01 Welcome and Administrative Introduction
01 Welcome and Administrative Introduction
01 Welcome and Administrative Introduction
Prof. Eric P. Y. Chiou Email: [email protected]
Office Hours
Thursday 11-12 in 37-138 Eng. IV
Mon, Wed 12:00 ~ 1:50 pm in PUB AFF 1234
Course Web
https://courseweb.seas.ucla.edu/ Lecture Notes Homework, Solutions
30% = homeworks (weekly assignment starting from week 2) 30% = Midterm 40% = Final (Dec. 9, 2012, 11:30am-2:30pm) Under and Graduate will be graded in different groups
Yue Chen
Readers: consists of chapters and selections from books and other texts Fundamental of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Vol II (3rd Ed) Marc Madou Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era Vol. 1 Process Technology Stanley Wolf and Richard N. Tauber Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication R. C. Jaeger (cheap and highly recommend)
Introduction to Micromachining and MEMS (Fall) Prereq: EE1 or Physics 1C, Chem20A,
EE M150L: Intro. to Micromachining and MEMS Lab MAE M180L: (Fall) Prereq: EE1 or Physics 1C, Chem20A,
REQUIRES: Concurrent enrollment in EE M150
Methods of micromachining and and their use by students to fabricate a set of basic MEMS structures in a hands-on microfabrication laboratory.
MAE 284:
MAE 187L:
introduces laboratory techniques of nanoscale fabrication, characterization, and biodetection. Basic physical, chemical, and biological principles related to these techniques, top-down and bottom-up (self-assembly) nanofabrication, nanocharacterization (AEM, SEM, etc.), and optical and electrochemical biosensors.
Other MEMS related courses: MAE 250 M: Introduction to Microfluids/Nanofluids (Kavepour) (Fall) MAE 186/286: Applied Optics (Chiou) MAE 231G: Microscopic Energy Transport (Ju) MAE CM 240: Introduction to Biomechanics
MEMS Faculty in EE
Robert Candler ([email protected])
RF MEMS (energy dissipation in resonators), fundamental limits of physical sensors, and the interface of microstructures with biology.
Sungteak Ju ([email protected])
microscale heat conduction