Management Studies Mba

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I - Managerial Economics Nature and scope of Managerial Economics. Importance of Managerial decisionmaking; Marginal analysis; Objective of a firm, Demand function, Elasticity of demand and its significance in Managerial decision-making; Consumer equilibrium-utility and indifference curve approach; Price, income and substitution effects; Fundamentals of demand estimation and forecasting; Short-run and long-run production functions; Cost curves and economics of scale; Price and output determination under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic, competition, and oligopoly; Pricing strategies and tactics; National Income alternative concepts aid measurement of National income; Inflationtypes, measurement and control; Balance of Payments; Monetary and Fiscal Policies.

II - Business Statistics Univariate Analysis : An overview of central tendency, dispersion, aid skewness. probability Theory; Classical, relative and subjective probability, - Addition and multiplication probability models; Conditional probability and Bayes Theorem. Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions; Their characteristics and applications. Sampling and sampling methods; Sampling and non-s Sampling erross; Law of Large Number and Central Limit Theorem; Sampling distributions and their characteristics. Statistical Estimation and Testing; Point and interval estimation of population mean, proportion, and variance; Statistical testing of hypothesis and errors; Large and small sampling testsZ, t and F tests. Non Parametric Tests: Chi-square tests; Correlation and Regression Analysis : Two variables case. Index Numbers : Meaning and types; Weighted aggregative indices-Laspeyres and Paaschs indices; Uses and problems of Index number; Time Series Analysis; Trend Analysis.

III - Business Environment Nature, components and determinants of business environment, dynamics of business environment, key indicators; Risk in business environment, Assessing business environment country risk and political risk. Current state of business environment in India Economic reforms Liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation, industrial policy and industrialisation trends, public enterprise reforms and disinvestment programmes; competitive environment; financial environment. Indias current balance of payment position, globalisation trends, Trade reforms & trends, FIJI poky & trends, Indias share iii world economy. Trends in global trade & investment; Nature & operations of multilateral economic institutions- World Bank, WTO IMF and their impact on Indian business environment. Factors of global competitiveness.

IV - Operations Research Management Science - Basic concepts and its role in decision- making; Linear programming, meaning, scope & assumptions. Formulation of linear programming problem & solution by graphical & Simplex methods. Some special cases like degeneracy, unbounded ness, infeasibility and multiple optimal solutions. Transportation and Assignment models including trans-shipment and routing problems; Some special cases like minimization , unbalanced problems, degeneracy in transportation models. Queuing theory; Inventory management techniques; PERT/CPM; Decision theory and decision trees; Game theory; Simulation.

V - Business Research Methodology Nature and Scope of Research Methodology, Problem Formulation and Statement of Research, Objectives; Value and Cost of Information; Bayesian Decision Theory; Research Process; Research Designs - Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental; Methods of Data Collection Observational and Survey Methods; Questionnaire and Interviews. Attitude Measurement Techniques; Administration of Surveys; Sample Design; Selecting an Appropriate Statistical Technique. Field Work and Tabulation of Data; Analysis of Data; Use of SPSS and other Statistical Software Packages Advanced Techniques for Data Analysis ANOVA. Discriminate Analysis, Factor Analysis, Conjoint Analysis and Clustering Methods.

VI - Business Policy and Strategic Management An Introduction to business policy Nature, Objective and importance of business policy; An overview of strategic management; Strategic decision making; Process of strategic 4ecision making. Types of planning systems - corporate planning, strategic planning and long range planning; Strategy Formulation, Companys mission, purpose and objectives; Corporate strategy - concept, significance and objectives; types of strategies; Environmental and organizational appraisal (Internal & external) techniques of business environment analysis. Strategic alternatives and choice; Business ethics and corporate strategy Concept of value chair and competitive advantage. Strategy implementation - Designing organisational structure and activating strategies; Matching structure and activating strategy, Structural, Behavioural and Functional implementation. concept of synergy. Strategy Evaluation - Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control; techniques of evaluation and control, Role of organisational system in evaluation.

VII - Marketing Management Nature, scope and concept of marketing, Corporate orientations towards the marketplace; The Marketing environment and Environment scanning; Marketing information system and Marketing research; Understanding consumer and Industrial markets; Market segmentation,

Targeting and positioning; Product decisions product mix, product life cycle, new product development, branding and packaging decisions; Pricing methods and strategies; Promotion decisions promotion mix, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling; Channel management - Types and functions, Selection, Cooperation and conflict management, vertical marketing implementation and systems, Marketing Logistics; Organizing and implementing marketing in the organization; Evaluation and control of marketing efforts; Ethics in Marketing; New issues in marketing - Globalization, Consumerism, Green Marketing, Direct Marketing, Network Marketing, Event Marketing.

VIII - Human Resource Management OB: Personality; Perceptions; Attitudes; Learning; Decision-making; Management by Objectives; Understanding and managing group processes- interpersonal and group dynamics; Applications of Emotional Intelligence in organizations. Leadership and influence process; Work Motivation. Understanding arid Managing organizational systemOrganizational design and structure, Work stress, Organizational Change and development; Conflict Management; Stress Management.

HR: Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management; Human Resources Management in a changing environment; Corporate objectives and Human Resource Planning; Career and succession planning; job analysis; Methods of manpower search; Attracting, Selecting and retaining human resources; Induction and socialization; Manpower training and development; Performance appraisal and potential evaluation; Job evaluation and compensation; Employee welfare; Industrial relations & trade unions; Dispute resolution & grievance management, Employee empowerment.

IX - Financial Management Introduction to financial management Objectives of financial management; Time value of money, sources of finance, Investment decisions: Importance, Difficulties determining cash flows, methods of capital budgeting Risk analysis : Cost of capital; Concept and importance, Computations of cost of various sources of finance; Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Capital Structure decisions; Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital structure. Optimum capital structure; Management of working capital - Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modelling.

X - International Business

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