Embedded Syetem
Embedded Syetem
Embedded Syetem
1. Which interrupt has the highest priority? a) INT0 b) TFO c) R1 d) None of these 2. In 8051 name the 16 bit registers? a) Stack pointer b) Program counter c) a & b d) None of these 3. Which of the following is hardware interrupts? a) INT0 b) INT1 c) a & b d) None of these
4. What are internal interrupts? a) INT0 b) INT1 c) TFO d) None of these 5. Which stack is used in 8051? a) FIFO b) LIFO c) FILO d) None of these 6. Why 8085 processor is called an 8 bit processor? a) Because 8085 processor has 8 bit ALU. b) Because 8085 processor has 8 bit data bus. c) a & b. d) None of these
7. What is SIM? a) Select Interrupt Mask b) Sorting Interrupt Mask c) Set Interrupt Mask. d) None of these 8. What does microcontroller speed depends on? a) Clock b) Data bus width c) Address bus width d) None of these 9. Can ROM be used as stack? a) Yes b) c) sometimes yes, sometimes no d) None of these 10. The advantage of memory mapped I/O over I/O mapped I/O is, a) Faster b) Many instructions supporting memory mapped I/O c) Require a bigger address decoder d) All the above d) OVER FLOW 11. Address line for INTO is? a) 0003H b) 0023H c) 0033H d) None of these 12. Address line for INT1 is? a) 0003H b) 0023H c) 000BH d) None of these 13. Address line for TFO is? a) 0003H b) 0023H
c) 000BH d) None of these 14. Address line for TF1 is? a) 0003H b) 0023H c) 0033H d) None of these 15.MOV A, #5000H a) 5000H b) 15000H c) 10500H d) None of these 16. MOV A,# 5000 a) 5000H b) 1500H c) 5000D d) None of these 17. What is the output of the following code PUSH AL a) Decrement SP by 2 & push a word to stack b) Increment SP by 2 & push a word to stack c) Decrement SP by 2 & push a AL to stack d) Illegal 18.Access time is faster for a) ROM b) SRAM c) DRAM d) None of these 19. In 8279 Strobed input mode, the control line goes low. The data on return lines is strobed in the ____. a) FIFO byte by byte b) FILO byte by byte c) LIFO byte by byte d) LILO byte by byte. 20. In 8255, under the I/O mode of operation we have __ modes. Under which mode will have the following features i) A 5 bit control port is available.
ii) Three I/O lines are available at Port C. a) 3 b) , Mode2 b) 2, Mode 2 c) c) 4, Mode 3 d) d) 3, Mode 2 21. In 8279, the keyboard entries are debounced and stored in an _________, that is further accessed by the CPU to read the key codes. a) 8-bit FIFO b) 8-byte FIFO c) 16 byte FIFO d) 16 bit FIFO 22. For the most Static RAM the write pulse width should be at least a) 10ns b) 60ns c) 300ns d) 1s 23. BURST refresh in DRAM is also called as a) Concentrated refresh b) distributed refresh c) Hidden refresh d) none 24. For the most Static RAM the maximum access time is about a) 1ns b) 10ns c) 100ns d) 1s 25. Which of the following statements on DRAM are correct? i) Page mode read operation is faster than RAS read. ii) RAS input remains active during column address strobe. iii) The row and column addresses are strobed into the internal buffers using RAS and CAS inputs respectively. a) i & iii b) i & ii c) all d) iii 26. The 8051 microcontroller is of ___pin package as a ______ processor. a) 30, 1byte b) 20, 1 byte c) 40, 8 bit d) 40, 8 byte
27. The SP is of ___ wide register. And this may be defined anywhere in the ______. a) 8 byte, on-chip 128 byte RAM. b) 8 bit, on chip 256 byte RAM. c) 16 bit, on-chip 128 byte ROM d) 8 bit, on chip 128 byte RAM. 28. After reset, SP register is initialized to address________. a) 8H b) 9H c) 7H d) 6H 29. What is the address range of SFR Register bank? a) 00H-77H b) 40H-80H c) 80H-7FH d) 80H-FFH 30. Which pin of port 3 is has an alternative function as write control signal for external data memory? a) P3.8 b) P3.3 c) P3.6 d) P3.1 31. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW respectively? a) 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H. b) 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H c) 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H d) 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H 32. Match the following: 1) TCON i) contains status information 2) SBUF ii) timer / counter control register. 3) TMOD iii) idle bit, power down bit 4) PSW iv) serial data buffer for Tx and Rx. 33. PCON v) timer/ counter modes of operation. a) 1->ii, 2->iv, 3->v, 4->i, 5->iii. b) 1->i, 2->v, 3->iv, 4->iii, 5->ii. c) 1->v, 2->iii, 3->ii, 4->iv, 5->i . d) 1->iii, 2->ii, 3->i, 4->v, 5->iv. 34. Which of the following is of bit operations? i) SP ii) P2 iii) TMOD
iv) SBUF v) IP a) ii, v only b) ii, iv, v only c) i, v only d) iii, ii only 35. Serial port interrupt is generated, if ____ bits are set a) IE b) RI, IE c) IP, TI d) RI, TI 36. In 8051 which interrupt has highest priority? a)IE1 b)TF0 c)IE0 d)TF1 37. Intel 8096 is of ___ bit microcontroller family called as ______. a) 8, MCS51 b) 16, MCS51 c) 8, MCS96 d) 16, MCS96 38. 8096 has following features fill up the following, i) ____ Register file, ii) ____ I/O Ports iii) ____ architecture. a) 256 byte, five 8bit, register to register b) 256 byte, four 8bit, register to register c) 232 byte, five 8bit, register to register d) 232 byte, six 8 bit, register to register 39. How many synchronous and asynchronous modes are there in serial port of 8096? a) 2, 2 respectively b) 3,1 respectively c) 1, 3 respectively d) 1, 2 respectively 40. In 8096 we have _____interrupt sources and _______ interrupt vectors. a) 18, 8 b) 21, 6 c) 21, 8 d) 16, 8 41. 8096 has ___ general purpose I/O ports, Port 2 includes ______ of the following i) two quasi-bidirectional I/O lines
ii) two output lines iii) four input lines iv) open drain outputs a) 4, i, iv b) 6, ii, iii c) 4, i,ii,iii d) 6, i, ii, iv 42. 8096 write-protected mode, no code can write to memory address between __. a) 2020 to 3FFFH b) 8000 to FFFFH c) 2000 to 3FFFH d) 2020 to 202FH 43. If the __ pin is ___ , then we have the option of using the ____ ROM or EPROM together with _____ memory and devices. a) EA, high, internal, external b) EA, low, internal, external c) EA, high, external, internal d) EA, low, external, internal 44. In 8096, CCB bit 3 is ____. a) write strobe mode select b) address valid strobe select c) bus width select d) Internal read control mode 45. In 8096, mode ____ of serial port are ___ modes commonly used for ____ communications. a) 1, 8bit, single processor b) 0, 7bit, multiple microcontroller c) 2, 9 bit, multiple processors d) 3, 8 bit, multiple microcontroller 46. What is the function of watchdog timer? a) The watchdog Timer is an external timer that resets the system if the software fails to operate properly. b) The watchdog Timer is an internal timer that sets the system if the software fails to operate properly. c) The watchdog Timer is an internal timer that resets the system if the software fails to operate properly. d) None of them 47. Which of the following instruction perform as of indirect RAM to accumulator? a) MOV A, R b) MOV @Ri, A c) MOV A, @R d) MOV Rn, A
48. ACALL instruction allows specifying ______address in the instruction and calling subroutine within ______ program memory block. a) 2byte, 3K b) 11bit, 2K c) 9bit, 2K d) 1byte, 3K 49. Which of the following instruction perform the move accumulator to external RAM of 16bit address? a) MOV @ DPTR, A b) MOVX @ Ri, A c) MOV A, @ Ri d) MOVX @ DPTR, A 50. Which of the following instruction perform jump indirect relative to DPTR a) JMP A+DPTR b) JMP DPTR c) JMP @A+DPTR d) SJMP A+DPTR 51. Which of the following instruction is wrong a) INC DPTR b) MOV @DPTR, A c) MOV A, @A+DPTR d) DEC DPTR 52. Which of the following instruction is of logical instructions? i) CPL A ii) JC rel iii) DA A iv) ANL A, Rn v) RR A vi) CPL bit a) i, v b) v, iii, I c) iv, ii d) v, iii, ii 53. What instruction performs Compare immediate to indirect and jump if not equal. a) CJNE A, #data, rel b) CJNE Rn, #data, rel c) CJNE @ Ri, #data, rel
d) CJNE A, data, rel 54. What is the Result of RR A instruction if accumulator contains 1000 0000. a) 0000 0001 b) 0000 0000 c) 0100 0000 d) 0000 0010 55. MOV 45, #4FH MOV R0, 45H INC R0 MOV @R0, #30H What is the location value of R0 and the content at that place? a) 45H, 4F b) 50H, 30H c) 30H, 50H d) 50H, 45H 56. Which of the following is of type memory initialized Directive? i) DS ii) SETiii) DW iv) DBIT a) i, iii b) ii c) iii d) iv, ii 57. Which of the following is not a program linking directive i) EXTRN ii) SEGMENT iii) NAME iv) PUBLIC v) USING a) iv, v b) ii, iii c) i, iii d) ii, v 58. SP of 8051 is of ___ wide and it is loaded with the default value of ___ after reset. a) 2 byte, 08H b) 8 bit, 07H c) 1 byte, 09H d) 8 bit, 06H 59. Which of the following instruction is used to set bit port directly? a) SET P1.0 b) MOV P1.0, bit c) SETB P1.0
MOV 50H, # 45H XCHD A, @R1 What is the result at A, R1? a) 56H, 45H b) 45H, 50H c) 50H, 56H d) 45H, 56H