A.C Potentiometer1

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C Potentiometer
There are two types of A.C potentiometers. They are 1.Polar type potentiometer 2.Co-ordinate type potentiometer The Drysdale Tinsley A.C potentiometer is a polar type potentiometer, which measures the magnitude (V) in one scale and phase () in other scale.

Drysdale Tinsley A.C potentiometer

T.I = Transfer Instrument (precision type electro-dynamometer ammeter) DPDT = Double Pole Double Throw SPDT= Single Pole Double Throw G = D' Arsonval Galvanometer V.G = Vibration Galvanometer B = Standard Battery POS 1 = Position 1 POS 2 = Position 2

When an A.C voltage measurement is done by taking a reference A.C voltage supply, the conditions that must be satisfied are, 1. Both the voltages should have same frequency. 2. Their phases should be same. 3. Their magnitudes should also be same at all the instants It is very difficult to satisfy all the three conditions, if we use a separate reference source.

Hence, in this instrument we connect the unknown A.C voltage to a phase shifting transformer whose one stator winding is connected directly to the unknown supply and other stator winding is connected to the same supply through a variable resistor and a capacitor.

By varying the resistance and capacitance of the second winding, the current through it can be made exactly in quadrature with the supply. This results in the production of Rotating Magnetic Field (R.M.F.) (i.e., due to phase splitting) which links with the rotor winding to induce an e.m.f in it with the same frequency as that of supply and whose phase angle can be selected by changing the rotor position. Hence, the phase angle of the unknown voltage can be measured against this reference rotor position.

For the measurement of its magnitude with a normal D.C potentiometer, all the resistors and the slide wire are replaced by a standard noninductive resistors and slide wire. So that, its resistance does not vary with frequency and waveform.

Procedure for the Measurement

To measure an unknown A.C. voltage using this potentiometer, first the meter is standardized. For the standardization all the three DPDT switches are thrown to position 1 (POS 1) and the current through ammeter (A) for which the D'Arsonval galvanometer (G) gives null deflection is noted down. Now, the DPDT switches are thrown to position 2 (POS 2) which connects the rotor terminals of phase shifting transformer to supply terminals of potentiometer, vibration galvanometer to detector terminals and the unknown A.C voltage to potentiometer test terminals.

Now, the current through the ammeter is made equal to the current through it when D.C supply was connected by varying the standard resistor `R and the balance is obtained in the vibration galvanometer ,by changing the slide wire contact position and the phase shifter's rotor position. Hence, the magnitude and phase of the unknown A.C voltage are obtained from the slide wire position and rotor position readings respectively.

Drysdale Phase Shifting Transformer

The Drysdale phase shifting transformer consists of stator and rotor. The stator is made up of silicon steel and is provided with two (or) three phase windings. The rotor of the transformer is also provided with winding in slots. A small air gap is provided in between the stator and rotor. When the supply is given, the current flows through the stator windings and generates the flux in the air gap. Whenever the rotor winding cuts the flux, an e.m.f is induced in the rotor windings. The rotor position can be adjusted by adjusting the rotor angle and the phase displacement of induced e.m.f is adjusted by adjusting the rotor position with respect to null-pointer. In order to measure the deflected angle of the rotor, a scale and pointer is provided at the top of the instrument.

Instead of using single phase supply, the phase shifter can be operated by using a phase splitting device. This device consists of two windings displaced at an angle of 90. Among the two windings, one is connected to the supply and the other is connected in series with a resistor and capacitor, which are adjusted till the currents in two windings become equal. Now the induced e.m.f in rotor windings due to first stator winding is given by,

From the above expression it is clear that, the rotor e.m.f has constant amplitude and the phase angle is given by the rotor deflection .

Transfer Instrument
The transfer instrument uses an electrodynamometer type ammeter to standardize an A.C potentiometer. The process of standardization of A.C potentiometer can be obtained by switching the slide wire circuit on to D.C supply. By using a standard cell (or) battery the standard current is known. This standard current is measured by using electrodynamometer type ammeter. When a transfer instrument is operated under A.C supply, the r.m.s value of the slide wire current is remained at the same value as on D.C supply. It is so, because of non inductive wound coils in potentiometer. A switch is employed to enable the potentiometer either on D.C side (or) A.C side.

Gall-Tinsley Co-ordinate Potentiometer

This potentiometer is actually a combination of two potentiometers. One of the potentiometer carries a current in-phase with the supply voltage and it is called 'in-phase' potentiometer. The other potentiometer carries the current in quadrature with supplies, voltage and it is called as 'quadrature' potentiometer. T1 and T2 are the two step down transformers fed from a single phase supply. The supply to T2 is obtained through the series combination of variable capacitor Cs and variable resistor R., for splitting the phase. Exact phase quadrature is obtained by adjusting R., and C. ab and cd are sliding contacts of in phase and quadrature potentiometer respectively and rheostats R1 and R2, are used for Current adjustments.

V.G is Vibration Galvanometer tuned to the supply frequency. A is a reflecting dynamometer ammeter for maintaining the current in both the slide-wires at a standard value. R.S.1 and R.S.2 are reversing switches which may be ,necessary to reverse the direction of the unknown e.m.f applied to slide wires. S2 is a selector switch for placing unknown voltages to be measured in the circuit. The component of the unknown voltage which is in-phase with the slide wire current of 'in-phase potentiometer is measured on it and it is the in-phase, component of unknown voltage. Let its value be V1 and the component which is in phase with the 'quadrature' potentiometer current is measured on it and it is the quadrature component of unknown voltage. Let'its value be V2.

The D.C. standardization of the in-phase potentiometer is done by connecting the battery B by means of the switch S1 and changing the multiple circuit switch S2 to position 1-1. The vibrational galvanometer is replaced by a galvanometer for this purpose. The dynamometer ammeter is of torsion head type and the torsion head is tuned to zero position on direct current. This setting is left untouched. The switches S1 and S2 are again brought back to initial position. The alternating current is adjusted in the in-phase potentiometer by rheostat R1 to give zero deflection of the milli ammeter. The magnitude and phase of the quadrature potentiometer's current are adjusted by the mutual inductor M

The switch S2 is brought to position 3-3. The dial settings of the in-phase potentiometer is done to read a value of M i ( i is the primary current, e.m.f. induced in the secondary winding = 2ftMi) Where, i' is the standard alternating current in the in phase potentiometer. The magnitude and phase of the current in quadrature potentiometer is adjusted by means of rheostat R2 and variable resistance Rs of the phase splitting device to obtain exact balance which is indicated by the vibration galvanometer. The switch S2 is again brought to position 2-2. In this position two slide circuits and vibration galvanometer are in aeries with the unknown voltage. Now, the potentiometer is ready to measure the two components of unknown voltage. The balance is obtained by adjusting the settings of sliding contact a and c together with the reversing switches R.S.2 and R.S.3 if necessary.

The errors developed in a potentiometer are due to the following reasons.

1. As we know that, different parts of the instrument will have mutual inductance. This will effect the nominal value of mutual inductance, which in turn produces errors. 2. Inaccurate measurement of frequency will produce error. 3. Due to the presence of harmonics in the supply, errors are introduced. 4, Inter-capacitance, earth capacitance and mutual inductance of the slide wire coils will have effect on potential gradient, which may produce an error. 5. Even a very minute difference in A.C and D.C reading of the reflecting dynamometer instrument may introduce errors.

The errors produced in A.C potentiometers can be minimized by the following, 1. In order to avoid the error in readings, the intercapacitance, earth capacitance and mutual inductance of the slide wire and resistance coils must be reactive. By this, not only the error in reading is eliminated but also the accuracy is improved. 2. The source of A.C supply should be free from harmonics since the presence of harmonics will effect the accuracy in measurements. Therefore, in order to avoid the harmonics it is necessary that the A.C source most be made as sinusoidal as possible. 3 While measuring the A.C voltages the stray e.m.f's is fields and coupling circuits must be eliminated. Otherwise, it will be added vectorially to the voltage being measured.

Compensation of the Errors

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