Workplace Hazard Inspection Program - Procedure

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Facilities Management Health and Safety

Workplace Hazard Inspection Program

Contact Officer Approval Date Approval Authority Date of Next Review Document Identification Rev # H & S Co-ordinator Facilities Management 01/05/09 Director - Facilities Management 01/05 /2012 PRC 805_003 1:09

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The Hazard Inspection programs' purpose is to identify and monitor potential or existing workplace specific hazards and implement timely corrective action, in all Facilities Management work areas on a regular basis.


Applies to all work groups and sections in Facilities Management, FM supervisory staff and WH & S committee representatives or other relevant staff required to participate in this process. The Workplace Hazard Inspection program is an important risk management tool. opportunity for all Facilities Management work areas to: o o o o o o identify health and safety hazards existing and potential assess the progress of implementation of existing University WH & S management policies and procedures; ensure WH & S responsibilities are shared and involve staff from all levels in practical risk management activities; facilitate a visual check of all workplaces so that supervisory staff can actually see real work situations and enable discussion and communication with staff on issues. represent a formal record of recommended corrective actions assist in complying with WH & S legislative requirements for risk management. It provides an


Definitions (as per AS/NZ 4360- Risk Management)

Hazard Risk Risk Assessment Control Monitor A source of potential harm The chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives (FMs goals & functions) The overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation. An existing process, policy, device, practice or other action that acts to minimise negative risk or enhance positive opportunities. To check, supervise, observe critically or measure the progress of an activity, action or system on a regular basis to identify change form performance level expected or required. Operations, Campus Services, Security, Bookshops, and Business Operations.

Work groups

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Facilities Management Health and Safety


The Inspection Program

4.1 o Establishing the program. Divide all FM work groups and their areas of responsibility into appropriate zones or work areas suitable in context for inspection eg: workshops, building floor, collection of rooms, storage areas, and other Facilities areas. Determine which FM staff or managers are responsible for ensuring the inspection program is implemented in each work group and their respective work zones. Each work group is to develop an annual plan / schedule so that each sectional work area or zone is subject to a minimum of at least two inspections per year, more regularly in higher risk areas. Annual schedule target is monitored by senior management through WH & S committee & PPR process. Inspections to be carried out in normal working hours, during typical working conditions.

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Inspection Checklist Pack

Available from FM server WH & S folder Inspection checklist pack includes customised sheets for : o o o All FM workplaces Core Safety checklist FM805_003A and either

Office Workstation / Administration workplaces FM805_003B or Workshops FM805_003C

Where appropriate, all 3 the above documents may be used together in one inspection.


Recording the inspection findings and outcomes

Record the results of inspections on 'Inspection check sheets' Describe any hazard/problem/(s) identified during Eg: pedestal grinder position in workshop inspection (details/ observations column) and the access way likely to send metal fragments impacts. projectiles to passer-by. Outline the preventative or corrective action that needs to be taken or which is proposed (Actions taken column). During inspections many minor health, safety and environmental issues can often resolved on the spot before serious events takes place. However this should still be written on the sheet to record that action has been taken.

If there are multiple serious hazards identified, the inspecting team should use the risk matrix to rate the most likely risk levels to prioritise the required actions.
Findings /outcomes must be discussed with the local area supervisor or team leader who is responsible for the activity or area.

The supervisors shall sign off the inspection and allocate responsibility for agreed actions. When the inspection is fully completed a copy of the inspection is forwarded to either the Campus Services WHSO or Operations Senior Technical Officer WH & S.

Dates for completion of action must be realistic and within control of the individual. Issues requiring senior management intervention or resourcing should be referred to the next level of management or the WH & S committee if appropriate and recorded . Attach evidence of completion of corrective action taken to date eg: Copy of BEIMS requests, emails, purchase orders etc.

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Team Inspection Process

o o Workplace hazard inspections should be carried out in consultation with the WH & S Representative or Committee member from that work area. The small inspection team is made up (ideally) of the supervisor or team leader of the area and the safety representative and/or a member of the WH&S Committee. Other technical staff may be asked to assist where appropriate. The frequency of the inspection can be determined by each FM work group or may be dependant upon the nature of hazards in a particular workplace. For example, as a minimum, it may be necessary to do an inspection of a workshop on a 3 monthly basis but an office environment may only need to be inspected twice a year. This does not relieve any staff from their legal duty to identify and report hazards at any other time. The inspection should be interactive with local work area staff, using the opportunity to provide information about safety initiatives and conversely gaining local knowledge of existing controls and their effectiveness. Any minor low risk findings or observations should be dealt with during the inspection if possible eg: moving electrical cords from access ways, minor storage issues. Record that action has been taken on the spot. Extreme or high risk hazards or situations demand immediate action eg: requesting an operator ceases an activity if imminent harm to other University staff or students is foreseeable. Record that action has been taken on the spot. Supervisors or project managers should be notified immediately to rectify the extreme situations. All actions taken must be noted on the inspection sheet minor or major. Significant remedial action or outcomes of the inspection shall be an item for discussion at the next WH&S Committee meeting. This enables FM workgroups to share the findings & local improvements and facilitates any changes required to the current FM overall hazard management strategies and priorities.

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Specific Responsibilities
FM Director/ Department or Section Manager o o o Monitor implementation of hazard inspection program Provide appropriate resourcing for hazard management where required. Review / evaluate effectiveness of corrective / preventative action taken

Work area manager, team leader or supervisor o o o Participate (where appropriate or scheduled) in inspection process. Ensure that corrective or preventative action is completed within the agreed time frame. Provide written confirmation of action being completed or signoff of completed inspection where no action required, before next inspection.

WH & S Committee o Monitor all FM work section inspection schedules and ensure completion of inspections as such.

WH & S Representative / Committee Member o o Initiate and ensure inspection process is completed as per work section schedule Provide appropriate input to inspection findings and actions taken or planned. Report on significant & important outcomes of inspections to WH & S committee .
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Facilities Management Health and Safety


Forms o o o Core Safety checklist FM805_003A and either

Office Workstation / Administration workplaces FM805_003B or Workshops FM805_003C

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