McElhanney MapInfo-Discover2 Course-Notes Surfaces
McElhanney MapInfo-Discover2 Course-Notes Surfaces
McElhanney MapInfo-Discover2 Course-Notes Surfaces
look up table). Change this to geochemistry.clr. Note that there are two file extension for colour tables; *.clr and *.lut. Percentile breaks can only be created for the *.clr type. 3. Experiment with the different method options; you will need to click the Apply button after each change. 4. Select the Percentile Breaks option, and then choose Percentile Breaks (10) from the dropdown list under Options. Accept the default colours and percentile values, or click in the rows to change that values or colours. If you then select the option to Colour to Data Breaks, you will see the actual values that correspond to the percentile values.
last value encountered was close to zero, the gridding tool will likely create a negative value in the area where no sample was encountered. False Anomalies Something important to note here is that false anomalies of high values can be created for the exact same reason that negative values can be created. Reversing the trend (looking in the opposite direction) in the example on the previous page could result in the creation of values much higher than 100 ppm in an area where possibly no samples exist. This is particularly common when using the minimum curvature method, though the effect can be reduced by increasing the boundary tension value and by using a buffer to limit the maximum distance from a sample that a value can be calculated. It does not happen when using the triangulation method.
values depends on having selected points. 8. In the Assign Grid Values window, select the ELEV_DEM column. 9. Click OK. The Soil_Samples Elevation column will now show the elevation values assigned from the DEM file. Using a DEM to Check for Elevation Survey Issues At this point you should be aware that coordinates for a location are ambiguous unless they are accompanied by projection and datum information. For example, given East-North or LatitudeLongitude coordinates for a drillhole, you wont know where that drillhole is unless you know whether the datum is NAD27 or NAD83. Did you know that similar issues arise with elevation data? There are two common earth models used when surveyors report elevation data, the Geoid model and the Ellipsoidal model. Problems arise when elevations measured in the two systems (common on projects involving multiple stages/generations/eras of exploration) are used on the same project, particularly when they are mixed in the same elevation column. Mixing elevation models can lead to offsets of up to 25 metres or more (a typical difference between the two models at the same point). Imagine the problems that would be created in mineral deposit resource calculation or drillhole planning if some of the drillholes had a 25 metre elevation offset compared to other drillholes. These problems can be found with the use of the Surfaces model and a sufficiently accurate DEM. The following method outlines how it is done for a hypothetical drillhole collar table. 1. The collar table must already have a column containing elevation values (ELEV_SURV, for example). 2. A new elevation column, called ELEV_DEM is added to the collar table. An Additional column called ELEV_DIFF (elevation difference) is also created. 3. A DEM with a known (and low) elevation error must be available for the drilling area. Preferable DEM files would have been created using LiDAR (~ 20 cm) , high resolution airphoto or satellite imagery (~ 1.5 to 2.5 metres). DEM files created from less accurate methods (Geophysical RADAR, or government DEM files, for example) may have too much error. SRTM (Space Shuttle) or ASTER DEM files are particularly unsuitable the error is just too high. 4. The Surfaces > Assign Values tool is used to update the ELEV_DEM column with values derived from the DEM. 5. Table > Update Column is used to update the ELEV_DIFF column with the difference between the surveyed elevation column and the ELEV_DEM column. The expression would be ELEV_DEM ELEV_SURV, for example. The order of the expression does not matter. The difference values will vary by several metres, according to the accuracy of the DEM, but what you are looking for is two distinct populations of differences this can be accomplished by creating a histogram of the difference values in Discovers GraphMap module. If geoid and ellipsoidal elevations have been mixed in the same elevation column, one population of differences will be within a few metres of zero and the other population is likely to be in the 15 30 metre range. Modern DEM files, such as those created with LiDAR, are often created using the geoid model (though you will need to check with the data provider). This implies that any elevations that are close to the DEM values created with the geoid model must also be geoid elevations. Elevations that differ greatly from the DEM values might have been surveyed using
the ellipsoidal model, or they might be a result of poorly surveyed points or a data entry error. If there is a large variation in elevation differences but there are not two distinct populations, this might mean that you have a poor DEM, poorly surveyed points or both. If you have a DEM with high accuracy, such as one created with LiDAR, elevations derived from that DEM may be used to replace any suspect surveyed elevation values. For further discussion refer to the section at the back of this manual titled Using a DEM and Discovers GraphMap Module to Identify Elevation Survey Issues.