dōTERRA Fennel (Sweet) Essential Oil
dōTERRA Fennel (Sweet) Essential Oil
dōTERRA Fennel (Sweet) Essential Oil
dTERRA Fennel (Sweet) Essential Oil Deep Cleansing, Purifying and Revitalizing Caution: Best used after pregnancy is completed and avoid if seizure disorders have happened! Fennel is a hardy biennial or perennial herb, growing to a height of two meters (six feet), with fine, feathery leaves and umbels of golden-yellow flowers. The essential oil is produced from the crushed seeds. The use of Fennel as an herb stretches back to antiquity, featuring in the culinary and medical arts of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and India, as well as in Anglo-Saxon Cookery. Fennel (sweet) has clean, sweet, aniseed top notes and earthy, spicy, peppery undertones. It blends well with Geranium, Lavender, Black Pepper, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Frankincense and Lemon. Fennel is: Analgesic, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aperitive, carminative (settles digestion), depurative(purifies and cleanses the blood), cholagogic (stimulates the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the intestines), digestive stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogic (promotes and regulates menstruation), expectorant, lactogenic, oestrogen-like, expectorant, splenic, stomatic, relieves colic, indigestion and excessive gas. Fennel has a tonic effect on the smooth muscle of the intestine, which is valuable in colitis, and in some cases of constipation, as it strengthens peristalisis (the rhythmic contractions of the intestinal muscles which move the partially-digested food mass through the intestines). Fennel is a good urinary-tract antiseptic, excellent for alleviating flatulence and digestive problems, local massage combined with drinking Fennel Tea is recommended. Fennel is very supportive of the respiratory system in that it can relieve coughs and nervous asthma. Fennel helps eliminate water retention issues, cellulite and obesity if enough water is consumed on a regular basis (both apply topically and ingest with Tea several times a day) - makes happy Kidneys and Spleen. Fennel is very effective in assisting in counterbalancing alcoholic poisoning, and it has played an important part in the treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics. It also can be helpful with gout, arthritis, etc. to prevent the build-up of toxic wastes in the body, which precede the inflammatory condition of the joints. Fennel can also be helpful in reducing appetite between meals or when working thru recovering from an addiction. Excellent in reducing unwanted waste collected in pockets within the body and with Cellulite gatherings. Dr. D. Hill shared his enthusiasm for Sweet Fennel at the convention (2011) in letting us know that our Sweet Fennel has compounds that are anti-inflammatory, anti- carcinogestic, positive hormone activity within the body to support hormonal balance - male and female - amazing positive support for gastro-intestinal and urinary tract systems. Psychologically, Fennel is protecting, warming and grounding. A few drops rubbed between the palms of the hand and inhaling has an amazing positive effect inside and out. Fennel is suited to the type of person who tends to over think and over-analyze. While they may easily generate concepts and ideas, they rarely communicate them or put them in practice, finding it difficult to articulate and express themselves, feelings, too tend to churn within. The more such emotions are locked inside, the more they intensify, building up tension that affects the bowels. The unacceptable, unexpressed thoughts and emotions that are pushed below consciousness accumulate in the intestines as nervous spasm and gas.