Thesun 2009-07-23 Page15 Petronas Gas To Spend Rm1bil To Revamp Ageing Plants
Thesun 2009-07-23 Page15 Petronas Gas To Spend Rm1bil To Revamp Ageing Plants
Thesun 2009-07-23 Page15 Petronas Gas To Spend Rm1bil To Revamp Ageing Plants
Petronas Gas to spend RM1bil KUALA LUMPUR: DiGi.Com Bhd posted a lower pre-tax profit
of RM323.94 million for the second quarter ended June 30, 2009
from RM403.97 million in the same quarter 2008.
Its revenue increased to RM1.20 billion from RM1.19 billion.
The telco said the increase in revenue was mainly due to a
steady increase in the subscriber base although the average
to revamp ageing plants revenue per user (ARPU) was lower at RM54 (2008: RM59).
For the first six months of this year, DiGi.Com recorded a lower
pre-tax profit of RM696.40 million compared with RM799.62
million in the same period last year.
It said the decline was mainly due to increased finance
costs pertaining to the additional borrowings, along with higher
KUALA LUMPUR: Petronas Gas Going forward, efforts are focused on cost-containment measures depreciation and amortisation resulting mainly from the com-
Bhd is planning to spend more and Petronas Gas will not cease to look for growth opportunities in mencement of the 3G spectrum amortisation and accelerated
than RM1 billion over the next depreciation on certain end-of-life equipment during the current
three years to upgrade its ageing
developing its capabilities, experience and expertise.” financial period. – Bernama
gas processing plants (GPP) in
Kertih, Terengganu, in order to ronas Gas and Yayasan Sabah,
improve efficiency. with equity participation of 60%
“We have got some major and 40% respectively.
expenditure going forward. In On the year’s outlook, Wan
terms of expenses, we need to Zulkiflee, who is also Petronas
revamp the plants, having come vice-president of gas business,
close to the end of their useful said that challenging times are ex-
life, which is about 20 years,” pected as the company’s earnings
said its chairman Datuk Wan remained heavily correlated with
Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin. power and industrial growth.
Speaking to reporters after the “Going forward, efforts are
company’s annual general meet- focused on cost-containment
ing here yesterday, he said the measures and Petronas Gas
expenditure for the upgrading is will not cease to look for growth
not going to affect company prof- opportunities in developing
its, as it was part of the capital its capabilities, experience and
expenditure allocated. expertise,” he added.
Petronas Gas currently oper- With cash and cash equiva-
ates six GPP, four of which are in lents of RM1.9 billion, Wan
Kertih and an additional two in Zulkiflee said Petronas Gas
Paka, Terengganu. The two plants would look for opportunities that
that will undergo upgrading are meet the company’s risk profile.
the GPP 2 and GPP 3 in Kertih. For the financial year ended
Touching on the development March 31, 2009, Petronas Gas
of the Kimanis power plant project recorded a lower net profit of
in Sabah, Wan Zulkiflee said the RM928 million from RM1.092
company is currently undertaking billion last year, while revenue
some front-end engineering, add- rose to RM3.415 billion from
ing that, the facility is expected to RM3.125 billion previously.
be operational by late 2013. According to Wan Zulkiflee,
Asked about the contribution the lower net profit is due to the
from the project, Wan Zulkiflee rising cost of operations and fuel
said: “We are not in a position gas prices.
to determine the numbers yet as However, Petronas Gas was
we need to do more work to get able to mitigate the increase in
a better handle as to the cost and operating costs via the imple-
capital expenditure.” mentation of a cost pass-through
The 300-megawatt gas power arrangement with Petronas for
plant project located at Papar gas internally consumed, and
is being jointly developed with the execution of revised pricing
Yayasan Sabah to meet the grow- agreements with its utility cus-
ing demand for electricity in the tomers, he added.
state. At the AGM, shareholders ap-
The power plant and associ- proved a dividend payout ratio
ated facilities, including the gas of 96% for financial year ended
pipeline will be operated by a March 31, 2009 from 76% previ-
joint-venture company of Pet- ously. – Bernama