LAB 6: I IIR: Lastname: - 5digit SS

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Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________



_______________________________________________________________________________________________ In this lab, you will be introduced to the design of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. Filters are one of the most important elements in DSP and are typically used to isolate a specific frequency band of a signal. IIR filters are of particular interest because, with just a few coefficients, relatively sharp transition bands can be realized. In the pre-lab, you will use pencil-and-paper to compute the results you expect later in your design implementation. In the design part, you will design a first-order IIR filter and a third order system direct form filter. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Lab Objectives
After completing this lab you should be able to Design and simulate an first order IIR filter Determine magnitude, phase and pole zero diagram of IIR filters Design a 3. order elliptic low pass filters Compare IIR and FIR design parameter


Pre-lab (3 points)
1. For a first-order IIR filter with a transfer function H(z)=b/(1+az-1), determine a and b such that the filter is a halfband filter ( i.e., |H(=0)| = 1 and |H(=/2)| = 0.5 ).

Feedback gain a = Feedforward gain b =

___ ___

. .

Hint: The quadratic equation x2+px+q=0 has the solution x1,2=p/2+/-sqrt((p/2)2-q) )

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________


Figure 1.


Determine the transfer function for the system in Figure 1.

H(z) = Y(z)/X(z) =


Determine zero(s) and pole(s) of the system in terms of the coefficients U,V,R, and S.

Zero(s) at =

___ ___

Pole(s) at = ___ ___


Find the values of the coefficients (U, V, R, S) so that the transfer function H(z) from part 1 is realized. U= V= R= S=


Compare FIR and IIR filters regarding the following properties:

FIR filter Filter Length

IIR filter

Filter Linearity Coefficient design method Pole/zero locations Coefficient sensitivity to quantization

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________



Simulink Design-lab
Follow the directions below to implement a first and third-order IIR filter. A. Getting Started If you are in B114 or the digital logic lab: 1. 2. On the desktop, double-click on Engineering folder. Double click on the MatLab icon the Simulink icon 3. to start MatLab. From the to top icon list in the MatLab window click on

to start Simulink.

You should not save anything on the local hard disk. You will have to use your own Zip, floppy disk, USB flash drive, or your mapped home directory to save the files. Create a New Folder named DSPwFPGAs on your mapped network drive.

B. Compiling an Existing Design 1. Download the "iirorder1.mdl" and "showfft.m" files from the class webpage and put them in your DSPwFPGAs folder. Click on the Current Directory selection icon and select your DSPwFPGAs folder as the current directory.

2. 3.

The files in the DSPwFPGAs can now be easily accessed with the "open file" button on the MatLab toolbar. Double click on the "iirorder1.mdl" file and after a moment you should see the incomplete design:

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________


Figure 2: Incomplete First-Order IIR Filter.


Complete the design a. Change the design coefficients to those you computed in part 1 of the pre-lab. This can be done by double-clicking the CMult blocks and changing "Value of Constant." Also note that if your values are not accurate enough, you can increase the "Binary Point of Constant" by again double-clicking a specific block, checking "Show Constant Data Type Parameters," and then changing the number of bits used to define your constant. Complete your design by adding delay and adder/subtractor elements from the Xilinx Blockset library by following the instructions below: Click on the Library Browser icon and then double-click the Xilinx Blockset directory. Under the Math subdirectory, select the AddSub block drag it into your Simulink workspace. By default, AddSub is configured as an adder. To change it to a subtractor, simply double-click on the block in your workspace and change the mode to subtraction (see figure below).


Figure 3


Add delay elements to your design by selecting the Basic Elements subdirectory, selecting the Delay block, and dragging it into your Simulink workspace.

Other tricks: Rotate a block in your workspace by selecting it and pressing CTRL+R Flip a block by selecting it and pressing CTRL+I To quickly Connect blocks together, first select the "output" block (with your mouse), then hold CTRL and select the "input" block with your mouse.


At the MatLab prompt, use the predefined functions freqz() and zplane() to plot the frequency spectrum and pole/zero plot, respectively. First, you must define the numerator and denominator polynomial coefficients in vector form. Recall the transfer function you found in the pre-lab, of form H[z] = b[z]/a[z] = (b[0]+b[1]z-1+...) / (a[0]+a[1]z-1+...) Use your coefficient values to define the coefficient vectors. At the MatLab prompt, type following: the

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________


>> b=[ b[0], b[1], ...]; a=[ a[0], a[1], ...]; Now, call the functions to generate the desired plots: >> freqz(b,a) >> zplane(b,a) 6. Complete the following diagrams:

Figure 4: Fill-in Magnitude, Phase and Pole/Zero Plots for First-Order IIR Filter


Simulate the design with the two sine input signals. At the MatLab prompt use showfft(x) and showfft(y) to display the spectra. Determine the 2nd sine (i.e. noise) component amplitude before and after filtering: Before Filtering, H(2) = After Filtering H(2) = ___ ___

Note: Make sure the "showfft.m" file is in your current directory!

8. To Compile the design, double-click on the System Generator block and ensure that the path "./iir" exists in the "Target Directory" field. Also make sure that under "Part," you have selected the Spartan3 xc3s200-5ft256. To compile, click on generate. Find the new folder called "iir" that has been created in your DSPwFPGAs folder. Now, double-click "iirorder1_clk_wrapper.ise" to open in ISE. Right click on near the bottom of the processes window to compile. Next, determine the Total number 4-input LUTs by clicking on . Also, find the maximum frequency by looking at the Post Place and Route Static Timing Report, under Detailed Reports (at the bottom of the design summary). The number of required 18x18 Multipliers and Black RAM can be found in the MAP Report. Total number 4-input LUTs = ____________ 18x18 Multipliers = ___________ Block RAM = ___________ Max. Freq. = ___________

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________


C. Designing a 3rd Order Direct-Form Filter 1. Download "IIRorder3.mdl" and "setup_iir3.m" from the class webpage and put them in your DSPwFPGAs folder. Open "setup_iir.m" with a text editor. There, you will find the filter coefficients and calls to the predefined MatLab functions freqz() and zplane() for the spectrum and pole/zero plot, respectively. At the MatLab prompt, type "setup_iir3" and complete the following diagrams:


Figure 5: Fill-in Magnitude, Phase and Pole/Zero Plot for Third-Order IIR Filter


Complete the design: add the delay and adder elements and change the values of the gains according to those in the "setup_iir3.m" file and the instructions from part B.

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________


Figure 6: Third-Order IIR Filter


Set the manual switches such that the impulse signal is the IIR filter input. Simulate the design using the impulse input signal and complete the spectra using use showfft(x) and showfft(y):

Input spectrum

Output spectrum

Figure 7: Fill-in Third-Order IIR Impulse Response


Set the manual switches such that the sine signals are the IIR filter input. Simulate the design using the sine input signals and complete the spectra:

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________ Input spectrum


Output spectrum

Figure 8: Fill-in Third-Order IIR Response to Sine Waves


Use the function showfft(x) and showfft(y) provided to measure the amplitude of the noise sine component before and after filtering. Compare the results to the first order system. Before Filtering, H(2) = After Filtering H(2) = ________ _______


To Compile the design, double-click on the System Generator block and ensure that the path "./iir" exists in the "Target Directory" field. Also make sure that under "Part," you have selected the Spartan3 xc3s2005ft256. To compile, click on generate. Find the new folder called "iir" that has been created in your DSPwFPGAs folder. Now, double-click "iirorder3_clk_wrapper.ise" to open in ISE. near the bottom of the processes window to compile. Next, determine Right click on the Total number 4-input LUTs by clicking on . Also, find the maximum frequency by looking at the Post Place and Route Static Timing Report, under Detailed Reports (at the bottom of the design summary). The number of required 18x18 Multipliers and Black RAM can be found in the MAP Report. Total number 4-input LUTs = __________ 18x18 Multipliers = ___________ Block RAM = ___________ Max. Freq. = ___________

Lastname: ______________ 5Digit SS:__________________


F. Deliverables: 1. 2. Solve the problems of the pre-lab. (3 points). Print the .MDL files and the Simulink simulations (7 extra points).

Make sure your name and SS is on all pages you turn in!

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