Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Manual - 08!06!08
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Manual - 08!06!08
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Manual - 08!06!08
Health and
Copyright 2008
Version 1
Printing No. 1"
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
The Health and Safety Standards embodied in this document have been developed as a part of a
Technical Assistance (TA) project to the Government of Nigeria. The Technical Assistance for
the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission Health and Safety Standards Project is a
program to the Government of Nigeria (GON) aimed at developing industry-specific health and
safety (H&S) standards. The project was funded as a grant (Grant Number GH061136289) by
the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) and implemented by Princeton
Energy Resources International (PERI), LLC, a U.S. based corporation.
The Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety standards created under the assistance program
represents a technical reference document with both general and industry-specific examples and
guidelines of International Industry Best Practice (IIBP). The industry guidelines are designed to
be used to address common safety issues specific to the industry sector; however many sections
are potentially applicable to other industry sectors.
The power sector in Nigeria is a critical infrastructure needed for the economic, industrial,
technological and social development of the Country The World Bank and others have long
recognized that electricity consumption is one of the indices for measuring the standard of living
of any country. The standards contained herein represent the first major updating of industry-
specific safety rules and best practices since the 1980s for the power sector in Nigeria.
At the time of preparation of the standards, the national electricity grid consisted of Fifteen
generating stations (4 hydro and 11 thermal) with a total installed generating capacity of
7,994MW. Although the installed capacity of the existing power stations is presently 7,994MW,
the maximum load ever recorded was 3,774.4MW in August 2005. Presently, many of the
generating units have broken down due to limited available resources to carry out maintenance.
The transmission lines are radial and overloaded. The switchgears are obsolete while power
transformers have not been maintained. The distribution sub-sector is in need of upgrading as
many of its distribution transformers are overloaded. Overall transmission and distribution losses
are in the range of 30–40%. The electricity network has been characterized by system collapses
as a result of low generating capacity by the few generating stations presently in service.
For a country of more than 150 million people, the generation capacity is inadequate to meet the
consumers’ electricity demand. The current projected capacity that needs to be into the system is
estimated at 10,000 MW. It is expected that these would come in through Independent Power
Producers (IPPs) as a liberalized Electricity Supply Industry evolves in Nigeria. As the
infrastructure expands to meet the needs of Nigeria as a nation, the standards will need to grow
and expand. Therefore, the standards themselves should be considered a living document that
will be modified, expanded upon and in some instances contracted to meet technological changes
in the workforce.
Limited accident statistics specific to this sector have only recently been gathered by the
Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC); however they reflect monthly fatalities
from electrocution in both the public sector and among the sector workforce. These incidents are
a direct result of the lack of International Industry Best Practices (IIBP) which technologically
advanced nations have had in place and continually improve on.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Codes Version 1: March 2008
The backbone of the industry is the labor force. The industry sector employs approximately
34,000 people. The country itself has a population of more than 150 million, with about 40% of
the population serviced by electricity. The need to protect workers and the general public from
the hazards resulting from power generation, transmission, distribution and supply is simply a
matter of protecting human life.
Workplaces include all places of work; all non-electrical workers and members of the public in
public places. Major causes of fatalities in workplaces include plug in appliances and flexible
cords and fixed wiring, and maintenance related activities that are specific to the industry sector.
Contact with power lines is a significant causative factor of electrical deaths across several of the
electrical safety priorities such as workplaces and public places, but it is not the only one.
Workplaces even within the industry sector represent a very diverse group of locations, with very
different levels of electrical risk. Prioritization of high risk areas needs to be determined based on
data, but is likely to include:
The standards focus on all electrical and non-electrical workers engaged to perform work by
electricity entities, involved in the generation, transmission or distribution of power in Nigeria. A
review of numerous industry reported studies from the sector support that fatalities occurred
which could have been prevented by the use of recognized electricity industry safe systems of
work. Many more people have been electrocuted when they contacted electricity industry
infrastructure such as power lines.
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
These Standards are designed to save lives. The Nigerian Electric Regulatory Commission has
stated its intent to enforce the standards. This means that the practices defined in this publication
are legal obligations. Each employer has a legal obligation to ensure that a safe work
environment is provided to all employees, both regular and non-regular. Contractors working at
substations, transmission stations, power plants or engaging in any work activities involving
power generation, transmission, distribution and servicing are also required to follow the best
practices and safety standards defined in this publication.
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
A large number of organizations and individuals have contributed time and information that went
into the creation of the standards. The following organizations are expressly thanked for their
contribution of materials, reviews, critiques and guidance:
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Codes Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
As stated in the Preface, the changing landscape of technologies and IPPs planned for Nigeria
require the standards to be flexible to meet future safety challenges. As such, the publication
should be viewed as a living document that will require periodic review and updates.
NERC will form a committee to review the standards every three years and make a formal
recommendation as to whether Parts, Sections, or individual Paragraphs require revisions. They
will then form an appropriate task force to make the revisions and to update the publication. If no
changes are recommended, NERC will publish a statement to that effect on its web site. If
changes are to be made, NERC will submit drafts of the standards for review and comment by
the industry with a reasonable response time.
Each page of the publication states the Version and date of Issuance in the Header. In this first
printing, the reader will see Version 1: March 2008. Subsequent revisions will state Revision 1:
Date; Revision 2: Date; and so forth. Owners of the publication may replace those pages with
subsequent revisions.
NERC will retain one or more copies of the each Version and Revision on permanent file in
order to preserve the evolution of the standards.
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
Each Part contains sections and subsections. For related topics, cross-referencing between Parts
and individual Sections are provided. Users are likely to refer to Part II most extensively. These
contain technical safety work standards.
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................ i
NOTICE......................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................................ v
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................... vii
UP-TO-DATE STANDARDS....................................................................................................... xi
FOREWORD AND ORGANIZATION OF THE STANDARDS .............................................. xiii
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Codes Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Codes Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
SEC. 2(s) SAFE WORK PRACTICES NEAR POWER LINES ........................................... II-381
2(s)(1) Introduction................................................................................................................. II-383
2(s)(2) Plan Ahead .................................................................................................................. II-383
2(s)(3) Safe Work Practices .................................................................................................... II-383
2(s)(4) Bibliography................................................................................................................ II-388
2(t)(1) Introduction ................................................................................................................. II-393
2(t)(2) Structure of Electric Power Systems ........................................................................... II-393
2(t)(3) Hazards in Electric Power Systems............................................................................. II-394
2(t)(4) Assuring Functional Safety ......................................................................................... II-397
2(t)(5) Recommended References .......................................................................................... II-397
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Codes Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Preface and Acknowledgements
3(e) Hazard Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment Selection ................................. III-15
3(f) Sanitation .......................................................................................................................... III-21
3(g) Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards ........................................................... III-25
3(h) Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags .................................................. III-25
3(i) Permits for Confined Spaces............................................................................................. III-28
3(j) Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) .............................................................. III-42
3(k) Medical Services and First Aid ........................................................................................ III-50
3(l) Fire Protection................................................................................................................... III-50
3(m) Handling Materials.......................................................................................................... III-56
3(n) Slings................................................................................................................................ III-57
3(o) Bibliography..................................................................................................................... III-62
Annex A Accident Investigation.............................................................................................. III-65
Annex B Electrical Switching Operation............................................................................... III-153
Annex C Temporary Protective Grounding for Generating Stations and Other
Non-Transmission Facilities ................................................................................... III-157
Annex D Guarding Energized Electrical Equipment............................................................. III-179
Annex E Jumpers ................................................................................................................... III-183
Annex F Portable Electric Tools and Attachments ............................................................... III-187
Annex G Safe Distribution Systems ...................................................................................... III-195
Annex H Temporary Lighting ............................................................................................... III-199
Annex I Vehicle Operations Near Energized Lines or Equipment........................................ III-203
Annex J Responsibilities and General Requirements for Transmission Employees ............. III-209
Annex K Transmission/Substation/Telecommunication ....................................................... III-223
Annex L Specifications and Drawings for Underground Electric Distribution..................... III-275
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
1(a) Introduction
This Part of the Standards provides a roadmap for both Employers and Employees to creating a
safe working environment. While the Standards in Parts 2 and 3 are organized and presented in a
highly prescriptive format, this first Part provides workers within the industry an overall
orientation to the philosophy, tools and corporate culture that the international community has
adopted as a part of best management practices.
At the same time, this Part of the Standards explicitly defines the Rights of Workers to be kept
informed of the hazards associated with their job assignments, to be provided with knowledge,
engineering and management controls that eliminate unsafe working conditions, along with the
actions that workers may take in order to ensure that they are never placed in situations that pose
either immediate or long-term risks to their health and well-being.
Employees generally have little or no control over their working environment and must accept
whatever environment employers offer. NERC is currently attempting to define and establish
criteria for acceptable working environments, with the first step being the standards provided
herein. Employers and their designated corporate representatives have both a moral and legal
obligation to ensure that both workers and the public at large are kept insulated from the hazards
associated with the industry sector.
The National Safety Council in the United States has estimated that work-related accidents in the
private sector in 1988 cost industry an average of $15,100 per disabling injury. Based on this
figure and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – which reported that in 1988 private U.S.
Industry, employing 90 million workers, had 6.2 million job-related accidents and injuries was in
excess of $93 billion. Approximately, half of this total ($46 billion) was for such visible costs as
damaged equipment and materials, production delays, time losses of other workers not involved
in the accidents and accident reporting.
Similar statistics have been reported in the United Kingdom (UK) and in the European
Community. The statistics support the premise that it is the responsibility of every employer to
take a strong, proactive stance to ensure their employees’ safety.
Designing for safe work environments also means proper scheduling of work activities. It should
not be the operator's or worker’s responsibility to determine the proper routing of work in
process. To make this type of decision a worker’s responsibility unfairly shifts to what is truly
management's responsibility directly to the worker. It is Management’s responsibility to ensure
that tight work standards are not only defined for each operating facility, but to ensure that
procedures and policies are adopted and enforced. Establishing fair work standards through work
measurement or some similar technique is, without question, a prerogative and a right of
management. Establishing and enforcing tight work standards has resulted and will continue to
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
result in operators taking dangerous short cuts while completing tasks. These short cuts often
result in industrial accidents and injuries. By the same token, Managers should use standards to
ensure a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, but they should not use them as a whip to achieve
maximum productivity through coercion.
Pressure placed on employees to meet tight production schedules results in the same type of
problems as with tight work standards. Reasonable schedules based on reasonable capacity
determinations and work standards eliminate the pressure and work-related stress placed on
employees to overproduce because of unsafe short cuts.
Having a corporate culture that promotes and makes safety and environment a priority should be
the goal of the industry. Creating a culture of safety first requires site-specific work practices and
working environments to be carefully assessed with a focus on identifying high-risk areas, and
then developing concrete plans for improved occupational and process safety performance.
Management must focus on using employee insights to prevent costly and potentially deadly
accidents before they occur, creating a safer workplace by taking into account both the
environment in which employees work and the culture that drives their daily work experience.
As an Employer, it is your responsibility to provide a safe work environment for all employees,
free from any hazards, and complying with legal and recommended best practices defined in the
Standards. Health and safety in the workplace is about preventing work-related injury and
disease, and designing an environment that promotes well-being for everyone at work.
Knowledge is the key ingredient in providing a safe work environment. If everyone knows the
correct procedures, accidents and injuries will be kept to a minimum.
• Ensure that the way work is done is safe and does not affect employees’ health.
• Ensure that tools, equipment and machinery are safe and are kept safe.
• Ensure that ways of storing, transporting or working with dangerous substances is safe
and does not damage employees’ health.
Employers must:
• Provide employees with the information, instruction and training they need to do their job
safely and without damaging their health.
• Consult with employees about health and safety in the workplace.
• Monitor the work place regularly and keep a record of what is found during these checks.
Policies should be developed in consultation with employees, both with and without disability. It
may be necessary to organize support persons or interpreters so that all employees may
participate in the consultation.
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) procedures must be implemented wherever the work is
being conducted, be that in an office, factory, construction site, substation, along transmission
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
line work or home. As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure all employees have access
to information about safety procedures, and for any reasonable adjustments to be made.
The following are some anecdotal facts that can serve to raise a culture of safety among workers
and management:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Take action immediately when the worker or supervisor tells you about a potentially
hazardous situation.
• Initiate an immediate investigation into accidents.
• Report serious accidents to the HSO (Health and Safety Officer) or to the Corporate
Prevention Division.
• Provide adequate first Aid facilities and services.
• Provide personal protective equipment where required.
• Make available to all workers copies of Industrial Hygiene Policy.
• Post Health and Safety Regulations and all other regulations.
Worker’s Responsibilities:
• You have an obligation to make your workplace safe.
• Know and follow safety and health regulations affecting your job.
• If you don’t know how, ask for training before you begin work.
• Work safely, and encourage your co-workers to do the same.
• Correct or immediately report any unsafe conditions to your supervisor.
• Report any injury immediately to a First Aid attendant or supervisor.
• Take the initiative; make suggestions for improved safety conditions.
Site Orientation:
• All new employees should have a site orientation from their supervisor and be given a
brief on safety procedures including: the layout of the section, a safety orientation, fire
exit locations and procedures, emergency equipment and location of first aid facilities or
• Always be aware of your surroundings;
• Look up for falling objects;
• Be mindful of up/down traffic;
• Be cautious of structural inadequacies;
• Do not race up or down flights;
• In a noisy environment, use visual cues to look for potential hazards. Only use designated
walkways, they are there for a reason; and
• Often some sites require workers to work in pairs or teams in case of an accident.
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
• Hazards in a work place can never be eliminated, but they can be controlled with proper
equipment, training and supervision.
• Hazards are divided into two general categories:
– Physical hazards – those that can cause immediate damage to the body. Examples:
Moving equipment, machinery, confined space; heat, cold, chemicals, electrical,
– Delayed Injury hazards – those due to repeated exposure or, a delayed reaction of
the human body causing injury. Examples: Noise, ergonomics, repetitive strain
injury, back injury, inhalation, radiation.
Computer Workstations:
• Problems with lighting can cause eyestrain and may also contribute to muscle soreness
and fatigue.
• Avoid glare, position your computer workstation so that when you face the monitor, you
are sitting beside or parallel to the window.
• If you face the window, light from the outside shines directly into your eyes and makes it
difficult for you to focus on the screen.
• If you sit with your back to a window, you may have problems with reflections, or high
light levels. In either situation, adjust the blinds to reduce the amount of light on your
• Overhead lights can shine directly in your eyes or reflect images onto your computer
screen, making it difficult to view your screen. To avoid this adjust the angle of your
screen so that it’s at right angles to the work surface.
• The top line of text on your screen should be at eye level. Most of the screen will be
slightly below eye level.
• The distance between your eyes and the screen should be about arm’s length.
• Your chair should provide good lumbar support.
• Problems with lighting can cause eyestrain.
• Poor lighting can also contribute to muscle soreness and fatigue.
Back Injuries
• Approximately 1/3 of workers will suffer back problems during their working life. Back
injuries are the most common work related injury.
• The low back is subject to greater mechanical stress than any other part of the body and,
because of this, is commonly injured.
• A majority of low-back problems are caused by simple strains that can heal within six to
eight weeks with appropriate treatment. Fear and misunderstanding are the two main
factors that can delay recovery.
• For engineers and computer scientists, computer use can cause lower back pain and
repetitive strain injuries over time.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Everyone in a work force should wisely take a careful look at their work environment and their
work habits. Both workers and management need to note whether their workplace is really safe.
Both need to consider whether the job requires working with any toxic substances; and if so, are
people adequately protected? Both managers and workers need to ask themselves whether they
are constantly under stress. Does your environment accept work schedules that breach legally
established limits or hours? Answers to questions such as these might reveal much about how
safe people are at work.
Creating a corporate culture of safety means being conscious of the dangers at work. Trying to
maintain an unreasonable work schedule can be dangerous. Indeed, tired workers are less
efficient and make more mistakes. Companies that foster excessive work and actively seek out
and reward workaholics result into consequences that are potentially devastating. Poor work
habits, which may include lack of tidiness and cleanliness, pose another hazard. Leaving tools
thrown on the floor or live electric wires exposed often lead to accidents, even fatalities. The
same can be said of ignoring safety precautions when using power tools and machinery. Another
cause of injury and death is failing to clean up spilled fluids, especially toxic ones. Many injuries
have occurred when workers have slipped on oily or wet floors. So it might be said that the first
law of good work is to be clean and orderly.
Yet, many are tempted to ignore safety procedures. Work pressure may lead to perceptions that
short cuts are necessary to meet demands. Therefore, some may reason regarding a safety
regulation, 'It has never caused any problem when I ignored it.' One of the worst things that you
can do at work is ignore safety procedures and get away with it! Why? because this fosters
overconfidence and carelessness, leading to more accidents.
The explosion of the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine in 1986 is often described as "the world's worst
nuclear accident." What went wrong? A report on the disaster speaks of a "catalogue of reckless
operating procedures" and "the repeated flouting of safety precautions."
Both employer and employee can cooperate in foreseeing potential safety hazards. Yes, the wise
one observes what could prove to be a dangerous situation and looks for ways to protect himself
and others.
When employers do this, they benefit, and so do their employees. For example, a company that
redesigned their office to avoid "sick building syndrome" found that before long, productivity
was up and staff satisfaction levels had improved dramatically. It was also found that fewer
people were out on sick leave. Such consideration for the health of others not only makes for a
more pleasant atmosphere for employer and employee but, as seen in this case, can also make
good sense economically.
The proper approach to creating the safety culture is to make sure every employee applies a
common-sense approach to safety. This includes being diligent in following local safety
regulations. Doing this can go a long way towards making the workplace safer.
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
Good housekeeping is one of the surest ways to identify a safe workplace. You can tell how
workers' feel about safety just by looking at their housekeeping practices. Good housekeeping
isn't the result of cleaning up once a week or even once a day. It's the result of keeping cleaned-
up all the time. It's an essential factor in a good safety program, promoting safety, health,
production, and morale.
Whose responsibility is housekeeping? It's everyone's. Clean work areas and aisles help
eliminate tripping hazards. Respecting "wet floor" signs and immediately cleaning up spills
prevents slipping injuries. Keeping storage areas uncluttered reduces the chances of disease and
fire as well as slips, trips, and falls. Accumulated debris can cause fires, and clutter slows
movement of personnel and equipment during fires.
Other housekeeping practices include keeping tools and equipment clean and in good shape or
keeping hoses and cables or wires bundled when not in use. Broken glass should be picked up
immediately with a broom and dustpan, never with bare hands. Be aware of open cabinet
drawers, electric wires, sharp corners or protruding nails. Either correct the unsafe condition if
you are able and it is safe to do so, or notify the person responsible for overall maintenance that
something should be done.
How a workplace looks makes an impression on employees and visitors alike. A visitor's first
impression of a business is important because that image affects the amount of business it does.
Good housekeeping goes hand-in-hand with good public relations. It projects order, care, and
Besides preventing accidents and injuries, good housekeeping saves space, time, and materials.
When a workplace is clean, orderly, and free of obstruction; work can get done safely and
properly. Workers feel better, think better, do better work, and increase the quantity and quality
of their work.
Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly;
maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards; and removing of waste materials (e.g.,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
paper, cardboard) and other fire hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to
important details such as the layout of the whole workplace, aisle marking, the adequacy of
storage facilities, and maintenance. Good housekeeping is also a basic part of accident and fire
To avoid these hazards, a workplace must "maintain" order throughout a workday. Although this
effort requires a great deal of management and planning, the benefits are many.
A good housekeeping program plans and manages the orderly storage and movement of
materials from point of entry to exit. It includes a material flow plan to ensure minimal handling.
The plan also ensures that work areas are not used as storage areas by having workers move
materials to and from work areas as needed. Part of the plan could include investing in extra bins
and more frequent disposal.
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
Housekeeping order is "maintained" not "achieved." This means removing the inevitable messes
that occur from time to time and not waiting until the end of the shift to reorganize and clean up.
Integrating housekeeping into jobs can help ensure this is done. A good housekeeping program
identifies and assigns responsibilities for the following:
Do not forget out-of-the-way places such as shelves, basements, sheds, and boiler rooms that
would otherwise be overlooked. The orderly arrangement of operations, tools, equipment and
supplies is an important part of a good housekeeping program.
The final addition to any housekeeping program is inspection. It is the only way to check for
deficiencies in the program so that changes can be made. The documents on workplace
inspection checklists provide a general guide and examples of checklists for inspecting offices
and manufacturing facilities.
The following elements constitute the basis for establishing a Good Housekeeping Program.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Dampening floors or using sweeping compounds before sweeping reduces the amount of
airborne dust. The dust and grime that collect in places like shelves, piping, conduits, light
fixtures, reflectors, windows, cupboards and lockers may require manual cleaning. Special-
purpose vacuums are useful for removing hazardous substances. For example, vacuum cleaners
fitted with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters may be used to capture fine particles
of asbestos or fiberglass.
Compressed air should not be used for removing dust, dirt or chips from equipment or work
surfaces. First, compressed air is extremely forceful. Depending on its pressure, compressed air
can dislodge particles. These particles are a danger since they can enter a worker’s eyes or
abrade skin. The possible damage would depend on the size, weight, shape, composition, and
speed of the particles. There have also been reports of hearing damage caused by the pressure of
compressed air and by its sound.
Second, compressed air itself is also a serious hazard. On rare occasions, some of the compressed
air can enter the blood stream through a break in the skin or through a body opening. An air
bubble in the blood stream is known medically as an embolism, a dangerous medical condition in
which a blood vessel is blocked, in this case, by an air bubble. An embolism of an artery can
cause coma, paralysis or death depending upon its size, duration and location. While air
embolisms are usually associated with incorrect diving procedures, they are possible with
compressed air due to high pressures. While this seems improbable, the consequences of even a
small quantity of air or other gas in the blood can quickly be fatal.
Horseplay has also been a cause of some serious workplace accidents caused by individuals not
aware of the hazards of compressed air, or proper work procedures.
If workers are using hazardous materials, employee facilities should provide special precautions
such as showers, washing facilities and changing rooms. Some facilities may require two locker
rooms with showers between. Using such double locker rooms allows workers to shower off
workplace contaminants and prevents them from contaminating their "street clothes" by keeping
their work clothes separated from the clothing that they wear home.
Smoking, eating or drinking in the work area should be prohibited where toxic materials are
handled. The eating area should be separate from the work area and should be cleaned properly
each shift.
1(c)(2)(iii) Surfaces
Floors: Poor floor conditions are a leading cause of accidents so cleaning up spilled oil and other
liquids at once is important. Allowing chips, shavings and dust to accumulate can also cause
accidents. Trapping chips, shavings and dust before they reach the floor or cleaning them up
regularly can prevent their accumulation. Areas that cannot be cleaned continuously, such as
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
entrance ways, should have anti-slip flooring. Keeping floors in good order also means replacing
any worn, ripped, or damaged flooring that poses a tripping hazard.
Walls: Light-colored walls reflect light while dirty or dark-colored walls absorb light.
Contrasting colors warn of physical hazards and mark obstructions such as pillars. Paint can
highlight railings, guards and other safety equipment, but should never be used as a substitute for
guarding. The program should outline the regulations and standards for colors.
Keeping aisles and stairways clear is important. They should not be used for temporary
"overflow" or "bottleneck" storage. Stairways and aisles also require adequate lighting.
1(c)(2)(viii) Maintenance
The maintenance of buildings and equipment may be one of the most important elements of good
housekeeping. Maintenance involves keeping buildings, equipment and machinery in safe,
efficient working order and in good repair. This includes maintaining sanitary facilities and
regularly painting and cleaning walls. Broken windows, damaged doors, defective plumbing and
broken floor surfaces can make a workplace look neglected; these conditions can cause accidents
and affect work practices. So, it is important to replace or fix broken or damaged items as
quickly as possible. A good maintenance program provides for the inspection, maintenance,
upkeep and repair of tools, equipment, machines and processes.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Allowing material to build up on the floor wastes time and energy since additional time is
required for cleaning it up. Placing scrap containers near where the waste is produced encourages
orderly waste disposal and makes collection easier. All waste receptacles should be clearly
labeled (e.g., recyclable glass, plastic, scrap metal, etc.).
1(c)(2)(x) Storage
Good organization of stored materials is essential for overcoming material storage problems
whether on a temporary or permanent basis. There will also be fewer strain injuries if the amount
of handling is reduced, especially if less manual materials handling is required. The location of
the stockpiles should not interfere with work but they should still be readily available when
required. Stored materials should allow at least one meter (or about three feet) of clear space
under sprinkler heads.
Stacking cartons and drums on a firm foundation and cross tying them, where necessary, reduce
the chance of their movement. Stored materials should not obstruct aisles, stairs, exits, fire
equipment, emergency eyewash fountains, emergency showers, or first aid stations. All storage
areas should be clearly marked.
Flammable, combustible, toxic and other hazardous materials should be stored in approved
containers in designated areas that are appropriate for the different hazards that they pose.
Storage of materials should meet all requirements specified in the fire codes and the regulations
of environmental and occupational health and safety agencies in your jurisdiction.
For employers or departments without a safety manager, the company safety committee can
share responsibilities for conducting the job hazard analyses and the training program. The safety
committee can put together the orientation/training materials, conduct the "classroom" training,
and keep records. The department where employees will work can conduct the hands-on training.
During the orientation period, introduce new workers to all the basic safety information that
applies to their work areas, such as:
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
Orientation programs can be updated and refined by reviewing accident near-miss reports. Near-
miss reports offered early warning signs of new or recurrent hazards in the workplace that must
be corrected before someone gets hurt or equipment is damaged. An evaluation of illness and
injury reports are also a catalyst for changes in safety orientation and training programs.
Orientation can involve several levels of new employee involvement, from awareness
information to formal training programs. Awareness orientation/training informs employees
about a potential hazard in the workplace and their role in responding to the hazard, even though
they are not directly exposed to the hazard. For example, "affected" employees can be told about
locks and tags for electrical systems without being trained how to implement the lockout/tagout
It is useful to rely on a checklist to ensure that appropriate safety orientation is provided to new
workers. The following are two examples of a new employee safety orientation checklist. These
checklists should be modified to fit the needs of the organization or site.
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Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
You have the right to a safe workplace. NERC requires employers to provide a workplace that is
free of serious recognized hazards and in compliance with NERC standards.
2. Request information from your employer about NERC standards, worker injuries and
illnesses, job hazards and workers' rights.
a. Request information from your employer on safety and health hazards in your
workplace, chemicals used in your workplace, tests your employer has done to
measure chemical, noise and radiation levels, precautions you should take and
procedures to be followed if you or other employees are involved in an incident or are
exposed to hazardous chemicals or other toxic substances.
b. Request copies of appropriate standards, rules, regulations and requirements that your
employer should have available at the workplace.
c. Review the log and summary of occupational injuries and illnesses at a reasonable
time and in a reasonable manner or have an authorized representative do so for you.
d. Access relevant exposure and medical records.
e. Employers must inform you of the existence, location and availability of your
medical and exposure records when you first begin employment and at least annually
thereafter. Employers also must provide these records to you or your designated
representatives within 15 working days of your request. When an employer plans to
stop doing business and there is no successor employer to receive and maintain these
records, the employer must notify you of your right of access to records at least 3
months before the employer ceases to do business.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part I: How to Evaluate Safety Programs
c. NERC will let the employee representative know whether your employer is in
compliance. The inspector also will gather detailed information about your
employer's efforts to control health hazards, including results of tests your employer
may have conducted.
6. Get involved in any meetings or hearings to discuss any objections your employer has to
NERC's citations or to changes in abatement deadlines.
a. File a formal appeal of deadlines for correction of hazards.
b. File an appeal of the deadlines that NERC sets for your employer to correct any
violation in the citation issued to the employer. Write to NERC within 10 working
days from the date the employer posts the notice requesting on extension of the
abatement deadline if you feel the time is too long.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
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Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(a)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(a)(1) Introduction
Indoor air quality testing may be necessary to ensure employee safety. Testing and monitoring
may be applied to those conditions where employees may be exposed to:
Passive Sampling: This refers to absorption or diffusion tubes or badges that provide a simple
and inexpensive indication of average pollution levels over a period of weeks or months. Plastic
tubes or discs, open at one end to the atmosphere and with a chemical absorbent at the other,
collect a sample for subsequent analysis in the laboratory. The low cost per tube allows sampling
at a number of points and is useful in highlighting "hotspots" where more detailed study may be
needed. The quality and accuracy of the data from passive sampling tubes does not make them
suitable for precise measurements but they can give useful long term trend data.
Active Sampling: This involves the collection of samples, by physical or chemical means, for
subsequent laboratory analysis. Typically, a known volume of air is pumped through a filter or
chemical collector for a known period of time - the collection medium is then subjected to
laboratory analysis. This method is not suitable for continuous or near-real time air quality
Automatic Sampling: This is the most sophisticated method of air quality analysis, producing
high-resolution measurement data of a range of pollutants. The pollutants that can be measured
include, but are not limited to, NOx, SO2 CO, O3, VOC's, PM10, PM2.5, Carbon Black, Hg,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Benzene etc. The air quality is continuously sampled and measured on-line and in real-time. The
real time data is stored, typically as one hourly averages, with data being collected remotely from
individual monitoring stations by telemetry. Remote control of the monitoring and data system is
also possible as is remote diagnostics for most of the analyzers.
Since diffusive samplers are small, silent, have light weight and do not require electricity, their
exposure site location can be relatively flexible. They can be used outdoors tropical conditions,
in rural to urban environments, or indoors e.g. for personal exposure. No technically skilled
personnel is required at the sampling site since the samplers are easy to handle and no field
calibration is needed. See Figure 1.
After sampling, the analytes are chemically desorbed by solvent extraction or thermally desorbed
and analyzed. Passive sampling does not involve the use of heavy and encumbering pumping
systems, is not impacted by power disruptions, does not require extensive supervision, is quiet,
Photo downloaded from
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
non-flammable and does not represent an explosion hazard. It can be performed by anyone,
anywhere and at a very low cost. Moreover, it is not susceptible to sample breakthrough, a
common problem associated with active sampling performed with an air pump.
Figure 2a.
Open the tube by grasping the ends of the tube holder, with the red dot on the tube away from the
body, and bending the holder until the tube breaks (Figure 2b)
Figure 2b
Remove the end of the tube from the holder and discard. The Diffusion Tube is ready for use.
Snap the tube into the tube holder with the open end positioned at the open end of the holder
(Figure 2c).
Figure 2c.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Attach the diffusion tube holder to a worker's pocket or lapel and note the starting time of the
test. At the end of the workshift, or any time during the workshift, the user can evaluate the tube.
When using Diffusion Tubes, the Time-Weighted Average (TWA) can be calculated at any time
during the measurement by simply dividing the length of the tube reading (in ppm-hours) by the
elapsed sampling time (in hours).
Table 1 provides guidance on the commercially available measurement ranges for Dräger Color
Diffusion Tubes.
There are a range of active devices widely used to measure air pollutants. The Health and Safety
Officer should first identify the nature of air pollutants that workers may be exposed to.
For Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - VOCs is a term used to cover a wide range of
individual chemicals containing carbon that form a vapor in air. Most people are familiar with
fumes from drying paint which fit into this category but many other products used in the
workplace as well as consumer products (e.g. toiletries and polishes) are a source of VOCs.
Outdoors pollution from traffic contains a wide range of VOCs including benzene.
A number of VOCs are irritants and several can have specific health effects e.g. benzene is a
carcinogen. As with all chemicals the health effect, if any, depends upon the concentration of the
pollutant and the period that people are exposed. There is evidence that people’s sensitivity to
pollutants varies considerably.
Data downloaded from
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Commercially available sampling tubes are used to measure VOCs in the air. This is a stainless
steel tube that contains a powdered adsorbent. When the end caps are removed and air pulled
through the tube, VOCs are removed from the air by the sorbent. When returned to the
laboratory, the tubes are analyzed by thermal desorption (TD) followed by gas chromatography
with a flame ionization detector to measure amounts of VOCs collected and/or a mass
spectrometer (MS) to confirm the identity of the individual VOCs collected.
The adsorbent used determines the range of VOCs collected. A porous polymer (Tenax TA) has
been widely used and this is optimum for compounds that have a boiling point between 75°C and
280°C. Sampling and analysis using this sorbent are in accordance with the International
Standard ISO16000-6.
Other sorbents are more suitable for compounds of different volatility, for example, some
detectors use Carboxen 569 (a carbon molecular sieve) for the analysis of carbon disulphide.
Polyurethane foam samplers are used for semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs), such as biocides
and chemicals associated with oil mists.
Special cartridge units can be used to measure carbonyls in the air. This is a circular plastic
sampler that contains silica gel coated with a chemical that absorbs carbonyls from the air pulled
through it by a pump. The sampling and analysis is undertaken in accordance with the
International Standard ISO16000-3.
Other pollutants – There are a range of continuous monitoring equipment to determine gases
including nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide and ozone in air. In
addition, measurement of particulates (PM10) and ultrafine particles can be undertaken.
The standards do not recommend or endorse any specific supplier or manufacturer. HSOs can
identify specific suppliers and evaluate the most appropriate instruments based on cost,
availability, dependability, reliability, and intended application.
Active sampling normally requires a specialist to visit your site with a range of equipment to
undertake the air sampling. Measurements of temperature and humidity are routinely made at the
same time. Alternatively, the HSO can undertake the sampling alone; however close consultation
with instrument suppliers is recommended.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
electrochemical, zirconium or paramagnetic sensors. All these methods have their own
advantages and drawbacks, be it technological or financial.
Among the portable instruments most suitable for workplace environments are combustible gas
indicators (CGI) which detect flammables, four gas meters which detect flammables, oxygen,
carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, and photoionization (PID) detectors and the colorimetric
tubes discussed above which detect low level toxics. None of these technologies is capable of
identifying unknown gases and vapors.
Calibration. The procedure for calibration involves applying the calibration gas (typically 100
ppm isobutylene) to the instrument and checking the reading.
Special Considerations. The specificity of the instrument depends on the sensitivity of the
detector to the substance being measured, the number of interfering compounds present, and the
concentration of the substance being measured relative to any interference. Many models now
have built-in correction or correlation factors. After calibrating the unit on isobutylene, select the
gas to be measured. The instrument will automatically correct for the relative sensitivity of the
gas selected. Some instruments are listed by an NRTL for hazardous locations. Check the
operating manual for specific conditions.
Maintenance. Keeping these instruments in top operating shape means charging the battery,
cleaning the ultraviolet lamp window, light source and replacing the dust filter. The exterior of
the instrument can be wiped clean with a damp cloth and mild detergent if necessary. Keep the
cloth away from the sample inlet, however, and do not attempt to clean while the instrument is
connected to line power.
These analyzers are often factory-programmed to measure many gases and are also user-
programmable to measure other gases.
A microprocessor automatically controls the spectrometer, averages the measurement signal, and
calculates absorbance values. Analysis results can be displayed either in parts per million (ppm)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
or absorbance units (AU). The variable path-length gas cell gives the analyzer the capability of
measuring concentration levels from below 1 ppm up to percent levels.
• Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, especially useful for indoor air assessments;
• Anesthetic gases including, e.g., nitrous oxide, halothane, enflurane, penthrane, and
• Ethylene oxide; and
• Fumigants including e.g. ethylene dibromide, chloropicrin, and methyl bromide.
Calibration. The analyzer and any strip-chart recorder should be calibrated before and after each
use in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Special Considerations. The infrared analyzer may be only semispecific for sampling some
gases and vapors because of interference by other chemicals with similar absorption
Maintenance. No field maintenance of this device should be attempted except items specifically
detailed in the instruction book such as filter replacements and battery charging.
Types: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen chloride, hydrazine, carbon monoxide,
hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, chlorine, and ethylene oxide. Can be combined with
combustible gas and oxygen meters.
Calibration. Calibrate the direct-reading gas monitor before and after each use in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions and with the appropriate calibration gases.
Special Considerations.
• Interference from other gases can be a problem. See manufacturer’s literature.
• When calibrating under external pressure, the pump must be disconnected from the
sensor to avoid sensor damage. If the span gas is directly fed into the instrument from a
regulated pressurized cylinder, the flow rate should be set to match the normal sampling
• Due to the high reaction rate of the gas in the sensor, substantially lower flow rates result
in lower readings. This high reaction rate makes rapid fall time possible simply by
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
shutting off the pump. Calibration from a sample bag connected to the instrument is the
preferred method.
The measuring range of the instrument is 0.01 ppm to 9.5 ppm ozone in air. The readings are
displayed on a liquid crystal display that reads ozone concentrations directly. The temperature
range is 0°-40° C, and the relative humidity range is 10%-80% RH.
Calibration. Calibrate instrument before and after each use. Be sure to use a well-ventilated area
since ozone levels may exceed the PEL for short periods. Calibration requires a source of ozone.
Controlled ozone concentrations are difficult to generate in the field, and this calibration is
normally performed at SLTC. Gas that is either specially desiccated or humidified must not be
used for preparing calibration standards, as readings will be inaccurate.
Special Considerations.
• The instrument is not intrinsically safe.
• The instrument must not be exposed to water, rain, high humidity, high temperature, or
extreme temperature fluctuation.
• The instrument must not be used or stored in an atmosphere containing silicon
compounds, or the sensor will be poisoned.
• The instrument is not to be used for detecting gases other than ozone. Measurements
must not be performed when the presence of organic solvents, reducing gases (such as
nitrogen monoxide, etc.), or smoke is suspected; readings may be low.
Maintenance. The intake-filter unit-Teflon sampling tube should be clean and connected firmly.
These should be checked before each operation. Check pump aspiration and sensitivity before
each operation.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Special Considerations. In high concentrations of mercury vapor the gold film saturates
quickly. Check operating manual for more specific information.
Maintenance. Mercury vapor instruments generally contain rechargeable battery packs, filter
medium, pumps, and valves which require periodic maintenance. Except for routine charging of
the battery pack, most periodic maintenance will be performed during the scheduled annual
calibrations. However, depending on usage, routine maintenance should also include burning
mercury deposits off of the gold-film and changing the zero filter when necessary. See operating
manual for specific instructions.
As the droplets pass through the sensing volume, the particles scatter the light. The light is
directed onto a photodiode which generates an electrical pulse from each droplet. The
concentration of particles is counted by determining the number of pulses generated.
Applications include the testing of respirators and dust monitors.
The counter counts individual airborne particles from sources such as smoke, dust, and exhaust
fumes. Models typically operate in one of three possible modes, each with a particular
application. In the "count" mode, the counter measures the concentration of these airborne
particles. In the "test" (or fit test) mode, measurements are taken inside and outside a respirator
and a fit factor is calculated. In the "sequential" mode, the instrument measures the concentration
on either side of a filter and calculates filter penetration.
Calibration. Check the counter before and after each use in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. This usually involves checking the zero of the instrument.
Special Considerations. Reagent-grade isopropyl alcohol for use in these types of instruments is
available from HSO.
• Dry the saturator felt by installing a freshly charged battery pack without adding alcohol.
Allow the instrument to run until the LO message (low battery) or the E-E message (low
particle count) appears. Some instruments allow you to remove the alcohol cartridge for
storage purposes.
• Remove the battery pack.
• Install the tube plugs into the ends of the twin-tube assembly.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Maintenance. Isopropyl alcohol must be added to the unit every 5-6 hours of operation, per the
manufacturer's instructions. Take care not to overfill the unit. Under normal conditions, a fully
charged battery pack will last for about 5 hours of operation. Low battery packs should be
charged for at least 6 hours, and battery packs should not be stored in a discharged condition.
The oxygen meter displays the concentration of oxygen in percent by volume measured with a
galvanic cell. Other electrochemical sensors are available to measure carbon monoxide,
hydrogen sulfide, and other toxic gases. Some units have an audible alarm that warns of low
oxygen levels or malfunction.
Calibration. Before using the monitor each day, calibrate the instrument to a known
concentration of combustible gas (usually methane) equivalent to 25%-50% LEL full-scale
The monitor must be calibrated to the altitude at which it will be used. Changes in total
atmospheric pressure from changes in altitude will influence the instrument's measurement of the
air's oxygen content. The unit's instruction manual provides additional details on calibration of
Special Considerations.
• Silicone compound vapors, leaded gasoline, and sulfur compounds will cause
desensitization of the combustible sensor and produce erroneous (low) readings.
• High relative humidity (90%-100%) causes hydroxylation, which reduces sensitivity and
causes erratic behavior including inability to calibrate.
• Oxygen deficiency or enrichment such as in steam or inert atmospheres will cause
erroneous readings for combustible gases.
• In drying ovens or unusually hot locations, solvent vapors with high boiling points may
condense in the sampling lines and produce erroneous (low) readings.
• High concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as trichloroethylene or acid gases
such as sulfur dioxide will depress the meter reading in the presence of a high
concentration of combustible gas.
• High-molecular-weight alcohols can burn out the meters filaments.
• If the flash point is greater than the ambient temperature, an erroneous (low)
concentration will be indicated. If the closed vessel is then heated by welding or cutting,
the vapors will increase and the atmosphere may become explosive.
• For gases and vapors other than those for which a device was calibrated, users should
consult the manufacturer's instructions and correction curves.
Maintenance. The instrument requires no short-term maintenance other than regular calibration
and recharging of batteries. Use a soft cloth to wipe dirt, oil, moisture, or foreign material from
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
the instrument. Check the bridge sensors periodically, at least every six months, for proper
functioning. A thermal combustion-oxygen sensor uses electrochemical cells to measure
combustible gases and oxygen. It is not widely used in the area offices.
Ninety-five to 100 percent of viable particles above 0.8 microns in an aerosol can be collected on
a variety of bacteriological agar. Trypticase soy agar is normally used to collect bacteria, and
malt extract agar is normally used to collect fungi. They can be used in assessing sick- (or tight-)
building syndrome and mass psychogenic illness.
These samplers are also capable of collecting virus particles. However, there is no convenient,
practical method for cultivation and enumeration of these particles.
Calibration: Bioaerosol meters must be calibrated before use. This can be done using an
electronic calibration system with a high-flow cell, available through the HRT.
Special Considerations: Prior to sampling, determine the type of collection media required and
an analytical laboratory. The HRT can provide this information. This specialized equipment is
available from the HRT with accompanying instructions.
2(a)(4) Batteries
Many of the instruments described are powered by batteries. Battery care is important in assuring
uninterruted sampling. A pump battery pack, for example, should be discharged to the
recommended level before charging, at least after every use. If the pump is allowed to run down
until the battery reaches the low battery Fault condition, the pump should be turned OFF soon
after the Fault condition stops the pump. Leaving some pumps ON for a long time after this Fault
condition can damage the battery pack. Also, avoid overcharging the battery pack.
Alkaline Batteries. Replace frequently before they become depleted, or carry fresh
replacements. When replacing a battery, never mix types (alkaline, carbon zinc, etc.) or capacity
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
and age. Doing so can have negative affects on all the batteries. Remove batteries if equipment
will not be used for an extended period of time.
Other Rechargeable Batteries: Other types of rechargeable batteries are being used in equipment
such as lead-acid, nickel-metal hydride, etc. Make sure the manufacturer's instructions are
followed concerning the handling and recharging of these types of batteries.
Explosive Atmospheres
• Instruments shall not be used in atmospheres where the potential for explosion exists
unless the instrument is listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory for use in
the type of atmosphere present. Check the class and division ratings.
• When batteries are being replaced, use only the type of battery specified on the safety
approval label.
• Do not assume that an instrument is intrinsically safe. Verify by contacting the
instrument's maker if uncertain.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(a)(7) Bibliography
A.M. Best Co. (AMB). 1990. Bests Safety Directory. AMB: Odwick, NJ.
Hering, S.V., Ed. 1989. Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants,
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists: Cincinnati, Ohio.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(b)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(b)(1) Introduction
Hearing protection should be issued to employees:
• where extra protection is needed above what can been achieved using noise control;
• as a short-term measure while other methods of controlling noise are being developed.
The Health and Safety Officer (HSO) should not use hearing protection as an alternative to
controlling noise by technical and organizational means.
The National Electricity Health and Safety Standards require employers to:
• provide employees with hearing protectors if they ask for it and their noise exposure is
between the lower and upper exposure action values;
• provide employees with hearing protectors and make sure they use them properly when
their noise exposure exceeds the upper exposure action values;
• identify hearing protection zones, i.e. areas where the use of hearing protection is
compulsory, and mark them with signs if possible;
• provide your employees with training and information on how to use and care for the
hearing protectors;
• ensure that the hearing protectors are properly used and maintained.
• make sure the protectors give enough protection - aim at least to get below 85 dB at the
• target the use of protectors to the noisy tasks and jobs in a working day;
• select protectors which are suitable for the working environment - consider how
comfortable and hygienic they are;
• think about how they will be worn with other protective equipment (e.g. hard hats, dust
masks and eye protection);
• provide a range of protectors so that employees can choose ones which suit them.
• provide protectors which cut out too much noise - this can cause isolation, or lead to an
unwillingness to wear them;
• make the use of hearing protectors compulsory where the law doesn't require it;
• have a 'blanket' approach to hearing protection - better to target its use and only
encourage people to wear it when they need to.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
content of noise. They are also valuable for the calibration of audiometers and to determine the
suitability of various types of noise control.
Calibration. In normal operation, calibration of the instrument usually requires only checking.
Prior to and immediately after taking measurements, it is a good practice to check, using a
calibrator, the ability of the sound level instrument to correctly measure sound levels. As long as
the sound level readout is within 0.2 dB of the known source, it is suggested that no adjustments
to the calibration pot be made. If large fluctuations in the level occur (more than 1 dB) then
either the calibrator or the instrument may have a problem.
Special Considerations
• Always check the batteries prior to use. Use the microphone windscreen to protect the
microphone when the wearer will be outdoors or in dusty or dirty areas. (The windscreen
will not protect the microphone from rain or extreme humidity.)
• Never use any other type of covering over the microphone (e.g., plastic bag or plastic
wrap) to protect it from moisture. These materials will distort the noise pickup, and the
readings will be invalid.
• Never try to clean a microphone, particularly with compressed air, since damage is likely
to result. Although dirt and exposure will damage microphones, regular use of an
acoustical calibrator will detect such damage so that the microphones can be replaced.
• Remove the batteries from any meter that will be stored for more than 5 days. Protect
meters from extreme heat and humidity.
Special Considerations
• Always check the batteries prior to use. Be very careful with the microphone cable.
Never kink, stretch, pinch, or otherwise damage the cable.
• Use the microphone windscreen to protect the microphone when the wearer will be
outdoors or in dusty or dirty areas. (The windscreen will not protect the microphone from
rain or extreme humidity.)
• Never use any type of covering over the microphone (e.g., plastic bag or plastic wrap) to
protect it from moisture. Such materials will distort the noise pickup, and the readings
will be invalid.
• Never try to clean a microphone, particularly with compressed air, since damage is likely
to result. Although dirt and exposure to industrial environments will damage the
microphones, regular use of an acoustical calibrator will detect such damage so that
microphones can be replaced.
• Remove the batteries when the dosimeter will be stored for more than 5 days. Protect
dosimeters from extreme heat and humidity.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
When employees are subjected to sound exceeding those listed in Table 2, feasible
administrative or engineering controls shall be utilized. If such controls fail to reduce sound
levels within the levels of Table 3, personal protective equipment shall be provided and used to
reduce sound levels within the levels of the table.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Monitoring: When information indicates that any employee's exposure may equal or exceed an
8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, the employer shall develop and implement a
monitoring program.
Sampling: The sampling strategy shall be designed to identify employees for inclusion in the
hearing conservation program and to enable the proper selection of hearing protectors.
Where circumstances such as high worker mobility, significant variations in sound level, or a
significant component of impulse noise make area monitoring generally inappropriate, the
employer shall use representative personal sampling to comply with the monitoring requirements
of the program unless the employer can show that area sampling produces equivalent results.
All continuous, intermittent and impulsive sound levels from 80 decibels to 130 decibels shall be
integrated into the noise measurements.
Instruments used to measure employee noise exposure shall be calibrated to ensure measurement
Employee Notification: The employer shall notify each employee exposed at or above an 8-
hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels of the results of the monitoring.
Audiometric Testing Program: The employer shall establish and maintain an audiometric testing
program as provided in this paragraph by making audiometric testing available to all employees
whose exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels.
Baseline Audiogram: Within 6 months of an employee's first exposure at or above the action
level, the employer shall establish a valid baseline audiogram against which subsequent
audiograms can be compared.
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The employer shall notify employees of the need to avoid high levels of non-occupational noise
exposure during the 14-hour period immediately preceding the audiometric examination.
Annual Audiogram: At least annually after obtaining the baseline audiogram, the employer
shall obtain a new audiogram for each employee exposed at or above an 8-hour time-weighted
average of 85 decibels.
If the annual audiogram shows that an employee has suffered a standard threshold shift, the
employer may obtain a retest within 30 days and consider the results of the retest as the annual
The audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician shall review problem audiograms and shall
determine whether there is a need for further evaluation. The employer shall provide to the
person performing this evaluation the following information:
• A copy of the requirements for hearing conservation as set forth in this section;
• The baseline audiogram and most recent audiogram of the employee to be evaluated;
• Measurements of background sound pressure levels in the audiometric test room.
• Records of audiometer calibrations required by paragraph (h)(5) of this section.
Unless a physician determines that the standard threshold shift is not work related or aggravated
by occupational noise exposure, the employer shall ensure that the following steps are taken
when a standard threshold shift occurs:
• Employees not using hearing protectors shall be fitted with hearing protectors, trained in
their use and care, and required to use them.
• Employees already using hearing protectors shall be refitted and retrained in the use of
hearing protectors and provided with hearing protectors offering greater attenuation if
• The employee shall be referred for a clinical audiological evaluation or an otological
examination, as appropriate, if additional testing is necessary or if the employer suspects
that a medical pathology of the ear is caused or aggravated by the wearing of hearing
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
If subsequent audiometric testing of an employee whose exposure to noise is less than an 8-hour
TWA of 90 decibels indicates that a standard threshold shift is not persistent, the employer:
Standard Threshold Shift: A standard threshold shift is a change in hearing threshold relative
to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10 dB or more at 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz in either
ear. In determining whether a standard threshold shift has occurred, allowance may be made for
the contribution of aging (presbycusis) to the change in hearing level by correcting the annual
Hearing Protectors: Employers shall make hearing protectors available to all employees
exposed to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or greater at no cost to the
employees. Hearing protectors shall be replaced as necessary.
Employees shall be given the opportunity to select their hearing protectors from a variety of
suitable hearing protectors provided by the employer.
The employer shall provide training in the use and care of all hearing protectors provided to
The employer shall ensure proper initial fitting and supervise the correct use of all hearing
Training Program: The employer shall institute a training program for all employees who are
exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, and shall ensure
employee participation in such program.
The training program shall be repeated annually for each employee included in the hearing
conservation program. Information provided in the training program shall be updated to be
consistent with changes in protective equipment and work processes.
The employer shall ensure that each employee is informed of the following:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
The employer shall make available to affected employees or their representatives copies of this
standard and shall also post a copy in the workplace.
2(b)(3)(iii) Recordkeeping
2(b)(3)(iii)(a) Exposure Measurements
The employer shall maintain an accurate record of all employee exposure measurements
described in this section.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(b)(4) Bibliography
The following references were consulted. Internet sources can be accessed by typing the
identified reference on a well-known search engine such as “Google”.
OSHA Standards
Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (29 CFR 1904)
• 1904.10, Recording Criteria for Cases Involving Occupational Hearing Loss (for
General Industry (29 CFR 1910)
• 1910 Subpart G, Occupational health and environmental control
– 1910.95, Occupational noise exposure
Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926)
• 1926 Subpart D, Occupational health and environmental controls
– 1926.52, Occupational noise exposure
• 1926 Subpart E, Personal protective and lifesaving equipment
– 1926.101, Hearing protection
Printed Resources
• Alberti, P.W. Personal Hearing Protection in Industry. New York: Raven Press, 1982.
• Beranek, L.L. Noise and Vibration Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.
• Berger, E. H., et al. The Noise Manual. 5th ed. Fairfax, VA: American Industrial Hygiene
Association, 2000.
• Cheremisinoff, N. P., Noise Control in Industry, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, N.J.
• Code of Federal Regulations. Title 29, Parts 1900 to 1990. Washington, DC: US
Government Printing Office, 1992.
• Harris, C.M. Handbook for Noise Control. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957.
• Harris, C.M. Shock and Vibration Handbook. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Kryter, K.D. The Effects of Noise on Man. New York: Academic Press, 1970.
• Kryter, K.D. The Effects of Noise on Man. 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press, 1985.
• Olishifski, P.E. and E.R. Harford. Industrial Noise and Hearing Conservation. Chicago:
National Safety Council, 1975.
• Field Operations Manual. OSHA Directive CPL 02-00-045 [CPL 2.45B]. Washington,
DC: US Government Printing Office, 1992.
• Royster, Julia and Larry. Guide 15: A Guide to Developing and Maintaining an Effective
Hearing Conservation Program. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Labor,
Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 1998.
• Sataloff, J., and P. Michael. Hearing Conservation. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas,
• Sataloff, R.T., and J.T. Sataloff. Occupational Hearing Loss. New York: Marcel Dekker,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(c)
2(c)(1) Introduction.................................................................................................................II-37
2(c)(2) Light .............................................................................................................................II-37
2(c)(3) Ionizing Radiation.......................................................................................................II-38
2(c)(4) Nonionizing Radiation................................................................................................II-38
2(c)(5) Survey Meters for Radiation Detection ....................................................................II-39
2(c)(5)(i) Ion Chamber Counter............................................................................................. II-39
2(c)(5)(ii) Proportional Counter............................................................................................. II-40
2(c)(5)(iii) Geiger-Müller (GM) Counter .............................................................................. II-40
2(c)(5)(iv) Comparison of Gas Filled Detectors.................................................................... II-41
2(c)(6) Pocket Dosimeters.......................................................................................................II-41
2(c)(6)(i) Direct Read Pocket Dosimeter............................................................................... II-41
2(c)(6)(ii) Digital Electronic Dosimeter ................................................................................ II-42
2(c)(7) Audible Alarm Rate Meters and Digital Electronic Dosimeters ............................II-43
2(c)(8) Film Badges .................................................................................................................II-43
2(c)(9) Thermoluminescent Dosimeters ................................................................................II-44
2(c)(10) Annex – Guide to Meter Selection and Applications.............................................II-44
2(c)(11) Bibliography ..............................................................................................................II-46
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(c)(1) Introduction
Instruments used for radiation measurement fall into two broad categories:
Rate measuring instruments measure the rate at which exposure is received (more commonly
called the radiation intensity). Survey meters, audible alarms and area monitors fall into this
category. These instruments present a radiation intensity reading relative to time, such as R/hr or
mR/hr. An analogy can be made between these instruments and the speedometer of a car because
both are measuring units relative to time.
Dose measuring instruments are those that measure the total amount of exposure received during
a measuring period. The dose measuring instruments, or dosimeters, that are commonly used in
industrial radiography are small devices which are designed to be worn by an individual to
measure the exposure received by the individual. An analogy can be made between these
instruments and the odometer of a car because both are measuring accumulated units.
The following provides general information on the selection and application of field instruments
for monitoring radiation sources in the work place.
2(c)(2) Light
Description and Applications. The light meter is a portable unit designed to measure visible,
UV, and near-UV light in the workplace.
The light meter is capable of reading any optical unit of energy or power level if the appropriate
detector has been calibrated with the meter. The spectral range of the instrument is limited only
by the choice of detector.
Steady-state measurements can be made from a steady-state source using the "normal operation"
mode. Average measurements can be obtained from a flickering or modulated light source with
the meter set in the "fast function" position. Flash measurements can be measured using the
"integrate" function.
Calibration. No field calibration is available. These instruments are generally very stable and
require only periodic calibration.
Special Considerations. Exposure of the photomultiplier to bright illumination when the power
is applied can damage the sensitive cathode or conduct excessive current.
Maintenance. Little maintenance is required unless the unit is subjected to extreme conditions of
corrosion or temperature. Clean the optical unit with lens paper to avoid scratching.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The survey meter with the scintillation detector can be used to measure the presence of radon-
decay products in a dust sample. The barometric pressure should be noted for ionizing radiation
Depending on the instrument, electromagnetic field strengths from power lines, transformers,
video display terminals, RF induction heaters, RF heat sealers, radio & television transmitters,
microwave ovens and other sources can be measured.
Special Considerations.
• Some of the instruments have an automatic instrument zeroing. Other instruments may
require "zeroing" the instrument in a "zero-field" condition. Check the operating manual
for guidance.
• Some units have a peak memory-hold circuit that retains the highest reading in memory.
• Some units operate with either electric (E) or magnetic (H) field probes based on diode-
dipole antenna design. Total field strength is measured at the meter regardless of the field
orientation or probe receiving angle. The diode-dipole antenna design of the probe is
much more resistant to burnout from overload than the thermocouple design of probes
used with other meters.
Maintenance. No field maintenance is required other than replacing the alkaline batteries when
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Gas filled detectors consist of a gas filled cylinder with two electrodes. Sometimes, the cylinder
itself acts as one electrode, and a needle or thin taut wire along the axis of the cylinder acts as the
other electrode (Figure 3). A voltage is applied to the device so that the central needle or wire
become an anode (+ charge) and the other electrode or cylinder wall becomes the cathode (-
charge). The gas becomes ionized whenever the counter is brought near radioactive substances.
The electric field created by the potential difference between the anode and cathode causes the
electrons of each ion pair to move to the anode while the positively charged gas atom is drawn to
the cathode. This results in an electrical signal that is amplified, correlated to exposure and
displayed as a value.
Depending on the voltage applied between the anode and the cathode, the detector may be
considered an ion chamber, a proportional counter, or a Geiger-Müller (GM) detector. Each of
these types of detectors have their advantages and disadvantages. A brief summary of each of
these detectors is as follows.
Collection of only primary ions provides information on true radiation exposure (energy and
intensity). However, the meters require sensitive electronics to amplify the signal, which makes
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
them fairly expensive and delicate. The additional expense and required care is justified when it
is necessary to make accurate radiation exposure measurements over a range of radiation
energies. This might be necessary when measuring the Bremsstrahlung radiation produced by an
X-ray generator. An ion chamber survey meter is sometimes used in the field when performing
gamma radiography because it will provide accurate exposure measurements regardless of the
radioactive isotope being used.
Like ion chamber detectors, proportional detectors discriminate between types of radiation.
However, they require very stable electronics which are expensive and fragile. Proportional
detectors are usually only used in a laboratory setting.
The electronic circuit of a GM counters counts and records the number of pulses and the
information is often displayed in counts per minute. If the instrument has a speaker, the pulses
can also produce an audible click. When the volume of gas in the chamber is completely ionized,
ion collection stops until the electrical pulse discharges. Again, this only takes a fraction of a
second, but this process slightly limits the rate at which individual events can be detected.
Because they can display individual ionizing events, GM counters are generally more sensitive to
low levels of radiation than ion chamber instruments. By means of calibration, the count rate can
be displayed as the exposure rate over a specified energy range. When used for gamma
radiography, GM meters are typically calibrated for the energy of the gamma radiation being
used. Most often, gamma radiation from Cs-137 at 0.662 MeV provides the calibration. Only
small errors occur when the radiographer uses Ir-192 (average energy about 0.34 MeV) or Co-60
(average energy about 1.25 MeV).
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Since the Geiger-Müller counter produces many more electrons than an ion chamber counter or a
proportional counter, it does not require the same level of electronic sophistication as other
survey meters. This results in a meter that is relatively low cost and rugged. The disadvantages of
GM survey meters are the lack of ability to account for different amounts of ionization caused by
different energy photons and noncontinuous measurement (need to discharge).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
By pointing the instrument at a light source, the position of the fiber may be observed through a
system of built-in lenses. The fiber is viewed on a translucent scale which is graduated in units of
exposure. Typical industrial radiography pocket dosimeters have a full scale reading of 200
milliroentgens but there are designs that will record higher amounts. During the shift, the
dosimeter reading should be checked frequently. The measured exposure should be recorded at
the end of each shift.
The principal advantage of a pocket dosimeter is its ability to provide the wearer an immediate
reading of his or her radiation exposure. It also has the advantage of being reusable. The limited
range, inability to provide a permanent record, and the potential for discharging and reading loss
due to dropping or bumping are a few of the main disadvantages of a pocket dosimeter. The
dosimeters must be recharged and recorded at the start of each working shift. Charge leakage, or
drift, can also affect the reading of a dosimeter. Leakage should be no greater than 2 percent of
full scale in a 24 hour period.
Some Digital Electronic Dosimeters include an audible alarm feature which emits an audible
signal or chirp with each recorded increment of exposure. Some models can also be set to
provide a continuous audible signal when a preset exposure has been reached. This format helps
to minimize the reading errors associated with direct reading pocket ionization chamber
dosimeters and allows the instrument to achieve a maximum readout before resetting is
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Most audible alarms use a Geiger-Müller detector. The output of the detector is collected, and
when a predetermined exposure has been reached, this collected charge is discharged through a
speaker. Hence, an audible "chirp" is emitted. Consequently, the frequency or chirp rate of the
alarm is proportional to the radiation intensity. The chirp rate varies among different alarms from
one chirp per milliroentgen to more than 100 chirps per milliroentgen
The major advantages of a film badge as a personnel monitoring device are that it provides a
permanent record, it is able to distinguish between different energies of photons, and it can
measure doses due to different types of radiation. It is quite accurate for exposures greater than
100 millirem. The major disadvantages are that it must be developed and read by a processor
(which is time consuming), prolonged heat exposure can affect the film, and exposures of less
than 20 millirem of gamma radiation cannot be accurately measured.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Film badges need to be worn correctly so that the dose they receive accurately represents the
dose the wearer receives. Whole body badges are worn on the body between the neck and the
waist, often on the belt or a shirt pocket. The clip-on badge is worn most often when performing
X-ray or gamma radiography. The film badge may also be worn when working around a low
curie source. Ring badges are worn on a finger of the hand most likely to be exposed to ionizing
radiation. A LIXI system with its culminated and directional beam would be one example where
monitoring the hands would be more important than the whole body.
A TLD is a phosphor, such as lithium fluoride (LiF) or calcium fluoride (CaF), in a solid crystal
structure. When a TLD is exposed to ionizing radiation at ambient temperatures, the radiation
interacts with the phosphor crystal and deposits all or part of the incident energy in that material.
Some of the atoms in the material that absorb that energy become ionized, producing free
electrons and areas lacking one or more electrons, called holes. Imperfections in the crystal
lattice structure act as sites where free electrons can become trapped and locked into place.
Heating the crystal causes the crystal lattice to vibrate, releasing the trapped electrons in the
process. Released electrons return to the original ground state, releasing the captured energy
from ionization as light, hence the name thermoluminescent. Released light is counted using
photomultiplier tubes and the number of photons counted is proportional to the quantity of
radiation striking the phosphor.
Instead of reading the optical density (blackness) of a film, as is done with film badges, the
amount of light released versus the heating of the individual pieces of thermoluminescent
material is measured. The "glow curve" produced by this process is then related to the radiation
exposure. The process can be repeated many times.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Mueller (GM) Ion Proportional Semiconductor
Attribute Tube Chamber Scintillation Counter Detector
the type of instrument response neutron counting
GM tube Low Fragile surveys environmental
May be energy Audible Alpha samples
energy dependence signal and detector can May be used
dependent Some rate meter discriminate for in situ
Some models models can Radiation between gamma fields
saturate—do be used in detected alpha and
not use in RF fields depends on beta-gamma
high radiation Some instrument Neutron
fields models and crystal detector can
Sensitive to slow to Fast neutron discriminate
microwave respond detector against
fields where dose gamma
Rate meter rate is not radiation
and audible required Maintenance
pulse may be a
Rapid problem
2(c)(11) Bibliography
The following Internet references were consulted.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Radiation safety videos available on the Internet can be found at:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(d)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(d)(1) Introduction
Electronic test equipment (called 'testgear') is used to create stimulus signals and capture
responses from electronic Devices Under Tests (DUTs). In this way, the proper operation of the
DUT can be proven or faults in the device can be traced and repaired. Use of electronic test
equipment is essential to any serious work on electronics systems.
Practical electronics engineering and assembly requires the use of many different kinds of
electronic test equipment ranging from the very simple and inexpensive (such as a test light
consisting of just a light bulb and a test lead) to extremely complex and sophisticated such as
Automatic Test Equipment.
Generally, more advanced test gear is necessary when developing circuits and systems than is
needed when doing production testing or when troubleshooting existing production units in the
The following is a general overview of the common test equipment that is available.
The following are used for stimulus of the circuit under test:
• Power supplies
• Signal generator
• Pulse generator
• Test probes
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(d)(2)(ii) Probes
These include:
• Multimeters
• RF probe
• Signal tracer
2(d)(2)(iii) Analyzers
These include:
• Signal generator
• Frequency synthesiser
• Function generator
• Pulse generator
• Signal injector
• Continuity tester
• Cable tester
• Hipot tester
• Network analyzer (used to characterize components or complete computer networks)
• Test light
• Transistor tester
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Multimeters measure AC or DC voltage or current and resistance. They can check for AC
leakage, proper line voltage, batteries, continuity, ground connection, integrity of shielded
connections, fuses, etc.
Calibration. Few, if any, field calibrations are available. Check manufacturer's manual.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(e)
2(e)(1) Introduction.................................................................................................................II-57
2(e)(1)(i) Permissions ............................................................................................................ II-57
2(e)(2) Reference Standards...................................................................................................II-57
2(e)(2)(i) Explanation of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)............................................ II-57
2(e)(2)(ii) Occupational Safety and Health Administration .................................................. II-85
2(e)(2)(iii) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health........................................ II-87
2(e)(2)(iv) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists............................ II-88
2(e)(2)(v) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry............................................. II-88
2(e)(2)(vi) World Health Organization.................................................................................. II-90
2(e)(3) Safe Chemical Exposure Tables ................................................................................II-90
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(e)(1) Introduction
Health and safety standards have been established throughout the world to protect the safety,
health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. These standards also protect co-
workers, family members, employers, customers, nearby communities, and other members of the
public that may be impacted by the workplace environment. In the United States, several federal
agencies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the World Health
Organization (WHO), have developed and recommended health and safety standards. These
standards are internationally recognized as a basis to provide safe levels of protection for
workers. This subsection provides a summary of the standards as recommended by the above
2(e)(1)(i) Permissions
The tables and information provided herein were compiled and previously published by Gulf
Publishing Co. of Houston, Texas4. Permission for reprinting the tables and parts of text
discussions in the NERC National Electricity Health and Safety Standards has been granted by
the Authors and the Publisher for this Government of Nigeria publication. Information as
presented may not be reproduced for sale or profit without the expressed permission of Gulf
Publishing Co. and the Authors.
The following is a detailed explanation of the types of information found on a typical MSDS.
The information is usually organized into distinct sections which may include:
I. Product Identification;
II. Component Data;
III. Precautions for Safe Handling and Storage;
IV. Physical Properties Data;
V. Personal Protective Equipment;
VI. Fire and Explosion Hazard Information;
VII. Reactivity Information;
VIII. First Aid;
Cheremisinoff, N. P., P. Rosenfeld, and A. Davletshin, Handbook of Environmental Management and Responsible
Care, Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, TX, 2008
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
A chemical may present a health hazard if exposure could result in acute or chronic adverse
health effects. If it has been determined that the product is a health hazard then all components
that present a health hazard and that comprise 1% or more of the material are listed in this
section. Also, any component that is a carcinogen is listed if it comprises 0.1% or more of the
product. If it has been determined that the product is a physical hazard, then any component that
presents a physical hazard is listed. Components in a product that the manufacturer believes are
not hazardous are often referred to as inert ingredients.
Normally, the chemical name and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Numbers are used to
identify a component. CAS numbers are assigned to chemicals and mixtures by the Chemical
Abstracts Service (published by the American Chemical Society) as a specific identification, but
they are generally recognized internationally. Where the identity of a component is a trade secret,
a descriptive name is used instead of the chemical name and a trade secret access number is
given to that component. Disclosure of the identity of the trade secret component will be made to
health professional upon request, subject to the conditions specified in the Standard.
Exposure limits are given for each component where these have been established. Definitions of
these exposure limits are as follow:
• ACGIG TLV (Threshold Limit Value): A term used by the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists to express the airborne concentration of a material to
which nearly all persons can be exposed day after day without adverse effects. ACGIH
expresses TLVs in three ways:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Freezing Point/ Melting Point: The temperature at which a substance changes state
from liquid to solid or solid to liquid. For mixtures, a range may be given.
• Boiling Point: The temperature at which a liquid changes to a vapor state at a given
pressure. (Usually 760 mmHg, or one atmosphere). For mixtures, the initial boiling point
or the boiling range may be given. Flammable materials with low boiling points generally
present special fire hazards.
• Decomposition Temp: The temperature at which a substance will break down, or
decompose, into smaller fragments.
• Specific Gravity: The weight of a material compared to the weight of an equal volume
of water; an expression of the density (or heaviness) of the material. Example: if a
volume of material weighs 3.6 kilograms, and an equal volume of water weighs 4.5
kilograms, the material has a specific gravity of 0.8:
Insoluble materials with a specific gravity of less than 1.0 may float in (or on) water.
Insoluble materials with a specific gravity greater than 1.0 may sink in water. Most
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
insoluble flammable liquids having a specific gravity of less than 1.0 will float on water,
an important consideration for fire suppression.
• Bulk Density: Weight of material per unit volume.
• pH: A value presenting the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution.
1 ------------------------- 7 -------------------------14
Acidic Neutral Alkaline
Use of some products may require specific ventilation requirements. The following definitions
apply to ventilation systems:
• General Exhaust: A system for exhausting air containing contaminants from a general
work area. General exhaust may be referred to as dilution ventilation.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Local Exhaust: A system for capturing and exhausting contaminants from the air at the
point where the contaminants are produced (welding, grinding, sanding, other processes
or operations). Typical local exhausts include the fume hood, canopy hood, slot bench,
dust collector and other devices engineered to remove contaminants from workers'
breathing zones.
• Explosive: A chemical that causes an almost instantaneous release of gas and heat when
subjected to certain conditions.
• Incompatible Materials: Materials that react with the product or with components of the
product and may destroy the structure or function of a product; cause a fire, explosion or
violent reaction; or cause the release of hazardous chemicals.
• Extinguishing Media: Agents which can put out fires involving the material. Common
extinguishing agents are water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, "alcohol" foam, and
halogenated gases (Halons). It is important to know which extinguishers can be used so
they can be made available at the worksite.
• Oxidizer: A material that gives up oxygen easily or can readily oxidize other materials.
Examples of oxidizing agents are oxygen, chlorine and peroxide compounds. These
chemicals will support a fire and are highly reactive
• Pyrophoric: A substance that burns spontaneously in air at a temperature of 54.4°C or
• Flammable: There are four classes of flammable chemicals as follows:
– An aerosol flammable is an aerosol which yields a flame projection exceeding
45.7 centimeters or a flashback under certain test conditions.
– A flammable gas is a gas which can ignite readily and burn rapidly or explosively.
– A flammable liquid is any liquid having a flash point below 37.8°C, with the
exception of mixtures in which 99% of the components have flash points of
37.8°C or higher.
– A flammable solid is a solid (with certain exceptions ) that is liable to cause fire
through friction, absorption of water or other reasons, or which can be ignited
readily, and when ignited burns in such a manner as to create a serious hazard.
• Combustible: A combustible liquid is any liquid having a flash point at or above 37.8°C,
but below 93.3°C, with the exception of mixtures in which 99% of the components have
flash points of 93.3°C or higher.
• Flash Point: The temperature at which a liquid will give off enough flammable vapors to
ignite in the presence of an ignition source.
There are several flash point test methods. Because flash points may vary for the same material
depending on the method used, the method is indicated when the flash point is given. The
methods most frequently quoted are:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Details of these methods can be found in Section B of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
• Autoignition Temperature: The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off
enough flammable vapors and heat energy to ignite spontaneously and maintain
• UEL and LEL: Upper Explosive Limit and Lower Explosive Limit (sometimes referred
to as Upper and Lower Flammable Limits) are the highest concentration and lowest
concentration respectively that will produce a flash of fire when an ignition source is
present. At higher concentrations than the UEL, the mixture is too "rich" to burn. At
concentrations lower than the LEL, the mixture is too "lean" to burn.
• NFPA Rating: The U.S. National Fire Protection Association Standard System for the
Identification of the Fire Hazards of Materials (NFPA 704M). The NFPA ratings provide
a general idea both of the hazards and of the degree of the hazards associated with a
material relative to fire protection and control. The Standard addresses the hazards under
the three categories of "Health", "Flammability" and "Reactivity" and assigns numeric
ratings using a scale of 0 to 4 with 0 indicating no particular hazard, and 4 the most
hazardous. It should be noted that health hazard ratings refer specifically to short-term
exposure under fire conditions. The Standard also includes provisions for special hazard
warnings, such as water reactivity. For further details see 'Fire Protection Guide on
Hazardous Materials' – National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
• HMIS Ratings: The Hazard Materials Identification System of the U.S. National Paint
and Coatings Association. The system is similar to the NFPA Standard in utilizing a 0-4
scale, rating the degree of hazard under the same three categories of health, flammability
and reactivity, with 0 being the least hazardous and 4 the most. It should be noted that
unlike NFPA ratings, HMIS ratings are not intended for emergency situations. The
flammability and reactivity ratings will, however, usually be the same as the NFPA
ratings. The health hazard rating is based on the acute toxicity of the chemical. For
further information on these ratings, see 'HMIS Rating Manual' – National Paint and
Coatings Association, Washington, DC.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Acute Effect: An adverse effect on a human or animal resulting from a single exposure
with symptoms developing almost immediately after exposure. The effect is often of
short duration.
• Chronic Effect: An adverse effect on a human or animal body resulting from repeated
low level exposure, with symptoms that develop slowly over a long period of time or that
reoccur frequently.
• Corrosive: A liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible alterations in
human or animal tissue.
• Irritation: An inflammatory response or reaction of the eye, skin or respiratory system.
• Allergic Sensitization: A process whereby on first exposure a substance causes little or
no reaction in humans or test animals, but which on repeated exposure may cause a
marked response not necessarily limited to the contact site. Skin sensitization is the most
common form of sensitization in the industrial setting, although respiratory sensitization
is also known to occur.
• Teratogen: A substance or agent to which exposure of a pregnant female can result in
malformations (birth defects) to the skeleton and or soft tissue of the fetus.
• Mutagen: A substance or agent capable of altering the genetic material in a living
• Carcinogen: A substance or agent capable of causing or producing cancer in humans or
animals. Authorities/organizations that have evaluated whether or not a substance is a
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
carcinogen are the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the U.S.
National Toxicology Program (NTP) and OSHA.
• Target Organ Effects: Chemically-caused effects upon organs and systems such as the
liver, kidneys, nervous system, lungs, skin, and eyes from exposure to a material.
To evaluate the potential human effects from exposure to hazardous chemicals, studies on
laboratory animals are performed. The terms most commonly used to define the results of the
studies are as follows:
• LD50 (Lethal Dose Fifty) - The dose of a substance expected to cause the death of 50%
of an experimental animal population. This dose may be from oral, dermal or other routes
of exposure. The units given for the LD50 are usually milligrams per kilogram body
weight of the tested animal (mg/kg).
• LC50 (Lethal Concentration Fifty) - A calculated concentration of a substance in air,
exposure to which for specified length of time is expected to cause the death of 50% of a
laboratory animal population. This concentration is usually in units of milligrams per
cubic meter of air (mg/m3) or milligrams per liter of air (mg/1) and is given for some
time period (usually one or four hours).
• LDLO (Lethal Dose Low) - The lowest dose of substance introduced by any route other
than inhalation reported to have caused death in humans or animals.
• LCLO (Lethal Concentration Low) - The lowest concentration of a substance in air
that has been reported to have caused death in humans or animals.
• TDLO (Toxic Dose Low) - The lowest dose of a substance to which humans or animals
have been exposed and reported to produce a toxic effect other than cancer.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
hazardous, recommendations for disposal are made depending on the physical state and known
characteristics of the material.
ACGIH - ACGIH stands for American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. The
ACGIH is an association of occupational health professionals employed by government and
educational institutions. The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) Committee and Ventilation
Committee of the ACGIH publish guidelines which are used worldwide.
Active Ingredient - An active ingredient is the part of a product which actually does what the
product is designed to do. It is not necessarily the largest or most hazardous part of the product.
For example, an insecticidal spray may contain less than 1% pyrethrin, the ingredient which
actually kills insects. The remaining ingredients are often called inert ingredients.
Acute - Acute means sudden or brief. Acute can be used to describe either an exposure or a
health effect. An acute exposure is a short-term exposure. Short-term means lasting for minutes,
hours or days. An acute health effect is an effect that develops either immediately or a short time
after an exposure. Acute health effects may appear minutes, hours or even days after an
exposure. (See also Chronic).
Aerosol - An aerosol is a collection of very small particles suspended in air. The particles can be
liquid (mist) or solid (dust or fume). The term aerosol is also commonly used for a pressurized
container (aerosol can) which is designed to release a fine spray of a material such as paint.
Inhalation of aerosols is a common route of exposure to many chemicals. Also, aerosols may be
fire hazards.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Boiling Point - The boiling point is the temperature at which the material changes from a liquid
to a gas. Below the boiling point, the liquid can evaporate to form a vapor. As the material
approaches the boiling point, the change from liquid to vapor is rapid and vapour concentrations
in the air can be extremely high. Airborne gases and vapors may pose fire, explosion and health
hazards. Sometimes, the boiling point of a mixture is given as a range of temperatures. This is
because the different ingredients in a mixture can boil at different temperatures. If the material
decomposes (breaks down) without boiling, the temperature at which it decomposes may be
given with the abbreviation "dec." Some of the decomposition chemicals may be hazardous. (See
also Thermal Decomposition Products).
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Cas Registry Number - The CAS Registry Number is a number assigned to a material by the
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The CAS number
provides a single unique identifier. A unique identifier is necessary because the same material
can have many different names. For example, the name given to a specific chemical may vary
from one language or country to another. The CAS Registry Number is similar to a telephone
number and has no significance in terms of the chemical nature or hazards of the material. The
CAS Registry Number can be used to locate additional information on the material, for example,
when searching in books or chemical data bases.
CC - Depending on the context, CC can stand for closed cup, cubic centimetres or ceiling
CCC - CCC stands for Cleveland closed cup, a standard method of determining flash points.
Chemical Family - The chemical family describes the general nature of the chemical. Chemicals
belonging to the same family often share certain physical and chemical properties and toxic
effects. However, there may also be important differences. For example, toluene and benzene
both belong to the aromatic hydrocarbon family. However, benzene is a carcinogen, but toluene
is not.
Chemical Formula - The chemical formula, sometimes called the molecular formula, tells
which elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and so on) make up a chemical. It also gives the
number of atoms of each element in one unit or molecule of the chemical. The chemical formula
can be used to confirm the identity of ingredients or to indicate the presence of a potentially
hazardous element. For example, zinc yellow has the chemical formula ZnCrO4, which shows
that it contains not only zinc (Zn) but also chromium (Cr).
Chemical Name - The chemical name is a proper scientific name for an ingredient of a product.
For example, the chemical name of the herbicide 2,4-D is 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The
chemical name can be used to obtain additional information.
Chronic - Chronic means long-term or prolonged. It can describe either an exposure or a health
effect. A chronic exposure is a long-term exposure. Long-term means lasting for months or
years. A chronic health effect is an adverse health effect resulting from long-term exposure or a
persistent adverse health effect resulting from a short-term exposure. The Canadian Controlled
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Products Regulations describe technical criteria for identifying materials which cause chronic
health effects. (See also Acute).
COC - COC stands for Cleveland open cup, a standard method of determining flash points.
Coefficient of Oil/Water Distribution - The coefficient of oil/water distribution, also called the
partition coefficient (abbreviated as P), is the ratio of the solubility of a chemical in an oil to its
solubility in water. The P value is typically presented as a logarithm of P (log P). It indicates how
easily a chemical can be absorbed into or stored in the body. The P value is also used to help
determine the effects of the chemical on the environment.
Compressed Gas - A compressed gas is a material which is a gas at normal room temperature
and pressure but is packaged as a pressurized gas, pressurized liquid or refrigerated liquid.
Regardless of whether a compressed gas is packaged in an aerosol can, a pressurized cylinder or
a refrigerated container, it must be stored and handled very carefully. Puncturing or damaging
the container or allowing the container to become hot may result in an explosion.
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Corrosive Material - A corrosive material can attack (corrode) metals or human tissues such as
the skin or eyes. Corrosive materials may cause metal containers or structural materials to
become weak and eventually to leak or collapse. Corrosive materials can burn or destroy human
tissues on contact and can cause effects such as permanent scarring or blindness.
ANSI defines a dangerously reactive material as one that is able to undergo a violent self-
accelerating exothermic chemical reaction with common materials, or by itself.
A dangerously reactive material may cause a fire, explosion or other hazardous condition. It is
very important to know which conditions (such as shock, heating or contact with water) may set
off the dangerous reaction so that appropriate preventive measures can be taken.
Density - The density of a material is its weight for a given volume. Density is usually given in
units of grams per millilitre (g/mL) or grams per cubic centimetre (g/cc). Density is closely
related to specific gravity (relative density). The volume of a material in a container can be
calculated from its density and weight.
Embryo - An embryo is an organism in the early stages of its development prior to birth. In
humans, the embryo is the developing child from conception to the end of the second month of
pregnancy. (See also Fetus/Foetus).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Engineering Controls - Engineering controls help reduce exposure to potential hazards either by
isolating the hazard or by removing it from the work environment. Engineering controls include
mechanical ventilation and process enclosure. They are important because they are built into the
work process. Engineering controls are usually preferred to other control measures such as the
use of personal protective equipment. Substitution of a less hazardous material or industrial
process is the best way to reduce a hazard and is often considered to be a type of engineering
Evaporation Rate - The evaporation rate is a measure of how quickly the material becomes a
vapour at normal room temperature. Usually, the evaporation rate is given in comparison to
certain chemicals, such as butyl acetate, which evaporate fairly quickly. For example, the rate
might be given as "0.5 (butyl acetate=1)." This means that, under specific conditions, 0.5 grams
of the material evaporates during the same time that 1 gram of butyl acetate evaporates. Often,
the evaporation rate is given only as greater or less than 1, which means the material evaporates
faster or slower than the comparison chemical. In general, a hazardous material with a higher
evaporation rate presents a greater hazard than a similar compound with a lower evaporation
• Sensitivity to mechanical impact. This information indicates whether or not the material
will burn or explode on shock (for example, dropping a package) or friction (for example,
scooping up spilled material).
• Sensitivity to static discharge. This information indicates how readily the material can be
ignited by an electric spark.
Explosive Limits - Explosive limits specify the concentration range of a material in air which
will burn or explode in the presence of an ignition source (spark or flame). Explosive limits may
also be called flammable limits or explosion limits. The lower explosive limit (LEL), or lower
flammable limit (LFL), is the lowest concentration of gas or vapour which will burn or explode
if ignited. The upper explosive limit (UEL), or upper flammable limit (UFL), is the highest
concentration of gas or vapour which will burn or explode if ignited. From the LEL to the UEL,
the mixture is explosive. Below the LEL, the mixture is too lean to burn. Above the UEL, the
mixture is too rich to burn. However, concentrations above the UEL are still very dangerous
because, if the concentration is lowered (for example, by introducing fresh air), it will enter the
explosive range. In reality, explosive limits for a material vary since they depend on many
factors such as air temperature. Therefore, the values given on an MSDS are approximate. The
explosive limits are usually given as the percent by volume of the material in the air. One percent
by volume is 10,000 ppm. For example, gasoline has a LEL of 1.4% and a UEL of 7.6%. This
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means that gasoline vapours at concentrations of 1.4% to 7.6% (14,000 to 76,000 ppm) are
flammable or explosive.
Exposure Limits (or Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)) - An exposure limit is the
concentration of a chemical in the workplace air to which most people can be exposed without
experiencing harmful effects. Exposure limits should not be taken as sharp dividing lines
between safe and unsafe exposures. It is possible for a chemical to cause health effects, in some
people, at concentrations lower than the exposure limit. Exposure limits have different names
and different meanings depending on who developed them and whether or not they are legal
limits. For example, Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) are exposure guidelines developed by the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). They have been adopted
by many Canadian governments as their legal limits. Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) are
legal exposure limits in the United States. Sometimes, a manufacturer will recommend an
exposure limit for a material. Exposure limits have not been set for many chemicals, for many
different reasons. For example, there may not be enough information available to set an exposure
limit. Therefore, the absence of an exposure limit does not necessarily mean the material is not
harmful. There are three different types of exposure limits in common use:
Extinguishing Media - Extinguishing media are agents which can put out fires involving the
material. Common extinguishing agents are water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, "alcohol" foam,
and halogenated gases (Halons). It is important to know which extinguishers can be used so they
can be made available at the worksite. It is also important to know which agents cannot be used
since an incorrect extinguisher may not work or may create a more hazardous situation. If several
materials are involved in a fire, an extinguisher effective for all of the materials should be used.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
First Aid - First aid is emergency care given immediately to an injured person. The purpose of
first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. In serious cases, first aid may be necessary to
keep the victim alive.
Flammable, Flammability - Flammable means able to ignite and burn readily. Flammability is
the ability of a material to ignite and burn readily. (See also Combustible). Under the Canadian
Controlled Products Regulations and the U.S. HAZCOM Standard, there are specific technical
criteria for identifying flammable materials. (See Flammable Aerosol, Flammable Gas,
Flammable Liquid, Flammable Solid and Reactive Flammable Material).
Flammable Gas - A flammable gas is a gas which can ignite readily and burn rapidly or
explosively. Under the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations and under the U.S. Hazard
Communication Standard, there are certain technical criteria for the identification of materials as
flammable gases for the purposes of each regulation. Flammable gases can be extremely
hazardous in the workplace; for example:
• If the gas accumulates so that its lower explosive limit (LEL) is reached and if there is a
source of ignition, an explosion may occur.
• If there is inadequate ventilation, flammable gases can travel a considerable distance to a
source of ignition and flash back to the source of the gas.
Flammable Liquid - A flammable liquid gives off a vapour which can be readily ignited at
normal working temperatures. Under the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations, a
flammable liquid is a liquid with a flash point (using a closed cup test) below 37.8 degrees C.
The U.S. Hazard Communication Standard uses a similar, but not identical, definition.
Flammable liquids can be extremely hazardous in the workplace; for example:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Flammable Solid - A flammable solid is a material which can ignite readily and burn vigorously
and persistently. There are certain technical criteria in the Canadian Controlled Products
Regulations and in the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard for the identification of
flammable solids for the purposes of each regulation. These criteria are based on ease of ignition
and rate of burning. Flammable solids may be hazardous because heat from friction (for
example, surfaces rubbing together) or heat from processing may cause a fire. Flammable solids
in the form of a dust or powder may be particularly hazardous because they may explode if
Flash Back - Flash back occurs when a trail of flammable gas, vapor or aerosol is ignited by a
distant spark, flame or other source of ignition. The flame then travels back along the trail of gas,
vapour or aerosol to its source. A serious fire or explosion could result.
Flash Point - The flash point is the lowest temperature at which a liquid or solid gives off
enough vapour to form a flammable air-vapour mixture near its surface. The lower the flash
point, the greater the fire hazard. The flash point is an approximate value and should not be taken
as a sharp dividing line between safe and hazardous conditions. The flash point is determined by
a variety of test methods which give different results. Two types of methods are abbreviated as
OC (open cup) and CC (closed cup).
Fumes - Fumes are very small, airborne, solid particles formed by the cooling of a hot vapour.
For example, a hot zinc vapour may form when zinc-coated steel is welded. The vapour then
condenses to form fine zinc fume as soon as it contacts the cool surrounding air. Fumes are
smaller than dusts and are more easily breathed into the lungs.
Gas - Gas is a material without a specific shape or volume. Gases tend to occupy an entire space
uniformly at normal room pressure and temperature. The terms vapour and fume are sometimes
confused with gas.
Hazard, Hazardous - Hazard is the potential for harmful effects. Hazardous means potentially
harmful. The hazards of a material are evaluated by examining the properties of the material,
such as toxicity, flammability and chemical reactivity, as well as how the material is used. How a
material is used can vary greatly from workplace to workplace and, therefore, so can the hazard.
In Canada and the U.S., the term hazardous is used by many different regulatory agencies.
Definitions may vary. For example, OSHA defines a hazardous chemical as any chemical which
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
is a physical hazard or a health hazard according to the OSHA Hazard Communication (Hazcom)
Hazardous Combustion Products - Hazardous combustion products are chemicals which may
be formed when a material burns. These chemicals may be toxic, flammable or have other
hazards. The chemicals released and their amounts vary, depending upon conditions such as the
temperature and the amount of air (or more specifically, oxygen) available. The combustion
chemicals may be quite different from those formed by heating the same material during
processing (thermal decomposition products). It is important to know which chemicals are
formed by hazardous combustion in order to plan the response to a fire involving the material.
Hazardous Ingredient - Under the Canadian Hazardous Products Act, a chemical must be listed
in the Hazardous Ingredients Section of an MSDS if:
Certain chemicals may be exempt from disclosure on an MSDS if they meet specific criteria set
out in the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act.
Hepatotoxin - Hepatotoxins are agents that can cause toxic effects on the liver.
Highly Toxic - Under the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM Standard, there are specific criteria for
materials which must be identified as toxic. The corresponding term under Canadian WHMIS is
"Very Toxic" (criteria are not the same).
IARC - IARC stands for the International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC evaluates
information on the carcinogenicity of chemicals, groups of chemicals and chemicals associated
with certain industrial processes. IARC has published lists of chemicals which are generally
recognized as human carcinogens, probable human carcinogens or carcinogens in animal tests.
IDLH - IDLH stands for Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health. For the purposes of
respirator selection, NIOSH defines the IDLH concentration as the airborne concentration that
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
poses a threat of exposure to airborne contaminants when that exposure is likely to cause death
or immediate or delayed permanent adverse health effects or prevent escape from such an
environment. The purpose of establishing an IDLH exposure concentration is to ensure that the
worker can escape from a given contaminated environment in the event of failure of the
respiratory protection equipment. In the event of failure of respiratory protective equipment,
every effort should be made to exit immediately.
Impervious - On an MSDS, impervious is a term used to describe protective gloves and other
protective clothing. If a material is impervious to a chemical, then that chemical cannot readily
penetrate through the material or damage the material. Different materials are impervious
(resistant) to different chemicals. No single material is impervious to all chemicals. If an MSDS
recommends wearing impervious gloves, you need to know the type of material from which the
gloves should be made. For example, neoprene gloves are impervious to butyl alcohol but not to
ethyl alcohol.
Incompatible Materials - Incompatible materials can react with the product or with components
of the product and may:
Inert Ingredient - An inert ingredient is anything other than the active ingredient of a product. It
may be a solvent, colorant, filler or dispersing agent. In some cases, inert ingredients may be
Ingestion - Ingestion means taking a material into the body by mouth (swallowing).
Inhalation - Inhalation means taking a material into the body by breathing it in.
Irritancy, Irritation - Irritancy is the ability of a material to irritate the skin, eyes, nose, throat
or any other part of the body that it contacts. Signs and symptoms of irritation include tearing in
the eyes and reddening, swelling, itching and pain of the affected part of the body. Irritancy is
often described as mild, moderate or severe, depending on the degree of irritation caused by a
specific amount of the material. Irritancy may also be described by a number on a scale of 0 to 4,
where 0 indicates no irritation and 4 means severe irritation. Irritancy is usually determined in
animal experiments.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
LC50 - LC stands for lethal concentration. LC50 is the concentration of a material in air which
causes the death of 50% (one half) of a group of test animals. The material is inhaled over a set
period of time, usually 1 or 4 hours. The LC50 helps determine the short-term poisoning
potential of a material.
LD50 - LD stands for lethal dose. LD50 is the amount of a material, given all at once, which
causes the death of 50% (one half) of a group of test animals. The LD50 can be determined for
any route of entry, but dermal (applied to skin) and oral (given by mouth) LD50's are most
common. The LD50 is one measure of the short-term poisoning potential of a material. (See also
LCLO - LCLO stands for lowest lethal airborne concentration tested. (See also LC50 and
LDLO - LDLO stands for lowest lethal dose tested. (See also LC50 and LD50).
Local Exhaust Ventilation - Local exhaust ventilation is the removal of contaminated air
directly at its source. This type of ventilation can help reduce worker exposure to airborne
materials more effectively than general ventilation. This is because it does not allow the material
to enter the work environment. It is usually recommended for hazardous airborne materials. (See
also Mechanical Ventilation and Ventilation).
Material Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects - The Canadian Controlled Products
Regulations describe technical criteria for identifying materials which cause immediate and
serious toxic effects. These criteria use information such as the LD50 or LC50 for a material.
Based on the specific information, a material may be identified as toxic or very toxic in the class
Poisonous and Infectious Material.
Material Causing Other Toxic Effects - The Canadian Controlled Products Regulations
describe technical criteria for identifying materials which cause toxic effects such as skin or
respiratory sensitization, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Based on the specific information, a
material may be identified as toxic or very toxic in the class Poisonous and Infectious Material.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Melting Point - The melting point is the temperature at which a solid material becomes a liquid.
The freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid material becomes a solid. Usually one
value or the other is given on the MSDS. It is important to know the freezing or melting point for
storage and handling purposes. For example, a frozen or melted material may burst a container.
As well, a change of physical state could alter the hazards of the material.
mg/m3 - The abbreviation mg/m3 stands for milligrams (mg) of a material per cubic metre (m3)
of air. It is a unit of metric measurement for concentration (weight/volume). The concentrations
of any airborne chemical can be measured in mg/m3, whether it is a solid, liquid, gas or vapor.
Miscible - Miscible means able to be mixed. Two liquids are said to be miscible if they are
partially or completely soluble in each other. Commonly, the term miscible is understood to
mean that the two liquids are completely soluble in each other. (See also Solubility).
Mist - A mist is a collection of liquid droplets suspended in air. A mist can be formed when
spraying or splashing a liquid. It can also be formed when a vapour condenses into liquid
droplets in the air. (See also Aerosol).
Molecular Weight - The molecular weight of a chemical is a number showing how heavy one
molecule (or unit) of the chemical is compared to the lightest element, hydrogen, which has a
weight of 1. The molecular weight has various technical uses, such as calculating conversions
from parts per million (ppm) to milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3) in air.
Mutagen, Mutagenic, Mutagenicity - A mutagen is a substance which can cause changes in the
DNA of cells (mutations). Mutagenic means able to cause mutations. Mutagenicity is the ability
of a substance to cause mutations. DNA determines the characteristics that children inherit from
their parents. DNA also determines how cells in the body divide or reproduce. A number of
mutagenicity tests are used to screen chemicals for possible carcinogenicity or reproductive
effects. This is because there is some evidence that mutations may increase the risk of cancer and
reproductive problems such as infertility or birth defects. However, mutagenicity test results are
not very reliable predictors of these effects. One reason for this is that the human body can repair
mutations while most mutagenicity tests cannot. Mutagenicity is included on MSDSs because it
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
is an early indicator of potential hazard, and often there is very little other evidence available on
possible carcinogenic or reproductive effects. The Canadian Controlled Products Regulations
describes technical criteria for identifying materials which are mutagenic. The U.S. OSHA
HAZCOM Standard includes mutagenic effects as reproductive target organ effects.
Nephrotoxins - Nephrotoxins are agents that can cause toxic effects on the kidney.
Neurotoxins - Neurotoxins are agents that can cause toxic effects on the nervous system.
NIOSH - NIOSH stands for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. NIOSH is a
branch of the United States government which undertakes research and develops occupational
health and safety standards.
NTP - NTP stands for National Toxicology Program. This program is part of the United States
Department of Health and Human Services. The NTP has a large program for testing the
potential carcinogenicity of chemicals. It also does many other types of studies on short-term and
long-term health effects.
Odor Threshold - The odor threshold is the lowest concentration of a chemical in air that is
detectable by smell. The odor threshold should only be regarded as an estimate. This is because
odor thresholds are commonly determined under controlled laboratory conditions using people
trained in odor recognition. As well, in the workplace, the ability to detect the odor of a
chemical varies from person to person and depends on conditions such as the presence of other
odorous materials. Odor cannot be used as a warning of unsafe conditions since workers may
become used to the smell (adaptation), or the chemical may numb the sense of smell, a process
called olfactory fatigue. However, if the odor threshold for a chemical is well below its exposure
limit, odor can be used to warn of a problem with your respirator.
OECD - OECD stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The
OECD is an international agency which supports programs designed to facilitate trade and
development. The OECD has published "Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals." These guidelines
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
contain recommended procedures for testing chemicals for toxic and environmental effects and
for determining physical and chemical properties.
OEL - OEL stands for Occupational Exposure Limit. (See Exposure Limits for a general
OSHA - OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is the branch of the
United States government which sets and enforces occupational health and safety regulations.
For example, OSHA sets the legal exposure limits in the United States, which are called
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs). OSHA also specifies what information must be given on
labels and Material Safety Data Sheets for materials which have been classified as hazardous
using their criteria.
Oxidizing Agent, Oxidizing Material - An oxidizing agent or material gives up oxygen easily
or can readily oxidize other materials. Examples of oxidizing agents are oxygen, chlorine and
peroxide compounds. These chemicals will support a fire and are highly reactive. Under the
Canadian Controlled Products Regulations and under the U.S. OSHA Hazcom Standard, there
are specific criteria for the classification of materials as oxidizing materials.
Particulates Not Otherwise Classified (PNOC) - Particulates not otherwise classified is a term
defined by the ACGIH. It is used to describe particulates for which there is no evidence of
specific toxic effects such as fibrosis or systemic effects. These material are not to be considered
inert, however, and can produce general toxic effects depending on the airborne concentration.
PEL - PEL stands for Permissible Exposure Limit. PELs are legal limits in the United States set
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (See Exposure Limits for a
general explanation).
Pensky-Martens Closed Cup - Pensky-Martens Closed Cup (PMCC) is a specific method for
determining flash points.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Poisonous And Infectious Material - Under the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations, a
Poisonous and Infectious Material is any material which meets the criteria for a Material Causing
Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects, a Material Causing Other Toxic Effects, or a Biohazardous
Infectious Material.
Ppm - The abbreviation ppm stands for parts per million. It is a common unit of concentration of
gases or vapour in air. For example, 1 ppm of a gas means that 1 unit of the gas is present for
every 1 million units of air. One ppm is the same as 1 minute in 2 years or 1 cent in $10,000.
Process Enclosure - As used on an MSDS, process enclosure means that the operation in which
the material is used is completely enclosed. A physical barrier separates the worker from the
potential health or fire hazard. Process enclosure is usually recommended if the material is very
toxic or flammable.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Pyrophoric - Pyrophoric chemicals are defined in the U.S. OSHA Hazcom Standard as
chemicals which will ignite spontaneously in air at a temperature of 54.4 degrees C or below.
Regulatory definitions in other jurisdictions may differ.
• is spontaneously combustible, that is, a material which can react with air until enough
heat builds up that it begins to burn;
• can react vigorously with air under normal conditions without actually catching fire;
• gives off dangerous quantities of flammable gas on reaction with water; or
• becomes spontaneously combustible when it contacts water or water vapour.
Reactive flammable materials must be kept dry and isolated from oxygen (in air) or other
oxidizing agents. Therefore, they are often stored and handled in an atmosphere of unreactive
gas, such as nitrogen or argon.
Reproductive Effects - Reproductive effects are problems in the reproductive process which
may be caused by a substance. Possible reproductive effects include reduced fertility in the male
or female, menstrual changes, miscarriage, embryotoxicity, fetotoxicity, teratogenicity, or
harmful effects to the nursing infant from chemicals in breast milk. Most chemicals can cause
reproductive effects if there is an extremely high exposure. In these cases, the exposed person
would experience other noticeable signs and symptoms caused by the exposure. These signs and
symptoms act as a warning of toxicity. Chemicals which cause reproductive effects in the
absence of other significant harmful effects are regarded as true reproductive hazards. Very few
workplace chemicals are known to be true reproductive hazards.
SARA - SARA stands for Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (U.S.).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
the response becomes worse with subsequent exposures. Eventually, even short exposures to low
concentrations can cause a very severe reaction. There are two different types of occupational
sensitization: skin and respiratory. Typical symptoms of skin sensitivity are swelling, redness,
itching, pain, and blistering. Sensitization of the respiratory system may result in symptoms
similar to a severe asthmatic attack. These symptoms include wheezing, difficulty in breathing,
chest tightness, coughing and shortness of breath. The Canadian Controlled Products Regulations
and the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM Standard describe technical criteria for identifying materials
which are respiratory tract sensitizers or skin sensitizers.
Solubility - Solubility is the ability of a material to dissolve in water or another liquid. Solubility
may be expressed as a ratio or may be described using words such as insoluble, very soluble or
miscible. Often, on an MSDS, the "Solubility" section describes solubility in water since water is
the single most important industrial solvent. Solubility information is useful for planning spill
clean-up and fire fighting procedures.
Specific Gravity - Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a material to the density of
water. The density of water is about 1 gram per cubic centimetre (g/cc). Materials which are
lighter than water (specific gravity less than 1.0) will float. Most materials have specific gravities
exceeding 1.0, which means they are heavier than water and so will sink. Knowing the specific
gravity is important for planning spill clean-up and fire fighting procedures. For example, a light
flammable liquid such as gasoline may spread and, if ignited, burn on top of a water surface.
Stability - Stability is the ability of a material to remain unchanged in the presence of heat,
moisture or air. An unstable material may decompose, polymerize, burn or explode under normal
environmental conditions. Any indication that the material is unstable gives warning that special
handling and storage precautions may be necessary.
STEL - STEL stands for Short-Term Exposure Limit. (See Exposure Limits for a general
STP - STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure (0 degrees Celsius and one atmosphere
Synergistic, Synergism - As used on an MSDS, synergism means that exposure to more than
one chemical can result in health effects greater than expected when the effects of exposure to
each chemical are added together. Very simply, it is like saying 1 + 1 = 3. When chemicals are
synergistic, the potential hazards of the chemicals should be re-evaluated, taking their synergistic
properties into consideration.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Synonyms - Synonyms are alternative names for the same chemical. For example, methanol and
methyl hydrate are synonyms for methyl alcohol. Synonyms may help in locating additional
information on a chemical.
Target Organ Effects - Under the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM Standard, chemicals are identified as
having target organ effects if there is statistically significant evidence of an acute or chronic
health effect determined in a scientifically valid study. The following agents would be included
(note, the list is not all- inclusive): hepatotoxins, agents which damage the lungs (including
irritants), agents which act on the hematopoietic system, neurotoxins, nephrotoxins, reproductive
toxins (mutagens, embryotoxins, teratogens and reproductive toxins), cutaneous hazards
(chemicals which affect the dermal layer of the skin) and eye hazards (chemicals which affect
the eye or visual capacity). There are no maximum dose criteria for chronic toxicity studies, as
specified in the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations.
TCC - TCC stands for Tagliabue closed cup; a standard method of determining flash points.
Generally, this appears in abbreviated form as Tag closed cup.
TCLO - TCLO stands for lowest toxic airborne concentration tested (see also LCLO and LC50).
The Canadian Controlled Products Regulations describe technical criteria for identifying
materials which have teratogenicity and embryotoxicity. (See also Reproductive Effects). Other
jurisdictions may also have defined specific criteria. Under the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM Standard,
materials which have teratogenic effects are included under reproductive Target Organ Effects.
Thermal Decomposition Products - Thermal decomposition products are chemicals which may
be formed when the material is heated but does not burn. These chemicals may be toxic,
flammable or have other hazards. The chemicals released and their amounts vary depending
upon conditions such as the temperature. The thermal decomposition products may be quite
different from the chemicals formed by burning the same material (hazardous combustion
products). It is important to know which chemicals are formed by thermal decomposition
because this information is used to plan ventilation requirements for processes where a material
may be heated.
TLM - TLM stands for Threshold Limit, median (aquatic toxicity rating).
TLV - TLV stands for Threshold Limit Value. It is the occupational exposure limit established
by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). TLV is a
registered trademark of ACGIH. TLVs are adopted by some governments as their legal limits.
(See Exposure Limits for a general explanation).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
TLV-C - TLV-C stands for the ACGIH Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling. See also TLV.
TOC - TOC stands for Tagliabue open cup; a standard method of determining flash points.
Generally, this appears in abbreviated form as Tag open cup.
Toxic, Toxicity - Toxic means able to cause harmful health effects. Toxicity is the ability of a
substance to cause harmful health effects. Descriptions of toxicity (e.g. low, moderate, severe,
etc). depend on the amount needed to cause an effect or the severity of the effect. Under the
Canadian Controlled Products Regulations and the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM Standard, there are
specific technical criteria for identifying a material as toxic for the purpose of each regulation.
(See also Very Toxic and Highly Toxic).
Trade Name - A trade name is the name under which a product is commercially known. Some
materials are sold under common names, such as Stoddard solvent or degreaser, or
internationally recognized trade names, like Varsol. Trade names are sometimes identified by
symbols such as (R) or (TM).
TWA - TWA stands for Time-Weighted Average. (See Exposure Limits for a general explanation).
UN Number- UN number stands for United Nations number. The UN number is a four-digit
number assigned to a potentially hazardous material (such as gasoline, UN 1203) or class of
materials (such as corrosive liquids, UN 1760). These numbers are used by firefighters and other
emergency response personnel for identification of materials during transportation emergencies.
UN (United Nations) numbers are internationally recognized. NA (North American) numbers are
used only for shipments within Canada and the United States. PINs (Product Identification
Numbers) are used in Canada. UN, NA and PIN numbers have the same uses.
Unstable (reactive) - Under the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM standard, a chemical is identified as
unstable (reactive) if in the pure state, or as produced or transported, it will vigorously
polymerize, decompose, condense, or will become self-reactive under conditions of shock,
pressure or temperature.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Vapor - A vapour is the gaseous form of a material which is normally solid or liquid at room
temperature and pressure. Evaporation is the process by which a liquid is changed into a vapor.
Sublimation is the process by which a solid is changed directly into the vapor state.
Vapor Density - Vapor density is the weight per unit volume of a pure gas or vapor. On an
MSDS, the vapor density is commonly given as the ratio of the density of the gas or vapor to the
density of air. The density of air is given a value of 1. Light gases (density less than 1) such as
helium rise in air. If there is inadequate ventilation, heavy gases and vapors (density greater than
1) can accumulate in low-lying areas such as pits and along floors.
Vapor Pressure - Vapor pressure is a measure of the tendency of a material to form a vapor.
The higher the vapor pressure, the higher the potential vapour concentration. In general, a
material with a high vapor pressure is more likely to be an inhalation or fire hazard than a similar
material with a lower vapor pressure.
Ventilation - Ventilation is the movement of air. One of the main purposes of ventilation is to
remove contaminated air from the workplace. There are several different kinds of ventilation.
(See General Ventilation, Local Exhaust Ventilation, Mechanical Ventilation and Natural
Very Toxic - Under the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations, there are specific technical
criteria for identifying a very toxic material. There are specific criteria for short-term lethality,
long-term toxicity, teratogenicity and embryotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity,
respiratory sensitization and mutagenicity. (See also Toxic). Under the U.S. OSHA Hazcom
Standard, the corresponding term is "highly toxic", which has a specific definition.
Volatile, Volatility - Volatile means a material can evaporate. Volatility is the ability of a
material to evaporate. The term volatile is commonly understood to mean that a material
evaporates easily. On an MSDS, volatility is commonly expressed as the "% volatile." The
percent volatile can vary from 0% (none of the material will evaporate) to 100% (all of the
material will evaporate if given enough time). If a product contains volatile ingredients, there
may be a need for ventilation and other precautions to control vapor concentrations.
Water Reactive - Under the U.S. OSHA HAZCOM standard, a chemical is identified as water
reactive if it reacts with water to release a gas that is either flammable or presents a health hazard.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Standards for approximately 500 chemicals have been designated by OSHA and can be found in
Tables 6 and 7.5, 6 Exposure to any of the substances listed in Tables 6 and 7 is to be limited in
accordance with the requirements listed in the tables. OSHA sets enforceable permissible
exposure limits (PELs) for airborne chemicals to protect workers against the health effects of
exposure to hazardous substances. PELs are regulatory limits on the amount or concentration of
a substance in the air. They may also contain a skin designation. OSHA PELs are based on an 8-
hour time weighted average (TWA) exposure. Existing PEL values can be found in the Code of
Federal Regulations 29, section 1910.1000.
Ceiling values, the exposure limit is preceded by a (c), indicates that at no time can the exposure
exceed the exposure limit for that substance. Acceptable ceiling concentrations indicate that
exposure to any substance on Table 7 is not to exceed the exposure limit at anytime within 8
hours, except for a time period not exceeding the maximum duration and concentration allowed
indicated in the “acceptable maximum peak above the acceptable ceiling concentration for an
eight-hour shift.. All other chemical exposures are 8-hour time weighted averages. Exposure to
these substances can not exceed the exposure limit in any eight hour period.7
For example, suppose substance X has a 15ppm TWA, 30ppm ceiling, and 60ppm peak. An
employee is exposed to a concentration of this substance above 40ppm but never above 60ppm
for only a maximum period of 10 minutes. For the remainder of the eight hour shift, exposure
can not exceed 15ppm so that the cumulative exposure does not exceed the weighted average of
Where, E is the equivalent exposure for the working shift. C is the concentration during any
period of time T where the concentration remains constant. T is the duration in hours of the
exposure at the concentration C. The value of E shall not exceed the 8-hour time weighted
average specified in Subpart Z or 29 CFR Part 1910 for the substance involved.
To illustrate the use of the formula above, assume that Substance Z has an 8-hour time weighted
average limit of 100ppm. Suppose an employee is subject to the following exposure:
Table 6 reference
Table 7 reference
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Since 81.25ppm is less than 100ppm, the 8-hour time weighted average limit, the exposure is
OSHA has also established Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) standards. IDLH
is the concentration of an airborne chemical which may cause irreversible health effects or death.
OSHA standards are broad enough to include oxygen deficient circumstances that are free from
air contaminants (Table 8). Usually IDLH values are used to determine selection of proper
breathing apparatus that must be available to workers in a given situation.8
Exposure limits have been used by industrial hygienists for over 50 years as a means of
protecting worker health. By implementing these standards as a part of an occupational health
and safety program, they are a primary tool in disease prevention.
The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards is intended as a source of general industrial
hygiene information for workers, employers, and occupational health professionals. The Pocket
Guide presents key information and data in abbreviated tabular form for 677 chemicals or
substance groupings (e.g., manganese compounds, tellurium compounds, inorganic tin
compounds, etc.) that are found in the work environment. The industrial hygiene information
found in the Pocket Guide should help users recognize and control occupational chemical
hazards. The chemicals or substances contained in this revision include all substances for which
the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended exposure
limits (RELs) and recommended short term exposure limits (STEL).9 These chemical standards
have been complied in Table 9.
For NIOSH RELs, “TWA” indicates a time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hour
workday during a 40-hour workweek. A short-term exposure limit (STEL) is designated by
“ST” preceding the value; unless noted otherwise, the STEL is a 15-minute TWA exposure that
should not be exceeded at any time during a workday. A ceiling REL is designated by “C”
preceding the value; unless noted otherwise, the ceiling value should not be exceeded at any
In 1974, NIOSH (which is responsible for recommending health and safety standards) joined
OSHA (whose jurisdictions include promulgation and enforcement activities) in developing a
series of occupational health standards for substances with existing PELs. This joint effort was
labeled the Standards Completion Program and involved the cooperative efforts of several
contractors and personnel from various divisions within NIOSH and OSHA. The Standards
Completion Program developed 380 substance-specific draft standards with supporting
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
documentation that contained technical information and recommendations needed for the
promulgation of new occupational health regulations.
Acting under the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 USC Chapter
15) and the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (30 USC Chapter 22), NIOSH develops
and periodically revises recommended exposure limits (RELs) for hazardous substances or
conditions in the workplace. NIOSH also recommends appropriate preventive measures to
reduce or eliminate the adverse health and safety effects of these hazards. To formulate these
recommendations, NIOSH evaluates all known and available medical, biological, engineering,
chemical, trade, and other information relevant to the hazard. These recommendations are then
published and transmitted to OSHA and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) for
use in promulgating legal standards.
The purpose for establishing an IDLH value in the Standards Completion Program was to
determine the airborne concentration from which a worker could escape without injury or
irreversible health effects from an IDLH exposure in the event of the failure of respiratory
protection equipment. The IDLH was considered a maximum concentration above which only a
highly reliable breathing apparatus providing maximum worker protection should be permitted.
In determining IDLH values, NIOSH considered the ability of a worker to escape without loss of
life or irreversible health effects along with certain transient effects, such as severe eye or
respiratory irritation, disorientation, and in coordination, which could prevent escape. As a
safety margin, IDLH values are based on effects that might occur as a consequence of a 30-
minute exposure. LEL indicates that the IDLH was based on 10% of the lower explosive limit
for safety considerations even though the relevant toxicological data indicated that irreversible
health effects or impairment of escape existed only at higher concentrations (see Tables 10A-
through 10C for recommened exposure levels and IDLH limits).10
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
priority, a list of hazardous substances most commonly found at facilities on the CERCLA
National Priorities List (NPL) (42 U.S.C. 9604(i)(2)); prepare toxicological profiles for each
substance included on the priority list of hazardous substances, and to ascertain significant
human exposure levels (SHELs) for hazardous substances in the environment, and the associated
acute, subacute, and chronic health effects (42 U.S.C. 9604(i)(3)); and assure the initiation of a
research program to fill identified data needs associated with the substances (42 U.S.C.
The ATSDR Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) were developed as an initial response to the mandate.
Following discussions with scientists within the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) and the EPA, ATSDR chose to adopt a practice similar to that of the EPA’s Reference
Dose (RfD) and Reference Concentration (RfC) for deriving substance specific health guidance
levels for non neoplastic endpoints. An MRL is an estimate of the daily human exposure to a
hazardous substance that is likely to be without appreciable risk of adverse noncancer health
effects over a specified duration of exposure. These substance specific estimates, which are
intended to serve as screening levels, are used by ATSDR health assessors and other responders
to identify contaminants and potential health effects that may be of concern at hazardous waste
sites. It is important to note that MRLs are not intended to define clean up or action levels for
ATSDR or other Agencies (Table 10C).
MRLs are intended to serve as a screening tool to help public health professionals decide where
to look more closely. They may also be viewed as a mechanism to identify those hazardous
waste sites that are not expected to cause adverse health effects. Most MRLs contain some
degree of uncertainty because of the lack of precise toxicological information on the people who
might be most sensitive (e.g., infants, elderly, and nutritionally or immunologically
compromised) to effects of hazardous substances. ATSDR uses a conservative (i.e., protective)
approach to address these uncertainties consistent with the public health principle of prevention.
Although human data are preferred, MRLs often must be based on animal studies because
relevant human studies are lacking. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, ATSDR assumes
that humans are more sensitive than animals to the effects of hazardous substances that certain
persons may be particularly sensitive. Thus the resulting MRL may be as much as a hundredfold
below levels shown to be nontoxic in laboratory animals.
Proposed MRLs undergo a rigorous review process. They are reviewed by the Health
Effects/MRL Workgroup within the Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine; an
expert panel of external peer reviewers; the agency wide MRL Workgroup, with participation
from other federal agencies, including EPA; and are submitted for public comment through the
toxicological profile public comment period. Each MRL is subject to change as new information
becomes available concomitant with updating the toxicological profile of the substance. MRLs in
the most recent toxicological profiles supersede previously published levels. To date, 130
inhalation MRLs, 219 oral MRLs and 8 external radiation MRLs have been derived. A listing of
the current published MRLs by route and duration of exposure is provided in Table 10C.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Anisidine (o-,p-isomers) 0.5 X
Antimony and compounds (as Sb) 0.5
Naphthylthiourea 0.3
Arsenic, inorganic (as As)
Arsenic, organic compounds (as As) 0.5
Arsine 0.05 0.2
Asbestos (4)
Azinphos-methyl 0.2 X
Barium, soluble compounds (as Ba) 0.5
Barium sulfate
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction.. 5
Benzoyl peroxide 5
Benzyl chloride 1 5
Beryllium and beryllium compounds (as Be) (2)
Bismuth telluride,
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Boron oxide
Total dust 15
Boron trifluoride (C)1 (C)3
Bromine 0.1 0.7
Bromoform 0.5 5 X
1 ppm/5 ppm
Butadiene STEL
Methyl ethyl ketone 200 590
2-Butoxyethanol 50 240 X
n-Butyl-acetate 150 710
sec-Butyl acetate 200 950
tert-Butyl-acetate 200 950
n-Butyl alcohol 100 300
sec-Butyl alcohol 150 450
tert-Butyl alcohol 100 300
Butylamine (C)5 (C)15 X
tert-Butyl chromate (as CrO(3)
n-Butyl glycidyl ether (BGE) 50 270
Butyl mercaptan 10 35
p-tert-Butyltoluene 10 60
Cadmium (as Cd)
Calcium Carbonate
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Calcium hydroxide
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Calcium oxide 5
Calcium silicate
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Calcium sulfate
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Camphor, synthetic 2
Carbaryl (Sevin) 5
Carbon black 3.5
Carbon dioxide 5000 9000
Carbon disulfide (2)
Carbon monoxide 50 55
Carbon tetrachloride... (2)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Chlordane 0.5 X
Chlorinated camphene 0.5 X
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide 0.5
Chlorine (C)1 (C)3
Chlorine dioxide 0.1 0.3
Chlorine trifluoride (C)0.1 (C)0.4
Chloroacetaldehyde (C)1 (C)3
a-Chloroacetophenone (Phenacyl chloride) 0.05 0.3
Chlorobenzene 75 350
o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile 0.05 0.4
Chlorobromomethane 200 1050
Chlorodiphenyl (42% Chlorine)(PCB) 1 X
Chlorodiphenyl (54% Chlorine)(PCB) 0.5 X
Chloroform (Trichloromethane) (C)50 (C)240
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 20 100
Chloropicrin 0.1 0.7
beta-Chloroprene 25 90 X
2-Chloro-6 (trichloromethyl) pyridine
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Chromic acid and
chromates (as CrO(3)) (2)
Chromium (II) compounds (as Cr) 0.5
Chromium (III) compounds (as Cr) 0.5
Chromium metal and insol. salts (as Cr) 1
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Coal dust (less than 5% SiO(2)), respirable
fraction (3)
Coal dust (greater than or equal to 5% SiO(2)),
respirable fraction (3)
Coal tar pitch volatiles (benzene soluble
fraction), anthracene, BaP, phenanthrene,
acridine, chrysene, pyrene 0.2
Cobalt metal, dust, and fume (as Co) 0.1
Fume (as Cu) 0.1
Dusts and mists (as Cu) 1
Crag herbicide (Sesone)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Cresol, all isomers 5 22 X
Crotonaldehyde 2 6
Cumene 50 245 X
Cyanides (as CN) 5 X
Cyclohexane 300 1050
Cyclohexanol 50 200
Cyclohexanone 50 200
Cyclohexene 300 1015
Cyclopentadiene 75 200
2,4-D (Dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid) 10
Decaborane 0.05 0.3 X
Demeton (Systox) 0.1 X
Diacetone alcohol (4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-
pentanone) 50 240
Diazomethane 0.2 0.4
Diborane 0.1 0.1
Dibutyl phosphate 1 5
Dibutyl phthalate 5
o-Dichlorobenzene (C)50 (C)300
p-Dichlorobenzene 75 450
Dichlorodifluoromethane 1000 4950
1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin 0.2
Dichlorodiphenyltri-chloroethane (DDT) 1 X
1,1-Dichloroethane 100 400
1,2-Dichloroethylene 200 790
Dichloroethyl ether (C)15 (C)90 X
Dichloromonofluoro-methane 1000 4200
1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane (C)10 (C)60
Dichlorotetrafluoro-ethane 1000 7000
Dichlorvos (DDVP) 1 X
Dicyclopentadienyl iron
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Dieldrin 0.25 X
Diethylamine 25 75
2-Diethylaminoethanol 10 50 X
Difluorodibromomethane 100 860
Diglycidyl ether (DGE) (C)0.5 (C)2.8
Diisobutyl ketone 50 290
Diisopropylamine 5 20 X
Dimethyl acetamide 10 35 X
Dimethylamine 10 18
Dimethylaniline (N,N-Dimethylaniline) 5 25 X
phosphate 3
Dimethylformamide 10 30 X
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 0.5 1 X
Dimethylphthalate ........ 5
Dimethyl sulfate 1 5 X
Dinitrobenzene (all isomers) 1 X
Dinitro-o-cresol 0.2 X
Dinitrotoluene 1.5 X
Dioxane (Diethylene dioxide) 100 360 X
Diphenyl (Biphenyl) 0.2 1
Dipropylene glycol methyl ether 100 600 X
Di-sec octyl phthalate (Di-(2-ethylhexyl)
phthalate) 5
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Endrin 0.1 X
Epichlorohydrin 5 19 X
EPN 0.5 X
Ethanolamine 3 6
2-Ethoxyethanol (Cellosolve) 200 740 X
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (Cellosolve acetate) 100 540 X
Ethyl acetate 400 1400
Ethyl acrylate 25 100 X
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) 1000 1900
Ethylamine 10 18
Ethyl amyl ketone (5-Methyl-3-heptanone) 25 130
Ethyl benzene 100 435
Ethyl bromide 200 890
Ethyl butyl ketone (3-Heptanone) 50 230
Ethyl chloride 1000 2600
Ethyl ether 400 1200
Ethyl formate 100 300
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Ethyl mercaptan (C)10 (C)25
Ethyl silicate 100 850
Ethylene chlorohydrin 5 16 X
Ethylenediamine 10 25
Ethylene dibromide (2)
Ethylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane) (2)
Ethylene glycol dinitrate (C)0.2 (C)1 X
N-Ethylmorpholine 20 94 X
Total dust 15
Ferrovanadium dust 1
Fluorides (as F) 2.5
Fluorine 0.1 0.2
Fluorotrichloromethane (Trichloro-
fluoromethane) 1000 5600
Formic acid 5 9
Furfural 5 20 X
Furfuryl alcohol 50 200
Grain dust (oat, wheat, barley) 10
Glycerin (mist)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Glycidol 50 150
Graphite, natural
respirable dust (3)
Graphite, synthetic
Total dust 15
Respirable Fraction 5
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Hafnium 0.5
Heptachlor 0.5 X
Heptane (n-Heptane) 500 2000
Hexachloroethane 1 10 X
Hexachloronaphthalene 0.2 X
n-Hexane 500 1800
2-Hexanone (Methyl n-butyl ketone) 100 410
Hexone (Methyl isobutyl ketone) 100 410
sec-Hexyl acetate 50 300
Hydrazine 1 1.3 X
Hydrogen bromide 3 10
Hydrogen chloride (C)5 (C)7
Hydrogen cyanide 10 11 X
Hydrogen fluoride (as F) (2)
Hydrogen peroxide 1 1.4
Hydrogen selenide (as Se) 0.05 0.2
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Hydrogen sulfide (2)
Hydroquinone 2
Iodine (C)0.1 (C)1
Iron oxide fume 10
Isomyl acetate 100 525
Isomyl alcohol (primary and secondary) 100 360
Isobutyl acetate 150 700
Isobutyl alcohol 100 300
Isophorone 25 140
Isopropyl acetate 250 950
Isopropyl alcohol 400 980
Isopropylamine 5 12
Isopropyl ether 500 2100
Isopropyl glycidyl ether (IGE) 50 240
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Ketene 0.5 0.9
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Lindane 0.5 X
Lithium hydride 0.025
L.P.G. (Liquified petroleum gas) 1000 1800
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction.. 5
Magnesium oxide fume
Total Particulate 15
Total dust 15 X
Maleic anhydride 0.25 1
Manganese compounds (as Mn) (C)5
Manganese fume (as Mn) (C)5
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Mercury (aryl and inorganic)(as Hg) (2)
Mercury (organo) alkyl compounds (as Hg) (2)
Mercury (vapor) (as Hg) (2)
Mesityl oxide 25 100
Total dust 15
2-Methoxyethanol (Methyl cellosolve) 25 80 X
2-Methoxyethyl acetate (Methyl cellosolve
acetate) 25 120 X
Methyl acetate 200 610
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Methyl acetylene (Propyne) 1000 1650
Methyl acetylene propadiene mixture (MAPP) 1000 1800
Methyl acrylate 10 35 X
Methylal (Dimethoxy-methane) 1000 3100
Methyl alcohol 200 260
Methylamine 10 12
Methyl n-amyl ketone 100 465
Methyl bromide (C)20 (C)80 X
Methyl chloride (2)
Methyl chloroform (1,1,1-Trichloro-ethane) 350 1900
Methylcyclohexane 500 2000
Methylcyclohexanol 100 470
o-Methylcyclohexanone 100 460 X
Methylene chloride (2)
Methyl formate 100 250
Methyl hydrazine (Monomethyl hydrazine) (C)0.2 (C)0.35 X
Methyl iodide 5 28 X
Methyl isoamyl ketone 100 475
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 25 100 X
Methyl isocyanate 0.02 0.05 X
Methyl mercaptan (C)10 (C)20
Methyl methacrylate 100 410
alpha-Methyl styrene (C)100 (C)480
Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI) (C)0.02 (C)0.2
Molybdenum (as Mo)
Soluble compounds 5
Total dust 15
Monomethyl aniline 2 9 X
Morpholine 20 70 X
Naphtha (Coal tar) 100 400
Naphthalene 10 50
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) 0.001 0.007
Nickel, metal and insoluble compounds (as Ni) 1
Nickel, soluble compounds (as Ni) 1
Nicotine 0.5 X
Nitric acid 2 5
Nitric oxide 25 30
p-Nitroaniline 1 6 X
Nitrobenzene 1 5 X
p-Nitrochlorobenzene 1 X
Nitroethane 100 310
Nitrogen dioxide (C)5 (C)9
Nitrogen trifluoride 10 29
Nitroglycerin (C)0.2 (C)2 X
Nitromethane 100 250
1-Nitropropane 25 90
2-Nitropropane 25 90
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Nitrotoluene (all isomers) 5 30 X
Octachloronaphthalene 0.1 X
Octane 500 2350
Oil mist, mineral 5
Osmium tetroxide (as Os) 0.002
Oxalic acid 1
Oxygen difluoride 0.05 0.1
Ozone 0.1 0.2
Paraquat, respirable dust 0.5 X
Parathion 0.1 X
Particulates not otherwise regulated (PNOR)(f)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Pentaborane 0.005 0.01
Pentachloronaphthalene 0.5 X
Pentachlorophenol 0.5 X
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Pentane 1000 2950
2-Pentanone (Methyl propyl ketone) 200 700
Perchloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene) (2)
Perchloromethyl mercaptan 0.1 0.8
Perchloryl fluoride 3 13.5
Petroleum distillates (Naphtha)(Rubber
Solvent) 500 2000
Phenol 5 19 X
p-Phenylene diamine 0.1 X
Phenyl ether, vapor 1 7
Phenyl ether-biphenyl mixture, vapor 1 7
Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE) 10 60
Phenylhydrazine 5 22 X
Phosdrin (Mevinphos) 0.1 X
Phosgene (Carbonyl chloride) 0.1 0.4
Phosphine 0.3 0.4
Phosphoric acid 1
Phosphorus (yellow) 0.1
Phosphorus pentachloride 1
Phosphorus pentasulfide 1
Phosphorus trichloride 0.5 3
Phthalic anhydride 2 12
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Picric acid 0.1 X
Pindone (2-Pivalyl-1, 3-indandione) 0.1
Plaster of paris
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Platinum (as Pt)
Soluble Salts 0.002
Portland cement
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Propane 1000 1800
n-Propyl acetate 200 840
n-Propyl alcohol 200 500
n-Propyl nitrate 25 110
Propylene dichloride 75 350
Propylene imine 2 5 X
Propylene oxide 100 240
Pyrethrum 5
Pyridine 5 15
Quinone 0.1 0.4
Rhodium (as Rh), metal fume and insoluble
compounds 0.1
Rhodium (as Rh), soluble compounds 0.001
Ronnel 15
Rotenone 5
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Selenium compounds (as Se) 0.2
Selenium hexafluoride (as Se) 0.05 0.4
Silica, amorphous, precipitated and gel (3)
Silica, amorphous, diatomaceous earth,
containing less than 1% crystalline silica (3)
Silica, crystalline cristobalite, respirable dust (3)
Silica, crystalline quartz, respirable dust (3)
Silica, crystalline tripoli (as quartz), respirable
dust (3)
Silica, crystalline tridymite, respirable dust (3)
Silica, fused, respirable dust (3)
Silicates (less than 1% crystalline silica)
Mica (respirable dust) (3)
Soapstone, total dust (3)
Soapstone, respirable dust (3)
Talc (containing no asbestos), respirable dust (3)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Silicon carbide
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Silver, metal and soluble compounds (as Ag) 0.01
Sodium fluoroacetate 0.05 X
Sodium hydroxide 2
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Stibine 0.1 0.5
Stoddard solvent 500 2900
Strychnine 0.15
Styrene (2)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Sulfur dioxide 5 13
Sulfur hexafluoride 1000 6000
Sulfuric acid 1
Sulfur monochloride 1 6
Sulfur pentafluoride 0.025 0.25
Sulfuryl fluoride 5 20
2,4,5-T (2,4,5-tri- chlorophenoxyacetic acid) 10
Tantalum, metal and oxide dust. 5
TEDP (Sulfotep) 0.2 X
Tellurium and compounds (as Te) 0.1
Tellurium hexafluoride (as Te) 0.02 0.2
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction.. 5
TEPP (Tetraethyl pyrophosphaate) 0.05 X
Terphenylis (C)1 (C)9
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2, 2-difluoroethane 500 4170
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1, 2-difluoroethane 500 4170
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-ethane 5 35 X
Tetrachloronaphthalene. 2 X
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) 0.075 X
Tetrahydrofuran 200 590
Tetramethyl lead, (as Pb) 0.075 X
Tetramethyl succinonitrile 0.5 3 X
Tetranitromethane 1 8
Tetryl (2,4,6-Trinitro-phenylmethyl-nitramine) 1.5 X
Thallium, soluble compounds (as Tl) 0.1 X
4,4'-Thiobis(6-tert, Butyl-m-cresol)
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Thiram 5
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
Tin, inorganic compounds (except oxides) (as
Sn) 2
Tin, organic compounds (as Sn) 0.1
Titanium dioxide
Total dust 15
Toluene (2)
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) (C)0.02 (C)0.14
o-Toluidine 5 22 X
Tributyl phosphate 5
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10 45 X
Trichloroethylene (2)
Trichloronaphthalene 5 X
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50 300
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1000 7600
Triethylamine 25 100
Trifluorobromomethane 1000 6100
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 1.5 X
Triorthocresyl phosphate 0.1
Triphenyl phosphate 3
Turpentine 100 560
Uranium (as U)
Soluble compounds 0.05
Insoluble compounds 0.25
Respirable dust (as V2O5) (C)0.5
Fume (as V2O5) (C)0.1
Vegetable oil mist
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Vinyl toluene 100 480
Warfarin 0.1
Xylenes (o-, m-, p-isomers) 100 435
Xylidine 5 25 X
Yttrium 1
Zinc chloride fume 1
Zinc oxide fume 5
Zinc oxide
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction 5
Zinc stearate
Total dust 15
Respirable fraction.. 5
Zirconium compounds (as Zr) 5
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name ppm (a)(1) mg/m3 (b)(1)
29 CFR Part Number: 1910 Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards Subpart: Z
Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Standard Number: 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1,
Title: TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants. Available
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
29 CFR Part Number: 1910 Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards Subpart: Z Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Standard Number: 1910.1000 TABLE Z-2 Title: TABLE Z-2. Available
HTTP:// STANDARDS&p_id=9993
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
ppm Ppm
Chlorodane 100 mg/m3++
Chlorinated camphene 200 mg/m3CA
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide 5 mg/m3
Chlorine 10 1
Chlorine dioxide 5 0.3
Chlorine trifluoride 20 0.1 +
Chloroacetaldehyde 45 1+
a-chloroacetophenone 15 mg/m3
Chlorobenzene 1000
o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile 2 mg/m3 0.05 +
Chlorobromomethane 2000
Chlorodiphenyl (42% Cl) 5 mg/m3++
Chlorobiphenyl (54% Cl) 5 mg/m3++
1-Chloro-1-nitro- propane 100
Chloropicrin 2
beta-Chloroprene 300
2-Chloro-6-trichloro- methyl) pyridine (td) 20 mg/m3
Chromium (II) compounds 250 mg/m3
Chromium (III) compounds 25 mg/m3
Chromium metal and insoluble salts 250 mg/m3
Coal tar pitch volatiles 80 mg/m3++
Cobalt metal, dust, and fume 20 mg/m3
Copper fume 100 mg/m3
Copper dusts and mists 100 mg/m3
Cotton dust 100 mg/m3
Crag herbicide (td) 500 mg/m3
Cresol, all isomers 250
Crotonaldehyde 50
Cumene 900
Cyclohexane 1300
Cyclohexanol 400
Cyclohexanone 700
Cyclohexene 2000
Cyclopentadiene 750
2,4-D 100 mg/m3
Decaborane 15 mg/m3 0.15
Demeton 10 V
Diacetone alcohol 1800
Diazomethane 2
Diborane 15
Dibutyl phosphate 30 2
Dibutyl phthalate 4000 mg/m3
o-Dichlorobenzene 200
p-Dichlorobenzene 150 ++
1,1Dichloroethane 3000
1,2-Dichloroethylene 1000
Dichloroethyl ether 100 ++ 15
Dichloromono- fluomethane 5000
1,1 Dichloro-1- nitroethane 25 10 +
Dichlorotetra- fluoroethane 15,000
Dichlorvos (DDVP) 100 mg/m3
Dieldrin 50 mg/m3++
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
ppm Ppm
Diethylamine 200 15
2-Diethylaminoethanol 100
Difluorodibromomethane 2000
Diglycidyl ether (DGE) 10 ++ 0.5 +
Diisobutyl ketone 500
Diisopropylamine 200
Dimethyl acetamide 300
Dimethylamine 500 15
Dimethylaniline (N,N-Dimethylaniline) 100 10
Dimethyl-1,2-dibromo- 2,2-dichloroethyl phosphate 200 mg/m3
Dimethylformamide 500
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 15++
Dimethylphthalate 2000 mg/m3
Dimethyl sulfate 7++
Dinitrobenzene (all isomers) 50 mg/m3
Dinitro-o-cresol 5 mg/m3
Dinitrotoluene 50 mg/m3++
Dioxane (Diethylene dioxide) 500++
Diphenyl (Biphenyl) 100 mg/m3
Dipropylene glycol methyl ether 600 150
Di-sec octyl phthalate (Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) 10 mg/m3 +
Endrin 2 mg/m3
Epichlorohydrin 75++
EPN 5 mg/m3
Ethanolamine 30 6
2-Ethoxyethanol (Cellosolve) 500
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (cellosolve acetate) 500
Ethyl acetate 2000
Ethyl acrylate 300 15
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) 3300
Ethylamine 600 15
Ethyl benzene 800 125
Ethyl bromide 2000
Ethyl butyl ketone (3- Heptanone) 1000
Ethyl chloride 3800
Ethylene chlorohydrin 7
Ethylene glycol dinitrate 75 mg/m3 0.2+
Ethyl ether 1900 500
Ethyl formate 1500
Ethyl mercaptan 500 10+
Ethyl silicate 700
Ethylenediamine 1000
N-Ethylmorpholine 100
Ferbam (td) 800 mg/m3
Ferrovanadium dust 500 mg/m3 3 mg/m3 +
Fluorine 25 2
Fluorotrichloromethane (Trichlorofluoromethane) 2000 1000+
Formic acid 30 10
Furfural 100
Furfuryl alcohol 75 15
Glycidol 150
Hafnium 50 mg/m3
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
ppm Ppm
Heptachlor 35 mg/m3 ++
Heptane (n-Heptane) 750 500
Hexachloroethane 300++
Hexachloronaph- thalene 2 mg/m3
n-Hexane 1100
2-Hexanone (Methyl n-butyl ketone) 1600
Hexone (Methyl isobutyl ketone) 500 75
sec-Hexyl acetate 500
Hydrazine 50
Hydrogen bromide 30 3+
Hydrogen chloride 50 5+
Hydrogen cyanide 50 4.7+
Hydrogen peroxide 75
Hydrogen selenide (as Se) 1
Hydroquinone 50 mg/m3
Iodine 2 0.1+
Iron oxide fume 2500 mg/m3
Isoamyl acetate 1000
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
ppm Ppm
Methylcyclohexane 1200
Methylcyclohexanol 500
o-Methylcyclohexanone 600 75
Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI) 75 mg/m3 0.02+
Methyl formate 4500 150
Methyl hydrazine (Mono- methyl hydrazine) 20++ 0.2+
Methyl iodide 100++
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 400 40
Methyl isocyanate 3
Methyl mercaptan 150 10+
Methyl methacrylate 1000
alpha-Methyl styrene 700 100+
Molybdenum (as Mo) Soluble compounds 1000 mg/m3
Molybdenum (as Mo) Insoluble compounds (td) 5000 mg/m3
Monomethyl aniline 100
Morpholine 1400
Naphtha (Coal tar) 1000
Naphthalene 250 15
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) 2++
Nickel, metal and insoluble compounds (as Ni) 10 mg/m3++
Nicotine 5 mg/m3
Nitric acid 25 4
Nitric oxide 100
p-Nitroaniline 300 mg/m3
Nitrobenzene 200
p-Nitrochlorobenzene 100 mg/m3+
Nitroethane 1000
Nitrogen dioxide 20 5
Nitrogen trifluoride 1000
Nitroglycerin 75 mg/m3 0.2+
Nitromethane 750
1-Nitropropane 1000
2-Nitropropane 100
Nitrotoluene (all isomers) 200
Octachloronaphthalene Unknown 0.3 mg/m3+
Octane 1000 375
Oil mist, mineral 2500 mg/m3 10 mg/m3
Osmium tetroxide (as Os) 1 mg/m3 0.0006
Oxalic acid 500 mg/m3 2 mg/m3
Oxygen difluoride 0.5 0.05+
Ozone 5 0.1+
Paraquat (rd) 1 mg/m3
Parathion 10 mg/m3
Pentaborane 1 0.015
Pentachloronaphthalene Unknown
Pentachlorophenol 2.5 mg/m3
Pentane 1500 750
2-Pentanone (Methyl propyl ketone) 1500 250
Perchloromethyl mercaptan 10
Perchloryl fluoride 100 25+
Petroleum distillates (Naphtha) (Rubber Solvent) 1100 1480
Phenol 250
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
ppm Ppm
p-Phenylene diamine 25 mg/m3
Phenyl ether, vapor 100 2
Phenyl ether-biphenyl mixture, vapor 10
Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE) 100++
Phenylhydrazine 15++
Phosdrin (mevinphos) 4 0.03
Phosgene (Carbonyl chloride) 2
Phosphine 50 1
Phosphoric acid 1000 mg/m3
Phosphorus (yellow) 5 mg/m3
Phosphorus pentachloride 70 mg/m3
Phosphorus pentasulfide 250 mg/m3 3 mg/m3
Phosphorus trichloride 25 0.5
Phthalic anhydride 60 mg/m3
Picric acid 75 mg/m3
Pindone (2-Pivalyl-1, 3-indandione) 100 mg/m3
Platinum (as Pt) Soluble salts 4 mg/m3
Portland cement (td) 5000 mg/m3
Propane 2100
n-Propyl acetate 1700 250
n-Propyl alcohol 800 250
Propylene dichloride 400++ 110
Propylene imine 100++
Propylene oxide 400++
n-Propyl nitrate 500 40
Pyrethrum 5000 mg/m3
Pyridine 1000
Quinone 100 mg/m3
Rhodium, metal fume and insoluble compounds 100 mg/m3
Rhodium, soluble compounds 2 mg/m3
Ronnel 300 mg/m3
Rotenone 2500 mg/m3
Selenium compounds (as Se) 1 mg/m3
Selenium hexafluoride (as Se) 2
Silver, metal and soluble compounds (as Ag) 10 mg/m3
Sodium fluoro- acetate 2.5 mg/m3
Sodium hydroxide 10 mg/m3 2 mg/m3+
Stibine 5
Stoddard solvent 20,000 mg/m3
Strychnine 3 mg/m3
Sulfur dioxide 100 5
Sulfuric acid 15 mg/m3 3 mg/m3+
Sulfur monochloride 5 1+
Sulfur pentafluoride 1 0.01+
Sulfuryl fluoride 200 10
2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichloro- phenoxyacetic acid) 250 mg/m3
Tantalum, metal and oxide dust 2500 mg/m3
TEDP (Sulfotep) 10 mg/m3
Tellurium and com- pounds (as Te) 25 mg/m3
Tellurium hexafluoride (as Te) 1
TEPP (Tetraethyl pyrophosphate) 5 mg/m3
Terphenyls 500 mg/m3 1
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
ppm Ppm
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2, 2-difluoroethane 2000
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1, 2-difluoroethane 2000
1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo- roethane 100++
Tetrachloronaph- thalene Unknown
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) 40 mg/m3
Tetrahydrofuran 2000 250
Tetramethyl lead (as Pb) 40 mg/m3
Tetramethyl succinonitrile 5
Tetranitromethane 4
Tetryl (2,4,6-Trinitro- phenylmethylni- tramine) 750 mg/m3
Thallium, soluble compounds (as Tl) 15 mg/m3
Thiram 100 mg/m3
Tin, inorganic compounds (except oxides) (as Sn) 100 mg/m3
Tin, organic com-| pounds (as Sn) 25 mg/m3
Titanium dioxide (td) 5000 mg/m3+
Toluene-2,4- diisocyanate (TDI) 2.5++ 0.02+
o-Toluidine 50++
Tributyl phosphate 30
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 100++
Trichloronaphthalene Unknown
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 100++
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- trifluoroethane 2000 1250
Triethylamine 200 3
Trifluorobromo- methane 40,000
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 500 mg/m3
Triorthocresyl phosphate 40 mg/m3
Triphenyl phosphate 1000 mg/m3
Turpentine 800
Uranium (as U) Soluble compounds 10 mg/m3++
Uranium (as U) Insoluble compounds 10 mg/m3++
Vanadium (rd) (as V2O5) 35 mg/m3 0.5 mg/m3
Vanadium (fume) (as V2O5) 35 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3
Vinyl toluene 400 100
Warfarin 100 mg/m3
Xylenes (o-, m-, p-isomers) 900 150
Xylidine 50
Yttrium 500 mg/m3
Zinc chloride fume 50 mg/m3
Zinc oxide fume 500 mg/m3
Zinc oxide (td) 500 mg/m3
Zinc oxide (rf) 500 mg/m3
Zirconium compounds (as Zr) 50 mg/m3 10 mg/m3
" ++ " indicates that the chemical is believed, by NIOSH, to be a potential Carcinogen.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
0.1 (cyclohexane-
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Aluminum oxide
Aluminum oxide
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Ammonium chloride 10 20
Ammonium chloride fume 10 20
Ammonium muriate fume 10 20
Amosite (cummingtonite-grunerite)
AMS 50 240 100 485
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Arificial graphite
Asphalt: Asphaltum 5 (15min)
5 mg/m3
Asphalt fumes
Aspirin 5
Asymmetrical trimethylbenzene 25 125
Asymmetrical dichloroethane 100 400
Atrazine 5
Aurum paradoxum 0.1
Azabenzene 5 15
0.1 (as HN3 on 0.3 (as NaN3
skin) on skin)
Azimethylene 0.2 0.4
Azine 5 15
Azinphos-methyl 0.2 (skin)
0.1 (as HN3 0.3 (as NaN3
on skin) on skin)
Azomethylene 0.2 0.4
Azophos® 0.2 (skin)
Barium chloride (as Ba) 0.5
Barium nitrate (as Ba) 0.5
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Benzene 0.1 1
Benzenethiol .1 (15min) 0.5 (15min)
Benzoyl peroxide 5
Benzyl chloride 1 (15min) 5 (15min)
not to exceed
Beryllium & beryllium compounds (as Be)
Bismuth telluride, doped with Selenium sulfide (as
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Camphor (synthetic) 2
3 (dust) 3
Caprolactam 0.22 (vapor) 1 (dust) 1 (vapor) 0.66 (vapor)
Captafol 0.1 (skin)
Captan 5
Carbaryl 5
Carbofuran 0.1
3.5 (0.1 mg
Carbon black black in the
presence of
Carbon dioxide 5000 9000 30000 54000
Carbon disulfide 1 (skin) 3 (skin) 10 (skin) 30 (skin)
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Cesium hydroxide 2
Chlordane 0.5 (skin)
Chlorinated camphene
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide 0.5
Chlorine 0.5 (15min) 1.45 (15min)
Chlorine dioxide 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.9
Chlorine trifluoride 0.1 0.4
Chloroacetaldehyde 1 3
alpha-Chloroacetophenone 0.05 0.3
Chloroacetyl chloride 0.05 0.2
o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile 0.05 (skin) 0.4 (skin)
Chlorobromomethane 200 1050
Chlorodifluoromethane 1000 3500 1250 4375
Chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine) 0.001
Chlorodiphenyl (54% chlorine) 0.001
Chloroform 2 (60min) 9.78 (60min)
bis-Chloromethyl ether
Chloromethyl methyl ether
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 2 10
Chloropentafluoroethane 1000 6320
Chloropicrin 0.1 0.7
beta-Chloroprene 1 (15min) 3.6 (15min)
o-Chlorostyrene 50 285 75 428
o-Chlorotoluene 50 250 75 375
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
0.1 ( cyclohexane-
Coal tar pitch volatiles extractable
m-Cresol 2.3 10
o-Cresol 2.3 10
p-Cresol 2.3 10
Crotonaldehyde 2 6
Crufomate 5 20
Cumene 50 (skin) 245 (skin)
Cyanamide 2
Cyanogen 10 20
Cyanogen chloride 0.3 0.6
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Hafnium 0.5
Halothane 2 (60min) 16.2 (60min)
Heptachlor 0.5 (skin)
n-Heptane 85 (15min) 350 (15min) 440 (15min) 1800 (15min)
1-Heptanethiol 0.5 (15min) 2.7 (15min)
Hexachlorobutadiene 0.02 (skin) 0.24 (skin)
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.01 0.1
Hexachloroethane 1 (skin) 10 (skin)
Hexachloronaphthalene 0.2 (skin)
1-Hexadecanethiol 0.5 (15min) 5.3 (15min)
Hexafluoroacetone 0.1 (skin) 0.7 (skin)
Hexamethylene diisocyanate 0.005 (10min) 0.035 (10min) 0.020 (10min) 0.140 (10min)
Hexamethyl phosphoramide
n-Hexane 50 180
Hexane isomers (excluding n-Hexane) 100 (15min) 350 (15min) 510 (15min) 1800 (15min)
n-Hexanethiol 0.5 (15min) 2.7 (15min)
2-Hexanone 1 4
Hexone 50 205 75 300
sec-Hexyl acetate 50 300
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Kepone 0.001
Kerosene 100
Ketene 0.5 0.9 1.5 3
Lead 0.050
Mercury compounds [except (organo) alkyls] (as Hg) 0.05 (vapor/skin) 0.1 (skin)
Mercury (organo) alkyl compounds (as Hg) 0.01 (skin) 0.03 (skin)
Mesityl oxide 10 40
Methacrylic acid 20 (skin) 70 (skin)
Methomyl 2.5
Methoxyflurane 2 (60min) 13.5 (60min)
4-Methoxyphenol 5
Methyl acetate 200 610 250 760
Methyl acetylene 1000 1650
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Platinum 1
Platinum (soluble salts, as Pt) 0.002
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Silicon tetrahydride 5 7
Silver (metal dust and soluble compounds, as Ag) 0.01
Soapstone (containing less than 1% quartz) 6 (total) 3 (resp)
Sodium aluminum fluoride (as F) 2.5
0.1 (as HN3 on 0.3 (as NaN3
Sodium azide
skin) on skin)
Sodium bisulfite 5
Sodium cyanide (as CN) 4.7 (10min) 5 (10min)
Sodium fluoride (as F) 2.5
Sodium fluoroacetate 0.05 (skin) 0.15 (skin)
Sodium hydroxide 2
Sodium metabisulfite 5
Starch 10 (total) 5 (resp)
Stibine 0.1 0.5
Stoddard solvent 350 (15min) 1800 (15min)
Strychnine 0.15
Styrene 50 215 100 425
Succinonitrile 6 20
Sucrose 10 (total 5 (resp)
Sulfur dioxide 2 5 5 13
Sulfur hexafluoride 1000 6000
Sulfuric acid 1
Sulfur monochloride 1 6
Sulfur pentafluoride 0.01 0.1
Sulfur tetrafluoride 0.1 0.4
Sulfuryl fluoride 5 20 10 40
Sulprofos 1
2, 4, 5-T 10
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Table 10. NIOSH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) Values
Chemical Name Original IDLH Revised IDLH
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3 3
Dinitrobenzene (o, m, p isomers) 200 mg/m 50 mg/m
3 3
Dinitroocresol 5 mg/m 5 mg/m [Unch]
3 3
Dinitrotoluene 200 mg/m 50 mg/m
Di sec-octyl phthalate Unknown 5,000 mg/m
Dioxane 2,000 ppm 500 ppm
3 3
Diphenyl 300 mg/m 100 mg/m
Dipropylene glycol methyl ether Unknown 600 ppm
3 3
Endrin 2,000 mg/m 2 mg/m
Epichlorohydrin 250 ppm 75 ppm
3 3
EPN 50 mg/m 5 mg/m
Ethanolamine 1,000 ppm 30 ppm
2-Ethoxyethanol 6,000 ppm 500 ppm
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 2,500 ppm 500 ppm
Ethyl acetate 10,000 ppm 2,000 ppm [LEL]
Ethyl acrylate 2,000 ppm 300 ppm
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Carbon dioxide 5000
Carbon Disulfide 10
Carbon monoxide 25
Cellulose (td) 10
Chlorodane 0.5
Chlorinated camphene 0.5
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide 0.5
Chlorine 0.5
Chlorine dioxide 0.1
a-chloroacetophenone 0.05
Chlorobenzene 10
Chlorobromomethane 200
Chlorodiphenyl (42% Cl) 1
Chlorobiphenyl (54% Cl) 0.5
1-Chloro-1-nitro- propane 2
Chloropicrin 0.1
beta-Chloroprene 10
2-Chloro-6-trichloro- methyl) pyridine (td) 10
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
2-Diethylaminoethanol 2
Difluorodibromomethane 100
Diglycidyl ether (DGE) 0.1
Diisobutyl ketone 25
Diisopropylamine 5
Dimethyl acetamide 10
Dimethylamine 5
Dimethylaniline (N,N-Dimethylaniline) 5
Dimethylformamide 10
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 0.01
Dimethylphthalate 5
Dimethyl sulfate 0.1
Dinitrobenzene (all isomers) 0.15
Dinitro-o-cresol 0.2
Dinitrotoluene 0.15
Dioxane (Diethylene dioxide) 25
Diphenyl (Biphenyl) 0.2
Dipropylene glycol methyl ether 100
Emery (td) 10
Endosulfan 0.1
Endrin 0.1
Epichlorohydrin 2
EPN 0.1
Ethanolamine 3
2-Ethoxyethanol (Cellosolve) 5
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (cellosolve acetate) 5
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Furfural 2
Furfuryl alcohol 10
Grain dust (oat, wheat, barley) 4
Glycerin (td) 10
Glycidol 25
Graphite, synthetic (td) 2
Gypsum (td) 10
Hafnium 0.5
Heptachlor 0.05
Heptane (n-Heptane) 400
Hexachloroethane 1
Hexachloronaph- thalene 0.2
n-Hexane 50
2-Hexanone (Methyl n-butyl ketone) 5
sec-Hexyl acetate 50
Hydrazine 0.01
Hydrogen peroxide 1
Hydrogen selenide (as Se) 0.05
Hydroquinone 2
Iron oxide fume 5
Isoamyl acetate 100
Isoamyl alcohol (primary and secondary) 100
Magnesite (td) 10
Magnesium oxide fume (total particulate) 10
Malathion (td) 10
Maleic anhydride 0.25
Manganese compounds (as Mn) 0.2
Marble (td) 10
Mesityl oxide 15
Methoxychlor (td) 10
2-Methoxyethanol (Methyl cellosolve) 5
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
2-Methoxyethyl acetate (Methyl cellosolve acetate) 5
Methyl acrylate 10
Methylal (Dimetoxy- methane) 1000
Methyl alcohol 200
Methylamine 5
Methyl n-amyl ketone 50
Methyl bromide 5
Methyl chloroform (1,1,1- Trichloroethane) 350
Methylcyclohexane 400
Methylcyclohexanol 50
o-Methylcyclohexanone 50
Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI) 0.005
Methyl iodide 2
Methyl isoamyl ketone 50
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 25
Methyl isocyanate 0.02
Methyl mercaptan 0.5
Methyl methacrylate 100
alpha-Methyl styrene 50
Molybdenum (as Mo) Soluble compounds 5
Morpholine 20
Naphthalene 10
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) 0.05
Nickel, metal and insoluble compounds (as Ni) 1
Nicotine 0.5
Nitric acid 2
Nitric oxide 25
p-Nitroaniline 3
Nitrobenzene 1
p-Nitrochlorobenzene 0.1
Nitroethane 100
Nitrogen dioxide 3
Nitrogen trifluoride 10
Nitroglycerin 0.05
Nitromethane 20
1-Nitropropane 25
2-Nitropropane 10
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Nitrotoluene (all isomers) 2
Octachloronaphthalene 0.1
Octane 300
Oil mist, mineral 5
Osmium tetroxide (as Os) 0.0002
Oxalic acid 1
Paraquat (rd) 0.2
Parathion 0.1
Particulates not other- wise regulated (PNOR) (td) 10
Phenol 5
p-Phenylene diamine 0.1
Phenyl ether, vapor 1
Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE) 0.1
Phenylhydrazine 0.1
Phosdrin (mevinphos) 0.01
Phosgene (Carbonyl chloride) 0.1
Phosphine 0.3
Phosphoric acid 1
Phosphorus (yellow) 0.02
Phosphorus pentachloride 0.1
Phosphorus pentasulfide 1
Phosphorus trichloride 0.2
Phthalic anhydride 1
Picloram (td) 10
Picric acid 0.1
Pindone (2-Pivalyl-1, 3-indandione) 0.1
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Quinone 0.1
Rhodium, metal fume and insoluble compounds 1
1,1,2,2-Tetrachlo- roethane 1
Tetrachloronaph- thalene 2
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) 0.1
Tetrahydrofuran 200
Tetramethyl lead (as Pb) 0.15
Tetramethyl succinonitrile 0.5
Tetranitromethane 0.005
Tetryl (2,4,6-Trinitro- phenylmethylni- tramine) 1.5
Thiram 1
Tin, inorganic compounds (except oxides) (as Sn) 2
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Tin, organic com-| pounds (as Sn) 0.1
o-Toluidine 2
Tributyl phosphate 0.2
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10
Trichloronaphthalene 5
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 10
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- trifluoroethane 1000
Triethylamine 1
Trifluorobromo- methane 1000
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 0.5
Triorthocresyl phosphate 0.1
Triphenyl phosphate 3
Turpentine 100 0.2
Uranium (as U) Soluble compounds 0.2
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
n-Butyl alcohol 8000
sec-Butyl alcohol 10000
tert-Butyl alcohol 8000
n-Butylamine 2000
30 mg
tert-Butyl chromate CrO3/m3
n-Butyl glycidyl ether 3500
n-Butyl mercaptan 2500
p-tert-Butyltoluene 1000
Cadmium dust (as Cd) 50 mg Cd/m3
Cadmium fume (as Cd)
Calcium arsenate (as As) 100 mg As/m3
Calcium oxide unknown
Camphor (synthetic) 200
Carbaryl 600
Carbon black evidence
Carbon dioxide 50000
Carbon disulfide 500
Carbon monoxide 1500
Carbon tetrachloride 300
Chlordane 500
Chlorinated camphene 200
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide unknown
Chlorine 30
Chlorine dioxide unknown
Chlorine trifluoride 20
Chloroacetaldehyde 100
alpha-Chloroacetophenone 100
Chlorobenzene 2400
malononitrile 2
Chlorobromomethane 5000
Chlorodiphenyl (42%
chlorine) 10
Chlorodiphenyl (54%
Chloroform 1000
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 2000
Chloropicrin 4
beta-Chloroprene 400
Chromic acid and chromates 30 (as CrO3)
Chromium (II) compounds [as no
Cr(II)] evidence
Chromium (III) compounds no
[as Cr(III)] evidence
Chromium metal (as Cr) evidence
Coal tar pitch volatiles 700
Cobalt metal, dust and fume
(as Co) 20 mg Co/m3
Copper (dusts and mists, as no
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Cu) evidence
Copper fume (as Cu) evidence
Cotton dust (raw) evidence
Crag (r) herbicide 5000
Crotonaldehyde 400
Cumene 8000
Cyanides (as CN) 50
Cyclohexane 10000
Cyclohexanol 3500
Cyclohexanone 5000
Cyclohexene 10000
Cyclopentadiene 2000
2,4-D 500
DDT evidence
Decaborane 100
Demeton 20
Diacetone alcohol 2100
Diazomethane 2
Diborane 40
Dibutyl phosphate 125
Dibutyl phthalate 9300
o-Dichlorobenzene 1000
p-Dichlorobenzene 1000
Dichlorodifluoromethane 50000
1,3-Dichloro 5,5-
dimethylhydantoin unknown
1,1-Dichloroethane 4000
1,2-Dichloroethylene 4000
Dichloroethyl ether 250
Dichloromonofluoromethane 50000
1,1-Dichloro 1-nitroethane 150
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 50000
Dichlorvos 200
Dieldrin 450
Diethylamine 2000
2-Diethylaminoethanol 500
Difluorodibromomethane 2500
Diglycidyl ether 25
Diisobutyl ketone 2000
Diisopropylamine 1000
Dimethyl acetamide 400
Dimethylamine 2000
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
N,N-Dimethylaniline 100
Dimethyl 1,2-dibromo 2,2-
dichlorethyl phosphate 1800
Dimethylformamide 3500
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 50
Dimethylphthalate 9300
Dimethyl sulfate 10
Dinitrobenzene (o, m, p
isomers) 200
Dinitroocresol 5
Dinitrotoluene 200
Di sec-octyl phthalate unknown
Dioxane 2000
Diphenyl 300
Dipropylene glycol methyl
ether unknown
Endrin 2000
Epichlorohydrin 250
EPN 50
Ethanolamine 1000
2-Ethoxyethanol 6000
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 2500
Ethyl acetate 10000
Ethyl acrylate 2000
Ethyl alcohol 15000
Ethylamine 4000
Ethyl benzene 2000
Ethyl bromide 3500
Ethyl butyl ketone 3000
Ethyl chloride 20000
Ethylene chlorohydrin 10
Ethylenediamine 2000
Ethylene dibromide 400
Ethylene dichloride 1000
Ethylene glycol dinitrate 500
Ethyleneimine 100
Ethylene oxide 800
Ethyl ether (LEL)
Ethyl formate 8000
Ethyl mercaptan 2500
N-Ethylmorpholine 2000
Ethyl silicate 1000
Ferbam evidence
Ferrovanadium dust evidence
Fluorides (as F) 500 mg F/m3
Fluorine 25
Fluorotrichloromethane 10000
Formaldehyde 30
Formic acid 30
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Furfural 250
Furfuryl alcohol 250
Glycidol 500
Graphite (natural) evidence
Hafnium compounds (as Hf) unknown
Heptachlor 700
n-Heptane 5000
Hexachloroethane 300
Hexachloronaphthalene 2
n-Hexane 5000
2-Hexanone 5000
Hexone 3000
sec Hexyl acetate 4000
Hydrazine 80
Hydrogen bromide 50
Hydrogen chloride 100
Hydrogen cyanide 50
Hydrogen fluoride (as F) 30
Hydrogen peroxide 75
Hydrogen selenide (as Se) 2
Hydrogen sulfide 300
Hydroquinone unknown
Iodine 10
Iron oxide dust and fume no
(as Fe) evidence
Isoamyl acetate 3000
Isoamyl alcohol (primary) (LEL)
Isoamyl alcohol (secondary) (LEL)
Isobutyl acetate 7500
Isobutyl alcohol 8000
Isophorone 800
Isopropyl acetate 16000
Isopropyl alcohol 12000
Isopropylamine 4000
Isopropyl ether 10000
Isopropyl glycidyl ether 1000
Ketene unknown
Lead compounds (as Pb) 700 mg Pb/m3
Lindane 1000
Lithium hydride 55
L.P.G. (LEL)
Magnesium oxide fume evidence
Malathion 5000
Maleic anhydride unknown
Manganese compounds (as no
Mn) evidence
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Mercury compounds [except
(organo) alkyls, as Hg] 28 mg Hg/m3
Mercury (organo) alkyl
compounds(as Hg) 10 mg Hg/m3
Mesityl oxide 5000
Methoxychlor evidence
Methyl acetate 10000
Methyl acetylene (LEL)
Methyl acetylenepropadiene
mixture 15000
Methyl acrylate 1000
Methylal (LEL)
Methyl alcohol 25000
Methylamine 100
Methyl (namyl) ketone 4000
Methyl bromide 2000
Methyl Cellosolve (r) 2000
Methyl Cellosolve (r) acetate 4000
Methyl chloride 10000
Methyl chloroform 1000
Methylcyclohexane 10000
Methylcyclohexanol 10000
o-Methylcyclohexanone 2500
Methylene bisphenyl
isocyanate 100
Methylene chloride 5000
Methyl formate 5000
5-Methyl 3-heptanone 3000
Methyl hydrazine 50
Methyl iodide 800
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 2000
Methyl isocyanate 20
Methyl mercaptan 400
Methyl methacrylate 4000
Methyl styrene 5000
Mica evidence
Molybdenum (insoluble no
compounds, as Mo) evidence
Molybdenum (soluble no
compounds, as Mo) evidence
Monomethyl aniline 100
Morpholine 8000
Naphtha (coal tar) (LEL)
Naphthalene 500
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) 7
Nickel metal and other no
compounds (as Ni) evidence
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Nicotine 35
Nitric acid 100
Nitric oxide 100
p-Nitroaniline 300
Nitrobenzene 200
p-Nitrochlorobenzene 1000
Nitroethane 1000
Nitrogen dioxide 50
Nitrogen trifluoride 2000
Nitroglycerine 500
Nitromethane 1000
1-Nitropropane 2300
2-Nitropropane 2300
Nitrotoluene (oisomer) 200
Nitrotoluene (misomer) 200
Nitrotoluene (p isomers) 200
Octachloronaphthalene unknown
Octane 5000
Oil mist (mineral) evidence
Osmium tetroxide (as Os) 1 mg Os/m3
Oxalic acid 500
Oxygen difluoride 0.5
Ozone 10
Paraquat 1.5
Parathion 20
Pentaborane 3
Pentachloronaphthalene unknown
Pentachlorophenol 150
n-Pentane (LEL)
2-Pentanone 5000
Perchloromethyl mercaptan 10
Perchloryl fluoride 385
Petroleum distillates
(naphtha) 10000
Phenol 250
p-Phenylene diamine unknown
Phenyl ether (vapor) evidence
Phenyl etherbiphenyl mixture no
(vapor) evidence
Phenyl glycidyl ether unknown
Phenylhydrazine 295
Phosdrin 4
Phosgene 2
Phosphine 200
Phosphoric acid 10000
Phosphorus (yellow) evidence
Phosphorus pentachloride 200
Phosphorus pentasulfide 750
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Phosphorus trichloride 50
Phthalic anhydride 10000
Picric acid 100
Pindone 200
Platinum (soluble salts, as Pt) evidence
Portland cement evidence
Propane (LEL)
n-Propyl acetate 8000
n-Propyl alcohol 4000
Propylene dichloride 2000
Propylene imine 500
Propylene oxide 2000
n-Propyl nitrate 2000
Pyrethrum 5000
Pyridine 3600
Quinone 300
Rhodium (metal fume and no
insoluble compounds, as Rh) evidence
Rhodium (soluble no
compounds, as Rh) evidence
Ronnel 5000
Rotenone unknown
Selenium compounds (as Se) unknown
Selenium hexafluoride 5
Silica, amorphous evidence
Silica, crystalline (respirable no
dust) cristobalite/tridymite evidence
Silica, crystalline (respirable no
dust) quartz/tripoli: evidence
Silver (metal dust as Ag) evidence
Silver (soluble compounds as no
Ag) evidence
Soapstone evidence
Sodium fluoroacetate 5
Sodium hydroxide 250
Stibine 40
Stoddard solvent 29500
Strychnine 3
Styrene 5000
Sulfur dioxide 100
Sulfuric acid 80
Sulfur monochloride 10
Sulfur pentafluoride 1
Sulfuryl fluoride 1000
2,4,5-T unknown
Talc no
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Tantalum (metal and oxide no
dust, as Ta) evidence
Tellurium compounds (as Te) evidence
Tellurium hexafluoride 1
Terphenyl (o, m, p isomers) unknown
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro 2,2-
difluoroethane 15000
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro 1,2-
difluoroethane 15000
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 150
Tetrachloroethylene 500
Tetrachloronaphthalene 2
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) 40 mg Pb/m3
Tetrahydrofuran (LEL)
Tetramethyl lead (as Pb) 40 mg Pb/m3
Tetramethyl succinonitrile 5
Tetranitromethane 5
Tetryl evidence
Thallium (soluble
compounds, as Tl) 20 mg TI/m3
Thiram 1500
Tin (inorganic compounds, as
Sn) 400 mg Sn/m3
Tin (organic compounds, as
Sn) unknown
Titanium dioxide evidence
Toluene 2000
Toluene 2,4-diisocyanate 10
o-Toluidine 100
Tributyl phosphate 125
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 500
Trichloroethylene 1000
Trichloronaphthalene unknown
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1000
1,1,2-Trichloro 1,2,2-
trifluoroethane 4500
Triethylamine 1000
Trifluorobromomethane 50000
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene evidence
Triorthocresyl phosphate 40
Triphenyl phosphate evidence
Turpentine 1500
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Chemical Name
(ppm) (mg/m3)
Uranium (insoluble
compounds, as U) 30 mg U/m3
Uranium (soluble compounds,
as U) 20 mg U/m3
Vanadium dust 70
Vanadium fume 70
Vinyl toluene 5000
Warfarin 350
Xylene (oisomer) 1000
Xylene (misomer) 1000
Xylene (p isomers) 1000
Xylidine 150
Yttrium compounds (as Y) evidence
Zinc chloride fume 4800
Zinc oxide evidence
Zirconium compounds (as Zr) 500 mg Zr/m3
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
ATRAZINE Oral Acute 0.01 mg/kg/day 100 Body Wt. Final 3-Sep
Int. 0.003 mg/kg/day 300 Repro.
BARIUM, SOLUBLE SALTS Oral Int. 0.7 mg/kg/day 100 Renal Draft 5-Sep
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
BIS(CHLOROMETHYL) ETHER Inh. Int. 0.0003 ppm 100 Resp. Final Dec-89
BIS(2 CHLOROETHYL) ETHER Inh. Int. 0.02 ppm 1000 Body Wt. Final Dec-89
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
CHLORINE DIOXIDE Inh. Int. 0.001 ppm 300 Resp. Final 4-Oct
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
CHROMIUM(VI), AEROSOL MISTS Inh. Int. 0.000005 mg/m3 100 Resp. Final Sep-00
CYANIDE, SODIUM Oral Int. 0.05 mg/kg/day 100 Repro. Final 6-Jul
CYCLOTETRAMETHYLENE TETRANITRAMINE Oral Acute 0.1 mg/kg/day 1000 Neurol. Final Sep-97
Int. 0.05 mg/kg/day 1000 Hepatic
CYCLOTRIMETHYLENETRINITRAMINE (RDX) Oral Acute 0.06 mg/kg/day 100 Neurol. Final Jun-95
Int. 0.03 mg/kg/day 300 Repro.
DDT, P,P'- Oral Acute 0.0005 mg/kg/day 1000 Develop. Final 2-Sep
Int. 0.0005 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic
DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE Oral Acute 0.5 mg/kg/day 100 Develop. Final 1-Sep
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
DICHLOROBENZENE, 1,2- Oral Acute 0.7 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic Final 6-Jul
Int. 0.6 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic
Chr. 0.3 mg/kg/day 100 Renal
DICHLOROBENZENE, 1,3- Oral Acute 0.4 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic Final 6-Jul
Int. 0.02 mg/kg/day 100 Endocr.
DIISOPROPYL METHYLPHOSPHONATE Oral Int. 0.8 mg/kg/day 100 Hemato. Final Oct-98
(DIMP) Chr. 0.6 mg/kg/day 100 Hemato.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
ETHYLENE GLYCOL Inh. Acute 0.5 ppm 100 Renal Final Sep-97
Oral Acute 2.0 mg/kg/day 100 Develop.
Chr. 2.0 mg/kg/day 100 Renal
ETHYLENE OXIDE Inh. Int. 0.09 ppm 100 Renal Final Dec-90
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, ALPHA- Oral Chr. 0.008 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic Final 5-Sep
HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, BETA- Oral Acute 0.05 mg/kg/day 100 Neurol. Final 5-Sep
Int. 0.0006 mg/kg/day 300 Hepatic
HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, GAMMA- Oral Acute 0.003 mg/kg/day 300 Develop. Final 5-Sep
Int. 0.00001 mg/kg/day 1000 Immuno.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
MERCURIC CHLORIDE Oral Acute 0.007 mg/kg/day 100 Renal Final Mar-99
Int. 0.002 mg/kg/day 100 Renal
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
METHYL PARATHION Oral Int. 0.0007 mg/kg/day 300 Neurol. Final 1-Sep
Chr. 0.0003 mg/kg/day 100 Hemato.
METHYLENE CHLORIDE Inh. Acute 0.6 ppm 100 Neurol. Final Sep-00
Int. 0.3 ppm 90 Hepatic
Chr. 0.3 ppm 30 Hepatic
Oral Acute 0.2 mg/kg/day 100 Neurol.
Chr. 0.06 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
POLYBROMINATED BIPHENYLS (PBBs) Oral Acute 0.01 mg/kg/day 100 Endocr. Final 4-Oct
POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHERS (PBDEs), Inh Int. 0.006 mg/m3 90 Endocr. Final 4-Oct
Oral Acute 0.03 mg/kg/day 30 Endocr.
Int. 0.007 mg/kg/day 300 Hepatic
POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) (Aroclor Oral Int. 0.03 ug/kg/day 300 Neurol. Final Nov-00
Chr. 0.02 ug/kg/day 300 Immuno.
PROPYLENE GLYCOL DINITRATE Inh. Acute 0.003 ppm 10 Neurol. Final Jun-95
Int. 0.00004 ppm 1000 Hemato.
Chr. 0.00004 ppm 1000 Hemato.
PROPYLENE GLYCOL Inh. Int. 0.009 ppm 1000 Resp. Final Sep-97
REFRACTORY CERAMIC FIBERS Inh. Chr. 0.03 fibers/cc 30 Resp. Final 4-Oct
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
TIN, INORGANIC Oral Int. 0.3 mg/kg/day 100 Hemato. Final 5-Sep
TIN, DIBUTYL- Oral Int. 0.005 mg/kg/day 1000 Immunol. Final 39330
TIN, TRIBUTYL- Oral Int. 0.0003 mg/kg/day 100 Immunol. Final 5-Sep
Chr. 0.0003 mg/kg/day 100 Immunol.
URANIUM, HIGHLY SOLUBLE SALTS Inh. Int. 0.0004 mg/m3 90 Renal Final Sep-99
Chr. 0.0003 mg/m3 30 Renal
Oral Int. 0.002 mg/kg/day 30 Renal
URANIUM, INSOLUBLE COMPOUNDS Inh. Int. 0.008 mg/m3 30 Renal Final Sep-99
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
VINYL ACETATE Inh. Int. 0.01 ppm 100 Resp. Final Jul-92
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1,2-DICHLOROETHENE, TRANS- Inh. Acute 0.2 ppm 1000 Hepatic Final Aug-96
Int. 0.2 ppm 1000 Hepatic
Oral Int. 0.2 mg/kg/day 100 Hepatic
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2,4-DINITROPHENOL Oral Acute 0.01 mg/kg/day 100 Body Wt. Final Aug-95
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(f)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(f)(1) Introduction
A job hazard analysis must accompany all project workplans. A job hazard analysis identifies
hazards associated with work projects and worksites, and identifies protective equipment,
modified work procedures, managerial controls and personal protective equipment needed.
Line officers and staff shall use the job hazard analysis to monitor the safety performance of
work supervisors, crews or contractors. It serves as the standard against which actual safety
performance is measured.
Work supervisors shall discuss the job hazards with crew members prior to beginning new
projects or changing work sites. Identify any hazards not noted on the job hazard analysis.
Discuss ways to reduce these hazards, including the use of protective equipment. Document
these meetings. File documentation with other project work documents when the project is
completed. Exhibit 1 is a suggested format for a work supervisor's tailgate safety meeting.
Exhibit 1
To be completed by first line supervisor or work leader at the worksite prior to beginning job and
when the hazards change due to a change in worksite location or other condition. Add any
hazards that do not appear on the Job Hazard Analysis Form (see Sec.2(f)(3)). Reference the
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Codes to help identify recommended work procedures and
protective equipment.
Describe Work:
Identify & List Hazards; Hazard Reducing Work Procedures Discussed With Crew:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Date: _______________
The hazard assessment itself should be viewed as a performance-oriented provision that simply
requires management to use their awareness of workplace hazards to enable them to select the
appropriate PPE for the work being performed.
Examples of equipment required to be provided by employers include but are not limited to:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
The Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards require the use of personal protective
equipment (PPE) to reduce employees' exposures to hazards when engineering the administrative
controls are not feasible or effective in reducing these exposures to acceptable levels. Employers
are required to determine all exposures to hazards in their workplace and determine if PPE
should be used to protect their workers.
If PPE is to be used to reduce the exposure of employees to hazards, a PPE program should be
initialized and maintained. The program should contain identification and evaluation of hazards
in the workplace and define whether PPE is an appropriate control measure; if PPE is to be used,
how it is selected, maintained and its use evaluated; training of employees using the PPE; and
vigilance of the program to determine its effectiveness in preventing employee injury or illness.
Other sections of the Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards provide general provisions
and specific guidance on:
The following is a recommended approach to conducting a hazard assessment for PPE. The
approach also helps to assign a Risk Priority Code to the hazard to determine the course of
actions needed to take to control the hazard.
Follow the instructions as you conduct the hazard assessment and fill in the hazard assessment
form. You can make copies of the form or customize it to fit the needs of the work place.
This tool can also serve as written certification that a hazard assessment has been performed.
Document the hazard assessment for PPE. Make sure that the blank fields at the bottom of the
form (indicated by *) are filled out.
2(f)(3)(ii) Instructions and Forms for Job Hazard Analysis Assessment for PPE
The following is a recommended step by step approach to conducting the job hazard analysis
assessment for PPE.
Step 1. Conduct a walk through survey of the work area. For each job/task step, note the
presence of any of the hazard types listed in Table 1, their sources, and the body parts at risk.
Fill out the left side of the hazard assessment form. Collect all the information you can. Note that
this is a generalized approach. The table may be expanded or modified as appropriate.
In collecting the information, bear the following in mind:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Look at all steps of a job and ask the employee if there are any variations in the job that
are infrequently done and that you might have missed during your observation.
• For purposes of the assessment, assume that no PPE is being worn by the affected
employees even though they may actually be wearing what they need to do the job safely.
• Note all observed hazards. This list in Table 11 does not cover all possible hazards that
employees may face or for which personal protective equipment may be required. Noisy
environments or those which may require respirators must be evaluated with appropriate
test equipment to quantify the exposure level when overexposure is suspected.
Step 2. Analyze the hazard. For each job task with a hazard source identified, use the Job
Hazard Analysis Matrix table (Table 12) and review the hazard with the affected employee and
supervisor. Fill out the right side of the hazard assessment form:
• Rate the SEVERITY of injury that would reasonably be expected to result from
exposure to the hazard.
• Assign a PROBABILITY of an accident actually happening.
• Assign a RISK CODE based upon the intersection of the SEVERITY and
PROBABILITY ratings on the matrix.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Table 12. Job Hazard Analysis Matrix and Risk Priority Factors.
Job Hazard Analysis Matrix
Severity of Injury Probability of an Accident Occurring
Level Description A B C D E
Risk Priority
Code Risk Level Action Required
1 High Work activities must be suspended immediately until hazard can be eliminated or controlled or
reduced to a lower level.
2 Medium Job hazards are unacceptable and must be controlled by engineering, administrative, or personal
protective equipment methods as soon as possible.
3 Low No real or significant hazard exists. Controls are not required but may increase the comfort level
of employees.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Step 3. Take action on the assessment. Depending on the assigned Risk Level/Code (or Risk
priority), take the corresponding action according to Table 12:
• If Risk priority is LOW (3) for a task step requires no further action.
• If Risk priority is MEDIUM (2) - select and implement appropriate controls.
• If Risk priority is HIGH (1) - immediately stop the task step until appropriate controls
can be implemented.
A high risk priority means that there is a reasonable to high probability that an employee will be
killed or permanently disabled doing this task step and/or a high probability that the employee
will suffer severe illness or injury.
Step 4. Select PPE: Try to reduce employee exposure to the hazard by first implementing
engineering, work practice, and/or administrative controls. If PPE is assigned, it must be
appropriately matched to the hazard to provide effective protection, durability, and proper fit to
the worker. Note the control method to be implemented in the far right column. Guidance on
selection of appropriate PPE is provided in Sec.2(g).
• Certify on the completed hazard assessment form that the hazard assessment has been
performed and that the needed controls have been implemented.
• Incorporate any new PPE requirements that have developed into a written accident
prevention program.
Exhibit 2 is an example of a form that can be copied and used to certify the assessment.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Exhibit 2.
Job Hazard Analysis for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Assessment Certification Form
Job/Task Step Hazard Type Hazard Source Body Parts Severity Probability Risk Control Method(1)
At Risk Code
(1) Note: Engineering, work practice, and/or administrative hazard controls such as guarding must be used, if feasible, before
requiring employees to use personal protective equipment.
Certification of Assessment
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Workplace and project inspections incorporate standards established in the Nigerian Electricity
Health and Safety Standards Handbook.
• The Health & Safety Officer (HSO) is responsible for facility safety and health
• Unit manager shall ensure that workplace and project inspections are done by persons
knowledgeable of the work activity and who have had training in the Nigerian Electricity
Health and Safety Code Handbook standards, Occupational Safety, the inspection
process, and use of inspection report forms.
Frequency of Workplace and Project Inspections. All regularly used facilities shall be
inspected at least annually. Workplace and project inspections shall be done at least annually.
Inspect high-risk workplaces more frequently.
High-Risk Workplaces. Any facility or operation that offers a high potential for injury, illness,
or death due to the activity conducted at the location is a high-risk workplace. Examples are:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Critical Inspection Items. Certain parts of equipment and some operations are critical to safe
use or safe completion of a job. When a critical part fails or is absent, the machine, equipment,
or operation will fail with a high likelihood of losses. Inspect for the presence and safe operation
of these critical items. Some examples are:
Inspection Checklists. Several types of checklists and inspection forms are available from
commercial sources. These can be customized to meet local conditions and improve the quality
of inspections. Examples are included in this subsection and may be modified to fit the needs of
the facility.
Use of Inspection Forms. Safety and Health Inspection Forms, Compliance Worksheets, and
Report Narratives are suggested for documenting the inspections. These are designed to assist in
documenting notices of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions. Computerized or
electronically reproduced forms containing similar information may also be used.
• Imminent danger hazards would likely cause death, severe injury or high property losses
immediately, or before the hazard can be eliminated through normal procedures.
Immediate employee protection and abatement is required. An example is a leaking
propane gas cylinder in crew quarters.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Serious hazards are those in which there is high probability that serious injury, illness, or
extensive property damage would result unless corrective action is taken. Abatement
shall be accomplished within 14 days. An example is a broken stair tread.
• Non-serious hazards are those that could cause injury, illness, or property damage.
Abatement shall be accomplished in 30 days. An example is a broken window in a
Receptacle Tester Indicates if an electrical receptacle box of 110 voltage is correctly wired.
Tape Measure
Camera with Flash
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
It is important to note that engineering controls should be the primary method of establishing a
safe workplace. Personal protective equipment should only be used where engineering controls
are not feasible.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
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Is there written certification for each person who has received PPE
training that includes the following: a statement indicating the
Y N N/A ??
person understood the training; the name of the person trained; the
date(s) of the training; and the subject of the certification?
Head, Foot, and Hand Protection
Are protective helmets used wherever there is the possible danger
of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying objects, or Y N N/A ??
from electrical shock and burns?
Do protective helmets that are used in the workplace that were
purchased prior to July 5, 1994 meet the American Nigerian
Y N N/A ??
Standard Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection, ANSI
Do protective helmets that are used in the workplace that were
purchased after July 5, 1994 meet the American Nigerian Standard
Y N N/A ??
for Personnel Protection--Protective Headwear for Industrial
Workers--Requirements, ANSI Z89.1-1986?
Is protective footwear used wherever there is the danger of foot
injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, Y N N/A ??
and where feet are exposed to electrical hazards?
Does protective footwear that is used in the workplace that was
purchased prior to July 5, 1994 meet the requirements of the
Y N N/A ??
American Nigerian Standard for Men's Safety-Toe Footwear, ANSI
Does protective footwear that is used in the workplace that was
purchased after July 5, 1994 meet the requirements of the American
Y N N/A ??
Nigerian Standard for Personal Protection--Protective Footwear,
ANSI Z41-1991?
Are appropriate protective gloves used wherever there is the danger
to hands of exposure to hazards such as those from skin absorption
of harmful substances, severe cuts or lacerations, severe abrasions, Y N N/A ??
punctures, chemical burns, thermal burns, and harmful temperature
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Checklist 2
Chemical Safety Checklist - The objective of this surveillance is to ensure that practices for
handling, storing, and using chemicals provide effective protection for the health and safety of
Surveillance Guideline
Surveillance No.:______________
Facility: _____________________
Date Completed:______________
Yes No N/A
___ ___ ___ 1. Is there a written hazard communication program which addresses labeling and
other forms of warning, material data safety sheets (MSDS), and employee information and
___ ___ ___ 2. Is there a list of hazardous chemicals known to be present that also provides a
reference to appropriate MSDSs?
___ ___ ___ 4. Are MSDSs readily available during each work shift to employees in their
workplace for each hazardous chemical?
___ ___ ___ 5. Do employees receive effective information and training on hazardous
chemicals in their work area or with which they work?
• Does the training include the physical and health hazards of the chemicals including
exposure limits?
• Does the training include measures employees can take to protect themselves from the
chemical hazards (procedures, work practices, and PPE)?
• Does the training include the details of the hazard communication program, including an
explanation of the labeling system, MSDSs, and how employees can obtain and use
hazard information?
___ ___ ___ 6. Have the employees been informed of the location and availability of the
written hazard communication program, the required list of chemicals, and the location of
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
___ ___ ___ 7. Do employers ensure that employees do not exceed Permissible Exposure
Levels (PEL) or American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist Threshold Limit
Values (TLV), whichever is more restrictive?
___ ___ ___ 8. Do employers measure employee exposure to chemicals if it is believed that
action levels or PELs may have been exceeded?
___ ___ ___ 9. Do employers notify employees of monitoring results within 15 workdays of
receipt of such information?
___ ___ ___ 10. Do employers have a Chemical Hygiene Plan for laboratory use of chemicals
(laboratory use - laboratory scale, multiple chemicals/procedures, non-production chemical use,
standard laboratory protective practices)?
• Is the Chemical Hygiene Plan capable of protecting employees from health hazards
associated with hazardous chemicals?
• Does the Chemical Hygiene Plan provide provision for keeping exposures below limits?
• Is the Chemical Hygiene Plan readily available to employees?
• Does the Chemical Hygiene Plan identify standard operating procedures relevant to
safety and health considerations for handling chemicals?
• Does the Chemical Hygiene Plan provide criteria used to determine and implement
control measures to reduce employee exposure the hazardous chemicals?
• Does the Chemical Hygiene Plan provide requirements that fume hoods and other
protective equipment function properly?
• Does the Chemical Hygiene Plan contain provisions for employee information and
training relative to chemical hazards?
___ ___ ___ 13. Do training records substantiate that workers have received required training
on hazard recognition and control related to chemical safety?
Yes No N/A
___ ___ ___ 14. Is each container containing a hazardous chemical labeled, tagged or marked
with the identity of the chemical, and appropriate hazard warnings? (Labels are not required on
portable containers into which chemicals are transferred from labeled containers and which are
intended only for the immediate use of the employee who made the transfer.)
___ ___ ___15. Are the labels on containers legible and prominently displayed?
___ ___ ___ 16. Do containers and portable tanks containing flammable and combustible
liquids meet UN hazard warning requirements?
___ ___ ___ 17. Is each portable tank containing flammable/combustible liquid provided with a
means of venting to limit internal pressure to less than 68.94 kPa?
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
___ ___ ___ 18. Do flammable storage cabinets contain less than 227.1 liters of Class I or Class
II liquids, or less than 454.1 liters of Class III liquids?
___ ___ ___ 19. Are flammable storage cabinets conspicuously labeled "Flammable Keep Fire
___ ___ ___ 20. Does the flammable storage cabinet meet the design requirements?
___ ___ ___ 21. Do flammable storage rooms meet the requirements of safe room design,
quantity of liquid stored, ventilation, storage spacing requirements, electrical wiring, etc.?
___ ___ ___ 22. Are suitable fire control devices, such as fire extinguishers, available at
locations where flammable or combustible liquids are stored?
___ ___ ___ 23. Are incompatible chemicals/materials segregated to prevent accidental contact
with one another?
___ ___ ___ 24. Is the minimum amount of hazardous chemical necessary for work stored in
the open in the laboratory work area?
___ ___ ___ 25. Are safety showers and/or an eyewash stations provided within the work area
for immediate emergency use?
Yes No N/A
___ ___ ___ 26. Are users of flammable/combustible liquids familiar with the hazard
classification of the liquid?
___ ___ ___ 27. Is bonding used when transferring Class I flammable liquids between two
conductive containers of greater volume than 4.2 liters?
___ ___ ___ 28. Has the maintenance work package or work activity been reviewed by
representatives of the safety and/or environmental organizations for appropriate safety and
environmental controls?
___ ___ ___ 29. Was an appropriate job safety analysis performed for the work activity,
identifying the hazards and implementing controls?
___ ___ ___ 30. Do the work instructions address use of specific personnel protective
equipment such as safety glasses with side shields, rubber gloves, aprons, etc.?
___ ___ ___ 31. Do the work instructions include procedures in sufficient detail to ensure the
safety and health of the workers?
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
___ ___ ___ 32. Were potential chemical hazards discussed with workers during the pre-job
___ ___ ___ 33. Are workers using the personal protective equipment specified in the work
instructions or procedures while performing the activity?
___ ___ ___ 34. Do workers follow instructions/procedures prescribed in the work package?
___ ___ ___ 35. Can workers describe the chemical hazards associated with the work they are
___ ___ ___ 36. Were workers provided the opportunity to review and understand the MSDSs
for chemicals associated with the activity?
___ ___ ___ 37. Can workers describe the correct response to an emergency involving chemical
The Facility Representative should avoid interrupting maintenance personnel performing work
on systems containing hazardous chemicals. The Facility Representative should wait for
opportune times to conduct business with Facility Operators.
Finding No.:
Observation No.:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(f)(5) Bibliography
Cheremisinoff, N. P., 1996Safety Management Practices for Hazardous Materials, Marcel
Dekker Publishers, N.Y.
DOE O 440.1A, Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and Contractor Employees
DOE G 440.1-1, Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and Contractor Employees
48 CFR 970.5204-2, Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health Into Work Planning and
Nigerian Fire Protection Association, Standard 45, Fire Protection for Laboratories Using
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(g)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(g)(1) Introduction
The NERC requires the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce employee
exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective in
reducing these exposures to acceptable levels. Employers are required to determine if PPE
should be used to protect their workers.
If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should address the
hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and
monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.
Depending on the hazard or workplace conditions, NERC recommends the use of engineering or
work practice controls to manage or eliminate hazards to the greatest extent possible. For
example, building a barrier between the hazard and the employees is an engineering control;
changing the way in which employees perform their work is a work practice control.
When engineering, work practice and administrative controls are not feasible or do not provide
sufficient protection, employers are required to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to
their employees and ensure its use. PPE is equipment worn to minimize exposure to a variety of
hazards. Examples of PPE include such items as gloves, foot and eye protection, protective
hearing devices (earplugs, muffs) hard hats, respirators and full body suits.
This subsection will help both employers and employees do the following:
The information in this guide is general in nature and does not address all workplace hazards or
PPE requirements. The information, methods and procedures in this subsection are based on a
number of references noted in the Bibliography and may be considered general guidance. The
employer should perform a job hazards assessment (see Sec. 2(f)) before deciding on the levels
of protection required and in selecting specific PPE to match work environment conditions.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Performing a "job hazard assessment" of the workplace to identify and control physical
and health hazards.
• Identifying and providing appropriate PPE for employees.
• Training employees in the use and care of the PPE.
• Maintaining PPE, including replacing worn or damaged PPE.
• Periodically reviewing, updating and evaluating the effectiveness of the PPE program.
Employees should:
A PPE Program should be designed based on comprehensive safety and health program which
should be unto itself based on identification of physical and health hazards in the workplace.
This process is known as a "hazard assessment" or a “job hazards assessment (Sec. 2(f)).
The hazard assessment should begin with a walk-through survey of the facility to develop a list
of potential hazards in the following basic hazard categories:
• Impact,
• Penetration,
• Compression (roll-over),
• Chemical,
• Heat/cold,
• Harmful dust,
• Light (optical) radiation, and
• Biologic.
In addition to noting the basic layout of the facility and reviewing any history of occupational
illnesses or injuries, things to look for during the walk-through survey include:
• Sources of electricity.
• Sources of motion such as machines or processes where movement may exist that could
result in an impact between workers and equipment.
• Sources of high temperatures that could result in burns, eye injuries or fire.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
When the walk-through is complete, the employer should organize and analyze the data so that it
may be efficiently used in determining the proper types of PPE required at the worksite. The
employer should become aware of the different types of PPE available and the levels of
protection offered. It is a good idea to select PPE that will provide a level of protection greater
than the minimum required to protect employees from hazards.
The workplace should be periodically reassessed for any changes in conditions, equipment or
operating procedures that could affect occupational hazards. This periodic reassessment should
also include a review of injury and illness records to spot any trends or areas of concern and
taking appropriate corrective action. The suitability of existing PPE, including an evaluation of
its condition and age, should be included in the reassessment.
Documentation of the hazard assessment is required through a written certification that includes
the following information:
Refer to Sec. 2(f) for further guidance and inspection forms that will aid in performing the job
hazards assessment.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Employers should make sure that each employee demonstrates an understanding of the PPE
training as well as the ability to properly wear and use PPE before they are allowed to perform
work requiring the use of the PPE. If an employer believes that a previously trained employee is
not demonstrating the proper understanding and skill level in the use of PPE, that employee
should receive retraining. Other situations that require additional or retraining of employees
include the following circumstances:
• changes in the workplace or in the type of required PPE that make prior training obsolete.
The employer must document the training of each employee required to wear or use PPE by
preparing a certification containing the name of each employee trained, the date of training and a
clear identification of the subject of the certification.
Employees who wear contact lenses must wear eye or face PPE when working in hazardous
NERC suggests that eye protection be routinely considered for use by carpenters, electricians,
machinists, mechanics, millwrights, plumbers and pipefitters, sheetmetal workers and tinsmiths,
assemblers, sanders, grinding machine operators, sawyers, welders, laborers, chemical process
operators and handlers, and timber cutting and logging workers. Workers in other job categories
should decide whether there is a need for eye and face PPE through a hazard assessment.
• Dust, dirt, metal or wood chips entering the eye from activities such as chipping,
grinding, sawing, hammering, the use of power tools or even strong wind forces.
• Chemical splashes from corrosive substances, hot liquids, solvents or other hazardous
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Objects swinging into the eye or face, such as tree limbs, chains, tools or ropes.
• Radiant energy from welding, harmful rays from the use of lasers or other radiant light
(as well as heat, glare, sparks, splash and flying particles).
The eye and face protection selected for employee use must identify the manufacturer. Any new
eye and face protective devices must comply with interNigerian product safety standards of
performance such as ANSI Z87.1-1989 or be at least as effective s these standard requires. The
reader should examine product literature closely to ensure that equipment states performance
being equivalent or exceeding an interNigerian product performance standard.
Source: 29 CFR 1926.102(b)(1).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Table 14 below lists maximum power or energy densities and appropriate protection levels for
optical densities 5 through 8.
• Objects might fall from above and strike them on the head;
• They might bump their heads against fixed objects, such as exposed pipes or beams; or
• There is a possibility of accidental head contact with electrical hazards.
Examples of occupations in which employees should be required to wear head protection include
construction workers, carpenters, electricians, linemen, plumbers and pipefitters, timber and log
cutters, welders, among many others. Whenever there is a danger of objects falling from above,
such as working below others who are using tools or working under a conveyor belt, head
protection must be worn. Hard hats must be worn with the bill forward to protect employees
Hard hats must have a hard outer shell and a shock-absorbing lining that incorporates a headband
and straps that suspend the shell from 2.54 cm to 3.18 cm away from the head. This type of
design provides shock absorption during an impact and ventilation during normal wear.
Source: 29 CFR 1926.102(b)(2).
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
In the U.S, OSHA standards recommend that protective headgear must meet ANSI Standard
Z89.1-1986 (Protective Headgear for Industrial Workers) or provide an equivalent level of
protection. The reader should review product literature carefully to ensure that protective
headgear meets ANSI or similar interNigerian product performance standards.
• Class A hard hats provide impact and penetration resistance along with limited voltage
protection (up to 2,200 volts).
• Class B hard hats provide the highest level of protection against electrical hazards, with
high-voltage shock and burn protection (up to 20,000 volts). They also provide protection
from impact and penetration hazards by flying/falling objects.
• Class C hard hats provide lightweight comfort and impact protection but offer no
protection from electrical hazards.
Examples of situations in which an employee should wear foot and/or leg protection include:
• When heavy objects such as barrels or tools might roll onto or fall on the employee’s
• Working with sharp objects such as nails or spikes that could pierce the soles or uppers of
ordinary shoes;
• Exposure to molten metal that might splash on feet or legs;
• Working on or around hot, wet or slippery surfaces; and
• Working when electrical hazards are present.
Special Note: Nonconductive footwear must not be used in explosive or hazardous locations.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Fabric gloves protect against dirt, slivers, chafing and abrasions. They do not provide sufficient
protection for use with rough, sharp or heavy materials. Adding a plastic coating will strengthen
some fabric gloves.
Coated fabric gloves are normally made from cotton flannel with napping on one side. By
coating the unnapped side with plastic, fabric gloves are transformed into general-purpose hand
protection offering slip-resistant qualities. These gloves are used for tasks ranging from handling
bricks and wire to chemical laboratory containers. When selecting gloves to protect against
chemical exposure hazards, always check with the manufacturer or review the manufacturer’s
product literature to determine the gloves’ effectiveness against specific workplace chemicals
and conditions.
• Butyl gloves are made of a synthetic rubber and protect against a wide variety of
chemicals, such as peroxide, rocket fuels, highly corrosive acids (nitric acid, sulfuric
acid, hydrofluoric acid and red-fuming nitric acid), strong bases, alcohols, aldehydes,
ketones, esters and nitrocompounds. Butyl gloves also resist oxidation, ozone corrosion
and abrasion, and remain flexible at low temperatures. Butyl rubber does not perform
well with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and halogenated solvents.
• Natural (latex) rubber gloves are comfortable to wear, which makes them a popular
general-purpose glove. They feature outstanding tensile strength, elasticity and
temperature resistance. In addition to resisting abrasions caused by grinding and
polishing, these gloves protect workers’ hands from most water solutions of acids,
alkalis, salts and ketones. Latex gloves have caused allergic reactions in some individuals
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
and may not be appropriate for all employees. Hypoallergenic gloves, glove liners and
powderless gloves are possible alternatives for workers who are allergic to latex gloves.
• Neoprene gloves are made of synthetic rubber and offer good pliability, finger dexterity,
high density and tear resistance. They protect against hydraulic fluids, gasoline, alcohols,
organic acids and alkalis. They generally have chemical and wear resistance properties
superior to those made of natural rubber.
• Nitrile gloves are made of a copolymer and provide protection from chlorinated solvents
such as trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene. Although intended for jobs requiring
dexterity and sensitivity, nitrile gloves stand up to heavy use even after prolonged
exposure to substances that cause other gloves to deteriorate. They offer protection when
working with oils, greases, acids, caustics and alcohols but are generally not
recommended for use with strong oxidizing agents, aromatic solvents, ketones and
The following (Table 15) is a materials selection chart which will guide the reader in the
selection of gloves based on the chemicals required to be handled on the job.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
U.S. Government publication titled Personal Protective Equipment, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, OSHA 3151-12R, 2003
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Generally, the louder the noise, the shorter the exposure time before hearing protection is
required. For instance, employees may be exposed to a noise level of 85 dB for 8 hours per day
(unless they experience a Standard Threshold Shift) before hearing protection is required. On the
other hand, if the noise level reaches 115 dB hearing protection is required if the anticipated
exposure exceeds 15 minutes. For a more detailed discussion of the requirements for a
comprehensive hearing conservation program see Sec2(b).
If engineering and work practice controls do not lower employee exposure to workplace noise to
acceptable levels, employees must wear appropriate hearing protection.
Manufacturers of hearing protection devices must display the device’s NRR on the product
• Single-use earplugs are made of waxed cotton, foam, silicone rubber or fiberglass wool.
They are self-forming and, when properly inserted, they work as well as most molded
• Pre-formed or molded earplugs must be individually fitted by a professional and can be
disposable or reusable. Reusable plugs should be cleaned after each use.
• Earmuffs require a perfect seal around the ear. Glasses, facial hair, long hair or facial
movements such as chewing may reduce the protective value of earmuffs.
2(g)(12)(i) Definitions
The following U.S. OSHA definitions are important terms used in the respiratory protection
standard in this subsection.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Assigned protection factor (APF) means the workplace level of respiratory protection that a
respirator or class of respirators is expected to provide to employees when the employer
implements a continuing, effective respiratory protection program as specified by this section.
Atmosphere-supplying respirator means a respirator that supplies the respirator user with
breathing air from a source independent of the ambient atmosphere, and includes supplied-air
respirators (SARs) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) units.
Demand respirator means an atmosphere-supplying respirator that admits breathing air to the
facepiece only when a negative pressure is created inside the facepiece by inhalation.
Emergency situation means any occurrence such as, but not limited to, equipment failure,
rupture of containers, or failure of control equipment that may or does result in an uncontrolled
significant release of an airborne contaminant.
End-of-service-life indicator (ESLI) means a system that warns the respirator user of the
approach of the end of adequate respiratory protection, for example, that the sorbent is
approaching saturation or is no longer effective.
Escape-only respirator means a respirator intended to be used only for emergency exit.
Filter or air purifying element means a component used in respirators to remove solid or liquid
aerosols from the inspired air.
Filtering facepiece (dust mask) means a negative pressure particulate respirator with a filter as
an integral part of the facepiece or with the entire facepiece composed of the filtering medium.
Fit factor means a quantitative estimate of the fit of a particular respirator to a specific
individual, and typically estimates the ratio of the concentration of a substance in ambient air to
its concentration inside the respirator when worn.
Fit test means the use of a protocol to qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate the fit of a
respirator on an individual. (See also Qualitative fit test QLFT and Quantitative fit test QNFT.)
Helmet means a rigid respiratory inlet covering that also provides head protection against impact
and penetration.
High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter means a filter that is at least 99.97% efficient in
removing monodisperse particles of 0.3 micrometers in diameter.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Hood means a respiratory inlet covering that completely covers the head and neck and may also
cover portions of the shoulders and torso.
Interior structural firefighting means the physical activity of fire suppression, rescue or both,
inside of buildings or enclosed structures which are involved in a fire situation beyond the
incipient stage. (See 29 CFR 1910.155)
Loose-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that is designed to form a partial seal
with the face.
Negative pressure respirator (tight fitting) means a respirator in which the air pressure inside
the facepiece is negative during inhalation with respect to the ambient air pressure outside the
Oxygen deficient atmosphere means an atmosphere with an oxygen content below 19.5% by
Positive pressure respirator means a respirator in which the pressure inside the respiratory inlet
covering exceeds the ambient air pressure outside the respirator.
Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) means an air-purifying respirator that uses a blower
to force the ambient air through air-purifying elements to the inlet covering.
Qualitative fit test (QLFT) means a pass/fail fit test to assess the adequacy of respirator fit that
relies on the individual's response to the test agent.
Quantitative fit test (QNFT) means an assessment of the adequacy of respirator fit by
numerically measuring the amount of leakage into the respirator.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Respiratory inlet covering means that portion of a respirator that forms the protective barrier
between the user's respiratory tract and an air-purifying device or breathing air source, or both. It
may be a facepiece, helmet, hood, suit, or a mouthpiece respirator with nose clamp.
Service life means the period of time that a respirator, filter or sorbent, or other respiratory
equipment provides adequate protection to the wearer.
Tight-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that forms a complete seal with the
User seal check means an action conducted by the respirator user to determine if the respirator is
properly seated to the face.
In any workplace where respirators are necessary to protect the health of the employee or
whenever respirators are required by the employer, the employer shall establish and implement a
written respiratory protection program with worksite-specific procedures. The program must be
updated as necessary to reflect those changes in workplace conditions that affect respirator use.
The employer shall include in the program the following provisions of this section, as applicable:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Where respirator use is not required an employer may provide respirators at the request of
employees or permit employees to use their own respirators, if the employer determines that such
respirator use will not in itself create a hazard.
In addition, the employer must establish and implement those elements of a written respiratory
protection program necessary to ensure that any employee using a respirator voluntarily is
medically able to use that respirator, and that the respirator is cleaned, stored, and maintained so
that its use does not present a health hazard to the user. Exception: Employers are not required to
include in a written respiratory protection program those employees whose only use of
respirators involves the voluntary use of filtering facepieces (dust masks).
The employer shall designate a program administrator who is qualified by appropriate training or
experience that is commensurate with the complexity of the program to administer or oversee the
respiratory protection program and conduct the required evaluations of program effectiveness.
The employer shall provide respirators, training, and medical evaluations at no cost to the
The employer must evaluate respiratory hazard(s) in the workplace, identify relevant workplace
and user factors, and base respirator selection on these factors. This includes specifying
appropriately protective respirators for use in IDLH atmospheres, and limits the selection and use
of air-purifying respirators.
The employer shall identify and evaluate the respiratory hazard(s) in the workplace; this
evaluation shall include a reasonable estimate of employee exposures to respiratory hazard(s)
and an identification of the contaminant's chemical state and physical form. Where the employer
cannot identify or reasonably estimate the employee exposure, the employer shall consider the
atmosphere to be IDLH.
The employer shall select respirators from a sufficient number of respirator models and sizes so
that the respirator is acceptable to, and correctly fits, the user.
The employer must select a respirator for employee use that maintains the employee's exposure
to the hazardous substance, when measured outside the respirator, at or below the MUC.
Employers must not apply MUCs to conditions that are immediately dangerous to life or health
(IDLH); instead, they must use respirators listed for IDLH conditions in paragraph (d)(2) of this
When the calculated MUC exceeds the IDLH level for a hazardous substance, or the
performance limits of the cartridge or canister, then employers must set the maximum MUC at
that lower limit.
The respirator selected shall be appropriate for the chemical state and physical form of the
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Medical evaluation. Using a respirator may place a physiological burden on employees that
varies with the type of respirator worn, the job and workplace conditions in which the respirator
is used, and the medical status of the employee. Accordingly, this paragraph specifies the
minimum requirements for medical evaluation that employers must implement to determine the
employee's ability to use a respirator.
The employer shall provide a medical evaluation to determine the employee's ability to use a
respirator, before the employee is fit tested or required to use the respirator in the workplace. The
employer may discontinue an employee's medical evaluations when the employee is no longer
required to use a respirator.
The medical evaluation shall obtain the information requested by the questionnaire.
The employer shall ensure that a follow-up medical examination is provided for an employee
who gives a positive response to any question. The follow-up medical examination shall include
any medical tests, consultations, or diagnostic procedures that the examiner deems necessary to
make a final determination.
The employer shall provide the employee with an opportunity to discuss the questionnaire and
examination results with the medical examiner.
Fit testing. This is an important part of a program. It requires that, before an employee may be
required to use any respirator with a negative or positive pressure tight-fitting facepiece, the
employee must be fit tested with the same make, model, style, and size of respirator that will be
used. The employer shall ensure that employees using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator pass an
appropriate qualitative fit test (QLFT) or quantitative fit test (QNFT).
The employer shall ensure that employees leave the respirator use area:
• To wash their faces and respirator facepieces as necessary to prevent eye or skin irritation
associated with respirator use; or
• If they detect vapor or gas breakthrough, changes in breathing resistance, or leakage of
the facepiece; or
• To replace the respirator or the filter, cartridge, or canister elements.
If the employee detects vapor or gas breakthrough, changes in breathing resistance, or leakage of
the facepiece, the employer must replace or repair the respirator before allowing the employee to
return to the work area.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Cleaning and disinfecting. The employer shall provide each respirator user with a
respirator that is clean, sanitary, and in good working order. The respirators shall be
cleaned and disinfected at the following intervals:
a. Respirators issued for the exclusive use of an employee shall be cleaned and
disinfected as often as necessary to be maintained in a sanitary condition;
b. Respirators issued to more than one employee shall be cleaned and disinfected
before being worn by different individuals;
c. Respirators maintained for emergency use shall be cleaned and disinfected after
each use; and
d. Respirators used in fit testing and training shall be cleaned and disinfected after
each use.
• Storage. The employer shall ensure that respirators are stored as follows:
e. All respirators shall be stored to protect them from damage, contamination, dust,
sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals, and
they shall be packed or stored to prevent deformation of the facepiece and
exhalation valve.
f. In addition emergency respirators shall be:
i. Kept accessible to the work area;
ii. Stored in compartments or in covers that are clearly marked as containing
emergency respirators; and
iii. Stored in accordance with any applicable manufacturer instructions.
• Inspection. The employer shall ensure that respirators are inspected as follows:
g. All respirators used in routine situations shall be inspected before each use and
during cleaning;
h. All respirators maintained for use in emergency situations shall be inspected at
least monthly and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and
shall be checked for proper function before and after each use; and
i. Emergency escape-only respirators shall be inspected before being carried into the
workplace for use.
j. The employer shall ensure that respirator inspections include the following:
i. A check of respirator function, tightness of connections, and the condition of
the various parts including, but not limited to, the facepiece, head straps,
valves, connecting tube, and cartridges, canisters or filters; and
ii. A check of elastomeric parts for pliability and signs of deterioration.
iii. Section, self-contained breathing apparatus shall be inspected monthly. Air
and oxygen cylinders shall be maintained in a fully charged state and shall be
recharged when the pressure falls to 90% of the manufacturer's recommended
pressure level. The employer shall determine that the regulator and warning
devices function properly.
iv. For respirators maintained for emergency use, the employer shall:
(1) Certify the respirator by documenting the date the inspection was
performed, the name (or signature) of the person who made the inspection,
the findings, required remedial action, and a serial number or other means
of identifying the inspected respirator; and
(2) Provide this information on a tag or label that is attached to the storage
compartment for the respirator, is kept with the respirator, or is included in
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Identification of filters, cartridges, and canisters. The employer shall ensure that all filters,
cartridges and canisters used in the workplace are labeled and color coded with the NIOSH
approval label and that the label is not removed and remains legible.
Training and Recordkeeping. The employer shall provide effective training to employees who
are required to use respirators. The training must be comprehensive, understandable, and recur
annually, and more often if necessary.
The employer shall ensure that each employee can demonstrate knowledge of at least the
• Why the respirator is necessary and how improper fit, usage, or maintenance can
compromise the protective effect of the respirator;
• What the limitations and capabilities of the respirator are;
• How to use the respirator effectively in emergency situations, including situations in
which the respirator malfunctions;
• How to inspect, put on and remove, use, and check the seals of the respirator;
• What the procedures are for maintenance and storage of the respirator;
• How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the effective use
of respirators; and
• The general requirements of this section.
Training shall be conducted in a manner that is understandable to the employee. The employer
shall provide the training prior to requiring the employee to use a respirator in the workplace.
Retraining shall be administered annually, and when the following situations occur:
• Changes in the workplace or the type of respirator render previous training obsolete;
• Inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use of the respirator indicate that the
employee has not retained the requisite understanding or skill; or
• Any other situation arises in which retraining appears necessary to ensure safe respirator
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
The employer shall regularly consult employees required to use respirators to assess the
employees' views on program effectiveness and to identify any problems. Any problems that are
identified during this assessment shall be corrected. Factors to be assessed include, but are not
limited to:
• Respirator fit (including the ability to use the respirator without interfering with effective
workplace performance);
• Appropriate respirator selection for the hazards to which the employee is exposed;
• Proper respirator use under the workplace conditions the employee encounters; and
• Proper respirator maintenance.
Recordkeeping. This section requires the employer to establish and retain written information
regarding medical evaluations, fit testing, and the respirator program. This information will
facilitate employee involvement in the respirator program, assist the employer in auditing the
adequacy of the program, and provide a record for compliance determinations by the NERC.
• A full facepiece pressure demand SCBA certified by NIOSH for a minimum service life
of thirty minutes, or
• A combination full facepiece pressure demand supplied-air respirator (SAR) with
auxiliary self-contained air supply.
• One employee or, when needed, more than one employee is located outside the IDLH
• Visual, voice, or signal line communication is maintained between the employee(s) in the
IDLH atmosphere and the employee(s) located outside the IDLH atmosphere;
• The employee(s) located outside the IDLH atmosphere are trained and equipped to
provide effective emergency rescue;
• The employer or designee is notified before the employee(s) located outside the IDLH
atmosphere enter the IDLH atmosphere to provide emergency rescue;
• The employer or designee authorized to do so by the employer, once notified, provides
necessary assistance appropriate to the situation;
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Employee(s) located outside the IDLH atmospheres are equipped with: Pressure demand
or other positive pressure SCBAs, or a pressure demand or other positive pressure
supplied-air respirator with auxiliary SCBA; and either appropriate retrieval equipment
for removing the employee(s) who enter(s) these hazardous atmospheres where retrieval
equipment would contribute to the rescue of the employee(s) and would not increase the
overall risk resulting from entry; or equivalent means for rescue where retrieval
equipment is not required.
Procedures for interior structural firefighting. This is a special IDLH situation. The U.S.
OSHA protocol requires:
• At least two employees enter the IDLH atmosphere and remain in visual or voice contact
with one another at all times;
• At least two employees are located outside the IDLH atmosphere; and
• All employees engaged in interior structural firefighting use SCBAs.
One of the two individuals located outside the IDLH atmosphere may be assigned to an
additional role, such as incident commander in charge of the emergency or safety officer, so long
as this individual is able to perform assistance or rescue activities without jeopardizing the safety
or health of any firefighter working at the incident. Nothing in this section is meant to preclude
firefighters from performing emergency rescue activities before an entire team has assembled.
Respirators for atmospheres that are not IDLH - The employer shall provide a respirator that is
adequate to protect the health of the employee and ensure compliance with all other OSHA
statutory and regulatory requirements, under routine and reasonably foreseeable emergency
For protection against gases and vapors, the employer shall provide:
• An atmosphere-supplying respirator, or
• An air-purifying respirator, provided that the respirator is equipped with an end-of-
service-life indicator (ESLI) certified by NIOSH for the contaminant; or
• An atmosphere-supplying respirator; or
• An air-purifying respirator equipped with a filter such as a high efficiency particulate air
(HEPA) filter, or an air-purifying respirator equipped with a filter; or
• For contaminants consisting primarily of particles with mass median aerodynamic
diameters (MMAD) of at least 2 micrometers, an air-purifying respirator equipped with
any filter certified for particulates.
Assigned Protection Factors (APFs) - Employers must use the assigned protection factors
listed in Table 16 below to select a respirator that meets or exceeds the required level of
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
employee protection. When using a combination respirator (e.g., airline respirators with an air-
purifying filter), employers must ensure that the assigned protection factor is appropriate to the
mode of operation in which the respirator is being used.
• Compressed and liquid oxygen shall meet the interNigerian requirements for medical or
breathing oxygen; and
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Compressed breathing air shall meet at least the requirements for Grade D breathing air
described in ANSI/Compressed Gas Association Commodity Specification for Air, G-
7.1-1989, to include:
a. Oxygen content (v/v) of 19.5-23.5%;
b. Hydrocarbon (condensed) content of 5 milligrams per cubic meter of air or less;
c. Carbon monoxide (CO) content of 10 ppm or less;
d. Carbon dioxide content of 1,000 ppm or less; and
e. Lack of noticeable odor.
The employer shall ensure that compressed oxygen is not used in atmosphere-supplying
respirators that have previously used compressed air.
The employer shall ensure that oxygen concentrations greater than 23.5% are used only in
equipment designed for oxygen service or distribution.
The employer shall ensure that cylinders used to supply breathing air to respirators meet the
following requirements:
• Cylinders are tested and maintained as prescribed in the Shipping Container Specification
Regulations of the Department of Transportation (49 CFR part 173 and part 178) or
equivalent Nigerian standard or equivalent EU standard;
• Cylinders of purchased breathing air have a certificate of analysis from the supplier that
the breathing air meets the requirements for Grade D breathing air; and
• The moisture content in the cylinder does not exceed a dew point of -45.6 deg.C at 1
atmosphere pressure.
The employer shall ensure that compressors used to supply breathing air to respirators are
constructed and situated so as to:
For compressors that are not oil-lubricated, the employer shall ensure that carbon monoxide
levels in the breathing air do not exceed 10 ppm.
For oil-lubricated compressors, the employer shall use a high-temperature or carbon monoxide
alarm, or both, to monitor carbon monoxide levels. If only high-temperature alarms are used, the
air supply shall be monitored at intervals sufficient to prevent carbon monoxide in the breathing
air from exceeding 10 ppm.
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The employer shall ensure that breathing air couplings are incompatible with outlets for
nonrespirable worksite air or other gas systems. No asphyxiating substance shall be introduced
into breathing air lines.
2(g)(13) Bibliography
Eye and Face Protection: ANSI Z87.1-1989 (USA Standard for Occupational and Educational
Eye and Face Protection).
Hering, S.V., Ed. 1989. Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants,
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists: Cincinnati, Ohio.
Chemical Protective Clothing Performance Index, 2nd Edition, Krister Forsberg, Lawrence H.
Keith, ISBN: 978-0-471-32844-5, September 1999
Noise Control in Industry, N. P. Cheremisinoff, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, N.J., 1996.
Materials Selection Deskbook, N. P. Cheremisinoff, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, N.J., 1996.
Safety Management Practices for Hazardous Materials, N. P. Cheremisinoff, Marcel Dekker
Publishers, N.Y., 1996.
Dangerous and Toxic Properties of Industrial and Consumer Products, N. P. Cheremisinoff, et.
al., Marcel Dekker Publishers, Inc., N.Y., 1994.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(h)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(h)(1) Introduction16
First aid is emergency care provided for injury or sudden illness before professional emergency
medical treatment is available. The first aid provider in the workplace is someone who is trained
and experienced in the delivery of initial medical emergency procedures, using a limited amount
of equipment to perform a primary assessment and intervention while awaiting arrival of
emergency medical service (EMS) personnel.
A workplace first aid program is part of a comprehensive safety and health management system
consisting of the following four essential elements:
Additionally, the fundamental elements for a first aid program at the workplace should include:
• Identifying and assessing the workplace risks displaying the potential to cause worker
injury or illness.
• Designing and implementing a workplace first aid program that:
– aims to limit the outcome of accidents or exposures; and
– includes sufficient quantities of appropriate and readily accessible first aid
supplies and first aid equipment.
• Assigning and training first aid providers who:
– receive first aid training suitable to the specific workplace; and
– receive periodic refresher courses on first aid skills and knowledge.
• Familiarizing all workers with the first aid program, including what workers should do if
a coworker is injured or ill. Establishing the policies and program in writing will assist
with implementing this and other program elements.
• Providing for scheduled evaluation and changing of the first aid program to keep the
program current and applicable to emerging risks in the workplace, including regular
assessment of the adequacy of the first aid training course.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First aid
La Trobe University Occupational Health and Safety Manual, December 1999.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• The number and distribution of employees including arrangements such as shift work,
after hours and field trips;
• The nature of hazards and the severity of the risk;
• The location of the workplace; and
• Known occurrences of accidents or illness.
2(h)(3) Elements of a First Aid Training Program18
There are a number of elements to include when planning a first aid training program for a
particular workplace including:
1. Teaching Methods
Training programs should consider and include the following principles:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First Aid
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Assessing the scene for safety, number of injured, and nature of the event;
• Assessing the toxic potential of the environment and the need for respiratory protection;
• Establishing the presence of a confined space and the need for respiratory protection and
specialized training to perform a rescue;
• Prioritizing care when there are several injured;
• Assessing each victim for responsiveness, airway patency (blockage), breathing,
circulation, and medical alert tags;
• Taking a victim’s history at the scene, including determining the mechanism of injury;
• Performing a logical head-to-toe check for injuries;
• Stressing the need to continuously monitor the victim;
• Emphasizing early activation of the Emergency Management System and emergency
medical personnel;
• Indications for and methods of safely moving and rescuing victims; and
• Repositioning ill/injured victims to prevent further injury.
• Establishing responsiveness;
• Establishing and maintaining an open and clear airway;
• Performing rescue breathing;
• Treating airway obstruction in a conscious victim;
• Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR);
• Using an automated external defibrillator (AED);
• Recognizing the signs and symptoms of shock and providing first aid for shock due to
illness or injury;
• Assessing and treating a victim who has an unexplained change in level of consciousness
or sudden illness;
• Controlling bleeding with direct pressure;
• Dealing with a variety of poisonings including:
– Ingested poisons: alkali, acid, and systemic poisons. Role of the Poison Control
– Inhaled poisons: carbon monoxide; hydrogen sulfide; smoke; and other chemical
fumes, vapors, and gases. Assessing the toxic potential of the environment and the
need for respirators;
– Knowledge of the chemicals at the worksite and of first aid and treatment for
inhalation or ingestion; and
– Effects of alcohol and illicit drugs so that the first aid provider can recognize the
physiologic and behavioral effects of these substances.
• Recognizing asphyxiation and the danger of entering a confined space without proper
respiratory protection. Additional training is required if first aid personnel will assist in
the rescue from the confined space.
• Responding to wide-range of medical emergencies including:
– Chest pain;
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
– Stroke;
– Breathing problems;
– Anaphylactic reaction;
– Hypoglycemia in diabetics taking insulin;
– Seizures;
– Pregnancy complications;
– Abdominal injury;
– Reduced level of consciousness; and
– Impaled object.
• Wounds
– Assessment and first aid for wounds including abrasions, cuts, lacerations,
punctures, avulsions, amputations and crush injuries;
– Principles of wound care, including infection precautions; and
– Principles of body substance isolation, universal precautions and use of personal
protective equipment.
• Burns
– Assessing the severity of a burn;
– Recognizing whether a burn is thermal, electrical, or chemical and how to
administer the appropriate first aid; and
– Reviewing corrosive chemicals at a specific worksite, along with administering
the appropriate first aid.
• Temperature Extremes
– Exposure to cold, including frostbite and hypothermia; and
– Exposure to heat, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
• Musculoskeletal Injuries
– Fractures;
– Sprains, strains, contusions and cramps;
– Head, neck, back and spinal injuries; and
– Appropriate handling of amputated body parts.
• Eye injuries
– First aid for eye injuries;
– First aid for chemical burns.
• Oral Injuries
– Lip and tongue injuries; broken and missing teeth; and
– The importance of preventing aspiration of blood and/or teeth.
• Bites and Stings
– Human and animal bites; and
– Bites and stings from insects; instruction in first aid treatment of anaphylactic
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Staff who show evidence of enthusiasm and a ability to deal with injury and illness;
• Able to relate well to and communicate clearly with other staff;
• In reasonable health;
• Able to exercise sound judgment especially regarding the need to involve other support
• Able to be called away from their ordinary work and respond in short notice; and
• Appointed to the first aider role via their own free wi1l.
In order to be effective, a workplace first aid in the training plan must cover the following issues
and principles:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First Aid
La Trobe University Occupational Health and Safety Manual, December 1999.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
However, the heart may continue to beat for some time after breathing has stopped, and the
blood may still be circulated to the body cells. Since the blood will, for a short time, contain a
small supply of oxygen, the body cells will not die immediately. For a very few minutes, there is
some chance that the person's life may be saved.
The process by which a person who has stopped breathing can be saved is called artificial
ventilation (respiration). The purpose of artificial respiration is to force air out of the lungs and
into the lungs, in rhythmic alternation, until natural breathing is reestablished. Records show that
seven out of ten victims of electric shock were revived when artificial respiration was started in
less than three minutes. After three minutes, the chances of revival decrease rapidly.
Artificial ventilation should be given only when the breathing has stopped. Do not give artificial
ventilation to any person who is breathing naturally. You should not assume that an individual
who is unconscious due to electrical shock has stopped breathing. To tell if someone suffering
from an electrical shock is breathing, place your hands on the person's sides at the level of the
lowest ribs. If the victim is breathing, you will usually be able to feel movement.
Once it has been determined that breathing has stopped, the person nearest the victim should start
the artificial ventilation without delay and send others for assistance and medical aid. The only
logical, permissible delay is that required to free the victim from contact with the electricity in
the quickest, safest way. This step must be done with enormous care; otherwise, the first aid
responder may be injured.
Electricians Toolbox Etc.,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
In the case of portable electric tools, lights, appliances, equipment, or portable outlet extensions,
the victim should be freed from contact with the electricity by turning off the supply switch or by
removing the plug from its receptacle. If the switch or receptacle cannot be quickly located, the
suspected electrical device may be pulled free of the victim. Other persons arriving on the scene
must be clearly warned not to touch the suspected equipment until it is de-energized.
The injured person should be pulled free of contact with stationary equipment (such as a bus bar)
if the equipment cannot be quickly de-energized or if the survival of others relies on the
electricity and prevents immediate shutdown of the circuits. This can be done quickly and easily
by carefully applying the following procedures:
Once the victim has been removed from the electrical source, it should be determined whether
the person is breathing. If the person is not breathing, a method of artificial respiration is used.
Note: A heart that is in fibrillation cannot be restricted by closed chest cardiac massage. A
special device called a defibrillator is available in some medical facilities and ambulance
Muscular contractions are so severe with 200 milliamperes and over that the heart is forcibly
clamped during the shock. This clamping prevents the heart from going into ventricular
fibrillation, making the victim's chances for survival better.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First Aid
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
be stored in an area where they are readily available for emergency access. An automated
external defibrillator (AED) should be considered when selecting first aid supplies and
Employers who have unique or revolving first aid needs should consider upgrading their first aid
kits. Consultation with the local fire and rescue service or emergency medical professionals and
experts may be beneficial. By assessing the specific needs of their workplaces, employers can
ensure the availability of adequate first aid supplies. Employers should periodically reassess the
demand for these supplies and adjust their inventories accordingly.
2(h)(10) Bibliography
Accident Compensation Act 1985, Victorian Consolidated Legislation,
American Red Cross. First Aid: Responding to Emergencies. Third Edition. 2001.
ANSI Z308.1-2003. Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits. Arlington VA:
InterNigerian Safety Equipment Association, 2003.
American Heart Association, Heartsaver First Aid with CPR and AED, Publication 70-2562,
Dallas: American Heart Association, 2002.
Occupational Health and Safety Act of 2004, prepared by the Legislative Counsel Office,
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995, Code of Practice, First Aid in the Workplace,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(i)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
A flammable material is any liquid having a flash point below 37.8°C. The U.S. Nigerian Fire
Protection Agency (NFPA) expands this definition by including the stipulation that the vapor
cannot exceed 275.79 kPa at a liquid temperature of 37.8°C, with the theory being that such
liquids are capable of releasing vapor at a rate sufficient to be ignitable. Since this aspect of the
definition relating to vapor pressure has little fire-ground application it is often ignored.
However, it is important to note that if the heat from a fire raises the liquid temperature to a
temperature above the liquid's flash point, it will automatically increase the vapor pressure inside
a closed container. Any other source of sufficient heat will produce the same result.
Within the combustible liquid category are those materials with a flash point above 37.8°C,
Combustible liquids are considered less hazardous than flammable liquids because of their
higher flash points. However, this statement can be misleading since there are circumstances
when it is not a valid assumption. It is possible for certain combustible liquids to be at their flash
point when a hot summer sun has been striking their metal container for some time. Additionally,
during the transportation of some combustible products, the product is either preheated or a heat
source is maintained to make the product more fluid than it would be at atmospheric
temperatures. One reason this is done is to facilitate transportation or pumping; i.e. to aid with
the movement of a material that is very viscous, such as asphalt or tar. Also, some materials
classed as combustible solids will be heated to their melting point. Naphthalene is one example
of this treatment. Naphthalene might be heated to a temperature above its melting point, which is
about 80°C. Despite its fairly high ignition temperature (almost 526.7°C), it would not be
unreasonable to surmise that a spill of liquid naphthalene could present a serious fire hazard.
Fortunately, with naphthalene, quick action with adequate amounts of water applied as spray
streams should cool and solidify it, thus greatly minimizing the fire risk.
It is important to note that a combustible liquid at or above its flash point will behave in the same
manner that a flammable liquid would in a similar emergency. As an example, No.2 fuel oil
when heated to a temperature of 65.6°C can be expected to act or react in the same way gasoline
would at 10°C. In most instances, however, to reach this elevated temperature will require the
introduction of an external heat source. Some common examples of combustible petroleum
liquids are given in Table 17.
Cheremisinoff, N. P., Handbook of Industrial Toxicology and Hazardous Materials, Marcel Dekker Publishers,
New York, New York, 1999. Both the Publisher and Author hereby grant the Government of Nigeria the use
materials reprinted in this section of the Nigerian Electricity Safety Standards.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The categories of liquids are further subdivided into classes according to the flash point plus the
boiling point of certain liquids. These divisions are summarized in Table 18, which shows that
flammable liquids fall into Class 1, and combustible liquids into Classes 2 and 3. The products
that are at the low end (37.8°C) of the Class 2 combustible-liquid group might be thought of as
borderline cases. These could act very much like flammable liquids if atmospheric temperatures
were in the same range. It is not a common industry practice to identify either stationary or
portable (mobile) liquid containers by the class of liquid it contains. The usual practice is to label
either "Flammable" or "Combustible" and include the required United Nations hazard placard.
Flash point is the temperature a liquid must be at before it will provide the fuel vapor required
for a fire to ignite. A more technical definition for flash point is: The lowest temperature a liquid
may be at and still have the capability of liberating flammable vapors at a sufficient rate that,
when united with the proper amounts of air, the air-fuel mixture will flash if a source of ignition
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
is presented. The amounts of vapor being released at the exact flash-point temperature will not
sustain the fire and, after flashing across the liquid surface, the flame will go out. It must be
remembered that at the flash-point temperature, the liquid is releasing vapors and, as with other
ordinary burnable materials, it is the vapors that burn. The burning process for both ordinary
combustible solids and liquids requires the material to be vaporized. It may also be in the form of
a very fine mist, which will be instantly vaporized if a source of heat is introduced. It is not the
actual solid or the liquid that is burning, but the vapors being emitted from it. For this reason,
when we speak of a fuel we are referring to the liberated vapor. It is an accepted phenomenon,
assuming sufficient amounts of air to be present, that the greater the volume of released vapor,
the larger the fire will be.
The technical literature sometimes refers to the "fire point", which in most instances is just a few
degrees above the flash point temperature, and is the temperature the liquid must be before the
released vapor is in sufficient quantity to continue to burn, once ignited. However, because a
flash fire will normally ignite any Class "A" combustible present in the path of the flash, it is
reasonable to accept the flash point as being the critical liquid temperature in assessing a fire
hazard. Any of the other combustibles ignited by the flash fire that is, wood, paper, cloth, etc.,
once burning, could then provide the additional heat necessary to bring the liquid to its fire point.
A crucial objective upon arrival of the first responding fire forces is to determine if the liquid
present is a product that is vaporizing at the time or, if it is not, and what condition may be
present that is capable of providing the required heat to cause the liquid to reach its flash point.
This information would have a direct influence on the selection of control and/or extinguishing
activities. An emergency involving a petroleum liquid, which is equal to or above flash point,
means that a fuel source consisting of flammable vapors will be present. This, in turn, means the
responding fire-fighting forces will be faced with either a highly hazardous vapor cloud
condition or with a fire if ignition has occurred before arriving at the scene. Conversely, if it is a
liquid at a temperature below its flash point, then fuel would not be immediately available to
A source of air or more specifically, oxygen must be present. A reduction in the amount of
available air to below ideal quantities causes the fire to diminish. Moreover, reduce the fuel
quantity available and the fire will also diminish in size. Almost all extinguishing techniques
developed are methods of denying the fire one or both of these requirements. By cooling a
material below its flash point, vapor production is halted, thus removing the fuel from the fire.
When utilizing a smothering-type extinguishing agent, the principle involved consists of altering
the air-fuel mixture. When the vapor is no longer in its explosive range, the fire dies, either due
to insufficient fuel or a lack of oxygen.
The flash point tells us the conditions under which we can expect the fuel vapor to be created,
but it is the explosive range which tells us that a certain mixture of fuel vapor and air is required
for the vapor to become ignitable. The terms flammable limit and combustible limit are also used
to describe the explosive range. These three terms have identical meanings and can be used
interchangeably. This information is reported as the lower explosive limits (LEL) and the upper
explosive limits (UEL). The values that are reported for the LEL and UEL are given as a
percentage of the total volume of the air-fuel mixture. The area between the LEL and the UEL is
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
what is known as the explosive range. The figures given for the amount of fuel vapor required to
place a substance within its explosive range are shown as a percentage of the total air-fuel
mixture. To compute how much air is required to achieve this mixture, subtract the listed
percentage from 100 percent: the remainder will be the amount of air needed. Even though it is
only the oxygen contained in the air that the fire consumes, flammable ranges are shown as air-
fuel ratios because it is the air that is so readily available. Any air-fuel mixture in which the
vapor is above the UEL, or any air-fuel mixture in which the vapor is below the LEL, will not
burn. Using gasoline as an example, the explosive range can be computed as follows, in Table 19.
This example helps to illustrate that large volumes of air are required to burn gasoline vapors.
The explosive ranges for the different grades of gasoline, or even those of most other petroleum
liquids, are such that average explosive-range figures that are suitable for use by the fire fighter
would be the LEL at 1 percent and the UEL at about 7 percent. The vapor content of a
contaminated atmosphere may be determined through the use of a combustible gas-detecting
instrument, referred to as an explosimeter.
If a fire involving a petroleum liquid does occur, an extinguishing technique that may be
appropriate is the altering of the air-fuel mixture. One technique utilized will necessitate the use
of an extinguishing agent such as a foam with the capability of restricting the air from uniting
with the vapor. Another technique is to prevent the liquid from having the ability to generate
vapor. Usually this is a cooling action and is accomplished with water spray streams. In both
cases, extinguishment is accomplished as a result of altering the air-fuel mixture to a point below
the LEL for the specific liquid.
Flammability, the tendency of a material to burn, can only be subjectively defined. Many
materials that we normally do not consider flammable will burn, given high enough
temperatures. Neither can flammability be gauged by the heat content of materials. Fuel oil has a
higher heat content than many materials considered more flammable because of their lower
flashpoint. In fact, flashpoint has become the standard for gauging flammability.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
ambient temperature, and will burn readily (flashpoint <22.8°C and boiling point < 37.8°C). The
NFPA defines a flammable liquid as one having a flashpoint of 93.3°C or lower, and divides
these liquids into five categories:
1. Class IA: liquids with flashpoints below 22.8°C and boiling points below 37.8°C. An
example of a Class 1A flammable liquid is n-pentane (NFPA Diamond: 4).
2. Class IB: liquids with flashpoints below 22.8°C and boiling points at or above 37.8°C.
Examples of Class IB flammable liquids are benzene, gasoline, and acetone (NFPA
Diamond: 3).
3. Class IC: liquids with flashpoints at or above 22.8°C and below 37.8°C. Examples of
Class IC flammable liquids are turpentine and n-butyl acetate (NFPA Diamond: 3).
4. Class II: liquids with flashpoints at or above 37.8°C but below 60°C, Examples of Class
II flammable liquids are kerosene and camphor oil (NFPA Diamond: 2).
5. Class III: liquids with flashpoints at or above 60°C but below 93.3°C. Examples of Class
III liquids are creosote oils, phenol, and naphthalene. Liquids in this category are
generally termed combustible rather than flammable (NFPA Diamond: 2). The DOT
system designates those materials with a flashpoint of 37.8°C or less as flammable, those
between 37.8°C and 93.3°C as combustible, and those with a flashpoint of greater than
93.3°C as nonflammable. EPA designates those wastes with a flashpoint of less than
60°C as ignitable hazardous wastes.
The elements required for combustion are few – a substrate, oxygen, and a source of ignition.
The substrate, or flammable material, occurs in many classes of compounds but most often is
organic. Generally, compounds within a given class exhibit increasing heat contents with
increasing molecular weights (MW).
These designations serve as useful guides in storage, transport, and spill response. However, they
do have limitations. Since these designations are somewhat arbitrary, it is useful to understand
the basic concepts of flammability.
Other properties specific to the substrate that are important in determining flammable hazards are
the auto-ignition temperature, boiling point, vapor pressure, and vapor density. Auto-ignition
temperature (the temperature at which a material will spontaneously ignite) is more important in
preventing fire from spreading (e.g., knowing what fire protection is needed to keep temperatures
below the ignition point) but can also be important in spill or material handling situations. For
example, gasoline has been known to spontaneously ignite when spilled onto an overheated
engine or manifold. The boiling point and vapor pressure of a material are important not only
because vapors are more easily ignited than liquids, but also because vapors are more readily
transportable than liquids (they may disperse, or when heavier than air, flow to a source of
ignition and flash back). Vapors with densities greater than one do not tend to disperse but rather
to settle into sumps, basements, depressions in the ground, or other low areas, thus representing
active explosion hazards.
Oxygen, the second requirement for combustion, is generally not limiting. Oxygen in the air is
sufficient to support combustion of most materials within certain limits. These limitations are
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
compound specific and are called the explosive limits in air. The upper and lower explosive
limits (UEL and LEL) of several common materials are given in Table 20.
The source of ignition may be physical (such as a spark, electrical arc, small flame, cigarette,
welding operation, or a hot piece of equipment), or it may be chemical in nature, such an
exothermic reaction. In any case, when working with or storing flammables, controlling the
source of ignition is often the easiest and safest way to avoid fires or explosions.
Once a fire has started, control of the fire can be accomplished in several ways: through water
systems (by reducing the temperature), carbon dioxide or foam systems (by limiting oxygen), or
through removal of the substrate (by shutting off valves or other controls). Chapter 4 provides
detailed discussion on the theories of fire and specific information on hydrocarbons, as well as
chemical specific fire characteristics.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
In emergency situations, it is best to take conservative approaches by assuming that all heat
sources are of a temperature above the ignition temperature of whatever liquid may be present.
This approach is not an overreaction when it is realized that almost all the normally encountered
spark or heat sources are well above the ignition temperature of whatever petroleum liquid might
be present. Among the more common sources of ignition would be smoking materials of any
kind (cigarettes, cigars, etc.), motor vehicles, and equipment powered by internal combustion
engines: also electrically operated tools or equipment, as well as open-flame devices such as
torches and flares. The removal of any and all potential ignition sources from the area must be
instituted immediately and methodically. The operation of any motor vehicle, including diesel-
powered vehicles, must not be permitted within the immediate vicinity of either a leak or spill of
a flammable liquid. The probability of a spark from one of the many possible sources on a motor
vehicle is always present. Also, under no circumstances should motor vehicles be allowed to
drive through a spill of a petroleum product.
Ignition sources are not necessarily an external source of heat; it could be the temperature of the
liquid itself. Refineries and chemical plants frequently operate processing equipment that
contains a liquid above its respective ignition temperature. Under normal operating conditions,
when the involved liquid is totally contained within the equipment, no problems are presented
because the container or piping is completely filled with either liquid or vapor. If full and totally
enclosed, it means there can be no air present; thus an explosive or ignitable mixture cannot be
formed. If the enclosed liquid, which in certain stages of its processing, may be above the
required ignition temperature should be released to the atmosphere, there is a possibility that a
vapor-air mixture could be formed and hence, ignition could occur. This type of ignition is
referred to as auto-ignition. Auto-ignition is defined as the self-ignition of the vapors emitted by
a liquid heated above its ignition temperature and that, when escaping into the atmosphere, enter
into their explosive range. Some typical ignition temperatures for various petroleum liquids are
315.6°C for gasoline, 287.8°C for naphtha and petroleum ethers, 210°C for kerosene, and 385°C
for methanol.
From the above discussions, the important elements that are responsible for a fire are:
• Fuel in the form of a vapor that is emitted when a liquid is at or above its flash point
• Air that must combine with the vapor in the correct amounts to place the mixture in the
explosive range.
• Heat, which must be at least as hot as the ignition temperature, must then be introduced.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
more hazardous. Also note that there are some materials that have wide explosive ranges. This
aspect is also significant from a fire standpoint. As an example, comparing hydrogen sulfide to
benzene, although the LEL for H2S is more than 3 times greater, its explosive range is 7 times
wider. This would suggest that H2S is an extremely hazardous material even though its LEL is
relatively high. In fact, H2S fires are generally so dangerous that the usual practice is to contain
and allow burning to go to completion rather than to fight the fire.
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
As a rule of thumb one should approach a hydrocarbon spill (non-fire situation) under the
assumption that the liquid is vaporizing (the vapors will be invisible) and that the liberated
vapors are heavier than air unless proven otherwise. The expected conduct of a heavier-than-air
vapor is for it to drop and spread at or below ground level much as a liquid would. The big
difference is that a liquid will be visible and its boundaries well defined. One can expect that the
invisible heavier-than-air vapor will settle and collect in low spots such as ditches, basements,
sewers, etc. As the vapor travels, it will be mixing with the air, thus some portions of the cloud
may be too rich to burn, other sections too lean, and still others well within the explosive range.
Some typical vapor densities for petroleum products are 3 to 4 for gasoline, 2.5 for naphtha, and
1.1 for methanol. For comparison, the vapor density for hydrogen gas is 0.1.
With their low specific gravity, most petroleum liquids, if spilled onto a pool of water, have a
tendency to spread quickly across the water's surface. Unless the fluid contacts an obstacle, the
oil will continue to spread until it is of microscopic thickness. For this reason, a relatively small
amount of oil floating on water is capable of covering a large area of the surface. In a spill
situation, knowledge of the liquid's specific gravity can help determine which one of several
tactics will be implemented to mitigate the spread of contamination or to eliminate a fire hazard.
Knowing the specific gravity will help determine the following:
• If it will be possible to use only water, or must we apply a different agent for purposes of
smothering the fire.
• How great the probability is that the burning liquid could result in the involvement of
exposures because of it floating on any water that is applied.
• Can the displacement of the fuel by water be considered an effective technique to control
a leak from a container?
Some specific gravities of common petroleum liquids are 1 to 1.1 for asphalt, 0.8 for gasoline,
and 0.6 for naphtha.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• When accidentally released from its container it almost always results in a fire response.
• If a fire does occur, flammable liquids prove to be virtually impossible to extinguish by
cooling with water.
• If the liquid is contained, the confined space will consist of a vapor-rich mixture.
• After extinguishment, there is still the strong possibility for a reflash owing to the
continued production of vapor.
It is important to remember that during an emergency the escaping flammable liquids are low-
flash products and, as a result, are releasing vapor at the usual atmospheric temperatures. These
materials are, therefore, very susceptible to ignition. Because of this, they are generally
encountered as an event requiring fire-control procedures. Also, for the same reasons, and the
frequent need for large quantities of chemical extinguishing agents, they can present difficult
extinguishment problems. The fact that the temperature at which many flammable liquids release
vapor is well below the temperature of the water that is being used for fire-control purposes
means that extinguishment by the cooling method is not feasible. This does not mean water
cannot be used. In fact, the use of water serves an important function in spite of its limitations.
However, to obtain extinguishment other tactics utilizing a different agent and techniques are
needed. Exactly what agent and what technique will be dictated by the size of the fire, the type of
storage container or processing equipment involved, and the fire-fighting resources that are
available. When dealing with a low flash point flammable liquid, the probability of a reflash
occurring after initial extinguishment is achieved is a high probability.
The probability of an ignitable air-fuel mixture existing inside a closed storage container of a
flammable liquid is normally low. Flammable liquids have the capacity of generating vapor
below the commonly encountered atmospheric temperatures; thus, the space between the tank
top and the liquid surface will most usually contain a vapor-rich atmosphere (i.e., conditions will
be above the UEL). As the vapor being liberated drives the air from the container, the vapor-rich
mixture being above the UEL cannot be ignited; moreover, if a fire should occur outside the tank
or vessel, it will not propagate a flame back into the tank. The major exceptions would be those
instances where the product had a flash point temperature about the same as the prevailing
atmospheric temperature. Another example would be when a tank containing a low vapor
pressure product with a flash point in the same range as the prevailing atmospheric temperature
is suddenly cooled. A thunderstorm accompanied by a downpour of rain could cause the tank to
breathe in air if the liquid is cooled below the temperature at which it is capable of emitting
vapor (the boiling point).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
In contrast to flammable liquids, an emergency situation that involves a combustible liquid will
have a much different behavior. The expected behavior of a combustible product would be for:
Most combustible liquids do not present a vapor problem if accidentally released into the
atmosphere. The probability of a fire, therefore, is considerably less than it would be if the spill
was of a flammable material. If, however, the combustible liquid is at a temperature higher than
its flash point, then it can be expected to behave in the identical manner of a flammable liquid.
One major difference between the two in a fire situation is that the potential exists for cooling the
combustible liquid below its flash point by the proper application of water (generally applied in
the form of water spray). In the event the liquid is burning, and if the fire forces are successful in
achieving the required reduction in liquid temperature, then vapor production will cease and the
fire will be extinguished because of a lack of vapor fuel. Unless this reduction in liquid
temperature can be brought about, the fire will necessitate the same control considerations a low-
flash liquid fire would.
With a fire in a storage tank containing a combustible liquid, normally the application of a foam
blanket is the only practical method to achieve extinguishment. This is normally done when the
entire exposed surface is burning and is necessitated by the fact that the sheer size of the fire
makes it very difficult to apply water spray in the amounts and at the locations needed. Also, the
volume of oil that has become heated is such that the large quantities of water needed to cool the
liquid would introduce the possibility of overflowing the tank. Another problem is that the water
requirements for both protecting exposures and attempting extinguishment might be far greater
than what is available. These factors alone would cause the emergency forces to treat all refined
product tank fires alike and, regardless of the flash point of the liquid, initiate the required steps
to apply a foam blanket to the liquid surface. In addition there is always concern for any reaction
the water may cause when contacting an oil or hydrocarbon heated above the boiling point of
water (212°F). In general, because a spill is generally shallow, spilled or splashed combustible
liquids do not present the type of problems that a large storage tank does. It is reasonable to
expect to be able to extinguish shallow pools or surface spills with water spray.
In the case of a storage tank with a combustible product, the atmosphere inside the container will
normally consist of air. On occasion, there will be detectable odors such as that associated with
fuel oil. These odors, which are a good indicator of the presence of a combustible product, are
not considered fuel vapor. During a fire situation, flame impingement or radiant heat on a
container could cause the liquid to become heated to the temperature at which it would emit
vapors. Should this occur, and the vapors being generated then start to mix with the air already in
the tank, at some instant the space in the container would then contain a mixture that was within
the explosive range of the product; if ignition occurred, a forceful internal explosion could result.
The case of crude oil is somewhat unique compared to fires with refined petroleum products.
Burning crude oil has the capability of developing a "heat wave". Crude oil has a composition of
different fractions of petroleum products. In a manner similar to a refinery operation which
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
distills, or heats crude oil to separate it into the various usable products - such as gasoline and
asphalt, a fire accomplishes the same effect. As crude oil burns it releases the fractions that have
lower flash points first, and these are burned. The heavier fractions sink down into the heated oil.
This movement of light fractions up to the fire and heavier, heated fractions down into the crude
produces the phenomenon known as a heat wave. Crude oil has the same basic characteristics as
other flammable liquids. There are different grades of crude oil produced from various
geographic locations throughout the world, with some crudes having more heavy-asphalt type
material than others. Some have greater quantities of sulfur (creating the problem of poisonous
hydrogen sulfide gas generation during a fire) and still others more light, gaseous fractions;
however, a common characteristic among them is that all will have varying amounts of
impurities and some entrained water.
When liquids of this type burn, creating a heat wave which is comprised of the higher boiling
point components plus whatever impurities may be present in the product, radiant heat from the
flame heats the liquid surface, the light products boil-off, thus creating the vapor that is burning.
The remaining hot, heavier materials transfer their heat down into the oil. As it is formed, this
heat wave, or layer of heated crude oil components, can reach temperatures as high as 315.6°C
and spread downward at a rate of from 30.5 to 45.7 centimeters per hour faster than the burn-off
rate of the crude oil. This would mean that with a crude oil burn-off of 30.5 centimeters per hour,
at the end of two hours the heat wave would be somewhere between 61.0 and 91.4 centimeters
thick. Once this heat wave is created, the chances of extinguishing a crude-oil tank fire, unless it
is of small size, are poor, and any water or foam applied could result in a "slopover" of burning
Crude oil normal contains some entrained water and/or an emulsion layer of water and oil. In
addition, crude-oil storage tanks will have some accumulations of water on the uneven tank
bottoms. In a fire, when a heat wave is formed and comes in contact with any water, a steam
explosion will occur, thus agitating the hot oil above it with great force. The evolution of the
steam explosion can be attributed to the reaction of water to high temperatures. When water is
heated to its boiling point of 100°C, water vapor or steam is generated. Steam that is produced
expands approximately 1700 times in volume over the volume of the water that boils away. If a
heat wave of a temperature well above 100°C contacts any water entrained in the oil, or some of
the bottom water, which is usually in larger quantities, the instantaneous generation of steam will
act like a piston, causing the oil to be flung upward with considerable violence and force. This
reaction is so strong that it causes the oil to overflow the tank shell. This sudden eruption is
known as a boilover. When the hot oil and steam reaction takes place, the oil is made frothy, this
in turn further increases its volume. The reaction resulting from the heat wave contacting
entrained water can be expected to be of lesser activity than from contact with bottom water. The
reason for this difference is that the quantities of water converted to steam in a given spot are
usually less.
Another phenomenon associated with a crude oil fire is slopover. Basically, the same principles
that are responsible for a boilover are the cause of a slopover. The fundamental difference is that
in a slopover the reaction is from water that has entered the tank since the start of the fire.
Usually this introduction is the result of firefighting activities. A slopover will occur at some
point after the heat wave has been formed. Either the water from the hose streams or, after the
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
bubbles collapse, the water in the foam will sink into the oil, contacting the heat wave, where it
is converted to steam, and the agitation of the liquid surface spills some amount of oil over the
tank rim.
The proper extinguishing agents suitable for petroleum liquid emergencies must be capable of
performing the identical functions as those agents used in the combating of structural-type fires.
There will be times when circumstances dictate the use of a cooling agent, whereas at other times
it will be a smothering agent, and on some occasions, both agents will be necessary. There are a
variety of agents capable of accomplishing each of these objectives, as well as being appropriate
to combat Class B-type fires. Agents suitable for use on Class B-type fires include halon, carbon
dioxide (COD), dry chemicals, foam, and aqueous film forming foam. A description of the major
types of fire fighting agents is given below.
• All areas of any piping, containers, etc., that are exposed to the fire's heat or flame should
be kept wetted during the course of the fire.
• The use of water streams to push and move the burning liquid away from exposed
equipment is recommended provided that it can be done safely.
• The rate of flow from any hose stream should not be less than 378.4 l/min regardless of
its purpose.
• The use of spray streams is recommended whenever possible.
• Back-up lines for lines in active service should be provided and they should be at least of
the same capacity as the attack line.
• Any equipment being protected is cool enough if water applied to it no longer turns to
With storage tanks or processing equipment exposed to fire or radiant heat, the cooling of any
metal above the liquid level inside the vessel is critical. Metal surfaces that have a constant film
of water flowing over them will not reach a surface temperature above the boiling point of water.
This temperature is well below that which would subject the metal to loss of integrity because of
Water flows employed to cool exposed vertical storage tanks can be calculated using as a
requirement one hose line (flowing 756.9 l/min) per 3.0 meters of tank diameter. Assuming an
average tank height of 15.2 feet, this would give a water flow capability in excess of the
recommended rate. On the fire ground, wind conditions, personnel deficiencies (fatigue, lack of
experience or training, etc.), strewn feathering, and so forth have historically resulted in not all
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
the water that is flowing actually doing its intended function. The rule of thumb of one line
flowing a minimum of 756.9 l/min for each 3.0 meters of tank diameter provides a suitable safety
margin to overcome the loss of water not reaching its target. This flow is only required on the
side or sides of the tank being heated; therefore, if a 30.5-meter-diameter tank is receiving heat
on just one-half of its circumference, it would require five hose streams of 756.9 l/min, each
applied to the heated area for cooling purposes. It must be anticipated that these minimum flows
will need to be maintained for a time period of at least 60 minutes. Tank truck incidents in which
the fire burned for several hours are not unusual. It should be appreciated that a relatively minor
fire on a tank truck or rail car could require in excess of 75,686 liters of water for control and/or
extinguishment. It is imperative that as early into the event as possible, an accurate assessment of
water flow requirements should be made and flow rates adjusted accordingly. First responders
must be constantly alert for any indication of an increase in the internal pressure of a container.
Such an increase or any visible outward distortion of the tank shell would be an indication that
additional water flows are required. These warning signs, which would be an indication of
increased internal pressures, could justify the immediate use of unmanned monitors or
hoseholders, larger size nozzles, and the pulling back of all personnel to a safe location.
In preparing emergency response plans for petroleum liquid spills or fires, it should be taken into
consideration that the required water rates could be needed for long periods of time. Built into
the plans must be provisions for an uninterrupted supply at a suitable volume. The rates
stipulated in the foregoing do not include amounts of water that may be needed for the protection
of fire-fighting personnel who are involved in activities such as rescue work or valve closing and
block off operations. If these or other water-consuming activities are required, additional water
must be provided. Of equal importance to the amount of water being used is that water be used in
the right place. In general, to application of water should have as its objective one or more of the
following goals:
• The cooling of the shell of any container that is being subjected to high heat levels. This
is most effectively accomplished by applying the water to the uppermost portions of the
container and allowing it to cascade down the sides.
• The cooling of any piece of closed-in equipment containing a liquid or gas and exposed
to high heat levels. This is most effectively accomplished by applying the water spray
over the entire area being heated.
• The protection of any part of a container, piping, or item of processing equipment
receiving direct time contact. This is most effectively accomplished with a very narrow
spray pattern or even a straight stream directed at the point of flame contact.
• The cooling of steel supports of any container or pipe rack that may be subjected to high
heat levels. This is most effectively accomplished by the application of narrow spray
streams to the highest part of the support being heated and permitting the water to run
down the vertical length of the support.
2(i)(8)(ii) Foam
The application of a foam blanket is the only means available to the fire forces for the
extinguishment of large petroleum storage tank fires. The foam blanket extinguishes by
preventing vapor, rising from the liquid surface, from uniting with the surrounding air and
forming a flammable mixture. Although the water in a foam does provide some incidental
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
cooling action, this is considered of more importance for cooling heated metal parts, thus
reducing the possibility of re-ignition, than as an extinguishing factor. A good-quality foam
blanket of several inches in thickness has also been proved effective as a vapor suppressant on
low flash-point liquids. Foam may also be used to suppress vapor, hence the layer of foam will
be instrumental both in preventing ignition and reducing the contamination of the surrounding
atmosphere. Since foam is still water, even if in a different form from that usually used, it may
conduct electricity: consequently, its use on live electrical equipment is not recommended.
There are basically two methods of foam application to fires. The first involves the application of
chemical foam, which is generated from the reaction of a powder with water. This type of foam
has been replaced largely by a technique that involves the formation of foam bubbles when a
foaming agent and water are expanded by the mechanical introduction of air. This type, which is
not a chemical reaction, is referred to as mechanical foam. Another name for the same material is
air-foam. There are a variety of foam concentrates designed to fit different hazards. These
include regular protein-based foams, fluoroprotein foams, aqueous film forming types, alcohol-
resistant types, as well as foams that are compatible with dry chemical powders and those that
will not freeze at below-zero temperatures. Of the many types, the most suitable for general all-
around petroleum the use would be either a good-quality fluoroprotein or a good-quality aqueous
film forming foam (AFFF). Foam liquids are also available in a wide range of concentrates, from
1 percent to 10 percent. The 3 percent and 6 percent protein and fluoroprotein types are usually
employed as low-expansion agents with an expansion ratio of about 8 to 1. That is, for each
378.4 liters of foam solution (water/concentrate mix) to which air is properly introduced, it will
then develop approximately 3,027.4 liters of finished foam. Foam concentrates of other than 3
percent or 6 percent generally are either high-expansion (as high as 1,000 to 1) or alcohol-
resistant types.
In foam applications, the manufacturer will provide a percentage rating of a concentrate, which
identifies the quantity of concentrate required to be added to water to achieve a correct solution
mixture. For each 378.4 liters of solution flowing, a concentrate rated as 3 percent would mean 3
gallons of concentrate per 367.1 liters of water, whereas a 6 percent concentrate would mix with
355.7 liters of water. This readily explains why only half as much space is required to store or
transport the amount of 3 percent concentrate needed to generate a given quantity of foam than
would be needed for a 6 percent concentrate to make the same volume of foam.
Once the application of foam is initiated, it must be applied as gently as possible in order to
develop a good vapor-tight blanket on the liquid surface. Any agitation of the foam blanket or of
the burning liquid surface will serve to prolong the operation and to waste foam supplies. Water
streams cannot be directed into the foam blanket or across the foam streams because the water
will dilute and break down the foam. To be assured that all metal surfaces are cool enough and a
good, thick (10.2 centimeters or more) blanket of foam has been applied, continue application for
a minimum of five minutes after all visible fire is extinguished.
One of the agents considered suitable for the extinguishment of petroleum-liquid fires is aqueous
film forming foam. This is a liquid concentrate that contains a fluorocarbon surfactant to help
float and spread the film across the petroleum-liquid surface and is commonly referred to as "A
Triple F". AFFF concentrates of 1, 3, or 6 percent are available, all with about an 8 to 1
expansion ratio. This material is one of the mechanical-type foaming agents. The same kind of
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
air-aspirating nozzles and proportioners that are used for protein-based foams are usable with
AFFF concentrates. The primary advantage of AFFF over other foaming agents is its ability to
form a thin aqueous film that travels ahead of the usual foam bubbles. This film has the ability to
flow rapidly across the burning liquid surface, thus extinguishing the tire by excluding the air as
it moves across the surface. The regular foam bubbles formed and flowing behind the film have
good securing qualities, which serve to prevent rehashing from occurring. As with all types of
foams, care must be exercised that the foam blanket, once formed, is not disturbed. Water
streams should not be directed into the foam blanket or onto the same target a foam stream is
aimed at. Water will dilute the foam below the needed concentration and, simultaneously, the
force of the stream will destroy the foam's blanketing effect. The blanket must be maintained
until all flames are extinguished, all heated metal surfaces cooled, and other sources of ignition
removed from the vicinity.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
In some petroleum refineries or chemical plants, an on-site fire brigade that is equipped with an
apparatus capable of dispensing large volumes of dry chemical, or a vehicle with a large-capacity
carbon dioxide (CO2) cylinder is common practice.
The very qualities which cause CO2 to be a valuable extinguishing agent also make it dangerous
to life. When it replaces oxygen in the air to the extent that combustion cannot be sustained,
respiration also cannot be sustained. Exposure of a person to an atmosphere of high
concentration of CO2 will cause suffocation.
• Against short circuit: Electrical short circuit has three situations: grounding short-circuit,
short-circuit between the lines, and completely short-circuit.
– To prevent short circuits: (1) Install electrical equipment according to the circuit
voltage, current strength and the use of nature, correct wiring. In acidic, hot or
humid places, it is necessary to use acid with anti-corrosion, high temperature and
moisture-resistant wires. Traverse firmly installed to prevent shedding and should
not be tied into wire or wires tightly knotting hung on the wire or nails. (2)
Mobile power tools wire, a good layer of protection to prevent the mechanical
damage, loss. (3) No bare wire inserted in the socket on the end. (4) Power master
switch, the switch should be installed for the use of the current strength of the
insurance unit, and conduct periodic current operation to eliminate hidden perils.
• Prevent overloads: Various conductors have certain load, when the load current intensity
over Traverse, Traverse temperature surge, insulating layer can lead to fire. Prevent
circuit overload by: (1) Ensure that all electrical equipment are in strict accordance with
the electrical safety codes matching the corresponding wires, and the correct installation,
are not allowed to randomly indiscriminate access. (2) Check to see that the appropriate
use of load is induced on wires. Make sure that electrical equipment do not exceed load
limitations, and that production levels and needs have separation, control use. (3) To
prevent single-phase three-phase motor running, it is necessary to install three-phase
switching single-phase power distribution boards running lights. (4) Circuit master
switch, the switch should be installed in traffic safety and wire line Fusing easy for the
• Anti-contact resistance: When a conductor with another wire or wires and switches,
protective devices, meters and electrical connections are exposed, they form a resistance,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
called contact resistance. If the contact resistance is too large, then when the current is
passed it will result in heating to the point where the wire insulation layers will catch on
fire, metal wire fuse, and sparks are generated. If there is any source of fuel in close
proximity then the potential for a fire exists. To avoid this: (1) all connections should be
secured and layers should be thoroughly clean of grease, dirt and oxide films. (2) Apply
6-102 mm cross-sectional area of wire, welding method of connecting. 102 mm cross
section above the wire should be connected by wiring tablets. (3) Regular line
connections should be made and any connections found to be tap loose or hot should be
immediately corrected.
• Check electrical equipment regularly for sparks or arcing. These conditions can trigger
spontaneous combustion of flammable gases or cause dust explosions. To prevent
electrical equipment from contributing to fires: (1) Conduct regular inspections of
insulation resistance and monitor the quality of insulation layers. (2) Inspect and correct
naked wires and metal contacts to prevent short circuit. (3) Install explosion-proof seals
or isolated lighting fixtures, switches and protective devices.
• Lighting fires: (1) Lamp fire such as bulbs, including incandescent, iodine-tungsten lamp,
and high pressure mercury lamps generate high temperature surfaces. The greater the
power along with continuous service, the higher temperatures will be experienced.
Thermal radiation from hot surfaces can be a source of spontaneous combustion if fuels
and combustible materials are stored nearby. Fire Prevention bulbs should pay attention
to make sure: no paper lamp door, or the use of paper, cloth lamp; likely to be hit in
place, the lamps should have solid metal enclosures; they should not be closer than 30 cm
from cloth, paper or clothing, and should be isolated from flammable materials. (2)
Fluorescent fire: Ballasts can be the cause for such fires. Attention should be given to the
installation of ventilation in order to provide cooling the fluorescent and to prevent
leakage. Ballasts should be installed from the bottom up, not down. During installation,
care should be given to prevent Asphalt seals from spilling and resulting in burning on
the ballast. Ballasts may be installed with high temperature alarms that automatically cut
off the power supply when temperature becomes excessive or smoke is detected.
• Structural firefighting is fighting fires involving buildings and other structures. Most
city firefighting is structural firefighting. Structural firefighting is what most people think
of when they think of what their local "fire department" does.
• Wildland firefighting is fighting forest fires, brush or bush fires, and fires in other
undeveloped areas.
• Proximity firefighting is fighting fires in situations where the fire produces a very high
level of heat, such as aircraft and some chemical fires. Proximity firefighting is not the
same thing as structural firefighting and in some (but not all) cases takes place outdoors.
• Entry firefighting is a highly specialized form of firefighting involving the actual direct
entry of firefighters into a fire with a very high level of heat. It is not the same thing as
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Three elements necessary for a fire to burn: oxygen, fuel, and a source of heat. Remove any one
of the three and the fire can no longer burn. All firefighting tactics are based on removing one or
more of the three elements in the fire triangle. Fire fighting involves a range of methods and
equipment for fighting fires, depending on the circumstances and availability.
Foam: Foam is put onto fires fuelled by liquid fuel. It works by preventing oxygen getting to the
fire, but does not spread the fuel around.
Powder: Powder is used on electrical fires, as it does not conduct electricity. Like foam, it works
by cutting off the oxygen supply to the fire.
Fire beaters and rakes: Fire beaters and rakes are low-tech ways to fight small fire in scrub.
They work by spreading the fire out, thus reducing the concentration of heat, and by removing
the source of fuel from the fire.
Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are canisters of water, foam, or powder which can be carried
by one person to the fire. They are of limited capacity, but can be used to stop a fire before it
becomes large.
Vehicles: Various vehicles are used by fire fighters, including trucks which pump water from a
nearby supply onto a fire, and tankers which carry water to the site of the fire when no local
supply is available.
Fire breaks: For fires in forested areas, bulldozers or other heavy equipment may be used to cut
a clear path through the forest in front of an advancing fire, or such fire breaks may be
permanently maintained in forested areas. Fire breaks provide an area with little fuel content, for
the purpose of the fire stopping when it reaches the break. However, strong winds might carry
sparks from the fire across the fire break to further forest on the other side. Even so, it may slow
down the fire enough for fire crews to cope with the rest.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Back-burning: Instead of constructing fire breaks, an area ahead of an advancing fire might be
set alight and burnt in a controlled manner to remove the fuel from that area, thus impeding the
advance of the main fire.
For small fires, a fire extinguisher can be used. Remember P.A.S.S. (Pull - Aim - Squeeze -
Sweep). Fire extinguishers are rated for the types of fires they are effective against. Class A:
ordinary flammable solids, such as wood and paper; Class B: flammable liquids, such as grease,
oil, and gasoline; Class C: electrical fires. Class D: flammable metals.
Fire extinguishers are divided into four categories, based on different types of fires. Each fire
extinguisher also has a numerical rating that serves as a guide for the amount of fire the
extinguisher can handle. The higher the number, the more fire-fighting power. The following is a
quick guide to help choose the right type of extinguisher.
• Class A extinguishers are for ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood,
cardboard, and most plastics. The numerical rating on these types of extinguishers
indicates the amount of water it holds and the amount of fire it can extinguish.
• Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, grease
and oil. The numerical rating for class B extinguishers indicates the approximate number
of square feet of fire it can extinguish.
• Class C fires involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, circuit breakers
and outlets. Never use water to extinguish class C fires - the risk of electrical shock is far
too great! Class C extinguishers do not have a numerical rating. The C classification
means the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
• Class D fire extinguishers are commonly found in a chemical laboratory. They are for
fires that involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and
sodium. These types of extinguishers also have no numerical rating, nor are they given a
multi-purpose rating - they are designed for class D fires only.
• Water extinguishers or APW extinguishers (air-pressurized water) are suitable for class A
fires only. Never use a water extinguisher on grease fires, electrical fires or class D fires - the
flames will spread and make the fire bigger! Water extinguishers are filled with water and
pressurized with oxygen. Again - water extinguishers can be
very dangerous in the wrong type of situation. Only fight the
fire if you're certain it contains ordinary combustible materials
• Dry chemical extinguishers come in a variety of types and are
suitable for a combination of class A, B and C fires. These are
filled with foam or powder and pressurized with nitrogen.
– BC - This is the regular type of dry chemical
extinguisher. It is filled with sodium bicarbonate or
potassium bicarbonate. The BC variety leaves a
mildly corrosive residue which must be cleaned
immediately to prevent any damage to materials. Figure 6. Fire Extinghishers
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
– ABC - This is the multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher. The ABC type is filled
with mono-ammonium phosphate, a yellow powder that leaves a sticky residue
that may be damaging to electrical appliances such as a computer.
Dry chemical extinguishers have an advantage over CO2 extinguishers since they leave a non-
flammable substance on the extinguished material, reducing the likelihood of re-ignition.
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) extinguishers are used for class B and C fires. CO2 extinguishers
contain carbon dioxide, a non-flammable gas, and are highly pressurized. The pressure is
so great that it is not uncommon for bits of dry ice to shoot out the nozzle. They don't
work very well on class A fires because they may not be able to displace enough oxygen
to put the fire out, causing it to re-ignite.
CO2 extinguishers have an advantage over dry chemical extinguishers since they don't leave a
harmful residue - a good choice for an electrical fire on a computer or other favorite electronic
device such as a stereo or TV.
These are only the common types of fire extinguishers. There are many others to choose from.
Base your selection on the classification and the extinguisher's compatibility with the items you
wish to protect.
2(i)(10)(iii) Vehicles
The "fire truck" and "fire engine" are two different vehicles, and the terms should not be used
interchangeably. In general, fire engines are outfitted to pump water at a fire. Trucks do not
pump water and are outfitted with ladders and other equipment for use in ventilation of the
building, rescue, and related activity. In many jurisdictions it is common to have a ladder (or
truck) company and an engine company stationed together in the same firehouse.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
"Two in, two out" refers to the rule that firefighters never
enter a building or other IDLH situation alone but go in Figure 8. Protective Clothing and
as a pair. Two go in and two come out; also, the two in Equipment used by Firemen
can refer to the two who enter the building while a
backup team of two remains outside the building ready to enter if needed.
To minimize the risk of electrocution, electrical shock, and electricity-related burns while
fighting wildland fires, NIOSH recommends that fire departments and fire fighters take the
following precautions [IFSTA 1998a,b; NWCG 1998; NFPA 1997; 29 CFR* 1910.332(b); 29
CFR 1910.335(b); Brunacini 1985]:
• Keep fire fighters a minimum distance away from downed power lines until the line is
de-energized. This minimum distance should equal the span between two poles.
• Ensure that the Incident Commander conveys strategic decisions related to power line
location to all suppression crews on the fireground and continually reevaluates fire
• Establish, implement, and enforce standard operating procedures (SOPs) that address the
safety of fire fighters when they work near downed power lines or energized electrical
equipment. For example, assign one of the fireground personnel to serve as a spotter to
ensure that the location of the downed line is communicated to all fireground personnel.
• Do not apply solid-stream water applications on or around energized, downed power
lines or equipment.
• Ensure that protective shields, barriers, or alerting techniques are used to protect fire
fighters from electrical hazards and energized areas. For example, rope off the energized
• Train fire fighters in safety-related work practices when working around electrical
energy. For example, treat all downed power lines as energized and make fire fighters
aware of hazards related to ground gradients.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Ensure that fire fighters are equipped with the proper personal protective equipment
(Nomex® clothing compliant with NFPA standard 1500 [NFPA 1997], leather boots,
leather gloves, etc.) and that it is maintained in good condition.
• Ensure that rubber gloves and dielectric overshoes and tools (insulated sticks and cable
cutters) for handling energized equipment are used by properly trained and qualified
• Assume all power lines are energized and call the power provider to de-energize the
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment for the task at hand—Nomex® clothing
compliant with NFPA standard 1500, rubber gloves, and dielectric overshoes and tools
(insulated sticks and cable cutters).
• Do not stand or work in areas of dense smoke. Dense smoke can obscure energized
electrical lines or equipment and can become charged and conduct electrical current.
Structural collapse, while not a common incident, may occur for any number of reasons:
weakening from age or fire, environmental causes (earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flooding,
rain, or snow buildup on roofs), or an explosion (accidental or intentional). Structural collapses
can create numerous voids where victims could be trapped.
When arriving on scene the number of potential victims should be acquired. Certain hazards to
look for in a structural collapse are a secondary collapse, live electrical wires, and gas leaks. The
electricity and gas should be shut-off. Structural collapses come in three different types: pancake
collapse, lean-to collapse, and v-type collapse.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Knowing where the voids are can help a fire fighter locate survivors of the structural collapse.
After the firefighter has identified the type of collapse and where the voids may be they need to
make a safe entranceway. The firefighter needs to have a basic knowledge of cribbing, shoring,
and tunneling, all of which are useful in collapse operations. Cribbing is the use of various sizes
of lumber arranged in systematic stacks to support an unstable load. Shoring is the use of wood
to support and/or strengthen weakened structures such as roofs, floors, and walls. This avoids a
secondary collapse during rescue. Tunneling could be necessary to reach survivors if there is no
way other way to reach the victim. When tunneling there should be a set destination and a good
indication that there is a victim in that void.
• You must always maintain proper respect for downed wires even though some may
appear harmless. Electrical equipment requires the same respect, awareness and caution
you would accord a firearm – always "consider it loaded." In situations where no
emergency exists and human life is not in any immediate danger, wait for the local utility
personnel to secure the area; they have the knowledge and equipment to complete the job
• Law enforcement officers, fire fighters or ambulance attendants are usually first on the
scene when overhead wires are down – usually as a result of storms, damaged utility
poles or fallen branches. They need to be aware of the hazards and procedures involved
in dealing with emergencies resulting from fallen energized wires.
• Electricity seeks the easiest path to ground itself and does not "care" how it gets there. If
you or your equipment creates that path, you will be placing yourself (and possibly
others) in a life threatening situation. In some situations fallen wires snap and twist,
sending out lethal sparks as they strike the ground. At other times the wires lie quietly;
producing no sparks or warning signals – as quiet as a rattlesnake and potentially as
dangerous. The first rule is to consider any fallen or broken wire extremely dangerous
and not to approach within eight feet of it.
• Next, notify the local utility and have trained personnel sent to the scene. Have an
ambulance or rescue unit dispatched if necessary. Remember, do not attempt to handle
wires yourself unless you are properly trained and equipped.
• Set out flares and halt or reroute traffic. Keep all spectators a safe distance (at least 30.5
meters) from the scene. Electric power emergencies often occur when it is raining; wet
ground increases the hazard. After dark, light the scene as well as you can. Direct your
spotlight on the broken or fallen wires. Remember that metal or cable guard-rails, steel
wire fences and telephone lines may be energized by a fallen wire and may carry the
current a mile or more from the point of contact.
• An ice storm, windstorm, tornado, forest fire or flood may bring down power lines by the
hundreds. Under those circumstances electric companies customarily borrow skilled
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
professionals from one another to augment their own work forces. First Responders have
their own jobs to perform at such times – usually as part of a task force – which lessens
the need for individual decision making. But every first responder should be prepared for
when he or she faces an electric power emergency alone and must make decisions about
people, power and the hazards involved. Remember that electricity from a power line
(like lightening from a thundercloud) seeks to reach the ground, so it is imperative when
working with fallen wires not to let yourself or others create a circuit between a wire and
the ground.
• In a typical power emergency a car strikes a utility pole and a snapped power line falls on
it. Advise the car's occupants they should stay in the car. Call the local power company,
but remember: Do not come in contact with either the car or its occupants. If the car
catches fire, instruct the occupants to leap, not step, from the car. To step out would put
them in the circuit between the wire, the energized car and the ground – with deadly
results. If fire fighters are on the scene, they may be best able to handle the situation;
most full-time fire fighters are trained to deal with electric power emergencies and will
have the proper equipment to do so. If you must extinguish a car fire without the aid of
fire fighters, use only dry chemical or CO2 extinguishers. If the car's occupants are
injured and cannot leap to safety, you may be able to use your vehicle to push them out of
contact with the wire. If you do this, it is critical to look around the vehicle before leaving
your car – there may be another fallen wire behind you or a wire hooked to your bumper.
If there is (or you suspect there is), leap from your vehicle.
• Once a victim has been removed from the electric hazard, immediately check vital signs.
If the victim has no pulse and is not breathing, begin cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
immediately (and any other appropriate first aid treatment) until he or she is placed in the
• In any rescue attempt it is essential that you protect yourself – it is a truism that dead
heroes rescue no one. Do not, under any circumstance, rely on rubber boots, raincoats,
rubber gloves or ordinary wire cutters for protection. Above all, do not touch (or allow
your clothing to touch) a wire, a victim, or a vehicle that is possibly energized.
For the Floor Marshals, at least one individual per floor should be designated and there should be
designated back-ups. Floor Marshals will assist in the implementation of the plan by knowing
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
and communicating evacuation routes to occupants during emergency evacuation and report the
status of the evacuation to the Building Coordinator.
Occupants will:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
5. Go to the designated assembly area or as instructed during the notification. Upon exiting
the building, move at least 45.7 meters from the building to allow others to also safely
exit the building. (specify designated assembly areas or indicate areas on evacuation
2(i)(13)(iv) General
During evacuation Floor Marshals should assure that every person on his/her floor has been
notified and that evacuation routes are clear. If possible, the Floor Marshal - will check that all
doors are closed and be the last one out. Upon leaving the floor, the Floor Marshal will report the
status of the floor evacuation to the Building Coordinator.
Persons with Disabilities (mobility, hearing, sight): Each individual who requires assistance to-
evacuate is responsible for pre-arranging with someone else in their immediate work area to
assist them. Anyone knowing of a person with a disability or injury who was not able to evacuate
will report this immediately to a Floor Marshal, the Building Coordinator or the Incident
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
a. If you have an alarm system you must first contact the Electric Shop to make the
appropriate arrangements.
b. Contact the Fire Marshal before holding your drill so that a representative can be on
site to assist in critiquing the evacuation.
c. Although the fire drills should be unannounced, you may need to give advanced
notice to key personnel in your building.
2(i)(14) Bibliography
Cheremisinoff, N. P., Handbook of Industrial Toxicology and Hazardous Materials, Marcel
Dekker Publishers, New York, New York, 1999.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(j)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(j)(1) Introduction
Several occupational safety and health investigations have documented a number of fatalities
whose circumstances suggest that the victims were unaware of the electrocution hazard from
feedback electrical energy in power lines that were assumed to be de-energized. Occupational
electrocutions from all causes continue to be a serious problem and take a very large toll on the
Safety laws are established to help provide safe working areas for electricians. Individuals can
work safely on electrical equipment with today's safeguards and recommended work practices. In
addition, an understanding of the principles of electricity is gained. It is good practice to always
ask supervisors when in doubt about a procedure. Additionally, reporting any unsafe conditions,
equipment, or work practices as soon as possible can help reduce the number of electrical shock
accidents and fatalities.
2(j)(2) Fuses25
Confirm that the switch for the circuit is open or disconnected before removing any fuse from a
circuit. When removing fuses, use an approved fuse puller and break contact on the hot side of
the circuit first. When replacing fuses, first install the fuse into the load side of the fuse clip, then
into the line side.
2(j)(3) GFCIs26
A groundfault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is an electrical device which protects personnel by
detecting potentially hazardous ground faults and immediately disconnecting power from the
circuit. Any current over 8 mA is considered potentially dangerous depending on the path the
current takes, the amount of time exposed to the shock, as well as the physical condition of the
person receiving the shock.
GFCls should be installed in such places as dwellings, hotels, motels, construction sites, marinas,
receptacles near swimming pools and hot tubs, underwater lighting, fountains, and other areas in
which a person may experience a ground fault.
A GFCI compares the amount of current in the ungrounded (hot) conductor with the amount of
current in the neutral conductor (Figure 10). If the current in the neutral conductor becomes less
than the current in the hot conductor, a ground fault condition exists. The missing current is
returned to the source by some path other than the intended path (fault current). A fault current as
low as 4 mA to 6 mA activates the GFCI and interrupts the circuit. Once activated, the fault
condition is cleared and the GFCI manually resets before power may be restored to the circuit.
Electricians Toolbox Etc.,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Figure 9. A GFCI compares the amount of current in the ungrounded (hot) conductor with the amount of
current in the neutral conductor.
GFCI protection may be installed at different locations within a circuit. Direct-wired GFCI
receptacles provide a ground fault protection at the point of installation. GFCI receptacles may
also be connected to provide GFCI protection at all other receptacles installed downstream on the
same circuit. GFCI CBs, when installed in a load center or panelboard, provide GFCI protection
and conventional circuit overcurrent protection for all branch-circuit components connected to
the CB.
Plug-in GFCls provide ground fault protection for devices plugged into them. Plug-in devices
are generally utilized by personnel working with power tools in an area that does not include
GFCI receptacles.
The following are some electromedical facts intended to make employees think twice before
taking chances.
It's not the voltage but the current that kills. People have been killed by 100 volts AC in the
home and with as little as 42 volts DC. The real measure of a shock's intensity lies in the amount
of current (in milliamperes) forced through the body. Any electrical device used on a house
wiring circuit can, under certain conditions, transmit a fatal amount of current.
Currents between 100 and 200 milliamperes (0.1 ampere and 0.2 ampere) are fatal. Anything in
the neighborhood of 10 milliamperes (0.01) is capable of producing painful to severe shock.
Electricians Toolbox Etc.,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
The severity of the shock increases as the current increases. Below 20 milliamperes, breathing
becomes labored, and it can cease completely even at values below 75 milliamperes. As the
current approaches 100 milliamperes ventricular fibrillation occurs. This is an uncoordinated
twitching of the walls of the heart's ventricles. Since you don't know how much current went
through the body, it is necessary to perform artificial respiration to try to get the person breathing
again. If the heart is not beating, cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is necessary.
Electrical shock occurs when a person comes in contact with two conductors of a circuit or when
the body becomes part of the electrical circuit. In either instance, a severe shock can cause the
heart and lungs to stop functioning. Additionally, severe burns may occur where current enters
and exits the body.
Prevention is the best medicine for electrical shock. Employees should respect all voltages and
possess the knowledge of the principles of electricity. It is important to always follow safe work
procedures. Do not take unnecessary chances. All electricians should be encouraged to take a
basic course in CPR so they can aid a coworker in emergency situations.
Portable electric tools should always be well maintained and in safe operating condition. Make
sure there is a third wire on the plug for grounding in case of shorts. The fault current should
flow through the third wire to ground instead of through the operator's body to ground if electric
power tools are grounded and if an insulation breakdown occurs.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Preventing Electrocutions by Undetected Feedback
Electrical Energy Present in Power Lines, Publication No. 88-104, December 1987.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(j)(10) Lockout/Tagout33
Electrical power must be removed when electrical equipment is inspected, serviced, or repaired.
To ensure the safety of personnel working with the equipment, power is removed and the
equipment must be locked out and tagged out.
Equipment should be locked out and tagged out before any preventive maintenance or servicing
is performed (Figure 11). Lockout is the process of removing the source of electrical power and
installing a lock which prevents the power from being turned ON. Tagout is the process of
placing a danger tag on the source of electrical power which indicates that the equipment may
not be operated until the danger tag is removed.
A danger tag has the same importance and purpose as a lock and is used alone only when a lock
does not fit the disconnect device. The danger tag shall be attached at the disconnect device with
a tag tie or equivalent and shall have space for the worker's name, craft, and other required
information. A danger tag must withstand the elements and expected atmosphere for as long as
the tag remains in place. A lockout/tagout should be used when:
• Servicing electrical equipment that does not require power to be ON to perform the
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Preventing Electrocutions by Undetected Feedback
Electrical Energy Present in Power Lines, Publication No. 88-104, December 1987.
Electricians Toolbox Etc.,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Removing or bypassing a machine guard or other safety device. The possibility exists of
being injured or caught in moving machinery; and
Figure 10. Equipment must be locked out and tagged out before preventive maintenance or servicing is
• Clearing jammed equipment. The danger exists of being injured if equipment power is
turned ON.
A lockout/tagout should only be removed by the person that installed it, except in an emergency.
In an emergency, the lockout/tagout may be removed only by authorized personnel. The
authorized personnel shall follow approved procedures. The following lockout and tagout
procedures and steps can effectively reduce the number of electrocutions in the workplace:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Lockout devices resist chemicals, cracking, abrasion, and temperature changes. They are
available in colors to match ANSI pipe colors. Lockout devices are sized to fit standard industry
control device sizes. Locks used to lock out a device may be color coded and individually
keyed. The locks are rust-resistant and are available with various size shackles.
Danger tags provide additional lockout and warning information. Various danger tags are
available. Danger tags may include warnings such as "Do Not Start," "Do Not Operate," or may
provide space to enter worker, date, and lockout reason information. Tag ties must be strong
enough to prevent accidental removal and must be self-locking and nonreusable.
Electricians Toolbox Etc.,
North Carolina State University, Environmental Health and Public Safety,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• The operating station (e.g. external control panel) where the machine may be activated
must at all times be under the control of a qualified operator.
North Carolina State University, Environmental Health and Public Safety,
Sonoma State University, Environmental Health & Safety,
Sonoma State University, Environmental Health & Safety,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• All participants must be in clear view of the operator or in positive communication with
each other.
• All participants must be beyond the reach of machine elements which may move rapidly
and present a hazard.
• Where machine configuration or size requires that the operator leave the control station to
install tools, and where there are machine elements which may move rapidly, if activated,
such elements must be separately locked out.
• During repair procedures where mechanical components are being adjusted or replaced,
the machine shall be de-energized or disconnected from its power source.
2(j)(13) Bibliography
Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices Program, 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.331-
335, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of the Federal Register, 1985.
Nigerian Electrical Safety Code. C2-1984, Section 42-420, New York, NY: American Nigerian
Standards Institute, 1984.
Nigerian Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Preventing Electrocutions by Undetected
Feedback Electrical Energy Present in Power Lines, Publication No. 88-104, December 1987.
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1984, Fatalgram: Reports of OSHA Fatality/Catastrophe
Investigations, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, An Illustrated Guide to Electrical Safety, U.S.
Department of Labor, 1983.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(k)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(k)(1) Introduction
Employees should be trained in the proper use of all tools. Workers should be able to recognize
the hazards associated with the different types of tools and the safety precautions necessary.
Five basic safety rules can help prevent hazards associated with the use of hand and power tools:
Employees and employers should work together to establish safe working procedures. If a
hazardous situation is encountered, it should be brought immediately to the attention of the
proper individual for hazard abatement.
• Using a chisel as a screwdriver, the tip of the chisel may break and fly off, hitting the user
or other employees.
• If a wooden handle on a tool is loose, splintered, or cracked, the head of the tool may fly
off and strike the user or other employees.
• If the jaws of a wrench are sprung, the wrench might slip.
• If impact tools such as chisels, wedges, or drift pins have mushroomed heads, the heads
might shatter on impact, sending sharp fragments flying toward the user or other
• When working in close proximity, employees should target saw blades, knives, or other
tools away from away aisle areas and other employees. Knives and scissors must be
sharp; dull tools can cause more hazards than sharp ones. Cracked saw blades must be
removed from service.
Wrenches must not be used when jaws are sprung to the point that slippage occurs. Impact tools
such as drift pins, wedges, and chisels must be kept free of mushroomed heads.
Iron or steel hand tools may produce sparks that can be an ignition source around flammable
substances. Where this hazard exists, spark-resistant tools made of non-ferrous materials should
be used where flammable gases, highly volatile liquids, and other explosive substances are stored
or used.
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
To prevent hazards associated with the use of power tools, workers should observe the following
general precautions:
Remove all damaged portable electric tools from use and tag them: "Do Not Use."
2(k)(4) Guards43
The exposed moving parts of power tools need to be safeguarded. Belts, gears, shafts, pulleys,
sprockets, spindles, drums, flywheels, chains, or other reciprocating, rotating, or moving parts of
equipment must be guarded.
Appropriate machine guards must be provided to protect the operator and others from the
• Point of operation;
• In-running nip points;
• Rotating parts; and
• Flying chips and sparks.
Safety guards must never be removed when a tool is being used. Portable circular saws having a
blade greater than 5.08 centimeters in diameter must be equipped at all times with guards. An
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
upper guard must cover the entire blade of the saw. A retractable lower guard must cover the
teeth of the saw, except where it makes contact with the work material. The lower guard must
automatically return to the covering position when the tool is withdrawn from the work material.
• drills;
• tappers;
• fastener drivers;
• horizontal, vertical, and angle grinders with wheels more than 5.08 centimeters in
• disc sanders with discs greater than 5.08 centimeters; belt sanders; reciprocating saws;
• saber saws, scroll saws, and jigsaws with blade shanks greater than 0.63 centimeters
• and other similar tools.
These tools also may be equipped with a "lock-on" control, if it allows the worker to also shut
off the control in a single motion using the same finger or fingers.
The following hand-held power tools must be equipped with either a positive "on-off" control
switch, a constant pressure switch, or a "lock-on" control:
Circular saws having a blade diameter greater than 5.08 centimeters, chain saws, and percussion
tools with no means of holding accessories securely must be equipped with a constant-pressure
Electric tools must have a three-wire cord with a ground and be plugged into a grounded
receptacle, be double insulated, or be powered by a low-voltage isolation transformer. Three-
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
wire cords contain two current-carrying conductors and a grounding conductor. Any time an
adapter is used to accommodate a two-hole receptacle, the adapter wire must be attached to a
known ground. Never remove the third prong from the plug.
Double-insulated tools provide protection against electrical shock without third-wire grounding.
On double-insulated tools, an internal layer of protective insulation completely isolates the
external housing of the tool.
The following general practices should be followed when using electric tools:
In the construction industry, employees who use electric tools must be protected by ground-fault
circuit interrupters or an assured equipment-grounding conductor program.
• Inspected for damage and should be sound- or ring-tested to ensure that it is free from
cracks or defects; and
• Tested by tapping gently with a light, non-metallic instrument. A stable and undamaged
wheel, when tapped, will give a clear metallic tone or "ring."
To prevent an abrasive wheel from cracking, it must fit freely on the spindle. The spindle nut
must be tightened enough to hold the wheel in place without distorting the flange. Always follow
the manufacturer's recommendations. Take care to ensure that the spindle speed of the machine
will not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel.
An abrasive wheel may disintegrate or explode during start-up. Allow the tool to come up to
operating speed prior to grinding or cutting. Never stand in the plane of rotation of the wheel as
it accelerates to full operating speed. Portable grinding tools need to be equipped with safety
guards to protect workers not only from the moving wheel surface, but also from flying
fragments in case of wheel breakage.
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
There are several dangers associated with the use of pneumatic tools. First and foremost is the
danger of getting hit by one of the tool's attachments or by some kind of fastener the worker is
using with the tool.
Pneumatic tools must be checked to see that the tools are fastened securely to the air hose to
prevent them from becoming disconnected. A short wire or positive locking device attaching the
air hose to the tool must also be used and will serve as an added safeguard.
If an air hose is more than 12.7 millimeters in diameter, a safety excess flow valve must be
installed at the source of the air supply to reduce pressure in case of hose failure.
In general, the same precautions should be taken with an air hose that are recommended for
electric cords, because the hose is subject to the same kind of damage or accidental striking, and
because it also presents tripping hazards.
When using pneumatic tools, a safety clip or retainer must be installed to prevent attachments
such as chisels on a chipping hammer from being ejected during tool operation.
Pneumatic tools that shoot nails, rivets, staples, or similar fasteners and operate at pressures more
than 6,890 kPa, must be equipped with a special device to keep fasteners from being ejected,
unless the muzzle is pressed against the work surface.
Airless spray guns that atomize paints and fluids at pressures of 6,890 kPa or more must be
equipped with automatic or visible manual safety devices that will prevent pulling the trigger
until the safety device is manually released.
Eye protection is required, and head and face protection is recommended for employees working
with pneumatic tools.
Screens must also be set up to protect nearby workers from being struck by flying fragments
around chippers, riveting guns, staplers, or air drills.
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Compressed air guns should never be pointed toward anyone. Workers should never "dead-end"
them against themselves or anyone else. A chip guard must be used when compressed air is used
for cleaning.
Use of heavy jackhammers can cause fatigue and strains. Heavy rubber grips reduce these effects
by providing a secure handhold. Workers operating a jackhammer must wear safety glasses and
safety shoes that protect them against injury if the jackhammer slips or falls. A face shield also
should be used.
Noise is another hazard associated with pneumatic tools. Working with noisy tools such as
jackhammers requires proper, effective use of appropriate hearing protection.
Before refilling a fuel-powered tool tank, shut down the engine and allow it to cool to prevent
accidental ignition of hazardous vapors. When a fuel-powered tool is used inside a closed area,
effective ventilation and/or proper respirators such as atmosphere-supplying respirators must be
utilized to avoid breathing carbon monoxide. Fire extinguishers must also be available in the
When using powder-actuated tools, an employee must wear suitable ear, eye, and face
protection. Select a powder level that is suitable for the powder-actuated tool and necessary to do
the work.
The muzzle end of the tool must have a protective shield or guard centered perpendicular to and
concentric with the barrel to confine any fragments or particles that are projected when the tool is
fired. A tool containing a high-velocity load must be designed not to fire unless it has this kind of
safety device.
To prevent the tool from firing accidentally, two separate motions are required for firing. The
first motion is to bring the tool into the firing position, and the second motion is to pull the
trigger. The tool must not be able to operate until it is pressed against the work surface with a
force of at least 2.2 kg greater than the total weight of the tool.
If a powder-actuated tool misfires, hold the tool in the operating position for at least 30 seconds
before trying to fire it again. If it still will not fire, hold the tool in the operating position for
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
another 30 seconds and then carefully remove the load in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. This procedure will make the faulty cartridge less likely to explode. The bad
cartridge should then be put in water immediately after removal. If the tool develops a defect
during use, it should be tagged and must be immediately removed from service.
Safety precautions that must be followed when using powder-actuated tools include the
When using powder-actuated tools to apply fasteners, several additional procedures must be
• Do not fire fasteners into material that would allow the fasteners to pass through to the
other side.
• Do not drive fasteners into very hard or brittle material that might chip or splatter or
make the fasteners ricochet.
• Always use an alignment guide when shooting fasteners into existing holes.
• When using a high-velocity tool, do not drive fasteners more than 7.62 centimeters from
an unsupported edge or corner of material such as brick or concrete.
• When using a high velocity tool, do not place fasteners in steel any closer than 1.27
centimeters from an unsupported corner edge unless a special guard, fixture, or jig is
Do not exceeded the manufacturer's recommended safe operating pressure for hoses, valves,
pipes, filters, and other fittings.
Hand and Power Tools, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
All jacks – including lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic jacks – must have a stop
indicator, and the stop limit must not be exceeded. Also, the manufacturer's load limit must be
permanently marked in a prominent place on the jack, and the load limit must not be exceeded.
Never use a jack to support a lifted load. Once the load has been lifted, it must immediately be
blocked up. Put a block under the base of the jack when the foundation is not firm, and place a
block between the jack cap and load if the cap might slip.
All jacks must be lubricated regularly. Additionally, each jack must be inspected according to the
following schedule:
• for jacks used continuously or intermittently at one site – inspected at least once every 6
• for jacks sent out of the shop for special work – inspected when sent out and inspected
when returned; and
• for jacks subjected to abnormal loads or shock – inspected before use and immediately
The University of Western Australia, Safety in Workshops, Australian Standard, Safety and Health,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Install machinery, plant and equipment so as to ensure that sufficient space and safe footholds
are provided around an individual machine to allow for normal operation, group instruction,
adjustment and ordinary repairs.
• Start-stop controls of the push button type easily visible, readily accessible and
incorporating both no-volt and overload release.
• Start buttons should be shrouded or recessed, colored green and the word START shall
be indicated on or near the button. Starting levers and handles should have a provision for
automatic retention in the "off" position.
• Stop buttons shall be long, easy to locate, colored red and clearly marked with an
identifying symbol or the word STOP. Each machine shall have a stop control for
disconnecting power and the control should be readily and safely accessible to the
operator from the normal operating position.
• Emergency stop buttons of the mushroom-head type, prominently and suitably labeled,
should be installed at selected positions so that pressing any one of the buttons will
immediately operate the circuit breaker and disconnect the supply from the machines.
Any electrical equipment should be checked by a qualified electrician at least quarterly and a
tagged to identify the type of item concerned, the name of the owner of the item, the license
number of the electrical worker who carried out the inspection and test and the date on which the
The University of Western Australia, Safety in Workshops, Australian Standard, Safety and Health,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
inspection and test was carried out. Unqualified persons must not interfere with or alter any
electrical installation. All electrical power distribution circuitry should be protected by core-
balance earth-leakage protection of 30mA sensitivity.
The gas supply must be automatically interrupted at the occurrence of system failure.
Properly mount grinding wheels, and where necessary, fit with a bush of suitable material
between the wheel and the spindle. A guard of sufficient mechanical strength should enclose the
grinding wheel.
It is necessary to prevent vibration, which can be caused by incorrect wheel balance, lack of
rigidity in the machine, loose bearings or incorrect use of the work rest. Additionally, incorrect
fitting of the belt fasteners for a belt-driven wheel may cause the vibration.
Provide an eye screen for hand-held work when using pedestal or bench-type grinding machines.
The area of the screen should be large enough to discourage the operator from looking around it.
The screen should always be in place and maintained at an adequate transparency.
Every grinding wheel should be positioned so that when in use the plane of rotation is not in line
with any door, passageway, entrance or a place where someone regularly works.
Finishing machines should be guarded with only the working face of the belt exposed and the
belt should be mounted such that it rotates away from the operator wherever practicable. Before
use the condition of abrasive belt should be examined and replaced if worn and the correctness of
the tracking of the belt should be checked by rotating the belt by hand. If necessary the belt
should be adjusted and finally checked with a trial run. Where possible suitable jigs or fixtures
should be used to hold or locate the work piece. The work piece should never be held in a cloth
or any form of pliers and gloves must not be worn when using a finishing machine.
• Exercise care when using fast traverse levers in order to avoid running the job into the
cutter and never attempt to remove the arbor nut by applying power to the machine.
• Clamp the job or vice firmly on the table before starting the machine, and, where
necessary, to provide steady supports to prevent vibration.
The University of Western Australia, Safety in Workshops, Australian Standard, Safety and Health,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Utilize the correct type of handling equipment when heavy cutters are involved and the
use of a chip guard when a fly cutter is used.
• Keep hands and fingers away from the cutters when an unguarded cutter is in motion.
• Guards must be provided to prevent the operator's fingers from contacting the knife or
clamp from either the front or rear of the machine.
• Only one person should be allowed to operate the machine at the one time and where
long material is being cut and cannot be adequately supported by the work table,
additional supports should be provided.
• The shear edges of the blades should be maintained in good condition and blade
clearance must be adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation
appropriate to the thickness of the material being cut.
• Waste scrap metal provides a hazard for the hands and protective gloves should be worn
when the metal is handled. A container should be provided for waste material from the
• Harmful or potentially harmful processes should be carried out using properly designed
and well maintained equipment and where practicable in separate areas restricted to a
minimum of persons.
• If harmful concentrations of fumes or gases develop in certain processes, specific
provision should be made for their extraction using local exhaust ventilation in addition
to the general ventilation of the workshop.
• Provision should be made to afford protection against chemical agencies such as harmful
dusts, mists, vapors.
• Chemicals bearing trade names should not be used unless the supplier or manufacturer
provides a material safety data sheet giving full information on the precautions which
need to be taken when handling the chemical.
• The possibility of toxic or flammable gases existing or being generated should be
indicated by prominently displayed notices.
The University of Western Australia, Safety in Workshops, Australian Standard, Safety and Health,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• 1,1,1, trichloroethane - should always be used in a fume cupboard and only for small
scale operations.
– Trichloroethylene & perchloroethylene
– Should only be used in equipment specifically designed and in a well ventilated
area free from draught. These solvents have anesthetic properties and are harmful
when inhaled or on contact with the skin producing:
headaches, nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, visual disturbances, even
unconsciousness, and dermatitis.
Solvent degreasing processes should not be carried out near open flames or electric heaters.
Mop up spillages with rags or by absorbing in sawdust, dry sand or earth and removing to an
open space. Do no use incinerators.
2(k)(22) Bibliography
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, Hand and Power Tools,
The University of Western Australia, Safety in Workshops, Australian Standard, Safety and
The University of Western Australia, Safety in Workshops, Australian Standard, Safety and Health,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(l)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(l)(1) Introduction61
The subject of electrical hazards analysis has been recognized by a small segment of the
electrical industry for many years. However, the electrical industry, most commonly at the user
level, has largely ignored the subject, essentially reacting to catastrophic accidents, rather than
proactively trying to predict and prevent them. Recent changes in consensus standards, along
with a better general understanding of the seriousness of electrical hazards have resulted in a
renewal of interest in the subject.
2(l)(2) Scope62
Key definitions that are crucial to understanding shock and arc-flash hazard protection are:
• Limited Approach Boundary - “An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live
part within which a shock hazard exists.”
• Restricted Approach Boundary - “An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live
part within which there is an increased risk of shock, due to electric arc over combined
with inadvertent movement, for personnel working in close proximity to the live part.”
• Prohibited Approach Boundary - “An approach limit at a distance from an exposed
live part within which work is considered the same as making contact with the live parts.”
• Flash Protection Boundary - “An approach limit at a distance from exposed live parts
within which a person could receive a second degree burn if an electrical arc flash were
to occur.”
Additional electrical safety-related work practices must be used if circuits, operating at 50 volts
or more, are not de-energized (placed in an electrically safe work condition). Work practices
must protect the employee from an arc flash, as well as inadvertent contact with live parts
operating at 50 volts or more. Analyses must be performed before an employee approaches
exposed live parts, within the Limited Approach Boundary.
National Fire Protection Agency, 70E-2004, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.”
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Evaluate the procedures or work practices that will be involved to appropriately assess the
electrical shock hazard associated with any type of maintenance or repair work. Evaluate the
practices against both regulatory and consensus standards requirements as well as recognized
good practice within the industry.
Include an assessment of the physical condition of the electrical system. As part of the
assessment, identify the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for shock protection, which
would include, but not be limited to, rubber insulating gloves with leather protectors, rubber
blankets and mats, and insulated hand tools.
Insure that equipment covers and guards are in place; that access to exposed conductors is
limited to electrically qualified personnel; and overcurrent protective devices are operable and of
appropriate interrupting rating.
National Fire Protection Agency, 70E-2004, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.”
IEEE Conference Record of 2006 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, June 18-23, 2006
National Fire Protection Agency, 70E-2004, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.”
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
The principle factors used in the determination of the flash hazards to personnel are:
Minimizing or eliminating the hazard is the first choice; however, when this is not possible
flame-resistant rated clothing and personal protective equipment must be utilized.
In addition to flame-resistant clothing and personal protective equipment, there are other safe
work practices that can be adopted to minimize or eliminate the hazards including:
Utilize blast pressure calculations to determine whether enclosures will withstand an internal
fault if sufficient manufacturer’s data is available. Recognize the magnitude of the hazard so that
appropriate safety practices, such as correct body positioning, can be incorporated into work
National Fire Protection Agency, 70E-2004, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.”
IEEE Conference Record of 2006 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, June 18-23, 2006
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
procedures. Blasts can severely injure or kill a person if the blast hazard is high, or if it is in a
limited space. Serious consideration should be given to not allowing personnel in the area during
specific equipment operations if these conditions are present.
Assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present, or are likely to be present, which
require the use of personal protective equipment. If such hazards are determined, the employer
should select and have each employee use, the type of personal productive equipment that will
protect the affected employee from the hazards identified in the hazard assessment.
Train the employee to be knowledgeable with the following issues and scenarios:
Include shock, arc, and blast assessments in the hazard analyses. Identify the selection,
inspection, and use requirements for electrical personal productive equipment. Specify the type
of clothing that is prohibited.
Utilize protective shields, protective barriers, or insulating materials to protect each employee
from shock, burns, or other electrically related injuries while that employee is working near
exposed energized parts which might be accidentally contacted or where dangerous electric
heating or arcing might occur.
Protective clothing, including a complete multilayered flash suit with hood and face shield, may
be required for the operation, insertion, or removal of a circuit breaker.
Calculate the incident energy (in cal/cm2) available at the work site in order to determine and the
protective clothing required for the specific task. Additionally, determine a “Flash Protection
Boundary” for all energized work. At this boundary, exposed flesh must not receive a second-
degree burn or worse.
After determining the type, purchase the necessary protective clothing and train employees on
how to properly wear the gear.
IEEE Conference Record of 2006 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, June 18-23, 2006
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Ensure that any rope used near live conductors or equipment is free of metal strands.
• Turn in the rope for replacement when the strands become frayed.
• Keep the rope clean so that sharp particles of solder or other substances cannot cut your
hands or rubber gloves.
• Keep your hands at a safe distance when taking hold of a rope passing through a block.
• Do not place tape, string, or marlin cord on a rope to repair defects.
• Never loop a rope over your hand or arm because it could be a tripping hazard while
• Never leave uncoiled wire, rope, or other material unguarded on streets, roadways, or
alleys because of the potential tripping hazard.
• Never hang safety lines, ropes, or wires from a pole because they could interfere with
passing traffic.
Ensure that the leather loops holding the D-rings are not worn or crushed enough at the edges to
weaken the leather or cause it to tear. If the straps are otherwise sound, utilize them until they are
not less than 3.2 milimeters thick in any portion other than the doubled part of the strap. In this
portion, the leather may wear slightly less than 3.2 milimeters because a double portion is
approximately twice as strong as a single portion.
• Ensure that each worker personally tests his rubber gloves before starting work on or near
live conductors or equipment carrying between 300 and 5,000 volts. Conduct a thorough
visual inspection for holes and thin spots. Immediately tag and turn in rubber gloves or
other protective equipment that is believed to be defective.
• Perform semiannual electrical test on rubber gloves. Give other rubber protective
equipment an electrical test annually. Make arrangements with the servicing utility to
conduct these tests.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Wear rubber gloves when working on or within reach of energized conductors or
equipment operating at voltages between 300 and 5,000 volts.
• Wear leather protective gloves over rubber gloves to protect them from mechanical
damage. Pin holes or thin spots caused by using gloves without protectors may be
hazardous to workers.
• Use approved live-line tools without using rubber gloves for work on lines that are
energized at more than 5,000 volts.
• Wear rubber gloves while cutting supposedly dead cables and while testing supposedly
burned-out transformers on both primary and secondary sides.
• Do not remove rubber gloves until you are entirely out of reach of energized equipment.
• Do not work with the gauntlet of rubber gloves rolled down.
• Wear rubber gloves when tending reels when wire is being strung or removed near other
wires energized between 300 and 5,000 volts, and if working near someone who is near
conductors or equipment energized at voltages between 300 and 5,000 volts.
• Use a hand line to raise or lower all rubber protective equipment in a canvas tool bag or a
Issue rubber gloves to each lineman and inform the lineman of the following safety precautions
and procedures:
• Store rubber gloves in a canvas bag when they are not in use.
• Give rubber gloves an air test each day before starting work and when encountering an
object that may have damaged the gloves.
• Wash gloves with warm water and mild detergent.
• Be careful when applying or removing rubber protective equipment. Do not work over
energized conductors or equipment or get in a position that may result in unwanted
contact with the equipment.
• Dry rubber protective equipment before putting it away if possible.
• Do not carry rubber protective equipment in compartments on trucks or in tool bags with
tools or other equipment.
• Roll, never fold, rubber blankets when putting them away.
• Place rubber hoods and hoses flat in truck compartments.
2(l)(10)(iv) Gaffs76
Take the following safety measures to ensure that gaffs are the proper length and sharpness:
• Do not sharpen gaffs on the underside, except to make the shoulder, because it changes
the angle to which they are set and renders the climber unsafe.
• Make the underside straight when removing metal to make the shoulder.
• Do not sharpen the gaff with a grindstone or an emery wheel.
• Place the climber in a vise with the gaff uppermost.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Sharpen the gaff on the two outer surfaces with a file. Take long strokes from the heel to
the point of the gaff. Remove only enough material to make a good point.
• Never sharpen the gaff to a needlepoint. Leave a shoulder about 3.2 milimeters back from
the point. The distance across the gaff at the shoulder should be about 4.0 milimeters.
Sharpening the gaff in this manner prevents the point from sinking too far into the pole.
2(l)(10)(v) Climbers77
Take the following precautions and safety measures when using climbers:
• Do not use climbers after gaffs are worn shorter than 3.2 centimeters on the underside.
• Remove climbers when moving from job to job or when working on the ground.
• Remove climbers before working on a ladder, standing on a rubber blanket, or riding in a
• Do not perform hot-line work when rain or snow is threatening or when heavy dew, fog,
or other excessive moisture is present. Exceptions to this rule are when conducting
switching operations, fusing, or clearing damaged equipment that presents a hazard to the
public or to troops.
• Remain alert. If rain or snow starts to fall or an electrical storm appears while a job is in
progress, complete the work as quickly as possible to allow safe, temporary operation of
the line until precipitation or lightning ceases. Judgment of safe weather conditions for
hot-line work is the foreman's responsibility.
• Perform hot-line work during daylight if possible. In emergency situations, work under
artificial light if all conductors and equipment being worked on are made clearly visible.
• Do not wear rubber gloves with hot-line tools because they make detection of brush
discharges impossible.
• Avoid holding outer braces or other metal attachments.
• Avoid unnecessary conversation.
• Maintain close cooperation among everyone on the job.
• Treat wooden pole structures the same as steel towers.
• Be careful with distribution primaries. When they are located on the same pole with high-
tension lines, cover them with rubber protective equipment before climbing through or
working above them.
• Do not change your position on the pole without first looking around and informing
• Never use your hands to hold a live line clear of a lineman on a pole. Secure the line with
live-line tools and lock it in a clamp.
• Stay below the live wire when moving it until it is thoroughly secured in a safe working
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(l)(10)(vii) Vehicles79
Follow the safety rules below when operating or working with vehicles:
• Never hang coils of wire or rope outside a truck because they could easily catch on
passing vehicles.
• Take care when using materials or tools that extend 1.2 meters or more behind a truck
body. Attach a danger flag near the end of the projection during the day, and use a red
lantern at night.
• Provide a red lantern or taillight with any equipment that is being pulled by a truck at
2(l)(11)(ii) Manholes82
Rules when working at manholes:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Ensure the safety of workers in manholes if they cannot be seen by fellow workers on the
2(l)(11)(iii) Potheads83
• Open the neutral pothead last and close it first when opening and closing circuits with
• Do not stand on a concrete floor or on the ground while operating potheads in manholes
or vaults. Use an insulated stool, a crossarm, or other dry lumber. Cover all grounded
framework safely.
• Keep your body clear of all grounded equipment when working on or near potheads.
2(l)(11)(iv) Poles84
• Warn persons nearby when moving a pole by hand, with a pole cart, or with the truck
• Station someone with a red flag to warn or stop traffic as necessary.
• Report poles that appear unsafe for climbing to the foreman so that they can be properly
braced or guyed.
• Do not remove wires or supporting guy lines from a pole until the condition of the butt
has been checked.
• Support unsound poles with pike poles or guy lines before starting excavation or
removing wires.
• Remove all the equipment around the pole being removed before starting excavation.
• Climb to a working position by the safest path and take the safest position possible,
keeping all body parts clear of grounded or live portions of equipment.
• Do not use pins, braces, or guy lines as handholds.
• Never carry any tools or material in your hands when climbing.
• Watch for hazardous and dangerous conditions such as rusted hardware and defective guy
lines, braces, and arms. Repair such conditions immediately.
• When more than one person is ascending or descending, ensure that the first person
reaches his working position or the ground before the second person starts to ascend or
2(l)(11)(v) Climbing85
• Exercise caution when climbing past another worker to avoid damaging the safety straps
or gaffs.
• Ensure that the safety strap does not catch on the pole steps when climbing. When
wearing a body belt and a safety strap, snap both ends of the strap into the same D-ring
when not in the working position.
• Never put both of the snaps for the safety strap in one D-ring while in the working
position on a pole. Ensure that one snap is fastened in each D-ring.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Avoid pressure on the tongue snap when leaning against arms, pins, braces, and wires to
prevent the safety snap from becoming disengaged from the D-ring.
Safety precautions and procedures for working on energized conductors and equipment operating
at 300 volts or less are as follows:
• Tape or cover all bare or exposed places on one conductor before exposing another one.
• Open switches and remove fuses when working on building wiring, motors, belting,
shafting, blowers, or other machinery (including shop machine tools). Attach hold cards
to the switches.
• Do not touch steam or water pipes when handling portable electric tools or light cords.
• Never leave joints or loose ends of wire untaped unless otherwise protected.
• Never turn on current in a building where a fire has occurred and electric wiring or
apparatus has been affected until a careful safety inspection is made by the fire
department or a safety inspector.
2(l)(12)(i)(a) Intermediate88
De-energize ground lines and equipment operating between 300 and 5,000 volts before starting
any work. The only exception to this is when working on overhead lines. Wear rubber gloves
when working on overhead lines.
2(l)(12)(i)(c) Insulation90
When working within reach of conductors or equipment operating between 300 and 5,000 volts,
all energized and grounded conductors or equipment must be covered with rubber line hose,
insulator hoods, line protectors (pigs), or blankets or must be isolated with suitable barriers.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Cover or barricade any energized or grounded conductors and equipment coming within reach
before starting new work.
Utilize the following safety precautions when working on equipment and conductors operating at
300 to 5,000 volts:
• De-energize by opening sectionalizing switches and effectively ground the section of line
being worked on.
• Treat line wires being installed on poles as if they were energized when those poles are
already carrying energized conductors.
• Use rope to pull line wires into position.
• Remove wire from the underside of reels.
• Ground the truck when using a pay-out reel to string wires near energized wires of this
• Exercise caution when stringing wire near other wires energized with 300 to 5,000 volts.
Ensure that the worker tending the pay-out reel wears rubber gloves and does not allow
any part of his body to come in contact with the wire being strung.
• Apply the brake to the rim of the pay-out reel on the side opposite the direction the wire
is being pulled. A crossarm or sidearm may be used as a brake.
• Hold the loose ends of jumpers in the clear, or have someone at each end hold them if
• Keep the tie wire coiled during installation or removal to prevent accidental contact with
an energized conductor.
• Test for voltage before removing a primary or secondary wire. The wire should be
rechecked by the foreman to ensure that it is dead.
• Treat the spans of wire to be removed as energized. Attach a rope to each end and lower
the spans one at a time.
• Make all possible connections to dead wires and equipment with only the final
connection made to the energized conductor.
• Never open the ground connection at a ground pipe or a bus bar unless it has first been
disconnected at the point of contact with the equipment it is intended to ground.
• Make the ground pipe connection first whenever a ground wire on a pole is to be
• Treat coil wires in the take-up reel that was used to coil the wires as energized when
removing the reel from the line arms. Attach a rope to the wires at the end farthest from
the take-up reel, and wear rubber gloves when tending the reel.
• Ensure proper direction of phase rotation when restoring three-phase power service.
• Identify cable while in the manhole before anyone cuts a cable or makes an opening in
the lead sheath or sleeve. Check its duct location with that shown on the working print.
Check the working print against the installation engineer's map records. Additionally,
check the cable identity by listening with an exploring coil for the pulsating beat of the
interrupter signal.
• Remove a 7.6 centimeter strip of lead around the cable and test it with two voltage
detectors after the cable has been identified and grounded. Do this one at a time, at two or
more points around the cable and at the center of the exposed insulation.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Place a hacksaw on the exposed cable insulation adjacent to and touching the grounded
lead sheet when cutting cable.
• Open the switch before working on an oil circuit breaker that has an operating bus feed
• Treat series circuits, series lamps, and devices in series circuits as energized unless they
are opened by disconnects.
• Never open a series circuit at the point where work is in progress, such as at lamps or
other series-circuit devices. Always bridge the point of the circuit being working on with
a jumper.
Follow these rules and procedures when working on high-voltage equipment operating at 5,000
volts or more:
• Do not work on more than one conductor at a time with live-line tools.
• Keep live-line tools dry and free from dirt.
• Dry and test tools subjected to damp weather before using them again.
• Protect live-line tools carried on line trucks to prevent scars and abrasions. Waterproof
canvas bags, compartments with padded hooks, or bins built into the truck may be used
for this purpose.
• Perform all work on de-energized circuits between two sets of grounds. Place one set on
the first pole or structure toward the source of energy and the other on the pole nearest
the load.
• Do not ground a supposedly dead circuit without first feeling out the circuit for a static
discharge with a switch pole.
• Net off energized equipment properly at the substation before working near it, and install
suitable barriers and warning signs.
• Remove substation apparatus from service when wiping, cleaning, repairing, or
performing other maintenance. Place hold cards on the main and control switches before
starting work. Use a red light to illuminate hold cards if they are not distinctly visible.
• Do not perform work on any apparatus until the electrical foreman has proved it to be
dead and safe.
• Do not approach or touch reactors and connected equipment unless they have been
disconnected from all live lines and have been grounded.
• Do not raise, move, or lower cables that are energized at voltages up to 12 kilovolts more
than 45.7 centimeters. Do not move cables that are energized at voltages over 12
• Discharge electrolytic and oxide-film lightning arresters by grounding and shorting the
horn gaps before touching the arresters.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Table 23 gives the minimum body clearance from energized lines and equipment.92
2(l)(12)(iii) Circuits93
2(l)(12)(iii)(a) De-energized94
Perform all electrical installation work on a de-energized (dead) circuit if possible. Rip the main
service-entrance switch, remove the fuses, and tag the switch. The tag should list the electrician's
name, the date, and the time that he turned the switch off. If existing conditions do not permit
this procedure, de-energize the circuit being repaired or modified by removing the branch circuit
fuses or tripping the circuit breaker connected to the branch circuits to OFF.
2(l)(12)(iii)(b) HOT95
Working on hot circuits is not recommended except in emergency situations. Only experienced
personnel who have been cautioned on the dangers involved should work on these circuits. AC
voltages as low as 67 volts and DC voltages as low as 110 volts have caused death by
When working on a hot line, closely follow the procedures listed below:
• Insulate yourself to prevent your body from becoming a conductor path for the current
• Work on only one side of the circuit at a time.
• Use insulating gloves at all times and stand on nonconducting materials.
• Ensure that all equipment, tools, and wearing apparel is dry, because dry materials offer
more resistance to the flow of electricity than do moistened or wet items.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(l)(12)(iii)(c) Protection96
Fuses or circuit breakers are installed as overload and short-circuit protection for circuit
components and connected loads. Limit their selection with regard to ampere rating to the
maximum value allowable for the smallest conductor or equipment used in the circuit.
2(l)(12)(iii)(d) Overload97
Determine the cause of trouble and rewire overloaded circuits by increasing the wire size of the
run or dividing the connected load into several circuits.
2(l)(12)(iii)(e) Bypassed 98
Do not use jumpers to bypass the fuse, and do not remove the circuit-breaker protection from the
circuit except when testing for short circuits. These primary safety devices are of vital
importance in a circuit installation.
• Prevent moisture from entering when removing covers from oil-filled transformers.
• Do not allow tools, bolts, nuts, or similar objects to drop into the transformers.
• Tie tools or parts with suitable twine.
• Have workers empty their pockets of lose articles such as knives, keys, and watches.
• Remove all oil from transformer covers, the floor, and the scaffold to eliminate slipping
• Exhaust gaseous vapor with an air blower before allowing work in large transformer
cases because they usually contain some gaseous fumes and are not well ventilated.
• Stay away from the base of the pole or structure while transformers are being raised or
• Ensure that anyone working on a pole or structure takes a position above or well clear of
transformers while the transformers are being raised or supported with blocks.
• Ground the secondary side of a transformer before energizing it except when the
transformer is part of an ungrounded delta bank.
• Make an individual secondary-voltage test on all transformers before connecting them to
secondary mains. On banks of three transformers connected Y-delta, bring in the primary
neutral and leave it connected until the secondary connections have been completed to
get a true indication on the lamp tests.
• Disconnect secondary-phase leads before opening primary cutouts when taking a
paralleled transformer out of service. Do not disconnect secondary neutral or ground
connections until you have opened the primary cutouts.
• Do not stand on top of energized transformers unless absolutely necessary and then only
with the permission of the foreman and after all possible precautions have been taken.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
These precautions include placing a rubber blanket protected with a rubbish bag over the
transformer cover. Do not wear climbers.
• Treat the grounded case of a connected transformer the same as any grounded conductor.
Treat the ungrounded case of a connected transformer the same as any energized
conductor because the case may become energized if transformer windings break down.
• Ensure that the breaker cannot be opened or closed automatically before working on an
oil circuit breaker and that it is in the open position or the operating mechanism is
• Ensure that metal-clad switching equipment is de-energized before working on it.
• Ensure that regulators are off the automatic position and set in the neutral position before
doing any switching on a regulated feeder.
• Do not break the charging current of a regulator or large substation transformer by
opening disconnect switches because a dangerous arc may result. Use oil or air brake
switches unless special instructions to do otherwise have been issued by the proper
• Do not operate outdoor disconnecting switches without using the disconnect pole
provided for this purpose.
• Ensure that all contacts are actually open and that safe clearance is obtained on all three
phases each time an air brake switch is opened. Do not depend on the position of the
operating handle as evidence that the switch is open.
• Do not operate switches or disconnect switches without proper authority and then only if
thoroughly familiar with the equipment.
• Remove potential transformer fuses with wooden tongs. Wear rubber gloves and leather
over gloves.
• Do not open or remove disconnect switches when carrying load. First open the oil circuit
breaker in series with the switches. Open disconnect switches slowly and reclose
immediately if an arc is drawn.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(l)(16) Bibliography, website,
IEEE Conference Record of 2006 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, June
18-23, 2006,
Nigerian Fire Protection Association, 70E-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1910, Electrical Standards, Federal
Register Vol. 46, No. 11, Friday, January 16, 1981.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy
Source), September 1, 1989.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1910.269, Electric Power Generation,
Transmission, and Distribution, January 31, 1994.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(m)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(m)(1) Introduction
This safety procedure provides guidelines for safely working around electrical hazards. It
includes provisions for training, lockout requirements, and specific types of work practices and
the required precautionary practices when using portable electric equipment. The reader may
refer to other sections of the Standards for specific guidelines on the use of safety equipment and
various safe work practices.
2(m)(2) Training
It is the responsibility of each exposed employee’s immediate supervisor to ensure that the
employee has received the training necessary to safely perform his or her duties. This training
will be given via classroom and on-the-job instruction and is to be documented. Exposed
employees shall be trained in and familiar with the safety related work practices required by
NERC as they pertain to their respective job assignments. Additional training requirements for
Qualified Persons are also mandated.
Employees will be trained in specific hazards associated with their potential exposure. This
training will include isolation of energy, hazard identification, premises wiring, connection to
supply, generation, transmission, distribution installations, clearance distances, use of personal
protective equipment and insulated tools, and emergency procedures.
• The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from other parts of
electric equipment.
• The skills and techniques necessary to determine the nominal voltage of exposed live
• The clearance distances specified in Table 24 and the corresponding voltage to which the
qualified person will be exposed.
Safety related work practices will be used to prevent electric shock or other injuries resulting
from either direct or indirect electrical contacts. Safety related work practices will be consistent
with the nature and extent of the associated electrical hazards. Specific types of work practices
covered by this safety procedure include:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Vehicular and mechanical equipment near overhead lines and underground lines;
• Illumination;
• Conductive materials and equipment;
• Portable Ladders; and
• Housekeeping.
Prior to each shift, a visual inspection will be performed for external defects and for possible
internal damage. Attachment plugs and receptacles may not be connected or altered in a manner
that would prevent proper continuity of the equipment grounding conductor.
In addition, these devices may not be altered to allow the grounding pole of a plug to be inserted
into slots intended for connection to the current-carrying conductors.
Portable electric equipment and flexible cords used in highly conductive work locations or in job
locations where employees are likely to contact water or conductive liquids shall be approved by
the manufacturer for those locations. The hazardous locations that employees should be aware of
include, wet locations and locations where combustible or flammable atmospheres are present.
For wet locations, employees’ hands will not be wet when plugging and unplugging energized
equipment. Energized plug and receptacle connections will be handled only with protective
equipment if the condition could provide a conductive path to the employee’s hand (if, for
example, a cord connector is wet from being immersed in water). In addition, ground-fault
circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection is required for some equipment/locations and is also
recommended for use in all wet or highly conductive locations.
For combustible/flammable atmospheres, all electric equipment and wiring systems in classified
locations must meet The Nigerian Electric Code requirements for that particular classification.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Additionally, other ways of protecting employees from the hazards of electrical shock will be
implemented, including insulation and guarding of live parts. The insulation must be appropriate
for the voltage and the insulating material must be undamaged, clean, and dry.
Guarding prevents the employee from coming too close to energized parts. It can be in the form
of a physical barricade or it can be provided by installing the live parts out of reach from the
working surface.
When any employee is exposed to direct or indirect contact with parts of fixed electrical
equipment or circuits which have been de-energized, the electrical energy source will be locked
Only Qualified Persons will be allowed to perform work directly on energized parts or
equipment. Qualified Persons will be capable of working safely on energized circuits and will be
familiar with special precautionary techniques, personal protective equipment, insulating and
shielding materials and insulated tools. Qualified Persons must also have received the training
required in this safety procedure.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(m)(4)(vii) Illumination
Employees will be provided with adequate light to work on energized equipment or equipment
will be relocated to ensure adequate light is available.
If the equipment is an aerial lift insulated for the voltage involved and if the work is performed
by a Qualified Person, the clearance may be reduced to a distance given in Table 24. If protective
measures such as guarding or isolation are provided, these measures must protect the employee
from contacting such lines directly with any part of the body
or indirectly through conductive materials, tools, or equipment.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(m)(4)(xiii) Wiring
Temporary wiring that is being used on a permanent basis should be replaced with fixed wiring.
Conduit and/or cable systems must be protected from damage by vehicles or other mobile
equipment. All fittings and connections to junction boxes and other equipment must be secure.
No exposed wiring can be allowed. Check for missing knockouts and cover plates. Jerry-rigged
splices on flexible cords and cables should be correctly repaired. Electrical equipment should be
installed in a neat and professional manner. Check for damaged insulation on flexible cords and
pendant drop cords.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(n)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(n)(1) Introduction
Ensure that all individuals are protected from accidental or unexpected activation of mechanical
and/or electrical equipment during the maintenance, repairing, cleaning, servicing, and/or
adjusting of machinery or equipment.
1. Know the location of electrical panels and disconnect switches in or near your work area
so that power can be quickly shut down in the event of a fire or electrical accident. To
enhance safety, post the location of the electrical panel on the equipment it services.
2. Label electrical panels to indicate what equipment or power source they control. A
minimum .91 meter clearance must be maintained around electrical panels at all times to
permit ready and safe operation and maintenance of such equipment.
3. Do not overload circuits or wiring. Overloading can lead to overheated wires and arcing,
which can cause fires and electrical shock injuries.
4. Inspect all electrical equipment before use to ensure that cords and plugs are in good
condition – not worn, twisted, frayed, abraded, corroded, or with exposed wires or
missing ground pins. Live parts must be effectively insulated or physically guarded.
Equipment with damaged or defective cords or plugs should be taken out of service
immediately and repaired by qualified personnel.
5. Ensure that all electrical outlets have a grounding connection requiring a three-pronged
plug. All electrical equipment should have three-pronged, grounded plugs or be double-
6. Ensure that electrical outlets, wiring, and other electrical equipment integral to the
building are only serviced and repaired by qualified trades personnel or other qualified
7. Work on electrical equipment must be done only after the power has been disconnected.
The power cord must be unplugged and under the exclusive control of the person
performing the work so that the equipment cannot be accidentally turned on by someone
else. The main disconnect device or circuit breaker must be shut off and locked and
tagged with a special padlock and tag. Service and/or repair work on hard-wired
equipment may only be carried out by authorized individuals who have received
Lockout/Tag out training.
8. Limit the use of extension cords. In all other cases, request the installation of a new
electrical outlet. Do not use extension cords as substitution for fixed receptacle outlets.
Long-term use of extension cords is a violation. The long-term use of multi-outlet power
strips is also illegal, except for use with computer equipment.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Standard 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S - Electrical
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
9. Ensure that all extension cords used are carefully placed, visible, and not subject to
damage. Cords must not run across aisles or corridors where they might be damaged or
create a tripping hazard. Cords must not run through doors, walls or partitions, under
rugs, or above dropped ceilings. They must not be tied in knots, draped overhead, or
attached to walls.
10. Ensure that the wire size of an extension cord is adequate for the current to be carried.
Failure to do so can lead to electrical fires. Cords used for 110-120 volt service should be
UL listed with a polarized three prong plug. Extension cords must never be linked
together—use the proper length extension cord needed for the application.
11. Keep corrosive chemicals and organic solvents away from electrical cord—these can
easily erode the insulation on wires.
12. Keep flammable materials away from electrical equipment.
13. Keep electrical equipment away from wet or damp locations or potential water spillage,
unless specifically rated for use under such conditions.
14. Do not handle electrical equipment when hands, feet, or body are wet or perspiring or
when standing on a wet floor.
15. Do not sure adapters which interrupt continuity of equipment grounding connections.
16. Ensure that only authorized workers perform testing work on electric circuits or
equipment that may expose them to shock or arc-flash hazard.
17. Do not reset a circuit breaker that has tripped unless it has been determined that the
equipment and circuit can be safely energized.
18. Do not remove covers from electrical equipment that could expose energized un-
insulated parts. Keep space clear around electrical; ensure that nothing is stored in this
dedicated space. Marking the floor to indicate the following dimensions is encouraged:
a. 91.4 centimeters for 150 volts to ground or less;
b. 106.7 centimeters for 151 volts to 600 volts;
c. Width of 76.2 centimeters or width of equipment, whichever is greater.
Clearance is increased 10 cm for every 10 kV over 50kV if the voltage of the overhead line is
more than 50 kV.
Under any of the following conditions, the above clearance may be reduced:
• For vehicles in transit with its structure lowered, the clearance may be reduced to 122 cm
for 50 kV or 122 cm plus 10.2 cm for every 10 kV over 50 kV.
• The clearance may be reduced to distance within the designed working dimensions of the
insulating barrier if the insulating barriers are installed to avoid contact with the lines and
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Standard 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S - Electrical
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
if the barriers are rated for the voltage of the line being guarded and are not a part of an
attachment to the vehicle or its elevated structure.
• The clearance between the un-insulated portion of the lift and the power line may be
reduced to distance given in the above if the equipment is an aerial lift insulated for the
voltage involved, and if the work is performed by a qualified person.
• When working on the ground, avoid contact with the vehicle or mechanical equipment or
any of its attachments, unless:
• Using protective equipment rated for the voltage; or if the equipment is positioned so that
no un-insulated part may provide a conductive part to individuals on the ground can come
closer to the line than 3.05 meters or 3.15 meters for every ten (10) kV over 50 kV.
• Individuals may not work on the ground when any vehicle or mechanical equipment has
elevated part near energized overhead lines and is grounded due to possible overhead line
contact. Additional precautionary measures should be taken as necessary to protect
individuals from hazardous ground conditions which can develop within a few feet from
the grounding point such as barricades or insulation.
Visual Inspection
1. Inspect portable cord-and plugged-connected equipment and flexible cord sets (extension
cords) before use on any shift for external defects such as loose parts, deformed and
missing pins, or damage to the outer jacket or insulation and for possible internal damage
such as pinched or crushed outer jacket.
2. Remove the defected or damaged item from service which might expose employees to
injury are detected, and prevent employees from using it until it is repaired and tested to
ensure it is safe to use.
3. Ensure the plug and receptacle contacts match prior to connecting an attachment to a
Grounding-type Equipment
1. Flexible cords used with grounding-type equipment must contain an equipment
grounding conductor.
2. Attachment plugs and receptacles are not connected or altered in a manner which
prevents proper continuity of the ground the point where plugs are attached to
3. Plugs and receptacle are not altered to allow the grounding pole to be inserted into
current connector slots.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Standard 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S - Electrical
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
4. Adapters which interrupt the continuity of the equipment grounding connection are not
2(n)(6) Bibliography
Environmental Health & Safety, Lockout/Tagout Procedure, Sonoma State University,
Nigerian Fire Protection Association, 70E-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace,
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Standard 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S -
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Standard 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S - Electrical
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(o)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(o)(1) Introduction
Ladders are major sources of injuries and fatalities among construction workers for example, and
many of the injuries are serious enough to require time off the job. Although ladders are
uncomplicated, planning and care are still required to use them safely.
Install all ladder fall protection systems required by these rules and ensure that their worksite
meets all requirements of the ladder rules before employees use ladders.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
– Double-cleated ladders or two or more ladders must be provided when ladders are
the only way to enter or exit a work area where 25 or more employees work or
when a ladder serves simultaneous two-way traffic.
– Ladder rungs, cleats and steps must be parallel, level and uniformly spaced when
the ladder is in position for use.
– Rungs, cleats and steps of portable and fixed ladders (except as provided below)
must not be spaced less than 25 cm apart, nor more than 36 cm apart, along the
ladder’s side rails.
– Rungs, cleats and steps of step stools must not be less than 20 cm apart, nor more
than 31 cm apart, between center lines of the rungs, cleats and steps.
– Rungs, cleats and steps at the base section of extension trestle ladders must not be
less than 20 cm nor more than 46 cm apart, between center lines of the rungs,
cleats and steps. The rung spacing on the extension section must not be less 15 cm
nor more than 31 cm.
– Ladders must not be tied or fastened together to create longer sections unless they
are specifically designed for such use.
– When splicing side rails, the resulting side rail must be equivalent in strength to a
one-piece side rail made of the same material.
– Two or more separate ladders used to reach an elevated work area must be offset
with a platform or landing between the ladders, except when portable ladders are
used to gain access to fixed ladders.
– Ladder components must be surfaced to prevent snagging of clothing and injury
from punctures or lacerations.
– Wood ladders must not be coated with any opaque covering except for
identification or warning labels, which may be placed only on one face of a side
• Do not use the top or top step of a stepladder as a step.
• Do not use cross bracing on the rear section of stepladders for climbing unless the ladders
are designed and provided with steps for climbing on both front and rear sections.
• Provide metal spreader or locking devices must be on stepladders to hold the front and
back sections in an open position when ladders are being used.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Portable Ladders110
• Minimum clear distance between side rails for all portable ladders must be 29 cm.
• Rungs and steps of portable metal ladders must be corrugated, knurled, dimpled, coated
with skid-resistant material or treated to minimize slipping.
• Non-self-supporting and self-supporting portable ladders must support at least four times
the maximum intended load; extra heavy-duty type 1A metal or plastic ladders must
sustain 3.3 times the maximum intended load.
• Extend side rails at least .9 m above the upper landing surface when portable ladders are
used for access to an upper landing surface. If such an extension is not possible, secure
the ladder and use a grasping device such as a grab rail to assist workers in mounting and
dismounting the ladder.
Fixed Ladders111
If the total length of the climb on a fixed ladder equals or exceeds 7.3 m, the ladder must be
equipped with:
Sections ladders must be offset from adjacent sections and landing platforms must be provided at
maximum intervals of 15.2 m.
Fixed ladders should also meet the following requirements and standards:
• Able to support at least two loads of 114 kg each, concentrated between any two
consecutive attachments. Must also support added anticipated loads caused by ice
buildup, winds, rigging and impact loads resulting from using ladder safety devices.
• Extend individual rung/step ladders at least 1.1 m above an access level or landing
platform either by the continuation of the rung spacings as horizontal grab bars or by
providing vertical grab bars that must have the same lateral spacing as the vertical legs of
the ladder rails.
• Each step or rung of a fixed ladder must be able to support a load of at least 114 kg
applied in the middle of the step or rung.
• Minimum clear distance between the sides of individual rung/step ladders and between
the side rails of other fixed ladders must be 41 cm.
• Rungs of individual rung/step ladders must be shaped to prevent slipping off the end of
the rungs.
• Minimum perpendicular clearance between fixed ladder rungs, cleats, and steps and any
obstruction behind the ladder must be 18 cm, except that the clearance for an elevator pit
ladder must be 11 cm.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Minimum perpendicular clearance between the centerline of fixed ladder rungs, cleats
and steps, and any obstruction on the climbing side of the ladder must be 76 cm. If
obstructions are unavoidable, clearance may be reduced to 61 cm, provided a deflection
device is installed to guide workers around the obstruction.
• Step-across distance between the center of the steps or rungs of fixed ladders and the
nearest edge of a landing area must be no less than 18 cm and no more than
30 cm.
• Provide a landing platform if the step-across distance exceeds 30 cm.
• Fixed ladders without cages or wells must have at least a 38 cm clearance width to the
nearest permanent object on each side of the centerline of the ladder.
• Provide fixed ladders with cages, wells, ladder safety devices or self-retracting lifelines
where the length of climb is less than 7.3 m but the top of the ladder is at a distance
greater than 7.3 m above lower levels.
• Side rails of through or side-step fixed ladders must extend 1.1 m above the top level or
landing platform served by the ladder.
• Parapet ladders must have an access level at the roof if the parapet is cut to permit
passage through it. If the parapet is continuous, the access level is the top of the parapet.
• Steps or rungs for through-fixed-ladder extensions must be omitted from the extension;
and the extension of side rails must be flared to provide between 61 cm and 76 cm
clearance between side rails.
• Maximum clearance distance between side rail extensions must not exceed 91 cm when
safety devices are provided.
• Use fixed ladders at a pitch no greater than 90 degrees from the horizontal, measured
from the back side of the ladder.
• Fastened horizontal bands to the side rails of rail ladders or directly to the structure,
building or equipment for individual-rung ladders.
• Position vertical bars on the inside of the horizontal bands.
• Fasten vertical bars to the horizontal bands.
• Cages must not extend less than 68 cm, or more than 76 cm from the centerline of the
step or rung and must not be less than 68 cm wide.
• Clear insides of cages of projections.
• Space horizontal bands at intervals not more than 1.2 m apart measured from centerline
to centerline.
• Space vertical bars at intervals not more than 24 cm, measured centerline to centerline.
• Bottoms of cages must be between 2.1 m and 2.4 m above the point of access to the
bottom of the ladder.
• Flare bottom of the cage not less than 10 cm between the bottom horizontal band and the
next higher band.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Tops of cages must be a minimum of 1.1 m above the top of the platform or the point of
access at the top of the ladder. There must be a way to access the platform or other point
of access.
Ladder Safety Devices and Related Support Systems for Fixed Ladders114
• Connection between the carrier or lifeline and the point of attachment to the body belt or
harness must not exceed 23 cm in length.
• All safety devices must be able to withstand, without failure, a drop test consisting of a
226 kg weight dropping 41 cm.
• All safety devices must permit the worker to ascend or descend without continually
having to hold, push or pull any part of the device, leaving both hands free for climbing.
• All safety devices must be activated within .61 m after a fall occurs and limit the
descending velocity of an employee to 2.1 m/sec or less.
Defective Ladders116
Ladders needing repairs are subject to the following rules:
• Immediately label portable ladders with structural defects as defective or tagged with "Do
Not Use" or similar language. Withdraw ladder from service until repaired.
• Withdraw fixed ladders with structural defects from service until repaired.
• Ladder must be restored to a condition meeting its original design criteria before the
ladder is returned to use.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Prevention tips:
• Type I Industrial - Heavy-duty with a load capacity not more than 113.4 kg;
• Type II Commercial - Medium-duty with a load capacity not more than 102.7 kg (suited
for painting and similar tasks); and
• Type III Household - Light-duty with a load capacity of 90.72 kg.
Inspect aluminum or steel ladders for rough burrs and sharp edges before use. Inspect closely for
loose joints and bolts, faulty welds and cracks. Make sure the hooks and locks on extension
ladders are in good condition. Replace worn or frayed ropes on extension ladders at once.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Fiberglass ladders should have a surface coat of lacquer maintained. If scratched beyond normal
wear, lightly sand before applying a coat of lacquer.
• Place the bottom of a ladder firmly against the base of a building or stationary object.
• Lift the top of ladder, and pull upwards to raise a ladder to a vertical position.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• missing or loose steps or rungs (they are loose if you can move them by hand);
• damaged or worn non-slip feet;
• loose nails, screws, bolts or nuts;
• loose or faulty spreaders, locks, and other metal parts in poor repair;
• rot, decay or warped rails in wooden ladders;
• cracks and exposed fiberglass in fiberglass ladders;
• cracked, split, worn or broken rails, braces, steps or rungs;
• sharp edges on rails and rungs;
• rough or splintered surfaces;
• corrosion, rust, oxidization and excessive wear, especially on treads twisted or distorted
• distortion by sighting along the rails;
• wobble;
• loose or bent hinges and hinge spreaders; and
• broken stop on a hinge spreader.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 3124-12R, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(o)(7) Bibliography
Nigerian Safety Council, Job Made Ladders, Data Sheet No. 1-568-76, 1976.
Nigerian Safety Council, Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, Ninth Edition,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(p)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(p)(1) Introduction
Appropriate procedures and caution are necessary to avoid personal injury during the movement
of products and materials via a forklift or power industrial truck.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Occupational Health and Medical Services.
Southern Methodist University, Risk Management and Environmental Health. & Safety Procedure, March 2004.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(p)(5) Operations127
• Remove a powered industrial truck from service if it is discovered to be defective, or
• Do not drive a truck or forklift up to an individual standing in front of a fixed object.
• Individuals are prohibited from standing or passing under an elevated portion of a truck.
• Unauthorized personnel are prohibited from riding on an industrial truck. Passengers may
only ride in a truck if there is an extra seat with a seatbelt.
• Individuals are prohibited from placing their arms or legs between the uprights of the
mast or outside the running lines of the truck.
• When a powered industrial truck is left unattended, the load engaging means must be
completely lowered, controls neutralized, power shut off, and brakes set. The wheels of
the truck must be blocked if the truck is parked on an incline.
• Maintain a safe distance from the edge of the ramps or the platforms on any elevated
dock, platform, or freight car. The trucks can not be used for opening or closing freight
• There must be sufficient headroom under overhead installations, lights, pipes, sprinkler
system, etc.
• Use an overhead guard for protection from falling objects. An overhead guard offers
protection from impact of small packages, boxes, bagged material, etc.
• A load backrest extension should be used to decrease the chance of the load or part of it
from falling backwards.
Southern Methodist University, Risk Management and Environmental Health. & Safety Procedure, March 2004.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Occupational Health and Medical Services.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(p)(6) Traveling128
• Observe all traffic regulations, including authorized speed limits and yielding to
• Maintain a safe distance, approximately three truck lengths from the truck ahead, and
keep the truck under control at all times.
• Yield the right of way to ambulances, fire trucks, or other vehicles in emergency
• Refrain from passing other trucks traveling in the same direction at intersections, blind
spots, or other dangerous locations.
• Slow down and use the horn at cross aisles and areas where vision is obstructed.
• Travel with the load trailing is the load carried is obstructing forward view.
• The loads should be tilted back and raised no more than six inches above the ground.
• Cross railroad tracks diagonally. Do not park closer than eight feet from the center of the
railroad tracks.
• Look in the direction of the path you are traveling and maintain a clear view ahead.
• Ascend and descend grades slowly, and position the load uphill in relation to the operator
during ascend or descend of grades.
• Use dock plate when loading rail cars and trailers. Secure dock board or bridge plates
before driving them over. Drive dock board or bridge plate slowly and carefully, never
exceeding their rated capacity.
• Be careful not to run over loose objects on the road.
• During turns, slow down to a safe speed and turn the steering wheel in a smooth motion.
When maneuvering at a low speed, turn the steering wheel at a moderate and even rate.
2(p)(7) Loading129
• When possible, handle stable or safely arranged loads that are centered – always use
caution when handling loads. Adjust the long or high loads that may affect capacity.
• Only handle loads within the rated capacity of the truck.
• Trucks equipped with attachments must be operated as partially loaded trucks when not
handling a load.
• A load engaging means must be placed under the load as far as possible. The mast must
be carefully tilted backward to stabilize the load.
• Use extreme caution when tilting the load forward or backward.
• Do not tilt an elevated load forward unless when the load is in a depositing position.
During stacking or tiering, only tilt enough to stabilize the load.
2(p)(8) Fueling130
• Do not fill the fuel tanks while the engine is running.
• Do not spill.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Occupational Health and Medical Services.
Southern Methodist University, Risk Management and Environmental Health. & Safety Procedure, March 2004.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Ensure that if oil or fuel spills, it is either washed away or evaporated, and that the fuel
tank cap is replaced before starting the engine.
• Do not operate truck with a leak in the fuel system.
• Do not use an open flame while checking the electrolyte level in storage batteries or
gasoline levels in fuel tanks.
2(p)(9) Maintenance131
• All power operated trucks that are unsafe must be removed from service and repaired by
authorized personnel.
• Conduct repairs to the fuel and ignition systems of industrial trucks that involve fire
hazards in designated area.
• Disconnect the battery in trucks when repairing the electric system.
• Use parts recommended by the manufacturer of the truck or forklift.
• Examine all industrial trucks prior to placing them in service. Remove the truck if it is
deemed unsafe. Examine trucks and forklifts before each shift if it is used round-the-
clock and correct necessary defects.
• Remove any truck if its temperature exceeds the normal operating temperature, therefore
creating potentially harmful conditions. Only put truck or forklift back in service if the
cause of temperature excess is rectified.
• Keep industrial trucks and forklifts in a clean condition, free of lint, excess oil, and
• Use noncombustible agents to clean the trucks and forklifts. Low flash point (below 37.8
degrees C) solvents must not be used. High flash point (at or above 37.8 degrees C)
solvents may be used.
2(p)(10) Training132
Choose an experienced operator to undergo forklift training. The training occurs under close
Trainees are permitted to operate a powered industrial truck under the following conditions:
• Under the direct supervision of qualified personnel, who have the knowledge, training,
and experience to train operators and evaluate their competence; and
• Where such operation does not endanger the trainee or other employees.
Southern Methodist University, Risk Management and Environmental Health. & Safety Procedure, March 2004.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Occupational Health and Medical Services.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Operating instructions, warnings, and precautions for the type of truck the operator will
be authorized to operate,
• Differences between the truck and automobiles,
• Truck controls and instrumentation,
• Engine or motor operation,
• Steering and maneuvering,
• Visibility (including restrictions due to loading),
• Fork and attachment adaptation, operation, and use limitations,
• Vehicle capacity,
• Vehicle stability,
• Vehicle inspection and maintenance that the operator will be required to perform,
• Refueling and/or charging and recharging of batteries,
• Operating limitations, and
• Operating instructions, warnings, or precautions listed in the operator's manual for the
types of vehicle that the employee is being trained to operate.
Workplace-related topics:
Refresher training in relevant topics must be provided to the operator in the following situations:
• The operator has been observed operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Occupational Health and Medical Services.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(p)(12) Bibliography
ACT WorkCover, WorkSafe Victoria publications,
Southern Methodist University, Risk Management and Environmental Health. & Safety
Procedure, March 2004.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(q)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
1. Center of Gravity - The center of gravity of any object is the point in the object where its
weight can be assumed to be concentrated or, stated in another way, it is the point in the
object around which its weight is evenly distributed. The location of the center of gravity
of a mobile crane depends primarily on the weight and location of its heaviest
components (boom, carrier, upperworks and counterweight).
2. Leverage Cranes use the principle of leverage to lift loads. Rotation of the upperworks
(cab, boom, counterweight, and load) changes the location of the crane's center of
gravity, its leverage point or fulcrum.
As the upperworks rotates, the leverage of a mobile crane fluctuates. This rotation causes the
crane's center of gravity to change and causes the distance between the crane's center of gravity
and its tipping axis to also change. Stability can be affected by the fluctuating leverage the crane
exerts on the load as it swings. The crane's rated capacity is therefore altered in the load chart to
compensate for those changes in leverage.
Provided the ground is capable of supporting the load, a crane can be made more stable by
moving the tipping axis further away from its center of gravity. The extra stability gained by
moving the tipping axis can then be used to carry larger/heavier loads.
3. Stability is the relationship of the load weight, angle of the boom and its radius (distance
from the cranes center of rotation to the center of load) to the center of gravity of the
load. The stability of a crane could also be affected by the support on which the crane is
resting. A crane's load rating is generally developed for operations under ideal conditions,
i.e., a level firm surface. Unlevel surfaces or soft ground therefore must be avoided. In
areas where soft ground poses a support problem for stability, mats and or blocking
should be used to distribute a crane's load and maintain a level stable condition.
In addition to overturning (stability failure), cranes can fail structurally if overloaded enough.
Structural failure may occur before a stability failure. In other words, a mobile crane's structure
may fail long before it tips. As loads are added beyond its rated capacity, a crane may fail
structurally before there is any sign of tipping. Structural failure is not limited to total fracture; it
includes all permanent damage such as overstressing, bending and twisting of any of the
components. When a crane is overstressed, the damage may not be apparent. Nevertheless, a
structural failure has occurred and overstressed components are then subject to catastrophic
failure at some future time.
4. Structural Integrity - The crane's main frame, crawler track and/or outrigger supports,
boom sections, and attachments are all considered part of the structural integrity of
lifting. In addition, all wire ropes, including stationary supports or attachment points, help
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
determine lifting capacity and are part of the overall structural integrity of a crane's lifting
capacity. The following elements may also affect structural integrity:
a. The load chart capacity in relationship to stability;
b. The boom angle limitations which affect stability and capacity; and
c. The knowledge of the length of boom and radius in determining capacity.
Stability failures are foreseeable, but in structural failure it is almost impossible to predict what
component will fail at any given time. No matter what the cause, if the crane is overloaded,
structural failure can occur.
Crane operators and personnel working with cranes need to be knowledgeable of basic crane
capacities, limitations, and specific job site restrictions, such as location of overhead electric
power lines, unstable soil, or high wind conditions. Personnel working around crane operations
also need to be aware of hoisting activities or any job restrictions imposed by crane operations,
and ensure job site coordination of cranes. Crane inspectors therefore should become aware of
these issues and, prior to starting an inspection, take time to observe the overall crane operations
with respect to load capacity, site coordination, and any job site restrictions in effect.
1. The employer shall comply with the manufacturer's specifications and limitations
applicable to the operation of any and all cranes and derricks. Where manufacturer's
specifications are not available, the limitations assigned to the equipment shall be based
on the determinations of a qualified engineer competent in this field and such
determinations will be appropriately documented and recorded. Attachments used with
cranes shall not exceed the capacity, rating, or scope recommended by the manufacturer.
2. Rated load capacities, and recommended operating speeds, special hazard warnings, or
instruction, shall be conspicuously posted on all equipment. Instructions or warnings
shall be visible to the operator while he is at his control station.
3. The employer shall designate a competent person who shall inspect all machinery and
equipment prior to each use, and during use, to make sure it is in safe operating
condition. Any deficiencies shall be repaired, or defective parts replaced, before
continued use.
4. A thorough, annual inspection of the hoisting machinery shall be made by an authorized
and competent person, or by a government or private agency. The employer shall
maintain a record of the dates and results of inspections for each hoisting machine and
piece of equipment.
5. Except where electrical distribution and transmission lines have been de-energized and
visibly grounded at point of work or where insulating barriers, not a part of or an
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
attachment to the equipment or machinery, have been erected to prevent physical contact
with the lines, equipment or machines shall be operated approximate to power lines only
in accordance with the following:
a. For lines rated 50 kV or below, minimum clearance between the lines and any part of
the crane or load shall be 3.05 meters;
b. For lines rated over 50 kV, minimum clearance between the lines and any part of the
crane or load shall be 3.05 meters plus 1.02 centimeters for each 1 kV over 50 kV, or
twice the length of the line insulator, but never less than 3.05 meters;
c. A person shall be designated to observe clearance of the equipment and give timely
warning for all operations, where it is difficult for the operator to maintain the desired
clearance by visual means;
d. Any overhead wire shall be considered to be an energized line unless and until the
person owning such line or the electrical utility authorities indicate that it is not an
energized line and it has been visibly grounded.
6. No modifications or additions which affect the capacity or safe operation of the
equipment shall be made by the employer without the manufacturer's written approval. In
no case shall the original safety factor of the equipment be reduced.
Observation of crane operations prior to an inspection, or simply asking how cranes have or will
be used, can indicate possible problem areas that may need a closer review during the inspection
2(q)(4)(i) Preinspection
Before the actual inspection, some general information about the crane operator's qualifications
and the crane's certifications should be gathered, such as:
• Operator Qualifications - Observe the operator in action and when the opportunity
permits ask a few question concerning the cranes capacity and restrictions imposed,
either due to activity involved in or functional limitations.
• Crane Records - Ask for inspection and maintenance records and verify that the
appropriate operator's manual and load charts are available for that particular crane in
1. Leveling - Has the crane operator set the crane up level and in a position for safe rotation
and operation?
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2. Outriggers - Are the outriggers, where applicable, extended and being used in accordance
with manufacturer's recommendations?
3. Stability - The relationship of the load weight, angle of boom, and its radius (the distance
from the cranes center of rotation to the center of load) to the center of gravity of the
load. Also, the condition of crane loading where the load moment acting to overturn the
crane is less than the moment of the crane available to resist overturning.
4. Structural Integrity - The crane's main frame, crawler, track and outrigger supports, boom
sections, and attachments are all considered part of structural components of lifting. In
addition, all wire ropes, including stationary supports, help determine lifting capacity and
are part of the structural elements of crane operations.
Cranes should not be used to handle materials or loads stored under electric power lines. In
addition, operation of mobile cranes near de-energized electric power lines is not recommended
until the following steps have been taken:
• The power company or owner of the power line has deenergized the lines.
• The lines are visibly grounded and appropriately marked at jobsite.
• Durable warning signs are installed at the operator's station and on the outside of the
crane identifying the clearance requirements between the crane/load and electrical power
• Qualified representatives of the power company or owner of the electrical power line are
on the job site to verify that the power lines have been de-energized or properly
• Availability - The crane operator must have in his/her possession the appropriate load
charts related to the crane in use and for the loads being lifted.
• Correct Use - The crane operator must show adequate understanding and proficient use of
the load charts as related to the equipment in use and the loads being lifted.
Accidents can be avoided by careful job planning. The person in charge must have a clear
understanding of the work to be performed and consider all potential dangers at the job site. A
safety plan must be developed for the job and must be explained to all personnel involved in the
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Before operations begin for the day, a walkaround inspection needs to be conducted to ensure
that the machine is in proper working condition. Only qualified and properly designated people
shall operate the crane. Regular inspections are important; they provide a means of detecting
potential hazards or conditions that could contribute to a sequence of events leading to an
accident. Safe, reliable, and the economic operation of lifting equipment, cannot be ensured
without regular safety inspections and thorough preventive maintenance programs. A thorough
inspection program can forecast maintenance needs or potential equipment failures or
malfunctions. The lack of such a program could result in serious deterioration of the equipment
which might lead to excessive replacement, or repair charges, as well as an increased potential
for accidents.
Due to the wide variation of conditions under which a crane may operate, it is impossible for the
manufacturer to determine inspection intervals appropriate for every situation. Inspection
intervals recommended in manufacturer's publications represent minimum intervals for average
operating conditions. More frequent inspection intervals should be required if use and site
conditions are severe and warrant it. Inspections are also designed as maintenance checks and/or
as a verification that proper repairs or modifications of equipment have been completed which, if
not checked could affect capacities as well as personnel safety. Since the initial load rating for
cranes was determined and set under ideal conditions, inspections are required by manufacturers
to guarantee optimal operating efficiency and capacity as determined by the load charts.
The American Nigerian Standards Institute, ANSI B30.5, (1968), and OSHA both require
inspections to be divided into two categories: frequent and periodic. In addition to the
performance of these regular inspections, equipment is required to be inspected and tested to
ensure that it is capable of safe and reliable operation when initially set or placed in service and
after any major repairs or any design modification.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
e. Visually inspect the boom and jib for straightness and any evidence of physical
damage, such as cracking, bending, or any other deformation of the welds. Look for
corrosion under any attachments that are connected to the chords and lacing. Watch
carefully for cracking or flaking of paint. This may indicate fatigue of the metal
which often precedes a failure. On lattice booms, look for bent lacing. If they are
kinked or bent, the main chord can lose substantial support in that area. When lacing
is bent, the ends also tend to draw together which pulls the main chords out of shape.
This precaution is especially important on tubular booms where every component
must be straight and free from any dents. Do not attempt to straighten these members
by hammering or heating them and drawing them out. They must be cut out and
replaced with lacing to the manufacturer's specifications, procedures, and approval.
f. Inspect tires for cuts, tears, breaks, and proper inflation.
g. Visually inspect the crane for fluid leaks, both air and hydraulic.
h. Visually check that the crane is properly lubricated. The fuel, lubricating oil, coolant
and hydraulic oil reservoirs should be filled to proper levels.
i. Check that the crane is equipped with a fully charged fire extinguisher and that the
operator knows how to use it.
j. Check all functional operating mechanisms such as: sheaves, drums, brakes, locking
mechanisms, hooks, the boom, jib, hook rollers brackets, outrigger components, limit
switches, safety devices, hydraulic cylinders, instruments, and lights.
k. Check the turntable connections for weld cracks and loose or missing bolts. If they
are loose, there is a good chance that they have been stretched.
l. When checking the outriggers be sure that neither the beams nor the cylinders are
distorted. Check that the welds are not cracked and that both the beams and cylinders
extend and retract smoothly and hold the load. Check the condition of the floats, and
check that they are securely attached.
m. Inspect and test all brakes and clutches for proper adjustment and operation.
n. Always inspect boom hoist lockout and other operator aids, such as anti-two-block
devices (ATB) and load moment indicators (LMI), for proper operation and
o. While the engine is running, check all gauges and warning lights for proper readings
and operate all controls to see that they are functioning properly.
p. Check for any broken or cracked glass that may affect the view of the operator.
2. Periodic Inspections (1 to 12 month intervals). The periodic inspection procedure is
intended to determine the need for repair or replacement of components to keep the
machine in proper operating condition. It includes those items listed for daily inspections
as well as, but not limited to, structural defects, excessive wear, and hydraulic or air
Inspection records of the inspected crane shall be maintained monthly on critical items in use,
such as brakes, crane hooks, and ropes. These inspection records should include, the date of
inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection, and the serial number, or
other identifier. This inspection record should be kept readily available for review. The
manufacturer's maintenance and inspection records, forms/checklist, or equivalent should be
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
1. Inspect the entire crane for structural damage. Be careful to check for distortion or cracks
in main frame, outrigger assemblies, and structural attachments of the upperworks to the
2. Inspect all welded connections for cracks. Inspect the main chords and lacings and other
structural items for paint flaking and cracking which may indicate potential failure, as
well as for dents, bends, abrasions, and corrosion. Check hydraulic booms for bending,
side sway, or droop.
3. Check for deformed, cracked, or corroded members in the load/stress bearing structure.
Magnetic particle or other suitable crack detecting inspection should be performed at
least once each year by an inspection agency retained by the owner. Inspection reports
should be requested and retained in the crane file.
4. Inspect cracked or worn sheaves and drums.
5. Inspect for worn, cracked, or distorted parts such as: pins, bearings, shafts, gears, rollers,
locking devices, hook roller brackets, removable outrigger attachments lugs, and welds.
6. Inspect for excessive wear on brake and clutch system parts, linings, pawls, and ratchets.
7. Inspect all indicators, including load and boom angle indicators, for proper operation and
8. Inspect all power plants for proper operation.
9. Inspect for excessive wear on drive sprockets and/or chain stretch.
10. Inspect for correct action of steering, braking, and locking devices.
11. Check that the counterweight is secure.
12. Check that the identification number is permanently and legibly marked on jibs, blocks,
equalizer beams, and all other accessories.
13. Inspect all hydraulic and pneumatic hoses, fittings, and tubing. Any deterioration of any
system component should cause the inspector to question whether further use would
constitute a safety hazard. Conditions, such as the following, require replacement of the
part in question:
a. Any evidence of oil or air leaks on the surfaces of flexible hoses or at the point at
which the hose in question joins the metal end couplings.
b. Any abnormal deformation of the outer covering of hydraulic hose, including any
enlargement, local or otherwise.
c. Any leakage at connections which cannot be eliminated by normal tightening.
d. Any evidence of abrasive wear that could have reduced the pressure retaining
capabilities of the hose or tube effected. The cause of the rubbing or abrasion must be
immediately eliminated.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1. Request for and review all inspection and maintenance documents for the crane being
inspected, including the crane manufacturer's inspection and maintenance requirements.
2. Conduct a walkaround inspection, paying particular attention to mechanical systems
leaks or damage (oil, hydraulic, air) and structural deficiencies.
3. Look at crane cab for properly marked controls, damaged instruments and for properly
displayed and legible load charts.
4. Ask the operator, ground crew (riggers), and/or supervisor’s appropriate questions on
load charts, rigging and load weight determinations, and capacities.
5. Request the operator to raise and lower the boom/load line, where practical, and inspect,
from the cab position, the running line or rope of the main hoist drum and secondary line
or jib line. Check brake action and its ability to stop.
6. If practical, request the operator to lower boom to look at the condition of booms
sections, lacing, lifting components, anti-two-block devices, jib back stops, and the
condition of the hook.
7. Check crane set up and stability of outriggers on hydraulics and/or the effectiveness of
cribbing on crawlers. if possible, request that the crane be rotated to check all clearances
and overall stability.
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Table 26 shows the items that need to be examined for the Grove Rough Terrain 45 U.S. Ton
Hydraulic Crane and their corresponding applicable OSHA 29 CFR 1926 and ANSI B30.5
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Boom Sections
(Boom sections correspond with crane
---------- 1. 5-2.1.3
---------- 2.
---------- 3. Boom Stops
---------- 4.
---------- 5. Hoist Line Guides/Sheaves
---------- 6.
---------- 7.
1926.550(b) 8. Jib Attachment/
Backstops/Belly Slings
Sheave System
1. Ensure Hoist Line and Sheave
Size Match 5-1.7.4
2. Worn
3. Lubrication/Move Freely
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Engine Housing
1926.550(a)(8) 1. Cleanliness/No Rags/Trash 5-1.9.6
1926.550(a)(13)(ii) & (iii) 2. Gear/Machinery Guards 5-1.8.2 & 3
--------- 3. Clear Access/Walkways ----------
1926.550(a)(4) 4. Brakes/Clutch Adjustments 5-2 (Fig.16)
---------- 5. Hand Signal Illustration 5-1.4
---------- 6. Swing Break
1. Glass/Visibility
1926.550(a)(12) 2. Instruments and Controls ----------
----------- 3. Functioning Horn (warning 5-
---------- signal) ----------
4. Fire Extinguisher
1926.550(a)(14)(i) 5. Appropriate Load Charts and 5-3.4.9
1926.550(a)(2) Warning Signs 5-
1926.550(a)(13) & 6. Proper and Adequate Access 5-1.8.2 & 3
1926.550(a)(13)(iii) (steps/walkway)
Hoist Drum System
1. Proper Size and Spoiling of 5-1.3.1 & 2
2. Drum Sides/Shields for Cracks
3. Dogs/Pawls/Locking Devices
4. Drum Rotation vs. Control
5. Clutch and Brakes
Boom Sections
(Boom sections correspond with crane
---------- 1. Base Section Properly Attached 5-2.1.3
2. Pin Clearance
---------- 3. Boom Lacing/Cord Damage
---------- 4. Boom Stops
---------- 5. Gantry System A-Frame
---------- 6. Hoist Line Guides/Sheaves
---------- 7. Boom Section Connection
---------- Pins/Keys
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(q)(5) Definitions
Auxiliary Hoist - A supplemental hoisting unit, usually of lower load rating and higher speed
than the main hoist.
Axis of Rotation - The vertical axis around which the crane's superstructure rotates.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Boom - In cranes and derricks usage, an inclined spar, strut, or other long member supporting the
hoisting tackle. Also defined as a structural member attached to the revolving superstructure used
for guiding and acting as a support for the load.
Boom Angle Indicator - An accessory device that measures the angle of the boom base section
centerline to horizontal.
Boom Stops - A devise used to limit the angle of the boom at its highest position.
Brake – A device used for retarding or stopping motion by friction or power means.
Block - Sheaves or grooved pulleys in a frame provided with hook, eye, and strap.
Crane - A machine consisting of a rotating superstructure for lifting and lowering a load and
moving it horizontally on either rubber tires or crawler treads.
Counterweight - Weights used for balancing loads and the weight of the crane in providing
stability for lifting.
Drum - The spool or cylindrical member around which cables are wound for raising and
lowering loads.
Gantry - A structural frame work (also known as an A Frame) mounted on the revolving
superstructure of the crane to which the boom supporting cables are reeved.
Headache Ball - Heavy weight attached above the hook on a single line or whip line to provide
sufficient weight to lower the hook when unloaded.
Holding Brake - A brake that automatically sets to prevent motion when power is off.
Jib - An extension attached to the boom point to provide added boom length for lifting specified
Load - The weight of the object being lifted or lowered, including load block, ropes, slings,
shackles, and any other ancillary attachment.
Load Block - The assembly of the hook or shackles, swivel, sheaves, pins, and frame suspended
from the boom point.
Main Hoist - Hoist system or boom used for raising and lowering loads up to maximum rated
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Mechanical Load Brake - An automatic type of friction brake used for controlling loads in the
lowering direction. This device requires torque from the motor to lower a load but does not
impose additional loads on the motor when lifting a load.
Outriggers - Support members attached to the crane's carrier frame which are used to the crane
and may be blocked up to increase stability.
Pawl - Also known as "dog". It is a gear locking device for positively holding the gears against
Radius - The horizontal distance from the axis of rotation of the crane's superstructure to the
center of the suspended load.
Reeving - The path that a rope takes in adapting itself to all sheaves and drums of a piece of
Superstructure - The rotating frame, gantry and boom or other operating equipment.
Test Load - Any load or force, expressed in pounds, used for testing or certifying the limitations
within acceptable tolerances of the anticipated load.
Two-Block - The condition in which the lower load lock or hook assembly comes in contact
with the upper load block or boom point sheave assembly.
Quadrant of Operation - The area of operation that the lift is being made in. Usually divided
into four quadrants i.e. front, rear and side(s) - left side and right side.
2(q)(6) Bibliography
The American Nigerian Standards Institute, ANSI B30.5, 1968.
American Nigerian Standards Institute, Overhead and Gantry Cranes B30.5 Standards.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(r)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(r)(1) Introduction
When scaffolds, conductive tools, or other materials contact overhead power lines (see Figure
12), workers receive serious and often fatal injuries. Data from the U.S. Nigerian Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Nigerian Traumatic Occupational Fatalities (NTOF)
database indicate that nearly 6,500 traumatic work-related deaths occur each year in the United
States; an estimated 7% of these fatalities are electrocutions [NIOSH 1991]. The NTOF data
base also shows that from 1980 through 1986, at least 25 deaths resulted when workers contacted
overhead power lines while erecting or moving scaffolds or while using conductive tools on
A review of the NTOF data has revealed that many occupational groups (e.g., brickmasons,
carpenters, painters, construction laborers, and plasterers) as well as the general public are at risk
of electrocution because their jobs involve working from scaffolds near overhead power lines
[NIOSH 1991].
This section provides safety guidelines for the use of scaffolds and other work platforms.
Additional safe work practices and procedures concerning working near overhead powerlines
can be found in Sec.(s).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Provide safe access to get on and off scaffolds and work platforms safely. Use ladders
• Keep scaffolds and work platforms free of debris. Keep tools and materials as neat as
possible on scaffolds and platforms. These practices will help prevent materials from
falling and workers from tripping.
• Erect scaffolds on firm and level foundations.
• Finished floors will normally support the load for a scaffold or work platform and
provide a stable base.
• Place scaffold legs on firm footing and secure from movement or tipping, especially
surfaces on dirt or similar surfaces.
• Erect and dismantle scaffolds only under the supervision of a competent person.
• Each scaffold must be capable of supporting its own weight and 4 times the maximum
intended load.
• The competent person must inspect scaffolds before each use.
• Use manufactured base plates or mud sills made of hardwood or equivalent to level or
stabilize the footings. Don't use blocks, bricks, or pieces of lumber.
For Planking:
• Fully plank a scaffold to provide a full work platform or use manufactured decking. The
platform decking and/or scaffold planks must be scaffold grade and must not have any
visible defects.
• Keep the front edge of the platform within 35.56 centimeters of the face of the work.
• Extend planks or decking material at least 15.24 centimeters over the edges or cleat them
to prevent movement. The work platform or planks must not extend more than 30.48
centimeters beyond the end supports to prevent tipping when workers are stepping or
• Be sure that manufactured scaffold planks are the proper size and that the end hooks are
attached to the scaffold frame.
• The frame scaffold must be capable of supporting four times the maximum intended load.
• Using a horizontal frame separation distance of 2.13 meters, the maximum plank
extension over the end support shall be no more than 30.48 centimeters if guardrails are
not used to block access to the area.
• On a 10-section wide frame scaffold, the overlap for each plank on top of each other must
be 30.48 centimeters.
• A scaffold five feet wide, 10.67 meters in length and 9.14 meters high with frame spacing
of seven feet must have horizontal securement every 6.1 meters and vertical tie-in every
6.1 meters.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• A frame scaffold, three sections high, using a cantilevered outrigger platform, shall use
ties, guys, braces, outriggers or scaffold manufacturer’s stabilizer legs or equivalent.
• Guardrails are required on welded frame scaffolds that are 3.05 meters high or more.
• Top rail height shall be at least 91.44 centimeters to a maximum of 114.3 centimeters.
• Top rail strength must be at least 90.7 kg for welded frame scaffolds.
• Midrail strength on a welded frame scaffold must be at least 68 kg.
• Scaffold legs must bear on base plates and these shall rest on either firm foundation or
• The space between the scaffold planks must be no more than one inch.
• The maximum distance permitted between a plank and a frame upright is nine inches.
• An uncleated scaffold plank must extend over the end support a minimum of six inches.
The following are important characteristics of safe Scaffolding Cross Bracing and Pins:
• Cross bracing is acceptable in place of midrails when the "X" is between 50.8 centimeters
and 76.2 centimeters above the work surface.
• Cross bracing is acceptable in place of a top rail when the "X" is between 76.2
centimeters and 121.9 centimeters above the work surface.
• The purpose of using pins to lock a scaffold vertically together is to prevent uplift. This
can occur with a rough terrain forklift grabbing scaffold. Wind, climbing a scaffold or the
use of a hoist can also cause it to lift up.
These recommendations were developed using generally accepted safety standards that are
reported by OSHA and NIOSH. Compliance with these recommendations is not a guarantee that
you will be in conformance with any building code, federal, state or local regulation regarding
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
safety or fire. Compliance with these recommendations does not ensure the absolute safety of
your occupation or place of business. It is the property owner’s duty to warn any tenants or
occupants of the property of any safety hazards that may exist.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Is the platform complete front to back and side to side (fully planked or decked, with no
gaps greater than 2.54 centimeters)?
• Are guardrails and toeboards in place on all open sides?
• Are all sections pinned or appropriately secured?
• Is there a safe way to get on and off the scaffold, such as a ladder (without climbing on
• Is the front face within 35.56 centimeters of the work (or within 91.44 centimeters for
outrigger scaffolds)?
• Does the scaffold meet electrical safety clearance distances?
• Is the scaffold inspected by a competent person before being put in use?
• If the scaffold is over 3.05 meters, is personal fall protection provided, or are guardrails
over 96.52 centimeters high?
• Are hardhats worn by workers on and around the scaffold?
• Are scaffold loads (including tools and other equipment) kept to a minimum and removed
when the scaffold is not in use (like at the end of a day)?
• Are employees removed from scaffolds during high winds, rain, snow, or bad weather?
• Are materials secured before moving a scaffold?
• Are employees removed from the scaffold before they are moved?
• Are heavy tools, equipment, and supplies hoisted up (rather than carried up by hand)?
It is critical that workers understand that serious injury or death can result from failure to
familiarize oneself, and comply with all applicable NERC safety guidelines before erecting,
using or dismantling this scaffold. The following checklist has been compiled to assist site
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Each plank must overlap the support by a minimum of 15.24 centimeters or be cleated,
i.e. 2.44 meters planks on 2.13 meter spans must be cleated.
• Plank should not extend beyond the support by more than 45.72 centimeters. Such
overhangs should be separated from the work platform by guard-railing so that they
cannot be walked on.
• Plank on continuous runs must extend over the supports and overlap each other by at
least 30.48 centimeters.
• Spans of full thickness, 5.08 centimeters by 25.4 centimeters scaffold grade planks,
should never exceed 3.05 meters. Loads on plank should be evenly distributed and not
exceed the allowable loads for the type of plank being used. No more than one person
should stand on an individual plank at one time.
• Planks and/or platforms should be secured to scaffolding when necessary to prevent uplift
of displacement because of high winds or other job conditions.
• Guardrails must be used on all open sides and ends of scaffold platforms. Both top and
midrails are required. Local codes specify the minimum heights where guardrails are
required, however, use at lower heights if falls can cause injury.
• Toeboards are required whenever people are required to work or pass under or around the
scaffold platform.
• Access must be provided to all work platforms. If it is not available from the structure,
access ladders, frames with built-in ladders, or stairways must be provided. When frames
with built-in ladders are used, cleated plank or fabricated plank must be used at platform
levels to minimize or eliminate platform overhang. Access ladders must extend at least
91.44 centimeters above platforms.
• Side and end brackets are designed to support people only. Materials should never be
placed on cantilevered platforms unless the assembly has been designed to support
material loads by a qualified person. (These types of platforms cause overturning and
uplift forces which must be compensated for. All frames should be fastened together to
prevent uplift an overturning moment compensated for with counterweights or adequate
• Putlogs must never be used for the storage of materials. They are designed for personnel
use only. Special care should be taken when putlogs are used.
• Putlogs should overhang the support points by at least 15.24 centimeters. Use putlogs
hangers with bolts fastened to support putlogs on frames.
• Putlog spans of greater than 3.66 meters require kneebracing and lateral support.
• Putlogs used as side or end brackets need special bracing.
• Bridging between towers should not be done with plank or stages unless the assembly is
designed by a qualified person and overturning moments have been compensated for.
• Scaffold should not be used as material hoist towers or for mounting derricks unless the
assembly is designed by a qualified person.
• Check the erected assembly before use. A qualified person should thoroughly inspect the
completed assembly to see that is complies with all safety codes, that nuts and bolts are
tightened, that it is level and plumb, that work platforms are fully planked, that guardrails
are in place and safe access is provided.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
In the Use of All Scaffolds the site supervisor shall use the following safety checklist:
• Inspect the scaffold assembly before each use to see that it is assembled correctly, that it
is level and plumb, base plates are in firm contact with sills, bracing is in place and
connected, platforms are fully planked, guardrails in place, safe access is provided, that it
is properly tied and/or guyed and that there are no overhead obstructions or electric lines
within 3.66 meters of the scaffold assembly.
• Use only the safe means of access that is provided. Do not climb bracing or frames not
specifically designed for climbing. If such access is not provided, insist that it be
• Climb Safely.
• Face the rungs as you climb up or down.
• Use both hands.
• Do not try to carry materials while you climb.
• Be sure of your footing and balance before you let go with your hands. Keep one hand
firmly on frame or ladder at all times.
• Do not work on slippery rungs to avoid slipping.
• Do not overload platforms with materials.
• Working heights should not be extended by planking guardrails or by use of boxes or
ladders on scaffold platforms.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Do not remove any component of a completed scaffold assembly except under the
supervision of a qualified person. Any component that has been removed should be
immediately replaced.
For Rolling Towers All of the above precautions should be checked plus:
• Do not ride manually propelled rolling scaffold. No personnel should be on the tower
while it is being moved.
• Lock all casters before getting on the tower.
• Work only within the platform area: do not try to extend overhead work area by reaching
out over guardrailing.
• Do not bridge between two rolling towers with plank or stages.
• Secure all materials before moving scaffolds.
• Be sure floor surface is clear of obstructions or holes before moving scaffold.
• Be sure there are no overhead obstructions or electric power lines in the path of rolling
• Rolling towers must only be used on level surfaces.
• Move rolling towers by pushing at the base level only. Do not pull from the top.
• Install guardrails around openings in floors and across openings in walls when the fall
distance is 1.22 meters or more. Be sure the top rails can withstand a 90.72 kg load.
• Construct guardrails with a top rail approximately 1.07 meters high with a mid-rail about
half that high at 53.34 centimeters.
• Install toe boards when other workers are to be below the work area.
• Cover floor openings and holes or protect the area with guardrails.
• Inspect for and remove frost and other slipping hazards before getting onto roof surfaces.
• Cover and secure all skylights and openings, or install guardrails to keep workers from
falling through the openings.
• Fall protection is required when working at heights at or above 3.05 meters and when
working on walking working surfaces at or above 1.22 meters.
• Stop roofing operations when storms, high winds or other adverse weather conditions
create unsafe conditions.
• Remove or properly guard any impalement hazards.
• Wear shoes with slip-resistant soles.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2(r)(3) Bibliography
U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), National Traumatic
Occupational Fatalities (NTOF) database, 1991.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(s)
2(s)(1) Introduction...............................................................................................................II-383
2(s)(2) Plan Ahead.................................................................................................................II-383
2(s)(3) Safe Work Practices..................................................................................................II-383
2(s)(3)(i) General ................................................................................................................. II-383
2(s)(2)(ii) Safe Operations of Cranes................................................................................... II-384
2(s)(3)(iii) Procedures to Follow if Contact Occurs ............................................................ II-386
2(s)(3)(iv) Recommended Practices .................................................................................... II-386
2(s)(3)(v) Tree Spraying ...................................................................................................... II-387
2(s)(3)(vi) Electrical Emergencies....................................................................................... II-387
2(s)(3)(vii) Training Workers .............................................................................................. II-388
2(s)(4) Bibliography ..............................................................................................................II-388
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(s)(1) Introduction
Trees and electricity are both beneficial, but when the two come together, problems arise. Add a
third element, a human, and a life may be in jeopardy. Workers pruning trees near energized
power lines face serious hazards from contact with those lines or related equipment. A worker's
body may come into direct contact with an energized line. Tools or other conductive material,
such as severed tree limbs, may touch the lines, resulting in an indirect, but equally dangerous,
contact. Either way, people are exposed to electrical shock by becoming a path to the ground -
between an energized conductor and grounded equipment, tools or trees - or by becoming a path
between two conductors.
The electrical current passing through the body can cause third degree burns, irregular heart
action or stoppage, or the stoppage of breathing. In addition, you may be exposed to thermal
burns or flash burns from arcing.
If you're a tree worker, your first concern should be to protect yourself from such hazards.
Remember, the distance the tree is away from the energized lines can be deceiving. In some
cases, it may be just as dangerous to trim a tree 3.05 to 6.1 meters from energized lines, as it is to
trim one much closer, because a long, large branch can fall into the lines and conduct electricity
back to the trimmer who believes he has maintained more than adequate clearance.
Unqualified individuals should never trim trees around energized lines. Where electrical hazards
exist, only qualified line clearance tree trimmers should do the work. Climb the side of the tree
away from any powerlines: the crotch of the tree selected for tying in should be over the work
area, but located in such a way that a slip or fall would swing away from energized lines.
Ladders and aerial equipment, including insulated aerial equipment, should not be placed in
contact with electrical conductors. If an aerial device does contact an electrical line or conductor,
the truck supporting the device and any other attached equipment should be considered
energized. Anyone touching the equipment could be injured or even killed.
Mechanized equipment must maintain a minimum 3.05 meter distance from powerlines and
conductors rated at 50,000 volts or less. The equipment includes load, cables, tag lines and any
other attachments. If the powerline is rated more than 50,000 volts, the clearance requirement
exceeds 3.05 meters.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Consider these clearance requirements for work near overhead powerlines as your "circle of
safety." These working clearances are minimum safety clearances. Whenever possible, even
greater clearances should be maintained.
If your work is going to bring you closer than the above clearances allow, notify the electric
utility company promptly. No work should be performed near energized conductors until danger
of contact with those conductors has been effectively guarded against.
Inspect the work site carefully prior to climbing or working on a tree to determine whether
electrical lines pass through the tree or within your reach or that of other workers. All lines on
utility poles should be viewed as possibly being energized, whether you think they are cable or
telephone lines.
Branches hanging on energized powerlines should be removed only by qualified line clearance
tree trimmers in the employ of the electric utility company and using approved insulated
Data from the Nigerian Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Nigerian
Traumatic Occupational Fatalities (NTOF) Surveillance System indicate that electrocutions
accounted for approximately 450 (7%) of the 6,400 work-related deaths from injury that
occurred annually in the United States during the period 1980-89 [NIOSH 1993a]. Each year an
average of 15 electrocutions were caused by contact between cranes or similar boomed vehicles
and energized, overhead power lines. The actual number of workers who died from crane contact
with energized power lines is higher than reported by
NTOF because methods for collecting and reporting
these data tend to underestimate the total number of
deaths [NIOSH 1993a].
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
electric utility company indicates that it has been de-energized and it is visibly grounded. The
following are recommended regulations which are based on OSHA standards:
• Employers shall ensure that overhead power lines are de-energized or separated from the
crane and its load by implementing one or more of the following procedures:
– De-energize and visibly ground electrical distribution and transmission lines.
– Use independent insulated barriers to prevent physical contact with the power
– Maintain minimum clearance between energized power lines and the crane and its
• Where it is difficult for the crane operator to maintain clearance by visual means, a
person shall be designated to observe the clearance between the energized power lines
and the crane and its load.
• The use of cage-type boom guards, insulating links, or proximity warning devices shall
not alter the need to follow required precautions. These devices are not a substitute for
de-energizing and grounding lines or maintaining safe line clearances.
The American Nigerian Standards Institute (ANSI) has published a standard for mobile and
locomotive cranes that includes operation near overhead power lines [ANSI 1994]. This
consensus standard (B30.5-1994) contains guidelines for preventing contact between cranes and
electrical energy. The standard addresses the following issues:
• Considering any overhead wire to be energized unless and until the person owning the
line or the utility authorities verify that the line is not energized.
• De-energizing power lines before work begins, erecting insulated barriers to prevent
physical contact with the energized lines, or maintaining safe clearance between the
energized lines and boomed equipment.
• Limitations of cage-type boom guards, insulating links, and proximity warning devices.
• Notifying line owners before work is performed near power lines.
• Posting warnings on cranes cautioning the operators to maintain safe clearance between
energized power lines and their equipment.
The Construction Safety Association of Ontario, Canada (CSA) recommends safe work practices
in addition to those addressed in the OSHA and ANSI standards [CSA 1982]. These
recommendations include the following:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Train workers to comply with the recommended standards. These regulations require
workers and employers to consider all overhead power lines to be energized until (1) the
owner of the lines or the electric utility indicates that they are not energized, and (2) they
have been visibly grounded.
• Employers shall ensure that overhead power lines are de-energized or separated from the
crane and its load by implementing one or more of the following:
– De-energize and visibly ground electrical distribution and transmission lines at
the point of work.
– Use insulated barriers that are not a part of the crane to prevent contact with the
– If the power lines are not de-energized, operate cranes in the area ONLY if a safe
minimum clearance is maintained as follows:
At least 3.05 meters for lines rated 50 kilovolts or below,
At least 3.05 meters plus 10.2 milimeters for each kilovolt above 50 kilovolts;
or maintain twice the length of the line insulator (but never less than 3.05m).
• Where it is difficult for the crane operator to maintain safe clearance by visual means,
designate a person to observe the clearance and to give immediate warning when the
crane approaches the limits of safe clearance.
• Do not use cage-type boom guards, insulating links, or proximity warning devices as a
substitute for de-energizing and grounding lines or maintaining safe clearance.
• Follow ANSI Guidelines - Train workers to follow ANSI guidelines for operating cranes
near overhead power lines (ANSI Standard B30.5-1994, 5-3.4.5)[ANSI 1994]. These
guidelines recommend posting signs at the operator's station and on the outside of the
crane warning that electrocution may occur if workers do not maintain safe minimum
clearance that equals or exceeds OSHA requirements shown in Table 28:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Notify Power Line Owners - Before beginning operations near electrical lines, notify the
owners of the lines or their authorized representatives and provide them with all pertinent
information: type of equipment (including length of boom) and date, time, and type of
work involved. Request the cooperation of the owner to de-energize and ground the lines
or to help provide insulated barriers. NIOSH encourages employers to consider de-
energization (where possible) as the primary means of preventing injury from contact
between cranes and power lines.
• Develop Safety Programs - Develop and implement written safety programs to help
workers recognize and control the hazards of crane contact with overhead power lines.
• Evaluate Jobsites - Evaluate jobsites before beginning work to determine the safest areas
for material storage, the best placement for machinery during operations, and the size and
type of machinery to be used.
• Know the location and voltage of all overhead power lines at the jobsite before operating
or working with any crane. Research has shown that it is difficult to judge accurately the
distance to an overhead object such as a power line [Middendorf 1978]. Therefore,
NIOSH recommends that no other duties or responsibilities be assigned when workers are
designated to observe clearance during crane movement or operation.
• Evaluate Alternative Work Methods - Evaluate alternative work methods that do not
require the use of cranes. For example, it may be possible to use concrete pumping trucks
instead of crane-suspended buckets for placing concrete near overhead power lines.
Alternative methods should be carefully evaluated to ensure that they do not introduce
new hazards into the workplace.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
A fallen wire can create hazards for workers and the general public. Objects touched by a fallen
wire - fences, vehicles, buildings or even the surrounding ground - must be considered energized
and should not be touched. It is impossible to tell simply by looking whether a downed wire is
energized. Consider all downed wires energized and dangerous until the electric utility personnel
notify you otherwise.
Where a power line has fallen across a vehicle, occupants should remain within the vehicle. If
they must leave the vehicle because of a life-threatening situation, such as fire or potential
explosion, they should jump clear of the vehicle without touching either the vehicle or wire and
the ground at the same time. Once clear of the vehicle, they should shuffle away, taking small
steps and keeping both feet in contact with the ground.
Remember, electricity can be transmitted from the victim to you. If a switch is accessible, shut
off the power immediately. Otherwise, stand on a dry surface and pull the victim away with a dry
board or rope. Do not use your hands or anything metal.
Use a CO2 or dry chemical extinguisher to put out an electrical fire. Water should be used only
by trained firefighting personnel.
In an emergency involving power lines or electrical equipment, call the electric utility company
Refer to Sec.2(q) (Crane Operation Safety) for additional safe work practices.
2(s)(4) Bibliography
ANSI [1994]. American Nigerian standard for mobile and locomotive cranes. New York, NY:
American Nigerian Standards Institute, ANSI B30.5-1994.
CFR. Code of Federal regulations. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of
the Federal Register.
CSA (Construction Safety Association) [1982]. Mobile crane manual. Toronto, Ontario, Canada:
Construction Safety Association of Ontario.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Middendorf L [1978]. Judging clearance distances near overhead power lines. In: Proceedings of
the Human Factors Society, 22nd annual meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society,
NIOSH [1985]. NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing electrocutions from contact
between cranes and power lines. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Nigerian Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 85-111.
NIOSH [1990a]. Foreman electrocuted and lineman injured after truck-mounted crane boom
contacts 7,200-volt overhead power line in Virginia. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Nigerian
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology
(FACE) Report No. 90-39.
NIOSH [1990b]. Laborer touching suspended cement bucket electrocuted when crane cable
contacts 7,200-volt power line in North Carolina. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Nigerian Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology (FACE)
Report No. 90-29.
NIOSH [1990c]. Well driller electrocuted when pipe on crane cable contacts 12,000-volt
overhead power line in Virginia. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Nigerian Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology (FACE) Report No. 90-38.
NIOSH [1991]. Construction laborer is electrocuted when crane boom contacts overhead 7,200-
volt power line in Kentucky. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Nigerian Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology (FACE) Report No. 91-21.
NIOSH [1993a]. Fatal Injuries to workers in the United States, 1980-1989: a decade of
surveillance. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health
Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nigerian Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 93-108.
NIOSH [1993b]. Truck driver and company president electrocuted after crane boom contacts
power line--West Virginia. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nigerian Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report
No. 93-14.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(t)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(t)(1) Introduction
This section presents the main types of hazards for personnel, equipment and electric power
systems which should be taken into consideration in the design of computer-based systems. An
emphasis is put on description of the hazard for safety of an electric power system, whose nature
is fundamentally different from the nature of those occurring in the process industry and in all
other sectors of industry. To illustrate the problems with hazards and risks identification, a power
substation software interlocking case study is described. The case study description is preceded
by a short presentation of the results of an extensive review of available publications with the
aim of identifying the current state of practice in assuring functional safety of computer systems
applied in the sector.
Safety as a crucial issue of computer applications in such fields as nuclear power stations, space
industry, aircraft industry, chemical industry or railways is well recognized by wide circles of
specialists of these fields as well as by specialists in software engineering and computer science.
Contemporary electric power systems (EPSs) are very complex and highly technologically
advanced systems. The vast, highly interconnected North American electric power system has
been called the “greatest machine ever created”. Similarly one could say the same about
contemporary electric power systems of other countries.
Safety issues are important in designing computer-based control systems for EPSs, which
towards the end of the last century emerged as the most critical Nigerian infrastructure in the
sense that all other Nigerian critical and vital infrastructures depend on reliable electricity
supply. At the same time application of computer-based systems in this sector offers researchers
and practitioners a wide range of issues, which are both basic for the future of the sector.
In the most general terms, an EPS can be partitioned into generating stations and high-voltage
power networks known as grids. Power networks consist of transmission networks, called extra-
high voltage (EHV) networks, which are used to transmit power from generating stations to main
load centres and distribution networks of lower voltages, also known as high-voltage (HV)
networks, which are used to transmit power to customers. Both, transmission and distribution
networks consist of power lines, substations and control centers.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Substations form vital nodes in the HV and EHV networks because they make possible
modifications in the configuration of networks during the operation of the system by means of
switching devices that can be controlled by computer-based control systems applied in the
substations. Initiation of the control procedure may be performed locally by substation operators
or remotely from the EPS control canters. They also are the points in which power is leaded out
of the generation stations and supplied to the consumers.
The power network of generation, transmission and distribution subsystems forming an EPS is
coupled with telecommunication and telecontrol systems that are used for communication and
transmission of data between power generating stations, substations and control centers for
remote operation and remote real-time signaling, metering, control and fault protection.
Development of these EPS communication systems goes toward an integrated EPS
telecommunication network. In the last decade due to the process of computerization of the EPS-
s the data network is used on increasingly larger scale for transmitting the data that are critical to
safe and reliable operation of an EPS and for the power grid - related financial transactions.
Most hazards, which appear in power stations and substations, are hazardous for people and
equipment and are connected with the technological process of energy production or switching
operations performed at substations. Those kinds of hazards are approximate to the kind of
hazards appearing in other sectors of industry. Their nature is rather obvious and due to space
limitation in this paper they will not be analyzed except of hazards connected with switching
operations performed in substations.
• main (high or extra-high voltage) circuits, also called primary circuits; and
• auxiliary circuits also called secondary circuits.
Main circuit of a substation is composed of a busbar system (or busbar systems) and connections
of power lines, power transformers, etc to the busbar system through switching devices. A
busbar system it is set of three electric conductors of very low impedance that serves as a
common connection for individual power lines, power transformers, etc. Substations are divided
into bays. Bay of a substation it is a part of substation containing high (or extra-high) voltage
switching devices and connections of individual power lines, individual power transformers, etc
to the substation busbar system (or busbar systems) as well as protection, control, and measurement
devices for the individual power line, the individual power transformer, etc. If it is a bay used to
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
connect a power line to busbars it is called a line bay, if it is used for connection a power
transformer it is called a transformer bay, etc. Normally a substation contains a few or more line
and transformer bays and sometimes also other bays. All bays are similar to the line bay.
Auxiliary circuits are electrical circuits contain measurement, signaling, control and protection
Main hazard for substation staff and equipment is connected with the fact, that for design
reasons, disconnectors used in substations are not able to switch on or off the current (e.g. to
switch on or off the loaded line) and are used only to ensure the required isolation clearance
between disconnected elements which due to design restrictions cannot be achieved by a circuit
breaker. In order to take these limitations into consideration switching off a line for example
must be performed according to the following sequence:
If this sequence is carried out in an incorrect way, and for example the signal for opening would
be sent at first to the disconnector (e.g. busbar disconnector), an electric arc will arise between
the contacts of the disconnector accompanied by high rate optic and acoustic phenomena,
spraying melted metal etc. The arc would travel to neighboring phases, resulting in an inter-
phase short circuit. It would look like an explosion. This failure would cause considerable
material losses because of complete destruction of the disconnector and partially or complete
destruction also other components in the substation, disturbance in substation operation and
interruption of energy supply to consumers. Sprayed melted metal could seriously injure
personnel if accidentally someone of the personnel is near an exploding disconnector.
Depending on the situation in a given EPS, the incorrect sequence of switching operation could
also cause even large power system failure and collapse a part of the EPS, i.e. it could create a
hazard for the described below safety of the EPS.
Note that in high voltage networks transmission lines have three wires, one for each phase. It
concerns also busbar systems in substations. Each busbar system in a substation consist of three
2(t)(3)(ii) Security
In electric power systems engineering safety of an EPS is described by means of the word
“security,” although in less formal descriptions the word “safety” is also used. Because in
computer science and software engineering the word “security” is used in a different meaning to
avoid misunderstanding, the codes refer to the safety of EPS by means of the word “safety”
which according to widely accepted definition given by the North American Electric Reliability
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Council (NERC) means the ability of the bulk power electric system to withstand sudden
disturbances such as electric short circuits or unanticipated loss of system components.
Generally speaking, if all generators connected to an EPS work synchronously and the voltage
and the frequency in the EPS is within the required limits, then this is a normal, stable state of an
EPS. In case of sudden disturbances, e.g. sudden increase of the load, or switching off an
important transmission line due to a failure in a substation computer control or protection
system, the stable state of operation is disturbed. Each EPS is designed with a certain stability
margin. When the disturbance is greater than the stability margin it results in loss of stability and
collapse of the EPS, which may be total, and this is called a black-out, or partial.
The loss of stability is understood in the sense applied in dynamical systems, it means generators
connected to the EPS fall-out of synchronism. It causes an emergency shutdown of the
generators by automatic protection devices in order to protect them against destruction and
emergency stop of the power stations. Economic and social results of the loss of stability by an
EPS are always very serious and can be catastrophic. This is the reason why maintaining stability
of an EPS is the main requirement for the EPS planning, operation and control. Hazard for
stability is equivalent to hazard for safety of an EPS. Major blackouts are rare events, but as it
has been stated in one publication, their impact can be catastrophic. In fact as it follows from the
data published by CIGRE (Conference InterNigeriane des Grands de Reseaux Electriques a
Haute Tension) the events are not so rare.
A large system failure, which happened in 1977 in New York, blacked out the city and left it
without an electricity supply. Losses were estimated at 310 million USDs. The restart of an
industrial plant after occurring a power failure with duration time longer than critical one lasts on
average 17.4 hours.
In the history of the electric utility industry, safety as it is understood today, is a relatively recent
concept, which emerged after the famous 1965 blackout that left almost 30 million of people of
north-eastern United States and Ontario, Canada, without electricity.
Through the first two-thirds of the 20th century, the term ”safety” was not used and the safety of
an EPS was subsumed with its reliability and implemented into the system in the system
planning process by providing a robust system that could withstand any ”credible” sudden
disturbances without a serious disruption. Perhaps the epitome of this approach was mid-century
American Electric Power system, which in 1974 withstood five simultaneous major tornadoes,
losing eleven 345 kV lines, one 500 kV line, two 765 kV lines, and three major switching
substations, without interruption of service to customers. Such practices even if technically
feasible are no longer considered economically or environmentally feasible.
The focus in the safety concept was shifted from system robustness, which was designed into the
system at the planning stage, onto risk aversion, which is based on automatic protection and
control devices, and still to a considerably high degree on intervention of a system operator in
real time in an emergency state.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
The automation of substations, similarly like automation of equipment and plants in other sectors
of industry, is more and more based not only on hardware but also on software solutions.
Software engineers are not able to design protection and automation systems used in electric
power sector without co-operation with electric power systems engineers. It especially concerns
requirements specification and safety analysis phases. It seems that these facts should have
influence on curricula of electrical engineering faculties. Curricula should at least include
Requirements Engineering (lectures, classes and laboratory) to the extent which enables
graduates to carry out specification of requirements on their own, co-operate with software
engineers during validation of models used in a safety analysis, carry out the safety analysis,
evaluate of results, and co-operate with software engineers.
Balu, N., Bertram, T., et al.: On-Line Power System Security Analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 262-280, 1992.
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI): Electricity Technology Roadmap: Powering Progress -
1999 Summary and Synthesis. EPRI, Palo Alto, 1999.
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI): Issues and Solutions: North American Grid Operations
(2000-2005). EPRI, 1999.
Martin O., Messie M., and de Labrouhe G.: The digital monitoring and control of substations, in
Proc. CIGRE Conf., paper no. 23/13-02, 1994.
Design and maintenance practice for substation secondary systems, CIGRE Working Group
23.05 Tech. Rep., April 1994.
Telecontrol equipment and systems, InterNigerian Standard IEC 60870 Parts 1-6. Guidelines for
software project control, CIGRE Working Group 01 of Study Committee 35 Tech. Rep., August
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Zurakowski Z.: Task B1b: Identification and Preparation of Case Studies – Extra-High Voltage
Substation Software Interlocking Case Study, EC COPERNICUS JRP 1594, Technical Report
TR ISAT 97/8, Institute of Power Systems Automation, December 1996, Updated: February and
April 1997.
Zurakowski, Z.: Safety and Security Issues in Electric Power Industry. In Proceedings of the
19th Conference SAFECOMP 2000, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 2000.
Nowicki, B., Górski, J.: Object Oriented Safety Analysis of an Extra High Voltage Substation
Bay. In Proceedings of the 17th InterNigerian Conference SAFECOMP’98. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 1516. Springr-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 306-315, 1998.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(u)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(u)(1) Introduction
This section will assist site supervisors to establish procedures for excavation work to help assure
excavations are performed in a safe and proper manner. The following definitions are applied:
• Excavations are any man-made cut, cavity, trench or depression in the earth surface
formed by earth removal. See examples in Figure 16 below. No distinction on the depth
of excavation is made in this definition.
• Trenches are narrow excavations made below the surface of the ground. In general, the
depth is greater than the width. However, the width of a trench is not greater than 4.6
meters. An excavation is also considered to be a trench.
Departmental supervisors and site supervisors must ensure their employees follow the
procedures explained in this section.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1. Materials and Equipment - Trench shoring and trench jacks shall be on the site before any
excavation begins when the expected depth will exceed 1.22 meters or where unstable
soil is expected. In addition, a radio equipped truck or portable radio shall be on the site
at all times when work is in progress.
2. Protection of Employees - No one shall enter excavations of four feet or more in depth
without having shoring in place or the banks cut back to a safe angle. (Refer to OSHA
Standard 1926.652) No one shall enter an excavation of less than 1.22 meters without
shoring or proper angle of repose unless authorized by a competent person. Note that
excavations less than 1.22 meters in depth may not require this degree of protection if
examination of the ground by a competent person provides no indication of a potential
cove in. Store excavated material at least 0.61 meters from the excavation edge. Workers
must wear hard hats at the site when work is in progress. Provide a stairway, ladder, ramp
or other safe means of egress in trench excavations that are 1.22 meters or more in depth.
The travel distance to the ladder must be no more than 7.62 meters of lateral travel for
employees. The ladder must extend 0.91 meters above the edge of the trench.
3. Inspections - A competent person must make daily inspections of excavations, the
adjacent areas, and protective systems for evidence of possible cave-ins, indications of
protective systems failure, hazardous atmospheres, or other hazardous conditions. The
competent person must conduct an inspection
a. Prior to the start of work and as needed throughout the shift;
b. After every rainstorm or other hazard increasing occurrence;
c. As dictated by the activity taking place in the trench;
d. When fissures, tension cracks, sloughing, under cutting, water seepage, bulging at the
bottom or other similar circumstances occur;
e. When there is any change in the size, location or placement of the soil pile; and
f. When there is any indication of change or movement in adjacent structures.
Where the competent person finds evidence of a situation that could result in a possible cave-
in, indications of failure of protective systems, hazardous atmosphere, or other hazardous
conditions, remove exposed employees from the hazardous area until safety measures are in
4. Barricades and Warnings - Take special measures to protect the public because the
danger excavation work presents. Simple barricades are not enough protection in high
traffic areas near sidewalks, and road ways subject to pedestrian traffic. In high traffic
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
areas, place snow fencing around the excavation to provide maximum protection. An
additional precaution is to use barricades with flashing lights whenever possible on
pedestrian walkways and roadways.
Provide employees exposed to public vehicular traffic with warning vests or other suitable
garments marked with reflector or high-visibility material.
• Each side of an excavation or trench that is 1.52 meters or deeper must be protected by
shoring/bracing and sheeting or be sloped – unless it is cut from rock.
• Each open side of an excavation or trench shall have a guardrail or a solid enclosure.
• Each excavation or trench shall have a way out, such as a ladder or ramp.
• Regularly check the walls of an excavation or trench for cracks, bulges and spalling and
check the shoring for signs of distress -- especially after a rainstorm.
• Do not work in an excavation or trench filled with running or standing water.
• Do not work in an excavation or trench that is not properly protected.
• Do not store spoil, materials or equipment along the edge of an excavation or trench.
• Do not drive or park vehicles along the edge of an excavation or trench.
The following diagram (Figure 17) provides an illustrative guide to protecting trenches.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1. Requiring each department that performs work in excavations to name one or more
persons to serve as the departmental Project Manager.
2. Training Project Managers so they understand their duties and responsibilities.
3. Requiring that each Project Manager assure that all persons working in excavations have
been provided adequate training as required by this program.
This program has been modeled after the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) Standard 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P.
All departments that work in or around excavations must comply with the requirements of this
program. Other key participants should include:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• The work practices that must be followed during excavating or working in excavations;
• The use of personal protective equipment that will typically be required during work in
excavations, including but not limited to safety shoes, hard-hats, and fall protective
• Procedures to be followed if a hazardous atmosphere exists or could reasonably be
expected to develop during work in an excavation; and,
• Emergency and non-entry rescue methods, and procedure for calling rescue services.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Underground installations - The location of sewers, telephone, fuel, electric, water lines, or any
other underground installations that may be encountered during excavation work shall be
determined and marked prior to opening an excavation. Arrangements shall be made as
necessary by the Project Manager with the appropriate utility agency for the protection, removal,
shutdown, or relocation of underground installations.
If it is not possible to establish the exact location of these installations, the work may proceed
with caution if detection equipment or other safe and acceptable means are used to locate the
Excavation shall be done in a manner that does not endanger the underground installations or the
employees engaged in the work. Utilities left in place shall be protected by barricades, shoring,
suspension or other means as necessary to protect employees.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
shall be maintained as necessary for the safety of the public and employees from sunset to
Wells, holes, pits, shafts and all similar hazardous excavations shall be effectively barricaded or
covered and posted as necessary to prevent unauthorized access. All temporary excavations of
this type shall be backfilled as soon as possible.
Walkways or bridges protected by standard guardrails shall be provided where employees and
the general public are permitted to cross over excavations. Where workers in the excavation may
pass under these walkways or bridges, a standard guardrail and toeboard shall be used.
Structural ramps - Structural ramps used solely by employees as a means of access or egress
from excavations shall be designed by a competent person. Structural ramps used for access or
egress of equipment shall be designed by a person qualified in structural design, and shall be
constructed in accordance with the design.
Ramps and runways constructed of two or more structural members shall have the structural
members connected together to prevent movement or displacement.
Structural members used for ramps and runways shall be of uniform thickness.
Cleats or other appropriate means used to connect runway structural members shall be attached
to the bottom of the runway or shall be attached in a manner to prevent tripping.
Structural ramps used in place of steps shall be provided with cleats or other surface treatments
on the top surface to prevent slipping.
Ladders - When portable ladders are used, the ladder side rails shall extend a minimum of 91.44
centimeters above the upper surface of the excavation (see Figure 18). Ladders shall have
nonconductive side rails if work will be performed near exposed energized equipment or
systems. Two or more ladders, or a double-cleated ladder, will be provided where 25 or more
employees will be conducting work in an excavation where ladders serve as the primary means
of egress, or where ladders serve two-way traffic. Ladders will be inspected prior to use for signs
of damage or defects. Damaged ladders will be removed from service and marked with "Do Not
Use" until repaired.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Ladders shall be used only on stable and level surfaces unless secured. Ladders placed in any
location where they can be displaced by workplace activities or traffic shall be secured, or
barricades shall be used to keep these activities away from the ladder.
Non-self-supporting ladders shall be positioned so that the foot of the ladder is one-quarter of the
working length away from the support (see Figure 18.).
Employees shall not be allowed to carry any object or load while on the ladder that could cause
them to lose their balance and fall.
Exposure to vehicular traffic - Employees exposed to vehicular traffic shall be provided with,
and shall wear, warning vests or other suitable garments marked with or made of reflectorized or
high-visibility material. Warning vests worn by flagmen shall be red or orange, and shall be of
reflectorized material if worn during night work.
Employee exposure to falling loads - No employee shall be permitted underneath loads handled
by lifting or digging equipment. Employees shall be required to stand away from any vehicle
being loaded or unloaded to avoid being struck by any spillage or falling materials. Operators
may remain in the cabs of vehicles being loaded or unloaded when the vehicles provide adequate
protection for the operator during loading and unloading operations.
Warning system for mobile equipment - A warning system shall be used when mobile
equipment is operated adjacent to the edge of an excavation if the operator does not have a clear
and direct view of the edge of the excavation. The warning system shall consist of barricades,
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
hand or mechanical signals, or stop logs. If possible, the grade should be away from the
Hazardous atmospheres - The Project Manager will test the atmosphere in excavations over
1.22 meters deep if a hazardous atmosphere exists or could reasonably be expected to exist. A
hazardous atmosphere could be expected, for example, in excavations in landfill areas, in
excavations in areas where hazardous substances are stored nearby, or in excavations near or
containing gas pipelines.
Forced ventilation or other effective means shall be used to prevent employee exposure to an
atmosphere containing a flammable gas in excess of 10 percent of the lower flammability limit
of the gas.
When controls are used that are intended to reduce the level of atmospheric contaminants to
acceptable levels, continuous air monitoring will be performed by the Project Manager. The
device used for atmospheric monitoring shall be equipped with an audible and visual alarm.
Atmospheric testing will be performed using a properly calibrated direct reading gas monitor.
Direct reading gas detector tubes or other acceptable means may also be used to test potentially
toxic atmospheres.
Each atmospheric testing instrument shall be calibrated on a schedule and in the manner
recommended by the manufacturer except:
• Any atmospheric testing instrument that has not been used within thirty (30) days shall be
recalibrated by the Department prior to use.
• Each atmospheric testing instrument shall be calibrated at least every six (6) months by
the Department.
• Copies of calibration records will be forwarded to HCS and made available to the NERC
for inspection upon request.
• Each atmospheric testing instrument will be field checked immediately prior to use to
ensure that it is operating properly.
Employees exposed to flying fragments, dust, or other materials produced by drilling, sawing,
sanding, grinding and similar operations shall wear approved safety glasses with side shields.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Employees entering bell-bottom pier holes or other similar deep and confined footing
excavations shall wear a harness with a lifeline securely attached to it. The lifeline shall be
separate from any line used to handle materials and shall be individually attended at all times
while the employee wearing the lifeline is in the excavation.
Employees shall wear, as determined by the Project Manager, approved gloves or other suitable
hand protection.
Employees using, or working in the immediate vicinity of, hammer drills, masonry saws,
jackhammers or similar high noise producing equipment shall wear suitable hearing protection.
Each employee at the edge of an excavation 1.83 meters or more deep shall be protected from
falling. Fall protection shall be provided by guardrail systems, fences, barricades, covers, or a
tie-back system.
Emergency rescue equipment, such as breathing apparatus, a safety harness and line, and a
basket stretcher shall be readily available where hazardous atmospheric conditions exist or may
develop during work in an excavation. This equipment shall be attended when in use. Only
personnel that have received approved training and have appropriate equipment shall attempt
retrieval that would require entry into a hazardous atmosphere. If entry into a known hazardous
atmosphere must be performed, then the HSC shall be given advance notice so that the hazards
can be evaluated and rescue personnel placed on standby if necessary.
If water is controlled or prevented from accumulating by the use of water removal equipment,
the water removal equipment and operation shall be monitored by a person trained in the use of
the equipment.
If excavation work interrupts the natural drainage of surface water (such as streams), diversion
ditches, dikes, or other suitable means shall be used to prevent surface water from entering the
excavation. Precautions shall also be taken to provide adequate drainage of the area adjacent to
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
the excavation. Excavations subject to runoff from heavy rains shall be reinspected by the
Project Manager to determine if special precautions should be taken.
The Project Manager shall inform workers of the precautions or procedures that are to be
followed if water accumulates or is accumulating in an excavation.
Support systems (such as shoring, bracing, or underpinning) shall be used to assure the stability
of structures and the protection of employees where excavation operations could affect the
stability of adjoining buildings, walls, or other structures.
Excavation below the level of the base or footing of any foundation or retaining wall that could
be reasonably expected to pose a hazard to employees shall not be permitted except when:
Sidewalks, pavements and appurtenant structure shall not be undermined unless a support system
or other method of protection is provided to protect employees from the possible collapse of such
2(u)(4)(xiv) Protection of Employees from Falling Objects and Loose Rocks or Soil
Adequate protection shall be provided to protect employees from loose rock or soil that could
pose a hazard by falling or rolling from an excavation face. Such protection shall consist of:
Excavation personnel shall not be permitted to work above one another where the danger of
falling rock or earth exists.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Employees shall be protected from excavated materials, equipment or other materials that could
pose a hazard by falling or rolling into excavations.
Protection shall be provided by keeping such materials or equipment at least .61 meters from the
edge of excavations, by the use of restraining devices that are sufficient to prevent materials or
equipment from falling or rolling into excavations, or by a combination of both if necessary.
Materials and equipment may, as determined by the Project Manager, need to be stored further
than .61 meters from the edge of the excavation if a hazardous loading condition is created on the
face of the excavation.
Materials piled, grouped or stacked near the edge of an excavation must be stable and self-
Where the competent person finds evidence of a situation that could result in a possible cave-in,
failure of protective systems, hazardous atmosphere, or other hazardous conditions, exposed
employees shall be removed from the hazardous area until precautions have been taken to assure
their safety.
The Project Manager shall maintain a written log of all inspections conducted. This log shall
include the date, work site location, results of the inspection, and a summary of any action taken
to correct existing hazards. These records shall be made available for inspection by NERC upon
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Is there a competent person on site? Note that a competent person is defined as
one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or
working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has
authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
1. Surface Encumbrances:
Have you checked for structures, trees, machines and equipment, or excavated
spoils located near the excavation which might exert force on the excavation walls?
Have you checked for any evidence of cracking or subsidence along the
excavation surface or within the excavation?
2. Underground Installations:
Are all utilities, such as water, sewer, electrical, and telephone, located within the
excavation properly supported, removed, or otherwise protected?
4. Traffic Safety:
Are signs and barricades placed appropriately and in sufficient quantity?
Are personnel, where exposed to traffic, wearing appropriate warning vests or
reflective high visibility clothing?
Are personnel prohibited from working under lifting or digging equipment, and
required to stand away from vehicles being loaded or unloaded?
Where mobile equipment is operated adjacent to an excavation, or approaches an
excavation; does the operator have a clear view of the edge?
Where an operator’s view of the edge of an excavation is obstructed, is there a
warning system, such as hand signals, mechanical signals, or stop logs in place?
(If possible, the grade should be away from the excavation.)
5. Hazardous Atmospheres:
Where hazardous conditions could reasonably be expected had the atmosphere
been tested prior to entry?
Where the atmosphere contains less than 19.5% oxygen, has appropriate
respiratory protection and/or ventilation been provided?
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
8. Adjacent Structures:
Are adjoining buildings, walls or other structures adequately stabilized with
approved shoring, bracing, and underpinning to assure protection of employees?
Where the excavation is below the level of the base or footing of a foundation or
retaining wall, have the excavation and support systems in use been determined appropriate by a
registered professional engineer?
Are sidewalks, pavement and other such structures adequately supported to
prevent collapse?
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Are the designs for timber shoring in accordance with requirements of NERC
Are the designs for aluminum shoring in accordance with NERC requirements?
Are the designs of support systems, shield systems, or other protective systems in
accordance with specifications, recommendations, and limitations of the manufacturer?
Where there is deviation from specifications, recommendations and limitations
has written manufacturer approval been obtained, with a copy on site?
Where systems design is from other tabulated data or by a registered professional
engineer, are such date and copies of the design maintained at the job site?
Are materials and equipment used for protective systems free from defects that
might impair their function?
Are manufactured materials and equipment used for protective systems used and
maintained in accordance with manufacturer recommendations?
Are materials and equipment used for protective systems that have been damaged,
inspected by a competent person to evaluate suitability for use?
Are repaired materials and equipment evaluated and approved for use by a
registered professional engineer before being returned to service?
Are members of support systems securely connected to prevent falling, sliding,
kickouts, or other predictable failure?
Are support systems installed and removed in a manner that protects employees
from cave-ins, structural collapses, or from being struck by members of the support system?
Does system removal begin at, and progress from the bottom of the excavation?
Is there excavation no greater than 60.96 centimeters below the bottom of the
members of the support system where the system provides protection for the full depth of the
trench and there is no potential for loss of soil from behind or below the bottom of the system?
Are employees prohibited from working on the faces of sloped or benched
excavations above other employees at lower levels unless there is adequate protection from
falling, rolling, or sliding material or equipment?
Are employees protected from the hazard of cave-ins when entering or exiting
areas protected by shields?
Are employees prohibited from being in shields during installation, removal, or
vertical movement of them?
Where the competent person finds evidence of a situation that could result in a
possible cave-in, where there are indications of failure of protective systems, where there are
hazardous atmospheres, or where there are other hazardous conditions, are exposed employees
removed from the hazardous area until all necessary precautions are taken to ensure their safety?
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Excavations less than 5 feet in depth where examination of the ground by the Project
Manager provides no indication of a potential cave-in.
Protective systems shall be capable of resisting all loads that could reasonably be expected to be
applied to the system.
Manufactured materials and equipment used for protective systems shall be used and maintained
in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer, and in a manner that will prevent
employee exposure to hazards.
When material or equipment used for protective systems are damaged, the Project Manager shall
ensure that these systems are examined by a competent person to evaluate its suitability for
continued use. If the competent person can not assure the material or equipment is able to
support the intended loads or is otherwise suitable for safe use, then such material or equipment
shall be removed from service. These materials or equipment shall be evaluated and approved by
a registered professional engineer before being returned to service.
Support systems shall be installed and removed in a manner that protects employees from cave-
ins, structural collapses, or from being struck by members of the support system.
Individual members of support systems shall not be subjected to loads exceeding those which
those members were designed to support.
Before temporary removal of individual support members begins, additional precautions shall be
taken as directed by the Project Manager to ensure the safety of employees. These precautions
could include, for example, the installation other structural members to carry the loads imposed
on the support system.
Removal of support systems shall begin at, and progress from, the bottom of the excavation.
Members shall be released slowly. If there is any indication of possible failure of the remaining
members of the structure or possible cave-in of the sides of the excavation the work shall be
halted until it can be examined by the Project Manager.
Backfilling shall progress together with the removal of support systems from excavations.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Shields shall be installed in a manner that will restrict lateral or other hazardous movement of the
shield that could occur during cave-in or unexpected soil movement.
Employees shall be protected from the hazard of cave-ins when entering or exiting the areas
protected by shields.
Employees shall not be allowed in shields when shields are being installed, removed, or moved
Excavation of material to a level no greater than 60.96 centimeters below the bottom of the
shield system is allowed, but only if the system is designed to resist the forces calculated for the
full depth of the trench. There shall be no indications while the trench is open of a possible loss
of soil from behind or below the bottom of the shield system.
2(u)(6) Definitions
Accepted engineering practices means the standards of practice required by a registered
professional engineer.
Bell-bottom pier hole means a type of shaft or footing excavation, the bottom of which is made
larger than the cross section above to form a belled shape.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Cave-in means the movement of soil or rock into an excavation, or the loss of soil from under a
trench shield or support system, in amounts large enough to trap, bury, or injure and immobilize
a person.
Competent person means one who has been trained to identify hazards in the workplace, or
working conditions that are unsafe for employees, and who has the authority to have these
hazards corrected. The departmental Project Manager serves as the departmental competent
person for the purposes of this program. The Project Manager will conduct all required tests and
inspections as detailed in this program, and ensure that employees working in excavations have
been trained and are following the requirements of this program.
Cross braces mean the horizontal members of a shoring system installed from side to side of the
excavation. The cross braces bear against uprights.
Excavation means any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface formed
by earth removal.
Faces or sides mean the vertical or inclined earth surfaces formed as a result of excavation work.
Failure means the movement or damage of a structural member or connection that makes it
unable to support loads.
Project Manager is the individual within the department that will oversee excavation work and
that is responsible for assuring compliance with this program.
Protective system means a method of protecting employees from cave-ins, from material that
could fall or roll from an excavation face into an excavation, or from the collapse of adjacent
structures. Protective systems include support systems, sloping and benching systems, shield
systems, and other systems that provide the necessary protection.
Ramp means an inclined walking or working surface that is used to gain access to one point
from another. A ramp may be constructed from earth or from structural materials such as steel or
Sheeting means the members of a shoring system that retain the earth in position and in turn are
supported by other members of the shoring system.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Shield (Shield system) means a structure used in an excavation to withstand cave-ins and which
will protect employees working within the shield system. Shields can be permanent structures or
portable units moved along as work progresses. Shields used in trenches are usually referred to
as "trench boxes" or "trench shields."
Shoring (Shoring system) means a structure that is built or put in place to support the sides of
an excavation to prevent cave-ins.
Sloping (Sloping system) means sloping the sides of the excavation away from the excavation to
protect employees from cave-ins. The required slope will vary with soil type, weather, and
surface or near surface loads that may affect the soil in the area of the trench (such as adjacent
buildings, vehicles near the edge of the trench and so forth).
Stable rock means natural solid mineral material that can be excavated with vertical sides that
will remain intact while exposed.
Structural ramp means a ramp built of steel or wood, usually used for vehicle access. Ramps
made of soil or rock are not considered structural ramps.
Support system means a structure such as underpinning, bracing, or shoring, which provides
support to an adjacent structure, underground installation, or the sides of an excavation.
Tabulated data means tables and charts approved by a registered professional engineer and used
to design and construct a protective system.
Trench (Trench excavation) means a narrow excavation (in relation to its length) made below
the surface of the ground.
Uprights mean the vertical members of a trench shoring system placed in contact with the earth
and usually positioned so that individual members do not contact each other. Uprights placed so
that individual members are closely spaced, in contact with or interconnected to each other, are
often called "sheeting."
Wales are horizontal members of a shoring system placed in the direction of the excavation face
whose sides bear against the vertical members of the shoring system or earth (the uprights or
2(u)(7) Bibliography
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Excavation and Trenching
Standard, 1971
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(v)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
1. It is large enough or so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform
assigned work.
2. It has limited or restricted means for entry or exit.
Confined-space openings are limited primarily by size and location. Openings may be small in
size and may be difficult to move through easily. However, in some cases openings may be very
large; for example, open-topped spaces such as pits or excavations. Entrance and exit may be
required from top, bottom, or side. In some cases, having to access the work area by a fixed
ladder may constitute limited or restricted entry or exit. Size or location may make rescue efforts
Most confined spaces are not designed for employees to enter and work on a routine basis. They
may be designed to store a product, enclose materials and processes, or transport products or
substances. Because they are not designed for continuous occupancy, frequently they will not
have good ventilation or lighting. Therefore, occasional employee entry for inspection,
maintenance, repair, cleanup, or similar tasks can be difficult and dangerous. The danger
associated with entry may come from chemical or physical hazards within the space.
A Non-Permit Confined Space is a confined space that does not contain, nor has the potential to
contain, any hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm (with respect to
atmospheric hazards). Examples of non-permit required confined spaces might include the
interiors of HVAC units, certain air plenums and pipe chases, attics, walk-in freezers or
refrigerators, and some building crawl spaces.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Because of the lack of ventilation in most confined spaces, they will have the potential for a
hazardous atmosphere. Therefore, they must be designated “permit-required,” and the
procedures for making entry into a permit-required space must be followed.
Any space that is accessed by lifting a manhole cover shall be considered a permit-required
confined space. Additionally, some roofs, dam access tunnels, certain grain storage facilities,
and equipment access areas may be designed permit-required confined spaces even though they
don’t technically meet the definition (i.e., they may not really have limited or restricted means of
entry or exit). These areas shall be clearly marked as permit-required spaces.
Supervisors are directly responsible for ensuring the safety of their employees in regards to
confined spaces. It is their responsibility to evaluate potentially hazardous spaces within their
facilities and areas to ensure that the proper precautions are taken for safety. This includes
clearly marking permit-required confined spaces, training employees, and ensuring proper entry
procedures are followed. These responsibilities may be delegated to another competent person
provided he/she is qualified.
Physical Plant supervisors are responsible for ensuring their employees are properly trained to do
the jobs they are sent to do. This includes recognition of confined spaces and proper procedures
for making entry into permit-required confined spaces whenever necessary. No Physical Plant
employee shall be sent on a job that potentially involves work in a confined space unless they
have been properly trained in confined space entry procedures.
It may be determined that a space presents no real danger for employees. However, it is
recommended that all spaces be considered potentially dangerous until they have been evaluated
and tested. Once a space has been evaluated, the Environmental Health & Safety Department
shall determine if the confined space requires a permit and will apply appropriate labeling.
Every confined space must be evaluated for these four types of hazards. The three types of
atmospheric hazards are often the most difficult to identify since they might not be detected
without the assistance of a gas monitor.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
There are a number of processes that consume oxygen in a confined space. Oxygen is consumed
during combustion of flammable materials, as in welding, cutting, or brazing. A more subtle
consumption of oxygen occurs during bacterial action, as in the fermentation process. Oxygen
can also be consumed during chemical reactions such as in the formation of rust on the exposed
surfaces of a confined space. The number of people working in a confined space and the amount
of physical activity can also influence oxygen consumption. Oxygen levels can also be reduced
as the result of oxygen displacement by other gases.
Combustible gases or vapors can accumulate within a confined space when there is inadequate
ventilation. Gases that are heavier than air will accumulate in the lower levels of a confined
space. Therefore, it is especially important that atmospheric tests be conducted near the bottom
of all confined spaces.
The work being conducted in a confined space can generate a flammable atmosphere. Work
such as spray-painting, coating, or the use of flammable solvents for cleaning can result in the
formation of an explosive atmosphere. Welding or cutting with oxyacetylene equipment can also
be the cause of an explosion in a confined space and shall not be allowed without a hot work
permit. Oxygen and acetylene hoses may have small leaks in them that could generate an
explosive atmosphere and, therefore, should be removed when not in use. The atmosphere shall
be tested continuously while any hot work is being conducted within the confined space.
1. The Product Stored in the Confined Space - When a product is stored in a confined
space, the product can be absorbed by the walls and give off toxic vapors when removed
or when cleaning the residual material. The product can also produce toxic vapors that
will remain in the atmosphere due to poor ventilation.
2. The Work Being Conducted in the Confined Space - Toxic atmospheres can be generated
as the result of work being conducted inside the confined space. Examples of such work
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
include: Welding or brazing with metals capable of producing toxic vapors, painting,
scraping, sanding, etc. Many of the solvents used for cleaning and/or degreasing produce
highly toxic vapors.
3. Areas Adjacent to the Confined Space - Toxic fumes produced by processes near the
confined space may enter and accumulate in the confined space. For example, if the
confined space is lower than the adjacent area and the toxic fume is heavier than air, the
toxic fume may "settle" into the confined space.
Physical factors such as heat, cold, noise, vibration, and fatigue can contribute to accidents.
These factors must be evaluated for all confined spaces.
Excavations could present the possibility of engulfment. Employees shall be protected from
cave-ins by sloping, benching, or shoring systems when the depth of the excavation is more than
four feet. In some circumstances, air monitoring may also be required.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
If a toxic atmosphere or substance is present or could become present, the following additional
training must be completed:
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
g. Inform personnel of the signs and symptoms of exposure to the toxic fume.
h. Inform personnel of the personal protective equipment (PPE) that they will be
required to wear.
i. If entrants are unaware of the proper use of the PPE, they must be trained in the
proper use of this equipment.
NOTE: Supervisors may request assistance from Environmental Health & Safety in providing the
above-mentioned training.
j. Persons should not be assigned to tasks requiring use of respirators unless it has been
determined that they are physically able to perform the work and use the equipment.
A local physician shall determine what health and physical conditions are pertinent.
The respirator user's medical status should be reviewed periodically (annually).
4. Identify isolation procedures
a. Inform the personnel responsible for the lockout/tagout of all equipment that must be
b. Inform the personnel responsible for performing this function of the methods to be
5. Identify purging and/or ventilation procedures
a. Inform all personnel responsible for performing this function of the methods to be
6. Identify all equipment needed
a. Inform personnel involved in the project of all equipment that will be necessary to
complete the project.
b. Make sure that all employees are capable of using their assigned equipment properly.
7. Determine necessary personal protective equipment
a. Inform personnel of all PPE that must be used to ensure their safety.
b. Make sure that all personnel required to use PPE are trained in the proper use of the
8. Establish communication
a. Inform all entrants that they are required to maintain communication with the
b. Inform attendant that he/she must maintain constant contact with all entrants.
c. Inform personnel of the type of communication they are to use.
9. Protect from external hazards
a. Inform personnel where signs and barriers will be placed to prevent unauthorized
entry and protect entrants from external hazards.
10. Pre-plan rescue procedures
a. The designated attendant(s) should be informed of the rescue procedures to be
followed. Rescue procedures to be used are listed in Item 10 of this section.
b. The attendant should be informed that he/she can have no other duty but to maintain
contact with personnel inside the confined space.
c. Inform the attendant(s) that they must not enter the confined space under any
11. Place the confined space back into service
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
a. Inform personnel of the steps to be taken to place the confined space back into
The following steps are to be followed when preparing the confined space for entry:
1. Place warning signs or barriers around the confined space to prevent unauthorized entry
as necessary.
2. Place all tools, safety equipment, monitoring equipment, etc., near the confined space.
3. Isolate all mechanical and/or electrical hazards as necessary.
4. Purge/ventilate the confined space as necessary.
5. Test the atmosphere using an appropriate gas monitor.
a. If oxygen content is less than 19.5% or greater than 21.5%, perform additional
ventilation. Then shut off ventilation equipment and re-test the oxygen content.
b. If oxygen content is between 19.5% and 21.5%, continue entry preparation.
6. Test for flammable gases.
a. If the meter reading is less than 10% of the lower explosive limit (LEL), continue
entry preparations.
b. If the meter reading is above 10% of the LEL, continue ventilation of the confined
space. Then shut off the ventilation and have the atmosphere re-tested.
c. If the meter reading is still above 10% of the LEL, the confined space must be
cleaned before entry is permitted. If the confined space must be entered for cleaning
purposes, the procedures outlined in Item 9 of this section must be followed.
7. Test for toxics (If a toxic atmosphere is present, no person should be permitted to enter
the confined space at a level exceeding the Permissible Exposure Limit without proper
Personal Protective Equipment. Environmental Health & Safety should be called to
assist in identifying proper precautions and the protective measures to be taken.
8. Assemble all personnel involved and review rescue procedures. The entry supervisor
will then add any needed information, then complete and sign the permit.
9. Notify the Department Head or supervisor that entry is commencing. If Department
Head or supervisor is unavailable, notify EHS Department.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
5. The atmosphere must be continuously monitored while work is being conducted in the
confined space.
6. If the confined space is left for any reason, the atmosphere must be re-tested before re-
entering the space.
1. All entrants must be equipped with the safety equipment designated under 2(v)(3)(vii).
2. All entrants must be equipped with an SCBA.
3. No spark-producing tools will be allowed for use.
1. Reviewing and updating the Oklahoma State University Confined Space Entry Program
to conform to current CFR standards.
2. Ensuring compliance with standards set forth in the program by periodic inspection of
entry sites and canceling permits where unsafe conditions are present.
3. Assisting Supervisors with:
a. providing training as set forth in the program;
b. identification of confined spaces;
c. identifying spaces that require a permit for entry; and
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1. Ensuring that the required atmospheric tests are performed at the confined space and
results recorded on the permit prior to entry authorization.
2. Obtaining and maintaining all equipment necessary to complete the confined-space entry
3. Authorize entry by signing the Entry Authorization space on the entry permit after all
conditions for a safe entry have been met.
4. Terminating the entry and canceling the permit when:
a. Entry operations covered by the entry permit have been completed.
b. A condition that is not allowed under the entry permit arises in or near the permit
5. Determining, whenever responsibility for a permit space entry operation is transferred,
and at intervals dictated by the hazards and operations performed within the space, that
entry operations remain consistent with terms of the entry permit and that acceptable
entry conditions are maintained.
1. The knowledge of hazards that may be faced during entry, including the mode, signs or
symptoms, and consequences of the exposure.
2. Proper use of equipment, which includes:
a. Atmospheric testing and monitoring equipment.
b. Ventilating equipment needed to obtain acceptable entry conditions.
c. Communication equipment necessary to maintain contact with the attendant.
d. Personal protective equipment as needed.
e. Lighting equipment as needed.
f. Barriers and shields as needed.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
1. Knowing the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the mode,
signs or symptoms, and consequences of exposure.
2. Awareness of possible behavioral effects of hazard exposure in authorized entrants.
3. Continuously maintaining an accurate count of authorized entrants in the permit space
and ensuring that the means used to identify authorized entrants accurately identifies who
is in the permit space.
4. Remains outside the permit space during entry operations until relieved by another
5. Attempting non-entry rescue if proper equipment is in place and the rescue attempt will
not present further hazards to the entrant or attendant.
6. Communicating with authorized entrants as necessary to monitor entrant status and to
alert entrants of the need to evacuate the space when conditions warrant.
7. Monitoring activities inside and outside the space to determine if it is safe for entrants to
remain in the space and ordering the authorized entrants to evacuate the permit space
immediately under any of the following conditions:
a. If the attendant detects a prohibited condition.
b. If the attendant detects the behavioral effects of hazard exposure in an authorized
c. If the attendant detects a situation outside the space that could endanger the
authorized entrants.
d. If the attendant cannot effectively and safely perform all the duties required by this
8. Summoning rescue and other emergency services as soon as the attendant determines that
authorized entrants may need assistance to escape from permit space hazards.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
9. Taking the following actions when unauthorized persons approach or enter a permit space
while entry is underway:
a. Warning the unauthorized persons that they must stay away from the permit space.
b. Advising the unauthorized persons that they must exit immediately if they have
entered the permit space.
c. Informing the authorized entrants and the entry supervisor if unauthorized persons
have entered the permit space.
10. Performing no duties that might interfere with the attendant's primary duty to monitor and
protect the authorized entrants.
2(v)(5) Definitions
Attendant - A person designated by the department head in charge of entry to remain outside the
confined space and to be in constant communication with the personnel working inside the
confined space.
Authorized Entrant - A person who is approved or assigned by the department head in charge
of the entry to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location at the job
Bonding - The joining of two or more items with an electrical conductor so that all ends joined
have the same electrical charge or potential.
Confined Space - A Confined Space is any space that has the following characteristics: (1) It is
large enough or so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work; (2)
It has limited or restricted means for entry or exit.
Entry - The action by which a person passes through an opening into a permit-required confined
space. Entry includes ensuing work activities in that space and is considered to have occurred as
soon as any part of the entrant's body breaks the plane of an opening into the space.
Entry Permit - The written or printed document that is provided by the employer to allow and
control entry into a permit space and that contains the information specified in this program.
Entry Supervisor - Department Head or the designated representative (such as the foreman or
crew chief) responsible for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a permit
space where entry is planned, for authorizing entry and overseeing entry operations, and for
terminating entry as required by this program. NOTE: An entry supervisor also may serve as an
attendant or as an authorized entrant, as long as that person is trained and equipped as required
by this program for each role he or she fills. Also, the duties of entry supervisor may be passed
from one individual to another during the course of entry operation.
Hazardous Atmosphere - An atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death,
incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided from a permit space),
injury, or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:
• Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess of 10% of its lower flammable limit (LFL).
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL. NOTE: This
concentration may be approximated as a condition in which the dust obscures vision at a
distance of 1.52 meters or less.
• Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5% or above 23.5%.
• Atmospheric concentration of any substance for which a dose or a permissible exposure
limit is published in Subpart G, Occupational health and Environmental Control, or in
Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, of 29 CFR 1910 and that could result in
employee exposure in excess of its dose or permissible exposure limit. NOTE: An
atmospheric concentration of any substance that is not capable of causing death,
incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue, injury, or acute illness due to its
health effects is not covered by this provision.
• Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health. NOTE:
For air contaminants for which OSHA has not determined a dose or permissible exposure
limit, other sources of information, such as Material Safety Data Sheets that comply with
the Hazard Communication Standard, section 1910.1200, published information, and
internal documents can provide guidance in establishing acceptable atmospheric
Hot Work - Any work involving burning, welding or similar fire-producing operations. Also,
any work that produces a source of ignition, such as grinding, drilling, or heating.
Hot Work Permit - The employer's written authorization to perform operations (for example,
riveting, welding, cutting, burning, and heating) capable of providing a source of ignition.
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) - The minimum concentration of a combustible gas or vapor in
air that will ignite if an ignition source is introduced.
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment: Any devices or clothing worn by the worker to protect
against hazards in the environment. Examples are respirators, gloves, and chemical splash
Purging - The removal of gases or vapors from a confined space by the process of displacement.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Standby Person - A person designated by the department head in charge of entry to remain
outside the confined space and to be in constant communication with the personnel working
inside the confined space.
2(v)(6) Bibliography
The following references were consulted.
Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.146 - Permit-Required Confined Spaces.
U.S. Government Printing Office.
Nigerian Safety Council Data Sheet 1-704-85 - Confined Space Entry Control System for R&D
Operations, Nigerian Safety News.
N.I.O.S.H. Training and Resource Manual - Safety and Health in Confined Workspaces for the
Construction Industry.
Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 1926.652 - Requirements for Protective
Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.150 - The Control of Hazardous Energy.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Employee(s) in charge of
Entrants: Attendants:
{Check those items below which are applicable to your confined space permit.}
G Oxygen-Deficient Atmosphere G Engulfment G Energized Electrical Equipment
G Oxygen-Enriched Atmosphere G Toxic Atmosphere G Entrapment
G Welding/Cutting G Flammable Atmosphere G Hazardous Chemical
Note: Check appropriate hazard.
G Self-Contained G Protective Gloves G Barricade Job Area
Breathing Apparatus G Lifelines G Signs Posted
G Air-Line Respirator G Respirators G Clearances Secured
G Fire-Retardant Clothing G Lockout/Tagout G Lighting
G Ventilation G Fire Extinguishers G Ground Fault Interrupter
G Remarks
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Tests To Be Taken Date / Time Re-testing Date / Time
Oxygen: % a/p Oxygen: % a/p
Lower Explosive Limit: % Lower Explosive Limit: %
Toxic Atmosphere: Toxic Atmosphere:
Instruments Used: Instruments Used:
Employee Conducting Safety Checks @ SIGNATURE:
Remark on the overall condition of the confined space.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Describe the procedures for isolating all mechanical and physical hazards:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
List the names and job assignments for every individual who will be involved in the entry.
Name AND Job Assignment
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(w)
2(w)(1) Introduction..............................................................................................................II-445
2(w)(2) Identification ............................................................................................................II-445
2(w)(3) Handling & Use........................................................................................................II-446
2(w)(4) Transportation of Cylinders ...................................................................................II-449
2(w)(5) Bibliography.............................................................................................................II-449
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(w)(1) Introduction
Compressed gases present a unique hazard. Depending on the particular gas, there is a potential
for simultaneous exposure to both mechanical and chemical hazards. Gases may be:
• Flammable or combustible;
• Explosive;
• Corrosive;
• Poisonous;
• Inert; or
• Combination of hazards.
If the gas is flammable, flash points lower than room temperature compounded by high rates of
diffusion present a danger of fire or explosion. Additional hazards of reactivity and toxicity of
the gas, as well as asphyxiation, can be caused by high concentrations of even "harmless" gases
such as nitrogen. Since the gases are contained in heavy, highly pressurized metal containers, the
large amount of potential energy resulting from compression of the gas makes the cylinder a
potential rocket or fragmentation bomb.
Careful procedures are necessary for handling the various compressed gases, the cylinders
containing the compressed gases, regulators or valves used to control gas glow, and the piping
used to confine gases during flow.
2(w)(2) Identification
The contents of any compressed gas cylinder must be clearly identified. Such identification
should be stenciled or stamped on the cylinder or a label. Commercially available, three-part tag
systems may also be used for identification and inventory.
All gas lines leading from a compressed gas supply should be clearly labeled to identify the gas,
the laboratory or area served, and the relevant emergency telephone numbers. The labels should
be color coded to distinguish hazardous gases (such as flammable, toxic, or corrosive substances)
(e.g., a yellow background and black letters). Always read the label.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Signs should be clearly posted in areas where flammable compressed gases are stored,
identifying the substances and appropriate precautions (e.g., HYDROGEN - FLAMMABLE
If a leaking cylinder is discovered, move it to a safe place (if it is safe to do so) and inform the
Environmental Health & Safety Department. You should also call the vendor as soon as possible.
Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to repair a cylinder or valve.
Standard cylinder-valve outlet connections have been devised by the Compressed Gas
Association (CGA) to prevent mixing of incompatible gases. The outlet threads used vary in
diameter; some are internal, some are external; some are right-handed, some are left-handed. In
general, right-handed threads are used for non-fuel and water-pumped gases, while left-handed
threads are used for fuel and oil-pump gases.
To minimize undesirable connections, only CGA standard combinations of valves and fittings
should be used in compressed gas installations; the assembly of miscellaneous parts should be
avoided. The threads on cylinder valves, regulators and other fittings should be examined to
ensure they correspond and are undamaged.
Cylinders should be placed with the valve accessible at all times. The main cylinder valve should
be closed as soon as it is no longer necessary that it be open (i.e., it should never be left open
when the equipment is unattended or not operating). This is necessary not only for safety when
the cylinder is under pressure, but also to prevent the corrosion and contamination resulting from
diffusion of air and moisture into the cylinder after it has been emptied.
Cylinders are equipped with either a hand wheel or stem valve. For cylinders equipped with a
stem valve, the valve spindle key should remain on the stem while the cylinder is in service.
Only wrenches or tools provided by the cylinder supplier should be used to open or close a valve.
At no time should pliers be used to open a cylinder valve. Some valves may require washers; this
should be checked before the regulator is fitted.
Cylinder valves should be opened slowly. Oxygen cylinder valves should be opened all the way.
Open up the oxygen cylinder valve stem just a crack. Once the needle on the high pressure
gauge has stopped, open up the valve all the way. This back-seats the valve. Oxygen cylinders
must have the valve opened up all the way because of the high pressure in the cylinder. There is
a back-seating valve on the oxygen cylinder. This prevents the high-pressure gas from leaking
out through the threaded stem.
When opening the valve on a cylinder containing an irritating or toxic gas, the user should
position the cylinder with the valve pointing away from them and warn those working nearby.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Oxygen cylinders, full or empty, shall not be stored in the same vicinity as flammable gases. The
proper storage for oxygen cylinders requires that a minimum of 6.1 meters be maintained
between flammable gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders or the storage areas be separated, at a
minimum, by a fire wall 1.52 meters high with a fire rating of 0.5 hours. Greasy and oily
materials shall never be stored around oxygen; nor should oil or grease be applied to fittings.
Regulators are
gas specific and
not necessarily
Always make
sure that the
regulator and
valve fittings are
If there is any question as to the suitability of a regulator for a particular gas, check with
Environmental Health & Safety Services or call your vendor for advice. After the regulator is
attached, the cylinder valve should be opened just enough to indicate pressure on the regulator
gauge (no more than one full turn) and all the connections checked with a soap solution for leaks.
Never use oil or grease on the regulator of a cylinder valve.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Do not conceal distribution lines where a high concentration of a leaking hazardous gas
can build up and cause an accident.
• Distribution lines and their outlets should be clearly labeled as to the type of gas
• Piping systems should be inspected for leaks on a regular basis.
• Special attention should be given to fittings as well as possible cracks that may have
A cylinder should never be emptied to a pressure lower than 172 kPa (the residual contents may
become contaminated if the valve is left open). When work involving a compressed gas is
completed, the cylinder must be turned off, and if possible, the lines bled.
Where the possibility of flow reversal exists, the cylinder discharge lines should be equipped
with approved check valves to prevent inadvertent contamination of cylinders connected to a
closed system. "Sucking back" is particularly troublesome where gases are used as reactants in a
closed system. A cylinder in such a system should be shut off and removed from the system
when the pressure remaining in the cylinder is at least 172 kPa. If there is a possibility that the
container has been contaminated, it should be so labeled and returned to the supplier.
Liquid bulk cylinders may be used in laboratories where a high volume of gas is needed. These
cylinders usually have a number of valves on the top of the cylinder. All valves should be clearly
marked as to their function. These cylinders will also vent their contents when a preset internal
pressure is reached, therefore, they should be stored or placed in service where there is adequate
Always use safety glasses (preferably with a face shield) when handling and using compressed
gases, especially when connecting and disconnecting compressed gas regulators and lines.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
All compressed gas cylinders, including lecture-size cylinders, must be returned to the supplier
when empty or no longer in use.
1. To protect the valve during transportation, the cover cap should be screwed on hand tight
and remain on until the cylinder is in place and ready for use.
2. Cylinders should never be rolled or dragged.
3. When moving large cylinders, they should be strapped to a properly designed wheeled
cart to ensure stability.
4. Only one cylinder should be handled (moved) at a time.
2(w)(5) Bibliography
Occupational Health and Safety Administration - Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Compressed gases (general requirements), 1910.101.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(x)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(x)(1) Introduction
Accidents may occur during handling of drums and other hazardous waste containers. Hazards
include detonations, fires, explosions, vapor generation, and physical injury resulting from
moving heavy containers by hand and working around stacked drums, heavy equipment, and
deteriorated drums. While these hazards are always present, proper work practices-such as
minimizing handling and using equipment and procedures that isolate workers from hazardous
substances-can minimize the risks to site personnel.
This section defines the safety of handling drums and other hazardous waste containers. It is
intended to aid the Team Leader or Safety Manager in setting up a waste container handling
program. In addition a general requirements and standards for storing, containing, and handling
chemicals and containers, and for maintaining equipment used for handling materials. Containers
are handled during characterization and removal of their contents and during other operations.
The appropriate procedures for handling drums depend on the drum contents. Thus, prior to any
handling, drums should be visually inspected to gain as much information as possible about their
contents. The inspection crew should look for:
• Symbols, words, or other marks on the drum indicating that its contents are hazardous,
e.g., radioactive, explosive, corrosive, toxic, flammable.
• Symbols, words, or other marks on a drum indicating that it contains discarded laboratory
chemicals, reagents, or other potentially dangerous materials in small-volume individual
• Signs of deterioration such as corrosion, rust, and leaks.
• Signs that the drum is under pressure such as swelling and bulging.
• Drum type.
• Configuration of the drumhead.
Conditions in the immediate vicinity of the drums may provide information about drum contents
and their associated hazards. Monitoring should be conducted around the drums using
instruments such as a gamma radiation survey instrument, organic vapor monitors, and a
combustible gas meter.
The results of this survey can be used to classify the drums into preliminary hazard categories,
for example:
• Radioactive.
• Leaking/deteriorated.
• Bulging.
• Explosive/shock-sensitive.
• Contains small-volume individual containers of laboratory wastes or other dangerous
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
As a precautionary measure, personnel should assume that unlabelled drums contain hazardous
materials until their contents are characterized. Also, they should bear in mind that drums are
frequently mislabeled-particularly drums that are reused.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Look for symbols, words, or colors on the drum indicating that its contents are hazardous.
• Symbols, words, or other marks on the drum indicating that its contents are hazardous.
• Symbols, words, or other marks on a drum indicating that it contains discarded laboratory
chemicals, reagents, or other potentially dangerous materials in small-volume individual
• Signs of deterioration such as corrosion, rust, and leaks.
• Signs that the drum is under pressure such as swelling and bulging.
• Drum type.
• Configuration of the drumhead.
Conditions in the immediate vicinity of the drums may provide information about drum contents
and their associated hazards. Monitoring should be conducted around the drums using
instruments such as a gamma radiation survey instrument, organic vapor monitors, and a
combustible gas meter.
As a precautionary measure, personnel should assume that unlabelled drums contain hazardous
materials until their contents are characterized.
1. To respond to any obvious problems that might impair worker safety, such as
radioactivity, leakage, or the presence of explosive substances.
2. To unstack and orient drums for sampling.
3. To organize, if necessary, drums into different areas on site to facilitate characterization
and remedial action.
Prior to handling, all personnel should be warned about the hazards of handling, and be
instructed to minimize handling as much as possible. In all phases of handling, personnel should
be alert for new information about potential hazards.
The major causes of leaks and spills at hazardous waste sites are:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Over pack drums (larger drums in which leaking or damaged drums are placed for storage or
shipment) and an adequate volume of absorbent should be kept near areas where minor spills
may occur.
Keep absorbent spill control materials (brooms, bulk solid absorbent such as vermiculite)
available on site. There is some equipment which can be used to move drums:
Drums are also sometimes moved manually. The drum grappler is the preferred piece of
equipment for drum handling because it keeps the operator removed from the drums so that there
is less likelihood of injury if the drums detonate or rupture.
If a drum is leaking, the operator can stop the leak by rotating the drum and immediately placing
it into an over pack.
Use protective equipment for your eyes, skin, and lungs when you open a drum, transfer the
contents of a drum, or clean a spill.
Drum opening
There are three basic techniques available for opening drums at hazardous waste sites:
The choice of drum opening techniques and accessories depends on the number of drums to be
opened, their waste contents, and their physical condition.
Remote drum opening equipment should always be considered in order to protect worker safety.
Manual drum opening with bung wrenches or de-headers should be performed ONLY with
structurally sound drums and waste contents that are known to be non-shock sensitive, non-
reactive, non-explosive, and non-flammable.
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
2(x)(4)(ii) Staging
Although every attempt should be made to minimize drum handling, drums must sometimes be
staged to facilitate characterization, remedial action, and to protect drums from potentially
hazardous site conditions.
The number of staging areas necessary depends on site specific circumstances such as the scope
of the operation, the accessibility of drums in their original positions, and perceived hazards.
During staging, the drums should be physically separated into the following categories: those
containing liquids, those containing solids, those containing lab packs, and those which are
empty. This is done because the strategy for sampling and handling drums/containers in each of
these categories will be different. This may be achieved by visual inspection of the drum and its
labels, codes, etc. Solids and sludge are typically disposed of in open top drums. Closed head
drums with a bung opening generally contain liquid. Where there is good reason to suspect that
drums contain radioactive, explosive, or shock-sensitive materials, these drums should be staged
in a separate isolated area. Placement of explosives and shock-sensitive materials in burned and
fenced areas will minimize the hazard and the adverse effects of any premature detonation of
1. Unknown materials.
2. Spills, leaks and ruptures.
3. Physical exposure (through lungs, skin or mouth) to toxic chemicals.
4. Fires and explosions.
5. Unforeseen emergencies.
6. Back injuries.
Always open bulging, corroded, dented, and otherwise damaged drums by remote handling tools.
If the contents of a drum are known to be non-explosive and the drums are not damaged, use the
following safety procedures for manual opening:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
When handling drums, manual handling may mean lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying,
moving, or holding drums of all sizes. If possible, use the following suggestions to avoid strain
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
SEC. 2(y)
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
Welding processes require heat and sometimes other substances to produce the weld. Byproducts
resulting from the welding process include fumes and gases which can be serious health hazards
to employees. Additionally, safety hazards can exist such as the potential for fire or explosion
and injuries from arc radiation, electrical shock, or materials handling. This safety procedure
affects to all employees who are exposed by this job duties to welding and torch or cutting
Welding operations will be performed only by authorized and trained employees. When welding
hazards exist that cannot be eliminated, then engineering practices, administrative practices, safe
work practices, Personal Protective Equipment, and proper training regarding Welding will be
2(y)(2) Definitions
• Welder and Welding Operator – is any operator of electric or gas welding and cutting
work area.
• Fire Hazards – Move either the object you are welding or cutting or any movable fire
hazards in the area to a safe place.
• Guards – If you can move neither of the above, then use guards to confine the heat,
sparks and slag to protect the immovable fire hazards.
• Combustible Materials – Wherever there are floor openings or cracks in the flooring,
close them or take precautions so that sparks will not drop through to combustible
materials on the floor below. Use the same precautions with cracks or holes in walls,
open doorways and open or broken windows.
• Confined Space – A space that is not designated for human occupancy, has limited
openings for entry and exit, may lack adequate ventilation, and may contain or produce
dangerous air contamination.
• Hazardous – Any act, condition, or substance which poses health and safety risks to
• Hot Work Permit – A permit allowing employees to perform work involving welding,
cutting, or any task that would deplete oxygen, create toxic fumes and vapor, or create the
potential for fire or explosion.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Health Hazards
– Toxic gases
– Primary pulmonary gases
– Non pulmonary gases
– Particulate matter
– Irritants and toxic inhalants
– Air sampling may be required to identify the fumes and gases emitted from a
specific operation.
• Safety Hazards
– Fire
– Proximity to combustible materials
– Hazardous locations ( rooms containing flammable or combustible vapors)
– Closed containers that have held flammable liquids or other combustibles
– Electric shock (arc welding)
– Infrared and ultraviolet
Version 1: March 2008 Part II: Safety and Best Industry Practices
• Never weld in an explosive atmosphere. If you suspect the presence of a gas, certain dust
such as grain and flour which are flammable contact management to checked it out before
proceeding with any work.
• Never weld near stored ignitable materials or combustible debris. Never weld on a drum
or a barrel unless it has been thoroughly cleaned of any previously contained material.
• Never weld on a compressed gas cylinder.
• When welding at a higher elevation, take precautions for falling sparks you produce.
• Always have adequate fire extinguishing equipment immediately available where you are
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Keep your head out of the fume path. Your welding helmet will also help protect your
• Provide ventilation, especially in welding booths, away from the welder.
• Some materials are known to be toxic or carcinogens. Respirators are required when
working with them. They include; galvanized metals, cadmium plated, lead, mercury,
chrome, nickel, and beryllium.
• Supplied air respirators may be required when welding in confined spaces.
2(y)(4) Inspections
All welding equipment including attachments and accessories will be inspected on a monthly
basis by the supervisor or his designee. A written record including the date, type of equipment,
equipment number, and equipment serial number along with the signature of the employee
performing the inspection will be maintained for a period of one year.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
The signs and symptoms of critical incident stress can be physical, emotional, cognitive, or
behavioral. Individuals express stress in different ways and therefore manifest different
reactions. Table 1 below is not exhaustive but will help supervisors to identify workers who are
exhibiting stress reactions.
During the emergency phase of the response, monitoring of employees by simple conversation
and observation may help to identify early signs for some responders. The following steps can
help to reduce significant stress detected early in the response:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Introduction;
• Fact Phase;
• Thought Phase;
• Reaction Phase;
• Symptom Phase;
• Teaching Phase; and
• Re-entry Phase.
During the group process, participants are encouraged to describe their experience of the incident
and its aftermath, followed by a presentation on common stress reactions and stress management.
This early intervention process supports recovery by providing group support and linking
employees to further counseling and treatment services if they become necessary.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The time that these agents persist in the environment is dependent on many variables such as
physical state (solid, liquid, or gas), weather conditions (wind speed, rain or snow, air or surface
temperature), indoor or outdoor release, chemical stability, method of release (vapor or aerosol),
or quantity released.
Many toxic industrial chemicals are highly toxic and may rapidly affect exposed individuals.
Toxic industrial chemicals (whether as a gas, aerosol, or liquid) enter the body through
inhalation, through the skin, or through digestion. The time that it takes for a toxic industrial
chemical to begin working is dependent mainly on the route that the agent enters the body.
Generally poisoning occurs more quickly if a chemical enters through the lungs (because of the
ability of the agent to rapidly diffuse throughout the body). Information related to how the
chemicals affect humans and symptoms of exposure to specific chemicals can be found in
material safety data sheets (MSDS) or chemical information cards.
If you are exposed to a toxic industrial chemicals attack, get away from the impacted area
quickly without passing through the contaminated area, if possible. If available, a good way to
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
protect yourself from a toxic industrial chemicals is to wear suitable chemical protective clothing
and respiratory protection. However, it must be stressed that this protective equipment does not
always work against toxic industrial chemicals. The effectiveness is determined by the materials
of construction, the type and level of exposure, and duration of exposure. If you have been
exposed to a toxic industrial chemical, consult with your physician as soon as possible. Personal
decontamination can be performed by removing contaminated clothing and washing exposed
skin with soap and water.
"Shelter-in-place" means to go indoors, close up the building, and wait for the danger to pass. If
you are advised to shelter in place, close all doors and windows; turn off fans, air conditioners,
and forced-air heating units that bring in fresh air from the outside; only re-circulate air that is
already in the building; move to an inner room or basement; and keep your radio turned to the
emergency response network or local news to find out what else you need to do.
First responders should consider the possible impact of a release of toxic industrial chemicals
and address these in their health and safety plans (HASPs). The health and safety plan should
include guidelines such as monitoring, detection, awareness training, personal protective
equipment, decontamination, and medical surveillance of acutely exposed workers.
There are a wide variety of direct reading instruments and analytical sampling and analysis
procedures available for detecting toxic industrial chemicals. Direct reading instruments include
detector tubes, flame ionization detector (FID), photoionization detector (PID), and specialized
gas chromatographs.
During a chemical release, or after a release has occurred with no information available about the
duration of the release or the airborne concentration of toxic industrial chemicals, at a minimum,
Level B protection should be used. The requirement of OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations
and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard (29 CFR 1910.120(q)) provides additional
information for responding to hazardous substance releases including toxic industrial chemicals.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The proof test shall reliably indicate that the equipment can withstand the voltage involved.
The test voltage shall be applied continuously for 3 minutes for equipment other than matting
and shall be applied continuously for 1 minute for matting.
Gloves shall also be capable of withstanding the a-c proof-test voltage specified in Table 3 after
a 16-hour water soak.
When the a-c proof test is used on gloves, the 60-hertz proof-test current may not exceed the
values specified in Table 3 at any time during the test period.
If the a-c proof test is made at a frequency other than 60 hertz, the permissible proof-test current
shall be computed from the direct ratio of the frequencies.
For the test, gloves (right side out) shall be filled with tap water and immersed in water to a
depth that is in accordance with Table 5. Water shall be added to or removed from the glove, as
necessary, so that the water level is the same inside and outside the glove.
After the 16-hour water soak specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(C) of this section, the 60-hertz
proof-test current may exceed the values given in Table 3 by not more than 2 milliamperes.
Equipment that has been subjected to a minimum breakdown voltage test may not be used for
electrical protection.
Material used for Type II insulating equipment shall be capable of withstanding an ozone test,
with no visible effects. The ozone test shall reliably indicate that the material will resist ozone
exposure in actual use. Any visible signs of ozone deterioration of the material, such as checking,
cracking, breaks, or pitting, is evidence of failure to meet the requirements for ozone-resistant
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Surface irregularities that may be present on all rubber goods because of imperfections on forms
or molds or because of inherent difficulties in the manufacturing process and that may appear as
indentations, protuberances, or imbedded foreign material are acceptable under the following
• The indentation or protuberance blends into a smooth slope when the material is
• Foreign material remains in place when the insulating material is folded and stretches
with the insulating material surrounding it.
• American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 120-87, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Gloves.
• ASTM D 178-93 (or D 178-88), Specification for Rubber Insulating Matting.
• ASTM D 1048-93 (or D 1048-88a), Specification for Rubber Insulating Blankets.
• ASTM D 1049-93 (or D 1049-88), Specification for Rubber Insulating Covers.
• ASTM D 1050-90, Specification for Rubber Insulating Line Hose.
• ASTM D 1051-87, Specification for Rubber Insulating Sleeves.
These standards contain specifications for conducting the various tests required in paragraph (a)
of this section. For example, the a-c and d-c proof tests, the breakdown test, the water soak
procedure, and the ozone test mentioned in this paragraph are described in detail in the ASTM
The following specific requirements apply to insulating blankets, covers, line hose, gloves, and
sleeves made of rubber:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Insulating equipment found to have other defects that might affect its insulating properties shall
be removed from service and returned for testing.
Insulating equipment shall be stored in such a location and in such a manner as to protect it from
light, temperature extremes, excessive humidity, ozone, and other injurious substances and
• Protector gloves need not be used with Class 0 gloves, under limited-use conditions,
where small equipment and parts manipulation necessitate unusually high finger
• Note: Extra care is needed in the visual examination of the glove and in the avoidance of
handling sharp objects.
Any other class of glove may be used for similar work without protector gloves if the employer
can demonstrate that the possibility of physical damage to the gloves is small and if the class of
glove is one class higher than that required for the voltage involved. Insulating gloves that have
been used without protector gloves may not be used at a higher voltage until they have been
Electrical protective equipment shall be subjected to periodic electrical tests. Test voltages and
the maximum intervals between tests shall be in accordance with Tables 6 and 7.
The test method used shall reliably indicate whether the insulating equipment can withstand the
voltages involved.
Note: Standard electrical test methods considered as meeting this requirement are given in the
following national consensus standards:
• American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 120-87, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Gloves.
• ASTM D 1048-93, Specification for Rubber Insulating Blankets.
• ASTM D 1049-93, Specification for Rubber Insulating Covers.
• ASTM D 1050-90, Specification for Rubber Insulating Line Hose.
• ASTM D 1051-87, Specification for Rubber Insulating Sleeves.
• ASTM F 478-92, Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Line Hose and Covers.
• ASTM F 479-93, Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Blankets.
• ASTM F 496-93b, Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves.
Insulating equipment failing to pass inspections or electrical tests may not be used by employees,
except as follows:
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
• Rubber insulating line hose may be used in shorter lengths with the defective portion cut
• Rubber insulating blankets may be repaired using a compatible patch that results in
physical and electrical properties equal to those of the blanket.
• Rubber insulating blankets may be salvaged by severing the defective area from the
undamaged portion of the blanket. The resulting undamaged area may not be smaller than
560 mm by 560 mm for Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 blankets.
Rubber insulating gloves and sleeves with minor physical defects, such as small cuts, tears, or
punctures, may be repaired by the application of a compatible patch. Also, rubber insulating
gloves and sleeves with minor surface blemishes may be repaired with a compatible liquid
compound. The patched area shall have electrical and physical properties equal to those of the
surrounding material. Repairs to gloves are permitted only in the area between the wrist and the
reinforced edge of the opening.
The employer shall certify that equipment has been tested. The certification shall identify the
equipment that passed the test and the date it was tested.
Note: Marking of equipment and entering the results of the tests and the dates of testing onto
logs are two acceptable means of meeting this requirement.
Class of voltage 267-mm 356-mm 406-mm 457-mm
equipment rms V glove glove glove glove
0………….. 5,000 8 12 14 16
1………….. 10,000 ………….. 14 16 18
2………….. 20,000 ………….. 16 18 20
3………….. 30,000 ………….. 18 20 22
4………….. 40,000 ………….. ………….. 22 24
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
[1] If there is no multiphase exposure in a system area and if the voltage exposure is limited to
the phase-to-ground potential, or
[2] If the electrical equipment and devices are insulated or isolated or both so that the multiphase
exposure on a grounded wire circuit is removed.
Footnote(2) The proof-test voltage shall be applied continuously for at least 1 minute, but no more than 3 minutes.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Employers shall base the selection of the appropriate hand protection on an evaluation of the
performance characteristics of the hand protection relative to the task(s) to be performed,
conditions present, duration of use, and the hazards and potential hazards identified.
1. Controlling hazards. PPE devices alone should not be relied on to provide protection
against hazards, but should be used in conjunction with guards, engineering controls, and
sound manufacturing practices.
2. Assessment and selection. It is necessary to consider certain general guidelines for
assessing the foot, head, eye and face, and hand hazard situations that exist in an
occupational or educational operation or process, and to match the protective devices to
the particular hazard. It should be the responsibility of the safety officer to exercise
common sense and appropriate expertise to accomplish these tasks.
3. Assessment guidelines. In order to assess the need for PPE the following steps should be
a. Survey. Conduct a walk-through survey of the areas in question. The purpose of the
survey is to identify sources of hazards to workers and co-workers. Consideration
should be given to the basic hazard categories:
i. Impact;
ii. Penetration;
iii. Compression (roll-over);
iv. Chemical;
v. Heat;
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
important to ensure that it will not fall off during work operations. In some cases a chin
strap may be necessary to keep the helmet on an employee's head. (Chin straps should
break at a reasonably low force, however, so as to prevent a strangulation hazard). Where
manufacturer's instructions are available, they should be followed carefully.
7. Reassessment of hazards. It is the responsibility of the safety officer to reassess the
workplace hazard situation as necessary, by identifying and evaluating new equipment
and processes, reviewing accident records, and reevaluating the suitability of previously
selected PPE.
8. Selection chart guidelines for eye and face protection. Some occupations (not a complete
list) for which eye protection should be routinely considered are: carpenters, electricians,
machinists, mechanics and repairers, millwrights, plumbers and pipe fitters, sheet metal
workers and tinsmiths, assemblers, sanders, grinding machine operators, lathe and milling
machine operators, sawyers, welders, laborers, chemical process operators and handlers,
and timber cutting and logging workers. Table 8 chart provides general guidance for the
proper selection of eye and face protection to protect against hazards associated with the
listed hazard "source" operations.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
(10) Non-side shield spectacles are available for frontal protection only, but are not acceptable eye protection for the
sources and operations listed for "impact."
(11) Ventilation should be adequate, but well protected from splash entry. Eye and face protection should be
designed and used so that it provides both adequate ventilation and protects the wearer from splash entry.
(12) Protection from light radiation is directly related to filter lens density. See note (4) . Select the darkest shade
that allows task performance.
Where falling object hazards are present, helmets must be worn. Some examples include:
working below other workers who are using tools and materials which could fall; working
around or under conveyor belts which are carrying parts or materials; working below machinery
or processes which might cause material or objects to fall; and working on exposed energized
conductors. Some examples of occupations for which head protection should be routinely
considered are: carpenters, electricians, linemen, mechanics and repairers, plumbers and pipe
fitters, assemblers, packers, wrappers, sawyers, welders, laborers, freight handlers, timber cutting
and logging, stock handlers, and warehouse laborers.
Safety shoes or boots with impact protection would be required for carrying or handling
materials such as packages, objects, parts or heavy tools, which could be dropped; and, for other
activities where objects might fall onto the feet. Safety shoes or boots with compression
protection would be required for work activities involving skid trucks (manual material handling
carts) around bulk rolls (such as paper rolls) and around heavy pipes, all of which could
potentially roll over an employee's feet. Safety shoes or boots with puncture protection would be
required where sharp objects such as nails, wire, tacks, screws, large staples, scrap metal etc.,
could be stepped on by employees causing a foot injury.
Some occupations (not a complete list) for which foot protection should be routinely considered
are: shipping and receiving clerks, stock clerks, carpenters, electricians, machinists, mechanics
and repairers, plumbers and pipe fitters, structural metal workers, assemblers, drywall installers
and lathers, packers, wrappers, craters, punch and stamping press operators, sawyers, welders,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
laborers, freight handlers, gardeners and grounds-keepers, timber cutting and logging workers,
stock handlers and warehouse laborers.
It is also important to know the performance characteristics of gloves relative to the specific
hazard anticipated; e.g., chemical hazards, cut hazards, flame hazards, etc. These performance
characteristics should be assessed by using standard test procedures. Before purchasing gloves,
the employer should request documentation from the manufacturer that the gloves meet the
appropriate test standard(s) for the hazard(s) anticipated. Other factors to be considered for glove
selection in general include:
1. The toxic properties of the chemical(s) must be determined; in particular, the ability of
the chemical to cause local effects on the skin and/or to pass through the skin and cause
systemic effects;
2. Generally, any "chemical resistant" glove can be used for dry powders;
3. For mixtures and formulated products (unless specific test data are available), a glove
should be selected on the basis of the chemical component with the shortest breakthrough
time, since it is possible for solvents to carry active ingredients through polymeric
materials; and
4. Employees must be able to remove the gloves in such a manner as to prevent skin
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
3(f) Sanitation
3(f)(1) Definitions
Non-water carriage toilet facility means a toilet facility not connected to a sewer.
Number of employees, unless otherwise specified, means the maximum number of employees
present at any one time on a regular shift.
Personal service room means a room used for activities not directly connected with the
production or service function performed by the establishment. Such activities include, but are
not limited to, first-aid, medical services, dressing, showering, toilet use, washing, and eating.
Potable water means water which meets the quality standards prescribed in the U.S. Public
Health Service Drinking Water Standards, published in 42 CFR Part 72, or water which is
approved for drinking purposes by the State or local authority having jurisdiction.
Toilet facility means a fixture maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of defecation or
urination, or both.
Toilet room means a room maintained within or on the premises of any place of employment,
containing toilet facilities for use by employees.
Toxic material means a material in concentration or amount which exceeds the applicable limit
established by a standard, such as 1910.1000 and 1910.1001 or, in the absence of an applicable
standard, which is of such toxicity so as to constitute a recognized hazard that is causing or is
likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
Urinal means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the sole purpose of urination.
Water closet means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both
defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Wet process means any process or operation in a workroom which normally results in surfaces
upon which employees may walk or stand becoming wet.
3(f)(2) Housekeeping
All work places shall be kept clean to the extent that the nature of the work allows.
The floor of every workroom shall be maintained, so far as practicable, in a dry condition. Where
wet processes are used, drainage shall be maintained and false floors, platforms, mats, or other
dry standing places shall be provided, where practicable, or appropriate waterproof footgear shall
be provided.
To facilitate cleaning, every floor, working place, and passageway shall be kept free from
protruding nails, splinters, loose boards, and unnecessary holes and openings.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
All sweepings, solid or liquid wastes, refuse, and garbage shall be removed in such a manner as
to avoid creating a menace to health and as often as necessary or appropriate to maintain the
place of employment in a sanitary condition.
Vermin control. Every enclosed workplace shall be so constructed, equipped, and maintained, so
far as reasonably practicable, as to prevent the entrance or harborage of rodents, insects, and
other vermin. A continuing and effective extermination program shall be instituted where their
presence is detected.
Portable drinking water dispensers shall be designed, constructed, and serviced so that sanitary
conditions are maintained, shall be capable of being closed, and shall be equipped with a tap.
Open containers such as barrels, pails, or tanks for drinking water from which the water must be
dipped or poured, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited.
Construction of non-potable water systems or systems carrying any other non-potable substance
shall be such as to prevent backflow or back-siphonage into a potable water system.
Non-potable water shall not be used for washing any portion of the person, cooking or eating
utensils, or clothing. Non-potable water may be used for cleaning work premises, other than food
processing and preparation premises and personal service rooms: Provided that this non-potable
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
water does not contain concentrations of chemicals, fecal coliform, or other substances which
could create unsanitary conditions or be harmful to employees.
The requirements of this section do not apply to mobile crews or to normally unattended work
locations so long as employees working at these locations have transportation immediately
available to nearby toilet facilities which meet the other requirements of this subparagraph.
The sewage disposal method shall not endanger the health of employees.
Lavatories shall be made available in all places of employment. The requirements of this
subdivision do not apply to mobile crews or to normally unattended work locations if employees
working at these locations have transportation readily available to nearby washing facilities
which meet the other requirements of this paragraph.
Each lavatory shall be provided with hot and cold running water, or tepid running water.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Individual hand towels or sections thereof, of cloth or paper, warm air blowers or clean
individual sections of continuous cloth toweling, convenient to the lavatories, shall be provided.
3(f)(8) Showers
Whenever showers are required the following guidelines are recommended:
• One shower shall be provided for each 10 employees of each sex, or numerical fraction
thereof, who are required to shower during the same shift.
• Body soap or other appropriate cleansing agents convenient to the showers shall be
provided as specified in paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section.
• Showers shall be provided with hot and cold water feeding a common discharge line.
• Employees who use showers shall be provided with individual clean towels.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Safety cans or other portable containers of flammable liquids having a flash point at or below 80
degrees Fahrenheit, table containers of flammable liquids (open cup tester), excluding shipping
containers, shall be painted red with some additional clearly visible identification either in the
form of a yellow band around the can or the name of the contents conspicuously stenciled or
painted on the can in yellow. Red lights shall be provided at barricades and at temporary
obstructions, as specified in ANSI Safety Code for Building Construction, A10.2-1944, which is
incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6. Danger signs shall be painted red.
Emergency stop bars on hazardous machines such as rubber mills, wire blocks, flat work ironers,
etc., shall be red. Stop buttons or electrical switches which letters or other markings appear, used
for emergency stopping of machinery shall be red.
Yellow shall be the basic color for designating caution and for marking physical hazards such as:
Striking against, stumbling, falling, tripping, and "caught in between."
All new signs and replacements of old signs shall be in accordance with these specifications.
As used in this section, the word "sign" refers to a surface prepared for the warning of, or safety
instructions of, industrial workers or members of the public who may be exposed to hazards.
Excluded from this definition, however, are news releases, displays commonly known as safety
posters, and bulletins used for employee education.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Danger signs - There shall be no variation in the type of design of signs posted to warn of
specific dangers and radiation hazards.
All employees shall be instructed that danger signs indicate immediate danger and that special
precautions are necessary.
Caution signs - Caution signs shall be used only to warn against potential hazards or to caution
against unsafe practices.
All employees shall be instructed that caution signs indicate a possible hazard against which
proper precaution should be taken.
Safety instruction signs - Safety instruction signs shall be used where there is a need for general
instructions and suggestions relative to safety measures.
Safety instruction signs - Standard color of the background shall be white; and the panel, green
with white letters. Any letters used against the white background shall be black. The colors shall
be those of opaque glossy samples as specified in Table 1 of American National Standard,
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
purpose of this subparagraph the term "biological hazard," or "biohazard," shall include only
those infectious agents presenting a risk or potential risk to the well-being of man.
Tags shall be used as a means to prevent accidental injury or illness to employees who are
exposed to hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions, equipment or operations which are out
of the ordinary, unexpected or not readily apparent. Tags shall be used until such time as the
identified hazard is eliminated or the hazardous operation is completed. Tags need not be used
where signs, guarding or other positive means of protection are being used.
The major message shall indicate the specific hazardous condition or the instruction to be
communicated to the employee.
The signal word shall be readable at a minimum distance of 1.52 m or such greater distance as
warranted by the hazard.
The tag's major message shall be presented in either pictographs, written text or both.
The signal word and the major message shall be understandable to all employees who may be
exposed to the identified hazard.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
All employees shall be informed as to the meaning of the various tags used throughout the
workplace and what special precautions are necessary.
Tags shall be affixed as close as safely possible to their respective hazards by a positive means
such as string, wire, or adhesive that prevents their loss or unintentional removal.
Danger tags shall be used in major hazard situations where an immediate hazard presents a threat
of death or serious injury to employees. Danger tags shall be used only in these situations.
Caution tags shall be used in minor hazard situations where a non-immediate or potential hazard
or unsafe practice presents a lesser threat of employee injury. Caution tags shall be used only in
these situations.
Warning tags may be used to represent a hazard level between "Caution" and "Danger," instead
of the required "Caution" tag, provided that they have a signal word of "Warning," an
appropriate major message, and otherwise meet the general tag criteria of paragraph (f)(4) of this
Biological hazard tags shall be used to identify the actual or potential presence of a biological
hazard and to identify equipment, containers, rooms, experimental animals, or combinations
thereof, that contain or are contaminated with hazardous biological agents.
Acceptable entry conditions means the conditions that must exist in a permit space to allow
entry and to ensure that employees involved with a permit-required confined space entry can
safely enter into and work within the space.
Attendant means an individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces who monitors the
authorized entrants and who performs all attendant's duties assigned in the employer's permit
space program.
Authorized entrant means an employee who is authorized by the employer to enter a permit
Blanking or blinding means the absolute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by the fastening of a
solid plate (such as a spectacle blind or a skillet blind) that completely covers the bore and that is
capable of withstanding the maximum pressure of the pipe, line, or duct with no leakage beyond
the plate.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
1. Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform
assigned work; and
2. Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos,
storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of entry.);
3. Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
Double block and bleed means the closure of a line, duct, or pipe by closing and locking or
tagging two in-line valves and by opening and locking or tagging a drain or vent valve in the line
between the two closed valves.
Emergency means any occurrence (including any failure of hazard control or monitoring
equipment) or event internal or external to the permit space that could endanger entrants.
Engulfment means the surrounding and effective capture of a person by a liquid or finely
divided (flowable) solid substance that can be aspirated to cause death by filling or plugging the
respiratory system or that can exert enough force on the body to cause death by strangulation,
constriction, or crushing.
Entry means the action by which a person passes through an opening into a permit-required
confined space. Entry includes ensuing work activities in that space and is considered to have
occurred as soon as any part of the entrant's body breaks the plane of an opening into the space.
Entry permit (permit) means the written or printed document that is provided by the employer
to allow and control entry into a permit space and that contains information specified in this
Entry supervisor means the person (such as the employer, foreman, or crew chief) responsible
for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a permit space where entry is
planned, for authorizing entry and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating entry as
required by this section. An entry supervisor also may serve as an attendant or as an authorized
entrant, as long as that person is trained and equipped as required by this section for each role he
or she fills. Also, the duties of entry supervisor may be passed from one individual to another
during the course of an entry operation.
Hazardous atmosphere means an atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death,
incapacitation, and impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided from a permit
space), injury, or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:
1. Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess of 10 percent of its lower flammable limit (LFL).
2. Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL; this
concentration may be approximated as a condition in which the dust obscures vision at a
distance of 1.52 m or less.
3. Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 percent or above 23.5 percent;
4. Atmospheric concentration of any substance for which a dose or a permissible exposure
limit which could result in employee exposure in excess of safe levels of exposure. For
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
exposure limits see Part II (e). An atmospheric concentration of any substance that is not
capable of causing death, incapacitation, and impairment of ability to self-rescue, injury,
or acute illness due to its health effects is not covered by this provision.
5. Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health. For air
contaminants which do not have established doses or permissible exposure limits, other
sources of information, such as Material Safety Data Sheets, published information, and
internal documents can provide guidance in establishing acceptable atmospheric
Hot work permit means the employer's written authorization to perform operations (for
example, riveting, welding, cutting, burning, and heating) capable of providing a source of
Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) means any condition that poses an immediate
or delayed threat to life or that would cause irreversible adverse health effects or that would
interfere with an individual's ability to escape unaided from a permit space. Some materials --
hydrogen fluoride gas and cadmium vapor, for example -- may produce immediate transient
effects that, even if severe, may pass without medical attention, but are followed by sudden,
possibly fatal collapse 12-72 hours after exposure. The victim "feels normal" from recovery from
transient effects until collapse. Such materials in hazardous quantities are considered to be
"immediately" dangerous to life or health.
Inerting means the displacement of the atmosphere in a permit space by a noncombustible gas
(such as nitrogen) to such an extent that the resulting atmosphere is noncombustible. It is
important to note that inerting produces an IDLH oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
Isolation means the process by which a permit space is removed from service and completely
protected against the release of energy and material into the space by such means as: blanking or
blinding; misaligning or removing sections of lines, pipes, or ducts; a double block and bleed
system; lockout or tagout of all sources of energy; or blocking or disconnecting all mechanical
Line breaking means the intentional opening of a pipe, line, or duct that is or has been carrying
flammable, corrosive, or toxic material, an inert gas, or any fluid at a volume, pressure, or
temperature capable of causing injury.
Non-permit confined space means a confined space that does not contain or, with respect to
atmospheric hazards, have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or serious
physical harm.
Oxygen deficient atmosphere means an atmosphere containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen
by volume.
Oxygen enriched atmosphere means an atmosphere containing more than 23.5 percent oxygen
by volume.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Permit-required confined space (permit space) means a confined space that has one or more
of the following characteristics:
Permit-required confined space program (permit space program) means the employer's
overall program for controlling, and, where appropriate, for protecting employees from, permit
space hazards and for regulating employee entry into permit spaces.
Permit system means the employer's written procedure for preparing and issuing permits for
entry and for returning the permit space to service following termination of entry.
Prohibited condition means any condition in a permit space that is not allowed by the permit
during the period when entry is authorized.
Rescue service means the personnel designated to rescue employees from permit spaces.
Retrieval system means the equipment (including a retrieval line, chest or full-body harness,
wristlets, if appropriate, and a lifting device or anchor) used for non-entry rescue of persons from
permit spaces.
Testing means the process by which the hazards that may confront entrants of a permit space are
identified and evaluated. Testing includes specifying the tests that are to be performed in the
permit space. Testing enables employers both to devise and implement adequate control
measures for the protection of authorized entrants and to determine if acceptable entry conditions
are present immediately prior to, and during, entry.
If the workplace contains permit spaces, the employer shall inform exposed employees, by
posting danger signs or by any other equally effective means, of the existence and location of
and the danger posed by the permit spaces.
If the employer decides that its employees will not enter permit spaces, the employer shall take
effective measures to prevent its employees from entering the permit spaces.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
If the employer decides that its employees will enter permit spaces, the employer shall develop
and implement a written permit space program that complies with this section. The written
program shall be available for inspection by employees and their authorized representatives.
An employer whose employees enter a permit space need not comply with the recommendations
of this section provided that:
• The employer can demonstrate that the only hazard posed by the permit space is an actual
or potential hazardous atmosphere;
• The employer can demonstrate that continuous forced air ventilation alone is sufficient to
maintain that permit space safe for entry;
• The employer develops monitoring and inspection data that supports the demonstrations
required in this section;
• The determinations and supporting data required are documented by the employer and are
made available to each employee who enters the permit space; and
• Entry into the permit space is performed in accordance with the requirements of this
The following requirements apply to entry into permit spaces that meet the conditions set forth in
this section.
• Any conditions making it unsafe to remove an entrance cover shall be eliminated before
the cover is removed.
• When entrance covers are removed, the opening shall be promptly guarded by a railing,
temporary cover, or other temporary barrier that will prevent an accidental fall through
the opening and that will protect each employee working in the space from foreign
objects entering the space.
• Before an employee enters the space, the internal atmosphere shall be tested, with a
calibrated direct-reading instrument, for oxygen content, for flammable gases and vapors,
and for potential toxic air contaminants, in that order. Any employee who enters the
space, or that employee's authorized representative, shall be provided an opportunity to
observe the pre-entry testing required by this paragraph.
3(i)(3) Oxygen Content, Flammable Gases and Vapors, and Potential Toxic Air
There may be no hazardous atmosphere within the space whenever any employee is inside the
• An employee may not enter the space until the forced air ventilation has eliminated any
hazardous atmosphere.
• The forced air ventilation shall be so directed as to ventilate the immediate areas where
an employee is or will be present within the space and shall continue until all employees
have left the space.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
• The air supply for the forced air ventilation shall be from a clean source and may not
increase the hazards in the space.
• The atmosphere within the space shall be periodically tested as necessary to ensure that
the continuous forced air ventilation is preventing the accumulation of a hazardous
atmosphere. Any employee who enters the space, or that employee's authorized
representative, shall be provided with an opportunity to observe the periodic testing
required by this paragraph.
• If a hazardous atmosphere is detected during entry.
• Each employee shall leave the space immediately.
• The space shall be evaluated to determine how the hazardous atmosphere developed; and
• Measures shall be implemented to protect employees from the hazardous atmosphere
before any subsequent entry takes place.
The employer shall verify that the space is safe for entry and that the pre-entry measures required
of this section have been taken, through a written certification that contains the date, the location
of the space, and the signature of the person providing the certification. The certification shall be
made before entry and shall be made available to each employee entering the space or to that
employee's authorized representative.
When there are changes in the use or configuration of a non-permit confined space that might
increase the hazards to entrants, the employer shall reevaluate that space and, if necessary,
reclassify it as a permit-required confined space.
• If the permit space poses no actual or potential atmospheric hazards and if all hazards
within the space are eliminated without entry into the space, the permit space may be
reclassified as a non-permit confined space for as long as the non-atmospheric hazards
remain eliminated.
• If it is necessary to enter the permit space to eliminate hazards, such entry shall be
performed under the recommendations of this section. If testing and inspection during
that entry demonstrate that the hazards within the permit space have been eliminated, the
permit space may be reclassified as a non-permit confined space for as long as the
hazards remain eliminated. Control of atmospheric hazards through forced air ventilation
does not constitute elimination of the hazards.
The employer shall document the basis for determining that all hazards in a permit space have
been eliminated, through a certification that contains the date, the location of the space, and the
signature of the person making the determination. The certification shall be made available to
each employee entering the space or to that employee's authorized representative.
If hazards arise within a permit space that has been declassified to a non-permit space, each
employee in the space shall exit the space. The employer shall then reevaluate the space and
determine whether it must be reclassified as a permit space, in accordance with other applicable
provisions of this section.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
When an employer (host employer) arranges to have employees of another employer (contractor)
perform work that involves permit space entry, the host employer shall:
• Inform the contractor that the workplace contains permit spaces and that permit space
entry is allowed only through compliance with a permit space program meeting the
requirements of this section;
• Apprise the contractor of the elements, including the hazards identified and the host
employer's experience with the space, that make the space in question a permit space;
• Apprise the contractor of any precautions or procedures that the host employer has
implemented for the protection of employees in or near permit spaces where contractor
personnel will be working;
• Coordinate entry operations with the contractor, when both host employer personnel and
contractor personnel will be working in or near permit spaces; and
• Debrief the contractor at the conclusion of the entry operations regarding the permit
space program followed and regarding any hazards confronted or created in permit spaces
during entry operations.
In addition to complying with the permit space requirements that apply to all employers, each
contractor who is retained to perform permit space entry operations shall:
• Obtain any available information regarding permit space hazards and entry operations
from the host employer;
• Coordinate entry operations with the host employer, when both host employer personnel
and contractor personnel will be working in or near permit spaces; and
• Inform the host employer of the permit space program that the contractor will follow and
of any hazards confronted or created in permit spaces, either through a debriefing or
during the entry operation.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
– Verify that conditions in the permit space are acceptable for entry throughout the
duration of an authorized entry.
The employer shall provide the following equipment at no cost to employees, maintain that
equipment properly, and ensure that employees use that equipment properly:
The employer shall evaluate permit space conditions as follows when entry operations are
• Test conditions in the permit space to determine if acceptable entry conditions exist
before entry is authorized to begin, except that, if isolation of the space is infeasible
because the space is large or is part of a continuous system (such as a sewer), pre-entry
testing shall be performed to the extent feasible before entry is authorized and, if entry is
authorized, entry conditions shall be continuously monitored in the areas where
authorized entrants are working;
• Test or monitor the permit space as necessary to determine if acceptable entry conditions
are being maintained during the course of entry operations; and
• When testing for atmospheric hazards, test first for oxygen, then for combustible gases
and vapors, and then for toxic gases and vapors.
The employer shall provide each authorized entrant or that employee's authorized representative
an opportunity to observe the pre-entry and any subsequent testing or monitoring of permit
The employer shall reevaluate the permit space in the presence of any authorized entrant or that
employee's authorized representative who requests that the employer conduct such reevaluation
because the entrant or representative has reason to believe that the evaluation of that space may
not have been adequate.
The employer shall immediately provide each authorized entrant or that employee's authorized
representative with the results of any testing conducted.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3(i)(4)(ii) Attendant
The employer shall provide at least one attendant outside the permit space into which entry is
authorized for the duration of entry operations. Attendants may be assigned to monitor more than
one permit space provided the duties of this section can be effectively performed for each permit
space that is monitored. Likewise, attendants may be stationed at any location outside the permit
space to be monitored as long as the duties described in this section can be effectively performed
for each permit space that is monitored.
If multiple spaces are to be monitored by a single attendant, include in the permit program the
means and procedures to enable the attendant to respond to an emergency affecting one or more
of the permit spaces being monitored without distraction from the attendant's responsibilities.
Designate the persons who are to have active roles (as, for example, authorized entrants,
attendants, entry supervisors, or persons who test or monitor the atmosphere in a permit space) in
entry operations, identify the duties of each such employee, and provide each such employee
with the training required.
Employers should develop and implement procedures for summoning rescue and emergency
services, for rescuing entrants from permit spaces, for providing necessary emergency services to
rescued employees, and for preventing unauthorized personnel from attempting a rescue.
Employers should develop and implement a system for the preparation, issuance, use, and
cancellation of entry permits as required by this section.
Employers should develop and implement procedures to coordinate entry operations when
employees of more than one employer are working simultaneously as authorized entrants in a
permit space, so that employees of one employer do not endanger the employees of any other
Employers should develop and implement procedures (such as closing off a permit space and
canceling the permit) necessary for concluding the entry after entry operations have been
Employers should review entry operations when the employer has reason to believe that the
measures taken under the permit space program may not protect employees and revise the
program to correct deficiencies found to exist before subsequent entries are authorized.
Examples of circumstances requiring the review of the permit space program are: any
unauthorized entry of a permit space, the detection of a permit space hazard not covered by the
permit, the detection of a condition prohibited by the permit, the occurrence of an injury or near-
miss during entry, a change in the use or configuration of a permit space, and employee
complaints about the effectiveness of the program.
Employers should review the permit space program, using the canceled permits retained within 1
year after each entry and revise the program as necessary, to ensure that employees participating
in entry operations are protected from permit space hazards. Employers may perform a single
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
annual review covering all entries performed during a 12-month period. If no entry is performed
during a 12-month period, no review is necessary.
Before entry begins, the entry supervisor identified on the permit shall sign the entry permit to
authorize entry.
The completed permit shall be made available at the time of entry to all authorized entrants or
their authorized representatives, by posting it at the entry portal or by any other equally effective
means, so that the entrants can confirm that pre-entry preparations have been completed.
The duration of the permit may not exceed the time required to complete the assigned task or job
identified on the permit.
The entry supervisor shall terminate entry and cancel the entry permit when:
• The entry operations covered by the entry permit have been completed; or
• A condition that is not allowed under the entry permit arises in or near the permit space.
The employer shall retain each canceled entry permit for at least 1 year to facilitate the review of
the permit-required confined space program required of this section. Any problems encountered
during an entry operation shall be noted on the pertinent permit so that appropriate revisions to
the permit space program can be made.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• The measures used to isolate the permit space and to eliminate or control permit space
hazards before entry. Those measures can include the lockout or tagging of equipment
and procedures for purging, inerting, ventilating, and flushing permit spaces.
• The acceptable entry conditions.
• The results of initial and periodic tests performed, accompanied by the names or initials
of the testers and by an indication of when the tests were performed.
• The rescue and emergency services that can be summoned and the means (such as the
equipment to use and the numbers to call) for summoning those services;
• The communication procedures used by authorized entrants and attendants to maintain
contact during the entry.
• Equipment, such as personal protective equipment, testing equipment, communications
equipment, alarm systems, and rescue equipment, to be provided for compliance with this
• Any other information whose inclusion is necessary, given the circumstances of the
particular confined space, in order to ensure employee safety; and any additional permits,
such as for hot work, that have been issued to authorize work in the permit space.
3(i)(4)(v) Training
The employer shall provide training so that all employees whose work is regulated acquire the
understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of the duties.
The training shall be designed to establish employee proficiency in the duties required by this
section and shall introduce new or revised procedures, as necessary, for compliance with this
The employer shall certify the training. The certification shall contain each employee's name, the
signatures or initials of the trainers, and the dates of training. The certification shall be available
for inspection by employees and their authorized representatives.
• Know the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the mode,
signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure;
• Properly use equipment;
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
• Communicate with the attendant as necessary to enable the attendant to monitor entrant
status and to enable the attendant to alert entrants of the need to evacuate the space;
• Alert the attendant whenever:
– The entrant recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous
situation, or
– The entrant detects a prohibited condition; and
– Exit from the permit space as quickly as possible whenever:
An order to evacuate is given by the attendant or the entry supervisor,
The entrant recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a
dangerous situation,
The entrant detects a prohibited condition, or
An evacuation alarm is activated.
• Knows the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the mode,
signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure;
• Is aware of possible behavioral effects of hazard exposure in authorized entrants;
• Continuously maintains an accurate count of authorized entrants in the permit space and
ensures that the means used to identify authorized entrants under paragraph (f)(4) of this
section accurately identifies who is in the permit space;
• Remains outside the permit space during entry operations until relieved by another
attendant. When the employer's permit entry program allows attendant entry for rescue,
attendants may enter a permit space to attempt a rescue if they have been trained and
equipped for rescue operations;
• Communicates with authorized entrants as necessary to monitor entrant status and to alert
entrants of the need to evacuate the space;
• Monitors activities inside and outside the space to determine if it is safe for entrants to
remain in the space and orders the authorized entrants to evacuate the permit space
immediately under any of the following conditions:
– If the attendant detects a prohibited condition;
– If the attendant detects the behavioral effects of hazard exposure in an authorized
– If the attendant detects a situation outside the space that could endanger the
authorized entrants; or
– If the attendant cannot effectively and safely perform all the duties required of
this section;
• Summon rescue and other emergency services as soon as the attendant determines that
authorized entrants may need assistance to escape from permit space hazards;
• Takes the following actions when unauthorized persons approach or enter a permit space
while entry is underway:
– Warn the unauthorized persons that they must stay away from the permit space;
– Advise the unauthorized persons that they must exit immediately if they have
entered the permit space; and
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
– Inform the authorized entrants and the entry supervisor if unauthorized persons
have entered the permit space;
– Performs non-entry rescues as specified by the employer's rescue procedure; and
– Performs no duties that might interfere with the attendant's primary duty to
monitor and protect the authorized entrants.
• Knows the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the mode,
signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure;
• Verifies, by checking that the appropriate entries have been made on the permit, that all
tests specified by the permit have been conducted and that all procedures and equipment
specified by the permit are in place before endorsing the permit and allowing entry to
• Terminates the entry and cancels the permit;
• Verifies that rescue services are available and that the means for summoning them are
• Removes unauthorized individuals who enter or who attempt to enter the permit space
during entry operations; and
• Determines, whenever responsibility for a permit space entry operation is transferred and
at intervals dictated by the hazards and operations performed within the space that entry
operations remain consistent with terms of the entry permit and that acceptable entry
conditions are maintained.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
An employer whose employees have been designated to provide permit space rescue and
emergency services shall take the following measures:
• Provide affected employees with the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to
conduct permit space rescues safely and train affected employees so they are proficient in
the use of that PPE, at no cost to those employees;
• Train affected employees to perform assigned rescue duties. The employer must ensure
that such employees successfully complete the training required to establish proficiency
as an authorized entrant;
• Train affected employees in basic first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The
employer shall ensure that at least one member of the rescue team or service holding a
current certification in first aid and CPR is available; and
• Ensure that affected employees practice making permit space rescues at least once every
12 months, by means of simulated rescue operations in which they remove dummies,
manikins, or actual persons from the actual permit spaces or from representative permit
spaces. Representative permit spaces shall, with respect to opening size, configuration,
and accessibility, simulate the types of permit spaces from which a rescue is to be
To facilitate non-entry rescue, retrieval systems or methods shall be used whenever an authorized
entrant enters a permit space, unless the retrieval equipment would increase the overall risk of
entry or would not contribute to the rescue of the entrant. Retrieval systems shall meet the
following requirements.
• Each authorized entrant shall use a chest or full body harness, with a retrieval line
attached at the center of the entrant's back near shoulder level, above the entrant's head,
or at another point which the employer can establish presents a profile small enough for
the successful removal of the entrant. Wristlets may be used in lieu of the chest or full
body harness if the employer can demonstrate that the use of a chest or full body harness
is infeasible or creates a greater hazard and that the use of wristlets is the safest and most
effective alternative.
• The other end of the retrieval line shall be attached to a mechanical device or fixed point
outside the permit space in such a manner that rescue can begin as soon as the rescuer
becomes aware that rescue is necessary. A mechanical device shall be available to
retrieve personnel from vertical type permit spaces more than 1.52 m deep.
If an injured entrant is exposed to a substance for which a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or
other similar written information is required to be kept at the worksite, that MSDS or written
information shall be made available to the medical facility treating the exposed entrant.
Employers shall make available to affected employees and their authorized representatives all
information required to be developed by this section.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3(i)(4)(xi)(ii)Duration of Testing
Measurement of values for each atmospheric parameter should be made for at least the minimum
response time of the test instrument specified by the manufacturer.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
This standard applies to the control of energy during servicing and/or maintenance of machines
and equipment when:
Note that minor tool changes and adjustments, and other minor servicing activities, which take
place during normal production operations, are not covered by this standard if they are routine,
repetitive, and integral to the use of the equipment for production, provided that the work is
performed using alternative measures which provide effective protection.
This section requires employers to establish a program and utilize procedures for affixing
appropriate lockout devices or tagout devices to energy isolating devices, and to otherwise
disable machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energization, start up or release of stored
energy in order to prevent injury to employees.
When other standards in this part require the use of lockout or tagout, they shall be used and
supplemented by the procedural and training requirements of this section.
3(j)(2) Definitions
Affected employee. An employee whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine or
equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout or tagout, or
whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being
Authorized employee. A person who locks out or tags out machines or equipment in order to
perform servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment. An affected employee becomes
an authorized employee when that employee's duties include performing servicing or
maintenance covered under this section.
Capable of being locked out. An energy isolating device is capable of being locked out if it has
a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a
locking mechanism built into it. Other energy isolating devices are capable of being locked out,
if lockout can be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or replace the energy isolating
device or permanently alter its energy control capability.
Energy isolating device. A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or
release of energy, including but not limited to the following: A manually operated electrical
circuit breaker; a disconnect switch; a manually operated switch by which the conductors of a
circuit can be disconnected from all ungrounded supply conductors, and, in addition, no pole can
be operated independently; a line valve; a block; and any similar device used to block or isolate
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
energy. Push buttons, selector switches and other control circuit type devices are not energy
isolating devices.
Energy source. Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal,
or other energy.
Hot tap. A procedure used in the repair, maintenance and services activities which involves
welding on a piece of equipment (pipelines, vessels or tanks) under pressure, in order to install
connections or appurtenances. it is commonly used to replace or add sections of pipeline without
the interruption of service for air, gas, water, steam, and petrochemical distribution systems.
Lockout. The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with
an established procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being
controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.
Lockout device. A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock, either key or combination
type, to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position and prevent the energizing of a
machine or equipment. Included are blank flanges and bolted slip blinds.
Servicing and/or maintenance. Workplace activities such as constructing, installing, setting up,
adjusting, inspecting, modifying, and maintaining and/or servicing machines or equipment.
These activities include lubrication, cleaning or unjamming of machines or equipment and
making adjustments or tool changes, where the employee may be exposed to the unexpected
energization or startup of the equipment or release of hazardous energy.
Setting up. Any work performed to prepare a machine or equipment to perform its normal
production operation.
Tagout. The placement of a tagout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an
established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being
controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.
Tagout device. A prominent warning device, such as a tag and a means of attachment, which
can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in accordance with an established
procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may
not be operated until the tagout device is removed.
Energy control program. The employer shall establish a program consisting of energy control
procedures, employee training and periodic inspections to ensure that before any employee
performs any servicing or maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected
energizing, startup or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or
equipment shall be isolated from the energy source and rendered inoperative.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
If an energy isolating device is capable of being locked out, the employer's energy control
program shall utilize lockout, unless the employer can demonstrate that the utilization of a tagout
system will provide full employee protection.
In demonstrating that a level of safety is achieved in the tagout program which is equivalent to
the level of safety obtained by using a lockout program, the employer shall demonstrate full
compliance with all tagout-related provisions of this standard together with such additional
elements as are necessary to provide the equivalent safety available from the use of a lockout
device. Additional means to be considered as part of the demonstration of full employee
protection shall include the implementation of additional safety measures such as the removal of
an isolating circuit element, blocking of a controlling switch, opening of an extra disconnecting
device, or the removal of a valve handle to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent energization.
The procedures shall clearly and specifically outline the scope, purpose, authorization, rules, and
techniques to be utilized for the control of hazardous energy, and the means to enforce
compliance including, but not limited to, the following:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Lockout devices and tagout devices shall be singularly identified; shall be the only devices(s)
used for controlling energy; shall not be used for other purposes; and shall meet the following
Lockout and tagout devices shall be capable of withstanding the environment to which they are
exposed for the maximum period of time that exposure is expected.
Tagout devices shall be constructed and printed so that exposure to weather conditions or wet
and damp locations will not cause the tag to deteriorate or the message on the tag to become
Tags shall not deteriorate when used in corrosive environments such as areas where acid and
alkali chemicals are handled and stored.
Lockout and tagout devices shall be standardized within the facility in at least one of the
following criteria: color; shape; or size; and additionally, in the case of tagout devices, print and
format shall be standardized.
Lockout devices shall be substantial enough to prevent removal without the use of excessive
force or unusual techniques, such as with the use of bolt cutters or other metal cutting tools.
Tagout devices, including their means of attachment, shall be substantial enough to prevent
inadvertent or accidental removal. Tagout device attachment means shall be of a non-reusable
type, attachable by hand, self-locking, and non-releasable with a minimum unlocking strength of
no less than 22.68 kilograms and having the general design and basic characteristics of being at
least equivalent to a one-piece, all environment-tolerant nylon cable tie.
Lockout devices and tagout devices shall indicate the identity of the employee applying the
Tagout devices shall warn against hazardous conditions if the machine or equipment is energized
and shall include a legend such as the following:
• Do Not Start.
• Do Not Open.
• Do Not Close.
• Do Not Energize.
• Do Not Operate.
3(j)(7) Inspection
The employer shall conduct a periodic inspection of the energy control procedure at least
annually to ensure that the procedure and the requirements of this standard are being followed.
The periodic inspection shall be performed by an authorized employee other than the ones(s)
utilizing the energy control procedure being inspected.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
The periodic inspection shall be conducted to correct any deviations or inadequacies identified.
Where lockout is used for energy control, the periodic inspection shall include a review, between
the inspector and each authorized employee, of that employee's responsibilities under the energy
control procedure being inspected.
Where tagout is used for energy control, the periodic inspection shall include a review, between
the inspector and each authorized and affected employee, of that employee's responsibilities
under the energy control procedure being inspected, and the elements set forth in this section.
The employer shall certify that the periodic inspections have been performed. The certification
shall identify the machine or equipment on which the energy control procedure was being
utilized, the date of the inspection, the employees included in the inspection, and the person
performing the inspection.
All other employees whose work operations are or may be in an area where energy control
procedures may be utilized, shall be instructed about the procedure, and about the prohibition
relating to attempts to restart or reenergize machines or equipment which are locked out or
tagged out.
When tagout systems are used, employees shall also be trained in the following limitations of
• Tags are essentially warning devices affixed to energy isolating devices, and do not
provide the physical restraint on those devices that is provided by a lock.
• When a tag is attached to an energy isolating means, it is not to be removed without
authorization of the authorized person responsible for it, and it is never to be bypassed,
ignored, or otherwise defeated.
• Tags must be legible and understandable by all authorized employees, affected
employees, and all other employees whose work operations are or may be in the area, in
order to be effective.
• Tags and their means of attachment must be made of materials which will withstand the
environmental conditions encountered in the workplace.
• Tags may evoke a false sense of security, and their meaning needs to be understood as
part of the overall energy control program.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Tags must be securely attached to energy isolating devices so that they cannot be
inadvertently or accidentally detached during use.
Retraining shall be provided for all authorized and affected employees whenever there is a
change in their job assignments, a change in machines, equipment or processes that present a
new hazard, or when there is a change in the energy control procedures.
The retraining shall reestablish employee proficiency and introduce new or revised control
methods and procedures, as necessary.
The employer shall certify that employee training has been accomplished and is being kept up to
date. The certification shall contain each employee's name and dates of training.
Affected employees shall be notified by the employer or authorized employee of the application
and removal of lockout devices or tagout devices. Notification shall be given before the controls
are applied, and after they are removed from the machine or equipment.
The established procedures for the application of energy control (the lockout or tagout
procedures) shall cover the following elements and actions and shall be done in the following
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
• Where tagout devices are used with energy isolating devices designed with the capability
of being locked, the tag attachment shall be fastened at the same point at which the lock
would have been attached.
• Where a tag cannot be affixed directly to the energy isolating device, the tag shall be
located as close as safely possible to the device, in a position that will be immediately
obvious to anyone attempting to operate the device.
• Following the application of lockout or tagout devices to energy isolating devices, all
potentially hazardous stored or residual energy shall be relieved, disconnected, restrained,
and otherwise rendered safe.
• If there is a possibility of reaccumulation of stored energy to a hazardous level,
verification of isolation shall be continued until the servicing or maintenance is
completed, or until the possibility of such accumulation no longer exists.
• Prior to starting work on machines or equipment that have been locked out or tagged out,
the authorized employee shall verify that isolation and deenergization of the machine or
equipment have been accomplished.
Before lockout or tagout devices are removed and energy is restored to the machine or
equipment, procedures shall be followed and actions taken by the authorized employee(s) to
ensure the following:
• The work area shall be inspected to ensure that nonessential items have been removed
and to ensure that machine or equipment components are operationally intact.
• The work area shall be checked to ensure that all employees have been safely positioned
or removed.
• After lockout or tagout devices have been removed and before a machine or equipment is
started, affected employees shall be notified that the lockout or tagout device(s) have
been removed.
• Each lockout or tagout device shall be removed from each energy isolating device by the
employee who applied the device.
Group lockout or tagout devices shall be used in accordance with the procedures including, but
not necessarily limited to, the following specific requirements:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• When more than one crew, craft, department, etc. is involved, assignment of overall job-
associated lockout or tagout control responsibility to an authorized employee designated
to coordinate affected work forces and ensure continuity of protection.
• Each authorized employee shall affix a personal lockout or tagout device to the group
lockout device, group lockbox, or comparable mechanism when he or she begins work,
and shall remove those devices when he or she stops working on the machine or
equipment being serviced or maintained.
Specific procedures shall be utilized during shift or personnel changes to ensure the continuity of
lockout or tagout protection, including provision for the orderly transfer of lockout or tagout
device protection between off-going and oncoming employees, to minimize exposure to hazards
from the unexpected energization or start-up of the machine or equipment, or the release of
stored energy.
In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is
used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to
render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.
Where the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable
facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work
area for immediate emergency use.
First aid supplies are required to be readily available. An example of the minimal contents of a
generic first aid kit is described in American National Standard (ANSI) Z308.1-1998 "Minimum
Requirements for Workplace First-aid Kits." The contents of the kit listed in the ANSI standard
should be adequate for small worksites. When larger operations or multiple operations are being
conducted at the same location, employers should determine the need for additional first aid kits
at the worksite, additional types of first aid equipment and supplies and additional quantities and
types of supplies and equipment in the first aid kits.
In a similar fashion, employers who have unique or changing first-aid needs in their workplace
may need to enhance their first-aid kits.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Involvement with the local fire department or fire prevention bureau is encouraged to facilitate
coordination and cooperation between members of the fire brigade and those who might be
called upon for assistance during a fire emergency.
Employees who cannot meet the physical capability requirement may still be members of the fire
brigade as long as such employees do not perform interior structural fire fighting. It is suggested
that fire brigade members who are unable to perform interior structural fire fighting be assigned
less stressful and physically demanding fire brigade duties, e.g., certain types of training,
recordkeeping, fire prevention inspection and maintenance, and fire pump operations.
It is also recommended that fire brigade members participate in a physical fitness program. There
are many benefits which can be attributed to being physically fit. It is believed that physical
fitness may help to reduce the number of sprain and strain injuries as well as contributing to the
improvement of the cardiovascular system.
At a minimum, hands-on training is required to be conducted annually for all fire brigade
members. However, for those fire brigade members who are expected to perform interior
structural fire fighting, some type of training or education session must be provided at least
In addition to the required hands-on training, it is strongly recommended that fire brigade
members receive other types of training and education such as: classroom instruction, review of
emergency action procedures, pre-fire planning, review of special hazards in the workplace, and
practice in the use of self-contained breathing apparatus.
It is not necessary for the employer to duplicate the same training or education that a fire brigade
member receives as a member of a community volunteer fire department, rescue squad, or
similar organization. However, such training or education must have been provided to the fire
brigade member within the past year and it must be documented that the fire brigade member has
received the training or education. For example: there is no need for a fire brigade member to
receive another training class in the use of positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus if
the fire brigade member has recently completed such training as a member of a community fire
department. Instead, the fire brigade member should receive training or education covering other
important equipment or duties of the fire brigade as they relate to the workplace hazards,
facilities and processes.
It is generally recognized that the effectiveness of fire brigade training and education depends
upon the expertise of those providing the training and education as well as the motivation of the
fire brigade members. Fire brigade training instructors must receive a higher level of training and
education than the fire brigade members they will be teaching. This includes being more
knowledgeable about the functions to be performed by the fire brigade and the hazards involved.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The instructors should be qualified to train fire brigade members and demonstrate skills in
communication, methods of teaching, and motivation. It is important for instructors and fire
brigade members alike to be motivated toward the goals of the fire brigade and be aware of the
importance of the service that they are providing for the protection of other employees and the
In order to be effective, fire brigades must have competent leadership and supervision. It is
important for those who supervise the fire brigade during emergency situations, e.g., fire brigade
chiefs, leaders, etc., to receive the necessary training and education for supervising fire brigade
activities during these hazardous and stressful situations. These fire brigade members with
leadership responsibilities should demonstrate skills in strategy and tactics, fire suppression and
prevention techniques, leadership principles, pre-fire planning, and safety practices. It is again
suggested that fire service training sources be consulted for determining the kinds of training and
education which are necessary for those with fire brigade leadership responsibilities.
Fire brigade leaders and fire brigade instructors should receive more formalized training and
education on a continuing basis by attending classes provided by such training sources as
universities and university fire extension services.
The following recommendations should not be considered to be all of the necessary elements of
a complete comprehensive training program, but the information may be helpful as a guide in
developing a fire brigade training program.
All fire brigade members should be familiar with exit facilities and their location, emergency
escape routes for handicapped workers, and the workplace "emergency action plan."
In addition, fire brigade members who are expected to control and extinguish fires in the
incipient stage should, at a minimum, be trained in the use of fire extinguishers, standpipes, and
other fire equipment they are assigned to use. They should also be aware of first aid medical
procedures and procedures for dealing with special hazards to which they may be exposed.
Training and education should include both classroom instruction and actual operation of the
equipment under simulated emergency conditions. Hands-on type training must be conducted at
least annually but some functions should be reviewed more often.
In addition to the above training, fire brigade members who are expected to perform emergency
rescue and interior structural fire fighting should, at a minimum, be familiar with the proper
techniques in rescue and fire suppression procedures. Training and education should include fire
protection courses, classroom training, simulated fire situations including "wet drills" and, when
feasible, extinguishment of actual mock fires. Frequency of training or education must be at least
quarterly, but some drills or classroom training should be conducted as often as monthly or even
weekly to maintain the proficiency of fire brigade members.
It is important that fire brigade members be informed about special hazards to which they may be
exposed during fire and other emergencies. Such hazards as storage and use areas of flammable
liquids and gases, toxic chemicals, water-reactive substances, etc., can pose difficult problems.
There must be written procedures developed that describe the actions to be taken in situations
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
involving special hazards. Fire brigade members must be trained in handling these special
hazards as well as keeping abreast of any changes that occur in relation to these special hazards.
It is not the intention of these standards to require employers to provide a full ensemble of
protective clothing for every fire brigade member without consideration given to the types of
hazardous environments to which the fire brigade member might be exposed. It is the intention
of these standards to require adequate protection for those fire brigade members who might be
exposed to fires in an advanced stage, smoke, toxic gases, and high temperatures. Therefore, the
protective clothing requirements only apply to those fire brigade members who perform interior
structural fire fighting operations.
Additionally, the protective clothing requirements do not apply to the protective clothing worn
during outside fire fighting operations (brush and forest fires, crash crew operations) or other
special fire fighting activities. It is important that the protective clothing to be worn during these
types of fire fighting operations reflect the hazards which are expected to be encountered by fire
brigade members.
Note that there is interdependence of protective clothing to cover one or more parts of the body.
Therefore, an option is given so that fire brigade members may meet the foot and leg
requirements by either wearing long fire-resistive coats in combination with fully extended
boots, or by wearing shorter fire-resistive costs in combination with protective trousers and
protective shoes or shorter boots.
Fire-resistive coats and protective trousers meeting all of the requirements contained in NFPA
1971-1975 "Protective Clothing for Structural Fire Fighters," are acceptable as meeting the
requirements of this standard.
The lining is required to be permanently attached to the outer shell. However, it is permissible to
attach the lining to the outer shell material by stitching in one area such as at the neck. Fastener
tape or snap fasteners may be used to secure the rest of the lining to the outer shell to facilitate
cleaning. Reference to permanent lining does not refer to a winter liner which is a detachable
extra lining used to give added protection to the wearer against the effects of cold weather and
Hand protection may be met by protective gloves or a glove system. A glove system consists of a
combination of different gloves. The usual components of a glove system consist of a pair of
gloves, which provide thermal insulation to the hands, worn in combination with a second pair of
gloves which provide protection against flame, cut, and puncture.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
It is suggested that protective gloves provide dexterity and a sense of feel for objects. Criteria
and test methods for dexterity are contained in the NIOSH publications, "The Development of
Criteria for Firefighters' Gloves; Vol. I: Glove Requirements" and "Vol. II: Glove Criteria and
Test Methods." These NIOSH publications also contain a permissible modified version of
Federal Test Method 191, Method 5903, (paragraph (3) of Appendix E) for flame resistance
when gloves, rather than glove material, are tested for flame resistance.
Head protective devices which meet the requirements contained in NFPA No. 1972 are
acceptable as meeting the requirements of this standard for head protection.
Head protective devices are required to be provided with ear flaps so that the ear flaps will be
available if needed. It is recommended that ear protection always be used while fighting interior
structural fires.
It is recommended that a flame resistant protective head covering such as a hood or snood, which
will not adversely affect the seal of a respirator facepiece, be worn during interior structural fire
fighting operations to protect the sides of the face and hair.
Respiratory protection is required to be worn by fire brigade members while working inside
buildings or confined spaces where toxic products of combustion or an oxygen deficiency is
likely to be present; respirators are also to be worn during emergency situations involving toxic
substances. When fire brigade members respond to emergency situations, they may be exposed
to unknown contaminants in unknown concentrations. Therefore, it is imperative that fire brigade
members wear proper respiratory protective devices during these situations. Additionally, there
are many instances where toxic products of combustion are still present during mop-up and
overhaul operations. Therefore, fire brigade members should continue to wear respirators during
these types of operations.
Buddy-breathing devices are useful for emergency situations where a victim or another fire
brigade member can share the same air supply with the wearer of the apparatus for emergency
escape purposes.
The employer is encouraged to provide fire brigade members with an alternative means of
respiratory protection to be used only for emergency escape purposes if the self-contained
breathing apparatus becomes inoperative. Such alternative means of respiratory protection may
be either a buddy-breathing device or an escape self-contained breathing apparatus (ESCBA).
The ESCBA is a short-duration respiratory protective device which is approved for only
emergency escape purposes. It is suggested that if ESCBA units are used, that they be of at least
5 minutes service life.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Quick-disconnect valves are devices which start the flow of air by insertion of the hose (which
leads to the facepiece) into the regulator of self-contained breathing apparatus, and stop the flow
of air by disconnecting the hose from the regulator. These devices are particularly useful for
those positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus which do not have the capability of
being switched from the demand to the positive-pressure mode.
The use of a self-contained breathing apparatus where the apparatus can be switched from a
demand to a positive-pressure mode is acceptable as long as the apparatus is in the positive-
pressure mode when performing interior structural fire fighting operations.
There are situations which require the use of respirators which have a duration of 2 hours or
more. Presently, there are no approved positive-pressure apparatus with a rated service life of
more than 2 hours. Consequently, negative-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus with a
rated service life of more than 2 hours and which have a minimum protection factor of 5,000 as
determined by an acceptable quantitative fit test performed on each individual, will be acceptable
for use during situations which require long duration apparatus. Long duration apparatus may be
needed in such instances as working in tunnels, subway systems, etc. Such negative-pressure
breathing apparatus will continue to be acceptable for a maximum of 18 months after a positive-
pressure apparatus with the same or longer rated service life of more than 2 hours is certified by
NIOSH/MSHA. After this 18 month phase-in period, all self-contained breathing apparatus used
for these long duration situations will have to be of the positive-pressure type.
Protection factor (sometimes called fit factor) is defined as the ratio of the contaminant
concentrations outside of the respirator to the contaminant concentrations inside the facepiece of
the respirator.
Protection factors are determined by quantitative fit tests. An acceptable quantitative fit test
should include the following elements:
1. A fire brigade member who is physically and medically capable of wearing respirators,
and who is trained in the use of respirators, dons a self-contained breathing apparatus
equipped with a device that will monitor the concentration of a contaminant inside the
2. The fire brigade member then performs a qualitative fit test to assure the best face to
facepiece seal as possible. A qualitative fit test can consist of a negative-pressure test,
positive-pressure test, isoamyl acetate vapor (banana oil) test, or an irritant smoke test.
3. The wearer should then perform physical activity which reflects the level of work activity
which would be expected during fire fighting activities. The physical activity should
include simulated fire-ground work activity or physical exercise such as running-in-place,
a step test, etc.
4. Without readjusting the apparatus, the wearer is placed in a test atmosphere containing a
non-toxic contaminant with a known, constant, concentration.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The protection factor is then determined by dividing the known concentration of the contaminant
in the test atmosphere by the concentration of the contaminant inside the facepiece when the
following exercises are performed:
The protection factor which is determined must be at least 5,000. The quantitative fit test should
be conducted at least three times. It is acceptable to conduct all three tests on the same day.
However, there should be at least one hour between tests to reflect the protection afforded by the
apparatus during different times of the day.
The above elements are not meant to be a comprehensive, technical description of a quantitative
fit test protocol. However, quantitative fit test procedures which include these elements are
acceptable for determining protection factors. Procedures for a quantitative fit test are required to
be available for inspection by the Assistant Secretary or authorized representative.
Storage of material shall not create a hazard. Bags, containers, bundles, etc., stored in tiers shall
be stacked, blocked, interlocked and limited in height so that they are stable and secure against
sliding or collapse.
Storage areas shall be kept free from accumulation of materials that constitute hazards from
tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage. Vegetation control will be exercised when necessary.
Derail and/or bumper blocks shall be provided on spur railroad tracks where a rolling car could
contact other cars being worked, enter a building, work or traffic area.
Covers and/or guard- rails shall be provided to protect personnel from the hazards of open pits,
tanks, vats, ditches, etc.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
3(n) Slings
This section applies to slings used in conjunction with other material handling equipment for the
movement of material by hoisting, in employments covered by this part. The types of slings
covered are those made from alloy steel chain, wire rope, metal mesh, natural or synthetic fiber
rope (conventional three strand construction), and synthetic web (nylon, polyester, and
polypropylene). The following are important definitions.
Angle of loading is the inclination of a leg or branch of a sling measured from the horizontal or
vertical plane; provided that an angle of loading of five degrees or less from the vertical may be
considered a vertical angle of loading.
Basket hitch is a sling configuration whereby the sling is passed under the load and has both
ends, end attachments, eyes or handles on the hook or a single master link.
Braided wire rope is a wire rope formed by plaiting component wire ropes.
Bridle wire rope sling is a sling composed of multiple wire rope legs with the top ends gathered
in a fitting that goes over the lifting hook.
Cable laid endless sling-mechanical joint is a wire rope sling made endless by joining the ends
of a single length of cable laid rope with one or more metallic fittings.
Cable laid grommet-hand tucked is an endless wire rope sling made from one length of rope
wrapped six times around a core formed by hand tucking the ends of the rope inside the six
Cable laid rope is a wire rope composed of six wire ropes wrapped around a fiber or wire rope
Cable laid rope sling-mechanical joint is a wire rope sling made from a cable laid rope with
eyes fabricated by pressing or swaging one or more metal sleeves over the rope junction.
Choker hitch is a sling configuration with one end of the sling passing under the load and
through an end attachment, handle or eye on the other end of the sling.
Cross rod is a wire used to join spirals of metal mesh to form a complete fabric.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Fabric (metal mesh) is the flexible portion of a metal mesh sling consisting of a series of
transverse coils and cross rods.
Female handle (choker) is a handle with a handle eye and a slot of such dimension as to permit
passage of a male handle thereby allowing the use of a metal mesh sling in a choker hitch.
Handle eye is an opening in a handle of a metal mesh sling shaped to accept a hook, shackle or
other lifting device.
Hitch is a sling configuration whereby the sling is fastened to an object or load, either directly to
it or around it.
Master coupling link is an alloy steel welded coupling link used as an intermediate link to join
alloy steel chain to master links.
Master link or gathering ring is a forged or welded steel link used to support all members
(legs) of an alloy steel chain sling or wire rope sling.
Mechanical coupling link is a nonwelded, mechanically closed steel link used to attach master
links, hooks, etc., to alloy steel chain.
Proof test is a nondestructive tension test performed by the sling manufacturer or an equivalent
entity to verify construction and workmanship of a sling.
Rated capacity or working load limit is the maximum working load permitted by the
provisions of this section.
Reach is the effective length of an alloy steel chain sling measured from the top bearing surface
of the upper terminal component to the bottom bearing surface of the lower terminal component.
Selvage edge is the finished edge of synthetic webbing designed to prevent unraveling.
Sling is an assembly which connects the load to the material handling equipment.
Sling manufacturer is a person or organization that assembles sling components into their final
form for sale to users.
Spiral is a single transverse coil that is the basic element from which metal mesh is fabricated.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Strand laid endless sling-mechanical joint is a wire rope sling made endless from one length of
rope with the ends joined by one or more metallic fittings.
Strand laid grommet-hand tucked is an endless wire rope sling made from one length of strand
wrapped six times around a core formed by hand tucking the ends of the strand inside the six
Strand laid rope is a wire rope made with strands (usually six or eight) wrapped around a fiber
core, wire strand core, or independent wire rope core (IWRC).
Vertical hitch is a method of supporting a load by a single, vertical part or leg of the sling.
Each day before being used, the sling and all fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for
damage or defects by a competent person designated by the employer. Additional inspections
shall be performed during sling use, where service conditions warrant. Damaged or defective
slings shall be immediately removed from service.
Alloy steel chain slings shall have permanently affixed durable identification stating size, grade,
rated capacity, and reach. Table 10 in this section shows the rated capacity (working load limit),
for alloy steel chain slings. Table 11 in this section lists the minimum allowable chain size at
any point of link.
Hooks, rings, oblong links, pear shaped links, welded or mechanical coupling links or other
attachments shall have a rated capacity at least equal to that of the alloy steel chain with which
they are used or the sling shall not be used in excess of the rated capacity of the weakest
Makeshift links or fasteners formed from bolts or rods, or other such attachments, shall not be
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
A thorough periodic inspection of alloy steel chain slings in use shall be made on a regular basis,
to be determined on the basis of (A) frequency of sling use; (B) severity of service conditions;
(C) nature of lifts being made; and (D) experience gained on the service life of slings used in
similar circumstances. Such inspections shall in no event be at intervals greater than once every
12 months.
The employer shall make and maintain a record of the most recent month in which each alloy
steel chain sling was thoroughly inspected, and shall make such record available for
The thorough inspection of alloy steel chain slings shall be performed by a competent person
designated by the employer, and shall include a thorough inspection for wear, defective welds,
deformation and increase in length. Where such defects or deterioration are present, the sling
shall be immediately removed from service.
The employer shall ensure that before use, each new, repaired, or reconditioned alloy steel chain
sling, including all welded components in the sling assembly, shall be proof tested by the sling
manufacturer or equivalent entity. The employer shall retain a certificate of the proof test and
shall make it available for examination.
Alloy steel chain slings shall not be used with loads in excess of the rated capacities.
Alloy steel chain slings shall be permanently removed from service if they are heated above
537.8 degrees Celsius. When exposed to service temperatures in excess of 315.6 degrees Celsius,
maximum working load limits permitted by the supplier shall be reduced in accordance with the
chain or sling manufacturer's recommendations.
Worn or damaged alloy steel chain slings or attachments shall not be used until repaired. When
welding or heat testing is performed, slings shall not be used unless repaired, reconditioned and
proof tested by the sling manufacturer or an equivalent entity.
Mechanical coupling links or low carbon steel repair links shall not be used to repair broken
lengths of chain.
Alloy steel chain slings with cracked or deformed master links, coupling links or other
components shall be removed from service.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Table 10. Rated Capacity (Working Load Limit), For Alloy Steel Chain Slings
Rated Capacity (Working Load Limit), Newton Meters [Horizontal angles shown in parentheses]
Single Double sling vertical angle (1) Triple and quadruple sling (3)
Chain size, cm branch vertical angle (1)
sling -- 90º 30º 45º 60º 30º 45º 60º
loading (60º) (45º) (30º) (60º) (45º) (30º)
0.64 4,406 7,660 6,169 4,406 11,389 9,220 6,644
0.38 8,948 15,456 12,609 8,948 23,049 18,981 13,423
1.27 15,253 26,438 21,558 15,253 39,319 32,540 23,049
1.59 22,371 38,641 31,590 22,371 58,300 47,454 33,218
1.91 31,184 53,961 44,064 31,184 80,671 65,757 46,776
2.22 38,980 67,520 55,046 38,980 101,008 82,705 58,300
2.54 52,538 90,976 7,864 52,538 136,938 111,177 78,638
2.86 60,334 104,398 85,417 60,334 156,597 128,125 90,162
3.18 77,960 134,904 82,705 77,960 202,017 164,732 116,601
3.50 90,840 157,275 127,447 90,840 235,913 191,170 136,260
3.81 108,466 187,103 153,072 108,466 280,655 229,134 162,020
4.45 135,582 233,201 189,815 135,582 349,802 284,722 203,373
(1) Rating of multileg slings adjusted for angle of loading measured as the included angle between the inclined leg
and the vertical as shown in Figure N-184-5.
(2) Rating of multileg slings adjusted for angle of loading between the inclined leg and the horizontal plane of the
load, as shown in Figure N-184-5.
(3) Quadruple sling rating is same as triple sling because normal lifting practice may not distribute load uniformly to
all 4 legs.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Wire rope slings shall not be used with loads in excess of the rated capacities shown in Tables N-
184-3 through N-184-14. Slings not included in these tables shall be used only in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Cable laid and 6x19 and 6x37 slings shall have a minimum clear length of wire rope 10 times the
component rope diameter between splices, sleeves or end fittings.
Braided slings shall have a minimum clear length of wire rope 40 times the component rope
diameter between the loops or end fittings.
Cable laid grommets, strand laid grommets and endless slings shall have a minimum
circumferential length of 96 times their body diameter.
Fiber core wire rope slings of all grades shall be permanently removed from service if they are
exposed to temperatures in excess of 93.3 degrees Celsius. When nonfiber core wire rope slings
of any grade are used at temperatures above 204.4 degrees Celsius or below minus 51.1 degrees
Celsius, recommendations of the sling manufacturer regarding use at that temperature shall be
Welding of end attachments, except covers to thimbles, shall be performed prior to the assembly
of the sling.
All welded end attachments shall not be used unless proof tested by the manufacturer or
equivalent entity at twice their rated capacity prior to initial use. The employer shall retain a
certificate of the proof test, and make it available for examination.
3(o) Bibliography
American National Standard (ANSI) Z308.1-1998 "Minimum Requirements for Workplace
First-aid Kits."
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 120-87, Specification for Rubber
Insulating Gloves.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Guide for the Selection of Chemical and Biological Decontamination Equipment for Emergency
First Responders. National Institute of Justice Guide 103-00, Volume I, October 2001.
The Development of Criteria for Firefighters' Gloves; Vol. II: Glove Criteria and Test Methods.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Hazardous Waste
Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Standard (29 CFR 1910.120(q).
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex A
Accident Investigation
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 111, Revision 4, November 01, 2005.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Rev. 4 11/01/05
Effective Date 12/01/05
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Revision Effective Pages
Number Date Affected Description of Revision
0 08/06/02 All Initial issue in this format. Supersedes “Implementing Criteria for
Serious Accident Investigation,” Revision 03, July 22, 1998
1 08/01/03 10 & 11 Retraining requirement in paragraph 3.2.2 B deleted and employee
representative added to the Accident Investigation Team in
paragraph 3.2.2.D.3.
2 04/16/04 1. Paragraph 3.1, TVA Police (TVAP), “C.” and Paragraph
3.2.B.3.c. revised to clarify the type of communications provided
2. Paragraph 3.1, revised to add roles and responsibilities for
Environmental Policy and Planning.
3. Paragraph 3.2.B. revised to add title of Appendix B.
4. Paragraph 3.2.B.4.d. revised to add requirement to document the
name of individual(s) transported to medical facilities to include
the name of the facility.
5. Paragraph 3.2.1.E. added to include responsibilities of
Environmental Policy and Planning.
6. Paragraph 3.2.1.F. changed Vice President of Communications to
Vice President of External Communications.
7. Paragraph 3.2.2.A. deleted requirement to train non-management
employees as serious accident investigation team members.
8. Paragraph 3.2.2.D. deleted requirement for an employee member
on the serious accident investigation team.
9. Paragraph 3.2.2.E.1. and 3. adds Environmental Serious Accident
Investigation Team.
10. Paragraph 5, definition of cause-and-effect diagram, deleted the
example diagram.
11. Paragraph 5, definition of Corporate Safety changed to reflect
current organization.
12. Appendix C, Paragraph 2.3.G. revised to show current Employee
Assistance Program contacts.
13. Appendix C, Paragraph 2.3.H. changed Vice President of
Communications to Vice President of External Communications.
14. Appendix C, Paragraph 2.3.I. added notification of the Vice
President, Environmental Policy and Planning.
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3.2 Instructions
NOTE 2 Regulatory and other “drivers” for this process include the following.
A. Executive Order 12196, “Occupational Safety and Health Programs for
Federal Employees” (requires heads of federal agencies to comply with basic
program elements issued by the Secretary of Labor).
B. 29 CFR 1960, “Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee
Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters” (requires
the development of this process [1960.6] and establishes OSHA requirements
for investigating serious accidents [1960.29 and 1960.70]).
C. TVA Principles and Practices, Health and Safety Practice 2, Safety
(outlines TVA’s overall safety program, including provisions for investigating
serious accidents).
D. TVA-SPP-18.0, “TVA Safety Program” (describes key features of TVA’s
safety program, including requirements for investigating serious accidents).
E. TVA-SPP-18.012, “Report and Investigate Injuries and Illnesses" (defines
TVA requirements for reporting and investigating injuries and illnesses).
F. TVA Quality Improvement Tools and Techniques Reference Manual (describes
methods for conducting root cause analysis, determining solutions and action
items, etc.)
NOTE 3 Parenthesis (xx) in the paragraph headings that follow refer to symbols shown in the
flow chart and control system for this process which are included as Appendix A.
3.2.1 Report Serious Accidents (A1 - A7 and A10 - A11)
A. Serious accidents include any of the following occurrences.
1. A fatality or in-patient hospitalization of three or more TVA employees
within 30 days of an accident.
2. Other events (including property damage only) which under slightly
different circumstances would have met or may meet the provisions of
paragraph 3.2.1A1. The DASHO and affected EVP will determine if
events meeting this criteria will be investigated.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Typical events of the type intended in paragraph 3.2.1A2 include those resulting from:
• Falls (usually from elevation) causing head injury, broken bones, and/or other serious injury.
• Electric contact resulting in current flow through the body and/or loss of consciousness.
• Electric arc causing second- and/or third-degree burns to the body.
• Being caught in or by equipment/machinery causing head injury, broken bones, and/or other serious
• Thermal burns causing second and/or third degree burns to the body.
• Being struck by equipment/machinery or falling objects causing head injury, broken bones, and/or
other serious injury.
• Overpressure (gas, hydraulic, or air) causing head injury, broken bones, and/or other significant
traumatic injury.
• Release of latent or kinetic energy (tension [objects under compression] or projectiles [objects being
thrown]) causing head injury, broken bones, and/or other serious injury.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Corporate Safety must be notified as soon as possible so this process can be initiated immediately and to allow
TVA to comply with its reporting requirement to OSHA.
Provide the list of potential witnesses to the responding TVAP officer(s) so statements can be obtained.
EVPs in the COO organization will notify the President and COO who subsequently notifies the Board.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
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The responsible EVP will provide a short code for all non-salary expenses incurred by the AIT.
The IA summary addresses steps 1 - 4.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
solutions matrix and action plan documents generated by the AIT will be
included as an attachment to the “Accident Analysis Report.”
5. Securing, classifying, and maintaining physical evidence according to
TVAP procedures.
6. Documenting interviews. Corporate Safety arranges to have interviews
recorded in an attempt to maximize the quality of data collected and
minimize note-taking by members.
3.2.5 Prepare And Distribute Reports (A13 - A17, A27, and T1)
A. The AIT completes th e ‘Accident Report” within five workdays of the event.
B. The “Accident Report” contains o nly factual informa tion and may be
released for public use, with approval of the DASHO and responsible EVP. A
sample report is included as Appendix E.
C. The AIT chairperson sends the “Accident Report” to the DASHO and
responsible EVP. Copies of this report are provided to those shown in
Appendix E and posted on the “Safety Home Page.”
D. The AIT chairperson completes a form TVA 18120 within 10 workdays of the
event and signs it as the “Reviewing Official.” (P3) This form is submitted to
ESC for entry into WIIS (paragraph 3.2.5F, TVA-SPP-18.012). If necessary,
this form is revised upon completion of the investigation to include any
information that was not available when it was initially completed.
E. The manager in charge of the workplace completes form TVA 18119 and
submits it to Corporate Safety for entry into WIIS (paragraph 3.2.4G, TVA-
F. An “Accident Analysis Report” is completed by the AIT within 30 workdays
of the event. The AIT prepares a narrative analysis report that includes:
1. An executive summary.
2. A timeline of key events.
3. A description of the accident.
4. Findings, conclusions, recommendations/corrective actions8.
5. Appropriate attachments such as photos/drawings, related
documentation, etc.
G. The “Accident Analysis Report:”
1. Provides an in-depth analysis of the accident to identify root causes and
contributing factors.
2. Considers all possible physical and programmatic causes.
If during the investigation a clear need to develop a new or modify an existing safety process/procedure is
identified, the AIT chairperson will provide the DASHO an interim recommendation. The DASHO will coordinate
corrective action in accordance with TVA SPP 18.001 - Develop Safety Program Documentation
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
NOTE 4 If the EVP or DASHO have differing opinions from those presented in the briefing
described in paragraph 3.2.6B, those views are documented and attached to the
“Accident Analysis Report.”
B. The AIT schedules and provides a briefing for the responsible EVP and the
DASHO within 45 days of the event. (P5) The EVP and DASHO may invite
others to attend the briefing, as they determine to be appropriate.
C. For those events occurring in the COO, the AIT chairperson accompanied by
the EVP and DASHO uses the material developed in paragraph 3.2.6A to brief
the President and COO.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
D. The purpose of this briefing is to provide the findings and conclusions and
obtain concurrence on the recommendations.
E. The EVP ensures that management, the local health and safety committee, and
employees at the facility/site where the accident occurred are provided the
briefing outlined in paragraph 3.2.6A within 60 workdays of the event. This
briefing may be provided to other work groups within the organization, as
necessary. (P6)
F. The DASHO/Corporate Safety uses the material developed in paragraph
3.2.6A to brief OSHA.
3.2.7 Share Information (A23, A25, and D3)
A. If investigation results are applicable to other TVA employees, additional
briefings using the material developed in paragraph 3.2.6A may be required.
Corporate Safety provides necessary support, coordination, and information
for these briefings.
B. After these briefings have been provided, the DASHO sends copies of the
“Accident Analysis Report” to the Board, other EVPs, safety managers of
TVA organizations, manager in charge of the workplace, appropriate labor
representative(s), and OSHA. These reports are transmitted with a cover
memorandum that establishes limits regarding further distribution. A copy of
this memorandum is provided to the responsible EVP.
3.2.8 Implement Recommendations (A26)
A. The responsible EVP ensures timely and effective implementation of
recommendations in the “Accident Analysis Report.”
B. The responsible EVP reviews the recommendations for replication
opportunities within his/her organization and implements appropriate
corrective action.
C. Other EVPs also review the recommendations for replication opportunities
and implement appropriate corrective action within their organizations.
D. The DASHO provides assistance, as needed, and monitors related activities to
ensure adequate sharing of information.
3.2.9 Maintain Records (A21 and A27)
A. Upon completion of the briefings, the AIT chairperson sends all accident
investigation materials and evidence to Corporate Safety.
B. Corporate Safety retains all original documentation generated or collected by
the AIT during the investigation in the agency’s serious accident repository.
C. Release of any of this material requires authorization by the DASHO.
3.2.10 Track Recommendations To Closure (A28)
A. The responsible EVP:
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Copies of any safety processes, checklists, procedures, photographs, etc., developed to respond to
recommendations are included with the documentation provided.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO) - the individual who
represents the interest and support of the TVA Board in the management and
administration of the agency’s occupational safety and health program. The
Executive Vice President, Human Resources, currently fills this position.
Improvement activity summary - the vehicle used to document application of the
six-step problem solving process.
Labor representative - union official recognized by TVA as the representative of a
bargaining unit.
Local health and safety committee - a certified safety and health committee at a
TVA plant, facility, or other local level.
Manager in charge of the workplace - the most senior manager of a TVA plant or
other facility, area, property, major work activity, etc.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - an organization within
the U. S. Department of Labor that serves as TVA’s regulator for industrial health and
safety matters. (
Primary Sponsor - Manager, HS&WC.
Safety managers of TVA organizations - Includes the COO, Customer Service and
Marketing, and Facilities Management safety managers.
Serious accident - A fatality or in-patient hospitalization of three or more TVA
employees within 30 days of an accident. Other events which under slightly different
circumstances would have resulted or may result in one of these outcomes may be
defined as serious upon joint agreement between the DASHO and responsible EVP.
Serious injury - a wound of the type such that there is a substantial probability that
death or serious physical harm could result.
OSHA has provided examples of injuries which constitute such harm including:
• Amputation (loss of all or part of a bodily appendage which includes loss of bone).
• Concussion.
• Crushing (internal, even though the skin surface may be intact).
• Fracture (simple or compound).
• Burns or scald (including electric and chemical).
• Cuts, lacerations, or punctures involving significant bleeding and/or requiring suturing.
Serious physical harm - a condition that could result in a part of the body being
damaged so severely that it cannot be used or cannot be used very well.
Six-step problem solving process - a procedure for addressing an undesirable result.
The steps in this procedure include reason for improvement, problem definition,
analysis, solutions, results, and process improvement
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
TVA Safety Program Process Improvement Team - includes the safety managers
of the line organizations and Corporate Safety.
Work Injury/Illness System (WIIS) - TVA’s centralized data base for maintaining
records of injuries and illnesses and reporting results to managers and other
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NOTE 5 Items are listed in the general order of preference. However, many of these activities
can occur simultaneously.
NOTE 6 Selected telephone numbers are provided in Appendix C.
Notify the responsible executive vice president, safety manager for the organization, and
Corporate Safety as soon as possible.
Provide a list of potential witnesses to TVAP. If TVAP is unavailable, obtain written
statements from each witness about what happened. Witnesses will be interviewed by
the AIT later.
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The following information summarizes responsibilities for notification in the event
that a serious accident occurs.
2.1 Manager in Charge of the Workplace Where the Accident Occurred
Immediately Contacts the:
NOTE 7 If either of the individuals listed in paragraphs 2.1A or 2.1B is unavailable, do not
delay in contacting the TVA Operator or the Program Manager, Corporate Safety.
A. Responsible executive vice president of the organization where the accident
B. Safety manager of the organization.
C. TVA Operator at (865)-632-2101. Inform the operator that this call is to report
a serious accident to the Program Manager, Corporate Safety. Alternate
numbers for Corporate Safety are:
1. Office: (865)-632-7753 or 7756 (during business hours).
2. Cell phone: (865)-414-8819.
2.2 The Executive Vice President of the Organization Where the Serious Accident
Occurred Contacts the:
A. TVA Board: (865)-632-2600.
B. President and Chief Operating Officer: (865)-632-2366 or (423)-751-2352.
C. Chief Nuclear Officer and Executive Vice President, TVA Nuclear:
D. Executive Vice President, Customer Service & Marketing: (615)-232-6011.
E. Executive Vice President, River System Operations & Environment:
F. Executive Vice President, Transmission/Power Supply: (423)-751-6000.
G. Executive Vice President, Fossil Power Group: (423)-751-2601.
H. Executive Vice President, Administration: (865)-632-4352.
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I. Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, Financial Services:
J. Executive Vice President, Communications and Government Relations:
2.3 The Program Manager, Corporate Safety, Contacts the:
A. OSHA Area Office: (615)-781-5423 or (800)-321-OSHA.
B. DASHO: (865)-632-6307.
C. General Counsel: (865)-632-4131.
D. Inspector General: (865)-632-4120 or (800)-323-3835.
E. TVA Police: ((865)-632-3631 (24-hour line)F.
F. Employee Assistance Program. Contact either:
1. Program Manager Employee Wellness: (865)-632-4383.
2. Horizon Health: (888)-482-2733.
G. Vice President, External Communications: (865)-632-8001 or the
“Media Duty Person” (865)-632-6000 (24-hour line).
H. Vice President, Environmental Policy and Planning:
(423)-751-3742 or 414-8489 (Cell).
I. Appropriate labor representative(s).
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You have been selected to serve as chairperson of an accident investigation team (AIT) for the
subject event in accordance with TVA-SPP-18.010, “Serious Accident Investigation.” Your
selection represents our confidence in your ability to lead this important effort.
This investigation is vital to help improve our safety performance. Its focus will be on
preventing recurrence of similar events and not on placing blame on individuals or organizations.
The Designated Agency Safety and Health Official’s (DASHO) representative on your team is
available to assist you in carrying out your responsibilities and those of the AIT, as defined in
TVA-SPP-18.010. In addition, the following individuals have been assigned to work under your
direction for the duration of this task.
1. AIT Members: (List the names of those individuals selected as members in accordance
with paragraph 3.2.2, TVA-SPP-18.010; their respective “home” organizations; and
team role.)
2. AIT Advisors: (List the names, organizations, and roles of any advisors assigned to the
AIT.) You are authorized to add additional advisors, as deemed necessary, to effectively
complete this investigation.
As chairperson of this team, you are authorized to act on our behalf to complete a thorough and
timely investigation. If you encounter difficulties or require guidance, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Your team’s mission is to determine the facts and identify all root causes and contributing factors
that led to this event and to develop those countermeasures necessary for preventing recurrence.
We ask that the AIT explore all potential physical and programmatic causes and contributing
factors. Your review to identify causes and contributing factors is expected to also include
review and consideration of the adequacy of all safety and other processes that could have had a
bearing on this accident.
Your key deliverables are described in TVA-SPP-18.010. In summary, they include:
1. The “Accident Report” (paragraphs 3.2.5A - C and Appendix E).
2. A completed form TVA 18120 (paragraph 3.2.5D).
3. The “Accident Analysis Report” (paragraph 3.2.5F - K and Appendix F).
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November 14, 2002
cc (Attachment):
All other executive vice presidents
General Counsel, ET 11A-K
Manager, Health, Safety & Workers’ Compensation, ET 8A-K
President and Chief Operating Officer, ET 12A-K
Program Manager, H,S&WC, ET 8A-K
Inspector General, ET 4C-K
Chief Financial Officer, ET 12A-K
Safety managers of TVA organizations
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At approximately 2:00 a.m. (CST) on November 6, 2002, an accident occurred at TVA’s ABC
500 kV Substation. John Doe, Electrician, received an electric shock from induced voltage and
was injured. Mr. Doe was taken to a Nashville hospital immediately following the accident
where he remains in critical conditon.
Prior to the accident, an electrician crew had installed lightning arrestors on the 161 kV bus for
the Big Tree - ABC 161kV Transmission Line (Big Tree Line). The crew had begun work at
approximately 12:30 a.m. (CST) after the line had been de-energized and grounded. All work
for the installation had been essentially completed, and the crew was in the process of removing
their tools and equipment from the job site in preparation for returning the line to service.
The Accident
At approximately 2:00 a.m. (CST), Mr. Doe intended to remove the equipment ground for the
crane truck that had been used in the work from a structure in the yard. However, Mr. Doe
inadvertently removed the ground-end clamp of a safety ground connected to the station ground
mat. The other end of the safety ground was attached to the A-phase bus. This action created an
arc between the clamp and mat, and Mr. Doe suffered an electrical shock from the induced
voltage on the A-phase bus. The source of the induced voltage was a nearby energized 500 kV
Mr. Doe fell with the ground-end clamp pinned under his body. Chuck Cates, Electrician
Foreman, disengaged Mr. Doe from the voltage source. Mr. Doe was found to have no pulse. He
was given cardiopulmonary resuscitation by Jim Ray, Electrician, and was revived. Emergency
medical personnel were summoned to and arrived at the site. Mr. Doe was subsequently
transported to XX Trauma Unit at the GWQ Hospital in Nashville where he remains in critical
Post Accident Events
After Mr. Doe was transported from the ABC 500 kV Substation, the grounds were removed.
The Big Tree Line was returned to service at approximately 2:30 a.m. (CST).
An Accident Investigation Team was formed, and the scene preserved pending the team's arrival.
Members of the team were on site at approximately 2:00 p.m. (CST) on November 6. The
investigation is in progress.
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November 26, 2002
(Executive Vice President of the responsible organization)
Executive Summary
(This section of the report provides a brief overview of what happened and highlights the AIT’s
key findings, conclusions, and recommendations.)
Accident Description
(This section of the report describes the accident scenario and is extracted from the timeline
developed by the AIT. The AIT should also refer to the “Accident Report” in developing this
portion of the report.)
(This section of the report contains factual information discovered during and pertinent to the
investigation, beyond that contained in the “Accident Description.” Facts are statements which
are verifiable, objectively worded, and related to the accident. Some examples are laboratory
results, regulatory requirements, prior investigation reports, and other documentation such as
interview results. Findings provide the basis for drawing conclusions.)
(This section of the report contains the AIT’s opinions of why the accident occurred, i.e., the root
causes. This information is summarized from the cause-and-effect diagram and root cause
verification matrix prepared by the AIT. Recommendations are developed from conclusions.)
This report is a controlled document. No additional copies are to be made without prior written approval of the
responsible EVP and DASHO.
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Corrective Actions
(This section of the report contains the AIT’s recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar
events. Recommendations suggest corrective actions to prevent recurrence. This information is
extracted from the solutions matrix and action plan prepared by the AIT.)
(This section of the report contains information that helps support AIT findings, conclusions, and
recommendations. The improvement activity summary, work practices, safety procedures,
organization’s safety manual, photographs, drawings, etc., are examples of material that may be
included as attachments.)
Accident Investigation Team Chairperson
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Rev. 0
Effective Date 08/06/2002
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1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................................................ III-105
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The objective of this process is to detect, report, and correct unsafe and unhealthful
conditions by conducting workplace regulatory compliance inspections, as required
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
This process applies to all TVA employees.
The quality indicator for this process is the number of injury/illness investigations
where a regulatory violation resulting from inadequate inspection is identified as a
contributing factor. (Q1) The following criteria are used to evaluate the efficiency and
effectiveness of this process. In addition to Q1, process indicators shown in bold
italic are tracked and results reported periodically to management.
A. Establish inspection schedule prior to beginning the fiscal year. (P1)
B. Issue notices for safety deficiencies within 15 workdays of an inspection. (P2)
C. Issue notices for health hazards within 30 workdays of an inspection. (P3)
D. Abate hazards by date on notice or abatement plan. (P4)
E. Document corrective action and provide to inspector by abatement date on
notice. (P5)
F. Prepare and submit abatement plan to the inspector and DASHO for items not
corrected within 30 calendar days. (P6)
G. Close inspection. (P7)
H. Analyze inspection findings annually for trends and root causes. (P8)
I. Evaluate process effectiveness at least every three years. (P9)
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities
Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO)/Corporate Safety
A. Provides advice on abatement of hazards, upon request.
B. Assists with preparation of abatement plans, upon request.
C. As necessary, participates in resolution of concerns on hazards identified,
action taken/planned, etc.
D. Provides for an automated corrective action system (CAS) for collecting and
reporting inspection-related data.
E. Reviews inspection and abatement data for trends, improvement opportunities,
and adequacy.
F. Provides periodic reports on results of these reviews.
G. Approves and publishes this process.
H. Tracks performance.
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NOTE 1 Regulatory and other “drivers” for this process include the following.
A. Executive Order 12196, “Occupational Safety and Health Programs for
Federal Employees” (requires heads of federal agencies to comply with basic
program elements issued by the Secretary of Labor, including assuring that
periodic inspections of all workplaces are performed by personnel with
equipment and competence to recognize hazards and that prompt abatement of
unsafe or unhealthful conditions occur).
B. 29 CFR 1960, “Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee
Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters” (Subpart
D establishes OSHA requirements for federal agencies on workplace
inspection and abatement).
C. TVA Principles and Practices, Health and Safety Practice 2, Safety
(outlines the agency’s overall safety program, including provisions for
D. TVA-SPP-18.0, “TVA Safety Program” (provides the agency’s program
philosophy and a summary of the major safety processes, including
NOTE 2 Parenthesis (xx) in the paragraph headings that follow refer to symbols shown in the
flow chart and control system for this process which are included as Appendix A.
3.2.1 Schedule Inspection (A1)
TVA organizations schedule workplace regulatory compliance inspections annually.
The schedule is completed by the beginning of the fiscal year. (P1)
3.2.2 Designate Inspector (A2)
A. Inspections are conducted by qualified inspectors as defined at 29CFR
Qualified inspectors include safety specialists, industrial hygienists, fire protection engineers, etc., that are
competent by virtue of education, training, and/or work experience to recognize and evaluate hazards of
the working environment and to suggest general abatement methods.
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A. Existing work control processes are used to track and close inspection
B. Ensuring that hazards are controlled until they can be abated must be an
immediate concern of the manager in charge of the workplace. Action taken to
mitigate an identified condition until abatement occurs must ensure that
employees are not exposed to uncontrolled hazards.
C. The manager in charge of the workplace assigns responsibility to track
identified hazards until they are eliminated or controlled to an acceptable
D. Corrective action for each item is described on the final form TVA 7109 in
enough detail to ensure its understanding and returned to the inspector for
review by the prescribed abatement date. (P5)
E. The completed final form TVA 7109 is also entered into the CAS.
F. The inspector advises the manager in charge of the workplace of the adequacy
of corrective action taken.
G. The inspector tracks action taken on deficiencies identified until all
countermeasures are satisfactorily completed.
H. Follow-up may include a site visit to review status of action taken.
I. Any unresolved issues are elevated to the appropriate level of management for
J. Within 10 workdays of all corrective action(s) being considered complete, the
inspector sends a memorandum to those individuals who received the final
form TVA 7109. This memorandum formally closes the inspection. (P7)
3.2.10 Prepare Abatement Plans (D1, A12 - A13, D2, A14 - A15)
A. If correction of a hazard takes longer than 30 calendar days after receipt of the
final form TVA 7109, an abatement plan (Appendix C) is developed by the
manager in charge of the workplace. As a minimum, an abatement plan
1. The identified hazard.
2. Reason the hazard cannot be abated within 30 calendar days.
3. Corrective action to be taken.
4. Proposed abatement date.
5. Interim measures to protect employees.
B. The completed abatement plan is sent to the inspector for review by the
original abatement date and to the DASHO for updating the CAS. (P6)
C. The inspector advises the manager in charge of the workplace of the adequacy
of the plan.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
D. Any unresolved issues or need for interpretation are referred by the inspector
to the appropriate level of management for resolution in order to meet the
proposed abatement date.
E. The local health and safety committee and all employees subject to the hazard
are advised of this action and of interim protective measures in effect. They
are kept informed of subsequent progress on the abatement plan.
3.2.11 Review WRCIS Results and Provide Periodic Reports (A20, A21)
A. Data from the CAS and abatement plans are reviewed by the
DASHO/Corporate Safety to identify trends and opportunities for improving
TVA’s safety program.
B. The DASHO/Corporate Safety periodically reports results of these reviews to
3.2.12 Analyze Inspection Findings (A22, A23, and T1)
A. Inspection findings are analyzed annually by management to determine
weaknesses in the safety program. (P8)
B. This analysis identifies reasons that this and other TVA safety management
practices did not prevent these hazards from occurring. Inputs are requested
from the inspector and others, as appropriate.
C. Results of this analysis are internalized and replicated, as necessary, to
prevent hazards from recurring.
D. Results of this analysis are also used to determine areas of emphasis in the
annual program evaluation plan (paragraph 3.2.1B, TVA-SPP-18.013,
“Conduct Safety Program Assessments”).
3.2.13 Evaluate Process (A24, D4, and T1)
A. Process effectiveness will be assessed at all organization levels through
periodic evaluations.
B. The DASHO/Corporate Safety evaluates process effectiveness at least once
every three years. (P9)
4.1 QA Records
There are no QA records generated by this process.
4.2 Non-QA Records
The following non-QA records are generated by this process.
A. Managers in charge of workplaces develop annual inspection schedules. These
schedules (including transmittal memorandums) are maintained by these
B. Inspectors make notes on workplace observations, employee interviews, etc.
This material is maintained by inspectors.
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Inspector’s Signature
*NOTE: All hazards will be classified into one of the following categories as defined.
Imminent Danger (ID) - Condition could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately.
Serious (S) - Condition where there is a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result.
Nonserious (NS) - Condition that is not likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
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Rev. 2 04/29/05
Effective Date 05/29/05
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APPENDIX D - NOTICE OF INJURY - OSHA 301 FORM TVA 17719 .................... III-151
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C. All work-related injuries that must be recorded on the OSHA Form 300, “Log
of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” shall be reported on the TVA Form
17719, “Notice of Injury / Illnesses” (NOI) –OSHA 301, Appendix D. This is
a TVA equivalent to the OSHA Form 301. All sections on the TVA Form
17719 shall be completed. When the case is recorded on the Log, the case
number assigned on the Log shall be added to the TVA Form 17719. The
TVA Form 17719 shall be completed and submitted within 48 hours to TVA
Safety and TVA Information Services. Each establishment shall maintain the
NOI on file for five years.
D. Classifies work-related injuries and illnesses based on the requirements of
OSHA 29 CFR 1904, “Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and
Illnesses. This OSHA regulation became effective on January 1, 2005. OSHA
has granted federal employers one year (January 1, 2006) to come into full
compliance with these requirements.
E. Investigates work-related injuries and illnesses (Initiate investigation within
24 hours of event) utilizing form TVA 18120 “TVA Injury/Illness
Investigation Report,” and when required the organizations approved
corrective action program.
F. Based on the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1904, ensure each recordable
injury or illness is entered on the OSHA 300 log within seven (7) days of
receiving information that a recordable injury or illness has occurred. Submits
OSHA 300 log to Muscle Shoals IS group within 3 calendar days after the end
of the month.
G. Each TVA business unit must prepare, si gn, and post at the work location the
OSHA Form 300A, “Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses,” for
their organization. The OSHA Form 300A must be posted from February 1st
until April 30th each year.
H. As necessary, participates in resolution of issues associated with adequacy of
forms with the DASHO/Corporate Safety and/or the appropriate level of
I. Identifies countermeasures to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses,
takes corrective action, and monitors effectiveness of results achieved.
J. Standardizes/replicates results and elevates, as appropriate.
K. Periodically assesses process effectiveness.
TVA Safety Consultants / Representatives
A. Provides assistance to line management in reporting, investigation and
classification of injuries and illnesses in conformance with the requirements of
this procedure.
A. Promptly report work-related injuries or illnesses to their supervisors.
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E. You must consider an injury or illness to meet the general recording criteria,
and therefore to be recordable, if it results in any of the following: death, days
away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment
beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness. You must also consider a case to
meet the general recording criteria if it involves a significant injury or illness
diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional, even if it
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
does not result in death, days away from work, restricted work or job transfer,
medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness.
F. Occupational injuries and illnesses vary in outcome from fatal (most severe)
to first aid (least severe). The following define each outcome and their
1. A fatal work-related injury or illness results in death to an employee
regardless of the time between the event and death. You must record an
injury or illness that results in death by entering a check mark on the
OSHA 300 Log in the space for cases resulting in death. You must also
report any work-related fatality or inpatient hospitalization of three or
more employees to OSHA within eight (8) hours, as required by 29 CFR
2. Days Away From Work (Lost-time) When an injury or illness involves
one or more days away from work, you must record the injury or illness
on the OSHA 300 Log with a check mark in the space for cases
involving days away and an entry of the number of calendar days away
from work in the number of days column. If the employee is out for an
extended period of time, you must enter an estimate of the days that the
employee will be away, and update the day count when the actual
number of days is known. Determination of the amount of time
associated with a lost-time injury or illness must be consistent with the
• Begin counting days away on the day after the injury occurred or the
illness began.
• You must record these injuries and illnesses on the OSHA 300 Log
using the check box for cases with days away from work and enter
the number of calendar days away recommended by the physician or
other licensed health care professional. If a physician or other
licensed health care professional recommends days away, you should
encourage your employee to follow that recommendation. However,
the days away must be recorded whether the injured or ill employee
follows the physician or licensed health care professional's
recommendation or not. If you receive recommendations from two
or more physicians or other licensed health care professionals, you
may make a decision as to which recommendation is the most
authoritative, and record the case based upon that recommendation.
• End the count of days away from work on the date the physician or
other licensed health care professional recommends that the
employee returns to work.
• Count the number of calendar days the employee was unable to
work as a result of the injury or illness, regardless of whether or not
the employee was scheduled to work on those day(s). Weekend days,
holidays, vacation days or other days off are included in the total
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
number of days recorded if the employee would not have been able
to work on those days because of a work-related injury or illness.
• If a worker is injured or becomes ill on a Friday and reports to
work on a Monday, and was not scheduled to work on the
weekend, record this case only if you receive information from a
physician or other licensed health care professional indicating that
the employee should not have worked, or should have performed
only restricted work, during the weekend. If so, you must record the
injury or illness as a case with days away from work or restricted
work, and enter the day counts, as appropriate.
• If a worker is injured or becomes ill on the day before scheduled
time off such as a holiday, a planned vacation, or a temporary
plant closing, record a case of this type only if you receive
information from a physician or other licensed health care
professional indicating that the employee should not have worked, or
should have performed only restricted work, during the scheduled
time off. If so, you must record the injury or illness as a case with
days away from work or restricted work, and enter the day counts, as
• The number of days away from work that must be counted are
as follows: You may "cap" the total days away at 180 calendar days.
You are not required to keep track of the number of calendar days
away from work if the injury or illness resulted in more than 180
calendar days away from work and/or days of job transfer or
restriction. In such a case, entering 180 in the total days away
column will be considered adequate.
• Counting days if an employee who is away from work because of
an injury or illness retires or leaves my company. If the employee
leaves your company for some reason unrelated to the injury or
illness, such as retirement, a plant closing, or to take another job, you
may stop counting days away from work or days of restriction/job
transfer. If the employee leaves your company because of the injury
or illness, you must estimate the total number of days away or days
of restriction/job transfer and enter the day count on the 300 Log.
• Cases occurring in one year but results in days away during the
next calendar year. Only record the injury or illness once. You
must enter the number of calendar days away for the injury or illness
on the OSHA 300 Log for the year in which the injury or illness
occurred. If the employee is still away from work because of the
injury or illness when you prepare the annual summary, estimate the
total number of calendar days you expect the employee to be away
from work, use this number to calculate the total for the annual
summary, and then update the initial log entry later when the day
count is known or reaches the 180-day cap.
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5.1 Are any other procedures included in first aid? No, this is a complete list
of all treatments considered first aid for Part 1904 purposes.
5.2 Does the professional status of the person providing the treatment have
any effect on what is considered first aid or medical treatment? No,
OSHA considers the treatments listed in 29 CFR 1904.7(b)(5)(ii) to be
first aid regardless of the professional status of the person providing the
treatment. Even when these treatments are provided by a physician or
other licensed health care professional, they are considered first aid for
the purposes of Part 1904. Similarly, OSHA considers treatment beyond
first aid to be medical treatment even when it is provided by someone
other than a physician or other licensed health care professional.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
OSHA believes that most significant injuries and illnesses will result in
one of the criteria listed in 29 CFR 1904.7(a): death, days away from
work, restricted work or job transfer, medical treatment beyond first aid,
or loss of consciousness. However, there are some significant injuries,
such as a punctured eardrum or a fractured toe or rib, for which neither
medical treatment nor work restrictions may be recommended. In
addition, there are some significant progressive diseases, such as
byssinosis, silicosis, and some types of cancer, for which medical
treatment or work restrictions may not be recommended at the time of
diagnosis but are likely to be recommended as the disease progresses.
OSHA believes that cancer, chronic irreversible diseases, fractured or
cracked bones, and punctured eardrums are generally considered
significant injuries and illnesses, and must be recorded at the initial
diagnosis even if medical treatment or work restrictions are not
recommended, or are postponed, in a particular case.
8. An other compensable incident (OCI) includes work-related injuries
or illnesses that result in the creation of a case by OWCP and that do not
otherwise meet the criteria for classification in D1 through D7 above..
All OCI events must be entered on the OSHA form 300 without
checking a classification on the form. The designation of OCI must be
entered in column “F.”
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This report will track a supervisor’s safety performance by tracking the accident experience of employees working
for that supervisor.
This report provides information regarding each supervisor’s safety performance by tracking the accident
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for ensuring that solutions developed become part of daily work. This strategy
may involve implementing design changes that eliminate the hazard or control
it to an acceptable level through the use of safety or warning devices. The
strategy may also involve development of procedures and standards or a
process control system, training and education to ensure that employees
understand why a new/modified process is needed and how to use it, and
appropriate monitoring and tracking.
B. The safety consultant/representative of the responsible TVA organization
periodically reviews the new/modified process to ensure that it is functioning
as intended.
C. If the manager in charge of the workplace determines that the new/modified
process may benefit other locations, a recommendation is made concerning
replication of new/modified processes.
D. EVPs and/or staff evaluate recommendations made.
E. If EVPs and/or staff determine that implementation of a recommendation is
appropriate at other locations, a roll out plan is developed and initiated at the
selected location(s). The manager in charge at the selected location(s)
standardizes the new or modified process.
3.2.9 Evaluate Process
A. The effectiveness of this process will be assessed at all organization levels
through periodic evaluations.
B. Corporate Safety evaluates effectiveness of this process at least once every
three years.
All injury rate (AIR) - the number of work-related injuries or illnesses resulting in
either a fatality, days away from work/lost-time, restricted duty/job transfer, medical
treatment, loss of consciousness, other significant work-related injury / illness
diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional, or other
compensable incident per 200,000 hours worked.
Incidence rate - the number of work-related injuries or illnesses resulting in a
particular outcome, or severity, per 200,000 hours worked.
Days Away From Work/Lost-time incidence rate (LTIR) - the number of work-
related injuries or illnesses resulting in either a fatality, days away from work/lost-
time, restricted duty/job transfer per 200,000 hours worked.
Manager in charge of the workplace - the most senior manager of a TVA plant or
other facility, area, property, major work activity, etc.
OSHA recordable incidence rate (ORIR) - the number of work-related injuries or
illnesses resulting in either a fatality, days away from work/lost-time, restricted
duty/job transfer, medical treatment, Loss of Consciousness, other significant work-
related injury / illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care
professional per 200,000 hours worked.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Work Injury/Illness System (WIIS) - TVA’s centralized data base for maintaining
records of injuries and illnesses and reporting results to managers and other
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Appendix A
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Are there situations where an injury or illness occurs in the work environment and is not
considered work-related? Yes, an injury or illness occurring in the work environment that falls
under one of the following exceptions is not work-related, and therefore is not recordable.
1904.5(b)(2) You are not required to record injuries and illnesses if . . .
(i) At the time of the injury or illness, the employee was present in the work environment as a
member of the general public rather than as an employee.
(ii) The injury or illness involves signs or symptoms that surface at work but result solely from
a non-work-related event or exposure that occurs outside the work environment.
(iii) The injury or illness results solely from voluntary participation in a wellness program or in
a medical, fitness, or recreational activity such as blood donation, physical examination, flu
shot, exercise class, racquetball, or baseball.
(iv) The injury or illness is solely the result of an employee eating, drinking, or preparing food
or drink for personal consumption (whether bought on the employer's premises or brought
in). For example, if the employee is injured by choking on a sandwich while in the
employer's establishment, the case would not be considered work-related.
Note: If the employee is made ill by ingesting food contaminated by workplace
contaminants (such as lead), or gets food poisoning from food supplied by the employer,
the case would be considered work-related.
(v) The injury or illness is solely the result of an employee doing personal tasks (unrelated to
their employment) at the establishment outside of the employee's assigned working hours.
(vi) The injury or illness is solely the result of personal grooming, self medication for a non-
work-related condition, or is intentionally self-inflicted.
(vii) The injury or illness is caused by a motor vehicle accident and occurs on a company
parking lot or company access road while the employee is commuting to or from work.
(viii) The illness is the common cold or flu (Note: contagious diseases such as tuberculosis,
brucellosis, hepatitis A, or plague are considered work-related if the employee is infected
at work).
(ix) The illness is a mental illness. Mental illness will not be considered work-related unless the
employee voluntarily provides the employer with an opinion from a physician or other
licensed health care professional with appropriate training and experience (psychiatrist,
psychologist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, etc.) stating that the employee has a mental
illness that is work-related.
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TVA 18120
NOTE: Because this form contains “Sensitive Information,” all completed versions, hardcopy
and electronic MUST be protected. Electronic versions should either be immediately deleted
from the hard drive or password protected.
To protect information that has been entered and to make a “Read Only” document, go to FILES,
SAVE AS. Within “SAVE AS” dialog box and to the right of the “Save In” box, click on
TOOLS and select SECURITY OPTIONS, type in Password to Open and Password to Modify.
Click box that says “Read-Only Recommended.” Choose OK to save the document. Then choose
CAUTION: When a document is “Password Protected,” no one can open or change the
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Section A - REQUIRED: Enter the injured employee’s name; social security number; the date and time of the incident; supervisor’s
name; supervisor’s SSN; and injury/illness classification. NOTE: Shaded blocks or text are optional for organizational
use only.
Section B - Provide incident narrative. Inclusion of a sketch or photograph is optional.
Section C - Preaccident/Incident Activity - Check up to three codes that most accurately reflect the activity in which the employee
was engaged immediately before the incident.
Equipment/Tools Involved - Check up to three codes that describe the equipment that was directly involved in the
Equipment Failure - Check up to three codes that identify how the equipment involved in the incident failed.
Hazard Involved - Check up to three codes that identify the hazard(s) that resulted in or caused the injury. In some cases
one source of energy may interact with or trigger another to produce the injury. For example, an employee may receive a
low-voltage electrical shock from a drill motor that caused a fall from a ladder. In this case, both code 80, “electric AC -
below 600 volts,” and code 02 “falls, different level,” should be checked.
Unsafe Act/Condition - Check one code from each of the categories. For example, an employee operating a bench
grinder received an eye injury. It was found that the grinder guard was not in place, the employee was not wearing a face
shield, and was not following a written shop procedure for grinding operations. Codes 07, “guard not in place,” 32, “did
not use PPE,” and 42, “procedures/standards/methods not followed,” would all be selected, while codes 23 and 54, “not a
factor,” would be marked under the “warning devices” and “administrative controls” categories.
Changes in Workplace - Change that occurs in the workplace can create new or unforeseen hazards, even in tasks or
operations that are considered routine. Identifying these changes can give managers insight into underlying sources of
hazards and suggest actions that can be taken to prevent recurrence. Compare the task or operation that precedes an
incident with the planned or normal procedure and describe any differences. Evaluate these differences as possible
contributors to the incident. If the differences contributed to the incident, check “yes” on the form. If not, check “no.”
Section D - Describe the root cause of the incident. Completion of this section is optional.
Section E - This section is to be completed by the investigator’s supervisor through discussions with all parties involved. Review all
realistic areas for preventive action. Examine unsafe act/conditions and changes identified in Section C for methods or
ways to prevent recurrence. Examine unsafe acts or errors on the part of any employee to determine why they occurred.
List those actions in “A” that are within your scope of authority that you will take to prevent this type of incident from
happening again. After each action, list the person and/or organization responsible for taking the action along with an
estimated completion date. List those action in “B” that you believe should be implemented, even if you cannot make
these changes yourself, e.g., changes to procedures, protective equipment, training, or equipment design. These actions
do not usually produce immediate results but prevent similar incidents at other locations. If possible, list the person or
organization responsible for such corrective action and an estimated completion date. Attach as many continuations
sheets as necessary.
Section F - Assess the effectiveness of implementation of recommendations identified in Section E. Completion of this section is
optional Section G -Assess the degree to which solutions implemented have become part of daily operations. Identify
any opportunities for replication. Completion of this section is optional.
Section G - Assess the degree to which solutions implemented have become part of daily operations. Identify any opportunities for
replication. Completion of this section is optional.
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Annex B
Electrical Switching Operation
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure Number 1003, Revision 0, January 6, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
1. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this procedure is to establish requirements for electrical switching
2. Instructions for Electrical Switching
2.1. During normal plant operations, permission shall be obtained from appropriate operations
personnel before employees may enter the switchyard.
2.2. The appropriate operations personnel shall approve the entry based on work
requirements, operational conditions, and the safety of the work to be done. Proper
clearances will be obtained in accordance with the most current clearance procedures,
practices and operating letters.
2.3. Supervisors shall ensure that employees under their supervision work within safe
boundaries established by the clearance, and in accordance with the most current
clearance procedures, practices and operating letters (if such is applicable).
2.4. Supervisors shall ensure that employees wear the appropriate flame retardant clothing
and required personal protective equipment when conducting switching operations.
2.5. Supervisors shall ensure that proper barricades and barrier tape procedures are followed
in accordance with TVA Safety Procedure 602, “Barricades and Barriers (Temporary)”.
2.6. During outages or heavy maintenance activities in the switchyard, the supervisor shall
notify the appropriate operations personnel of the activity being performed on a daily
basis. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees under their supervision
establish and work within safe boundaries.
2.7. If switching becomes necessary while work is being performed in the switchyard, the
appropriate operations personnel shall notify the supervisors and crews of the work being
performed to evacuate the switchyard.
2.8. When the appropriate operations personnel becomes aware of adverse weather conditions
that could cause breakers to open automatically, they shall notify the responsible
supervisor to evacuate the switchyard.
3. Reference
3.1. 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.269, “Electric Power Generation, Transmission and
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex C
Temporary Protective Grounding for Generating Stations and
Other Non-Transmission Facilities
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1008, Revision 5, July 15, 2006.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
TVA employees working on non-TVA conductors, equipment, facilities, or systems adhere to this procedure.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
This information can be obtained from electrical engineering studies or the responsible electrical engineering staff.
Coiling protective grounds increases the impedance under fault conditions thus decreasing employee protection.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
In low voltage equipment, the purpose of the ground cable is to discharge stored energy and prevent re-
accumulation of electrical energy. Therefore, fault current and clearing time are not factors.
The ampere capacity of the ground set is limited by the ampere rating of the clamp being used: 43 kA at 15
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Damage to cable, i.e., burned jacket, broken copper strands, especially near the cable
termination, damaged or loose cable termination’s, evidence of cable corrosion.
• Damage to clamp mechanisms, i.e., sharp edges, cracks, splits, or other defects and
for smooth operation and excessive looseness.
• Damage to clamp jaws, eye screws, and T-handle screws, i.e., cleanness and freedom
from dirt, oil, grease, or corrosion.
13. Select Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
13.1. Employees who install protective grounds wear the PPE based on an arc flash hazard
analysis for the electrical conductors and equipment. The Arc Flash Hazard Calculation
and Protection Analysis (AFHCP) procedure is being developed and will be issued in
January 2003. Until the operating organizations implement the AFHCP, existing
organizational FR requirements are used.
14. De-Energize Conductor or Equipment
14.1. Ensure that the electrical conductors and equipment are isolated from all energy sources
in accordance with the operating organization’s clearance procedure before installing the
grounds. Electrical conductors and equipment are considered as energized until they have
been isolated, tested for absence of nominal voltage, and protective grounds installed
(including low voltage equipment where grounds may be required).
Defective protective grounds are destroyed or repaired in accordance with Appendix B. A ground cable that has
been subjected to a fault is always destroyed, but the clamp may be reused if not damaged.
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detector on a known energized source to check proper operation, before and after testing
the electrical conductors or equipment to be grounded. When the electrical conductors
and equipment to be grounded are tested, the test must show an absence of nominal
voltage. If nominal voltage is detected, paragraph 11 has not been properly implemented,
contact a supervisor immediately to resolve the problem. The presence of nominal
voltage at this step is considered a “near miss” incident and must be reported,
investigated, and corrective action developed and implemented.
18. Account for Installed Protective Grounds
118.1. When protective grounds are installed, each ground or grounding device is identified with
a metal disk or Lamicoid for purposes of tracking the ground and ensuring removal of all
grounds before re-energizing the electrical conductors and equipment. The
organization’s grounding accountability process or clearance procedure is followed for
identifying and recording installation of the grounds25.
18.2. At generating plants, the electrical representatives authorized by the plant/site
management official-in-charge are the only personnel who may receive and return ground
19. Install Protective Grounds
19.1. After determining the absence of nominal voltage, proceed with placement of protective
grounds. Protective grounds are placed in such a manner as to prevent any employee
working on the electrical conductors and equipment from being exposed to hazardous
differences in electrical potential, thus establishing an equipotential work zone. Another
equipotential work zone must be established by installing a second set of protective
grounds any time there is a necessity to open/break the electrical circuit isolating any
employee from protective grounds.
19.2. When parallel ground sets are used for current carrying capacity purposes, they must be
of equal size and length and connected to the conductor and ground as close to the same
point as possible. The ground cables must be tied together every 90 cm (3 ft) with a non-
metallic material to restrain the mechanical movement forces should the cables be
19.3. Solid metal-to-metal connections are essential between the ground cable clamps and the
connection points. Since corrosion and paint can cause a poor electrical connection, the
grounding surface connection point must be free of rust, corrosion, non-conductive paint,
or other insulating material or otherwise cleaned.
19.4. Protective grounds are installed on conductors and equipment as follows (See paragraph
19.9 for the preferred method to ground metal clad switchgear.):
Connect the ground-end of the ground cables to a facility ground point that is connected
to the ground grid. If a cluster block is used it must be secured from movement in case of
a fault condition.
For generating stations, ground tags are issued in conjunction with a specific clearance number.
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Connect the clamp on the line-end of the ground cable to the nearest phase conductor or
equipment part using a live-line tool26. Maintain the minimum approach distances in
Table 3 to the conductor or equipment being grounded or to any other exposed energized
conductors or parts. Do not handle the ground by hand or allow bodily contact with the
ground cable while making the line-end connection.
Repeat the instructions in 1 and 2 above, proceeding outward and upward until all
conductors are grounded. All electrical phases of the electrical equipment are required to
be grounded. Protective grounds must be kept as short as reasonably possible and
installed so as to hang as straight as possible with no folds or sharp bends. Folds or
bends increase the mechanical and impedance hazards should a fault occur.
19.5. A power circuit breaker may not be used to “extend” a protective ground to prevent an
employee from being isolated from their protective ground.
19.6. Locate protective grounds as close as practical to the work area. This is particularly
important on long runs of cable where induced voltage is likely to be present.
19.7. Non-current carrying metal parts of equipment or devices, such as transformer cases and
circuit breaker housings, are treated as energized at the highest voltage the equipment
operates, unless an inspection of the grounding strap prior to work being performed
determines that these parts are grounded.
Live-line tools must have a current test date. Rated, rubber protective gloves are not considered live-line tools.
A switching over-voltage factor of 2.2 allows the distance to be reduced from 342.90 centimeters to 302.26
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
19.8. Power circuit breakers with internal capacitors must have the grounds installed and the
breaker closed to discharge the capacitors.
19.9. In metal clad switchgear, the preferred method of grounding is the use of “ground and
test device” equipment specifically designed a manufacturer or approved by a PE for this
application. Operating organizations must develop a written procedure establishing the
proper use of the grounding and test device in accordance with the requirements of this
standard. Live-line tools may be used to place protective grounds, if ground and test
devices are not available. In either case a written step-by-step procedure is required.
20. Place Signs and Barricades
20.1. Orange barricade tape with the legend “DANGER ELECTRICAL HAZARD
AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY” is used to designate an area where an electrical
hazard is present. It means “do not cross” for all persons except those qualified and
authorized to work on or near the energized equipment. The tape must be used to
designate energized, exposed conductors or parts and energized equipment which poses
an electrical hazard to the employees working on the grounded conductors or equipment.
The tape is installed horizontally (preferably at a height of 120 cm above ground
level/work surface) and other locations (vertically) as necessary to fully identify any
electrical hazard adjacent to the grounded equipment work area.
20.2. Danger and caution signs are used to identify hazardous areas in and around the work
site. If a protective ground set or grounding device is inside an electrical cubicle/cabinet
and the door is closed, a sign that states, “GROUNDS INSTALLED – REMOVE
BEFORE ENERGIZING,” is posted on the cubicle/cabinet. All signs must be designed
in accordance the requirements contained in ANSI Z535.2, Environmental and Facility
Safety Signs.
21. Remove Protective Grounds Temporarily
21.1. If temporary removal of the grounds is required, all employees that will be affected by
the removal of the grounds are informed of impending removal. After notification, the
grounds are removed in accordance with paragraph 22. and in accordance with the
operating organizations clearance procedure.
22. Protect Employees during Temporary Ungrounded Periods
22.1. While grounds are temporarily removed, protect all employees from the hazards of
exposed energized conductors or parts. Employees will maintain the minimum approach
distance of Table 3 or use energized work methods/practices on the exposed energized
conductors or parts.
23. Determine Requirement for Protective Grounds
23.1. Protective grounds must be reapplied in accordance with paragraph 16, if additional work
is to be performed. If no additional work is required, remove all protective grounds in
accordance with paragraph 22.
24. Remove Tools, Signs, Barricades
24.1. Before the protective grounds are removed, move any tools, signs, or barricades to
beyond the minimum approach distance in Table 3.
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Rated, rubber protective gloves are not considered to be live-line tools.
This practice is not mandatory, the end of the cable to begin coiling will have to be marked/identified in some
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
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requires the use of flash protection clothing and equipment when crossed. The flash
protection boundary may be greater or less than the limited approach boundary.
29.17. Ground (earth, ground system, ground bus) - A conducting connection, whether
intentional or accidental, by which an electric circuit or equipment is connected to the
earth. It is used for establishing and maintaining the potential of the earth or
approximately that potential.
29.18. Ground System (Grounding System) - Consists of all interconnecting grounding
connections at a work site.
29.19. Grounded - Connected to earth, whether the connection is intentional or accidental.
29.20. Hazardous Stored Energy - A discharge of stored energy exceeding 50 joules into the
human body is potentially lethal, greater than 10 joules can be hazardous, and as little as
0.25 joule is a considered a “heavy” electrical shock. Stored energy (E) can be calculated
by E = ½(CV2), where E (Joules), C (Farads) and V (voltage).
29.21. Hazardous Induced Voltage – 50 volts or greater
29.22. Induction - The process of generating voltages and/or currents in conductive objects or
electrical circuits by electric field or magnetic field induction.
29.23. Isolated - Physically separated, electrically, hydraulically, and mechanically, from all
sources of electrical energy. Such separation may not eliminate the effects of electrical
induction or stored electrical energy.
29.24. Joule (J) -A measure of energy, work, or quantity of heat: The work done by a force of 1
Newton acting through a distance of 1 meter.
29.25. Jumpering - The use of low-impedance conductors to make physical connections within,
between, among, and around circuits and their associated equipment for the purpose of
bypassing inadvertent currents around the workers and/or the worksite. Both grounding
and jumpering are applicable to work on power plant and transmission systems, overhead
and underground distribution systems, substations, switchyards, and with mobile
equipment used in these work situations.
29.26. Minimum Approach Distance - When working at ground potential, it is the distance a
qualified electrical worker and any conductive tool/material being maneuvered by the
worker must be maintained from any energized exposed part or conductor. When
working at an energized potential, it is the distance a qualified worker, the worker’s
conductive tools/materials must be maintained from all objects or conductors at a
difference in electrical potential (Table 3).
29.27. Parallel Protective Grounds - The use of two or more sets of protective grounds at the
same location when the fault current capability exceeds the current carrying capacity of
one set of temporary protective grounds.
29.28. Shock Hazard - A dangerous condition associated with the possible release of energy
caused by contact or approach to live parts.
29.29. Temporary Protective Ground - Conductive devices to limit the voltage difference
between any two accessible points at the work site to a safe value, and having a sufficient
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
ultimate current capacity rating. The ground is installed on electrical conductors, buses,
or parts of equipment for the protection of employees.
29.30. Temporary Protective Ground Set - A combination of cables, cable terminations, and
clamps assembled for use in temporary protective grounding. A ground set consists of a
ground end, insulated conductor, source/line end. The ground end consists of a clamp
(typically the T-handle type) to be connected to a grounded structure or to a ground riser,
and a cable termination. The flexible conductor has a suitable insulating jacket. The
source end of the protective ground consists of a clamp (typically with “eye” bolt) to be
connected with an insulating stick to a de-energized conductor, bus, or stud; or equipment
29.31. Temporary Protective Grounding Device (Switchgear) - A draw-out structure,
equipped with a terminal set adjustable for both line or load positions, and a grounding
connection. Connection to the local equipment ground bus is accomplished by
engagement of ground on the draw-out structure, or by manually-installed cables. The
grounding ends of the cables are terminated onto a suitable clamping device for
connection to the local equipment ground bus within the structure.
29.32. Temporary Protective Grounding Device (Medium Voltage Contactors) - In NEMA
E2 Medium Voltage (MV) controllers, the preferred method of grounding the load side is
to use a “ground device” that “racks” into the equipment specifically designed by a
manufacturer or approved by a PE for this application. The preferred ground device must
have continuous and fully rated copper bus from the load-side pressure connectors to the
ground pressure connector. The absence of voltage on the load-side connectors of the
Medium Voltage Controller cubicle to be grounded must be confirmed prior to insertion
of the grounding device. The preferred method of grounding the line side of the MV
controller is the use of a “ground device” in the associated metal clad switchgear.
Operating organizations must develop a written procedure establishing the proper use of
the ground device.
29.33. Ultimate Rating (Capacity) - A calculated maximum current that a ground cable is
capable of carrying for a specified time without fusing or melting. Grounds are generally
rated by this value. It is expected that component damage may result. The component are
not be reused.
29.34. Voltage (Nominal) - A nominal value assigned to a circuit or system for the purpose of
conveniently designating its voltage class (as 120/240 volts, 480Y/277 volts, 600 volts).
The actual voltage at which a circuit operates can vary from the nominal within a range
that permits satisfactory operation of equipment.
29.35. Voltage (of a Circuit) -The greatest Root-Mean-Square (RMS) difference of potential
between any two conductors of the circuit concerned.
29.36. Voltage to Ground - For grounded circuits, the voltage between the given conductor and
that point or conductor of the circuit that is grounded; for ungrounded circuits, the
greatest voltage between the given conductor and any other conductor of the circuit.
29.37. Working On (Live Parts) - Any activity inside the minimum approach distance which
may include coming in contact with live parts with the hands, feet, or other body parts,
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
with tools, probes, or with test equipment, regardless of the personal protective
equipment a person is wearing.
30. Reference
30.1. Title 29, CFR Part 1910, Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment.
30.2. Title 29 CFR Part 1910.269, Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution.
30.3. Title 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart S, Electric Utilization Systems.
30.4. Title 29 CFR Part 1910.137, Electrical Protective Equipment
30.5. NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces.
30.6. ASTM F855, Temporary Protective Grounds to be Used on De-Energized Electric Power
Lines and Equipment.
31. Appendix
31.1. Appendix A Flow Chart
31.2. Appendix B Grounding Set Specifications
31.3. Appendix C Grounding Set Test Procedure
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Medium Voltage Protective Ground Sets
1. Components for construction of medium voltage ground sets must comply with the
current edition of ASTM F855. Acceptable components designed for special and/or
specific use are available from vendors. Components that are normally used in TVA
ground sets are shown in Table B-1.
Item Source Cat No. TVA TIIC No.
Ferrule, Shrouded, plain plug type for 1/0 Cu A. B. Chance C600-2631 CGX-101P
Ferrule, Shrouded, plain plug type for 2/0 Cu A. B. Chance C600-2632 CGX-102M
Ferrule, Shrouded, plain plug type for 4/0 Cu A. B. Chance C600-2633 CGX-104H
Ferrule, Shrouded, threaded stud type for 1/0 Cu A. B. Chance C600-2623 CEG-575P
Ferrule, Shrouded, threaded stud type for 2/0 Cu A. B. Chance C600-2624 CEG-576M
Ferrule, Shrouded, threaded stud type for 4/0 Cu A. B. Chance C600-2625 CGX-105F
Heat Shrink Tube A. B. Chance P600-1593 CGX-980A
Clamp, Flat Grounding, T-Handle A. B. Chance T600-3009 CFV-952L
Clamp, C-Type Grounding A. B. Chance C600-2281
Cable, Copper, TPE Jacketed, Yellow, 1/0 AJT-559P
Cable, Copper, TPE Jacketed, Yellow, 2/0 CEB-747E
Cable, Copper, TPE Jacketed, Yellow, 4/0 Allied Cable CGX-189D
Clamp, Grounding, 6.35 centimeters ABJ398A
Clamp, Grounding, 11.43 centimeters ABJ798X
2. Use grounding clamps which require a copper ferrule to attach the cable. All protective
ground set components that makeup a grounding set must have a current carrying
capacity equal to or greater than the maximum fault current to which the grounding set
may be subjected, i.e., the cable, clamps, and ferrules are rated equal to or greater than
the same maximum expected current.
3. Effective on the date of this procedure, new protective grounding cables will not have
neoprene jackets. The paper or Mylar lining between the neoprene jacket and the copper
strands can cause excessive corrosion in the copper stands. It has been found that these
materials may contribute to a dangerous level of resistance in a ground set.
4. Grounds made from braided copper conductor are prohibited.
5. Proper installation of the ground-end clamp is critical to the current carrying capacity of
the protective ground set. The shrouded ferrules must be crimped using the approved
crimping dies as required by the ferrule manufacturer. The Section B crimp must be on
the insulating jacket of the cable. Crimping dies for A. B. Chance ferrules are shown in
Tale B-2.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Table B-2
A. B. Cable Size Section A Die Section B Die Cable Specification
C600-2623 1/0 Burndy U165 or Burndy U168 or 1/0, TPE jacketed, copper cable
Alcoa 73AH Alcoa 11AH
C600-2624 2/0 Burndy U165 or Burndy U-L or 2/0, TPE jacketed, copper cable
Alcoa 73AH Alcoa 75AH
C600-2625 4/0 Burndy U166 Burndy U-L 4/0, TPE jacketed copper cable
Figure 1
6. After attaching a ferrule, apply A. B. Chance heat shrink tubing number P600-1593 or
TIIC number CGX-980A to overlap from a portion of the cable to section B onto section
A by .64 centimeters. The heat shrink provides additional protection from moisture
entering the cable and causing corrosion. Figure 2 shows a completed clamp assembly.
7. When assembling a threaded end ferrule to the clamp. The ferrule must be inserted into
the receiving boss as far as possible and the expansion washer and nut applied to the
threaded end of the ferrule. For the A. B. Chance ferrule the nut must be tightened to
40.67 Newton meters to ensure proper seating of the ferrule to the receiving boss of the
8. On some manufacturer’s clamp, there is a double screw half clamp that secures the
ferrule to the clamp at the shoulder end of the ferrule. This “half clamp” is used as a
spacer only and is not meant to be a current carrying part of the clamp.
Figure 2
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
9. The protective ground set must be tested in accordance with Appendix C after the
grounding set is competed. After the ground set has passed the required test, the ground
set must be marked with the test marking as specified in Appendix C. The two approved
test instruments for testing grounds are the A. B. Chance or White Safety Line ground
Low Voltage (600V and below) Protective Ground Sets
1. Purchase commercially available low voltage grounding jumpers to made a grounding
set. Grounding jumpers must be #2 AWG or larger. Grounding jumpers can be field
fabricated from number 2 AWG or larger insulated (yellow jacketed), extra-flexible,
uncoated, stranded, copper cable having a 600 V rated TEC jacketed covering.
2. Since low voltage grounding sets are used to prevent dangerous levels of voltage
developing on the conductor or part, they are not required to be rated to carry the
maximum available short circuit current.
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Protective grounds shall be tested annually, not later than February 1 each year, and marked with
tape to identify the test year as shown in Table C-1. In addition to the resistance test, each
protective ground shall be inspected to ensure tightness of connections in the clamps and ferrules
and to detect physical defects. Protective grounds that are found to have loose connections or
defects shall be repaired or discarded.
Table C-1
Electrical Test Color Codes for Protective Grounds Extension Cords and Electrical Tools
2005 - Blue 2009 - Red
2006 - Red 2010 - Green
2007 - Green 2011 - Blue
2008 - Blue 2012 - Red
Temporary protective ground assemblies are tested to ensure that the assemblies limit the current
flowing through a worker to a safe level should the ground assembly be subjected to the
maximum current that the assembly is rated for the time required to clear the fault.
The maximum safe current through a workers body is calculated using Dalzell’s formula:
Isafe = I=tK
Where Isafe = Current flowing through chest in milliamperes
t = Duration of current in seconds
K= A constant related to electrical shock energy
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Table C-2 shows the maximum resistance allowed across the protective grounds assemblies –
(clamp to clamp) for each size grounding cable. A clamp to clamp resistance equal to or less than
the resistance shown in Table C-2 will limit the voltage across a shunted worker to the 157 volts.
A “Micro-ohmer” or A. B. Chance Safety Ground Tester is used to test the total resistance of the
ground assembly.
Table C-2
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Annex D
Guarding Energized Electrical Equipment
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1009, Revision 0, January 6, 2003.
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Annex E
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1010, Revision 1, November 01, 2005.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
1. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this procedure is to establish requirements for TVA employees engaging
in the use of electrical jumpers.
2. Requirements
2.1. Only qualified and authorized employees will troubleshoot energized control circuits.
2.2. When using jumper cables, follow the rules and procedures listed below.
• The use of jumper cables for troubleshooting shall be strictly controlled.
• The responsible employee shall keep a log of jumper cable use to include the circuit
or component isolated by the jumper, the jumper identification number or code, the
actual location of the jumper's use, the date the jumper was installed, the date it was
removed, and the person responsible for attaching and removing the jumper.
2.3. Each jumper will contain an identification number or code.
2.4. Jumpers will be designed for the voltage and current to be imposed on them.
2.5. Alligator clips shall have insulated covers.
2.6. Do not use jumpers attached by means of alligator clips to bridge the secondaries of in-
service energized current transformers. A positive means must be used for attaching the
jumper that bridges the secondary terminals.
2.7. Employees shall use extreme care in attaching and removing jumpers so that short
circuits are not created and that the employee does not contact other energized circuits.
Wear flame retardant clothing in accordance with TSP 1022, ‘Arc Flash Hazard
Calculation and Required Protection” when performing this task.
2.8. On completion of work, all equipment shall be returned to a safe condition. All
enclosures such as panels, outlet covers, conduit covers, etc., shall be replaced with all
bolts/screws tightened. All electrical panel doors shall be closed and latched.
2.9. All grounds and/or jumper cables shall be removed on completion of work.
2.10. The clearance and hold order shall be removed in accordance with the Conduct Clearance
Procedure when the work has been completed and the equipment returned to a safe
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex F
Portable Electric Tools and Attachments
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1012, Revision 3, July 15, 2006.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
4.9. Do not use excessive force with power tools as this can result in tool breakage, flying
material, and strain/sprain injuries.
4.10. Constant, repetitive motion with tools can result in strain/sprain injuries. Change
positions, change tools or take rest breaks periodically to avoid these types of injuries.
4.11. If a tool has a “lock on” button, disengage before starting. Do not start the tool until at the
work area and ready to begin.
5. Portable Electrical Power Tools
5.1. Double insulated portable electrical power tools should be used. Double insulated tools
shall be distinctively marked to indicate that the tool is double insulated. Do not assume
every tool with 2 prongs on the plug is double insulated unless it is designated on the
tool. Electrical powered portable tools that are not double insulated shall have a third
wire grounding conductor.
5.2. Electrical receptacles are tested periodically (quarterly to annually) to ensure each outlet
has ground circuit continuity. Receptacles should be inspected for damage and excessive
dirt, coal dust, fly ash, or other foreign material.
5.3. Each receptacle shall be the proper configuration to accommodate the plugs of portable
electric tools.
5.4. Service cords shall be inspected prior to use for damaged insulation, broken outer
insulation at the plug/receptacle, and for missing ground prongs.
5.5. Extension cords when used shall be properly sized for the load likely to be imposed (e.g.,
larger wire size for higher amperage tools). See TVA Safety Procedure 1004, “Extension
Cords and Attachments”.
5.6. Electrical tools should be operated within their design limitations.
5.7. When not in use, tools shall be stored in a dry place.
5.8. Never modify the plugs on tools or extension cords.
5.9. Do not take or use ordinary electrical tools into potentially explosive atmospheres.
Special explosion proof tools are required for this type of atmosphere.
5.10. Route power cords around or over traffic areas and other hazards such as oil or water.
5.11. When portable generators or vehicle-mounted generators are used to provide power for
portable electrical power tools (as in outside locations where fixed electric power
facilities are not available), the non-current carrying parts for equipment and the
equipment grounding conductor terminals of the receptacles on the generator shall be
bonded to the generator or vehicle frame.
6. Use of Portable Electrical Power Tools in Hazardous Locations
6.1. Portable electrical power tools capable of producing sparks, or arcing shall not be used in
atmospheres containing or likely to contain explosive gases or airborne coal dusts without
pre-job planning to include testing for the presence of such hazards. Such hazards, if
detected, shall be eliminated prior to beginning operations. Likewise, the presence of
coal and coal dust on the floors and horizontal surfaces are subject to ignition from the
use of electrical tools.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
6.2. Portable electrical power tools used in wet/damp or conductive environments, such as
inside metal tanks, shall be grounded, protected by a GFCI, or be double insulated. An
alternative is to use tools rated for 50 volts or less supplied through an isolating
transformer with an ungrounded secondary of not over 50 volts.
7. Switches and Controls
7.1. Constant pressure switches are used on tools such as powered circular saws, drills,
grinders, belt sanders, reciprocating saws, jig saws, and other similarly operating
powered tools. They may have a lock-on control, provided that turnoff can be
accomplished by a single motion of the same fingers that turn it on.
7.2. Hand-held powered tools such as, but not limited to, platen sanders, grinders with wheels,
and disc sanders with discs 5.08 centimeters in diameter or less, routers, planers, laminate
trimmers, nibblers, shears, saber, scroll and jig saws with blade shanks a nominal .64
centimeter wide or less must be equipped with a positive “on-off” control.
8. Portable Electric Drills
8.1. Do not use bits or attachments which are not designed for a drill. Make certain the bit or
attachment is far enough into the chuck and is evenly seated in the chuck.
8.2. Secure the work in a vise, with a clamp, etc. DO NOT TRY AND HOLD ANY PIECE
WHILE DRILLING. When drilling, especially in metal, center punch the hole to keep the
drill from skidding on the surface.
8.3. Do not use excessive pressure when drilling. This can cause material and drill bit
breakage and possibly flying parts and material.
8.4. Use a drill limiting device such as a drill bit stop collar when drilling into objects that
contain energized electrical components to prevent contact with the energized
9. Portable Electrical Power Saws
9.1. All portable electrical powered saws will not be operated if they are not equipped with a
constant pressure switch or control that will shut off the power when pressure is released.
Saws shall not be used if the switch is malfunctioning.
9.2. All portable electrical powered saws shall have the operating speed etched or otherwise
permanently marked. Saws shall not be operated at a speed other than that marked on the
9.3. Keep your off-hand well clear of the blade. Do not try to support the work with your
hand, knee, or any other part of your body while cutting. Properly support the work or
secure it with clamps.
9.4. Beware of kickback by keeping blades sharp and properly set, by checking the material
for nails or other material, and supporting the work properly near the line of the cut. If the
material sags it may cause the blade to bind.
9.5. Keep the guard in place and working properly.
9.6. Keep electrical cords out of the path of the saw blade.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
9.7. Use blades that are appropriate for the material being cut and replace the blades if
damaged or dull. If the material, such as wood, is wet there is a greater possibility of
kickback by a saw. Do not saw wet wood.
9.8. All portable electrical powered circular saws having a blade diameter greater than 5.08
centimeters shall not be used unless equipped with properly functioning guards above and
below the base plate or shoe. The guard must function so that when the saw is withdrawn
from the work, the lower guard automatically and instantly returns to a covering position.
The guard must cover both the upper and lower portion of the work to the depth of the
teeth except for the minimum arc required to permit the base to be tilted for bevel cuts
and to allow proper retraction and contact with the work.
10. Grinding and Cutting
10.1. Portable electrical grinding and cutting tools shall be operated and maintained in
accordance with the applicable requirements for those types of tools set forth above and
the specific requirements for grinding and cutting in TVA Safety Procedure 710,
“Grinding and Cutting” .
11. Inspection / Testing of Portable Electrical Power Tools
11.1. Each portable electrical power tool shall be visually inspected by the user prior to use.
11.2. Formal inspections by qualified persons shall be conducted annually for the following:
• Defective/improper wiring. This would include frayed, broken, or cut outer insulation
and outer insulation broken at the keeper to the plug or where the wiring enters the
• Incorrect plug configuration. All plugs shall meet NEMA configuration for applicable
voltage. Crows foot plugs should not be used.
• Inadequate or absence of continuity of equipment grounding conductor; missing,
broken, or cut ground prong is cause to attach a defective equipment tag.
• Double insulated tools shall be examined for cracked casings and grease or oil on the
outer casing. Tools with cracked casings shall not be used until repaired. Tools with
excessive oil or grease shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to use. Double insulated
tools that have been immersed in water, mud, or other liquid shall not be used until
the tool has been disassembled, cleaned, dried, and checked by a qualified person.
• Defective or improperly configured switch.
• Excessive accumulation of dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants which could create
a hazard or malfunction.
11.3. A record of inspections shall be maintained. The record may be maintained in any legible
form as long as a unique identifier for the tool, date of inspection, and condition of the
tool are noted. This record may be destroyed after one year from the inspection date.
11.4. Use the following annual color code banding to identify inspected portable electrical
tools and attachments:
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
2004 Green
2005 Blue
2006 Red
2007 Green
2008 Blue
2009 Red
NOTE: Beginning in 2007 at TVAN sites, the color banding shall have the year labeled
on the band.
11.5. Defective tools shall be removed from service, tagged and repaired or disposed of as
11.6. Complying tools shall be marked by a method such as taping that is well communicated
to all plant/facility personnel.
12. Training
13. All employees who use portable electrical tools shall complete the TVA safety training
course “Hand and Portable Power Tools”, ATIS 00059124.
14. Reference
14.1. 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910 Subpart P “Hand and Portable Powered Tools and
Other Hand-Held Equipment”
14.2. 29Code of Federal Regulations 1926 Subpart I “Tools - Hand and Power”
14.3. 29Code of Federal Regulations 1910.269(I), “Electric Power Generation, Transmission,
and Distribution”, Hand and Portable Power Tools”
14.4. TVA Safety Procedure 425, “Hand and Portable Power Tools Course Standard”
14.5. TVA Safety Procedure 710, “Grinding and Cutting”
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex G
Safe Distribution Systems
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1014, Revision 0, January 6, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex H
Temporary Lighting
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1016, Revision 0, January 6, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex I
Vehicle Operations Near Energized Lines or Equipment
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1018, Revision 0, January 6, 2003.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2.9. In generating plant environments, warning (Danger) signs shall be posted where
equipment would travel beneath high-voltage lines.
2.10. The signs shall indicate the line voltage and the line height above the ground.
3. Definitions
3.1. Qualified Employee (Qualified Person) One knowledgeable in the construction and
operation of the electric power generation, transmission, and distribution equipment
involved, along with the associated hazards. An employee must have the training required
by this work practice/procedure in order to be considered a qualified employee. An
employee undergoing on-the-job training and who, in the course of such training, has
demonstrated an ability to perform duties safely at his or her level of training and who is
under the direct supervision of a qualified person is considered to be a qualified person
for the performance of those duties.
4. Appendix
4.1. Appendix A Vehicle Minimum Clearance Distances for all Types of Energized Work
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Appendix A
Vehicle Minimum Clearance Distances for all Types of Energized Work
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex J
Responsibilities and General Requirements for Transmission Employees
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA),
Reference Document Procedure No. 1101, Revision 7, July 15, 2006.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2.12. Worksites or jobsites should be kept in a safe condition. Before leaving a worksite or
jobsite, employees should correct, or arrange to give warning of, any condition which
might result in injury to a coworker or others unfamiliar with existing conditions.
2.13. Employees are required to attend and participate in safety meetings.
2.14. An occupational injury should be reported to the supervisor within one hour after it
2.15. Head, back, and eye injuries require diagnosis and/or treatment by a medical provider.
2.16. A TVA employee involved in an accident or observing an accident involving TVA that
results in an injury to a non-TVA person shall notify the TVA Police and his/her
foreman/supervisor as soon as possible. Accidents involving serious injury or death
require immediate notification by the foreman/supervisor through management channels.
2.17. When medical care is obtained for a work-related injury/illness, the injured employee
must obtain a note from the medical provider detailing guidance on the employees’ work
status, i.e., “held off duty”, “constraints/restrictions”, “light duty”, or “return to regular
2.18. Medical provider notes must be coordinated with TVA Workers’ Compensation
Department. Employees who receive medical care from a TVA contract medical provider
will have medical constraints/restrictions documented on form TVA 1444.
3. Supervisory Responsibilities
3.1. Key elements in the safe performance of any work activity are the acceptance and active
fulfillment of safety and health responsibilities by the individual who is charged with
planning and directing the work of others. It is a prime responsibility of supervision at all
levels to create and maintain a high level of safety awareness in each member of their
working group. Specific supervisory responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to,
the following requirements.
3.2. Persons supervising work activities shall study, observe, and enforce the requirements in
the TVA Safety Manual relating to their work activity.
3.3. Persons supervising work activities shall ensure that all people under their direction are
competent to perform their work safely.
3.4. The supervisor shall discuss with all involved employees, the hazards associated with the
job, work procedures involved, special PPE equipment, and any required system
clearance. Additional discussions shall be held if significant changes occur during the
course of the work.
3.5. Conflicts of procedures, rules, practices, or other requirements shall be resolved by
higher levels of supervision.
3.6. Each first aid kit shall be readily available for use and shall be inspected frequently
enough to ensure that expended items are replaced at least annually.
3.7. Only qualified employees shall be assigned to work on or with exposed energized lines or
parts of equipment or in areas containing unguarded, uninsulated, energized lines or parts
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
of equipment operating at 50 volts or more. Employees in training and under the direct
supervision of a qualified employee may also perform work in these areas.
3.8. Except as provided in the Note below, at least two employees shall be present when
exposed to any unguarded, uninsulated power system equipment having the electrical
potential of more than 600 volts.
Note: The above does not apply to the following operations.
• Routine switching of circuits under conditions that allow this work to be performed
• Work performed with live-line tools, if the employee is positioned so that he or she is
neither within reach of, nor otherwise exposed to, contact with energized parts.
• Emergency repairs to the extent necessary to safeguard the general public.
3.9. Persons supervising work activities should encourage proper attitudes, instruct members
of their work unit in safe work techniques, and provide and maintain safe working
conditions for employees under their supervision.
3.10. Persons supervising work activities should inform employees of safety requirements
which apply to the work and inform them of any recognized hazards, precautions, or
special regulations which may affect safe job completion. Special consideration should
be given to new employees or those unfamiliar with the work to aid them in developing
safe working habits.
3.11. Pre-job briefings shall be conducted daily before beginning work.
3.12. Form TVA 17566, Manager’s Checklist for Energized Work, shall be completed, signed
and dated by the appropriate manager or his/her designated representative before a crew
begins any energized work, as described by procedure 1109, requirement 2.3. Completed
checklists shall be retained for 90 days.
3.13. When determining whether work is available that can accommodate a worker’s medical
constraint/restriction, Supervisors shall consult with management before employees are
returned to work or sent home.
4. Protection of the Public
4.1. Members of the public may request information on safe approach distances to power
lines. Information on non-utility work minimum approach distances to power lines is
shown in TVA Safety Procedure 1108.
4.2. The public should not be permitted in locations where work activity may endanger them.
4.3. The public should be protected from the hazards of transmission line construction at
water crossings.
4.4. If worksites or jobsites must be left unattended before completion of a job, employees
should correct or give warning of any condition which might result in injury to a member
of the public.
4.5. When work is being conducted along public streets or highways, pedestrian and vehicular
traffic should be warned by signs, flags, or flashing lights by day, and lights, flares,
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
luminous tape barriers, or flashing lights by night. When necessary, persons wearing
reflective vests should be assigned to signal traffic of the hazard created or divert traffic
around the hazard or work activity. Employees flagging traffic should be properly
5. Motor Vehicle Safety
5.1. Obedience to laws will not be enough to prevent accidents. Alertness, common sense,
and courtesy will improve your chances of avoiding accidents. Safety, in your work or
when driving a vehicle, is a state of mind. To extend courtesy to all drivers and
pedestrians is the best way to ensure your own safety. By your courteous attitude, you
will properly represent TVA. Drive defensively.
5.2. Work vehicles include pick-up trucks (4- and 2-wheel drive), cargo work vans, station
wagons, jeeps, trailers, mobile crane trucks, truck mounted aerial lifts and tractors.
Vehicle/manufacturers’ rate vehicles using a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
which is the MAXIMUM WEIGHT for a single vehicle including its load. The GVWR
is determined by factors such as the power train, suspension, axles, brakes, and tires.
Exceeding the GVWR is very dangerous and will affect the steering and braking of the
vehicle. By knowing the weight of your vehicle and its GVWR, the safe loading capacity
for the vehicle can be determined.
5.3. When loading a vehicle, the cargo should remain as low as possible. Heavy loads carried
on truck racks will raise the center of gravity of the vehicle and will cause the vehicle to
become unstable in curves or when swerving to avoid a hazard.
5.4. Tires also have a load rating. The proper load-rated tire should be installed on the vehicle
to safely handle the loads being transported.
5.5. Vehicles shall not be loaded past their GVWR.
5.6. Heavy cargo loads (such as steel poles) shall not be hauled on truck racks.
5.7. The aggregate static Working Load Limit (WLL) of tie-down assemblies used to secure
an article against movement during transport shall be equal to at least ½ (0.5) times the
weight of the article. An even number of chains shall be used. The WLL shall be
determined either from the charts in the Useful Information Section 16 or the tags or
labels attached to the tie-down assembly.
For example, divide weight of load to be hauled by 2 and divide that number by the
strength of the chain from chart or tag. This will give the number of chains
required: Load = 33,566 kilograms: 33,566 ÷ 2 = 16,783 kilograms
Strength of chain from chart: 3,221 kilograms and
16,783 ÷ 3,221 = 5.21, therefore, 6 chains required
5.8. When loading a vehicle, the cargo should be centered and as low as possible.
5.9. Vehicles should not be loaded past the axle weight rating or the tire load rating.
5.10. Drivers of vehicles on TVA business are required to hold valid state drivers licenses and
are subject to all traffic laws and ordinances. Employees who operate vehicles or
equipment requiring a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) must obtain and maintain a
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
current and valid CDL including the required Medical Examination S-05. Suspension or
withdrawal of the license must be reported to the supervisor.
Reference TVA Safety Procedure 610, Motor Vehicle Operations”, paragraph 7.8 for
additional CDL maintenance requirements.
5.11. If it is possible for any part of a vehicle to contact energized equipment or conductors, the
body of the vehicle shall be grounded. Be sure that radio and telephone antennas have
sufficient clearance.
5.12. Vehicles stopped on roadways shall be properly identified by approved markers and/or
warning light.
5.13. When vehicles are in motion, operators and passengers shall use seat belts. Drivers shall
ensure that all passengers’ seat belts are operational and fastened prior to putting the
vehicle in motion.
5.14. Get on or off vehicles only after they have come to a complete stop.
5.15. When a vehicle is parked, the driver shall set the brake or otherwise secure the vehicle
from undesirable movement.
5.16. When a trailer is disconnected from a vehicle, it shall be secured to prevent undesirable
5.17. Radio transmitters and cellular phones shall not be operated in the vicinity of blasting
operations or near employees with identified electronic pacemakers or medical
5.18. Smoking, welding, open flames, or other sources of ignition shall not be permitted within
15.2m of any refueling activity.
5.19. Headlights shall be used when fog is encountered or when driving in the rain. (Parking
lights should never be used in lieu of headlights while the vehicle is moving.)
5.20. No vehicular equipment having an obstructed view to the rear may be operated on off-
highway jobsites where any employee is exposed to the hazards created by the moving
vehicle, unless:
• The vehicle has a reverse signal alarm audible above the surrounding noise level, or
• The vehicle is backed up only when a designated employee signals that it is safe to do
5.21. Immediately before backing a vehicle, the driver shall determine that the space is clear.
5.22. When possible, vehicles shall be parked such that backing will not be required when the
vehicle is moved. Where possible, vehicles should be driven through “straight” parking
spaces and parked to exit by driving forward. When a “drive-through” space is not
available, the vehicle should be backed into the “straight” parking space.
5.23. It is the driver’s responsibility to back his or her vehicle safely. When another employee
is available, he or she should assist the driver by guiding or observing during the backing
of the vehicle.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
5.24. When employees are being transported, the responsible supervisor or driver should verify
that the vehicle is not overcrowded, adequate seating is provided, and passengers remain
seated while the vehicle is in motion.
5.25. Tools and other injury-producing objects carried inside vehicles should be secured or a
screen installed between the cargo and vehicle occupants. Fuel containers should not be
carried inside the passenger/driver compartment.
5.26. A-frames or collapsible booms mounted on trucks and tractors should normally be
disassembled before being transported over public roads and highways. However, if an
A-frame is to be used immediately at another location and highway travel is kept to a
minimum, it is permissible to transport the assembled A-frame if it is lowered to a safe
position and the stiff leg secured. The path should be examined for safe clearance.
5.27. Check overhead clearance and use extreme caution when driving into or out of any
building or area where visibility is limited.
5.28. Keep vehicle in gear when moving downgrade.
5.29. The driver should be alert for equipment defects. If a defect causes any unsafe condition
or impairs safe operation of the equipment, operation should be suspended until the
defect has been corrected. Any employee noting such defects should take appropriate
action to secure replacement or repair according to applicable procedures.
5.30. Equipment or vehicle engines should be shut off during refueling.
5.31. Drivers should not indicate (telegraph) the intentions of other drivers through the use of
turn indicators or hand signals.
5.32. When filling portable metal gasoline cans, they should be removed from the bed of the
vehicle to avoid possible static discharge.
5.33. Drivers of vehicles on official TVA business, shall maintain a minimum safe
following/stopping distance between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead equal to 2
seconds. This rule (2 second rule) is applicable as a minimum safe driving distance when
following another vehicle under good driving conditions. Under poor driving conditions
(weather or heavy traffic), add additional seconds to the 2 second rule, as appropriate.
6. General Requirements
6.1. Oil-soaked rags and flammable liquids shall be stored in approved noncombustible
6.2. Emergency exits and fire escapes shall be kept clear of obstructions that would prevent
use for an emergency.
6.3. Sufficient illumination shall be provided to enable employees to perform their work
6.4. Supervisors should assign areas of housekeeping responsibility to individuals and allot
time for housekeeping.
6.5. Glass containers are prohibited at construction worksites unless they are protected from
6.6. The operating area or compartment of all vehicles should be kept free of litter and debris.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
6.7. Supervisors shall make regular inspections and enforce housekeeping requirements.
6.8. Tools, containers, and materials should not be placed where they may be tripping hazards
or where they may fall.
6.9. All scrap, waste materials, and rubbish should be removed from the immediate work area
as the work progresses.
6.10. Disposal of waste material or debris should comply with TVA policy and local fire and
environmental regulations.
7. Fire Prevention and Suppression
7.1. A fire needs fuel, oxygen, and heat. Remove any one of these to extinguish it. Fires are
divided into three classes according to the types of combustible materials involved. Each
class requires a different fire fighting technique.
7.2. Class A fires are fires in ordinary materials, such as wood, paper, excelsior, rags, and
rubbish. To extinguish them, use water or solutions containing a large percentage of
7.3. Class B fires are fires in flammable liquids, such as gasoline, oil, and grease. The
blanketing or smothering action of dry chemicals or carbon dioxide is effective in
extinguishing fires of this class. Solid streams of water are likely to spread the fire; but,
under certain circumstances, water-fog nozzles prove effective.
7.4. Class C fires are fires in or near energized electrical equipment. A nonconductive
extinguishing agent, such as carbon dioxide or dry chemicals, is effective in controlling
these fires. A solid stream of water should not be used on fires involving energized
electrical equipment. However, water from a fog nozzle can sometimes be used on fires
in electrical equipment, such as transformers.
7.5. Signs prohibiting smoking and open flames shall be strictly observed.
7.6. Dirty clothing, rags, or other combustible material shall not be allowed to accumulate in
lockers and tool storage areas.
7.7. Gasoline and other highly volatile, flammable liquids shall not be used to start fires.
7.8. Fire protection equipment shall be kept at its designated location except for actual use or
7.9. Liquids which are highly volatile and flammable shall be clearly labeled and not be
stored, transported, or left unattended in open containers.
7.10. Whenever there is danger of static electrical buildup and discharge in the presence of
flammable, volatile liquids, or gases, all apparatus and containers shall be bonded
together and grounded.
7.11. Fire-extinguishing equipment shall be inspected monthly.
7.12. An employee should not leave open fires unattended.
7.13. When welding or cutting operations are performed at elevated positions, precautions
should be taken to prevent hot metal from falling onto people or into combustible
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
7.14. Welding or cutting should not be done near exposed, flammable liquids, or gases.
Flammable dust in the work area should be removed or shielded to prevent ignition.
7.15. Where flammable material cannot be removed from exposure to welding or cutting
sparks, it should be protected by a shield of non-combustible or fire-resistant material.
Suitable fire-extinguishing equipment should be readily available.
7.16. Each employee should be familiar with both the location and operation of all fire
protective equipment and systems in the vicinity of their work area.
7.17. Each employee should know how to turn in a fire alarm and what to do in case of fire.
7.18. An appropriate fire extinguisher should be installed in TVA work vehicles.
8. Office Safety
8.1. Office workers are subject to many of the same types of accidents that occur in
production and maintenance areas. Some of the most frequent types of office accidents
are falls, strains, cuts, and electrical shocks. To avoid injuries in offices as well as in plant
or field areas, all employees should be alert for potential hazards and should
conscientiously strive to develop good safety habits.
8.2. When climbing, use an approved step stool or ladder.
8.3. Any electrical defects in cords or machines should be promptly reported and repaired.
8.4. Portable heaters shall not be placed close to combustible or flammable materials.
8.5. Walk, do not run. Always use handrails when ascending or descending stairways.
8.6. Extension cords should not be strung across aisles or walkways where people may trip or
fall over them.
8.7. Broken glass or other sharp objects should not be placed in wastebaskets unless wrapped
or properly protected.
8.8. Material or equipment should not be stored or placed where it could fall.
8.9. Serious strains often result from improper handling of boxes and bundles of office
supplies, ledgers, portable filing cases, and office machines. Lifting should be done with
back erect, using the more powerful leg muscles. See TVA Safety Procedure 1107,
Manual Material Handling for Transmission Workers.
8.10. Opening loaded file drawers, particularly more than one at a time, may tip over a cabinet.
Where several tiers of cabinets are used at one location, they should be fastened together.
Single cabinets should be secured from tip-over. Do not leave desk drawers, file drawers,
or desk slides open.
8.11. Keep fingers away from the cutting edge of paper cutters. The cutter blade should be left
in a closed position when not in use.
8.12. Doors should be opened slowly to avoid striking anyone on the other side.
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
9.17. Employees with hair length that could present a hazardous condition when working
around reciprocating or revolving equipment or machinery shall contain hair in a net or
other suitable means to prevent entanglement.
9.18. Safety headgear that exhibits cracks or other signs of deterioration shall be replaced by a
new approved headgear.
9.19. Skin Protection
9.20. Skin should be protected from contact with harmful chemicals.
9.21. Respiratory Protection
9.22. Specific requirements for respiratory protection are contained in the “Respirator
Program” document. The following Rules shall apply in any case of respirator use.
9.23. When respirators are required for a particular work activity, they shall be used.
9.24. Those using respirators shall follow the manufacturer’s instructions or the specific
instructions of supervision.
9.25. Work requiring respirators shall not be done when conditions prevent a good face seal.
Such conditions may be a beard, sideburns, a skull cap protruding under the face piece, or
temple pieces on glasses.
9.26. A medical examination (S-3) shall be given to employees who are required to wear a
negative pressure respirator.
9.27. Employees shall be fit-tested before being issued a respirator to determine the proper size
needed and adequate fit.
9.28. Clothing
9.29. Employees shall wear fire resistant clothing when they are within 1.2 meters of any area
where there is the possibility of exposure to the hazards of electrical arc or flashover and
when performing switching. Fire resistant clothing or switching jackets will be provided
to employees whose work assignments potentially expose them to this environment. An
electrical potential of 480 or more volts (ac) with a fault current capacity of 1000 or more
amperes is considered capable of producing a flashover or arc hazardous to employees
who are within 1.2 meters of it when it occurs.
9.30. When work is performed within reaching distance of exposed energized parts of
equipment, each employee shall remove or render nonconductive all exposed conductive
articles, such as key or watch chains, rings, or wrist watches or bands, unless such articles
do not increase the hazards associated with contacting the energized parts.
9.31. Protective chaps shall be worn by chain saw operators when they are operating a chain
saw except when working off the ground.
9.32. Hand protection shall be worn when performing any activity which could puncture, cut,
burn, pinch, or otherwise injure the hand, such as: handling poles; steel; wire or cable;
barrels; drums; cylinders; heavy materials; ropes; handlines; climbing poles, structures, or
ladders; or assembling poles or structures.
9.33. Rings, dangling jewelry, and similar items that constitute a hazard shall not be worn
while operating or working around moving machinery. When performing construction or
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
maintenance activities where there is the risk of finger injury, rings shall be removed or
gloves worn.
9.34. Shirt sleeves should be no shorter than tee shirt length or at least 7.62 centimeters in
length on rights-of-way or in other industrial environments. Shirts should not be
9.35. Lifejackets
9.36. Whenever an employee may be pulled or pushed or may fall into water where the danger
of drowning exists, the employee shall use a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal
flotation device properly fastened or secured.
9.37. Each personal flotation device shall be maintained in safe condition and inspected before
each use to ensure that it does not have rot, mildew, water saturation, and/or any other
condition that could render the device unsuitable for use.
9.38. Fall Protection Systems
9.39. Any lifeline, body belt, safety belt, body harness, or lanyard subjected to in-service
loading shall be immediately removed from service and shall not be used again for
employee safeguarding.
9.40. All body belts, safety straps, safety belts, lanyards, lifelines, and body harnesses shall be
inspected annually (by February 1) and marked to indicate the year tested as outlined in
TVA Safety Procedure 1609. In addition, these fall protection systems shall be inspected
before use each day to determine that the equipment is in safe working condition. A
10.16 centimeter space in the center of the back on all body belts shall be free of tool
loops, bolt bags, or any other attachments.
9.41. Lifelines shall be protected against being cut or abraded.
9.42. Personal fall arrest systems shall be rigged such that an employee can neither free fall
more than 1.8 meters or contact any lower level.
9.43. If vertical lifelines or droplines are used, only one employee shall be attached to any one
9.44. Snap hooks shall not be connected to loops made in webbing-type lanyards nor to each
9.45. Safety lanyards used with a body harness shall be of the decelerating type.
9.46. Safety strap and lanyard snap hooks shall be of the locking type.
10. Reporting of Accidents, Injuries, or Near- Miss Incidents
10.1. Injuries shall be reported promptly to the supervisor. Near-miss incidents that have the
potential for causing serious injury or property damage shall be reported. Injuries to non-
employees as a result of TVA activities shall be promptly reported. The scene of any
serious accident or near-miss incident shall be left as near undisturbed as possible
pending investigation.
10.2. All accidents involving rented, leased, or private vehicles being used for official TVA
business shall be reported promptly. Employees shall comply with all applicable local
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
and state regulations and make an immediate report of vehicular accidents to their
supervisor and TVA Police.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex K
The following materials have been obtained from The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA):
Protective Grounding
Reference Document Procedure No. 1109, Revision 5, November 01, 2005.
Electrical Testing
Reference Document Procedure No. 1202, Revision 1, November 01, 2005.
Live-Line Work
Reference Document Procedure No. 1206, Revision 1, July 15, 2006.
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2.14. When handling lumber, pipe or other long objects, keep the hands away from the ends of
the object to prevent them from being pinched.
2.15. A wide range of hand or hand-operated tools, kits, and other devices can be used to
handle materials. Each tool, jig or other device should be kept in good repair and should
be used only for the job for which it was designed.
2.16. Do not lift more than you can handle comfortably. If necessary, request help.
2.17. Safe lifting techniques should be used for manual material handling. The following
should be considered prior to lifting any load manually: size, weight, shape of load, feet,
and body position. Lift with your legs, keep your back straight, ensure firm grip and
footing, and maintain adequate control over and around load. Exertion should be
performed while exhaling.
2.18. Avoid twisting the body when handling material.
2.19. Straighten your legs to lift the object and, at the same time, swing your back into a
vertical position.
3.0 Material Handling Equipment
3.1. Rigging used in mechanical lifting shall be of adequate capacity and support for the
intended load. Rigging equipment shall be inspected before each use, and any found
defective shall be tagged defective and not used until repaired, or it shall be discarded.
3.2. 1.27 centimeters or larger hand line shall be used as a load line when raising or lowering
equipment or materials to or from an elevation.
3.3. Tag lines shall be used to control loads being handled by hoisting equipment in areas
where other workers are present.
3.4. Mechanical equipment, when not in use or left unattended, shall have blades and/or
buckets on the ground, booms racked or on the ground, and ignition switches locked or
the equipment reasonably disabled to prevent starting by unauthorized personnel.
3.5. Seat belts shall be installed, maintained, and worn on equipment with rollover protection.
3.6. Load-hook latches should be used and maintained in an operable condition.
4.0 Hand Trucks
4.1. Keep the center of gravity of the load as low as possible.
4.2. Place the load well forward so that the weight will be carried by the axle and not by the
handles of the truck.
4.3. Place the load so that it will not slip, shift, or fall off. Load only to a height which will
allow a clear view ahead.
4.4. Let the truck carry the load. The operator should only maintain its balance and provide
the motive power.
4.5. When going up or down an incline, keep the truck below you.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
4.6. Move the truck at a safe speed. Do not run. Keep the truck constantly under control. The
operator should have an unobstructed view.
4.7. A four wheel truck should be loaded evenly to prevent tipping.
5.0 Forklift Trucks
5.1. Only certified operators shall operate forklifts.
5.2. Internal combustion engines shall be turned off while refueling and shall be refueled only
in open or well-ventilated areas.
5.3. Overhead clearances shall always be observed.
5.4. Forklifts shall not be left unattended unless the forks are on the floor or ground.
5.5. Only the driver shall be allowed to ride a forklift during transit.
5.6. If you must leave the equipment unattended, shut off the power, neutralize the controls,
and set the brakes. Unattended is when the operator is 7.6 meters or more away from the
lift which remains in his view; or whenever the operator leaves the lift and it is not in his
view, wheels shall be blocked if the lift is on an incline.
5.7. Keep your legs and feet inside the guard or operating station of the forklift.
5.8. Observe traffic rules: Operate at a safe speed, keep to the right whenever possible, slow
down or stop at intersections, and use the horn at blind corners.
5.9. Travel a forklift with the forks or the pallet about 10.16 centimeters off the floor. On a
downgrade, the loaded forklift should go down with the load last; on an upgrade, with the
load first.
5.10. Keep the forklift under control so that an emergency stop can be made in the clear
distance ahead.
5.11. Do not use the reverse control on electric forklifts for braking.
5.12. Travel slowly when crossing a bridge plate.
5.13. Cross railroad tracks diagonally whenever possible.
5.14. When operating in close quarters, keep your hands where they cannot be pinched
between the steering control and projecting stationary objects.
6.0 Work Platforms on Forklift Trucks
6.1. Forklifts shall be operated only by certified persons.
6.2. Before work is begun aloft near energized equipment, the forklift shall be properly
6.3. Operators and employees working aloft near energized equipment shall know minimum
clearance distances and the location of energized equipment before starting work.
6.4. The work platform shall be firmly secured to the forks.
6.5. The platform shall have guardrails and toe-boards to prevent falls, and a floor of nonskid
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
6.6. The forklift shall not be moved with employees on the platform.
6.7. Because the weight of the forklift is such that miring is a problem, the path to be taken
should be carefully chosen to avoid soft ground. A heavy plywood sheet or board may be
placed under the wheels to distribute the load over a greater area.
7.0 Hoists
7.1. A hoist shall never be loaded beyond its rated capacity.
7.2. Do not use a known defective hoist.
7.3. Never wrap the hoist, load chain, or cable around the load.
7.4. Seat the load securely in the hook throat.
7.5. Do not operate with a twisted, kinked, or damaged chain.
7.6. A sleeve or "cheater" shall not be used on the handle of hand-operated hoists.
7.7. The chain should be kept clean, lubricated, and free of rust.
7.8. Stand clear of all loads being lifted.
8.0 Compressed Gas Cylinders
8.1. Compressed gases are received from vendors in metal cylinders at very high pressure. If a
cylinder ruptures or a cylinder valve assembly is broken off, the sudden release of this
pressure would produce a rocket effect and propel the cylinder with enormous force. This
rocket effect has been known to knock down walls, wreck buildings, and more tragically,
maim or kill people.
8.2. Do not repair, alter, abandon, or destroy compressed-gas cylinders. Defective cylinders
shall be tagged and returned to the vendor.
8.3. Valve protection caps shall always be in place, hand tight, except when cylinders are
connected for use.
8.4. Do not force connections or tamper with the safety relief devices or valves on
compressed-gas cylinders.
8.5. Compressed-gas cylinders, whether full or empty, shall be stored in an upright position
and properly secured. This does not apply to SF6 gas cylinders.
8.6. Compressed-gas cylinders shall be stored in a well-ventilated area.
8.7. Compressed-gas cylinders shall not be rolled, lifted by the valve cap or valve, dropped,
jarred, or exposed to extreme temperatures.
8.8. Compressed-gas cylinders shall not be placed where they might accidentally become part
of an electrical circuit.
8.9. Oxygen cylinders in storage shall be separated from fuel gas cylinders or highly
combustible materials (such as oil or grease) by a distance of 6.1 meters or a fire-
retardant wall.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
8.10. Oil, grease, or similar materials shall not be allowed to come into contact with any valve,
fitting, regulator, or gauge of oxygen cylinders.
8.11. Acetylene cylinders shall be used, transported, or stored in a vertical position.
8.12. Compressed gas cylinders transported by crane, hoist, or derrick shall be handled in
suitable cradles, nets, or boxes and shall not be lifted by magnet or slings, unless the
slings are designed and constructed to prevent accidental release of the cylinder.
8.13. Compressed gas cylinders in portable service should be conveyed by suitable trucks
(hand) or temporarily attached lifting handles (commercially manufactured).
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Protective Grounding
1. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this procedure is to establish requirements for the installation and
maintenance of electrical safety grounds.
2. Installation and Maintenance of Safety Grounds - General
2.1 Safety grounds are used for the protection of employees working on equipment. Safety
grounds limit voltages between points at the work site and shunt currents around the
employees. These voltages and currents arise from several sources such as:
• ground rise potentials from grounds remote to the work site,
• electro-magnetically induced energy,
• electro-statically induced energy,
• inadvertent contact with other energized circuits,
• station service back-feeds,
• instrument transformer back-feeds,
• test equipment back-feeds, or
• inadvertent energization of the normal power circuit.
Good grounding procedures which control induced voltage are increasingly important as
lines are constructed closer together. The following grounding requirements do not cover
every grounding application; but if the principles given are applied with discretion and
judgment, safe working conditions will result.
2.2. Safety grounds do not protect employees from lightning strikes near the work location.
When lightning is a threat, work must be suspended.
2.4. Temporary safety grounds shall be placed at such locations and arranged in such a
manner as to prevent each employee from being exposed to hazardous differences in
electrical potential, i.e., worksite grounding. This means that an equipotential work zone
for the exposed employees shall be established unless alternate grounding methods are
approved by management with appropriate consultation with safety, technical, or
appropriate engineering and design staff. Employees are not considered "exposed to
hazardous difference in electrical potential" when working on lines or equipment that can
NOT be energized from ANY source and is adequately grounded to remove any induced
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
NOTE: Prior to installing temporary protective grounds at Fossil Power Group (FPG)
plants, a written plan detailing where the temporary protective grounds will be placed
must be submitted and approved by the manager responsible for performing the work and
the manager at the plant responsible for the grounding. This plan must include a Job
Safety Analysis (JSA) prepared in accordance with TVA Standard Programs and
Processes (SSP) 18.005, “Plan Jobs Safely,” a generation sensitive activity sheet (if
applicable), electrical diagrams, and a description of the work to be accomplished. A
pre-job safety briefing (SSP 18.005) on the installation of the temporary protective
grounds must be conducted with all involved personnel.
2.5. Grounding of only one phase for establishing an equipotential work zone is allowable
only if 3-phase grounds are also in place and safe work clearance to adjacent phases are
2.6. Only approved grounding devices shall be used. Safety grounds shall be tested annually
(by February 1) and marked to indicate the year tested as outlined in TVA Safety
Procedure 1504, Safety Grounds and Field Test Procedures for Safety Grounds, and TVA
Safety Procedure 1609, Color Codes for Electrical Tests for Hotsticks, Insulated
Measuring Sticks, Safety Grounds, Extension Cords and Electric Tools.
2.7. In all cases, the person holding the clearance shall be responsible for placing and
removing the safety grounds and informing everyone involved of the limits of the
2.8. A voltage detection device shall be used prior to placing of safety grounds to detect
nominal potentials. Buzzing with a hotstick is acceptable only if the voltage detection
device is inoperable or in emergency situations. This requirement does not apply to gas-
insulated switchgear (see paragraph 5 of this procedure, Gas-Insulated Switchgear
2.9. When attaching grounds, fasten the ground end first. Use an approved insulated tool to
attach the other end.
2.10. When attaching grounds to flat surfaces, the set screw shall be tightened.
2.11. When removing grounds, remove the line or equipment connection first with an approved
insulated tool (never use hands) and then break the ground connection.
2.12. Two or more grounds shall not be connected in series to make a longer safety ground.
2.13. In no case shall a power circuit breaker be used for extending a grounding circuit.
2.14. All safety grounds and ground sticks shall be visually inspected before each use.
2.15. Protective grounding equipment shall be capable of conducting the maximum fault
current that could flow at the point of grounding for the time necessary to clear the fault
(See TVA Safety Procedures 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506.
2.16. Any safety ground known to have experienced fault currents from nominally energized
equipment or lightning stroke current shall be removed from service and discarded.
2.17. The appropriate clamp shall be used when connecting to bus, conductor, structures, etc.,
and shall be sized to meet or exceed the current carrying capability of the safety ground
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
2.18. TVA employees working on non-TVA equipment, facilities, or systems SHALL adhere
to the TVA safety grounding requirements.
2.19. The standard ground conductors for transmission line and substation grounding shall be
1/0, 2/0, or 4/0 or 250 MCM extra flexible copper conductor with yellow thermoplastic
elastomer (TPE). The purpose of the yellow thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is to protect
the strands of the ground cable from abrasion and mechanical damage and is not
considered as insulation for the purpose of personnel protection.
2.20. After repair or replacement of conductor or clamps, each safety ground shall be tested
and marked with color tape as designated in TVA Safety Procedures 1504 and 1609.
2.21. The grounding surface shall be clean and free of rust, corrosion, paint, or other insulating
2.22. Employees on the ground should avoid unnecessary contact or work within 3 meters of
any structure, temporary ground rod, or equipment connected to the worksite safety
grounding system, since a rise in potential above the surrounding terrain may occur. If
employees must perform work within this 3-meter zone, they should not stay any longer
than is required to perform their work.
2.23. All ground sticks should be tested at regular intervals (see test criteria in TVA Safety
Procedure 1102, requirements 8.1 and 8.8).
2.24. Safety grounds should be kept as short as reasonably possible and installed so as to hang
as straight as possible with no folds or sharp bends. Folds or bends increase the
mechanical hazard and impedance should fault current result from unintended
2.25. Only one subconductor in a bundled phase conductor needs to be grounded.
2.26. When working on de-energized circuits, all phases of lines or apparatus should be
2.27. When applying grounds, always ground the nearest conductor, bus, or apparatus first then
proceed outward and upward. Reverse this procedure when removing grounds. Remove
the farthest safety ground first.
2.28. Workers should stand well below and not directly under the parts to be grounded in order
to keep their bodies away from any arc that may occur when the ground device is applied.
The employee shall not hold the ground conductor in his hand or next to his body while
2.29. Be aware of capacitive discharge from apparatus when grounding.
2.30. An air break switch can be used to extend a ground circuit but only if it has been closed,
tagged, and locked. When an air break switch is being worked on, both sides of the
switch should be grounded.
2.31. If it becomes necessary to relocate a ground during the work procedure, it should not be
removed until an additional ground is installed at the point of relocation.
2.32. Safety grounds should not be dropped from structures. They should be stored in such a
manner as to keep wear and tear to a minimum.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2.33. A systematic installation and removal procedure should be utilized using uniquely
numbered ground disks and record-keeping to reduce the risk of leaving safety grounds in
place when they should have been removed.
2.34. Where multiple grounds are required for transmission line and substation equipment
grounding due to increased fault current, only one ground rod shall be used for each
ground cable. All ground rods shall be electrically connected (bonded).
2.35. Multiple vehicle units (trucks, heavy equipment, etc.) may be connected to a single
driven ground rod.
3. Equipment Safety Grounds
3.1. All equipment safety grounds shall be green jacketed or marked with a 3-foot-green heat-
shrink on the ground end.
3.2. The attachment point (temporary or permanent) for equipment safety grounds must be
capable of conducting the fault current for the time necessary to clear the fault.
Equipment safety grounds shall be attached to equipment frames, bumpers, or heavy
metal beds. Equipment safety grounds shall not be attached to sheet metal items, i.e.,
bins, tool boxes, or fenders.
3.3. Equipment operators/drivers are responsible for ensuring that equipment safety grounds
are installed and removed in accordance with these procedures.
3.4. The person removing the equipment safety ground shall physically trace the ground from
the equipment to the ground end before removing it.
3.5. Equipment safety grounds shall be completely uncoiled while in use.
4. Substation Grounding
4.1. In addition to the following requirements, the requirements in paragraph 2, Installation
and Maintenance of Safety Grounds – General apply.
4.2. The station ground mats in substation and switchyards that conform to the requirements
of "IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding (ANSI/IEEE STD. 80-1986) are
considered an equipotential zone. All TVA substations and switchyards are designed to
conform to ANSI/IEEE STD. 80-1986.
4.3. Safety grounds in substations and switchyards shall be located as close as practical to the
work area.
4.4. When work is being performed on equipment such as transformers, regulators, or circuit
breakers, a ground shall be placed on each bushing lead not visibly grounded. When it is
necessary to test, grounds may be removed for the duration of the test and then replaced.
The person holding the clearance or subclearance shall approve the removal and
replacing of grounds. When the only work to be done is of a type that cannot be done
with grounds in place, bringing a single ground into momentary contact with each
bushing connection immediately before starting the work fulfills the intent of this
requirement. If further work is to be done after tests are complete, the equipment shall be
properly grounded.
4.5. Neutral reactors shall not be worked on unless de-energized or bypassed with grounds.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
4.6. After de-energizing capacitor banks, wait five (5) minutes before grounding them.
4.7. Wye-connected capacitor banks may not have an installed ground on the wye-connection.
If no installed ground is present, the wye shall be grounded before working on the bank.
4.8. Ground switches shall not be used for safety grounding on primary circuits except as
provided on gas-insulated switchgear and 3-phase ground switches in Kirk Key Systems
for capacitor banks.
4.9. Noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment or devices, such as transformer cases and
circuit breaker housings, shall be treated as energized at the highest voltage to which they
are exposed, unless an inspection of the ground strap prior to work being performed
determines that these parts are grounded.
4.10. Safety grounds shall be installed on newly constructed switchgear and/or buswork as
soon as it is possible to energize it by any source (including induced voltages).
4.11. Ground mat additions or separations shall be shunted to the existing mat with a safety
ground prior to connection or disconnection.
4.12. When applying safety grounds to transformers and other apparatus, be alert to possible
capacity discharge. On rotating equipment, windings should be grounded long enough to
drain off all charge before touching or attaching leads.
4.13. On power circuit breakers with internal capacitors, safety grounds should be applied and
the breaker closed to discharge the capacitors before work is performed.
4.14. When work is being done on de-energized equipment on both sides of an air break
switch, safety grounds should be installed on both sides of the switch or the switch should
be closed, locked, and tagged to extend the ground circuit. In no case should a circuit
breaker be used for this purpose.
4.15. Mobile equipment should be grounded when used in a substation. Where the fence
ground and the station ground are separated, this equipment should not be set up within
2.1 meters of the fence. If this is not possible, the fence ground and the station ground
should be tied together for the duration of the setup.
4.16. Only one safety ground shall be attached to each stirrup in locations where multiple
grounds are required due to increased fault current.
5. Gas-Insulated Switchgear Grounding
5.1 In addition to the following requirements, the requirements in paragraph 2, Installation
and Maintenance of Safety Grounds – General apply.
5.2 Because of the construction of gas-insulated switchgear, the only access to the conductor
is by means of a ground switch/test probe built into the grounded enclosure. Therefore,
the ground switch must be used as a safety ground, but only if it meets the following
• It must be able to carry the available system short-circuit current.
• It must be able to be disconnected from the motor operator.
• It must be lockable in the closed position.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
5.3. Before closing the ground switches, the person doing the switching shall determine that
the disconnect switches are fully open. There is no provision for "buzzing" the conductor.
5.4. The person holding clearance is responsible for verifying that the disconnect switch is
fully open and that the ground probes are fully inserted into each phase bus.
5.5. Employees shall not look in gas-insulated switchgear portholes during switching
6. Transmission Line Grounding
6.1. In addition to the following requirements, the requirements in paragraph 2, Installation
and Maintenance of Safety Grounds – General apply.
6.2. Where an equipotential worksite safety grounding system is established, employees on
the ground shall be protected from hazardous step and touch potentials by grounding
mats, insulating platforms, or markers.
6.3. Markers shall be installed to provide a 10-foot buffer zone around temporary safety
ground rods used in the worksite safety grounding system.
6.4. Equipment electrically bonded to the worksite safety grounding system shall be operated
from insulated platforms or grounding mats bonded to the equipment being operated.
6.5. Uninsulated Overhead Ground Wires (OHGW) shall be connected as part of the worksite
safety grounding system.
6.6. Insulated OHGW shall not be used in the worksite grounding system; the insulated
OHGW shall be treated as an energized 13-kV conductor unless it is properly cleared and
6.7. A conductor shall not be opened by cutting or jumper removal in a manner that will
isolate a portion of the line from the safety ground.
6.8. A ground cluster block should be used as an intermediate connection between the safety
ground leads, pole ground wires, if any, and the temporary ground rod. The #4 iron down
wire pole grounds must not be used as the safety ground even when multiple ground
wires are available. A safety ground(s) sized appropriately for the available fault current
must be provided independent of the #4 iron wire pole ground. The #4 iron wire should
be bonded to the safety ground via the cluster block.
6.9. A steel crossarm may be used in lieu of a ground cluster block after arm connections to
the pole grounds have been inspected.
6.10. A pole ground wire used for safety grounding should be inspected before grounding to
determine that it has not been cut or damaged.
6.11. If necessary to provide proper climbing clearance, an underbuilt circuit on the same
structure with the transmission circuit to be grounded should be de-energized and
properly grounded before placing the transmission safety grounds. When this is not
practicable, the energized underbuilt circuit should be set out in hotsticks or covered with
appropriate protective covering to obtain this clearance.
6.12. The ground switches at 500-kV terminals should be closed before safety grounds are
installed on the line.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
6.13. Any type OHGW, except those insulated for communications, should be considered as a
secondary ground source and used as a primary ground source only when it is the least
hazardous alternative.
6.14. Safety ground rods should be 1.59 centimeter, bronze, copper, or copperweld at least 1.5
meters long and be of the driven type.
6.15. Ground rods should be driven to the maximum depth possible. If a rod cannot be driven
1.2 meters, a total of three (3) rods shall be driven in a triangular pattern 1.5 to 3 meters
between each one and as deep as possible. The three (3) rods should be electrically
connected with safety grounds prior to connecting them to the worksite safety grounding
6.16. Temporary ground rods should be protected from tampering by the public.
6.17. Guy wires should not be used as a ground path.
7. Conductor Stringing or Removal-Grounding
7.1. In addition to the following requirements, the requirements in paragraph 2, Installation
and Maintenance of Safety Grounds – General apply.
7.2. Only approved protective devices shall be used in stringing operations.
7.3. Traveling grounds shall exert constant pressure on the wire being pulled.
7.4. Pulling and tensioning equipment shall be bonded and effectively grounded and not
operated from the ground except from bonded mats.
7.5. Approved traveling grounds shall be installed within 6.1 meters of the tensioning and
pulling machines in order to ground each pulling line, conductor, subconductor, and
7.6. Pulling lines, conductors, subconductors, and OHGW shall be grounded at the first
structure from the tensioner, puller, wire reel, or snub point.
7.7. Conductors, subconductors, and OHGW shall be grounded adjacent to all dead ends or
catch-off points.
7.8. An approved ground shall be located on each side of and as close as possible to the work
area where splices are being made at ground level. The two ends of a conductor being
spliced shall be bonded together.
7.9. Where conductors are installed parallel to existing energized conductors and employees
are working on bare conductors, grounds shall be placed at each location where these
employees are working.
8. Grounding of Overhead Ground Wires
8.1. Overhead ground wires (OHGWs), also called shield wires or static wires, may be
insulated (IGWs) or uninsulated. Insulated ground wires may be used as communication
circuits. Both OHGWs and IGWs are capable of providing lethal levels of energy at a
worksite from remote grounds (ground rise), electrostatic coupling, electromagnetic
coupling or inadvertent contact with energized conductors. IGW with communications
paths will also have potentially lethal currents due to these signal paths.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
8.2. Both energized and de-energized work may be performed on the line conductors/circuits
that have each type of OHGW. When the work requires grounding IGWs the Network
Management Center (NMC) must be notified. A Hold Order will then be required for the
IGW and the circuit will then be grounded at the worksite. No further communications
switching for grounding or issuance of the Hold Order will be required. In this case,
communications circuit grounding switches, if they exist, may remain open.
8.3. When the power circuit is worked, either energized or de-energized, any OHGW must be
grounded with safety grounds at the site and treated as a source of lethal energy when not
8.4. When the power circuit is worked, either energized or de-energized, the IGW must be
treated as an energized 13 kV circuit unless it can be grounded at the work site.
8.5. Work site grounding of OHGWs and IGWs constitute the clearance for work on these
ground conductors when they are grounded. The dispatcher does not issue clearance on
them as they are not power circuits. Before grounding an IGW, request the dispatcher to
receive permission to do so via the NMC.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
*Note: Switching over voltage factor is 2.2 which allows a phase-to-ground minimum
clearance distance of 302.26 centimeters.
The procedure listed below should be substituted for the 302.26 centimeter minimum
working clearance distance on electrical circuits rated at 500 kV if the circumstances
exist as described below:
1. On transformer-terminated lines and reactor-terminated lines, a 104.14-centimeter air
gap device should be installed and at least 213.36 centimeters of clearance
2. In circumstances where 302.26 centimeters of clearance cannot be maintained, a
104.14-centimeter air gap device should be installed and at least 213.36 centimeters
of clearance maintained.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3.5. Strength of chain from chart: 3,221 kilograms and 16,783 ÷ 3,221 = 5.21, therefore, 6
chains required.
3.6. Seat belts shall be installed, maintained, and worn on equipment with rollover protection.
3.7. When left unattended, bulldozer blades, earth moving buckets, and bushhogs shall be
placed on the ground.
3.8. Risks shall be thoroughly evaluated before loading or unloading heavy equipment.
3.9. Only qualified operators should operate heavy equipment, i.e., bulldozers, loaders,
backhoes, hole diggers, track drills, anchor installers, stringing equipment, etc.
3.10. Bulldozers should be parked on timber whenever there is the possibility of freezing
3.11. Bulldozer tracks, rollers, and idlers should be cleaned daily.
4. Electrical Storage Batteries
4.1 The following protective equipment shall be used by employees when performing battery
maintenance (not required for routine tests).
• Either goggles or plastic face shield or both.
• Protective gloves.
• Protective apron or rain suit.
4.2. Before work on batteries is initiated, employees shall ensure that a fully operational
eyewash is close at hand in case of an electrolyte splash to the eyes. If electrolyte spills
on skin, rinse with clear water promptly.
4.3. The battery compartment or room shall be well ventilated before placing a battery on
equalizing charge.
4.4. Do not smoke or use open flames around batteries. Post "NO SMOKING" signs in
battery rooms where they are clearly visible to anyone entering.
4.5. Only spirit thermometers shall be used when taking electrolyte cell temperature.
Mercury thermometers could break, and mercury running into the cell between the plates
will cause sparking and possible explosions.
4.6. Cell vent plugs shall be kept firmly in place at all times except when adding water or
taking hydrometer readings. (These vent plugs shall be the flame-arrester type.)
4.7. Tools used for tightening connector bolts shall have insulated handles. Rings,
wristwatches, etc., shall be removed before working on the battery.
5. Scaffolds
5.1. Unnecessary tools, materials, and debris shall not be allowed to accumulate in quantities
to cause a hazard.
5.2. Guardrails (top-rail, mid-rail and toe-board) shall be made an integral part of all
5.3. Scaffolds shall not be overloaded.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
5.4. Before using any stationary scaffold, employees should make a careful inspection to
satisfy themselves that all parts are in a safe condition and securely fastened together, set
on an adequate foundation, and plumbed.
5.5. Do not jump on or off scaffolds.
5.6. Barricade around scaffolds whenever practicable. If the area must be used as a walkway,
adequate overhead protection shall be provided.
6. Excavations and Trenching
6.1 The location of utility installations, such as sewer, telephone, fuel, electric, or any other
that may be encountered during excavation work, shall be determined prior to opening
the excavation.
6.2. All excavations left unattended shall be covered or barricaded with suitable material to
provide protection for people and vehicular traffic. See safety color code for marking
physical hazards in TVA Safety Manual, Useful Safety Information 1608 “Color Codes
for Marking Physical Hazards and the Identification of Certain Equipment”.
6.3. No employee shall work in an open excavation with a load suspended overhead.
6.4. No employee shall work in any excavation more than 1.2 meters in depth until it has been
inspected by a competent person and any required protective system installed to protect
employees from cave-in.
6.5. Employees shall not be lowered into or raised out of an excavation by mechanized
equipment other than equipment suitable for this purpose.
6.6. Excavated or other materials or equipment shall be at least 0.6 meters from the edge of
excavations, or retaining devices shall be used to prevent materials and equipment from
falling or rolling into excavations. A combination of these methods shall be used if
necessary to provide employee protection.
6.7. Employees shall not work in excavations deeper than 1.2 meters without a stairway,
ladder, ramp, or other safe means of entrance and exit.
6.8. When mobile equipment is operated adjacent to an excavation, or when such equipment
is required to approach the edge of an excavation, and the operator does not have a clear
and direct view of the edge of the excavation, a warning system shall be used such as a
barricade, hand or mechanical signals, or stop logs.
6.9. Vehicles shall not be parked where they could roll either forward or backward into an
6.10. Employees shall be adequately protected from loose rock or soil that could pose a hazard
by falling or rolling from an excavation face. Such protection shall consist of scaling to
remove loose material; installation of protective barricades at intervals, as necessary on
the face to stop and contain falling material; or other protective means.
6.11. Employees shall not work on the faces of sloped or benched excavations at levels above
other employees except when employees at the lower levels are adequately protected
from the hazard of falling, rolling, or sliding material or equipment.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
6.12. Where oxygen deficiency or a hazardous atmosphere exists or could reasonably expect to
exist, such as in excavations in landfill areas, near sewers, or natural gas lines, the
atmospheres in the excavations shall be tested before employees enter excavations greater
than 1.2 meters in depth.
6.13. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent employee exposure to atmospheres
containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen and other hazardous atmospheres.
6.14. Adequate precaution shall be taken to prevent employee exposure to an atmosphere
containing a concentration of a flammable gas in excess of 10 percent of the lower
flammable limit of the gas.
6.15. When controls are used that are intended to reduce the level of atmospheric contaminants
to acceptable levels, testing shall be conducted as often as necessary to ensure that the
atmosphere remains safe.
6.16. Emergency rescue equipment shall be readily available where hazardous atmospheric
conditions exist or may reasonably be expected to develop during work in an excavation.
This equipment shall be attended.
6.17. Employees entering bell-bottom pier holes, or other similar deep and confined footing
excavations, shall wear a body harness with a lifeline attached to it. The lifeline shall be
individually attended at all times while the employee is in the excavation.
6.18. Employees shall not work in excavations in which there is accumulated water, or in
excavations in which water is accumulating, unless adequate precautions have been taken
to protect employees against the hazards posed by water accumulation.
6.19. A competent person for excavation means one who is capable of identifying existing and
predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary,
hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt
corrective measures to eliminate them.
6.20. If water accumulation is controlled by the use of water removal equipment, the
equipment and operations shall be monitored by a competent person to ensure proper
6.21. If excavation work interrupts the natural drainage of surface water (such as streams),
diversion ditches, dikes, or other means shall be used to prevent surface water from
entering the excavation and to provide adequate drainage of the area adjacent to the
excavation. Excavations subject to runoff from heavy rains require an inspection by a
competent person.
6.22. Daily inspections of excavations, the adjacent areas, and cave-in protective systems shall
be made by a competent person for evidence of a situation that could result in possible
cave-ins, indications of failure of protective systems, hazardous atmospheres, or other
hazardous conditions. An inspection shall be conducted by the competent person prior to
the start of work and as needed throughout the shift. Inspections shall also be made after
every rainstorm or other hazard increasing occurrence. These inspections are only
required when employee exposure can be reasonably anticipated.
6.23. Where the competent person finds evidence of a situation that could result in a possible
cave-in, indications of failure of protective systems, hazardous atmospheres, or other
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
hazardous conditions, exposed employees shall be removed from the hazardous area until
necessary precautions have been taken to ensure their safety.
6.24. Where employees or equipment are required or permitted to cross over the excavation,
walkways or bridges with standard guardrails shall be provided.
7. Ropes, Chains, and Rigging Hardware
7.1. Synthetic rope slings shall not be used to catch off or suspend conductors or ground
wires. Voltage bleed-off may cause synthetic slings to fail.
7.2. Chokers, wire rope, chain, or other rigging hardware shall be of adequate size, type,
condition, and arrangement to safely handle the load. (See TVA Safety Manual, Useful
Safety Information 1607, “Rigging / Lifting”.)
7.3. An employee shall warn other employees of unsafe rigging observed.
7.4. Rigging equipment shall be inspected before each use, and any found defective shall be
tagged defective and not used until repaired, or it shall be discarded.
7.5. When chain is used for lifting, only alloy steel chain shall be used.
7.6. Chain used for rigging shall not be shortened by twisting, knotting, or with nuts and bolts.
7.7. Before using chain to lift a load, each link shall be inspected for wear, nicks, gouges,
stretch, corrosion, shear, and localized bending.
7.8. Wire rope slings or running rope shall be replaced if there are six or more randomly
distributed broken wires in one rope lay or three or more broken wires in one strand in
one rope lay. (A rope lay is that length along the rope in which one strand makes one
complete revolution around the rope.)
7.9 Wire rope slings or running rope shall be replaced if the individual wires in the outer
layer are worn by one-third the original diameter of the wire.
7.10. Shackles used for rigging shall be discarded if worn in the crown or in the pin by more
than 10 percent.
7.11. Cold shuts, lap links, quick links, or "missing" links shall not be used for chain repair or
to attach hooks.
8. Power Generating Plant Work
8.1. There are risks in the operation and maintenance of generating plants that are not found
in other electrical installations. The requirements in this paragraph deal with the risks
peculiar to these plants and shall be strictly observed by employees. Employees are also
responsible for observance of all other requirements that are applicable. Plant safety
rules shall be followed where applicable.
8.2. Cubicles containing electrical equipment shall be entered only by experienced persons in
the performance of their duties.
8.3. When normal barriers, such as guardrails, floor gratings, hatch covers, deck plates, or
equipment, are removed leaving unattended openings in decks, floors, and gratings,
temporary barriers shall be installed and maintained while work is in progress.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
8.4. Employees shall not enter or leave a machine unless the person in charge of the work is
8.5. All persons shall be out of the machine and accounted for by the person responsible for
the work before it is released to service.
8.6. In no case shall an employee stand on or between wicket-gate arms and rings while
equipment is in operation.
8.7. All tools, personal effects, and foreign material shall be removed from the generating unit
before it is readied for service.
8.8. If work is to be performed in the generator enclosure, the CO2 automatic fire protection
system shall be cleared and tagged under the authorized plant operating procedure.
8.9. Employees shall not enter the generator casing until all gas has been replaced by air and
the casing is known to contain a life-sustaining atmosphere. Smoking or open flames
shall not be permitted.
8.10. Employees shall not enter a wheel pit after a generator CO2 discharge until the measures
in Confined Space Entry have been taken. See TVA Safety Procedure 801, “Confined
Space Entry”.
8.11. Appropriate protective equipment shall be worn by employees performing work in areas
that present special hazards, such as flying particles, falling objects, hot metal, exposure
to chemicals, and irritating or toxic gases.
8.12. Employees, upon entering and leaving supervisory-controlled stations, should report to
the operator/dispatcher in charge of the station.
8.13. Rope, air lines, or extension cords coiled or intermingled on walkways, stairways, or
landings are prohibited. Protect electrical cords or air lines by use of temporary boards at
roadway or walkway crossings.
8.14. When in wheel pits, employees should stand in a safe position for maintaining balance
and should keep hands and fingers in the clear.
8.15. Employees should not step or stand on parts of an idled generator or turbine subject to
rotation. They should maintain the proper clearance from all mechanical and electrical
parts until the machine is cleared and tagged under the established procedure from all
sources of energy, both hydraulic and electrical, including headgates being set and
8.16. Employees should be extremely cautious while working on or near collector rings or
commutators while the generator is in operation. They should also remove all loose
material from pockets in clothing before beginning such work.
8.17. When work is performed near the generator rotor brake cylinders, keep fingers and hands
clear of the pressure surfaces of the brake cylinders.
8.18. When cleaning or working in actuator cabinets with the equipment in service, stay clear
of parts subject to movement.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
9. Nuclear Plants
9.1. The nonradiation hazards associated with the operation of a nuclear plant are similar to
those in other plants. Therefore, many safety requirements from other portions of
paragraph 9, Power Generating Plant Work, are applicable. Separate requirements for
hazards peculiar to nuclear plants will be added as necessary.
9.2. Permissible dose rates, exposure limits, and rules for control are contained in the TVA
Health Physics Manual. The limits and controls specified therein shall be adhered to as
though written here.
9.3. Because of the nature of the hazards associated with a nuclear facility, specific written
procedures are required for emergencies at each plant. These procedures, including site
evacuation and plans with local civil authorities, will be issued before the startup of a
nuclear unit at any facility.
10. All Terrain Vehicles
10.1. ATVs equipped with a single front tire shall not be used on transmission line rights-of-
10.2. ATVs shall be equipped with roll over protection, bench seat, and seat belts for each
10.3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall include a hard hat and safety eyewear.
10.4. ATVs are for off-road operations and should not be driven on public streets and roads.
10.5. When tools or equipment are transported, they should be properly secured on the vehicle.
10.6. A personal flotation device should be worn when fording streams that could cause the
tires to float.
10.7. ATVs are intended to be operated at safe speeds, depending on terrain and conditions. At
no time should an ATV be operated in an unsafe manner or used for purposes other than
its intended use.
10.8. Passengers shall only be permitted when the vehicle is equipped with the manufacturers-
approved seating for passengers except in the event of a medical emergency.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Electrical Testing
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to establish safety requirements for electrical testing at
reduced, normal, or high potentials. It applies only to testing involving interim
measurements and not to testing involving continuous measurements as in routine
metering, relaying, and normal maintenance and operations work.
2. General
2.1. Electrical test work is different in many important respects from other power system
activities. Consequently, special attention must be given to work hazards and safety in
performance of electrical tests. In many cases, tests and adjustments make it necessary to
energize equipment at reduced, normal, or high potential. Therefore, the possibility of
electrical shock to test employees and others in the vicinity must be a constant
2.2. Always assume any equipment is energized until checks have been made to verify that
the circuit is cleared. Make sure that the person holding the clearance is aware that test
work is in progress and that the clearance will be held until the test work is complete.
2.3. When grounds are removed temporarily during tests, each employee shall use insulating
equipment and be isolated from any hazards involved, and additional measures shall be
instituted as necessary to protect each exposed employee in case the previously grounded
lines and equipment become energized.
2.4. Unless proper precautions are taken, alternating current test potential applied to a
secondary circuit or device (such as a relay or meter) can feed back through transformers,
develop primary voltage at the high-voltage terminals, and energize any connected buses
or equipment. Before energizing secondary circuits or devices, isolate them from the
transformers or make sure the high-voltage terminals are in the clear and are guarded
2.5. On large pieces of equipment or on equipment mounted at heights, safe practices should
be followed in the handling of ladders or other means of access. Physical injury from
slips, falls, and improper lifting should be constantly guarded against.
2.6. During fault conditions, dangerous voltages may exist between a station ground and a
remote ground (including a fence ground). Therefore, leads and equipment connected to
one ground should be treated as hot with respect to other grounds. In the course of ground
impedance measurements, or other tests when it is necessary to contact leads or
equipment connected to a distant ground, rubber gloves or other protective equipment
should be used.
2.7. Specific safety precautions to be taken during the various types of test work are given in
each section of the Field Test Manual for transmission line, substation, and switchyard
activities. These precautions should be followed carefully in the performance of
electrical test work.
3. Rotating Equipment Testing
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3.1 Windings to be tested shall be grounded long enough to drain off any charge before being
touched. This is particularly important after dc high-potential and dielectric absorption
tests (grounding time may exceed one hour).
3.2. Windings to be grounded shall be solidly grounded to the station ground. Test equipment
shall be connected to the same grounding point.
3.3. Apparatus undergoing test shall be identified by means of orange tape. See TVA Safety
Procedure 1107, “Identifying Energized Electrical Hazards”.
3.4. No one except those directly involved with the test shall be allowed in the taped-off area
while a test is in progress.
3.5. When applying a test voltage to voltage-regulating equipment, be sure the test voltage
does not unintentionally energize any voltage transformers.
4. High-Potential Testing
4.1. Apparatus undergoing test shall be identified by means of orange tape or by an
interlocked fence. The tape shall be taken down if there is a long delay between tests.
4.2. There shall be a definite understanding between the test set operator and others helping
make the tests about the number of tests to be made, duration, and voltage values to be
impressed on the various parts of the apparatus. All others working in the vicinity shall
be warned not to enter the isolated area and not to carry pipes or other long material
which may protrude into the area.
4.3. The test set voltage controls shall be run down to the lowest position after each test and
left there before the all-clear signals are given. The energizing plug shall be pulled; or,
where a knife switch is used, it must be open before the all-clear signal is given. An open
power circuit breaker is not sufficient clearance.
4.4. The apparatus under test shall be solidly grounded to the station ground, and the test set
ground lead shall be attached to the same grounding point.
4.5. No one except those directly involved with the tests shall be allowed inside the taped-off
or fenced-off areas while tests are in progress.
4.6. Test leads carrying high potential may need to be supported with insulating tape. This
tape shall not be tied off to ungrounded supports.
4.7. During dc high-potential tests, ground all conductive bodies within the field of influence
of the test set and the specimen under test to prevent a buildup of dc voltage on such
bodies due to capacitance voltage divider action.
4.8. After dc high potential tests, ground the test specimen long enough to drain off its charge.
High-capacitance specimens, such as generators or cables, may require grounding times
of an hour or more. A dc high potential may reappear on the test specimen if the ground
is removed too soon.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
phase or phase-to-ground minimum clearance distances at the work location below that
specified in TVA Safety Procedure 1110,” Minimum Clearance Distances for Energized
Work”, unless the grounded objects and other lines and equipment are covered by
insulating guards.
2.12. For live-line, bare-hand work, a nonconductive measuring device shall be readily
accessible to assist employees in maintaining the required minimum clearance distance.
2.13. A telescoping fiberglass measuring stick designed for that purpose should be used for
measuring minimum clearance distances.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2.11. Every practical precaution shall be taken to provide for the protection of employees from
flying objects in the rotor down-wash. All loose materials within 30.5 meters of the place
of lifting the load, depositing the load, and all other areas susceptible to rotor down-wash
shall be secured or removed.
2.12. Employees working in the vicinity of helicopter operations shall wear hearing protectors,
goggles, and hard hats with chin straps. Loose-fitting clothing likely to flap in the down-
wash, and thus be snagged on the hoist line, shall not be worn.
2.13. The helicopter load hook shall be a quick connect/disconnect type. A hands-on
demonstration of the quick connect/disconnect shall be performed by all crew members
who will operate it. Tag lines shall be of a length that will not permit their being drawn
up into rotors.
2.14. Pressed sleeve, swagged eyes, or equivalent means shall be used on wire rope slings for
all freely suspended loads because hand splices may spin open or cable clamps loosen.
2.15. Wire rope shall be used to connect a suspended load to the hoist line hook.
2.16. No unauthorized person shall be allowed to approach within 15.2 meters of the helicopter
when the rotor blades are turning.
2.17. Whenever approaching or leaving a helicopter with blades rotating, all employees shall
remain in full view of the pilot and keep in a crouched position. Employees shall avoid
the area from the cockpit or cabin rearward (toward the tail rotor) unless authorized by
the pilot to work there.
2.18. There shall be no smoking within 15.2 meters of the helicopter.
2.19. Open fires shall not be permitted in an area that could result in such fires being spread by
the rotor down-wash.
2.20. Employees may assist in field refueling operations only under the direction of the flight
crew. Smoking or open flames are prohibited within 15.2 meters of the refueling area.
2.21. Poles, crossarms, etc., should be transported vertically to reduce in flight motion.
2.22. Dust masks should be worn when dusty conditions exist.
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3.7. Weather conditions have a direct effect on the operation of the cleaning equipment.
Normally, work should be suspended during periods of high humidity or when the
ambient temperature is below 40 degrees F.
3.8. The water trap on the air compressor should be checked frequently and emptied as
3.9. When using a telescopic boom, care should be taken to prevent grit from contacting the
boom surface.
4. Pressurized Water Method
4.1. Since the resistivity of water varies widely from distilled water to contaminated water,
leakage currents associated with live-line washing vary proportionately to the quality of
the water.
4.2. Each tank of water shall be tested immediately before use. Water resistivity of less than
2500 ohms per cubic centimeter shall not be used.
4.3. Only special high-pressure nozzles and hose designed for this service shall be used. The
nozzle shall not be directed toward people.
4.4. The nozzle, hose, tank, truck, platform, and all washing equipment shall be grounded.
4.5. When washing insulators or bushings on energized equipment of buses, maintain
clearances between the grounded nozzle and the energized equipment as outlined in the
following table:
4.6. Before attempting live-line washing, the foreman should review and see that the crew is
thoroughly familiar with special instructions covering this subject.
4.7. Avoid shooting a direct stream of water on disconnect switches. There may be enough
pressure in the stream to move the blades if applied in the right direction. For the same
reason, be careful with the stream around jumper loops and potential transformer leads,
both primary and secondary. Caution should be observed to avoid a direct stream on
breathers, gasketed joints on transformers, breakers, and bushings.
4.8. Since complete washing is essential, be sure there is sufficient water in the tank to finish
washing an insulator once washing has been started.
4.9. Extreme caution should be exercised in handling the water gun at high pressure. Keep
the gun pointed down at all times except when in actual use. Never point the gun
otherwise until ready to use. The person operating the wash truck should be sure that
those using the guns are ready before opening the valves or starting the pump.
6.4 Millimeter Nozzle or 4.8 Millimeter Nozzle or
Nominal Voltage
Smaller Smaller
13 kv 2.7m 1.8m
26 kv 3.0m 2.1m
46 kv 3.4m 2.4m
69 kv 3.7m 2.7m
115 kv 4.0m 3.0m
161 kv 4.6m 3.4m
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Live-Line Work
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to establish safety requirements for live-line work.
2. Requirements
2.1. The final decision of whether live-line work can be done safely is the responsibility of the
supervisor directing the work. The supervisor shall ensure that the crew is properly
trained for the work on energized equipment; that proper tools and equipment are used
and that correct safety measures are implemented.
2.2. Electrical circuits and equipment shall be considered energized until they are properly
2.3. A caution order shall be obtained on any transmission line or substation equipment being
worked on while energized.
2.4. Employees performing energized work on the same structure shall not work on different
phases at the same time.
2.5. Rubber gloves shall not be used with hotsticks for live-line work.
2.6. While working or climbing nearer than 7.6 meters to energized conductors or parts on
500-kV transmission line structures, workers shall wear conductive-sole shoes or other
bonding equipment designed for that purpose.
2.7. Conductive material shall not be hung on the lip of the aerial lift bucket in such a way as
to reduce required clearances.
2.8. Only ropes that are maintained specifically for live-line work shall be used on energized
lines or equipment.
2.9. All live-line tools when not in use shall be kept clean and dry in approved protective
2.10. Live-line tools shall be visually inspected and wiped clean before use in accordance with
TVA Safety Procedure 1103, “Electrical Protective Equipment”.
2.11. While equipment, lines, or buses are energized, no employee at ground potential shall
touch insulators, bushings, lightning arresters, or insulator pins except as provided by
special work procedures.
2.12. When tying or untying energized conductors to or from insulators, keep the tie wire short
enough to maintain clearance distance between the tie wire and the supporting structure.
2.13. Insulated portions of hotline tools shall be properly tested for insulation value as required.
2.14. When approaching or working on energized circuits, except from an insulated lift or
similar device, the minimum distances as stated in Appendix A, Minimum Clearance
Distances for Energized Work shall be followed.
2.15. Before any energized equipment is worked on, consideration should be given to the arc
that will result if accidental short circuiting or grounding occurs and plans should be
made for that possibility.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3. Appendix
3.1 Appendix A Minimum Clearance Distances for Live Line Work
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Appendix A
Minimum Clearance Distances for Energized Work
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
stringing block. Before removing the conductor from the grounded block, install grounds
on the conductor with a hotstick.
2.13. Tape shall not be used to reinforce cotter pins on stringing blocks. Defective cotter pins
shall be replaced.
2.14. Tensioners and pullers shall be adequately grounded and anchored in such a manner that
during pulling, slacking, or sagging, the equipment will not move from its position.
2.15. Communication shall be established and maintained between employees controlling the
stringing operation. If communication is lost, the stringing operation shall be stopped.
2.16. Protection shall be verified and a caution order obtained on all energized circuits or
apparatus being crossed by conductor-stringing or removal operations.
2.17. When conductors parallel to an energized circuit are being strung or removed, care
should be taken to keep the conductor from becoming fouled in trees, bushes, crossarms,
or other objects. If the conductor becomes fouled, the pulling operation should be stopped
immediately and the tension on the conductor should be relieved before any attempt is
made to clear it.
2.18. Conductors being strung or removed should be kept clear of sidewalks, driveways, alleys,
streets, highways, and railroad tracks if possible. When this is not possible, employees
should be stationed to stop or reroute vehicles and pedestrians.
2.19. Conductors should not be attached to or removed from a structure until it is reasonably
certain that the structure will withstand the altered strain.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
2.12. Workers shall not attach conductors to their belts or hold them in their hands while
climbing. They shall use a hand-line to raise or lower conductors on a structure after they
reach their work position.
2.13. Equipment operators shall take movement signals only from the designated person. The
operators shall obey a stop signal from anyone.
2.14. Ropes or lines used in handling loads shall not be wrapped around workers’ bodies.
2.15. Suspension insulators shall not be climbed.
2.16. Before performing switching on a line switch, the switch grounding plate shall be clean
and properly positioned.
2.17. The switch grounding plate conductor connections and the switch rod grounding braid
connections shall be inspected for tightness and found in good condition before
performing switching.
2.18. When operating an air break line switch, the operator shall position both feet firmly on
the switch grounding plate and maintain this contact throughout the switching process,
touching only the switch handle.
2.19. When starting to pull a pole, the pole should be "loosened" by using a winch, pole jack,
auger, bulldozer or other method before the pole is lifted by a crane.
2.20. Before leaving the ground, the employee should survey the work to be done and
determine the best position to use on the structure to perform the work.
2.21. Avoid unnecessary conversation while ascending or descending a structure.
2.22. Any employee is responsible for signaling an equipment operator to stop when they think
there is imminent danger.
2.23. All equipment used in rigging should be of an approved type or fabricated according to
accepted industry practices.
2.24. Any employee shall warn other employees of unsafe rigging practices they observe.
2.25. Workers shall not work directly beneath other employees unless it is absolutely
2.26. The area immediately under the structure should be kept uncluttered.
2.27. Side guys used in installing structures should be attached to substantial objects.
2.28. Tools and material should not be thrown or dropped from structures.
2.29. Workers should stand clear of loaded winch cables, making sure they are not in the bight
of the cable.
3. Pole Handling General
3.1. Clearance poles and arms shall have balance point and 10-foot butt mark readily visible.
3.2. Before loading or unloading is begun, the wheels of the transporting vehicle shall be
blocked or securely braked.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
3.3. Before unloading poles from a railroad car, the brakes shall be set and the wheels
3.4. Reflectors shall be installed on clearance poles adjacent to roadways.
3.5. Poles loaded on trailers shall be securely bound to the trailers before towing. A minimum
of two tied-owns, plus a tie-down for each additional 3meters of load, are required.
3.6. When traveling on public roads, the trailing end of a load of poles shall be marked by a
red flag during the day and a red light at night.
3.7. Employees shall not remain on a pole pile or trailer when a pole is being loaded or
3.8. Chokers, wire rope, or other rigging hardware used to lift poles shall be of adequate size,
type, condition, and arrangement to safely handle the load. (See TVA Safety Procedure
3.9. Only ratchet-type load binders shall be used.
3.10. When poles are being handled, they shall be controlled by tag lines, butt ropes, cant
hooks, or cant straps, as appropriate.
3.11. Concrete poles shall be lifted only from the manufacturer-designed lifting points.
3.12. Braided nylon slings or nylon chokers of adequate size shall be used when lifting
concrete poles. Wire rope choker shall not be used on concrete poles.
3.13. Poles placed on piles shall be securely blocked or secured to prevent rolling or shifting.
3.14. Load binders shall not be released with employees standing on the load of poles unless
other means have been used to secure the load.
3.15. Employees and equipment should be placed so as to minimize the danger of injury or
damage should a pole or poles get out of control.
3.16. Poles should be removed from storage in such a manner as to leave the pile in a safe
condition. Storage piles should be rearranged after the removal, if necessary, to avoid
possible shifting.
3.17. Employees, while handling poles, should wear suitable clothing and gloves to protect
against creosote burns and splinters.
3.18. Poles should not be stored under energized conductors.
3.19. Employees should not needlessly climb on top of pole piles.
3.20. If possible, load binders should be installed so that they can be operated from the ground.
3.21. Where practical, employees should work on the uphill side of the poles.
4. Working on Wood Poles
4.1. When poles are being handled, they shall be controlled by tag lines, butt ropes, or cant
4.2. When wood poles are being set or removed in proximity to live-line conductors:
• They shall not be considered as insulation.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
6.4. Prior to setting concrete poles, step-bolts shall not be installed from the point of crane
attachment to approximately 4.6 meters above point of attachment to provide headroom
for crane boom.
6.5. The bottom 10 step-bolts shall be removed before leaving the site.
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
3.12. Extreme caution shall be used when cutting dead trees or trees adjacent to dead trees.
3.13. Chain saw operators shall inspect the saw prior to operating to determine that all handles,
guards, and brakes are in place and tight, all controls function properly, and that the
muffler is operative.
3.14. Chain saw operators shall follow manufacturer’s instructions as to operation and
maintenance of the saw.
3.15. Chain saws shall be fueled in safe areas and not under conditions conducive to fire such
as near people smoking, hot engines, directly under powerlines, etc.
3.16. Chain saws shall be started at least 3 meters away from fueling area.
3.17. Chain saw operators shall be certain of their footing and clear away brush which might
interfere before starting to cut.
3.18. Chain saw engine fuel shall not be used for starting fires or as a cleaning solvent.
3.19. A chain saw shall have its brake on or be cut off when the operator carries it for a
distance greater than from tree to tree or in hazardous conditions such as slippery surfaces
or heavy underbrush. The saw shall be at idle speed when carried short distances.
3.20. Chain saws shall be carried by their handle bar and in a manner to prevent contact with
the chain and muffler.
3.21. Chain saw operators shall not use the saw to cut directly overhead or at a distance that
would require the operator to relinquish a safe grip on the saw.
3.22. Each chain saw weighing more than 6.8 kilograms, service weight, that is used in trees
shall be supported by a separate line, except when work is performed from an aerial lift
and except during topping or removing operations where no supporting limb will be
3.23. Each chain saw shall be equipped with a control that will return the saw to idling speed
when released.
3.24. Each chain saw shall be equipped with a clutch and shall be so adjusted that the clutch
will not engage the chain drive at idling speed.
3.25. A chain saw shall be started on the ground or where it is otherwise firmly supported.
Drop starting of saws over 6.8 kg is permitted outside the bucket of an aerial lift only if
the area below the lift is clear of employees and equipment.
3.26. A chain saw engine shall be started and operated only when all employees other than the
operator are clear of the saw.
3.27. A chain saw shall not be running when the saw is being carried up into a tree by an
3.28. Chain saw engines shall be stopped for all cleaning, refueling, adjustments, and repairs to
the saw or engine, except as the manufacturer’s servicing procedures require otherwise.
3.29. Carry the saw with the blade toward the rear so the chain will not become snagged in the
3.30. Before the saw is started, be sure the chain is clear of all obstructions.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
3.31. When operating a saw, keep both hands firmly on the saw, one on the handlebar, and the
other on the handgrip.
3.32. Wear protective headgear and heavy nonslip shoes. Never wear loose-fitting gloves and
shirts. Keep shirt buttoned and tucked in.
3.33. Be sure of your balance at all times. When starting a cut, always place the spikes against
the wood before engaging the chain.
3.34. When climbing trees, workers should not rely on dead limbs for support. They should
not let bark build up under the gaffs.
3.35. Tag lines should be used when necessary to assist the operator to control the direction in
which the tree falls.
3.36. Be sure the muffler and exhaust system are in good condition.
3.37. Before saws are transported in a truck, they should be placed in boxes, cases, or
otherwise secured for protection of crew members.
3.38. Operators should wear approved hearing protection to guard against sustained high-level
noise. Protective headgear with attached hearing protectors and face screen should be
4. Power Mower Operation
4.1. Do not tamper with the blade while the mower is running.
4.2. Disable the mower engine before inspecting, adjusting, or changing attachments.
4.3. Fill the fuel tank outdoors or in well-ventilated areas.
4.4. Do not fill the fuel tank while the engine is running or while it is still hot.
4.5. No smoking is permitted while filling the fuel tank.
4.6. Use approved and properly labeled safety cans for fuel.
4.7. Fuel should not be transferred from one vessel to another in the vicinity of energized
high-voltage equipment.
4.8. Gloves should be worn when handling mower blades.
4.9. When making carburetor adjustments, stand to one side and keep hands and feet in the
4.10. Keep feet away from the blade when starting the mower.
4.11. On mowers so equipped, the blade should not be engaged until ready to begin mowing.
4.12. Always stop the engine when it is necessary to leave the mower.
4.13. Skid boards or a hydraulic lift tailgate should be used in loading and unloading the
4.14. The operator should keep the area of mowing operation clear of unnecessary persons.
4.15. The mower discharge chute should be directed away from persons.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
4.16. Sloping or uneven terrain should be mowed horizontally with walking-type mowers if
4.17. Riding-type mowers should not be used on steep terrain.
4.18. Mowers should not be used without proper guarding and operating interlock devices in
5. Shear Clearing
5.1 The bulldozer shall be equipped with roll bars and the seat belt shall be worn.
6. Hand Clearing
6.1. Kaiser blades, brush hooks, axes, and other sharp tools shall be transported and stored in
designated places.
6.2. "Cut" resistant gloves shall be used when sharpening or repairing bladed tools.
6.3. File guards shall be used when sharpening tools.
6.4. Axes and brush hooks shall be secured while being sharpened.
7. Brush Chipper
7.1. Hearing and eye protection (face shields, goggles, or safety glasses with sideshields) and
gloves shall be worn while feeding brush into a chipper.
7.2. Stop the engine and cutters before inspecting the discharge chute or cutters.
7.3. Loose clothing, rings, watches, and bracelets shall not be worn when working with the
brush chipper.
7.4. Brush chippers shall be equipped with a locking device in the ignition system.
7.5. Access panels for maintenance and adjustment of the chipper blades and associated drive
train shall be in place and secure during operation of the equipment.
7.6. Trailer chippers detached from trucks shall be chocked or otherwise secured.
7.7. Each employee in the immediate area of an operating chipper feed table shall wear
protective eyewear.
7.8. Feed the large diameter end of brush into the chipper first.
7.9. Keep the protective flaps at the throat of the cutter in good condition.
8. Weed and Brush Trimmers
8.1. Eye protection (face shields, goggles, or safety glasses with sideshields) shall be worn
when using trimmers. Hearing protection shall be worn as recommended by the trimmer
8.2. High top shoes or shin guards shall be worn when using trimmers.
8.3. Properly sized string or blades shall be used.
8.4. Trimmers shall not be used unless equipped with properly installed guards.
8.5. When an employee is using a motor-operated, blade-type brush trimmer, all other
employees shall stay at least 3 meters away.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
8.6. Employees should stand to the side of, rather than directly behind, when feeding brush
into the chipper.
9. Chemical Clearing and Maintenance
9.1. Before using chemicals for vegetation control, read and follow the manufacturer’s
directions on the container labels and observe the precaution identified in the Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
9.2. Avoid unnecessary contact of chemical mixture with skin and clothing.
9.3. Wear appropriate protective clothing as required. When mixing chemicals, neoprene
gloves, long sleeve shirts, and eye protection should be worn.
9.4. Hands should be washed prior to eating or use of tobacco products when using chemicals
for vegetation control.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Annex L
Specifications and Drawings for Underground Electric Distribution
The following materials have been obtained from U.S. Department of Agriculture
Rural Utilities Service RUS Bulletin 1728F-806 (D-806), June 2000.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
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Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1. General............................................................................................................................... III-283
2. Storage of Material and Equipment ................................................................................... III-283
3. Handling of Cable .............................................................................................................. III-283
4. Plowing .............................................................................................................................. III-284
5. Special Requirements for Coordination Between Owner and
Contractor Where Cable is to be Installed by Plowing ..................................................... III-285
6. Trenching ......................................................................................................................... III-285
7. Installing Cable in Trench..................................................................................................III-286
8. Minimum Bending Radius of Cable ................................................................................ III-286
9. Conduit............................................................................................................................. III-287
10. Tagging of Cables at Termination Points ....................................................................... III-287
11. Splices ............................................................................................................................. III-287
12. Primary Cable Termination and Stress Cones ................................................................ III-287
13. Special Precautions for Cable Splices and Terminations ............................................... III-287
14. Secondary and Service Connections............................................................................... III-288
15. Pedestals.......................................................................................................................... III-288
16. Inspection and Inventory of Buried Units....................................................................... III-288
17. Backfilling....................................................................................................................... III-288
18. Equipment Pads .............................................................................................................. III-289
19. Transformers ................................................................................................................... III-289
20. Equipment Enclosures .................................................................................................... III-289
21. Utility Safety Signs ......................................................................................................... III-289
22. Sacrificial Anodes .......................................................................................................... III-289
23. Grounding ....................................................................................................................... III-290
24. Cable Location Markers................................................................................................. III-290
25. Installed Cable and Acceptance Tests............................................................................. III-290
Underground Distribution – Bul. 1728F-806
Underground Rural Distribution – Bul. 1728F-806
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
1.1 These specifications provide for the construction of underground distribution power
facilities as specified by the owner. The owner is the organization contracting for the services
and, when used in connection with RUS financed facilities, is synonymous with the term
borrower as defined in §1710.2.
1.2 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that all construction work shall be
accomplished in a thorough and workmanlike manner in accordance with the staking sheets,
plans and specifications, and the construction drawings.
1.3 If construction work is performed by the Owner's force account crews instead of a
contractor, any reference to "Contractor" apply to the force account crews.
1.4 The provisions of section §1724.50, Compliance with National Electrical Safety Code
(NESC) apply to all borrower electric system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
a. A borrower must ensure that its electric system, including all electric distribution,
transmission, and generating facilities, is designed, constructed, operated, and
maintained in accordance with all applicable provisions of the most current and
accepted criteria of the NESC and all applicable and current electrical and safety
requirements of any State or local government entity. Copies of the NESC may be
obtained from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., 345 East
47th Street, New York, New York 10017-2394. This requirement applies to the
borrower’s electric system regardless of the source of financing.
b. Any electrical standard requirements established by RUS are in addition to, and
not in substitution for or a modification of, the most current and accepted criteria
of the NESC and any applicable electrical or safety requirements of any State or
local governmental entity.
c. Overhead distribution circuits shall be constructed with not less than the Grade C
strength requirements as described in Section 26, Strength Requirements, of the
NESC when subjected to the loads specified in NESC Section 25, Loadings for
Grades B and C. Overhead transmission circuits shall be constructed with not less
than the Grade B strength requirements as described in NESC Section 26.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
ground, fences or sharp projections. Care shall be exercised to avoid excessive bending of the
cable. The borrower shall ensure that the ends of the cable be sealed at all times against moisture
with suitable end caps. Where it is necessary to cut the cable, the ends will be terminated or
sealed immediately after the cutting operation.
4.1 When cables are to be installed by plowing, it is the responsibility of the borrower to
ensure that the plowing equipment be subject to the approval of the Owner and the public
authorities having jurisdiction over highway and road rights-of-way. The plow must be provided
with a means to assure positive holddown of the plow blade to provide proper depth at all times.
4.2 The design of the plowshare must ensure that the cable passing through the plow will not
be bent in a radius less than 12 times the outside diameter of the cable. The equipment must be
capable of extending the plow a minimum of 15.24 centimeters below the specified depth under
all terrain conditions of plow utilization.
4.3 The borrower must ensure that equipment and construction methods used during
construction cause minimum displacement of the soil. The slot made in the soil by the cable
plows must be closed immediately by driving a vehicle track or wheel over the slot or by other
suitable means.
4.4 Starting and terminating points of the plowing operation must be excavated prior to cable
installation to reduce possible cable damage and to assure sufficient burial depth.
4.5 During the plowing operation, care is to be exercised to feed the cable or wire into the
ground through the plow loosely and at minimum tension. Besides using proper equipment and
construction methods, supervision by the borrower or the borrower’s representative shall be
furnished at all times at the site of plowing operations to assure compliance with these
4.6 If, during the plowing operation, the plow should strike a buried object or rock that would
stop the equipment and necessitate removal of the plow from the ground, the plow must be
removed from the ground carefully and, if practical, without backing the plow. If it should be
necessary to back the plow to remove it from the ground, the cable must be uncovered a
sufficient distance back for inspection by the Owner to determine whether the cable or wire has
been damaged.
4.7 The cable must be inspected carefully as it is payed out from the reel to be certain that it
is free from visible defects. Every instance of damaged cable observed at any time, whether prior
to installation, during installation, or when discovered by test or observation subsequent to
installation in plant, shall be immediately called to the attention of the Owner. Repair or
correction of such damage must be completed promptly and in accordance with the written
instruction of the Owner. The location of any such repair must be indicated on the staking sheet.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
5.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the Contractor and the Owner shall
jointly review the staking sheets prior to the start of construction. At that time, the Contractor
shall propose any desirable changes or clarifications. These changes, if approved by the Owner,
shall be made and recorded on the staking sheets. No changes on the staking sheets shall be made
by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the Owner. A representative of the Owner
shall remain in the immediate vicinity of the plowing operations at all times and shall consider
and possibly approve any acceptable changes proposed by the Contractor. A representative of the
Owner shall also inspect any damage to cable and approve acceptable methods of repair or
correction of such damage in accordance with the provisions of these specifications.
5.2 In the event that rock is encountered during the plowing operation so that the buried cable
cannot be installed to the required minimum depths in soil, the Contractor shall determine for the
Owner the nature and extent of the rock encountered. Based on this information, the Owner shall
determine whether the cable is to be rerouted, trenched in rock or a change made to aerial
construction. This decision shall be made promptly, and appropriate changes in units shall be
made on the staking sheets. Such changes shall be in writing, dated, and initialed by the Owner.
5.3 Due to the necessity of making on-the-spot corrections and changes on staking sheets, it
may not be possible for the Owner to issue revised staking sheets to the Contractor in all cases.
When changes are made, dated, and initialed by the Owner on a set of the Contractor's staking
sheets, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to transfer these changes to all other sets of
staking sheets being used by the Contractor for construction purposes.
5.4 The Contractor shall provide a competent representative to work with the Owner on the
inventory and inspection of buried cable units. The inventory of buried cable will be made as
soon after the plowing operation as practical to avoid later disagreements on the quantity of cable
installed when changes are required in the project.
6.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that all trenching depths specified are
minimum as measured from the final grade to the top surface of the cable. The routing must be
as shown on the staking sheets and plans and specifications unless conditions encountered are
such that changes are necessary to accomplish the work. In such event, the Owner shall be
notified promptly. If rock or other difficult digging is involved, the Contractor shall determine
the nature and extent of the difficulty, and the Owner shall determine whether rerouting, rock
trenching, plowing or other changes are necessary. Loose soil or crumbly rock shall not be
considered as "difficult digging." The trench widths specified are minimum and should be
increased as necessary to obtain the required depths in loose soils.
6.2 Where trenches are intended for more than one cable, particular care must be taken to
provide for extra depth and width to allow for soil falling into the trench during the laying of the
first cables.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
6.3 Care shall be exercised to minimize the likelihood of waterflow since this may cause
trench damage and reduction in trench depth. If this occurs, the trench must be cleared to the
specified depth before installing the cable.
6.4 All trenches must follow straight lines between staked points to the greatest extent
possible. Secondary and service trenches must extend in a straight line from takeoff points
wherever possible. The trenches must be dug so that the bottom has a smooth grade. Large rocks,
stones and gravel in excess of 2.53 centimeters must be removed from the bottom of the trench.
Where this cannot be accomplished, a 5.08 centimeter bed of sand or clean soil must be placed in
the bottom of the trench.
6.5 Construction shall be arranged so that trenches may be left open for the shortest practical
time to avoid creating a hazard to the public and to minimize the likelihood of collapse of the
trench due to other construction activity, rain, accumulation of water in the trench, etc.
7.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the cable must be placed in the
trench as soon after the trenching operation as feasible. Wherever possible, cable must be payed
out from the reel mounted on a moving vehicle or trailer. The reel must be supported so that it
can turn easily without undue strain on the cable. The cable must be carefully placed in the
trench by hand. All cable placement will be done under constant supervision by the borrower or
the borrower’s representative who assure that no damage to the cable occurs.
7.2 The cable must be inspected carefully as it is removed from the reel in laying operations
to be certain that it is free from visible defects. The Owner shall decide upon corrective action
when defects are discovered.
7.3 Where more than one cable is to be placed in a trench, the spacings required by the
specifications must be observed. Care must be taken that any soil falling into the trench during
the laying of the first cable does not reduce the clearances of the last cable below that specified.
Should this occur, the excess soil must be removed carefully by hand or with equipment that will
not damage the installed cables.
7.4 Sufficient slack, and in no case less than 60.96 centimeters, must be left at all risers,
transformer pads, pedestals and terminal points so that movements of cable after backfilling will
not cause damaging strain on the cable or terminals. The cable trench must be mechanically
compacted at least 91.44 centimeters from all riser poles, pads, pedestals and terminal points.
7.5 The ends of all secondary cable terminated below ground must be long enough to reach at
least 30.48 centimeters above the top of the underground enclosure.
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
cable on the inside of the bend. Cable bends must not be made within 15.24 centimeters of a
cable terminal base.
9. CONDUIT: It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that all exposed ends of
conduit must be plugged during construction to prevent the entrance of foreign matter and
moisture into the conduit. Burrs or sharp projections which might injure the cable must be
removed. Riser shield or conduit must extend at least 45.72 centimeters below grade at all riser
poles. If full round conduit is used as a riser shield, an end bell must be installed on the lower
end to prevent damage to the cable.
11.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that cable splices must be of the pre-
molded rubber, heat-shrink, or cold-shrink type, of the correct voltage rating and must be
installed in accordance with the splice manufacturer's instructions. Splices that depend solely on
tape for a moisture barrier must not be used.
11.2 Not more than one splice may be permitted for each 609.6 meters of cable installed
unless authorized by the Owner. No bends may be permitted within 30.48 centimeters of the
ends of a splice. The cable or circuit numbers and the exact location of all splices must be noted
on the staking sheets (as built).
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
opened, the unenergized mating surfaces must be lubricated with silicone grease before the
fittings are reconnected.
14.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that a suitable inhibiting compound must
be used with all secondary and service connections.
14.2 All secondary cable connections located below grade or in secondary pedestals must be
made with pre-insulated secondary connector blocks. Diving bells with open terminals,
insulating boots or moisture barriers that depend solely on tape are not acceptable.
14.3 All transformer secondary phase terminal connections must be completely insulated. If
the secondary phase terminals are threaded studs, the connection must be made with a pre-
insulated secondary transformer connection block. If the transformer secondary phase terminals
are insulated cable leads, connection must be made with a pre-insulated secondary connector
block or with a secondary prefabricated splice when the transformer leads continue directly to
the service.
14.4 If a transformer is so large that it must have secondary spades, the spades must be taped
or otherwise insulated. Boots used for insulation must be taped so that they cannot be readily
slipped off.
14.6 The secondary connections and insulation must have accommodations for all future and
existing services as shown on the plans and specifications.
15. PEDESTALS: Where required, it is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that
pedestal stakes must be driven vertically into the bottom of the trench before cables are placed,
and shall be located as shown on the staking sheets. Pedestal posts and supporting stakes must be
in place before the cable is installed. All pedestals should be approximately at the same height
above finished grade.
17.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the first 15.24 centimeters of trench
backfill shall be free from rock, gravel or other material which might damage the cable jacket. In
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
lieu of cleaning the trench, the Contractor may, at the Contractor's option, place a 5.08
centimeters bed of clean sand or soil under the cable and 10.16 centimeters of clean soil above
the cable. Cleaned soil backfill when used shall contain no solid material larger than 2.54
centimeters. This soil layer must be carefully compacted so that the cable will not be damaged.
17.2 Backfilling must be completed in such a manner that voids will be minimized. Excess
soil must be piled on top and must be well tamped. All rock and debris must be removed from
the site, and any damage to the premises repaired immediately.
17.3 Pieces of scrap cable or other material remaining after installation must not be buried in
the trench as a means of disposal.
18. EQUIPMENT PADS: It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the site for
the pad shall be on undisturbed earth adjacent to but not over the trench. The site shall be cleared
of all debris and excavated to the specified depth. Gravel or sand may be added to the site and
thoroughly compacted. The pad shall be installed level at the specified elevation.
21. UTILITY SAFETY SIGNS: It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that utility
safety signs must be in accordance with ANSI Z535.2, Environmental and Facility Safety Signs,
and shall be applied in accordance with RUS drawings. Copies of the ANSI Z535.2 may be
obtained from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 1300 North 17th
Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
23.1 It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that all neutral conductors, grounding
electrodes, sacrificial anodes and groundable parts of equipment shall be interconnected. All
interconnections shall be made as shown on the construction drawings. A copper-clad or
galvanized steel ground rod with minimum length of 2.44 meters shall be installed at all
equipment locations as shown in the construction drawings and at all cable splices and taps.
25.2 The installation shall withstand for a minimum of 15 minutes a DC test potential as
Insulation Field DC
Thickness Acceptance
Rated Voltage Millimeters Test Voltage
15 kV 5.59 64.0 kV
25 kV 6.60 80.0 kV
25 kV 8.76 100.0 kV
The voltage may either be increased continuously or in steps to the maximum test value:
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
b. If applied in steps, the rate of increase of test voltage from one step to the next
should be approximately uniform. The duration at each step shall be long enough
for the absorption current to attain reasonable stabilization (l minute minimum).
Current and voltage readings should be taken at the end of each step duration.
The number of steps should be from five to eight.
25.3 Warning: A hazardous voltage may still exist on the cable after the above testing has
been completed. Therefore, before handling the cable, it is the responsibility of the borrower to
ensure that the conductor shall be grounded to permit any charge to drain to earth.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Attachment A
Transformer Assemblies:
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Secondary Assemblies:
Pad Assemblies:
Sectionalizing Assemblies:
Miscellaneous Accessories:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Regulator Assembly:
Metering Assemblies:
Miscellaneous Assemblies:
Sectionalizing Assembly:
Grounding Assemblies:
UM48-1 Grounding Assembly for Pad Mounted Single Phase Transformers and Enclosures
UM48-2 Grounding Assembly for Pad Mounted Multi Phase Transformers and Enclosures
UM48-3 Grounding Assembly for Underground Primary Cable
UM48-4 Grounding Assembly for Underground Primary Cable (with Test Station)
Version 1: March 2008 Part III: Worker Safety Rules
Guideline Drawings:
UX1 Open Delta Connection with Single Phase Pad Mount Transformers
UX2 Single Phase Pad Mounted Transformer Deferred Unit Pedestal Type
UX3 Single Phase Padmounted Transformer Deferred Unit Pad-Sleeve Type
UX4 Installation of Neutral Connection in Above Grade Pedestal
UX5 Sectionalizing Pedestal Grounding
UX7 Location Methods for Below Grade Enclosure
UX8 Temporary Primary or Secondary Cable Termination for Future Use
UX11 Connection of Terminator/Arrester to Overhead Line
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Attachment B
Construction Drawings
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections,
Accident Investigating and Reporting
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections,
Accident Investigating and Reporting
4(a) Introduction
Occupational injury and illness records have several distinct functions or uses. One use is to
provide information to employers whose employees are being injured or made ill by hazards in
their workplace. The information in NERC safety records makes employers more aware of the
kinds of injuries and illnesses occurring in the workplace and the hazards that cause or contribute
to them. When employers analyze and review the information in their records, they can identify
and correct hazardous workplace conditions on their own. Injury and illness records are also an
essential tool to help employers manage their company health and safety programs effectively.
Employees who have information about the occupational injuries and illnesses occurring in their
workplace are also better informed about the hazards they face. They are therefore more likely to
follow safe work practices and to report workplace hazards to their employers. When employees
are aware of workplace hazards and participate in the identification and control of those hazards,
the overall level of safety and health in the workplace improves.
This Part provides procedures and recommended protocols for documentation, reporting and
accident investigations.
Under-reporting of illness and injury may occur if employers aren't aware of the proper reporting
procedures, if they misdiagnose conditions, if they fail to inform workers' compensation boards
and insurance carriers when an illness/injury has occurred, if they make clerical errors in
tabulating records, if they deliberately falsify records, etc.
Failure to comply with the recordkeeping regulations can bring stiff fines – up to $10,000 or its
equivalent in Naira for a willful violation. What's more, intentional falsification of records is a
crime, grounds for a jail term.
4(b)(1) Illnesses
NERC requires employers to record any work-related illness that is "diagnosed or recognized." A
diagnosis is performed by a physician, registered nurse or someone with training and experience
to make a diagnosis. NERC requires employers to record "recognized" (not diagnosed) illnesses
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
because "employers, employees and others may be able to detect some illnesses such as skin
diseases or disorders without the benefit of specialized medical training." Recordable illnesses
• skin diseases;
• lung diseases and other respiratory conditions;
• poisoning;
• disorders due to physical agents (such as heat or noise); and
• disorders associated with repeated trauma (such as carpal tunnel syndrome and
These cases do not require any lost time or medical treatment to be reported, only to be
diagnosed or recognized.
4(b)(2) Injuries
An injury which involves any of the following must be recorded:
The distinction between an illness and an injury is not always obvious, but it is important,
because all illnesses must be recorded, but some injuries do not need to be recorded. Whether a
case is "an injury or an illness is determined by the nature of the original event or exposure
which caused the case, not by the resulting condition." Injuries are caused by "instantaneous
events." A condition that is caused by anything other than an instantaneous event must be
recorded as an illness. "For example, a loss of hearing resulting from an explosion (an
instantaneous event) is classified as an injury; the same condition resulting for exposure to
industrial noise over a long period of time" must be classified as an illness, which means that it
must be recorded even if it does not meet any of the criteria for a recordable injury.
4(b)(3) Deaths
Any death of an employee or former employee that occurs as a result of an injury or illness that
is recordable must also be recorded. If an employee has a recordable injury or illness and then is
terminated or retires, and then dies as a result of the recordable injury or illness, the death must
also be recorded.
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections,
Accident Investigating and Reporting
treated by a doctor or a nurse, but any injury that must be treated by a doctor or nurse or any
injury that requires follow-up medical treatment is not minor, and must be recorded.
1. Ask your employer in writing for the NERC Incident Reporting daily log, NOT JUST
THE SUMMARY, for the past ten years. The right to review and copy these records is
provided by the NERC standard. The log and summary of all recordable occupational
injuries and illnesses shall, upon request, be made available by the employer to any
employee, former employee, and to their representatives for examination and copying in
a reasonable manner and at reasonable times. The employee, former employee, and their
representatives shall have access to the log for any establishment in which the employee
is or has been employed.
2. Consult people knowledgeable about workers' compensation or insurance problems of the
membership, since they know names of individual members who have filed claims which
may not be recorded. The failure to list any cases known to the union is a tip-off that
something is wrong.
3. Find out what current criteria the employer uses to record occupational illness and injury.
This will also provide clues about how the employer interprets the NERC guidelines
when filling out the Incident Reporting log.
4. Obtain copies of employee exposure and medical records. Employers must provide this
information to union representatives, free of charge, within 15 working days. This
1. Each patient visiting the plant medical facility to report injuries or signs or symptoms of
illnesses will be asked whether their medical condition is caused or aggravated by work.
Responses will be recorded. Where the patient states that an injury or illness is work
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
related, and that case otherwise meets the criteria for recording, that case will be entered
on the log pending final determination of causality.
2. Injuries and illnesses for which workers' compensation claims are filed will be entered on
the Daily Injury and Illness Log pending final determination. A list of claims paid
voluntarily or by decisions will be maintained. This list will be available for examination
and copying by the union.
3. Sickness and accident claims for which occupational causation is claimed and which
come to the attention of plant medical or safety departments will be investigated for
occupational causation. Those instances which meet the recording criteria specified in the
guidelines will be entered on the injury and illness log.
4. Instances where employees are granted medical restrictions or job transfers as a result of
injuries or illnesses claimed to be of occupational origin will be entered on the log
pending final determination. A list of such restrictions and transfers will be maintained.
This list will be available to the union.
5. Where a case is removed from the log as a result of investigation, the reasons will be
documented and the record of the investigation maintained. In general, investigations of
illnesses will require on-site participation of medical personnel. The record of these
investigations will be available to the union.
6. All personnel responsible for investigation of injury and illness reports and the
maintenance of injury and illness records will be instructed by NERC. Special attention
should be paid to diagnosis and recording criteria for repeated trauma disorders, strains
and sprains, back injuries, and traumatic events.
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections, Accident Investigating and Reporting
You must record information about every work-related injury or illness that involves loss of
consciousness, restricted work activity or job transfer, days away from work, or medical treatment
beyond first aid. You must also record significant work-relate Establishment name
City State
illness (e.g. parts of Days On job Away from
Death Remained at work
All other
(mo./day) Loading body away from transfer or work
dock north affected, Job Other restriction (days)
end) and transfer or recordable (days)
object/sub (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Page totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Be sure to transfer these totals to the Summary page before you post it.
Page 1 of 1
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Using the Log, count the individual entries you made for each category. Establishment information
Then write the totals below, making sure you've added the entries from
Number of Cases
Brief Description of Facility __________________________________________________________
Total number of Total Total number of Total _________________________________________________________________________________
deaths number of cases with job number of _________________________________________________________________________________
cases with transfer or other
days away restriction recordable
from work cases
0 0 0 0
(G) (H) (I) (J)
Employment information
Number of Days
Total number
of… Knowingly falsifying this document may result in a fine.
(1) Injury (4) Poisoning
0 0
(2) Skin (5) All other
Disorder illnesses
0 0
(3) Respiratory
Condition I certify that I have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge the entries
0 are true, accurate, and complete.
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections, Accident Investigating and Reporting
Within 7 calendar days after you receive 4) Date hired 14) What was the employee doing just before the incident occurred? Describe the
information that a recordable work-related injury or activity, as well as the tools, equipment or material the employee was using.
illness has occurred, you must fill out this form or an 5) Male
What happened? Tell us how the injury occurred. Example: "When ladder slipped on wet
15) floor, worker fell 20 feet";
6) Name of physician or other health care professional
If you need additional copies of this form, you may 7) If treatment was given away from the worksite, where was it given?
photocopy and use as many as you need.
Facility 16) What was the injury or illness? Tell us the part of the body that was affected and how it
was affected; be more specific than "hurt", "pain", or "sore." Examples: "strained back";
Street "chemical burn, hand"; "carpal tunnel syndrome."
City State
No 18) If the employee died, when did death occur? Date of death
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Accident Investigation Training for Supervisors and Safety Teams (2 hours) – Defines an
"accident" in the workplace and explains why they should be investigated. Covers the
rules of accident investigation and how to illicit information from victims and witnesses.
Training should also cover the importance of investigating "near miss" incidents.
Recommended for supervisors and safety committees.
• Back Injury Prevention (1 1/2 hours) – This session should cover statistics and causes of
back pain and injury in the workplace. It also should discuss contributing factors such as
medical conditions, lifestyle, posture and body mechanics. It should emphasize
employee and employer responsibilities to help prevent back injuries in the workplace.
• Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness Training (1 hour awareness, 2 hour in-depth) – Such a
course will inform employees of the hazards due to occupational exposure to bloodborne
pathogens (Contained in blood and other potentially infectious materials). Participants
should be informed of the employer's Exposure Control Plan and its contents. Simple
awareness training is usually adequate for non-medical personnel.
• Confined Space Entry Training (1 hour unless performing rescue) – The course should
explain what confined spaces are and NERC's requirements for working in and around
these spaces. This training can be performed according to the employer's Confined Space
Entry Program and can also include a simulated rescue utilizing the employer's rescue
• General Safety Awareness Training (1 1/2 hours) – This session should touch on all of
NERC's requirements regarding employer responsibilities for worker safety. It is
recommended that the session include information on NERC's General Duty Clause,
Hazard Communication, Fire Extinguishers in the Workplace, First Aid and Bloodborne
Pathogens, Lock Out, Tag Out, Personal Protective Equipment, Employer Safety
Programs, Confined Space Entry, Hearing Conservation Programs, Lift Truck
Requirements, Respiratory Protection, NERC Citation Trends, and Common Shop
• Hearing Conservation Training (1 hour) – This session should cover NERC's
requirements for employers who have employees exposed to noise in the workplace. It
should examine time-weighted-averages and decibel level exposures. It should also
cover the employers’ responsibility for having a written Hearing Conservation Program
and the components required in it. It should also discuss requirements for annual
audiometric testing and follow-up, training, access to information and recordkeeping for
employees included in the program.
• Heat Stress in the Workplace (1/2 to 1 hour) – This session should cover risk factors
(human and environmental) associated with heat stress injuries/illnesses. It should define
signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses including heat rash, heat cramps, heat
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections, Accident
Investigating and Reporting
syncope, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It should also cover first aid procedures related
to each as well as engineering and work practice controls to avoid heat stress.
• Ladder Safety (1/2 hour) – It is recommended that a basic session detailing NERC
requirements for ladders and proper usage in the workplace including proper selection,
inspection, set-up and use be implemented.
• Lock Out, Tag Out (1 hour awareness, 2 to 3 hour in-depth) – This session should inform
employees of NERC’s requirements. This course should cover the proper measures for
preventing the release or escape of hazardous energy (electrical, mechanical, thermal and
other potential sources). Elements of this program should discuss required documented
energy control procedures (written plans), employee training requirements and periodic
inspections of the use of these procedures. Awareness training should be done on
employees working on or around equipment that has been locked out and in-depth
training should be done for those employees who actually perform the lock-out function.
• Office Safety (1/2 to 1 hour) – Office personnel are not immune to workplace injuries.
This session should detail workplace hazards in an office setting including chairs and
desks, stacking and storage, stairs, filing cabinets, office machines, slips trips and falls,
proper office layout, lighting, housekeeping, ergonomics, material handling,
electrical/heat-generating appliances, chemical safety and lock-out, tag-out.
• NERC Log Training (Recordkeeping Requirements - 2 to 3 hours) – This session should
cover requirements of NERC’s Records keeping Standard (Part 4) including how to fill
out the NERC Incident Reporting forms. Such a program will help those required to keep
these forms to know what constitutes a NERC recordable injury and/or illness and the
importance of not over or under-recording.
• Safety Committees (2 hours) – This program should detail how to put together an
effective safety committee, how an effective committee operates and the purpose they
exist. It should cover proper make-up of a committee and discuss why safety committees
sometimes fail to meet their objectives. Good, practical advice on how to have a
successful and productive safety committee should be offered.
• Safety Training for Supervisors and Managers (1 to 2 hours) – This session should
approach safety in the workplace from the manager or supervisor's standpoint. This
program will help those in authority prioritize safe work practices and convey the
importance of safety to their employees.
The employer may find the need to develop other programs. Not all programs should be
mandatory – rather those which address site-specific hazards, job functions and working
conditions. In addition to the recommended programs above, facilities should consider
developing written safety programs for some or all of the topics listed below and then
familiarizing workers with them in safety meetings and training sessions:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections, Accident
Investigating and Reporting
4(d)(2) Recordkeeping
Employers should maintain records of employee training for all employees for the life of
employment and up to five years beyond retirement or termination. The records shall include
name of employee, name of training session, dates of training, and number of contact hours.
The records should be made available to NERC inspectors upon request. Maintaining accurate
records will protect both employees and employers from liabilities and will help to identify areas
where safer working environments can be created.
It is recommended that each organization adopt the use of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to
keep track of overall training records for employees. The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is an
internationally recognized method of quantifying the time spent in the classroom during
professional development and training activities. Ten hours of instruction = 1.0 CEU. One hour
of instruction = 0.1 CEU.
OHSAS 18001 was created via a concerted effort from a number of the worlds leading national
standards bodies, certification bodies, and specialist consultancies. OHSAS helps in a variety of
respects. It helps: minimize risk to employees/etc; improve an existing OH&S (Occupational
Health and Safety) management system; demonstrate diligence; gain assurance; etc. Central to
OHSAS requirements are strong policies and procedures.
Occupational Health & Safety is a subject that must be addressed by all organizations large and
small. The organization's management system should identify all legislative requirements,
identify the hazards and control the risks of the organization.
Progressive businesses will aim to go beyond compulsory measures and promote continuous
improvement on health and safety matters.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Managing the health and safety of an organization can be approached using a structured
management system and it can be integrated into current systems, to reduce the burden of
Time spent on improving an organization's health and safety could provide a financial return in
terms of:
For many years, there has been demand for a certification scheme for occupational health and
safety, which intensified with the publication of BS 8800 in 1996. However, while BS 8800
offers guidance on implementing an occupational health & safety management system, it is not
and never was intended for certification purposes. The pressure was for a certification scheme
that could offer independent verification that an organization has taken all reasonable measures
to minimize risks and prevent accidents.
The situation prompted many certification bodies to develop their own specifications based on
BS 8800. The inevitable irregularities between the specifications made this an undesirable way
forward. In response, a committee was formed in November 1998 chaired by the British
Standards Institution, and consisted of the major certification bodies and other national standard
organizations known to be active in health and safety, with the goal of creating a single
specification. This resulted in the occupational health and safety assessment series OHSAS
18001, which unified the existing schemes. Guidance to this specification can be found in
OHSAS 18002.
• General requirements
• OH&S policy
• Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls
• Legal and other requirements
• Objectives and programs
Version 1: March 2008 Part IV: Recordkeeping, Training and Inspections, Accident
Investigating and Reporting
The certification process is similar to that of ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. Once the Certification
Body receives a completed application form, a Stage One assessment is undertaken on site, to
determine the state of the policy, procedures and work instructions. If the readiness is
satisfactory, then a date is set for the Stage Two assessment, which will assess the level of
implementation. Once satisfactory, a certificate is issued. Annual surveillance ensures continued
conformance. Information on the certification process can be obtained from the Internet.
There are currently no costs published for certification; however it is anticipated that initially
costs are high. As in the case of ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Series) companies may
initially opt to sidestep certification and formally adopt the principles of OHSAS 18001. Many
companies opt to formally adopt the management system and establish their own system
following the OHSAS structure. Analogously, this approach has worked well in the
environmental sector as there are many more companies throughout the world that have self
declared ISO 14001 programs than certified programs.
4(f) Bibliography
International Standards Organization, ISO 9001.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series, OHSAS 18001.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series, OHSAS 18002.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 300 Log records.
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
In order to reduce accidents it is important to both identify and prevent accidents at the start, but
also to immediately report incidents and to learn from them.
There are no reliable accident statistics in Nigeria, and hence other countries are used by way of
examples. According to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), the average
cost per worker compensation claim in 1996 and 1997 was $10,105 (the latest data available).
Motor vehicle accidents were the most costly cause of injury, with an average cost per claim of
$19,764. The most costly injuries were amputation, carpal tunnel syndrome, and fractures.
Men are more likely to be hurt on the job than women, filing two thirds of "lost time" claims.
Men are also more susceptible to traumatic and permanent injuries. Women, by contrast, are
more likely to file mental stress and cumulative-injury claims.
Fueled by statistics like these, on-site safety training or safety-management sessions with
managers and employees should be viewed as critical. Companies might promote this as a bonus
policy feature, and if you're a small company with few safety-management resources, this can be
a huge help in reducing injuries and increasing efficiency. From a practical standpoint,
companies may view this as loss-control services. If you're a smaller employer, chances are you
don't maintain an internal risk management department. There are, however, many independent
risk managers and safety consultants who can work with you to implement safety policies —
good accident-reporting practices, safety training for employees, and meeting NERC
requirements for your industry can help you keep loss time down by having the right procedures
(and the right safety record) in place.
Safety should not be something you talk about once a month. Safety should be in everything you
do. Employers need to establish a safety culture – practices and policies that can reduce workers
injuries from a humanitarian and a financial standpoint. First and foremost in safety
management, is a safety committee, a group of managers and workers that discuss aspects of the
workplace and what can be done to improve upon safety and health conditions.
The safety committee should be weighted to the side of the workers. They're involved in the day-
to-day processes, and can bring ideas to the table on how to make them safer. Involving
employees in that kind of forum is extremely important, because they see themselves as being
involved in the process and can take that perspective back to the rest of the employees.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
ones with the potential to cause real harm. In many instances, straightforward measures can
readily control risks, for example ensuring spillages are cleaned up promptly so people do not
slip, or cupboard drawers are kept closed to ensure people do not trip. For most, that means
simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure your most valuable asset - your workforce - is
A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to
people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more
to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure
to take reasonable control measures.
Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost, machinery is
damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess
the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks.
To assess the risks in your workplace follow the five steps below:
• Walk around your workplace and look at what could reasonably be expected to cause
• Ask your employees or their representatives what they think. They may have noticed
things that are not immediately obvious to you.
• If you are a member of a trade association, contact them. Many produce very helpful
• Check manufacturers’ instructions or data sheets for chemicals and equipment as they can
be very helpful in spelling out the hazards and putting them in their true perspective.
• Have a look back at your accident and ill-health records – these often help to identify the
less obvious hazards.
• Remember to think about long-term hazards to health (e.g., high levels of noise or
exposure to harmful substances) as well as safety hazards.
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
• some workers have particular requirements, e.g. new and young workers, new or
expectant mothers and people with disabilities may be at particular risk. Extra thought
will be needed for some hazards;
• cleaners, visitors, contractors, maintenance workers etc, who may not be in the workplace
all the time;
• members of the public, if they could be hurt by your activities;
• if you share your workplace, you will need to think about how your work affects others
present, as well as how their work affects your staff – talk to them; and
• ask your staff if they can think of anyone you may have missed.
In each case, identify how they might be harmed, i.e. what type of injury or ill health might
occur. For example, ‘shelf stackers may suffer back injury from repeated lifting of boxes.’
Initially, look at what you’re already doing, think about what controls you have in place and how
the work is organized. Then compare this with the good practice and see if there’s more you
should be doing to bring yourself up to standard. In asking yourself this, consider:
When controlling risks, apply the principles below, if possible in the following order:
• try a less risky option (e.g., switch to using a less hazardous chemical);
• prevent access to the hazard (e.g., by guarding);
• organize work to reduce exposure to the hazard (e.g., put barriers between pedestrians
and traffic);
• issue personal protective equipment (e.g., clothing, footwear, goggles etc); and then
• provide welfare facilities (e.g., first aid and washing facilities for removal of
Improving health and safety need not cost a lot. For instance, placing a mirror on a dangerous
blind corner to help prevent vehicular accidents is a low-cost precaution considering the risks.
Failure to take simple precautions can cost you a lot more if an accident does happen.
Involve staff, so that you can be sure that what you propose to do will work in practice and won’t
introduce any new hazards.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Writing down the results of your risk assessment, and sharing them with your staff, encourages
you to do this. If you have fewer than five employees you do not have to write anything down,
though it is useful so that you can review it at a later date if, for example, something changes.
When writing down your results, keep it simple, for example ‘Tripping over rubbish: bins
provided, staff instructed, weekly housekeeping checks’, or ‘Fume from welding: local exhaust
ventilation used and regularly checked.’
We do not expect a risk assessment to be perfect – but it must be suitable and sufficient. You
need to be able to show that:
If, like many businesses, you find that there are quite a lot of improvements that you could make,
big and small, don’t try to do everything at once. Make a plan of action to deal with the most
important things first. Health and safety inspectors acknowledge the efforts of businesses that are
clearly trying to make improvements.
A good plan of action often includes a mixture of different things such as:
• a few cheap or easy improvements that can be done quickly, perhaps as a temporary
solution until more reliable controls are in place;
• long-term solutions to those risks most likely to cause accidents or ill health;
• long-term solutions to those risks with the worst potential consequences;
• arrangements for training employees on the main risks that remain and how they are to be
• regular checks to make sure that the control measures stay in place; and
• clear responsibilities – who will lead on what action, and by when.
Remember, prioritize and tackle the most important things first. As you complete each action,
tick it off your plan.
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
doing on an ongoing basis. Every year or so, formally review where you are to make sure you are
still improving, or at least not sliding back.
Look at your risk assessment again. Have there been any changes? Are there improvements you
still need to make? Have your workers spotted a problem? Have you learned anything from
accidents or near misses? Make sure your risk assessment stays up to date.
When you are running a business, it’s all too easy to forget about reviewing your risk assessment
– until something has gone wrong and it’s too late. Why not set a review date for this risk
assessment now? Write it down and note it in your diary as an annual event.
During the year, if there is a significant change, don’t wait: check your risk assessment and
where necessary, amend it. If possible, it is best to think about the risk assessment when you’re
planning your change – that way you give yourself more flexibility.
Don’t overcomplicate the process. In many organizations, the risks are well known and the
necessary control measures are easy to apply. You probably already know whether, for example,
you have employees who move heavy loads and could harm their backs, or where people are
most likely to slip or trip. If so, check that you have taken reasonable precautions to avoid injury.
If you run a small organization and you are confident you understand what’s involved, you can
do the assessment yourself. You don’t have to be a health and safety expert.
If you work in a larger organization, you could ask a health and safety advisor to help you. If you
are not confident, get help from someone who is competent. In all cases, you should make sure
that you involve your staff or their representatives in the process. They will have useful
information about how the work is done that will make your assessment of the risk more
thorough and effective. But remember, you are responsible for seeing that the assessment is
carried out properly.
• a hazard is anything that may cause harm, such as chemicals, electricity, working from
ladders, an open drawer etc; and
• the risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by these and other
hazards, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
1. What if the work I do varies a lot, or I (or my employees) move from one site to another?
a. Identify the hazards you can reasonably expect and assess the risks from them. This
general assessment should stand you in good stead for the majority of your work.
Where you do take on work or a new site that is different, cover any new or different
hazards with a specific assessment. You do not have to start from scratch each time.
2. What if I share a workplace?
a. Tell the other employers and self-employed people there about any risks your work
could cause them, and what precautions you are taking. Also, think about the risks to
your own workforce from those who share your workplace.
3. Do my employees have responsibilities?
a. Yes. Employees have legal responsibilities to co-operate with their employer’s efforts
to improve health and safety (eg they must wear protective equipment when it is
provided), and to look out for each other.
4. What if one of my employee’s circumstances change?
a. You’ll need to look again at the risk assessment. You are required to carry out a
specific risk assessment for new or expectant mothers, as some tasks (heavy lifting or
work with chemicals for example) may not be appropriate. If an employee develops a
disability then you are required to make reasonable adjustments. People returning to
work following major surgery may also have particular requirements. If you put your
mind to it, you can almost always find a way forward that works for you and your
5. What if I have already assessed some of the risks?
a. If, for example, you use hazardous chemicals and you have already assessed the risks
to health and the precautions you can consider them ‘checked’ and move on.
1. Each risk assessment should first analyze the two elements of risk: severity of the hazard
and likelihood of occurrence. Risk assessment is then performed by comparing the
combined effect of their characteristics to acceptable criteria as determined in the plan.
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
The Safety Risk Management Committee provides a communication and support team to
supplement the overall risk analysis capability and efficiency of key managers. The Committee
supports safety risk management activities. It provides advice and guidance, upon request from
responsible program offices, to help them fulfill their authority and responsibility to incorporate
safety risk management as a decision-making tool. It serves as an internal vehicle for risk
management process communication, for coordination of risk analysis methods, and for use of
common practices where appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to:
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Crisis management requires your investment of time and common sense, rather than a large
budget. You do what you can, as you can, keeping the final goal of preserving your vital mission
at the forefront. Consider your organization as a physician considers a patient. Check your
nonprofit's vital signs — the ones that enable your organization to fulfill its mission by meeting
critical community and citizen/customer/client needs — to establish a baseline for future
diagnosis. When you detect an aberration, determine the source, identify treatment methods,
apply the methods and evaluate the results. Regular checkups should be scheduled to monitor the
organization's vital signs (e.g., funding stream, cash flow, employee and volunteer turnover rates,
past incidents, and losses and lawsuits). This process will make a critical difference in your
organization's future health.
If your organization is healthy, determine what you can do to keep it that way for a long term.
However, if you find weaknesses, you'll need to assess the symptoms, make a diagnosis and
begin a treatment plan to cure its ailments so that it can thrive or, at the very least, ease the
symptoms to enable it to survive. Weaknesses might exist in financial management, human
resources, fund raising or volunteer management. The symptoms could manifest as uneven cash
flow; a sharp increase in formal grievances; a complaint from a major constituency, investor or
donor; or a steep reduction in volunteer hours. The financial treatment plan could involve
purposefully delaying the launch of a new program to coincide with your funding cycle or
applying for a line of credit. The human resources treatment plan might be to revise the staff
handbook and re-train supervisors on your agency's policies and procedures. The volunteer
management plan might involve identifying ways to involve volunteers more deeply in projects
that are vital to the realization of your mission, or providing a wider range of opportunities for
your volunteer work force.
If possible, you'll want to make gradual changes, starting with the ones that will bring your
organization the most benefits. You don't want the treatment to cause more damage than the
disease. Instead of forcing a mountain of new policies and procedures on a staff accustomed to
an informal work environment, which could send key staff running for the want ads, begin by
looking at what works and what's missing.
As a leader who wants a healthier entity, company or nonprofit, visualize what the organization
would look like if it were strong and fortified to survive crises. Then divide and conquer the
tasks required to reach your goal. How much less stressful this will be on you and your staff —
and more do-able than thinking: OK, today I'm writing a crisis management plan and putting
safety initiatives into practice and — and — and — or the place will fall apart tomorrow. The
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
critical difference between success and failure is how you approach crisis management. Ease into
making your organization healthier and more likely to avoid a preventable crisis and survive the
one fated to occur, or you and your staff risk burnout without completing the job.
Another strategy for getting "buy-in" from personnel is to involve a diverse group of people in
your crisis planning activities. If there are nay-sayers in your agency, why not get them involved
in the process of identifying the crisis risks you want to focus on and determining the strategies
you'll use to address these risks? If they are part of the problem-solving process, you can turn
them into ambassadors for the strategies developed by the group, even when these strategies
include new policies and procedures.
First, create a comprehensive directory of the organization's staff, board and key volunteers.
Include home addresses, phone/fax/wireless/beeper numbers, as well as emergency contact
information. Distribute the list to employees and keep copies off site, as well as in your offices.
Update and redistribute the directory annually (perhaps the first business day in January or the
first day of your fiscal year) or more often if you have a high turnover rate.
Next, maintain a backup of your computer file server, key databases, and financial files. Update
the backup weekly (at least) and store a copy off site or on site in a fireproof safe.
Then, conduct an inventory of your nonprofit's assets. Include equipment, furniture, databases,
records and anything else you need to fulfill your mission. Your inventory should include brand
names, model numbers, location, purchase price and other key details necessary for insurance
claims and replacement. Store a copy of the inventory on site (preferably in a fireproof safe) and
off site.
Finally, identify an attorney licensed in your state who you can call upon from time to time for
advice and assistance. (If your nonprofit can't afford to pay a monthly retainer or an hourly rate,
consider soliciting bids from prominent law firms, emphasizing the charitable work of your
agency. Don't be surprised if you receive proposals offering pro bono or dramatically discounted
legal services).
For many small organizations it makes sense to convene one group to develop a crisis
management plan for the organization and a second group that will serve as the nonprofit's "crisis
response team." The crisis-planning group should be diverse and include people in the
organization who fully understand the risks your operation faces. For example, if you own a
building, including the person responsible for maintenance on your crisis planning team can help
ensure that building-related hazards that could cause a crisis will be identified and addressed.
Including the director of volunteers might enable the team to spot a volunteer-related hazard
looming on the horizon.
A crisis response team is the group of people who coordinate your nonprofit's reaction and
response to a crisis. The composition of an organization's crisis response team will vary based on
a wide range of factors, including: the size of the organization, the nature of the products or
services provided, the likely sources of crisis in the organization, and the organization's prior
experience responding to a crisis. For example, in an organization with more than 50 staff, the
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
crisis response team may include a handful of key department heads plus the CEO. In an
organization with fewer than 10 paid staff, the crisis response team may include one or more
board members, a couple of staff and outside professional advisors.
The composition of a crisis response team will vary with respect to the products and services that
you offer. A team at an environmental advocacy group will differ from the team that responds to
a crisis at a daycare center. In the former, the team may include an experienced lobbyist and an
environmental scientist. In the latter, the team may include the organization's retained counsel, an
expert on child-abuse prevention or playground safety, and parents of enrolled children.
The likely sources/causes of crisis in the organization should also be considered in forming a
crisis response team. Is the organization more likely to face a crisis stemming from allegations of
client/staff mistreatment or a crisis caused by inadequate financial resources? The ranking of
crisis risks will suggest areas of expertise and training that may be required during a crisis and
individuals with special talents or expertise may be identified as necessary members of the crisis
response team. If your public entity, company or nonprofit has successfully weathered a crisis in
the past, you'll want to include the people who were effective in addressing that situation on your
crisis response team.
A vulnerability assessment has many things in common with a risk assessment. Assessments are
typically performed according to the following steps:
Classical risk analysis is principally concerned with investigating the risks surrounding physical
plant (or some other object), its design, and operations. Such analyses tend to focus on causes
and the direct consequences for the studied object. Vulnerability analyses, in contrast, focuses
both on consequences for the object itself and on primary and secondary consequences for the
surrounding environment. It also concerns itself with the possibilities of reducing such
consequences and of improving the capacity to manage future incidents. In general, a
vulnerability analysis serves to categorize key assets and drive the risk management process.
Energy utilities should routinely perform vulnerability assessments to better understand threats
and vulnerabilities, determine acceptable levels of risk, and stimulate action to mitigate identified
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
vulnerabilities. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the direct benefits of performing a
vulnerability assessment include:
• Build and broaden awareness. The assessment process directs senior management’s
attention to security. Security issues, risks, vulnerabilities, mitigation options, and best
practices are brought to the surface. Awareness is one of the least expensive and most
effective methods for improving the organization’s overall security posture.
• Establish or evaluate against a baseline. If a baseline has been previously established,
an assessment is an opportunity for a checkup to gauge the improvement or deterioration
of an organization’s security posture. If no previous baseline has been performed (or the
work was not uniform or comprehensive), an assessment is an opportunity to integrate
and unify previous efforts, define common metrics, and establish a definitive baseline.
The baseline also can be compared against best practices to provide perspective on an
organization’s security posture.
• Identify vulnerabilities and develop responses. Generating lists of vulnerabilities and
potential responses is usually a core activity and outcome of an assessment. Sometimes,
due to budget, time, complexity, and risk considerations, the response selected for many
of the vulnerabilities may be non-action, but after completing the assessment process,
these decisions will be conscious ones, with a documented decision process and item-by-
item rationale available for revisiting issues at scheduled intervals. This information can
help drive or motivate the development of a risk management process.
• Categorize key assets and drive the risk management process. An assessment can be a
vehicle for reaching corporate-wide consensus on a hierarchy of key assets. This ranking,
combined with threat, vulnerability, and risk analysis, is at the heart of any risk
management process. For many organizations, the Y2K threat was the first time a
company-wide inventory and ranking of key assets was attempted. An assessment allows
an organization to revisit that list from a broader and more comprehensive perspective.
• Develop and build internal skills and expertise. A security assessment, when not
implemented in an “audit” mode, can serve as an excellent opportunity to build security
skills and expertise within an organization. A well-structured assessment can have
elements that serve as a forum for cross-cutting groups to come together and share issues,
experiences, and expertise. External assessors can be instructed to emphasize “teaching
and collaborating” rather than “evaluating” (the traditional role). Whatever an
organization’s current level of sophistication, a long-term goal should be to move that
organization towards a capability for self-assessment.
• Promote action. Although disparate security efforts may be underway in an
organization, an assessment can crystallize and focus management attention and
resources on solving specific and systemic security problems. Often, the people in the
trenches are well aware of security issues (and even potential solutions) but are unable to
convert their awareness to action. An assessment provides an outlet for their concerns and
the potential to surface these issues at appropriate levels (legal, financial, executive) and
achieve action. A well-designed and executed assessment not only identifies
vulnerabilities and makes recommendations, it also gains executive buy-in, identifies key
players, and establishes a set of cross-cutting groups that can convert those
recommendations into action.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
• Kick off an ongoing security effort. An assessment can be used as a catalyst to involve
people throughout the organization in security issues, build cross-cutting teams, establish
permanent forums and councils, and harness the momentum generated by the assessment
to build an ongoing institutional security effort. The assessment can lead to the creation
of either an actual or a virtual (matrixed) security organization.
1. Network architecture;
2. Threat environment;
3. Penetration testing;
4. Physical security;
5. Physical asset analysis;
6. Operations security;
7. Policies and procedures;
8. Impact analysis;
9. Infrastructure interdependencies; and
10. Risk characterization.
5(c)(1)Network Architecture
This element provides an analysis of the information assurance features of the information
network(s) associated with the organization’s critical information systems. Information examined
should include network topology and connectivity (including subnets), principal information
assets, interface and communication protocols, function and linkage of major software and
hardware components (especially those associated with information security such as intrusion
detectors), and policies and procedures that govern security features of the network. Procedures
for information assurance in the system, including authentication of access and management of
access authorization, should be reviewed. The assessment should identify any obvious concerns
related to architectural vulnerabilities, as well as operating procedures.
Existing security plans should be evaluated, and the results of any prior testing should be
analyzed. Results from the network architecture assessment should include potential
recommendations for changes in the information architecture, functional areas and categories
where testing is needed, and suggestions regarding system design that would enable more
effective information and information system protection.
1. Analysis of network and system documentation during and after the site visit;
2. Interviews with facility staff, managers, and Chief Information Officer; and
3. Tours and physical inspections of key facilities.
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
understanding of threats provides a basis for better defining the level of investment needed to
prevent such access.
The threat of a terrorist attack to the electric power infrastructure is real and could come from
several areas, including physical, cyber, and interdependency. In addition, threats could come
from individuals or organizations motivated by financial gain or persons who derive pleasure
from such penetration (e.g., recreational hackers, disgruntled employees). Other possible sources
of threats are those who want to accomplish extremist goals (e.g., environmental terrorists,
antinuclear advocates) or embarrass one or more organizations.
This element should include a characterization of these and other threats, identification of trends
in these threats, and ways in which vulnerabilities are exploited. To the extent possible,
characterization of the threat environment should be localized, that is, within the organization’s
service area.
Penetration testing consists of an overall process for establishing the ground rules or ROE for the
test; establishing a white cell for continuous communication; developing a format or
methodology for the test; conducting the test; and generating a final report that details methods,
findings, and recommendations.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
Physical security systems include access controls, barriers, locks and keys, badges and passes,
intrusion detection devices and associated alarm reporting and display, closed-circuit television
(assessment and surveillance), communications equipment (telephone, two-way radio, intercom,
cellular), lighting (interior and exterior), power sources (line, battery, generator), inventory
control, postings (signs), security system wiring, and protective force. Physical security systems
are reviewed for design, installation, operation, maintenance, and testing.
The physical security assessment should focus on those sites directly related to the critical
facilities, including information systems and assets required for operation. Typically included are
facilities that house critical equipment or information assets or networks dedicated to the
operation of electric or gas transmission, storage, or delivery systems. Other facilities can be
included on the basis of criteria specified by the organization being assessed. Appropriate levels
of physical security are contingent upon the value of company assets, the potential threats to
these assets, and the cost associated with protecting the assets. Once the cost of
implementing/maintaining physical security programs is known, it can be compared to the value
of the company assets, thus providing the necessary information for risk management decisions.
The focus of the physical security assessment task is determined by prioritizing the company
assets; that is, the most critical assets receive the majority of the assessment activity
At the start of the assessment, survey personnel should develop a prioritized listing of company
assets. This list should be discussed with company personnel to identify areas
of security strengths and weaknesses. During these initial interviews, assessment areas that
would provide the most benefit to the company should be identified; once known, they should
become the major focus of the assessment activities.
The physical security assessment of each focus area usually consists of the following:
The key to reviewing the above topics is not to just identify if they exist, but to determine the
appropriate level that is necessary and consistent with the value of the asset being protected. The
physical security assessment worksheets provide guidance on appropriate levels of protection.
Once the focus and content of the assessment task have been identified, the approach to
conducting the assessment can be either at the “implementation level” or at the “organizational
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
level.” The approach taken depends on the maturity of the security program. For example, a
company with a solid security infrastructure (staffing, plans/procedures, funding) should receive
a cursory review of these items. However, facilities where the security programs are being
implemented should receive a detailed review. The security staff can act upon deficiencies found
at the facilities, once reported.
For companies with an insufficient security organization, the majority of time spent on the
assessment should take place at the organizational level to identify the appropriate staffing /
funding necessary to implement security programs to protect company assets. Research into
specific facility deficiencies should be limited to finding just enough examples to support any
staffing / funding recommendations.
Key output from analysis should be graphs that show trends. The historic data analysis should be
supplemented with on-site interviews and visits. Items to focus on during a site visit include the
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The objective of the policies and procedures assessment task is to develop a comprehensive
understanding of how a facility protects its critical assets through the development and
implementation of policies and procedures. Understanding and assessing this area provide a
means of identifying strengths and areas for improvements that can be achieved through:
The purpose of the impact analysis is to help estimate the impact that outages could have on a
utility. Outages in electric power, natural gas, and oil can have significant financial and external
Version 1: March 2008 Part V: Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
The purpose of the infrastructure interdependencies assessment is to examine and evaluate the
infrastructures (internal and external) that support critical facility functions, along with their
associated interdependencies and vulnerabilities.
5(c)(11) Post-Assessment
The post-assessment phase involves prioritizing assessment recommendations, developing an
action plan, capturing lessons learned and best practices, and conducting training. The risk
characterization element results provide the basis for the post-assessment by providing
prioritized lists of recommendations that are ranked by key criteria. The company should take the
prioritized lists and validate the recommendations and costs. Recommendations that are low cost
or result in cost savings should be singled out for special attention. Other recommendations,
however, might require formidable financial resources for implementation and require
knowledge of the current company financial situation and posture toward risk.
Each company should carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of each recommendation.
Recommendations compared in this section include making trade-offs in improvements in each
of the other element areas. For example, which physical security measures should be selected
versus changes in policies and procedures and network architecture? These are difficult decisions
to make and a risk management framework combined with a diverse group of company decision
makers should be a part of this decision making process.
Nigerian Electricity Health and Safety Standards Version 1: March 2008
The next step is to develop an action plan that includes timelines, staffing assignments, and
budgets to implement the proposed recommendations. Lessons learned should be captured along
the way to improve the overall process in the future. Training and other technical support
activities, such as workshops, are also appropriate throughout the process.