MPRWA Burnett Lts Re GWR Impediments and Cumulative Project Costs10!10!13

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October 10, 2013

Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency

Dedicated to meeting the wastewater and reclamation needs of our member agencies, while protecting the environment.

Administration Office: 5 Harris Court, Bldg. D, Monterey, CA 93940-5756 (831) 372-3367 or 422-1001, FAX: (831) 372-6178 Website:

Mayor Jason Burnett Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Monterey City Hall Monterey, CA 93940 Dear Jason, As I mentioned at the TAC meeting on Monday, I am providing a further update on the GWR Report after consultation yesterday with Dave Stoldt. Specifically in your email, you have requested a list of key impediments to timely completion of GWR, along with a timeline and plans for working through the impediments. The request assumes that we can, in fact, identify the key impediments at this time. While the October 7 Task List identifies a number of GWR activities that must be completed prior to December 2014, not all of these are likely to be true impediments. Most of these can be completed with reasonable expenditures of time and resources. I would define true impediments as tasks which are not completed despite extraordinary expenditures of time and resources. As example, if one of the parties refuses to negotiate in good faith for source water, that could be a true impediment. Using this definition of impediments, I would suggest that my initial list of potential impediments would include: Timely completion of source water agreements Implementation of a coordinated public outreach program

For each, we would welcome assistance of the MPWRA. Im pretty sure there are other .potential impediments that will arise as tasks are being completed. To
joint Powers Authority Member Entiues Distnct, Castroville Community Services District, County of Monterey, I)cl Rey Oaks, liort Ord, Marina Coast Water District, Monterey, Moss Landing County Sanitation District, Pacific Grove, Salinas, Sand City, and Seaside.

Boronda Counp


Mayor Burnett October 10, 2013 Page 2 of 2

identify some of these, I would propose to utilize the project Independent Advisory Panel (lAP). As these experts have observed a number of successful and incomplete advanced water treatment projects, they would be in a better position to offer an objective critique on many aspects on our project. The lAP is meeting here on October 21 and 22. In addition, we have scheduled a joint outreach coordination meeting for later this month. Therefore, we should have an updated list of potential key impediments and associated work plan ready by the first week of November. We have already identified activities where the Water Authority would be of assistance. These include: Participation in key discussions with regulatory agencies Support of project funding via the 2014 Water Bond Assistance in the planning of the Externalities Study

I believe that the above process with the lAP will provide meaningful information and lead to a work plan that will advance GWR. I look forward to your return comments and suggestions. Yours truly,

Kth Israel, General Manager cc: Jim Cullem

Z:\General Manager\Mayors JPA-MPR Waler Authority\Jason Burnett\Burnett Its re GWR impediments 10-10-13 don


Groundwater Replenishment Cummulative Project Costs

C 4,000 o s t 3,500 i n


T h o 2,500 u s a 2,000 n d
1,500 D o l l 1,000 a r s 500



0 July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July

Fiscal Year 2013-2014

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