Pharmacy Daily For Wed 16 Oct 2013 - TGA Probes Supplements, Pharmacy Tax Claims, Bennett To Leave CHF, Health
Pharmacy Daily For Wed 16 Oct 2013 - TGA Probes Supplements, Pharmacy Tax Claims, Bennett To Leave CHF, Health
Pharmacy Daily For Wed 16 Oct 2013 - TGA Probes Supplements, Pharmacy Tax Claims, Bennett To Leave CHF, Health
US pharmacy honour
The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) has named Ed Horton, owner of Tanglewood Pharmacy and Medical Supplies in Stephenville, Texas as the 2013 NCPA Independent Pharmacist of the Year. Horton has an enviable record as he was voted best pharmacist in 2002 by readers of the Stephenville Empire Tribune and his pharmacy was voted best in Erath county every year since 1997.
Percutane promo
Pharmacies are being invited to stock up on pain relief product Percutane in the lead-up to a national marketing campaign. Special deals are available for purchase to 31 Oct - for details see page four of todays PD.
SA PSA Fellowships
TWO eminent South Australian pharmacists were awarded PSA Fellowships earlier this week, as part of the SA/NT Branch Presidents Reception and Dinner. Peter Halsted, whos Professions Adviser at the AHPRA and general manager of the Pharmacy Regulation Authority of SA was honoured for his extensive career as a practising pharmacist since 1980 and an accredited pharmacist since 1988. And Emeritus Professor Andrew Gilbert recently retired as the director, Quality Use of Medicines and Pharmacy Research Centre at the University of SA, and was also director of the National Veterans Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Service.
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Wednesday 16 Oct 2013 PHARMACYDAILY.COM.AU
Welcome to our weekly feature with all the latest health, beauty and new products for pharmacy! Suppliers wanting to promote products in this feature should email [email protected]
This is one way to get your daily nutritional requirements. The newly appointed president of Britains Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is urging people to follow her example by eating roadkill. BBC broadcaster Miranda Krestovnikoff was elected by members of the wildlife charity, and says theres nothing wrong with getting meat from the side of the road rather than the butcher. According to the UK Daily Telegraph Krestovnikoff recently hosted a dinner party where dishes included fried rat with garlic and soy sauce, badger chasseur with tomato sauce, and fox sauteed in garlic. Its lean, healthy, organic, free, guilt-free and as fresh as fresh can be, she said. And while were on the subject, a 72-year-old man who got lost in a huge forest in northwestern California has survived 18 days in the wilderness and was in fact in quite good condition when he was rescued. Gene Penaflor said he survived by covering himself with leaves to stay warm, as well as eating some of the local wildlife including squirrels, berries, algae, lizards and a snake.
Pharmacy Daily is a publication for health professionals of Pharmacy Daily Pty Ltd ABN 97 124 094 604. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission from the editor to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of Pharmacy Daily no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial is taken by Bruce Piper.
Percutane is a fast acting, natural based, topical application containing clinically proven capsaicin for the temporary relief of arthritic pain, nerve and muscular pain. It also contains arnica that helps soothe tired, painful muscles and ease bruising as well as burdock and aloe vera. Its easy to apply, non greasy and has no lasting odour.
306150 097857 75g Buy 6 - 11 asstd units 306145 097832 75g Buy 12+ asstd units Symbion CHS Size 25g Deal Buy 1 pk 8 units
Percutane Pain Relief Pre-pack counter unit 385808 374636 306160 25g (x 8 units) (RRP per SKU $7.99) Percutane Sports Cream Pre-pack counter unit 385794 374644 306155 25g (x 8 units) (RRP per SKU $7.99)
Always read the label. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Do not use on children under six years. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin. Avoid contact with eyes, lips or other sensitive body areas. Avoid use under heat pad or thermal support. Cold sponge to reduce warmth if necessary. Contains sodium benzoate, hydroxybenzoates and diazolidinylurea.
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