Esd QP-B
Esd QP-B
Esd QP-B
: 2111: Madha Engineering College : EC2404/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN LAB : 28-08-2013 : IV/VII : 2010-2014 QUESTION PAPER 1. Design the Instrumentation amplifier with the bridge type transducer (Thermistor or any resistance variation transducers) and convert the amplified voltage from the instrumentation amplifier to 4 20 mA current using op-amp. Plot the variation of the temperature Vs output current. 2. Design a phase controlled voltage regulator using full wave rectifier and SCR, vary the conduction angle and plot the output voltage. 3. Design FM signal using VCO IC NE566 for the given carrier frequency and demodulate the same using PLL NE 565. 4. Design the Psuedo-random Sequence Generator and generate the corresponding sequence. 5. Design and verify the Arithmetic Logic Unit circuit.
PRACTICAL EXAMINATION:: AUG 2013 College Code & Name Lab Code & Lab Name Year/Semester Batch Date /Session Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 23 Register No. : 2111: Madha Engineering College : EC 2404/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN LAB : IV/VII : 2010-2014 : 28.08.13 / AN ATTENDANCE Name of the Student Signature of the Student
PRACTICAL EXAMINATION:: AUG 2013 College Code & Name Lab Code & Lab Name Year/Semester Batch Date /Session : 2111: Madha Engineering College : EC 2404/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN LAB : IV/VII : 2010-2014 : 28.08.13 / AN ATTENDANCE Sl. No. Register No. Name of the Student Signature of the Student
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43 44 45
PRACTICAL EXAMINATION:: AUG 2013 College Code & Name Lab Code & Lab Name Year/Semester Batch Date /Session : 2111: Madha Engineering College : EC 2404/ ELECTRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN LAB : IV/VII : 2010-2014 : 28.08.13 / AN
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Particulars Aim / Objective Circuit diagram / Procedure &Design Output & Execution Result Viva Total Marks Allotted 5 20 10 5 10 50
1. Design the Instrumentation amplifier with the bridge type transducer (Thermistor or any resistance variation transducers) and convert the amplified voltage from the instrumentation amplifier to 4 20 mA current using op-amp. Plot the variation of the temperature Vs output current.
Aim /
Viva (10)
Total (50)
INTERNAL EXAMINER EXTERNAL EXAMINER 2..Design a phase controlled voltage regulator using full wave rectifier and SCR, vary the conduction angle and plot the output voltage. Output & Result Aim / Circuit diagram Viva Total Execution Objective & (5) (10) (50) (10) (5) Design / procedure (20)
INTERNAL EXAMINER EXTERNAL EXAMINER 3.Design FM signal using VCO IC NE566 for the given carrier frequency and demodulate the same using PLL NE 565 Output & Result Aim / Circuit diagram Viva Total Execution Objective & (5) (10) (50) (10) (5) Design / procedure (20)
INTERNAL EXAMINER EXTERNAL EXAMINER 4. Design and verify the Arithmetic Logic Unit circuit. Output & Result Aim / Circuit diagram Viva Total Execution Objective & (5) (10) (50) (10) (5) Design / procedure (20)
INTERNAL EXAMINER EXTERNAL EXAMINER 5.. Design the Psuedo-random Sequence Generator and generate the corresponding sequence. Output & Result Aim / Circuit diagram Viva Total Execution Objective & (5) (10) (50) (10) (5) Design / procedure (20)