Weekdays: The Jazz Volcano (JV) Serves Up A Seismic Eruption
Weekdays: The Jazz Volcano (JV) Serves Up A Seismic Eruption
Weekdays: The Jazz Volcano (JV) Serves Up A Seismic Eruption
Weekdays Lounging at a seaside resort in prewar Japan explore the diaspora in Celtic music with
Breakfast of Champions | 8-10a | Becca, Ted,
or drinking secretly in 1970s Ethiopia, the Ceangal Ceilteach, Celtic Connection. Hear hip
Intercontinental is listening. On a dusty road- hop, rap, jazz, and more in Celtic languages. r
Becky, Keith and Jon | Heaping hot helping of
side in Peru or lost in the southern seas, the
deliciously sweet pop, served with a short stack Aural Fixation | 4-6p | Sue | The Aural Fixation
Intercontinental doesn’t speak the language,
of pretentiously introspective indie rock and a Libation: mix 1 part garage, 1 part psychedelia,
the perpetual sonic tourist, making you listen
side of crispy punk hits. All washed down with 1 part punk, a pinch of prog, a dash of drone.
to his slide show every week.
a unique blend of self-deprecation and joie de Shake with favorite ’60s unknowns, garnish
vivre, aged 25 years. s What’s Left | 8-10p | Linda | Interviews, pre- with feedback, and serve on the rock.
recorded talk, music of all genres, ideas for
Late Risers’ Club | 10a-12p | Chrissy Victims, Ben James Dean Death Car Experience | 6-8p | Lisa
action, miscellaneous culture and occasional
Kochan, Mark Francis/Tim Reardon, Joanie Lindstrom, Pop, psych, punk, and garage evoking distant
noise, all with a radical spirit. It’s what’s left.
Nick Wang | Bop ’til you drop, No matter what, memories of the flying hubcaps, shattered
You just can’t stop, Bop ‘til you drop. s Funky Fresh | 10-11p | DJ Slick | Spinning the taillights, and rapidly approaching highway
best funk, jazz-funk, and hip hop vinyl around, ditches. Somewhere in the haze, an AM radio
Lost & Found | 12-2p | Mark Francis, Eli Polonsky,
Brother Wayne, Christopher Vyce, Alex McNeil Funky Fresh will bridge the gap between the past drones with weekly cheese…
and the present. s, m
Rock, pop, and soul from the ’60s and early The Show Show | 8-10p | MaGoGo | Get up, Get
’70s, but not the same old songs you hear every Nooks & Crannies | 11p-12a | DJ Double A Down. MaGoGo and The Show Show start your
day on commercial radio. A little of this, a little of that, 100% awesome! night off right. New Wave to Post Punk, Planet
[classic rock & r&b] s Rock to Electro-Pop.
WMBR Nightly News | 5:30-6p | Free Speech
Radio News, a progressive national newscast Todo Mundo | 12-2a | Lone Wolf | Hi-energy The Choice Is Yourz | 10p-12a | DJ Jimizz
from the Pacifica Radio Network. dance music with special love for diverse, up- DJ Jimizz on deck for 120 minutes with The
and-coming sounds and local artists. Dancehall, Choice is Yourz. The Choices are: Original Hip
hip hop, r&b, house, reggaeton, and more. s, n Hop News, Old School Jam, New Releases,
Monday Homegrown Highlights and Hip Hop Jointz.
it.” And I said, “Well, that’s one thing we’ve sides, indie rock, and anything enjoyable. s interested in designing future guides, send an
email to [email protected]. Cover designed using
got.” Indie pop and more, with self-deprecating Anti Beta Blocker | 9-10p | DJ Xylo, Shamus, Wordle.net and illustrations by TotallyJamie at
music pseudo-snobbery. r Glenn Nameless | Your robot friends administer iStockphoto.com.
Pipeline! | 8-10p | Jeff Breeze, Mike Reed, up a much-needed injection of anti beta blockers.
John Hecker | this is how it is done. you make Electro/techno/beepy/bouncy music from around Management:
this music. if you live near enough, we play it. the globe. s
John Murphy ’10 William Kuhlman ’07
local. live. real. s Time Traveling | 10p-12a | Nomadik | Taking General Manager Technical Director
you on a musical journey through time with the Lisa Gassaway ’88 Seleeke Flingai ’11
Last Dance at the Death Disco | 10p-12a | Rik
sounds of hip hop funk soul and more. Occa- Comptroller Volunteer Work
History you can DANCE to! Featuring post-
sional discussion on a music/community topic. Josh Bails ’11 Coordinator
punk and underground classics from the ‘70s
Program Director Julia Goldrosen
on up: We’ll dance to anything. s, m darkBOT radio | 12-2a | electronic Max Rebecca World Music Director
Generoso’s Bovine Ska and Rocksteady Machines never forget – but sometimes they Nicodemus G Henry Holtzman SM ’91
12-2a | Generoso Fierro | Shake your head, one Shake forgive. s, m Station Manager TBC President
your hip, two I can do anything, sir I’m a rocksteady Extended Excursions | 2-4a | Grep | a longer
king, sir —Alton Ellis “The Message” and thicker electronic journey s, m Technology Allan Kent, ’63
Broadcasting John Kosian
Wednesday Saturday Henry Holtzman,
SM ’91
Ayida S. Mthembu
Rhythm & Raag | 6-8a | Zofeen Shujaatullah Larry Parmenter
The RootCellar | 6-7a | Richard Hughes | Acoustic President
Tune in for South Asian music (Indian and Paul Parravano
blues from the 1920’s to today. n Anne Slinn, SM ’91
Pakistani), local news concerning the com- Vice President Jed Wartman
munity, and shows and classes (happenings) Take It Slow | 7-8a | Arathi Ramachandran | A Shawn Mamros, ’89 Professor Joseph A.
in Massachussetts. I will take song requests soft, relaxing mixture of electronica, soft rock, Paradiso, PhD ’81
from callers. new age, and world music. s Professor Timothy F.
Todd Glickman, ’77
Gorilla Got Me | 2-4p | Sara J | Crazed sounds Lost Highway | 8-10a | Doug Gesler | Country Clerk
Professor Evan
created by the rejects, rebels, and assorted music for city folks who wish they had cowboy Philip J. Walsh Ziporyn
losers of rock ‘n’ roll! boots and love the smell on the range. Secretary John Murphy ’10
student representative
Green/In the Margin | 4-5:30p | Sue Schardt & Backwoods | 10a-12p | John Funke | The best in
Bob Roffi (hosts alternate weekly) | Sue, Bob, Sue, Bob, vintage rock ‘n’ roll, country and western, and
Sue, swap-o-rama, stretching your ears in classic rhythm ‘n’ blues. More songs about Cadillacs s = student show n = new
free-form style. and chickens. r = returning after m = moved show
one or more requests =
Subject to Change | 12-2p | Patrick N. Bryant seasons’ absence 617.253.8810
Still playing Pet Shop Boys after all these
years. And other mutant disco. Features
Somerville Speakout, actual complaints from
actual neighbors.
mb g
fm • c SUMMER
• w br
radio at mit
radio at m i t
Nonprofit Org
88.1 fm Cambridge
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3 Ames Street Boston MA
Cambridge, MA 02142
Permit no. 15474
the rootcellar
7a pontoon the land of 7a
french toast rhythm & raag compas sur fm
brahun y mas palace sand & birds take it slow
8a 8a
3a extended 3a
4a 4a
6a 6a
visit wmbr.org for live streaming and an archive of all our shows!