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Mock Exam 2011

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/60 points Apellidos y nombre: Especialidad y grupo: NIA: Fecha:

1. Listening Comprehension (5 points) 2. Reorder the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph. (0.8 x 5 = 4 points) 1. This machine was never completed since there was one thing missing from the world in the early 19th century, namely electronics. 2. If Babbage had had access to electronics, then he would most certainly have been the first person to build a computer. 3. Consequently, he was able to complete one part of the Analytical Engine and this can be seen today in the Computing Gallery of the Science Museum, in London. 4. Charles Babbage, a Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University in England, wanted to build a machine capable of calculating any equation he cared to enter. 5. Babbage was restricted to mechanical technology, i.e. cogs, levers, wheels.

3. Make noun compounds from the following phrases. (3 x 2 = 6 points) 1. Supplies which have been ordered by the staff. 2. A process to manufacture CD cases which is controlled by a computer. 3. A new robot which is used for painting doors of cars and has three arms:

4. Join the following sentences with the word(s) given in brackets. (5 points) 1. The organization provides unlimited funding. The organization also offers external assessment. (IN ADDITION TO) 2. This sensor is very easy to install, but some of its parts do not seem to fit properly. (IN SPITE OF) 3. Engineers can submit their reports on line. They can also send a hard copy by regular mail. (EITHER ..OR) 4. Satellites have a high reliability. However, earth stations are frequently affected by weather and require more maintenance. (UNLIKE) 5. Raw materials are being reduced. The company has increased its production. (ALTHOUGH)

5. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the most suitable option to complete the following sentences. (10 points) 1. This tool lets you _______________ 3D photo albums and share them with your friends. a) to create b) to be created c) creating d) create 2. The use of computers enables people ________________ with more precision. a) work b) worked c) to work d) working 3. The valve _______________________ water flow into the pipes. a) allows b) makes c) brings about

d) results in

4. Engineers should keep ________________ with the latest developments in their profession. a) up b) off c) ahead d) out 5. It is the job of the computing engineer to prevent strangers from hacking ________ a companys system. a) into b) in c) off d) up 6. You'd better back ________________ these files! a) in b) up c) out

d) ahead

7. How much do you get at IT support, if you dont mind ________________ ? a) I to ask b) my ask c) my to ask d) my asking 8. ________________ blood samples is one of the tasks in my lab a) to analyse b) analysing c) to assess 9. You can ________________ pictures from your camera. a) load b) reload c) download

d) assessing

d) transload

10. This freight company has specialized in ________________ transport throughout Europe. a) good b) goods c) mercancy d) mercancies

6. Translate the following paragraph into English. (10 points) La palabra ingeniera ha tenido muchas definiciones a lo largo del tiempo (1). Primero se refera al arte de manejar motores, pero se ha extendido a una definicin ms moderna (2): la aplicacin de ciencia y matemticas que permite a los humanos utilizar las propiedades de la materia y las fuentes de energa de la naturaleza, explotando los principios bsicos de la mecnica para desarrollar herramientas y objetos tiles (3). Palabras derivadas de este trmino son, por ejemplo, motor, una mquina que convierte la energa en movimiento (4), o ingeniero, la persona que aplica las ciencias de fsica y matemticas para encontrar soluciones adecuadas a los problemas, o para introducir mejoras en mquinas y utensilios que ya existen (5). 7. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the following text and answer the questions. (10 points) Talking to Professor Cochrane is probably as close as you can get to time travelling without leaving the current dimension, as his vision stretches far into the 21st century and beyond. His seemingly unshakeable conviction is that anything is possible if you really put your mind to it. In fact, BT (British Telecom) is already sitting on a host of innovations poised to blow your mind during this century. Designed for the 21st century, Peter Cochranes signet ring is built around a chip that holds all the details of his passport, bank account, medical records and driving licence. According to Cochrane, its set to revolutionise shopping. The ring is already a fully operational prototype, but it will be some time before youll be trading your credit card in for the ultimate fashion accessory.

Its not just jewellery thats set to get smarter. One of the biggest projects down at the Lab is looking at artificial intelligence as a way of creating software programs, networks, telephones and machines with a degree of intelligence built in. By sensing their environment, they should be able to develop new capacities as demands change. I have software that is breeding, which is interchanging genes and creating adaptable behaviour. This means youll see the network come alive it will watch what you do and it will adapt. It doesnt stop here, though, as BT has taken artificial intelligence one step further and created machines that are solving their own problems. Weve created solutions that a human being could never have dreamed of. We have solutions, and although we dont understand how they work, they do work. Were effectively increasing the speed of evolution, says Cochrane. Its already good to talk, but with artificially intelligent phones on the way, it will be even better. Cochrane is at present working on smart phones that can translate English into German, Japanese and French in real time. Some of its rocket science, but as lot of its extremely simple. What we have built is a kernel of understanding inside a machine that extracts meaning from the sentence itself at the moment we can do simple things such as phrase books, he says. The system uses a non-linear approach that sends the English to the understanding kernel in the machine and then fans it out to all the other languages simultaneously. There is no doubt that Cochrane is putting a lot of faith in intelligent machines, particularly when it comes to cutting through the deluge of information that he says is the downside of the electronic revolution. BTs solution is the development of intelligent agents that watch, learn and start communicating. 1. What is Professor Cochrane completely convinced of? 2. What is stored in the professors signet ring? 3. What will change dramatically when we start using rings like these? 4. What is the BT lab developing with artificial intelligence? 5. What effect are the professors AI experiments having on evolution? 6. What does the professor see as the negative side of the electronic revolution? Find in the text a word(s) that mean(s): 7. Very advanced study: 8. Intelligent: 9. A new type of machine or device which is not yet ready to be made in large numbers and sold 10. The central and most important part of something.

8. WRITING. Present a new product to your team/boss/audience and describe its advantages, following a general-specific structure (about 180 words). (10 points)


3. NOUN COMPOUNDS: 1. Staff-ordered supplies 2. A computer-controlled CD-case-manufacturing process 3. A new three-armed car-door-painting robot 4.REPHRASING: 1. In addition to (providing) unlimited funding, the organization offers external assessment.

2. In spite of being very easy to install, some of the parts of this sensor do not seem to fit properly. (OR: In spite of the fact that this sensor is very easy to install, some of its parts do not seem to fit properly.) 3. Engineers can either submit their reports on line or send a hard copy by regular mail.
4. Satellites have a high reliability, unlike earth stations. 5. Although raw materials are being reduced, the company has increased its production.

5. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1d. 2c. 3b. 4a. 5a. 6b. 7d. 8b. 9c. 10 b. 6. TRANSLATION: The term engineering has had many definitions along time. First, it referred to the art of managing engines (of engine-managing/management), but it has extended to a more modern definition: the application of science and mathematics which allows/allowing humans to use the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature, exploiting basic mechanical principles to develop useful tools and objects. Words derived from this term are, for example, engine, a machine which transforms/transforming energy in/into movement, or engineer, the person who applies the sciences of physics and mathematics to find suitable solutions to problems or to make/introduce improvements to already existing machines and devices. 7. READING COMPREHENSION: 1. That anything is possible if you put your mind to it 2. All the details of his passport, bank account, medical records and driving licence 3. Shopping 4. Software programs, networks, telephones and machines with a degree of intelligence built in them 5. Increasing the speed of evolution 6. The deluge of information 7. Rocket science 8. Smart 9. Prototype 10. Kernel 8. WRITING: The following points will be evaluated:

1. General structure 2. Use of English: Word order / Verb tenses / Prepositions / Discourse markers 3. Vocabulary / Use of noun compounds / Lexical precision

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