Teacher Invitation Letter
Teacher Invitation Letter
Teacher Invitation Letter
Dear Music Teacher, You are invited to join us for our 5th annual Love of Music Marathon. All are welcome to take part: professionals and students, teachers and parents, instrumentalists, and vocalists. Your musical contribution and the participation of your students and their families will make this all-day community concert a huge success.
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Attached to this information letter is a Love of Music Marathon Poster, Performer Invitation letter, Performer Registration form, and Sponsor Sheets. All of these documents are available online at www.kwsymphony.on.ca/musicmarathon. Heres what to do:
Post Love of Music Marathon posters in your school or studio. Encourage students to participate. This is a community event and a unique opportunity to showcase talents in front of an appreciative audience, while contributing to our community. Give each participant a Performer Invitation letter, Sponsor Sheet(s) and Poster and encourage them to collect sponsorships from family, friends, and neighbours. Additional forms can be obtained from you, the teacher, or they may be photocopied or downloaded from the website: www.kwsymphony.on.ca/musicmarathon Select what will be performed and have students prepare for and time their performance. Each individual will perform for a maximum of 10 minutes. Ensembles and groups will perform for a maximum of 20 min. Memorization is encouraged, but not necessary. Complete the Performer Registration forms . Be sure to include all required information. Send your completed Performer Registration forms no later than October 22nd By E-mail to: [email protected] Or mail to: Love of Music Marathon c/o Joanne Bender 22 McDougall Road Waterloo, ON N2L 2W5
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Check the performance schedule 1 November at www.kwsymphony.on.ca/musicmarathon Performers are scheduled in one-hour segments and as a courtesy to others, participants and their audiences are asked to be present for the full hour in which they are performing.
All performers should arrive at First United Church at least 15 minutes before the hour in which they are scheduled to perform. ALL individual performers and a representative from each group need to check in at the REGISTRATION desk prior to their performance and hand in completed Sponsor Sheets and ALL donations. Encourage friends, family, and other students to come and enjoy the music. As a courtesy to all performers, we ask both musicians and their audiences to stay for the full hour . There is no admission fee, but donations in support of the K-W Symphony are welcome at the door.
NOTE: Sponsors who donate $20 or more will receive a tax receipt. ALL funds raised go directly to support our wonderful Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Participants are encouraged to raise as much money as possible. Prizes will be awarded to individuals who raise the most money and also to those who recruit the most sponsors. The list of sponsorship incentive prizes (all generously donated by local supporters), will be listed on the website October 15th. The performance groups that collectively raise the most money in support of the K-W Symphony will receive a special certificate of recognition. High school students can receive community service hours for participating. All performers will receive vouchers for an upcoming K-W Symphony Youth Orchestra Concert Encourage your students to set goals for themselves to do their best for the Love of Music and for the K-W Symphony! Remind them that this is a great way to contribute to our community, and anyone can take part, regardless of age or level of achievement. Thank you for your help in supporting the K-W Symphony with your Love of Music!
Joanne Bender Love of Music Marathon Coordinator K-W Symphony Volunteer Committee (519) 885-0319 / [email protected]