History of Brenham
History of Brenham
History of Brenham
- Of -
Mrs. Robert A. Hasskarl
Brenham, Texas, 1933
Mrs. Robert A. Hasskarl
Brenham, Texas, 1933
My Mother
Mrs. Olga Knolle
This Book Is
Affectionately Dedicated
L, _ _,
This book aims to offer in simple form the important facts
relating to the history of Brenham.
Special effort was made to secure accuracy in all references
to dates and persons, so that this book may be used with
confidence as a work of reference.
. It is only just and proper that thankful acknowledgement
should be expressed for the first history of our city, published
by Mrs. R. E. Pennington, in 1915, under the title of "His
tory of Brenham and Washington County, Texas." Mrs.
Pennington's work stands as an invaluable contribution, and
is authentic, especially regarding names, dates and events as
herein quoted from her publication.
The present book serves the purpose of segregating the
important matter, pertaining to Brenham, from rs. Penning
ton's historical account of Washington County, up to the year
1915, and recording important events which have occured
since that time, up to 1933.
In 1844, when Texas was a republic, Brenham came into
existence and the people honored a hero when they gave the
town its name.
Among the most interesting characters in the early history
of Texas is that of Richard Fox Brenham, the Mier martyr,
for whom the city is named. He arrived at Washingt'on, on
the Brazos, in the spring of 1836, and for seven years served
the Texas Republic as physician and soldier. The crowning
act of his useful life was at the hacienda de Salado, when he
courted death unselfishly, and gave his life for his fellow
Dr. Brenham's first place of residence was with Sanford
Woodward, on Woodward's Creek, about three miles east of
the city of Brenham. This was his home up to 1839, when
he went to Austin. He never lived in what is called Bren-
ham, for the place was not named for him until 1844, about
one year after his death.
Dr. Brenham was a strikingly handsome man; of tall and
commanding physique. He possessed a superior education, a
magnetic personality, a cheerful disposition, a rare gift of
oratory, and being naturally witty, always pleased a crowd.
Many incidents illustrating the sterling character of Dr. Bren-
" ham were told by the early settlers. When he lived they so
loved him that when the time came to name t?e town they
christened the little place, Brenham, in his honot.
Dr. Brenham joined Alexander Somervill's Expedition to
Mexico. Brenham with 299 others went with Captain Wil-
liam S. Fischer, of Washington County, to a point opposite
the Mexican town of Mier, where the expedition was defeat-
ed. Brenham with others was held prisoner and perfected
plans to escape. To gain freedom it was necessary to charge""
through a narrow door to a courtyard, where guards were
stationed with fixed bayonets. As the prisoners had absolute-
ly no means of defense, not e v ~ n a club, it was obvious that
the foremost man would perish. Dr. Brenham volunteered
for this fatal mission; he said he was unmarried, and being a
soldier of fortune, was alone in the world. He led the dash
for liberty, and killed two of the guards, and had severely
wounded the third, when he stumbled and fell directly on
the bayonet of his fallen enemy. Thus, Feb. 11, 1843, did
the self-sacrificing and chivalrous Dr. Brenham give his life
that his fellow men might have life and liberty.
This man was a hero; and many incidents of his illustrious
life are a reminder to stimulate the loftiest patriotism, and to
make his memory loved and venerated with pride by every
loyal citizen of Brenham.
In 1848 a tomb was constructed on Monument Hill near
La Grange, Texas, wherein the remains of Dr. Brenham along
with the other ill-fated men of the Dawson-Mier expedition
were enshrined.
During 1933, this tomb was covered with granite and
beautified. The dedication ceremony was held September
18, 1933. An appreciation of Dr. Brenham's sacrificial serv-
ice in connection with the Mier expedition is expressed by
means of the following quotation, inscribed on a slab of the
tomb: "Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man
Lay Down His Life For His Friends."
The little town grew steadily and permanently, but with
all the sunshine there were some shadows, too. During the - -
Civil War many husbands, fathers and sons donned the Con-
federate uniform and marched away; and some never return-
ed. Those who came back had to establish anew their house-
holds. Great calamities came with the awful yellow fever,
and with the big fire and two storms. The sturdy city over-
came its difficulties; and with unfaltering courage has forged
to the front until now it can point with pride to commercial
connections, railroads, modern stores, industries, and esti-
mable women and business men. It is one of the most im
portant little cities in the interior of Texas.
After the Republic of Texas was established the counties
were organized. Washington County was created March 17,
1836. The first county seat was Washington on the Brazos.
In September 1841, the county seat was removed to Mount
Between 1836 and 1844 the population in the southern
and southwestern parts of Washington County increased so
rapidly that a change of government was agitated, and the
settlement where Brenham now stands was suggested as b e ~
ing n;101 P centrally located. Jesse Farra! and James Hurt aid-
ed the cause of the settlement by the promise of 100 acres of
land for a town site. On January 31, 1844, Congress re-
sponded to the popular appeal and ordered an election for the
selection of a permanent county seat. Mount Vernon, Indepen-
dence, Turkey Creek and Brenham announced. In the con-
test neither town received a majority, and another election
was ordered. Turkey Creek and Mount Vernon dropped
out of the race, leaving the field clear for Brenham and In-
dependence. After an extremely exciting race Brenham w a ~
victorious by three votes. Her success she owed to the abil-
ity and management of J. D. Giddings, one of the most influ-
ential citizens in the whole country. On horseback he visit-
ed every community and made speeches in behalf of the
place so recently named Brenham.
The town commissioners consisted of eight men and they
were authorized to survey and sell lots. An auction sale of
tovm lots the latter part of April attracted many people to
Brenham. Lots on the corners of the court house square
brought only $15.00 to $17.00 and some excellent sites were
purchased at $3.00.
For many years Brenham was governed by a board of
aldermen, according to an incorporation of the city in 1860.
In later years, a new charter was obtained from the State
government and since then the affairs of the city have been
administered by the Mayor, who also acts as city manager,
and four city commissioners. The city is divided into four
wards, each of which, is entitled to representation in the city
administration by a commissioner.
The first building to be erected on the original town site
was the court house. It was a small two-story wooden struc
ture, situated on what is now the court house square. The
present court house was built in 1884, at a cost of $65,000.00.
The brick was manufactured in Brenham, and when complet
ed the building was the most imposing in the whole State.
Asa M. Lewis, in the spring of 1844, built a handsome
home for those times, on the lot where the Simon Theatre
now stands. This was the second building to be erected in
the town, and it was a matter of great pride that it was
cemented inside and out, and was equipped with glass ~ i n
dows- the only ones in the whole settlement. At the close
of the '40s and beginning of the '50s Brenham had quite a
few citizens.
The first stores handled merchandise, and dry goods-
there was one tinshop and a saddle shop. The first meat
market had no scales, so the weight of the meat was judgeJ
by holding it in the hands. Business was done on a strictly
cash basis.
The first census of Washington County was taken in 1850
by James A. Wilkins and there was a popuiation of 5,983 .
Brenham city was not separately returned until the census of
1860, when the population consisted of 600 whites and 300
slaves. The census of 19-"0 was 6,079.
The great trouble and expense incident to hauling g).eJ;c ,
andise, etc., by wagons from Washington and Houston,
brought Brenhamites to the early realization of the necessity
...---o establishing railroad communication with outside points.
The most earnest advocate of a railroad, was J. D. Giddings.
With the aid of his brother D. C. Giddings, he organized
the 'vVashingt on County Railroad Company, which received
its cha1ter Feb. 2, 18 56: and he was the first president of the
organization. J. D. Giddings made several trips to New
York and Pennsylvania, where he personally purchased the
rolling stock and all the supplies. Among the purchases was
a big engine, named the "J. D. Giddings," which was con-
,., _ ,. '
sidered the finest in Texas. Beginning with Oct. 1, 1860,
trains were operating from Hempstead to Brenham, a dis-
tance of 21 miles. In 1871 the Houston and Texas Central
bought the short line which they extended to Austin. During
1930 this railroad line was bought and consolidated with the
Southern Pacific System. Brenham's second railroad, the
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe, was built in 1879. The present
Station was built in 1905.
Patriotism- asserted itself in 1861, and many veterans who
helped Texas wrest her freedom from Mexico marched side
by side with beardless youths, at the Southland's call to arms.
It was a sad crisis in the life of the little town. An old news-
paper of this period states that Washington County had, in
June 1861, an army of 1,000 men, all fairly armed, and that
at a nearby camp, 600 men drilled daily during that month.
Reconstruction came with the end of the awful war. In
July 1865, Brenham was made a military post, and Federal
soldiers were camped at Camptown; from which circum-
stance this colored residential addition to Brenham derives
its name. It seems that Brenham has long been a military post
because before 1900 the 2nd Texas Infantry Band was or-
ganized. Company 'L" 2nd Infantry was organized in 1914.
Company A, 111th Supply Company in 1917. Headquarters
Troop of the 3rd Texas Cavalry was organized in 1917. At
present the Cavalry Troop is stationed at Firemen's Park in
splendid quarters furnished by the city. Headquarters of the
141st Infantry have been maintained in Brenham ;;ince .
The band, the company of infantry and cavalry troop at va-
rious times efficiently performed long and arduous tours of
duty at the Mexican border. All of Brenham's military units
served with distinction during the World War. The 2nd
Texas Infantry Band is the original "Old Grey Mare Band"
which during the war achieved much national fame and some
European recognition, as an excellent military musical organ-
In ~ ... the bank of Giddi1,il gs and Giddings, the first
bank opened its doors for business. At present Brenham has
three banks.
Next to the Civil War, the saddest and greatest trouble
ever visited upon the city was the yellow fever epidemic of
1867. Great numbers of the population were afflicted with
the disease and many died. The death list of the Federal
soldiers was very great. It took Brenham many years to re-
cover from this blow.
Another disaster came with the big fire of 1873, in which
all the buildings lying between Baylor and St. Charles
Streets, from the Southern Pacific Railroad on the south to
the Citizens drug store on the nmth, were totally destroyed.
All of these buildings were constructed of wood. Some of
the merchants who were in business in Brenham during and
immediately after the war, reconstruction days and through-
out the yellow fever epidemic were: Bolling Eldridge, Thomas
H. Dwyer, William Zeiss, Alex Simon, W. A. Wood and
the bank of Giddings and Giddings.
The only hotel in the town was the Mcintyre Hotel, a
two-story structure situated on the lot where the St. Anthony
now stands. The present hotel was rebuilt in 1927.
To replace the old city Hall, which was burned, a new
one was built about 1905.
One of the oldest purely social
the Germania Verein, organized December 4, 1870. On Oc-
tBber 18, the Elks Club and the Germania Club merged.
Serious trouble with the Federal soldiers, stationed at
Camptown, and the burning of a part of Brenham, April 25,
1867, resulted in the organization of the Brenham Volunteer
Fire Department, which was in reality a military organization,
whose duties were to protect the lives and property of the
citizens during reconstruction days. The Hook and Ladder
Company was organized and numbered 22 men. Brenham
Protection Fire Company presented its organization at the
same time, and these two companies constituted the original
fire department. Public cisterns were built on the square to
conserve the water for use during fires. On March 9,
1868, the members of the Brenham Fire Protection failed in
their organization, and the city took charge of their fire en-
For almost half a century the Fire Department has been
one of Brenham's most valuable assets. The department. has
not only discharged every duty faithfully and well, but it
has provided more pleasure for a greater number of people
than .any other organization in the city. The annual Maifests
are spring festivals and had their commencement in 1874, and
they have been held each year except during and immediate-
ly after the World War- 1918, 1919 and 1920. Firemen's
Park was purchased by the department in 1884, it was sold
to the city March 14, 1917, and improvements of the grounds
have been made each year. A new grand stand was built,
the base ball diamond laid out, a playground for children,
hobby horses, rodeo, a pavilion which is 48 years old, repair-
ed and painted. A beautiful new band stand was recently
built and dedicated July 14, 1933. In 1923 when friction, __. /
owing to the Ku Klux Klan existed in Washington County,
a big "get together" was held at the park in the form of a
free barbecue. About 12,000 people attended. The cost of
the barbecue was $6,000.00.
Lusk Park, adjacent to the City Hall, was laid out De-
cember 11 , 1916, and was officially named at a Council meet-
ing Feb. 5, 1917.
William H. Ewing owned, edited and the first
Brenham newspaper. It appeared in 1845 and was called the
"Lone Star." The Texas Christian Advocate was the first
published in this city in 1846. Jno. G. Rankin founded the
Southern Watch Tower, which was soon afterward named
the Brenham Banner. A Daily Brenham Banner was estab-
lished January 1, 1875, and discontinued January 1, 1904. In
1912, ]. G. Rankin sold the weekly paper to the Banner
Publishing Company. On October 1, 1913, the company ac-
quired the Brenham Daily Press, and the two papers were
consolidated. The publication is now named the Brenham
~ q ?
The Public Library was established in l:&99 by the Fort-
nightly Club, with about 100 books, given by the members
and citizens. At present there are over 3500 volumes on the
shelves in the library rooms at the City Hall.
The first school was "Hickory Grove School" built in
1840. It was situated in a hickory grove from which it de-
rived its name-and was known far and wide as an excellent
school for girls and boys. The Masons later took charge of
the school and named it the "Masonic Academy." In 1848
they built a new and larger school house of cedar. Hickory
Grove School was also used as a church and ministers of
every denomination preached there. When free schools were
opened in Brenham the attendance at the Masonic Academy
declined, and it was closed in 1875, whereupon Graham
Lodge No. 20 presented the property to the city. In 1875,
the Legislature passed a law that Washington County should
be Independent School-District No. 1, of Texas, the first
charter was granted and Brenham had the first free school
in Texas. The free school for negroes opened on the same
date. School was conducted in the old Key home, on the
site of the old Sacred Heart Convent. Central School was
built in 1907, at a cost of $50,000.00. Alamo School was
built in 1912 at an expenditure of $11,000.00. The present
High School was completed in 1928 at a cost of $180,000.00.
There were 987 pupils enrolled i.n the pubiic schools during
the school ye<r 1932-1933. Brenham also has good schools
------r: or :_ the colored consisting of grade and high schools, the en-
rollment being 494 for the school year 1932-1933.
Other early schools were conducted by: J. R. Hollmey,
Mary Rial High School, The German-American Institute,
The Lutheran College and the Dominican Sisters operated
the Sacred Heart Convent for many years.
Blinn Memorial College had its beginning December 4,
1882, when the school was established in the city. The school
soon offered instruction in all branches and in September
1927, the status was advanced to that of a Junior College.
The in Brenham are as follows:
Giddings Memorial Methodist Church- erected 1879, named
in memory of]. D. Giddings.
Episcopal Church-erected Nov. 1, 1848, rebuilt in 1919.
Baptist Church- erected 1852, rebuilt in 1884.
Lutheran Church- erected in 1891 ,' rebuilt in 192 5.
German Methodist Church-erected in 1873, rebuilt in 1913.
Christian Church-erected during the '80s.
St. Mary's Catholic Church-erected in 1868, rebuilt in 1898.
Presbyterian Church- erected in 1877, rededicated in 1919.
Seventh Day Adventist Church-erected in 1902.
Hebrew Synagogue-erected in 1892, rebuilt i.ri . 1893.
German Baptist Church-erected in 1884.
In 1884, a private corporation organized and built a water
works for the town at a cost of $80,000.00. In 1894 the cor-
poration sold the plant to the city for $40,000.00. In 1924
a purification plant and reservoir was built costing ,_. - -
$40,000.00. On June 8, 1933, a contract for drilling a 2000
foot well was let by the city commissioners.
On August 10, 1921, plans for Highway No. 20 were laid
out; the highway to run from Fayette County line to the
_ Brazos river. Work started on the highway and on Feb. 1,
1921, a Bond is.me of $40,000.00. was passed city paving,
the contract dated January 14, 1922. Other highways were
built soon after as follows : the north and south highway;
and the highway to Old Washington. Washington County
can be proud of her splendid roads and highways. In Sep-
tember 1929, a great bridge was completed over the Brazos
river below Chapel Hill and tll.e old time ferry boat was
abandoned to the joy of all motorists.
Brenham has two beautiful clubs located about three miles
from town, the oldest being the Gun and Rod Club organized
December 31, 1902 with 28 members. There are four charter
members living: Bolling Eldridge, Fred Amsler, E. W. Rei-
chardt and W. W. Searcy. There is a beautiful lodge set
among shady trees, a concrete swimming pool, a large lake
and good fishing. The other club is the Brenham Country
Club, located on a high hill three and one half miles from
Brenham. The charter for the club was signed August 1,
1922, the site for the club was purchased consisting of 116
acres of land. The club house was erected in 1924. Facilities
of the club consist of a swimming pool, tennis court and a
nine hole golf course. The club house has a large ball room
and many other attractive features.
In 1912, Dr. T. ]. Pier and Dr. Breckmeyer remodeled the
ward school on Academy and Cottonwood Streets and or-
ganized the Brenham Hospital. In 1920 control of the hospital
was assumed by Dr. W. F. Hasskarl. In 1930 the hospital
was rebuilt and in April 1931, the opening was held. The
Sisters of St. Francis took charge at that time.
In 1930 a group of doctors organized and built the Sarah
B. Milroy Memorial Hospital located on West Main Street.
The opening was held in April 1931.
At the present time there are practicing in the city: 8
white doctors, 4 specialists and 8 dentists, 2 colored doctors
and 2 colored dentists.
The legal profession is represented by: 8 attorneys:
On March 2, 1914, Brenham's first_,..b.ea-lt.ft-officer, Dr. J.
W. Tottenham, was elected. In 1923 the present health de-
.....-pa:rtmenf was and has carried on activities similiar
to those in larger cities. Brenham 1s supplied with pure,
wholesome milk by several modern dairies operating under
a standard milk ordinance. The city has a splendid water
supply and a modern water works plant.
Each year, beginning in September 1929, a county
has been held at Fireman's Park. It is chiefly an agricultural
fair and is built around community and individual farm ex
habits. An exposition hall was built in 1929.
The Simon Theatre opened for its first show in Novem
ber 1925.
The present post office was erected in 1916.
The first gas company was organized in 1912, using arti
ficial gas. The company changed hands several times until
in 1919 it was sold to the Brenham Compress, Oil & Manu
facturing Company. In 1924 the Texas Power & Light
Company bought it and in 1928, sold it to the present own
ers, the Texas Cities Gas Company. In 1929 natural gas was
piped into the city.
The first electrical lights were installed in Brenham be
fore 1891. On December 1, 1924, the Company sold out to
the Texas Power & Light Company and is being operated
by that company at present.
The local chicken hatchery was established in Brenham
December 1923, and is the largest in the South.
The clubs and fraternal organizations of Brenham are as
Clicl'mber of Commerce
Woodmen of the World
Rotary Club
[Buddy Wright Post No. 48 American Legion.
American Legion Auxiliary
Sons of Herma.rm
Washington County Medical Society
Woman's Auxiliary to the Washington County Medical
Maca bees
Parent Teachers Association
Fortnightly Club
Masonic Lodge
Busmess and Professional Woman's Club
St. Joseph's Society (Polish)
Some of the chief manufacturing establishments are as
Brenham Compress Company
Brenham Oil & Manufacturing Company
South Texas Cotton Mills
Blue Bell Creameries
H. C. Miller & Sons, Cotton Gin Machinery
Brenham Mattress Factory
Brenham Broom & Mop Works
Adolph Seelhorst, plumbing & tin establishment.
Beaumier Iron Works
A number of wholesale houses have been in business for
many years. For the past 10 years Brenham has served. as
center of the oil industry operations carried on in Washing-
ton and surrounding counties. Brenham is the largest city in
Washington County and its commercial activities supply
practically all needs of approximately 2 7, 5 00 people residing
in the trade territory.
This brings the history of Brenham up to date from 1844
to 1933. In almost a century Brenham has become one of
i the larger towns in this vicinity of the State and possesses a
..;;. ... - .
Great changes and improvements in Brenham have been
brought about in the city since it was founded. May we
hope that the future will bring expanding wealth, growing
population, prosperity, progress and happiness for our be
loved little city of Brenham.