Shannon's Theory of Secure Communication: CSG 252 Fall 2006 Riccardo Pucella

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Shannon’s Theory of Secure


CSG 252 Fall 2006

Riccardo Pucella
Last time, we have seen various cryptosystems, and some
How do you ascertain the security of a cryptosystem?

Some reasonable ideas:

Computational Security: best alg takes a long time
This is impossible to achieve
Can be done against specific attacks (brute-force
Provable Security: reduce the security of a
cryptosystem to a problem believed (or known) to be
Unconditional Security: Cryptosystem cannot be broken
even with infinite computation power
Review of Probability Theory

Security generally expressed in terms of probability

Because an attacker can always guess the key!

This is true of any cryptosystem, and unavoidable

We only need discrete probabilities for now

Probability Distributions
Probability space: (Ω,Pr)
Ω, the sample space, is a finite set of possible
worlds (or possible outcomes)
Pr is a function P(Ω) → [0,1] such that
Pr(Ω) = 1
Pr( ) = 0
Pr(A B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) if A B=
Pr is called a probability distribution, a probability
measure, or just a probability

Because of additivity, Pr determined by Pr({a}) a


Single dice:
Ω = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Pr ({4}) = 1/6
Pr ({1,3,5}) = 3/6 = 1/2

Pair of dice:
Ω = {(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),...,(6,5),(6,6)}
Pr ({(1,1)}) = 1/36
Pr ({(1,a) ∣a=1,2,3,4}) = 4/36 = 1/9
Joint Probabilities

Suppose (Ω1, Pr1) is a probability space

Suppose (Ω2, Pr2) is a probability space

Can create the joint probability space (Ω1×Ω2,Pr) by


Pr({a,b}) = Pr1({a})Pr2({b})

Extending by additivity
Conditional Probability

Pr (A∣B) = Pr(A B) / Pr(B)

Only defined if Pr(B)>0

More easily understood with a picture...

Bayes’ Theorem: Pr (B | A) = Pr (A∣B) Pr(B) / Pr(A)

Random Variables
A random variable is a function from worlds to some set of values
Given probability space and a random variable X, the probability
that the random variable X takes value x is:

Pr ( {w∣X(w)=x} )

This is often written Pr(X=x) YUCK or Pr[x] YUCK2

The probability space is often left implicit

Conditional probabilities:
Pr (X=x∣Y=y) = Pr ({w∣X(w)=x}∣{w∣Y(w)=y})

X and Y are independent if P(X=x Y=y) = Pr(X=x) Pr(Y=y) x,y

Application to Cryptography

Suppose a probability space (Ω,Pr) with:

Random variable K (=key)
Random variable P (=plaintext)
K and P are independent random variables

Simple example: worlds are (key,plaintext) pairs

Key probability is Pr(K=k)

Plaintext probability is Pr(P=x)

Ciphertext Probability
This induces a probability over ciphertexts:
Pr (C = y) = Pr (P = x)Pr (K = k)
x,k•ek (x)=y

Can compute conditional probabilities:

Pr (C = y ∩ P = x) = Pr (P = x) Pr (K = k)
k•ek (x)=y
Pr (C = y | P = x) = Pr (K = k)
k•ek (x)=y

Pr (P = x) k•ek (x)=y Pr (K = k)
Pr (P = x | C = y) = !
x! ,k•ek (x! )=y Pr (P = x! )Pr (K = k)
Perfect Secrecy
We say a cryptosystem has perfect secrecy if

Pr (P=x | C=y) = Pr (P=x) for all x,y

The probability that the plaintext is x given that

you have observed ciphertext y is the same as the
probability that the plaintext is x (without seeing
the ciphertext)

Depends on key probability and plaintext probability

Characterizing Perfect Secrecy
Theorem: The shift cipher, where all keys have
probability 1/26, has perfect secrecy if we use the
key only once, for any plaintext probability.

Can we characterize those cryptosystems with perfect


Theorem: Let (P,C,K,E,D) be a cryptosystem with |K| =

|P| = |C|. This cryptosystem has perfect secrecy if and
only if all keys have the same probability 1/|K| and

x P y C k K ● ek(x) = y
Vernam Cipher
Also know as the one-time pad

P = C = K = (Z2)n
Strings of bits of length n

If K=(k1, ..., kn):

eK (x1, ..., xn) = (x1+k1 (mod 2), ..., xn+kn (mod 2))
dK (x1, ..., xn) = (x1-k1 (mod 2), ..., xn-kn (mod 2))

To encrypt a string of length N, choose a one-time

pad of length N
If ciphertexts are short (same length as key), can get
perfect security
Approach still used for very sensitive data
(embassies, military, etc)
But keys get very long for long messages
And there is the whole key distribution problem

Modern cryptosystems: one key used to encrypt long

plaintext (by breaking it into pieces)
We will see more of these next time

Need to be able to reason about reusing keys

10 minutes break
A Detour: Entropy
Entropy: measure of uncertainty (in bits) introduced by
Shannon in 1948
Foundation of Information Theory

Suppose a random variable that takes value {1,...,n} with
some nonzero probability
Consider the string of values generated by that
probability distribution
What is the most efficient way (in number of bits) to
encode every value to minimize how many bits it take to
encode a random string?

Example: {1,...,8}, where 8 is much more likely than others

Definition of Entropy
Let random variable take values in finite set V
H(X) = − Pr (X = v) log2 Pr (X = v)

Weighted average of -log2 Pr (X=v)

Theorem: Suppose X is a random variable taking n

values with nonzero probability, then

H(X) ≤ log2 (n)

When do we have equality?

Huffman Encoding
Algorithm to get a {0,1} encoding that takes less than
H(X)+1 bits on average

1. Start with a table of letter probabilities

2. Create a list of trees, initially all trees with only a letter
and associated probability
3. Iteratively:
a. Pick the two trees T1, T2 with smallest probabilities
from the list
b. Create a small tree with edge 0 leading to T1 and edge
1 leading to T2
c. Add that tree back to the list, with probability the sum
of the original probabilities
4. Stop when you get a single tree giving the encoding
Conditional Entropy
Let X and Y be random variables

Fix a value y of Y
Define the random variable X|y such that
Pr (X|y = x) = Pr (X=x | Y=y)
H(X | y) = − Pr (X = v | Y = y) log2 Pr (X = v | Y = y)

Conditional entropy, written H(X|Y):

H(X | Y ) = Pr (Y = y)H(X | y)
Intuition: average amount of information about X that
remains after observing Y
Application to Cryptography
Key equivocation H(K∣C): amount of uncertainty of
the key that remains after observing the ciphertext

Theorem: H(K∣C) = H(K) + H(P) - H(C)

A spurious key is a possible key, but incorrect

E.g., shift cipher, with ciphertext WNAJW

Possible keys: k=5 (RIVER) or k=22 (ARENA)

Many spurious keys Good!

How Many Spurious Keys?

Question: how long of a message can we permit

before the number of spurious keys is 0?
That is, before the only key that is possible is the
right one?

This depends on the underlying language in which

plaintexts are taken

Cf: cryptanalysis, where we took advantage that not

all letters have equal probability in English messages
Entropy of a Language
HL = number of information bits per letter in language L

If all letters have the same probability, a first
approximation would be 4.7
For English, based on probabilities of plaintexts
(letters), a first approximation is 4.19
For pairs of letters? Triplets of letters? ...
H(P n )
Entropy of L: HL = lim
n→∞ n
Redundancy of L: HL
RL = 1 −
log2 |P |
Unicity Distance
Theorem: Suppose (P,C,K,E,D) is a cryptosystem with |C| = |P|
and keys are chosen equiprobably, and let L be the underlying
language. Given a ciphertext of length n (sufficiently large), the
expected number of spurious keys sn satisfies
sn ≥ nR
− 1
|P | L
The unicity distance of a cryptosystem is the value n0 after
which the number expected number of spurious keys is 0.
Average amount of ciphertext required for an adversary to
be able to compute the key (given enough time)

Substitution cipher: n0 = 25
So have a chance to recover the key if encrypted message
is longer than 25 characters

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