Kalpa (Vedanga)

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Kalpa (Vedanga) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kalpa is one of the six disciplines of Vedanga, treating ritual. Tradition does not single out any special work in this branch of the Vedanga; but sacrificial practice gave rise to a large number of systematic sutras for the several classes of priests. A number of these works have been passed down, and they occupy by far the most prominent place among the literary productions of the stra-period. The Kalpa-stras, or rules of ceremonial, are of two kinds: (1) therautastras, which are based on the shruti, and teach the performance of the great sacrifices, requiring three or five sacrificial fires; and (2) the Smartastras, or rules based on thesmrti or tradition. The latter class again includes two kinds of treatises: (1) the Grhyasutras, or domestic rules, treating the rites of passage, such as marriage, birth, namegiving, etc., connected with simple offerings into the domestic fire; and (2) the Dharmasutras, which treat customs and social duties, and have formed the chief sources of the later law-books. Further, the rauta-stras of the Yajurveda have usually include a set of socalled Shulva-sutras , i.e. rules of the cord, which treat of the measurement by means of cords, and the construction, of different kinds of altars required for sacrifices. These treatises are of special interest as supplying important information regarding the earliest geometrical operations in India. Along with the Sutras may be classed a large number of supplementary treatises, usually called Pariia ( ), on various subjects connected with the sacred texts and Vedic religion generally.
Contents [hide] 1 rauta Sutras 2 Grhyasutras 3 Dharma Sutras 4 Shulba Sutras 5 Notes 6 References 7 See also

rauta Sutras


The rautasutras (rautastra) form a part of the corpus of Sanskrit Sutra literature. Their topics include instructions relating to the use of the shruti corpus in ritual ('kalpa') and the correct performance of rituals as such. Some early Shrautasutras were composed in the late Brahmana period (such as the Baudhyanana and Vadhula Sutras), but the bulk of the Shrautasutras are roughly contemporary to the Grhya corpus of domestic sutras, their language being late Vedic Sanskrit, dating to the middle of the first millennium BCE (generally predating Panini). Veda rautastra [1] valyana rautastra (commentary by Gargya Narayana; ed. Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta 1874)[2] Skhyana rautastra Ltyyana rautastra Drhyyana rautastra Jaiminiya rautastra Baudhyana rautastra Vdhla rautastra Mnava rautastra Bharadvja rautastra Kr sna Yajurveda pastamba rautastra Hirayakei rautastra
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R gveda



Kalpa (Vedanga) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vrha rautastra Vaikhnasa rautastra ukla Yajurveda Ktyyana rautastra Atharvaveda Vaitna rautastra [edit]


The Grhyasutras "domestic sutras" are a category of Sanskrit texts prescribing Vedic ritual, mainly relating to rites of passage. Their language is late Vedic Sanskrit, and they date to around roughly 500 BCE, contemporary with the Shrautasutras. They are named after Vedicshakhas. Veda Gr hyastra[1] valyana-Grhyastra (commentary by Gargya Narayana; ed. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta 1869)[2] Kaustaki-Grhyastra (Bkala akha) khyana-Gr hyastra [1] Gobhila-Grhyastra Khdira-Grhyastra (Drhyyana-Grhyastra) Jaiminiya-Grhyastra Kauthuma-Grhyastra Baudhyana-Grhyastra Hirayakei-Grhyastra (Satysdha-Grhyastra) [2] Mnava-Grhyastra Bhradvja-Grhyastra pastamba-Grhyastra gniveya-Grhyastra Vaikhnasa-Grhyastra Kthaka-Grhyastra (Laugksi-Grhyastra) Vrha-Grhyastra Vdhla-Grhyastra Kapisthala-Katha Grhyastra (unpublished) Praskara-Grhyastra Katyayana-Grhyastra Kauika Grhyastra [edit]

R gveda


Kr sna Yajurveda

ukla Yajurveda Atharvaveda

Dharma Sutras

The Dharmasutras are texts dealing with custom, rituals, and law. They include the four surviving written works of the ancient Indian tradition on the subject of dharma, or the rules of behavior recognized by a community. Unlike the later Dharmashastra, the dharmasutras are composed in prose. The oldest Dharmasutra is generally believed to have been that ofApastamba, followed by the dharmasutras of Gautama, Baudhayana, and an early version ofVasishtha. It is difficult to determine exact dates for these texts, but the dates between 500300 BCE have been suggested for the oldest Dharmasutras. Later Dharmasutras include those of Kasyapa, Brhaspati, and Ushanas. Veda Dharmastra [1]



Kalpa (Vedanga) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

R gveda Smaveda Kr sna Yajurveda

Vasishtha Dharmastra Gautama Dharmastra Baudhyana Dharmastra pastamba Dharmastra

ukla Yajurveda Vishnu Dharmastra

Shulba Sutras


The ulbastra deal with Shrauta ritual and altar geometries. Veda ulbastra [1]

Baudhyana ulbastra Kr sna Yajurveda Mnava ulbastra pastamba ulbastra ukla Yajurveda Ktyyana ulbastra



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