Webinar OptiSLang4 Ansys WB
Webinar OptiSLang4 Ansys WB
Webinar OptiSLang4 Ansys WB
Dynardo GmbH
Excellence of optiSLang
optiSLang is an algorithmic toolbox for sensitivity analysis, optimization, robustness evaluation, reliability analysis and robust design optimization (RDO) optiSLang is the commercial tool that has completed the necessary functionality of stochastic analysis to run real world industrial applications in CAE-based robust design optimizations optiSLang offers the beginner and expert users an easy and reliable application by means of predefined workflows, algorithmic wizards and robust default settings
Sensitivity Study
Probability based Single & Multi objective Robustness Evaluation, (Pareto) optimization (Reliability analysis)
CAE process (FEM, CFD, MBD, Excel, Matlab, etc.)
Webinar optiSLang 4 and ANSYS Workbench 3
Graphical Programming
Nodes Input Process / Properties Output Connections Data flow Triggering
Process Integration
Process Integration
Parametric model as base for User defined optimization (design) space Naturally given robustness (random) space
Signals in optiSLang
Signals are vector outputs having an abscissa (e.g. time axis) and several output channels (e.g. displacements, velocities) Comprehensive library of signal functions enables the user to extract local and statistical quantities and to analyze differences between several signal channels e.g. for calibration tasks Automatic mapping of non-consistent abscissa discretizations for the signals of each design and of the reference curves Direct access to signal plots in the optiSLang postprocessing and interactive connection to the statistic/optimization postprocessing
optiSLang 4 Integrations
Direct integrations Matlab Excel Python SimulationX Ansys Workbench Supported connections Ansys Abaqus Adams
Dynardo GmbH
Sensitivity Analysis
Dynardo GmbH
Uniform distribution of inputs is represented by Latin Hypercube Sampling Minimum number of samples should represent statistical properties, cover the input space optimally and avoid clustering For each design all responses are calculated
Dynardo GmbH
Dynardo GmbH
Multi-Disciplinary Optimization
Dynardo GmbH
Sensitivity study identify the most important parameters and check variation/COD of response values
Dynardo GmbH
Most efficient method if Attractive method for GA/EA/PSO imitate gradients are accurate a small set of mechanisms of nature to enough continuous variables improve individuals (<20) Consider its restrictions Method of choice if like local optima, only Adaptive RSM with gradient or ARSM fails continuous variables default settings is the Very robust against and noise method of choice numerical noise, nonlinearity, number of variables,
Dynardo GmbH
Pareto Optimization
Find a set of solutions close to the Pareto-optimal solutions Find solutions which are diverse enough to represent the whole front
Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm Elitism is applied by using an archive of non-dominated individuals Fitness assignment is based on the dominance criterion Preservation of population diversity is realized by density estimation Suitable start population significantly improves convergence
Dynardo GmbH
Dynardo GmbH
Robustness Analysis
Dynardo GmbH
5) Identify the most important scattering 4) Check the variables explainability of the model
Training Program
Dynardo GmbH
optiSLang 4 Basics 3 day introduction to process integration (ASCII, Matlab, Excel, Python), sensitivity, optimization, calibration and robustness analysis
optiSLang inside ANSYS Workbench 2 day introduction seminar to parameterization in ANSYS Workbench and sensitivity analysis and optimization via optiSLang inside ANSYS WB
optiSLang 4 and ANSYS Workbench 1 day introduction to the integration of ANSYS Workbench projects in a optiSLang 4 solver chain, parameterization of signals via APDL output
optiSLang 4 Update 1 day update seminar introducing process integration and automation with optiSLang 4 (for optiSLang 3 users)
Optimization of a Hook
How to change the hook, so that The v.-Mises stress will not exceed 300MPa, The mass will be as minimal as possible and Certain geometry parameters will be in predefined bounds?
Optimization of a Hook
Design parameters (at DesignModeler)
The approximation quality is excellent for both output variables The influence of the angle and the lower radius is relatively small
Damped Oscillator
Single degree-of-freedom system excited with initial kinetic energy
Mass and stiffness as optimization variables, damping ratio and kinetic energy as constant
Robustness Analysis
Mass m, damping ratio D, stiffness k and initial kinetic energy as normally distributed random variables
Solver: MS Excel
Open the ready to use Workbench project via the start menu: All Programs/optiSLang/Ansys Workbench/Examples/oscillator.wbpz In ANSYS Workbench Microsoft Office Excel is used as a solver
Cantilever Beam
Finite Element model in ANSYS Workbench Elastic material behavior Cantilever beam is deformed by a predefined external displacement Reaction forces at deformed beam end are monitored depending on deformation and written to text output file via APDL
Problem Definition
Identification of the geometry parameters that a given reference force displacement function is achieved Parameter bounds: Thickness 0.8 1.2 mm Radius 32.0 37.0 mm Depth 2.5 3.5 mm Height 5.0 15.0 mm
Objective function is the sum of squared errors between the reference and the calculated force values