4 Design Vision
4 Design Vision
4 Design Vision
Existing Beeline Expressway Frontage View Looking East With Durrance Elementary School in the Foreground
Beeline Expressway
Daetwyler Drive
Tradeport Drive 45
Plan features include: Interconnected network of livable neighborhood streets providing dispersed access while discouraging cut-through traffic with grid shifts, narrow streets, street trees, on-street parking, roundabouts, and other traffic calming devices. Placemaking/organizational feature of boulevard parkway through center of neighborhood, intersecting at Town Center with Daetwyler Drive and public square (existing canal piped underneath). Urban Hierarchy of large buildings, such as townhomes and apartments fronting on larger public spaces such as the Community Park or parkway. Residential blocks oriented with all roads leading to parkway. Buildings fronting the streets and public spaces, parking from alley access in the back and on-street in the front. Public Square with retention/pretreatment capability for development north of existing canal. Location of single family residential backing up to existing Villages of Southport single family, and vegetation of existing swale to create a forested rear buffer. Sensitively placed connections to the existing Villages of Southport street grid. Civic development site as neighborhood anchor opening out to Southport Community Park. Improved Avenue C and Daetwyler Road, including attractively designed office/flex uses fronting each road. Rerouting of surface runoff and storm drainage south of central canal to retention areas adjacent to existing wetlands for attenuation / re-hydration. Placement of residential uses west of Noise Zone E, fronting Town Center Neighborhood streets. Placement of office/flex/light industrial uses east of Noise Zone E, fronting Avenue C and other Tradeport/GOAA area development. Retention, landscape and orientation forming substantial buffer between office/flex and Town Center/residential.
Canal Corridor
Boggy Creek
Roa d
Landstreet Road
Landstreet Entry
This area is envisioned as an environmental area with enhancement and recreation opportunities. Stormwater from the southern Town Center development can be routed to the area for pretreatment and attenuation in the wetlands. This approach will reduce retention requirements in the more easily developable uplands, but will require some wetland impacts. Areas shown include the 60 acre Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) property adjacent to the Town Center, and the 17.4 acre Department of Interior (DOI) property north of Dowden Road. These impacts are concentrated in the western wetland, which is more seriously degraded. The conversion of some or all of this wetland to stormwater would serve the Town Center development. It also provides the opportunity to improve the storage and pretreatment characteristics of stormwater runoff from the adjacent Villages of Southport neighborhood, which currently outfalls to conveyance lands with little or no treatment. The wetland to the east is maintained, with minimal impact due to a retention pond to the north. This wetland can be improved with attenuation, a low weir on the adjacent canal, removal of exotics and other practices to improve hydration and wetland species. ALTERNATIVE 1 - GOLF COURSE EXPANSION If the existing 9-hole Boggy Creek Golf Course remains in operation, Alternative 1 shows how the area surrounding the wetlands can be used as an expansion of the existing course. While this opportunity requires additional wetland impacts, a new #1 Tee through #9 green could be located on this site around the periphery of the wetlands in conjunction with other required stormwater. Existing Villages of Southport homes would become 'fairway homes', and the presence of golf in the entire Southport community would be expanded. The original course could become holes 10 through 18, utilizing the existing clubhouse between #9 and #10. ALTERNATIVE 2 - NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT If the existing Boggy Creek Golf Course does not remain in operation, or if the developer of the City properties choses not to include a golf course expansion as part of the redevelopment, Alternative 2 shows how the area surrounding the wetlands can be used for neighborhood development. In this alternative, the proposed stormwater retention system is treated as a neighborhood amenity, with residential homes surrounding the west side and neighborhood business development fronting along the existing Avenue C corridor. The neighborhood development envisioned in Alternative 2 will be closely related to similar development south of the Environmental Area, on the northern portion of the former 'apartment' site. This neighborhood is discussed further on page 63B of this document, and the development statistics shown for Alternative 2 on that page include the residential units and nonresidential floor area shown here for the Environmental Area.
Wetland Impacts Based on the conceptual development plan, approximately 14.2 acres of wetlands are proposed for dredge or fill activities. These impacts have been focused on severely degraded wetland systems, including Wetland #2 and the northern portion of Wetland #1. These impacts were located in consultation with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Permitting Strategy On July 9, 2002 the project engineer and Glatting Jackson ecologist met with Mr. Marc Ady (SFWMD). This meeting resulted in the current plan for wetland impacts and mitigation opportunities, and included the following elements: Given the current condition of Wetland #2, target this area for stormwater retention (i.e., dredge impact). Enhance Wetland #1, as described below in the Mitigation section. Perform a functional wetland assessment such as the Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (W.R.A.P) on both the impact and mitigation areas. Any deficiency will need to be mitigated offsite. Based on current W.R.A.P projections, the functional equivalent of wetland impacts and on site mitigation is 4.5 and 3.0 acres, respectively. The difference, 1.5 acres of functional wetland impact, will be mitigated off-site. Mitigation Mitigation for proposed wetland impacts includes both on- and off-site components, including: Wetland enhancement - Wetland #1 has some hydrologic enhancement opportunities. Stormwater from surrounding development can be routed to the area for attenuation and restoration of seasonal high water elevations in this system. At this point, additional runoff can discharge back to the canal at the east property line. In addition, the major conveyance canal can be treated with a series of low flow weirs to limit ground water draw down during the dry seasons. This approach will reduce retention requirements and maximize developable upland areas. Wetland preservation - Wetland #3, #4, #5, and #6 are proposed for preservation and will provide some minimal mitigation credit. Off-site - Wetland impacts in the current plan will likely exceed mitigation opportunities within the project area. Additional offsite mitigation, via mitigation bank credit purchase or other offsite opportunities, may be required for 1.5 acres of functional wetland impact.
The design of stormwater drainage for the Vision Plan closely follows the conceptual stormwater plan on page 61 and details described in the appendix. Small ponds throughout the site provide treatment and storage for each basin. Much of the Town Center Neighborhood is gathered in basin K, where several ponds, in combination with wetland attenuation in basin M before outfall to the canal. Drainage in this area also addresses same treatment and storage for the existing neighborhoods in basin I and basin L, which currently outfall untreated to the canal. The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has special stormwater management restrictions on this Basin. These restrictions are discussed in detail in the appendix. However, during an informal meeting with the SFWMD on July 9, 2002, Mr. Ed Yaun, SFWMD staff member, indicated that the District would not enforce some of the basin restrictions, but instead would allow a "Pre versus Post-Condition" design similar to that used in the Master Drainage System design provided by Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan (PBS&J) in 1979. In addition, SFWMD will not credit impervious areas which were removed as a part of the preparation for future development. Only impervious areas which exist at the time of permitting will be credited to the predeveloped condition. The design of the stormwater system includes acceptance of offsite drainage from adjacent existing residential and commercial areas to the north and west of this site. Conveyance of this stormwater through the site will be required with no adverse impacts on upstream or downstream facilities. Per the SFWMD meeting (See Technical Memo for meeting minutes), full treatment is required for any new developments . The runoff from off-site and existing developments can be by-passed without being treated, otherwise full treatment is required if the runoff from these areas mix with new development. In addition, the existing canal can be piped in the future design granted that there are no adverse impacts to the upstream or downstream areas and that treatment provided in the canal shall be compensated. The stormwater design analysis in the appendix was based on the most current standards from the City of Orlando and SFWMD. The developer will need to implement these criteria standards within their design in order to obtain the necessary approval and permits from each of these agencies. In addition, it should be noted that this report is only a guideline and is subject to interpretation and change as agency standards are updated and changed. It is the developers' responsibility to contact these agencies prior to any design in order to verify the most current design standards.
Basin A
Basin P
Basin E
Basin K
Basin I
Basin H-1
Basin K
Basin M
Basin N-2
120,000 sf
9,500 sf
5.5 acres 25.0 acres 14.0 acres 9.5 acres 13.5 acres 3.7 acres 23.0 acres 2.5 acres 3.3 acres 60.0 acres 34.6 acres 13.3 acres 10.6 acres 1.5 acres -----80.9 acres 38.0 acres 5.8 acres ----------17.4 acres 19.7 acres 53.5 acres 15.3 acres 25.0 acres 20.0 acres 11.0 acres 5.5 acres -----13.5 acres 3.7 acres 2.5 acres 47.9 acres 17.4 acres __63.9 acres 279.2 acres 6.6 acres 3.6 acres 3.0 acres
8 units ------
Property South of Environmental Area (includes former Navy Apts. & DOI Transfer Property) Single Family detached 135 units Townhomes attached 50 units Multifamily -----Industrial / Warehouse Space -----DOI Transfer Property Other Parks & Retention 219 units 137 units 550 units 240,000 sf 120,000 sf 40,000 sf -----9,500 sf
Summary (does not include HOA properties listed below) Single Family detached Townhomes attached Multifamily Business Office Retail / Commercial Office / Flex Space Industrial / Warehouse Space STUDY AREA 17 (Navy & City parcels) Civic / Fire Sta. Public / Civic Use Golf Course Expansion / Wetlands DOI Transfer Property Other Parks / Retention / Easements / Buffers TOTAL Villages of Southport HOA Properties Community Storage Site Pool #1 Site (retains existing pool) *
12 units 4 units
All acreages are approximate. Road rights-of-way adjacent to each use are included in acreage totals.
Alternative 2 (Neighborhood Development and Industrial / Warehouse Park) 240,000 sf 27.3 acres 20.0 acres 7.3 acres 110.0 acres 11.0 acres 5.5 acres 25.0 acres 14.0 acres 9.5 acres 13.5 acres 3.7 acres 23.0 acres 2.5 acres 3.3 acres 60.0 acres ------13.3 acres 13.7 acres 17.0 acres 16.0 acres 80.9 acres -----6.4 acres 8.1 acres 25.3 acres 17.4 acres 23.7 acres 31.0 acres 15.9 acres 33.1 acres 20.0 acres 11.0 acres 21.5 acres 25.3 acres 13.5 acres 3.7 acres 2.5 acres 13.3 acres 17.4 acres __71.0 acres 279.2 acres 6.6 acres 3.6 acres 3.0 acres
Durrance Elem. Sch. Land Swap (changes apply to both alternatives) + 120,000 sf + 14.6 acres
- 10 units - 42 units
9,500 sf
- 9,500 sf
- 2.5 acres
122 units 142 units 693 units 240,000 sf 120,000 sf 120,000 sf 360,000 sf 9,500 sf
12 units 4 units