In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) vacated the denial of the respondent’s application for adjustment of status and remanded for further consideration because the Immigration Judge failed to question the respondent as to whether he intended to enter the country as a crewman. The decision was written by Member Roger Pauley and joined by Member Patricia Cole and Member Anne Greer.
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Everton Dane Henry, A089 425 229 (BIA March 18, 2011)
In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) vacated the denial of the respondent’s application for adjustment of status and remanded for further consideration because the Immigration Judge failed to question the respondent as to whether he intended to enter the country as a crewman. The decision was written by Member Roger Pauley and joined by Member Patricia Cole and Member Anne Greer.
In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) vacated the denial of the respondent’s application for adjustment of status and remanded for further consideration because the Immigration Judge failed to question the respondent as to whether he intended to enter the country as a crewman. The decision was written by Member Roger Pauley and joined by Member Patricia Cole and Member Anne Greer.
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Everton Dane Henry, A089 425 229 (BIA March 18, 2011)
In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) vacated the denial of the respondent’s application for adjustment of status and remanded for further consideration because the Immigration Judge failed to question the respondent as to whether he intended to enter the country as a crewman. The decision was written by Member Roger Pauley and joined by Member Patricia Cole and Member Anne Greer.
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Ezra, Eran Ben, Esq.
Law Ofice of Eran Ben Ezra, P.A.
561 N.E. 79th Street, Suite 205 Miami, FL 33138-0000 Name: HENRY, EVERTON DANE U.S. Department of Justice Executive Ofce fr Immigration Review Board of Immigration Appeals Ofce of the Clerk 5107 leesbur Pike. Suite 2000 Fals Church. Virinia 22041 OHS/ICE Ofice of Chief Counsel MIA 333 South Miami Ave., Suite 200 Miami, FL 33130 A089-425-229 Date of this notice: 3/18/2011 Enclosed is a copy of the Board's decision and order in the above-refrenced case. Enclosure Panel Members: Cole, Patricia A. Greer, Anne J. Pauley, Roger Sincerely, Donna Car Chief Clerk I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t Cite as: Everton Dane Henry, A089 425 229 (BIA March 18, 2011) For more unpublished BIA decisions, visit W- U.S. Department of Justice Decision of the Board of Imigation Appeals Executive Ofce fr Imigation Review Falls Church, Virginia 22041 File: A089 425 229 - Miami, FL In re: EVERTON DANE HENRY IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS APPEAL Date: ON BEHALF OF RESPONDENT: Eran Ben Eza, Esquire ON BEHALF OF DHS: CHARGE: Paulette R. Taylor Assistant Chief Counsel MAR 1 8 2011 Notice: Sec. 237(a)(l )(B), I&N Act [8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(l)(B)] - In the United States in violation of law APPLICATION: Adjustment of Status The respondent appeals fom the Immigration Judge's November 17, 2009, decision pretermitting his application fr adjustment of status under section 245(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1255(a). The Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") opposes the appeal. The record will be remanded fr frther proceedings. We review the Immigration Judge's fndings of fct, including adverse credibilit determinations, fr clear error. 8 C.F.R. 1003. l (d)(3)(i). All other issues, including whether the parties have met the relevant burden of proof, and issues of discretion, we review de novo. 8 C.F.R. 1003. l (d)(3)(ii). The Immigration Judge fund the respondent was admited as a "crewman," as defned in section lOl(a)(lO) of theAct, 8 U.S.C. l lOl(a)(lO), and therefre, he was ineligible fr adjustment of status pursuant to 245(c)(l) of the Act. (l.J. at 3). We have held that in determining whether an alien was admitted as a crewman, the alien's visa, as well as the circumstances surounding his entry into the United States, should be examined. See Matter ofG-D-M-, 25 l&N Dec. 82, 85 (BIA 2009); Matter o/Tzimas, 10 l&N Dec. 101 (BIA 1962). In making her determination that the respondent was admited as a crewman, the Immigration Judge properly examined the respondent's visa (l.J. at 3). However, despite the fct that the respondent, though counsel, indicated that it was not his intent to enter the United States as a crewman, the Immigration Judge did not question the respondent about his intent (Tr. at 13 ). See Respondent's Addendum to Pretrial Legal Memorandum fled on October 29, 2009 at 3. Because the circumstances surounding the respondent's admission T O 5 9,,,%W@ u F iW^ I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t Cite as: Everton Dane Henry, A089 425 229 (BIA March 18, 2011) :-^~= ? x A089 425 229 - were not flly exrined, we will remand the record fr fher proceedings, and the entry of a new decision. On remand, the Immigration Judge shall conduct a new hearing to consider the circwstances surounding the respondent's enty to detenine whether the respondent entered the United States to work as a crewman. The paries are fee to submit additional evidence, including testimony, regarding the respondent's eligibility fr relief. Accordingly, the fllowing order will be entered. ORDER: The record is remanded fr frther proceedings consistent with this opinion, and fr entry of a new decision. 2 I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t Cite as: Everton Dane Henry, A089 425 229 (BIA March 18, 2011) (i U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMIGRATION REVIEW IMMIGRATION COURT Miami, Florida File A 089 425 229 November 17, 2009 In the Matter of EVERTON DANE HENRY, IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS Respondent CHARGE: Section 237 (a) (1) (B) non-imigrant remained longer than permitted. APPLICATIONS: Adjustment of status pursuant to Section 245 of the Imigration and Nationality Act and, in the alternative, voluntary departure pursuant to Section 2408 (b). ON BEHALF OF THE RESPONDENT: Kenneth Panzer, Esquire ON BEHALF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: Paulette Taylor, Esquire ORAL DECISION OF THE IMMIGRATION JUDGE The respondent is a native and citizen of the country of Jamaica who was last admitted to the United States at Miami International Airport on August 3, 2002 as an alien in transit or a C-1. He sometime after that was placed into removal proceedings by the Department of Homeland Security. There is one removal charge referenced on the Notice to Appear. That charge in this case has been established via clear and convincing evidence via the pleading process. The Notice to Appear was clearly issued and served more than one calendar year after the respondent's last arrival and admission into the Uni/ States. So _therefore, that means he i eligiblto apply for ,v15ot17 voluntary departure in the alternativto Section 240B(b), which w,T ,.: I m m i g r a n t
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indeed he has done and which will be the concluding portion of
this instant decision. The record is also clear that the respondent is the beneficiary of an approved I-130 visa petition as the spouse of a United States citizen. That would make an immigrant visa imediately available to him. And since he was inspected and aditted to the United States at Miami International Airport, then_ therefore, the respondent would be, certainly, ma ie eligible to apply for adjustment of status pursuant to Section 245 of the statute. We do have all the docuentation in the record regarding that application. There is some evidence in this case that the respondent may have been arrested at some time for some criminal charges, but the record is also clear that those charges were ultimately not pursued by the authorities of the state of Florida and, therefore, he is not inadmissible to the United States on any proscribed ground found at Section 212 (a) of the statute. Since this case has been before the undersigned, the Board of Imigration Appeal/ with regard to the ability of an / alien to seek cancellation of removal under 240A (b) of the statute, has issued the precedent decision of Matter of G-D-M, 25 I&N 82 (BIA 2009). In that particular case, the BIA found that an alien who had actually never even been technically admitted to the United States as a crewman, but who was coming to the United II II States to join the ship, met the definition of crewman found at A 089 425 229 2 November 17, 2009 I m m i g r a n t
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Section lOl(a) (10) of the Inigration and Nationality Act. That
was not expressly discussed in the decision, but the BIA found that)pursuant Section 240A(c) of the statute, the / applicant for cellation in that case was not eligible because ) even though the applicant had actually never arrived in the United States on a vessel or alien was actually employed, aircraft upon which or in which the tha_nonetheless_the alien was a crewman, and therefore, subject to the bar. Despite the undersigned's, perhaps, lack of agreement with this decision from the Board of Immigration Appeals, it is binding authority. It is a very sweeping decision, as a matter of fact, because ) unlike the present case_where the respondent previously had been in the United States and had worked as a crewman, an despite the fact that as he told us today in his testimony, the only visa that he was ever in possession of was in fact a C-1 or alien in transit/D crewman visa at the time that he arrived and was admitted at Miami International Airport. The Court still finds that the broad language contained in Matter of G-D-M indicates that the proper course here will be to follow the BIA precedent and to find that the respondent is ineligible for adjustment of status under 245(c) since the contained in Matter of G-D-M indicates that admitted to the United States_ albeit at the capacity as a crewman. Therefore, he would sweeping languag he was 1 indeed I
airport_ in his not be eligible for adjustment of status. The Court's decision here then will be to A 089 425 229 3 November 17, 2009 I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t -he /. pretermit adjustment of status and to_ therefore )deny it. The respondent, however, certainly is eligible for voluntary departure in the alternative. be to grant him voluntary departure My decision herein will/ until December 17, 2009. That will coincide with the date of the submission of the appeal of the remaining portion of the Court's decision. It will also be premised upon the posting of the required voluntary departure bond before close of business on November 24, 2009, which is five working days from today's date. Should respondent fail to file an appeal of my decision and should he fail to post the $500
bond, then my order will revert_ thereafter} to a removal order to
the Court-designated country of Jamaica. The removal charge in this case has been established. There is no presentation that the respondent is eligible for any other form of relief from removal. And)based on the foregoing, the following order of the Court will be entered. ORDERS The application for adjustment status pursuant to Section 245 of the statute is hereby pretermitted and therefore, DENIED. The respondent is granted December 17 of 2009. A 089 425 229 4 Imigrat'on Judge Miami, lorida November 17, 2009 November 17, 2009 I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t CERTIFICATE PAGE I hereby certify that the attached proceeding before NANCY R. MCCORMACK in the matter of: EVERTON DANE HENRY A 089 425 229 Miami, Florida was held as herein appears, and that this is the original transcript thereof for the file of the Executive Office for Imigration Review. (Transcriber) Deposition Services, Inc. 6245 Executive Boulevard Rockville, Maryland 20852 (301) 881-3344 January 10, 2010 (Completion Date) I m m i g r a n t
Sarah Joseph - Melissa Castan - The International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights - Cases, Materials, and Commentary-Oxford University Press (UK) (2013)