Eugene Uzamere - Resumefinal
Eugene Uzamere - Resumefinal
Eugene Uzamere - Resumefinal
1851 Watson Avenue, Bronx, New York 10472▪ Phone 718-829-0192 ▪ Fax 718-504-5326
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Bar Admissions
09/96 New York
12/90 Nigeria
Professional experience
04/01 EL Realty Inc., Bronx, New York
to Principal Broker
Prese Licensed New York State Broker. Involved with commercial and residential real estate transactions. Draft loan documents and
nt negotiate loan terms and conditions. Advise lenders on land use issues. Prepare purchase and sale agreements. Member of the Bronx
Manhattan Association of Realtors.
In house advisor to the Eligibility investigations unit (EIU). Responsible for determining client eligibility for
temporary housing
assistance. Ensuring the protection of the interests of the agency and clients. Reviewing case files to ensure
the compliance with
applicable legal standards. Conducting conferences with clients to review the agency's denial of temporary