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CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition - Quick Start: Part I Components, Requirements and Installation Instructions

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CZ Print Job Tracker 4.

0 Premium Edition Quick Start

If you have any questions, please send email to [email protected] or fill the form on http://www.czsolution.com/print_management/support.htm .

Part I Components, Requirements and Installation Instructions

CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium (Required) CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition is a powerful centralized print management software that can manage and monitor print jobs for multiple Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 print servers in one screen. It is an easy to use print management software that allows you to manage, restrict and count printing, audit and log all printing activity, analyze and monitor your printing cost, eliminate wasted paper and reduce printer maintenance time. CZ Print Job Agent 1.0 (Optional Free Add-In) CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on the workstations that allows you to confirm or authenticate print jobs before they actually print, bill the print jobs by entering client code or project code, and track the print jobs for workstation connected printers or the printers in non-print server printing environment (Users send the print jobs to the printer directly via the IP address of the printer, instead of the shared printer on the print server). CZ Print Job Report 2.0 (Optional Free Add-In) CZ Print Job Report is a tool allowing you to generate and view 100 reports including 64 default reports and 36 customized reports, and export these reports to Adobe-PDF, MS-Word, MS-Excel and Rich Text formats. These reports are designed for your print cost analysis and client billing.

Part II Installation Options and Examples

Installation Options and Examples that require both CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium and CZ Print Job Agent 1.0 Option 1: Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on a central computer and install CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations Option 2: Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on a print server computer and install CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations

Installation Options and Examples that require only CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium If you dont require the features that CZ Print Job Agent provides, you can install only CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium. Option 1: Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on a central computer Option 2: Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on your current print server computers

Part I Components, Requirements and Installation Instructions

CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition (Required)
CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 System Requirements

Operating System CPU Memory Hard Disk Free Space

Window 2000/XP/2003 300 MH or higher 256 MB or more 10M

In order to install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium, you must have the admin permission on the installation computer. You also need the admin permission for all monitored printers in order to be able to control the print jobs. 1. Double-click setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions 2. After the installation, double-click the shortcut 'CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium' on your desktop or select "Start-->Programs-->CZ Solution-->CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium" to run the program. Note: You can make CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 run in the background by minimizing its Window and you will see a small red icon on the right corner of the windows taskbar (system tray). You can also make it run as a windows service regardless of whether someone in logged on in the menu item Tools Install CZ Print Job Tracker Service. The default account to run CZ Print Job Tracker service is the Local System Account that may not have the admin permission for all printers in the list of Monitored Printers in Preferences. (E.g. the network printer \\print_server\shared_printer). Please go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools-->Services-->CZ Print Job Tracker to change the Local System Account to a windows user account that has admin permission on all monitored printers if necessary. Uninstall CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 1. If CZ Print Job Tracker service is installed, click the menu item ToolsUninstall CZ Print Job Tracker Service. 2. Open Add/Remove Programs. 3. Select CZ Print Job Tracker. And click on Remove button. 4. Remove the installation folder including the database file. (E.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Tracker) Upgrade CZ Print Job Tracker 3.0 to 4.0 Note: You will need an upgrade license. 1. Backup MPrinters.txt, PrintSaver.exe, printcz.exe, Endprintcz.exe, printSaver.mdb and print.mdb in the installation folder of your CZ Print Job Tracker 3.0 (e.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Track) 2. Double-click Setup.exe in the package of CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 you downloaded, select the option "Remove CZ Print Job Tracker" to remove CZ Print Job Tracker 3.0. 3. Double-click Setup.exe again to install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0. 4. After Installation, copy MPrinters.txt back to the installation folder. 5. Run CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0.

CZ Print Job Agent 1.0 (Optional Free Add-In) CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on those workstations that print jobs must be confirmed or authenticated before they actually print, print jobs must be billed to clients or projects by entering client code or project code before they actually print, or print jobs must be tracked for workstation-connected printers or the printers in non-print server printing environment (Users send the print jobs to the printer directly via the IP address of the printer, instead of the shared printer on the print server).
CZ Print Job Agent System Requirements

Operating System CPU Memory Hard Disk Free Space

Window 95/98/2000/XP/2003/Citrix 300 MH or higher 256 MB or more 2M

Before you run CZ Print Job Agent, please make sure CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium is running on a central computer or print server and the option Enable agent communication is checked in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesAdvanced. You must also have the administrator permission on the workstations in order to install CZ Print Job Agent. Local Installation 1. Copy CZ Print Job Agent.msi in CZ Print Job Agent folder to a network share. 2. On the workstations, connect to the network share and double click CZ Print Job Agent.msi 3. Follow the on-screen instructions. 4. After the installation, select "Start-->Programs-->Startup-->CZ Print Job Agent" to run the program. A shortcut is created in all users Startup folder (E.g. C:\ Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup), so CZ Print Job Agent can be started automatically when user logins. 5. Enter the name of CZ Print Job Tracker computer. This information is required when you run CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations first time and it is saved in the file tracker_ip.ini located in the installation folder of CZ Print Job Agent and value data of string CZPJT_IP in the registry key: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CZ Print Job Agent. (If you modify CZ Print Job Agent.msi file to include the required information, this step can be skipped. Please check the Following Silent installation Step 1). 6. If CZ Print Job Agent is installed to monitor the printer that is locally connected to a workstation printers or the printers in non-print server printing environment (Users send the print jobs to the printer directly via the IP address of the printer, instead of the shared printer on the print server), the file "local" must be deleted from the installation folder of CZ Print Job Agent on that workstation. (E.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Agent). Please check the following Silent installation step 1 how to skip this. This file will be created automatically when you run the agent first time. After the file is deleted, you must restart the agent. In CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Preferences Advanced, the option Track only the printers in the list of Monitored Printers under Printers tab must be unchecked. If CZ Print Job Agent is installed on a Citrix /Terminal server, the file "terminal" must be deleted from the installation folder of CZ Print Job Agent on that Citrix / Terminal server. (E.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Agent). This file will be created automatically when you run the agent first time. After the file is deleted, you must restart the agent. In CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Preferences Advanced, the option Agent is installed on Citrix / Terminal server must be checked and the option Track only the printers in the list of Monitored Printers under Printers tab must be unchecked. The file "document" must be deleted from the installation folder of CZ Print Job Agent on those workstations that print job / document name is allowed to be changed (E.g. C:\Program Files\CZ

Solution\CZ Print Job Agent). This file will be created automatically when you run the agent first time. After the file is deleted, you must restart the agent. In CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Preferences Advanced, the option Allow to change the print job (document) name on defined workstations must be checked. Silent Installation 1. Modify CZ Print Job Agent_Silent_Install.msi package to include the name or IP address of the computer where you installed CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium, so you dont have to enter the name when you run agent first time on each workstation. Note: If CZ Print Job Agent is installed to monitor the printer that is locally connected to a workstation or the printers connected to the network directly via IP address without using print server (Users print to these printers via IP address directly), please modify CZ Print Job Agent_Silent_Install.msi in the folder of Workstation Connected Printer. CZ Print Job Agent installed by this msi file will not generate the file "local" when it is run first time, so you dont have to delete it manually. We recommend using ORCA utility (part of the Windows Installer SDK) to do this. 1.1 Download the .cab that orca.msi is in

1.2 Extract the files form the cab and rename the one that is named Orca_Msi.FD66E721_5AA0_41BC_AA26_1EC8F7FA1175 to orca.msi, then double click it to install Orca. 1.3 Run Orca, click the menu File Open to open CZ Print Job Agent_Silent_Install.msi, then click menu Edit Find, enter CZPJT_IP. Click the value of CZPJT_IP and type the name or IP address of CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Computer. 1.4 Click the menu FileSave, then exit Orca. 2. Use Windows group policy or third party installation software to remotely install CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations. After installation, a shortcut of CZ Print Job Agent is created in all users Startup folder (E.g. C:\ Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup), so CZ Print Job Agent can be started automatically when users login. Please visit http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;314934 or http://www.czsolution.com/print_management/CZPJAInstallation.htm . 3. After CZ Print Job Agent is started, it is then connected to the computer where CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium is installed. Uninstall CZ Print Job Agent 1.0 1. Open Add/Remove Programs. 2. Select CZ Print Job Agent. 3. Click on Remove button. You can also use Windows group policy or third party installation software to remotely uninstall CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations.

CZ Print Job Report 2.0 (Optional Free Add-In) CZ Print Job Report is a tool allowing you to generate and view 100 reports including 64 default reports and 36 customized reports, and export these reports to Adobe-PDF, MS-Word, MS-Excel and Rich Text formats. These reports are designed for your print cost analysis and client billing.
CZ Print Job Report 2.0 System Requirements

Operating System CPU Memory Hard Disk Free Space

Window 98/2000/XP/2003 300 MH or higher 128 MB or more 40M

If CZ Print Job Report and CZ Print job Tracker are installed on the same computer, the database file 'printSaver.mdb' is located in the installation folder of CZ Print Job Tracker. (E.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Tracker). If you install CZ Print Job Report and CZ Print Job Tracker on the different computers, you must share the database folder on CZ Print Job Tracker computer, and make CZ Print Job Report connect to the shared database remotely to generate reports. (E.g. \\CZ Print Job Tracker Computer Name\Shared Database Folder\printSaver.mdb) 1. Go to CZ Print Job Report folder and double-click 'CZPrintJobReport.exe'. 2. Follow the on-screen instructions. (Note: If your computer don't have Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 SP2 or later installed, they will be installed first.) 3. After the installation, double-click the shortcut 'CZ Print Job Report' on your desktop or select "Start >Programs-->CZ Solution-->CZ Print Job Report" to run the program. 4. Select the included sample databases to test how it works. The sample database named 'printSaver_Sample.mdb' is located in the installation folder of CZ Print Job Report. (E.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Report). The real database file 'printSaver.mdb is located in the installation folder of CZ Print Job Tracker (e.g. C:\Program Files\CZ Solution\CZ Print Job Tracker). Note: If you install CZ Print Job Report on Windows 98, please Copy Dbghelp.dll from http://www.czsolution.com/download/Dbghelp.dll and place it in the System32 folder of Windows 98 computer. Check http://www.czsolution.com/print_management/czreport.htm for more information. Uninstall CZ Print Job Report 2.0 1. Open Add/Remove Programs. 2. Select CZ Print Job Report. 3. Click on Remove button.

Part II Installation Options and Examples

Installation Options and Examples that require both CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium and CZ Print Job Agent 1.0 Option 1: Install CZ Print Job Tracker on a Central Computer and install CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations as needed for the following five scenarios Note: CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition must be installed, and run before CZ Print Job Agent is installed and run on the workstations. 1, Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition on a central computer by following the installation instructions in Part I. 2, Add the network printers (e.g. \\print_server_name\printer_share_name) you want to monitor to the central computer where CZ Print Job Tracker is installed. You can just follow the Add a printer wizard, then select Network Printer.

3, Click CZ Print Job Tracker menu Print JobsPreferencesPrinters and click the Refresh button and add these network printers from the list of Available Local / Network Printers to the list of Monitored Printers.

The above printer settings are applied to Scenario 1, 2, and 3.

Scenario 1: You want to enter the client / project code before the print jobs actually print in order to bill your clients. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on those workstations that require to enter client / project code before the print jobs print. S1.1 Configure CZ Print Job Agent in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesAdvanced. For testing purpose, you can show agent icon on the system tray of workstations. In real environment, the system tray icon can be hidden on the workstation.

S1.2 Click Shared # to add the Shared Account # / Project #.

S1.3 Install CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations by following the installation instructions in Part I. After installation, click StartProgramsStartupCZ Print Job Agent to start the agent. You will find a small icon on the system tray and the Exit button is enabled because Hide agent system tray icon on the workstation while agent is running is unchecked and Allow user to exit the print job agent on the workstation is checked in CZ Print Job Tracker menu item Print Jobs Preferences Advanced. You can make icon hidden in the real environment.

S1.4 Enter the IP or host name of the central computer where CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium is installed. After you click the OK button, this information is saved in configuration file tracker_ip.ini in the installation folder of CZ Print Job Agent and the value data of the string CZPJT_IP in the registry: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CZ Print Job Agent. Note: If you are using CZ Print Job Tracker Silent Installation in Part I, then this step can be skipped.

S1.5 When a user sends a print job from a workstation, the print job is paused by CZ Print Job Tracker (The option Pause the print job on the print server is checked in CZ Print Job Tracker Preferences Advanced) and a popup window appears on the workstation for the user to select the Shared # in the dropdown list. When the Print button is clicked, the print job is printed out.

If Require PIN option is checked in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesAdvanced, the user is required to enter PIN before the print job can be printed.

Scenario 2: You want to confirm the print jobs before they actually print. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must to be installed on the workstations that require print job confirmation S2.1 Configure CZ Print Job Agent in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesAdvancedof CZ Print Job Tracker on the central computer. For testing purpose, you can show agent icon on the system tray of workstations. In real environment, the system tray icon can be hidden on the workstation.

S2.2 Refer to S1.3. S2.3 Refer to S1.4. S2.4 When a user sends a print job from a workstation, a popup window appears on the workstations.

The print job is paused by CZ Print Job Tracker (The option Pause the print job on the print server is checked in CZ Print Job Tracker Preferences Advanced). When the user clicks the Print button, the print job is printed out. Scenario 3: You require users to enter user name / pin before the print jobs can be printed. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on the workstations that require print job authentication. S3.1 Configure CZ Print Job Agent in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesAdvancedof CZ Print Job Tracker on the central computer. For testing purpose, you can show agent icon on the system tray of workstations. In real environment, the system tray icon can be hidden on the workstation. If all users use the same login account on all workstations, and you want to tell who prints, you must select Another User in the following configuration.

S3.2 Refer to S1.3. S3.3 Refer to S1.4. S3.4 When a user sends a print job from a workstation, a popup window appears on the workstations.

The print job is paused by CZ Print Job Tracker (The option Pause the print job on the print server is checked in CZ Print Job Tracker Preferences Advanced). When the user clicks the Print button, the print job is printed out.

Scenario 4: You dont have print servers on your network, and all workstations print to the printers directly via the IP address of the printers. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must to be installed on all workstations. We suggest the following configuration for silent tracking. (Note: The print jobs cant be paused in this scenario even you enable popup notification.)

When a user sends a print job from a workstation that has CZ Print Job Agent installed, the printers is added to the list of monitored printers automatically in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesPrinters of CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 if the printers are not in the list.

Scenario 5: You want to track the print jobs for the workstation-connected printers. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on only those workstations that have a local printer connected. We suggest you use the configurations in Scenario 4 for silent tracking. (Note: The print jobs cant be paused in this scenario even you enable popup notification.)

Option 2: Install CZ Print Job Tracker on a print server computer and install CZ Print Job Agent on the workstations as needed in the following five scenarios Note: CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition must be installed and run before CZ Print Job Agent is installed and run on the workstations. If you install CZ Print Job Tracker on a print server computer, it can track not only the printers on the local print server, but also the printers on the other print servers.

The above printer settings are applied to Scenario 1, 2, and 3. Scenario 1: You want to enter the client / project code before the print jobs actually print in order to bill your clients. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on those workstations that require to enter client / project code before the print jobs print. Refer to Option 1 Scenario 1 for instructions. You can just replace central computer to print server. Scenario 2: You want to confirm the print jobs before they actually print. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must to be installed on the workstations that require print job confirmation. Refer to Option 1 Scenario 2 for instructions. You can just replace central computer to print server. Scenario 3: You require users to enter user name / pin before the print jobs can be printed. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on the workstations that require print job authentication. This scenario is also applied to environments that all users use the same login account on all workstations, and you want to tell who prints. Refer to Option 1 Scenario 3 for instructions. You can just replace central computer to print server. Scenario 4: The workstations print to not only the printers on the print server, but also print to the printers directly via the IP address of the printers. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent needs to be installed on the workstations.

We suggest the following settings to track the printers silently that are not on the print servers. (Note: The print jobs sent to these printers cant be paused even you enable popup notification.)

When a user sends a print job from a workstation that has CZ Print Job Agent installed, the printers is added to the list of monitored printers automatically in the menu item Print JobsPreferencesPrinters of CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 if the printers are not in the list.

Scenario 5: You want to track the print jobs for the workstation-connected printers. In this scenario, CZ Print Job Agent must be installed on only those workstations that have a local printer connected. We suggest you use the configurations in Scenario 4 for silent tracking. (Note: The print jobs cant be paused in this scenario even you enable popup notification.)

Installation Options and Examples that require only CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium If you dont require print job confirmation / authentication / billing by client code / workstation connected printer tracking / non-print-server printer tracking that CZ Print Job Agent provides, you can install only CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium to track and control the print jobs. You have two options to install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition depending on your printing environment. Option 1: Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on a central computer 1, Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition on a central computer by following the installation instructions in Part I. 2, Add the network printers (e.g. \\print_server_name\printer_share_name) you want to monitor to the central computer where CZ Print Job Tracker is installed. You can just follow the Add a printer wizard, then select Network Printer.

3, Click CZ Print Job Tracker menu Print JobsPreferencesPrinters and click the Refresh button and add these network printers from the list of Available Local / Network Printers to the list of Monitored Printers.

The option 1 allows no changes to your current network, printer and workstation settings. For best performance and result, we recommend installing CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on each print server computer directly. Option 2: Install CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium on your current print server computers If you install CZ Print Job Tracker on a print server computer, it can track not only the printers on the local print server, but also the printers on the other print servers. The option 2 allows no changes to your current network, printer and workstation settings.

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