Kisssoft Tut 011 E Toothform
Kisssoft Tut 011 E Toothform
Kisssoft Tut 011 E Toothform
KISSsoft Tutorial: Tooth-Form Optimisation and Tooth-Form Modifications Specifically for Plastic, Sintered, Wire-Eroded and form-forged Gears
For Release: Last modification: 10/2008 kisssoft-tut-011-E-toothform.doc 05/11/2008 12:17:00
1 Introduction
1.1 Summary of the Design Strategy
In these instructions, the strategy for the optimisation of gear design parameters will be described for gears manufactured by forming methods (injection-moulding, sintering, forging, etc.). These special design and optimisation methods for gears have been integrated into the KISSsoft calculation software. The course of the design procedure comprises of the following steps: - Define the approximate sizes (Module, tooth width, ...) for a strength calculation - Define allowances - Optimise tooth height (Aim: Achieve a contact ratio of 2.0 taking into account tip-rounding, and running-in curves for the reduction of noise) - Tip-rounding - Optimise running-in curves/profile correction (Aim: Noise reduction, improvement of wear safety factor) - Optimise root fillet (raise the root safety factor) - Establish mould for manufacturing
1.2 Introduction
Gears are increasingly made from plastics, which through the development of new materials are capable of ever higher load bearing capability. The properties of plastics allow its implementation in a far higher number of areas than steel. This permits a designer to choose more specify an optimum material for the required application. In doing so, the most important properties of a gear pair such as load capability, wear, compression ratio, stiffness, and noise development will be defined
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Normally, metallic gears are manufactured using a generating process, whereas in contrast those produced in plastic are injection-moulded. If the mould is produced by a wire erosion method, the tooth form can be optimised without additional costs. In a generating process this is only possible with expensive special tooling. Having said this, the injection process of the plastic does not permit a very high quality to be achieved, a problem which again can only be addressed through special methods. So modified gears are referred to as hybrid tooth-forms in technical literature. In the KISSsoft calculation program, many special methods for defining and optimising plastic gears have been integrated. The procedures offered are part of a complete and comprehensive modern software concept, such that allows the development and control of standard and hybrid tooth forms.
2.2 Tip-Rounding
For tooth-forms produced by a forming process, the tooth tip edges have to be rounded so that the injection moulded part can also be removed from the mould. This input setting is advantageously encountered already in the main interface, and beside Gear 1 and Gear 2 in the Tab Modifications. As a result, all known data (such as contact ratio, etc) will be calculated with consideration of tip-rounding. This will now be demonstrated through an example: There exists in KISSsoft a file containing example data for plastic gear calculations Tutorial 011. This file should be opened from the cylindrical gear pair calculation:
Figure 2.2-1: Open the Cylindrical gear pair calculation or the Tutorial file.
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Figure 2.2-2: Example file for plastic gears after carrying out the calculation or F5.
When in the Tool bar the icon (or the button F5) is pressed, the tooth form data is calculated showing contact ratio without tip-rounding of 1.6680. By pressing the button (that marked bottom right in Figure 2.2-2) the tooth form can be viewed:
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Here the tooth form should now be saved locally (i.e. in the working directory of the program), for this open the Property browser (1). The tooth form for Gear 1 is to be activated (2). By pressing the Save-Button (3) a new window is displayed (4). Here are some changes possible (e.g. color) entries (Label) can also input. After pressing [OK] the tooth form is saved. For Gear 2 the same procedure is required. After then the Proberty prowser is to be closed. In doing so, any relative changes in the tooth form become easily visible.
The tip-rounding is defined in the tab Modifications for Gear 1 and Gear 2 as follows:
Figure 2.2-5: Definition of the tip-rounding in the S-interface, here it is 2mm radius.
The changes will apply after pressing in the Tool bar the icon . Looking at the geometry the changed tooth form, the rounding can be seen. Likewise the original tooth form can be seen.
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Figure 2.2-6: Rounded tooth tip with simultaneous representation of the original tooth form.
Important hint: Through the storage of the tooth form all previous calculation operations are active. Maybe it is better to activate or deactivate one of single calculation step to trace the made modification. The graphics properties can put back. This is going by an automatic function if in the geometry window the representation is changed. The different alternative is by reset of Graphics properties via pressing Extras->Configuration tool activate the check mark in Graphics properties and press [Reset].
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In the main interface the calculated value fort he contact ration has reduced to 1.3639:
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Figure 2.3-1: Default values for the required minimum tooth thickness at the tip found under module specific settings.
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Here, the Flag Sizing of deep tooth form () must be activated. The required contact ratio will be inserted in the main menu under Calculation/Settings on the tab Sizing.
2.6 Elimination of the Contact Shock through corrections to the Tooth Form:
During the meshing of a gear pair, there appears as so-called Contact Shock due to the contact of two new teeth. This impact produces noise and is all the larger for further inaccuracy in the pitch and for deformation of the teeth under load. For plastic gears therefore, the involute in the tip region is modified through a relief curve. For metallic gears this process is called profile correction at the tip, though in this case the amount of correction is a great deal smaller because of the much higher stiffness. Normally the curve will be applied to the tip of both gears; for variants (e.g. rack drives) the correction is applied only on one gear and in the root. The curve advantageously consists of three smaller circular arcs, which when selected are independently calculated and then integrated in KISSsoft. We have 2 options in KISSsoft for input a tip-relief and the modification curves: A) With the tab Modifications This is a new option with Release 03-2008. In tab Modification can be defining a linear and curved profile correction at the tip and/or the root. The advantage is, that the inputted corrections in the main protocol are documented. The overview is now better and clearly arranged. The input process can be faster executed. We recommend with Release 03-2008 this variant. The course of action will be described in another Tutorial. Now we will describe the variant B). B) In tab Tooth form (until now) The input and calculation of tip-relief and the modification curves is carried out within the tooth form calculation. For this call up the tab Tooth form:
With the predefined step automatic all the settings from the main dialog are used, mainly reference profile and tip rounding or chamfer.
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To add modifications, click with the right mouse button on automatic and select Add operation and then choose from the list an option with left mouse button.
The tip rounding should be the last operation; otherwise it will collide with the tip relief. Therefore the check button for Consider Tip chamfer/Rounding in the automatic step is deleted:
After the definition of the basic gear geometry, the modification of the involute is carried out. Various methods for doing this have been integrated into the software. The options consist of: Linear or progressive profile correction, or Running-in curve from three circular arcs according to H. Hirn [1]; each modification can be combined with tip chamfer or tip rounding. The inputs to by specified are the correction height (diameter at which the correction begins) and the tip relief value. For both values there exists a function to suggest the optimum design parameters based on contact ratio, quality, type of material (plastic or metal), the stiffness, and the load. For the progressive tip relief (option Progressive profile correction) by changing a Factor the form of the curve can even be given in directly by the user! With progressive profile correction the length of the contact ratio and the local lubrication properties can be improved compared to those achieved through linear profile correction. The formulae for the profile corrections are defined as follows: Linear correction: Progressive correction: Where: s r
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Profile relief (Change in tooth thickness) Radius of an arbitrary point on the tooth form.
Ca Profile relief at Tipp. r ra r rK ra raK ra Tip radius raK Radius at the beginning of correction Exp = Factor/5 Factor: Range 1-20, normally in the range 5..10 (Factor: Can be introduced)
The button to the right of the input field Modification starting at diameter tells the program to determine an appropriate suggestion for the beginning and size of the relief.
For the manufacture of gear by moulding (injection or sinter) it is important to round the corners in all cases. The rounding radius (filet) at the tip can be given independently of the chosen profile correction.
The different forms of running-in curve/profile correction are described in the programs help directory (and in the manual). The course of the curves can be influenced by the Factor (factor for the tip rounding). To determine the best Factor the choices must be tried out. The tooth form can be viewed in the interface for the illustration of the gears. In addition, by pressing the described button see Figure 2.2-4 to Save Gear 1. Go back to the main window in Tab Tooth form and there change the Factor for tip rounding. Carry out the calculation again, and then view the image once again. The earlier form and the new form are shown:
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In the previous tooth form calculation the settings for operation Add tip rounding the Tip rounding was r=1mm whereas for the operation Progressive profile correction the Factor for tip rounding was 18. The calculation is run again with a progressive profile correction with factor 10 and tip rounding (r=2mm).
Figure 2.7-1: Root form without (black, with undercut) and with (blue) optimisation.
Important: In combination with a running-in curve or tip rounding on the mating gear, the beginning of the filet can encroach above the root circle. In this case it is essential to check the meshing (see next section).
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Figure 2.8-1: Push the symbol for Property browser and the property windows is show you can activate the Collision check.
In the following example, the collision indicator highlights contact in the root region of the pinion: For a correct meshing of the flank in the involute region (contact shown towards the top of the diagram as black boxes on tooth form) there is interference in the root region (contact shown towards the bottom as red boxes). The optimisation of the pinion therefore begins too early.
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correct contact
Figure 2.9-1: Here is a bad example: After removing the backlash the tip of gear 2 is already within the root region of the foot of gear 1!
3 Strength Calculation
3.1 Introduction
For the drafting and optimisation of gears the calculation of the tooth root, flank, and wear safety factors at the projected life is important. As with steel, the material property values for plastics (root resistance and flank strength) are dependent upon the number of load cycles. In addition there is for each a strong dependency on temperature and type of lubrication (oil, grease or dry). While with steel the root strength calculation depends on one single value (e.g. for root resistance the admitted fatigue strength tooth root tension Flim of 17CrNiMo6: 525 N/mm2) is sufficient, far more graphs are needed for plastic gears. In KISSsoft this data is tabulated for each of oiled,
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greased, or dry running, which is automatically utilised during the calculation. Because of this, the material properties data can be very easily modified by the user.
The following is an example (that already exists in KISSsoft) showing the required entries for the specification of material POM. These are the General Data and Module-Specific Data Z000:
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The most important information is the entry under Polymer Data, as marked in Figure 3.2-4. Here the name of the file is entered in which the temperature and lubricant dependent data will be stored. The file is stored in the installation directory (typically C:\Programme\KISSsoft-10-2008):
The newly entered material data now has its own file (name can be freely chosen). Next, the best method to enter new data is to copy a full data set directly from an existing equivalent file into this new file (e.g. the file Z014-100.DAT for POM), rename and then edit. Extract from Z014-100.DAT (for POM): Modulus of Elasticity (Elastizittsmodul) (One-dimensional table relating E-Modulus dependency to temperature) :TABLE FUNCTION ElastizitatsModul INPUT X ZahnTempFuss TREAT LINEAR DATA -20 0 20 40 60 80 4400 3950 3500 2950 2400 1800 END
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100 1400
120 950
Extract from Z014-100.DAT (for POM): Flank strength with oil lubrication (Two-dimensional table with sig.Hlim dependency to temperature (Columns) against load cycles (Lines))
-- Daten fr Flankenfestigkeit bei lschmierung -- Aus Niemann, Bild 22.4/4, fr PA66, lgeschmiert :TABLE FUNCTION FlankenSigHNOel INPUT X ZahnTempFlanke TREAT LINEAR INPUT Y Lastwechsel TREAT LOG DATA 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 120 115 108 99 91 76 1E5 120 115 108 99 91 76 1E6 95 90 85 78 68 57 1E7 70 67 63 58 50 40 1E8 52 50 47 44 37 28 1E9 45 42 40 38 32 25 1E10 43 41 38 36 30 24 1E11 43 41 38 36 30 23 1E99 43 41 38 36 30 23
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Now each calculation will automatically calculate the tooth form first, and then derive the YS and YF values from it. KISSsoft also permits the graphical representation of the tooth root stress in the root. Choose the tab Path of contact and set the necessary settings.
The Stress curve (dark blue and green) shows the effective root stress F on gear 1 and gear 2 over the roll angle. The light blue curve shows Hertzian Surface Pressure. Also is shown the situation for the maximum of the stress with the respective tooth forms of the respective gear.
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Figure 3.3-3: Root Stresses and Hertzian Surface Pressure Characteristics over one mashing cycle displayed fromfile Tutorial 011.Z12 with modification (Progressive profile correction with factor 10 and tip rounding (r=2mm).
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Therefore, subject to experience, it makes good sense as a first step in the determination of the parameters to define the required deviation. It would be of no use to optimise a tooth form (as is described here), and then afterward find that through and the deviation this carefully optimised tip is chewed at the tip! The definition of the deviations is given according to the methodology in DIN3967. Additionally the operating temperature and the thermal expansion coefficient of the gears and the housing have to be known. Further, the swelling should be taken into consideration. Here Polyamide (PA) is most critical of all (up to 2% due to water in-take).
Figure 4.2-1: Pre-selected tolerances for Gear 1 and Gear 2 and centre distance.
Before the operating backlash calculation can be performed, the tooth form must be calculated using Calculation . Afterward the calculation of the backlash can be called using the tab Operating Backlash:
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Influence of the manufacturing precision (axis position) Influence of the temperature on expansion of the housing and the gear bodies
Choose material for housing Figure 4.2-2: Set-up for the operating backlash calculation.
This example has been defined such that seizing can occur during operation. During the calculation the following warning will appear:
(mm) (mm)
[DaC] [DaW]
0.037 -0.352
Casing Gears
Backlash change due to: center distance tolerances (maximal) (minimal) Swelling due to absorption of water Warming Misalignment of axles Mesh single deviation Theoretical backlash - Circumferential backlash (min.) (max.) Acceptance-backlash - Circumferential backlash (min.) (max.) Operating backlash - Circumferential backlash (min.) (max.) - Normal backlash (min.) (max.) - Torsional angle with fixed gear 1 (min.) (max.) ...
(mm) (mm)
[jt.i] [jt.e]
0.118 0.201
(mm) (mm)
[jta.i] [jta.e]
0.102 0.186
() ()
[Dphit.i] [Dphit.e]
0.0000 0.0000
Figure 4.2-4: Sample of a documented report from the calculation of operating backlash
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The negative values for the circumferential backlash shows that the gear will seize.
Figure 4.3-1 Before original tolerances cd25 according to DIN3967) and after (Own Input)
Figure 4.3-2; Raising fort he circumferential backlash for both gears to 0.2mm in each case
After this input has been given, the tooth form must again be calculated using Calculate, and then the re-defined operating backlash values can be viewed as described above. This time no warning appears that the gears should seize, and a positive operating backlash is displayed: ...
Operating backlash - Circumferential backlash (min.) (max.) - Normal backlash (min.) (max.) - Torsional angle with fixed gear 1 (min.) (max.) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) [jtw.i] [jtw.e] [jnw.i] [jnw.e] 0.026 0.110 0.025 0.106
() ()
[Dphit.i] [Dphit.e]
0.0318 0.1318
Figure 4.3-3: Sample of a documented report from the calculation of operating backlash showing that the backlash is now positive
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Figure 5.2-1: Tooth Form Calculation with modification for mould building.
The radial and tangential expansion can now be entered. The resulting tooth form will now be generated by pressing Graphics/Geometry, and can be viewed using Meshing:
Important: The modified form for the mould will not be displayed automatically. The display has to be activated by setting as Choose as result:
Symbol with blue/blue indicates, that this operation is used for the display!
Figure 5.2-3: Display the gears enlarged with the given shrinkage.
In order to utilise the tooth form to manufacture the mould, it makes sense to export the gears individually. Under Admissible deviation a value in m can be introduce, which defines the maximum admissible deviation of the tooth from (when using splines or circular approximation). The display of gear 1 and gear 2 can now be seen by choosing in the list Tooth form of gear 1 or Tooth form of gear 2:
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Figure 5.2-5: Call the tooth form display for an individual gear, and export forms via DXF or IGES.
It is very important to check the title of the graphic: The left picture shows the modified tooth form for the moulding form. The right picture shows the unmodified black curve! This procedure can be used to generate tooth forms which compensate for shrinkage as indicated in Figure 5.2-5.
Important: The wire form will not be displayed automatically. The display has to be activated by setting as Choose as result:
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Figure 5.3-3: tooth form increased by a positive value 1 mm given for the Spark gap
Note: If there is a negative value given for the Spark gap, the tooth form will be decreased.
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Figure 5.3-5: Tooth form reduced by a negative value -1 mm given for the Spark gap.
All calculation steps will be shown in the tooth form geometry. The dark green curve is the position of the centre of the wire when moving. The curve shows the produced tooth form, the dark blue the required form.
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6.1 Foot Strength Calculation (Graphical Method)
The fatigue safety factor can be significantly increased by an optimal transition of the involute part of the tooth form in the root. In the manufacture of gears by generation methods, even tools with well defined tip rounding do not always produce optimum rounding. Through a specific modification, that naturally must be adapted to the meshing criteria, the strength can be significantly raised. This modification has also been integrated in the software.
Figure 6.1-1: Derivation of the Tooth Form Stress at an arbitrary point of the foot from YF(r) and YS(r).
There exists a choice: progressive rounding from ellipses, which can be defined by the users through changes in aspect ratio. The default values are the required free arc length in the root as well the diameter at which the optimisation should start. A very trustworthy algorithm has been developed based on notes in standards, technical literature, and comparisons of calculations from FEM-programs. Subsequently, the costly FEM-Modelling process can be dispensed with! All normal calculation methods define the tooth root stress by a simplified model of the actual conditions. In DIN and ISO the critical cross section is found by sitting 30 tangents on the root contour. Depending upon the actual form of the root rounding there will be a larger or smaller resulting error. In a publication from B. Obsieger [5] years ago, an approach for the distinct improvement of the calculation procedure has been suggested. Based on the actual tooth form, the Tooth Form Factor- (YF) and the Stress Factor (YS) is calculated for every point in the root region, and the critical position defined in which the product YF*YS is a maximum (Figure 6.1-1). This calculation procedure is integrated into the KISSsoft software. The critical tooth root cross section can be determined based either on the force application on the tip (AGMA: Loaded at tip),
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or the force application at the single point of action (AGMA: Loaded at PSTC). The strength calculation according to ISO, AGMA or DIN is then completely performed using these specific data. The course of the stresses can also be graphically shown, see Figure 6.1-2. The computation of the Hertzian-pressure along the tooth flank is also calculated based on the actual tooth form. For each point of action the corresponding radii of curvature are determined for both gears and starting from this the pressure is computed.
Figure 6.1-2: Course of the tooth stress, calculated based on the actual tooth form and conditions.
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