Dr.a.jahitha Begum
Dr.a.jahitha Begum
Dr.a.jahitha Begum
cukklcuLuM vl14
lohitho 8equm, 4.
4codemic uo/ificotions : M.A (Eng), M.A (Pol.Sci), M.Ed., M.Phil. PGDCA,.
Praveen in Hindi, Dip in Urdu, Ph.D.
4ddress for communicotion : Associate Professor & Head,
Department of Education,
Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram
India. Mobile: 9443273174, jahee_j@yahoo.co.in
lie/d of 5pecio/itotion : Cognitive psychology, Communicative Competence
2011 IPERA Sudershan Rakheja Memorial Award for Best woman Educationist 2011, IPERA
2010 Mrs.Varlakshmi & Prof.Rajamanickam Veteran Eminent Psychologist Award,
Department of Psychology, Ravishankar University, Raipur.
2009 Prerak Vyaktitva Award, K.M.Shanthi Foundation, Agra.
2009 Hindi Manasvi Award, Hindi Sahithya Sabha, Agra.
2009 Prof S.D.Kapoor Award of Best Researcher, IPERA, Agra.
2009 Anand Award of Best Cognitive Psychologist, IPERA, Agra.
2008 Akhil Bharathi Vaicharik Kranthi Manch, Certificate of Appreciation, Luknow.
2008 Prof. K. Sivadasan Pillai Memorial Lecture Award, CTE, Bhopal.
2008 Air India BOLT District Award by Air India & the Hindu
2008 Professional commitment Award, IAIP, Indore
2008 Hindi Manasvi Award, Hindi Sahithya Sabha, Agra.
2007 Akhil Bharathi Agith Parishat Certificate of Appreciation, Luknow.
2007 Prof. Uma Nag Lecture Award, Psycholinguistic Association of India, Agra.
2003-04 NCERT National Award for Innovative Practices.
2002-03 NCERT National Award for Innovative Practice.
Effect of Self Regulatory Strategies on Enhancing Teaching Competence among B. Ed., Students,
1,55,000, Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives, National Council of Educational
Research and Training, NCERT , ), New Delhi
Effectiveness of Attention Activating Strategies among the Students with Attention Deficit Activity
Disorder (ADHD) 4, 94,500 University Grand Commissions (UGC),
New Delhi.
Effectiveness of Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in B. Ed., Teacher
Education Curriculum 3, 31,000 Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi
Computer Basic Education to Muslim Women of Salem District in Tamil Nadu, 3, 00,000
Centre for Educational Research, Madurai Kamaraj University (CER MKU), Madurai
Effect of Perceptive Thinking Skills on Enhancing Achievement in Geography among DIET
Teacher Trainees. G.Indra
Effect of Memory Enhancing Strategies on Chemistry Achievement among Engineering Students. A.
Teachers Emotional Intelligence, Their Perception On Students Problem Behavior And The Values Of
Higher Secondary Students In Salem District. D. Silambuselvi
Educational Status Of Muslim Girls In Vellore District Of Tamilnadu. Mrs.Mahmuda Banu
Awareness knowledge and usage of Internet among student teachers and Teacher educators in
Government and Government Aided B.Ed colleges in Tamilnadu. V.Priya
Effect of Self Regulatory Skills On Developing Teaching Competency In Mathematics Among Diet
Teacher Trainees K.Kannaki
Impact Of Metacognitive Strategies And Awareness On Teaching Competence Of Mathematics B.Ed
Teacher Trainees. S.Sivakumar
A Study Of Environmental Awareness And Attitude Towards Environmental Education Among B.Ed
Students In Namakkal District. R.Deenesh Kumar
8ooks ub||shed
1. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007). Enhancing Communicative Competence. Agra. Bhargava Book House.
2. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007). Trends in Educational Research. Agra. Bhargava Book House.
Begum Jahitha, A. (2008). Mediated Learning Experience. New Delhi. APH Publications.
3. Begum Jahitha, A. (2009). Computer Education. New Delhi. APH Publications.
4. Begum Jahitha, A. (2009). Teaching of Geography. New Delhi. APH Publications .
5. Begum Jahitha,A.(2010). English Language Education. Hydearabad. Neelkamal Publications.
6. Begum Jahitha,A.(2010). Educational Research in the Era of Globalisation . Agra. Bhargava Book
House .
7. Begum Jahitha, A. (2011). ICT in Teaching Learning . New Delhi. APH Publications
8. Flora Jennifar & Begum Jahitha, A.(2011). Quality Indicators in Teacher Edcuation. New Delhi.
APH Publications.
9. Begum Jahitha, A. (2012). Teacher Edcuation in 21
Century, New Delhi. APH Publications
2007-2008 Emerging Trends in the Area
of Educational Research
& 20
2007 Periyar
Educational Research in the
Era of Globalisation
28 30
2007 Periyar
Quality perspectives in
Teacher Education
& 20
2008 Periyar
2008-2009 Innovative Teaching
Strategies in higher education
& 23
2009 Periyar
2011-2012 Teacher Education in the 21
& 11
2012 Gandhigram
Member |n Ld|tor|a| 8oard |n Iourna|s
Shiksha mitra
Indian Journal of Psychometry
Modern Educational Research in India
Publications in tbe )ournals witb ISSN No
1. Begum Jahitha, A. (2004) The Effect of Mediated Learning Experience On Communicative
Competence of Primary Teachers. (Research) The Primary Teacher (NCERT Journal),
Vol.XXIX No.1, ISSN-0970 9282
2. Begum Jahitha, A. (2004) What Makes Pupils to Misbehave? (Review) The Educational
Review, Vol:47, No.1, ISSN-0013
3. Begum Jahitha, A. and Lokanatha Reddy (2006) Community Development: Role of
Universities and NGOs. (Review) University News Vol: 44, No: 47 Nov: 20-26, 2006.
ISSN No: 05662257
4. Begum Jahitha, A. and M. Vakkil (2007) A test on humor among the University Students.
(Research) Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, Vol.38 (1) January, 2007. ISSN
No: 03781003
5. Begum Jahitha, A. and Lokanatha Reddy (2007) Role of Metacognitive & Self Regulatory
Strategy on Enhancing Life skills Among the Students (International) (Review), New
Frontiers in Education, New Delhi Vol:XXXVII, No:1 January-March 2007. ISSN No:
6. M. Vakkil and Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) Medical, Neurological & Physiological aspects of
Learning Disabilities (Review), Community Guidance & Research, Vol: 2 4, No: 1 March,
2007. ISSN No: 09201346
7. Begum Jahitha, A., T. Poongodi, Vijayakumar and P. Nazni (2007) The Impact of
Nutrients of Children with ADHD (Review), Disabilities and Impairments, Vol: 21, No: 1
May, 2007 ISSN No: 0970356x
8. Begum Jahitha A. and Mohan .S (2007) The Conceptual Evaluation of Metacognition
(International) (Review) Perspectives in Education, Volume 23, No: 3 July, 2007. ISSN No:
9. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) Impact of Gender and Marriage among Disabled Women in India
(Review) (International), Journal of Disability Studies, Volume 3, No. 1 & 2 January
Dec. 2007. ISSN No: 0973-4996
10. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) MLE & MC Language Learning Strategies (Review), ELTAI,
November, 2007. ISSN No: 0973-5208
11. Begum Jahitha, A., T. Savada Muthu and S. Mohan (2007) Language Aphasia; Types,
Causes and Symptoms (Review) Disabilities and Impairments, Vol. 21 No.2, 2007
December, 2007. ISSN No: 0970-356.
12. Begum Jahitha, A. (2008) Self monitoring A Tool for Professional Development of
Language Teachers (Review) Journal of Psycho Lingua, Accepted and Communicated,
ISSN No: 0973-5208.
13. Begum Jahitha, A. (2008) Symbiosis of Various Factors on Learning (Review) Journal of
Psychometry and Education, Vol. 39(1) Jan, 2008, ISSN No: 0378-1003.
14. Begum Jahitha A. and Mahesh Bargava (2008) The Effect of Peer-Assisted Play Way
Method in Teaching Capital and Small Letters (Research) Journal of Psycho Lingua,
Vol.38 (1) Jan, 2008. ISSN No: 0377-3132.
15. Begum Jahitha, A. and Jayalakshmi (2008) Role of Mnemonic Strategies in Learning
(Review), Psycho-Lingua, Vol.38 (2) July, 2008. ISSN No: 0377-3132.
16. Begum Jahitha, A. and M. Vakkil (2008) Various Roles of Teacher to Managing Specific
Learning Disabilities Role of Teachers (Review), Journal of Psychometry and Education,
Vol. 39 (2) July, 2008. ISSN No: 0378-1003
17. Dr. Loganatha Reddy and Begum Jahitha, A. (2008) Making Higher Education relevant:
Strategies for XI five Year Plan (Review), University News, Vol. 46 No.46 Dec 2008
ISSN No: 0566-2257
18. Dr. Loganatha Reddy and Begum Jahitha, A. (2009) Fastoring Career Guidance Services in
India: A Critical Outlook of the Policy options (Review), University News, Vol.65 No.1-
4 Jan 2009 ISSN No: 0566-2257
19. Begum Jahitha, A. and Siva Kumar A. (2009) Meta cognitive Awareness among
engineering and Law College students. (Research) (International), International Journal of
Psychological Researches, Vol.53 No.1 Jan 2009. ISSN No: 0022-3972
20. Begum Jahitha, A. and Amuthu (2009) Utilisation of Meta linguistic strategies for
improving reading comprehension (Review), Psycholingua, Vol.39 (1), January 2009 ISSN
No: 0377-3132
21. Priya and Begum Jahitha, A. (2009) Internet Usage among the student teachers of B.Ed
colleges (Research), Psycholingua, Vol.39 (1), January 2009. ISSN No: 0377-3132
22. Begum Jahitha, A. and Vivek Bhargava (2009) Teaching Language comprehension: A tool
for Language proficiency (Review), Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, Vol.40
(1&2), July 2009. ISSN No: 0378-1003
23. Begum Jahitha, A. and Jayalakshmi (2009) Fastoring Achievement in Chemistry through
Mnemonic strategies (Research), Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, Vol.40
(1&2), July 2009. ISSN No: 0378-1003
24. Begum Jahitha .A (2009) Enhancing Communicative Competence, Psycho-Lingua,
Jaunary-2009, ISSN No: 0377-3132
25. Silambu Selvi and Begum Jahitha .A (2009) Dutifulness and social Responsibility School
Teachers, Bombay Psydnologist, 2009, ISSN No: 0975-0738
26. Begum Jahitha, A. and Mahesh Bargava (2010) Effect of Self Regulatorory Strategies on
Enhancing Teaching Competence of B.Ed Teacher Trainees, Journal of Government
College of Teacher Education, Volume 5 Issue 2 July 2010, ISSN No: 0975-5144
27. Perumal and Begum Jahitha, A. Effect of powerpoint presentation on enhancing
achievement in physics among IX std students.(Research), Journal of Psycholingua,
Vol.41 (1) January, 2011 , ISSN No: 0377-3132
28. Begum Jahitha, A. Redefining the role of University Teachers University News, Vol.49
No.16, 18-24 April 2011 ISSN No: 0566-2257
29. Begum Jahitha, A. and Mahesh Bhargava Transportation Facilities for Disabled in India
Disablities and Impairments, Vol.25 - No.1 & 2, 2011 ISSN No: 0970-356X.
Publications {Ceneral Articles]
1. Begum Jahitha, A. (2001) How Effective are Strategies? (Popular Article) The Hindu
(Open Page) March, 27, Tuesday, 2001.
2. Begum Jahitha, A. (2002) The Effect of Thinking Strategy on Facilitating the Learning of
Grammar Among the DIET students (Research), The Bharathiya shikshan, Vol:XII, No:11
3. Begum Jahitha, A. (2003) Utilisation of Metcognition on Enhancing Communicative
Competence. (Research) The Bharathiya shikshan, Vol:XIII, No:11
4. Vakkil. M. and Begum Jahitha, A. (2006) An analysis of Locus of Control Personality
Dimension among PG students. (Research) The Bharateeya shikshan, June, 2006.
5. Indira.G , C.Rajathi and Begum Jahitha, A. (2006) Enhancing The Skill Of Understanding
The Erosional Features Of Waves VIII Std., Students Through Innovative Practices
(Research) The Bharateeya shikshan, June, 2006.
6. Begum Jahitha, A. and Ravivarman (2006) The Perception of Block Resource Teachers on
Teaching English by the Primary Teachers. (Research), Meston college Journal of
Education, Vol: 5 Issue No: 2October-2006.
7. Dr. Loganatha Reddy and Begum Jahitha, A. (2006) Emerging Areas of Research in
Lifelong Education (Review), Research and Reflections on Education, Vol: 04 No: 04 Oct-
Dec, 2006.
8. Begum Jahitha, A., Nazni, Poongodi, and Vijayakumar (2007) The Role Nutrients on
Enhancing the Cognitive Functions in Brain (Review), Recent Researches in Education &
Psychology, Vol: 13, Nos. III-IV January 2007.
9. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) Peace Education and International Understanding (Review)
Asian Institute of Human Rights Education, Volume VIII No: 1 Jan June 2007.
10. Indira, Begum Jahitha, A. and Rajathi (2007) Motivation: Importance, Models, Types and
Its Significance Learning (Review) The Bharateeya Shikshan, Vol:XVII, No:4 April, 2007
11. C. Rajathi, G. Indira and Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) Impact of Observation Learning in the
Concept of Earthquake in VIII-STD (Research), The Bharateeya shikshan, Vol:XVII, No:5
May, 2007.
12. Begum Jahitha A. (2007) Role of MLE on enhancing Communicative Competence.
(Research) Miracle of Teaching, Vol No: 7, No: 2 May-August, 2007.
13. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) Effect of Informal Discussion Method on AIDS Awareness
among Self Help Groups (Research), Journal of Extension and Research, July, 2007.
14. Begum Jahitha A. (2007) New Role for Language Teachers (Review), HRD Times, Vol: 9,
No: 7 July, 2007.
15. Begum Jahitha .A (2007) Role of Mediated Learning Enhancing Communicative Skills,
Motivate of Teaching, Aug-2007.
16. Siva Kumar and Begum Jahitha A. (2007) Professional Competence of Math Teachers
(Review) Bharateeya Shikshan, Vol.XVII No.9 Sep 2007.
17. Begum Jahitha, A. (2007) The Effect of Play way cum Activity Method in Teaching the
concept of Pie among the VIII Grade students Journal of Educational Research and
Extension, Vol No 44, (4), 2007.
18. Begum Jahitha, A. and S. Mohan (2008, 2009) Symbiosis of Emotional, Motivational,
Sensational and Intellectual Factors on Learning (Review), Journal of Educational and
Psychology, Vol. 65 No.1-4 April 2009
19. Begum Jahitha, A. and Indira (2008) How to become an Effective Teacher (Review),
Bharateeya Shikshan, Vol. XVIII July-2008 No.7
20. Begum Jahitha, A. (2008) English Language Teaching In India Shiksha Mitra, Vol, No 2,
December, 2008.
21. Begum Jahitha, A. (2008) New Practices in English Teaching Shiksha Mitra, Vol 1, No 2,
December, 2008.
22. Begum Jahitha .A (2008) The Need and Measures for Early Detection of Learning
Difficulties (Review), Psychology of Education, 2008.
23. Siva Kumar and Begum Jahitha .A (2009) Teaching Competence of Mathematics Pre
service Teachers, Indian Journal of Reseach in Education and Extension Tirupati, Vol. 1,
No.1 January-June 2009.
24. Begum Jahitha, A. and Makesh Bhargava (2009) Present concerns in Teacher education
(Review), Shiksha mitra, No 4, june 2009.
25. Begum Jahitha .A (2009) Promoting and Training in Memory, Harprased institute of 2009.
26. Begum Jahitha .A (2010) SSA Kerala, Empowerment Programme of Research
Methodology-Resource Person (Research) Department of Applied Research, Gandhi gram
Rural University, 3
27. Begum Jahitha, A. and Dr.S.Mohan Effectiveness of strategy to develop Meta Cognitive
skills among the DIET Teacher Trainees. (Research) Research and Reflections On
Education, Vol:04 No: 01
28. Begum Jahitha, A. Knowledge & Attitude of High School Teachers Towards students with
Learning Difficulties (Research) International Journal of Disability Studies, Accepted and
Communicated and Published.
29. Begum Jahitha A. and S. Balasubramaniyam Metacognitive Awareness among the Medical
College Students of Tamil Nadu (Research), Journal of Pedagogics, MG University,
30. Begum Jahitha, A. Effect of Metalinguistic strategies on Reading comprehension
(Research), Journal of Psychometry and Education.
31. Begum Jahitha, A. Competencies of Teachers to deal with Specific Learning Difficulities
(Review), Journal of Psychometry and Education, Accepted and Communicated and
32. Sivakumar and Begum Jahitha, A. Teaching Competency of Mathematics Pre-Service
Teachers, Journal of Adult Education S.V.University, Trupathy.
33. Begum Jahitha .A Effect of Metaliguistic on Enhancing Reading Comprehension
(Research) Journal of Psycho Lingua.
34. Begum Jahitha, A. Effect of Metalinguistic strategies on Reading comprehension
(Research), Journal of Psychometry and Education.
35. Perumal and Begum Jahitha, A. Effect of powerpoint presentation on enhancing
achievement in physics among IX STD students (Research), Journal of Psychometry and
Education, Accepted and Communicated.
36. Begum Jahitha.A The need for Brain science among the teachers Kalvi Today January,
37. Begum Jahitha.A The Role of Affective Strategies on enhancing Communicative
Competence of the Teacher Trainees Kalvi Today February, 2011.
38. Begum Jahitha.A The Role of Peace Education Kalvi Today March, 2011.
ub||cat|ons |n the 8ook w|th IS8N No
1. Begum Jahitha, A. (2008) Fastoring Communicative Competence among Pre service
Teachers (Research) Published in the book Horizon of Teacher Education, Rakhi
Prakashan Sanjay place, Agra. 2008.
2. Begum Jahitha, A. and Rajashree Bhargava (2008) Extended Intelligence in the Knowledge
Based Society (Review), Psychology for healthy Living, Book Published by Bhargava
Publishers, Agra, 2008.
3. Begum Jahitha, A. and Vivek Bhargava (2009) Discovery Learning (Review), Dynamics
of Education Book published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow, 2009 Book published by
Vedant Publications, Lucknow.
4. Govindan and Begum Jahitha, A. (2009) An Effective Reading Method SQ3R (Review),
Dynamics of Education Book published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow, 2009 Book
published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow.
3. Silambu Selvi and Begum Jahitha, A. (2009) Inculcation of Patience through Education
(Review), Dynamics of Education Book published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow, 2009
Book published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow.
6. Felix and Begum Jahitha, A. (2009) Need for Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom
(Review) , Dynamics of Education Book published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow,
Book published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow, 2009.
7. Begum Jahitha, A. and S. Mohan (2010) Professional Competence of Teacher Educators: A
Neuro Scientific Perspective (Review) A.J.B & S. Mohan, Quality Concerns in Teacher
Education Book Published By APH publishers New Delhi, 2010 Book published by APH
publishers New Delhi.
8. Vakkil and Begum Jahitha, A. (2010) Teaching Attitude towards Learning Difficulties,
Professional Competence of Teacher Educators, 2010 Book published by Rakhi
9. Pushpavalli and Begum Jahitha, A. (2010) Role of Nutrition in Memory (Review)
Quality Concerns in Teacher Education Book Published by APH publishers New Delhi,
2010. Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
10. Begum Jahitha, A. and Lokanatha Reddy. The Key pillars of Education in the context Of
Globalisation in Life long Education (Review), Dept. of Adult Education, S.V. University,
Tirupathy. Book Publication Discovery Publishers, New Delhi.
11. Lokanatha Reddy and Begum Jahitha, A. Areas of Research in life long education in an Era
of Globalisation.(Review), Dept. of Adult Education, S.V. University, Book Publish
Discovery Publishers, New Delhi.
12. Mahmooda Banu and Begum Jahitha, A. (2010) Muslim womens work participation in
India (Review), Quality Concerns in Teacher Education Book Published By APH
publishers New Delhi, 2010 Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
13. Begum Jahitha, A. and Mahmooda Banu (2010) Muslims in Modern India (Review),
Quality Concerns in Teacher Education Book Published By APH publishers New Delhi,
2010 Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
14. Begum Jahitha, A. and S.Mohan (2010) Hemispheric Preferences among PG students,
Professional Competence of Teacher Educators, 2010 Book published by Rakhi publications.
13. Begum Jahitha A. and M. Vakkil IPR in the Era of Globalization (Review) Published in
The book Intellectual Property Rights Demystified, New India Publishing Agency, New
Delhi. ISSN No: 81-89422-87-1
16. Begum Jahitha, A. and M. Vakkil Meta cognitive strategies for learner active Learning.
(Review) St. Xavier college of Education, Palayamkottai, Published in Book St. Xaviers
17. A.Felix & Begum Jahitha, A. Awareness on e-resources related to ICT and education
among M.Ed students and M.Phil scholars. (Research) Book Published By APH publishers
New Delhi, 2011, Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
18. Begum Jahitha, A. & Pushpavalli Chemistry Teaching through ICT. (Review) Book
Published By APH publishers New Delhi, 2011, Book published by APH publishers New
19. Begum Jahitha.A & Amuthu, Enhancement of Teaching Competency in English through
CAI among B.Ed Teacher Trainees. (Research) Book Published By APH publishers New
Delhi, 2011, Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
20. Begum Jahitha, A. & Manickam Information Communication Technology for ADHD
students. (Research) Book Published By APH publishers New Delhi, 2011, Book published
by APH publishers New Delhi.
21. Begum Jahitha, A. & Flora Jennifar Quality Improvement in Teacher Education.
(Review) Quality Indicators in Teacher Education Book Published By APH publishers New
Delhi, 2011, Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
22. Begum Jahitha, A. & Pushpavalli Role of Chemistry Teacher. (Review) Quality Indicators
in Teacher Education Book Published By APH publishers New Delhi, 2011, Book published
by APH publishers New Delhi.
23. Begum Jahitha, A. & Pushpavalli Role of Chemistry Teacher. (Review) Quality Indicators
in Teacher Education Book Published By APH publishers New Delhi, 2011, Book published
by APH publishers New Delhi.
24. Begum Jahitha, A. & Manickam Quality Assurance in Teacher Education. (Review)
Quality Indicators in Teacher Education Book Published By APH publishers New Delhi,
2011, Book published by APH publishers New Delhi.
23. Begum Jahitha, A. & Vivek Bharagava ICT A Tool For Enhancing Quality in Education
Institutions . (Review) , Modern Perspectives of organizational Behavior 201 Book
published by Rakhi Publications, Agra.
26. Begum Jahitha, A. & Vivek Bharagava ICT A Tool For Enhancing Quality in Education
Institutions . (Review) , Modern Perspectives of organizational Behavior 201 Book
published by Rakhi Publications, Agra.
27. Begum Jahitha, A. & Mahesh Bharagava Transportation Facilities for Disabled
Population. (Review), Differently Abled Children needs & Rehabilitation 201 Book
published by Rakhi Publications, Agra.
28. Begum Jahitha, T.Devathal & Ritu Aggarwal Language Learning Disabilities (Review) .
A Glance to Learning Disabilities 201 Book published by Rakhi Publications, Agra.
29. Begum Jahitha, & l Cognitive Neuro Science: A New paradigm in Education (Review),
Global Issues in Teacher Education, 201 Book published by Rakhi Publications, Agra.
30. Begum Jahitha, A. and Mahesh Bhargava (2011) Technology and Competencies Required
for ICT Integration in Teacher Education Managing Interpersonal Communication Book
Published by Rakhi Prakashan, Agra, 2011.
31. Begum Jahitha, A. and Mahesh Bhargava (2011) Neuro Psychological Correlates of
ADHD Clinical Neuropsychology Book Published by Rakhi Prakashan, Agra, 2011.
ub||cat|ons |n Conference roceed|ngs
1. Begum Jahitha, A. and Felix (2009) The impact of Technological advancement on
Participation of women with an emphasis of science and technology, Proceeding of the
National Seminar on work Participation and training Opportunities for women, Department
of Adult Education, Sri Venkateswara University Trupathy November, 2009.
2. Gowdhaman .K and Begum Jahitha, A. (2009) Computer Training to Muslim women of
Salem District, Proceeding of the National Seminar on work Participation and training
Opportunities for women, Department of Adult Education, Sri Venkateswara University
Trupathy, November, 2009.
3. Begum Jahitha, A. Values of Higher Secondary Students with respect to demographic
factors, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Innovative Learning Styles to Promote
Values, Kaliammal college of Education, Karur.
4. Begum Jahitha, A. Empowering muslim women through computer Education, Proceeding
of the National Seminar, Sriganesh college of Education.
5. Begum Jahitha, A. Enhancing the Achievement of the ADHD Students, Proceeding of the
National Seminar, Sriganesh college of Education.
6. Begum Jahitha, A. Teaching Learning Perspectives from Cognitive Science Dhanlakshmi
Srinivasan College of Education, Perambalur, January 29, 2011.
7. Begum Jahitha, A. Role of ICT in Teacher Education, Proceeding of the National Seminar,
Sriganesh college of Education February, 2011.
8. Begum Jahitha, A. Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Role of Stake Holders,
Proceeding of the National Seminar, Mother Therasa College of Education Illuppur, March,
9. Begum Jahitha, A. ICT For Improving Quality in Teacher Education Proceeding of the
National Seminar, JRS College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
10. Begum Jahitha, A. Reflections on Integrating ICT in B.Ed Curriculum Among The College
Lecturers Proceeding of the National Seminar, JRS College of Education, Annamangalam,
March, 2011.
11. Begum Jahitha, A. Modern Teacher And Latest Communication System Proceeding of the
National Seminar, Elizabeth College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
12. Begum Jahitha, A. Principles of Effective Teaching Proceeding of the National Seminar,
Elizabeth College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
13. Begum Jahitha, A. An Investigation into the Integration ICT skills among the B.Ed Teacher
Trainees Proceeding of the National Seminar, Elizabeth College of Education,
Annamangalam, March, 2011.
14. Begum Jahitha, A. Identifying pupils with ADHD Proceeding of the National Seminar,
Elizabeth College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
15. Begum Jahitha, A. A Critical Analysis of Teacher Education Proceeding of the National
Seminar, Excel College of Education, Kumarapalayam, April, 2011.
1. The Effectiveness of Information Technology Awareness programme among DIET
Students (National), Thiagarajar College of Education Madurai, 5
& 6
Apl. 2001.
2. Computer Mediated Communication in Promoting Collaborative language learning
(National), Dept. of Educational Tech. Bharathidasan University Trichy, 9
& 10
Feb. 2002.
3. The Impact of Met cognitive Strategies on Regulation of Learning- A Social Goal
(Nat|ona|)", uepL. of Soclology 8haraLhldasan unlverslLy 1rlchy, 18
& 19
leb. 2002.
4. Symbiosis of Met cognition and Self Regulation on learning (Inter National), Dept. of
Earth Science, Tamil University, Tanjavore, 23
& 25
Aug. 2002.
5. The Effect of Mediated Learning Experience on enhancing the communicative Competence
among DIET students (National), NCERT, New Delhi, 14
& 17
Apl. 2003
6. The Role of Met cognition on enhancing the quality of learning (National), V.O.C.
College, Tuticorin, 6
Sep. 2003.
7. Neuro-Biological Perspectives of language Acquisition (National), College of Education,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 5
8. Developing Communicative skills through Meta cognitive Strategies among DIET
Students, NCERT, New Delhi, 26
& 28
May 2005.
9. Community Development: Role of Universities and NGOs (National), Dept. of Adult
Education S.V. Uni. Tirupathi, 5
& 6
Dec. 2006.
10. Mediated Learning Experience an Intervention for Special Needs Population (National),
S.R.K.V, Coimbatore, 16
& 17
Dec. 2006.
11. Community Development: Role of Universities and NGOs (National), Dept. of Adult
Education, S.V. University, Tirupathy, 5
& 6
Dec. 2005.
12. The Key pillars of Education in the context of Globalisation in Life long Education
(National), Dept. of Adult Education S.V. University, Tirupathy, 3
& 4
Mar. 2006.13. 13.
Areas of Research in life long education in an Era Globalisation. (National), Dept. of
Adult Education, S.V. University, Tirupathy, 3
& 4
Mar. 2006.
14. The effect of Met cognitive Strategies on English Learning. (International), CPA
College, Bodinayakanur, 21
& 23
Feb. 2006.
15. Impact of Globalization and Competition in Higher Education (National), Dept. of
Economics Periyar University, Salem, 6
& 7
Feb. 2006.
16. Reconstructing Higher Education Curriculum In the context of Globalisation (National
Workshop), Dept. of Education Alagappa University Karaikudi, 24
& 26
Mar. 2006.
17. e-Learning (National), Alagappa University Karaikudi, 25
& 26
Apl. 2006.
18. Disability Issues and Special Education Curriculum (National), Society for Disability And
Rehabilitation Studies New Delhi, 5
to 8
July, 2006.
19. The Role of Met cognitive and Self Regulatory Strategies on Enhancing the
Communicative Skills of the Students.(National), Dept. of Adult Education, S.V.
University, Tirupathy, 16
& 17
August, 2006.
20. Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Globailsation (National), Dept. of Geology
Periyar University, Salem, 5
& 6
Oct, 2006.
21. The Role of Universities in facing the Challenges and Evolving Strategies in the Five Year
Plan (National), Department of Adult Education, Andhra University Vishakhapatnam,
& 8
Oct, 2006.
22. Learner Active Strategies for Intellectual Alertness (International), VOC College of
Education, Tutucorin, 30
Oct & Nov 1
& 2
Dec, 2006.
23. Fastoring Structural Cognitive Modifiability among the Pre Service Teachers (National,
Department of Education Periyar University, Salem, 19
& 20
January, 2006.
24. Role of Affective Strategies on Enhancing Learning (National), Organized by DEP, SSA at
Calcutta, 4
to 6
Feb. 2007.
25. Neuro Biological Aspects of Memory (National), Department of Bio-Chemistry
Periyar University, Salem, 26
& 27
Feb. 2007.
26. Enhancing Quality Education in the New Millennium (National), Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore, 27
& 28
Feb. 2007.
27. Mediated Learning Experience (National), Kasthooribha Gandhi College of Education,
Athanur, Rasipuram, Salem (Dt), 3
& 4
March, 2007.
28. A Model to Enhance Communicative Competence Using Metacognitive And Mediated
Learning Experience Strategies (National), PGP College of Education Namakkal,
& 7
Apl. 2007.
29. Impact of Gender and Marriage among Disabled Women in India (National), National
Association for Blind, Bangalore, 2
& 3
Oct. 2007.
30. Hemispheric Preferences among the PG students of Periyar University (International),
Department of Education, Periyar University, Salem, 28
to 30
Nov. 2007.
31. Self Monitoring a Tool for Professional Development of Language Teachers (International),
ELTAI- Sathyabama University, Chennai, 8
to 10
Feb. 2008.
32. Changing role of University Teachers (International), Dept. of Education Mother Teresa
University, Kodaikanal. T.N., 23
& 24
Feb. 2008.
33. ICT A Tool for Enhancing Quality in Education (International), Dept. of Education
Bharathidasan University, Trichy. T.N., 28
to 29
March 2008.
34. Accreditation: A Tool for Assuring Quality in Higher Education: Recommendations for
Improving Accreditation (National), Sri Sarada College of Education Salem 11. T.N.,
& 10
April 2008.
35. Discovery Learning (National), Sri Ramaiya College of Education, Bangalore. Karnataka,
& 5
Sep. 2008.
36. ERIC Researchers Seminar (National), NCERT, New Delhi, 3th & 4
Dec 2008.
37. Self Regulatory Strategies and teaching competence (National), Department of Education,
Periyar University, Salem, 22&23 Jan. 2009.
38. Enhancing professional competence: A Neuro scientific Perspective. (National), Excel
College of Education Kumarapalayam, 5&6 Feb. 2009.
39. Education in the Knowledge Society (National), Dept of PG studies in Education and
Research Siddaganga College of Education, Tumkur, karanataka, 22 & 23 October, 2009.
40. Quality Improvement in Teacher Education (National), Christ College of Education
Dharmapuri, 30 & 31, October, 2009.
41. Importance of Language Games in Teaching English (International), Dept of English and
Foreign Languages, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 4 & 5
42. Quality Issues in Higher Education (National), Sri Sarada College of Education, Salem,
December 2009.
43. E-heritage and preservation of e-resources (International), Dept. of Education
Bharathidasan University, 18, 19 Feb, 2010.
44. Enhancing professional competence using ICT. (National), Excel College of education
Kumarapalayam, Feb 2010.
45. Enhancing the Achievement of the ADHD Students Preparing Teachers of Tomorrow, (State)
Sri Ganesh College of Education, Salem, March 2010.
46. Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Innovations, Research and Development.
(National). Indra Ganesan College of Education, Trichy, April 2010.
47. Marching Towards Excellence in Teacher Education, Mariamman College of Education,
(National)Trichy, April 2010.
48. Cognitive Neuroscience: A new paradigm in education, (National) Department of psychology, Pandit
Ravishankar Shukla University, October, 24-26, 2010.
49. Cognitive Science A New Paradigm in Education Research/ Department of Education, Gandhigram
Rural University, December 15 & 16, 2011.
50. Language, Cognition and Brain, (International) Department of English and Foreign Languaes,
Alagappa University, January 4 & 5, 2011.
51. Teaching Learning Perspectives from Cognitive Science Dhanlakshmi Srinivasan College of
Education, Perambalur, January 29, 2011.
52 Cognitive Science A New Paradigm in Education Bishop Agni Swami College of Education,
Muttom, Kanyakumari, February 11, 2011.
53. Teaching Basic skills in computer Science to B.Ed Teacher Trainees(National) Department of
Education, Mother Terasa University, Kodaikkanal, February 18 & 19, 2011.
54. Role of ICT in Teacher Education, (Regional ), Sriganesh college of Education
February, 2011.
55. Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Role of Stake Holders, (National), Mother
Theresa College of Education Illuppur, March, 2011.
56. Information and Communication Technology, (State) PSG College of Education, Sankari,
March, 2011.
57. Cognitive Neuroscience a new paradigm in education (International), Indra Ganesan
College of Education Illuppur, March, 2011.
58. SWOT Analysis on ICT Integration in the Teacher Education Programme (National),
Department of Education Manonmanium Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli, 11
and 12
March, 2011.
58. A Critical Analysis of Teacher Education (National), Excel College of ducation,
Kumarapalayam,April, 2011.
59. Teaching learning Perspectives from Cognitive Science Tamil Nadu Science Congress,
Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, 26
& 27
June, 2011.
60. Effect of Attention Activation Strategies on Improving Academic Achievement of Students with
ADHD (National) Department of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, Bangalore 24- 26
November, 2011.
61. Opinion of Experts on ICT Integration in Teacher Education (National), Department of
Education, Gandhigram Rural University, February 10
& 11
, 2012.
62. Workshop on Cloud Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Chandra
Sekahrendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram, 30
March, 2012.
63. Brain Compatible Teaching Strategies (National), Excel College of ducation, Kumarapalayam,
April, 2011.
1. Begum Jahitha, A. Innovative Teaching Learning and Evaluation Techniques , DIET ,
Manjur, Ramanathapuram District, 28
October, 2006.
2. Begum Jahitha, A. Strategies for Effective Communication, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader
16th October, 2006.
3. Begum Jahitha, A. Innovative Teaching Strategies for Effective Communication, Thassim
Beevi Abdul Kader 16
October, 2006.
4. Begum Jahitha, A. Innovative Teaching & Learning Methods, Research Methods in Social
Sciences SSM College of Engineering, Komarapalayam, 5
June, 2007.
3. Begum Jahitha, A. Valedictory Address Sports Day, Usvathul Hasana Oriental Arabic
Girls Hr.Sec. School, Pallappatti, 23
August, 2007.
6. Begum Jahitha, A. English Literary Association, Islamiah Womens Arts and Science
College, Vaniambadi, 9
March, 2008.
7. Begum Jahitha, A. Educational Activities in Elementary Education to Enhance the Human
Relationship DIET, Palayampatti, 8
September, 2008.
8. Begum Jahitha, A. Inaugural Address of B.Ed Programme, Kavery College of Education,
Mecheri, Salem, 11
September, 2008.
9. Begum Jahitha, A. Citizenship Camp, KV Womens College of Education, Salem, 23
March, 2011.
10. Begum Jahitha, A. Educating the Children with Autism Sri Sarada of Education, Salem
April, , 2009.
11. Begum Jahitha, A. Recent Trends in Educational Research Paavai College of Education,
Namakkal, April, 2009.
12. Begum Jahitha, A. IGNOU Oxford PSM College of Education (B.Ed) IGNOU Oxford
Community College, Salem, September, 2009.
13. Begum Jahitha, A. Educational Awareness Programme Annai Satya Childrens Home,
Salem 26
July, 2009.
14. Begum Jahitha, A. Annai Satya Childrens Home, Salem 26
July, 2009.
13. Begum Jahitha, A. Enhancing Teaching Competency of B.Ed., Students Through Neuro
Cognitive Orientation Thavathiru Kundrakudi Adigalar College of Education for Women,
Chennai, September, 2009.
16. Begum Jahitha, A. IGNOU Oxford PSM College of Education(B.Ed) IGNOU Oxford
Community College, Salem, September, 2009.
17. Begum Jahitha, A. Dimensions in Higher Education International Workshop, HKBK
Business Academy 8
October, 2009.
18. Begum Jahitha, A. Inaugural Function of Literary Association, Excel Engnineering College,
Komarapalayam, Salem 04
November, 2009.
19. Begum Jahitha, A. Educational Awareness Programme, Valarpirai Islamia Peravai, 1
November, 2011.
20. Begum Jahitha, A. Skill Enhancement of Teachers & Parents Sri Sarada College of
Education, Salem, January, 2010.
21. Begum Jahitha, A. E-Resource in higher Education: Issues, Developments, Opportunities
and Challenges, Department of Education, Bharathidasan University , Triuchirappalli,
February, 2010.
22. Begum Jahitha, Animators Training Programme, SHGs National Integrated Welfare and
Development Trust, Omalur, February, 2010.
23. Begum Jahitha, A. Innovative Learning Styles to Promote Values in Teacher Education
National Seminar, Kaliammal College of Education, Pavithram, Karur, March, 2010.
24. Begum Jahitha, A. Educational Awareness Programme Islami Baithul Maal TMMK, 27
June, 2010.
23. Begum Jahitha, A. Environmental Education for Teachers Department of Applied
Research, Gandhigram Rural Institute, GRI, Gandhigram, October, 2010.
26. Begum Jahitha, A , Cognitive Neuroscience : A new paradigm in education, (National) Department
of psychology, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, October, 24-26, 2010.
27. Begum Jahitha, A. Research Methodology and Statistics and Prize Distribution Function
One day Orientation Training, Venkatesvara College of Education, Pudukkottai, November,
28. Begum Jahitha, A. Annual Day Address, DIET, T. Kallupatti, Madurai, December, 2010.
29. Begum Jahitha, A. Citizenship Training Camp Lakshmi College of Education, GRi,
Gandhigram, December, 2010.
30. Begum Jahitha, A. Innovation in Teacher Education National Orientation Seminar,
Inspiration College of Teacher Education (ICTE), Uttarakhand, December, 2010.
31. Begum Jahitha, A. Annual Day Address Thambi thottam High.Sec.School, GRI,
Gandhigram, January, 2011.
32. Begum Jahitha, A. Teaching Learning Perspectives from Cognitive Science Dhanlakshmi
Srinivasan College of Education, Proceeding of the National Seminar, Perambalur, January
29, 2011.
33. Begum Jahitha, A. Role of ICT in Teacher Education, National Seminar, Sriganesh college
of Education February, 2011.
34. Begum Jahitha, A. Quality Assurance in Teacher Education Proceeding of the National
Seminar, Bishop Agniswamy College of Education, Kanyakumari, February, 2011.
33. Begum Jahitha, A. Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Role of Stake Holders,
Proceeding of the National Seminar, Mother Therasa College of Education Illuppur, March,
36. Begum Jahitha, A. Reflections on Integrating ICT in B.Ed Curriculum Among The College
Lecturers ICT For Improving Quality in Teacher Education National Seminar, JRS
College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
37. Begum Jahitha, A. Modern Teacher And Latest Communication System National
Seminar, Elizabeth College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
38. Begum Jahitha, A. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Teacher Education
Indra Ganesan College of Education, March, 2011.
39. Begum Jahitha, A. Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Education ,
PSG College of Education, Sankari, March, 2011.
40. Begum Jahitha, A. A Critical Analysis of Teacher Education Proceeding of the National
Seminar, Excel College of Education, Kumarapalayam, April, 2011.
41. Begum Jahitha, A. Personality Development Camp P.S.G. College of Education, Sankari,
42. Begum Jahitha, A. Identification of Research Problems and Statement of Problems, UGC
Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 10
March, 2011.
43. Begum Jahitha, A. Valedictory Function Proceeding of the National Seminar, J.R.S.
College of Education, Annamangalam, March, 2011.
44. Begum Jahitha, A. Recent Advances and Future Trends in Teacher Education & Releasing
of Book ICT in Teacher Learning Proceeding of the National Seminar, Excel College of
Education, Namakkal, April, 2011.
43. Begum Jahitha, A. Internet in Education, State Level Seminar, Institute of Education
Srirangam, 26
April, 2011.
46. Begum Jahitha, A. Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Education, PSG
College of Education, Sankari, Salem, March, 2011.
47. Begum Jahitha, A. Convocation Address3
Graduation Ceremony Christ College of
Education, Dharmapuri, May, 2011.
48. Begum Jahitha, A. Research and Information in Library Network, UGC Academic Staff
College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 16
May, 2011.
49. Begum Jahitha, A.Inaugural Address of B.Ed Programme Mennakshi B.Ed., College,
Dindigul, August 2011.
30. Begum Jahitha, A. Research and Information in Library Network, UGC Academic Staff
College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 01
June, 2011.
31. Begum Jahitha, A. Action Research and Case Study, UGC Academic Staff College,
Kannur University, Kannur, Kerala, 14
July, 2011.
32. Begum Jahitha, A. Publication of Research Articles, Staff Development Programme,
Department of BioTechnology, Karunya University, Coimbatore, 15
July, 2011.
33. Begum Jahitha, A. Study of Variables, UGC Academic Staff College, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore, 16
July, 2011.
34. Begum Jahitha, A. Cognitive Science Education, UGC Academic Staff College, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore, 19
September, 2011.
33. Begum Jahitha, A. Importance of Guru, Gurukul System, Gandhigram Rural Institute, 7
October, 2011.
36. Begum Jahitha, A. Concluding Address, Department of Life Long Learning, Gandhigram
Rural Institute, 18
November, 2011.
37. Begum Jahitha, A. Concluding Address Department of Life Long Learning, Gandhigram
Rural Institute, 18
November, 2011.
38. Cognitive Science A New Paradigm in Education Research Department of Education, Gandhigram ,
Rural University, December 15 & 16, 2011.
39. Begum Jahitha, A. Teacher Education Curriculum: Theory and Practice Proceeding of the
National level Seminar, R.V.S college of Education, Dindigul-5 March, 2012.
60. Begum Jahitha, A. Multi Personality Development Camp, P.S.G.College of Education,
Sankari, March, 2012.
61. Begum Jahitha, A. National Workshop on Expansion and Enrichment of Distance Learning,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, March, 2012.
62. Begum Jahitha, A. Faculty Development Programme for School Teachers of Pedagogical
skills Gandhigram Rural Institute, GRI, Gandhigram, March, 2012.
63. Begum Jahitha, A. National Level Seminar on Innovative Trends in Education ST.Pauls
College of Education, Bangalore, May 2012.
64. Begum Jahitha, A. One day State level Seminar on Technology & Teacher Education
DKT College of Education, Tirupur, March, 2012.
63. Begum Jahitha, A.Values Education: Trends and problems in School Education Proceeding
of the National Seminar, Raj College of Education, Madurai, April, 2012.
66. Begum Jahitha, A. National Education Day Gandhigram Rural Institute, GRI, Gandhigram,
November, 2012.
67. Begum Jahitha, A. Brain and Values Department of Education, Kuppam University, Andra
Pradesh, 5 th and 6
January, 2012.
68. Begum Jahitha, A. Micro Teaching Skills Arulmigu Palaniandavar Arts College for
Women, 28th Marchl, 2012.
69. Begum Jahitha, A. Cognitive Science Chaitanya bharathi Institute of Technology, AICTE
sponsored Personality and Staff Development Programme, Proddatur, Andra Pradesh 23
25 April, 2012.