolong, Kanci, and Kota Yogyakarta). These areas were selected because they fulfilled certain criteria, such as areas that: provide clean water supply for millions of people living downstream, have high biodiversity values in the upperwatershed, have pockets of communities with high prevalence of diarrhea, and have poor solid waste and sanitation conditions. ESPs site selection process also involved the input of local government and community leaders. In each subwatershed, several villages or community groups are selected to pioneer ESP approaches which can then be spread to other communities in the subwatershed. Each village will then prioritize issues of importance and themes to focus on. FIELD SCHOOLS AS AN ENTRY POINT Field Schools serve as the critical entry point into a community. Field School is a highly-effective, learning-by-doing process that provides communities with an opportunity and skills to become creative and responsible managers of their environment and their own behaviors. Field School has three phases: 1) communities learn about the key issues through a Sustainable Livelihood Assessment and develop village-level action plans with input from the village head; 2) communities implement their action plans on a small-scale, pilot basis; and 3) communities expand their action plans on a larger scale in the community, including leveraging funding or additional technical support from local government. In parallel with the Field Schools, ESP establishes a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) team comprised of related local government officials and village heads who participate in the Field School process at critical steps. This ensures their understanding and continued concrete support of the Field School
ESP Central Java/Yogyakarta emphasizes collaboration with partners through three integrated strategies: Establish a strong foundation for program sustainability by developing communities capacity to plan and implement activities through the Field School approach; Implement activities in upstream and downstream communities within a subwatershed, with water as the blue thread connecting the activities to each other; Develop working relationships and models of partnership with communities, local governments, NGOs, and the private sector. To implement these strategies, ESP helps community members to become experts and managers of their programs and activities, and helps communities link their action plans to local government plans and processes.
process and village level action plans. The M&E team members also actively participate in the multistakeholder watershed management forums that are established. EXPANDING ACCESS TO CLEAN WATER FOR THE POOR ESP works with six municipal water utilities (PDAM) and community-based water supply forums to help them improve their technical, management, and financial performance, with the aim of helping them to increase the number of households with access to clean water. ESPs technical assistance and training for PDAM covers such topics as: how to design and implement customer satisfaction surveys and use this information to improve services, how to measure and decrease non-revenue water loss, how to implement a microcredit system so poor households can establish PDAM household connections, how to develop standard operating procedures and corporate plans, among others. ESP also helps community-based water supply forums learn how to expand their water distribution network, protect water supply, set tariffs, manage their budget, and leverage funding from the local government.
aimed at policymakers or community members to promote a specific action, such as handwashing with soap or spring protection or land rehabilitation.
Over 200 households in the densely populated, urban village of Gondolayu, Yogyakarta, participate in recycling, composting, and regreening activities through the Clean-Green-Hygiene program.
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE 34 villages in five subwatersheds have conducted field schools, involving 900 people. 1,085 ha of critical lands have been replanted through community tree planting. Two community forums have prepared watershed management action plans which are supported and partially funded by the local government (Kabupaten Magelang). Eight village decrees have been issued that pertain to improved watershed management. A multistakeholder spring protection program has been established and funded by Kab Magelang. 6 PDAM (municipal water utilities) receive ESP technical assistance to improve their performance and expand their services to more customers. One existing community-based water supply forum has been strengthened and now provides clean water to more households in 9 villages. 5 community groups are conducting improved household solid waste management, composting and recycling. 8 public elementary schools are implementing school action plans on Clean Green Hygiene Schools. 22 community health center staff have been trained to communicate with community members about appropriate health and hygiene behaviors. More than 3,500 people have participated in trainings and workshops on improved watershed management and health and hygiene practices. Kota Yogyakarta received technical assistance to prepare a city-wide sanitation strategic plan.
Field School is a highly-effective, learning-by-doing process that provides communities with an opportunity and skills to become creative and responsible managers of their environment and their own behaviors.
PROMOTING A CLEAN, GREEN & HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT IN COMMUNITIES AND SCHOOLS Creating a clean, green, and healthy community or school is not limited to infrastructure improvements and tree planting. Effective solid waste management will not be achieved by simply providing trash cans. The community must also be informed about the impact of improper solid waste management on human health and then be informed about how to recycle, compost, reduce waste, properly dispose of waste, and wash hands with soap after handling waste. Then the community members can develop a solid waste management system that is best adapted to the needs of the community. Clean Green Hygiene Schools and communities participate in discussion forums to understand their problems and develop systems and approaches that are best suited to addressing solid waste, sanitation, hygiene, and regreening. STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION FOR CLEAN WATER AND NATURE CONSERVATION ESP conducts information campaigns to widely disseminate information related to ESP issues to build public awareness, which is the basis for behavioral change. Campaigns might be
For more information please contact: Environmental Services Program Central Java and Yogyakarta
Jl. Pandega Marta no. 41. Depok, Sleman Yogyakarta 55281 Phone/Fax: 0274 561820